#but wow that was a lot of files
ot3 · 1 year
modding terraria is like 'ok this is our giant mod it contains every qol change you want. download it through tmodloader' and then youre done. modding stardew valley is like 'heres our mod. here are the five other mods you need to load this mod. and here are the two mods each you need for those five to run.'
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 200
Danny has found himself reincarnated, for fun! While waiting for Tucker to reincarnate. He’s uh, found himself as a clone now- thankfully stable! But he was apparently also an accident, and overheard some of the people talking about termination, which no thanks?
So apparently he wasn’t exactly an accident per se, they did mean to make a clone, so thank fuck for that! They had apparently grabbed the wrong blood, which he almost snorts at. Kind of hard to do in a tube full of liquid though. 
Oh well, he’ll just be leaving now… after he destroys this lab and steals all these files on himself, thank you~ Now, does he want to go on an adventure or find his unwilling donors first…
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weaponizedmoth · 2 months
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@userwhocommentsbirds said: Felix kranken playing crazy taxi please.
I knew this was a meme, but I googled it to be sure. I never played Crazy Taxi, I have no idea how it works, but here it is cause I love TWF.
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cringefailcabitha · 2 months
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I don't know you but I'll try to do Anything that gets me closer to you ,
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hecksupremechips · 1 year
Ever think about Date’s view on family and how that relates to his character? When Mizuki asks him to define family, he just awkwardly offers that its like being blood related to someone. It leaves a bitter taste in his mouth and Mizukis, but like, he literally had no idea what a real family looks like. He’s an orphan, a man who grew up with no family and no name, but he doesn’t know that yet. He has no memory of his past, no way of knowing if there’s someone out there waiting for him to come home, if he even had a place to call home. His only frame of reference for a family is Mizuki and her parents. Deep down he knows it’s not right, not loving, but it fits the mold of a nuclear family, man and woman, blood related, so that must be what family is. When he’s asked to take in Mizuki, he’s absolutely clueless because he literally has zero frame of reference for how a child is supposed to be cared for. He puts distance between them because this isn’t his place, he doesn’t have the right to love this child as his own because he isn’t the real dad. There’s no place for someone like him in a family. And it’s baffling to him to hear that Mizuki not only loves him, she needs him because he is her family. Date believes he’s a nobody, just a sad, lonely man with no name who absolutely does not deserve this kind of love. But he has it anyway because he chooses it, he makes something that neither he nor Mizuki have ever had before. HES HOME
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erabu-san · 6 months
HI PERSON WHO DRAWS TIGHNARY, I know that this blog is about genshin and other interests of yours but Is it alright if I may see some oc of yours?
Specifically the oc you favor/represent the most, I would like to give you a humble gift, a drawing specifically, since you are an extraordinary, magnificent and the most scrumptious artists that I look up to.
(also may I have the opportunity to be 🎹 anon? Since I remembered that My friend's piano broke down last week. Now it just likes to stay low key.) hehe, happy winter!!!
LKDEKGFKDFG WOAAAAAH IT MAKES ME SO HAPY !! THANK YOU DEAR 🎹 ANON !! (I love how i can identify which anon is which like egg anon, prophet fremillei anon and now, piano bahaha !) I have a lot of OC, and to be honest, it is a bit hard to choose one... and the thing is.. I lose the original file of their design ! :SOB: Please, let me show you some Oc of mine and, choose the one inspire you the most !!
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(omg the one in the right is super old, I drew it when i was 16)
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sae-mian · 3 months
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we don't have a bnuuy problem. nope. not at all.
(ft. the lovely @humblemooncat and literally all of his buns--)
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hoonclub · 1 year
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MC SUNGHOON : favorite outfits
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ered · 5 days
There was a post about harddrive sizes and cloud services on my dash the other day -
By all means, laptops should and more importantly could have at least 1T of harddrive space. Instead, they come with like 256Gb because the expectation is that you A) do not have files to store because you only use it for idk streaming and B) if you have files to store, you’ll be storing them in the cloud anyway.
We don’t use laptops at my work, but we use these horse shit mini pcs with a similar harddrive. They’re parent company mandated and we can’t get anything else. Our IT management doesn’t see the issues with them, and for sure, if there are only one or two people using the computer they are largely fine. Company policy says you aren’t supposed to store anything in the harddrive anyway.
However, the problem we (as in my specific workplace under parent company) have is that we can easily have ten or more - up to twenty in some cases - users using the same pc. Why is this a problem?
Our computers store a profile for every user logging in. Even if you do not save anything to your profile, it’s about 6Gb.
After OC, those profiles alone can suck up half of the hd space.
Pisses me off lol
Pisses me off so bad
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deanpinterester · 6 months
i'm reading the legend graphic novel for the first time and i know it's common for them to skip over a lot of details (i can only guess their budget is tiny) but some of the stuff that gets left out is ??? like the part where june goes to find kaede to ask for help in breaking day out of jail. in the book it's because she found out kaede is part of the patriots. in the graphic novel there isn't a scene where she finds out, so it just seems like she's looking for kaede for no reason
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gemharvest · 1 year
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(id in alt)
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coquelicoq · 7 months
Then the SecUnit said, "They're coming. You have to go." [...] The SecUnit's voice was different from Three's. A different tissue batch, maybe. (System Collapse, chapter 10)
ummm hello can we talk about this?? mb thinks it's notable that not all barish-estranza secunits have the same voice. there are tissue batches, which i knew was a possibility because if you can clone human tissue once presumably you can clone that same tissue/dna more than once, as that is what cloning is all about lol, but...the implications this has?? how many other company units are there out there who are from the same tissue batch as mb?
#and like. remember the time iris was like prove you're peri's secunit by showing me your face?#how well does that method work if there are other secunits out there that also have your face????#and can this be used against mb to put its humans in danger????#i mean this is just about voices so idk maybe the facial tissue is unique to each secunit but i don't see why it would be#it's wild to me that this has never come up before. mb's whole hiding its face/editing itself out of surveillance thing#is serving a lot of purposes (hiding its expressions from humans for emotional vulnerability reasons#and protecting itself from detection by hostile actors trying to capture or kill it for example)#but like. if there are other units that look like it you'd think at some point that would be relevant#idk maybe it's used to being anonymous/identical to all other secunits because of the armor and opaque faceplate#wow my brain is going down seven different avenues related to this and i cannot keep up with any of them#file this under save for later#murderbot#the murderbot diaries#mb meta#system collapse#system collapse spoilers#mb bots and constructs#my posts#like part of it is not just the implications this has for worldbuilding but also#the implications it has for mb given that it's communicating it to us as a throwaway line#you'd think it'd be more relevant to mb given how much time it spends thinking about passing and disguise and#anonymity and trust. so what does it mean that this has never come up before?
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gdlavzo · 10 months
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"They [humans] tend to do that, create something wonderful and then abandon it. Do you know why they abandoned this [REDACTED]? Too deadly."
a collage that has been living in my soul for quite a few years, now finally visualized (it's also on my carrd!)
LYRICS: [ "cabinet man" - lemon demon | "honey, i'm home" - ghost | "want you gone" - portal 2 ost, written by jonathan coulton, vocals by ellen mclain | "rät" - penelope scott | "you're at the party" - lemon demon ]
IMAGES: ["the birth of venus" - sandro botticelli | X | X | X | X ]
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wazzuppy-edits · 1 year
somethin simple n small from last night
my audio , scenes
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dana scully is a FREAK and im not going to lie it is kind of ATTRACTIVE
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cutemothman · 11 months
per manum thoughts
Honestly, there are a lot of episodes of The X-Files that give me the heebie jeebies but none have come close to the feeling I got watching Per Manum. It's a Scully focused ep in a season that's a little Scully lacking imo so ya girl was excited!
Neither Mulder nor Scully get out of the narrative unscathed in this show but, god, they really love to torture Scully don't they? I mean, we know that having a baby is something that she's wanted for a long time. Something that she thought wasn't possible. And then Mulder waltz in like "Wassup I got some of your ova. It was in my pocket for a while, but I think it's fine" (Fox, babygirl, you're smart. You should know better).
In a series of flashbacks we see them trying IVF. I have to mention that I freaking loved how they did the transitions to the flashbacks here. Like in the elevator! They were absolutely perfect. Anyway, spoiler alert, it doesn't work. (Like seriously, Mulder, IT WAS IN YOUR POCKET FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG. THAT SHIT AIN'T SHELF STABLE) At this point we make the connection that the same doctor that Scully is seeing, the same one that started her IVF, is in cahoots with these doctors taking alien babies from women? (For what purpose....idk that's still unclear to me)
And then we have to watch poor Scully freaking out that she might give birth to an alien baby. Seriously, I felt panicked for her while watching this, it was kinda tough to get through. In sci-fi and horror, aliens are often used as an allegory for pregnancy. Something invading your body and destroying you from the inside out. This feeds into Scully's fear of her own pregnancy, that something could go wrong. That she's alone and scared and without Mulder. And yes, the idea that she could give birth to a literal alien baby. So while I can see what they were going for, I'm just tired y'all. We see her finally get pregnant and even though she doesn't completely understand how it happened (cough cough all things cough cough) she's excited nonetheless. I think she also sees her baby as a tie that she has with Mulder. And if he's gone at least he left a part of him behind. So to have her panic about the true nature of her baby's paternity just seems cruel at this point.
Another terrifying aspect of this episode is Scully's realization that she couldn't even trust her own doctor. We're used to this show taking people in positions of power and showing them as shady and working for their own agenda. (re the entire government) But Scully herself is a doctor. She looks at other people in the medical field and she trusts them. Because they're doctors and they're supposed to help people. Her own doctor turns out to be working for the alien people, so Scully goes to another hospital only to find that she can't trust those doctors either. I think this conveys a very real and prevalent issue, that is still true today, and that is of women and autonomy of their own bodies.
I haven't seen any of the later seasons yet, but I know about the revelation in season 11. It's just another way to use Scully and her body to drive the plot forward. This comes after all that's she's already been through, with her abduction and experimentation. This decision takes away Scully's choice and desire to have a baby and twists it into a nonconsensual nightmare. One were she wasn't in charge or aware of what they were doing to her body. I don't think the (predominantly male) writers understand just how fucked up that is. So yeah, I'm pissed about that. Mulder is the father of Scully's baby and that's that.
We also finally have Doggett finding out that Scully is pregnant. This has been simmering for a while, as he can tell she's keeping something from him. She didn't tell him, but of course he found out based on the circumstances. It's taken me a bit to warm up to him but I've been enjoying Doggett's character development since his introduction, as well as the development of him and Scully's partnership. He honest to god just wants to help her with no ulterior motive and I think that's exactly what she needs right now. Someone in her corner. I think by the end of the episode, when he tells her that he wants to help her and that he's going to find Mulder, he's so earnest about it, and it breaks down the some of the walls that she's built up.
Overall, I have mixed feelings about this episode. On the one hand, we got a lot of insight on Scully's character as well as her relationship with Mulder. But god, as a woman it was kind of brutal to watch. I just love Dana Scully so much and I want her to be happy.
I'd love to hear other thoughts and interpretations for this ep!
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