#but wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
curiosityjams · 2 years
FINALLY watched eeaao last night.
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cinamun · 8 months
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I messed up. Bad. | *Bonus | Next
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weirdlizard26 · 10 months
theres always bad things where are all the good things and why do they make bad things worse theres not supposed to BE a worse
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rainbowbeanstyles · 1 year
how on earth did photoshop identify my hair wow
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im-an-anthusiast · 1 month
oh wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that post is resonatin with you aint it?
you gooddd?
I am not good.
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gidianthe · 9 months
Aren't you garbage every day?
(/j ily)
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1eos · 2 years
my mom told me once that you can tell when someone is like Attractive attractive when they wear a jacket that hides everything and you look at their back and feel compelled to walk in front of them and see thier face. Leo resonates that feeling with me for real
i love mom sayings bc when you first hear them it don't really hit but then you think on it nd you're like wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i get it. like? after looking at the evidence i get it. she's correct. you're correct i'd holla at back alone its true
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gerardpilled · 2 years
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astrocatfizziks · 2 years
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51316120825 · 1 year
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bichopalo · 2 months
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was so fucking good. i feel so energized i could literally run a marathon right now movies are insane
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wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww they are both so good
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light-maiden · 1 year
CHARMELEON.Fanfiction =)
the streets are totally blacklit and he's long-legging it down the avenue in full wizard robeage, and all of a sudden he's short-legging it, slowing down real fast, slo-mo tip-toeing toward what he's just seen, something really wet looking, smooth, lit from the rear by a flame spouting from its tail-tip, (it's shocking to see light that's not blacklight. it's wonderful, terrifying, it beckons a primal glee out of the gloom like a gem out of oil) and the "wizard" is long-tip-toeing around it in circles now, eyes bugged out, what in the fuck is this fucking thing "go fuck yourself……." the marveled wizard whispers, not necessarily to anything or anyone in particular, maybe to "them" you know the general they, like whoever's in charge of our wizard's sanity "wowwwWWwwwWWWwwwww BAByyyYY….." he's sort of lurching closer like super close to get his eyes full of that glossy serpentine skin.. "CHARMELEON." the thing asserts before slapping the robed dude's face away with its tail the wizard takes his momentary white-out blindness as a state of transition into another dimension and state of being and when it fades and he's back in the blacklit city and the lizard thing is gone he weeps he falls to his ass and weeps and a few little vials of MIT45 Kratom Extract roll out of his steepled hat and he throws back a couple of them and pulls out his glow-in-the-dark magic wand and fwips it a few times which incites his face and body to blow out into a full-blown cry
a pack of coyotes encircle him because they smell what he's got buried in those robes, like a whole carton of cigarettes he walks around with to feed the local coyotes, like bringing wonderbread to a duck pond you know, so they start tearing away at him to get to the goods, they aren't really fussing about his wellbeing while doing this imprecise ripping and boring so he's basically dead meat
charmeleon hates coyotes, he thinks their way of being is like steeped in disgrace. charmeleon is temperamental and can be violent but has a code of honor and makes a point of being pretty graceful. that wizard from earlier was basically coyote level, but like in a pisces kind of way. he's sort of half-consciously musing that to himself while he waters his eggplants. the only produce you can grow in the city is purple colored stuff, by policy. trying to grow, say, a red thing is just a wasted investment. they've got rats (of varieties both figurative and literal) trained to fuck not-purple shit up no matter how good you think you're hiding it. so he's watering purple shit. his wife, a human girl whose romantic proclivities developed playing a NeoPets analogue in her formative years, and who looks like Nami from harvest moon and who is named Nami, is fumigating her computer screen with cigarette smoke over a relentless explosion of keystrokes. she's utilizing a manic episode to psychologically profile a user she's been playing the MMORPG 'Hound Garden Online' with. she hasn't slept in 3 days and won't be able to sleep until she's totally gotten to the bottom of this user. the last time she spoke to USERNAME, USERNAME was doing some really plain-to-see deflection moves around the topic of one of the hounds, having related someone to RANDALL then retracting from any insinuations around the relating. calling someone RANDALL is pretty fucked up. that's all it took, they gave it up, they're hiding something about their personality, something bad, something even really obvious, but something that, as Nami is certain, depicts the tiniest tip of a massive and unholy shit iceberg, a shitberg in the water in which she and other people (Nami cares about people) sail their ships. most people would let it go and just "eh whatever" but Nami isn't one to stand for accepting the partial or fake realities others lazily, or benefit-of-the-doubtedly, would. figuring this user out is now an obsessive compulsive passion.
charmeleon's supportive of it, even admiring. he hates coyotes the most when they wear sheep's clothing.. on top of person clothing. the city's run by coyotes, rife with coyotes, kept purple by coyotes. there's a whole coyote ladder, a boss coyote, and behind and above the boss a shadow cabal of coyotes. the street coyotes get into peoples souls somehow, grow inside them like xenomorphs, just the gruesome bursting-out is less literal. when one sees a small amount of coyote in a person one should get away before it grows big enough to be a problem, or take every effort to eradicate it from the person. in charmeleon's experience you usually can't save people from their coyotes, but you can humilate the coyote, scare it, make it afraid to grow, keep it smaller than what's left of the person. help the person shackle that sucker and keep it chained down. pen it up in a coyote garden nursery and rehabilitate into a hound. charmeleon's not actually thinking about any of this right now, because he's horny. he's thinking how lucky he is to be with a woman who rarely bathes. cleanliness is next to godliness and as graceful as he is he's still a god-forsaken animal. when charmeleon gets horny the flame on his tail kind of liquifies cuz it starts secreting a syruppy flammable fluid. when he was in prison he was bunked up with a guy who had a pretty big kink for heat, for fire, for making it hot. things got a little hot in prison. things are getting a little hot in the eggplant garden
things are getting a little hot in Hound Garden Online. the ERP scene on HGO is fucking nasty.
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neojeno · 4 years
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@vitaminyuta asked: #18 - favorite jeno fancams? 🌟 ©muse, ©20Celsius
request a gifset
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uptownhags · 5 years
we got one hour into this day before my sister called, yelling bc no one appreciates the HARD WORK she is doing and generally insulted that my mom ‘doesn’t have time for her.’ my mom is LITERALLY moving into a house today. alone bc she didn’t have a choice. the one (1) thing she asked is that everyone else bring food, since they insist on coming here. my sister’s hard work??? heating up tamales. jesus actual christ.
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camifr0g · 5 years
Tag game!!
Thank you for tagging me @randomprivateer !! :,33 I love doing these 
Rules: List your ten favorite female characters from ten different fandoms.
(In no particular order) 
1) Foo Fighters (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) (hhhnn hnnn they dont got no gifs for her since ShE HASNT BEEN ANIMATED YET) 
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2) Makoto Makimura (Yakuza 0) 
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3) Yuma Lau (Far Cry 4)  (I am gay)
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4) Sadie Adler (Red Dead Redemption 2) 
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5) Clementine and Violet because they cant be separated (TWDG) (aaah aahh they kissigg ahh nhhhn) 
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6) Petra (MCSM)
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7) Alana Bloom (Hannibal)
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8) Chloe Price (Life is Strange) 
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9) Bea Santello (Night in the Woods) (mae too) 
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10) Athena (TFTBL)
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I tag uhh @pepsipepper @cubey1 @snowiiokamii @chaimari and anyone else who wants to do it !!
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