#but yea glad I can draw whatever I want
majuandrad · 6 months
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they are all over my twitter
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screwpinecaprice · 6 months
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Just a silly guy, with silly silly thoughts.
@glowweek Day 2
Casual | Surprise
A casual surprise?😬😬😬
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canonically47 · 1 month
review pls
DCAS ep 19 - review
spoilers !!!! (but you knew that.)
tom saying jake sees the best in people was so fucking funny i'm sorry like we both know He Does Not. even the line was like 'despite his anxieties he..' baby ur literally saying 'despite not seeing the best in people he really does see the best in people' you are so fucking stupid
side note tom is actually an idiot, unironically. not haha himbo idiot just an actual fucking idiot. how is he 30. how is he a fan favorite. HOW IS TOMJAKE A FAN FAVORITE SHIP nonono im not talking about this rn im NOT (claws at my enclosure)
ugh i forgot tomjake is like. a thing. and not a very bad made-up fanon ship. and they're giving them a spin-off. for a sec i allowed myself to exist in a world where ONC made good writing decisions. what a world it was
james being jake's biggest hater was amazing. almost unleashed my inner jake hater. there is still time though, trust
kinda sad to see huntess not hang out with anyone but each other. i was waiting on tess interacting with gabellie or something
gabgrellie save me.... save me gabgrellie............
speaking of ellie she looked so off the entire episode. why did her eyes move like that. am i crazy. she looked so ugly
oh my fucking god they fucking burnt yul's face. that's crazy. grett the woman that you are <333 i might actually draw the prick because he looks cool now
i am also sooooooo glad they're not giving him a half-assed redemption arc. they know he sucks ass. at least we have that
krystal saying "that's the good shit" was the most embarrassing thing ever in fact her entire part before dinner was embarrassing. why did she keep. doing that and saying that. girl why are you interrupting the moment you want to get on camera are you an idiot
also she fell victim to the inconsistency bc tell me why she was bitching and moaning the entire season about 'those that really matter' and being all lpvey dovey about her friends but then derek is like 'trevor :)' and she goes 'why arent u professional' girl.
and derek. man. we all know youre lying genuinely fuck you. 'he matters to me' GIRLLL WHEEENNNNNNNNNNN HAVE YOU SHOWN THAT 😭😭😭
now allow me to be even more not normal
please god PLEASE LET THEM BECOME FRIENDS because if they do i will actually write DSVC fic about jajakeden getting together. i made a promise to myself to never write DSVC fic but if they become friends. i will be so. fucking. annoying.
sooooo glad fiore not only did not pick riya but also GAVE HER THE DISADVANTAGE. JAKE FANS HERE IS HOW WE CAN STILL WIN
why did they bring emily back just to make her a bitch.
there are many things wrong with this ep (like derek existing, and also his lines, and also yul existing,,, and the stuff ive pointed out) but its ONC. i'll throw them a bone ig. i'm okay with what we got, it obviously wasn't a masterpiece and it felt fanservice-y in parts (yk that one post or ask or whatever that says season 1 & 2 DSVC was a show a fandom was built off, but season 3 is a show built off the fandom? yea some scenes reminded me of that. coigh cough krystal mildly breaking the fourth wall.) but i'm glad connor only got like 2 seconds of screentime, fiore and alec got along, and the jajames crumbs oh my.. <3
overall, an 8/10 and if my memory isn't failing me this is probably the best rating since ep 13?? but yea it was a good episode i'm fine with it. im surprised they didnt ruin.everything. bc yk its ONC. so yea!!! yay yippee yay!
i am so glad there are only 2 episodes left . istg if i watch the spin offs or new seasons i need yall to shoot me. and remember how i was talking some time ago about rewatching the entire show after DCAS came out fully? yea no. not doing that. when episode 21 comes out i will be cheering because i will finally put DSVC behind me. i fucking hate this show WE ARE ALMOST FREE!!!!!!!!! CHEERING
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
you’re insane for posting really consistently my dude, i LOVE the grind you have, it inspires me to write more for my own mainly 1B centered blog!
anyways, may i request class 1B with an S/O that goes on a ridiculous amount of tangents? (super social, literally always talking to everyone and is always ranting about anything that comes to their mind, whether it be a consistent story or something incredibly random?)
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he loves watching you talk about whatever random thing you thought of. Hes paying attention but hes not comprehending a single word you say. He just kinda listens with a stupid smile on his face.
Sen - he looks kinda unenthused and bored when your going on a little rant about who knows what but if you stop talking he immediately asks for you to continue so he can just silently listen to you.
Kamakiri - it depends on what youre currently ranting about. If hes interested he joins in the convo and genuinely listens, if not he just kinda lets you talk at him for a while lmao
Kuroiro - he would probably write some emo ass poetry or something about it. He listens well though and if you spend a while talking about a certain thing he will look up a few things about it so he can understand better.
Kendo - she always talks with you about whatever your ranting about. She asks questions, says her thoughts, ect. But if shes tired or something she will just listen and nod instead.
Kodai - ya know how when people want you to stop talking they'll kinda just say yea and okay without anything else. Shes like that, she doesn't want to stop talking, she actually genuinely enjoys listening to you, that is just her conversation default. (Shes trying lmao)
Komori - i like to think Komori is the same way when it comes to things shes interested in. You both take turns ranting and talking to eachother about random things.
Shiozaki - she likes listening to you ramble as she does simple everyday tasks. You both end up walking around the dorms having conversations about who knows what while she does laundry or makes a snack or something yk.
Shishida - everytime you start to ramble about something you both somehow end up in the common rooms or to the side with tea in hand. He simply keeps the conversation going while walking you to the side and making tea, he only does this cuz it helps him pay attention better.
Shoda - he will try his best to stay active in the conversation but thats a little challenging considering his more shy nature. Thats why hes so glad youre so social compared to him.
Pony - she finds your little rambles adorable and is always happy to listen to whatever is on your mind. If you have a bad tendency to jump around she helps you keep focused on one thought at a time as well.
Tsubaraba - he never knows what your gonna rant about next so he made a little game for himself. Every time your about to start ranting he will guess what its about in his head and somehow hes always wrong lmao, he loves listening to you tho
Tetsutetsu - not only does he actively ask questions and keep your tangent going but he matches your excitement when you ramble.
Tokage - she matches your excitement when you ramble about who knows what and shes constantly asking questions and having dramatic reactions to each word you say.
Manga - he loves listening to you ramble while drawing. Hes good at multitasking in that way so he will keep your rant going by asking questions and stuff while doodling
Honenuki - he loves to just listen to you rant while you both share a snack. He will ask a question or two every now and then but most of the time he prefers to just listen to you.
Bondo - hes good at listening but thats about it. He doesn't ask very many questions or says his opinion or anything. And he doesn't do anything exsept sit there and listen when you speak.
Monoma - he teases the shit out of you and acts annoyed almost when youre about to start ranting but then he gets upset when you stop telling him your random thoughts and stories.
Reiko - she likes to silently listen to your rambles while keeping to herself. She finds it strangely calming. It gets to the point where she will find you and ask you to talk about whatever is on your mind when shes stressed.
Rin - whenever you rant about something he will research a ton of stuff over it just so he can understand it more the next time you talk about it. However most of the time the topic is brought up again unless someone else brings it up lol.
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nijigasakilove · 3 months
Just blessed to have lived at a time where this, Yorukura and Hibike aired. Whatever order you put em in doesn’t matter. This show changed my life. These girls were just special. The music, the production quality.. just all immaculate. I need more of this franchise, not ready to say goodbye to Nina and the others. This was my Bocchi the rock.
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Perfect end to this season, I disagree with the rushed complaints. Especially when you consider this is likely gonna set up a multimedia franchise. They didn’t bring the seiyuu together to form a band just for 12 eps lol.
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The only thing I would’ve wanted is that Rupa flashback arc 😭. Momoka never replying to Nina’s love confession didn’t surprise me either. Been a crazy season for Yuribait lol, but there’s a lot of directions they can take it in a gacha game, manga, rhythm game etc etc.
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Our girls have always chosen their own path, no way they’d go through with DD’s offer. Win, lose or draw these girls will be true to themselves and follow their dreams. Proud of each and every one of them for staying true to who they are, especially Nina. Yea the first record flopped, but who cares. You dust(pun intended) yourself off and keep going. That’s what brought these girls together in the first place. They don’t know how to quit and that will shine through eventually, I know it.
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Leaving the ending result ambiguous is cool with me because honestly it doesn’t matter. The fact they’re on that stage competing with DD after where they started is a victory. They earned the respect of DD, Nakata and I know the fans will appreciate it too. I just wish the final performance went a little longer, but I’m sure it took a TON of time to make since that was absolutely stunning.
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Can only speak for what I’ve seen, but this was the best 3D anime ever. Not just music, but in general. I’m glad I got to see it live with all of you. Remember, the only limits are those you set for yourself
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Review: https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=529188
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abiiors · 2 years
george fluff PLEASE 🙏
Okay, okay, I hope this turned out how I wanted it to turn out but enjoy!!
George Daniel x female reader
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Red Hearts
‘Alright, alright, you've got to sit very still for this part, okay?’ you instruct as a very sceptical George sits in front of a big mirror. 
He’s currently shirtless and wearing his old sweatpants that sit so low on his hips that you’ve had to consciously keep all the thoughts at bay. Right now you have a very important task at hand. 
‘And where did you get this idea again?’ he asks doubtfully.
‘Mm, Pinterest.’
‘Of course.’
You mix the dye with the brush and look at him in the mirror once again. When George agreed to let you do anything you wanted for a whole day, this was probably not what he had in mind. But now he can’t say no to your excitement. 
The only catch? He has to wear a blindfold while you use his hair as your canvas. 
‘I suppose I can always shave it off if I hate it,’ he mumbles more to himself but you’re quick to flick him with the brush.
‘George Daniel, you will do no such thing.’ 
‘Fine, fine,’ he surrenders with his hands raised and resigns himself to his fate. 
He wiggles a little in place when the cold dye first touches his hair but apart from that he sits still. His fingers drum some rhythm that he’s come up with as you get to work drawing little hearts on his hair. 
The first heart is a bit wonky, not exactly to your taste but you reckon with a bit of adjusting around, it would look good. It’s right at the back of his head so it’s not like he can see it. Still, as a silent apology, you press a little kiss to his neck. 
‘Mmm, that is a kiss of doom,’ he laughs. 
‘A kiss of doom?’
‘Yea that’s an apology kiss.’
How he figured that out is beyond you, but you are so glad he can’t see your face right now because you’re sure it’s turned just as red as the dye in your hands. 
‘I have a different apology kiss?’ you ask just to divert his attention from the fact that you may have fucked up. 
He swivels in his chair so that he’s facing you now but doesn’t make a move to take the blindfold off. 
‘You do,’ he confirms, ‘and you have an “I want something from you” kiss, and a kiss when you’re up to something, one for when you don’t feel like doing chores,’ he lists off one by one.
‘Oh, and how could I forget,’ he brings his arms around your waist and scoots a bit closer so that his torso is pressed up to your middle. ‘You have a horny kiss and an “I love you” kiss. Those are my favourites.’ 
He looks so adorable as he presses his chin to your stomach and looks up at you smiling that you can’t help but place tiny kisses on his face. One on his nose, the other on his cupid’s bow and finally the last one on his lips. 
It’s sweet and lingering but also just suggestive enough. It’s clear what his intentions are but you still have a task to finish. So when you straighten up he tilts his face up at you with a knowing smirk. 
‘And that was a horny kiss.’
‘It was not!’ you defend but his smirk only grows bigger. 
‘Whatever you say,’ he shrugs. 
Instead of responding, you lean over and start painting the second heart. This position is so much better, you realise. It gives you much more stable access to his head. 
Of course, he also realises that this is a much better position. For one, your boobs are now right in his face. 
‘Mm, these are nice,’ he laughs as he buries his face right between them. 
What a sight, you think. Shirtless George with his face buried right between your boobs while you paint little red hearts on his hair. 
Just as you’d predicted, the rest of the hearts turn out much better than the first one. They are equally spaced and more or less the same size. He whines in protest when you step back to survey your work but you quickly shut him up with another kiss. 
‘Alright, alright,’ you clap in excitement. ‘Do you wanna see?’
He nods and then goes to take the blindfold off while you wait with your fingers crossed. He faces the mirror again, surveys his hair from all angles and then smiles a big, goofy grin. 
‘Okay, these are adorable, actually!’
‘You like them?’ you ask with barely contained glee. He turns around only to pull you closer. 
‘Darling, I love them!’
This is the reference btw, tell me he won't look adorable with this hair!
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strangeauthor · 11 months
i think the most impactful practices from art class (that u can do now if u want) were figure drawing, gridding, and straight up tracing ppl
Figure drawing was basically trying to capture movement thru lines and only having like, a minute them 30 sec then 10 sec to look at the model (I think there's websites that do that time thing)
Gridding is basically having a thing (usually photo) that u draw a grid over w squares whatever size u want, and then on a diff piece of paper u make an identical grid (in number or squares, they can be diff sizes) and it really helps in like being able to compare proportions and stuff (but it's time consuming and best for if u wanna have an art piece that looks like or is based on a photo)
And tracing over magazine pics is something I can't reccomend enough. Like breaking down a human body into shapes. I did that with a photo of a climber and it still affects how I draw shoulders to this day
Hope u didn't mind the ramble but yea! Highschool art classes weren't always My Thing but doing an art class sounds great, and I'm really glad I got the opportunity to develop my skills like this
thank you so much!!!!
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buggykujo · 1 year
Game rant <3
I was gonna make this yesterday but decided against it for some reason?? Whatever, here I am again, ranting about about a silly little game, with my silly little brain 😍
The game I'm talking about is Killer frequency and MY GOD is it absolutely AMAZING!! The game is such a good mix between horror all while adding some assets of mystery and humor, and sometimes even just chilling because MAN, Is putting on a Record and sitting there talking to Peggy somewhat relaxing! Its such a good game with such a great concept that just keeps you wanting more of it, and oh boy do I want more! ( Little side note, I LOVE how the game can be scary without much jumpscares, since it has scary parts in other ways! )
For those who don't know, Killer frequency is a game where you play as a late night radio host / talker ( Idfk what there called?? 😭 ) named Foresst Nash ( I'll talk abt him later ❤ ) who is forced to take on the role of a 911 operator after an unexpected return of the " Whistling man " occurs. Just throughout the night you save people and solve mysteries and do other stuff all while trying to stop this killer. Isn't that such an interesting concept? Because oh boy do I think it's interesting!
AND THE CHARACTERS OH MY GOD, I LOVE THEM SM! I know some of them are side characters we never see again but I don't care, there all amazing and I love them! ESPECIALLY FORESST BRO- He by far my favorite ( very original aren't I? ) because I just love how he acts throughout this entire thing, he's calm but gets the job done. NOT TO MENTION HE IS SO BABY GIRL CODED 😍😍 / Hj...Moving on, I also love Peggy! She's an energetic person, yet so laid back as well! Plus, I love how she helps us so much even if she can't exit her area! She's honestly enjoyable so I'm so glad we have two enjoyable main character like characters ( Well, Foresst is the main character.. WHATEVER IDC )
Honsetly the game is amazing so if you can watch like one gameplay of it! There should be a no commentary version, but if not, you can just watch some random youtuber play it! It's an amazing game, and if you can play it, even better!
So uh yea..I'm obsessed 💀 Definitely drawing some of the characters soon though, I love this game sm not to!
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lixlikes · 1 year
Hello i saw your recent work with everyone’s favorite warrior frog and i wanted to try an idea. How about one with Lae’zel with a draconic bloodline sorcerer who’s wings finally sprouted and Lae’zel wanting to touch them but trying to seem indifferent about them. Maybe even a few hcs about the relationship in general or just the above but is fine. Gives a new meaning to riding the dragon eh?
Ride the Dragon | NSFW Lae’zel x Reader/Tav
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Warnings: Slight degradation, Size difference, Male/AMAB Tav but with no gendered terms, Jokes of death
Info: As read in comment :) + needy lae’zel? yea of course!!
A/N: Yess omg thank you this idea is so cute and just the right amount of spicy! I’m glad you enjoyed my silly little oneshot about the cute gith mommy!
The campfire casts a warm comfort over you, allowing your shoulders to relax and your jaw to become unclenched. Your moment of relaxation is ruined when a familiar pain shoots through your shoulders, as the sting slithers it’s way up your spine.
“Gods damn it all” You grumble, rolling your head back to look up at the darkening night sky.
You catch sight of a familiar face, scrunched up in confusion.
“What is that?” The gith asks plainly.
“What does it look like.”
“I’m referring to those” She motions to the small wings protruding from your shoulder blades.
“Oh, It’s natural” You sigh “If you’re wondering, they don’t hurt” You smile.
“I was not going to ask that” She denies.
“Whatever you say” You wave a hand at her jokingly.
“They could prove useful in combat.”
“Good point, wanna touch ‘em?” You ask, halfjoking.
She shakes her head, crouching down by the now dwindling campfire. You raise a hand, placing it on her nearly bare back, your claws shimmering in the light.
She swiftly turns, grabbing you by the wrist.
“I’m sorry!” You call out, caught off guard “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
She lets go hesitantly, her fingers seemingly tracing the lines of your scales as she draws back.
“You can touch me, you just have to ask, I understand curiosity” You chuckle.
She stands once more, returning to your back side.
“Don’t act like I am some anxious child” She crouches down, placing a hand on your shoulder for stability.
“Well you seemed nervous, you never know with you.”
“I could easily slit your throat in one quick motion” She snarls.
“Alright alright no need for threats.”
You feel her fingers meet the tip of your growing wing, causing you to twitch slightly.
Her hands slowly make their way down to the base of the wing, feeling the dip of every individual scale.
You groan softly, whether in pain or pleasure is anyone’s guess.
She says nothing as she grips the base tightly in her hands, pulling you back into her lap.
“Aggressive much?”
Your sentence is cut off by a swift, authoritative kiss. Her soft skin against your own is a blissful feeling that builds its nest in your stomach.
As she pulls away from you, your need glazed eyes meet. She begins to remove her hands from your face as you grip them, placing them back and smiling.
“What a coincidence,” You chuckle “You beat me to my own idea.”
“You really should learn how to keep that mouth of yours shut” The corners of her lips seem to fight back a persistent smile.
“You love it.”
You sit up, crawling on top of her as she begins to lean back.
You place a hand on her cheek “Is the arrogant soilder really going to allow me the honor of being in control?” You smirk.
In a seemingly effortless motion she flips your bodies, her legs struggling to accommodate your hips as she straddles you.
“I know my body inside and out, taking you will be yet another challenge I squash under my boot” Her voice is matter-a-fact, it calls for your submission.
Her hands slide down your chest as yours meet her hips. She fiddles with your pant buttons for a moment before she gets them loose, you aid her by lifting up your hips, allowing her to pull them down, You discard them to the side to be found in the morning. Her hands are jetting all over you, rubbing your boxers to running up your sides.
“I am yours for the taking” You whimper slightly, letting her hands roam over your ever hardening boner with need.
She nods, taking in your neediness with a look of accomplishment. With a soft grunt she rips your boxers off of you, leaving you to shiver slightly at the sudden air against your skin (skin? scales?).
She looks up at you slowly, with a look of curiosity behind her eyes, certainly such a small figure won’t be able to accommodate your size? As if reading your mind she wraps a hand (nearly) around your throat and kisses you roughly, moaning softly into the kiss as the crotch of her night pants rub against your bare body.
You place a hand on her hip and sneak a finger under her waistband, begging to feel her skin against yours.
She huffs as she breaks the kiss, clambering off of you as she swiftly undoes her pants, discarding them ontop of yours, not bothering to remove her undergarments.
Before you can even sit up she’s back in your lap, kissing your lips with soft moans and hefty grinding. She seems desperate, more rushed than thought out as she usually is, possibly to due with her prior attitude to your new found wings.
She pushes off of you, putting all weight on her knees. Her panties are pushed to the side as she starts to descend onto you.
The entry is rough, as shown on her slight grimace quickly replaced with a hushed “oh.”
Her warm heat suddenly surrounds your tip as she halts to prepare for the further stretch. You offer her a hand to hold, which she takes reluctantly. Her nails poke into your skin as she begins to push further slowly.
You kiss the backside of her hand lovingly, watching as her cheeks begin to flush (what color would a gith blush? dark green?).
She sinks down to the hilt, sitting for a moment as her eyes roll back and a quiet moan lips from her lips. The feeling of being inside this famed fierce and cold warrior makes you feel fit to burst, the soft twitches and clenching of her walls beg for you to start moving but you know it’s best to be patient, even if she says otherwise.
She rolls her hips slowly in figure 8’s, mumbling inaudible curses under her breath as her clit rubs against your scales. You place your free hand on her hips, giving a small squeeze as you groan.
She slowly rises to the top and slams back down to the base, and once more, the way her body is twitching shows she’s beginning to etch closer and closer to release, and you’re not far behind.
You whimper softly as you look up at her, pulling her into a slow, intimate kiss, contrasting the usual rough, needy kisses you two usually shared.
Her hips roll once more and you’re both down for the count as her legs start to shake and her walls clench around you. You feel pure bliss wash over you in waves as you spill inside of her, her name a prayer on your lips as you watch her face of ecstasy.
Her arms falter as she flops down, her head on your chest as she breaths heavily. You place a hand on her hand, brushing out the small knots in her hair as you feel your racing heart slow to the usual rhythm.
You know by morning she’ll be acting all tough once more, denying the moment of vulnerability, but for now you enjoy holding her as you bask in the post orgasm glow.
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years
Omg, I just read all of A Payment in one day and I'm DYING! It was so so good! I accidentally fell into the Steve Rogers (specifically mob boss au) rabbit hole and I hope I never come out XD
I have a minor hc that Steve has a greenhouse where he grows a bunch of his own vegetables and herbs and some fruit. Like, idk why that popped into my head but it did and I'm obsessed
I’m so glad you loved A Payment. I loved writing that one! And as for your little hc… this may have happened…
“You want a what?” You ask and Steve doesn’t even look over at you he’s so deep in his research.
“A greenhouse.”
“You, what do you wanna grow?”
“I don’t know Baby. Just plants.”
“Weed? I will not have drugs grown in my home Steven.” This seems to get his attention, he looks up at you in confusion.
“No drugs.”
“Oh,” he chuckles softly and wraps a hand around your ankle gently pulling you toward him. “I wanna grow flowers, and trees and bushes and make it smell beautiful.” He slowly slides you closer to him, “I want a place where we can be in nature all year round, something with some grass where we can have picnics and where I can love on you in the middle of winter.” Steve says drawing you into his lap, “I want the fuckin tropics in February.” He says kissing you and god it sounds real nice being able to go read a book in the grass in the middle of winter.
“Yea okay.”
“Yea? You’re good with it?”
“Yea, of course. This is our home. If you wanna have a greenhouse you should. Can I make a request though?”
“A water feature. They’re so peaceful and beautiful.”
“Whatever you want Baby.” He agrees and you kiss him this time. Your new house is nearly done and you cannot wait to be out of the hotel, despite being in the owner’s suite, you’re ready to be home. Some of the things you wanted done were taking a bit longer than a normal house. Bullet proof windows, a state of the art security system and most importantly a sprinkler system.
You’ll never be victim to fire again.
When you move into the house three weeks later the greenhouse is the only thing that isn’t done. But Steve has been painstakingly working on it. He’s picked out some plants, with the help of a master gardener, and has built a water feature that is some form of mastery that will water the pants or something. He’d lost you in his explanation but he’d been so excited you couldn’t break it to him that you’d been confused. You can’t wait for it to be done, from the drawings he’d done it was going to be stunning.
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infizero-draws · 1 year
dude your character posts (interpretations? opinions? analysis? i think) are honestly so so good ... also sorry 2 bring up desert duo in mid 2023 but there was this one post u made of them that i think got deleted but it was also a rlly good analysis of them i think.. like imo u have a rlly good understanding of relationships and point out that yea these ppl care abt each other but their relationship isn't gonna be so easily fixed by being like 'and then they declared their love for each other and get married 4ever and ever' like these ppl are messes! <- u worded it a lot better than i did but yeah!! ur brain is so massive.
also ur art is so cool + im so glad u seem to be having so much fun w deltarune! this message is all over the place sorry
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this means so much to me you have no idea. also you dont have to apologize for bringing up desertduo LOL i still regularly draw post and think about them all the time 👍
i think my understanding of relationships as being complex just comes from the fact that those are the types of dynamics i enjoy the most! and that im very adamant about characters always being flawed and there being no such thing as a "perfect relationship" bcuz thats BORING!!!
like move over fics i wrote and hcs i made as a kid engaging in fandom where all my ships resolve their problems perfectly thru therapy or whatnot and one of them confesses and then they go omg you like me, i like you too! and now we're dating! and everything is awesome and then we get married and maybe have kids NOOOOO GET THAT SHIT OUTTA HERE. nothing wrong w that of course but its sooooo boring. i like relationships that are messy and questionable and blur the lines between romantic and platonic and have a shit ton of baggage weighing over them. i dont like when things are simple RELATIONSHIPS ARE COMPLICATED!!
also me being aroace and never having been in a relationship probably has something to do with that. i dont get blindsided by love and wanting things to work out perfectly and projecting or whatever LOL.
anyways sorry i didnt mean to talk for so long im just very passionate about this. even if i cannot word it very well. but again thank you!!!!!!
(also i rarely delete posts, so if you wanna send me another ask giving details about that lost desertduo analysis i made that you're talking about, i can probably find it for you ^_^)
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ssreeder · 1 year
HIHIII!!!!! i actually finished chapter 10 like a week ago but i forgot to write you this so here I am.
OK SO, WE GOT ZUKO SMILING!!!!! WE GOT PLOT, WE GOT WATER TRIBE CAMP WE GOT SOKKA TELLING THE TRUTH TO KATARA AND MAKING A STEP FORWARD (!!!!#!$+YESSSSSSSHSJAJAKKA!!!!!!2!!#). sreader your plot chapters are AMAZING like OMG UGHHSHD the characterization, the way you describe stuff, EVERYTHING!!!!! i do looove the angsty chapters but god this chapter felt good.
also I know i promised that i would draw their reunion (i still can't believe they are together again), AND I WANT TO I REALLY DO, but I've lost my pen so you'll have to wait some time 😞😞
i wanted to remark how much I loved the Katara and sokka talk, it was soul healing, the characterization and dialogue were insane and i loved every bit of it. OH and talking about characterization, IROH OMG, you write him greatly, i love him and I can't understand why people hate him, yeah he's not the best but c'mon he's trying so hard!! i also want to know what's up with jet (as much as hate him but whatever) and a bit of suki. and Ara!!!!! i would love to see her make some friends and heal a bit 🙏🙏
also the bit with sokka trying to read the book was great, just a silly-awkward moment between siblings <33
and as always say (because you deserve it) you are great, you writing is AMAZING and i LOOOOOVE everything that you make 🙏🙏 thanks for this beautiful monstrosity of a fic (over 800k damn) and don't listen to the hater sreeady they are just jealous lmao
have a nice week 🙏🙏🙏
AHHHHH yayyyy!! I’m so glad you enjoyed chapter 10!! It felt good to have a breath of fresh air for everyone because Sokka really needed a breakdown in his defensiveness and let katara slip in through the cracks to help him <3
I’m so happy you enjoy my characterizations that’s like the highest honor you can bestow on a fanfic writer haha (even with how many adjustments we have made to the characters because of trauma)
Yea! Next chapter has some character interactions that we don’t normally see - so yiipppeeee (as well as zukka haha UGH FINALLY)
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moldy-mold · 2 years
Hi I LOVE the Yugioh swap au stuff you're doing, it's so much fun and with both posts you've made I've gone over the pictures over and over trying to get every detail avhsbshd
Marik and Ishizu switching places?? Beautiful, fantastic, glorious- but also Where Is Odion and Is He Okay
Thief Queen Mai can send me to the shadow realm as much as she wants and I would thank her tbh-
I have Many Questions about Joey and Tea in the newest one- it seemed that before, Joey was still friends with the main gang? Or at least friends with Seto, so I have to wonder if they aren't as close as they seem or if Something Else went down (also I hope you know that, for me at least, this au has inspired puppyshipping galore every time I think about it sjdbjs)
And Tea getting Timaeus, the card that Yugi originally used and I would have expected Seto to use? Facinating, I'd love to know if anything in particular led to that decision or if it was just for shits and giggles
Serenity?? With the eye?? I am intrigued, is she evil, how much pain has she caused Joey, what's the story there I Must Know
And f i n a l l y , our main two, our lovely rivals, the tallest and shortest people on the show-
Did Yugi and Seto go through a whole life swap? It seems that way, with Mutoland (also it's hilarious that Mokuba wants to go with Yami Seto, thanks for that) and generally How Yugi Is Dressed in the pictures we've seen, so does that mean Seto actually goes to school and he and Mokuba run a game shop?? Because that's a fantastic mental image ngl- and would that mean that Yugi kidnapped Mokuba, if the 'first episode' went the same direction as canon?
And does this mean that, in the past, roles were swapped as well? Seto being the Pharaoh while Atem is his priest? Or is that as usual and they have to tell Yugi he's the reincarnation of an ancient Pharaoh ahdbjsbd
Are the favored cards swapped around? Is Dark Magician more powerful/more rare than Blue Eyes? Is Yugi still the same height as Mokuba that's the real question here-
So many questions and (probably) so few answers- but whether you answer this or not, I enjoy your au Greatly and I'm Very Excited for whatever comes next!!
HEY!! THANK YOU SM!! Glad y’all are having fun with it!! It was a real mind-bending journey to draw and think about.
I’ll answer these questions carefully. I don’t want to give everything away so if I skip over it, I probably have plans for it that I’ll hopefully get to drawing!
Odion, as far as I know, has the same role as he did originally. I would like to draw him in the future. 8)
I have such a bias for Mai, I love her the most and would like for her to be more important in DM, personally.
Joey is friends with the gang but he’s closer to Seto than Yugi. Seto and Joey are on first-name basis! Isn’t that crazy??!! I think businessman Yugi is too busy these days. :( The main reason Orichalcos Joey happened was because he was tired of Yami Seto always defending him when he wants to be able to take care of himself. I’m still very surprised at the fact that in the anime, Atem succumbed the power of the Orichalcos and yet, Joey did not. The hot-headed gambling delinquent boy Joey did not???!
I gave Timaeus to Tea because I want to make her more important to the Orichalcos lore since she doesn’t quite have a place in the ancient Egypt lore. I haven’t decided who her two partners would be.
Many plans for Serenity…
Yugi and Seto do have a life swap, but not a personality swap. So yea, Yugi and his Grandpa run Muto Corp and the Kaibas run a game store LOL! Seto probably did something to Big Boss Grandpa and episode 1 happens all over again.
I’ma be honest and say I haven’t watched the Egypt final arc yet so I don’t know what happens in there. I will watch it soon! But for now, because I like having Atem’s personality inside Seto’s body (that just makes it really really funny for me), that’s Pharaoh Atem we’re seeing. Seto hates it. :)
YES Dark Magician is more rare than Blue Eyes. PERSONAL BIAS. I love Dark Magician lmaooo.
Yugi believes in magic yet he does NOT have any of the millennium items!!!! Right now he’s just thinking “oh it’s better someone else keeps them since they’re dangerous.” And that’s that. Seto is STILL STUBBORN and doesn’t believe in ancient Egyptian magic despite what is happening to him!! He has a feeling Atem is important but doesn’t really believe the weird power of the god cards and the millennium items.
Thank you for your questions! It truly is fun to talk about this!
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erigold13261 · 3 months
Thank you! Glad you like them! They were all a ton of fun to draw! (especially the trolls!)
And yes! All 9 of the cursed womb death paintings (or whatever they would be called in the Eriverse) are part troll!
I think I also have them as part Gorgon, as Medusa's blood/the black blood was also mixed into them (which is the "sucky blood" that Vriska was talking about since even though that blood is very good for fighting, it is not part of the Troll Hemospectrum so it is not seen as good blood by trolls no matter how good the actual blood is).
You can actually see some of the black blood dripping out of Kechizu's eyes and mouths! Along with his bronze Troll blood and red human blood! All the cursed wombs have 3 blood types in them! (human, black, and troll).
And technically I guess the cursed wombs have like at least 5 parents now lol. They have Kenjaku, Medusa, the human woman mother, the entity that was used (just like how Tengen was the first entity millennia ago, there have been others throughout history that have emerged before the timeskip), and a troll.
I think it's just one troll per cursed womb as the trolls didn't want to mix their bloods together even though they were mixing them into human and black blood with no problem. Karkat did not participate in this process at all (at least not donating his blood, he did probably help oversee the process with Kanaya).
I'm debating on if Crona and Yuji have Troll blood in them or not. I kinda like the idea that Kenjaku was able to get Troll blood because of some time shenanigan and used it on Yuji and Crona though made sure that there were no outward appearances of Trollness (so no horns, blushes, or grey skin, however their blood would be the color of the Troll blood they were given).
Though honestly I'd rather not have Crona with Troll blood, however Yuji with Troll blood sounds dope! Especially since he's a Pisces! Imagine the power he has from that as well as the command he could have over the Trolls once they realize his blood type (to those who care about the Hemospectrum. Really love the idea that Equis fights Yuji, and possibly Todo, and then gets upset once he finds out that he fought a higher blood lol).
So yea, as of right now, the cursed wombs are all part troll! Yuji MIGHT be part troll, and very very might for Crona to be part troll (then technically I just need one more character to give troll blood to that is related to Yuji to make it 12 characters lol. I doubt Sukuna would be open to the idea of merging with troll blood).
I mean technically I could just have 11 trolls and make it so Karkat never participating in donating his blood to any human/hybrid. That would make pretty good sense!
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turtle-trash · 2 years
Ok SO. Ive noticed that the lighter markings on hisuian zoruark Are asymmetrical
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"But turtle!" You ask "why are you even telling us this????" Glad you asked!!
It’s important because of how hisuian zoroarks design is different/similar from the unova one (let me explain). What the hisuian zoroark mainly adds to zoroark is: some extra colors around the eyes, the fur being whispy like it’s a ghost, the red bulging spots, and of course the lighter markings all over its body. Now, except for the mane (and whatever it covers) everypart of zoroark we can see is symmetrical except the lighter markings (even the red spots that seem to be placed randomly are symmetrical)
Now you may be asking "ok so what?? It’s not like it matters." That’s where your wrong because it matters to me (and like, any artist who wants to draw these things consistently but that’s besides the point). With how these markings are placed it gives me this theory of sorts as to what they are, or were. Oh yea, that’s right bay bee, I’m leaning into the fact that these dudes are ghosts are running with it.
A common depiction of ghosts (especially vengeful ones) is that they retain wounds they got in their life or show how exactly they died if it’s a physical injury of sorts (like beheading). Which brings me to my theory: those lighter markings are scars that they gained when they were alive. In fact I could take this a step further and say that those red spots are veins considering how they look.
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Can you tell I think too hard ab designs that creatures have whenever I’m able
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vampsquerade · 2 years
As your newly made friend could i request some Fuze or glaz love? Or maybe both whatever comes to mind!!<333
Take yo time
oh hell yea i love making things for my newly made friends 💕 Glad they’re Spetsnaz requests i can die happy now bc it’s also one for Glaz and i am a total SIMP for that man 😩 we love an artist marksman and a brooding grenadier in this household
Fuze and Glaz Headcanons
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☆ Though he may be a bit reserved when he’s in large groups of people, Timur is best when spoken to one on one
☆ If he was able to, he could just go on with things he loves to draw or paint
☆ His most favorite thing to paint is landscapes, because as a both and artist and a sniper, noticing gives them more appreciation than they deserve
☆ Sketching people and birds, when it comes to traditional pencil and paper, are his absolute favorite
☆ Timur believes that appreciating the many expressions and emotions of the human race are something worth remembering, as those are what keep people close knitted and aware about how someone is feeling
☆ Which is why whenever he gets the chance with your permission, Timur will sketch you a lot
☆ And birds? Honestly because he just thinks they’re cute and fascinating
☆ The way birds come in many different colors, shapes, and sizes make it fun to experiment with color theory by putting these birds in different backgrounds
☆ With being a sniper, Timur is aware that one day his days could come to an end when out on a mission
☆ So what does he do to cope with these kinds of thoughts and emotions? Gallows humor
☆ Though it may be dark and make a few people, mostly the optimists of Team Rainbow, a bit uncomfortable, he’s happy to say that he takes comfort in that discomfort
☆ Though, he doesn’t usually like to make those jokes in front of you, because he knows how much you love and care for him
☆ Not only is he a good artist and an excellent marksman, but Timur would also be considered a good baker
☆ He just doesn’t like to admit that he had baked a few of the things he’s given to you and everyone else, but you already knew it was him because he showed up with a strangely large amount of flour on him
☆ Timur has nicknamed you his “кошечка” because you like to cuddle him a lot, just like a nice and pretty kitty
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♡ Quiet, mysterious, and sometimes brooding, Shuhrat does his best to steer clear from most communication with the people around him
♡ But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care for the people within his very small intimate circle
♡ Shuhrat believes that sometimes there’s no need for communication when letting people know how much one person can care for another, and it’s not just due to his reserved personality
♡ He cherishes his time alone a lot, but doesn’t mind when you come with him and give him some comfort he might need
♡ His what would appear to be cold and distant demeanor is one many who have looked into his files think is deserved, seeing as how his brother had gone missing and didn’t really know how to cope from it
♡ But some people don’t see that it is, once they hear the story of how he broke off his engagement with his previous fiancée and blamed it on his distant demeanor
♡ You personally couldn’t blame him, as you understood that he’s able to do what he wants with his life
♡ Since he’s quiet and reserved, quality time and physical affection tends to be the way he shows his appreciation to you and others
♡ Whether it be letting someone else vent to him their feelings, or have him around when doing their basic tasks, Shuhrat likes it
♡ When with you, however, Shuhrat is a lot more talkative and engaging with you, because he finds solace in you because you don’t judge him for anything
♡ He dotes on you a lot more when he’s back home with you, and clings to you very frequently because he loves having the comfort of your warmth right against him
♡ Shuhrat is an exceptional cook, and whenever the two of you work together, it makes him happy about the little things
♡ So much so that the domesticity of it all will make him crack a smile, and sometimes even a laugh
♡ Calls you his “eng aziz” because he knows how much you love to hear him speak in his native Uzbek tongue
♡ Shuhrat appreciates you allowing him to speak in Uzbek, because since he grew up in Russia, he had to shelter much of that identity away
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