#ask moldy
moldy-mold · 1 year
Oh you wanna talk about Yugioh? I can talk about Yugioh-
What's your favorite arc of DM so far? And is there anybody you ship or are you vibing with friendships?
Alright let's GO! Thanks for the questions!
My fav (and most inspirational) arc is Battle City. I am invested in the LORE and DRAMA. So I'll prob like Egypt when I get to it. Orichalcos is second cuz I LOVE to see Seto and Yugi tag dueling to save the world. MMM! *chef kiss* And Mai. Love seeing her.
HMMM I'm a casual when it comes to ships in DM. I just enjoy what the show gives me. Feral Moldy comes out in Zexal... But! If I had to pick, I like what these three have going on:
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heistttyyy · 10 months
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Haiiii plssss co,miss8ion me pls pls pls I'm so broke pls comission me pls (dm me)
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The examples r a bit old but u can look at. My acc for more recent ones :3
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nachfo · 4 months
i think you should draw Airy
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How about everyone! >:3
Actually tho, thank you so much for getting me into ONE again. I had forgotten about it and now i'm liking it again. I'm glad you also got to experience it and i would like more people to do so because its just something wonderfull. This series has a place in my heart and i'm glad i found it.
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ask--invaderzim · 4 months
Dib are you into Danganronpa? If so, who is ur favorite character???
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sleepis4theweak · 7 months
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(heres the link to the fic if anyone's interested!)
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Another thing about the alien Au is that Philip says he’s human but humans are a uncontacted/undocumented species so all they know about humans is gonna be coming from Philip
So their only example of humanity is a shapeshifting and regenerative omnivore that can fly and breath fire
Ooo, interesting! 👀 (Au here)
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I wonder what their reaction would be if they ever encountered a normal, non-shapeshifting human, lol.
Also, aliens when Philip walks down the street to the grocery store to buy some space milk or something (idk, lol):
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askthedoubleagent · 5 months
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Ask Box is now open! Send in your questions! Follow the rules and have fun! ~ Eldritch Mod
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a-narcissists-warren · 7 months
could u do. moldy hfjone pfps
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It was a little hard deciding on her facial expression because she got the resting bitch face but i think i nailed it!
gave her little sunnies because this was a anon ask!!! thought It'd be nice :)
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c00kietin · 2 months
Could you use Null Moon to draw Moldy from hfjone :o
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this guy wasn't as hard to draw so thank you :')
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i-make-images-moldy · 1 month
can you make moldy moldy
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thesepricelesstears · 3 months
A little birdie that somehow broke into my cell told me that you and your weird colleague with the weird food combos are apparently MARRIED?? Ö
What chapters did I missed while I’m in prison? :3☝️
No. We're not married. Everyone's just believing a lie right now.
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moldy-mold · 1 year
What does it look like when they switch?? Does Yugi know?? Do the rest of the gang try to get Yugi involved more because the spirit of the puzzle looks like him?? (Because they have to see him at some point)
What does it look like when they switch that question is going to Haunt Me-
YESSS! IT IS HYSTERICAL! Thinking about it fills me with glee LOL.
I'm still debating on what the spirit *actually* looks like. Do I want him to look like Seto or Yugi? Maybe I'll decide after watching the final arc; we'll see.
I already hinted at what Yami Seto looks like when he takes the wheel in my first installment of the AU. But this is what he would look like wearing Seto's signature coat.
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Getting that hair out of his eyes!
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artsymeeshee · 1 year
Theory: artsy is over 100 years old since she’s the mother of two 70 year olds /j
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ibetittering · 2 months
We were talking about Peru in class for some reason today and that just made me remember when I went there and this guy begged me to take a picture with his daughter because I was so white
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yummycrummy · 1 year
I wanna see UCR taking a nappy on the couch like the little kitty kitty he is my sweet baby boy my itsy bitsy spider my bbg🫶
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He probably has a super loud snore
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I suddenly remembered all your posts about Camila's reactions to the appearance of Beardo Philip and an idea struck me.
As usual, Belos Redemption AU, Philip lives in Noseda's House with the HexSquad, they all cool with him.
Fic - Belos discovers that he can change his appearance and turns into Beardo Phillip. He is so happy that he looks young again, but he is worried about strange reactions and looks from Camilla. Is she sick?
Hairy Bodies Are Hot
Camila's car took a turn into the Gravesfield Playhouse parking lot as she searched for a place to park.
Once she did, she put her car in reverse and backed into the open space.
Next to the theater entrance was a floor stand with a poster framed inside that read "Auditions."
Another poster, which was framed on one of the windows of the theatrical building, had the words "Gravesfield's Greatest Witch Hunters: A Tale Of The Brothers Wittebane" labeled in big bold letters above a picture of the Wittebane Brothers' statues.
Turning the car off, Camila removed the keys from the ignition and placed them in the armrest cup holder beside her.
She then offered a smile to Belos Philip, who was sitting in the front passenger seat next to her.
Despite this being his first ever audition, Philip didn't seem to show any signs of being nervous.
"Now Philip," Camila said as she began her pep-talk to the former witch hunter, closing her eyes.
"Remember, when you walk in there, do so with your head held high and show the casting director your most confident and professional self, but avoid boasting. Next, you'll want to make sure that..."
As Camila continued to give her good advice to Philip, she failed to notice the swift transformation taking place in her presence.
"... Finally, and this is important, you have to..."
The first thing Camila saw upon opening her eyes caused them to widen, red immediately rushing to her cheeks.
"Aaaa!" Camila shrieks in terror at the younger man now sitting in the passenger seat.
He was wearing Philip's coat, along with a bushy brown beard and an adorable smile as he looked at the mother.
"Wh-What's going on?" Camila asked the man as her eyes quickly shifted for something to pick up and protect herself with if needed.
Her la chancla was at home.
"Wh-Where's Philip? What have you done with him, you..."
She proceeded to slowly look him up and down. "Handsome stranger?"
Camila bit her tongue a little too late as she mentally facepalmed at her last sentence.
Did she really just call him that?
The brunette released a small chuckle. "Camila, my dear, whatever do you mean? I'm right here," he told her.
Camila did a double take as she blinked. "P-Philip?! That's... you?!" she asked. "But how?!"
"Last week, I discovered a method to modify my appearance. If I want to obtain the role as my younger self, one of the best ways to do so is to look the part," he explained in a charming voice that Camila found absolutely irresistible.
She felt her form melt like butter in a pan.
Philip refused to stand for the nonsensical injustice that was presented in Masha's hayride story at the Halloween festival.
"O-Oh! Okay then! That makes sense. Well, break a leg," Camila awkwardly wished Philip with a flushed face as he got out of the car.
He smiled at her kindly once more.
"Thank you," Philip said, closing the door.
As he walked toward the playhouse building, Camila continued to stare at him, her blush growing stronger.
"S-So, how did it go?" Camila asked Philip as he stepped back into the car.
His smile was brimming with pure, genuine excitement as he shut the door. "I was given the role of myself!" he beamed, buckling up.
"The director had nothing but praise for my performance."
Camila smiled at the news, her face still warm. "That's great, Philip. I'm so happy for you."
Philip shortly took notice of Camila's red face, concern soon crossing on his own.
He gently grasped her chin as he observed her flushed features, which caught her off guard, and a surprised squeak escaped her.
"Your face is terribly red, love. You're not becoming ill, are you?" he gently asked.
Camila swiftly shook her head and pulled away, quickly grabbing her keys and starting the car.
"O-Of course not!" she responded.
Once she carefully drove forward and turned her steering wheel, Camila commenced driving.
"I just forgot to turn on the AC when you left," she chuckled nervously.
"Ch-Chest hair," Camila whispered while in the laundry room, holding a familiar dress shirt that she was about to toss into the washing machine.
It was the same one that Philip wore yesterday and was sprinkled with brown body hair.
Someone was obviously shedding.
Camila tightened her grip on the shirt as she began to blush.
"S-So hairy...," she whispered to herself.
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