#but yeah give me the slightest hint of pets and I'm going to GO
juustozzi · 4 months
i have two ideas/au if tenma ever appears in VR
first one. He is like a big brother figuur to haru, he used to babysit him when haru was younger and lets him have days with his new dog (sadly sasuke cannot live forever)
second idea. tenma for some reason becomes the new coach for one of the rival teams and his honestly just trying to get the kids to get rid of the toxic and bad habits they got from their past coach and make the team a safe place for them.
big bro Tenma 🫶 after babysitting haru I can see him still appearing every now and then as a cool older kid (or wherever the timeline would place his age at) who gives important advice for the situation, on purpose or not! and he definitely deserves a new dog!!
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a bigass japanese akita was the first one to come to mind, I can't get rid of the idea that she'd be called Kinako... (and if he had a western breed, maybe Arthur?)
also, uh, sharing an idea I got from here because at first my brain read Haru as Unmei and ran with it before I could confirm. but it has a tiiiny reference to VR beta victory gallery so I'm putting it under read more for easy skipping!
yeah so, that one Unmei ref sheet makes it seem like he spent some time in hospital when he was young, so my first thought about VR Tenma was "what if he keeps going to hang out at the hospital and playing soccer with kids stuck there and he brings his dog to the yard sometimes"
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(90% of the time drawing this went to figuring out what the heck to do with Tenma's hair lol)
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lemon-muncher · 1 year
I was thinking some Shalnark x Dom reader? The gender and particular flavour is up to you :3 whether you're in the mood for sadism, bondage, pet play, whatever really. I just want to make him whine and feel so good he cries ✨😌
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Doing this headcanon style so I can add a bunch of stuff for him <3
I'll be keeping this gender neutral and have separate mini headcanons in some of them for female and male genitalia :]
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Shalnark is definitely a crier. As much as he hates to admit it, the second he gets the tiniest bit overwhelmed, his eyes water like crazy.
Considering he's a manipulator, both as a person and as a nen user, giving up control isn't something he's use to. But the second his partner rips the control from under his feet, he's at their mercy without complaint.
Definitely a switch... Like I said, he's a manipulator and needs control to do pretty much anything but he finds it nice to let o of all the stress every once in a while.
He's kinky... THERE I SAID IT!!! He may have a cute and innocent face but the things he searches on his phone will get him sent to horny jail! Dude as 50 taps open dedicated to porn and twitter threads of some of the most foul things. I'm talking the hub, X Videos, probably some sketchy furry roleplay is mixed in there too.
Lets get into some of the specifics:
Chocking: He has the biggest turn on for breath play and he has ZERO clue where it came from... Whether you're riding him, plowing into him from behind, or forcing his head deeper into you sex, if you restrict his breathing in anyway, his eyes are immediately rolling back.
Hair Pulling: Another one that'll get his eyes rolling. He has the prettiest blonde hair and who wouldn't take the opportunity to pull him up by it. He has a really sensitive scalp so the slightest tug will have him yelping. If you snuggle after the deed, and you scratch his head he'll quite literally purr
Impact Play: I have nothing to say about this just know it's on my mind...
Roleplay: Yeah...
Feminization: Put this man in a pink frilly skirt! Call him princess and throw some thigh highs on him. Another one of his kinks that he randomly developed. Probably started from a twitter video to be honest. But he loves if you dress him up all nice and pretty and takes him out. Call him 'your girl' or 'princess' out in public and he'll pull you to a nearby alleyway.
Exhibitionism: Will have sex with you anywhere. And I mean ANYWHERE. The alleyway I mentioned, yeah, that's a frequent quicky spot for you guys. He already has to be careful about being spotted since he's a criminal but the thought of being spotted in such a vulnerable position has his holding back moans
Voyeurism: I guess you could call watching your own sex tapes voyeurism... But he always has his phone recording during sessions between the two of you. Even if its just making out, he has it on tape. If either of you are away on a mission and he's horny, he's going through his achieves of the two of you.
Mommy/Daddy Kink: He randomly whined mommy/daddy while you fucked him and quite literally caused you to freeze in place. Not cause it's a bad thing but because he pulled that shit straight out of his ass and surprised the both of you. Wants to be babied from his mommy/daddy but also wants his back blown out by them.
Anal Play/Pegging: This man thrives off of prostate orgasm. Loves the feeling of having endless orgasms without spilling a drop of cum. Whether it's your fingers, tongue, buttplug, or cock/strap-on, he'll end up shivering from it the feeling of being full. I'd like to think he sent you a porn link of anal play on 'accident' just to give you the hint of what he wants.
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umbylievable · 1 year
Context for this au is here.
Please note that this is copied from my chat logs so the formatting is a little weird lol
Under a read more bc it's a little long and I hate to be the guy blocking the view in the tag
The moment he realizes he's attracted to the Joker, or Countess as he's now calling himself, is after parading him around at one of those police galas. They've retired to their own homes. Bruce is getting out of his suit, loosening his tie, when Alfred approaches his doorway with the slightest hint of a mischievous smile "Sir." "? I thought you'd gone to bed" "I had. But you have a visitor"
Before he can inquire further, Alfred steps out of the way, and Countess is left standing there sheepishly. Bruce sighs "Go back to bed Alfred. I'll see him out" "Very good sir. Good night"
As he departs, Bruce narrows his eyes. "What is it you want?" "Well you know how I insisted on wearing this gown because I liked how poofy the skirt was?" "I recall something of the sort yes" "well I can't get it off" "what?" "Harley was over earlier and she zipped me in. And I can't get out :³" "......oh I am going to get Alfred for this in the morning. Turn around you absolute pest"
Countess lifts his skirts and bouncily turns to put his back to the doorway, humming cheerfully. There's a wire hanger swinging from the zipper. Bruce almost laughs. Almost. "what the fuck?" "Oh yeah I tried to get it off myself first with this hack I saw on TikTok but I think I did it wrong."
"Oh you think?" Bruce takes a moment to extricate the hanger from the zipper, then tosses it aside. He focuses then on the zipper itself, and upon giving it a tug, finds that it's snagged on the fabric underneath. "Hold on. It's a little stuck" Bruce grips the top of the skirt with one hand and pulls, straightening it out, hoping to release the fabric from the track of the zipper. He underestimates his strength, or maybe overestimates countess's weight. Countess loses his footing and stumbles back into Bruce a bit. "Woah there big boy!" "Just. Shut up and stand up straight." "Yes sir." countess straightens up but doesn't move away. They're almost uncomfortably close.
Bruce pulls the zipper again, and with his grip on the skirt it slides free this time. His knuckles inadvertantly drag against the skin of Countess's back and for some reason the warmth makes his heart race. "There. Now go home." "Oh thank you!! It's a good fashion piece but not all that comfortable. I didn't wanna sleep in it" He turns around to face Bruce, his usual cheerful smile on his face, the day's makeup already gone, and there is something incredibly genuine about the moment. "Are you heading back out to do your batman stint tonight?" "Of course..." "Oh well good luck!! Knock em dead. Or er. Unconscious since you don't do the killing thing." He pats Bruce's chest like he's affectionately petting a trusted dog, and then turns around and bounces out of the room and down the hall. Bruce watches him go, and rubs his face. He's hot. This is unlike him. He hopes a tour around Gotham will clear his head.
It does. Temporarily. When he returns to the batcave, bruised but otherwise unharmed, he finds Countess at the batcomputer, legs up in the chair, twirling a little.
Bruce scowls, pulling off his cowl "what are you doing? You were supposed to go home" "I did!! See, I put on pj's." He holds him arms out in a demonstrative gesture, showing off what are clearly a woman's pajamas. The shorts are both too short and vaguely too tight. "Are those Harley's?" "Yeah she said she hated them so I could keep em!! They say 'cocked and loaded' on the ass uwu" "that's disgusting" "I thought it was funny"
Countess wiggles out of the chair "Anyway Alfredo went to sleep and I promised him I'd keep an eye out for you." "No you didn't." "Ok so I told him I'd left something here and then locked myself in the batcave but that second part was an accident."
Bruce sighs. "Well I'm home and I'm fine. Get out" "Locked iiiin." "Oh for fuck's sake. Computer, end lockdown protocol" The computer whirrs, and there's the sound of a heavy door unlocking "Lockdown ended" "Thank you. Sleep." "Very well. Entering low power mode" The light on the screen dims. Countess whistles "Fancy!! I was gonna try hitting a bunch of buttons but--" "It would have killed you" "Yeah that's what I figured!!" "Now get out" "You're so ornery when you come back from batmaning. You need an outlet for that stress" "Such as?"
Countess goes over and lightly dances his fingers up the front of the batsuit before bopping Bruce on the nose. "I'm available :³" it shouldn't surprise Bruce; this isn't the first time countess has come onto him, after all. He takes some kind of glee in the look of disgust that passes over Bruce's face after the fact.
But this time Bruce recalls the warmth of his back, the overly pronounced shape of his spine. He pictures the words on the back of those too-small shorts. There's the faint scent of sugar and cheap scented lipbalm. Something about it is...alluring, and he doesn't know why.
He briefly contemplates shoving it down. Ignoring it, like he does most of his feelings. But they're two consenting adults, he reasons, and it's late and everyone is asleep, and there are no witnesses here but the two of them (in case this inspires some kind of shame in the morning. At this point he's unsure).
Bruce allows a smirk to come across his face, and the look catches Sountess off guard. He withdraws his hand. Bruce grabs his wrist. Countess's eyes light up "Ooh you mean it batsy?" "Don't breathe a word of this to anyone" "Heehee if you're half as aggressive in bed as you are as batman I expect not to be able to breathe at all..."
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eddie-redcliff · 1 month
Okay another day another fic i won't write. So hawkeye/bj. who knows whether this premise holds any water So Potter is in seoul visiting the hospital there where he runs into sidney. Sidney pulls him aside and is like "Listen there's this big name phych going around to a bunch of units. And this guys gives out blue discarges like candy, if he gets the slightest hint that there might be something queer about a guy he'll double down on them until he gets them. Now you and I both know that hawkeye likes to make his little jokes, but you need to tell him that when this guy gets down to your unit there will be no space for that. I know he likes to mess with any visiting brass that comes through but you gotta remind him that it's not just his military career - but also his medical one on the line here." And potter who of course loves his surgeons very much but also has heard the shit that comes out of hawkeyes mouth is like "will do." So a few weeks later word gets out that yeah this major or colonel phych it coming to the 4077 and after anouncing that to the staff he's like "captain peirce you should stay back a muinet.. and you better too klinger." and is like "listen. love you guys. but no fruitiness okay i don't want you two to get fired i need you." (but of course in lexicon more fitting of a man born in the 1800s) This is where the plot really starts. Hawkeye is like "I don't physically think i could stop making gay jokes about myself I don't even realize i'm doing it half the time" and potter is like "Well you better stop! How bout you make a concious effort starting now and by the time he gets here your brain will be used to it. " So hawkeye is like "okay. for the next 2 weeks i will be the straightest man alive." and compleatly stops with all the gay jokes, all the flirting with men, all the feminization, ect. BJ meanwhile was not privy to this convo. From his POV his best friend has suddenly been acting.. weird. off. not as friendly as usual. not as up in his personal state. It's been at least 2 days since hawkeye has so much as called him by a pet name. So BJ is convinced that hawkeye is mad at him or something - what other reason would there be for this sudden cold shoulder. Problem is they still spend all their time together, they still play chess and eat lunch (though slightly further apart) and read their mail to each other. So he can't even say that Hawkeye is no longer treating him as a friend.. because he is. It just feels like a step down from whatever they were last week... Now i don't know how this will all work out. i'll think about it while i try to fall asleep. largely a lot of the middle part is bj (master gaslighter) feeling like he is being gaslit into thinking nothing is wrong with hawkeye but really he's not he's just paranoid and missing his boyfriend. Potential scenes or ends: - BJ gets to worried about what he thinks is hawkeyes unexplained behavior that he calls in SIDNEY off all people like "Sidney i'm worried hawkeye hasn't called me babygirl in a while do you think he's sick?" - BJ goes around to all the other members of the camp/hawks friedns and is like "hey does he seem weird to you" and they are like "he's normal that's normal hawkeye." and BJ is like "NO IT"S NOT" and they are like "you are crazy.." - He straight up confronts hawkeye and hawk is like "this is a normal male friendship. you ever see me blow charles good night kisses? - the phych leaves and hawkeye immedietly drops the bit and everyone is like "okay now that he's back to doing it we realize what was different you were right BJ - hawkeye, being very careful to not reveal his bisexuality, makes no effort at all to hide his hatred for the US goverment, the concept of militaries, or the US army. and so he gets written up anyways for being a communist. - the phych is like "this Dr. Hunnicut is almost obsessed with this Dr. Peirce... something to investigate there..." Okay.. will think more. this is very vauge.
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ttttaehyungie · 4 years
an exercise in restraint | jjk x reader
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an exercise in restraint | jeon jungkook x reader
genre | established relationship, smut, pwp
summary | Wandering hands need to be trained with self-restraint.
rating | 18+
word count | 3.7k words
warnings | subby jk, vvv slight exhibitionism (inappropriate touching in public places), no touching rule, nipple play, oral fixation, cum eating, jealousy/insecurity but they talk it out bcos we love healthy communication ✌🏻
a/n | that blonde jk selfie made me do it
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When she walks into the apartment ahead of him wordlessly, he gulps. He’s in trouble.
It's not anger that emanates off her. It's not the brooding kind of silence that’s filling the atmosphere as she ignores him.
No. The aura that radiates off her is unmistakable.
It's domineering.
He calls her name, voice edged with the slightest hint of worry, but she pays him no response. In the emptiness of the silence, he has no clue what thoughts exactly her head is filled with. Trembling, he tries again, "I'm sorry."
She halts. Purposeful steps come to a stop. They're standing before his bedroom door and despite the obvious familiarity of the physical space before him, he shivers at the uncertainty that lies ahead. "Are you now?" she asks, her voice clear and unwavering. Her words grip him.
Without waiting for his response, she pushes the door open and enters the room like she owns it. She may as well have. It certainly feels like she owns him.
Standing in the center of the room, she finally turns to face him. Her expression is neutral, but her gaze is firm and pins him in place where he hesitates in the doorway.
"Come here." At her word, he obeys. He stands before her, toes scrunching against the stiffness of the hardwood floor beneath him. Despite his height advantage over her, he feels infinitely smaller, his head bowed in admonishment. "What are you sorry for?"
He chews on his lip. Shame fills him.
With a hand on his chin, she directs his gaze away from the floor to meet hers. She prompts him with a simple but expectant, "Hm?"
"I'm sor- I'm sorry for, for getting jealous," he mumbles, averting his eyes.
"Look at me." His eyes dart back to hers. But this time he finds gentleness in her gaze. "There's nothing wrong with being jealous, Jungkook. Although I wish you would have talked to me about it instead of bottling it up to yourself. It's been, what, two weeks now since I made that comment about him."
Just as the sensation of release that accompanies relief blooms in his chest as he thinks he's off the hook, her gaze hardens again as she continues, “But what is not okay is your inappropriate touches in the middle of our dinner with Namjoon."
Something within Jungkook tightens at the sound of his name. Whatever shame that had previously filled him was now singed into nothing by the flare of jealousy that bursts within him.
Tonight was not the first time the three of them had dined together. As her best friend of over a decade now, Namjoon came over to hang out together frequently enough that Jungkook was beginning to consider him his own friend. Namjoon was cool – dorky enough to be relatable, yet composed with a certain air of sophistication brought by his intellect such that he easily commanded Jungkook's respect. And Jungkook had walked into his current relationship with his eyes wide open. He'd known about the close friendship his girlfriend shared with Namjoon and didn't want to be the jealous boyfriend who broke precious friendships apart. And he had been doing well, had been genuinely chill about it.
Well, he had been, up until that little comment from two weeks ago.
It was a lighthearted remark, just an offhand comment. Mindlessly scrolling through her Facebook feed on that lazy Saturday afternoon, she came across an engagement announcement by two of her friends. The comments were filled with people gushing over how perfect their story was, being childhood best friends and all. She laughed and rolled her eyes at that. "It's all so romanticized. But what's so romantic about knowing someone before their puberty glow up? Hell, maybe we should ask Namjoon what he saw in pubescent me!"
His ears perked up at that. "What?"
"Oh, yeah, Namjoon confessed to me once when we were, like, fourteen? Can you believe it? The upper limit to my fashion sense back then was my scruffy jeans and bright magenta jacket!”
Gentle fingers pry his own out of the tight fist they had clenched themselves into, simultaneously prying him out of his reverie and back to the present. Sliding her hand into his, she frowns at him. “If you were jealous, you should have just talked to me about it.”
“But it’s so silly,” he said, immediately prompting her to shake her head.
“Your emotions are not silly, Kook,” she said. “It’s my fault, my blind spot that I didn’t expect it, and I’m sorry if I made you feel insecure about our relationship.”
Lowering his head to rest on her shoulder, he pouts as he hides his face in the warm comfort found in the crook of her neck.
“Whatever happened back then is in the past. I rejected him because I felt we were better as just friends, and it took him some time, but ultimately he agreed. And I swear, that was the one and only time. We’ve been nothing more than best friends after that,” she continues, and the words roll over him in waves of reassurance that synchronize with the slow strokes of her thumb over his knuckles. “I’m yours, and yours only, Kook.”
His free hand slides up to grip at her waist possessively. “Mine?” he asks.
“Yours,” she promises. The tight feeling in his chest begins to loosen itself. Things will be okay. They’ll work through this.
Smiling at him, she speaks again, her voice laced with mirth this time, “But what shall we do about your misbehavior tonight?”
He hadn’t been able to help himself. The worries that he left unaddressed in his refusal to talk about his jealous emotions resulted in an unpleasant dread making its home in the pit of his stomach, displacing his appetite as he sat in the cushioned bench of the restaurant. As he watched his girlfriend respond to Namjoon’s jokes with the carefree laughter that Jungkook so adored, he felt the jealousy rise in his chest, fill him, and he left his dinner half-eaten and abandoned to go cold on its plate.
The gnawing thought that she was slipping out of his hands spurred his next actions. As if needing to hold her back to him, he placed a hand on her thigh. And when she shivered at his touch – throwing him a quick questioning glance, but nothing more – her reaction further fueled him. The inane need to stake a claim on her, to remind her of whose she was, began to overtake him, and his hand slowly but steadily slid higher and higher. Watching his tattooed knuckles slither up the smooth skin of her exposed thigh was a welcome distraction from the ongoing conversation. With their legs tucked under the table, Namjoon was none the wiser from where he sat across from them. And with their table in the corner of the dimly lit room, they were adequately concealed from the danger of any wandering eyes of the other diners. Still, it all felt so illicit, but also oh so thrilling. Curiosity at just how far he could take things clouded his senses and he ignored the way she shoved his hand down when they brushed the edge of her short skirt. His hand crept up again, and this time it got to the hem of her panties and traced along the elastic. Just as he angled his hand to stroke a lone finger up where he knows her slit is, her thighs clamped shut. Under the table, she swiftly pulled his hand away before she gave his thigh a meaningful pinch.
“Sorry Namjoon,” she said, with a saccharine sweet smile on her face. But Jungkook knew better. “I think Jungkook’s had a long day. Do you mind if we head off first?”
Back in the bedroom, she steps away from him, and he whines at the loss of contact. But when she tuts at him, he falls quiet.
“My naughty boy,” she scolds, voice light but firm. “Being so dirty and trying to touch me in public. I think I need to teach you a lesson in restraint today.” Her hand runs gently down his chest and he suppresses a shiver. “Will you be good for me, Koo?” At the sound of his pet name, the name she only ever evokes in times like this, he immediately nods. She smirks. “Sit on the bed.”
He’s quick to obey, sitting attentively at the edge of his bed. She takes his hands in hers, looking them over, admiring them. “Such beautiful hands. But so, so naughty today, wandering to places they shouldn’t have been.” She places them down on the bed just by his sides. “No moving.”
Then, she backs up to stand front and center in his vision. Knowing that his eyes will be glued to her, she runs her hands over herself, tracing the curves that she knows he’s dying to touch. Arching into her own touch, she releases the buttons of her blouse one by one in a teasing fashion, letting the fabric fall open to reveal the satiny sheen of her bra. Unzipping her skirt, she shimmies her way out of the garment. A tinge of self-consciousness creeps in at the thought of her plain undergarments and how they must pale in comparison to some of the raunchier lingerie sets she’s worn in the past. But Jungkook looks at her like she’s a pin-up model all the same, slack-jawed and pupils dilated. And it gives her the boost she needs to carry on.
Shrugging her blouse off, she saunters over to him and climbs to hover just above his lap. His hands twitch but stay where they are. Her fingers comb their way through the smooth locks of his blond hair, and she watches as his eyes flutter shut under the attention. He’s so, so pretty for her as he succumbs to her touch. Tilting his head back gently to have him look back up at her, she asks, “Tell me what you want.”
“You.” His voice is petulant. “I want to touch you so bad.”
“Do you deserve to touch me after your behavior tonight?”
He shakes his head wordlessly, taking his punishment. Smirking at his obedience, she hoists herself off to sit on the bed beside him, legs crossed and leaned back, the picture of self-assured confidence.
“Strip for me,” she directs simply.
It takes him a second to process her words. But when he does, he snaps to it, whipping his shirt and slacks off. But when he makes to pull his boxer briefs down, she stops him.
“Nuh uh. Those stay on.”
She scoots back and spreads her legs, patting the space between them to get him to come sit. As he does, he can feel the smooth slide of the satin material of her bra against his back, and he longs for the warm plush feel of her breasts against him.
But before he can get too lost in his own want, she grabs his hands to place them on his thighs. “Show me you can restrain yourself,” she says.
Meanwhile, her own hands go skimming up said thighs. Up, up, up, they slide, past the tingly ticklish sides and raking with a featherlight touch between his pecs that have his nipples perking up and begging for attention, his dick twitching in his briefs.
She strokes his collarbone and leans in to whisper in his ear, warm breath puffing against the sensitive skin and her smooth voice delivered directly into his ear makes it feel like she’s everywhere, like she’s overtaken all of his senses. “Will you be good for me?”
He keens out a yes. It’s all he can ever manage when it’s her.
Then, quick as a bolt, her hand drops down to stroke his cock through the cotton material of his briefs. With a pressure that is barely there, merely ghosting over the outline of his erection, her hand pauses where his precum has created a damp spot in the heather grey material. She swipes it ever so lightly with her pointer finger and giggles. “Is this for me?”
He nods, eyes squeezing shut as she rubs her finger over the tip of his dick. He groans out his answer, “Only for you.”
Her hand resumes the torturously fleeting touches over his erection, toying with him. Her legs are hooked over his, anchoring her to him as her hands run free. The smooth skin of her legs is right there. Right there, mere inches from his hands. But he’s not allowed to touch. Jungkook thinks he just might lose his mind. But then her finger comes tapping at his lips, and presses two into the warm, wet cavern.
She knows all about his oral fixation by now. It’s hard not to notice it when, despite every post-orgasm haze, he’s latching onto something of hers, be it a tit or her fingers or sometimes an intense but slow and languorous make-out session. Well-acquainted with his preferences by now, she gives him exactly what he needs. Jungkook sucks on the two fingers she’s granted him like it’s a lifeline, and it eases the ache for him somewhat.
But very soon it becomes insufficient, and his hips begin to rut upwards, seeking more than just the gentle sweeps over his cock that she’s graced him with so far.
“Please,” he begs. “No more teasing.”
But instead of giving him more, she covers his mouth with her hand, continuing relentlessly with the excruciating lightness of her touches. The resultant whine that comes out of him is muffled underneath her palm.
“You’ll take only what I give you,” she says. But as she finishes her sentence, she adds pressure to her strokes, relieving his want just enough to entice him yet keep him on edge.
He writhes against her, but each time his hips lift for more, she pulls away. He can’t even ask for more with the way her tiny hand silences him, the hot gasps that escape him puffing against her palm.
“You need to practice self-restraint,” she coos. He whimpers, and tries his best to control himself, to be obedient for her.
Trembling in the arms that snake around him, he attempts to get a grip on himself. Taking deep, shuddering breaths for what feels like multiple eternities, he finally calms himself down. Aside from the occasional reflexive twitch, he’s gotten himself under control, abs clenched tightly as he keeps a tight rein on his desire.
“Such a good boy for me,” she murmurs her praise, and she finally releases the palm that was over his mouth, stroking his hair back affectionately to tuck it behind his ear.
Then, her hand descends onto a dusky nipple, tweaking it and running slow circles around it, and his moan is released unrestrained and bouncing off the walls of his bedroom. Her hand slips down, down, down. Delicate fingers caress his balls, and it takes all the self-control that he can possibly summon not to thrust upwards, not to move his hands to grab her tiny ones in his, not to use the physical strength he possesses that he knows will easily domineer over hers to flip her over and pin her down and have his way with her already.
Instead, his hands grip at his knees where they’ve remained all this time. His nails dig into his flesh, creating little indents of crescent moons. Seeing this, she tells him to relax. At her gentle coaxing, he begins to release the tension held within his taut muscles one by one. He lets go, eyes falling shut as he lets himself flow with the languid strokes she unhurriedly palms through his briefs.
At his display of obedience, there’s nothing but contentment in her voice as she murmurs, “So good for me.”
Hearing this, he decides to try his luck. “Please,” he begs, his voice tiny. “I’ll be good from now on. Can I please, please touch you now?”
She hums in consideration, but it’s all feigned. Completely pliant in her arms, she knows he’s restraining himself as best as he can despite the way his body trembles with pure want. And she’s ready to give him what he wants.
His eyes fly open at the simple permission granted. Afraid he might have just imagined it, he asks again, “I can touch you now?”
Pulling away from him, she slides herself backwards to lie fully on his bed and he turns to watch. She unclasps her bra, but leaves it on, giving him the honor of taking it off. Hands beckoning, and voice commanding, she directs him, “Touch me, Koo.”
He crawls forward meekly and gingerly lifts her bra from her, soaking in the sight of her breasts. Slowly, reverently, he traces a finger on her areola. She giggles. “Such a patient boy for me now.” He nods, delighted that she is delighted, and rolls her nipple between his fingers with more boldness.
“Do you want them in your mouth, Koo?” she asks, but it’s less a question than it is permission. With that, he bends to take the other bud into his mouth, and sighs at the feel of it against his tongue, at the satisfaction of having something to suckle on.
With his mouth busy, his hands go running all over her, across the planes of her ribs and caressing her sides and her soft tummy and briefly dipping into her bellybutton. She lifts a leg and grabs his hand to place it on the back of her thigh. Getting the hint, he releases her from his mouth, the bud slightly red and swollen from the attention, and lifts her other leg to pin her thighs to her sides. The damp spot he spies in her underwear causes pride to swell up in him, knowing that he did that to her.
“Here, Koo,” she says, tipping her chin up and pulling him in by the shoulders for a kiss.
Their tongues intertwine and he moans. He’ll never get enough of her. The way their cores fit against each other, melding together despite the two flimsy cloth barriers that separate them, is like they’re just made for one another. The thought of their twin damp arousals rubbing up against one another as their warm, wet tongues slither against each other in this erotic tango has his head swimming in the foggy lust.
She grinds upwards with her hips, legs hooked around his waist, dragging the softness against his dick that’s been painfully hard for god knows how long now, and the thin string of his restraint very nearly snaps. But he’ll be patient. He knows that’s what she wants. And what she wants, he gives.
“I want you, Koo,” she moans out. “In me, please.”
This, he’s happy to obey.
At her word, he pulls the last article of clothing that remains on her down, the last thing that separates her from his eyes. Her folds glisten under the yellow glow of his ceiling light, and it’s a sight to behold. He has to force himself to stay focused, to keep himself from the temptation of bending down to lick a stripe up her slit, to get a taste of her arousal. No, she wants him in her. And that’s what he will give her.
He pulls his briefs down, no time to get them fully off, and they wrap around his muscular thighs as he kneels and lines himself up to her entrance. And then, slowly, steadily, he slides himself in.
As much as he wants to focus on her pleasure and her pleasure alone, the warm and viscous arousal coating him and the velveteen, pillowy feel of her is a sensation like no other and he can’t help but get lost in it for a moment. The feeling is absolutely transcendental, and he pauses, relishes in it, thanking the heavens she’s on birth control.
“Feel good?” she asks, noticing his pause. He nods meekly. “That’s good. I like it when you feel good too.” She smiles and clenches around him lightly, pulling a moan from him. “I like it when you’re a good boy for me so we can both feel good. Will you make me feel good now, Koo?”
Her words set him off and he begins rolling his hips, slow but deep at first, then speeding up as she asks him to. The way her nails rake through his scalp and then down his back drives him forward, the clapping of their flesh together rhythmical with each one of his powerful thrusts.
Soon, the tell-tale signs of her oncoming orgasm begin to show. He feels her clench around him and watches as her back bows as she arches upwards, taking in the wondrous sight of her falling apart before his eyes as she finally erupts around him and coats him in her essence. His heart fills to brim and spills over. Watching her consumed in pleasure and knowing that he was the one to give that to her, it only takes Jungkook a couple more strokes to completion, and he collapses into her chest as he whimpers into the safety of her neck, creaming her walls white.
His lips latch onto the soft skin of her shoulder and he can’t do anything else but suck gentle hickeys into the expanse of her body. He would be content to stay in her forever, feel his dick soften in her plush folds. But she squirms underneath him and he pauses to accommodate her. Gently, she slides him out, but keeps him in her arms and his head nestled in her soft chest. He watches as she slips a hand down, dips two fingers into her pussy, and scoops out their mixed arousal. And as his doe-eyed gaze remains fixated on her glistening fingers, his mouth opening instinctively as they come closer, she slips her fingers and their cum into his mouth.
Savoring the taste of their coupling, he dozes off, completely spent, her fingers still in his mouth as he suckles on them tenderly. And as she watches, the thought of clean-up occurs to her, and she knows that the wiser thing would be to temporarily relinquish her comfort and get it done. But wrapped in his embrace and watching his little blond head rise and fall in tandem with her breaths, she really can’t help herself. Instead, she decides, that’s enough restraint for now.
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jiminrings · 4 years
I'LL SHOW YOU! :> (istg-- I'm back at it again-) Also, I just wanted to request a cute vERY fluffy drabble or Seokjin! (I don't really have a specific request, but,,,,,,, maybe hybrid! Seokjin??? Idk I don't see much hybrid Jin fics-) but if you want to do something else that's totally cool too! I love your writing! 💜💜💖
a lil slice of life and a clingy hybrid!jin :D
there’s something aWFULLY wrong
jin’s a panther hybrid and although he can’t literally sniff out your emotions in the air,,., there’s something off
he’s still in bed with you that’s for sure
the bed is dEFINITELY ruined but that’s just because seokjin’s still a cat and he just wants to get entirely comfortable with how he’s laying on the sheets
normally that doesn’t bother you and you’ve managed to adjust to it!!!
jin IS awake but his eyes are just closed because anytime now,,,, anytime,,,, yOU’RE the one who’s gonna wake up first and press a kiss to his cheek and that’s gonna be his wake-up call
he could practically hear how the phone in his bedside table is just dYING to ring now but you’re still not making a move!!!
hold on
now that he thinks about it,.,. something wAS off last night
aha how could he forget that :D
jin has it in memory that you get home at 6 o’clock in the evening shArp!!!
but last night you went home at nINE!!!
that’s four hours later :(((
no worries!! he’s just gonna text you carefully, one message at a time :D
that’s perfect because he can’t let you know that he’s already yEARNING for you when you’re five minutes late at coming home
but then five minutes became ten and ten minutes because fOUR hours and by then jin was out of his mind because where could you possibly be???
you did however come home very nonchalant and reeking of very disgusting men that it repulses jin to the point he wants to gag!!!
no worries :)) he’s still gonna hug you because he did miss you and was so worried and he’s just gonna try to ignore that-
who is this?? do i kNOW — ew is that taehyung???? your co-worker taehyung and some hints of hMmM idk liquor :)))
“something you want to tell me?”
jin’s looking at you expectantly because he wants to be as level-headed as possible without trying to offend you
you’re still blank in the face and he’s nervous at that because uh-oh did he forgot an event or something??? aND you went out after work because you’re so mad at him that you can’t even face him??
oh wait maybe you’re leaving him???
oh god are you and taehyung-
“i thought i told you?”
jin’s clueless as ever because what
w hat
what do you mEAN
“tae’s birthday party. thought i texted you. must’ve had no signal when i sent it.”
...... okay then
you and jin are transparent with each other and well if something’s bothering one, then you talk it out!!
but you don’t look like you wanna talk about it
and jin thinks it isn’t the best idea to let you know that uHHh he is kind of Enraged with a capital E at the moment because you come home
a) late!!
b) smelling like another guy!!!
c) being dismissive of him with no explanation at all!!!!
how about the two of you just sleep this out, yeah? :D
in the morning it’s all gonna be good!!
no absolutely not
jin’s jOLTED awake with the alarm ringing out and he quickly stills because he can’t let you know that he’s awake right
he’s still waiting on that cheek kiss :((
your side of the bed moves and jin has to completely calm himself down because he cAn’t let you know that he’s beyond awake right now
if he pretends to be in vERY deep sleep then that means you’re just gonna have to press more kisses to his cheeks :))
he can’t let you see either that his eyeballs underneath his eyelids are moving because that’s just a dead giveaway
shuffling shuffling shuffling aaaaaand-
no cheek kiss???
well that’s just disappointing
fuck it jin’s even gonna pretend to sNORE and he’s doing it convincingly!! listen!!! look look he’s even gonna sprawl his limbs a bit and
oh okay
you’re already out of the room :)
seokjin’s yowling to himself because what is hAPPENING
what’s with you and what’s with him that he doesn’t get his morning cheek kisses!!
and then what
no pets?? no cuddles??? nO LOVE????
he’s huffing the moment it’s all dawning on hims and it takes him record time to go down the stairs and to you immediately
you’re grumpily putting together breakfast when you feel jin’s hands around your waist and you’re tEmpted!! beyond tempted actually to just give in and atleast give this silent treatment a full day’s effort
jin throws in a whine when you still look indifferent no matter how warm he’s nuzzled to the crook of your neck
still won’t budge and that makes him give you a tentative lick right underneath your ear aND
“don’t do tHAT!!”
well you finally budged so that’s nice
but you don’t sound entirely pleased with him aHa
“what did i do???”
jin asking you what HE did makes you scoff even more, angrily whisking your pancake batter that the handle of your whisk turns warm
“i don’t know, seokjin,” he visibly frowns at that because his name isn’t seokjin it’s jAGI!!!
do you want him to spell that for you???? it’s shorter than seokjin or whoever the fuck that is hmp
“how about you go ask seulgi and groom her while you’re at it???”
namjoon’s from the same litter as jin and he did tattle off to you just yesterday of how he went to visit your house the week before when you weren’t there :D
that’s a normal occurrence so you weren’t fazed at that at all
what dID faze you was that seokjin did answer namjoon but seulgi was also IN your house and you didn’t even know that
“there wasn’t — i kNOW what you’re thinking and i’m being honest but it didn’t smell like.... y’know!! if anything, seulgi’s also smelled your scent and knows when to back off and stuff!!”
what ticked you off was that you didn’t even kNOW seulgi was in your house and you had to learn it through namjoon
also learned through joon the hISTORY between seulgi and jin.,.,.
“o-oh, seulgi?? ah, c’mon jagi!! she was just visiting and it was like a — a hybrid hangout!! yeah, that’s it that’s the word :D”
jin is entirely innocent and serious about the whole ordeal but he iS nervous with how irritated you look with him
“no big deal!! we just helped each other out on a couple of heats-...”
“you are nOT helping yourself with the situation.”
“baby, we just mated a couple of times but she’s nOT MY MATE!! aha you’re my mate!!! i’m yours!!!! definitely-“
“seokjin you are still nOT HELPING!!”
jin could be a lil dense at times
and you could be too
but now you’re just plain-out seething and a lil jealous and a lil sad because that’s wAY WAY out of your ball league
that’s nature and that was before you came along and it’s not the picture anymore :(((
but it doesn’t mEAN that it still won’t get under your skin even in the slightest bit
aha jin can finally get where he went wrong :D
he’s wordlessly picking you up and you’re not even fighting him about it, only lifting your head to grumble as you know where he’s heading
jin usually goes to this corner of the house by himself and literally faces it
not because you told him to or anything like that!! it’s just what he goes to when he wants to ponder over something
usually it’s when he’s a lil mad at you and refuses to speak with you because wHY does taehyung need to smell that pungent???
“we’re going to oUR corner,” you huff and cross your arms at that but jin only chuckles and pinches your chin when you still try to avoid his gaze, “and wE’RE gonna talk about it.”
jin gracefully sits down on the floor facing the corner, plopping you down on his lap because the floor is cold
and he wants to hold you
and talk
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wizisbored · 4 years
What are some of your favorite lines you've written for your fics? (Also I'm sorry things aren't going well right now. Sending love 💜)
right its time to go diggin im using this as an excuse to reread everything because i cant think of any lines off the top of my head even though i know theres a shitton
premptively putting a cut here because this will probably end up long as shit and you know what fuck yea to that because fuck yea to being proud of what youve made
hallelujah, first thing i posted:
If those bastards want to make her part of their shitty musical, then she’s going to make it difficult. Or at least inconvenient.
The hive is not inconvenienced in the slightest.’
- idk if this is as funny as i think it is but i find it funny
"Nobody dies with dignity, Emma. There's no honour in the thing, however you dress it up."
- wrote that to sound creepy and now i cant decide whether i actually think its true
But he’s holding her like she’s his salvation, as if it’s his life hanging in the balance.
- salvation is just a good word tbh
It’s hopeless, but she refuses to be killed by a game of fucking ‘got your nose’.
purgatory, intended to be a shitpost but now i unironically think of it as the best thing ive ever written
After a few years (or maybe seconds, it’s not clear) / it takes a moment (or maybe it doesn’t, who knows?) / An undocumentable amount of time passes. /  They might have slipped into an uneasy silence lasting millenia - or milliseconds - if it wasn’t for the jolly tune that suddenly fills the air. / for minutes or years or millenia or maybe even eons / After a brief, indescribably long nap / But the incomprehensible amount of time seems somehow shorter this time.
- 2 in one of fucking with the concept of time and hinting at an unreliable narrator, hell yea. its about the weird atmosphere, baybeeeee
“Does one day of trying the hardest we could outweigh years of not trying at all?” Emma wonders aloud. Paul squeezes her hand.
“I damn hope so.”
He doesn’t ask if she believes in Hell.
- even without context i like this line but in context it really helped set the sombre tone so i could do a full 180 at the end of the chapter
Emma wonders whether they’ve been sent to musical hell for failing to stop the musical apocalypse
- love the implication that there is a hell dedicated to annoying people via musical theatre
“You said- you told her you’d never be in a musical?”
“And then you died performing a musical number?”
“I- yeah, I did.”
“Brilliant! Now, that is stupid!”
- probably my best characterisation of death, sounds like something that would be said in a stupid deaths bit, i can hear it in his voice
teachers pet
“It’s only blatant if people know about it. So in actual fact this is secret favouritism.”
- hidgens gives absolutely 0 shits about the ethics of the situation good for him
“And if that is kidnapping, well, consider yourself kidnapped.”
- once again ethics simply do not matter
“Oh, where is your sense of adventure? Are you not curious about the results of washing baked beans?”
- this line hants me when im trying to make stew or just have some fucking beans on toast because I am curious about the results of washing baked beans
“Well, if it isn’t, and we both die, then I’ll be quite disappointed. We did spend all evening on this, after all.”
- priorities
finishing what we started, actually originally a scrapped ending idea for igtlt that i liked too much to abandon entirely
“How many bullets?” He eventually asks.
- they just know what theyve got to do
Only thing left to say is a big ol’ fuck you to… God, everyone else in the fucking world. Oh, and God. Fuck you God, you prick.
- gotta love them tto refs
wildfire, almost 20,000 words of angst that im going to read through because fuck it why not
She doesn't understand the order, at least not yet; a dog doesn't understand the first time she's called to heel. But that can change. Though, from the bared teeth of this dog, the trader guesses it may take a while.
- this is actually something i really like doing in narration, calling a character something in dialogue or comparison and then directly calling them it in the narration
He understands; she doesn't want to show weakness to someone who could exploit her, doesn't want to show gratitude to someone she hates. But the tribeswoman is tired and scared and hurt, and it's obvious. She's broken, at least for today.
The loneliness, however, refuses to wane. It settles in her chest like a physical need, a craving for closeness.
- got inspiration for this description by thinking about hugging my partner while i was stuck in lockdown
"You can say that again," the older woman mutters, shaking her head. "God-fuckin'-damnit, Lauren, why d'you never think about the implications?"
Jemilla turns to her with a questioning look. "Who's Lauren?"
"She-" Molag begins to explain, then pauses. She thinks for a moment, then shakes her head. "I don't even know."
- crossover jokes hell yea
He’s tolerable, she’s decided, at least relatively so, but not trustworthy. If she could truly trust him then he wouldn’t be involved in all this. If she could trust him, she wouldn’t know him.
The thinly-veiled threat in his grin
She stares up at the man, shaking, whimpering, pleading. Wordlessly begging for him to stop.
- gotta love reaching the breaking point
She probably looks insane, bruised and bloody and laughing quietly to herself in a cage. She doesn’t care. They can think she’s insane, just as long as they don’t think they broke her.
laughing as they rediscover half-forgotten days spent as children let loose in a world that seemed so huge and yet so small at the same time
“You know, kids like Zazzalil - scrawny little things born as Autumn died - they’re not supposed to see Spring.”
- i will see any character without a detailed fleshed-out backstory and say ‘is anyone going to make headcannons about that’ and then not wait for an answer
Maybe the pain will shock her out of her head.
im going to live twice
It feels more like a bag of broken crockery than a human.
- this was the only time ive ever had to describe something really gory and decided to make it as uncomfy as possible
she notices with a concerning level of non-concern
Paul Matthews is gone, boy. And if I catch you using a dead man’s name again, well.
- its about the ✨forced disconnect✨
It stares at him, and for a moment he sees the young man that Benny used to be, silently pleading for the agent to tell him he'll be okay.
"In my defence, that was the Colonel's idea.” The man raises his hands in surrender. “I wanted to call you Lauren. I was outvoted.”
- i will take literally any chance to make a 4th wall joke and that is a threat
“I’ll see what can be done,” he assures it, knowing full well that nothing will be.
- xander doesnt flat out abuse emma in the way mcnamara and shaffer do but hes still cruel in subtler ways
“No chance of being hurt?”
Xander nods. “No chance of you being hurt.”
-  ✨foreshadowing ✨
If only he was free, free to just get up and go find Blue and tell her - actually tell her, out loud, with words - that she’s going to be okay. If only he could say that and have it be the truth.
She holds onto that piano. Right now, as she kneels crying into the tabletop, it's all she has.
- ‘sir thats my emotional support near-complete stranger’
smoke and feathers
Irony can be a cruel, twisted bitch.
- probably the best opener ive written
There’s a sort of pathetic irony in the fact that she slipped on a stone while wading across a shallow stream and broke her neck.
The stars move across the sky, and she still doesn’t know why.
- sounds poetic and all while also being a fuck you to the chorn twist because i hate it
It seems like every time she looks away the moon goes from waxing to waning and back again, time marching onwards in one unending night, swallowing one unending forest.
Even with her limited view of the person’s face, Zazzalil can see the softness in their expression. She’s hit with a pang of longing for Jemilla.
They share those tender looks that make Zazzalil long for home.
The kind of silence only shared between people who can appreciate the simplicity of each other’s presence
aaand thats pretty much all of em. i know when you said ‘some’ you probably meant less than this but i will give a consice answer to a question when pigs fly. i was going to do the double e au too but its past 1 am now and im going to bed. thanks for this ask because whether intentionally or not you just made me read 48,860 words of fic and thats a damn good distraction when things are getting a bit shitty :)
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years
I'll state from the beginning that the images below display the sort of sweet synchronicity to which only love can give life:
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MaAndPaShipping is the best ship, and here are five reasons why:
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1. It Made James
Like the boy do yer? Ever felt the slightest tingle of warmth at the mention of his name?
Well get down on yer knees and give thanks to his mother and father for gifting him to the world!
Where would we be without their remarkable commitment? Could James have grown into the dandified dream boat of your desires if deprived of the safety provided by his parents?
Had they not brought him up, he'd be dead, The Dog of Flanders fantasy made reality. If miraculously he survived, foraging in the wild is not conducive to a foppish personality.
Is that to yer fancy? No? Then let's have a little respect. The luxury Ma and Pa gave enabled his macaroni tendencies to reach such heights.
Their love created him! How can it not be celebrated?
You lot would ship Jessie's parents but you can't, because she has no dad, and I don't suppose you'll ever assent to his obvious identity of Windy Miller, although 'Jessie Miller' has a wonderful ring to it, so what can be done?
Should a Pa Jess be conjured for the purpose, he still buggered off, didn't he? Where's the allure in a faithless git?
I can't comprehend the obsession with Ma Jess. As soon as here she's stiff, and what is there to remember but coercing her daughter into eating snow?
Hey, I named her. What more do you want from me?
I'd rather have the living, visible ancestors, if you don't mind.
Yeah, says the history fanatic.
Why not make the most of the chances offered, and follow a devoted couple whose love made a difference to your existence?
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2. Canon!
There are many ships which I find repulsive for involving depravity, or absurd as the subjects haven't met, or don't inhabit the same fictional universe.
Video et taceo: I see and I say nothing.
Neither does anyone. Forcing decent folk in to incest, bestiality etc. is quite alright.
Perverted ideas are left alone, but woe betide a Rocketshipper, because that's offensive.
It may be the only original ship left standing, with proper evidence and sanctioned by Nintendo, but no, it's fair game for undermining. People pick at your arguments, quibble constantly and NEED to register their objections NOW. You MUST be made aware of opposition. You're not to be permitted your views the way those with twisted tastes are indulged.
Why, out of tens of thousands of combinations, does making Jessie and James an item provoke hostility?
The strength of negativity actually serves as validation, for why be so concerned if it's an impossible relationship?
However sick they are, I'm not anti any ship. I can't muster sufficient interest to do it, and if I scroll on, I forget. I certainly don't attack those responsible.
Anti-Shipping is inherently nihilistic for promoting loneliness. They aren't against Rocketshipping through wanting Jessie and James to be with someone else, as an alternative is not readily available, so the outcome of it is neither finding a companion.
MaAndPaShipping attracts no sourpuss silliness, for 'tis canon beyond question. There's nothing about being 'just friends' when married with a son.
How's the state of your O.T.P.? Not looking too clever I expect, and what's your contribution: wishing, and hoping, and thinking, and praying?
Cast it off! None of that longing is necessary in these quarters, as MaAndPaShipping is a fait accompli.
Hallelujah! Wallow in that Love!
Don't you yearn for at least one ship that all of us accept by default, to the extent these aristocrats are spoken of as a single unit?
Across the internet, Ma and Pa are bracketed as 'James's parents', never 'he' and 'she', always 'they', barely counting as distinct characters. That's how undeniable the love is between them. Sheer indifference has awarded it a blessing from everyone.
Of course, now I've drawn attention to it the moaning will start, but we all know a spoilsport when we see one.
If they had any legitimate complaints they ought to have mentioned 'em before this piece highlighted the marriage!
Except it won't have occurred to 'em previously, proving the eternal, indissoluble quality of MaAndPaShipping.
You get good value with this one.
Find a post referring to Ma and Pa as individuals and I'll have written it, for that's what you call ironic.
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3. It's a Fine Rocketshipping Proxy
I was at primary school when Pokémon hit the West like the bright, bearded meteor it is, atomizing all competition for a child's attention.
I have shipped Jessie and James before I knew anyone else did it, unaware shipping was even a thing.
There are other pairs where I think: 'That seems to fit', but it's incomparable to what I feel for them.
It is part of me. I bleed it.
I have shipped it longer than most Tumblerries have dwelt upon the earth.
I used to believe, what with the hints and manga finale, that this resolution was  inevitable, and all I had to do was wait.
Well I've been patient for two decades now, thus when I look at the modern incarnation, and realise it's no nearer to that goal, and instead is further away, waiting starts to wear a bit thin.
I resent the lack of appreciation shown to the fans by the cretins in charge, how any meagre shippy inclusion is done not with an interest in deepening bonds, but with the blatant cynicism of moulding us into performing monkeys dancing to their manipulative tune.
I dislike being treated like a sea lion, expected to clap me flippers at the wave of a fish, or as a panting dog begging at top table, where, because they're desperate to maintain the status quo, every scrap flung down from above now comes with an Anti-Ship kick in the teeth, just to be sure nothing progresses. Not whilst the franchise can still be milked for all it's worth.
I have lost faith Rocketshipping will happen. What passes for Pokémon today carries not the remotest indication of any intention on the so-called writers' part to finish it that way.
Even if it did, it's not my Team Rocket, it's those skeletal, gargoyle bastardisations. My Jessie and James never got the reward they deserved.
I'm somewhat in the market for a replacement. Beneath this loathsome carapace of acid and ice beats the tender heart of a true romantic, and it must have an outlet!
Shipping Ma and Pa provides a certain spurious relief, because it's as close as you can get to Jessie and James without it being them, both biologically as his parents, but they're so similar to the duo it counts as proof in itself.
Holy Matrimony! is prime Rocketshipping territory, not merely the balloon lift, but many slight additions are as important, like the haircuts matching.
Ma and Pa are therefore Jessie and James in the past, present and future:
The past for representing Jess 'n' Jamie gone Victorian, and we've all wondered how that'd turn out.
The present as it's there right now, absent of suffering the shameless whims of morons to get what you want. 'Tis yours to savour.
The future as a glimpse of Jessie and James once married with children, and they agree:
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That's how they play it given the opportunity!
What, James in blue, for his and Pa's hair, and Jessie wearing purple, like Ma's, with a red shawl for her own, and Ma Jess's orange earrings to copy the beads?
• Money!
• Bun!
• 'Tache!
• Classy pad!
• Fancy gear!
• Pampered pet!
• Identical cups of Earl Grey!
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4. Original Blend
Ma and Pa have only got two fans! We care more than the entire fandom has in twenty years!
Rocketshipping art is ten a penny, so why not display a pioneering spirit, sharpen up those pencils and be inspired?
Let your mind expand and marvel at the possibilities of these unchartered territories, and I'll reblog it if it's nice.
Pay attention to the condition of it being nice. I'm not putting up with any old toss.
Real Ma and Pa is what I want too, not those Sinnoh coffin-dodgers.
It's never been done! Every drawing breaks new ground!
I don't like fan fiction, but I wouldn't say 'no' to that either. Recall the 'nice' stipulation again.
Come on, be the first amongst your friends and get ship shape!
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5. It Gives Us All Hope
Suppose your favourite amour one day became canon: you imagine that's the end of the matter?
Well it ain't.
Between Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie, James, Gary and Tracey, there are three-and-a-half out of fourteen parents (Flint doesn't count as a complete man) and one out of twenty-eight grandparents, and that's not enough!
If the series drew to a close with your beloved couple apparently walking into the happily-ever-after, there's no guarantee it'll endure. In fact, the odds are they'll split up within a few years and leave another generation to fend for themselves or starve.
That's right, so don't presume the final episode is all you need to worry about. Can you rest easy knowing it'll go pear-shaped once the camera stops rolling?
It's futile soothing one's worries with:
Oh, but they know what it's like to be alone. They'd never inflict such stress on their children.
Oh really?
Look at that poor showing of grandparents. Either Pokémon has a system reminiscent of the sci-fi film Logan's Run, where everyone over thirty is vapourized, or these disappearing maters and paters were themselves victims of abandonment.
I bet when they settled down, they thought it'd be different for their kids, they'd make sure of it, but no, off they went down that same route of feckless self-indulgence, and that's being kind assuming they intended not to repeat history.
Depressing eh? What's the good in any of us surrendering to romance, real or otherwise, if love is but a mayfly of emotion, and all dreams are doomed to die?
Then Ma and Pa arrive, and suddenly the storm clouds part for a ray of heavenly light.
It's not only that they made the effort in what was probably an arranged marriage and have stayed together from youth, it's that they've stayed together when no one else has, which augments its value.
When separation is commonplace, sticking it out becomes rarer and rarer as any belief in the sanctity of wedlock erodes with every failure.
If they didn't bother, why should I? What's the use when it won't work?
Once that idea enters your head, it's over, and your gloom-laden attitude fulfils itself.
Society is collapsing about Ma and Pa's ears, but they persevere nevertheless, refusing to buckle under the turgid malaise engulfing the arrogant and weak.
It's bloody beautiful, man!
You may suggest an environment of supreme wealth erases normality, and to their class and time period divorce is still taboo, so they don't really have much of choice but to remain wedded.
Ah, but it's not as if they simply tolerate one another for appearances, or carried on for the sake of their son (which is more than anyone else did besides), not when he walked out on them.
They've been married longer than James has lived, so at least eighteen years (don't all squeal at once), and they're still blissfully contented!
They hold hands!
They use terms of endearment like 'dear' and 'my precious'!
They were made for one another!
They work as a team!
They want the same thing for James!
It could bring a stone angel to tears it's so beautiful!
See what success can be achieved when you try? When you endeavour to love the one you're with and make yourself worth loving in return?
Better that than chucking 'em at the first sign of trouble.
Ma and Pa is such an irrevocable union even the despair of losing their only child failed to tear 'em asunder, and that'd defeat many, but not this husband and wife.
Be grateful, for it means all is not in vain.
It doesn't have to be misery and pain: love can last despite the pressure of a wretched, hollow culture bent on self-destruction. Your ship might just succeed too.
God bless 'em for keeping the magic alive!
Why do I have the presentiment that I'm going to regret encouraging support?
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minstrivia · 6 years
; one year | m.
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— pairing: park jimin x reader
— genre: smut, pwp, jealous!jimin
— word count: 3k+
— warnings: dirty talk, unprotected sex, public sex, pet names, daddy kink, breathplay, creampie
— summary: in which jimin really just wants to enjoy dinner but his jealousy gets the better of him.
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It's not entirely Y/N's fault— well truthfully, it's not her fault at all. In fact, Jimin can't blame Y/N for anything right now, except for being so god damn beautiful all the fucking time. Oh, and of course wearing the new dress that he himself had bought and insisted she wore tonight. It's a deep colour red, the type he knew would go well against her velvety skin and it's sexy, form-fitting and it doesn't leave much to the imagination, her breasts are barely hidden by the thin fabric and he finds he's not the only one with his gaze dipping to her décolletage.
So yes, technically he can't blame Y/N. But he's also past rationality and he's definitely putting the unwarranted blame on Y/N. Because he's been planning their one year anniversary for much too long now, ensuring that every single detail is absolutely perfect since he knows Y/N deserves nothing less.
And so far everything's run smoothly and exactly how he's planned, waking her up with his head between her legs because he knows how much she hates breakfast, treating her to a full spa day and massage because he's noticed how much she's been overworking herself recently and buying the Louboutin heels currently on her feet because she's had an eye on them for the longest time. Everything has panned out exactly as he'd hoped— everything, except for this.
His eyes stay fully fixed on Y/N, chin jutted out and a tight-lipped smile tugging at his mouth as he watches the ordeal. The host standing very close to her— way too close for Jimin’s liking, half-lidded eyes roaming the lengths of her figure continuously, his attention solely on her as soon as they walk into the restaurant. The guy's looking at her as if he's imagining her naked and Jimin doesn't put it past him— it's all he's been thinking about as well. Although, then again he's allowed to, she's his, this waiter, however, is not.
But what's really pissing him off about this situation is how quickly Y/N smiles at the guy, it's one of her many smiles he thinks makes her look absolutely radiant, the toothy ones that shrink her gleaming eyes as if she's fascinated about everything around her.
"Jake, wow how—" She shakes her head with a breathy laugh trying to get over the fact that her friend— well, not really her friend more like very close acquaintance she used to have a crush on— is here and he's changed so much, yet not at all. "—I haven't seen you in years, where've you been?"
"Oh, here and there, you know me," He answers with a nonchalant lift of his shoulders and it has Y/N absolutely dumbfounded because he's actually here. Jake had been her college roommates boyfriend for the better part of three years until Tara dumped him and Y/N just never saw him again.
"You work here?"
    "Well, actually—" Jake stands taller, straightening his tie as he tucks his hands into his slacks. "I'm the boss."
"No shit?!"
He nods smugly. And Y/N laughs on instinct, punching her fist into his shoulder lightly just like she used to."Wow that's— that's great."
"Fuck yeah," she exclaims. "And you look great as well."
He chuckles. "Me? Look at you, you're gorgeous, but then again you always have been."
And there it is, the reason why Y/N had even harboured a crush on him in the first place, his smooth-talking ability that always had her flushed faced and nervous, tucking her hair behind her ears. But now— now it doesn't faze her in the slightest. Not like if it were Jimin saying those words.
"Thanks...I guess."
Jimin balls his hands into a fist by his sides, clenching and unclenching in an aim to not sock this Jake guy in the jaw. Gorgeous? You've always been gorgeous? He scowls, it's been five minutes and they haven't even been seated yet, he's still having to watch some guy blatantly flirt with his girlfriend while she entertains it. His arm curls around her waist, tugging her flush next to him. So flush, it has Y/N frowning at the action but she says nothing of it.
"But, how have you been after..." She trails off, not really knowing how to ask this or if she should in case it's still a sore subject for him. Because he'd told her multiple times he'd probably marry Tara but Tara just wasn't thinking like him.
"After Tara dumped me?"
"Yeah— that."
Y/N eyes him warily as he lets out a sigh, shifting in his spot a bit. "Well, It's been too long for me to be mad at it anymore. But, how is she? Still breaking hearts?"
There's a little hint of underlying spite when he speaks and Y/N's wringing her hands together trying to not make it obvious she's avoiding his gaze as she clears her throat.
"Erm Tara—" She's engaged now, with a son and another baby on the way. So dumping you may have been a really good idea on her part. "—she's alright I guess."
 Jake hums looking like he's got more to say but decided against it. "Anyway, I'm a lot more interested in how you are? I remember when you used to have that crush on me."
Y/N raises her brows, chewing at the inside flesh of her cheeks anxiously because Jimin's clamping his fingers into the tender flesh of her waist and she's more than sure if he doesn't let up there'll be bruises on show. And she tries to subtly shift his arm with her elbow but to no avail.
"Oh, you do? Me I'm—" She tries to shift him again casting Jimin a heated cursory glance. "I'm good."
"Clearly," Jake drawls, motioning his hand to emphasise his point. "Look how beautiful you still are, we should definitely go out for something, you know— to catch up."
"Oh yeah, I—"
"Okay baby, we're going," Jimin chimes, upper lip curled and his nostrils flaring, finally having enough of this bullshit in front of him. But Y/N's none the wiser, she tilts her head towards him brows pulled in a frown.
"What?" She says, utter bemusement in her voice and it only serves to flare at his anger even more. "But we just got here, we haven't even eaten yet."
"Now Y/N," He grits out between clenched jaws, he knows if he stays any longer he'll do something he'll probably not regret but she will. "If I have to fucking repeat myself again, I swear to god you'll hate me."
"I—" Y/N clamps down on her teeth instantly, biting back the words she wants to say but she knows it'll only get her in more trouble with Jimin than she apparently already is, so she nods unwillingly.
"Fine." She swallows, feet tapping the marble floor. He's making her seem like a child and she's absolutely seething. "Bye Jake, it was nice seeing you, really."
Jake flits his eyes between Jimin who's glaring lasers into him and Y/N who's puffing her cheeks out with pursed lips. "Oh, Okay. I'll just take your number so I can—"
Jimin doesn't wait for him to finish his sentence before he's dragging Y/N out the store, and she's stumbling behind him trying to find grip on the concrete but it's damn near impossible.
"Fuck Jimin, could you—" She buckles again, her knees giving out as she almost falls to the floor but he's tugging her so hard he prevents her from doing so without realising. "—could you stop a second. What's wrong with you?"
Jimin scoffs deciding against pleasing her with an answer and instead jerks the back car door open, pushing her inside before slamming it close.
Y/N crosses her arms, sinking herself down in the seat as she scrutinises the way Jimin stomps around the car, he's muttering to himself and she can just about make out the throbbing veins in his neck. She hates when he gets like this, so overcome by irrational jealousy that he starts taking it out on her. And she knows exactly where his heads at, every time he's pushing her into the backseat she knows what will happen next.
But she needs to reprimand him, tell him he can't get everything he fucking wants. "What was that?" She asks as soon as he's opening the door on the other side.
He clambers in, sitting right next to her. "What was what?"
"Don't play dumb Jimin—" She tries to shuffle away from him but he places a firm hand on her thigh keeping her in place. "—this was supposed to be a nice day for us."
Jimin shrugs. He's angry, really fucking angry. The type of angry that he's not going to shout at her or even argue, it's the type where he needs to fuck her and show her exactly how fucking pissed he is. And he'll wait a bit— wait a bit until she's said what she needs to say and let her think she's in control for a while. "It was— planned it to a tee and everything."
"Yeah, and now you've fucked it up with your, uncalled-for might I add, jealous act. Jakes's just a friend I used to know."
He scoffs. "For a friend, he was rather quick to point out your crush on him."
"Past crush," She emphasises. Though she knows Jimin's not listening to her. And he's doing that thing where he keeps eye contact but his gaze becomes glazed as if he's bored. She grumbles to herself. "You're so insufferable."
"Me?" Jimin's nose wrinkles in disbelief pulling her effortlessly by the smalls of her waist onto his lap. "I'm not the one flirting with someone else at our anniversary dinner."
"So now you're saying it's my fault?"
"Didn't say that."
Y/N inhales a deep breath and blows it out slowly. "God, you're fucking hilarious Jimin."
"You think so, baby?" He hikes her dress up, bunching the fabric above her hips as he guides her gently, her clothed core rocking steady on his growing hard-on. "Funnier than that Jack boy?"
"It's Jake," she corrects letting out a dry snort. "And I wasn't flirting with him, so this is pointless." She couldn't, even if she tried, she just can't. She just loves Jimin that much, even if he is a bit of a prick sometimes.
"Oh really— it looked like I was in your way, thought Jack was your boyfriend for a second."
"Jake." Y/N rakes her nails across his nape lightly, the coarse feel of his trousers against her core, igniting a fire at the bottom of her stomach. And she knows she's going to give him everything he wants even though he's going to disregard her every argument. "I was just about to introduce you to him as well."
"Oh yeah when," he says. "Before or after he fucked you in front of the whole restaurant."
"Oh that's— fuck, you're so—"
Jimin nuzzles his face into her neck, a cocky smile curling on his mouth as he hovers over the surface of her skin. He knows he's got her, her shoulders are slumped and there's no urgency in her words anymore. "Good, because I'm fucking frustrated Y/N."
"Was gonna say annoying."
"Hmm." He tugs her underwear to the side, finger stroking languidly between her folds and she shudders inhaling sharply as he curses. She's already so wet and ready for him and it always boosts his ego, that his girl craves his touch. "That's not what you say when I'm fucking you."
He smooths his palms over her thighs patting the fleshy underside twice. "Now stop being naughty and take out daddy's cock—"
He's sucking the skin of her neck into his mouth, nibbling at the surface until there are blemishes of violet littering the expanse and it's making her feel so good that Y/N's following his orders without dispute.
She lifts herself up slightly, knees perched on the leather seats as she pops his trouser button open, zipping it down and hooking her fingers at the top lining of his boxers. He wriggles in his seat, helping her drag the clothing until it's pooling down at his ankles.
"—Want you to ride me first baby," he murmurs against her skin. "Show how much you want me and ride me like a good little slut. Think you can do that? Redeem yourself and be a good girl for daddy?"
His hardened cock stands straight against his stomach and her mouth waters at the sight, she wants him inside her mouth, sucking him off and making him feel good like she knows she can. But she also knows she can't do anything without permission, so she settles for nodding urgently, tongue skimming over her dry lips.
She encircles her fingers around the girth of his cock, guiding his tip between her wet folds, his pre-cum staining the surface as she lines him up with her entrance, hands clasping his shoulders when she sinks herself down on his cock.
"Fuck—" It's a slow-burning stretch against her walls, his cock filling her up bit by bit until he's bottomed out inside her and her teeth are digging harshly into her bottom lip. "God."
Jimin groans, his forehead resting against her collarbone and his hands on her hips keeping her idle as he wills himself to not blow his load too early. She feels so warm, snug and everything he's been yearning for since he woke up that it's almost overwhelming.
"Christ baby, you're cunts always so fucking good for me isn't it?" He tilts his head up capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, tongues moulding together heatedly and teeth clashing every so often as if they both can't get enough of each other. And it leaves them both dizzy with the shortness of air. "Go on baby, ride me slowly."
Y/N's bottom lip juts out in a pout, her brows knocking together in a deep set frown. She wants him to fuck her so badly, but he's got a habit of not giving her what she wants especially when he's like this. So she rises keenly, her torso leaning towards him until it's only the tip of him left inside her and she's bringing her hips down, burying his cock deep inside her again.
"Like this daddy?" She's taking her time as she grinds against him, hooking her arms around his neck for stability. The pace is excruciatingly slow, his length filling her up momentarily before feeling empty again and she finds herself like always whimpering pathetically for more.
Jimin smirks mockingly. Her eyes are locked close, head tipped back and lips quivering and he knows exactly what she wants. He knows how much she hates riding him, she always complains it's too much work for her and normally he doesn't make her do it. But, she needs to learn her lesson.
"Just like that baby." He yanks the fabric off her dress under her breasts, leaving damp sloppy kisses across her chest. "Look how pretty you are like this— think I should make you ride me every time." He grazes his hot tongue over her hardened buds, swirling around the area and she arches her back, hands behind his neck pulling his face closer to her breast instantly. "Just to see your tits bouncing like this for me."
"No, please—" He's making her beg and she'd almost feel it were pitiful if it weren't for the fact that she's aching to be taken by him, fast and mercilessly, the way that always has her throat raw from screaming. "—need daddy to— fuck— need daddy to fuck me hard."
Jimin's grinning smugly, she's so naturally submissive that even when she tries to fight it, she's always back to the same place, begging for his cock. "Really baby? Thought you wanted that Jake boy."
Tears prick at the corners of Y/N's eyes, her release tightly cooling like a spring in her lower stomach and it's close yet so far. "No, no— only want you fucking me, only love your thick cock."
"Fuck baby, you've got such a filthy mouth" He grunts, enjoying how slick with her juices his cock has become, disappearing inside her cunt deliciously. "Imagine Jake hearing you beg for me like that, he'll think you're a right little slut, won't he?"
"Uh-huh." She's getting really impatient now, rocking considerably faster against him but he's letting her, his palms splay over her ass cheeks supporting her actions. "But I'm only a slut for daddy— don't care about anyone else but daddy."
"God, you're such a good girl. I should treat you shouldn't I?"
It's a rhetorical question, Y/N knows it. And she knows not to answer or else he'll only prolong her suffering and she's not sure how much more she can take.
"Come on baby." He's lifting her off him by her legs, pushing her down onto the seat and Y/N has to throw her hands in front of her, sinking them into the seat with one of her legs perched up and the other finding footing in the floor. "I'm gonna fuck you senseless now, till you won't be able to walk— have your pussy proper throbbing for weeks."
"Fuck, yes please," She mewls desperately as he draws her panties down to her knees positioning himself behind her. And her body's visibly trembling in excitement. He's finally going to give her what she's been longing.
And Jimin knows there's nothing slow about his next course of action, he plunges himself into her without warning not giving her even a second to catch her breath before pounding into her unrelentingly.
"Fuck that's...God—"
Y/N won't ever tell him— not that he doesn't know already— but she loves when Jimin fucks her in the car, the barely tinted windows steaming up briskly, the stinging pain of the belt buckle digging into her knees and the slight stationary rattle their movements produce on the car, enough so, that passersby will know what kinds of ravenous things they're getting up to and she absolutely lives for it.
One of his hands clasp around her throat, tilting her head back skyward and his other fastens her arms tightly to her back as he drives into her, the surface of her ass sweltering red at the way their skin slaps together raucously.
"Shit baby, you've got such a greedy cunt," He mumbles, lips brushing over her jaw. Her walls are clamping around him ardently, sending blood buzzing straight to his ears and he can barely think straight. "Could fuck you all day if I could."
"God, that would be— would be really good." Y/N's short of breath, he's pummelling into her so voraciously, the pain's being drowned by the all-consuming bliss her body's feeling. She's clammy with sweat, tears trailing down her cheeks involuntarily and she can't imagine ever doing this with anyone else. No one else can fuck her like Jimin can, telling her he loves her and fucking her like he doesn't.
"Christ, you're all mine aren't you baby?" Jimin asks even though he knows the answer. But she looks so beautiful like this, completely bent at his will, whining like a slut— all for him. The sight is only his to enjoy and he revels in it.
"Yes," she rasps. "All yours.”
The car's stuffy with the smell of sex, their constant grunts and moans filling the air and everything seems to be hitting Y/N all at once, Jimin's choking grip on her throat making her feel hazy, his cock straining against her walls as he drills into her with carnal determination. Her minds delirious drugged up on everything Jimin it has her screaming his name mutely, her eyes rolling back as she convulses in his arms.
"Jesus— fuck, you're gorgeous." Jimin's thrusts don't stop as she comes apart in his hold, he's impaling her responsive cunt, pulling her firmer against him as she tries to jerk away. He releases his hold on her throat, lowering her face into the cool leather as he curls his arm around her waist, his fingers reaching to rub over the smooth skin of her cunt aggressively.
"God." Y/N's so oversensitive now, she's sobbing into the seat, her face sticking to the surface and it's music to his ears. And before he knows it his movements are becoming sloppy and jerky. He stills inside her grunting her name as he reaches his own release, his seed spewing inside her and filling her cunt to the brim.
"Hmm, baby." He pulls out of her gently, collapsing back on the seat in a stupor, a complete contrast to his previous mannerisms when he lugs her flaccid body onto his lap, arms circling around her waist with her back pressed against his chest. "You good?"
Y/N hums mindlessly, her eyes struggling to stay open as her body relaxes to his touch. Their mixed juices are trickling out of her, pooling on his thighs crudely and it has him cursing at the mess they've made.
"Fuck, that's hot baby—" He brushes her tousled hair to the side, planting light kisses against her shoulders. "—I love you so much you know."
"Love you too."
Jimin chuckles. She sounds tired and drained her voice nothing but husky whispers. "Happy one-year anniversary Y/N."
"Jimin I can't believe you fucked me in your car on our anniversary," She says, tipping her head back onto his shoulder to look up at him. "Could have at least taken me to bed."
"Too far," he begins kissing her chastely on the forehead. "Plus, I need you to go back to the restaurant."
"Need you to tell that Jake boy something."
She tuts her teeth, attempting to hide the smile tugging at her lips. Jimin doesn't want her to tell him anything, he just wants to show her off and boast about how ruined she is; moist with sweat, his marks littering her skin and his cum leaking out of her. Fuck, she really wants to be his forever.
She purses her lips up at him and he doesn't keep her waiting, captivating her in a kiss that feels so right. And she knows no matter what the future holds, she's going to remember this moment for years to come, sitting in the back of his car, the sun setting in the sky around them as he holds her impossibly close breathing her in.
"Happy anniversary Jimin."
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all rights reserved ©️ minstrivia
2K notes · View notes
kinksvt · 6 years
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anon: Hello!!! Can you do a junhui fwb w/ fluff at the end?:”)
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→ pairing: junhui x reader
✱ genre/warnings: fwb!junhui, rough sex, bit of dirty talk, lotta fluff at the end with a hint of angst
✱ word count: 3,232
a/n: sorry for another long wait! but i hope you enjoy!
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Since the moment you and Jun met, you both knew that what your friendship delivered, it wouldn't be close to just friends.
Since the day he went to a party and drunk texted you that he couldn't even focus on the girl that he was trying to hit it and quit it because he wished it was instead you, things would never just be a friendship. After a night of talking that slowly escalated into suggestive texting into straight out dirty talk and more than revealing pictures of the two of you, it changed the way you and Jun would see your so-called "friendship." But of course, neither of you minded so. You both didn't have anyone in your life besides each other, nor any plans for a relationship.
Thus how you two came up with "Y/N and Junhui's Guide to Benefits." In that guide, there were, rules, to keep your "friendship" steady and without any harm.
Rule number one, you cannot sleep with anyone else without knowledge of the other. Because, for your sake at least, you don't want to catch anything from Jun's horny ass trying to bang anyone he can get his hands on.
Rule number two, you cannot act on anything sexual in the bedroom without the other's approval. I.E that time Jun almost broke your ass because he wanted to try anal without telling you which left you sitting on a bag of frozen fries for two days. Yeah, he still sticks with saying that he "could've sworn" he texted you about it and how you said "sure whatever" in response.
Rule number three, you can see other people, but you must tell the other beforehand. Flashback to when a few months ago into your new set boundaries—minus the rules that weren't yet established—Jun had began talking to a girl. Which led to her being suspicious of you two being so close and brought to the conclusion of kicking Jun in the balls and telling him to have fun with his "girlfriend." Even though you were specifically anything but.
Rule number four, no public skin ship, save it for behind the doors. It's bad enough that some of your friends have raised eyebrows at your guys' "relationship," saying that one of you two are bound to fall for the other sooner or later. But you also don't want people to think that you are taken when you both deep down, secretly wish were true.
And lastly, rule number five, if you do begin to fall for the other, say cantaloupe. You weren't sure why Jun settled on cantaloupe but you didn't bother to question his weirdness. For nearly a solid year already, your guys' agreement had gone smooth sailing—for the most part. Aside from only a few arguments and breaks in talking, everything remained steady and fine.
[10:17 pm] Junnie: hey babygirl.
It was a Friday night, spent binge watching the rest of your favorite show just like every other day. There were times when Jun had joined you and ended up falling asleep on each other. But you were sure that this wouldn't be one of those days. Jun only called you babygirl when he needed you—hell, he used pet names when he needed you period.
[10:19 pm] You: hii, what's up?
You really didn't need to guess what was up though, you liked to act coy and make him admit to what he really wants.
[10:20 pm] Junnie: mmm i bet u already know baby
[10:20 pm] You: do i??
[10:20 pm] You: are you sure?
[10:20 pm] Junnie: dont act like that baby
[10:21 pm] Junnie: or else.
[10:22 pm] You: but juuuuunnnnnn
[10:22 pm] You: im tiredddd :(((
[10:23 pm] Junnie: thats never been a problem before
[10:23 pm] Junnie: now open the door its cold out here
You rolled your eyes, not surprised that he was already there, basically waiting to ask you to let him in. Sighing, you dropped your phone onto the couch and paused your show—getting up to fulfill Jun's plead. Jun's ears perked up when he heard your footsteps get nearer, the sudden click of the door followed by your face instantly made standing in the cold all worth it.
"Get in here you dork," you said, opening the door and moving out of the way for the tall male to enter.
"Don't have to tell me twice," he replied as he hurried inside, pushing off his jacket and shoes.
You laughed to yourself and made your way back over to your spot on the couch. Unfortunately, you hadn't noticed that your hips had a bit more of a sway to it, making Jun silently and smirk slightly. He watched you like a predator as you sat on the couch. You only wore a sweater and shorts, not bothering to go back to your room to put on joggers to cover your cold legs. But, since you hadn't worn a bra—because why would you need an unbearable underwire sticking into your torso when you could be comfortable—Jun noticed that your nipples slightly protruded from the material. He swallowed and was, thoroughly reminded of the reason why he came here in the first place. When he had taken longer than usual to come over to you, you glanced over at Jun, seeing him standing there and watching you.
"What?" You asked, unknowingly. The conversation you two had merely minutes ago already slipped from your mind, until your eyes traveled a bit far than intended and you were also reminded of why Jun came over. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna do something about it? Hm?" You teased him, a smirk toying at the corners of your lips.
Jun chuckled, his voice dangerously low. "I'm not gonna do something about it," was all he responded with, not moving from his spot even an inch. You tilted your head the slightest, knowing he wouldn't not do anything about his hard-on. "You are." Your eyes widened, making Jun smirk and he beckoned you to come to him. Slowly but surely, you walked to where he stood.
You kept your head down until the sound of Jun's fingers snapping captured your attention. His eyes were dark, darker than usual, as he stared into you and his arm moved. His index finger pointed to the floor, asking you silently to get on the floor. You did as he inaudibly asked and got on your knees, looking up at him. "Good girl." He bent down and grabbed your chin, lifting you a bit so he could kiss you.
The kiss was soft but needy at the same time. His tongue didn't waste any time prying its way into your mouth, grazing over your own. You moaned and Jun groaned in response, his cock twitching in his jeans at your sounds. You moved your legs out from under you and Jun got closer. He lowered you to the floor as you two never stopped making out. As soon as your head was on the floor—safely—he broke the kiss and went for your neck. "Ah. Jun,"
He shushed you as he trailed his hot, open-mouthed kisses all around your neck. His cold hand shocked you as it grazed along your hips, going up your torso, underneath your sweater and grabbing onto your breast. "Missed you so much, princess." Jun's voice was muffled as he sucked fresh hickeys onto your collarbone, his hands groping you.
"I- ah!" As you were about to respond, you felt pressure on your clit, a broken moan slipping past your lips. "I know you missed me, baby. I can feel how wet you are already."
You shifted against his touch, "Please Jun, n-no teasing."
He chuckled, "Whatever you want, baby." You lifted your hips as Jun's fingers slipped past the band of your shorts, dragging them down your legs. You sat up and lifted your sweater off of your torso, the cold air hitting your nipples, making you shiver but also get even more wet at the feeling. "You're so beautiful, Y/N." His warm but still cold hands found their way back to your breasts, toying with your nipples.
Leaning into his touch you whined, "Junnie," you whispered.
"Yes baby?" He leaned down to kiss your neck, your hands finding purchase in his hair.
"Please," you breathed, "just fuck me."
Jun groaned, your words sending sensation right down to his cock. "With pleasure," he roughly tugged down your underwear and hastily got out of his jeans. His cock strained against his underwear, cursing you both for being so needy.
If you weren't so turned on, you would've spent the entire night sucking his dick. "Wait," you stopped him as he continued to strip. "Can we move to the couch?"
He laughed and helped you up off the floor. You ran to your requested area as he searched his jean pockets and joined you. "Better, baby?"
He leaned down to give you a quick kiss and tore his underwear off. Jun pumped his cock a few times, making your heat clench around nothing. He opened a condom he brought with and rolled it onto his length. "Ready?" Jun asked, his hand settling beside your head on the couch, positioning himself.
You silently nodded and he pushed his cock into your pussy. With a whine, you scratched his back, his girth stretching you in the slightest, but most pleasurable, way. "Fuck, Y/N," he looked down at you, admiring the way you already looked completely wrecked and you two hadn't even started. "God you're so fucking perfect," Jun said as he pulled out almost all the way and slammed back into you, knocking the breath out of your chest.
"J-Jun!" He fucked into you, making your tits bounce with every thrust.
"You feel so good, baby." Jun moaned rather loudly, he threw his head back and relished in the way your walls hugged him. Jun's cock slid in and out of you, hitting all the spots that made you whimper and cry out his name.
You desperately searched for his hand, your eyes squeezed shut from ecstasy. He got the hint and grabbed your hand, your fingers intertwining together. "A-ah, Jun, f-fuck." You squealed, and gripped his hand tightly.
"Hold on baby," he said suddenly. You opened your eyes as he slowed his pace down. Jun grabbed your legs and put them over his shoulders and held your thighs. He pulled out all the way this time, your juices exiting your pussy and dripping down onto the couch. "You're dripping for me, Y/N.." he said dreamily as he observed the way your heat began to clench again.
"P-Please, please! Jun, put it back in. I'm begging you." Your nails scraped his thigh, trying to grab it. You felt empty and he hadn’t even been out of you for a minute. You needed him badly.
Jun slapped his cock against you, making you jolt from the action. "So so desperate for me, aren't you?"
You began to get more impatient, "Wen Junhui, if you don't fuck me right now I swear to god I'll-" before you could finish, he granted your wish and rammed into you to the hilt, making you scream out his name. He didn't give you anytime to adjust and only began to fuck you harder, hitting you at a new angle as he held your thighs. You moaned with every movement he made, making you feel pathetic.
"Y/N, I've been so hard for s-so long. I couldn't stop thinking about you and fucking your pussy. Oh my god, f-fucking shit." You felt amazing around him. To Jun, it felt as if he hadn't had sex with you in forever.
"Y-Yes, yes please Jun. Please, h-harder." You breathed, feeling your orgasm building slowly. You glanced down at Jun's cock, shifting in and out of you, the sounds of it making your face flush.
Jun abruptly leaned forward, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. You moved your legs off of his shoulders and wrapped them behind him, wanting to feel him deeper in you. The soft, romantic kiss contrasted against his rough, harsh movements in you, making you get even more turned on. He kissed you gently, his lips like plush pillows against your own. You both breathed heavily through your noses, also cutting in between the kiss to catch your breaths. His tongue mangled with yours, fighting a war he knew he would win. The kiss, his cock moving at such an unbelievable pace made it too much for you, your orgasm building quicker and quicker with each second. "Jun, I'm gonna cum soon." You said against his lips and he whined.
"Me too, baby. Cum with me?" He didn't need a response, with the way you were looking—like a perfect ruined masterpiece—the sounds you made and the way you enveloped his length like you were made for him, he felt his own orgasm approaching as fast as yours. He sat up, never slowing down his movements as his thumb suddenly came into contact with your bundle of nerves.
You screamed, your clit pulsating with pleasure, developing a quick heartbeat. Your vision began to get fuzzy and your hearing getting muffled. The coil in your stomach was getting ready to go off, you knew you wouldn't last much longer. "J-Junnie, I-I'm gonna cum." You managed to tell him.
"Let it go, princess. Cum all over me." His words pushed you over the edge and with a hard clench around his cock, you came. Your walls clamped onto Jun and that was enough for him to cum as well. You both came with a loud moan of each other's names that you half expected to get calls of complaint from. Jun's cum spurted into the condom, his mouth forming a wide 'O,' and sighed contently. You both stayed in your positions, your heavy breathing the only thing audible in the humid room.
After a few short moments, Jun slowly pulled out of you, making you both hiss with sensitivity. He stood up and disappeared somewhere, discarding his soiled condom. He returned with a warm wash rag to clean you up and also all your clothes. "I wasn't too hard on you was I?" You giggled lightly, his hard side long gone with the condom he used.
You shook your head lightly as he wiped your juices off of you and tried his best to soak it up from the couch as well. You both were still naked but he stared into your eyes, making you feel weird. "What?" you questioned self consciously.
Jun didn't say anything, his eyebrows furrowed and he looked sad. "Fuck." He whispered under his breath, hoping you hadn't heard it.
But you did.
"What happened?" You sat up and got on your knees as he handed you your sweater.
He lifted himself off the couch and stepped into his underwear quickly. "Uhm, nothing!" Jun said, throwing his clothes on and beginning to get ready to leave.
"Wh-" you grabbed your own underwear and slipped them on, your eyes locked onto the figure briskly walking to the door. You decided screw the shorts and ran after him, grabbing his wrist. "Jun? What happened? Are you okay? Was.." you trailed off, nervous to ask your next question. "Was it not good?"
Jun faced away from you, eyes locked on the door. You let go of his wrist slowly, your heart hurting for a bit. He never just left after you two had sex, whether it was soft and romantic or rough and hard and lasted forever. Jun and you always stuck by each other, cuddling, eating and sometimes even falling asleep together afterwards. Why was he in such a rush to leave-?
Looking down at the floor, you felt tears prick the corners of your eyes. Hesitantly, you asked—afraid of the answer, "Are you, seeing someone?" Jun still didn't budge or say anything.
After a long silence of him arguing with himself, he drew in a deep breath. "Cantaloupe."
Your eyes widened and you looked up at him, recognizing the code word you two settled on, nearly a year ago. "I," you were speechless, you didn't know what to say. Your words were replaced with sand and it made your throat dry.
"I didn't mean to fall for you, Y/N. I didn't think I would but, how could I not?"
"Jun," you began to say before he cut you off.
"No. Let me, let me finish." You nodded in response, even though he still wasn’t facing you.
As if he read your mind, he slowly turned around. "I didn't think I would fall for you Y/N but, god how couldn't I? You're so beautiful and you've put up with me and my bullshit for so long. You even agreed to just being friends with benefits and although I've enjoyed that, very much. I feel like it's not enough for me." Jun felt as if he were going to cry. All the pent up emotions and feelings he's had brewing for you for the last few months were about to spill over. "I love you, Y/N. I-I really do. I look forward to waking up and seeing your texts, I look forward to coming over and seeing your pretty face, but it hurts my heart whenever I see you with anyone else."
A tear slipped its way from the brim of his eye and rolled down his cheek. "I remember when you started dating that Joshua guy and he just totally broke you in a way that I wouldn't wish on my sworn enemy. The way you cried in my arms, Y/N, stabbed my heart and didn't leave my mind for days. It killed me seeing you like that, so broken and hopeless."
You sniffled, your vision becoming a murmur of colors and Jun's figure in front of your main entrance. "Y/N," he shifted closer to you and grabbed your hands. "I am so crazy about you. And I love being your friend but, I want to be more. I've wanted to be more for so long I just, didn't know how to tell you. I want to be here with you and not at home, wondering if you'll change your mind one day and leave me. Or laying in my bed, worrying if you're debating whether or not to stay with me. I want to be yours, Y/N. And I want you to be mine. Please, I love you so much. Without the sex, you're still my best friend and my god, I'm certain that I'm in love with you." You swallowed dryly, your heart stinging in a good way. "What do you say, Y/N? Will you be my girlfriend?"
Smiling, you pulled his hands closer to you and wrapped your arms around his torso. Jun cooed inwardly, his own arms wrapping around your frame. "Yes Jun, of course I will." He smiled like an idiot, squeezing you ever so lightly.
“Thank god because if you said no, this would’ve been awkward for a long time.”
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