#but yknow continuity
harpermiller · 1 year
This is my brain trying to make sense of the new Eddie/Shannon/Chris timeline
With Shannon’s birth year now canonically being 1992 I thought I’d throw together a rough timeline for her and Eddie’s relationship since it seems to be confusing some people. (Although it doesn’t really matter what year these characters were born and we shouldn’t put too much thought into this bc the show retcons backstories all the time)
It’s canon that Shannon was born Oct 1992 and that Buck was born June 1992 and so logically Eddie was probably born either Sept 1990/91/92 (Edit: Its canon everyone! Eddie is a 1992 baby!). I like thinking that he’s a little older than Buck and so I’m going to stick with Eddie being born 1991. I have edited this to reflect his canon age.
I'm going to break this down by year and bold the stuff that is confirmed canon the other stuff is was I could piece together to make it make sense.
And yes I know their ages might fluctuate depending on when birthdays fall I was just making it easier on myself.
August: Shannon and Eddie have known each other since they were 14. They start dating in their senior year of high school. Shannon finds out she's pregnant, her and Eddie get married, Eddie enlists in the army (Shannon: 18, Eddie: 18)
Basic training is about 10 weeks plus 16 weeks of medic training so Eddie is away at basic for 26 weeks total (Sept 2010 - Jan 2011)
Eddie finishes basic in Jan 2011 and goes on his first tour in Feb 2011
Tours are anywhere between 7 and 15 months - lets say Eddie's first tour was 9 months
Eddie gets leave from his tour to be there for Chris' birth but has to return soon after (Shannon: 19, Eddie: 19).
Eddie is in the army on tours and periodically home
Eddie misses Chris' diagnosis
Eddie re-enlists without telling Shannon (Shannon: 21, Eddie: 21, Chris: 2)
From my research enlistments are usually 4 years in active duty and two years inactive. However, after you've completed active duty you can extend or re-enlist for another four of active duty. This would align with Eddie's timeline as 2010-2014 would be his first contract and he re-enlisted in 2013 to start his second contract as soon as his first is done.
Eddie's helicopter gets shot down and Eddie is discharged early from the army (Shannon: 23, Eddie: 23, Chris: 4)
Eddie is a Staff Sergeant at this point which is possible for his age just not common
Shannon leaves to take care of her dying mother
Helena and Ramon try to take Chris from Eddie
Eddie and Chris leave El Paso for LA
Eddie starts at the Fire Academy (Shannon: 25, Eddie: 25, Chris: 6)
Eddie joins the 118
Shannon returns and dies
(Shannon: 26, Eddie: 26, Chris: 7, Buck: 26)
Do with this as you will :)
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mooncheese3 · 11 months
just bestfriend things
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[ID: A Scum Villain comic. Shang Qinghua puts his hand on a desk to tell Shen Qingqiu, "You're a good bitch." (Shen Qingqiu says, "No I'm not.") Then Shang Qinghua gestures to himself and says, "I'm a bad bitch." (Shen Qingqiu says, "No you're not.")
Then the two strikes poses, Shang Qinghua kicking up a leg and throwing out a peace sign as he grins widely and Shen Qingqiu smirking with one hand under a chin and the other holding a fan. Light, stars, and hearts radiate from them as they exclaim, "That's why everyone hates us." End ID] (from @/princess-of-purple-prose !!, thank you btw, i hadnt thought to do this before!)
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wolfywolfy · 2 months
I love how Astarion quotes The Tell-Tale Heart every once in a while. It's a rarer line, and initially I thought it was out of place (Neil is very well versed in theater, so I assumed it was a riff from him), but since reading an analysis of the work I think it was pretty purposeful.
The piece is all about fear and paranoia, things we know Astarion is plagued by despite how he might act. Similarly, the narrator of the story also tries to convince the reader that they are not as troubled as they seem. In the end, the narrator is consumed by the beating of the heart of the old man he killed and dismembered, the sound growing louder and louder until in a fit of rage he reveals the body to the police to absolve himself from the persistent beating.
Except the police never heard the heart beat, because it wasn't the old man's heart at all. The narrator was consumed by the sound of his own heart beating more and more rapidly in his chest from fear. He was the owner of the thing that forced him to reveal his true nature, he is the owner of the tell-tale heart.
And what happens with Astarion after you romance him? He realizes over time that, while he tried to deny his feelings and was initially only interested in manipulating you for his own means, he actually has grown to care for you. You have done something to his heart that hasn't happened in centuries, you have made it feel as if it has started beating again.
Therefore, his tell-tale heart leads him to admit his transgressions, which were committed out of fear and paranoia for his safety.
So the line is actually very, very apt. His confession during Act 2 is his own version of "Villains! Dissemble no more! I admit the deed! Tear up the planks! Here, here! It is the beating of his hideous heart!" Except, of course, it is his own heart that he is unearthing for us (and it's not so hideous, after all).
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the-meme-monarch · 7 months
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I’m a big proporter of “k_k isn’t stupid he just likes to act like it bc he thinks it funny to make people mad or confused”. and other such doodles of him
if you ship scc go away👍
references for the last one under the cut
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
I have a lot of leftover drawings in my gallery. [Blank Scripts AU]
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[Content Warning: Images below contain Gore, Death, and Disturbing/Uncomfortable Imagery]
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I find it a bit cute knowing they start out as crazy and then slowly settle into something calmer and relatively healthier after learning to adapt to each other's lust-turned-love. [Stanley did it first but hey :3]
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sonicaspeed123 · 10 months
If u enjoy sonic the hedgehog in any capacity and dont already know this then PLEAAASE listen to me
"Everything is canon" does NOT mean "All one continuity"
There is no one definitive "true version" here. Does Sonic have parents? Yeah sometimes. Sometimes not. Is Sonic chatty and extroverted or reserved and introverted? Well are we talking about Prime!Sonic or X!Sonic? They're very different people.
To me, this is the fun part about Sonic - seeing the same characters in different situations and seeing them grow and react differently according to their experiences. (AU fan brainrot a little, sue me)
If you see people getting annoyed or confused about others "mixing" continuities, that's why. It's been established for a loooong time, hell since the very beginning (look up sega of america's "Sonic Bible" from back in the day) that there are stories which are separate and very different utilizing the same familiar characters. "Everything is canon" means "Your favorite version of Sonic is just as valid as any other." It means multiverse theory wjdndjqbxkxn
-⚡️ & 🧭
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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shhh.. they are studying (lie!!!)
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mispelled · 10 months
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I drew the guys on brand enough times that I think I deserve a lil bit of self indulgent semi-humanization. for funsies
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buckevantommy · 11 days
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when the. when the pretty man is on his back. 
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swordsonnet · 1 year
lately, i've seen more people in the online autistic community acknowledging the struggles of people with higher support needs, which is of course an important development. but for some, that seems to come with the implicit assumption that low needs autistics "have it easy" or experience no stigma at all, which is just wrong??? people with low support needs are still disabled by their autism and still face discrimination because of it. sure, they are impaired to a lesser degree than those with higher support needs, but that doesn't mean you can just erase their struggles, y'know?
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saw some western aus and wanted to throw my proverbial hat in the ring. well. toss it gently. place it down on the edge-
actually no fuck that, slamming down the hat i have Thoughts:
first off, if anything this au should be the silliest looney toons bullshit.
~ of all the revolvers are unloaded. so gunfights are just people saying "bang" at each other and then throwing the nearest thing at their opponent in place of a bullet
~ Wally is the town sheriff, and he's hilariously incompetent. he also has a habit of shoplifting apples from Howdy's saloon / general store fusion. his cowboy hat has a card with an apple on it tucked in the band, but he doesn't wear it, so at nearly all times one of his hands is occupied with holding the hat. also he doesn't wear his badge ever
~ Barnaby is the town deputy, and he's marginally more competent than Wally. however, he doesn't take his job seriously and is usually napping in his chair on the sheriff office porch. sometimes he wears Wally's badge along with his own for funsies
~ also when Howdy catches Wally stealing, he'll call Barnaby over. Barnaby will proceed to arrest and lock up Wally in his own jail until Barnaby feels too bad for leaving him in there and lets him out
~ there is only one horse in town, and its Eddie's so that he can do his delivery runs and get mail from the town over - he has a lil wagon too. Sally has a running gag where she tries to steal the horse, but it completely ignores her and won't budge an inch.
~ on that note, Wally has one of those stick horses. when he needs to chase someone down, he hops on it and Barnaby lifts him by the scruff and runs, gently shaking him up and down to simulate natural horse riding movements. somehow it always works. no one can escape this tactical move
~ the only role i can see for Sally is overly-theatrical outlaw, just as incompetent as Wally. she never succeeds in stealing anything but also never gets caught because, again, Wally is terrible at his job. everyone usually comes outside to watch their wacky "fights" and do nothing about it, including Barnaby. also Julie helps her sometimes
~ Julie i think would be the town banker. she's unusually strict about it and can get kind of scary about technicalities. however the town doesn't really use currency, so they have a point system that they keep careful track of. it would be stickers, but those dont exist. actually fuck that these are puppets, stickers exist and the board is like the gold stars in that one spongebob episode
~ Frank is an entomologist that decided to brave the untamed west to see what new bugs he might discover. what he discovered was dust, scorpions, and an inability to leave the town due to no monies anywhere. he finds entertainment in keeping track of the local ant colonies' wars & affairs, and also complaining at Howdy at the bar
~ everyone complains to Howdy. he has someone at his bar at any given time and he's taken to being incredibly passive aggressive about it. they still have to pay with jokes or favors or whatever they can think of that he'll accept
~ Poppy runs the hotel, where pretty much everyone lives. Julie lives there, Frank lives there, Sally lives there, Wally lives there. Barnaby prefers to sleep in the sheriffs office, as he doesn't want to make the "across the street" commute. Howdy also stays in his saloon/store, and Eddie sleeps in his post office - as canon intended.
~ Home is the mayor. don't ask me if he's a person, an object head, or just a building - i do not know. he's probably still a building. no one can understand what he says
~ oh also Frank is incredibly pressed over the fact that the town's lawfolk suck at their job. he swears he has an aneurysm every time Wally chases Sally down the street on a stick horse, or when blatant crime is happening right in front of a very asleep Barnaby. he is tempted to take over as sheriff, but alas, there are scorpions to be stung by
~ and finally: apple chaps. thats all thanks good day
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chickenoptyrx · 26 days
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Thinkin bout how similar they are
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forged-in-kaoss · 2 months
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09lover · 5 months
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might color
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the-meme-monarch · 10 months
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just finished birth by sleep and feeling very normal about sora and all the guys having to do with him. feeling incredibly normal about how ventus and roxas have the same hair style and voice actor. and vanitas and sora
(based on this song, but inspired by this video !! here’s an english cover that I like also) base image under tha cut
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mutantmayhems · 6 months
i am sooo excited for the new tales of the tmnt show because all four of the boys are voiced by actual teenagers!! sometimes it’s hard for me to remember that the turtles in other versions are just kids because they’ve always been voiced by adults. but since we’re gonna be hearing the most voice-cracking, embarrassing little teenage voices coming out of their mouths, it’ll be so great to remember these are literal BABIES witnessing the Horrors. and i can’t wait.
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