#but you get me :)
gojosbf · 1 year
read somewhere "jujutsu kaisen is just a story of people desperately trying to make the world a better place for their loved ones and failing miserably" and oh boy do i fucking agree with this
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modmad · 6 months
You're wonderful! Not very good at expressing thoughts meaningfully so that's all but you're wonderful!
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ladiablesse · 2 years
i love how some people draw the line at the emmett till movie because it’s “black trauma” (even though it is a movie made with the full support and input of his family, including his cousin who was there when he was kidnapped and his now deceased mother who’d been trying to get a movie made on the family’s terms for years prior to her passing, and even though the director explicitly stated the film would not depict his murder), but they had no problem making the dahmer drama series one of the most streamed netflix series in the websites history (even though the families of the victims have come out against it and are receiving absolutely no compensation whilst being retraumatized by the horrible depictions of their loved ones murders). interesting how that works huh.
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start-where-i-end · 20 days
@ trans people of Tumblr: if you ran into someone who identifies as "pro recovery for trans people" or "pro recovery on trans issues", would you assume that this person is...
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grissomesque · 8 months
AU where Amelia Earhart stays on Voyager and she's the one who does the warp 10 flight, because Amelia Earhart. Everything else proceeds exactly the same. If you catch my drift.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
"Tommy changed after episode 4 because their relationship changed. It got more serious as the season went on and we saw Buck change and grow as that relationship grew. He even took back his name as a result of his relationship with Tommy. The show has shown Tommy to be supportive, encouraging, protective and funny."
Nothing changed sis. After episode 4, Tommy was basically a douchebag. It got more serious? Was that before they said they were going slow? He took back his last name? Did I mess the scene he had with Eddie or Maddie or literally anyone where he said hey guys can you call me Evan instead of Buck because that would be him taking back his name, not wanting to be called Buck but Evan. What they saw is someone that doesn't know Buck or understand him call him a name he does not like just like Ana did with Eddie w/ Edmundo. It's the same damn thing.
Their fanfic "The show has shown Tommy beign supportive, encouraging, protective and funny. "
Reality of what the show has shown. The show has shown Tommy being unsupportive of Buck at the Bachelor Party and with the medals, dismissive of Buck when Buck wants to talk abotu almost losing Bobby as well as the deleted scene, protective LMFAO before or after he almost outed Buck? And the last one....dry humor does not make someone funny it makes them an asshole especially if that's all they got.
This must have been a troll, because literally this anon invented FANFICTION in their head.
No but the encouraging is what gets me tbh. The man is the most dismissive he could be at all times. And I've been saying this for a while, they are shipping an idea not the actual relationship. They decided on things and completely ignored what the show was actually showing them. And legit dude, we know they were getting script hours before filming, we know they didn't have the scripts to anything past 706 during the interviews for 705. The show absolutely saw the reaction to Tommy and decided to make an effort to paint Tommy that way to make it very clear that Tommy is a bad fit for Buck. There were multiple chances to develop the relationship. They didn't take it any of them. In fact they continue to write that man as condescending and dismissive. The dude has like, 2 minutes of screentime that keeps making him look worse. And they didn't use Buck to develop the relationship while he's off screen either. Buck doesn't retell a date, no casual mentions of "Tommy just dropped me off" or "Tommy is picking me up" no conversation about the dude at all, except for the one with Bobby where Bobby is on a goodbye tour and Buck asks Bobby how does he know that Tommy hasn't been a problem. Do you know know easy it would've been to make Buck say "yeah, I really like him" on that fucking scene???????? You know how easy it would've been to have Tommy in the hospital???? Except we get sexual jokes, no intimacy, Buck ditching him to go Eddie. The show made a very clear point that Buck is Eddie's partner because Buck was existing on Eddie's storyline, took no chance to develop the relationship, the deleted scene makes it even worse and I'm supposed to do what? Imagine they have a perfect relationship because someone paid Lou 200 dollars to say their relationship is thriving? Oh come on. And the reclaiming Evan is such absolute bullshit. Everyone understood what was happening when it was Ana with the Edmundo. Everyone but Athena has a nickname they prefer to go by and we know for a FACT that Buck doesn't like people calling him Evan because he said so. On screen. Even Maddie and Eddie only use it when they need to snap Buck into attention. Until they show me a scene on the fucking show that tells me that Buck is okay with Evan now, Buck doesn't like being called Evan. And Lou said he wasn't allowed to call Buck anything else. That obviously has a purpose. "The people who know me call me Buck" that's something we hear from Buck's mouth. What's not clicking, exactly? They live in a land where Buck is not Buck and Tommy is not Tommy. They rewrote both characters going against what was being shown and now they are scrambling to make their headcanons canon and they get mad when we don't agree. It's WILD.
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ellilyre · 3 months
They both are the strongest at camp and what really sets them apart is that Diomedes is a child soldier while Achilles is a legendary child. In this essay I will-
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radroller · 5 months
Izutsumi made me realize that “*knife to someone’s throat* ALRIGHT NOBODY FUCKING MOVE” is one of mt favorite ways to introduce a character.
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duncanor · 1 year
Complaining about Stampede not doing the same thing as 98 Trigun is like complaining about Fullmetal Alchemist: brotherhood not doing the same thing as FMA 2003.
It's silly and you should read the Manga.
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lilypads17 · 6 months
"L is light's narrative foil" WRONG it's matsuda
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llavbit · 1 year
Sand was not upset with Ray because Ray choose to go help out mew. Sand was upset because he himself felt regret their session was interputted. He was upset because he realized he cared and wanted to go on. And it was entirely against what he kept repeating.
Sand was upset because he /wanted/ to be with Ray.
And people who say Ray was not upset with this and only thrown away little sorry with no real regret seem to have watched different series than me bc he saw sand is upset and the way he looked at him he was clearly regretful himself. don't you dare come at me and say khaotung acted his ass out gor you to say he was not even sorry
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dodorimo · 2 months
Raphael kinda built like a father
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spacedustmantis · 1 year
i think what i want to happen is for jaiden to find out what happened and go look for charlie. she genuinely cares about him, she's seen him at his lowest. and she knows that he needs to know. she knows that if quackity finds him first it's gonna get ugly fast. idk i just really want her to be there for charlie again bc the last time was so sweet...
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megamindsecretlair · 15 days
Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 things you’ve written that you are most proud of/were the most challenging to write and share them here, then if you’re so inclined (no pressure) put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate everyone’s hard work 😘😘
No! Don't make me choose, Nerdie how could you? :(
I'm proud of all my little babies. They're what built me :(. Ah, well. If I must choose, I shall walk down Nostalgia Lane...
First, I'd have to say my first Tyrone fic. I was BEYOND nervous to post that one, but I wanted to join all the amazing writers writing for him. The passion is gone for most, but I'm glad to still have an audience to share the brainrot with. One of the first times I tried writing smut. Ya'll showed sooo much love for that fic and here I am, many many stories later. Find it here: Sunshine
Second, it'd have to be It's a Little Warm, Part 5. It was one of the first series I've ever done. A lot of people strangely found me through that one. I had sooo much fun writing Bucky. Definitely need to revist that man! I didn't know what I was doing with a series so fresh out the gate! But I had fun and it taught me that that's what writing is supposed to be, fun! Find it here: It's a Little Warm, Part 5
Third, probably Say You Love Me with Frankie Morales. I was SOOOO scared to post this. There were already so many Pedro Pascal writers, so many amazing ones, but this one wouldn't leave my head. And I knew that I had to stop being a little scaredy cat. As long as I'm having fun, I know yall will too. Find it here: Say You Love Me
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weird-and-unwell · 1 month
The trouble with having OCD and seeing others struggle with it is that you know that the shitty "don't do the compulsion" thing really is what works but that also it sounds so unhelpful.
Like "don't do the compulsion" is in many ways so unhelpful BUT it's. Literally the fix.
And trust me, I KNOW how awful and anxiety inducing it is. I know it takes time!! And you have to take it slow! Start with the "easier" ones!!
And that's why I hate giving advice for it. Because yes, that's the fix. Yes, it's frustrating and hard. Yes, you still gotta do it. Most of battling OCD is learning to cope with fear and discomfort, and it's why battling OCD sucks so awfully.
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yousaytomato · 10 months
Can I just say, I think that in general the challenges have been really strong this year
like, aside from a few outliers, the things the bakers have been asked to make have been reasonable, and designed to actually show their skills
unlike some years where it feels like the bakers been set up to fail / make "good" television
And, thankfully, no poorly researched [country] weeks
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