#but. Yeah.
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ierotits · 11 months
quick run down for people unaware of what is happening here rn
tonight is election night in aotearoa. currently, it is looking like the next government will be formed by the right wing block
here we typically have 120 seats in parliament. either 1 party gets over half and forms a government, or they form on in coalition with other parties
as of the current numbers (11pm election night) National is sitting around 50 seats (major right wing party) ACT at around 12 seats (far right party). this means they could get 62 together and form a government
HOWEVER due to Te Pāti Māori currently winning 4 or 5 of the māori electorate seats, that could add another 2/3 seats to parliament, increasing the number of seats needed to create a parliament
this is where Uncle Winston Peters comes in, head of the NZ First party, which is currently at 8 seats. due to tbe Māori electorates, they are likely to also need Winnie in their coalition. Winnie is somewhere in the centre, currently more right wing, but really hes there to cause as many problems as possible for everyone everywhere in the house
we are facing the next 3 years of a government made up of 3 racist right wing parties, who aim to give money to landlords, strip rights from māori and gender minorities, to take back everything we've fought for the last few years. this is going to be absolutely devestating for anyone who isnt a white middle class land owner
we do however currently look like we will have a record number of Green party and Māori party mps, which should help hold them back a little, but it will be a very very tough few years
send a virtual hug (or a real one if you can) to your kiwi mutuals and friends tonight. we fucking need it
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a lot of the waymarks on your map in elden ring are. probably not indicative of what the thing's proper name is. like, "ailing village" was probably not christened "ok and here's where everyone will eventually get sick and go mad" when they built it, and the "smoldering church" was presumably not on fire at some point in its life. "summonwater" would be a weird goddamn name for a village that is neither flooded nor full of skeletons.
but this is also a world that is sort of. post-collapse. so given that i wouldn't be surprised if those names on the map are reflective of the fact that nobody really knows or uses the old names of these places anymore. if we assume the map is some degree of diegetic (we do pick up map fragments after all) then the PC tarnished is probably receiving or writing down names that are actually reflective of what current society, such as it is, calls them. nobody knows what "callu" is anymore. it's the ailing village, the village that fell to the three fingers. which church do you want to meet at? the church of the maiden doesn't mean anything now that it's a shell of a building, i mean the one that's on fucking fire all the time. you get me?
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theboarsbride · 10 months
I need That Old Man™️ so bad rn.💔
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melomelod111 · 5 months
Ryoji Hc time!! 💥💥💥
What if Ryoji has a REALLY hard time falling asleep? Like specifically alone. Like any time he tries to sleep, he gets a pit in his stomach when he realizes the fact that theres just. Nobody present with/around him atm.
So during sleepovers with SEES at the dorm maybe, if he’s so unfortunate that he doesn’t go to sleep before everyone else does, if he’s the last one awake. He gets really anxious. He knows that there are people all around him. But they aren’t present, and (for the most part) don’t acknowledge his existence. The remedy for this is that he ends up just cuddling with Makoto/Kotone (or anyone else) if they allow him. Just so he knows that, even if he feels alone in the dark, there is someone right by his side.
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lostwords-found · 8 months
I feel like Faulkner *thinks* he's the clever little shit who's baffling his opponent at chess by eating the pieces when they're not looking--meanwhile completely failing to realize that his opponent straight up poisoned all the pieces before ever inviting him to play.
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koifrog · 18 days
I’m approaching 27 which means that we are now in this unexpected period of life where we need to replace all of our “good enough for now” things that we got super cheap (or free from family) when we first started living on our own. I am realizing that it is VERY difficult to get rid of things, not just from an emotional attachment standpoint but also:
“Well it technically DOES still work even if it’s unpleasant and falling apart” (especially applicable to ugly/uncomfortable furniture)
“We don’t have to get rid of it, we can always repair it” (it is literally broken and falling apart)
“Wouldn’t it be Bad and Consumeristic to just throw something away that isn’t actually broken just because I want a new one?” (this one plagues me)
“Getting a New Thing would be way too expensive” (hasn’t even checked the price of a replacement, I absolutely can afford it but it would cost more than $50)
Even when I’ve fought through those arguments (which is very hard to do considering these are things I learned while growing up during the 2008 recession and struggling financially due to severe illness and death in the family when I was young) and come out the other side determined to actually replace something, a new issue arises. “How am I going to get rid of the old thing?”
“I can’t donate this because it’s broken or stained”
“I want to sell this but this requires a lot of energy that I don’t have (photographing the item, pricing the item, posting an ad for the item, sorting through offers for the item, arranging pickup for the item, possibly even shipping the item)”
“I want to throw this away but it’s too large to put in the garbage so it must go on the curb and I don’t know the protocol for that”
“I want to throw this away but it’s too large to put in the garbage and too broken to give away so it must go to the dump and I don’t have a vehicle I can use to take this there so I will need to reach out to family for help”
“I want to throw this away but I’m not sure how to do so in an Environmentally Friendly way”
This sort of situation is a nightmare for my mentally ill mind, and it results in me simply giving up and putting up with keeping the shitty item I know I want to replace and repeating the same excuses to myself to justify it enough that I don’t break down in frustrated tears every time I look at the thing I’ve been wanting to get rid of for months.
I’m sick of it though. I am tired of having to put up with being stuck with something I don’t like just because it’s not “bad enough” to justify going through the stress of removing from my life. I am tired of living with these things that I want to get rid of taking up the space I want to give to something new that I do love that I picked out myself on purpose. I am tired of my own happiness not being a good enough reason to justify doing something difficult or inconvenient. I am approaching 30. I don’t want to live the next decade of my life like I’ve lived the first two, just dealing with what’s been given to me and not saying no, incapable of removing things I don’t like to make space for things I do.
#talk#this started as a vent about my couch and my lawnmower and my deck furniture and my car#ended a lot more metaphorical and emotional than expected#but. yeah.#I want my life to be something I chose on purpose#not just whatever I’ve been given#I think I deserve better than that#but also for real why is it so fucking hard to just throw something away!!!#IMO this is partly an infrastructure issue specifically when it comes to things I don’t know HOW to throw away#also there should be more trash categories#I’m sick of things I can’t recycle being tossed in a landfill when they could be composted#but I live in a second story apartment so I can’t compost it myself#also there are many things that I can’t recycle but also SHOULD NOT go in a landfill#that’s one of those things that stresses me out a lot#environmentalism is important to me#wish it was more accessible#ALSO!!!!#what do I do with old potting soil that’s lost nutrients? do I just fertilize the soil in a pot if a plant is doing poorly because it’s been#in the same pot for 4 years#??#do I just NOT replace the soil?#I think i do need to replace the soil but what do I do with the old stuff????#again. second story apartment. so I can’t just put it in the yard.#also even if I could I don’t know if I should!! what if I spread diseases or bacteria or invasive plants!!!#do I toss it in the woods nearby? same issue as before!!!!#do I! once again!! just put up with keeping this old dirt!!!!!!!!!#I don’t want to be burdened by a giant tub of old fucking dirt of all things!!!!!!!#WHY IS IT SO HAAAARD#I DONT WANNA BE A HOARDERRRR
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perelka-l · 3 months
I think by fucked up shit people mean stuff like incest and ships with 20 years between them which only speaks how fandom police can get you for stuff that is pretty common. Loved your post btw I think we all should be loving out things loudly and proudly. I feel like fandom defragmentarized into tiny secret circles like discord servers where fucked up shit is normal but where do you find them if nobody posts about them you know?
You are entirely right.
For starters - I fucking hate Discord. I loathe that this is where apparently things are 'happening' these days. If you don't know someone who's already a part of a group, you're frankly fucked and all there is is you and whoever is active on socmed, that might maybe leave a like, or reblog. I don't want to sound bitter, but people these days comment art when it's shared on some Discord server. I hate this. I hate this so much, because you might just simply never see it, and feel alone.
(Fuck numbers game, when you post fic, art, whatever, what one craves is (and I am using this word) community, sense that you are sharing something with others. You might get one reblog and get the most heartfelt enthusiasm that is coming from deep inside someone's heart and it will make you a thousand times more happy than watching the numbers just go up. But now even that is getting difficult. Because fucking Discord. I was tempted so many times to create "servers" for whatever was on my mind but this is why I usually decided against that.)
I feel like one of reasons that happened was fear. With discord, you can screen who will see your shared filth. It's understandable reaction to whatever the fuck is happening in fandom these days, people don't want to be doxxed, exposed, revealed and shamed. It's a natural progression. And I loathe that it came to this as well. Cringe may no longer exist, but shame still does.
And fr, I remember when I was a baby in fandom. Yes, I looked at things I shouldn't have looked at (another thing that these days I feel is warped...) but at worst you just raised an eyebrow when you saw a more desperate anon request scat on kink meme with two characters you'd never consider together (and they could even get it!!!). Now I feel like people are shamed for most 'basic' stuff. What is a little incest, what is a bit of age gap, truly? In comparison to older days, this was just causal stuff - of course, there were people that were uncomfortable with those themes, but it was easy to just politely look away, elsewhere.
Of course I don't wish to glamorize those times - people were ignorant, there were abusers as everywhere else, all human faults that never went anywhere, there were shitstirrers and drama and hate were present. But I feel like those didn't impact and stifle the fandom as terribly as fanpol now.
So I think best we can do is love, loudly and unashamedly. Just be cringe, just let everything you adore spill out of your heart. Be horny, be enamoured, be friendly, try to let those positive feelings possess you. It's fun! And this is why we are here, this is why we are fans, why we create, why there is fandom. What's the point of participating in this if not out of love? What's the point of love if it's hidden and stifled down? I may be waxing poetics now, but it's a philosophy I genuinely believe in.
I even thought about this recently, how I feel like I am not sticking to this as much as I'd like to. I want to love more, I want to be more open about shit I like, I want to be cringy and unashamed even more. So hey, let's go for it together :D
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wifegideonnav · 8 months
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one thing bo burnham does know how to do is sum up what it’s like being a mentally ill young adult helplessly watching the beginnings of societal collapse
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tired-reader-writer · 19 days
As y'all may or may not have noticed, I, uh, had stopped drawing for a while bc of severe burnout (my blog has practically been living on queue, I have not written anything)— and when I finally had some energy again (despite my illness, yes I fell sick again, no we do not know what it is bc mom won't let me test for anything, yes it sucks) I found that... my fucking stylus broke. IT FUCKING BROKE.
Due to my family being... well, too busy to care for me, much less my hobbies, and me being financially dependent on them... I don't know what else to do. If I could hypothetically get a propriety charger for the device I use, the stylus that came w its keyboard would be charged and start working again, and I won't have to worry about batteries, but then again if it doesn't work... I don't know whether a charger or a pen would be the better choice here.
I wish I could just go out and buy it but nothing makes its way to where I live through official channels, especially with the current Situation™ of my country escalating I wouldn't be surprised if supply stopped altogether. Last time a stylus broke it took a really long while to go around asking shop after shop after shop until I found a local seller. The country's situation has gotten worse since then so... I don't know if I'll be able to find the items I need here.
As you might know, drawing is my lifeblood. During the covid shutdowns I used to draw all day. I loved working on the character design sheet saga. It's devastating to not be able to do what I like, in a medium I favor.
So. Yeah. Wishlist. I don't need both the charger and the pen I don't think. Just. One. Yeah.
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mettywiththenotes · 20 days
I am once again grieving over what could have been (Hawks vs Toga)
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irlwakko · 1 year
yeah like i mentioned i have planet of the bass and dj crazy times blocked. i’m sick of seeing that ableist’s incredibly punchable face on my dash. and i’m also sick of people (not on here, mostly on tiktok) defending him or pretending his ableist content was just a little whoopsie and not 1. the thing that gave him his entire platform and 2. something he was made aware was ableist and continued to do unchanged
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dichromaticdyke · 6 months
sometimes i just look at my ao3 and think i should purge it all
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sollucets · 2 months
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it… its not for me then babes…..
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kozzax · 5 months
Today marks one year. One year of living in this new world, of building a home for the citizens of Earth C, of developing Can Town as the first settlement on Earth C. One year since the day that everything changed. One year since the victory.Today marks one year. - Today marks four years. Today marks four years since the massacre. - Or, an exploration on how WV feels, as the people of Can Town celebrate on the anniversary of the Red Miles.
Happy 4/13! I have emotions about WV and now you will too.
WV and PM are intended to be somewhat queerplatonic in here. Just for the record.
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Oh the temptation to start a big creative project as if I don't have a terrible track record of actually finishing said creative projects
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