#bad history
marzipanandminutiae · 8 months
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existennialmemes · 2 months
Nikola Tesla: You will live to see man made horrors beyond your comprehension.
Me: Sweet!
Nikola Tesla: No, listen, you will see technology that could've been used for the betterment of all, instead used to do unfathomable evil.
Me: Ok, but you mean that in a kinda sexy and fun way, right?
Nikola Tesla: I really can't stress enough how much I do not.
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dougielombax · 18 days
Oh look, the dreaded myth of supposed Nazi collaboration from Ireland has returned!
I’ll agree ireland was in the wrong do stay out of the war but they didn’t collaborate!
This is basic fucking stuff!
Fucking hell
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taylovelinus · 22 days
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absolutely OBSESSED with Google’s claim that Spanish Catholic humanist Juan de Vergara died in 1557 approximately two hours west of Cleveland
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the-anarcho-occultist · 3 months
I love how many movies make Rasputin responsible for the Russian Revolution. Because nothing screams ‘I love communism’ like being a Christian mystic faith healer who works for the Tsar.
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elucubrare · 10 months
i think the end problem with the Thirty Years War Wasn't That Bad as an argument is that that wasn't really his argument (which is good, because he cited stats like "grain production was back to pre-war levels by 1670" [you know, 22 years after the truce was signed] as evidence for it not being that bad), his argument was "the turmoil of the Thirty Years War made a better Europe possible," which isn't crazy, but it's hard to argue that with quantitative data, which he fucking loves for some reason,
but anyway it's that thing where something is either A or ¬A, but never B - the Thirty Years War was either "the real first World War" that devastated Europe and tore the center of the continent apart (A) or not that bad if you take the long view (¬A), but not devastating but in the way that a forest fire that clears territory for new growth is (B). and as I'm writing that, i'm thinking "well, maybe that B sounds a little callous, so that's why you wouldn't want to put it in your book," but honestly ¬A ALSO sounds callous! if it's "not that bad, actually," you have to do a lot of discounting of 1) statistics that do actually sound bad 2) some pretty heart-wrenching contemporary accounts.
anyway. this book made me so mad.
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une-sanz-pluis · 4 months
So I was checking Desmond Seward's biography of Henry V which is not recommended, nope, and he says this:
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Henry V did not fucking say that.
What Seward seems to be referring to one account of the execution of Bertrand de Chaumont. Chaumont was suspected of helping Armagnac prisoners escape and both the Dukes of Burgundy and Clarence interceded for him to no avail. In one account, which no one cites correctly*, Clarence intercedes and Henry responds:
Par saint georges, beau frère, si vous mesmes l'aviez fait et nous vous tinnsions, nous en fenrions le cas semblable; ear, à nostre pouvoir, nous ne voulons ny n'aurons, si Deiu plaist, nuls traistres emprès nous. [By St George, fair brother, had it been you yourself we should have done the same. We neither want nor will have, if God pleases, any traitors around us.**]
One: this incident is found in only one account so whether it really happened can be doubted. Second: there's a big difference in emotion to Henry saying that to a living Clarence about a hypothetical scenario and Henry saying that about a dead Clarence for the reason he was dead. Third: if he did say that after Clarence's death (a claim for which Seward provides no evidence for and omits from his own discussion of Clarence's death) perhaps it might have been the grief speaking? Clarence's death at the Battle of Baugé was and is frequently described as the result of his rashness, his foolishness, etc, etc. Henry could be forgiven for having the very human reaction of "if he wasn't dead, I'd kill him for being such an idiot". Four: we have no way of knowing if Henry would have actually had Clarence executed in either scenario (betrayal or surviving the Battle of Baugé). It is entirely possible that Henry's claim that he would execute Clarence if he turned traitor was pure rhetoric, presenting himself as a king beholden to the ideals of justice and law, willing to even execute his brother should his brother violate those codes.
I would probably be more inclined to take these revisionist, "Henry V was a monster!" historians more seriously if they didn't continually misrepresent the historical record like this. Perhaps this isn't quite as bad as Ian Mortimer inventing a French translation of The Iliad to get mad about, though.
* Seward who does refer to this incident in its correct context earlier in the book, ends with citing Jean Juvénal, who does not seem to discuss Clarence's intercession. John Matusiak cites Monstrelet, who does not include Henry's reply. Both presumably borrowed the quote from James Wylie, who cites several chronicles for his account of the event. The source that does record it is in Chastellain's Oeuvres. Chastellain claims he was too young to remember the events of 1430 so one might wonder how reliable his account is of an event occurring in 1420 was.
** The first half of the translation is Wylie's (used also by Matusiak), the second half is my own rough translation.
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Casually racist perfume bottle and original box, 1930-40, Paris, France.
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What were the items you had to give away? Do you remembered what they looked like?
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"I no longer desire to trade with them. Bad business experience and all that." >:(
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vervedoff · 4 months
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A Peace To End All Peace ~ David Fromkin
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marzipanandminutiae · 6 months
pour one out for that poor lady (Laurie Dumas) who got taken in by some rando at the library making up bullshit stories about dedicated "disappointment rooms" in old homes for hiding away disabled children, and decorated a rather whimsically-shaped upstairs coal storage space like a child's room "in honor" of a kid who almost definitely was never imprisoned there
although she did start a nonprofit because of it so. Bad History for a cause, I guess
(but also imagine losing your daughter at age 5 and then having your name dragged through the mud 100+ years later because you- or a later occupant of the house! we don't even know when the strange facade with windows was added! -decided it could be fun to put a schoolhouse exterior on your coal storage space)
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baddhistory · 9 months
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dougielombax · 2 months
I knew this was gonna happen! (No I’m not a prophet! People are just predictable)
Just when I thought that ghastly old trout couldn’t get any WORSE!!!!!
I knew this would’ve happened eventually what with her going down a far right rabbit hole but I didn’t think it would be so quick!
It’s that ghastly TERF to fascist pipeline in action. Succumbing to and embracing brainrot.
To say nothing of her sickening neurotypical ableism too!
(She is explicitly and OPENLY DENYING that the Nazis targeted trans people despite evidence to the fact that they did!)
I have seen it before and it’s sickening. And yes it is real. (Much like the Ba’athist to Islamist pipeline. Shut up!)
Sickening shit!
She really has become a NASTY piece of work!
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rivvyelf · 10 months
Sun Zi Would've Destroyed Vlad the Impaler
I still remember the Deadliest Warrior episode where they pit Sun Zi against Vlad the Impaler. It was one of the dumbest episodes I've ever seen in my life.
Because Vlad the Impaler would've been absolutely destroyed by Sun Zi, without Sun Zi lifting a finger.
Sun Zi advocates that the best way to win a war or battle is by not fighting at all. He would've had other entities kill Vlad the Impaler for him. When you have both Hungary and the Ottoman Empire having a mutual dislike for you, your days are numbered.
Dumb Episode. Vlad the Impaler gets Impaled. The End. I want those 20 minutes back.
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comradepingu · 11 months
Random men on the internet are the dumbest people on earth. I just saw some dipshit say Native Americans and Africans "invented" fascism before the Italian fascists did it.
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anastanya-blog · 1 year
Вот и снова я вернулась к этому состоянию. Прошел месяц после ремиссии. Снова все по новой. Я словила тригер после просмотра видео из ютуба про @норексию. И снова пришло чувство контроля. Признать честно, я похудела на пару кг с последнего раза. Этого мало. Я в принципе мало ем, но съела пару печенек и пошла тревога, паника. У меня осталось 2 печенья с шоколадом. С одной стороны я боюсь их есть, а с другой, мне что, их выбросить? Я сильна характером, духом и это не даёт мне покоя. Выбросив, я почувствую контроль, радость, облегчение, но съев его - вину, панику и тревогу.
Оно вернулось... Я как бегущий кролик от волка, он бежит и пытается спастись, но рано или поздно, он сдастся. И тогда ничто не будет иметь смысла.
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