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rabiesofficial · 1 year
How did you get into weed, any advice on how to get into it ?
Part of it is gonna be on whether you live on a legal area or not. I live in an area where I can have it delivered to me so it’s super easy. If you live somewhere where you need a plug, idk if you want take that risk.
I would also not recommend smoking if you’re a minor or easily hooked onto things. Weed won’t have you overdosing on the floor or anything, but it’s bad for the developing brain + may be psychologically hard to kick for some people.
Apart from that I just started buying like, a gram at a time and using those little one hitters you can get for like, $5 at a smoke shop. I use a bong now because It’s less harsh on my lungs, you could probably get a 6” one for $20-$25 online [+ shipping) but my preference is closer to a 10” bong so that you don’t burn your hair or eyebrows tryna light your weed lol. Imo do NOT get ice catchers/honey comb ice catchers in your bong. Just makes it harder to clean + cold air (ice/water) actually makes the tips harsher and you’re more likely to cough. When you breathe in you’re inhaling slow/med-slow speed. If you go too fast you’ll cough. Take smaller hits to start, if your hit is too big you’ll cough. Once you have your small hit, try to inhale it into your lungs, the way I’ve seen it described is imagine someone just walked in on you smoking and you gasped/inhaled in shock lol. Then hold it for 7 seconds max, that’s just flexing at that point. Tbh 3 seconds is probably good but y’know :3
Some people are gonna be wayyyy sensitive to weed and some not at all. I knew someone who could only smoke indicas (downer) because sativas (upper strains) and hybrids (mixed lol) would freak her out. Tbh edibles are a great and awful way to get started. My suggestion if you want to start with edibles is buy one that is in 5 mg doses (most packages have 100 mgs total so that’s like, 20 gummies). The standard dosage is 10mg, for a beginner I’d say go with 5 mg. If you’re terrible unlucky like me it won’t hit you at all no matter what dosage you take. If you’re even more unlucky, you’ll eat too much + have it hit you and have the worst weed experience of your life. Edibles last longer than smoking because of the way your body processes it, so eat your dosage (5mg-10mg depending on when you want to start) and wait about an hour to two hours. If it doesn’t hit eat another small dosage. I’m serious you don’t want to eat too much, you’ll end up throwing up and having an awful time. If you’re paranoid, have pure CBD gummies around. CBD counteracts some of the too high feeling of thc, it’ll just make you suuuuuper relaxed you might end up napping. I think this is all I remember for now 🤔 lmk if you have more questions
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🦷 Improving My Dental Self-Care 🦷
Hello, friends. Mod Lia here. Today I am sharing a self-care experiment with y'all.
I've always had great luck with my teeth—I have a slight overbite for which I declined Invisalign, but otherwise, I've never needed orthodontia. I've never had a cavity. My wisdom teeth extraction went incredibly smoothly. I like my teeth and they have yet to cause me major issues (🤜🪵).
I work at a pediatric dentistry now. Naturally, having been privy to various mouth-related horror stories over the past couple months, I've developed some dental anxiety. It's not entirely unfounded, either; I know my oral hygiene could be much improved, and that's what I'm planning to work on!
This post is going to be VERY long and VERY detailed, so buckle up.
I bought products from Amazon for this little experiment. In general, I get most of what I buy off the internet, as I can't drive, don't have access to functional public transportation, and live in a forest. I also do not make a livable wage, so I pinch pennies whenever I can, and Amazon tends to be more affordable than other options.
That said, it is absolutely an evil corporation that exploits its employees, harms the environment, strangles small businesses, monopolizes whole industries, and perpetually bloats Jeff Bezos' inordinate wealth. I very much want to achieve a situation where boycotting Amazon is more logistically and financially realistic for me. I do not feel good about supporting such an unethical company, and I want you to know that I'm aware of its issues.
Also: while I need to conserve money (especially since this year I'm finally moving in with my partner [Mod Cass] and our dear friend), I do have the privilege of indulging in some monetary laxity, as I live with my parents and don't have to pay rent. Not everyone has that advantage, and I realize how fortunate I am. Many people would be unable to drop ~$60 like I did.
😁 Things I Do Well:
I brush my teeth every night. I always have. I have severe depression and pretty bad executive dysfunction, but that's something I've managed to do consistently.
If it's not plain tap water, I'm almost certainly drinking it through a straw.
I've seen a dentist every six months for as long as I can remember.
I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste by my bed. When I'm intoxicated or the executives are Dysfunctioning, I can start brushing my teeth in bed. By the time I'm done, I'm almost always able to get up and spit into the sink, but I do have an empty bottle I can spit into if necessary (I've done that once or twice, but I emptied, washed, and disinfected the bottle in the morning). Gross? Whatever. No shame in doing what you have to do to work with your brain.
I chew sugar-free gum almost daily, which stimulates saliva production, which in turn prevents decay.
After buying coconut oil for skincare initially, I was pleasantly surprised to find that oil pulling (swishing oil in your mouth) actually works for me. It's very low-effort and I've been doing it for 15–25 minutes every night. Studies suggest oil pulling may help prevent plaque, gingivitis, and bacterial build-up.
⚠️ Areas of Concern:
I have a mild enamel defect on some of my back teeth.
I occasionally swish 1.5% hydrogen peroxide around my mouth as a teeth whitener. I doubt this is significantly harmful, since my dentist has me do it before cleanings and I checked with my doctor that it wouldn't hurt me. But H2O2 is caustic, so I'm certain it can't be good for my teeth.
I put Mio energy drops in the water bottle I drink from at work. Their second ingredient is citric acid; acidic substances corrode your enamel.
I'm very prone to BFRBs (body-focused repetitive behaviors), presumably related to my likely OCD. For this reason, it's a struggle to put down the toothbrush, and I brush my teeth—hard—for 5–20 minutes at a time. Brushing your teeth too vigorously for too long is rough on your enamel and gums.
I use CBD vape juice as a nightly tincture to help me sleep. The second ingredient is propylene glycol, which apparently breaks down into various acids.
I've tried many times, but I've never been able to consistently brush my teeth twice a day. Or floss. Thanks, brain xoxo
Since I don't brush my teeth in the morning, I eat a lot of mints so I don't inflict morning breath on people 😫 Sucking on hard mints exposes your teeth to sugar for prolonged periods (and you can damage your enamel if you bite them).
❗ DISORDERED EATING TW - I am relapsed. I eat little in the mornings and do not eat at work. This is very very dangerous and once caused a medical crisis in front of my coworkers, so I keep hard candy in my purse for harm reduction purposes. It's a great source of fast-acting glucose when I get hypoglycemic, but it carries the same issues I mentioned with hard mints. HOWEVER, preventing another crisis is my top priority, so I am NOT getting rid of the hard candy. ❗
🎯 Goals:
Stop whitening my teeth with hydrogen peroxide.
Start brushing my teeth more gently and for less than 5 minutes at a time.
Brush my teeth in the morning.
Floss more nights than not.
Remineralize my teeth using enamel-strengthening products.
Use some protective measure (e.g. mouthwash, gum, oil pulling) after eating mints or candy, taking my CBD tincture, or drinking my flavored (albeit sugar-free) water.
🪥 Products:
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Soft toothbrushes ($4.39) - Not only do I need to be more gentle on my teeth, but I've always found brushing my teeth more pleasant with soft-bristled brushes. I don't know why I haven't been buying them; I guess in my head they're a "kid" thing 🙄
Floss picks ($3.69) - I was significantly better about flossing my teeth when I used floss picks as a child. They're not as effective as regular floss, but I think they're easier and more pleasant to use—good for executive dysfunction. Again, I've been avoiding them because I've thought of them as a "kid" thing, which is silly.
Xylitol gum ($10.22) - The sugar-free gum I currently chew is sweetened with xylitol, a sugar substitute that research suggests could aid in cavity prevention. However, Mentos Pure Fresh gum in particular is one of only eight chewing gums approved by the American Dental Association. And it's good.
Alcohol-free fluoride mouthwash ($4.82) - Alcohol is acidic, carcinogenic, drying, and an irritant, so it's no good in mouthwash. Conversely, appropriate doses of fluoride support enamel health. Not sure about this violet mint flavor, though...
Fluoride toothpaste ($11.49) - Due to my distrust of hydrogen peroxide, I did some research and found a study that failed to identify any concerns with H2O2 toothpastes, so that's how I will replace my whitening** rinse (though I did opt for the Colgate variant with less H2O2). It will be far milder than actual H2O2, and more importantly, it contains fluoride.
**Note: No one needs to whiten their teeth. Enamel is slightly translucent and the underlying dentin is yellow, so yellow-y teeth are perfectly natural, and sometimes healthier than intentionally whitened teeth. A smile is beautiful regardless of its color, and I do believe this! I see sooooo many adorable, charming, lovable kids at work who don't have "perfect" straight white teeth. Unfortunately, I am not immune to arbitrary societal pressure, and I know that for now I'll still want to use a teeth whitener. At the very least, I'd rather use one I'm sure is safe.
Nano-hydroxyapatite (n-HA) toothpaste ($11.95) - n-HA is the synthetic form of a naturally occurring mineral compound that comprises most of our enamel. Research shows that n-HA's enamel benefits are equivalent to fluoride's (actually, n-HA produces slightly more uniform remineralization), but their mechanisms of action are different, so I want to try both. n-HA is more expensive, though!
Fluoride-free toothpaste ($8.72) - If I'm going to brush my teeth more often, I need a toothpaste I can default to if at times I feel like the other ones are too expensive or don't taste as good. I heard that this one has a nice subtle flavor, and it comes in spearmint, which I prefer to peppermint. Also, like most ED folk, I have stomach issues sometimes. When my stomach is sensitive, I don't want to risk exposure to fluoride, since it can hurt your stomach if swallowed (though n-HA is safe to ingest).
Total cost: $55.28 ($57.77 with tax) - That's a lot of money, and way more than I ever wanted to spend on dental care products. However, all this stuff is gonna last me a while, and it's worth the price if it means my oral health might improve.
📑 Plan:
I will brush my teeth with fluoride toothpaste in the morning. At night I'll oil-pull before using my n-HA toothpaste, a floss stick, and fluoride mouthwash.
I will use my non-fluoride toothpaste if I ever, for whatever reason, don't feel like using the other two. If the other two end up tasting bad, then I'll just alternate them for my night brushing and use the non-fluoride one in the morning, when I'm more likely to be put off from brushing.
I will set a 5-minute timer on my phone when I brush my teeth. Once it goes off, I have to stop. Ideally, I'll work my way down to the recommended 2–3 minutes.
If I don't feel like brushing, I give myself full permission to brush in bed or just quickly swipe my toothbrush over my teeth. If that's still too much, I can use mouthwash or gum instead.
I will bring a bottle of plain tap water to work to sip from (and thereby rinse my mouth) after taking a drink of my flavored water.
I will chew Mentos Pure Fresh gum after eating a mint or hard candy.
I will use mouthwash or a brief oil pull after taking my CBD tincture at night. (I could also brush my teeth, but I do worry about rubbing any acidic byproducts into my enamel.)
I will offer myself understanding, compassion, forgiveness, encouragement, and validation no matter how my self-care experiment goes. I am trying to get better, and I am not a failure if it turns out to be harder than I anticipated.
I will update this post by reblogging it with my progress!
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delta8cbdstore · 2 years
Website: https://www.delta8cbdstore.com/
Delta8cbdstore is a wholesale and retail provider of highly potent CBD and Delta 8 products.
We are a family owned and run business that takes great pride in offering effective and potent delta 8 THC, CBD, and holistic remedies. All of our products are made or infused in house to insure that each item meets our high standards.
Since we are in the heart of Amish country it enabled us to develop relationships directly with local farmers who already know how to grow organically. Each of our growers has been highly vetted and third party tested to ensure that each product is of the highest purity and quality. We have chosen to build relationships only with small family farms because we feel that they take far more pride in the quality of the product than some of their larger competitors, and we feel that you will notice the difference.
Most importantly we are a family who loves hearing about how our products have changed peoples lives for the better, it really makes our week. That is why all of our products are from proven formulas, using the highest quality ingredients available, and then it's tested on our own family and friends before being offered for sale.
We can, and do, make far more than is offered on our website, if there is a product that you desire, feel free to contact us, we do custom orders all of the time and there's rarely any kind of fee.
Business Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Delta8cbdstore
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artemisbarnowl · 2 months
What sort of job do I need to be comfortable in Melbourne? Do I need to have a degree level job or not in order to move there and not end up homeless or broke?
What are bills like? So rent, utilities, transport, food etc.
What are social events, such as museums or art galleries and so on, things to do in Melbourne like price wise?
I reckon you'd need a bit saved up before you moved, flights, temporary accom, paperworky stuff, but you can work full time in hospo or retail and live. Probably not alone though. Bills really vary, you might have a gas stove or heater (although these are being phased out they're still around) which will lower your energy bill, mine's about 170 for 3 months. Water depends on if you rent or buy, if you buy you have to pay for the connection not just usage so it goes from 30-70 dollars a quarter to 200-250.
A lot of galleries and museums (NGV, Ian potter, immigration museum etc) are free entry. Some special exhibitions or larger museums aren't. An adult full price is around 25-35 for those. There's often free or discounted entry for students or people with concession cards. Maybe once a quarter they'll also do adults only/after dark stuff that has a bar and live music and tends to be a bit cheaper. What's on in melbourne is a good website to get a snapshot of how much happens every month. It ebbs and flows obvi but a lot of cities are doing an urban renewal to get people into the CBD during 'off season's like midwinter or during school terms in autumn.
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Cannabinoid : As the name suggests and as mentioned earlier, this is a crucial component in the final product. It is renowned for its calming effects, mood enhancement, and tension reduction.
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What are the benefits that consumers can gain from using Smart Hemp Gummies Australia?
There are numerous advantages associated with Smart Hemp Gummies Australia, including: These gummies provide relief from persistent pain and discomfort in the body. They assist in achieving better sleep quality, making it easier to fall asleep and ensuring longer more restful nights. These CBD Gummies can aid in managing critical conditions such as diabetes, seizures, and arthritis. By preventing damage to blood vessels, these gummies contribute to better cardiovascular health. They can help reduce symptoms related to PTSD, OCD, depression, anxiety, and stress. The CBD in the gummies has shown the potential in reducing psychotic symptoms experienced by individuals with schizophrenia. These CBD Gummies have the potential to improve overall mood, thinking, and mental well-being. They may aid in healthy weight loss by slowing down the body's metabolic process. These gummies can enhance concentration and attentiveness, thereby boosting cognitive abilities. These CBD Gummies are made from natural ingredients and have undergone clinical approval.
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How should these CBD Gummies be used?
Smart Hemp Gummies Australia are crafted using natural ingredients, ensuring they are free from artificial additives or preservatives that could be harmful to the body. This nutritional supplement is specifically designed to reduce pain and enhance overall quality of life. It is recommended to consume these gummies with plenty of water to facilitate optimal nutrient absorption. The suggested dosage is one gummy per day, but if you desire better results and plan to take a higher dosage, it is advisable to consult with your doctor beforehand.
Smart Hemp Gummies Australia: How effective are they?
Before using Smart Hemp Gummies Australia, it is crucial to understand their efficacy. Familiarizing oneself with the functioning of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) framework is essential. The ECS system plays a pivotal role in regulating vital functions in our bodies. However, with aging or excessive stress, the ECS system can become compromised, leading to suboptimal bodily functioning and the development of chronic ailments. These gummies work by introducing CBD oil, which supports the ECS system, into the body. By activating the body's receptors, CBD oil helps restore the proper functioning of the ECS framework. Consequently, individuals may regain some control over their appetite, sleep patterns, mental health, and overall well-being.
What are the potential side effects of Smart Hemp Gummies Australia?
According to consumer reports, there have been no reported negative effects associated with the use of these CBD Gummies thus far. These gummies are made entirely from organic ingredients, devoid of any chemicals, preservatives, or potentially harmful components. This product ensures safety and provides a comprehensive relief system that aids in regulating blood pressure. With the use of this expertly formulated medication, individuals can alleviate discomfort without experiencing any reported adverse effects.
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==>> Click Here To Order Smart Hemp Gummies Australia/NZ : Don't Miss Out Today's Special Offer <<==
Where to buy Smart Hemp Gummies Australia?
To purchase Smart Hemp Gummies Australia, customers can directly visit the company's official website. On the website, a form can be completed by providing the necessary information to place an order for the gummies. Once the order is placed, the CBD Gummies will be shipped and delivered to the specified address within a few days or up to a week.
Where to buy Smart Hemp Gummies Australia?
To purchase Smart Hemp Gummies Australia, customers can directly visit the company's official website. On the website, a form can be completed by providing the necessary information to place an order for the gummies. Once the order is placed, the CBD Gummies will be shipped and delivered to the specified address within a few days or up to a week.
You have the option to buy a pack of 2 Smart Hemp Gummies Australia for $49.99 per pack. Along with that, you will also receive an extra pack for free, and shipping is included at no additional charge.
Money-back Guarantee
In case you are not completely satisfied with the outcome, there is a 30-day guarantee available. You can return the gummies within this period, and upon doing so, you will receive a complete refund of the amount you paid for the purchase.
Final Thought:
Attaining a state of calmness and peace is a common aspiration, while pain often hinders a fulfilling life. Smart Hemp Gummies Australia offer a solution to help individuals maintain their well-being and resilience. Those who choose this remedy are seeking relief from the ongoing physical and mental distress they have been enduring.
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==>> Click Here To Order Smart Hemp Gummies Australia/NZ : Don't Miss Out Today's Special Offer <<==
What are the physiological benefits of using Smart Hemp Gummies Australia?
These CBD Gummies provide a range of physiological benefits, including alleviating symptoms of anxiety, reducing chronic pain and inflammation, inducing relaxation, and improving the quality of sleep.
Can Smart Hemp Gummies Australia help in lowering blood pressure?
Although some studies suggest that CBD may have a positive impact on blood pressure, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD products as a treatment for hypertension.
Do Smart Hemp Gummies Australia effectively uplift mood?
Scientific evidence supports the potential mood-enhancing effects of CBD, especially in cases of anxiety and depression. However, individual responses may vary, and it is important to use CBD products responsibly and seek guidance from a healthcare professional.
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nickgerlich · 3 months
Back To The Mall
Sometimes I like to return to the well of a topic we have already touched on, albeit only a few days ago. It’s just that the topic lends itself to so many discussions, and can be explored in much greater depth by revisiting it. And it helps when it is one of your favorite discussion topics.
I’m talking about the shopping mall, y’all, not because I love to shop, but because when I ponder their very existence, I see more than just retailing. They are a shining example of social engineering.
When Austrian architect Victor Gruen designed the first fully enclosed mall in the US, the Southdale Center in Edina Minnesota, he envisioned a new Main Street, a new Central Business District (CBD) for the modern era. Whereas we had previously gone downtown to tall department stores with mom-and-pop shops sandwiched between, we could now go to one place and never have to step foot outside this climate-controlled behemoth that was a world unto its own.
With the new emphasis on inward-facing commerce, malls did not have to look pretty on the outside. They could just be nondescript big boxes, with the major tenants’ names on their end cap buildings but little more. It could be described as Brutalist architecture, a fad that took root in the 1950s.
Thanks to a story about malls running on CNN.com, I was nudged to digress a bit. Good timing, too, since Retail is one of our topics of the week.
Shopping malls and casinos have two things in common: No windows, and no clocks. The goal is for the folks on the inside to completely lose track of time, to get lost in their escape from reality, to part with more of their hard-earned cash. And yes, it was cash back then, not plastic.
When you are cognizant of time, or the weather outside, or darkness, etc., your mind starts to drift back to reality. As soon as that happens, it’s all downhill for both the retailer and casino operator.
In some regards, the enclosed mall is like the manufactured community represented in The Truman Show, so utterly fake yet completely believable. Everything is orchestrated and scripted, and as long as you suspend rational thought, you are one with the eco-system.
I am not so old that I was around for Gruen’s masterpiece to open, but I wasn’t far off. I recall growing up in Harvey Illinois, one of Chicago’s south suburbs. I lived a middle class existence, with a younger brother, a father who took the train every day to his job downtown, and a mother who held down the fort. We went shopping at what was then a marvel of retail, the Dixie Square Mall that opened in 1966.
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As malls go, it was actually quite different from what we see today. It had a JC Penney and Montgomery Ward as anchor tenants, but then also had a supermarket, a rarity in the modern era. I guess they weren’t thinking too much, because if you buy groceries, the odds are good you need to get home with your perishables, and not venture into the department stores or other shops. On a hot summer day, your burgers could be grilled before you ever got home.
There was also a large centerpiece artsy thing, not exactly a fountain, but it looked like one with hundreds of nylon strings or whatever vertically hung from the ceiling, and water or oil droplets slowly cascading downward on those lines, only to be recycled back to top in a never ending loop. Well, at least that’s how I remember it. It was mesmerizing, and you could look at it for hours. Gruen envisioned these centerpieces as being where shoppers congregated for conversation, taking a break from their shopping.
I also recall the Woolworth, basically a huge so-called dime store filled with trinkets, toys, crafts, fabric, and the like. And next door was the Harvest House Cafeteria, not much unlike the Furr’s Cafeterias we have had in Texas. You went through a line, pointed to the things you wanted, and someone handed it to you. It wasn’t a three-Michelin-star experience, but for middle class folks, it may as well have been. “Meatloaf…some mashed potatoes…green beans, …oh, and a slice of lemon meringue pie, please. Thank you.” We went often on Sundays after church.
As we have already discussed, malls eventually starting falling into disfavor, their carefully constructed micro-environments contributing to the ennui of multiple generations. And as for Dixie Square, it met its demise much sooner than most malls, because by November 1978, it was shuttered after only 12 years of existence. Turns out that Harvey underwent a different kind of social change, this time white flight as the city became increasingly black. Crime shot up. There were muggings and shootings, and no one wanted to shop there, especially after dark. I must also point out that back then Chicago was very racist. Everyone hated everybody else.
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Director John Landis rented the vacant mall in 1979 to shoot a scene for The Blues Brothers movie, featuring a chase scene that found cops in pursuit of Elwood and Jake Blues right through a well-stocked mall. You can imagine the chaotic scene, or watch it online. They trashed the place, not bothering to clean it up, and left it for Mother Nature to reclaim.
That mall soon became legendary among Urban Explorers. Murders and drug deals did not deter people from wanting to check it out, myself included. I went in the summer of 2010—yeah, it was still standing—but by 2012, after decades of deciding who would pay for the asbestos abatement, it was demolished.
In many regards, Dixie Square became emblematic of a failed social experiment, the very one championed by Gruen. In fact, Gruen, who was a socialist, came to loathe his contribution to society. Then again, the notion of climate-controlled environments was popular back then, witnessed in little terrariums people bought for their homes, usually with multiple strata of differently colored sand, pebbles, and cactuses. By the late-80s, we even had Biosphere 2, a fully enclosed research facility in Arizona designed to study the living systems of Earth.
Along the way, as malls grew in popularity, we lost the heart and soul of our communities. Downtowns became ghost towns. The neon nights of old, with each shop sporting its own luminescent sign hung over their doorway, flickered and went away, replaced by the banalities of our suburban existence.
Maybe the current trend away from malls will cause us to reconsider our collective past, and find us clamoring about to build new city centers, complete with department stores and the little shops in between. I have my doubts, but a guy can dream. The answer will probably be somewhere in the middle, with, as I have said before, a lot of strip malls all outward facing. It’s better than the mall as we know it.
As for this grand social experiment, we can say that it served us for a season, but in the end, the rats in the maze won out and we rebelled.
Dr “Let’s Re-Engineer This” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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nathank77 · 4 months
9:44 Added to Significantly/Edited
The downsides of being a bald guy except for the fact that most women aren't into it is it's not easy to maintain. I don't shave it bald bc it's time consuming and to keep it smooth and shiny I got to shave it every other day. I'd do laser hair removal or even have it all plucked out.. no joke. I started doing that a little but I have a lot of hair everywhere that hair still lives I got to have someone do it for me.
I finally had contamination free clippers and I have another Cyst in my arm pit.. I didn't see it until my clippers touched it... thankfully I shaved my head and face before this happened. Can't shave my junk now... it can wait but I was in the mood trying to get shit done...
I just had to buy a second pair of clippers. I could clean it but water and alcohol rust them... that's the issue. I'm getting a new pair of clippers I'm only using on my head. I buzz my head bald once a week and I can't have my clippers be in "contamination prison" every time I try to shave my body it's fucking infuritiating... cause I do my body every 2 weeks and my head once a week.....
When I get the new ones I'll shave my junk but my head first next Friday so if they get contaminated by the time I need to use them the following Friday the others won't be contaminated... eventually when they both are free of germs, one will be only for my head and face and the other for my junk...
So yea. The issue is cysts aka mrsa can live on surfaces for up to two weeks which is unfortunate. I actually I looked it up. I had a pimple on my head but that's a 3 day germ.... too bad I had a Cyst in my arm pit but I'm done with "contamination prison." My "fringe" getting long enough to pinch drives me crazy and makes me feel dirty. I have to buzz it to a no guard once a week. I'd do it twice a week if I had a life.
Well I solved my problem I'm just annoyed. I want to get balding clippers one day so I can get it as close to bald as possible. But yea at least I'll be able to shave my head bald next week.
I went too short on my facial hair again but whatever. I hate being a bald guy it's so much maintenance and it's boring and I don't get any variety.
I'm worried about money and the gym membership that I want to buy the 1st of the month... I got to buy 90$ worth of cbd that doesn't seem to be doing shit... only one more month of what I consider to be a waste of money... I'll go to 50mg and spend 40$ a month but this doesn't even get me high or make me happy and i have all these ptsd symptoms. I've been dissociating A LOT. I did twice today in the shower. And I got to pay off my cigarettes.... buying these Buzzers would be no big deal IF I DIDNT HAVE TO SPEND 90$ ON CBD.
I got to do the oil change and the car wash next week. And I just wish I didn't have to buy stupid cbd. It doesn't get me high. It doesn't make me happy. I don't feel any fucking different. And with the money I spend on cigarettes every month and half now cbd is an expensive purchase...
I just want to be able to afford the gym membership, the oil change, the car wash, the stupid cbd, I'll be out of white mulberries soonish I prob got a month. I just want to be able to pay off my cigarettes and hopefully be able to buy the teeth sealant cause I'm sick of this brown fucking stain.
Not to mention I'm losing weight and need new clothes. Being poor is fucking infuritiating and having mental health issues and having the only drug you could take to "help" causes more problems than it's worth. I don't need Parkinson disease or tardive dsykinesia.. so yea... I'll keep buying cbd... and I'll never stop white mulberries. But cbd might get downgraded to 50mg. I don't see the fucking "improvement."
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aryakumari · 6 months
Buy Health And Wellness Products At The Lowest Prices
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Determining the "best" health product can be subjective, as it depends on the individual's needs, preferences, and health status. Choose the best health and wellness products for your healthy health from the health care products company list in India that manufacture and provide the best offers on health and wellness products.
However, here are some popular and highly regarded health and wellness products across various categories:
Multivitamins and Supplements: Products like Nature Made Multivitamins, Garden of Life mykind Organics, and Thorne Research offer comprehensive nutrient support.
Probiotics: Brands such as Culturelle, Renew Life, and Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics are well-known for promoting gut health.
Fitness Trackers: Fitbit, Garmin, and Apple Watch are popular choices for tracking physical activity, heart rate, and sleep quality.
Healthy Snacks: RXBARs, KIND Bars, and nuts/seeds packs like those from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods are great options for convenient and nutritious snacking.
Essential Oils: Brands like doTERRA and Young Living offer a range of essential oils for aromatherapy, relaxation, and wellness purposes.
CBD Products: CBD oils, balms, and capsules from reputable brands such as Charlotte's Web, CBDistillery, and Lazarus Naturals are used for stress relief, pain management, and relaxation.
Natural Skincare: Products from brands like Cetaphil, CeraVe, and Paula's Choice offer gentle and effective skincare options without harsh chemicals.
Yoga and Meditation Gear: Manduka yoga mats, meditation cushions from Buckwheat, and apps like Headspace or Calm are popular for practicing mindfulness and relaxation.
Water Bottles: Hydro Flask, Nalgene, and S'well bottles encourage hydration with their durable and stylish designs.
Home Fitness Equipment: Peloton bikes, TRX suspension trainers, and adjustable dumbbells like those from Bowflex provide options for convenient home workouts.
Remember to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new health regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns. Here, you can buy health and wellness products from the health care products company list in India at affordable price.
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Super CBD Gummies 300mg {⚠️NEW BEWARE!❌} Is Official Website Claims Fake Or Real!
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In a world where  heartiness is a top precedence,  further  individualities are turning to natural remedies like CBD products to enhance their overall health. Among the wide array of CBD-  invested options available, Super CBD Gummies 300mg stand out for their convenience and effectiveness. These gummies offer a  succulent and discreet way to incorporate the benefits of cannabidiol into your  diurnal routine.
👉 Product Name — Super CBD Gummies 300mg
👉 Classification - Pain Relief & Reduce Anxiety
👉 Composition – Natural Organic Compound
👉 Side-Effects — NA
👉 Availability — Online
👉 Rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
👉 Official Website (Sale Is Live) — >>> Click Here To Buy Now
Super CBD Gummies 300mg: Exploring Cannabidiol with Caution and Curiosity
Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating compound derived from hemp, has exploded in popularity due to its potential health benefits. Super CBD Gummies 300mg offer a tempting gateway to explore the world of CBD, but a cautious and curious approach is necessary before incorporating them into your wellness routine.
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How Super CBD Gummies 300mg Work? 
When consumed, Super CBD Gummies 300mg are broken down in the digestive system, releasing the CBD into the bloodstream. From there, CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the ECS, helping to maintain balance and promote overall  heartiness. The  goods of Super CBD Gummies 300mg may vary depending on factors  similar as lozenge, individual metabolism, and  frequence of use. 
   ✅⏩⚛⚛Get Super CBD Gummies 300mg by clicking here! (Run quickly to the store!)⚛⚛⏮✅
Super CBD Gummies 300mg Sweetened Take on CBD
Super CBD positions its CBD gummies as a delicious and convenient way to experience the potential therapeutic effects of CBD. Offered in a spectrum of potencies (from a beginner-friendly 500mg to a high-strength 5000mg per container) and enticing flavors, these gummies are purportedly crafted with organic hemp oil and designed to promote relaxation and overall well-being.
While scientific research on CBD is ongoing, early studies suggest it may offer relief from a variety of conditions:
·        Anxiety and Stress Relief: CBD's interaction with the body's endocannabinoid system is theorized to promote a sense of calm and reduce stress hormones, potentially offering a natural approach to managing anxiety.
·        Potential for Pain Management: Some studies suggest CBD may possess analgesic properties, potentially offering a welcome reprieve from chronic pain.
·        Improved Sleep: By promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, CBD gummies may indirectly contribute to better quality sleep, allowing individuals to wake feeling more refreshed.
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Essential Considerations Before You Explore
·        The Murky Waters of Regulation: The FDA currently doesn't regulate CBD products, leading to inconsistencies in quality and purity. To ensure you're getting what you pay for, choose companies that provide third-party lab reports verifying the accuracy of the CBD content.
·        Finding Your Sweet Spot: Super CBD recommends a serving size of 1-3 gummies every 6 hours. However, a cautious approach is crucial, especially for first-time users. Start with a low dosage and gradually increase based on your individual tolerance. This allows you to find the sweet spot that delivers the desired effects without unwanted side effects.
·        Navigating the Legal Maze: Hemp-derived CBD is federally legal in most US states. However, legal frameworks can be subject to change. Before purchasing CBD products, familiarize yourself with the regulations in your area to avoid any legal complications.
·        Potential Drug Interactions: An important caveat is that CBD can interact with certain medications. It is vital to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD gummies, especially if you are taking other medications to avoid any unintended consequences.
   ✅⏩⚛⚛Get Super CBD Gummies 300mg by clicking here! (Run quickly to the store!)⚛⚛⏮✅
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Are Super CBD Gummies 300mg Safe? 
Third- Party Testing 
Super CBD Gummies 300mg  suffer third- party testing to  insure  chastity, energy, and safety. These tests  corroborate the absence of  dangerous  pollutants  similar as fungicides, heavy essence, and residual detergents,  furnishing peace of mind to consumers.
Implicit Side goods 
While CBD is generally well-  permitted, some  individualities may  witness mild side  goods  similar as doziness, dry mouth, or changes in appetite. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any CBD  authority, especially if you have underpinning medical conditions or are taking  specifics. 
Client Reviews and witnesses 
Real- Life gests  numerous  druggies have participated their positive  gests  with Super CBD Gummies 300mg, citing advancements in  colorful areas of their health and well- being. These  witnesses serve as  precious  perceptivity into the implicit benefits of CBD products. 
Success Stories 
From pain relief to more sleep,  guests have reported a wide range of benefits from incorporating Super CBD Gummies 300mg into their  diurnal routine. These success stories  punctuate the transformative power of natural  heartiness  results.
   ✅⏩⚛⚛Get Super CBD Gummies 300mg by clicking here! (Run quickly to the store!)⚛⚛⏮✅
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Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies REVIEWS 2024 BEST OPINION Effective Ingredients?
Nowadays, many guys experience sad about their low intercourse pressure and poor sexual performance. This can result in problems like low self assurance, strained relationships, and feeling insecure. If you are suffering with these problems, don't worry! We're introducing Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies, a amazing product that might simply clear up your problems. Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies may want to help you reap tougher and longer-lasting erections, enhancing your relationship along with your associate and boosting your self assurance in the bedroom.
‍● Main Benefits: Testosterone Booster
● Results: Within Few Weeks
● Customer Reviews: four.9/five (Based on 3,175 opinions!)‍
What is Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies?
Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies is a herbal supplement designed to enhance testosterone ranges and enhance sexual performance. It's formulated with herbal ingredients recognized to support men's sexual health over time. Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies is stated to raise libido, decorate sexual overall performance, growth penis size, and uplift temper correctly and successfully. This herbal supplement addresses numerous guys's fitness troubles like low libido, testosterone stages, and circulate to the penile location, using herbs generally determined in complementary remedy to enhance libido and testosterone.
Benefits of Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies:
Low libido can affect your intercourse pressure. If you are experiencing this issue, do not worry! Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies can also help increase your libido and stamina, main to a more potent intercourse force.
It should decorate blood float during your frame. Improved blood flow can raise your stamina, permitting you to perform higher and sense more comfortable.
Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies may additionally improve your physical performance, assisting you carry out higher in mattress. With more desirable physical performance, you could have longer-lasting sex without giving up halfway.
Short-lasting erections can be a hassle with low sex drive. Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies may provide tougher and longer erections, impressing your associate and improving your sexual experience.
How does Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies work?
Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies may want to paintings wonders for your body. If you are struggling with low stamina, motivation, libido, minimum erections, or poor sexual overall performance, agonize no longer! This product may assist raise your strength and revitalize your intercourse power along with your partner. You may additionally enjoy improved stamina and longer-lasting erections after taking this gummy bears improving your sex classes.
Moreover, Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies might also improve blood float at some stage in your body, leading to more advantageous performance and solid stamina. With no reported side consequences, this product should deal with all of the troubles hindering your sexual performance, making sure a fulfilling revel in for you and your partner.
How to Consume Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies?
Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies is in gummy bears shape and have to be keen on water. The vitamins in the capsules are absorbed quickly into the frame, making it easier to increase sexual desire and achieve robust erections. It's cautioned to take  pills every day. Additionally, the agency recommends taking a second tablet half-hour before sexual hobby to maximize sexual power and overall performance whilst wished.
 Is Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies Safe to Consume?
Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies is made from a blend of pure and natural natural materials. These components have been used for centuries and feature a records of effectively addressing sexual health problems. Our laboratories have tested them to make sure their efficacy. This supplement is appropriate for all men in search of to improve their sexual health and address erectile disorder. It is safe for consumption and has no adverse results on the body. Health professionals have accredited its use.
In conclusion, Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies affords a compelling solution for men seeking to improve their sexual performance and pride. With its combo of natural ingredients, It has the capability to decorate virility, stamina, and delight in the course of intimate moments. By embracing, you could enjoy the self belief and pleasure of being an incredible lover, striving for the quality sexual encounters. It allows deeper orgasms and heightened sexual entertainment, enriching intimate studies. With secure online purchasing, discounts, and a delight guarantee, Apex TestoDrive CBD Gummies invitations you to rediscover the pleasure of intimate connections and the newfound confidence that comes with them.
Official Website@@https://topcaremart.com/apex-testodrive-cbd-gummies-offer/
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thetrost1 · 9 months
Pick Well: Try Hemp Cigarettes Instead of Regular Cigarettes to Quit Smoking and Choose Healthier
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It’s common knowledge that smoking is unhealthy. But giving up? That is difficult. But there’s a great substitute that makes quitting easier and far healthier: hemp cigarettes.
Regular cigarettes harm your health. They have been connected to lung, heart, and cancer concerns. Hemp cigarettes might be the solution for you if you want to kick this harmful habit.
Hemp leaves are used to make hemp cigarettes. They are low in THC, the psychoactive ingredient. Rather, they are brimming with CBD, which offers many health benefits without getting you high. People discuss how CBD relieves pain, stress, and even helps people stop smoking.
Trying hemp cigarettes could transform your life for the following reasons:
Healthier and Safer
Ordinary cigarettes include harmful substances like tar and chemicals that damage your lungs. But, CBD-infused hemp cigarettes may be able to assist with the issues that arise while trying to give up smoking. Moreover, they are free of nicotine, the addictive ingredient in typical cigarettes. They are so a safer option.
Supports Giving Up
Giving up smoking is quite difficult. Both your body and mind are affected. Hemp cigarettes with CBD may be helpful during those trying moments. It is said to reduce cravings and anxiety associated with quitting.
Beneficial to Earth
Amazing for the environment is hemp. Compared to other plants, it requires less water and harmful substances like pesticides. Choosing to smoke hemp cigarettes is a great way to live a more conscious life and benefit the earth.
Lawful and Simple to Locate
You can buy hemp cigarettes in numerous locations. Because of this, it’s easy for people to use them without worrying about the law.
Many Options
There are variations in taste and potency of hemp cigarettes. There is so something for everyone, regardless of taste preferences or CBD dosage requirements.
It’s not about stopping smoking when you move from ordinary to hemp cigarettes; it’s also about being better for the environment and your health. It’s an opportunity to take care of the world and oneself at the same time.
Making the switch to hemp cigarettes from traditional ones can help you quit smoking and become healthy. Although giving up is difficult, hemp cigarettes may make it simpler. They’re more environmentally friendly and safer.
It’s crucial to use caution if you intend to experiment with hemp cigarettes. Consult a physician and be aware of local regulations.
Great hemp cigarettes from The Trost. They are quite safe, high-quality, and come in a variety of flavours and intensities. Selecting The Trost entails making a healthier lifestyle and environmental contribution.
It takes more than giving up cigarettes to switch to Trost hemp cigarettes. It’s about improving the planet and leading a healthier life. If you wish to quit smoking and live a better life, Trost is a wise choice because they are concerned about quality and your health.
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Serena Leafz CBD Gummies Canada
✅➢Product Review: — Serena Leafz CBD Gummies Canada👀😍💪 ✅➢Used For: — Pain Relief & Stress😋😇💬 ✅➢Main Benefits:— Improve Metabolism & Help in Pain Relief💪👈 ✅➢Composition: — Natural Organic Compound💥 ✅➢Side-Effects: — NA👈 ✅➢Rating:— Overall rating: — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 out of 5👇👇 ✅➢Availability: — Online👍👈👀 ✅➢Where to Buy:— 👍Click Here to Rush Your Order from the Official Website👈👀
Discovering the best dosage of Serena Leafz CBD Gummies Canada is a customized adventure, as it is able to fluctuate drastically amongst individuals. To ensure you derive the utmost advantage from these temper-enhancing treats, it is vital to locate the proper dosage that suits your precise needs and frame chemistry.
Quantity of CBD: A prudent starting point is a low dose. This permits you to gauge how your frame responds to CBD without overwhelming effects. Typically, a low dose can range from 5 to ten milligrams of CBD in step with gummy, however the specific dosage can range relying on the product you pick.
Response of your body: After beginning with a low dose, display your frame's response. Pay near interest to any modifications in mood, pressure degrees, or tension. If the effects are not as said as favored, don't forget step by step increasing the dosage, incrementally with the aid of five milligrams at a time. It's critical to continue slowly and supply your body time to conform, making sure you don't devour more than vital.
Consult with a professional: Consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable, specially if you're unsure approximately the ideal dosage. They can offer steering based in your specific situations, health records, and any potential interactions with different medications you'll be taking.
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Remember, finding the right CBD gummy dosage is a method of trial and statement. By taking a measured approach, you could tailor your CBD intake to acquire the preferred Serena Leafz CBD Gummies results, in the end selling a experience of calm and properly-being for your each day life.
Legal Status and Regulations
The felony fame of CBD derived from industrial hemp varies from one usa to any other, or even within areas of the same usa. In many elements of the world, Serena Leafz CBD Gummies recognition and is criminal for buy and intake. However, it's vital for consumers to live informed about nearby rules and legal guidelines regarding CBD.
In some places, CBD may also nonetheless be subject to restrictions or even considered illegal, in particular if it incorporates lines of THC exceeding felony limits. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze and recognize the legal framework to your vicinity earlier than shopping or the usage of CBD merchandise.
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To ensure safety, efficacy, and felony compliance, it's miles recommended to supply CBD merchandise from legit providers. Reputable agencies fastidiously check their merchandise for first-class, potency, and compliance with felony necessities. These assessments not handiest guarantee the absence of harmful contaminants but also make sure that the CBD content is accurate and inside criminal limits.
Are there any aspect effects of Serena Leafz CBD Gummies?
CBD is understood for its normal safety and minimal aspect consequences, but it's crucial to be aware about the capacity moderate negative reactions ofSerena Leafz CBD Gummies Canada that a few individuals may enjoy. These side effects are commonly transient and may frequently be without problems controlled:
Dry Mouth: Dry mouth, or cottonmouth, is a not unusual facet effect of CBD. It happens due to the fact CBD can quickly lessen saliva production. Staying properly-hydrated and consuming masses of water can assist alleviate this pain.
Dizziness: Some individuals may also enjoy slight dizziness or lightheadedness when using CBD, mainly in the event that they take higher doses. This effect is generally brief-lived and may be mitigated via lowering the CBD dosage.
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Changes in Appetite: CBD can also affect appetite, inflicting some individuals to revel in multiplied starvation at the same time as others may additionally word a decrease in appetite. These modifications are commonly slight and temporary.
It's crucial to emphasize that excessive side results related to CBD are uncommon. Additionally, the prevalence of facet effects often varies relying on elements along with dosage, person sensitivity, and the form of CBD used (e.G., gummies, oils, or tablets).
To minimize the likelihood of facet consequences, it is advisable to start with a low CBD dosage and progressively growth it till you locate the optimum degree for your needs. If you enjoy any continual or intense destructive reactions, discuss with a healthcare expert for guidance.
Accessibility and Convenience
Serena Leafz CBD Gummies are without difficulty on hand, with availability in each on-line and bodily stores. Their discreet packaging and convenient shape make them a sensible preference for people with busy lifestyles, imparting a hassle-free manner to enjoy the mood-boosting advantages of CBD every time and anywhere wanted.
In a international packed with stressors and uncertainties, finding moments of calm and boosting your temper is important for keeping normal nicely-being. Serena Leafz CBD Gummies provide a natural, reachable, and fun method to this modern undertaking. With their capability to lessen tension, beautify rest, and improve sleep satisfactory, they offer a valuable tool for all and sundry looking to find internal peace and happiness.
🏋️☘️☘📣📣MUST SEE: Click Here to Order Serena Leafz CBD Gummies CanadaFor The Best Price Available ☘️☘
Remember that whilst Serena Leafz CBD Gummies Canada are generally secure and well-tolerated, person reviews might also range. It's vital first of all a low dose, be consistent in your usage, and discuss with a healthcare expert if you have any concerns or particular fitness situations. Embrace the energy of CBD gummies as part of your wellness recurring, and let them guide you closer to a calmer, more serene, and happier lifestyles.
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Regen CBD Gummies Reviews [Controversial Exposed 2023] Do Not Try Until You Read This Shocking Update!
Introduction of Regen CBD Gummies
The quality of food, air, and water has all degraded, no matter how much we spend on them. To purify them, we mix chemicals, and naturally, they are filled with various synthetic chemicals that slowly do damage to our bodies. From time to time, the rate of people suffering from obesity, heart issues, depression, and sleeping disorders has all increased.
Regen CBD Gummies is now used by people to get rid of various health issues altogether. Regen CBD Gummies Reviews is enriched with high-quality CBD that makes a person feel enlightened in all situations and at any age. Stress and anxiety are accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, gut issues, sleepless nights, inflammation, headaches, and lots of other issues. This product counters all these factors so that you have control of your life and behave like a champion. It is a highly nutritious supplement in which various vitamins and minerals have been included to improve your immunity and support your overall health.
To keep your mind alert and your body active Regen CBD Gummies Reviews, good sleep is very important. On the contrary, young people do not sleep because of work pressure, and they have to fulfil the target, while in old age, their bodies resist getting a good and deep sleep. After using this product, you are no longer required to worry about your sleep. With its use, you automatically feel relaxed and calm, and you have a better sleeping pattern than ever. These are the premium benefits of this product that make you look for it.
➽➽Product Name – Regen CBD Gummies
➽➽Main Benefits: — Improve Health & Help in Pain Relief
➽➽Composition: — Natural Organic Compound
➽➽Product Availability — Available in Stock
➽➽Rating -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➽➽Official Website — [SALE IS LIVE] Hurry up to get your best deal “Regen CBD Gummies” for 1st user limited-time offer!
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What exactly is Regen CBD Gummies?
Regen CBD Gummies Reviews are a natural dietary supplement that makes you feel more relaxed and ease discomfort in your body. They can also boost your concentration, decrease anxiety and stress, and help improve your sleep.
The supplement is made of CBD oil that is pure, making it safe to consume by everyone and making it among the top products available currently available. The company that makes Regen CBD Gummies states that its products are completely free of synthetic chemicals and chemical ingredients. They also claim that they've developed the product in a GMP-certified facility, which means that they've been certified by FDA to produce these products.
How do Regen CBD Gummies Reviews work?
This FDA-approved Regen CBD Gummies Cost circulates throughout your body and supplies essential nutrients to your mind for an increase in the production of neurons and to eliminate the breakdown of electric signals among neuron cells. Additionally, its powerful essential nutrients detoxify the kidney, liver, and intestine and guide their proper function. It supports gut health by increasing metabolism, regulating the function of endocannabinoids to eliminate joint pain, and increasing the production of anandamide to keep you mentally relaxed and stress-free. Thus, it supports your body to transform itself from within.
How do I take Regen CBD Gummies?
As we have mentioned everywhere, Regen CBD Gummies are sweet little gummies that are enriched with the goodness of CBD and fruit flavours. Each jar of this product consists of 30 gummies, and you are requested to take a single gummy per day. You can take it as per your comfort with the timing. This product's dosages are not allowed to increase. While talking about this product, try to avoid alcohol and follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Are There Any Side Effects Associated With the Use of Regen CBD Gummies?
Regen CBD Gummies Reviews is a natural dietary supplement with no negative side effects or concerns. It is made with natural ingredients that are suitable for consumption.
This supplement is well-known for its effectiveness in relieving anxiety, pain, and anxiety. This is the reason it has earned great popularity is because of its effectiveness.
Who needs Regen CBD Gummies?
Individuals looking for a natural approach to manage anxiety.
Those seeking an alternative for inflammation reduction.
People aim to enhance their overall well-being.
Chronic pain sufferers searching for potential relief.
Persons with insomnia hoping for better sleep quality.
Individuals dealing with certain health conditions may benefit from CBD.
These gummies offer a blend of benefits, making them an appealing choice for a broad range of users.
What are the ingredients used in these Regen CBD Gummies?
Regen CBD Gummies Cost: Cannabidiol is the main active ingredient in the gummies. It is derived from hemp plants and is believed to have many therapeutic benefits.
Green Tea Extract: This extract is rich in antioxidants and helps reduce inflammation.
Clove Oil: Clove oil has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce pain and discomfort.
Garcinia Cambogia: This extract is from a tropical fruit and is rich in hydroxycitric acid. It is believed to help reduce appetite and may help in weight loss.
Turmeric Extract: Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and is believed to have many health benefits.
Fruit Flavours: This product contains natural fruit flavours to make it more palatable
What are the benefits of Regen CBD Gummies?
Reduce anxiety and stress levels.
Regen CBD Gummieshelps to reduce inflammation.
May improve overall well-being.
Regen CBD Gummies help with chronic pain and helps with insomnia.
Regen CBD Gummies boosts the immune system.
May have anti-bacterial properties.
Regen CBDGummy helps reduce appetite and anti-aging properties.
What is the Best Way to Take Regen CBD Gummies?
These Regen CBD Gummies are an excellent choice for those looking to improve their health and decrease pain. You can simply take a few Gummies each in the morning and at night along with drinking a glass of fluid.
Alongside their delicious flavor, These gummies also provide many of the most beneficial health benefits available! This means they are suitable for anyone who is looking to ease anxiety or chronic pain as well as people seeking to improve their sleep quality.
Regen CBD Gummies Cost are not just gummies; they are your companions on the journey to tranquility. With the power of CBD, these gummies provide a natural and effective way to manage anxiety, enhance sleep, and promote overall well-being. Crafted with quality and care, it stand out as a premium option in the world of CBD products. Incorporate these gummies into your daily routine, and with consistency and patience, you can experience the profound benefits they offer. Embrace the potential of CBD and discover a world where anxiety fades and tranquility reigns. Say hello to a more serene you with Regen CBD Gummies Reviews.
Click Here to Visit – “OFFICIAL WEBSITE”
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vibecbdgummies · 1 year
Blue Vibe CBD Gummies Reviews [Controversial Exposed 2023] Where To Buy Vibe CBD Gummies & Price?
➢ Product Name – Blue Vibe CBD Gummies
➢Main Benefits: — Improve Health & Help in Pain Relief
➢Composition: — Natural Organic Compound
➢Rating: — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 out of 5
➢Availability — Online
➽➽ (SaleIs Live) →>> CLICK HERE
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What Is the Purpose of Blue Vibe CBD Gummies?
With a lovely bear-like shape and a natural fruity flavour, Blue Vibe CBD Gummies Reviews are a pure candy made with CBD oil. Regular sweets help digestion while providing significant relief by entering the bloodstream. Seizures, anxiety, and other mental health problems are eliminated by the anti-inflammatory mixture. The top-notch vitamin makes sure that there are no harmful interactions happening in the body.
It has the ability to treat a wide variety of illnesses, including epilepsy. For the initial fourteen days after introducing the mixture to your body, you'll notice that a lot of soreness and trouble are quickly eliminated. You can entirely recover from some fatal issues if you use it for three more months.
In any case, the bodily situation is improved by the use of hemp seed components in the not psychoactive therapy. Additionally, the essential oils give the health a much-needed boost. The cure also has a calming impact on the mind.
Vibe CBD Gummies are a wise choice for a variety of reasons, not just for physical and mental health. It's a top-notch ecological formula that is enhanced with powerful herbs and ingredients. It guarantees the greatest advantages so that people never deal with medical issues brought on by ageing.
How do the Blue Vibe CBD Gummies work?
The work of the Blue Vibe Gummies is on effective ingredients that are clinically approved and assured. The receptors of the body get activated to work well with the cannabidiols present in it. The physical and mental health of the person gets better as the CBD works effectively and wonderfully in the body. Cannabidiol improves the overall health of the person with regulated oxygen-rich blood to all the body parts.
It gives the person control over bipolar disorders and all mental and physical health. These gummies work on the central nervous system that controls all the reactions of the body. The neurotransmitters work rapidly to enhance neurotransmission. It helps the user attain a better physique with no sensation of any chronic pain or arthritis issues. It makes the person fit and psychically active.
Are Blue Vibe CBD Gummies safe to use?
Made from natural cannabis, this healing formula Blue Vibe CBD Gummies Reviews is filled with magical properties and soothing effects. It can easily help keep your health on track with its soothing and healing properties. This natural remedy for stress relief and immune support does not cause any health problems. Completely trusted and a lifestyle enhancer, Vibe CBD Gummies is a natural antibiotic and pain reliever. It can give you a fit body with quick and easy treatment. Any bad health condition can be treated with this non-addictive formula. It can simultaneously heal your body's internal and external organs for instant pain relief.
How to consume Blue Vibe CBD Gummies?
Having one gummy of this regimen can help you get rid of all ailments with better reactions. So have one unit of Blue Vibe Gummies Reviews with or without your food that will help you get better reactions and elevation of overall health. It is better to have a healthy diet and plenty of water consumption. It is better not to skip the consumption of the formula as it can hinder the process. It is also necessary to avoid overconsumption of the regimen to the body. For better reaction exercise regularly that will help you get a strong and fit body with no adverse effects.
How would I take these Blue Vibe CBD Gummies?
Blue Vibe CBD Gummies are planned so that anyone can take them at whenever and anyplace, in any event, when they are working. These gummies have made a feeling of comfort, alongside really impacting the mentality of individuals who accept they can't keep up with their health alongside their work. In any case, the significant viewpoint is that these gummies ought to be taken in a reliable way, as need might arise to work appropriately in our bodies. Consistency will ensure that the individual gets the best result out of these Blue Vibe CBD Gummies Reviews.
There is no particular opportunity to consume it; simply consume it whenever every day. Do these Vibe CBD Gummies make side impacts? No, these gummies are absolutely comprised of regular fixings, so they contain no poisonous or unsafe fixings. Individuals can't get dependent on these gummies, however it is encouraged to take 2 gummies each day, as opposed to more than that. Notwithstanding, if, in the first place, any individual is having any sort of distress from these Blue Vibe CBD Gummies, the person ought to counsel the specialist for the explanation.
Benefits of using Blue Vibe CBD Gummies
Any user can attain optimum health benefits with these delicious Blue Vibe Gummies Reviews bears. A regular consumer can get better reactions from the regimen. It helps with the elimination of mood swings, insomnia, depression, anxiety, stress, and so on. It also contributes to better relaxation from inflammation, back pain, joint ailments, and many more. You get better mobility with enhanced flexibility. You can attain perfect health with no adverse reactions.
It makes the person get better concentration and focus with elevated memory. Some studies assure of prevention of diseases like dementia, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease. It might have better action on cancer and tumor cells. These Blue Vibe CBD Gummies work well to detoxify the body by eliminating all harmful health factors. An ethical user can attain better results with no side effects.
It has the best factors to boost overall health. It is suitable for all body types and makes the consumer experience the health of a young one in an older body.  There are exclusive health benefits that anyone can attain from constant use of the gummies.
How much to consume to achieve desired results?
These gummies are fully profitable for the human body when consumed in optimal doses. People are advised to take 1-5 gummies per day that is enough to provide you with positive and long-lasting results. It is always recommended to speak with your doctor before opting for Blue Vibe CBD Gummies Reviews.
Where to Buy Blue Vibe CBD Gummies?
Vibe CBD Gummies are primarily available for purchase through their official website, which serves as the most trustworthy source for authentic products. To make a purchase, simply visit their website and explore their product offerings. Choose the desired quantity of Blue Vibe CBD Gummies and place them in your cart.
Input essential shipping and payment details before proceeding to the checkout. Upon completing the transaction, you will receive a confirmation email. The Gummies will be delivered to your doorstep within the specified delivery timeframe.
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picsbyscott · 1 year
So some people ask me why I work different businesses selling the same things. 1st of all, my businesses some might sell similar products but not all the same.One is all Pure Essential Oils not the cheap stuff you get in stores with water, chemicals and who knows what in them. 2nd it's about pricing and what products people are looking for. I know people who say $119 for a 1000mg of CBD isn't in their budget but $36 for a bottle of 1500mg CBD works better for them plus they have a choice of natural or peppermint flavors. Me personally I'm in that boat and I like the peppermint. 2 of my businesses I pay the same price as customers do, only one I get it at the member price. 2 of my businesses have different types of coffee and I love coffee so I buy and use from both businesses and give my honest opinion of them. What I like, I'm sure will differ if you try the same product ,not everyone likes the same thing. So that's why I work the different businesses. It's health care products that could help you and me live and feel better no guarantees everyone is different. Yes our Essentil Oils do help in the health care business too.
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