#buy eso gold
caliblorn · 4 months
FUCK the MQ, im on that TOXIC FART build GRIND 📈⁉️
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 3 months
i did dailies so many days in a row like some kind of g*mer for achievement furniture and the fucking [redacted] fables aren't even readable, they just fucking glow 💀
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darling-leech · 2 years
I'm kinda glad they're putting gold in the daily rewards in ESO, because I need it. 😅😅
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sleepymarmot · 1 year
ZOS is reactivating crown store gifting tomorrow, October 11
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Crying cause I'm fishing in teso for the Pyandonean style and I've only found 2 of the 15 pages 😭
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dileaw · 7 months
Path of Exile Currency - Buy PoE Currency From Mmogah
Mmogah is a popular Path of Exile seller that offers both items and currency at competitive prices. The company is also well-known for its top-notch customer service. It is recommended to purchase POE Currency from a trusted online seller like MmoGah instead of using in-game sellers who require your account credentials. This will prevent your account from being banned by the game developer.
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waddei · 7 months
this was gonna be a semi serious post about inflation and the dollar from the perspective of a thirdworlder but it's way to vent-oriented to make sense as anything other than manic writhing in notes scattered about in a facility in a video game so whatever
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I didn't want to derail this post and the general message of "food is too expensive and it should stop becoming more expensive" is the same but still
this is such a surreal post to read as someone who's lived in a "high inflation" country her whole life. a pound of butter 1 dollar??? 5 dollars??? a stick of of butter is like 700$ where I live. a month ago it was 500$ and next month we'll be paying it 1000 for sure
I understand that the price is more than 3x in the example but.. over 3 years? maybe my brain is completely fried by whatever chemical the government puts in the water to make us like futbol so much but that almost seems completely reasonable to me??
I cannot take any conversation about inflation from the us seriously. I'm unable to.
my perspective on what "1 dollar" means is so completely derailed and skewed I cannot get it through my head that it's a currency people use every day to buy gum and chips
I have dollars, in a drawer, kept in a sealed bag and neatly folded.
dollars are for big transactions. no one trusts the peso, if you buy a house, a car, a Motorbike even. the price will be in dollars and people will prefer if you pay them with them too
dollars are movie money. it's the default stand-in for "currency" when talking for many.
i might have slipped before when speaking English and say "this costed 30 dollars" when in reality I meant pesos
they're not the same, 30 pesos is not 30 dollars.
30 dollars is around 27.000 pesos.
and hey! big number I guess! but my mother and I went grocery shopping last week and spent 16k on a week and a half worth of stuff.
it doesn't fucking mean anything.
years ago,god knows how many, I would buy a sandwich every other day. it costed 12$ at first.
nowdays the same kind of sandwich will run you 800$
coins are now 10 or 5 pesos but the smallest bill that you're gonna need to buy anything is probably 100 ACTUALLY SCRATCH THAT LITERALLY NOTHING IS UNDER 100 NOWDAYS el guaimallen está 120 creo. the next big bill is 500.
you want a small meal at a cafe? you're looking at a 8k receipt at the very least. that's 8 1000 bills or 4 of the new and terribly ugly 2000 ones!
I don't know where I'm going with this, i guess the prices seem worse when the base number is higher, maybe I should start buying gold and shit fuck If I know.
quien chota nos mandó a ganar el mundial literalmente nada bueno vino después de eso saquenme de aca
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trickstarbrave · 5 months
if there was a nerevar bust from eso 3d model available online i s2g i would buy a resin 3d printer so fast. i would print that bad boy up and spend hours refining and priming and sanding and panting it a perfect shade of gold. arguably i would make one for every room in my house.
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zydrateacademy · 4 months
Current Activities in ESO #7
A lot of my gameplay has been catchup by day, RP by night.
I had a decent windfall of selling a chunk of crowns for 19mil gold, and I've spent the bulk of that decorating several households to serve as heist targets for thief-based RP with variable difficulty. I mentioned that in the last post.
I was trying to conserve my last few mil to buy and decorate the upcoming Merryvine villa in Gold Road. However I kept getting into gearing and re-gearing old and new alts to make them playable. Some of my older alts had a far too hefty reliance on Briarheart and Hundings when the new(ish) Order's Wrath set for crit is now the go-to baby. I set up one of my arcanists as a tank and following a build online got incredibly expensive, utilizing those runes that cost ~90k each (they buff all three stats). That tank set is stupidly well geared now, but I still generally prefer healing. I've been slowly but surely trying to gear up a lot of my "most used" alts for double duty. DPS in overland, questing, zone clearing, etc, but having a heal/tank set for faster queues and generally having more to offer my roster than others.
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Exception being perhaps my werewolf orc, whom I've retooled with Oakensoul. She has some insane light attack crits and can almost braindead her gameplay but she's so much more viable than the basic bow/bow bitch that threw cliff racers at people.
I've discovered I don't much care for B/B builds anymore except in one scenario; Battlegrounds. It's fun to plug away with poison-based arrows, whittling down enemy HP bars while it takes them several seconds to figure out where all that damage is coming from. Sure I get spotted and gunned down like I usually do, I'm not invisible, but it's fun to join already in-progress fights and plug away before they realize where that damage is coming from.
An exception to this exception is that my main necromancer. The class just isn't very fun to play at all. Our main sources of damage are all deeply flawed. Their biggest his is the blastbones skill that every Necro build uses but it takes a full 3 seconds to even leave the ground. By that time the trash pack might be dead already, or against single target bosses that's 3 seconds of not doing very much else. You have a skeleton pet (usually archer, I don't even know what the other morph is because nobody uses it) that only lasts 16 seconds and only shoots every so often, but mostly serves as another corpse to use once it goes down. Then there's the corpse-based laser beam that's very awkward to use and position reliant, and in certain boss fights your position may matter more than the laser beam. So that's another DPS loss.
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I couldn't even play melee necro because you spend your whole rotation summoning blastbones, throwing the skull, or using some other skill that I found myself not swinging my weapons at all. Just a clunky cooldown chase. Gross.
The good thing is, she has a functional heal kit so that's another queue in the bag usually. Not as good as my arcanist healer whom is amazing, but still feels better to play than any kind of DPS.
On an RP standpoint, I've joined and left a couple of RP guilds. Well, more on the cusp of being kicked before just quitting to maintain my own dignity.
I won't name any names but it was a guild based on the Brotherhood. I have an assassin character and wanted to put her to use. They had this fun little system where they had a discord bot that would spit out a target, custom added. It gave more variance to overworld stabbing because it feels like base-game DB radiants just send you to the same six places over and over. So it was fun to get a change in scenery, and even helped push my assassin girl to collect a few wayshrines from lesser-seen towns. It also tied in their promotion system. Normally I wouldn't like PvE achievements leaking into RP promotions but it was a fun thing to do. The guild was also heavily hybridized, they had a lot of their membership that don't RP at all.
I found this culture to be a bit taxing. They had this strangest system of using local chat for OOC and only RPing in emotes, which I have never seen before (in any RP setting, ever). They claimed it was for filtering purposes.
There was also a jarring moment where, after claiming I was doing OOC movements, went around to take OOC screenshots of their promotion event. I have a reshade and screenshot helper mod to help me get very cinematic shots but while my UI was hidden apparently I was getting yelled at for being on the main stage where all of the officers were. I had already specified I was OOC but they claimed I was "breaking the sanctity of the ceremony". So my first day in there, it felt as though I had joined a guild of people that were incapable of keeping their attention on anything specific. Can't differentiate any posts between IC and OOC, and can't handle a crouched, hiding character in a corner taking cool screenshots of your proceedings.
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I was in this guild for a solid three weeks or so but eventually an officer contacted me about there having been multiple complaints against me. It felt like this post's situation all over again, though the officer here was significantly more diplomatic than that link. I just got the "I've gotten complaints about you" vibe when a large portion of this guild barely interacted with me at all to know otherwise.
Basically my style or personality was conflicting with people. Naturally I never got any specifics or names so I couldn't defend myself properly. According to this officer my previously mentioned conflicts about the way their do their RP, I was trying to set my standards as "THE" standard. While I was in fact, trying to make conversation and understanding their way a bit better. But it rubbed some people the wrong way. I decided instead of being shadow-shunned by several people I would just leave. The options were to shut my own personality down and be much more silent in the guild (which defeats the fucking purpose of RP as a hobby), or continue to RP and interact with a guild where I know there's several people purposefully avoiding interaction with my character because they didn't like me as a player. I just can't really handle being in a guild where I know most people don't want to interact with me. Or is it most? Or is it just two or three complainers? I have no idea! Because the officers that have these conversations never tell me!
This happened before in another guild I quite liked. Though a while ago, back when I was much more active in 2021. I liked that guild, its systems, but the officer of the 'roguey' sub-faction in the guild just decided he didn't like how I spoke to him (completely ICly, mind you) and chastised me for that.
And much like that guild from three years ago, this Dark Brotherhood one wasn't all bad. In some cases I'd even recommend it to people, but it would come with a few asterisks and extra thoughts on the matter to those who would care to hear it.
Kinda put me off for a couple days. I'm not really sure how to adjust my own self when approaching a future RP guild to replace my lost 5th slot. Do I just... talk less? It's certainly some food for thought.
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msviolacea · 1 year
monday thoughts
Fannish and other non-work nonsense in my head this week.
My restarted ACNH island, Lunasa. Hit me up if you're still playing or restart playing, I could use some active friends! I ... may have some amiibo on the way so I can have the villagers I want.
ESO fantasy capitalism week - er, Zeal of Zenithar event stuff. I'm in two guilds with traders, and they ended up in Belkarth and Vivec City this week. Which means MILLIONS OF GOLD. I can't keep my store stocked, things sell while I'm still posting other sales. I've completely run through my alt character who had been stuffed full of motifs since the anniversary event. Time to buy all the gold-based houses I don't already have!!
Baldur's Gate 3 on Thursday!! Am I vaguely considering asking for Friday off, if no meetings get scheduled? Maybe!
For more cozy game aficionados, Palia beta starts this week! If you wanna sign up, here's my referral link, help me get stuff!
D&D went well this weekend, and I vaguely know what's going to happen for the next month and a half. Unless there are shenanigans, which there are ALWAYS shenanigans.
One month to vacation. Holy shit how did that happen?
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 4 months
hermaeus mora was so correct to erase that from memory i am sorry
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aeronbracken · 1 year
ESO was so sexy for letting everyone buy a nice house if they had enough gold and giving us lots of different house options btw. I love FFXIV but they really need to fix their entire housing system.
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sheirukitriesfandom · 11 months
Sorry for my recent lack of online & fandom activity. I've been busy with moving and preparing for Mantova and what little time I had on my PC was spent grinding ESO gold to buy DLC bc I might have to cancel my subscription...
Anyway, going to Italy tomorrow. Wheee~~~
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feykrorovaan · 1 year
For having an entire two zones that have plots dedicated to dragons, not to mention the Nordic territories having dragon burial mounds in their actual landscape and deeply engrained in their lore, ESO is surprisingly lacking when it comes to dragon furnishings.For gold you can only buy a few things (mostly in the Nordic style,and in some cases you have to squint to even think "Oh yeah, that kind of looks like a dragon...", and some of the items that are clearly supposed to be dragons like the totem, don't even have the word 'dragon' in its name...), A few trophies (then you have the achievement furnishings which are tied to vet trials),and then I think two seperate things in the crown store.
(Tyrants of the Merethic era and Kaalgrontiid's Ascent, which, if you don't have money to spare on crown store items/ESO+ like yours truly, straight up isn't going to happen...)
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is...I want more dragons. I want dragon furnishings where you can actually tell it's supposed to be a dragon. Give me wings on stuff. (And make it obtainable for peasants with no irl cash to spare)
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unikay · 1 year
ESO is giving me anxiety and profit
I was doing the jesters day quest for myself and my sister and i got her her little horsey thing but i ALSO got 2 scraps of minstrel cloth (for those not in the know, these can sell for 500k if you are a pro but I'm VERY much a noob) and so i was thinking i could sell them for 200k because most people in the chat are offering "wts minstrels cloth 250k"
AND THEN I SEE IT, a player has sent a message "wtb minstrels cloth 200k apeice" first i go NO someone wants to sell one for the same price as me! ill never sell! then i read it again.. wtb.. want to.. BUY!? and imediately I'm like PLEASE TAKE MY CLOTHS FINE SIR but when we go to trade i forget what its called out of panic and type jesters cloth you dont have any of those my inventory says "i uh.. i may have put it in my bank one moment please"
I scramble through town to the bank and say "JESTERS CLOTH I'D LIKE TO WITHDRAW MY JESTERS CLOTH" bankers like th is this argonian on about and i go uh uh uhm MAYBE ITS ON MY SISTERS ACOUNT and i start to log on my sisters acount while typing "i dont know where i put it im gonna check one last place so sorry if i deleted my minstrels cloth like a moron" he says "no problem these things happen"
I love this person omg and then I go WAIT MINSTRELS CLOTH I'VE BEEN TYPING IT WRONG and then i tell the person and sell them my minstrels cloths and i FINALLY DID IT I MADE 400K GOLD but i felt guilty because i earned one of those minstrels cloths on my sisters acount, so even though i did the work it technically was hers. I gave her 200k and kept the 200k from my minstrels cloth and that was that. i was phsyically SHAKING the whole time, the most money I've ever got my little argonian claws on was around 80k by saving up for weeks doing writs and quests and stuff.
(to be continued as this is getting long)
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moightust · 2 years
Specific Facts Associated With Buy Eso Gold
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The Elder Scrolls Online Gold Edition Key
The Elder Scrolls Online Gold Edition includes the original game, plus 4 DLC game packs: Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood. It's the ultimate special edition pack for The Elder Scrolls Online!
Battle, craft, fish, steal, siege, and explore on your own or together with friends in this persistent world of Tamriel. The choices you make will shape your destiny.
Game Overview
The Elder Scrolls Online is an online game that is part of the long-running RPG series. It is set in the continent of Tamriel and offers players a different kind of gameplay than single player titles like Skyrim.
The game features an open world environment that lets players explore a persistent world with other people or by themselves. It has a huge range of characters, weapons and abilities that can be combined to create unique play styles. Better click here or check my source to find out more about Eso Gold.
During your adventures you can meet other players from all over the world and engage in massive PvP battles against them. It is one of the most popular MMORPGs out there and is available to play on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The Gold Edition of The Elder Scrolls Online includes the base game and 4 DLC game packs. You can choose between Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood and experience a variety of adventures across Tamriel.
The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that takes place in the world of Tamriel. Players can adventure alone, quest with friends, or join an army of hundreds in epic player battles.
ESO's gameplay is reminiscent of Skyrim, but with a few MMORPG-style elements thrown in for good measure. You'll find a wide range of quests to undertake, from defending the city walls of a town to helping your guild mate infiltrate the Dark Brotherhood. It's also a great place for players to make new friends, especially when you're playing in a group with other players. The game is available on a variety of platforms and offers plenty of PvP features, from public RvR to instanced arenas.
The Gold Edition package is a great deal for those who have yet to experience the world of ESO in a MMORPG setting, as it offers the base game and all four DLC packs in one bundle for one low price. While there is still a monthly subscription fee, it's much more affordable than the individual cost of the DLCs separately, so this makes it a great option for those who have never played The Elder Scrolls Online before.
System Requirements
The Elder Scrolls Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in the award-winning fantasy franchise. It is available for Windows PCs and Macs. It combines the unmatched exploration of rich worlds that the Elder Scrolls series is known for with the scale and social aspects of a massively multiplayer online role-playing video game.
This MMORPG offers an enormous variety of environments to explore across the continent of Tamriel. From the desert wastes of Hammerfell to the tropical jungles of Valenwood, a wide range of unique locations await you.
The game can be played on most modern systems that have been around for a few years, but the picture on your screen will depend on how strong your PC is. To get the best performance out of The Elder Scrolls Online, you should have a fast and powerful computer. It also helps if you have the latest version of graphic drivers installed. This will help the game run smoothly and reduce lags. Better is to blog here or visit our official website to know about Eso Gold.
The Elder Scrolls Online is the next chapter in Bethesda’s best-selling and award-winning fantasy role-playing series. Play alone or with friends, guild mates, and thousands of alliance members as you adventure through the world of Tamriel. In this persistent Elder Scrolls world, you have the choice to battle, craft, fish, steal, siege, and explore – all at your own pace! You can also quest with friends and take part in epic player versus player battles.
Now you can unlock the full story and all four extensive DLC game packs in one convenient package with the new The Elder Scrolls Online Gold Edition! From Skyrim to Daggerfall, this is the easiest way to experience all that the world of Tamriel has to offer.
The game is available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. It is a free-to-play MMORPG that requires an Internet connection and XBox Live Gold membership.
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