#bww headcanons;
thedreamparadox · 1 year
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Some long overdue Balan Wonderworld headcanons about the theater bros this time, plus some general Wonderworld worldbuilding.
I have several nicknames for them, most commonly the train twins (not to be confused with the Pokemon train twins), the theater twins, and the therapy twins.
They are both fully qualified therapists, though not licensed, so they are not at liberty to prescribe more than over the counter medications.
The duo basically just popped into reality within the Wonderworld. Whether or not there were Maestros before them is unknown. The theater existed long before they did, but that's the only thing they're actually sure of. They are, in fact, twins, and gender is a suggestion.
Balan is none gender with left sparkly theater. Lance is all the gender but only when he feels like it. Balan treats 'dad' as a title and simply prefers a more masculine aesthetic (after like 3,000 years of kids accidentally or intentionally calling him dad he's gotten used to it).
The duo weren't born with their knowledge of therapy and their theatric flair, that was developed over time and years upon years of study and trial and error. At the very beginning they treated the theater as a place to shelter from life's hardships and a place for others to feel seen and heard. While that hasn't changed, they've come a long way into providing extended assistance to those that need it.
Not everyone visits the Wonderworld. The Wonderworld only allows those that it can actually help through its doors. Anyone with a problem too big to be solved or too small to need their intervention would not be allowed in.
The Wonderworld works a bit like the TARDIS. It is sentient, though not in the conventional way, and very fond of its Maestros.
Theater denizens like Jumping Jack and the other costumes manifest when a Stage is connected. They are aspects of the hearts of guests filtered through the lens of stagecraft. Their magic exists in order to tell a story and that is about it.
The Negati were a real threat that existed in the depths of the Wonderworld proper since the theater's existence began. The existence of the Balan necessitates it. As there is light, there must be shadow. As there is healing, there is harm. The Negati used to lash out at anything that entered the Wonderworld on complete instinct, the species is nothing but concentrated negative emotions with no capacity for complex thought. By taking on the curse of the King, the Negati can be controlled, but they cannot be destroyed, for destroying them would destroy the balance and something stronger and more horrible would manifest in their place.
The curse of the King is a completely original idea of mine used to explain how Lance can control the Negati. (Having priorly written for Vanitas, I could have gone hive mind, but nah. While the Negati may act like they are a hive mind, they don't have enough brains to be one.)
Lance can intentionally spawn Negati from ambient emotions. He doesn't always do this of his own free will, though.
Outside of the Wonderworld, the curse of the King means that its current bearer can feel all ambient negative emotions with full intensity. This can be extremely overwhelming. In the Wonderworld, these emotions are not felt unless the current curseholder refuses to manifest the Negati formed by excess negativity. They normally simply spawn these Negati and go about their day with some extra in the hoard.
Negati exist within the heart of the Wonderworld, a place of nothing but darkness. It's so concentrated because of how sprawling the Stages are.
Tims are also called Positi. They manifest as naturally as Negati. Unlike Negati, they do not spawn from a source.
The magical train, while not seeing use in my posted fics, is a thing used extensively in the stuff I write with my friends. It is an infinitely long magical train with as many rooms as it will ever need. It can exist in any and all dimensions as needed simultaneously. The train itself is usually parked in one static spot while the doors open to other realities/dimensions. The train also links directly to the Wonderworld, but unlike the Stages in the theater, the Stages have to be intentionally built and crafted to link up since it is the theater itself that manifests full stages without input.
The final boss is, in fact, a puppet built by Lance. It's made out of fancy fabrics, paint, and chicken wire, primarily. Its frightening appearance is a combination of skill, lighting, and Lance using his powers to help animate it into something ferocious. The tendrils that poke out of it are Lance's. The eye thingies you have to hit are just props.
Lance is in charge of props and costuming. Balan usually handles anything to do with set design beyond what the Wonderworld does naturally and lighting (he was totally running the lights during the final boss fight).
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vincentask · 2 months
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Two sketches I forgot to post
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sundove88 · 13 days
A Quick Balan Wonderworld Headcanon I Wanted to Get Off My Chest:
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The Nega Bosses always respond to the opposite of what you tell them to do.
If you say:
“Go and find your friends and bring them here.”
They won’t do it.
But if you say:
“Do NOT go find your friends and bring them here.”
That’s more like it!
The key words? “Do” and “NOT”!
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alex-frostwalker · 23 days
BWW OC Joke Headcanon
Based on one of the arts of my BWW OC Lora. She canonically can make her eyes glow thanks to the leftover remnant powers Lance gave her.
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She can activate in under strong emotions.
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nightsandreala · 7 months
random headcanon event just to have it written down somewhere shdjdns
nights has their flute ofc but they also like singing (they aren’t as good at it as they think they are). they try to form a woodwind trio with them on flute, reala on clarinet and jackle on saxophone but nobody cooperates
jackle does the art for his tarot cards (which is why he’s on so many of them lol) but also just paints/draws for fun, also likes puppetry/ventriloquism
(has tried to get nights and reala to take up painting as a hobby but they never focus and end up just getting paint everywhere)
reala used to write a lot but hasn’t done it since wizeman’s defeat, he used to write stories just to entertain himself and nights before they rebelled
reala is also the best at cooking, nights is ok but makes bad/weird food on purpose (they enjoy food dye… a lot), jackle will eat coins if you give them to him he doesn’t care
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shadowqueen402 · 11 months
Hi! Uh umm... Got any headcanons for Yuri+Dusk Butterfly and Lucy+Inky Blaster Fusion?
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I have a few! They look so gorgeous! I can't wait to see more!
When Yuri and Lucy fused with their Representative Costumes, they didn't just receive their powers. They also had bits of their costumes' personalities. Yuri would become more outgoing and curious. Whereas Lucy would be an extreme neat freak.
One of the things that Yuri can do is see in the dark. So when her stage gets dark, not only will she be able to fly, but she can also see where she's going.
Lucy, on the other hand, can control both paint and ink. She can create shapes, shields, and use her powers to attack.
Despite their capabilities, both Yuri and Lucy would have to face their costumes' limitations. Yuri's powers will weaken in daylight whereas Lucy would have a hard time jumping.
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joneoyvilde03 · 3 months
Your know is something about Box fox in character headcanon generator with about question this?
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Box fox really going try watch sonic movie & Sonic 2 movie
By joneoyvilde03
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thehyperrequiem · 1 year
Let me tell you a fact about my Headcanon voices
The reason why I Headcanon that Haoyu Chang is voiced by Michael J Woodard is because I found these songs from Arlo the Alligator Boy that could relate to Haoyu!
(The songs are More More More and Beyond these Walls)
That is all, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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shadowthing250 · 1 year
Food for thought:
Balan and Lance probably don’t leave the theater a lot……. Or ever…….. So……. Balan and Lance experiencing snow for the first time?
Balan’s probably watching it with childish wonder and amazement in his eyes while Lance would probably be more curious about it.
(Also, Idc when this would happen. When they were young or around the age they are now, it doesn’t matter-)
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bwwfourhumorsau · 9 months
Been busy due to holidays and stuff but-
A couple headcanons / oc facts-
Balan doesn't have any strong feelings on Christmas- In fact, Humans tend to come to the theatre more often during the winter months (for various reasons), so Christmas is- to him- a time of great stress.
Lance similarly has no strong feelings, but will gladly humor guests and partake in festivites. He's enjoyed observing how holidays evolve over the centuries.
Equil despises Christmas- particularly the music. She'll make herself scarce around more enthusiastic folks. By contrast, Libra loves it. There's a hard ban on any mentions of Christmas until December 1st due to how intense their arguments can get.
Proscenium's fascinated by the lights, but otherwise doesn't care. Neo Balan similarly is disinterested- beyond finding out more about the foods humans make around this time.
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houdinicorbini · 1 year
Lance x Reader headcanons
I wanted to do something because I just started getting back into this (thanks for the major sale, Steam) and it’s the anniversary today!
I am also trying out something new with separating the headcanons so that it’s easier on the eyes
Trigger warnings: Lance being manipulative (he’s like that in the novel), him being over protective and obvious spoilers
✧ Now I think Lance would be rather romantic. Always checking in to make sure you’re alright, listening to whatever you have to say, laughing at whatever jokes you have.
He’ll even suggest cute little dates and surprise with whatever he thinks you’ll like.
And he’ll always make sure you’re happy.
Even if that means erasing your memories of who you were before you came to the theatre.
✧ When Lance finds someone he can love romantically, the chances of him letting them go are,,,, slim.
He’s already proven that he loves humans and wants to be close, so if Lance can find someone to love in that way, he’s not going to want them to leave.
Which can make him incredibly overprotective of you. He even has a little negaty (I think that’s how you spell it) that follows you about when he’s not around.
Lance definitely has some abandonment issues that he needs to take care of.
And they can be worked on, Balan will of course have to convince him.
✧ Something he loves to do is to take romantic walks on your stage with you. Listening to you talk about anything and everything.
He’s more of a listener, but he does have some stories to share if you are willing to listen.
And if you do, it absolutely warms his heart.
✧ Lance would try to manipulate the situation to make it seem like he’s doing everything to make you safe.
Which he is, he’s just going about it the wrong way.
He’s proven it before in the past that he’s willing to manipulate things to make it seem like he’s in the right.
This will be another thing that he needs to be snapped out of.
✧ Continuing on from the gifts, you have caught him off guard before by conjuring up things that you thought would be perfect for him.
No one has ever given Lance gifts before, so the first time you did it, you were immediately caught in an embrace, which you of course, didn’t mind.
Lance doesn’t need gifts, but it’s the thought to him that counts.
He even has them put away somewhere special so he can always look back and remember all the great times you two have had together.
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t55-flyer · 1 year
balan smells like mint and herbs lance like ink
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vincentask · 1 month
what's your relationship with lance like?
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sundove88 · 1 year
A Quick Balan Wonderworld Headcanon:
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Anjellica is fat. And I mean Ursula levels of fat.
I mean, she ain’t afraid to shake her moneymaker for the camera!
And I headcanon that her voice claim is Whoopi Goldberg aka Descendants!Ursula.
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alex-frostwalker · 4 months
Things that Lora hates💔
Getting caught in the act of her lie.
Being pointed out.
Deep waters.
Jewelry Piercings.
Being stared at in the eyes(+If guilty)
Being in an unfamiliar crowd and place.
Lost of words that she couldn't reply to someone.(+If it's important/a high authority. She goes to a mental shutdown)
Being talked about behind her back.
Muggers and Accidents..
Watching shows she's invested in where the a very evil Villain gets the upper hand. And the Hero is in agony. (She will rant)
Being alone.
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pawsometoons · 2 years
A new little detail related to my fuzzy Balan headcanon!
Depending on the season, the texture of Balan's fuzz will change!
During seasons like Spring and Autumn, his fuzz will stay the same as normal
During the summer, his fuzz will have a sleeker and smoother texture to avoid overheating
And during the Winter, itll be alot softer, feeling almost more like fur or more namely, faux fur than felt. This being to help with the colder weather
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