#nega Boss
alex-frostwalker · 2 months
Me not imagining fighting Worville Wright on the flying island whale in Phase 2
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sundove88 · 11 months
A Quick Balan Wonderworld Headcanon:
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Anjellica is fat. And I mean Ursula levels of fat.
I mean, she ain’t afraid to shake her moneymaker for the camera!
And I headcanon that her voice claim is Whoopi Goldberg aka Descendants!Ursula.
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thehyperrequiem · 9 months
Bww Story Transcript: DIM’s Awakening
So anyways, I was in a mood of doing a transcript for Right Hand Boss, and there’s a scene where Anxi Andy makes a scary discovery of a new Nega boss that is compose of a stickfigure, hat monster, fire robot and quadruple landshark. So yeah, enjoy!
*scene starts with the door opening in a dark room to reveal a Male Referstick with a goatee and a security cap holding a flashlight, the Referstick in question is named Anxi Andy*
Anxi Andy: H-Hello? Anyone here? *he looks around while pointing around with his flashlight and then, walks inside the room which then closes behind him with big slam sound, making him yelp and jumped in fear. He turns around and points his flashlight at the door and notices that it is closed, making him anxious a little* well, that’s not good…G-guess I have to go *scene cuts to a dark hallway of the room he is in* f-f-further o-over there. *then it cuts back to him with a anxious look and he loud gulped in fear as he walks toward the hallway*
*scene cuts to him randomly pointing with his flashlight*
Anxi Andy: Come on Andy, you have to be brave for the boys. I mean, it’s just the Treasure Room, it’s not scary when it’s dark. Remember what Rebecca says, it is just a dark room- *while he looks around, he doesn’t notice that a showcase bust is missing a costume crystal as he keeps walking, until he heard some breathing, not normal breathing like some creature in the dark* Huh? W-who’s there?? *he moves his flashlight around until it shows him a Referstick, but it looks different from the others; usually a Referstick has brown, short hair, but this one has long, icy blue hair as the Referstick is breathing in a creepy way with his body slouching and the dark purple emitting from him, which made Anxi Andy nervous, but he tries to hide the fact that he is scared by mustering up his courage*
Anxi Andy: Umm excuse me sir, but I do not think you should be here, this is a treasure room…*this is no response from the strange stickfigure* this is for personal authority only, so leave! *again, there is no response from the strange stickfigure, it only replied with creepy heavy breathing as it’s body start to drip out ink* look pal, whatever what you are doing, I am not scared and your little scary breathing is not fooling, as part of the security guards, I have to ask you to leave! *the stickfigure ignores the guard as it’s blue dot eyes starts to shrink into Nega boss eyes*
Anxi Andy: Alright, you leave me no choice. *he gets out his walkie talkie* I am going to count to three, and when I hit three, I shall make you leave by brute force. One, Two, *he lifts his walkie talkie to his face* two and a half, *the ‘stickfigure’ let out a guttering growl* Thre-*right before he can finish, the arm from the stickfigure grabbed the walkie talkie, to which when Andy take a good close look at it, he yelped in fear because it looked melty and goopy and he dropped the walkie talkie as he looks at the ‘stickfigure’* uhhh, sir, are you..ok? *there was no response* S-S-Sir? *he was reaching his arm towards the being when…CRIK! The stickfigure like being moves it’s neck in a creepy way, more sounds were made from the figure’s neck with one eye being yellow and blue while the other is yellow and orange gradient with a red swirl on, not to mention the small facial hair on its face, and then a whirring sound emits as the figure’s head spins around to the right vision after the neck extends while it emits a inhuman sound*
Anxi Andy: AHH!! *he drops his flashlight while the light shines on what horror he has seen, that is no Referstick, that’s a monster with the looks of a Referstick, but how did that get here? Then, the stickfigure like creature returns to a slouching state but this time, the breathing stops as he let out a gurgling growl and he starts growing in size, first his right arm gets cut off by a cyan shoulder pad which the arm gets splatted to bits by a new mechanical arm (which is a buster with sharp claws for fingers) while his left arm’s glove explodes to reveal a hand and a gold cuff, next it’s legs melts off to reveal mechanical stick legs with fire boosters at the end of each leg, while the being growl in pain of its transformation, Anxi Andy froze in fear, shaking in fear as he holds a Balan hat on a stick as the creature’s shadow rises and roars, the remains of it’s stickfigure body gets mixed with mechanical bits, wiping the melting left side of his face with his left hand to reveal a cybernetic left side completed with a big gold monocle, and a blue streak on its face to resemble a tear stream. It’s right eye (which the white of the skin is replaced with a light lavender skin color) has a black ring around it as he grows a horseshoe mustache, and bushy eyebrow to complete with the long hair, it grabs down to the puddle and out comes two hats in a stack as he puts them on, and then looks down at Anxi Andy with a glare and his long neck craned down to see his terrified face*
Anxi Andy: U-u-Uh…*frighten smile* T-Th-T-Th-Three? *the cybernetic stickfigure let out a evil snicker that his mouth reveal shark like teeth and he gets his head next to Andy with his face letting out a Sinister look*
DIM: Boo!
Anxi Andy: *screams and runs out of the room to warn the boys about this as the Nega boss chuckles again in a evil manner while he rises, and then he looks around the place*
DIM: Time for some mayhem! *his Buster feet shoots fire from below and flies out of the room, making a hole on the ceiling*
[end of scene]
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tempo-tales · 2 years
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Rabilope (Big Cony):
Nega Boss who resides within Alicia's heart. All of her pent up negativity was violently expelled, revealing a dangerous robotic rabbit-like being.
They true form, the harmless but desperate Bucony, control the giant. They can control time by going back and forth as they pleases.
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Thoughts and Headcanons on Humanized Fortstopher and Fortie? They are one guy with two sided personalities.
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Ooh! This is really nice work! As for my thoughts, the idea of those two being one guy with two personalities sure sounds interesting.
Alright, now onto headcanons.
These two are the prime example as to why opposites don't always attract. Fortstopher and Fortie have little in common and, for the most part, are always bickering and aggravating each other.
For example, Fortie is rather organized, well-mannered, and knows from right and wrong. He takes care to think about the outcomes of each situations first before making a decision.
Fortstopher, on the other hand, is fiercely competitive and extremely arrogant. He's brash, impulsive, unpredictable, brutally honest, and his morals are…questionable, to say the least. At the same time, he also has…a mischievous side.
Despite the fact that these two would clash with each other, there had been times when they would look out for each other, but only when the situations get rough.
Will these two ever make amends and get along with each other? Maybe. But there will be a lot of fights and arguments that will escalate quickly if nobody steps in to stop them.
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piinkiheartz · 1 year
Nega beast Headcanon
I'm surprised that I never posted a headcanon about the beasts until now.
The size of the beasts is depends on the visitors how much they hold back their problem, the more the visitors holds on the nega gets bigger and that included how strong and powerful they get.
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balanceater · 1 year
Gender: Female
Species: Nega Boss
Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Hair Color: Dark purple
Complexion: Dark Green
Eye Color: Golden Yellow with black star-shaped pupils
Relatives: Lance (Creator), Adalyn Stehle (Originator)
Occupation: Enemy
Status: Deceased
Stage Name: N/A
Likes: N/A
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ratohet · 6 months
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someonefromyt · 2 months
Y'all so did you noticed that Nega bosses from Balan Wonderworld is basically a PMMM witches?!?? So here's some witch cards of bosses that I liked.
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joneoyvilde03 · 2 months
Please Kevin just listen to me we have kindness for ever helper…we need bring back my friend Kevin the fox….
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Cruel bad fox I going stop this time and have to…
Character from:
Regular show/oc/cartoon network
Balan wonderworld/OC/Arzest
by joneoyvilde03
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redrockbluerock · 7 months
👉👈 Worville Wright x Affectionate!Fem!Reader fluff headcanons maybe please??
Apologies for this taking forever my life got a bit busy after ya sent this
So anon if you’re out there… here’s your headcanons
-Worville isn’t exactly the best at giving physical affection- nothing against you, its just… being a giant bat/plane, there's all those propellers, and it kind of hurts to be hit by them. Not that he’d do that on purpose of course! -If you’re the one initiating however, he’s much more receptive. Still uses careful, slow movements. -should you be curious enough, he’ll gladly take you with him flying- you ever seen those movies where someone is riding on a dragon or similarly sized creature, seated near its head and nuzzled into the fur? It’s like that. don't need a coat with all his fuzz and all -on the non-physical size, he’ll gladly talk about plane mechanics for hours if you’ll let him, happy to have a listener
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bonus sketch since this took like a year and a half to answer
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alex-frostwalker · 2 months
Did Tumblr just ate my post about my OC Empress Marionette...?
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toycoheartful · 6 months
Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit's Costumes
Invisible Rabbit
Swallow Anaconda
Cooler Microphone
Motorbike Runner
Puppet Puncher
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& 3 Act Costume
Puffy Poodle
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Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit's Nega Boss
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thehyperrequiem · 9 months
“Oh? You wanted the girl with the eternal curse who made clumsy accidents back? Well alright then, but you have to go through me, Lance’s Right Hand Man first…Now, do me a favor and stand still, because this may sting…a bit. *chuckles menacingly*”
-DIM/Destructive Intelligence Man before attacking Leo, Emma and Cal
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autisticfoxgirl333 · 8 months
Balan Wonderworld Time 3!
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
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A while back, I made a post on what Reala's role would be if he were to appear in Wonderworld.
This is what his Nega boss form looks like! All credit goes to @silverpsychedelic for making this beautiful artwork.
The Nega boss is called Nocturne. He lurks within the depths of Reala's warped emotions, representing his fear of trust after NiGHTS's betrayal and his struggles to succeed under Wizeman's cruel orders. His weak spot is the gem that's shaped like an Ideya shard, similar to what NiGHTS has.
Fight Method #1: Nocturne will summon crystals of red, blue, green, yellow, and white in the air and shoot them down. The player must send one of the crystals back at Nocturne. When dazed, the player must strike the weak spot.
Fight Method #2: Nocturne will cause parts of the ground to temporarily rise up and float toward the player. The player must use the Representative Costume Flying Jester to dodge the parts and make their way to Nocturne, striking his weak spot.
Fight Method #3: Nocturne will launch all four of his hands. When the player hits one, the eye opens and all of the hands will hit Nocturne, dazing him. While dazed, the player must strike him in the weak spot.
Once Nocturne is defeated, Reala will be rescued and the song 'Stronger' will play.
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