#by a fan of said driver
brasiliangp · 2 months
my seb 'george can be world champion' post has already found its way to the wrong side of f1blr
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theseerbetweenus · 5 days
I genuinely hate it when some F1 fans say things like, "Oh I just want Max (or any dominating driver) to crash into the wall," "[XYZ] didn't deserve to win, someone else did," "This sport has becoming so less entertaining," "Omg why can't he lose a race for once? Doesn't he want to see the fans have fun?" Or something like, "This driver didn't deserve to DNF."
This is a sport. Do you expect these people who've trained and dreamed of winning since they were kids (even toddlers) to just back down and not want to win for your faves? This is, firstly, an engineer sport based on skill not your whines. It's fine to root for a driver or constructor to win but saying the winning driver shouldn't have won because they simply didn't deserve it is absolutely absurd.
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ruyakasunshine · 2 months
Formula one has some of the most insufferable fans I've ever seen (and this is coming from someone who's been in Kpop fandoms), so I'm gonna type a couple of reminders for y'all :
Max is not ruining the sport by being "too good". I honestly don't understand how people can have the same reaction whenever someone is actually good at the sport (e.g. Hamilton during his prime days), and never learn. He's not going to start losing just to entertain you (and that wouldn't work anyway, he DNF'd in Australia and the race still sucked).
You should be happy enough to witness the making of one of the biggest names in F1, because he will for sure be a considered a legend in the future (if that's not the case already).
The whole 'Hamilton is washed' narrative is starting to become annoying. You know, even as someone who hasn't been into the sport for long enough to remember his prime days, I can call you out on how baseless this narrative is. A seven-times world champion doesn't forget how to drive over the course of a season, obviously there is something that is going on behind the scenes, and his sudden move to Ferrari is only a proof of it.
Likewise, you guys need to drop the "Ferrari fired the wrong guy uwu" narrative. Firstly, Carlos wasn't fired, they decided to not renew the contract with him. This happens all the time, and we don't even know all the reasons behind this decision. This is a sport, not a boyband, they don't owe each other eternal fidelity for the fans or something.
Ferrari saw the opportunity of signing The Lewis Hamilton (which; like it or not, the guy is a legend), and took it. And, as Max himself said it, it isn't too surprising that they re-signed Charles and not Carlos, considering that the first has been more consistent throughout their career as teammates. He had chances at the championship, and could have new chances in the future with the right team orders (and with the maturity he's gained over these years).
Finally, Carlos will most likely have a seat in 2025, considering that he is a good driver and that most of the seats for next years aren't taken yet. Stop crying under each instagram and twitter posts of ferrari, stop bringing down Charles at every opportunity (seriously, hearing you talk you'd think the guy is finishing at the end of the grid each race and not within the top 5 at the very least since last year), and start cheering on their last season as teammates instead.
Overall, fans need to learn to whine less, be more respectful (drivers are human beings who deserve basic respect, I can't believe I need to remind this in this day and age), and appreciate the sport more.
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pacovratta · 2 months
just a heads up for people, if you don't want others defending their favourite driver under your hate posts, maybeeee don't tag the driver you're hating on??? like its really not that hard???
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maraguanabana · 1 month
sooo. what if. I don't know. we stop manifesting and wishing for crashes. for anyone. that's kinda, you know. disgusting.
and I am going to aim this to some fans on social media "joking" about a inchident 2.0. and wishing for some other driver's to dnf. that's so not fucking okay. go outside and touch some grass please. if you are a fan of this sport, and you don't like a driver that's fine. but I draw the line at wanting them to actually crash. that's a real person right there, whose life could and would be endangered in such situation. for fucks sake.
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alexalbongf · 1 year
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[INTERVIEWER:] Lewis Hamilton... a little too cozy there!
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two-tyred-problems · 1 month
Lando has really ruined his first race win for me personally. Like when I saw that he won (didn’t watch the race live) I was actually so fucking happy and then he goes on to actively praise Trump. He did NOT need to say all that, even if there was some kind of contract agreement that he wasn’t allowed to bash Trump or something
Not that there should be such a contract anyways because if the FIA is so strict about the no-politics-stuff when it was about human rights (same love, Black Lives Matter), they should not allow a politician in an active candidate campaign to go around the circuit and give out hats to promote himself.
'Oh but Lando is British, he probably doesn’t know much about America politics' I’m sorry, but then he’s just ignorant, because even a few years ago, when I was a teen who did not speak English very well, I knew what Trump did, said and promoted because it was everywhere on the news. If he genuinely didn’t know much about Trump, then why would he be able praise him for what he did?
'What was he supposed to do? Bash him live?' Well, he certainly didn’t need to praise him as excessively as he did.
'Mclaren probably just did that to gain American fans, they do not actually support him' They gave him publicity. They praised him. That is support. They didn’t need to do that. They wouldn't have lost any fans by not doing it. But I feel like a lot of McLaren fans are young people, and they certainly aren't gaining their favour by pulling stuff like that. One of their most prominent drivers is Mexican for fucks sake. (Also I think there are very little Trump fans outside of America and instead a lot of people who view him critically, at least that’s the impression I have)
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I have had it with people being ableist to Lance. I have had it with ableism being normalised in the F1 community by the fans by a certain driver. Like it literally permeates the sport, this is the third time someone has said something like this about Lance and you'd be a fool to think it doesn't bother him.
This sport is so toxic, steeped in misogyny, racism and ableism, and I don't get it. Where does the ableism come from?
P.S. I once read a post where someone said that the attitude of a certain golden boy shouldn't be judged because he doesn't act in a way that's Neurotypical and so he might be neurodivergent and so we're being ableist so we should stop. And people AGREED. Like that is what ableism is seen as, that is how things can become twisted by people so is it really a surprise that people on twitter say that and is it really a surprise that these opinions have been adopted by the masses, is it really a surprise that one of the biggest f1 drivers didn't get punished for ableism and now its normalised by junior drivers and fans. It's not surprising at all.
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russilton · 1 year
I’m not one to usually say much about discourse bc I can’t be fucked, but after a couple weeks of radio message drama after each race I have to point this out:
I think some of you need to remember the reality of drivers in the cockpit and why they are not always going to phrase things politely.
Every single driver goes through the same thing; They are lying down, crammed into a cockpit of an incredibly expensive car, traveling a couple hundred miles per hour relying on muscle memory to stop them putting it in a wall and making split second decisions and adjustments.
They are alone except for a single Radio line to their engineer who can only tell them very strict things so as to not give away tactics to other teams who are ALL listening for the slightest sliver of advantage. They have no outer perception of the race other than what they can see in their tiny mirrors, what is in front of them, and if they’re lucky, what they can spot on a screen for the fans.
They have absolutely no idea what is being discussed in the garage, what another driver is thinking, or if their teams have even seen the same things they are feeling. They often don’t even know what lap it is. When they ask their engineers something they need the answer to come within the next minute and a half because a single lap can make or break a race and they need to choose what lines they drive for approaches they take.
You combine all of those factors; the physical discomfort, the tunnel vision, the lack of situational awareness, the required response time and the fact EVERY driver is hot headed and stuck alone with an insurmountable amount of pressure, the shit that comes out of their mouth is not going to be eloquently tailored to sound passive and enquiring. It’s going to be blunt as shit. (This doesn’t excuse drivers who use slurs. There’s no excuse for behaving like that no matter the pressure)
That’s why Lewis doesn’t go “Bono, I think it would be better if you pitted me now to take advantage of the safety car, can you discuss that and get back to me” he says “you’ve screwed me here what are you doing” because in 1 minute and 30 seconds his chance to take advantage of that safety car may be gone and he needs to know what the plan is.
That’s why when George makes an enquiry to the team he doesn’t delicately ask them to discuss something with Lewis and see how everyone feels about maintaining a position to take advantage of DRS, he says “guys what the hell are you doing asking me to maintain when I’m about to be overtaken by my teammate” because all he can see is his own times, what the team want him to do, and the fact that for all he can see his teammate is about to overtake him and he needs to know what the reason for that is. He needs that answer immediately so he can adjust for it.
People have to accept that their faves do not act like angels on the comms and expecting otherwise is utterly unrealistic for what they’re doing. You’re not obligated to like anyone and if you don’t like their radio, fine, me too. But if you’re concocting a whole idea that a driver must be secretly trying to bring someone down because of a pissy maybe dramatic radio message about their teammate you’re forgetting the reality of what they’re doing. They’re allowed to be stressed and have bad days.
The things they say when calm and able to review the entirety of a situation matter much more, that’s where you see who they are.
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chxrryrose · 1 year
yes this is me ranting about the daniel/mclaren situation yet again because i will never be over it
it’s actually so frustrating to hear zaque beige speak about how last year there was a lot of problems and he wasn’t happy with things behind the scenes and the way development was going but ‘all the headlines were focused on daniel’, like mate bffr YOU fuelled that !! YOU did that !! YOU kept all the blame on daniel and made him take the fall all on his own !!
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ef-1 · 18 days
in the other videos Blake is sitting next to Daniel with Scotty across…my theory is Daniel did not want an empty seat near him that might encourage ppl to approach lol
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httpiastri · 8 months
Oscar is so bad LOL What even is he doing?
go off, anon 😚 you seem to know a lot
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idk if i would say p9 in the championship, two podiums and being one of the four people to win a race this year is “so bad”, but you do you i guess
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youjustwaitsunshine · 5 months
i genuinely hope that one day I'll enjoy f1 and f1 fandom again but it's just not doing it for me anymore please do not expect me to be anything besides an fe wec xe and rally blog in 2024. also any other sport and random other bullshit
also expect me to eat my words once silly season starts in my favor (driver i hate not getting a contract extension) or if oscar wins a race
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watchingtheearthrise · 6 months
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monmouthcastle · 8 months
Sometimes....... things are not a conspiracy. Some people need to calm tf down.
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midesastremanifiesto · 9 months
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