#by the way if the chapter titles are already leaked somewhere in English let me know?
William Rex Chapter 18
Editing me here: So I just wanna let you know that from this chapter onwards I'm going to be making a correction in my translation. If you know me, I use JP honorifics in my ikegen translations for example 'Shigehira-kun', 'Yoritomo-sama', 'Yoshino-san' etc..instead of using the English titles like Lord Yoritomo, Miss Yoshino etc. There are two reasons for that: 1. Because the characters are Japanese and 2. Is because of Shigehira. I can simply translated 'Shigehira-kun' as 'Shigehira' and just avoid using the honorific. It's an important thing in Shigehira's route. But in Ikevil, the characters are all British, so that's why I don't use 'sama', 'san' or 'chan'. Instead I use the English titles. But for some reason, when I was reading back the previous chapters that I have translated, I didn't like how Liam was calling Kate---'Miss Kate'. In Japanese, he calls her 'Kate-chan' which is informal and I used 'Miss Kate' which is formal. So now, I want to change it but I don't know the exact translation for 'chan'. So Liam is gonna call her 'Katie' from here on. I also wanna change 'Master Elbert' to 'Lord Elbert'. Thank you, now enjoy the story~
WARNING! This story contains blood and murder.
(No way----!)
In front of the cell where Mr. Brian is being held, I was distracted by the sudden noise from upstairs----
Liam: "Katie! Come here!"
Kate: "!?"
As soon as I heard Liam's voice, I was jerked to my feet.
We hid in the corner of a narrow aisle where cleaners enter and leave the building.
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Policemen's voice: "Do you think he actually came? What's the report?"
Policemen's voice: "I don't know! The security guard was supposed to come inform us, but at the moment there is nothing...!"
Soon the heavy footsteps are heard passing close by and climbing the stairs.
Policemen's voice: "Perhaps he's not here yet, maybe his subordinate or something---"
Policemen's voice: "Tsk...if its actually really Rex, he is going to take the prisoners as intended...."
The name that leaked out tightens my chest.
(Its William after all)
I was on the verge of a violent upheaval, but I managed to control it and took a deep breathe, trying to stay calm.
Liam: "I think they've gone. I'm sorry for pulling you out so suddenly. I saw policemen coming back and I got impatient."
Kate: "No. Thanks for looking out for me....!"
Brian: "Who is this man? Where did he come from....?"
Kate: "He's a friend of mine and William's. Don't worry."
I can't stop my inner impatience, even as I try to quiet Mr. Brian's bewildered mind.
Kate: "William may have already entered the tower."
Liam: "Yeah...what do we do now?"
(The officers who were in jail have left to assess the situation...then)
Kate: "...Let's hope we no longer need a diversionary tactic to keep the cops on their toes."
Liam: "!I see...you're going to use all this fuss to get these people off the hook."
Kate: "Yes. ....Mr. Brian. A dark-haired man named Alphonse will be here with the key to the prison."
Kate: "Tell him the destination to where the prisoners should be taken first!"
Brian: "Destination....?"
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Kate: "It's not somewhere shady. It's a special ward at the Royal Infirmary."
(It was the only place I could think of to temporarily shelter the prisoners)
(The director knows more about the people William saved than I do)
(Their relationship of trust should not be shaken by a single newspaper article)
(I'm sure they'll keep your identity confidential)
I'm sure Lord Elbert has heard from Harrison and is on his way to talk to the Director by now.
Brian: "Okay. I promise to tell someone named Alphonse. What about you guys?"
Kate: "I'm going to see William. To hold him back while I take the prisoners out."
Brian: "Hold him back....? ...I see."
I don't know what will happen when he comes across the prisoners who are in this state of mind.
Brian: "So that's why you came here......?"
Kate: ".....Yes."
William tramples on and manipulates the freedom of the policemen, even as he frees the prisoners.
For prisoners who have been instilled with a sense of disappointment and suspicion that they have been betrayed, this will be seen as 'evil' itself.
Alphonse: " 'It's all William's fault. We were deceived by him. We lost our family, job, honor, and happiness.' "
Alphonse: " 'If you want to hate him, hate him. Well, here he comes. Look. The guards are getting killed one by one. He's a bloodthirsty murderous maniac.' "
Alphonse: "If you don't want to judged, prove you're not on his side. Come on. I've got the knife right here."
(That's the only thing I can avoid----)
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Kate: "I've got to go. Please be safe....!"
Brian: "Ah.....Thank you. You too...!"
With Mr. Brian's voice at my back, I ran up the stairs with Liam.
Kate: "The police just said that he's probably still in the other building....!"
Liam: "I heard it too! Maybe the wing near the gate...."
Kate: "Let's go!"
William: "Out of my way"
Policemen: "Ah..Arghh!?"
Policemen: "My own legs are...!"
Like retainers welcoming their lord, the policemen lined up in neat rows on either side of the corridor.
William walked leisurely as they watch him in horror and bewilderment. He then stopped in front of the last one.
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William: "....From the looks of your faces, I don't think we have the chief of this place here."
William: "Bring the chief inspector in front of me. If he resists, use force".
Policemen: "Nn..No...!!"
At William's command, the burly-looking officer walks off like a toy solider.
Soon after, a stern-looking man emerged, being dragged along by a manipulated police officer.
The man who is being dragged: "Let go of me! You don't know what you're doing!"
Policemen: "I'm sorry, sir! As soon as this man opened his mouth, my body is moving on its own....!"
William: "Ah, that's right! Don't blame the man, sir."
Inspector: "William Rex..!"
William: "You already know. That would save me the trouble of introducing myself."
Inspector: "You monster...what the hell are you making my men do!?"
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William: "The same thing that I'll do to you. Please wait for your turn."
William: "You know all the people who have been taken prisoner because of their relationship with me, don't you?"
Inspector: "....What are you going to do then?"
William: "Unlock all their prisons and their handcuffs"
William: "Oh and 'Come back when you're done'....After that, I want to hear more about the person who gave you your orders."
Inspector: "Shit...! Why the hell is my body...!!"
Walking away with a look of humiliation on his face, the inspector begins to hurl curse words at him.
Inspector: "Even if you help them in this way, it's not like you saved them!"
Inspector: "Because of you, the world will look at you with suspicion and because of you, they will be unhappy!"
Inspector: "It's all your fault! You monster!"
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William: "If you have a heart to lament their misfortune, why did you hurt them without ascertaining their guilt or innocence?"
Inspector: "....Nn."
The frightened inspector was then silenced by the horrifyingly cold voice.
William throws a joyful voice back at him as he heads towards the wing where the prisoners' cells are located.
William: "You are right. Even if we rescue them from here, they will never be free."
William: "It takes a bit of performance to prove innocence."
William: "Don't worry, I'll think about it later, Inspector."
With a giggle behind him, the Inspector bit his teeth in humiliation.
Inspector: "....You maniac...!"
Female prisoner: "Ah...the policemen are back....!"
Male prisoner: "Ugh...I'm sick of this! I'll do anything. Please someone, help me...!"
The prisoners are in an uproar of fear when they see the Inspector descending into the prison.
Young prisoner: "W-Wait, something is wrong."
Inspector: "Tsk...William Rex..! I'll never forgive you for this...!"
The Inspector, with a look indignation on is face, pulled a bunch of keys out of his pocket and began to unlock the jail cell.
Brian: "...What are you...?"
The prisoners watch with amazement as the heavy locks are easily released in front of their eyes and the prison door open.
The prisoners finally swallowed the situation after their shackles were removed.
Male prisoner: "So you're finally admitting we're innocent, huh? After torturing us so much...! Say something!"
Inspector: "This is not my will! I am being manipulated by William Rex!"
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Male prisoner: "Manipulated!? What are you saying---!"
Young prisoner: "Wait...is William...is William actually here?"
Young prisoner: "Wait...is William...is William actually here?"
The Inspector looks at the young man's face and smiles darkly, as if he has just thought of something.
Inspector: "....Yeah, that's right. Sir Rex, the man who did this to you, is here."
Inspector: "He has strange powers over my men and me, he's forcing you all to leave."
Older prisoner: "Forcing us...? But why...?"
Inspector: "You're fellow murderers, so why not?"
Young prisoner: "We! We didn't do anything...!"
Inspector: "....If that's true, then maybe he's going to manipulate you and use you as a tool for murder."
Inspector: "You all are criminals now and will be abandoned by the society. Doesn't that make you perfect for slavery?"
The Inspector removed the prisoners' fetters one after the other, while spouting incendiary speculation.
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Inspector: "Apparently, his ability to compel action, but not the words you speak."
Inspector: "Yeah....maybe that's why he's on drugs? Drugs prevent him from speaking properly, which is a good thing."
Young prisoner: "...I can't forgive him....!!"
Inspector: "You have a lot of potential. You'd make a good police officer, wouldn't you?"
Inspector: "So. I have a favor to ask you..."
Young prisoner: "....?!"
The Inspector walks up to a young man in prison and whispers something to him while removing his shackles.
Young prisoner: "....!"
With a thoughtful look on his face, the young man pulled something out of the Inspector's pocket.
Brian senses something unusual and shouts out involuntarily.
Brian: "Wait! What he says may not be true...!"
Young prisoner: "....So you're saying that the newspaper articles and the police are lying!?"
Brian: "...! Please listen to me first---!"
Male prisoner: "Why don't we just check him out in person when he's here instead of telling us what to do!"
Female prisoner: "Where is Sir Rex!?"
Inspector: "He is at----"
Brian: "Wa...Wait!"
Several prisoners, led by a young man, run up the stairs unheeding Brian's silence.
Inspector: "Hahahaha....you're so brave."
With a mocking smile, he finished unlocking the last cell and disappeared into the darkness upstairs.
Brian: "....Damn!"
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Alphonse: "Oh dear, what is this delightful situation?"
Alphonse, who had just passed the Inspector, came down the stairs with a light touch.
He looked round the prison with amusement, fiddling with a bunch of keys.
Alphonse: "These keys, I don't think you need it anymore"
Alphonse: "Those who remain are...those who are injured, debilitated and immobile, and...."
Alphonse: "You, who is all wise but pathetic lamb who still can't bring themselves to doubt Mr. William's even in the worst of circumstances."
Brian: "Black hair...Are you Mr. Alphonse!?"
Alphonse: "Yes, I am Mr. Alphonse. I'm sorry, do I know you?"
Brian: "Kate told me. She told me what's going on....!"
Alphonse: "Is your leg injured?"
Brian: "Ah...I had a bit of a romp before I was brought here."
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Alphonse: "You seem to be in a lot of pain. Shall I give you a good dream?"
Brian: "Dream....? No, more like, can you give me a shoulder to lean on...?"
Brian: "The safety of Miss Kate and....Sir Rex is at stake....!"
Alphonse: "....I am weak myself. Physical labor is not really my thing you know."
(What should I do after I see William?)
(...No don't even think about it...I must find him first....!)
The tower, which should have been noisy just a few minutes ago, is now very eerily quiet and still,
The anxiety that stirs in me pushes me to run through the corridor.
Liam: "Katie that's...!"
Liam: "Katie that's...!"
(Those are... the policemen?)
Across the corridor, an orderly line of policemen could be seen.
The pale policemen are silent, as if they have been ordered not to speak.
(Only one person can do this....)
I looked down the corridor, beyond the line of policemen.
Even in the darkened corridor, her silver hair was dazzling.
(....He's finally here!)
It is a person with a mysterious charm that makes you forget yourself with just one look.
Self-righteous yet loving and kind.
A terrible person who left me with only wishes for happiness, but won't even let me hate him.
Kate: "William!"
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William: "....!"
When William turned around, he was taken by surprise.
His blood-red eyes catches me.
William: ".....Kate?"
(We're not in a safe zone yet....)
(But I'm so happy, that I'm going crazy...)
The joy of meeting him, and the words I want to say to him, are all converted into strength that helped me rush towards him.
Kate: "Haa...Haa...!"
William: ".............."
William simply stares at me, as if asking me a question.
With a look that tries to find out why I came here and what I wanted to do.
(I want to talk a lot)
(But that's not the important thing right now)
Kate: "I'll explain the situation later."
Kate: "William, you need to get out----!"
???: "There!!"
Just as I was about to say, 'Please leave this place' a sharp voice pierced my ears.
When he turned around, the prisoners I had seen in prison were there.
Kate: "Why are they...?"
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William: "I ordered the Inspector in charge to set them free."
(William was one step ahead of Mr. Alphonse....!)
Stay back
Let's get out of here
We'll take care of this
Kate: "Stay back. It's not safe for you to see them now!"
William: "Yeah, I know. I don't mind."
William said this as if to appease me, then stepped forward to hide me behind his back.
William: "It's what they need to do to be free."
Kate: "....!?"
William: "I'm right here. 'Come to me."
Female prisoner: "What the...!? My body is....!"
Young prisoner: "So what the Inspector said is true....!"
In front of the silent policemen, prisoners are drawn towards William, their faces drawn in fear.
I watched the whole scene in dismay.
(There are two ways to prove the prisoners' innocence)
Kate: "There are two ways to prove his innocence. Either William pleads guilty and testifies that he has nothing to do with them...."
Kate: "Either that or William himself will be in a situation where he cannot be charged with a crime."
(William is now...trying to do the former)
(By using their abilities to take away their freedom, he is trying to crush what little hesitation there is in them)
(So that they would see William as a sinner...as an enemy)
Because it proves their innocence and sets them free.
Kate: "William---!"
William: "Good evening, everyone. I hope you're all doing well."
William: "Good evening, everyone. I hope you're all doing well."
William: "It seems everyone are not here... I'll check the others later."
William makes eye contact with each of the prisoners lined up in front of him, as if to check.
Young prisoner: "...William...! You really did deceive us...!"
I watch with a sense of dismay as the shadows of fear and disappointment grow darker and darker in their eyes.
Kate: "No...William, this is....!"
William: "So who are you again? I'm sorry, I don't recall your name...."
Young prisoner: "....!!"
(He's lying. He always makes a habit of remembering his people...!)
William: "Still...that's a nasty injury."
William mutters painfully.
I could see that he had said it on purpose to get on the young man's nerves.
But he young man was incensed just as William had hoped.
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Young prisoner: "W-Who's fault do you think it is!?"
Young prisoner: "It's all your fault! You monster! You did this!"
Kate: "...!"
(What he is saying is right)
He even killed his father, yet he is unrepentant and brutally condemns those he deems evil.
He has enough sin in his hands, to be labelled a 'monster'.
William: "No one can save everyone they see."
William: "Just because you couldn't save them, doesn't mean you have to kill yourself. Kate."
(William to me is...the man that I love)
(He changed the world, he is a savior)
He makes you want to send a flower, or search for him on the streets.
Somewhere in my heart, I felt a rainbow that will never fade, as special as a passing shower.
(But William is, of course, just a human being, just like us)
Kate: "Last night's absolution prevented the rise of the Golden Butterfly.....right?"
William: "Kinda. Evil is stubborn. It might come back to life again and again."
William: "So we will have to keep an eye on any chrysalis that is still left and prevent them from hatching."
(Even if you can't save everything, you can't stop fighting, you're not a quitter)
William: "My life is dedicated to my evil, I will continue to be as evil as I want to be."
William: "Until the end, when something or someone comes to cut off my head."
(He is a troubled man who has devoted his life to his ideals)
(William is-----)
(Because he's the only one I love)
Kate: "William...please leave now---"
I wanted to cover his ears to prevent him from hearing the abuse.
Young prisoner: "Don't you dare...I'll prove it to you...!"
Something glowed in the young man's hand.
The candlelight reflects a sharp blade.
(That's a knife----)
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Young prisoner: "You're not my benefactor...nor a friend....!"
Young prisoner: "I...I'm going to clear everyone's name who's trapped here because of you...!"
(William, please command him)
(Stop him)
Young prisoner: "ARGHHHH!!"
The screams sounded somewhere in the distance.
The young man with a knife appears to be running towards us as if in slow motion.
William: ".........."
William looked at the young man and smiled lovingly.
----At that moment, my body moved.
As if my heart ordered me.
(If you call William evil and put him to the sword)
(I don't care if he's righteous, evil or if this the end he wants)
(I want to protect him. I want to be his shield)
I have come so far for this selfish desire.
Liam: "KATIE!!"
For the first time in my life, I knew what it felt like to have a knife thrusted into me.
This would also be the first and last time, I'd learn this.
It didn't seem like a bad life.
Even until the end, I made the right choice that was important to me.
Silence fills the Tower of London, which until a few moments ago was engulfed in a whirlpool of anger.
Only the sound of the rain playing, gently embracing the darkness of the night, accompanied the silence.
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William: "..........Kate."
A drop of heat falls on the cold stillness.
His eyes are a careful blend of love and sadness.
It was poured single-mindedly into Kate, who lay in his arms.
William: "....I remember wiping the blood of your cheeks the night we met."
Fingertips, stained the colour of blood, gently caress her cheek.
Meanwhile, an increasingly pervasive red invades her white clothing.
----Like a flower that knows when to bloom and change colour.
William: "I've been thinking about it ever since."
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William: "Red really suits you."
Chapter 19
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demonslayedher · 2 years
I bought the official pamphlet of the Gotouge exhibition, and it has the titles of 25 arcs of the "Zenitsu-den." I was surprised to see English on a lot of the panels at the gallery but didn't recall seeing translations of these, but it was toward the end of the gallery and the line was starting to move at a pace I couldn't control, so I paid more attention to the art instead, as the titles all seemed ridiculous. Reading the chapter titles just now I was rolling my eyes at how outlandish they are, and then I got to the last ones and made a very strange "waAAH!" noise and I wanna cry; I didn't think I was going to take any of this seriously but--but but but--- Okay, so, I mi-i-i-ight need to put some other posts I wanted to write on hold in favor of a Zenitsu-den analysis. (And I'm excited to write those posts, so yeah.) For now, suffice to say that not only is Zenitsu musically talented, but he is remarkably talented at visual art as well--at least when he loves his subject matter, that is. There's a Taisho Rumor that states he's gotten a bit famous for being a man who can only produce photo-realistic his paintings one particular model, and he has been offered money for them many times, but he throws a fit so bad that he's been known to rip his own trousers as he screams, "WHO WOULD SELL THEIR OWN WIFE!?!"
What wasn't stated in any of this is what the other painter among this cast might have thought of this. I can just imagine it, Yushiro starting this hobby quietly, being frustrated with how he fails to quite capture Tamayo-sama's beauty, and partly with paintings easily because he sees them as no good. Then, when he hears about Zenitsu's declaration, he goes through a sea of inner turmoil about how Zenitsu puts him to shame with his devotion (Tamayo was never his wife... but still, how could he!! How dare he!!!!), and that he must recover all the paintings before anyone ever finds out he ever parted with any of them. That's just my headcanon for Yushiro going on off on desperate secret antics though. He's got enough time on his hands for art heists.
(Anyway, previously leaked material about Zenitsu depicting himself as a dashing hero with a magnificent mustache and chin-hair and drawing other men who are irritatingly close to Nezuko as ugly characters still stands (as well as that the more attractive they are in real life the uglier he draws them), though the author is sad to be a chubby sweet-tooth in real life who cannot manage to grow a beard.)
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She’s my Ride Home
Chapter 2: Strike a Match, Pour Gasoline
An Avengers: Engame Fanwork
Pairings: Tony Stark & Nebula (friendship)
Genre: Adventure, general
Word Count: 1.9k
Rating: K+
Links: Fanfiction.net || Ao3
Summary:  Nebula thinks she gets it; how her sister came to love a Terran. Those 22 days spent drifting hopelessly through space on a broken ship may have been the best memories she’d ever had.
Author’s Notes: Titles from ‘She’s my Ride Home’ by Blue October.
Chapter 2: I'll be Reaching for the Stars With You
"Looks like a hurricane came through here." The Terran's voice rasped over the hum of the engine leaking from the opened panel.
Nebula carefully wound the plastic insulation tape over the exposed wire which had been sparking and threatening to blow a circuit to the atmosphere control unit. "Hurricanes occur over water."
Tony let out a burst of laughter that left him wheezing a moment later. "A woman after my own heart," he chuckled out between gasps of pain.
Nebula didn't look up from her work. "If I wanted your heart I would have cut it out while you slept."
His chuckles faded into a breathy laughter that sounded a little wetter than it had before to Nebula's enhanced hearing. "Natasha is going to love you."
She could hear him wandering around the room with uneven steps and inspecting various items that had been strewn about in the crash and then, later, her attempts to find the Terran some way to fight the infection that was clearly trying to take over his body.
"Space is like, a kind of ocean," he offered in a painfully transparent attempt at conversation. "Y'know, this is going to be a much longer trip if we can't even talk to each other."
"It's going to be long either way." She finished sealing off the defiant wire and tucked it away, closing the panel back into place.
"It's still nicer to have someone to talk to."
"Not always." Nebula turned to fix him with a sharp look which seemed to have no effect on him whatsoever.
He had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders which he must have stolen from someone's bed, and his forehead looked sweaty again, despite the fact that the ship was holding at low temperature right now.
"That brings me to a thought I had a while ago- how did I understand you all? Did your human friend Flash Gordon back there teach you all English or something?"
"You are hearing our universal translators," she said, rising to her feet and moving around him to sweep the items gathered on the table onto the floor. "I am not speaking English."
The Terran's eyebrows rose as he danced out of the way of the falling items. "That's handy. Don't suppose you have any extra ones I could tinker with while I'm here?"
"No." With the table cleared, Nebula retrieved the box of outdated medical supplies from where she had stowed it in a nearby drawer. She dropped the box onto the table and motioned for Tony to climb up. "Take off your bandage."
"I usually get dinner first," he grunted out as he draped the blanket onto a chair and hauled himself onto the table where she could see better in the ship's dimmed lighting. The action left him panting as he began unwinding the bandages she had applied on Titan.
He was struggling to get his arms behind himself without further aggravating his ribs and after a moment she smacked his hands away with a snort and took over.
"You're a lot grumpier than my usual nurses," he told her as she worked, apparently incapable of handling any length of silence. "Unless you count Pepper, then I guess this is about right."
The edges of his wound were puffy and red, and didn't appear to have made any progress towards healing beyond what she had done with the Suturim on Titan. It had only been a cycle and a half since he had received the wound, this infection was moving quickly.
She pressed her fingers experimentally against the flesh and he gave a yelp, jerking away from her touch.
"Don't poke it!" he snapped.
"The infection is trying to take hold. It's probably originating from somewhere deep inside of you." Whatever he had been run through with was certainly not very sterile. "I am not a surgeon, and we don't have anything here to kill the infection. You'll just have to take care of it and fight it off on your own."
"Great. I got space-rabies from a giant purple grape. I gotta say, this is not how I was expecting to go out, but don't worry, I'm a fighter. I've been told I'm too stubborn to die."
"You babble a lot," she breathed out, peeling open a new pack of antiseptic. "Is that normal for you, or has the fever affected your brain?"
"Uh... normal, I think. I'd worry more if it stopped-Ouch!" The Terran squirmed again as she scrubbed harshly against the open edges of his wound.
"Hold still."
"Well, you could be a little gentler about it, you know."
"This way will be over faster," she countered, ignoring his complaints and continuing to scrub away the dying flesh.
"So tell me about these 'Guardians' or whatever- what were they like?"
Nebula opened her eyes to regard her companion coldly. After spending the last half a cycle working tirelessly to keep the ship running, she was finally resting in the captain's seat. Tony was in the seat next to hers, huddled up under the same blanket from earlier, with strict instructions to wake her if something changed on the monitors. A glance around the cockpit proved that those requirements had not been met.
"Nothing has changed," she informed him, making it clear she was not amused, and closed her eyes.
"Sure it did."
Begrudgingly she cracked an eye open again to find him pointing at a series of numbers at the corner of a screen.
"This symbol here. It used to look like a... squiggly star thing, now it looks more like an upside-down happy face."
"It's the navigational system. The co-ordinates will change as we make progress across the galaxies."
"Oh." He squinted at the numbers. "Is that what it is? I can't read them."
"You wouldn't be able to understand what they meant anyways."
The cockpit was blissfully silent for all of three breaths.
"So this family of yours-"
"They were not my family," she answered tiredly, hoping to put an end to his curiosity. "They were my sister's."
"Doesn't that make them yours, too?
"Thanos stole us both from our homeworlds when we were children. We do not share blood."
"But you were raised together? So you must have been close, right?"
"Our father would pit us against each other in battle. Whenever I lost to Gamora, he would replace some part of me in the hopes of creating her an equal."
His brows raised as he stared at her as though noticing her modifications for the first time.
She leaned back and closed her eyes once more so she didn't have to see his face while he counted the failures immortalized into her flesh.
"Hey Nebula, what is this?"
Nebula set her tools down to accept the crinkling silver packet he was handing down to where she sat cross-legged on the floor. "It's food," she told him flatly. "You eat it."
"Yeah, I figured that, but what is it? I can't read the print, and I don't know if it's bad or just taste like shit."
She flipped the bag over in her hand to scan over the sparse labeling. "It's expired." That was disgusting. How had her sister lived with these idiots?
Tony tugged the ever-present blanket a bit tighter around his shoulders. "Expired like 'the grocery store can't sell it anymore,' or expired like 'time to call poison control?'"
A cautious sniff of the contents revealed it was just old, not rotten. "It's stale. You'll be fine." She handed the packet back to the nervous Terran. They couldn't really afford to be picky right now anyways. The Guardians had not kept a well-stocked ship, and they were a long way from fresh supplies, with no working radio and no way to send a hail for help. "Just don't break a tooth."
The Terran gave a grunt of acknowledgment and accepted the bag back awkwardly with his left hand, his right one clinging stubbornly to his side. Now that she looked, he seemed to be hunched over even more than he had been when she had cleaned the wound that afternoon. It was nearing what should be the middle of the night cycle now. He'd done little but sleep in the time between, he shouldn't look so terrible.
She took in a deep breath and let it out with a growl of frustration as she rose to her feet, abandoning her current project. It was hopeless anyways. The communication systems had been smashed and fried beyond what they had to the means to repair.
"Get on the table," she ordered, yanking open the drawer she had stored the medical supplies in with much more force than necessary.
"You can't want to change the bandage again already?" he asked, but struggled onto the table as requested. "How many rolls of that stuff do we even have?"
"It doesn't matter," she grumbled through her teeth, locating the medical kit she was after and returning to peel the bandage up enough to catch a glimpse of the discolored flesh underneath. "Your infection is getting worse."
The edges of the cut were starting to ooze an ugly yellow puss and, underneath, parts were turning a deep purple which was spreading through the nearby veins, creating dark spider-webs lacing ominously up his side.
"Stay here." She stalked off into the ship's bathroom, locating a clean towel and ripping it into strips then filling a cup with hot water from the sink. Next, she tore through the cupboards and drawers until she found the salt. It was standard for most ships to carry some, at least. Most life forms required it to survive, and if you were desperate enough it had other uses. She placed her gathered items onto the table next to Tony, who was holding his side protectively and frowning down at her like he was already dreading what was to come.
When the bandage was unwound and the pus and dead tissue scraped from the wound she dunked a strip of towel into the warm salt water and handed it to the Terran who was laying misty-eyed with pain on the table.
"Soak it now."
He swallowed thickly as he accepted the scrap of cloth and pressed it against his raw flesh.
"We'll have to do this several times a cycle. I'll come back later to help you re-bandage it."
She left him on the table and returned to her hopeless attempt to draw the communication lines back to life long enough to send out an emergency hail.
End Chapter 2
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