dangantums · 7 months
Handle His Liquor
me when i cave and write a short drabble,,,, because i kinda miss writing,,,, this doesn't mean i'm off hiatus, i'm still busy, but i'm going to attempt to post more,,, also expect more than stuffedronpa content!!!!
this fic contains: intox, burps, hiccups, SFW content
ship: n.aegamigiri
TLDR: b.yakuya thinks he can handle his liquor. news flash, he can't.
Byakuya Togami was known for his composed and sophisticated demeanor. However, on this particular evening, the atmosphere at his own home was-... off. Makoto and Kyoko were about to witness a rare sight - Byakuya Togami in a state of intoxication.
The dimly lit room was adorned with the soft glow of a few strategically placed lamps, casting long shadows on the elegant furniture. Byakuya, usually seen in impeccable suits, now lounged on a plush couch with his tie loosened and a glass of expensive whiskey in hand. His suit jacket was lazily tossed over the back of the couch as the blonde leaned against it. His glasses, usually perched perfectly on the bridge of his nose, were crooked in his face. His usual pale cheeks were red. The heir ran his tongue across his pearly-white teeth, trying to savor any remaining taste of liquor in his mouth. As if he hadn’t had enough already. Makoto Naegi and Kyoko Kirigiri exchanged surprised glances as they observed their lovers' uncharacteristic behavior. Byakuya, still maintaining a slight flush on his cheeks, tried to maintain an air of dignity despite the evident effects of alcohol.
"You know, this is preposterous," Byakuya declared with a wavering hand gesture, almost knocking over the crystal glass. Biting back a hiccup, he resumed. “You are treating me like-... like a child.”
Makoto nervously chuckled, "Uh, Byakuya, we just want to make sure you’re okay."
Byakuya scoffed, "Of course, I'm perfectly fine. Even inebriated, I am-... *mmph.* …superior to the common rabble."
Kyoko, observing the scene with her usual calm demeanor, arched an eyebrow. "It seems your judgment might be impaired, Togami. Perhaps you should refrain from further indulging in alcohol."
Byakuya dismissed her concern with a wave of his hand, attempting to stand up but swaying a bit in the process. The room seemed to spin, a grunt escaping the heir. The hand that wasn’t holding the bottle unconsciously held the side of his bloated, clothed gut. Lithe fingers feathered gentle touches into his own skin, feeling the gentle burbles beneath. "Nonsense. I-I can handle my liquor better than anyone."
As he stood, a sudden belch erupted from Byakuya's impeccably poised form, startling both Makoto and Kyoko. Byakuya, surprised by his own bodily function, stared at them with a mixture of embarrassment and defiance. The deafening silence between them didn’t last long before a hiss escaped Byakuya, hand rubbing over his bloated, liquor-filled belly. Another belch threatened his throat, but he muffled it with his opposite hand. Blue eyes half-lidded and glossy, he returned his gaze to his two partners standing in front of him. A glare appears on his face as he watches them both bite back a grin.
Makoto couldn't help but snicker and reply with a hint of sarcasm, "Wow, ‘Kuya. You can handle your liquor, huh?"
Byakuya scowled, attempting to regain his composure. "That wass m-merely a momentary lapse. I assure you, I am-... *mmrrp!* I am fine…” His back straightens, but he immediately hunches over again as he groans. His ears are ringing. He’s surely going to regret this in the morning.
Kyoko raised an eyebrow, "If you say so."
Despite Byakuya's attempts to maintain his dignity, his facade was crumbling. The three lovers found themselves in an unexpected and amusing situation, watching the usually stoic Togami struggle with the effects of alcohol. Makoto rushed to his side, the short brunette wrapping a supportive arm around Byakuya. The heir nearly growled at him, but eventually came to accept his fate as Makoto lowered him back onto the velvety sofa. Kyoko sat on the arm of the sofa, keeping her distance but watching her lovers interact - Makoto rubbed gentle circles over Byakuya’s belly, and the heir was now leaning all the way back. Eyes closing, sigh escaping his parted lips. Maybe he couldn’t handle his liquor after all.
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unluckybreadling · 9 months
how do you think each chars weight would go on them? mkoto u give a big chest and i live ur pear krgri but what abt the others? like kmru bykya and clstia
Kamu.kura- Since he isn't a cow and is instead chi,aki's caretaker (They realized that the farm was earning more cash than they realized and decided to use their ultimate perfection to take care of their patient 0) his body only gets buff really. Since it takes a lot more work to care for chi,aki since she is so huge.
Bya,kuya- if it’s Two,gami then he is just. Blob at this point. If To,gami then he’s still a beanpole since he works in Marketing and finance for the farm,
Celes,tia- I do remember drawing her as cow before with big boobs but now hm I was thinking of changing it and giving her more of an apple shape? or well she'd be pretty top-heavy with most of it going to belly, boobs and some of her face. Soo think of her being apple/top-heavy.
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angeltism · 11 months
fun fact: 99% of my fragments are non-binary in some way. none of them are cis. more on this later whenever I make an extensive list of this I guess
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deathlesssness · 1 year
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sinningtamer · 4 months
what characters would you be interested in for d4ngan?
mostly the first games trio right now lol (mak0to bya.kuya ky0ko. living in my brain ❤️)
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doomxdriven · 9 months
upon a re-watch of the first part of the ty.bw i noticed something interesting. others might have noticed it a while back too, but SFHJDSDHJF some of the flashbacks we see are from some of the filler arcs,
this is from ama.gai's arc
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and im like 99% sure this is bya.kuya throwing down with ko.ga, from the zanp.akuto rebe.llion arc
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now does this mean anything? probably not. its not possible for either arc to fit into the 'canon' timeline but i like to think of things like this being slipped in as a nod to those stories anyway.
or... *i put on my tinfoil hat* it could be an indication that the events of those arcs did occur in some shape or form, somewhere, or moreso that the people involved in them existed canonically in some way (this goes double for the zanpak.uto rebellion stuff since if i remember correctly its confirmed in cf.yo.w that mura.masa is a legit zanpakuto of the kuchik.i clan) i mean of all the pre-ty.bw scenes the animation team could have picked, they picked from those arcs? hmmmmmmm
its not like we aren't seeing anime-only 'canon' stuff go down in the ty.bw anyway, but.. *takes my tinfoil hat off*
SFJGHFSDJFGH either way, interesting to see lmAO.
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The other bonus of shipping with me?
Sonia thirsting over your muse. Prettily, and often with some amount of denial if they aren’t in a relationship yet, but the thirst is there. She may be a princess, but she also has desires and needs.
Chest and/or banter needs. And if she’s being physically intimate with your muse: NO CAMERAS. No cameras ever. 
Unless you’re Bya.kuya Togami and it’s DR2 canon time. Apologies to Togami for this.
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byakuyasdarling · 1 year
im not sure if you mentioned it somewhere, but id still like to ask - how did you start liking bya.kuya? very curious actually since i like knowing how my mutuals develop interest towards said character :3
It’s the love story of the generation, Fr /lh 🌟
Essentially, the first time I saw the CG of all the characters standing before us, I immediately looked at him and thought, “Arms crossed. Averted eyes. Displeased expression. Looks like the kind of arrogant ass I’d like” — jokingly. But when he was the first to bring up the possibility of trial 1’s blackened as the culprit, I was so impressed by him. I was SHOUTING it was her, figuring the protagonist won’t get us anywhere FAST, and then Byakuya just *says* it. I remember being so happy we saw a lot of him in the next chapter.
To//ko was my least favourite character since day 1 of T//HH (not anymore) since I hate that she stuttered her insults, and was often thoughtless. So, I only liked ‘Kuya more for giving her a serve. I did — and still do, actively enjoy his asshole moments. His flaws make him… well… my Byakuya <3
I just kept loving his character more and more, and felt devastated when finding out he lost his family he based his entire beliefs and philosophy around.
But I really fell in love with him when I read his backstory. I gained a fascination with his character, and started dissecting his quotes to find his attitudes, values, and beliefs. I really related to him in many aspects. Like, the weirder qualities and beliefs I have, that made me feel so othered and isolated from others, were mirrored in him. I actually felt really seen and understood through his character — and perhaps through this disillusionment, I found comfort and love in him.
I just really sympathised with him in a way I could never with other characters. It’s why I seldom adore him so much ♥️♥️ he makes me feel so special.
Thank you so much for the ask, Jil <33🌻 I wish you luck on your journeys to fluster glitch red MWAHAHAHA /lh
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cloverchub · 2 years
could you write some more n.aegami stuff?? they’re so cutteee <3 maybe a christmas story sense christmas is coming up?
It's uhhhh- still Christmas? Yeah? Definitely?
All jokes aside, sorry this took me so long to get to! It honestly took me a long while to come up with an idea for it, and once I did, stuff kept coming up preventing me from working on it. But I did eventually push through!
Thank you so much anon for the suggestion! I had a great time writing it; N.aegami is such a comfort for me, and this made me super happy. Definitely self indulgent but I think that's exactly what I needed XD.
CW: stuffing aftermath with a little bit of burping and tummy noises. Also B.yakuya being a little mean but not in regards to anything stuffing related, just normal T.ogami sass :'D.
M.akoto and B.yakuya wind down together after their Christmas party. Fluff!
It didn’t take long for everything to settle down. There was laughter and music, then much calmer conversation and dwindling energy as the night ran on. Eventually, they all said their goodbyes- hugs and well wishes on the way out, all eagerly looking forward to the next time they could visit each other again, especially since they’d all been so close to losing each other before. Class 78 (plus K.omaru) is just about the oddest group of individuals you’ll ever find, but damn it if they didn’t make a family out of that chaos. Their little gatherings and struggles to grasp a hold of “normal” despite the state of the world around them are treasured, even if their colorful personalities clash at times.
When everyone leaves, the silence isn’t chilling. In fact, after all the festivities, it’s a bit welcome. Hosting is hard; M.akoto is grateful for the opportunity just to get off his feet and relax, still enveloped in the warm afterglow of the evening.
He gives a heavy, satisfied sigh as he sets his plate aside, already having dug into the leftovers from dinner as a midnight snack. He’s more than deserved it after everything today, and cleaning up after everyone really worked up his appetite. Granted, there’s a chance he may have overdid it… again.
M.akoto shifts a bit to lean back against the couch, unzipping his jeans to make just a bit more room as he stifles a burp. A quiet moan escapes him at the sudden relief, and he gives his stomach a light pat with a bit of fascination. Gosh, he’s sore… But it feels good, too. Being able to just relax all full and warm like this is strangely soothing.
When B.yakuya finally returns, now wearing pajamas, his gaze pretty quickly falls to his partner’s protruding stomach. “Seems you’ve found yourself in quite the predicament,” he remarks offhandedly. His eyebrow raises in a mix of amusement and intrigue as he takes a more careful look, now seated next to M.akoto on the couch. “How much did you even eat?”
“Just a little bit.” He smiles sheepishly; they both know it’s a lie. “Hey, you can’t tease me; I was hungry…!”
“Fine, I won’t.” It’s rare to see B.yakuya smile so gently. Even to M.akoto, it’s a bit of a pleasant surprise. “I’m glad you were able to enjoy it. Good job.” He leans forward to plant the lightest kiss on M.akoto’s forehead, one arm left wrapping around his shoulders along the edge of the couch when he’s done.
He’s handling M.akoto as carefully as possible- like he’ll shatter if he’s too forward, yet M.akoto still unravels completely at the gestures. He feels even fuzzier than before. “Hey, you had quite a bit yourself earlier.” M.akoto gently prods his partner in the stomach in a last-ditch effort at retaliation. He can’t be the only one getting all flustered.
Unfortunately for him, B.yakuya takes it in stride, and M.akoto ends up right back at square one on the teasing game. “Of course I did. You did well making all of it; I enjoy good food. But you and I both know it’s unreasonable to compare.” A prod given right back in return does a lot more damage to M.akoto than it did to B.yakuya, and the former gives a pained wince at the attack.
After all, the deflection is just that: a deflection. B.yakuya doesn’t hold a candle to M.akoto, who’s stuffed, swollen tummy is fighting to poke out the bottom of the chunky sweater that fit him just fine earlier. Honestly, he’s almost shocked. Part of him didn’t expect to end up this bloated; just looking at the aftermath is kinda trippy. “Yeah, fine. You win.”
For a split second, M.akoto considers shoving him, but the phantom pain of that poke still haunts him. He genuinely doesn’t think he’d survive another counterattack; just the thought is enough to make him groan. “Ughh… I‘m so full… I seriously don’t think I could eat another bite.” His voice slips into a messy slur as the sleepiness starts to set in. Gosh, he didn’t realize just how tired he was until he finally got the chance to sit down. He feels like he’s been moving non-stop since he woke up this morning; getting everything ready was a lot of work.
B.yakuya’s light-hearted chuckle sends M.akoto’s heart fluttering all over again. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Hmm…” Before he knows it, M.akoto finds himself slouched against his fiancé. Winter nights are cold; B.yakuya’s chest is warm. “You’re gonna hold me and give me kisses and a belly rub…”
“What? You knew exactly what you were getting into; you can’t seriously expect me to bail you out.” He says that, but… why is he holding him already, then? M.akoto knows him too well at this point; he can turn that arrogant exterior to mush in seconds.
After all, a little pout can go a long way at times like these. “You mean you’re not gonna take care of me at all?” It’s really hard to care about hiding his neediness when he’s this exhausted. Whining a bit never hurt anyone, right?
B.yakuya huffs. “Fine… I suppose I could. But only a little.” He sounds so begrudging. He realizes he’s allowed to want it too, right? “Come here.”
Well, an invite is an invite; M.akoto’s sure not going to complain. He nuzzles closer almost immediately, shifting around until he finds just the right position to get snuggled. “Is this okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh please, don’t flatter yourself; you’re not that heavy. Just get comfortable.”
With a soft smile, he does just that. It all makes him feel a little giddy: he can feel B.yakuya’s chest rise and fall beneath him, and sharing their warmth is a welcome reprieve from the cold. That, and he just feels pleasantly weighed down. There’s a certain fascination in noting just how big he looks; it has him more than a little flustered. But… he’s proud of himself, too. He really did manage to eat a lot- way more than he usually does, and that’s worth a pat on the back, at least.
“May I touch you, love?” There it is again- that tenderness. That hesitation or caution. He’s trying so hard not to hurt him. And… M.akoto really does appreciate it. It means a lot to have a safe space so carefully preserved when so much of life in today’s age is so stressful.
“Mhm...” M.akoto gives a little nod, already struggling to keep his eyes open. This is-
“Ah! Cold!”
“Hush.” B.yakuya’s hands don’t leave completely, but he does make a point to avoid M.akoto’s bare skin, at least for now. Instead, he focuses on the area of his stomach still covered by his sweater, letting his hands drift over the taut surface with dedicated assessment. He tries applying just a bit of pressure- light at first, but M.akoto’s quiet hum of contentment encourages him to go further.
“That feels really nice… Thank you…” He sighs softly, slowly but surely untensing as his partner rubs firm, methodical circles into his belly. He wasn’t in a ton of pain or anything to begin with, but having someone help soothe the little aches like this is amazing.
“Mm, I’m glad to hear it,” B.yakuya mumbles in return. He seems completely engrossed in the task at hand- a little too distant for a smooth conversation. He’s not sure whether to be more flattered or embarrassed. It’s funny- or maybe even a little cute- seeing his typically stoic partner focused on something so domestic. He can try passing it off as just another task all he wants, but the notes of tenderness seeping into his voice betray him: he likes taking care of M.akoto just as much as M.akoto likes being taken care of.
They don’t talk for a while after that- just enjoying each other's company. B.yakuya is quiet, but every once and a while, M.akoto feels a little puff of warm air against the back of his neck- evidence of somewhat of a smile. Then there’s M.akoto. His breath is still coming in shallow pants because of the pressure, and the noise from his tummy is the only sound in the otherwise silent room. It’s starting to make him a bit self-conscious… So, he tries to regulate his breathing a bit better- taking a deep breath despite the difficulty.
In retrospect, it definitely wasn’t the right move. All it does is force a thick belch past his slightly parted lips (the belly rub definitely didn’t help). It’s an immediate relief, significantly lessening his increasing discomfort, and he can’t stop the soft moan that follows it. Still, he feels his face burning after the fact. That… definitely wasn’t the game plan.
“E-excuse me…” he fumbles, one hand clasped tight over his mouth.
B.yakuya just laughs it off, a chuckle sneaking into his tone as he soothes, “Shh… Relax.” He reaches to comb his fingers through M.akoto’s hair in slow, repetitive strokes; it makes his scalp all tingly. “I thought I told you to get comfortable; that helped, didn’t it?”
Oh geez. “Y-yeah, it did...” He does feel way better than he did a few moments ago. Honestly he wouldn’t be half as freaked out if they weren’t so close in proximity. But... if B.yakuya doesn’t care, then he’ll try really hard not to care either. This is a nice moment; relaxing doesn’t sound too bad at all. He has the pleasure and the privilege of feeling completely safe, even if it’s just for a little bit, and it’s only fair that he tries to enjoy that while he can. Especially if B.yakuya is enjoying himself too.
“Thank you for taking care of me…” M.akoto mumbles. Between all the petting, rubbing, and overall pampering, he’s starting to feel ridiculously sleepy. “And for everything else today; it was really nice.”
“Of course.” He presses a kiss to the back of his head, and M.akoto nuzzles against him. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“It’s…” He yawns, eyes squeezing shut for a moment. B.yakuya thinks he sounds like a kitten. “It’s important that we all keep seeing each other, y’know? S’nice…”
Sure enough, it’s only a matter of time before M.akoto can’t keep his eyes open. The stubborn flutter of his eyelashes stops as his drowsiness takes over, and before long, he goes completely limp in B.yakuya’s arms. Perfectly still, except for his slow, steady breathing.
B.yakuya ponders for a while whether to wake him. He’s still in his regular clothes from the day, and he probably should get to bed. He also drools in his sleep, and admittedly, the idea of being on the receiving end isn’t too appealing. However...
Well, he deserves to rest while he can, yes? No harm in staying like this for a little.
…only a little.
And only a little was all it took for B.yakuya to drift off, too.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
Happy Holidays everyone! Please take good care of yourselves!
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Here are the headcanons of the short chef boyo, Teru.Teru. Happy birthday to him! Finally posting the headcanons at last. Late edit: The setting Non-despair of course-
• Hana.mura cooks a lot of food whenever he needs to get something that is stressing him out of his mind. And usually gives it to either A.kane or Two.gami depending on whoever's near at the time and the situation.
• Hana.mura definitely gets full quickly because he's shorter than most of his classmates. Whenever he's mainly just taste testing his meals while cooking them to make sure they are always the same quality, sufficiently filling and consistent his food always is or just eating regular meals.
• He cooks whichever classmate's favorite food if they are hungry whenever they are feeling down.
• He has everyone's food intolerances written down, allergies, dislikes, favorites etc, so that he knows what to cook and what to avoid putting in his cooking.
• Hana.mura would encourage whoever's eating (depending on the classmate) to go for seconds at least. Or more if they either do so unknowingly or because it's where they can't find themselves stopping until they stuff themselves silly.
TwoTeru relationship headcanons (SR and Not SR)
• Two.gami is the only one who would bother to get to know Teru.Teru and at some point even manage to get him to tone down his behaviors significantly. By their bond of food.
• Hana.mura would feel very appreciated due to the fact of how obvious it appears that Two.gami enjoys and prefers his food in canon. He'd cook both simple but well known types of breakfasts for the both of them in the mornings.
• At some point, he would develop a crush for the taller, very, very chunky male and get flustered around him as the two got to know each other better. Especially due to the fact that he managed to see the few times Two.gami smiled.
• The duo end up eventually becoming a cute feedee and feeder couple as time goes on and their bond for food being the sole reason that started it all.
• Although Hana.mura wanted to hand feed Two.gami, he would have to ask him beforehand and find a way to if he said yes. This also applies to other romantic, non feeding actions.
• And would cook for him despite it not being the easiest task due to Two.gami's appetite.
• However, it is possible for Hana.mura to suffer from burnout due to how often and how much he cooks for both him and the class. So as much as he doesn't want to, Two.gami encourages him to sit down and take breaks when he notices that.
• And also ironically makes sure that the chef is eating enough to have energy to continue cooking. Despite that, he was already doing so in a way beforehand. But he'd say something like "Doing that alone ain't enough, as a chef you should know that you need to eat more."
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dangantums · 6 months
ok stuffedronpa fans, wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this fic contains: bloating, burps, hiccups, belly rubs, alcohol, mpreg, SFW and brief NSFW content.
NO MINORS -- MINORS DNI (that's a given, but especially now b/c of the brief nsfw content)
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: m.akoto and b.yakuya's relationship has many flavors.
Byakuya could not function without his morning coffee. The stoic heir to the Togami Corporation needed his coffee. As he descended the grand staircase, his usual aura of composed elegance was replaced by an unmistakable fatigue. The world seemed dull and imperfect – until the invigorating aroma of his morning brew met his nose.
Slipping into the kitchen, he noticed his boyfriend Makoto in front of the coffee pot, holding 2 mugs full of coffee. The brunette turned his head, glancing back at the disheveled heir. A smile appeared, accentuating his chubby, rosy cheeks.
“Good morning,” the brunette chirped as Byakuya stumbled up to him, rubbing his eyes. The heir only responded with a grunt, motioning for the cup. Makoto handed it to him, not minding this behavior – it occurred every morning.
Sipping the hot liquid, Byakuya felt a sense of calm returning. It was bitter. Just the way he liked it. He preferred coffee without all the sweeteners and creams, unlike Makoto – who probably had more sugar, syrups and milk in his coffee than actual coffee. After a few more long sips of coffee, his icy blue eyes glanced down at his boyfriend who was now scrolling through his phone, and murmured,
“Good morning, love.”
Sunday evenings were Makoto’s favorite. Byakuya would order food out on his way home from work. Not that the chef’s that Byakuya hired didn’t make good food, but there was just something about fast food that Makoto seemed to love. The heir could never understand why, but he admittedly enjoyed watching Makoto gorge himself every time.
The tantalizing aroma of savory, cheesy goodness wafted through the air, leading Makoto to the source of his newfound delight. There, in the center of the kitchen, was an impressive spread of various pizzas. And Byakuya Togami, who wore a wide smirk, stood behind the counter.
“You are the best boyfriend ever,” Makoto exclaimed, scurrying around the counter to grab a slice. Without wasting any time, he grabbed the boxes and skipped to the sofa to start his feast.
“I know,” said Byakuya, who followed behind – a smirk still present on his face.
Boxes became empty. Slice after slice disappeared. Byakuya maybe ate one or two slices, Makoto ate the rest. And it was certainly taking a toll on his waistline. Makoto’s belly, which was previously contained by a pair of gray sweatpants and one of Byakuya’s few t-shirts, was now sitting on his lap. The shirt was unable to reach past his belly button, the waistline of his sweatpants pulled down to relieve some of the pressure.
The dull noise of the TV echoed the room, every once in a while being interrupted by a hiccup or a belch from the brunette. Byakuya had his arm wrapped around Makoto’s shoulders, a hand slowly rubbing over the gurgling, overtaxed organ – stuffed to the brim with a variety of pizzas. Even though the television was on, Byakuya hadn’t been paying attention to the stupid rom-com that was on – his attention had been solely invested in Makoto.
“Are you full, honey?” Byakuya cooed as he doted on Makoto. The only response he received, however, was a long, undignified belch that rolled from Makoto’s tongue.
The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over their home. Makoto found themselves in the dining room – surrounded by the polished mahogany furniture, minimalist design, and the soft glow of candlelight created an atmosphere of refinement befitting the Togami name.
Byakuya, who was in the kitchen, approached his side with a mysterious glint in his eyes. As Makoto looked up from his phone, he noticed a bottle in the heir’s arms. Byakuya spoke, "How about we try something different tonight?"
Makoto raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Different? Like what?"
A small smirk tugged at the corner of Byakuya's lips. "An alcoholic beverage. I believe it's time for you to experience the finer things in life."
"Alcohol? Are you serious?" Makoto asked as he blinked in surprise. "I've never really tried alcohol before."
Byakuya poured a delicate amount of alcohol into two crystal flutes, his eyes never leaving Makoto's. "Consider it an exploration of new horizons, Naegi."
With a sense of curiosity, Makoto accepted the glass offered to him. The clinking of the glasses echoed in the room as they raised their flutes, a silent acknowledgment of the moment.
"To new experiences," Byakuya said, his eyes locked onto Makoto's. "To us."
Makoto took a cautious sip of the alcohol presented to him, and was immediately met with a strong, sour, lemon-y taste. The alcohol was strong. Making some sort of strangled noise, the brunette pursed his lips. Byakuya watched him, his eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion. 
“A-ha… Sorry! I-It’s good, ‘kuya, thanks.”
 “You – hnnf – you take me so well,” the blonde moaned, his long lithe fingers grabbing at Makoto’s hair. Soft, small brown ringlets to hold on to as the brunette sucked on the tip of Byakuya’s length. Byakyuya let out another grunt as his hips involuntarily bucked forward, causing Makoto to gag. Blue eyes go wide as his hips move again, hitting the back of Makoto’s throat. His member twitched in Makoto’s mouth.
“Oh, I’m close…” Byakuya whined, eyebrows furrowing. Makoto hummed in response, sending vibrations throughout the heirs body. And that was enough to make him release after another mewl fell from his mouth. Makoto’s head moved back with a slight pop, teary eyes staring up at Byakuya. Byakuya observed as Makoto’s adams apple bobbed, swallowing his salty seed, licking his lips afterward.
“... Think you can do it again?” Makoto asked with a hoarse tone, but a mischievous glint remained in his eyes. “Maybe this time, though… somewhere else?”
Byakuya, who was usually quick-witted, instead nodded aggressively at the gesture from Makoto, who was usually too embarrassed to say such things. He wouldn’t even let the shorter male get to his feet before he leaned down, grabbing him into his arms. Holding him against his thin yet muscular frame. The blonde pressed several wet kisses to Makoto’s face as he carried him to their bedroom, the other giggling with delight every step of the way. It was rare to see such affection from Togami.
Makoto was surrounded by a colorful array of sweets—chocolates, candies, pastries, and everything sweet that could be found within the confines of their shared, elegant home. Byakuya noticed this peculiar scene unfolding in the kitchen as he strolled down the hallway, his usual air of arrogance in tow. His usual-sharp eyes softened at the sight of Naegi surrounded by the array of sweets, one hand rubbing his distended belly. Byakuya approached and Makoto watched him with a smile on his face. The blonde examined the various sweets, picking up a delicate éclair and handing it to Makoto.
"Here, at least eat this properly. You're making a mess," Togami said, a slight hint of exasperation in his voice.
Makoto giggled, despite the annoyance in the others' voice, and he rolled his eyes playfully. “Thanks, ‘kuya.” Though he graciously took the éclair into his mouth, using his now other free hand to rub the other side of his distended tummy.
Bykauya hummed in response, observing the table again. "Naegi, do you really think it's wise to consume such an excessive amount of sugar? You are 8-months pregnant, afterall.”
Makoto, his mouth full of éclair, simply nodded with an innocent smile. A smile that Byakuya could never resist. A smile that forced the corners of Byakuya’s thin lips to twitch into a smile of their own. Byakuya leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the side of Makoto’s head, wisps of blonde hair tickling the brunette's cheek. Then, in another swift motion, Byakuya bends his knees to come face-first with Makoto’s pregnant belly. He pressed another soft kiss to the taut, swollen surface. The baby responded with a gentle kick, which made the heir’s smile widen.
“I love you, sweetie.”
“ Mmph? Mm! Love you too, ‘Kuya…”
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unluckybreadling · 9 months
Ibuki Twogami mutual feederism
Ibu.ki has never had such heavy and fulfilling breakfast, lunches, and dinner to the point where she falls into a food coma at like every hour of the day. Two.gami meanwhile at this point has had every flavor of Monster energy +java and finds that he favors Monster Java the most.
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takinghisbow · 2 years
thinking abt how, even tho the D.R games aren’t choice-based games per say, the player’s choice of who to spend time with does alter their perception, understanding, and, in rp/writing, portrayal of the protags. not only does it sometimes suggest something about the protag (esp when spending time with the rival/someone the protag has reason to avoid), but it also means that every player has a different understanding of who the protags are closest to (outside of their canon friends in the plot itself).
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queasyboys · 4 years
Byakuya had never once in his life had commoner food. His diet had only consisted of meals of the highest quality, not some greasy burgers or microwaved ramen.
But he’d also never been dating anyone. Or even had a boyfriend. So he thought maybe, maybe it would be a good idea.
The tall blonde man sat in the living room with his boyfriend Makoto, who had just made some ramen. It was something Byakuya had never tried before. It looked good enough, it was only noodles and broth right? It couldn’t be that bad.
And he was right. It wasn’t that bad. Sure, it wasn’t a delicacy either, but it didn’t taste like shit. So he continued to eat the large bowl of noodles. It was an interesting taste, fake chicken broth didn’t taste at all like the real thing, but it could be worse. He could feel Makoto's eyes burning into him, and he twisted his head towards him.
“ What’s so interesting?” He asked in his usual cold tone. The Naegi immediately flushed and looked away, bowing his head in embarrassment.
“ I.. I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you eat something so unhealthy.. you usually bring me to some exotic restaurant,” Makoto smiled shyly.
“ To be fair I don’t think I’ve ever eaten something like this.. it’s not bad,” he stated, finishing off the bowl rather quickly. His stomach lightly pushed against his undershirt, yet he took no notice.
“ You can have the rest of mine if you want!” Makoto said, handing over his bowl of ramen. It was still a bit more than half full. Byakuya accepted the food and he ate in a comfortable silence.
He blinked in surprise as the weight of all the noodles he ate finally hit him. He was uncomfortably full, his stomach now visibly distended. Byakuya flushed at the sight of his belly and he put a hand on the bottom of it, rubbing it discreetly.
Luckily, Makoto's eyes were focused on the television that sat in front of them. It was playing some idiotic romantic comedy that the Togami has no interest in.
“ I’m going to the bathroom,” he announced, standing up quickly. The motion made his stomach churn, but he didn’t let any emotions cross his face. A Togami can not be seen as weak, not even in front of someone they dearly care about.
He could feel the smaller boy's eyes follow him as he quickly made his way there, but he didn’t say anything. He would just find some medicine and leave, easy as that.
By the time he reached the bathroom, he had started to feel slightly nauseous as well. It confused him. Was the ramen off? Could he be getting food poisoning? He quickly shut the bathroom door and looked through the cabinets, sighing as he found nothing but hair gel, toothpaste, and some shaving cream. No medicine.
He sat down on the toilet lid in defeat, embarrassed about how unprofessional he was being. But nonetheless he undid his undershirt to provide some much needed relief. He surveyed his upset stomach. It was bloated and nauseous, it even burbled every few seconds. He cautiously put a hand on the side of it, rubbing it slightly. A burp rose its way up his throat and he quickly tensed and swallowed it down. A Togami would not… burp.
He sat miserably in the bathroom for a few minutes before rebuttoning his undershirt. It took a lot of patience and pain, it wasn’t exactly easy to suck in his stomach.
He flushed the toilet to make it seem like he was just in there for a different reason and walked out ( he washed his hands of course) sitting beside Makoto.
“ Hey, are you alright? You look a little pale..” Makoto said, putting a hand on Byakuya's shoulder, “ What’s going on? Is there something you're not telling me?”
“ I’m fine Makoto, it’s nothing,” He grunted, folding his arms and looking away from his lover. He never liked lying to him, but he also didn’t want to be seen as weak. It was a defense mechanism he had learned at a young age.
“ ‘Kuya, please tell me what’s wrong,” Makoto begged. Luckily Byakuya didn’t have to explain, but unluckily the truth was making itself painfully obvious.
His stomach let out a loud gurgle and he immediately hissed in pain. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and looked away from the Naegi, not having enough courage to face him.
“ Why didn’t you tell me that your tummy was upset?” Makoto asked. His eyebrows furrowed in worry as Byakuya's stomach continued to emit loud nauseating gurgles. “ Can you turn around?” He asked cautiously.
Byakuya shifted towards Makoto, yet his eyes were still trained on the wall. Almost like it was playing the most intriguing movie he had ever watched. Makoto frowned, but he understood that his boyfriend was far more reserved then he was and wouldn’t be too happy about receiving help.
“ Ah, your stomach looks really… bloated?” He started cautiously, not missing the way Togamis face flushed more than it already was. “ If it doesn’t make you too uncomfortable maybe you should take off your under shirt?” He suggested.
Togami finally looked at Makoto looking like he had just been scared to death. Makoto immediately froze, afraid that he might have scared his boyfriend.
“ I mean, you don’t have to if you're not comfortable! I just thought maybe it would make you feel better because of your stomach,” Byakuya looked as if he was about to argue before he suddenly lurched, holding a fist to his mouth. Makoto immediately lunged towards him, one hand on the heirs shoulder and one on his back.
“ Are you okay? Are you about to be sick?” The luckster asked anxiously, rubbing circles into Byakuya's back. Luckily, he weakly shook his head no, making Makoto sigh with relief.
“ If it means I will feel a bit better, perhaps I will allow you to take off my shirt,” Byakuya murmured. Makoto shot him a look of sympathy, if the heir was agreeing to this he must really not feel well.
Byakuya undid all of the lower buttons, revealing the expanse of his bloated middle. Makoto sighed, it did look pretty painful. He didn’t miss the way the heir desperately rubbed the underside of his swollen tummy, seemingly receiving no relief because of the scrunched up look on his face.
“ Do you… need some help?” Naegi asked, shuffling closer so that he was shoulder to shoulder with his boyfriend. Togami seemed to ponder the question for a minute before ultimately nodding, although rather reluctantly.
Naegi gingerly sat a hand on the heirs stomach, palming it gently. He winced as he could feel the harsh churning of food underneath his palm.
“ What caused this?” He asked in concern. Luckily Byakuya looked a bit more relaxed as Naegi caressed his stomach gently.
“ I’m not sure. I don’t usually eat this much and I also don’t usually eat unhealthy food,” He sighed and shook his head. Makoto felt his heart drop. This was his fault wasn’t it?
“ I’m so sorry!” He stayed guiltily “ I thought.. I didn’t know you would react this badly,” He murmured, hanging his head. He felt a hand test atop his head and ruffle his hair. Byakuya smiled slightly at him.
“ I assure you that it wasn’t your fault. I have only myself to blame for my gluttony and carelessness,” he remarked, resting his chin on his hand.
“ I see..” Naegi nodded, “ Well, I don’t think being gluttonous is too bad,” he smiled sheepishly. Byakuya flashed him another small genuine smile.
This wasn’t that bad of a night.
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ry0t4 · 3 years
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Knife byakuya gang
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knife ‘kuya knife ‘kuya
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@quickdeaths asked: 1, 15, 20, 24
Romantic Relationships HC q's - Accepting for Fluff Friday!
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Is your muse a good kisser?
Probably not at the very first try, or at least the very first time she kissed someone. Much of Sonia's experience with romance comes from media interpretations of it, barring the few relationships she has in my headcanons for her (one before attending Hope's Peak, and then often with Gundham if I'm not already writing with a Gundham). She's kissed a few people here and there, but not enough, at least as a teenager, to make her an expert (Did she practice on pillows? Yes. Was she caught? Also yes. One of her more embarrassing memories). Of course, as an adult, she's had several more relationships since then and is far better at it. But as a teenager, she's just not the type to go out there and make out with anyone and everyone (that quality is unattractive to her).
However, the more she can get out of her own head and stop questioning if she's kissing in the way the other person would enjoy, the more she's rather good at it (age + experience help too). The more she's driven by emotion rather than logic, the better her kisses usually are too. See: every time she's been in a ship when she's attacked someone with her mouth. She threw caution to the wind and just went for the snog: and it works pretty well. Most of the time.
Does your muse like receiving gifts from a potential partner? If so, what?
Oh, that's an easy one: spend time with her.
Technically that's a whole other love language, but that's what Sonia values most: quality time with her partner. Especially as she grows up and becomes a full time working royal, there's nothing better than time away from her duties with someone she loves. Whether it's sharing hobbies or traveling somewhere together, that's the most precious gift she can think of.
But otherwise, she likes when others cook for her, or show an interest in her hobbies, or want to experience something/somewhere new with her. She can buy herself pretty much anything she could want (though muses like Bya.kuya To.gami would give her a run for her money in that department), but experiencing something precious with someone precious? There's nothing better. Tickets, excursions, holidays...just time with her partner away from work is wonderful.
And if they take home souvenirs and/or find something relating to their hobbies/interests along the way? Well, that's what a private car/train/plane is for.
She's getting the Gh.ostfa.ce popcorn bucket and sipper cup
Does your muse like pet names? Do they like calling their partner pet names?
Sonia doesn't mind pet names, as long as they aren't derogatory and stay away from all 'royal' themed names. Plenty of people want to be called 'princess,' 'queen,' 'duchess,' etc. in a relationship: Sonia is not one of these people.
She is actually royalty. Giving her a royal pet name encourages her to believe that the partner/person/etc. speaking it only sees her for her title and wealth. And she hates that: truly hates that.
Unless you really want to annoy her, do not call her by a royal pet name. She will not be pleased. In fact, she likes it much better when her partner picks something entirely ridiculous and completely meaningful to them both, and uses it in private with her. Occasionally in front of close family/friends. Probably never during official events/interviews.
Sonia doesn't do too many pet names: she just likes to remind her partners that they are loved and cherished: Love, Darling, Sweetheart, etc. Nothing too cheesy.
Does your muse tend to get jealous when in a relationship? Do they like it when their partner gets jealous over them?
Not really? Sonia's not much of a jealous type: she's quite happy to have her partner have friends, hobbies, interests, and so on, even if she doesn't share them. What matters more is balancing time spent with various obligations and important connections/interests. She's far more likely to feel sad, not jealous, if a partner chooses not to make time for her. She's not much of a clingy, needy sort of partner: she understands everyone needs some time to breathe and be with their thoughts, herself included. Even if she is more inclined to spend time with others as opposed to spending time alone.
Now, if she has indisputable evidence that her partner is cheating? Then yes. Sonia is jealous, hurt, angry, afraid, and plenty more things, all rolled into one. But mostly: she feels like she's failed and is repeating her parents' mistakes. She also may feel a bit of jealousy at the freedom a partner may have in their lives: fewer expectations, no constant analysis by the press and the public.
She doesn't necessarily like it when someone gets jealous over her, mostly as she doesn't see that there's anything to worry about. Considering her family's history, Sonia will not tolerate infidelity. And in most cases, would never dream of doing so herself (the times she has? Literally sent her into despair. Junko was thrilled!). But she'd prefer that her partner speak to her directly about what they're feeling instead of acting out due to said jealousy. She has been the reason suitors have come to blows at parties before: it's more embarrassing/off-putting than flattering.
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