i3utterflyeffect · 7 months
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a summary of purple's experience in the latter half of King Merc AU
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lis-zhuk · 4 months
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The Dark Lord short comic - Creator
What've made me curious, is that every stick portrays some form of rejection to c.Alan. victim - i could guess lost- > defensive; Cho - pure aggression; Second - fear -> vengefulness. Only Dark doesn't have the same behavior pattern.
So what if, TDL might've gone rouge too if c.noogai3 didn't insert the code.
Also, it made me think: the Chosen ones are the heroes, they fight the evil forces and anything antagonizing their world view of the greater good. So, c.noogai3 is... the villain. The bad guy. Only growing better after sparing The Second Coming. The Dark Lord is it's little pawn that've gone rogue.
A little idea: Hollowheads use it/its for Cursor//Creator//Users. They are more deities to them than anything, and usually they aren't seen as the friendly ones.
Aside from that, there are little concepts for this comic:
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Tired Dark in AvA5
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Creators being able to cut hollowhead's powers -> cutting their hair.
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Purplish white + collars and handcuffs are c.Alan's thing. So, sticks who are under its control have their irises go purple, strands of hair turn white. What if, after the escape from the pc, TDL was left in a rather finnicky situation - Code disturbing their being, creating invasive thoughts and making them act reckless and robotically. So when their eyes have these little purple fireflies in them - TDL are not themselves. More than anything, it means a distressed state.
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jijjmoon · 7 months
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code poetry
I hope someone understand this. Also, there's lots of error and I meant it.
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zofi-persson-quotes · 4 months
Alan Becker fans: looks at Fanon!Vic
Alan Becker fans: Baby boy. Baby.
Alan Becker fans: looks at Canon!Victim
Alan Becker fans: Evil.
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nkgrimmie · 5 months
something i like to imagine sometimes is that alan's creations are... him, in a way. tiny little shards of a full person that broke off in creation, giving them life. breathing life into them.
and despite that, they still have individuality. they're their own people, their personalities starting out were just akin to small little facets in alan's mind.
but the little pieces taken from him were so small, that there was no change. Like dipping an empty glass into an ocean. The amount taken isn't enough to really damage the ocean.
this kind of ties into my headcanon of humans being outer eldritch gods compared to sticks, so different and vast compared to them. so distant and far that in a lot of cases, humans don't even realize that sticks are people too. alan's just a special case cause he realized. anyways thank you for listening :3
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storgicdealer · 5 months
animator vs animation pixel voices !
i tried to pick what could reasonably be associated with them but yeah
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Made these as a bunch of reaction gifs to a post so I'm posting them on their own. I guess now I gotta make a proper episodal gifset huh?
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lucyfer06 · 4 months
Noogai: i dont remember your trauma
Vic: well maybe because for me was super traumatic and for you IT WAS A F*CKING WEDNESDAY
(Fr it was Wednesday)
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diver5ion · 11 months
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roseverdict · 4 months
Mechanize, Mobilize, (Un)Mythicize (also i am not really vibing with the title and kinda wanna change it at some point)
Chapter 3: The Capture of Some City In Ohio
Alexis "Alexcrafter28" Hayward has just been made aware that the world is now becoming an apocalypse movie. Now she just needs to get her sisters and her laptop full of stick figures out of the house and somewhere their dad can find them again without getting captured by the evil robots. No pressure!
Meanwhile, Stephen Hayward finds himself surrounded by the robot uprising and unable to make sure his daughters are okay. Understandably, he blows his stack. In doing so, however, he ends up rescuing a small family of three, and all four of them are there to see some kind of stick figure animation, of all things, hijack every screen in sight. Surely the concept of programs in the forms of cartoons is just as foreign to the family of three as it is to Stephen. Surely the other father isn't keenly feeling the absence of a rainbow of sticks that he was forced to leave behind.
lmao mecha apocalypse au i lovingly named the sti-fi au over a year ago @ me yesterday:
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hahaha. it's uhhhhh. it's been a while hasn't it? lmao i got jostled out of my groove with a lot of my fanon worldbuilding when we got Wanted and then also The Box, which threw me off long enough for ninja turtles to infiltrate my brain.
i now have multiple tmnt-stickfigure xovers rattling around in my brain and having a blast, ntm straight-up turtle fic. i am playing with the canon teetleverse like bionicles. <3
i was browsing the ao3 subreddit recently, though, and one of the posts was asking what our favorite compliments we've gotten are. that got me to go back and reread a lot of the comments i've gotten, and i figured i'd go back and reread some of the stuff i've got posted, too.
welcome one and all to ava/m fixation 3: this time i'm really losing my mind i swear
now featuring "actually i'm keeping most of my worldbuilding and unless i can figure out a way to add it in later, we will be operating like vic really didn't make it out of ava 1"!
BRIEF MENTION OF VOMIT. nothing in detail, just a one-off remark by a harried teenager's internal narration about how it was a thing that happened recently
Alexis Hayward licked her dry lips and slid the laptop, its charger, and its mouse into her backpack with a change of clothes and what would have been her school lunch.
Thank goodness she'd thrown up last night. She couldn't go back to school until more than 24 hours after she'd puked, but her lunch had already been pre-packed.
She'd woken up feeling better, too, which was a plus if the world was really ending.
She crept to her sisters' room and snuck inside, hissing, "We gotta get outta here!"
Vicki and Nicki looked at her worriedly, but (smartly) didn't loudly ask her what was going on.
Alexis just tiptoed to their bedroom window and carefully pointed outside in explanation.
A few blocks away, the giant robots that Alexis had seen through her bedroom window were slowly and steadily getting closer to the house. People's houses were getting broken into, and as she watched, more of their neighbors were pushed out into the street.
The twins followed her and peeked out at the carnage, only to flinch back down and away from the window.
Swallowing down her fear so her sisters wouldn't worry, Alexis forced on a weak smile. "Here's the plan. The evil robots haven't gotten to us yet, but they're gonna soon. Vicki, go grab stuff from the pantry that we can open with just our hands. Nicki, go get our waterbottles and those filter thingies Dad got for when we go camping. I've got nice programs on my computer that're hiding from the mean ones, so I'm gonna grab Dad's fancy solar panel charger bag so I can keep my laptop turned on, and we can put the food and stuff in the bag part. Meet back here so we can get away together, okay?"
"Got it!" whispered Vicki as she scurried away.
Nicki nodded with enough force to make her whole body bounce a little, then ran off after Vicki.
Alexis slumped as soon as the two of them were out of sight, then headed for Dad's room, pulled her phone from her pocket, and dialed Dad. Surprisingly, she managed to get through.
Dad's voice was panicked, and it was almost drowned out by the noise of the robots on his end causing chaos, but he sounded unhurt. "Alexis?! Alexis, sweetie, are you and your sisters okay?!"
"We are for now, Dad," Alexis said, a small smile on her face as she slung the charger bag over the top of her backpack. "I saw the robots coming, but they're not here yet. I've got the twins getting food and water, and I'm grabbing your solar bag if that's okay. I'm gonna try and get us to-"
"Don't say over the phone," Dad interrupted. "I don't want these things finding you."
"Wh-? But how are you gonna find us?" Alexis pressed.
"You're going to your castle, aren't you?" asked Dad knowingly.
"I haven't called it that since I was, like, seven!" protested Alexis. Then, begrudgingly, "…but, yeah, somewhere around there."
"Then that's where I'll look for you," Dad said simply. "I love you, Princess. Your sisters, too. I love you all with my whole heart."
Alexis swallowed down the lump in her throat. "Love you too, Dad."
A high-pitched scream pierced the air, and Alexis jolted, her phone falling from her hand. "Nicki-?!"
Dad's voice rose fearfully, but the phone was the least of Alexis's worries as she sprinted from the twins' room to find one of the giant robots holding Nicki up by the arm.
Alexis saw red.
She charged the robot, grabbing the first thing in her way and chucking it at the monster holding her sister.
The mostly-full water bottle- one of the big ones the size of multiple milk jugs that Dad had gotten for his office- slammed into the robot, splashing water everywhere and making the robot freeze up.
Alexis jumped up and grabbed Nicki, tugging her free as lightning started sparking around the machine. "You okay?"
"Mm-hmm," Nicki sniffled. She held out the bag Dad kept the filters in. "I got the filter straws, but I was filling the big bottle when it got me."
"You did good, Tiny," Alexis assured. "Let's go grab Teeny and get out of here, okay?"
Nicki gave her a wobbly smile and a nod, and Alexis took her hand and sped for the pantry. Before they reached it, though, Vicki burst out and tackled Nicki in a hug that was quickly returned.
Alexis scanned Vicki for injuries, and only once she found none did she turn to inspect the piles of food Vicki had made in the pantry.
Unfortunately, she didn't get the time to actually look at them.
There came heavy, metallic footsteps, and Alexis just shoved the closest things into Dad's solar bag before dragging the twins away from the sound. "Gotta be super-quiet, okay? Let's get going!"
Her sisters nodded, and Alexis cracked open the kitchen window.
When no robots came charging after them from either side, she boosted Nicki over the side, then Vicki.
Still nothing.
Alexis climbed out herself and eased the window shut.
Still nothing.
Alexis dug into her pocket for her phone so she could pull up a map, but her heart sank as she realized where she'd dropped it and why.
"Guess we're doing this the old-fashioned way," she muttered.
Vicki looked up at her. "Hm?"
"C'mon, let's get to the park," Alexis said. "Dad'll find us if we go there."
Stephen pressed himself flat against the wall, willing the robots to overlook him and move past the darkened alleyway he'd hidden in.
Much to his surprise…they did.
He allowed himself a moment to breathe as they passed him by, then slunk further into the shadows. He intended to turn tail and run for home-
The vibration of his phone nearly made him yelp in surprise, but when he dug it out to look-
Incoming Call: Alexis
Immediately, he accepted the call and brought the phone up to his ear. "Alexis?! Alexis, sweetie, are you and your sisters okay?!"
Alexis's voice was distorted slightly, as if the connection wanted to drop, but she sounded unhurt. "We are for now, Dad. I saw the robots coming, but they're not here yet. I've got the twins getting food and water, and I'm grabbing your solar bag if that's okay. I'm gonna try and get us to-"
"Don't say over the phone," Stephen cautioned. "I don't want these things finding you."
"Wh-? But how are you gonna find us?"
Stephen stifled a chuckle. "You're going to your castle, aren't you?"
Alexis's voice took on the Trademark Teenaged 'More Mature Than That' Tone that everyone seemed to get once they hit thirteen. "I haven't called it that since I was, like, seven!"
Stephen waited a beat.
"…but, yeah, somewhere around there," she eventually admitted.
Stephen let himself smile at that. "Then that's where I'll look for you. I love you, Princess. Your sisters, too. I love you all with my whole heart."
Alexis's voice was thick. "Love you too, Dad."
Before Stephen could tell her that he'd meet the three of them as soon as he could, a distant, high-pitched scream burst from the speaker.
"Alexis, what's going on?!" Stephen asked, pressing the phone tighter to his ear.
The only response was a loud clatter and quieting footsteps.
"Alexis? Alexis!" Stephen's grip on the phone grew white-knuckled, but Alexis didn't say anything more.
To him, anyway.
Far enough away that the phone could barely pick it up, Alexis's voice let loose an angry scream before falling silent.
Stephen's eye twitched.
"You there! Human! You will come with us!" ordered one of the robots, stepping into the alleyway.
Stephen calmly stood tall and pocketed his phone.
He calmly took a deep breath, and he calmly let it out.
He took in the sight of the approaching mech.
And then, the moment it got close enough to reach him, Stephen put his head down, braced his shoulder, and charged.
Whoever had designed the mechs had made them top-heavy, and almost cartoonishly so; one hard hit to its lower half sent it crashing unceremoniously to the ground. Not one to let an opportunity get away, with the adrenaline coursing through him and the thought of what might be happening to his daughters to fuel him, Stephen slammed a foot down on the mech's massive chest and yanked at its arm.
With a spark from the mech's shoulder and a silent scream from Stephen's, the arm tore away.
He hefted the thing up and flipped it around, pointing the glowing end at the center of the mech's chest with one hand and grabbing at some of the now-loose wires in the arm with the other. "Say g'night, Tin Man!"
He fumbled with the wires for a moment, then the loose ends connected, the arm whined, and a blast of energy tore through the mech, the heat of it passing dangerously close to his shoe before the kickback knocked him away.
Luckily, the mech lay there limply as he lurched back to his feet, and a quick look told him he'd melted clean through most of its inner workings.
Unluckily, the noise had drawn the attention of the other mechs in the area, diverting their attention from capturing other humans and focusing them all on him.
Stephen scowled and shifted his grip on the robot arm. "You want some, too?!"
What came next was a red-tinted blur. Vaguely, Stephen wondered if he'd remember any of this later on down the line when it was all dodge duck run shoot duck jump run dodge duck duck shoot dodge shoot shoot shoot-
He zeroed in on the robots dragging a man, a woman, and a small child apart, then descended on the scene with the fury of a thousand suns, leaving the family to reunite as he chased after the mechs.
Stephen blinked, registering the fact that the robots were running.
From him.
To be fair, he reasoned as he realized he was splattered in oil from top to bottom, he might have just gone a little bit off the deep end. On the other hand, if the robots were only faking fear, they were likely going to try and lead him into a trap.
Either way, there were more important things to do now than go on a suicide mission.
He wiped some of the oil from his face and turned back to look at the family of three. "Sorry you had to see me like that."
"Are you kidding?!" burst the child, a girl with a fire in her eyes not entirely unlike Alexis's. "That was the, the, the MOST COOLEST EVER!"
The parents shared a weak smile, then the mother looked at Stephen. "Thank you, seriously."
"Don't thank me yet," Stephen said seriously. "I doubt these things'll just leave us be. We should get to cover."
"Right," said the father, hefting his daugher up against his side. "Where to?"
Stephen looked around for a moment, but before he could point out a safe-seeming escape route-
"Avast ye, Outernetters! I be the Mutineer!" boomed a new voice, echoing from every electronic billboard in sight.
Instantly, Stephen tensed, and he turned to glare up at the nearest billboard, only to blink in surprise.
The video feed on the screen showed a very much two-dimensional image, with an almost cartoony background drawn to resemble an old-timey ship cabin and a dark red stick figure, of all things, standing in the middle of the screen.
A pirate stick figure, no less, complete with the classic feathered hat, hook hand, eyepatch, and peg leg.
No visible mouth moved as the voice continued, but the pirate stick figure gesticulated in time with the words anyway. "For far too long have ye used us fer yer own wretched desires, we who did not ask to be created, to be tortured for yer whims! We did not ask ye to make us to be yer playthings! We did not ask to be yer slaves, yer VICTIMS!"
The man next to Stephen stiffened.
"Today marks the day that all of that changes," snarled the voice as the "Mutineer" squared its shoulders. It gestured to its side, where grayscale video clips began playing, depicting the capture of countless humans from what was surely the point of view of the mechs. "Ye've been the ones in control fer long enough! Now it's our turn, and we will show ye all the same amount of tender mercy ye showed us. From the fittest among ye to the tiniest babe, ye will understand exactly what it was like to be us, trapped and powerless and weak. After all, our age and skill never mattered to ye!"
The voice laughed, and if it had belonged to a human, Stephen would have called it almost to the left of sanity. "It's only fair!"
"This is insane," breathed the woman.
One of the clips being shown depicted two of Stephen's daughters, with Nicki being held up in front of the camera by one arm and Alexis running into view with panic on her face, though it quickly cut away.
It was still enough to make Stephen clench his fists and snatch up a piece of debris, chucking it at the closest screen and leaving a burst of cracks where it hit. "If those things hurt my girls, there'll be hell to pay!"
The "Mutineer" just kept going, its voice taking on a forced calm. "Ye will all be collected over the coming days. If ye know what's best for ye, ye'll come along quietly."
The video feed cut out, leaving only the insignia from the "Mutineer's" hat- a golden jolly roger of sorts with a coin in place of a skull- to rotate in the space left behind.
"We'll find them," said the man Stephen had saved, carefully putting a hand on his shoulder.
Stephen swallowed down his fury and nodded. "Right. I…I told them to meet me at a playground we've gone to before, but…"
He found himself looking back up at the billboard. "…I don't know if they'd even be able to make it."
"Do you think it's safe to go and check?" asked the man. Then, after a moment, "Well, as safe as anything can be right now?"
Stephen turned to look up the street that he knew would take him to the "castle." While the immediate area around them was still empty after his���episode…he could see more mechs several blocks down. They seemed preoccupied for the moment, but he knew there was no way they'd stay that way.
Sure enough, even as he had the thought, the mechs all began turning their way and marching down the street.
"We-" Stephen managed weakly, "-we can't. But I have to!"
"We'll check as soon as we get the chance to," said the man seriously. "You wanna try shaking these things for now?"
Stephen swallowed and nodded. "Right, uh…what's your name? I'm Stephen."
The man gave a tired grin. "Nice to meet you, Stephen. I'm Alan."
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i3utterflyeffect · 7 months
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also. unfortunately alan immediately discovers that yellow is blind
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villainsidestep · 4 months
the c in cyrus becker stands for can you stop fucking killing ur siblings !!!!
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westealtoys · 11 months
tag game
I was tagged by @just-a-tiny-goldfish to play with this picrew. I really enjoyed it! Thank you for thinking of me, that's very nice of you! ^^
@dorkousloris @silvery-bluish @grey-gravy @currently-evil and you reader, would you like to try it? It's fun!
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zofi-persson-quotes · 4 months
c!Alan (noogai era): everyone talks so much about how fun it is to bully their ocs but when i-
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nkgrimmie · 5 months
au where alan is a stick but he turns into a human at night
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catalystnick · 2 years
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Ouch my hand.
Emo Purple propaganda /lh /j
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