#rabbs recovery
stripeixii · 1 day
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It's time to rest.
Day 1 of vanweek; freedom
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b-lessings · 8 months
لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله 💔💔
Our hearts are with our Moroccan sisters, brothers and families, the pictures from the earthquake are heartbreaking, sübhanallah, how weak of a creature we are and how life can change in a heartbeat 💔 Allah yarham the souls who died in this musibah and grant shifae and full recovery to the injured ones. May Allah swt fill the hearts of Moroccan families with patience and salwa ya rabb.
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julaibib · 1 year
my mom is sick with migraine attack. i didn't want to tell this here because im scared. when i was in kindergarten she almost had one side paralysed and was in a terrible state but she made it. back then i didn't understand anything but now i know it was a near death situation. now she's not in a terrible state but she said something i don't want to say. i want my parents to have lengthy hayat and be in hidayat. she is a very pious. no one is worried but i got scared. i am so scared i can't talk to anyone. i want to take them to hajj sometimes and im only nineteen and i have a sister. please keep our family in prayers and let me know some duas to strengthen me and help with my mom's quick recovery and lengthy hayaat. i am very scared. also my mom often goes through these things and she is good and talking normally but she said something scary twice. if there is any dua that helps please let me know as soon as possible. if anyone sees this please pray and take care and appreciate your parents. it's very easy to forget their presence with social media occupying our days. please pray. i am very scared. please pray. Jazak Allah Khairan
supplications that are proven to be from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), such as: 
“Allaahumma Rabb an-naas, mudhhib al-ba’s ishfi anta al-Shaafi, laa shaafiya illa anta, shifaa’an laa yughaadir saqaman
(O Allah, Lord of mankind, the One Who relieves hardship, grant healing, for there is no healer but You, a healing that leaves no trace of sickness).”  Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5750) and Muslim (2191). 
“A’oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah al-taammah min kulli shaytaanin wa haammah wa min kulli ‘aynin laammah
(I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah, from every devil and every poisonous reptile, and from every bad eye).” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3371). 
Uthmaan ibn Abi’l-‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with him) that he complained to the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) about some pain that he had felt in his body since he became Muslim.
The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to him: “Put your hand on the part of your body that hurts and say:
‘Bismillaah (in the name of Allah)’ three times, then say seven times: ‘A’oodhu bi ‘izzat-illaah wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajid wa uhaadhir  (I seek refuge in Allaah and His Power from the evil of what I find and I fear).’”. 
Al-Tirmidhi added: He said: I did that and Allah took away what I was suffering, and I still tell my family and others to do that. 
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mahfuzhah · 2 years
Hampir Pergi
Berhadapan dengan kematian, mungkin akan membuatmu lebih menghargai kehidupan.
Melihat seseorang yang tiba-tiba tak berdaya dihadapanmu, mungkin akan lebih menghargai setiap hela nafasmu.
Ilmu dan segala titipanNya, semoga tetap bisa berguna disaat situasi tak terduga sekalipun.
Jika banyak orang mengira tenaga kesehatan adalah penyelamat nyawa disaat-saat tak terduga, sebenarnya mereka juga tak ingin ada di kondisi darurat nan tak pasti.
Karena sepintar apapun mereka mengetahui cara pertolongan pertama, jika sudah panik adakalanya akan tetap buyar juga ilmu yang pernah dipelajari. Pikirannya mungkin masih berputar-putar antara pikiran seorang nakes yang sedang menganalisa masalah yang terjadi, lalu berpikir bagaimana tindakan selanjutnya, atau ditambah pikiran kaget tak menyangka karena melihat anggota keluarganya tak berdaya didepan matanya sendiri, atau pikiran-pikiran apakah ini masih golden hours dan bisa diselamatkan jika resusitasi, atau pertanyaan-pertanyaan am I good enough dan apakah keputusan ini benar?
Dan itu baru dari dalam pikirannya. Tangannya bisa saja masih bergetar saat melakukan resusitasi. segala teori resusitasi tentang lokasi pasti, durasi atau posisi recovery mungkin hampir saja menghilang. Karena tujuannya hanya ingin segera menyelamatkan nyawa orang yang tersayang, sembari menyembunyikan kekhawatiran dalam dirinya sendiri.
Segala kuasa hanya milik Engkau Yaa Rabb. Laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billah. Semoga cukup sekali dan tidak terulang kembali 😭
- Catatan 21.05.22 | 22.59
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journeyofken · 2 years
Udah hampir selesai satu chapter yang proses nyusunnya cukup njlimet aka ribet malah tetiba laptop mati karena chargernya ternyata ga work. Dah autosavenya ga jalan, dah coba buka tutorial recovery juga ga jadi. Apalagi ini?
Astaghfirullah, igfirili Ya Rabb.
Ikhlas, sabar. It's my fault for being not concerned. It's okay, I will learn from it. I will not cry. Mau istirahat dulu lanjut besok.
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embunmerindu · 1 month
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Senin # 14 Ramadhan 1445 H.
Rembulan yang bersinar terang malam ini, tidak menyangka bila sempat turun hujan deras sebelumnya.
Tidak mengapa, ketika takdir Allah harus membuatnu beristirahat sejenak dari rutintas masjid. Mungkin ragamu sedang bersiap untuk menjemput 10 terakhir Ramadhan . Biidznillah...
Semoga fast recovery...aamiin ya Rabb..
Syafahullah... laa ba'sa thahuurun insya Allah 🤲
# ketika hujan baru turun pada malam ini cukup deras namun sesaat . Membuat lantai tangga licin dan terjatuh, qodarullahu wamaa syaa-a fa'ala
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fieeha · 11 months
Saat ini, aku mengakui diri aku dlm keadaan recovery. Ntahlah, ada kekhawatiran ketika kata kata itu aku sebutkan ke org lain, siapapun itu. Kekhawatiran jika rasa itu dicabut oleh Allah. Aku menyadari bahwa ujian akan silih berganti utk naik kelas iman. Mudah ku sampaikan dlm nasehat pada org lain. Namun utk rasa ketika menjalaninya, aku sangat butuh Allah sebagai sandaran. Memohon pertolongan Allah utk menguatkan hatiku. Hidup ini tentang mencintai. Ketaatan nilai mutlak. Pun bahkan meluaskan rasa cinta berdasarkan ketaatan dgn alur dan cara yg diinginkanNya. Aku hanya lelah. Menyadarkan org lain seringkali ku lakukan dgn cara tergesa. Faktanya, semua butuh proses dan aku masih terseok memahami itu ada pada org lain. Nyatanya, aku berproses sekian lama dgn lingkup yg begitu sabar mengayomi. Hei kamu, apa yg pernah kamu dapatkan, tebarlah ke yg lain. Mereka butuh di ayomi dgn baik.
Tapi aku ingin merehatkan pikiran dr hal itu saat ini, boleh? Aku hanya benar benar lelah dan berharap cara lain ku semoga lebih baik. Udh saatnya berubah menjadi lebih baik, keadaan menuntut ada perubahan signifikan saat ini. Berdamailah dgn diri sendiri. Biarkan limit yg tdk bisa dicerna Utk tetap diluar jangkauan. Tawakkal adalah sandaran ku.
Apa ini bisa jadi bahan nostalgia nanti? Bantu aku utk ridha Ya Rabb
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azzahrahumaira · 1 year
March 3, 2023
She's been feeling under the weather lately. In such circumstance, she is more likely to find herself in the remembrance of Allah. In desperation, she asked Him to give her speedy recovery. Does this mean that she only remembers Him in times of need and difficulty? No. In fact, she always try to incorporate Him in her day-to-day life, regardless of what phase she is in. Nevertheless, when she is fated to temporarily get sick, it's getting increasingly clear that she can only rely on Him. She can't condemn people for not showing when she needs them the most, she knows full-well that this is how life works. People come and go. Somwtimes, a few people are there to help her out and cheer her on, but nobody can(and wants, she suppose) stay by her side 24/7. The only One who has always been there is Her Rabb. Throughout her ups and downs, He is the only One who never leaves her alone. And for that, she can't thank you enough. Irrespective of how many stacks of sins that she's committed, Allah has always been kind to her. In no moment did He ever leave her. She just feels so grateful for His boundless bounties and endless kindness. She is fully aware that in times of hardships, Allah is continuously helping her out. She deeply hopes that He guides her to the straight path, always.
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imaanoverdesires · 3 years
Assalamu alaikum sis 🥺 first of all I ask Allah to heal you from whatever you are going through, may your heart find peace ,my prayers are for you
May Allah grant you quick recovery as a person who gone through the same situation with severe depression I can understand what you are going through
My prayers are for you habibti ❤
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته beautiful
Aameen allahumma aameen. Please keep me in your duaa. There's no other way to help me but duaa. Its really stressing and exhausting but i have no other choice except to live with it.
May Allāh also grant you ease and grant you everything whats best for you. Aameen ya Rabb. Jazakillah khayran 🥺♥️
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veil-of-light · 3 years
Bismillah, Al-Rahman, Al-Raheem;
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah,
I pray that everyone who finds this message finds themselves with peace in their hearts and homes. Ameen.
I don’t think that many people see my content, and a lot of the ones that do seem to be bots, but that’s okay.
I ask that if you do see this, though, that you please pray for the health of my sister.
This is a person who has a loyalty and love so fierce she would tear the earth apart if someone hurt those she loves.
Please pray for her.
May Allah grant her a long life in obedience to Him, a life full and fulfilled, a life that is blessed and joyful and good, a life full of health and happiness and success. May Allah grant her a speedy recovery, and complete healing, with no further complications or remaining illness. Ameen, Ya Shaf’i, Ya Wudud, Ya Rabb Al Aalameen,
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stripeixii · 1 month
Joke request can you draw Vanny making fun of Gregory being homeless
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This took too long idk
Sorry about that lol
Here is vanny being a meanie
Gregory is probably about to cry oof lmao
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dheota · 3 years
Tentang Melahirkan
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Still can't believe that this little munchkin were inside my womb for 37 weeks long, grew and developed second by second, got her little kick during midnight and some more. Till the day she had to be delivered since my water reduced its volume with unknown cause , she did still give her kick as much as she could. No one expect that she will be delivered that way. She was born earlier and did fight harder than others, yes she did.
Banyak yang memberi selamat kepadaku atas kelahiran putri cantik beberapa waktu yang lalu. Jazaakunalloohu khoiron katsiron yaa atas do'a - do'a nya. Namun, ndak jarang pula di antara sekian banyak itu yang menanyakan perihal proses melahirkanku. Terkadang bikin ini hati seperti disenggol kanan senggol kiri, ya begitulah manusia, ndak selamanya bisa seperti apa yang kita mau.
Nama putriku Sahlaa, artinya kemudahan. Kalau teman-teman pernah membaca do'a memohon kemudahan, aku dan Suamiku menyadur nama tersebut dari do'a itu. Selama hamil aku memang berdoa , 'Ya Rabb, mudahkanlah aku dan anakku selama proses persalinan, tenangkanlah aku'. Memang benar, Sahlaa lahir dengan proses SC dan ia lahir di tanggal yang cukup apik 12-11-2020.  Lagi-lagi ada yang bertanya, memang diprogram ya untuk melahirkan tanggal itu? Hihi, jika boleh kugigit si penanya, marilah kucoba. Tapi kan aku masih berakal sehat, sabar adalah jawaban pada situasi seperti itu.
Akupun faham, melahirkan dengan normal atau istilah dewasa kini 'per-vaginal' adalah dambaan banyak perempuan, iya bukan? Apabila ditanya kau ingin melahirkan dengan cara apa? Tentu aku pun akan menjawab 'Normal'. Betapa tidak, aku pun kalau ditanya ya ingin merasakan yang namanya kontraksi, merasakan yang namanya pembukaan demi pembukaan, sampai anakku bisa kutangkap sesaat setelah dia menangis. 
Tapi yang namanya manusia, sekuat apapun ia berikhtiar ada Rabb Yang Maha Menentukan Segalanya, bukan? Di minggu ke 36, air ketubanku ternyata sangat sedikit, padahal dicek juga tidak ada rembes atau apapun. Intake cairanku pun sudah bisa dikata lebih, hampir 4L/ hari. Kenapa ya? Wallaahu a'lam.
Obsgynku meminta untuk kontrol 1 minggu lagi untuk melihat indeks ketubanku dan pertumbuhan janin. Jika memang tidak bertambah ya mau tidak mau harus diterminasi.
1 minggu pun berlalu, usia kehamilanku memasuki minggu ke 37. Harap-harap cemas setiap kali kontrol ke obsgyn, hanya berdo'a mohon diberikan yang terbaik. Saat di USG tampaknya yang namanya amnion ini agaknya memang stuck pada volume segini. Jika rentang angka normal Amnion Fluid Index (AFI) adalah 5-20, angka AFI-ku hari itu hanya mencapai 4.93, nyaris yaa. Singkat cerita, kami pun memutuskan untuk terminasi dengan SC. Ada memang kemungkinan untuk melahirkan normal, namun harus induksi. Mempertimbangkan baik dan buruknya risiko yang terjadi, akhirnya kami sepakat SC adalah jalan yang kami pilih.
Kalau ditanya bagaimana perasaannya? Ya sedih, betapa tidak bukan? SC dijadwalkan esok pagi menunggu kepulangan suamiku. Malamnya akupun masuk rawat inap, dini hari mulai puasa, pagi sekitar pukul 7.30 aku masuk ruang OK.
Banyak dari kawan-kawanku, saudaraku yang bertanya bagaimana rasanya SC? SC tidak semenyeramkan yang dibayangkan kok. Anastesinya regional (injeksi spinal), jadi hanya dari perut ke kaki yang dianastesi. Saat bius rasanya seperti ketempelan koyo cabe, hangat semi panas begitu. Cara evaluasi sudah jalan atau belum kalau kaki tidak bisa diangkat berarti sudah jalan.
Begitu bius jalan, Obsgynku langsung izin mulai. Ndak terasa sama sekali, cuman terasa perut seperti digoyang. Tidak sampai 5 menit Sahlaa pun keluar, dan langsung menangis. Alhamdulillaah. Mungil memang, hanya 2200 gram. Iya, Sahlaa BBLR.
Sahlaa pun langsung ditempel di badanku untuk IMD (Inisiasi Menyusui Dini). Lucunya, mungil tapi sudah bisa menghisap dan mencari sumber makanannya sendiri. Setelah selesai jahit, ohya jahitannya juga tipe yang absorbable jadi menyerap ke daging (tidak perlu buka jahitan), aku pun dibawa ke recovery room. Di sana sudah ada Suamiku dan Ibuku. Segera Sahlaa ditahnik oleh Ayahku, kata Suamiku menghisapkan kencang lhoo.
Ada yang bertanya, hanya 2.2 kg tidak masuk inkubator ya? Hihi, Allah mentakdirkan Sahlaa untuk langsung menangis, tidak ada asfiksi sehingga ia bisa rawat gabung bersamaku.
Bagaimana perihal ASI? Apakah melahirkan dengan SC akan berpengaruh terhadap ASI? Alhamdulillaah, beberapa jam kemudian ASI ku sudah keluar, iya benar kolostrum namanya. Sahlaa pun belajar mengenali bau Ibunya, indah sekali yaa bisa menyusui.
Sakit pasca SC memang ada, tapi itu wajar, namanya juga proses. Hari ini Sahlaa sudah berusia 2 bulan 7 hari, beratnya sudah kepala 5, hihi. Setiap manusia memang punya arena juangnya masing-masing ya. Seperti Sahlaa, ia juga berjuang di arena juangnya, menemani Umminya sekolah sedari di dalam perut, berjuang untuk tetap hidup meski arena geraknya sudah sangat sedikit, berjuang lebih dahulu 'sebelum' waktunya, pun sampai sekarang setelah lahir masih juga menemani Umminya sekolah, haha. Kita berjuang bersama ya Nak, insyaaAllah akan sampai pada waktunya kita 'Lulus' bersama. Aaammiin
Purbalingga, Januari ke 19, 2021
Post ujian OSCE Gingivektomi
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Gaya Belajar & Stimulasi Kreativitas #1
Qadarullah, Hamidah lagi recovery dari sakitnya kemarin, jadi hari ini belum bisa mengaplikasikan apa-apa..
Doakan semoga Hamidah segera pulih, biar bisa belajar sambil bermain lagi :')
Aamiin aamiin yaa Rabb
Umma 🌻
26 November 2020
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basicsofislam · 4 years
ISLAM 101: Muslim Beliefs: Existence and Oneness of God Almighty: The Concept Of Deity And God Almighty
God Almighty should be considered from five perspectives. One is His “Essence” as Divine Being (Dhat in Islamic terminology), which only He can know. A Prophetic Tradition says: “Do not reflect on God’s ‘Essence’; instead, reflect on His works and acts.” God has no partners, likes or resemblance, as pointed to by the verse: There is nothing like or compared unto Him (42:11). The second perspective is His Essential, “Innate” Qualities as being God, which are the Attributes’ source. The third perspective is His Attributes, which are of three kinds: Essential Attributes (e.g., Existence, Having No Beginning, Eternal Permanence, Being Unlike the Created, Self-Subsistence); Positive Attributes (Life, Knowledge, Power, Speech, Will, Hearing, Seeing, Creating); and innumerable “Negative” Attributes, summed up as “God is absolutely free from any defect and shortcoming.”
The Attributes are the sources of the Names: Life gives rise to the All-Living, Knowledge to the All-Knowing, and Power to the All-Powerful. The Names are the sources of the acts: giving life has its source in the All-Living, and knowing everything down to the smallest detail or thing originates in the All-Knowing. God is “known” through His acts, Names, and Attributes. Whatever exists in the universe, in the material and immaterial worlds, is the result of the Names’ and Attributes’ manifestations: Universal and individual provision points to His Name the All-Providing, and the All-Healing is the source of remedies and patient recovery. Philosophy has its source in Wisdom, and so on. The acts, Names, and Attributes are the “links” between God and the created, or the “reflectors” with which to have knowledge of God.
Although we try to know or recognize God by His acts, Names, and Attributes, we must not think of Him in terms of associating likeness or comparison unto Him, for nothing resembles Him. He is absolutely One, Single, and totally different from all that exists or has the potential to exist. In this sense, His Oneness is not in terms of number. To have some knowledge of Him through His acts, Names, and Attributes, some comparisons are permissible. This is pointed to in the verse: To God applies the most sublime attributes (16:60).
Some of God’s Names are as follows:
Allah: Translated as God, Allah is the proper Name of the Divine Being Who creates and administers His creatures, individually and as a whole, Who provides, brings up, sustains, protects, guides each and all, Who causes to perish and revives each and all, Who rewards or punishes, and so on. All His Attributes are Attributes of absolute perfection, and He is absolutely free from any and all defects. He is Unique and Single, having no like or resemblance and nothing is comparable to Him. He is absolutely beyond any human conception. He is the Unique, Single Being with the exclusive right to be worshipped and to be made the sole aim of life. He is loved in and of Himself. Everything is dependent on Him and subsists through Him. Every truth has its source in Him. Knowledge of God (in the sense of the Arabic “ilm) is impossible in respect of His Being or Essence (Dhat). Because there is none like or comparable unto Him, it is therefore impossible to grasp or comprehend His Essence. However, we can recognize God or have some knowledge of Him (in the sense of the Arabic ma‘rifah) through His works, acts, Names, Attributes and Essential Qualities (shu‘un). Awareness of His works (what we see in the world, His creation) leads us to become aware of His acts, and that awareness leads us to His Names and Attributes which, in turn, lead us to His Essential Qualities, and thence to an awareness of the One Who has these Qualities.
(Al-)‘Adl: The All-Just
(Al-)‘Afuww: The All-Pardoning (Who overlooks the faults of His servants); The One Who grants remission; The One Who excuses much
(Al-) Ahad: The Unique One (Who is beyond all kinds of human conceptions of Him and absolutely free from having any partners, likes, parents, sons or daughters)
(Al-)Ahir: The Last (Whom there is none that will outlive)
(Al-)‘Alim: The All-Knowing
(Al-)Aliyy. The All-Exalted
(Al-)Amin: The One in Whom Refuge is Sought
(Al-) ‘Atuf: The All-Affectionate
(Al-)Awwal: The First (Whom there is none that precedes)
(Al-)‘Aziz: The All-Glorious with irresistible might (Whom none can prevent from doing what He wills)
(Al-)Baqi: The All-Permanent
(Al-)Bari: The All-Holy Creator (Who is absolutely free from having any partners and Who makes every being perfect and different from others)
(Al-)Basir: The All-Seeing
(Al-)Batin: The All-Inward (Who encompasses the whole existence from within in His Knowledge, and there is none that is more penetrating than Him)
(Ad-)Dayyan: The Supreme Ruler and All-Requiting (of good and evil)
(Al-)Fard: The All-Independent, Single One (free from having any equals or likes in His Essence and Attributes)
(Al-)Fatir: The All-Originating (with a unique individuality)
(Al-)Fattah: The One Who judges between people with truth and separates
(Al-)Ghaniyy: The All-Wealthy and Self-Sufficient
(Al-)Habib: The All-Loving and Loved
(Al-)Hadi: The All-Guiding
(Al-)Hafiz: The All-Preserving and Keeper of records
(Al-)Hakim: The All-Wise (in Whose every act and decree there are many instances of wisdom)
(Al-)Halim: The All-Clement (showing no haste to punish the errors of His servants)
(Al-)Hamid: The All-Praiseworthy (as the Lord Who creates, provides, and rears)
(Al-)Hannan: The All-Kind and Caring
(Al-)Haqq: The Ultimate Truth and Ever-Constant
(Al-)Hayy: The All-Living
(Al-)Jabbar: The All-Compelling of supreme majesty (Who subdues wrong and restores right)
(Al-)Jalil: The All-Majestic
(Al-)Jamil: The All-Gracious and All-Beautiful
(Al-)Jawad: The All-Generous
(Al-)Kabir: The All-Great
(Al-)Kafi: The All-Sufficing
(Al-)Karim: The All-Munificent
(Al-)Khabir: The All-Aware
(Al-)Khaliq: The Creator (Who determines measure for everything and brings it into existence out of nothing)
(Al-)Latif: The All-Subtle (penetrating into the most minute dimensions of all things); the All-Favoring
(Al-)Mahmud: The All-Praised
(Al-)Malik: The Sovereign
(Al-)Mannan: The All-Bounteous and Favoring
(Al-)Ma’ruf: The One Known (with His works); the All-Recognized
(Al-)Mubin: The One from Whom nothing is hidden and Who makes all truth manifest
(Al-)Mughni: The All-Enriching
(Al-)Muhaymin: The All-Watchful Guardian
(Al-)Muhit: The All-Encompassing
(Al-)Muhsin: The All-Benevolent
(Al-)Muhyi: The One Who revives, Who gives life to the dead
(Al-)Mu’in: The All-Helping and Supplying
(Al-)Mu‘izz: The All-Exalting and Honoring
(Al-)Mujib: The All-Answering (of prayers) and Meeting (of needs)
(Al-)Mu’min: The Supreme Author of safety and security Who bestows faith and removes all doubt
(Al-)Mumit: The One Causing to Die; the All-Dealer of death
(Al-)Mundhir: The All-Informing and Warning
(Al-)Murid: The All-Willing
(Al-)Musawwir: The All-Fashioning
(Al-)Mutakabbir: The One Who has exclusive right to all greatness
(Al-)Mu‘ti: The All-Granting
(An-)Nur: The All-Light
(Al-)Qaim: The All-Observing and Controlling
(Al-)Qadir: The All-Powerful
(Al-)Qahhar: The All-Overwhelming (with absolute sway over all that exists)
(Al-)Qarib: The All-Near
(Al-)Qawiyy: The All-Strong
(Al-)Qayyum: The Self-Subsisting (by Whom all subsist)
(Al-)Quddus: the All-Holy and All-Pure (Who is absolutely free of any defect and keeps the universe clean)
(Ar-)Rabb: The Lord (God as the Creator, Provider, Trainer, Upbringer, and Director of all creatures)
(Ar-) Rahim: The All-Compassionate (Who has particular compassion for each of His creatures in their maintenance, and for His believing servants, especially in the other world)
(Ar-) Rahman: The All-Merciful (Who has mercy on the whole existence and provides for all without making a distinction between believers and unbelievers)
(Ar-)Rauf: The All-Pitying
(Ar-)Razzaq: The All-Providing
(As-)Sabur: The All-Patient (Whom no haste induces to rush into an action)
(As-)Salam: The Supreme Author of peace and salvation
(As-)Samad: The Eternally-Besought-of-All (Himself being needy of nothing)
(As-)Sami‘: The All-Hearing
(As-) Sani’: The Maker
(As-)Sattar: The All-Veiling (of His servants’ shortcomings and sins)
(Ash-)Shafi: The All-Healing
(Ash-) Shahid: The All- Witnessing
(Ash-)Shakur: The All-Responsive (to the gratitude of His creatures)
(As-)Subhan: The All-Glorified
(As-)Sultan: The Absolute, Eternal Authority
(At-)Tawwab: The One Who accepts repentance and returns it with liberal forgiveness and additional reward
(Al-)Wadud: The All-Tender and Excusing; The All-Loving and All-Beloved
(Al-)Wahhab: The All-Bestowing
(Al-) Wahid: The One (having no partners and equals; One Who manifests all His Names upon the whole of the universe, or a species, or on a whole)
(Al-) Wakil: The One to rely on and to Whom affairs should be entrusted
(Al-)Waliyy: The Guardian, the Protecting Friend (to rely on)
(Al-)Warith: The One Who survives all beings and inherits them
(Al-)Wasi‘: The All-Embracing (in His Mercy)
(Az-)Zahir: The All-Outward (Who encompasses the whole of existence from the outside, and there is none that encompasses Him)
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duaa4duaa · 4 years
Request for health and speedy recovery of binte fatima. She's admitted in icu
ameen ya rabb
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typingtess · 5 years
NCIS: Los Angeles Season Ten Rewatch:  ”The Guardian”
The basics:  A terror plot brings Callen and Sam to the USS Allegiance with XO Officer Captain Harmon Rabb Jr.
Written by: R. Scott Gemmill wrote/cowrote “The Only Easy Day”, “Brimstone”, “Breach”, “LD50”, “Found”, “Borderline”, “Absolution”, “Archangel”, “Tin Soldiers”, “Impostors”, “Cyberthreat”, “Honor”, “The Watchers” and both sides of the NCIS Los: Angeles/Hawaii Five-0 “Touch of Death” episodes, “Recruit”, “Free Ride”, “Wanted”, “Ravens and The Swans”, “Impact”, “War Cries”, both ends of the “Deep Trouble” season five finale/season six premiere, “Inelegant Heart”, “Praesidium”, “Traitor”, “Active Measures” (season seven premiere), “Blame It On Rio”, “Internal Affairs”, “Matryoshka” part one,  "Talion" (season seven finale), “High Value Target”/“Belly of the Beast” (season eight premieres), “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Under Siege”, “Unleashed” (season eight finale), “Party Crashers” (season nine’s premiere), “This Is What We Do” (episode 200), “Các Tù Nhân”, “Goodbye Vietnam”, “Ninguna Salida” (the season nine finale with Joe Sachs), “Hit List”, “Asesinos”, “Till Death Do Us Part” and “Choke Point”.
Gemmill was also a member of JAG’s writing/producing crew.  He wrote 19 of the show’s 227 episodes (in season one to season four) and was a producer/co-producer for 63.
Directed by:  John P. Kousakis directed “Imposters”, “Sacrifice”, “San Voir” part one, “The Fifth Man”, “Parley”, “Inelegant Heart” (written by Gemmill), “Chernoff, K.”, “Active Measures” (written by Gemmill), “The Long Goodbye", “Talion” (written by Gemmill), “Glasnost”, “Unleashed” (written by Gemmill), “Party Crashers” (written by Gemmill), “This Is What We Do” (episode 200, written by Gemmill), “Goodbye Vietnam” (written by Gemmill), “Ninguna Salida” (written by Gemmill), all of the Afghanistan scenes from “Iron Curtain Rising” to “Zero Days” in season five and all of Kensi’s injury/recovery storyline scenes from “The Queen’s Gambit” to “Sirens” in season eight.  
Guest stars of note:  David James Elliott returns to the role of now Navy Captain Harmon “Harm” Rabb, Jr.  He was Harm of varying ranks as well as his father in flashbacks during JAG's 227 episodes.  Mercedes Mason as DEA Agent Talia Del Campo is back from "The Long Goodbye" and her real goodbye on The Rookie last season.  Sprague Grayden as Olivia Baird, Michael Roark as Michael Baird, Rene Moran as Calvin Sims, Nadine Ellis as Navy Lieutenant Commander Quinn, Elena Tovar as U.S. Forest Ranger Vanessa Aguilar and Carl Chao as NCIS Special Agent Afloat Brian Lee.
Our heroes:  Meet Harm.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Taking time to mourn his father by returning to work immediately. Sam:  Still saying "aye-aye" to Captains on Navy ships. Kensi:  Doesn't like the word hinky. Deeks:  Figures it is not an ISIS plot but state run espionage. Eric:  Encouraging Nell to tend to her sick mother. Nell:  Tending to her sick mother. Hetty:  Eric has no idea where she is.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Felt like he took some days off even when he didn't. Sam:   Giving a deposition. Kensi:   Attending a women in law enforcement seminar. Deeks:   Having breakfast with Rogers at an IHOP. Eric:   Sleep with a teddy bear on his tablet. Nell:  Has had enough of Sydney right now. Hetty:  Would want Nell to tend to her family.
Who's down with OTP:  Deeks makes a horrible murder into a romantic declaration of his feelings for Kensi.  Eric convinces Nell to tend to her Mom.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Another solid team showing as everyone is concerned Callen is back to work too soon.  There is also a budding bromance between Deeks and Rogers as they are sharing waffles at IHoP.
Any pressing need for Harm and Mac:  Yes.  That's why Harm is here.
Who is running the team this week?  Rogers in theory but not in person.
Mosley watch:  Amazing that this character was at the heart of the season nine/season ten three-part finale/premiere and now it is as if she never worked there.
Fashion review:   Grey plaid button down shirt for Callen.  Sam meets with Talia in the boat shed in a white dress shirt – likely from his court appearance – but the tie is off.  Later, Sam is wearing a medium blue long-sleeve tee-shirt.  Kensi is wearing a red v-neck sweater.  Deeks is in a blue tee-shirt and a grey zip-up hoodie.  Eggplant colored pullover with a grey dress shirt and long pants (he did go in the field) for Eric.  Nell is wearing a blue and red floral print dress.
On the Allegiance, Callen is wearing a long sleeve blue-grey tee-shirt while same is in a long sleeve black tee.  Kensi and Deeks return to the office with a her grey striped long-sleeve tee and his medium blue long-sleeve tee.  Eric is sleeping in what he wore the prior day.
Music:   "Theme from JAG" by composer Bruce Broughton plays when Harm lands on the Allegiance's flight deck.
Any notable cut scene:   No.
Quote:  Sam:  "Nice landing." Harm:  "Thank you." Sam:  "NCIS Special Agent Sam Hanna." Callen:  "Special Agent Callen." Harm: "Captain Harmon Rabb. Welcome aboard, gentlemen."
Anything else:   Forest Service Ranger Vanessa Aguilar driving into a culvert, looking for a wild animal reported by some campers the prior night.  Leaving her vehicle, the ranger's communication with her work base becomes spotty.  After seeing tracks and reporting them, Vanessa hears something in the woods.  Running back to her truck, she trips and fall into a dried creek bed.  Her work base tries to contact her.  She is fine.  The skull under a branch not far from where Aguilar landed.
Callen arrives at the office alone.  No Sam, no Kensi and Deeks.  He's whistling.  Looking around the office, he notices nobody is around.  Jogging up to Ops, Callen finds Eric. Eric is surprised to see Callen – thought he was taking a few days off.  After Callen tells Eric he did, Eric states Callen actually didn't take any time off.  Callen this he did.
Asked where the team is, Eric tells Callen that Sam is giving a deposition, Kensi is at a women in law enforcement seminar while Deeks and Rogers are having breaking at an IHOP because a waffle stack is cheaper than therapy.  As for Hetty and Nell, "as per usual" Eric has no idea where Hetty is.  Nell is dealing with her mom issues.  Eric asks how Callen is doing.  Callen would be happier if he had something to do.
Looking at Eric's computer, there is a case related to the skull in the forest and the badly burned body it belonged to.  The victim had an artificial knee joint.  The serial number traces back to Ellie Sims, former Marine Staff Sergeant and cryptologist who is currently a civilian landscaper, National Guard member and DEA task force consultant.  Sims disappeared six weeks ago with the National Guard declaring her UA.   Callen asks about foul play concerns.  There weren't any when she disappeared.  She was separated from her husband and was dealing with some personal issues.
DNA analysis will take a few days but everyone thinks it is Sims.  Callen plans to take a trip out of the forest to see what's going on. Eric asks if Callen wants company.  Callen initially says no but decides to bring Eric.  Eric wants to bring his weapon but Callen nixes that plan.
In the forest, Callen looks at the bones.  Eric walks up and asks what Callen sees - it is a murder.  Not just because the victim's remains were burned but because her the wrists were bound, her skull was "bashed in" and her body was dismembered to make burial easier.  The only reason the body was found was the recent rains in the area washed away the top of the makeshift grave.
Eric is troubled by all this.  It is "just so violent.  She was somebody's friend, somebody's daughter."   Eric doesn't understand how or why someone would do this.  Callen asks Eric to bring the team up to speed.  Send Kensi and Deeks to talk to Sims's family.  Have Sam contact the DEA Liaison.
In Deeks's truck, Kensi and a driving Deeks were discussing their mornings.  Kensi was pleasantly surprised by the presence of so many men at her conference.  Deeks enjoys his time with Rogers – Rogers is like his Yoda.  Kensi is pretty sure Rogers would hate being anyone's Yoda.  Deeks disagrees – Yoda was cool.  Deeks imitates Yoda and is asked by Kensi "is that Gollum?"  That earns a "how dare you."  After saying the only difference between Gollum and Yoda is one sounds like Grover, Deeks asks for a divorce.
In a garage, Calvin Sims is having some scotch and looking at photos of his wife on the phone.  Kensi and Deeks offer their condolences at the loss of his wife.  Sims tells them he lost his wife months ago – "only now she's dead."  
After offering Kensi and Deeks a drink – they declined – Sims says he met his wife in the Marines, they had good times together, fell in love.  They left the Marines to start a life together but Ellie did not adapt to civilian life as well as Calvin.  She missed the feeling that she was doing something important.  Calvin adds PTSD and missing the rush of being a Marine to the roots of some of Ellie's problems.  In Afghanistan, "she was a stud over there."  A signals expert who spoke three Middle Eastern languages, Ellie was everywhere the teams went.  
As a civilian, Ellie tried a few different careers but hated being indoors - even slept on the couple's balcony.  She wound up working for a landscaping company.  Asking if she ever sought help, Sims tells Kensi that Ellie didn't stay with it.  She found it hard to take advice from anyone who wasn't a soldier.  She self-medicated – drugs, alcohol.  Noting that Sims never reported Ellie missing, he tells them he did in the past but she always would return.  He got tired of being "the boy who cried wolf."  Figuring Ellie would hit rock bottom at some point, Sims thought they could start over or she would kill herself.  He didn't know how to help her.  Deeks asks if she had any enemies – "only the ones inside her."
In the boat shed, Sam is meeting with the DEA Liaison – Talia.  She tells Sam that the drug cartels' operations are becoming increasingly sophisticated, including advanced encryption.  Ellie Sims was with the DEA Task Force because of her code breaking skills.  It was a desk job – she did not go into the field and all her work was done after the DEA made arrests.  Talia liked Ellie and thought she was talented but Ellie was so far away from DEA field operations that her death probably has nothing to do with the agency
Callen arrives, happy to see Talia.  She's been busy working south of the border – even had to miss Kensi and Deeks's wedding.  Did see the wedding video though and some of "are we calling it Sam's dance moves?"  Talia promises to keep her eyes opened but she doesn't believe Ellie was killed because of her DEA work.
Sam is not happy Callen is back to work.  They agreed he'd take a week off to relax.  Callen assures Sam he is relaxed.  Sam thinks more damaged than relaxed.  Nell pops up on the big TV screen.  She too is surprised to see Callen because he was supposed to be taking a few days off.  "See, even the kids are worried," Sam says.  
A preliminary autopsy on Sims shows her teeth and fingertips were removed, ligature marks and electrical burns happened before her death and dismemberment.  Knowing Sims was tortured, Callen and Sam agree – this was a professional killing.
Stating anyone could dump a body, Kensi thinks the difference here was the torture of Ellie Sims.  Deeks brings up that Calvin Sims was a Marine, maybe he was exposed to "advanced interrogation techniques."  Kensi doubts it – Sims was heartbroken.  "Why, because she's dead or because we found the body?" Deeks asks.  Kensi doesn't like that idea.  Deeks thinks Sims may have wanted revenge for an affair.  Kensi jokes about Deeks reminding her not to have an affair.  He does.  Turning around, she asks if he would torture her.  He would not, he'd cry with his heart breaking into a thousand pieces before "curling up a fetal position for like, ever."  Kensi can't believe he made a horrible moment into something romantic.  
Nell arrives.  Looking through some of the encrypted texts, Nell spotted several Ellie flagged as conversations between ISIS operatives in Syria to people in the US.  Deeks asks about the drug cartels and that's why Ellie flagged them.  The texts were identified by a computer and Ellie recognized the encryption as belonging to ISIS fighters.  None of these texts were sent to the DEA or any other government agency.
Believing these texts were likely classified when Ellie decoded them, Kensi asks if she had a supervisor.  Sgt. Michael Baird was Ellie's boss but his correspondence with the DEA doesn't include any mentions of ISIS.  With ISIS not having a foothold in the US, correspondence like this would have all law enforcement and intelligence agencies on high alert.   Baird's day job is as a foreman at a lumber yard – Nell sent the address to both Kensi's and Deeks's phones.  Deeks asks Nell to have Callen and Sam meet them at the lumber yard.
Kensi and Deeks find Baird as soon as they walked into the lumber yard's office.  He asks about Sims – "have they found her?"  Baird met Sims while he was working with the border patrol and she was with the National Guard.  He was a liaison between the two when he and Ellie were added to the DEA task force.  He'd would ID suspects from photographs and transcribe wiretaps while Ellie would decode texts.  
Deeks asks about the ISIS texts Ellie found – "at least she thought she did," Baird answers.  Pushed, Baird says Ellie had issues and that coming home can be hard.  Drug and alcohol problems, a troubled marriage had Baird thinking she was making up the ISIS involvement.  She was looking for a fight – "punching ghosts."  Baird assured them, it was all made up.  
Ellie got angry when Baird asked to see the texts.  He let her vent and then apologized – he was on her side.  Ellie told Baird to forget what she said about ISIS, she made a mistake, there was nothing there.  Deciding to have a second cryptologist look at Ellie's work, Baird found it deleted from the computer.  Getting teary-eyed, Baird is concerned he shamed Ellie into killing herself.  Asked if anyone would want to hurt Ellie, Baird is stunned her death wasn't a suicide.  
Listening on comms outside of the offices, Callen can't believe ISIS is making a move to the US.  They are having a hard time keep up with the territory they control.  Sam mentions some of the ISIS brides returning to the US – maybe Ellie found communications between them – "nothing nefarious, just family stuff."  Callen wonders if the brides are operatives.   Sam asks Eric to track down any ISIS-US communications. They want to not only see the communications but see the content.  Ellie may not be wrong.
Drinking and self-medicating – Kensi sadly thinks that is not all that uncommon.  Deeks thinks there is a big difference between that making up terrorist threats to the US.  Kensi believes Baird.  Sam thinks Baird could be a good liar.  Even if Ellie was right, Deeks asks why was she tortured?  Kensi sees Baird get into his SUV.  He was either spooked or upset over Ellie's death. Callen and Sam are following Baird, Kensi and Deeks are going back to the office.
At Baird''s home, which he shares with wife Olivia, Callen asks Eric for background on Baird's military history.  Any discipline incidents?  No – clean record, high evaluation marks.  Sam wants a second chance to talk to Baird.
Going to the Baird home, Callen and Sam talk to his wife who says her husband is at work.  Callen and Sam show Olivia Baird her husband's SUV in the driveway.  Claiming she was doing laundry, "I must not have heard him."  Callen and Sam get themselves invited in just in time to hear the backdoor slam. Checking in the backyard, Callen and Sam find a shed.  Asking to speak to Baird, Callen and Sam watch the shed explode.
Kensi and Deeks spoke to a "shell shocked" Olivia Baird, who was now speaking to LAPD.  The bomb squad told Callen and Sam there was a pre-wired explosive in the house.  Kensi asks if Baird detonated it or if it was blown up by remote.   Sam thinks that's what they have to find out.  Callen wants Kensi and Deeks to speak to Olivia Baird – she may know something that could help.
Speaking to Oliva Baird in her dining room, Deeks asks why her husband would have explosives in his work shed.  Oliva wants to know about leads – she believes he was murdered.  Kensi tells Olivia there is no evidence, "as of now", that an outsider detonated the bomb.  Michael did this. Olivia can't believe it.
Looking at what's left of the shed, Callen thinks if Baird killed Ellie Sims, blowing up the shed could have been his exit plan.  Sam finds a piece of a detonation cord spool.  Those can only be purchased with a permit.  Without having a permit, Callen and Sam have to figure out how Baird wound up with one is his shed.
Nell is able to trace the det-cord – it was stolen from an underwater demolition company in San Diego.  Three months after the theft, a Skip Matteson quit.  This is notable since Matteson and Baird spoke on the phone a month ago.  Callen and Sam pull up to Mattson's house – he's working on his car in the driveway – while Nell is going to keep digging.
As soon as Mattson hears Sam say "we're federal agents", he ran – a delightful change from the usual shooting that ensues after a "federal agents" announcement.  Once in Matteson's house, however, shooting ensues.  In the kitchen, Sam exchanges fire with Matteson who moves deeper into the house.  Callen joins the shooting fun in the living room.  Matteson leaves the house only to be shot by Sam near the inground pool.
Looking around Matteson's home, Callen finds a computer with videogame wallpaper.  Near the computer is a printed map of Naval Base Point Loma in San Diego – the home a submarine station for the Navy.
Returning to the office, Kensi and Deeks are given an update by Nell.  Baird may be an ISIS sympathizer who was recruited by Skip Matteson.  Deeks thinks the case "just got real" because ISIS sympathizers just killed a National Guardsman.  When Nell wonders if Baird's wife Oliva knew anything, Kensi and Deeks decide to question her.
With Eric in Matteson's house, Callen and Sam are told Matteson's computer was a dedicated gaming PC with plenty of memory and storage – which impresses Eric.  There is no browser history, just Viking War Blood.  It is an MMOG according to Sam – a massively multi-player online game.  A stunned Callen looks at Sam.  Aiden was into Viking War Blood – Sam got him a computer for it.
Matteson played every night with his team.  Sam asks if Eric can ID his teammates.  Usernames are easy to find – tracing them to real people could take some time.  Callen asks about tracing location – that's fairly easy.  Logging into Matteson's game, Eric finds he only has two other teammates.  Viking War Blood Is best played with a dozen or so participants.  The IP Addresses of Matteson's teammates catch the men's attention – the USS Allegiance.  Callen recaps – an ISIS sympathizer is in near constant contact with Navy personnel stations on the largest aircraft carrier in the US Fleet.  Sam is worried that an attack on the Allegiance would make the attack on the USS Cole look "insignificant'.
Asking Nell to warn the SecNav that all branches of the military may have been breached using Viking War Blood, Callen walks into Ops as Eric is updating NCIS Agent Afloat Brian Lee about Matteson's interactions with someone on the Allegiance.  Lee is on the Allegiance.  With the new information, Lee wants to review some incidents that happened on the ship recently.  He cannot investigate the 5,000 plus members of the Navy on the vessel as well as reviewing past cases.  Sam tells Lee that he and Callen are on their way to the Allegiance.  Callen adds that Eric and Nell are available for any intelligence assistance Lee needs.
As Callen and Sam start to pack up their computers in the bullpen, Kensi finishes a call with Baird's commanding officer.  When Ellie Sims disappeared, Baird was doing his annual two-weeks of service with the Guard.  If Baird didn't kill Sims, Sam wonders why he blew himself up.  Kensi thinks he's part of the plot.  Someone tortured and murdered Ellie Sims – Deeks wants another shot at the husband.  Kensi doesn't – "he seemed really devastated by her death." As Callen and Sam depart, Deeks asks to drive to HellCat.  That’s a hell no.
Looking at the case again, Eric says Ellie Sims find the encrypted ISIS communication. It disappears just as she does.  Nell's phone ring.  Eric keeps talking about Baird being out of town when Sims disappears.  "What did he not want us to find?" Eric asks as Nell asks Sydney about complications.  Sydney is crying.  Getting nowhere with her sister, Nell asks Sydney to have their Dad call.  Ending the call, Nell tells Eric that Sydney found her mother unresponsive earlier today and isn't providing any more information.  Eric tells Nell to go to her family – they need her.  While Nell is worried she's abandoning her post, Eric assures her the team has it covered and hell call for back-up.  With Fatima on assignment, Nell asks who can work with him?  Assured Eric will be fine, Nell leaves after the two share "I love yous".
The Baird house is dark and Olivia is not answering her phone. Deeks finds this all hinky.  Kensi finds the word hinky to be hinky and "juvi".  "Welcome to married life," Deeks tells her.  He also wonders why the terrorists are going after a military target.  Symbolism is Kensi's thought.  Noting that ISIS has suffered setbacks in recent months, they suddenly have resources for an operation in the US.  If a failing terrorist organization is losing ground, why would they risk failure for the sake of symbolism.  Even if they were successful, even if terrorists sunk an entire US Naval vessel, it would not have the impact of the attack on the World Trade Center.  Civilians, Deeks says, detach themselves from attacks on military targets.
With the explosives NCIS knows the terrorists have, if it wasn't for Ellie Sims's death, nobody would be investigating possible attacks.  This plan may have been going on for weeks, months, years.  "What are they waiting for?"  A long-term plan like this where they terror group has infiltrated two branches of the armed services.  Kensi understands where Deeks is going – this is espionage, not a random terror cell.  
Eric calls Deeks – he wasn't able to track Olivia Baird's cellphone.  Looking at her cellphone records, however, Eric finds – "holy crap burgers" – phone calls with Pavel Volkoff.  This is a Russian-sanctioned state operation.
In the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Yemen, a helicopter is landing on the Allegiance – a large aircraft carrier with a lot of smaller ships and helicopters in the air.  Callen and Sam are told to keep their heads low as the exit the chopper.  As it flies off, a Navy fighter jet lands.  With the theme song to JAG playing in the background, Harmon Rabb Jr. leaves the jet and greets Callen and Sam.  Seeing members of the crew scrambling around, Harm tells Callen and Sam there is a man overboard.  Sam asks if Brian Lee is involved in the search.  No, Lee is the subject of the search.
Kensi and Deeks arrive in the office early the next morning.  Eric is sound asleep on the couch in the lounge area off the bullpen.  He is cuddling his tablet which has a picture of a teddy bear.  With the 12-hour time difference between the Allegiance and LA, it was better if Eric stayed in the office.  Deeks suggests Eric go home – they'll work with Nell.  Eric gives them the bad news about Nell's mom.
There has been no update on Agent Lee – he's been missing for 24-hours.   With the warm water in the Gulf of Aden, Kensi believes he could still be alive.  No update on Olivia Baird's location either.  There was just the one call to Volkoff on her cellphone.  She could have contacted him other ways but the cell phone had just the one call.
A background on Baird has her as a Canadian, born Olivia Langdon.  Her family moved to the US in 1994 and they all became citizens.  They also became Bairds – the family changed their names.  Eric is checking with Canadian authorities to confirm all the background data.  Recently married Kensi Blye thinks it is odd Olivia Baird married a man with the same last name.  She did not – Olivia Baird married Mairbek Anzarov of Grozny.  When Anzarov was born, Grozny was still part of the old Soviet Union, now it is Chechnya.  He changed his name when they married.  Asked what Olivia Baird does for a living, Eric tells Deeks she is a producer but she hasn't produced anything.  Rogers is getting them a FISA warrant for Olivia Baird.
In Lee's room, Callen and Sam are reviewing Lee's cases and looking at his laptop – nothing.  Sam wants Eric to review the laptop – see if there are any secret files.  Harm joins them. Saying they run a tight ship, Harm tells Callen and Sam there haven't been any real problems with the crew.  With a missing Agent Afloat and two crew members talking with ISIS sympathizers, Callen isn't so sure.  Harm takes the safety and the security of the ship seriously and if there were problems, Agent Lee never spoke to him about them.  Sam doesn't think Lee knew about the communications with ISIS. Using the gaming platform, Callen realizes that Eric could join the conversation. Harm wants the ISIS sympathizers found and will do anything he can to help Callen and Sam.  Sam gives Harm an "aye-aye" before telling Callen old habits die hard.
Just as Harm is about to leave, a PA announcement asks the XO – Harm – to contact the bridge.  When Harm calls the bridge, another PA announcement is made, "Recovery Team is in place."  Harm is going to the hospital bay – Agent Lee has been found.
Kensi is having a hard time picking the lock to Olivia Baird's office.   Deeks tries force the door open and fails.  Actually hurts his shoulder.  Kensi succeeds at opening the lock.  Inside Baird's office has been cleaned out.  
Lee is dead.  Commander Quinn, the ship's chief medical officer, can't say anything until is an autopsy but she is pretty sure Lee was dead before he hit the water.  Lee was stabbed six times – two punched both lungs, two others punctured his kidneys and two stab wounds to the groin where one missed anything major but the other hit his femoral artery.  There is a lot of blood involved with those wounds – blood Sam believes someone killed up.  "Captain," Callen tells Harm, "you have a killer on your ship."
What head canon can be formed from here: As much as it pains me to say this, it was a little thrilling to see Harm and hear the JAG theme as he greeted Callen and Sam.
Episode number:  Part one of three, episode 23 of season ten and episode 239.  JAG had 227 (226 aired - the final NBC episode did not) so this may or may not be episode 228.
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