#c: Jacob
ofescapisms · 4 months
@thirtecnth Sandra wasn’t sure why she was doing this, maybe she felt like going about it this way would absolve her of her sinful thoughts somehow? Either way, she felt a need to confide in someone, and her usual confidant happened to be Jacob. She entered the church made her way to the confessional, entering the public’s door and taking a seat, grateful for the divider between them that would obscure how red her face was at the moment. She cleared her throat and tried to speak clearly. “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned…” she took a deep breath before continuing. “I have had frequent thoughts about kissing a man who isn’t available…in that way,” she admitted, clenching her hands shut to get through her words.
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dckotajchnson · 4 months
Okay, so I recently watched Saltburn and what a ride! I hadn't seen it and every one of my friends was talking about it, and I felt like Joey from Friends, not knowing what the hell they were talking about. But holy shit, now I know what they meant. Did you have fun filming it? And yes, I'm lame for watching it until now, but hey better late than never right? What's up, J? What's new with you? / @elordijacobs
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doncalma · 1 year
Benito 📱 Jake
Benito: Hi, Jakey!
Benito: I heard what happened through the news and I figured I'd send you a quick message even though I know you cannot read it right now. I hope that you get better, and know that no matter what happens I'll be there for you! I'll find out who did this to you, and deal with them myself. Don't you worry about it at all.
Benito: I don't believe these police officers are competent enough to figure this out on their own, but don't you worry. I got a handful of people working on it.
Benito: I really wanted to come by and see you, but I know you're probably surrounded by really good closed friends and it's really their place to be there. Just know that you are and will continue to be in my mind at all times. I won't rest until someone pays.
Benito: Oh, and don't you worry about your car. I'll take care of it for you.
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xwesley · 1 year
closed starter for @jacobsuh a hit is taken from his joint, laying on his comfortable, california king sized bed, staring up at the blue, glow in the dark stars scattered on his ceiling as the french male feels his head get foggy. ❝do you think,❞ another hit is taken, ❝that aliens know about us?❞ he questions, genuinely wondering, biggest idiot award goes to him, obviously. ❝most importantly, if they did, do you think they like us?❞ jesus christ, wesley.
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elijahxkohkarga · 2 years
location: Club Envy Halloween Party closed for: @jacobxparker
Despite the music and the lights and the costumes, Eli could tell that there was a subtle air of unease in the building. Whether it be the glances he caught other people giving over their shoulders or the way the bartender was constantly scanning the crowd, it seemed impossible to forget that despite the arrest of one killer, there was still one loose. He sighed quietly to himself, his easy face slipping for a split second as flashes from his examination of the bodies played in his head. He shook them from his head, though. No, this was a party. For one night, there were no thoughts of bodies or kidnappings or insane people. 
Or, at least, that’s what he thought. “Man, I hope we don’t get kidnapped,” he heard a voice say from behind him, with a laugh attached. Elijah turned his head, his eyes resting on two guys just feet away from him, people he wasn’t sure he’d ever met before in his life. “I mean, the mayor and the police are so fucking useless, who the fuck knows what could happen tonight”. Elijah pushed himself from the bar, rounding on the two of them. “Hey, cope how you want, but that’s not funny. Knock it off.” 
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silvcrignis · 2 years
Hi, I’m Jacob & I’m not having any fun anymore. -Jacob Black (a whole mood)
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downthecove · 1 year
@salvatcrechild asked: 15MM for edward
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the forest was quickly becoming their place, but edward didn't think that it was going to lead to this. they found an abandoned cabin deep in the woods with a couple of benches outside and everything. after fighting with his own self control, he finally gave in and let jacob have whatever it was that he wanted. "you know i have to control myself around you." his left hand moved over, gripping onto the man's right ass cheek. "but you just feel so good right now." a soft groan escaped edward's throat as he thrusted his hips back and forth. he squeezed jacob's cheek again after pushing himself as forward as he could, filling the man up. "is this what you want?"
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this-is-a-mess-101 · 2 years
I thought I recognized Lestat's robe in this scene
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And it matches with this robe from (gay artist) J. C. Leyendecker's 1916 Arrow Collar Shirt ad
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And my art history nerd ass needs to know if that was on purpose or just a coincidence. But whatever it is, it's gay as fuck
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kyubinning · 2 years
Chapter Two
Every good love story starts in a grungey, dirty, gym. At least, every good love story revolving the Neon Medusa, anyway. 
Sangyeon meets Sunwoo early on a Saturday morning, right as the sun rises in through the windows through the gym. The gym had just recently opened--bright and early at six am when Jacob requires Sangyeon to be at the gym to spar--and Sangyeon was the first to enter. He sets his duffel bag down by one of the punching bags, rummaging through it to find his wraps. The sounds of fists colliding with punching bags fills his ears. 
A rather ordinary day, if Sangyeon were honest. 
If it weren’t for the fact that there was an attractive stranger that caught his eye. Of course, he wasn’t privy to the fact that said attractive stranger was Kim Sunwoo, the man he was meant to pummel into the ground not even four days after their meeting. All Sangyeon could register is the fact that this stranger was one, attractive, and two, extremely light on his feet. He wonders about this stranger--wants to know what he’s doing here, what his name is, and if he’s single. 
Is Sangyeon curious about the guy? Yes. He doesn’t look like the type of guy who’d box. Dance maybe, but box? No way. 
“Hey,” Jacob says, putting on his sparring gloves. He watches as Sangyeon stares at the guy on ropes, going through his reps. He sighs, going straight up to Sangyeon and whacking him hard on the head with his glove. “Pay attention, hyung,” Jacob continues, “Put your game face on, we’ve got four days.” 
“Ow, fuck, Cob,” Sangyeon says, “What was that for?” 
“Lack of attention,” Jacob replies simply, “If I were your opponent, I would have bashed your head in by this point. Your lack of attention would have given me a chance to take you down, you’ve gotta be focused.”
“Right,” Sangyeon answers. He shakes his head a little bit, getting into position. He’s careful of his fucked up knee. Injury is common in underground fighting--if you’re not hurt you’re doing it all wrong seems to be the motto of the entire underground ring at this point. Bruises and cuts are often the main perpetrators of underground fighting injuries, but once in a while you get people who fight not for the money, but to hurt someone so badly that they probably won’t recover--that’s when you get the snapped bones and the injuries that cause fighters to lose their ability to fight in the ring, no matter how much they want to. 
Sangyeon hasn’t had one of those yet surprisingly. He’s thought by now he’d have dealt with a person like that, a person who wanted to beat him half to death because they could, but everything has been surprisingly tame up to this point. Still, even with the knowledge that the next fight might not be so tame, Sangyeon continues to stare at the pretty guy in the corner--the one Sangyeon hopes he sees around here more. He’s transfixed on his eyes, the only part of his face that he can see with a mask covering the rest of it. “Who were you even looking at, hyung?” Jacob says with a click of his tongue. 
“No one. Let’s just go.” 
“Was it him?” Jacob asks quietly, pulling off a focus mitt and pointing between the punching bags. There’s a man with a buzz cut sweating onto the mats.  He punches the bag with full force, causing it to swing wildly before he stops it. There’s rage in that guy’s eyes, concerning rage that Sangyeon didn’t want to get involved in.  That’s not the guy Sangyeon was looking at. 
Not to be rude, but there was no beauty to that guy.
“No one. Come on, Cob.” 
“Ooh, how about him?” Jacob points to someone else. “He’s really pretty.” 
“Shut it.” Sangyeon reaches forward to knock Jacob in the shoulder with half his strength, bruised knuckles stinging slightly. He can’t help but wince just a bit as his knuckles make contact with the solid bone of Jacob’s shoulder, shaking the pain from his  knuckles as he shakes his hand before balling them back up into fists. “You called me here to train,” he continues, “You’re wasting time.” 
“Excuse me? I’m not the one with wandering eyes, hyung,” Jacob says. He raises the mitt toward the top of his head, where Sangyeon makes solid contact with it. Jacob nods. “I was just trying to figure out whether or not who you were staring at would beat the absolute shit out of you right where you stood, that’s all.”
“Okay, my eyes were not wandering--” Sangyeon replies, dodging Jacob’s attempt to hit him with a right hook. 
“Yes they were,” Jacob says, painfully grazing the barely healed wound on his earlobe.. Jacob cements his stance into the ground, eyes staring deadly at him, and Sangyeon knows he’s getting serious as he raises his hands as targets. “But anyway. Jab.”
Sangyeon scowls, jabbing the mitt with his left hand. He’s more than careful to focus on Jacob just enough to dodge his blows, but his eyes wander over Jacob’s shoulder from time to time when he gets the chance to. The pretty guy from before just stands in the corner of the room, wrapping his hands with his red wraps. He wonders if he’s ever going to see how hard that guy can punch, but briefly shrugs it off when Jacob’s mitt comes towards his head---one that he has to duck underneath for it to avoid hitting him in one of his scabbed over injuries from the last fight. 
The guy is built of tense muscle, skin stretched thin over sharp bones. His body is taut like a fighter as he moves, beautiful so. Sangyeon wonders if he’s new here. He’s never seen him around before---certain that with a face like his he’d be instantly recognizable in Sangyeon’s brain--not this early anyway, so he stares. Stares a lot, actually.
Sue him, you don’t get a lot of new faces to look at in the boxing ring, especially not new beautiful faces. 
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idkwatthehec · 6 months
Yall I just realized something.
So you all know about how Eret’s planned ending was the reveal that the Dsmp was actually like a weird sort of time loop thing and that’s why Karl’s Tales were always so similar.
Do you guys remember the underwater city. Where all the main people of the smp had a room. Everyone except one person.
Wilbur didn’t have a room.
Wilbur left the smp before the nuke.
And that’s why he never ever appeared in a Tales. Not once.
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ofescapisms · 5 months
Ruby stepped into the chapel and looked around, walking quietly inside. “Hello?” she called out until she finally spotted him and walked over to where he was. “Jacob? Hi, I’m Ruby, Emrys’ sister?” she introduced herself a bit awkwardly. She had never really been one to be very social, so there were plenty of residents she still didn’t know that well. “I heard you were looking out for him and I just…I’m worried about him,” she sighed.
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derangedrhythms · 9 months
Between the heart and the tongue lies an abyss [...]
Olga Tokarczuk, The Books of Jacob, tr. Jennifer Croft
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diioonysus · 9 months
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art + hair pieces
#orientatalin by edouard frederic wilhelm richter#cant find this one#this one either its tougher than you think to reverse search them#portrait of josephine de beauharnais by francois gerard#the marquise de seignelay and two of her sons by pierre mignard#infantin isabella clara eugenia at age 13 by alonso sanchez coello#grand duchess alexandra pavlovna romanova of russia but i cant find the artist#marie frederike amalie queen of greece by joseph karl stieler#empress josephine by jean louis viger#queen anna of hungary and bohemia by hans maler#elisabeth of austria by jooris van der straaten#anne wortley by paul van somer#manuela gonzalez velazquez tocando el piano by zacarias gonzalez velazquez#adelingen by heinrich friederich fuger#the unequal marriage by vasili pukirev#idealised portrait of a young women as flora by bartolomeo veneto#a portrait of a noble lady by jan adam kruseman#changing the letter by joseph edward southall#lorelei by james c christensen#the crucifixion by jacob cornelisz van oostsanen#saint dorothy i think this is the title its kinda confusing by i cant find the artist#saint barbara by ambrosius benson#virgin mary by hubert van eyck and jan van eyck#princess maria alexandrovna by ivan makarov#ladies in the blazon room of the winter palace by adolphe ladurner#queen marie therese and her son by charles beaubrun#boyar's wife by konstantin yegorovich#dont know the title but its by barthel bruyn the elder#queen isabella ii of spain by unknown artist#portrait of maria therese charlotte of france by antoine-jean gros
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corrodedcarpals · 1 year
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watch your back.
jacob belongs to carnivorekitty
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misty-doodles · 2 months
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Karlnapity content for the win
They're Quackity worshipers, actually.
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rozugold · 1 month
uhm doodle uhm……… karlnapity mayhap…..
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They’re getting ready for a date!!
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