#c: effie the alchemist
Writing Excerpt: Enna's Prequel
In honor of the 2/3s winner of the poll I made last night, here's something I wrote last week.
(The winner was ''Anne gets rescued by a group of assorted sapphic women'')
Word Count: 1,227 Tw/cw: Blood/human sacrifice, murder, referenced death, the protaganist being afraid that someone close to them might die, fighting, weapons, blood. I think that's it, let me know if I missed anything else. Context: Anne got kidnapped by a necromancer (Eleanor) who wants to use her (and enna) as the sacrifice(s) to kickstart a summoning ritual. She wants to use them because of who their dad is (loosely an angel (if you know d&d they're assimar)) and the magic that gives them. This is the scene of Effie, Enna, Thea, and Lauralei all going to rescue her, because none of them want her dead or an eldritch being trying to kill them all. Effie is Anne's girlfriend/partner/future wife, Lauralei & Thea are her friends, & Enna is her twin sister.
At the bottom of four layers of catacombs was a secret trapdoor, guarded by a man named Barnabus. Now, he was dead. Enna pushed the door open and descended down the flight of stairs beyond it. She wasn’t expecting what was at their bottom.
In the center of the room was a carved stone circle. It was detailed with hundreds, if not thousands, of symbols and phrases that Enna could never hope to understand. At one side of it, placing half melted candles into worn grooves, was an auburn haired woman. She was taller than Enna by at least a foot and everything about her screamed two things. She was a necromancer, and she was rich.
Her dress was ebony black and made of fine, heavy cloth. It was the kind of fabric that it would cost a hundred gold just to get wax out of, but here she stood, wax dripping past her skirt. Her hair was braided into a crown, and at the top there was a hair comb. It had a blood red ruby in its center, and the rest of it was gold. Her make up was flawless, and her skin the color of clouds.
Chained against the wall was a woman who could have been Enna herself. She was small; slightly built to begin with and months of near starvation having taken their toll. Her hair was limp, her cheeks hollow and her eyes half closed. Her ankles and both her wrists were shackled, and one arm was bent in a way that no one’s should be. The only thing that told her Anne was alive was the twin pulse beating alongside her own and the slow rise and fall of her chest.
“Oh, excellent, you’ve made it just in time for the main spectacle,” she said, her voice filled with a malice that contained far too much glee for Enna to be comfortable with. Her voice was smooth—like velvet. “I would so hate for you to miss it,” Eleanor continued.
“What are you doing to her,” demanded Enna, feeling a short figure push against her back and knowing that Effie was behind her on the stairs.
“Oh,” laughed Eleanor, “Nothing I wouldn’t do to you. I was hoping I would get to kill all three of you, but,” —and here her voice took on a darker turn— “Zenderian killed the boy before I got the chance. Pity, that, but no matter. The two of you combined will be plenty strong enough for what is needed. Who knows, there might even be leftovers!” She giggled.
Enna let the arrow fly.
The giggling cut off abruptly. Suspended in the air in front of Eleanor’s throat was the arrow. It floated in space, bobbing gently in a nonexistent breeze. She reached up and plucked it out of the air like she was plucking a raspberry off a bush. “A steel tipped arrow. How… quaint.” Her lip curled, and she flung it to one side. It clattered against the flagstones.
Effie moved to Enna’s side, where she had a clear view of the room. She drew a vial from her belt, and hefted it in her hand as if to chuck it at Eleanor. Then she looked at Anne, and how close the two women were, and she lowered it.
“That’s right, little gnome. Just surrender now, and everything will be perfectly fine.”
“No! It won’t be! It isn't! You’re trying to kill my partner, who I love very much and would like to not be sacrificed for the birth of an eldritch demon.”
Eleanor stood to her full height as Effie withdrew a small crossbow from her back and two more figures moved past Enna to flank her and Effie. She drew a long and wickedly curved knife from her belt. It’s handle was worn, and the iron blade was sharp enough to gleam in the half-light.
“Oh, darling,” she purred. “Birth? No, this is just waking them up. They’ve existed for a long, long time.” She raised the knife behind her.
Effie hissed. “Fuck. You.” She pulled the trigger on the crossbow, watching as a pair of bolts fired straight for her.
Sure, she couldn’t use her potions. But that didn’t mean Effie was defenseless. She was a damn sight with a crossbow, and this one she had modified herself. The bolts weren’t steel, not completely. Copper did not, as a rule, mix particularly well with magic. It was practically impervious to it, which made it a very good weapon against spellcasters. In this case, necromancers.
Effie’s bolts shot, one and then another, cutting Eleanor off mid monologue. The first missed. It landed in the mortar of the wall behind Eleanor. The other didn’t. It flew straight into her upper arm and buried itself there. Eleanor screeched, and raised the knife with her uninjured arm. With the point she drew a careful line down Anne’s chest. The cut was shallow; about six inches long. It began at her throat. Blood began to bead along the edges, and slowly drip into the carvings below. It began to spread out in the carved circle. Eleanor began to smile. It was cold, and cruel, and the most terrifying thing Enna had ever seen in her life.
She didn’t know what scarred her more: Eleanor’s smile, or the fact that Anne didn’t react to the cut at all. The only sound she made was the slow ‘huff’ of her breathing, barely audible over the noise. At the same time, footsteps all at once began in the corridor to the left and immediately got louder. Temerity and Geir emerged from the archway. They were both armed to the teeth.
“Fuck,” said Lauralei, eloquently.
“You three deal with them,” said Thea. “I’ll get Anne.”
They nodded. Enna looked at Lauralei. “Make her feel it, will you?”
“Oh, she will,” said Lauralei grimly.
Just like that, the battle began. Enna dropped her bow and drew two of her daggers. She locked eyes with Temerity. The assassin drew her own blades.
“Fair fight?” she offered.
“Fair fight. No magic.”
“No bows,” countered Temerity. The two women circled each other.
“Fine. Three knives?”
“Don’t press your luck, Enna.”
“Alright. No bow, no magic. Agreed?”
“No magic, no bow,” said Temerity, and made the first move.
We must here pause in our narrative to clarify three things. One (1): Temerity was first and foremost an assassin. Her targets never saw her coming. Having one who could was throwing her off. That didn’t mean she was a shoddy fighter in the open—quite the opposite, in fact—but it did mean that just for the next few seconds, Enna had the upper hand.
Two (2): Temerity fought dirty.
Three (3): So did Enna.
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redbookpanda · 7 years
100 books - German edition
Thanks to @lizziethereader for the tag! :)
After going through the BBCs list of the 100 books I thought it was only fair to look at the German version. The project “Das große Lesen” was led by the German public-service TV station ZDF in 2004. They preselected a list of books and then asked 250,000 German readers which books they would classify as bestsellers/important books one should have read.
Here is the list. Bold the ones you’ve read or italic the ones on your reading list. (P.S. Feel free to add the English title if I didn’t find it and marked it as “not translated”)
JRR Tolkien - Der Herr der Ringe / The lord of the rings Die Bibel / the Bible K. Follett - Die Säulen der Erde / The pillars of the earth P. Süskind - Das Parfum / The perfume A. de Saint-Exupéry - Der kleine Prinz / The little prince T. Mann – Buddenbrooks / Buddenbrooks N. Gordon - Der Medicus / The physician P. Coelho - Der Alchimist / The alchemist JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen / Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone D. W. Cross - Die Päpstin / Pope Joan C. Funke - Tintenherz / Inkheart D. Gabaldon - Feuer und Stein / The outlander I. Allende - Das Geisterhaus / The house of spirits B. Schlink - Der Vorleser / the reader JW von Goethe - Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil / Faust. Part one CR Zafón - Der Schatten des Windes / The shadow of the wind J. Austen - Stolz und Vorurteil / Pride and prejudice U. Eco  - Der Name der Rose / The name of the rose D. Brown - Illuminati / Angels & demons T. Fontane - Effi Briest / Effi Briest JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix / Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix T. Mann - Der Zauberberg / The magic mountain M. Mitchell - Vom Winde verweht / Gone with the wind H. Hesse – Siddharta / Siddharta H. Mulisch - Die Entdeckung des Himmels / The discovery of heaven M. Ende - Die unendliche Geschichte / The neverending story U. Hahn - Das verborgene Wort / not translated? F. McCourt - Die Asche meiner Mutter / Angela’s ashes H. Hesse - Narziss und Goldmund / Narcissus and Goldmund M. Zimmer Bradley - Die Nebel von Avalon / The mists of Avalon S. Lenz – Deutschstunde / The German lesson S. Márai - Die Glut / Embers M. Frisch - Homo faber / Homo faber S. Nadolny - Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit / The discovery of slowness M. Kundera - Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins / The unbearable lightness of being G. Garcia Márquez - Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit / One houndred years of solitude J. Irving - Owen Meany / A prayer for Owen Meany J. Gaarder - Sofies Welt / Sophie’s world D. Adams - Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis / The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy M. Haushofer - Die Wand / The wall J. Irving - Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag / The cider house rules G. Garcia Márquez - Die Liebe in den Zeiten der Cholera / Love in the time of cholera T. Fontane - Der Stechlin / Der Stechling H. Hesse - Der Steppenwolf / Steppenwolf H. Lee - Wer die Nachtigal stört / To kill a mockingbird T. Mann - Joseph und seine Brüder / Joseph and his brothers E. Strittmatter - Der Laden / not translated? G. Grass - Die Blechtrommel / The tin drum E. M. Remarque - Im Westen nichts Neues / All quiet on the western front F. Schätzing - Der Schwarm / The swarm N. Sparks - Wie ein einziger Tag / The notebook JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban / Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban M. Ende – Momo / Momo (The grey gentlemen) U. Johnson - Jahrestage / Anniversaries. From the Life of Gesine Cresspahl M. Morgan – Traumfänger / Mutant message down under J. D. Salinger -  Der Fänger im Roggen / The catcher in the rye D. Brown – Sakrileg / The da Vinci code O. Preußler – Krabat / Krabat A. Lindgren - Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking W. Dirie – Wüstenblume / Desert flower S. Tamaro - Geh, wohin dein Herz dich trägt / not translated? M. Fredriksson - Hannas Töchter / Hanna’s daughters H. Mankell – Mittsommermord / One step behind H. Mankell - Die Rückkehr des Tanzlehrers / The return of the dancing master J. Irving - Das Hotel New Hampshire / The hotel New Hampshire L. Tolstoi - Krieg und Frieden / War and peace H. Hesse - Das Glasperlenspiel / The glass bead game R. Pilcher - Die Muschelsucher / The shell seekers JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch / Harry Potter and the goblet of fire A. Frank – Tagebuch / The diary of Anne Frank B. Groult - Salz auf unserer Haut / not translated? Original Les vaisseaux du cœur C. Brückner - Jauche und Levkojen / Manure and stock J. Franzen - Die Korrekturen / The corrections C. Hofmann - Die weiße Massai / not translated? S. Hustvedt - Was ich liebte / What I loved W. Moers - Die dreizehn Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär / The 13 ½ lives of Captain Bluebear R. Gablé - Das Lächeln der Fortuna / not translated? E.-E. Schmitt - Monsieur Ibrahim und die Blumen des Koran / Mr. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran K. May – Winnetou / Winnetou Annemarie Selinko – Désirée / Désirée S.Zweig - Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa J. Irving - Garp und wie er die Welt sah / The world according Garp E. Brontë - Die Sturmhöhe / Wuthering heights C. Ahern - P.S. Ich liebe Dich / P.S. I love you G. Orwell – 1984 / 1984 Ildiko von Kürthy – Mondscheintarif / Moonlight tariff I. Allende – Paula / Paula M. Levy - Solange du da bist / If only it where true J. M. Simmel - Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein / not translated? P. Coelho - Veronika beschließt zu sterben / Veronica decides to die H. Mankell - Der Chronist der Winde / Chronicler of the winds M. Bulgakow - Der Meister und Margarita / The master and magarita S. Zweig -  Schachnovelle / The royal game W. Kempowski - Tadellöser & Wolff / not translated? L. Tolstoi - Anna Karenina / Anna Karenina F. Dostojewski - Schuld und Sühne / Crime and punishment A. Dumas - Der Graf von Monte Christo / The count of Monte Christo T. Kinkel - Die Puppenspieler / not translated? C. Brontë - Jane Eyre / Jane Eyre B. Wood - Rote Sonne, schwarzes Land / Green city in the sun
...okay that was embarrassing.
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bibliophilecats · 7 years
100 books - German edition
After going through the BBCs list of the 100 books I thought it was only fair to look at the German version. The project “Das große Lesen” was led by the German public-service TV station ZDF in 2004. They preselected a list of books and then asked 250,000 German readers which books they would classify as bestsellers/important books one should have read.
Here is the list. Bold the ones you’ve read or italic the ones on your reading list. (P.S. Feel free to add the English title if I didn’t find it and marked it as “not translated”)
JRR Tolkien - Der Herr der Ringe / The lord of the rings Die Bibel / the Bible K. Follett - Die Säulen der Erde / The pillars of the earth P. Süskind - Das Parfum / The perfume A. de Saint-Exupéry - Der kleine Prinz / The little prince T. Mann – Buddenbrooks / Buddenbrooks N. Gordon - Der Medicus / The physician P. Coelho - Der Alchimist / The alchemist JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen / Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone D. W. Cross - Die Päpstin / Pope Joan C. Funke - Tintenherz / Inkheart D. Gabaldon - Feuer und Stein / The outlander I. Allende - Das Geisterhaus / The house of spirits B. Schlink - Der Vorleser / the reader JW von Goethe - Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil / Faust. Part one CR Zafón - Der Schatten des Windes / The shadow of the wind J. Austen - Stolz und Vorurteil / Pride and prejudice U. Eco  - Der Name der Rose / The name of the rose D. Brown - Illuminati / Angels & demons T. Fontane - Effi Briest / Effi Briest JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix / Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix T. Mann - Der Zauberberg / The magic mountain M. Mitchell - Vom Winde verweht / Gone with the wind H. Hesse – Siddharta / Siddharta H. Mulisch - Die Entdeckung des Himmels / The discovery of heaven M. Ende - Die unendliche Geschichte / The neverending story U. Hahn - Das verborgene Wort / not translated? F. McCourt - Die Asche meiner Mutter / Angela’s ashes H. Hesse - Narziss und Goldmund / Narcissus and Goldmund M. Zimmer Bradley - Die Nebel von Avalon / The mists of Avalon S. Lenz – Deutschstunde / The German lesson S. Márai - Die Glut / Embers M. Frisch - Homo faber / Homo faber S. Nadolny - Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit / The discovery of slowness M. Kundera - Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins / The unbearable lightness of being G. Garcia Márquez - Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit / One houndred years of solitude J. Irving - Owen Meany / A prayer for Owen Meany J. Gaarder - Sofies Welt / Sophie’s world D. Adams - Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis / The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy M. Haushofer - Die Wand / The wall J. Irving - Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag / The cider house rules G. Garcia Márquez - Die Liebe in den Zeiten der Cholera / Love in the time of cholera T. Fontane - Der Stechlin / Der Stechling H. Hesse - Der Steppenwolf / Steppenwolf H. Lee - Wer die Nachtigal stört / To kill a mockingbird T. Mann - Joseph und seine Brüder / Joseph and his brothers E. Strittmatter - Der Laden / not translated? G. Grass - Die Blechtrommel / The tin drum E. M. Remarque - Im Westen nichts Neues / All quiet on the western front F. Schätzing - Der Schwarm / The swarm N. Sparks - Wie ein einziger Tag / The notebook JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban / Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban M. Ende – Momo / Momo (The grey gentlemen) U. Johnson - Jahrestage / Anniversaries. From the Life of Gesine Cresspahl M. Morgan – Traumfänger / Mutant message down under J. D. Salinger -  Der Fänger im Roggen / The catcher in the rye D. Brown – Sakrileg / The da Vinci code O. Preußler – Krabat / Krabat A. Lindgren - Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking W. Dirie – Wüstenblume / Desert flower S. Tamaro - Geh, wohin dein Herz dich trägt / not translated? M. Fredriksson - Hannas Töchter / Hanna’s daughters H. Mankell – Mittsommermord / One step behind H. Mankell - Die Rückkehr des Tanzlehrers / The return of the dancing master J. Irving - Das Hotel New Hampshire / The hotel New Hampshire L. Tolstoi - Krieg und Frieden / War and peace H. Hesse - Das Glasperlenspiel / The glass bead game R. Pilcher - Die Muschelsucher / The shell seekers JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch / Harry Potter and the goblet of fire A. Frank – Tagebuch / The diary of Anne Frank B. Groult - Salz auf unserer Haut / not translated? Original Les vaisseaux du cœur C. Brückner - Jauche und Levkojen / Manure and stock J. Franzen - Die Korrekturen / The corrections C. Hofmann - Die weiße Massai / not translated? S. Hustvedt - Was ich liebte / What I loved W. Moers - Die dreizehn Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär / The 13 ½ lives of Captain Bluebear R. Gablé - Das Lächeln der Fortuna / not translated? E.-E. Schmitt - Monsieur Ibrahim und die Blumen des Koran / Mr. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran K. May – Winnetou / Winnetou Annemarie Selinko – Désirée / Désirée S.Zweig - Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa J. Irving - Garp und wie er die Welt sah / The world according Garp E. Brontë - Die Sturmhöhe / Wuthering heights C. Ahern - P.S. Ich liebe Dich / P.S. I love you G. Orwell – 1984 / 1984 Ildiko von Kürthy – Mondscheintarif / Moonlight tariff I. Allende – Paula / Paula M. Levy - Solange du da bist / If only it where true J. M. Simmel - Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein / not translated? P. Coelho - Veronika beschließt zu sterben / Veronica decides to die H. Mankell - Der Chronist der Winde / Chronicler of the winds M. Bulgakow - Der Meister und Margarita / The master and magarita S. Zweig -  Schachnovelle / The royal game W. Kempowski - Tadellöser & Wolff / not translated? L. Tolstoi - Anna Karenina / Anna Karenina F. Dostojewski - Schuld und Sühne / Crime and punishment A. Dumas - Der Graf von Monte Christo / The count of Monte Christo T. Kinkel - Die Puppenspieler / not translated? C. Brontë - Jane Eyre / Jane Eyre B. Wood - Rote Sonne, schwarzes Land / Green city in the sun
Total: 31 Honestly, I had expected it to be more. I know of most of these books (only about 5 I never even heard of), so when reading the titles they felt very familiar. But when looked at what I had actually read. Not so much. Anyway. It was fun. 
Now it’s your turn - if you want. I tag: @clockwork118 @flamingmirror @booksandteadaily @justlikejosephine @caffeinated-bibliophile @bookgrotto @the-reading-lemon @immzies-adventures-through-books @thevaliantlittletailorreads @lizziethereader @kat-from-minasmorgul @velutluna @totallynotabooknerd @teadrownbooks @indigoblueskye @myellenbee and everyone who wants to do this - I can edit you in :-)
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rhaill · 7 years
100 Books English/German
Saw this on @sorrel-ly‘s blog and thought HEY I LOVE THESE THINGS and also I’m a book...seller? I work in a book store so I ought to know my shit
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte Harry Potter series - JK Rowling To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee The Bible Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman Great Expectations - Charles Dickens Little Women - Louisa M Alcott Tess of the D’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy Catch 22 - Joseph Heller Complete Works of Shakespeare Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien Birdsong - Sebastian Faulk Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger Middlemarch - George Eliot Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald Bleak House - Charles Dickens War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy David Copperfield - Charles Dickens Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis Emma - Jane Austen Persuasion - Jane Austen The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini Captain Corelli’s Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne Animal Farm - George Orwell The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez A Prayer for Owen Meaney - John Irving The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery Far From The Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy. The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood Lord of the Flies - William Golding Atonement - Ian McEwan Life of Pi - Yann Martel Dune - Frank Herbert Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens Brave New World - Aldous Huxley The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon Love In The Time Of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov The Secret History - Donna Tartt The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas On The Road - Jack Kerouac Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy Bridget Jones’s Diary - Helen Fielding Midnight’s Children - Salman Rushdie Moby Dick - Herman Melville Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens Dracula - Bram Stoker The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett Notes From A Small Island - Bill Bryson Ulysses - James Joyce The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome Germinal - Emile Zola Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray Possession - AS Byatt. A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell The Color Purple - Alice Walker The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry Charlotte’s Web - EB White The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The Faraway Tree Collection - Enid Blyton Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks Watership Down - Richard Adams A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas Hamlet - William Shakespeare Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
15/100 read 7/100 to read
JRR Tolkien - Der Herr der Ringe / The Lord of the Rings Die Bibel / the Bible K. Follett - Die Säulen der Erde / The Pillars of the Earth P. Süskind - Das Parfum / The Perfume A. de Saint-Exupéry - Der kleine Prinz / The Little Prince T. Mann – Buddenbrooks / Buddenbrooks N. Gordon - Der Medicus / The Physician P. Coelho - Der Alchimist / The Alchemist JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen / Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone D. W. Cross - Die Päpstin / Pope Joan C. Funke - Tintenherz / Inkheart D. Gabaldon - Feuer und Stein / The Outlander I. Allende - Das Geisterhaus / The House of Spirits B. Schlink - Der Vorleser / The Reader JW von Goethe - Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil / Faust. Part one CR Zafón - Der Schatten des Windes / The Shadow of the Wind J. Austen - Stolz und Vorurteil / Pride and Prejudice U. Eco  - Der Name der Rose / The Name of the Rose D. Brown - Illuminati / Angels & demons T. Fontane - Effi Briest / Effi Briest JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix / Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix T. Mann - Der Zauberberg / The Magic Mountain M. Mitchell - Vom Winde verweht / Gone with the wind H. Hesse – Siddharta / Siddharta H. Mulisch - Die Entdeckung des Himmels / The Discovery of Heaven M. Ende - Die unendliche Geschichte / The Neverending Story U. Hahn - Das verborgene Wort / not translated? F. McCourt - Die Asche meiner Mutter / Angela’s ashes H. Hesse - Narziss und Goldmund / Narcissus and Goldmund M. Zimmer Bradley - Die Nebel von Avalon / The Mists of Avalon S. Lenz – Deutschstunde / The German lesson S. Márai - Die Glut / Embers M. Frisch - Homo faber / Homo faber S. Nadolny - Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit / The discovery of slowness M. Kundera - Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins / The unbearable lightness of being G. Garcia Márquez - Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit / One houndred years of solitude J. Irving - Owen Meany / A prayer for Owen Meany J. Gaarder - Sofies Welt / Sophie’s world  D. Adams - Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis / The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy M. Haushofer - Die Wand / The Wall J. Irving - Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag / The cider house rules G. Garcia Márquez - Die Liebe in den Zeiten der Cholera / Love in the time of cholera T. Fontane - Der Stechlin / Der Stechling H. Hesse - Der Steppenwolf / Steppenwolf H. Lee - Wer die Nachtigal stört / To Kill a Mockingbird T. Mann - Joseph und seine Brüder / Joseph and his brothers E. Strittmatter - Der Laden / not translated? G. Grass - Die Blechtrommel / The tin drum E. M. Remarque - Im Westen nichts Neues / All quiet on the western front F. Schätzing - Der Schwarm / The swarm N. Sparks - Wie ein einziger Tag / The notebook JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban / Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban M. Ende – Momo / Momo (The grey gentlemen) U. Johnson - Jahrestage / Anniversaries. From the Life of Gesine Cresspahl M. Morgan – Traumfänger / Mutant message down under J. D. Salinger -  Der Fänger im Roggen / The catcher in the rye D. Brown – Sakrileg / The da Vinci code O. Preußler – Krabat / Krabat A. Lindgren - Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking W. Dirie – Wüstenblume / Desert Flower S. Tamaro - Geh, wohin dein Herz dich trägt / not translated? M. Fredriksson - Hannas Töchter / Hanna’s daughters H. Mankell – Mittsommermord / One step behind H. Mankell - Die Rückkehr des Tanzlehrers / The return of the dancing master J. Irving - Das Hotel New Hampshire / The hotel New Hampshire L. Tolstoi - Krieg und Frieden / War and peace H. Hesse - Das Glasperlenspiel / The glass bead game R. Pilcher - Die Muschelsucher / The shell seekers JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch / Harry Potter and the goblet of fire A. Frank – Tagebuch / The diary of Anne Frank B. Groult - Salz auf unserer Haut / not translated? Original Les vaisseaux du cœur C. Brückner - Jauche und Levkojen / Manure and stock J. Franzen - Die Korrekturen / The corrections C. Hofmann - Die weiße Massai / not translated? S. Hustvedt - Was ich liebte / What I loved W. Moers - Die dreizehn Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär / The 13 ½ lives of Captain Bluebear R. Gablé - Das Lächeln der Fortuna / not translated? E.-E. Schmitt - Monsieur Ibrahim und die Blumen des Koran / Mr. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran K. May – Winnetou / Winnetou Annemarie Selinko – Désirée / Désirée S.Zweig - Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa J. Irving - Garp und wie er die Welt sah / The world according Garp E. Brontë - Die Sturmhöhe / Wuthering heights C. Ahern - P.S. Ich liebe Dich / P.S. I love you G. Orwell – 1984 / 1984 Ildiko von Kürthy – Mondscheintarif / Moonlight tariff I. Allende – Paula / Paula M. Levy - Solange du da bist / If only it where true J. M. Simmel - Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein / not translated? P. Coelho - Veronika beschließt zu sterben / Veronica decides to die H. Mankell - Der Chronist der Winde / Chronicler of the winds M. Bulgakow - Der Meister und Margarita / The master and magarita S. Zweig -  Schachnovelle / The royal game W. Kempowski - Tadellöser & Wolff / not translated? L. Tolstoi - Anna Karenina / Anna Karenina F. Dostojewski - Schuld und Sühne / Crime and punishment A. Dumas - Der Graf von Monte Christo / The count of Monte Christo T. Kinkel - Die Puppenspieler / not translated? C. Brontë - Jane Eyre / Jane Eyre B. Wood - Rote Sonne, schwarzes Land / Green city in the sun
17/100 read 4/100 to read
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lizziethereader · 7 years
100 books - German edition
The lovely @bibliophilecats​ tagged me in this German version of 100 books, thank you so much! I have a feeling this isn’t going to end as well for me as the other one, but it’s fun to see, so thank you for finding the list! :)
After going through the BBCs list of the 100 books I thought it was only fair to look at the German version. The project “Das große Lesen” was led by the German public-service TV station ZDF in 2004. They preselected a list of books and then asked 250,000 German readers which books they would classify as bestsellers/important books one should have read.
Here is the list. Bold the ones you’ve read or italic the ones on your reading list. (P.S. Feel free to add the English title if I didn’t find it and marked it as “not translated”)
JRR Tolkien - Der Herr der Ringe / The lord of the rings Die Bibel / the Bible K. Follett - Die Säulen der Erde / The pillars of the earth P. Süskind - Das Parfum / The perfume A. de Saint-Exupéry - Der kleine Prinz / The little prince T. Mann – Buddenbrooks / Buddenbrooks N. Gordon - Der Medicus / The physician P. Coelho - Der Alchimist / The alchemist JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen / Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone D. W. Cross - Die Päpstin / Pope Joan C. Funke - Tintenherz / Inkheart D. Gabaldon - Feuer und Stein / The outlander I. Allende - Das Geisterhaus / The house of spirits B. Schlink - Der Vorleser / the reader JW von Goethe - Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil / Faust. Part one CR Zafón - Der Schatten des Windes / The shadow of the wind J. Austen - Stolz und Vorurteil / Pride and prejudice U. Eco  - Der Name der Rose / The name of the rose D. Brown - Illuminati / Angels & demons T. Fontane - Effi Briest / Effi Briest JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix / Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix T. Mann - Der Zauberberg / The magic mountain M. Mitchell - Vom Winde verweht / Gone with the wind H. Hesse – Siddharta / Siddharta H. Mulisch - Die Entdeckung des Himmels / The discovery of heaven M. Ende - Die unendliche Geschichte / The neverending story U. Hahn - Das verborgene Wort / not translated? F. McCourt - Die Asche meiner Mutter / Angela’s ashes H. Hesse - Narziss und Goldmund / Narcissus and Goldmund M. Zimmer Bradley - Die Nebel von Avalon / The mists of Avalon S. Lenz – Deutschstunde / The German lesson S. Márai - Die Glut / Embers M. Frisch - Homo faber / Homo faber S. Nadolny - Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit / The discovery of slowness M. Kundera - Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins / The unbearable lightness of being G. Garcia Márquez - Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit / One houndred years of solitude J. Irving - Owen Meany / A prayer for Owen Meany J. Gaarder - Sofies Welt / Sophie’s world D. Adams - Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis / The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy M. Haushofer - Die Wand / The wall J. Irving - Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag / The cider house rules G. Garcia Márquez - Die Liebe in den Zeiten der Cholera / Love in the time of cholera T. Fontane - Der Stechlin / Der Stechling H. Hesse - Der Steppenwolf / Steppenwolf H. Lee - Wer die Nachtigal stört / To kill a mockingbird T. Mann - Joseph und seine Brüder / Joseph and his brothers E. Strittmatter - Der Laden / not translated? G. Grass - Die Blechtrommel / The tin drum E. M. Remarque - Im Westen nichts Neues / All quiet on the western front F. Schätzing - Der Schwarm / The swarm N. Sparks - Wie ein einziger Tag / The notebook JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban / Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban M. Ende – Momo / Momo (The grey gentlemen) U. Johnson - Jahrestage / Anniversaries. From the Life of Gesine Cresspahl M. Morgan – Traumfänger / Mutant message down under J. D. Salinger -  Der Fänger im Roggen / The catcher in the rye D. Brown – Sakrileg / The da Vinci code O. Preußler – Krabat / Krabat A. Lindgren - Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking W. Dirie – Wüstenblume / Desert flower S. Tamaro - Geh, wohin dein Herz dich trägt / not translated? M. Fredriksson - Hannas Töchter / Hanna’s daughters H. Mankell – Mittsommermord / One step behind H. Mankell - Die Rückkehr des Tanzlehrers / The return of the dancing master J. Irving - Das Hotel New Hampshire / The hotel New Hampshire L. Tolstoi - Krieg und Frieden / War and peace H. Hesse - Das Glasperlenspiel / The glass bead game R. Pilcher - Die Muschelsucher / The shell seekers JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch / Harry Potter and the goblet of fire A. Frank – Tagebuch / The diary of Anne Frank B. Groult - Salz auf unserer Haut / not translated? Original Les vaisseaux du cœur C. Brückner - Jauche und Levkojen / Manure and stock J. Franzen - Die Korrekturen / The corrections C. Hofmann - Die weiße Massai / not translated? S. Hustvedt - Was ich liebte / What I loved W. Moers - Die dreizehn Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär / The 13 ½ lives of Captain Bluebear R. Gablé - Das Lächeln der Fortuna / not translated? E.-E. Schmitt - Monsieur Ibrahim und die Blumen des Koran / Mr. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran K. May – Winnetou / Winnetou Annemarie Selinko – Désirée / Désirée S.Zweig - Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa J. Irving - Garp und wie er die Welt sah / The world according Garp E. Brontë - Die Sturmhöhe / Wuthering heights C. Ahern - P.S. Ich liebe Dich / P.S. I love you G. Orwell – 1984 / 1984 Ildiko von Kürthy – Mondscheintarif / Moonlight tariff I. Allende – Paula / Paula M. Levy - Solange du da bist / If only it where true J. M. Simmel - Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein / not translated? P. Coelho - Veronika beschließt zu sterben / Veronica decides to die H. Mankell - Der Chronist der Winde / Chronicler of the winds M. Bulgakow - Der Meister und Margarita / The master and magarita S. Zweig -  Schachnovelle / The royal game W. Kempowski - Tadellöser & Wolff / not translated? L. Tolstoi - Anna Karenina / Anna Karenina F. Dostojewski - Schuld und Sühne / Crime and punishment A. Dumas - Der Graf von Monte Christo / The count of Monte Christo T. Kinkel - Die Puppenspieler / not translated? C. Brontë - Jane Eyre / Jane Eyre B. Wood - Rote Sonne, schwarzes Land / Green city in the sun
Total: 15 well that’s half of the other one :D Also, of the books from this list I did read, only one is actually German in the original lol  I have some brushing up to do.... But I’m also missing some of the classics I did read. I mean, how is Frühlingserwachen not on there for example? Very interesting though! 
I tag @jennibeultimate, and @redbookpanda :)
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myellenbee · 7 years
100 Books
@bibliophilecats tagged me in this, thanks!  I had more than expected on the list as I don’t know German but we have a lot of books in common that we see as important or as best sellers. Although without Harry Potter it would be less. Also I read 1984 in the early 1970′s when we still could wonder if it could really happen. : )  I’ll post the BBC list in another post.
100 books - German edition
After going through the BBCs list of the 100 books I thought it was only fair to look at the German version. The project “Das große Lesen” was led by the German public-service TV station ZDF in 2004. They preselected a list of books and then asked 250,000 German readers which books they would classify as bestsellers/important books one should have read.
Here is the list. Bold the ones you’ve read or italic the ones on your reading list. (P.S. Feel free to add the English title if I didn’t find it and marked it as “not translated”)
JRR Tolkien - Der Herr der Ringe / The lord of the rings Die Bibel / the Bible K. Follett - Die Säulen der Erde / The pillars of the earth P. Süskind - Das Parfum / The perfume A. de Saint-Exupéry - Der kleine Prinz / The little prince T. Mann – Buddenbrooks / Buddenbrooks N. Gordon - Der Medicus / The physician P. Coelho - Der Alchimist / The alchemist JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen / Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone D. W. Cross - Die Päpstin / Pope Joan C. Funke - Tintenherz / Inkheart D. Gabaldon - Feuer und Stein / The outlander I. Allende - Das Geisterhaus / The house of spirits B. Schlink - Der Vorleser / the reader JW von Goethe - Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil / Faust. Part one CR Zafón - Der Schatten des Windes / The shadow of the wind J. Austen - Stolz und Vorurteil / Pride and prejudice U. Eco  - Der Name der Rose / The name of the rose D. Brown - Illuminati / Angels & demons T. Fontane - Effi Briest / Effi Briest JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix / Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix T. Mann - Der Zauberberg / The magic mountain M. Mitchell - Vom Winde verweht / Gone with the wind H. Hesse – Siddharta / Siddharta H. Mulisch - Die Entdeckung des Himmels / The discovery of heaven M. Ende - Die unendliche Geschichte / The neverending story U. Hahn - Das verborgene Wort / not translated? F. McCourt - Die Asche meiner Mutter / Angela’s ashes H. Hesse - Narziss und Goldmund / Narcissus and Goldmund M. Zimmer Bradley - Die Nebel von Avalon / The mists of Avalon S. Lenz – Deutschstunde / The German lesson S. Márai - Die Glut / Embers M. Frisch - Homo faber / Homo faber S. Nadolny - Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit / The discovery of slowness M. Kundera - Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins / The unbearable lightness of being G. Garcia Márquez - Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit / One houndred years of solitude J. Irving - Owen Meany / A prayer for Owen Meany J. Gaarder - Sofies Welt / Sophie’s world D. Adams - Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis / The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy M. Haushofer - Die Wand / The wall J. Irving - Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag / The cider house rules G. Garcia Márquez - Die Liebe in den Zeiten der Cholera / Love in the time of cholera T. Fontane - Der Stechlin / Der Stechling H. Hesse - Der Steppenwolf / Steppenwolf H. Lee - Wer die Nachtigal stört / To kill a mockingbird T. Mann - Joseph und seine Brüder / Joseph and his brothers E. Strittmatter - Der Laden / not translated? G. Grass - Die Blechtrommel / The tin drum E. M. Remarque - Im Westen nichts Neues / All quiet on the western front F. Schätzing - Der Schwarm / The swarm N. Sparks - Wie ein einziger Tag / The notebook JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban / Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban M. Ende – Momo / Momo (The grey gentlemen) U. Johnson - Jahrestage / Anniversaries. From the Life of Gesine Cresspahl M. Morgan – Traumfänger / Mutant message down under J. D. Salinger -  Der Fänger im Roggen / The catcher in the rye D. Brown – Sakrileg / The da Vinci code O. Preußler – Krabat / Krabat A. Lindgren - Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking W. Dirie – Wüstenblume / Desert flower S. Tamaro - Geh, wohin dein Herz dich trägt / not translated? M. Fredriksson - Hannas Töchter / Hanna’s daughters H. Mankell – Mittsommermord / One step behind H. Mankell - Die Rückkehr des Tanzlehrers / The return of the dancing master J. Irving - Das Hotel New Hampshire / The hotel New Hampshire L. Tolstoi - Krieg und Frieden / War and peace H. Hesse - Das Glasperlenspiel / The glass bead game R. Pilcher - Die Muschelsucher / The shell seekers JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch / Harry Potter and the goblet of fire A. Frank – Tagebuch / The diary of Anne Frank B. Groult - Salz auf unserer Haut / not translated? Original Les vaisseaux du cœur C. Brückner - Jauche und Levkojen / Manure and stock J. Franzen - Die Korrekturen / The corrections C. Hofmann - Die weiße Massai / not translated? S. Hustvedt - Was ich liebte / What I loved W. Moers - Die dreizehn Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär / The 13 ½ lives of Captain Bluebear R. Gablé - Das Lächeln der Fortuna / not translated? E.-E. Schmitt - Monsieur Ibrahim und die Blumen des Koran / Mr. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran K. May – Winnetou / Winnetou Annemarie Selinko – Désirée / Désirée S.Zweig - Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa J. Irving - Garp und wie er die Welt sah / The world according Garp E. Brontë - Die Sturmhöhe / Wuthering heights C. Ahern - P.S. Ich liebe Dich / P.S. I love you G. Orwell – 1984 / 1984 Ildiko von Kürthy – Mondscheintarif / Moonlight tariff I. Allende – Paula / Paula M. Levy - Solange du da bist / If only it where true J. M. Simmel - Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein / not translated? P. Coelho - Veronika beschließt zu sterben / Veronica decides to die H. Mankell - Der Chronist der Winde / Chronicler of the winds M. Bulgakow - Der Meister und Margarita / The master and magarita S. Zweig -  Schachnovelle / The royal game W. Kempowski - Tadellöser & Wolff / not translated? L. Tolstoi - Anna Karenina / Anna Karenina F. Dostojewski - Schuld und Sühne / Crime and punishment A. Dumas - Der Graf von Monte Christo / The count of Monte Christo T. Kinkel - Die Puppenspieler / not translated? C. Brontë - Jane Eyre / Jane Eyre B. Wood - Rote Sonne, schwarzes Land / Green city in the sun
Total 25
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jennibeultimate · 7 years
100 books - German Edition
Thanks for tagging me! I was tagged by the wonderful @lizziethereader!
”After going through the BBCs list of the 100 books I thought it was only fair to look at the German version. The project “Das große Lesen” was led by the German public-service TV station ZDF in 2004. They preselected a list of books and then asked 250,000 German readers which books they would classify as bestsellers/important books one should have read.
Here is the list. Bold the ones you’ve read or italic the ones on your reading list. (P.S. Feel free to add the English title if I didn’t find it and marked it as “not translated”)”
I added a thing: I write down what I had to read in school and read it just because I had no choice and put the titles into brackets^^
JRR Tolkien - Der Herr der Ringe / The lord of the rings Die Bibel / the Bible K. Follett - Die Säulen der Erde / The pillars of the earth (P. Süskind - Das Parfum / The perfume)  (A. de Saint-Exupéry - Der kleine Prinz / The little prince)  T. Mann – Buddenbrooks / Buddenbrooks N. Gordon - Der Medicus / The physician P. Coelho - Der Alchimist / The alchemist JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen / Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone D. W. Cross - Die Päpstin / Pope Joan C. Funke - Tintenherz / Inkheart D. Gabaldon - Feuer und Stein / The outlander I. Allende - Das Geisterhaus / The house of spirits (B. Schlink - Der Vorleser / the reader) JW von Goethe - Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil / Faust. Part one CR Zafón - Der Schatten des Windes / The shadow of the wind J. Austen - Stolz und Vorurteil / Pride and prejudice U. Eco  - Der Name der Rose / The name of the rose D. Brown - Illuminati / Angels & demons T. Fontane - Effi Briest / Effi Briest JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix / Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix T. Mann - Der Zauberberg / The magic mountain M. Mitchell - Vom Winde verweht / Gone with the wind H. Hesse – Siddharta / Siddharta H. Mulisch - Die Entdeckung des Himmels / The discovery of heaven M. Ende - Die unendliche Geschichte / The neverending story U. Hahn - Das verborgene Wort / not translated? F. McCourt - Die Asche meiner Mutter / Angela’s ashes H. Hesse - Narziss und Goldmund / Narcissus and Goldmund M. Zimmer Bradley - Die Nebel von Avalon / The mists of Avalon S. Lenz – Deutschstunde / The German lesson S. Márai - Die Glut / Embers (M. Frisch - Homo faber / Homo faber) S. Nadolny - Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit / The discovery of slowness M. Kundera - Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins / The unbearable lightness of being G. Garcia Márquez - Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit / One houndred years of solitude J. Irving - Owen Meany / A prayer for Owen Meany J. Gaarder - Sofies Welt / Sophie’s world D. Adams - Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis / The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy M. Haushofer - Die Wand / The wall J. Irving - Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag / The cider house rules G. Garcia Márquez - Die Liebe in den Zeiten der Cholera / Love in the time of cholera T. Fontane - Der Stechlin / Der Stechling H. Hesse - Der Steppenwolf / Steppenwolf H. Lee - Wer die Nachtigal stört / To kill a mockingbird T. Mann - Joseph und seine Brüder / Joseph and his brothers E. Strittmatter - Der Laden / not translated? G. Grass - Die Blechtrommel / The tin drum E. M. Remarque - Im Westen nichts Neues / All quiet on the western front F. Schätzing - Der Schwarm / The swarm N. Sparks - Wie ein einziger Tag / The notebook JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban / Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban M. Ende – Momo / Momo (The grey gentlemen) U. Johnson - Jahrestage / Anniversaries. From the Life of Gesine Cresspahl M. Morgan – Traumfänger / Mutant message down under J. D. Salinger -  Der Fänger im Roggen / The catcher in the rye D. Brown – Sakrileg / The da Vinci code (O. Preußler – Krabat / Krabat) A. Lindgren - Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking W. Dirie – Wüstenblume / Desert flower S. Tamaro - Geh, wohin dein Herz dich trägt / not translated? M. Fredriksson - Hannas Töchter / Hanna’s daughters H. Mankell – Mittsommermord / One step behind H. Mankell - Die Rückkehr des Tanzlehrers / The return of the dancing master J. Irving - Das Hotel New Hampshire / The hotel New Hampshire L. Tolstoi - Krieg und Frieden / War and peace H. Hesse - Das Glasperlenspiel / The glass bead game R. Pilcher - Die Muschelsucher / The shell seekers JK Rowling - Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch / Harry Potter and the goblet of fire A. Frank – Tagebuch / The diary of Anne Frank B. Groult - Salz auf unserer Haut / not translated? Original Les vaisseaux du cœur C. Brückner - Jauche und Levkojen / Manure and stock J. Franzen - Die Korrekturen / The corrections C. Hofmann - Die weiße Massai / not translated? S. Hustvedt - Was ich liebte / What I loved W. Moers - Die dreizehn Leben des Käpt’n Blaubär / The 13 ½ lives of Captain Bluebear R. Gablé - Das Lächeln der Fortuna / not translated? E.-E. Schmitt - Monsieur Ibrahim und die Blumen des Koran / Mr. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran K. May – Winnetou / Winnetou Annemarie Selinko – Désirée / Désirée S.Zweig - Nirgendwo in Afrika / Nowhere in Africa J. Irving - Garp und wie er die Welt sah / The world according Garp E. Brontë - Die Sturmhöhe / Wuthering heights C. Ahern - P.S. Ich liebe Dich / P.S. I love you G. Orwell – 1984 / 1984 Ildiko von Kürthy – Mondscheintarif / Moonlight tariff I. Allende – Paula / Paula M. Levy - Solange du da bist / If only it where true J. M. Simmel - Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein / not translated? P. Coelho - Veronika beschließt zu sterben / Veronica decides to die H. Mankell - Der Chronist der Winde / Chronicler of the winds M. Bulgakow - Der Meister und Margarita / The master and magarita S. Zweig -  Schachnovelle / The royal game W. Kempowski - Tadellöser & Wolff / not translated? L. Tolstoi - Anna Karenina / Anna Karenina F. Dostojewski - Schuld und Sühne / Crime and punishment A. Dumas - Der Graf von Monte Christo / The count of Monte Christo T. Kinkel - Die Puppenspieler / not translated? C. Brontë - Jane Eyre / Jane Eyre B. Wood - Rote Sonne, schwarzes Land / Green city in the sun
Total: 17 and 5 books of them in school
But I am quite surprised about this list, some books make no sense to me why they are on the list. But ok lists are lists and do they really matter?
Because I am not a book blog, I won’t tag anyone specifically, but if you want to do it, than feel free to do it. You can say I tagged you.
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WIP Re-Intro: Enna's Prequel
Title: Enna's Prequel (temporary title, subject to change)
Genre: high fantasy
Status: draft 1
Pov: third person dual POV
Setting: Halmond, a small-ish country in the world of Aqurah. The majority of the action takes place in its capital, the city of Halmire.
Universal TW/CW: Murder, complicated family relationships, necromancy, people murdering their own relatives, kidnapping, crime, swearing
Plot/Synopsis: When she was 20, Enna Helder-Kromlin ran away from Halmire, accused of murdering her own brother. Fourteen years later they've returned, at the request of their twin sister, Anne. But when he gets to the city Anne is missing, and has been for nearly a year. Enna must work together with Effie and Bezeo, two new friends Anne had made in their absence, to get to the bottom of just what the hell is going on--not only now, but also what was happening 14 years ago, and who actually killed her brother.
Notes: this is the prequel to Frost & Fire & is set 10-20 years before that story
Tags: #wip: ennas prequel, #c: [first name] + [last name if applicable]
Main Characters:
Enna Helder-Kromlin, any/all pronouns, ~34, half elf. The first of our two narrators, Enna is a thief, mostly, and sometimes a baker. A few weeks ago, Enna got a letter from her twin, Anne, dated almost a year ago, asking him to please come to Halmire because she needs to talk to them.
Anne Helder-Kromlin, she/her, ~34, half elf. Our other narrator, Anne is a thief, and the de facto leader of the second of two factions in Halmond's thevies guild--Oleski. A year ago, she left the city for her own safety, and was supposed to confirm her location within two months, but hasn't made any contact.
Effie Fisarnos, she/they, 64 (~33 in human years), mostly a gnome. Effie is an alchemist, who owns the potion shop The Broken Cauldron, which sometimes acts as a safehouse for the thieves guild. She is also Anne's partner/fiancee, but that isn't public knowledge, and not even Enna knows it. Anne promised to send her a letter no more than two months after she left, but Effie never got one.
Bezeo [last name], he/him, 68 (~36-38 in human years), dwarf. Bezeo is the owner of a traveling food cart that roams around the city. He also invented pizza, and works for the thieves guild Anne is in.
Zephyr Helder-Kromlin, he/they, deceased (died at age 24), half elf. Zephyr was the older brother of Anne and Enna, and fourteen years ago he was murdered. At the time, he was the leader of Oleski, the thevies guild. Enna (though innocent) was blamed for the murder, but she managed to get away. The actual culprit was never found.
taglist maintained below the cut! Ask to be added or removed!
@ihaveneverhadaclue @thelaughingstag @athenswrites
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