#c: loreza
baashirdayne · 1 year
| @lorczamartell | | setting :: within sunspear after the death of the prince. | | banter length |
He would not mourn Mors Martell. Baashir Dayne had low opinions of the man and while he had no desire to list out everything he took umbrage at regarding their late Prince. The man left them an heiress and it was all that mattered. Dorne needed to have one from the line of Nymeria to sit atop their throne. The little Princess would miss her father, of course she would, Baashir would use his place and position to ensure her grief would one day be useful to her, make her stronger. As was the case with grief.
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"Princess." Not Myriam and not the little one, little Leila. Loreza Martell, wife of his closest friend, the sister of the late Prince and aunt to their future ruling Princess. "I've come to meet you and speak with you about everything that has happened. How are you doing with the tragedy that has befallen your great house? I'm sure the pain you feel is great."
While face remained still, his expression steady as he looked around them and then back at her. They would have to see her around court more often, often as possible. With the death of the Old prince and then the new there would be unrest, mistrust and a sense of uneasiness.
"The Princess is under constant watch."
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myriamas · 1 year
who: @lorczamartell when and where: the private quarters of prince mors martell, soon following the discovery of his lifeless body. one by one, more officials of dorne are called secretly in the early hours of the morning: and when princess loreza of dorne enters the room, myriam approaches her quietly.
there was an unsteady silence in the room, of which the curtains had been drawn; the high commander of dorne remained stood by the door, awaiting for the presence of the other prince and princesses of house martell to cross the threshold and find their household changed forever, they were to be told prior to entering these rooms, for they needed to prepare themselves: this was nothing that was to be a surprise, or a shock. and so, in the minutes that ticked by as she waited for someone, anyone else, to cross into the threshold of the chambers, myriam allyrion remained sat in the chair beside the bed that she once shared.
the idols of the gods she had once quietly worshipped in the chambers of her husband were the same as those that were within her own personal chambers; and she had turned them in his direction - all that was left being a veil covering a face that once radiated the sun from it. and the hymns she chanted quietly, in the ancient tongue that followed them from across the narrow sea, were ones that were meant to try and comfort him as much as her in this moment.
mors martell would be reborn, or he would have collected enough good karma to be released from the cycle of reincarnation the dornish believed in; and so, as she muttered her prayers, she thought only of his passing. to wherever he would be going next.
how had this happened? why had this happened, so soon after the death of prince nymos himself?
what struck her, was how crushingly empty the room felt. his lack of presence, his absence, was felt; despite him remaining there. she knew he was no longer here. and she wondered if he would be reborn into a another that would be able to design the greatest of palaces, of gardens, without the weight of a crown on his head. she had not realised there had been tears rolling down her cheeks as she lit the candles surrounding the idols of the seven, not until she thought of her daughter who was within the royal nursery, curled up, blissfully aware that at three years old, she had become the princess of dorne.
she would never know, nor remember, what it was to not be the princess of dorne.
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as she sounds of quiet talking came from the other room, she turned her gaze over her shoulder slightly, recognising the sounds of the voices of the martell family. leaning forwards, she unclasped the anklets from her ankles, as though she did not wish to wake him with the sound of the jingling as she walked. and she closed the door quietly behind her, looking upon the faces of the family she had married into. the family that had been her own, for thirteen years.
she greeted each of them with a kiss on their cheek, and yet when it came to loreza, she found herself hesitating. looking upon her, the young girl that had looked upon her with wide eyed awe the day she had married her brother. lost a father, and now her brother. "forgive me for not being here when..." she whispered, unable to finish the sentence. when her brother had breathed his last. because all suspected how the marriage of the prince and princess of dorne had broken down, into the distance it had become.
"the gurus have been called. the granthi too." the gurus, the ones who dealt with surveying the health of the court. they who dealt with the corpses of royals. her hand rested nervously over her mouth, almost as though she were in disbelief.
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armaans · 1 year
who: @lorczamartell where: the dornish court's return to sunspear following the wedding celebrations of king cedric tyrell and illya oakheart. the travelling party stay in yronwood. prompt, family heirloom: armaan and loreza discover an old family heirloom hidden in the yronwood castle. as they unravel its history, they bond over their shared heritage and slowly bridge the gap between their distant relationship.
the change seen through the eyes of those who made up dorne itself was made noticeable as they passed through the rolling fields of the reach; the greenery and flowers beautiful, and seemingly endless. and yet, as their sky turned to black night after night and camps continued travel onward, the sight of the red mountains made it clear their world was soon to change to what it should have been.
it were hard for the dornish to be beyond the rays of their sun, as even the sun did not feel like the same sun; there came the sounds of smallfolk greeting their prince and the procession of dorne as they came within their lands again.
and for the first time in what felt like months, armaan felt his shoulders relaxing from the tensions that simmered. he had used the opportunity to network with those who would usually never look to trust the dornish; but in his mission to ensure the power of the yronwoods remained something to be remembered, he was able to read out and establish a connection, a trail, through westeros and even across the narrow sea.
and so it came for the parties of dorne to seperate, like the rivers of their lands: some heading south to starfall, some stretching further to sunspear, and armaan knew his first priority was to return to the fortress of yronwood. the strength of the boneway, which seemed built within the large side of the cliffs: it were easy to mistake yronwood for being part of the stone itself. but that was how imposing it truly was: it's shadow stretching across those who stood below it, watching almost in numbing shock.
it were like the fortress held a city of it's own behind the walls, multiple complexes and buildings; it were no simple fortress. a stronghold, and it played host to lord rashid jordayne as he and his wife, the princess loreza, made their way back to the merchant city that was the tor. it had been some years since a martell had stayed beneath the roofs of yronwood: the tension and bad blood between the families ran deep, and seemed to run endlessly, much to the dismay of the princess of dorne, allyria yronwood. the martells had a yronwood for a mother, who once walked the halls of armaan's home alongside his father. and now, his daughter entered through the gates again as the daughter of allyria.
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the people of yronwood greeted her with traditional songs and ghoomars, a form of traditional dance. though, it were notable that the lord himself immediately made his way into the fortress rather than remain in the celebration after greeting his people.
it was during the next day that he came across his cousin again, though not entirely on purpose. opening the doors within one of the rooms higher atop the spirally towers, he saw the sight of her silhouette within one of the ancient rooms deep within the fortress, ancient due to the amount of family history it seemed to hold within it. rows and rows of endless bookshelves meant it could be seen as a library, but in truth it were so much more than that; within it were archives of yronwood history before the coming of nymeria, when they were ancient kings. he remained stood in his spot for a moment, briefly contemplating turning and walking away, when her gaze flickered up from whatever she were looking at.
"aap kaun see kitaab dekh rahe hain?" which book are you looking at? he spoke to her in their ancient tongue, the language of their parentage, the language of their ancestors.
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 8 months
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visxionaries · 3 years
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what: a fiery schism // the flight of silverwing.  where: red lake, the reach who: @daemonntargaryens @caetargaryen @aeyvel @ofgoldengrove @riyanshmartell @lorczamartell @stonesqueen​ (mentions of lord darklyn)
After months of negotiations, a meeting was proposed in the seat of House Crane between Cedric Tyrell, Mathis Rowan, Caerella Targaryen, Aeyla Valeryon, Riyansh Martell and Loreza Martell - Red Lake. Close to location where the shedragon Silverwing herself had made her nest. After hours of tense deliberating, it was agreed the dragon may leave Reach land, in exchange for protection from any future conflict in regards to the dragons. This word was agreed upon within the Sept of Red Lake; considered binding before the council of the Seven. But not all loved the Gods; and not all were loved by the Gods.
On the second day of negotiations, talks became tense. Targaryens, Tyrells and Martells in one room - practically mirrored the fire within Silverwing herself. The handover was due to occur on the third day; each faction looking forward to parting from one another. And yet there was a plot - tensions regarding how Silverwing would react to those who tried to ride her. Would she reject? Would she harm? The day came - a clearing beside Red Lake. All seemed as peaceful as it could be, before Silverwing reared her neck upwards as Caerella Targaryen stepped forward. For those who did not truly understand the movements of dragons, it was a sudden move.
Dornish scorpions had been stationed, nestled within the woods beside the Lake, and soon a bolt had been fired directly into the wing of the beast, flying by the duo from the Crownlands. Letting out an earth shaking roar, Silverwing seemed to awake from whatever change had befallen her since the Dance. Chaos erupted as the dragon breathed fire upon the men who did not immediately jump into the lake, the guards of each faction turning on one another, blood spilling into the lake. The Targaryen Princess and her Valeryon cousin had climbed onto the scaled back of the beast, soaring above the treetops as blood spilled beneath them - Silverwing forever damaged by the bolt within her, and Lord Darklyn taken hostage by the Reach.
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gcuienveres · 4 years
★ (from lori)
i like you // i love you // you’re one of my best friends // you’re like family // you are family // i dislike you // i hate you // i’d kill you if i got the chance // i want you to like me // i’m scared of you // i would adopt you // i’d date you // i’d sleep with you // i’d marry you // i’m worried about you // you confuse me // you’re annoying // i pity you // i respect you // i trust you // i feel protective of you // i’d invite you with me to parties // i’d lend you my money // i’d borrow your money // you’re good-looking // i’m suspicious of you // i’m hiding something from you // you’re fun // you’re boring // i’m upset with you // you’re nice // you’re mean // i’m envious of you // you’re smart // you’re stupid // i look up to you // i think you’re a better person than me // i think i’m a better person than you // i want to apologize to you // i wish i’d never met you // i never want to forget you // i want to get to know you better
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theeldestsun · 6 years
@heelsclick / glinda --> loreza / cont. 
loreza nymeros-martell
[ glinda || 23:58 ] I’m finishing up with a few emails.  [ glinda || 23:58 ] I’ve been doing some thinking too. About what you said. [ glinda || 23:59 ] How was your day, dear?
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lordflorianmooton · 2 years
   Florian enjoyed hosting people, there was no denying that. It was something he was good at, one of the few things actually that no one could deny he was good at. Perhaps to some within his family that was seen as a negative. He should be better at more things than just planning parties, and hosting others, and yet what was being a lord if not being charismatic? If not being able to forge alliances through sheer personality? Florian could fight, he wasn’t an unskilled swordsmen, but he would much rather win his fights through becoming friends. Right now he planned on hosting the future Queen of the Riverlands, and in addition, his future Cousin by Law.  As both a member of the Small Council and her soon to be extended family, he imagined it was only natural that they got to know one another better. Smiling, he gave her a slight bow. 
“Princess, it is an honor to finally make your acquaintance. I thought it would be fruitful for both of us if we had the pleasure of meeting....getting to know one another. We will after all soon not only be Queen and subject, but family.” 
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grogusmum · 2 years
Oberyn and the Merling: Beyond the Sea
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(mood board made by commission by @danniburgh 💚)
Part of the Oberyn’s Merling AU
W/C: 1600ish
WARNINGS: angst, merling mysteriously ill (As usual see something say something! Including any inadvertent gender specificity in regard to the merling. Send me a dm and I'll fix it.)
A/N: Well we've come to the end of this three-part series. It has a bitter-sweet end, but remember it is just the end of this three-part arc. But that doesn't mean I am done with them. I love them so much so who knows. This chapter came to me before part 2 and I wrote it in a parking lot. I think that is what held me up. I got anxious about filling in the middle. I am sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy it 💚
Series masterlist
Part 2
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Sunspear had not been so somber since the loss of Elia and her children, except Oberyn could only feel helpless with no one to fight. The maestres for their part, could only speculate knowing so little about merpeople.
They concluded the water of the Gardens has been through too much process, and therefore not “living”. Oberyn argued that the water came from the rivers, and vegetation thrived, but they simply shook their heads and reminded him that his merling was found in what could only be described as a magical glade. Doran offered to stop logging so that the merling could return.
Oberyn still feared that the merling was known and therefore in danger. But it did give him an idea, and he brought the maestres to the forest glade to inspect the properties of the waters within. But his stomach fell when they arrived. The falls were dry, the pool more like a bog. Of course his helplessness had not changed, it had been compounded tenfold, but now switched to anger and he had someone on which to place blame. It bubbled up like a hotspring and it was directed squarely at himself. He had taken you, and it killed the pool and it is killing you.
“I was selfish. Am selfish” Oberyn raged.
“My own, you thought-”
“Did I?" Obery cut across. "Or did I just find a reason to take them, keep them because I wanted them close?”
“Oberyn. So now you must stop drowning your self-loathing in wine,” Ellaria said firmly, taking the goblet that he had filled a third time. “And do what is required to help our shining pearl. This storming about is also selfish.”
Oberyn looked pained, tears pricked as Elleria confirmed his worst fear. Of course she did, she is his council and his conscience.
“I believe you did not take them for self-serving purposes, my love. You are a bold and passionate man, and acted as such, doing what you thought was right, even if it was folly. What we will be judged on is what we do now, and we are going to do what is right.”
"Yes," Obery took Ellaria's hands into his own and kissed them, looking into her yes with a blaze in his. "Yes, my love. What ever it takes."
Maestre Dayne interviewed several seamen who had spoken of mermaid sightings and theorized that as merlings are known to swim the waters of the ocean, it would be suitable for the Martell Merling, as you had come to be called by those outside the family. To Oberyn's mind, it seemed the only solution, and it left some hope that it was not truly goodbye.
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The day of parting arrives, the children say their tearful goodbyes at the Water Gardens. Loreza wanted to come with Papa to see their dear scallop off, but Ellaria would not allow it.
“My love, this is not goodbye forever. But Papa needs alone time, for as much as we love our shining merling, Scallop and Papa have a special bond. For they did make themself known to Papa and trusted him sooo much, they let him bring them here to be with all of us."
Loreza mutters something tearfully on her mother's shoulder.
"Yes, Scallop loves us dearly. But Papa? Their love is different. Come, my sweet one more kiss, and then go with your sisters."
Loreza climbs onto a nearby bench, and Oberyn turns so you to face Loreza once more. You smile weakly and hold out your arms to hug the little girl. She kisses your cheek, her cheeks, red and wet with tears. Yours fall silently, as you take her cheek with your webbed hand and give her a watery smile.
In your way you tell her goodbye, she will forever be protected at sea, and that you love her.
It is Ellarias's turn to cry silent tears. Oberyn’s eyes are wet, but he is not ready to allow tears yet.
“Please take good care of your little sisters today,” Oberyn tells Tyene as she takes Loreza into her arms.
The snakes watch solemnly as their papa carries you toward the sea, Ellaria walking next to him, placing a hand on your back. Worry set deep in her features, looking upon your limp body.
At the water's edge, Oberyn places you on the wet sand where the water had just receded, Ellaria sits and you rest your head on Ellarias knees. You feel the wet sand, the water coming, in just kissing the tip of your tail.
Your eyes flutter open, the water laps at you again, this time coming up and dowsing your fin.
"Scallop, is this what you need dear?" Ellaria asks, hopeful.
"It is helping?" Oberyn can not help the excitement bubbling, he looks at Ellaria then back to you. You smile, the glow of your complexion returning, your eyes look bright again.
You cup Ellarias cheek, you are healing you tell her. She nods crying new tears of relief.
"Then this is when I bid my sweet shining merling, my seastar this is goodbye… for now," Ellaria says. " I will give you and Oberyn some time to bid each other farewell."
You do not release her but pull her to you and kiss her sweet lips. She can not help but take the back of your head, keeping you close. When your lips brake apart, you press your forehead to hers. I love you, you tell her, in your way. Her closed eyes tightened for a moment then she opens them looking right into yours.
"Oh, my sweet, I love you."
She looks at Oberyn, he kisses her and then bends to kiss you. The idea that the three of you may no longer have tender moments like this pierce his heart.
With each wave, your strength returns. You sit up as Ellaria stands. Clasping her hand you kiss it.
"Shining one, we will never forget our time together. I will never forget I will sit by these waters -" she begins to cry in earnest unable to finish her promise aloud, then turns and walks up the beach.
Oberyn sits behind you, legs on either side of your tail that was shining silver once again, pulling your torso back so you are leaning on his chest.
You sit with the tide coming in, splashing, and now not fully receding from you. It revels, welcoming you, it makes you smile and laugh. That laugh that Oberyn loves so well, but you are not ready to join it completely, and is Oberyn holding fast to you, as if afraid the ocean will just whisk you from him without warning.
You both just look out at the water, the endless sea. Your words have improved greatly while with him, Elleria, and the sand snakes. Just as you assured Loreza you tell him that you will never forget him, that he would be forever safe when traveling by sea, that you love him more than he could ever know. That it is not goodbye, but until we meet again.
And this is when Oberyn Martell, Prince of Dorne, the Red Viper begins to cry.
"My shining merling, my heart. I love you and will forever love you. Yes, please tell me, you will not disappear into the depths below. That I may see you again.”
You turn your head with that cheeky half-smile Oberyn adores. He brings your chin up gently and you kiss. Deep and warm, the waters push and pull move the pair of you. Oberyn brings a leg over your tail so to keep you close. You can feel him, warm. You give him a small sigh.
"This will not do," Oberyn said. “We mustn't-”
But before he can finish being sensible, you twist suddenly atop him, pushing his chest so he is laying back on the sand and you bring your lips down to him in a rush of urgent need.
Finally, the water rushed in to take you. It happens so fast, Oberyn scrambles to his feet.
Are you gone? He thinks. He wanted to say more...
His tears return, as he watches the ocean now like glass. Nothing. No head just out of the water, no shining tail.
Then suddenly you burst from the water, breaching high into the air, you twist and dive back in aglow.
The ocean was done waiting. It felt wonderful, the salt waters embrace. You had never had so much water to swim in, the temperature dropped as you made your way toward the ocean floor. But you had more to do and say to your human love. You drove deep and then rose, your tail working to bring you faster and faster to the surface. You breached and with the exaltation, you felt, your heart could have burst. Water still on your skin the sun shimmering off you the droplets and your shining scales. You twisted, turned, and dove back in.
Coming up head and shoulders out of the water you find your prince on the shoreline, dressed like the sun. You wave a webbed hand, eyes shining with tears that were both sorrow and joy. A song bubbles up out if you, bittersweet but hopeful like so many songs to Oberyn.
"I will see you again, my Prince."
Did he hear, you were not sure. This attempt to speak as humans do feels different to you .
Oberyn hears something he is not sure if it is you, you sounded different. Regardless he knows what you said.
He will see you again, perhaps on a moonlit night at the water's edge. When the magic is just right for him and his cherished merling.
The End
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You can find more of my writing here, and if you are interested in being tagged for this or any of my other works here is my taglist form.
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dragonmartellstark · 4 years
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If Baelor Hightower and Elia Martell had married.
Loreza Martell was on her way to Casterly Rock to formalize an engagement with the Lannisters that was to marry her two children, Elia and Oberyn, with the children of her friend, Joanna Lannister, twins Cersei and Jaime Lannister. During their long journey they stopped in Oldtown where they were welcomed by Leyton Hightower and his large family. Elia and Oberyn spent a few days in Oldtown where the princess met Lord Leyton's first-born son, Lord Baelor Hightower with whom she had a great connection and Baelor was very interested in her Dornish, considering her sweet, beautiful and friendly. This interest on the part of the young man made Lady Loreza think better of committing her daughter to Lord Hightower's son, but she thought that if she accepted she could hurt the pride of her dear friend Joanna until that same year she received the painful news that Lady Lannister had died in childbirth, so she decided to agree to betrothed to the Hightowers.
In the end Elia and Baelor ended up getting married that same year in a great ceremony attended by some members of other houses such as Prince Rhaegar Targaryen who personally congratulated the couple. The marriage was happy being very much in love with each other and only a few months later, Elia became pregnant and it was expected that this pregnancy would come to fruition due to the health of the mother.
In 274 a. C., the only female daughter of the couple, Loreza Hightower, was born, being a great joy for the marriage since the little girl was strong and healthy, but the mother would be about to die from the complications of childbirth, staying a few months in bed and recovered slowly. Four years after the birth of her daughter, Elia became pregnant again and gave birth to a male child, Manfred, another very healthy baby, and that her delivery could cost her mother her life, who recovered half a year then. In 283 a. C., the last child of the couple, Addam, was born and this birth left Elia almost dead being she unable to conceive another child again. Baelor agreed not to share the bed with Elia again so that she would not become pregnant again and risk her life in another childbirth that could kill her.
The life of the spouses was quiet until in the year 295 a. C., Leyton Hightower passed away, becoming Baelor the new Lord of the Lighthouse and his son, Manfred, his heir. Elia stayed away from the affairs of Antigua, focusing on her children whom she adored and looking for good marriages for them, managing to commit her daughter Loreza with the heir of Highgarden, Willas Tyrell and her son, Manfred with Desmera Redwyne, the only daughter by Paxter Redwyne.
In 310 a. C., Baelor and Elia were walking through the cities with their children and some of their grandchildren when a great storm was coming, so they decided to return home being completely soaked. The princess of Dorne caught a cold during the journey, becoming ill with a severe flu that left her in bed for a few days until she was found dead in her rooms by her son, Addam. That same year one of her granddaughters, Jeyne Hightower died of puerperal fever, so grandmother and granddaughter were buried together.
Elia's death shattered Baelor who had loved his wife very much, passing away just a year after heart problems and being buried next to his wife and his granddaughter.
Si Baelor Hightower y Elia Martell se hubieran casado.
Loreza Martell estaba de camino a Roca Casterly para oficializar un compromiso con los Lannister que era casar a sus dos hijos, Elia y Oberyn con los hijos de su amiga, Joanna Lannister, los gemelos Cersei y Jaime Lannister. Durante su largo viaje pararon en Antigua donde fueron acogidos por Leyton Hightower y su numerosa familia. Elia y Oberyn pasaron unos días en Oldtown donde la princesa conoció al hijo primogénito de Lord Leyton, Lord Baelor Hightower con el cual tuvo una gran conexión y Baelor se mostro muy interesado en la dorniense considerándola dulce, hermosa y simpática. Este interés por parte del joven hizo que Lady Loreza pensara mejor en comprometer a su hija con el hijo de Lord Hightower, pero pensaba que si aceptaba podía herir el orgullo de su querida amiga Joanna hasta que ese mismo año recibió la dolorosa noticia de que Lady Lannister había muerto de parto, así que decidió aceptar formar un compromiso con los Hightower.
Al final Elia y Baelor acabaron casándose ese mismo año en una gran ceremonia asistiendo algunos miembros de otras casas como el príncipe Rhaegar Targaryen que felicito personalmente a la pareja. El matrimonio fue feliz estando muy enamorados el uno del otro y tan solo unos meses después, Elia quedo embarazada y se esperaba que este embarazo llegara a buen termino por la salud de la progenitora.
En 274 d. C., nació la única hija mujer de la pareja, Loreza Hightower siendo una gran alegría para el matrimonio ya que la pequeña era fuerte y saludable, pero la madre estaría apunto de morir por las complicaciones del parto permaneciendo unos meses en cama y se recupero poco a poco. Cuatro años después del nacimiento de su hija, Elia volvió a quedarse embarazada y alumbro a un hijo varón, Manfred otro bebé muy sano y que su parto le pudo costar la vida a su madre la cual se recupero medio año después. En 283 d. C., nació el ultimo hijo de la pareja, Addam y este parto dejo a Elia casi muerta siendo incapaz de volver a concebir otro hijo mas. Baelor acepto no volver a compartir el lecho con Elia para que no volviera a quedarse en cinta y arriesgar su vida en otro parto que podría matarla.
La vida de los conyugues fue tranquila hasta que en el año 295 d. C., falleció Leyton Hightower convirtiéndose Baelor en el nuevo Señor del Faro y su hijo, Manfred en su heredero. Elia se mantuvo alejada de los asuntos de Antigua centrándose en sus hijos a los cuales adoraba y busco buenos matrimonios para estos, logrando comprometer a su hija Loreza con el heredero de Altojardín, Willas Tyrell y a su hijo, Manfred con Desmera Redwyne, la única hija de Paxter Redwyne.
En 310 d. C., Baelor y Elia paseaban por las ciudades junto a sus hijos y algunos de sus nietos cuando se avecino una gran tormenta, así que decidieron volver a su hogar quedando completamente empapados. La princesa de Dorne cogió frío durante el trayecto enfermando de una fuerte gripe que la dejo en cama por unos días hasta que fue encontrada muerta en sus aposentos por su hijo, Addam. Ese mismo año una de sus nietas, Jeyne Hightower falleció victima de fiebres puerperales así que abuela y nieta fueron enterradas juntas.
La muerte de Elia destrozo a Baelor que había amado mucho a su esposa falleciendo tan solo un año después de problemas cardiacos siendo enterrado al lado de su esposa y su nieta.
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tessasocs · 4 years
Wbw + Myriah Martell
full name: Myriah Nymeros Martell
gender: female
sexuality: pansexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Mariah Martell (grandmother), Loreza Martell (mother), Mors Manwoody (father), Doran Martell (brother), Elia Martell (sister), Oberyn Martell (twin brother), Arianne Martell (niece). Rhaenys Martell Targaryen (daughter), Aegon Martell Targaryen (son), Lorenzo Martell (son)
birthplace: Sunspear, Dorne
job: Princess of the Seven Kingdoms
phobias: the Lannisters, her health declining
guilty pleasures: Dornish Red, Swimming nude, Arthur Dayne
morality alignment?: Chaotic Good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
top: Myriah x Arthur
ot3: Myriah x Arthur x Ashara (platonic), Myriah x Arthur x Elia (platonic)
brotp: Myriah & Oberyn, Myriah & Ashara, Myriah & Elia
notp: Myriah x Rhaegar
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myriamas · 1 year
who: @lorczamartell setting: the two women of house martell are taking a stroll through one of highgarden's many gardens, accompanied by some martell guards and other women; though there is considerable space and distance between them.
and the sounds of anklets jingling was hardly something strange or suspicious to those dornish attendents and courtiers some yards behind the two princesses of dorne; only, for it to be in such a setting as this one, where different hues of green seemed to almost attack the senses.
there was so much, too much here, almost as though nature itself had been tainted by gluttony.
"i do still think you had every right to deny the wish to accompany the court to this place. your early married days should be somewhere in peace and private, rather than the court of snakes."
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and she glances sideways at her good sister beside her, who had recently entered a new phase of her life as the lady of the tor; married life was important in dorne, a family matter in itself - and whilst she never doubted loreza would be warmly accepted by the jordaynes and the tor, all of dorne had heard the songs they had sung for their new lady upon her barrat procession and arrival to the new city.
"how are you finding it, truthfully?"
and perhaps it was because she felt closer to loreza than her own sister, or perhaps because she wondered whether she had any more sisters out there, she felt a strong sense of protection over loreza. she would stand to hear anyone say anything of her, not in the reach of all places
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call-me-schmidt · 5 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Relationships: Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Barbrey Dustin/Ned Stark, Ashara Dayne/Benjen Stark, Mellario of Norvos/Doran Martell (past), Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen (Past), Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister, Loreza Martell/Elyos Gargalen Martell Characters: Catelyn Tully Stark, Ned Stark, Lyarra Stark, Jon Snow, Ashara Dayne, Benjen Stark, Arthur Dayne, Howland Reed, Elia Martell, Cersei Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Petyr Baelish, Jaime Lannister, Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Aegon Targaryen, Doran Martell, Oberyn Martell, Original Snow Bastard(s), Original House Martell Character(s), Elyos Gargalen Martell, Loreza Martell, Obara Sand, Trystane Martell, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, Tyrion Lannister, Barbrey Dustin, Alys Karstark, Jonelle Cerwyn, Zolbaery Snow, Jorelle Mormont, Wylla Manderly Additional Tags: Elia Martell Lives, Lyarra Stark Lives, Aegon and Rhaenys Targaryen Live, Canon Divergence - Bran Stark Doesn't Fall, The North Remembers (ASoIaF), The North Is Like Dorne, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, Incest, Sibling Incest, not graphic, But tagging b/c Jaime & Cersei, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Not Canon Compliant, very much not, Magic, Greenseers, Wargs, Ashara and Brandon equals Jon, Myrcella is intelligent, No Direwolves Die In The Making of This Story, also, so many direwolves, Blackmail, Robert Baratheon Being an Asshole Summary:
In which: Dorne and the North realize that they have a lot in common, the Starks are slightly more suspicious (but they still don't see everything), Elia Martell is the best aunt and mom, and we can explore humans humaning without every single person dying, thanks.
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1nsaankahanhai-bkr · 6 years
Asoiaf meme-
Rules: Answer the 10 questions below. Then make up 10 of your own for the next person to answer and tag people.
thanks @poesiariptide for tagging me.
1. If you could take a character’s place for one day who would it be?
Young griff . And let him know the truth Or Doran and cover up for his poor communication skills.
2. If you had to be the illegitimate child of a character who would it be?
Elia martell or catelyn because they were awesome mothers .
3. Would you prefer to settle in Westeros or Essos?
Westeros. But exclusively in Dorne.
4. Which in-universe community or social group do you wish had been portrayed differently? 
Sand snakes and dothraki. Basically all the brown people.
5 .Are there any pairings that you don’t really ship in canon, but would probably like in a modern AU? (Note- modern AU implies much smaller age gaps where necessary.)
Jaime and Brienne. (Same as yours ) and young griff and Elia sand. And Quentyn and Sansa.
6. What difference between the show and books bothers you the most, personally?
7. One fandom habit that is widely accepted, but according to you is totally wrong?
15 year olds were not old enough or mature even in medieval times.
8. One character you wish had gotten a bigger role or more story influence?
Quentyn martell. He had so much potential. (I think you knew the answer)
9.Your top five favourite fancasts (i.e. fancasts you have either seen or made that you find absolutely perfect for the character)?
a. Anushka shetty - Arianne martell
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C. Surekha sikri- Meria martell ( look at that smug smile)
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b. Milind somand- lewyn nymros martell
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d. Aegon vi targaryen (not young griff)- Mihir pandi ( I coloured his eyes and he is brown head to toe)
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e. Oberyn Martell- Rana daggubati ( he can switch from cute to sexy to adorable to angry to scary in a split second)
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f. Bonus -both Ratna pathak Shah and supriya Pathak for loreza Martell.
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10. The most powerful (as in meaningful, or which left a lasting impression) moment in your favourite female character’s storyline, from your perspective?
Elia and how she was is remembered for her good nature and how gracefully she carried herself despite her poor health and how calm she remained in that dire situation. Also cat because of her adaptability in the hostile north.
My ten questions-
Are there any literary parallels between your favourite character and some other character?(I have many .I will probably make a list some day)
What's one thing you wished grrm explorer more?
Is there a character that fandom loves but you despise(apart from elia's husband)
Fave non canon pair?
If you could change one in- verse subplot what would it be?
What's the one thing about your favourite character that you can't stand or find irritating?
Is there anything that would make you defend your least favourite character?( eg- ragger was not madly in love. He was just mad)
Favourite Jon ship? (Although he is dead) do you think he will come back?
Your worst experience with fandom racists?
What do you think of Quentyn/young griff?
Sorry most of them are martell centric.
I tag- @riana-one , @ramzesfics , @infinitestalia , @alyssaallyrion , @sayruq , @incurablescribbler , @heathcliffitsmecathy, @forme-iwrite and @delrosariorg .
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visxionaries · 4 years
★ (from lori)
i like you // i love you // you’re one of my best friends // you’re like family // you are family // i dislike you // i hate you // i’d kill you if i got the chance // i want you to like me // i’m scared of you // i would adopt you // i’d date you // i’d sleep with you // i’d marry you // i’m worried about you // you confuse me // you’re annoying // i pity you // i respect you // i trust you // i feel protective of you // i’d invite you with me to parties // i’d lend you my money // i’d borrow your money // you’re good-looking // i’m suspicious of you // i’m hiding something from you // you’re fun // you’re boring // i’m upset with you // you’re nice // you’re mean // i’m envious of you // you’re smart // you’re stupid // i look up to you // i think you’re a better person than me // i think i’m a better person than you // i want to apologize to you // i wish i’d never met you // i never want to forget you // i want to get to know you better
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theeldestsun · 6 years
@lotsofprincesses​ ; joanna
Everyone was standing still. Everyone. And there were hundreds of everyones. Mother told him to be quiet and put his hands together and to straighten his back. But his clothes were itchy and hot and he was getting tired. They have been waiting here for an hour and nothing was happening. Someone whispered that the snowfall was making impossible to begin with the coronation procession. To Doran’s mind, wouldn’t it just be easier to do the procession some other day? 
And Mother was in an awful mood as well. At the very least, she was very sharp this morning -- and he suspected that this was not helping her humour in the slightest. He wondered if it had something to do with Ella and her new baby. Or maybe it was the War. 
He looked around and saw a few new faces. There was a girl a few years older than him, that had golden hair and green eyes. He knew her to be Joanna Lannister. She was Tywin’s cousin. There was also another girl called Cassana from House Estermont, and she also had green eyes. Mother said they were going to be Ella’s ladies in waiting too. 
A boom of a somber gong resounded through the Sept, and all at once everyone shifted and looked up. There was a man at the door, and in a loud voice announced the arrival of the Prince Jaeherys and his wife Shaera. They appeared, hand-in-hand, standing beneath the Father and the Mother. And behind them were Aerys and Ella. The Prince was giving a speech, but Doran could not look away from Ella. She looked pale and tired. The Septon with his crystal crown began chanting, echoed by both his followers and many of the guests. With the beat of the gong, everyone began to step up towards the doors that now swung open -- allowing a gust of bitter wind to meet them. 
They fell in behind the Princess Shaera and Ella, and Doran kept close to his Mother as they continued slowly through the city. Half-way through, he wanted to ask her why it was that everyone was so quiet. This was supposed to be a coronation afterall. But the city was quiet -- and the crowd of common-folk were thin. He supposed that it was difficult to be happy when there was a blizzard.
He did not realise that Joanna had drifted quite close -- and he smiled politely at her. He then noticed her teeth clattering and she was hugging herself close. Mother had dressed him in several layers, making him look rather silly. But he wasn’t that cold -- 
“ Take this, my lady,” He untied and offered his lamb-skin cloak to her, whispering so that he would not disturb anyone else, “ You’re shivering,”
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