#c: mara
magpietrait · 1 year
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the most recent okoye-mendez family photo plus some older ones
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felixsinclair · 2 years
A Reunion —
who: @maraxsinclair, @teddyquijadas, @felixsinclair
where: teddy & felix's quarters
when: 05.16.2044
discord transcript
mara sinclair —
She's filled with anticipation as she waits for Felix's arrival, heart beating like a drum as she sits on Teddy's bed, fingers knotted with his as she watches the door. "You said he'd be here just after 9? Are you sure? She can't help the concern in her voice as she checks the time on her analog watch. It belonged to her father and she's worn for nearly twenty-five years. Now Mara stares at it with worry. 9:10. It's different now that her hope is no longer an abstraction, no longer a whisper in the dark or a dream she doesn't want to wake from, it's real, it's a living breathing thing and that means it can be taken away. She looks over at Teddy, brows furrowed with another invasive thought,"what if he doesn't... what if he doesn't remember me the way I remember him.
teddy quijadas. —
If it wasn’t for her hand entwined with his, a reminder that she’s real, Teddy would still swear he’s in a mere dreamt-up reunion. There’s tears and there’s laughter shared, the pair clinging to each other as they reconcile the fact that they’ve lost ten years together — they try to catch each other up on the gaps while they wait for their son, who still has no idea that Teddy’s found Mara again. When she checks her watch, even the furrow of her brow in worry is familiar, therefore comforting. But then, concern slips into her voice again, and he tries his best to reassure her. “Well, he’s never been exactly punctual,” Teddy murmurs. There was no need for Felix to follow watches or keep time when it was just he and Teddy on foot each day, with only the sun and the stars to guide them.
Her words trail off in their uncertainty, and Teddy tilts his head slightly. “What if he what?” He laughs a little, hoping to ease any worries about his safety. “He’s fine baby, don’t you worry. If you only saw how much Felix has grown — or what he can do with a bow now! — you wouldn’t think twice about his walk home.” A moment of hesitation hangs in the air, that same look still on Mara’s face, unwavering and unsatisfied with his answer. He knows her well enough to realize how she’d really meant to end her sentence, too afraid of the possibility to even say it out loud. “Oh, Mara,” he sighs, squeezing her hand in his. “He could never stop loving you, or needing you. You’ll always be his mother.” All those years that Teddy attempted to be both father and mother to Felix proved that Mara had left behind shoes that were impossible to fill. “He’ll be so, so happy to see you.” And excited to share the news that he’s taken her surname, made her a permanent fixture of himself.
felix sinclair. —
The routine of patrol and life inside Idaho Falls was already something that Felix was beginning to grow bored with. To combat the monotony of it all, Felix found himself meandering along different routes every day as he made his way back to the place that he and Teddy called home these days. It wasn’t much, but Felix had long since learned that home was people, not places. He didn’t quite expect however, that his routine to fight routine would be upended when he shouldered the door open and was met with the sound of two voices that had him to pause. One he knew quite well and heard the low timber of every day. And the other, was one that sounded like a distant dream that he hadn’t heard in years. He swallowed a deep breath that caught in his throat, and blinked rapidly for a moment, his hands clamping down on the straps of his gear to stop them from shaking. He pushed the door open and stepped inside. And there she was. Finding mom had been the goal for years. Something that he clung to when things got tough. But it had been such an intangible, lofty goal that at times seemed helpless. The prospect of finding her had always been something that seemed just out of reach, and yet dad had seemingly done the impossible and located the woman they’d been separated from from for over a decade.
She looked the same, and yet not. She looked just like he remembered, and yet different all he same. He couldn’t say the same for himself though. He had been much smaller when he’d seen her last, and seeing her for the first time in years and not having to crane his neck up to look at her only hammered that home. He wondered what it was like for her. How tall had he been when they split? How much had the shape of his face changed, how much broader had his shoulders become? The smooth, relatively umblemished skin of a kid now marred with more scars than she His scars, littered and small as they were, held the story of a distinct turning point in his life. Once neat and silvered, barely there with clinical and precise lines were from a time when Mara had tended to all of his wounds. She had taught the both of them her craft, but their lines were never as perfect as the ones she did, their own a little less tidy, a little less well healed. Part of him had the fleeting thought that he’d probably be paying for that with a lecture at some point in his near future. But not now. Now had Felix dropping his gear to the ground as soon as the door closed behind him and rushing across the room, a broken “Mom,” falling from his lips as he threw his arms around her. “You’re here.
mara sinclair —
Maybe she shouldn't be concerned. Maybe it's all in her head. But the years were long, even she has to admit as much. So much time had passed that she wonders if Felix will even recognize her. Teddy's words anchor her, though, quelling the doubt in her mind slowly but surely as he squeezes her fingers tight. She draws their hands up and presses a kiss to his calloused knuckles. "You've always known what to say, Teddy."At least to her. Mara knows that whatever he says, he means, at least to her. So much had changed but she's grateful that hadn't.
Resting her head against Teddy's shoulder, she exhales, eyes drifting shut in a pensive silence as she considers what she'll say (and do) when she sees Felix. Her heart thuds with excitement and apprehension and when she hears footsteps, her chest feels tight. Anxious, even. She digs nails into her other palm and tightens her grip on Teddy's fingers even more when the door opens and time stands still.
Felix is as familiar to her as the day they were separated. It doesn't matter that he looks different – older, taller, more rugged and maybe a bit ragged...he's still the little boy she remembers, the scrappy teen she'd never gotten a chance to say goodbye to. He's still her little boy. Her son. And when he wraps her in a hug, Mara doesn't think twice before wrapping her arms around him and holds on tight, as though he might vanish. "Oh my sweet, sweet boy." She's crying but it hardly matters as she clings to him, unwilling to let go anytime soon.
teddy quijadas. —
It can be overwhelming how quickly things change, how life spirals off in directions unimaginable. Life turned sour in an instant ten years ago, when sudden chaos in a QZ rips Mara from him, from their son, too; Just like his own father, he has to teach his son to survive, how to thrive and make a lifestyle of it, show him how they can spend years living off the fat of the land. Teddy became accustomed to that kind of solitude, the can-do attitude of he and his son against the whole world (and then some). Here in the dingy, standard issue dormitory of Idaho Falls, life changes again in mere seconds before his eyes.
Old, creaking door opens and the look of realization on Felix’s face says what words cannot. There should be a word for this feeling, the bittersweet moment of accomplishment; your goal of the last decade completed, fading away, leaving you to face a new unknown. With tears rolling in the room, he watches as their son wraps his arms tight around his mother, certain now of only one thing: Teddy knows that they have to leave. These four walls may provide a false sense of safety, but Alexei Volkov is evil, and would exploit this little family however possible.
For now, he tries to push those thoughts away, instead throwing his arms around his family. “Surprise, son,” Teddy laughs, tears apparent in his voice. “We actually found her,” he adds, half in disbelief. There’s no need to say that a small part of him had given up, considering Idaho Falls was the last place on earth he’d ever thought he’d find Mara. Holding the two of them in his arms, nose sniffling, he presses a kiss to each of their heads. “Do we want to sit down?” he asks with that same soft laughter.
felix sinclair. —
He can't help but feel small with the arms of both of his parents around him, the sense of euphoric happiness and warmth almost overwhelming, and he doesn't pay any mind to the hot tracks of tears running down his face as he takes in every moment in their presence. His shoulders shake with the laugh that tumbles out of him. "Yeah, we finally did. Best surprise ever," he mumbles into Mara's shoulder, his cheeks aching with how long he's held the smile on his lips. He sniffs and lifts his sleeve to wipe the tears from his face and nods, reluctantly pulling away from the two, eyes sweeping across the small place the two of them had come to call home the last few weeks. "Um yeah, can do." He takes a deep breathe and shuffles towards his abandoned gear to right it, and pulled out his canteen to take a sip of water as he sat himself on the lumpy cushions of the couch that had been in the room they'd been assigned. "So, Mom," he starts, basking in how good it feels to say that aloud again in a definitive way to address someone, and not just a method of talking about someone, "How long have you been here? We've been just about everywhere looking for you."
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send  👫  for  a  reunion  starter .
Rey swiped the stolen key card over the scanner and the door slid open. The knocked out stormtrooper lay on the ground besides her as she waited impatiently for the room to reveal itself. Once it did, she wasted no time moving inside. "Mama!" She breathed in relief as she quickly scanned the restraints that held her mother down and threw her arms around her.
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Cate Blancett (46) Rooney Mara (30) in Carol (2015)
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sunblazes · 2 years
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forgotto post him
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nvoc · 20 days
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peppermint-moss · 1 year
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dnd oc design from August!
commission info || ko-fi (tip jar)
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yore-donatsu · 2 years
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Let’s go for the amazing c★mmissi★n from @ladymaraa with her beautiful sona Mara 💜 Thanks you for this c★mmissi★n my dear 🥰
Little bonus because there were two expressions for Ramattra and I really liked this one too 🥰 (Both were so good but there was to be only one left ^^”)
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If you want to support me There the C★mmissi★ns or My Patre★n And if you want to see my works on anothers sites yoredonatsu DOT carrd DOT co Thanks you again for your support everyone !!  °3^ ~♥
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casp1an-sea · 5 months
These are just my opinions your welcome to have different ones
Han and Leia waiting to get married makes total sense! At the end of return of the Jedi the only time they’ve spent as a couple is when their relationship started in ESB and its continuation in ROJ most of which they were in battle. Yes Leia has been thinking about him for about a year now but she hasn’t been able to get closer to him in that time, and for Han it’s like not time has passed at all. Plus there’s still a fucking War going on that they very much are invoked in. Marriage is not on their minds, especially Leia’s. (Plus all the traumatic shit they have to process)
This is a message to both legends and canon LUKE IS GAY come on now 🥲
Mara was cool until she married Luke then the writers kind of screwed up her character
Han’s backstory WTF (it’s so sad but so good)
Can we get more Han and Lando buddy cop adventures?
Okay but those stormtroopers from Choices of One feel like The Bad Batch’s emo cousins
I think it’s rly funny that C-3PO gets given to Han
I love Anakin so much why did he have to die???? Also please Leia why did you insist on that name. Don’t get me wrong I love it but the pressure you put on this poor child. Han why’d you give in you idiot?
I feel so bad for Han in courtship of Princess Leia. Should I?
Okay but let’s be clear Leia definitely cheated on Han with Isolder. Idc what she thinks that was, it was cheating.
I see a common theme of Leia being rly untrustworthy of Han until they get married. To like an unhealthy degree. What is this guys? I promise he’s not a bad dude.
remember that time where Luke made a submarine out of a dead creatures stomach skin? Yep I do.
lando’s mining facilities getting destroyed is such a funny gag
Did you notice Isolder’s daughter marries Han and Leia’s son? It’s like poetry it rhymes.
I love paradise snare but to me the hutt gambit was a dumbstruck fire
HUGE PET PEVE I HAVE WITH TATOINE GHOST! (Still love the book though) Forgiving and forgetting is not always the answer. Han does not need to forgive the republic. LEIA DOES NOT NEED TO FORGIVE VADER. Nor would Han push her to do so and he certainly would not condone the slaughter of tuskins because “he was a boy with a dead mother”. Well wouldn’t you know Han you’re a boy with a dead mother and you didn’t commit genocide. You have even less reason to forgive Vader than the twins. I block this out it was a bad writing choice.
HAN HAD A CHILD WITH BRIA???? I know when, but WHERE ARE THEY?! google was no help
“Must be nice to have a grandmother” LMAO HAN YOU OKAY BUDDY?
Is it bad of me to say I prefer the og force witches/dathomirians/dathomir/nightsisters to the canon ones?
LUUKE SKYWALKER? They’re so goated for that. OKAY BUT DID DAVE FILLONI READ THE REBEL FORCE SERIES? BRAINWASHED abducted children with no memory of their lives and family, solely devoted ASSASSINS to an ECCENTRIC IMPERIAL WITH A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX who wants favor with the emperor. And these assassins are called X-1, X-2, X-3, X-4, X-5, X-6, and X-7. This is why it should have been tech.
I thought Chewie’s death was impactful and I didn’t hate it
I like it better that Han and Leia didn’t divorce
I like that Han is a male wife and I love how close his children are to him. It makes sense that Leia would be the working one.
not them have a floor to ceiling length tapestry of Leia in a their house. That would scare the shit out of me at night.
I like that Leia is a senator and not a general. Okay hear me out. Leia is trained in diplomacy as much as she is in combat. She was a senator before she was a rebel. And she has always been very much involved in matters of state and would want to feel like she was actively doing something to keep the republic in check. The rebellion was not just a war to her it was making the Galaxy a better place that doesn’t end when the war for her so the natural next step would be a government position. Granted she still acts as a general if need be and goes far beyond her job description countless times.
Can someone fo a demo of the song C-3Po wrote about Han?
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arytha · 6 months
ive definitely been mentioned more times on joelle's blog but tumblr isnt playing nice. whatever :c
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toomx · 4 months
the auto tune on the anthem is diabolical 💀
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dreamyboogrem · 1 year
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"I could stare at you all day, Your eyes are so darn pretty,,," It's been a bit since I drew @sandmeister and I's grems together :) Been feelin' lovey dovey and junk lol
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Rooney Mara (30) in Carol (2015)
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sunblazes · 2 years
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sonofthedunes · 1 year
was just forcibly reminded of the whole callista thing in legends…
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ruleof3bobby · 9 months
Not sure why Guillermodel Toro decided to do such a similar take from the OG movie. It was shot well, but a more modern take might have been more interesting. Even without watching the original, I'd think someone could still see how it all is going to end for the most part.
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