#c: praedyth
ksfreddo · 1 year
Destiny: No Time To Explain COMPLETE GUIDE
Posted on October 20, 2015 875 Upvotes | 96% Upvoted | 453 Comments
Hey guys! This mission can be unlocked by getting Praedyth's ghost in the Heroic/daily version of Paradox. Once you get it and also turn it in, you must wait until next weekly reset (Tuesday, 2 AM PST). The quest will be available to start in the Tower at Lakshmi, the FWC rep only on the character you handed the shell in on.
Here is a guide on how to get the ghost if you have not already done so. This is intended to only be done in Paradox when it is the daily. (Edit: It can be done when it's not the daily too. Here's how!)
Step 1: Ready for War
"Earn reputation through donations to the Future War Cult"
Quest Text Here
5 Motes of Light = 10%
25 Armor Materials = 5%
25 Weapon Parts = 5%
2 Heavy Synth = 5%
Step 2: Talk to Lakshmi-2
Step 3: The Simulation Core
"Here's how I see it: the Hive want to eat us. The Fallen want our stuff and the Cabal want our planet. But it's the Vex, Guardian, only the Vex can take our past away from us. If we're going to understand what these files mean, I'm going to need more context.
Hunt down a powerful Minotaur Taken by Oryx. Destroy it, and pull a simulation core from its husk. Shatter the core and return to me."
Quest Text Here
This is a GUARANTEED drop from doing the Paradox daily with the secret mission, so if you haven't done the daily yet and want a free legendary engram this is your best bet.
Any major/ultra Taken minotaurs can also drop it, but red minotaurs cannot.
This is the item it drops. It can be found in the Mission section of your inventory. Hold square (on PS4) while hovering over the item to shatter it.
After you destroy it, there's some cool flavor text
Step 4: Talk to Lakshmi-2
Step 5: The Eye of Atheon
"Excellent work. I'll make good use of the data your Ghost is feeding me. We've spect more time looking through these files, and we believe we know what your next step must be. It will not be an easy one.
Gather a Fireteam and return to the Vault of Glass. Confront Time's Conflux, Atheon, and take its eye. Within the eye will be invaluable data. Shatter it, as you did the simulation core, and then return to me."
Quest Text Here
This is super easy with level 40 Guardians. We managed to bring him down in less than 10 seconds with a tether and 2 Sleeper Simulants.
This does not need to be done on Hard mode!
Here's the item he drops, just shatter it like the last item.
Step 6: Talk to Lakshmi-2
Step 7: Approach the Twilight Gap
"Excellent. I'll begin my analysis of Atheon's data at once. In the meantime, I have results from the simulation core. The heart of the Minotaur revealed a ... ripple. A snag in the timestream around the Twilight Gap.
Head out to the pass, try to determine what Praedyth's Ghost saw there. Then, return to my side."
Quest Text Here
Step 8: Shadows at Twilight
After you spawn in, the mission updates
This can only be done as a single player.
You spawn in and slowly start getting blinded, similar to a Golgoroth wipe. You can clear the blind, and prevent dying by running into pools.
You must find an item, a bracelet, which is hidden in a chest. For me, it was near Point B in Control. For my friend it was near the special ammo spawn at Point C.
If you're a hunter, put on keen scout as the chest will show up on your radar.
Step 9: Talk to Lakshmi-2
Step 10: Approach the Black Garden
"Let me see what you ... a bracelet. With the symbol of House Bray? Ana Bray's personal sigil. Guardian, the inner circle will be grateful that you have returned this artifact to the Tower.
The data you retrieved from the Eye of Atheon, meanwhile, has pinpointed another ripple. This one is at the heart of the Black Garden.
It is time you returned to Mars. The rippled in the Garden apparently flows from a construct called "the Groundskeeper." Find it, destroy it. And return to my side."
Quest Text here
Step 11: Blood in the Garden
After you spawn in, the mission will update.
You definitely want at least one other person for this mission.
At the start, you must "anger" the Groundskeeper. You do this by killing the Vex. The Goblins will give you 2% increase in his anger per kill. However, if you don't kill them quickly enough you will start losing progress.
This format is similar to the speed patrol missions, except with kills.
Minotaurs will eventually spawn, a lot of them. These seem to give you somewhere around 7-10% anger but are obviously harder to kill.
They have void shields, so void weapons will make this a breeze.
Once you hit 100%, the Groundskeeper will spawn. He's a giant minotaur and you must kill him to progress. If you drop below 100%, he will despawn.
There will be tons of Minotaurs between you and the boss and they will keep respawning.
Dying here will not wipe you, it is not a darkness zone.
Here's a video guide on how to get to a helpful cheese spot. For some reason, the video skips but you can just jump there smoothly. You can't die here and can easily snipe out the boss.
Step 12: Talk to Lakshmi-2
"And now ... what? A ring, with the symbol of the Warlock Pujari? Death, again. Like Ana Bray, a Guardian fallen to the second death. Lost to us. We shall study these objects, Guardian. Learn why they have been pulled through time.
I believe your work is over. For now. Praedyth's files have unspooled. Their data undone like uncoiled strands of hair. And what has fallen free?
A weapon, transmatted from some time and some place, and specifically for you. Someone has taken notice of our actions, Guardian. Someday, we may be able to ask them what all this means."
Quest Text & Reward Screen here
Congratulations! Enjoy your No Time To Explain!
EDIT: Here's a short video guide!
EDIT2 : It looks like the reset did not make this quest available to characters who turned in Praedyth's ghost on 10/20. According to /u/nathanields "if you did paradox daily first time around and therefore had the 'Not Forged in Light' quest yesterday but didn't start it, it's still there today."
Reddit Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3pjvre/no_time_to_explain_complete_guide/
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asher-mir-blog · 7 years
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As promised, that Gay Shit™. 
Explanations below the cut. 
Top is Praedyth and Shiloh, original VoG. But before all the sad shit happened because they were and still are very in love. Tragic tbh. They totally just did it tho. 
Bottom left is @mrpinstripesuit‘s Grier gettin a smooch from a Hive Prince/Guardian hybrid named Ravil. Drawn with Pin’s permission and I’ll eventually finish it when work isn’t killing me. The kiss is less romantic, more ‘Ravil only knows two ways to show fondness of any kind and that’s Sword Logic Death, (which his dads say Guardians don’t like,) and Smooches, which are good all around.’
Mid bottom is @gildedskeleton‘s Bray getting a neck kiss from his husband Mitrin. They also totally just did it. 
Bottom right is Io and Jalaal before Six Fronts-ish. They’re both young-- Io is just a junior Guardian and Jalaal is just a punk kid from the slums who has aspirations of greater things. The story behind this one is that Io got caught in his binder and was super embarrassed about it because he thought it totally killed The Mood™ and instead of being a jerk about it Jalaal just cuddled him up and started bullshitting about some dumb stuff to diffuse the anxiety. 
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heavenlyeros · 3 years
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praedyth to go with the kabr from a couple days ago
commissions open c:
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synnthamonsugar · 3 years
I’m actually really excited to see what (if any) plot reason there is for VoG being back, whether it’s just a thing that’s happening b/c vex time bs, or something that specifically ties into this season’s vex fuckery.
I’m less confident of some sort of subplot involving Praedyth since we haven’t heard anything about him yet, but I’m not ruling that out being some kind of surprise.
Ik some people are speculating wHaT If QuRiA iS tHe FiNaL BoSs?! but I don’t expect to fight her until we’re getting ready to take out her mistress, so I’m not expecting Quria to, like, come in and stomp on Atheon or something. But by the same token I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some named enemies related to her????
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marshalriftwalker · 4 years
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Sequel to "Ex Machina". Continuing the story of Anomalous Researcher "Dr. Praedyth Komorebi", and Field Agent "Jack Solis", concluding the Kairos Incident at SITE 00, in which Anomalous Entities within SITE 00's storage and containment became active, breached, and began tearing apart the facility and its personnel. After the dust has settled, you can only hold fast for evac. --- Part of my AU / ARG I've been building over the past 3 and a half years, "NullSpace". In a world of anomalies, a research organization known as ARGUS CORP. delves into the anomalous in search of answers of their existence. However, everything comes with a price. --- 2K Resolution! --- ⌵ FOLLOW ME ∎ YT ∎ https://www.youtube.com/c/MarshalRiftwalker ∎ Main Instagram ∎ https://www.instagram.com/marshal.riftwalker/ ∎ Art Instagram ∎ https://www.instagram.com/praedyth.riftwalker/ ∎ WIP/Sketch Instagram ∎ https://www.instagram.com/riftwalker.wips/ ∎ DeviantArt ∎ https://www.deviantart.com/marshalriftwalker
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glassrising · 6 years
praedyth-fr replied to your post “tbh i might still move from light once the map is finished but idk yet”
you're contemplating the exact same flights i am haha. i do really like light tho but i Love the eyes for fire and lightning
*eyes emoji*
I like light but idk, I’m just not clicking with the lore as well as I thought I would i guess ? like it’s been kinda hard to carve out a piece for my clan. Fire eyes ARE really fucking good too, and they have the butch deity so that’s a big point in their favor. But also I think I could really easily build some lore in lightning b/c i love desert areas and it’s not that populated.
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from this ask meme! sent by @felwinterslies
send me the name of a character, and i’ll reply with:
full name: Theano Piroska Kurtosi
gender: Angry
sexuality: Polysexual
pronouns: She/her/hers
family: Hungarian father and estranged Greek mother, no siblings
birthplace: Sol-Iletsk, Old Russia  
job: Pre-Guardianship, a Cosmodrome computer engineer who was crucial in the development of Rasputin’s personality core. As a Guardian, she’s a solar-based Warlock and ranking New Monarchy Executor.
phobias: Loss/grief; later, SIVA
guilty pleasures: Assuming authority she has no real right to; making important mission calls without consulting her fireteam; a multitude of fetishes; power-grubbing; spectacularly burning bridges
morality alignment: Neutral Evil-ish
sins - Primarily Envy and Pride 
virtues - Diligence and Justice 
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Introvert
organized/disorganized: Somehow both
close minded/open-minded: Closed-minded
calm/anxious: Anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: Usually agreeable
cautious/reckless: Reckless under the guise of caution
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved until suddenly she isn’t 
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: Generally unempathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic 
traditional/modern: Traditional 
hard-working/lazy: Hardworking
otp: @felwinterslies‘s Caelus
ot3: Caelus and Rasputin (no, seriously) 
brotp: Orphia Sorensen (another of mine) and in later decades, @felwinterslies Corentin Mallory 
notp: ...Toland the Shattered?? Praedyth? There’s a list. It is not a short list. 
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spleenyo · 7 years
Which Exotic is the Most Exotic
Not a all exotic weapons are created equal, some have a single simple perk while others have multiple complex ones. On this list I will give points to each weapon based on a number of things: being an elemental primary is worth 1 point, having an exotic perk is worth 1 point (if the perk does 2 things its worth 2 example: Red Death), having a perk that is not normally found on its weapon type is worth 1 point (does not include perks like phantom gift that became normal perks), being in the wrong slot is worth 1 point (example: No Land Beyond) and, having an excessively high stat (example Gjallarhorn’s damage). Raid exclusive perks (example: oracle disruptor) will be worth no points.
Auto Rifles-
Abyss Defiant: 1
Anguish of Drystan: 1
Atheon’s Epilogue: 1
Fabian Strategy: 4
Hard Light: 3
Khovostov 7G-0X: 5
Monte Carlo: 2
Necrochasm: 2
SUROS Regime: 3
Zhalo Supercell: 4
Hand Cannons-
Ace of Spades: 1
Fatebringer: 1
Hawkmoon: 1
The Last Word: 3
Thorn: 1
Word of Crota: 1
Zaouli’s Bane: 2
The First Curse: 6
Pulse Rifles-
Bad Juju: 3
Outbreak Prime: 3
Oversoul Edict: 2
Praedyth’s Timepiece: 1
Red Death: 2
Smite of Merain: 2
No Time to Explain: 1
Scout Rifles-
Fang of Ir Yut: 2
MIDA Multi-Tool: 2
The Jade Rabbit: 2
Tlaloc: 3
Vision of Confluence: 1
Touch of Malice: 1 See below
Fusion Rifles-
Plan C: 2
Queenbreakers’ Bow: 1
Telesto: 2
Sleeper Simulant: 3
Vex Mythoclast: 3
Invective: 1
Lord of Wolves: 2
The 4th Horseman: 0
The Chaperone: 6
Universal Remote: 4
Sniper Rifles-
Hereafter: 3
Patience and Time: 1
Zen Meteor: 2
Black Spindle: 1
Ice Breaker: 3
No Land Beyond: 3
Machine Guns-
Abbadon, Nova Mortis and, Thunderlord: 3
Nemesis Star: 5
Super Good Advice: 2
Rocket Launcher-
Dragon’s Breath: 2
Gjallarhorn: 2
Truth: 2
Bolt caster: 1
Dark Drinker: 1
Raze Lighter: 1
The Young Wolf’s Howl: 2
The Touch of Malice: I subracted 1 point from the Touch of Malice’s score because of the damage that it does to the player. Because of this damage the weapon is almost unusable in content other that Oryx.
First place is a tie between The Chaperone and The First Curse. Both weapons change a lot of stats and each stat change was counted. Second place was the Nemesis Star which also changes a few stats depending on how long its being fired. Third place is a tie between Universal remote, Zhalo Supercell and, Fabian Strategy; I gave Universal Remote an extra point for being 1 of 2 shotguns to have precision damage. I ended up giving The 4th Horseman a 0 because its exotic perk is the same as full auto.
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whatwasilisteningto · 7 years
C-U FREE DOWNLOAD | Nazir - Praedyth (Original Mix) Feedback & Repost Essential! by change-underground.com http://ift.tt/2qTybOz
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asher-mir-blog · 7 years
Praedyth/Shiloh. Praedyth belongs to Bungie but also mostly to @crownofchelchis. 
The first time they study together, Shiloh knows everything is going to change.
“You look troubled.”
Shiloh isn’t hardly in the room yet and he hears the breath Praedyth hisses through his teeth. He watches his back, the way his muscles move beneath the robe as he arches himself over the table, shoving pages of notes and sketches scattering across the wood to the floor. “Really? I couldn’t tell.”
The hunter frowns, using his foot to kick the study door shut behind him and makes his way to the Warlock’s side. “I brought you some coffee, though I doubt that’ll help.”
Praedyth looks at him, eyes scanning Shiloh’s face as if to discern the intention in his action, and he genuinely seems surprised when he finds a lack of motive in Shiloh’s gaze. “... Thank you.”
Shiloh knows it’s unusual for a Hunter to help a Warlock, let alone care about their well being; the only other instance of this he’d seen to date was Pahanin and Demeter, and most just wrote them both off as crazy. Shiloh knew the truth though, and had been warring with himself about what exactly this was. Sure, he cared. He cared about the whole fireteam save Kabr, but something about the way Praedyth’s brow furrowed, how his nails dug into the wood of the table as his eyes moved over another page of text made Shiloh feel different.
“Something in the algorithms is wrong-- Were you leaving?” Praedyth straightens then, turns to meet Shiloh’s gaze where his hand is back on the door and he didn’t even realize he’d moved, the exit sort of muscle memory at this point.
“Yeah, from what I hear, Warlocks don’t tend to like people sticking around their spaces that aren’t, well, Warlocks.”
He watched the pale blue of Praedyth’s eyebrow arch, the half-laugh spill from his lips. “Traveler, you’re serious.” A pause. “Well, you’re welcome to stay. No Warlock has ever brought me coffee in the middle of the night before.” His hand moved to his hair and Shiloh’s eyes never left it, breath caught in his throat at the way the digits parted through and ruffled the timeglass-colored strands. “And I could use your help, actually.”
There was a beat of hesitation before Shiloh closed the door again, but this time he pulled his cloak free and draped it over a chair. He swallowed hard, looking around the room with all the nervousness he’d had in his early years as a Guardian, and finally came to stand next to Praedyth. “I hardly doubt I can see something you haven’t. You’re the Vex expert, not me.”
“There’s no harm in trying.” Praedyth touched his shoulder and Shiloh felt his ears flushing. Inwardly, he cursed that he’d already taken his cloak off, and his eyes followed Praedyth’s other hand to the symbols he’d scrawled next to the book. “This is a small fragment of the linear function we’ve managed to gather from the transmissions outside of the gate. I’ve been at this for hours, but something isn’t lining up.”
Shiloh lifted the paper, studied it for a second, and then snorted. “It’s because you’re missing symbols. This is just a broken code.”
The Warlock said nothing as Shiloh nabbed his pen, shuffling through the rest of the notes before producing a piece Shiloh had handed him during their first meeting. “Here, look.” At the bottom he started to write the sequence again, only this time he included the string of shapes from his own paper. “They transmit it in pieces. It’s because they know we’re onto them, that we want into the Vault. Anyone unfamiliar with the way their shit works wouldn’t even know this is code, but because you’re ahead of the game, you had that much-- You would have just had to hear it.”
“So you’re saying you can hear Vex Code in your mind.”
“Like a song,” He shrugged, tilting his head at Praedyth. “Pahanin isn’t nuts. They sing. Especially around the Vault-- Whatever’s in there, it’s the composer. The Venusian Vex? They’re just the orchestra.”
Turning back to the table, Shiloh pointed to the symbols again. “I’ve heard a rumor once, of someone who went into the jungles after that big temple the Vanguard have forbidden us from. Osiris, hear of him?? That guy’s apprentice, he went there, and he recorded hours upon hours of Vex speak. And they don’t talk like we do. Like I said, they sing. But anywhere there’s a concentration of power, or something they want to protect, they do it in pieces. Part of me wonders if it’s to keep the Fallen from figuring them out.”
“That’s insane.” Praedyth was smiling now, watching the sides of Shiloh’s face as he worked, hunched over and continuing the code onto another piece of scrap.
“I know. The Vanguard just think the Vex are machines but I’ve found evidence that their cores are something more organic. If that’s true, they could be alive, just like we are. Capable of independent thought, though they’re all tied into one system. It’s incredible. Also it shocks you if you touch it.”
“The cores.” Shiloh handed Praedyth another page, not bothering to look up. “They shock you. Something in their makeup is heavily conductive-- Like water, but coursing with electricity. We’ve taken to calling it ‘radiolaria’.”
“Who’s ‘we’?”
Finally Shiloh put the pen down and handed Praedyth the final page. “Well, me, my Ghost, and now you. If, you know, you wanted to.”
Praedyth looked from Shiloh to the pages, reading the code twice before meeting the Hunter’s eyes again. “Astounding.”
“Hardly, it’s just music.”
“I didn’t mean the code.”
Color rose in Shiloh’s cheeks then, spilling across his gray skin and leaving it warm. Praedyth set the pages down, hand moving to touch Shiloh’s jaw; he cupped it, his other hand mirroring it on the other side of the Hunter’s face, and he smiled. “Thanks for the coffee.”
Before Praedyth could kiss him, Shiloh stepped back, snatching his cloak off the back of the chair. “N--No problem!” He was shaking, and moved to the door once again. “I’ll uh, help? As I can?” Hand on the knob, trying not to look at Praedyth’s face, he slung the cloak back over his shoulders.
“You don’t have to go--”
“Yeah I do--”
Almost frustratedly, Shiloh met his gaze, and he closed the distance between them, grabbing Praedyth by the collar of his robes and dragging him down into an insistently messy kiss. When he broke away, Shiloh stepped out the door. “Tomorrow, okay? We’ve gotta meet with the team early.”
Praedyth didn’t get the chance to respond before the door had closed, and he brought fingers up to touch his lips where Shiloh had just been. “Traveler help me, I’m losing it.”
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