#c: tilden toots
edgarebones · 3 months
where: @lumos-tilden's work
There were a few things that Edgar required to take him, he also took it upon himself to check in with the younger order members. It was his family, and knowing how they were doing was important to the older wizard. At the same time, it made him feel old. There was also the fact it gave him the opportunity to not thing about the mess that was his life.
A hand pushes the door open, glancing around until they fell onto the wizard in question. "Tilden." A smile on his face. "I need to stock up on a few items, think you can help me?"
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notwaldenpond · 3 years
Where; Tilden’s clinic Whom; softest boi @hauntedscreams
Daisy had told him that he couldn’t hurt Tilden. Threatening him seemed to also be off limits. But she hadn’t mentioned anything about having a threat-adjacent conversation. He’d gotten pretty good at figuring out the line between ominous as hell and actually threatening, but a little more practice wouldn’t hurt. At least, it wouldn’t hurt him.
Everything about Daisy right now confused him, but threatening people that hurt his friends always brought him back to steady ground. Here he could put all his confusion, the way it all roiled inside of his and eat away at him, to something useful.
When his golden eagle started developing a bit a cloudy eye, Walden felt like it was a good a time as any to stop by and... have a bit of a chat.
“You treat birds, right? Of course you do.” He said, leaning over the counter to get into Tilden’s space.
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deerprongsarchive · 7 years
“…are those flowers?” (daisy & tilden)
Com o típico sorriso abobalhado lhe desenhando os lábios, Tilden encarou o buquê de alstroemérias rosas claras que mesmo tinha plantado e cuidado, até chegarem ali, extremamente saudáveis. “—— If those are flowers?” Repetiu a indagação de Daisy, movendo a cabeça suavemente, com o sorriso ainda bem colocado em suas expressões. “—— Well, yes! Those are alstroemerias! I gave them life myself.” Informou com bastante orgulho de seus feitos e em seguida estendeu o buquê para Daisy uma segunda vez. “—— I thought about bringing you daisies, but how lame would that be, right?! I don’t want you to think I’m... Well, I don’t want to be lame!” Corrigiu para não deixar que sua crush ficasse tão escancarada assim, ainda que as flores falassem por si próprias.
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goldenprewett-blog · 7 years
“It’s utter shite, you know. All of it.” He looked up at the stars they were both gazing at, tilting his head slightly, wanting to reach for his pack of cigarettes but also trying to regain some sense of self-control—trying to get himself to quit even the nicotine buzz that he barely even felt, anyway. Was he really that desperate for a high that he would resort to something that didn’t even work anymore? Apparently so. “Sobriety fucking sucks, dude.” He tugged his sleeves down instinctively, even though they were already rolled down past his elbows to hide his track marks. 
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sxvsnape-blog · 7 years
additives | t.t & s.s
March 1979
     ♠ HE’S DISCOVERED THAT POISON GROWS BETTER AT HOME. And in these times, he understands the he’s going to need an endless supply of poisons. It was expensive to continuously purchase the necessary plant ingredients when he could grow them on his windowsill.
     The sight of gardening supplies engulfed in seeming happiness and brightness made him nauseous, and yet Severus grits his teeth and enters, the black robe flowing behind him putting the shop in stark contrast against it.
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( @tildentoots )
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dear-indies · 5 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could help me find a fc for Tilden Toots? I want to make them between 19-21 and just super cute and awkward. Ethnicity doesn't matter and infact a poc is perfect. Thanks in advance for your help.
Tom Holland (1996) 
Kamil McFadden (1996)African-American.
Ben Hawkey (1996)
Tyrel Jackson Williams (1997) African-American.
Jake Short (1997) 
Rhenzy Feliz (1997) African-American.
Nolan Gould (1998) 
Coy Stewart (1998) African-American.
Zachary Gordon (1998) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Rhys Matthew Bond (1998)
Maeda Koki (1998) Japanese.
Rico Rodriguez (1998) Mexican. 
Hiba Daiki (1998) Japanese. 
Nash Aguas (1998) Filipino. 
Dylan Schmid (1999) 
Isaac Hempstead Wright (1999)
Karan Brar (1999) Indian.
Tucker Albrizzi (2000)
Grant Goodman (2000) 
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veritas-roleplay · 6 years
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T I M O R   V I N C I T   O M N I A .
     ce·te·ris pa·ri·bus     ˌˈti·mor ˈwin·k·it ˈom·ni·a            1. ‘fear conquers all.’
Saturday, 8 September 1979. London, England.
Autumn has finally arrived. The first week of term is officially over for Hogwarts students, and the school is back in full swing as students work hard to prepare for another full year of studies and challenges ahead of them. In the rest of the wizarding world, all eyes are on the ancient school as the debate continues-- is Hogwarts really safe? In a world where everything seems to be falling apart, and violence happens everyday, should the risk be taken to send children away from their families to attend school?
But that, of course, is where the focus is wanted. It is the ignored evil-- the debates go on, certainly, and the press coverage follows wherever the Dark Mark glows in the sky-- that brings about the most chaos, and it is the ignored evil that finally steps out of the shadows.
Everything is normal in London. The temperatures have dropped once again, and the air is crisp with a chill that signals how close winter is already. The Ministry building bustles with activity, the streets of Diagon Alley are packed with witches and wizards. The focus is elsewhere, which makes it too late when anyone realizes what’s actually happening. 
St. Mungo’s Hospital. The unrealized heart of London is its usual busy center of healing, just as it always is. People are being treated for injuries, while others work or visit their families and friends as they recover. It happens very slow, and then all at once. The front doors open, as they always do, and people enter.... there is a moment’s silence, the calm before the storm. A security wizard steps forward to make sure nothing is amiss.
A flash of green light, and he falls to the ground. 
Chaos ensues. No one is certain what is going on or what’s happening, but a few things rapidly become clear-- Death Eaters are in the building, they are attacking people, and there is no way out. Patients and healers alike do their best to find places to hide in the hospital, while others try to escape. But the exits are sealed, the front entrance blocked by Death Eaters. There’s nowhere to go, nowhere that’s safe. The only options become to fight or die, and for too many, the latter ends up being their fate. 
When Aurors finally arrive on the scene, it’s already too late. The doors are barricaded shut, and hundreds of people are trapped inside facing who knows what. Teams of Aurors split up, and the front door is barraged while others attempt to find alternate ways into the hospital. 
It is the coward’s retreat that finally leads them to the key to getting inside. Some people on higher floors have managed to make their way up and out to the roof, while others have broken open windows and escaped through them. Some Aurors and concerned citizens help people in escaping and evacuating the area, while the rest of the Aurors finally storm the building as soon as they’ve gotten as many people out as possible. 
When it becomes clear that the Death Eaters are surrounded, they flee. The city of London becomes a giant maze, with Death Eaters no longer on the offensive, but on the run. To keep their identities secret and avoid capture, the Death Eaters that attacked the hospital quickly split up, hiding in safe houses, buildings, shops-- anywhere that they won’t be found by the Hitwizards that are hunting them down. Most make it away, but not all-- thirty-three Death Eaters are either killed or brought into custody, and the hunt for the culprits continues until the early hours of the morning. 
In the end, it’s time to regroup. The hospital, once a symbol of safety and healing, is but a shell of its former self after being demolished by the fighting. With nowhere to treat the injured and the sick, the city of London bands together, doing what they can for any they can. All eyes turn away from Hogwarts to the destruction left behind at the hospital, and the question is finally realized--
Is there anywhere that is safe?
Under the cut you will find descriptions of where each character was and what they were doing during the attack. While no threads may take place during the attack, you may write drabbles that do, and all starters take place after the attack is over.
Please include “Timor Vincit Omnia” in the title of all starters related to the plot drop, and tag things related to this plot drop with the tag “veritas: timor vincit omnia” so that others can find them. You do not have to do anything related to the plot drop if you don’t want to, but it is strongly encouraged!
When word of a crisis reaches the Ministry, the Aurors are the first to act. ALASTOR MOODY splits his Aurors up into teams-- ALASTOR, DORCAS MEADOWES, and FRANK LONGBOTTOM form up a team, while EDGAR BONES, ALICE BARNETT, and LILY EVANS form up another. ALASTOR and his team head up to the roof and work their way down through the building while EDGAR and his team help lead the charge on the main entrance. When they finally get inside, ALASTOR instructs DORCAS to direct as many people up to the roof as she can. DORCAS does as she’s asked, and assists in the evacuation. ALASTOR and FRANK keep moving through the fighting down to the third floor, and are eventually separated by the fighting. FRANK finds a large group of people trapped in a room, and fights to get them free before sending them with another Auror to the roof. Meanwhile, EDGAR leads his group of Aurors in through the front. ALICE remains near the door to keep people from escaping, while LILY and EDGAR remain close to each other as they enter the main fray. They do their best to keep too many Death Eaters from escaping when the retreat is finally sounded, and pursue the Death Eaters as they flee. When the hunt is finally called off, EDGAR, ALICE, and LILY all return to the hospital to find their friends and family and get treated for their injuries. They return to find that FRANK has taken temporary control of the remaining Aurors as they assist in the cleanup and restoration of the injured, as ALASTOR was severely wounded and unable to direct the Aurors himself. 
When the attack begins, SIRIUS BLACK and JAMES POTTER are working on the fourth floor. They run to find out what is happening and find PANDORA CROSS. The three of them discover there’s an attack happening as people flee upstairs to escape it. JAMES and SIRIUS attempt to go downstairs to join the brunt of the fighting before realizing there are too many people in the hospital that will get caught in the crossfire. They recruit PANDORA to help them get people from the lower floors up to the roof. They find AMELIA BONES on the second floor trying to get people to safety and join forces with her to usher people upstairs. JAMES is hit in the face and goes down. When the others realize he’s gone, SIRIUS splits off to try and find him again while PANDORA and AMELIA continue to get people upstairs to the roof. They find TILDEN TOOTS hiding in a storage room and direct her up towards the roof. She finds JAMES on her way and drags him out of the fighting, remaining with him until the fight is over. When the fighting ends, PANDORA and AMELIA are treated for minor injuries, while JAMES is treated for severe injuries after being hit in the face by a hex. SIRIUS is treated for moderate injuries received while searching for JAMES. 
When the attack begins, there are those that are trapped in the thick of it. ABIGAIL NORTON is tending to WILDA GRIFFITHS after a minor flying incident. ANDROMEDA TONKS is helping with the hospital’s healing classes, which CHARLES BONES and FLORA BORGIN are both attending. When the fighting begins, ANDROMEDA and a few other healers begin getting people to safety and hiding them in examination rooms. ABIGAIL hides in one of the rooms and treats anyone brought to her that is wounded. FLORA and CHARLES escape to another part of the hospital; while they’re fleeing, CHARLES is hit with an unknown jinx. FLORA finds WILDA and the two of them manage to drag CHARLES into a storage room. After the attack ends, ANDROMEDA and WILDA are both treated for minor injuries, while CHARLES is treated for moderate injuries. 
None of them actually know the fighting is happening until it’s all over. EUROPA FAWLEY, ALINA PARKINSON, and NARCISSA MALFOY are having lunch together, while CLARA MACMILLAN is visiting family. When they find out what’s happened, EUROPA and CLARA both hurry to the hospital to see if they can help, while NARCISSA contacts her husband to make sure he’s alright. ALINA allows a few Death Eaters to hide at her home when they flee from the hospital. 
FENRIR GREYBACK and AGNES PARKIN are both in Knockturn Alley when the attack begins. When they hear what’s happening, they find ALBERT PICCARY and PHOEBUS PENROSE in Diagon Alley and force them to return to the cabin, where they wait out the fighting until the attack is over. When they’re sure it’s safe, PHOEBUS and ALBERT both go to see if they can find any of their friends. 
When the fighting begins, it is AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD and PHAEDRA BELLCHANT among the group of Death Eaters that lead the attack on St. Mungo’s. While they help to hold the entrance, LUCIUS MALFOY, MARCUS BLETCHLEY, ALANA MULCIBER, and SEVERUS SNAPE are charged with working their way through the building and taking out as many as they can. MARCUS and LUCIUS stick close together, while ALANA and SEVERUS remain as a team. MARCUS and LUCIUS manage to make it up to the third floor before realizing the tides have turned. They rush up to the roof and quickly flee the scene, hiding until it’s safe to return again as innocent civilians to find out what’s happened. ALANA and SEVERUS are forced to escape out of a window on the second floor. They both hurry to one of the Death Eater safe houses, and remain there until it’s safe to return. PHAEDRA BELLCHANT and AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD are separated when the Aurors storm the entrance. PHAEDRA flees to hide at a friend’s house while AUGUSTUS is pursued by Hitwizards until he eventually manages to lose them. When the fighting is over, MARCUS, ALANA, SEVERUS, and AUGUSTUS are all in need of treatment for minor to moderate injuries. 
None of these people are at the hospital when the fighting begins. SARAH BONES hears about the attack from her husband, and rushes to tell MOLLY WEASLEY and HERCULES MCKINNON. HERCULES gathers his siblings ANTHEA MCKINNON and MARGARET MCKINNON and keeps them at the Ministry until the fighting is over, despite MARGARET’s protests that she go and help. MOLLY gets BILIUS WEASLEY, and the two of them wait with SARAH to hear news from the Aurors about what is happening. When the fighting is over, all of them leave the Ministry to find their friends and try to help in any way they can. 
When the fighting starts, PETER PETTIGREW and GLADYS GUDGEON are at Flourish and Blott’s at work. GALEN OLLIVANDER comes in and tells them that something is happening at St. Mungo’s, and that everyone is being evacuated around the hospital. PETER contacts REMUS LUPIN, and REMUS arrives to help with the evacuations. GALEN, PETER, GLADYS, and REMUS all help direct people to safe locations as they flee before hurrying to the hospital to see if they can find their friends. While they’re searching, they find WENDY SLINKHARD hiding near the hospital. GLADYS takes her to safety while PETER, REMUS, and GALEN all search for a way in. They find people escaping from a hospital window and help them until the fighting is over. 
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legatumrpg · 6 years
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full name: gilderoy lockhart
age: twenty-two
gender and pronouns: cismale and he/him
blood status: halfblood
occupation: freelance journalist and author
affiliation: neutral
i n t r o d u c t i o n »
Your mother claims that you were born to be famous and you have believed that since day one. There seemed to be no other that could ever match to you and you didn’t hesitate to make sure others knew it. It was easy for you to come up with a story but you wanted to do so much more than that. You wanted everyone around you to truly believe these tales and what better way than being the hero in every one of them? You may be young but you are making a name for yourself out in the wizarding world and all you truly desire is being the most famous wizard of all.
b i o g r a p h y »
There is an old Muggle saying that goes: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Well, ask Gilderoy Lockhart which of the former best suits him and he’ll promptly respond “all of the above” before flashing his trademark winning smile. From the very beginning, it seemed as if young Gilderoy had the whole world within his grasp. As the youngest of three to a witch and her Muggle husband, Tilly and Barnaby Lockhart were thrilled to discover they were with child after going barren for eight years. While his childhood lacked the nobility and riches one might assume he’d be accustomed to, the boy was a pampered prince from the moment this magical abilities were revealed. This earned Gilderoy the favoritism of their mother, who was convinced her little boy was destined for greatness and made sure he knew it. Of course, with Tilly’s seal of approval came the jealousy of his Squib elder sisters, Imogen and Rosie, who only received more grief from their mother when eleven year old Gilderoy received his Hogwarts letter. Still, not even the unhappiness of his siblings or his father’s obvious apprehension could rival the joy he felt at the mere prospect of being special. Tilly purchased all the jelly and ice cream Barnaby’s low end coal mining job could buy and the two celebrated this achievement into the wee hours of daylight — never mind the fact that Hogwarts was an institution open to all wizards with British or Irish lineage.
Arriving at Hogwarts, bags stocked with all the essentials, Gilderoy felt as if he were walking on air. Sorted into Ravenclaw, he was elated to find himself among the school’s best and brightest, though he’d later discover he’d just barely escaped Slytherin, likely due to his half blood status. Still, Gilderoy had eleven years of ego stroking under his belt and any contempt he received from his classmates went well over his perfect blonde head. The boy immediately showed promise in the subjects of Potions and Charms, though if ever there came an area he did not rapidly succeed in, he’d make note to never touch it again. After all, someone with a future as bright as his had no time to dilly dally in the mediocre! Socially, Gilderoy was a bit of a wild card. His eccentric behavior made it difficult to fit in amongst his classmates, particularly the bookish types in his house, but he just chalked it up to others not being worthy of his presence. Instead, Gilderoy threw himself into extracurricular activities. As the founder of the Hogwarts Herald, the school’s very first student newspaper, he relished seeing his name in print. Some might say he started the publication for this purpose alone and maybe they were right, but from the Herald bore a newfound love for writing, one of the few skills Gilderoy hasn’t embellished for his own personal gain. Upon graduation, he watched his classmates pay tearful goodbyes to their now lifelong friends and turned up his nose — they could have their mates and their mundane Ministry jobs while he, Gilderoy Lockhart, became a household name. He could already smell the envy!
For a while, it seemed as if his dreams really were on the precipice of coming true. He found himself being courted by the editor and chief of the Daily Prophet, who had caught wind of his work on the Herald and requested he take a job with them. Offended by the mere prospect of working for such a pedestrian publication, he snubbed the offer, claiming his ambitions were much too high for a long term career in newspaper journalism. It was then that things began to fall into a slump. Perhaps his mother had it all wrong. Perhaps he wasn’t special. Perhaps his destiny wasn’t written in the stars, that he was just an ordinary wizard with an ordinary future ahead of him. He took a job at the mine where his father worked and lasted a full six days before having an epiphany. If he wanted to be famous, he couldn’t just spend life mining coal, waiting for it to fall in his lap. No! He had to go out there and take it for himself — and take it he did. He began traveling to foreign lands, meeting other wizards who had done great things and wanted none of the success that came with it. Shame on them! He’d always been particularly gifted in the art of memory charms, and where was the harm of taking credit for one measly thing when the old sod behind it cared nothing for fame? He returned one year later with a freshly written book in his hands and his confidence restored.
Break With A Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart released just last year, putting his face on the map and finally giving him the budding career he so desired. Fame was a whirlwind of which he couldn’t get enough. He lived for the interviews, the autographs, the attention — in his eyes, it was everything he deserved and more. Of course, just as his well-earned success was on the horizon, whisperings throughout the Wizarding World threatened to destroy everything he held dear. There was a war coming, they said. Dark forces were at work and it was time to either pick a side or face the consequences. In all honesty, Gilderoy had trouble caring. So what if the future of his kind was at stake? It wasn’t like a cluster of hooded men were at his door, targeting him personally. Besides, even if they were, he could just hire security detail. As far as he was concerned, Gilderoy Lockhart and his million dollar smile were perfectly safe.
c o n n e c t i o n s »
dorcas meadowes » When one of your admirers turns up dead, it’s a perfect chance to bring attention to you. You have kept every single love letter you have ever received but now, this one sticks out and no one will ever know you didn’t know their name before it was in headlines on the Daily Prophet. You have created a narrative where you were there that fateful day, where you tried to be the hero but there was nothing more you could do. They might be in the clouds but you are the shining star.
charity burbage » You are far more than just aware of their flattering love notes and the anonymous gifts they send you. You fuel the fire of this unrequited interest they have towards you, letting them believe that one day they will have a chance with you. Really, they are the one fueling your ego which is all the more reason to keep them around until someone better comes along.
tilden toots » Once you found out about their little talk show on the radio, you immediately became friendly towards the other. While you were never close before, you are slowly forcing your way into a friendship with them until they give you exactly what you want, exposure. They could be a key in gaining the frame you seek.
Gilderoy Lockhart is played by ANSEL ELGORT and is TAKEN
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I N C O M I N G   B R O A D C A S T …
Good evening, listeners. This is Tilden Toots, I usually host Toots, Shoots, ‘n’ Roots with Tilden Toots, but I’m covering the news until a new reporter is found, so welcome to our program.
Things have been disturbingly quiet lately, as I’m sure many of you have noticed. Everything has been on a bit of a standstill since the Hogwarts Collapse, and it’s difficult to know where to begin, and where to go from here. Reconstruction of the Great Hall is already underway, and it’s expected to be back to its former glory by the end of August. Lots of questions and doubts have been floating around about the future of Hogwarts. Headmaster of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore has been silent on the matter for a long time, not answering any questions about the future of the school. Our station wrote to the Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall to see if either were available for an interview about the future of Hogwarts. And, listeners, I’m admittedly surprised to say that I’m joined this evening by Headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster, thank you for appearing on our program.
You seem surprised that I’m here.
I am, actually. You’re usually such a silent figure in things, I don’t think I can ever remember you doing an interview. I know you used to be a regular columnist in Transfiguration Today, though, what was that like?
I quite enjoyed it. Transfiguration has always been a subject especially close to my heart. It was nice to be able to share that with others. 
Did you find the transition to Headmaster from professor to be really difficult?
It was an adjustment, certainly. But Professor McGonagall has been a wonderful replacement, I can’t imagine anyone else teaching Transfiguration.
I was kind of surprised that you volunteered to come on the show. We invited Professor McGonagall, and we kind of figured she’d be the one to accept. 
She’s spending time with her family now following what happened during graduation. But she’ll be back for the fall semester. 
So Hogwarts is going to reopen, then?
Hogwarts is home to many. It always has been, and it always will be. We will be opening as always in September. 
Do you think students will come back, after what happened in May?
I think so. 
What about professors? Professor Hallbridge and Professor Kelstock were both killed in the Hogwarts Collapse. Do you think that’ll deter potential new professors from coming in, or old ones from returning?
We’re in the process of hiring a replacement for Professor Hallbridge.
Some people have been saying that what happened was because of the curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. Professor Hallbridge did agree to come back for a second year, didn’t she?
I don’t put any stock in superstitions like that.
What about Professor Kelstock, then? Is Divination still going to be taught?
It’s a somewhat outdated subject. We’re interviewing a few people, but there is a good chance that Divination will be taken off of the curriculum. 
One final question before you go, Headmaster. If you could say something to students listening to our program tonight, what would it be?
Help will always be given at Hogwarts. It is a home for many. We lost many things in May, but a home was not one of them. Hogwarts’ doors will continue to remain open for many more years to come. 
Thank you, Headmaster. And thanks for coming on the program. 
A pleasure. 
In other news, Minister Minchum has broken his month of silence to finally release an official statement. The Minister has announced his intention to resign from his position as Minister for Magic once a new Minister has been chosen. Minister Minchum has had a turbulent and controversial term in office. Not all of his legislation has been popular, and we have seen many horrors during the few years that he’s been Minister. But even with that said, I think we can all respect Minister Minchum’s determination to do right by the wizarding community to the best of his abilities. I would like to personally say that I wish Minister Michum the best of luck, and his decision to bow out, while a difficult one, is, in my opinion, the right choice. More details to come on his replacement soon, folks.
Until next time, this is me, your host, Tilden Toots, wishing you strength and good vibes during this trying time. Stay safe, dudes, and don’t lose hope. I love you.
                                                ( aired 15 July 1980 )
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brcntides · 7 years
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NAME: Tilden Collen Toots DATE OF BIRTH: 15th May 1962 GENDER: Male BLOOD STATUS: Half-blood LOCATION: Aber Valley, Wales ALLEGIANCE: Neutral OCCUPATION: Herbologist
FACECLAIM: Alberto Rosende HEIGHT: 5′6 DOMINANT HAND: Left BUILD: Tiny wee man HAIR & EYE COLOR: Brown & Brown
FLORENTINO: Father AMARANTA: Mother BLODEUWEDD: Grandmother COLLEN: Grandfather, deceased
1962: Born 15th May in Aber Valley, Wales. 1964-71: Travels around the world with parents. 1972: Moves in with grandparents whilst his parents continue to travel for work. 1973-78: Attends Hogwarts, sorted into Hufflepuff House.
Sept 1973 - July 1974 (First Year)
Sept 1974 - July 1975 (Second Year)
Sept 1975 - July 1976 (Third Year)*
Sept 1976 - July 1977 (Fourth Year)
Sept 1977 - July 1978 (Fifth Year)
Sept 1978 - July 1979 (Sixth Year)
Sept 1979 - July 1980 (Seventh Year)
1975/76: On a year long exchange programme to Castelobruxo, focusing on herbology. 1978: Due to the new laws he is forced to leave Hogwarts after completing his OWLs. 1978-82: Begins working as a herbologist, returns to travelling full time with his parents in order                to avoid falling victim to the new regime as it worsens. 1982: Quits travelling with his parents to move back with his grandmother upon hearing word           that Holly is alive and well and back. 1982-84: Continues to work as a herbologist, albeit with less travelling, frequently helps out in                 Holly’s shop.
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good MBTI: INFP TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine SOUL TYPE: The Artisan TRAITS: Forgetful, cheerful, artistic, clumsy, green-fingered TROPES: Cloudcuckoolander, Covered in Mud, Nice Guy, Forgetful Jones, Wide-Eyed Idealist
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ruthless-bellatrix · 9 years
poor unfortunate soul;
It happened most nights that Bella would go prowling the streets looking for someone she could deal with, it was only tonight that she was dealing with the anger of having been stuck on some pathetic mission with her brother-in-law that resulted in a very boring interrogation of the traitor. She needed her fun now.  And there was no way she’d hold back,  she didn’t care who she’d end up hurting. Twirling her wand in her hand she kept to the shadows of the busy wizarding street as she scanned the crowds for the perfect person to play with. Her eyes quickly settled on the young Hufflepuff and her smirk widened a fracture.
She had already messed with Tilden once before but that was only words, this time it could be so much more. She quietly followed along behind the radio voice, her eyes glancing in every direction in case someone were to step it, before she could finally get the girl on her own. “Going somewhere, Toots?” She smirked, leaning against one of the empty walls of the street. “You should know by now it’s not safe to be traveling alone at night, especially as someone of your status.” She was twirling her in her hand now yet her gaze remained on the Hufflepuff. “Someone might take advantage of the situation.”
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veritas-roleplay · 6 years
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C E T E R I S   P A R I B U S .
      ce·te·ris pa·ri·bus      ˌkād(ə)rəs ˈperəbəs             1. ‘other things equal.’             2. ‘all else unchanged.’
Tuesday, 26 December 1978. Boxing Day. Second Day of Hanukkah. Diagon Alley.
The hope was that the holiday cheer would seep into the days following Christmas, and keep peace in London just a little bit longer before reality eventually had to return. Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade are still filled with holiday decorations, brightening the centers of the wizarding world and reminding everyone that there are still things worth celebrating. A dusting of snow covers the streets and the roofs of the buildings, making the whole world feel temporarily like it’s in a dream.
But it’s not a dream. The weeks leading up to the holidays can’t be forgotten, though many have tried. There are people that spent the holidays in Azkaban, without trial, and with no such event in the near future. The relatives of those incarcerated have spent Christmas without husbands, wives, parents, children, siblings… it’s days that they can’t ever get back, even if the charges are dropped and their loved ones are returned safe and sound.
The bustling of people going to work and shopping in Diagon Alley is enough to mask the dozens gathering on the stones making up the Minchum War Memorial in the northern part of the city center until it’s finally a group that’s too large to ignore. At first, it just seems like people paying their respects to the names of the dead marked beneath their feet. They would not be the first to visit the memorial during the holiday.
But it’s not just an assembly to mourn those already gone. Helene Nott, wife of Troilus Nott— one of the seven arrested the previous Sunday for the incredibly vague charge of ‘endangering the lives of fellow witches and wizards’— is the one to step up and address the crowds.
“How long are we going to let this keep happening?
              Look at all these names. What’s the Ministry done to protect any of them?
                                          To protect any of us?
What justice is there when the wrong people are being punished for crimes they didn’t commit?
                                                      Where’s the justice in that?”
Her words rile up the crowds, and even those passing by pause to listen. Everyone watches as she steps down from her vantage point and takes her wand from her pocket. Everyone cringes as she points her wand at the memorial. They wait for an explosion. They wait for something bad to happen. But when they look back, they see she’s carved her husband’s name onto the memorial.
                                   “How long until this becomes reality?”
Members of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad patrolling Diagon Alley are called to handle the problem. As the five officers try to push their way through the crowds, they’re met with resistance. They’re outnumbered, underprepared, and in many of the onlookers’ opinions, in the wrong. No one knows exactly how it starts, or who starts it. But suddenly, innocent blocking and resistance becomes much more sinister. The officers are no longer being held back, but dragged into the crowds. Someone rushes to get the Aurors as the five DMLE workers disappear beneath the weight of the protesting crowds. Helene Nott steps up again—
     “Enough of them trying to silence us!                 Enough of them breaking into our homes,                            enough of them tearing our families apart,                                       enough of them controlling the justice of our lives.”
People in the onlooking crowd either cheer at her words or stand and watch in horror as everyone around them gets more and more worked up. People are pushing and jostling each other to try and join the protestors or get away from them.
But no one can leave when the Aurors arrive. They surround the square and start pressing in, trying to reach the Magical Law Enforcement Squad officers that had vanished into the crowds. It would be easier if they knew where they were, but they don’t get the chance to find out for themselves. There’s a flash of green light, and one of the officers falls dead at their feet.
Everything erupts into chaos. Soon, the entire street is sucked into the fighting. Some are caught in the middle of it on their way to work, others were spectators forced to defend themselves, and others were protesters unsuspecting of what exactly they were walking into. Aurors and other members of the DMLE rush to try and break up the fighting, to bring order back once again, but many of them vanish into the mob too. It never stops, never lulls, never ceases. No one even knows if there are sides, it’s simply a matter of trying not to be hit and trying not to lose your friends in the madness.
But it’s not the only fight that’s broken out. Aurors and members of the DMLE are forced to split up, stretching their numbers painfully thin as they try to handle the several riots breaking out across London. It’s almost impossible to consider the protestors to be disorganized when they seem to have taken the city so systematically into an all-out battleground.
It’s hours before some sort of peace is achieved, and only then because those fighting have either surrendered, fled, or been killed. Exhausted, bloody, and hurt, the survivors try to clean up the messes left behind. Healers are rushed to the scene to help the wounded, and people rush about in a desperate attempt to find their loved ones. When it’s all cleared away, a hundred and seven people are dead, including the five Magical Law Enforcement Squad officers, and two hundred sixteen injured. Helene Nott has vanished, and no one knows where to. But for the time being, at least, no one cares. Exhausted Ministry workers eventually file back to the Ministry building, reluctantly preparing for a long night of paperwork, patrols, and investigating. Healers buckle in for working above and beyond overtime, and others settle in for an impossibly long night of wishing they could step back just one day in time, to when things were still light and carefree.
The event CHRISTMAS 1978 is officially closed! Starters may no longer be posted or replied to, though any threads that you currently have going taking place during the event may and are encouraged to continue. Thank you to everyone that participated in the event, and for making it such a success! All threads started after this point will start after the plot drop on December 26th and December 27th. Veritas’ rp timeline will move on as usual ( 1 real life day = 1 rp day ) now that the event is over, so keep an eye out for the daily What’s Happening Today posts to keep you up to date with what’s happening in the aftermath of the event. If you have any questions about this, feel free to message us! We’re more than happy to help you out and clear things up to you.
Under the cut you will find descriptions of where each character was and what they were doing during the incident. While no threads may take place during the riots, you may write drabbles that do, and all starters take place after the incident.
Please include “Ceteris Paribus” in the title of all starters related to the plot drop, and tag things related to this plot drop with the tag “veritas: ceteris paribus” so that others can find them. You do not have to do anything related to the plot drop if you don’t want to, but it is strongly encouraged!
There are always official channels that act first. ALASTOR MOODY takes his trainee LILY EVANS with him as they rush to Diagon Alley to try and subdue the crowds. The two of them are joined by a dozen other Aurors, and quickly enter the fighting. However, they are overwhelmed by the large numbers, and struggle to keep any sense of order. EUROPA FAWLEY is called in with several other members of the DMLE when the Aurors are not able to make any progress in the fighting, and they head to the southern end of Diagon Alley, where other fights have broken out. LILY has her arm broken during the fight, but continues to fight until she can find ALASTOR again. The two of them quickly find DORCAS MEADOWES fighting in the crowds, who has sustained minor injuries. ALASTOR tells DORCAS to get LILY to the hospital, and the two of them try to push their way out of the crowds. They eventually do, and disapparate to St. Mungo’s. LILY remains at St. Mungo’s until the fighting is over, while DORCAS returns and tries to find her other friends. When the fighting is over, she returns to St. Mungo’s to be treated for her injuries. EUROPA and ALASTOR both continue to do sweeps of Diagon Alley to try and help as much as possible, and both go to the Ministry when the fighting is all over.
In this case, punctuality is a true life saver. Unaware of what is going on just outside the Ministry, RABASTAN LESTRANGE and AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD work on experiments in the Department of Mysteries. It is only after everything is over that they hear what happened, and both see if they can find their friends and family. ANTHEA MCKINNON and KALA PATIL both hear of the fighting, but remain in the building until everything is over before venturing out. AMELIA BONES and REMUS LUPIN are both eager to help outside, but are ordered by their bosses to remain where they are. Reluctantly, they both do, though as soon as they can, they rush to find their friends and family.
Another case outside of London draws TED TONKS and HERCULES MCKINNON away from London for a while. When they return, it is to complete chaos. TED rushes to find his wife and make sure she and their daughter are safe, while HERCULES tries to find his siblings. When everything is over, they are both called in to help deal with the many who have lost friends and family during the riots. TILDEN TOOTS is in Hogsmeade during the fighting, doing research for her next broadcast. When news of the fighting reaches the WWN, TILDEN is sent down to Diagon Alley to interview people after it’s all over. She moves through the crowds collecting statements from people. 
Flourish and Blotts finds itself unexpectedly packed when the fighting breaks out. People desperate to hide from the fighting enter the shop looking for refuge, including BILIUS WEASLEY. DAISY HOOKUM, PETER PETTIGREW, and MARGARET MCKINNON are all working in the shop that day, and DAISY attempts to help people by trying to get them all comfortable in the shop, while MARGARET and PETER both try to contact members of the Order to find out what’s happening. MARGARET wants to go and find her siblings, but PETER does his best to convince her not to. MARGARET reluctantly remains where she is, and the two of them watch what’s happening outside through the window until it’s all over.
Knockturn Alley seemed like a safe place to be with fights happening everywhere else. When ANTONIN DOLOHOV hears about the fighting, he goes to Knockturn Alley to warn his friends. He meets up with BARTY CROUCH JR., and the two of them stop by Borgin and Burke’s to let FLORA BORGIN know what’s happening. The three of them remain in Borgin and Burke’s for a short while until they think the fighting is over, then cautiously venture out to see what’s happening. GILBERT GAMP, who’d been on their way to work, meets up with them to try and find out what’s happening. The question is quickly answered for the four of them as people trying to flee the Aurors come pouring into Knockturn Alley. BARTY is quick to rush out of the way, while ANTONIN, FLORA, and GILBERT are jostled around by the people fleeing. All three of them go to St. Mungo’s to receive treatment for moderate injuries.
Not everyone means to be caught in the chaos. LUCIUS MALFOY and PHAEDRA BELLCHANT are in Diagon Alley for work, and when the fighting breaks out, they are quick to get out of the way until things are over. CHARLES BONES gets stuck in the fighting, and retreats to one of the shops to hide. Thinking that he sees his sister in the crowds, he leaves the safety of the shop. Upon discovering it’s not her, CHARLES tries and fails to return to his hiding place. He is jostled around in the crowds until the fighting is over, and hurries to find his siblings and friends when it is. GALEN OLLIVANDER is caught in the middle of the fighting as he tries to get to work. Very early into the fighting, GALEN is hit in the head. He wakes up in St. Mungo’s Hospital, where he is treated for moderate injuries.
Luck would have some people safe from the madness. NARCISSA BLACK and ALANA MULCIBER attend a small social gathering together, where they remain during the fighting completely unaware of what’s happening not far from where they are. When the party is over, they return to their homes and hear about what has happened. Both of them try to find their friends and family. MOLLY WEASLEY is at home with her children, and receives an owl from her husband urging her to stay home. She remains there until she receives the all-clear, then hurries to find her friends and family.
FENRIR GREYBACK and AGNES PARKIN are hanging around St. Mungo’s when they hear that fighting has broken out, and quickly realize that the rest of the pack is right in the middle of it. They decide to split up— FENRIR heads towards Knockturn Alley to find KATHERINE ALLARD, while AGNES dives into the fighting to find ALBERT PICCARY— and meet in the White Wyvern. FENRIR sustains a few minor injuries pushing his way through the crowds to Knockturn Alley, where he finds KATHERINE hiding from the madness outside in the White Wyvern. KATHERINE does her best to patch up FENRIR’s injuries until the fighting is over and it’s safe to leave. AGNES searches for ALBERT until she finally finds him with a broken arm hiding at the outskirts of the fight. She grabs him, and the two start pushing their way towards Knockturn Alley. They’re almost there when the fighting suddenly breaks up, and they’re pushed past the White Wyvern by the masses trying to flee. AGNES receives a blow to the head, and she and ALBERT manage to stumble into a side street, where they wait things out until it’s safe to return to the White Wyvern and rejoin the others.
Even before the fighting officially ends, people are needed to fetch the injured and do all that they can to help. CORDELLA FIGG and ABIGAIL NORTON are sent to bring injured people back to the hospital, while SIRIUS BLACK and JAMES POTTER very restlessly wait to hear news about their friends. ANDROMEDA TONKS takes SIRIUS, and the two of them work together to help as many people as they can as they enter the hospital. JAMES finds MARLENE MCKINNON, and the two of them look for their friends while they work. CORDELLA, TED TONKS, and ABIGAIL bring people back to the hospital with the help of other mediwizards. After the fighting, the two of them remain in Diagon Alley to help on site before eventually trying to find their friends and make sure they’re alright.
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mollysweasleys · 12 years
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legatumrpg · 6 years
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full name: pandora lovegood
age: thirty
gender and pronouns: up to player
blood status: halfblood
occupation: aurologist
affiliation: neutral
i n t r o d u c t i o n »
As your mother held you in her arms for the first time, she whispered that you are made of stardust, a force of energy so bright and so good that the heavens sent you down to Earth because they could not contain your spirit. You have wonder in your heart and joy in your eyes, both a difficult thing to have in a time of war. But you have your anchor, your love, your universe to keep you sane in the darkness, and you know, truly, that love will be the end of it all.  
b i o g r a p h y »
c o n n e c t i o n s »
tilden toots » You once spent an entire summer in their mother’s shop with them, helping out but when the shop closed, you still offered a helping hand towards them whenever they need it. You are more than happy to be there when they need someone. Though you two don’t talk as much as that you did during that summer, it is in your nature to care so deeply for them.
amos diggory » It seems like years ago that you tutored them but the little time that was spent in the library together had blossomed into a wonderful friendship. While you are aware of a life that didn’t start off on the right page, you believe that they are the perfect example of light in the world. You admire greatly the adversity they have overcome, and only hope that their life continues to grow in the time of darkness.
matthias avery » Your family once helped their own in their time of need. You saw a doe-eyed young boy inside your home but once they left for Hogwarts, that little boy you knew was no more. You still believe that you can help them but the darkness inside of them may be too much. Besides, it’s hard to help someone who doesn’t want anything to do with you.
Pandora Lovegood is played by KRISTIN KREUK and is OPEN
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I N C O M I N G   B R O A D C A S T . . .
Okay. Okay, uhm, hi, listeners. This is Tilden Toots, I usually host Toots, Shoots, ‘n’ Roots with Tilden Toots, but I’m covering the news tonight, so... uhm, welcome to our program. 
I’m sure all of you know about what happened yesterday and Monday, but if you don’t, celebrations at Hogwarts for the 990th anniversary of the school’s opening, and the graduation of the Hogwarts class of 1980 was cut short by tragedy when the ceiling of the Great Hall caved in. It’s not clear right now why this happened, exactly. The building was structurally sound, there was no disturbance, spells, curses, and so on that brought it down, it just... it just fell. Ministry investigations so far have pointed to nothing malicious or out of the ordinary. Honestly, we just don’t know what happened. I wish I had answers. I know we all want answers, but on this one... I just don’t know. 
The final death toll was put at one hundred and seventy-nine, with hundreds more injured and in serious care at St. Mungo’s Hospital. Each and every life lost is important to us here, and we grieve all of them. Our usual reporter on this program, Basil Aldertree, was one of the people killed at Hogwarts. We are all grieving deeply for his loss, and hope that the work he did in his life can outweigh the pain of his death. Two Hogwarts professors-- Professor Hyperia Kelstock, professor of Divination, and Professor Jane Hallbridge, professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts-- were both killed as well trying to get students out of harms way. Professor Hallbridge is-- I’m sorry, was the first Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to accept the teaching position for a second school year in over twenty years. 
Minister Minchum’s daughter Anna, seventeen, was also killed today after attending her graduation from Hogwarts. The Minister has yet to give a statement of any kind, and we ask that he and his wife are both given some privacy to grieve. Vice Minister Alicia Duncastor will be taking over Minister Minchum’s duties temporarily until Minchum is ready to return. 
St. Mungo’s is facing massive overcrowding and understaffing, and I would like to take this moment to ask the public to send any sort of help that they can. The hospital is looking for volunteers, medical supplies, places to move some of the injured, people to bring food over-- anything that you think could help, do it. Visiting hours are extremely restricted in the hospital due to overcrowding, so if your loved one is well enough to go home or to be looked after without a healer, please, take them home. 
Former captain of the Holyhead Harpies Constance Garroway has been given a lifelong ban from the National Quidditch League. Her hearing has been pushed back in light of recent events, a date for which has not been set at this time.
Right now, it’s not clear whether or not Hogwarts is going to reopen. Headmaster Dumbledore has offered his condolences to the families that lost loved ones during this incident, but most of his focus has been on repairing the damage done to the castle. The few Hogwarts professors that weren’t injured have also remained to help repair the castle. We urge people to help as much as you can there as well. I know it’s a lot of asking for help, but someone needs to ask, and we have to be willing to give help. This was not a hate crime. This was not a matter of blood status or equality, it wasn’t a matter of who’s superior and who’s inferior. This was a tragedy that’s universal, and that resonates with all of us. For many of you listening tonight, Hogwarts was your home for seven years of your life. It was the last place of refuge before being thrown into this war, it was the place we made friends, where we learned, where we grew up and became the people that we are today. Hogwarts built us up, and now we must help it to rebuild. 
Shops in Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, and Knockturn Alley have all dimmed their lights in a show of solidarity and mourning for the destruction at Hogwarts. No one wanted to talk to reporters right now, and that’s fair, if I’m honest. I work in a news office here, and I don’t really want to talk to reporters either. But it’s important that we remember that we should and must talk, even if it’s not right now. This is a horrible and unspeakable thing that we as a community have gone through, and the grief, the anger, the hurt, everything that we feel is being felt by others throughout the wizarding world. So share, listeners. Share, because there are others that are feeling the same as you are right now. Together, we can get through this. 
There are trauma therapy groups that meet in the Leaky Cauldron every night of the week at seven, and another one at ten. All of them are run by average people, just like you and me, but the power of our voices and the impact of our stories remind us that while we are struggling now, we are not alone. These meetings are open to the public, free, and run by kind and compassionate people that are there and ready to listen. 
The WWN Station is currently understaffed due to the loss of Basil Aldertree and the absence of Glenda Chittock, who usually runs Witching Hour, who has taken a leave of absence for personal reasons after this tragedy. In light of this, I will be running the news broadcasts temporarily with senior reporter Mara Kent, and Witching Hour will also be temporarily run by our staff here. Tonight, however, Celestina Warbeck, who was invited to perform as a special guest on Witching Hour tonight, will be taking control of the airwaves to pay special tribute to those we have loved and lost. Stay tuned for that next.
Until next time, this is me, your host, Tilden Toots, wishing you strength and good vibes during this trying time. Stay safe, dudes, and don’t lose hope. I love you. 
                                                  ( aired 28 May 1980 )
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legatumrpg · 6 years
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full name: tilden toots
age: twenty-four
gender and pronouns: up to player
blood status: halfblood
occupation: toots, shoots ‘n’ roots radio segment
affiliation: neutral
i n t r o d u c t i o n »
You have a bad habit of avoiding human contact for weeks on end. If it wasn’t for that radio show of yours, you wouldn’t be talking at all. At least, not directly. You had spent hours with your mother in that little garden of hers and that only fuelled your desire to create things this world hasn’t seen, using plants that may not be well-known. If you didn’t have bills to pay and needed the consumption of food to live, you would be spending all of your time in your greenhouse, creating what the world doesn’t yet know it needs.
b i o g r a p h y »
c o n n e c t i o n s »
daisy hookum » The moment you met the other, you had no doubt in your mind that this was the craziest person you had ever met. They pushed you outside of your comfort zone, but things changed during your years at Hogwarts went by. You found yourself forced to share your friend with more people, so you hung back and let them be. It’s the very choice you regret to this day, putting that space between the two of you, but regardless of everything, they are the person you find when everything goes wrong.
alice fortescue » You might have been one of the few people who has seen their bad side. It hardly was on purpose, you just said the wrong thing at a time and ever since then you have been faced with one side that you didn’t want to be on. You have kept your distance since that moment, praying that despite whatever went down, they would one day forgive you for it.
tarquin mctavish » It’s not that you never liked the other, but rather their reputation. It was easy to put on a pair of rose coloured glasses, and assume that even the most stubborn of flowers would bloom, but this one just seems to be wilting and growing darker. Although you rarely hear much about them these days, there are enough rumours about everyone that surrounds them, and that seems to be enough to keep you far from their circle.
Tilden Toots is played by TARON EGERTON and is OPEN
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