moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
I’m moving to a new blog. Message me for my new url.
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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Can’t believe it’s already November!! And November means exams are coming!!
Do you have exams/finals soon? :)
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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Cosy autumnal revision sessions 🍁 Exams next week! 
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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My monthly Bullet Journal spread for November!
-31/10/18 (Happy Halloween!)
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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[36/100 days of productivity]
I started reading The Great Gatsby for my english class and i’m surprised on how much i’m enjoying it. My goal is to finish it tonight because i want to start reading some spooky books i have for halloween. I’ll update you guys on how that turns out! 🕸
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
When there is somebody who’s trying to make you feel better and they point out a positive aspect of your life/something you achieved/something to look forward to please just appreciate that they’re trying and don’t start the next sentence with ‘but’ because your bad mental state and self image it’s neither their fault nor their responsibility and they’re trying anyways. They want to make you feel better, so don’t talk down their arguments, don’t say they’re in the wrong (because they’re usually not) and let the idea of not being utterly worthless/stupid/unsuccessful cross your mind. If you keep neglecting their effort it’s pointless for them to actually talk to you because they’ll just feel helpless and occasionally bad themselves because you keep insisting on how awful your life is. It might be shit right now and it might have been shit your whole life but it’s always your decision how to handle your current situation to make it the best it can be.
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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26. 09. 18
I just wanted to say thank you all for 2.5k followers. 😁😊
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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I’m a tattooed and pierced person now and I’m way too proud of myself. Also this helps loads with feeling better about myself in general. Already looking forward to the next tattoo.
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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15.10.2018 // it’s been over a year since i posted anything original on this account, so here’s what i’ve been up to today. listening to some john mayer to capture the chill vibes of a day spent catching up on uni readings (i get mondays off, praise the lord). i think i’m beginning to settle into uni life, even if the workload is way more than i expected for the first week!! 
what i’ve got to read today:
the turn of the screw - henry james [novel]
the art of fiction - henry james [essay]
bartleby, the scrivener - herman melville [short story]
the uncanny - sigmund freud [essay]
hope you have a productive day, let’s go smash this!! xx
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
YouTube Channel
Guys please go check out my YouTube channel Ellie here:
I post mainly mental health related videos but there’ll also be some vlogs (New York vlog being filmed next week!) and journaling related videos!
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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Sky addiction
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
Characters & Relationships We Need to Write About More
Healthy, strong sibling bonds
Two supportive, active parents
Men who are open with emotions of all kind
Women who have no weak spots for romantic love
Hardened characters who (professionally) care for kids, animals, or the elderly and are sweet with them
Pansexual and lesbian characters in sci fi
Intense newly-formed friendships
Lust at first sight, reluctantly (& eventually) in love
MCs who aren’t naturally or easily athletic 
Lazy do-gooders
Unlikely cat people
Someone who’s known for being a good singer/musician but would rather pursue math or science
Men who are rough but aren’t condescending to women
Non-humans who live in a human world and have a cultural identity crisis
Characters that willfully go to a therapist
Women with careers AND a rich, full family/social life
Dedicated teachers
A character that got a degree in business/finances/tech to have a secure job and save up for a lifelong dream
A woman who lives in an isolated area/home alone and prefers it that way
Divorced parents and step-parents that care about each other and work hard to be a loving support network for the kids involved
Sex workers that are not angels or demons, but complex characters like everyone else
Stay at home dads
Recovering alcoholics/addicts that have been clean for years and help other trying to get clean
A deadbeat, unemployed female character
Rough characters who are also bookworms
Kids who are just as emotionally intelligent as the adults
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
i had to change my name because of somebody messaging me who’s damaged me in the past. i hope they don’t find me anymore, if they do i’ll have to delete this blog due to severe issues with tr*uma.
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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My october monthly spreads! At first I wanted to use some fall related colours as a theme but after I bought these gorgeous pastel brushpens I had to use them in these spreads.
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
For as many jokes as there are about writers not writing, writers work so hard. They put their heart and soul into their work, as well as their time and energy.
I think writers literally just feel bad whenever they aren’t writing. I mean, there are many days where I will work all day and feel like I still didn’t do enough.
So stop feeling bad about what you haven’t done and start realizing what you have. Feeling bad isn’t going to help you. It will just bog you down.
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moving-blogs3333 · 6 years
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August 6, 2018 | 11:03
Some of my favorite reads
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