neverwholelahey · 5 years
@angelicbonded​ liked for a starter
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“So, are you gonna tell me where we are going, or am I going to have to keep guessing?” Isaac asked, still wanting to know where they were going. 
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ofwondersandhares · 5 years
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littlest-winchester · 6 years
private starter for claire ( @tragcdysewn )
emma had been having a rough time since the ball. the house had suddenly felt more alone than it had been before. there was no grumpy claire wandering around to watch movies with or talk with or anything. her best friend was ripped away from her just like her boyfriend had been. emma had even gone as far as to sleep in claire’s room sometimes, snuggling the grumpy cat she kept on her bed. she missed her so much. emma sat up suddenly on the bed when she heard a noise from downstairs. clad in her unicorn shorts pajamas, emma clutched the cat to her chest as she slowly made her way downstairs. “hello? who’s there?” she asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs. the red head flicked the light on only to come face to face with the blonde she thought she’d never see again. 
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hopexabbott · 6 years
“I just, y’know, have a lot on my mind,” Hope said. “Okay, nevermind, I’m just a complete mess all the time.”
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After having run into a drunk princess in his room at the Tulach House, he found himself down at the party, mostly watching over her and making sure she stayed out of trouble, but as the night went on, he found himself having lost track of her, and he himself had gotten a little buzzed, and he planned for that to get worse as time went on. Seeing a pirate off a bit, he approached her and smiled. “What a party, hmm?” He commented with a laugh. “It’s odd how quickly we jump from  horror to horror. We went from experiencing real horror through the island half burning down, then jumping to the real horror of a battle, and then jumping to fake horror of Halloween decorations.” The prince joked, knowing it was a bit morbid. “What’s the next fake horror, do you think?”
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annabishcp · 6 years
“You’re asking me to go on that?” Anna questioned, pointing at the ice, skeptical look upon her face at her younger sister.
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amethysthalsted · 6 years
Amy was sketching constellations while sitting at the Bearclaw. She looked up when someone approached. “Oh uh, you can sit if you’d like, I don’t mind company.”
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wesley-warwick · 6 years
The night prior had been an incredibly eye opening experience for Wesley. He had met a woman in the coves, and followed her into a hidden cave filled with glow worms and water, and it led to a unique experience that Wes wasn’t quite expecting to have. However, waking up that morning, he found himself questioning the reality of the situation. He hadn’t even gotten her name, which for him, just wasn’t common, and being with someone the way he was with her? It was unheard of in his life, but he needed to be certain. He walked over to the coves to begin exploring when he saw a woman standing at the entrance. “Hey are you looking to do a little adventuring today?” He joked, motioning towards the entrance once again.
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bxflash · 5 years
( closed starter for @nightnursectemple​ )
Barry was injured and somewhat bad.  He couldnt go back to Star Labs, not with this injury, nope. So he kept the pressure on his wound, as he walked around somewhere in New York, not knowing where he was currently at but he knew that he was still in New York. At least he had hope. He stumbled a bit into some garbage bins, knowing that he at risk of someone finding out his identity, but at this moment, he didn’t care. He had a fallen down onto the sidewalk, grimaced a bit as he struggled to get back up when he heard some footsteps. He cursed underneath his breath as he hoped that the person wasn’t looking to unmasking him. “I know it looks bad, but I wanted to give the sidewalk a hug.” He said as he kept looking at the ground.
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multistoty · 3 years
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“I am capable of carrying things for myself though your help is appreciated,”
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ofwondersandhares · 5 years
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littlest-winchester · 6 years
emma had texted claire to come help her. she’d been thinking a lot about getting a pet lately. the house was so quiet. she remembered ben’s suggestion to have her friends come stay with her but she always felt nervous about asking. emma was waiting around her house for her friend to arrive, hoping that claire could help her make a decision. ( @tragcdysewn )
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legendaryl0stpieces · 5 years
“Sleep at my place tonight.” grace and claire.
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Claire heard her comment, and that was when the brunette raised a brow slightly. They didn’t do much of that. One them always left afterwards. It was just how they worked. Now though things were changing between them and for the better. At least that was what Claire hoped. But it was still weird hearing those words come from her. “Alright, I can do that. You don’t snore do you?” She joked lightly.
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aj-writess-blog · 6 years
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tag drop for claire burns
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annabishcp · 6 years
“Wait, so what’s the difference between optimism and positivity, I thought they were synonyms for each other.”
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sophie-dragic · 6 years
It was a desolating night after the storm, and Sophie had been overexerting herself trying to take care of as many things as she could. Exhausted, she sat by the shore, watching the waves rolling in rhythmically, and wondering what she might have missed. When she heard the sound of steps, she looked up, recognizing the face. “Claire,” she acknowledged. “Couldn’t sleep?” She attempted some small talk.
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