Enterprise/Hiryuu. Like with Essex and Zuikaku, I would love to see Enty try to help Hiryuu with her insecurities, and it blossoming into a very strong respect and admiration.
Shipping ships.
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Considering Midway, they’re not exactly on the best of terms.
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mugetsu-blog1 · 5 years
Touhou Fandom To-Avoid: c0lb0h, a.k.a. Joseph
a little over two years ago, I made this account to warn others of an individual named Joseph, better known as c0lb0h or Kirboh. at the time this callout was made about him, he among other things stalked LGBTA+ artists within the Touhou fandom in hopes of receiving yuri art of Touhou characters, and has acted out like a child upon being reasonably told to keep his distance by said perturbed artists.
after some guilt-tripping on his blog about how mean those Evil Social Justice Warriors were to him, including a death threat towards yours truly for daring to catalog receipts of his behavior, he seemed to simmer down for the time being, and we’d assumed it’d be the last of him. unfortunately, according to a friend from the grapevine, this wasn’t the case.
what began as a textbook case of stalking and harassment for the sake of Touhou porn turned into a full-on campaign to shame at least one of his prior victims in particular, as well as a none-too-surprising demonstration of how shameless /jp/ gets about their thirst for yuri pics. this post contains depictions of transphobia and sapphobia in particular, overall bigotry and shitty behavior from Very Angry Male Touhou Fans that want things strictly their way.
first things first, let’s check in on his blog, shall we?
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business as usual, also lol at that racism tag.
but we’re not here to re-tread old ground, are we now? how about uploading art by one of the artists that blocked him to Gelbooru without her permission? after explicit requests from her to not do that maybe?
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unsafe for work submissions are omitted from the above image. minors, please do not browse the above website, it is rife with stolen, 18+ artwork. also worth noting is that much of kagewaka’s artwork features her interpretation of Kagerou Imaizumi as a pre-op trans woman, and as with anything involving harmless, diverse headcanons of canon characters, this hasn’t escaped the ire of angry, shitty Touhou fans.
it certainly didn’t escape c0lb0h’s.
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in previous posts, Joseph’s shown a tendency to favor petty little acts of rebellion when he doesn’t get his way, and since the last time he’s been covered, he’s called upon bigger fish to pressure her for him. as a result, kagewaka/wagasagayhime has suffered numerous breakdowns due to harassment from Really Mad male Touhou fans that took offense to her artwork and made a fuss of such on an anonymous imageboard.
and in the midst of it all, the dude responsible still sees it fit to play his dime-a-dozen woe-is-me card, wonder how on this green earth he could possibly be disliked as much as he is.
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also note his use of art from another artist he’s gotten blocked by. thanks for letting fellow Touhou fans in Miami, FL to avoid your crusty ass I guess? (especially, again, minors)
since this wasn’t clear the first few times: Joseph, you’re not welcome in this fandom, let alone any fandom that lesbians and other women-loving-women consider a haven to express themselves in. your behavior, past and present, is concrete evidence that you never were in the first place, and never will be.
and to other male Touhou fans reading this: it’s your responsibility to keep an eye out for and prevent this kind of thing from festering as much as this case has.
shame on you.
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coldcocoamilk · 3 years
hey hi hello welcome to my blog it’s nice to see ya
my name is rose. I'm 23, use she and they pronouns, I followed the Florida to California pipeline, and I’ve been on this site for way too damn long.
more under the cut about me!
the nitty gritty details!
hi hi hi first of all thank you so much for reading this! I appreciate it.
I used to use Tumblr as a diary growing up from like fourteen onward. for a true time capsule, @ienjoypocky-blog has all my gross preteen thoughts on it. I've grown a lot on Tumblr and while I can't say it's my favorite site, there's something about it that just keeps me coming back.
some facts about me! I'm a vegetarian. I’m a normal 9-5 corporate banker. I'm happily saving up for a house with my lovely boyfriend and my favorite color is purple, I love anything glittery, and I have an unhealthy addiction to Arizona lemon iced tea and Coca-Cola. my two favorite foods are curry and pho, I'm a libra, and I'm surprisingly tiny at 4"11 (150cm).
I have a lot of fun trauma surrounding family issues, sexual assault, and abuse. as a result, things are a bit fucky in my head. I've also been on/off struggling with an eating disorder since about the time I started on Tumblr. AND to top it all off I have semi-well-managed endometriosis!
please do not even bother trying to interact with me if you
- support users hanpetos and c0lb0h specifically. (hanpetos is a user who has been harassing another user repeatedly over the course of several years, and personally, I don't want anything to do with them. colboh is just an asshole who keeps re-hosting other people's nsfw art to websites after being explicitly told to Not Do That.)
- support users who directly target minors and repeatedly harass them. we were all young and stupid once, and while gentle chastisement is sometimes good, it's often easier to block a user and move on.
- you harass anyone for liking/sharing/commenting on something you don't agree with. once again, block and move on.
- you're transphobic, homophobic, a white supremacist, support Donald Trump and the qanon craze following him, a self proclaimed incel/pedophile/MAP, are a TERF
- you self diagnose yourself with mental/physical illnesses without seeking consistent professional medical help. (it’s ok to research those diagnosis and make an educated guess - and not everyone has the $ to get a diagnosis)
- multi level marketing schemes / pyramid schemes
some of my hot button yes please issues I stand for
- black lives of all types matter.
- your life, individually, matters too.
- genuine equal rights and freedoms for those who do not already have them by law, and justice to be served to those who have been robbed of their rights, freedoms, and dignities.
- pro choice!
- being proactive with your mental/physical health
- love my trans/nb/gender fluid sisters, misters, and everyone in between
my tagging goes as follows
(I'm far from perfect on my tagging and sometimes forget entirely if I'm on mobile. if I forget to tag something, I'm sorry - but remember, you're responsible for your own content and wellbeing.)
- I tag any potentially harmful triggers. this includes them relating to body image, self harm, abuse, gore, gender dysphoria, flashing/strobes, and anything else that I feel might be uncomfortable to consume outside the safety of your own home.
- "queue and I forever" is my queue tag. I'm probably not active at the time of you seeing a post tagged this, but I like a queue to continue to keep my blog from going months without being updated.
- my "personal" tag is used for literally anything that I've thought. I use this tag for anything I post that isn't a fic and isn't a reblog. these posts are completely fine to interact with and in fact I encourage you to do so. if they aren't, they'll be tagged as such!
- I tag gifs/videos/audio to help cater towards those using Tumblr with disabilities.
fic info!
sometimes I write fanfiction as [coldcocoamilk] on Archive of Our Own. my forever otp is Levihan, and I frequently like to be fluid in my interpretation of what Hange's gender is in my fics. given it's never been confirmed by Isayama, I just roll with whatever feels comfortable to write with!
once upon a time I used to write for the Phan Dan/Phil ship. when they both came out, and in the past, they've both expressed discomfort with how the public is fascinated with their relationship, their sex lives, and all their personal details. when I wrote those fics, I was sixteen, a virgin, and stupidly unaware of how invasive it must be to have hundreds of thousands of people writing about such intimate things. since I've grown up, I too have become uncomfortable with those fics. I've decided to stop writing for that ship entirely. the fics are still up because people still get enjoyment out of them and, besides, nothing ever disappears from the internet anyways, but please know that there will be no more of them and I fully accept responsibility for contributing towards that toxic relationship Dan and Phil ended up having with creators and them.
if you’re going to share my fics, please make sure to tag me in the post about them. good or bad criticism, it makes me happy to see people reading, and even happier to know that I'm still welcomed and loved in a fandom.
if you’re viewing this on mobile: I hope this blog’s color scheme is soothing af for you cause I’m mad proud of it. but -
if you’re on the actual web browser version of this blog, hi, you’ve reached my optimal reading version of the blog. I made the layout so it’s very easy to read fanfic and long posts without having to deal with awkward Microsoft word esque photo placements. your browser’s zoom function should work with it too, so that’s cool, if you’re a lil blind like me and need a bigger font
to end this long ass pinned post,
hi. I hope you enjoy my blog. thanks for stopping by. please drink some water and remember to charge the device you're reading this on. have a snack, set your bedtime alarm, and brush your damn teeth. before you curl into whatever your browsing situation looks like, remind yourself that you survived another day.
it's kinda fun to be alive.
love, rosey
oh and here’s what I look like
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thislittlelog · 5 years
Callout for space-doritwo/ananomousse. CW: Mentions of suicide
Hey this is littlelog. Normally I wouldn’t be making these kinds of posts and try to avoid creating more drama than I absolutely need to make outside of the usual political stuff, but I feel that I can no longer keep quiet about this as the problem seems to be getting worse. Some of you that have encountered her may know who I’m referring to. The only reason I’m writing this now is because I’m afraid for some of our friends in the community.
A few months ago, when the other drama involving one of our artists became known, some of us made the mistake of thinking that it was C0lB0h up to his old shenanigans once again. At around that time, I got a message from a certain “ananomousse” (which is space-doritwo’s anonymous account to keep her from getting tracked) and this person proceeded to explain to me about how some characters were “literal children” while also accusing other people in the Touhou fandom of being pedophiles or leaning towards it, even though these people have never done such things and wouldn’t even dream of doing it at all. 
This person has a habit of going around using anonymous asks insinuating that some of the artists or well known people in the community were pedo-peddlers  while also going around other people’s backs. It got so bad that she almost drove one of our respected artists to commit suicide. She believes that it is her “moral duty” to weed out creeps when she doesn’t even know the first thing about finding them. 
Her main targets seem to be artists and some smaller blogs, but especially those from the Touhou community, but she especially targets vulnerable people.
If you have any stories to share about this person, you’re free to RB with a response or DM me in private if you wish to keep your identity a secret. 
And as for space-doritwo herself (because I know she’s reading this): Leave us alone. Leave our friends alone and stop causing drama for people. You’re not being heroic and it’s not your moral duty for you to try and weed out people that didn’t even do anything to warrant it. However with all things considered, you’ve somehow made it mine to expose you. I only needed to see you fuck up one more time for me to make this callout post. And I will NEVER forgive you for almost causing someone to die because YOU wanted to start drama with someone that was already vulnerable and mentally unstable.
Go to hell, piss breath.
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meikaihermit · 8 years
You know everyone does deserve a helping hand. But when you would rather blame others for not giving you attention. And deliberately stir things up with a group of people who want nothing to do with you. You don’t want help. You want attention.
There are hospital wards everywhere. There are mental health support systems everywhere. And all of them will treat someone who is suicidal or homicidal on site without requiring insurance.
There are crisis help lines with people who have been trained to handle just about everything. Hell, walk up to a cop and say your thinking about harming others and they’ll even drive you to the hospital. Pretty much all professionals who work with the public have training for this sort of thing.
This all hinges, however, on truly wanting help. If you don’t want help no medicine will not be able to cure you.
When you post over and over again ‘KILL ME’ and post pictures of walls you’ve destroyed with your fists. And then whine about how there’s help for a 16 year old homosexual person but not one for you. You aren’t trying to help yourself. Your trying to siphon whatever pity you can get off of anyone. And then when people react negatively you feed on it because violence is your language.
I’m by no means perfect. And I’ve hurt or scared my own share of people. But I do what I am supposed to do to improve my quality of life. I take medicine, go to therapy and honestly answer the doctor’s questions. I don’t usually have meltdowns online. And the one I did have I regret immensely.
At one time I did try to help because I saw myself in him. And I did think he could be helped. But here we are and more then six months has passed and he’s just gotten worse. And this is the last I will ever speak of him.
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wheresanegg-blog · 8 years
c0lb0h replied to your photo
Are you serious? “Game theory” is a legitimate branch of mathematics. It’s used to analyze the “risk-vs.-reward” factor of investments, military strategies, and… wait for it… board games.
no it’s reference to youtube show Game Theory
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Enterprise/North Carolina. Considering how often they sortied together, they must know each other quite well...
Shipping ships.
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“Oh, she’s another level of focused when on the battlefield. But I hear she’s actually quite soft from her sisters. Maybe that maid knows more-”
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“That’s enough!”
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mugetsu-blog1 · 5 years
hey on the topic of callouts, i feel like its worth noting but, wakasagayhime reblogs from a pedophile (laumflaum whos drawn nsfw fetish art of child characters like cirno and tenshi) and when i tried to warn her about it she blocked me with 0 acknowledgement
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also hi c0lb0h a.k.a. Joseph from Miami, FL
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kilgamayan · 8 years
Happy birthday, and many more.
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alinaartorius · 8 years
For the 'ship ask: MariAli.
ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
How can I not? I like their dynamic a lot. Though I’m guilty of shipping them both frequently with other characters too.
Send me a ship
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applbutter · 8 years
@c0lb0h Thank you omg... !! I appreciate it!! ;o;
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kawaiishironeetree · 8 years
Happy birthday, and many more.
thanks a lot!
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😑 and 💦
Thanks for asking! I will answer not only Touhou :D Sorry if you get the references.
Ship that you’re indifferent to: 😑
Most of Touhou incest/ s&m ships, sorry i just can’t see the appeal BUT hey, there are some good doujins about them. Soooo… meh :P
Fenix/Catrina (Lucha Underground): damn the story was great. But i can only see Catrina as Mil Muertes’ valet.
Kouhei/Mio (ONE Kagayaku Kisetsu e): Touching route (nothing compare to Misaki-senpai’s ofc) but it’s just not my cup of tea. Kudos to the dev to add an option to skip this particular route’s sex scene.
Ship that is taboo:💦
Jesus, i read one ntr doujin with this bullshit and now i want rip off that bastard’s face for traumatize me…. The cover was such a clickbait… I watched and read bunch of ntr but damn... (i hate ntr btw)
The only series (atm) I can forgive with this kind of ships are from Warugaki, for example: Keine’s Despair (Warugaki (SK-II)) and Broken Charm (Warugaki)
PS: yes, i do get a bit touchy when it comes to Mokou or Keine. Sorry….
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Rumor has it that Chicago once did it with Commanders from three different nations. At the same time
Rumor has it... 
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“Two’s a crowd, three’s company and four- Well I’ll let you be the judge.”
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udon-udon · 8 years
If you're still accepting questions, who's your favorite Touhou character?
Yes I am, you’re the first one to send me one LOL
I actually am not that familiar with Touhou, but I would say Sanae! or Udonge
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seijass · 8 years
c0lb0h replied to your post
I agree. The world needs to see Seija getting punched in the face. Preferable over and over. By Shinmyoumaru wearing a boxing glove that is comically way too large for her to pick up.
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