fi3stazo · 2 years
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You know that one Panchito recolor in Minnie’s Bowtoons? Yeah. Anyways his name is Pepito now
Do NOT repost, edit, trace, or use my art in any way. Thanks.
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6iloan4 · 10 months
Mi estudio de personajes fue divertido
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Amo a Los 3 Caballeros con todo mi corazón, la he visto ya más de 20 veces y no me canso. Me gustaría hacer una animación con estos diseños, que realmente me gustaron y siento que les queda mucho, no sé jaja.
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Que ese estilo 2000's no se olvide nunca ♡♡♡
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jylesthejester · 29 days
[Also I recall @therummonster wanted to hear more about Raegen! His block of text is at the top :D]
1-Though they all may come from different universes they all know eachother due to multiversal travel.
2-I have made up certain species/things for some characters, if you have questions about them feel free to ask
3-I made a post covering Maxie and Stella in a way that gets most of their story across, so I will only be covering everyone besides them, if you want more of Stella and Maxie I will give you more, just ask.
4-Some smaller details might change later as I'm still working out stories for some characters
5-Theres a little inspiration from almost every fandom I've been interested in/actually in (TSBS, TMNT, LMK, etc) so if something sounds familiar thats likely why
6-My characters are unrealistically tall so most have the ability to alter their height if it's beyond a humans ability to be how tall they are.
7-Most characters have complex relationships that I'm not sure how to write all that well, so excuse me if I explain it horribly
Let's get into it :D
Raegen Caballero aka Radioactive :
Raegen Canallero was mentioned in my last post, to sum up their backstory, the non-humans and humans in his universe had a war where the humans flat out took the non-humans to scientific research facilities for testing, Raegen was a victim of this type of abdution, earning him the name Radioactive for the Radioactive poisoning his breath caused to humans. Raegen works for an organization called the Elements, which, obviously, consists of people with Elemental abilities, Raegan oddly being favored in this organization due to their awe inducing slight of hand and special abilities. Raegen wears a belt that has two drills attached to it with cords, making it easier for him to break into buildings. Raegen is often seen wearing a cropped jacket with shorts and blue boots, with, of course, the belt and some gloves. His eyes are green, and ones radioactive green with a lime colored pupil, the other eye is a deep dull green color with a blue pupil. Raegen is in a friend circle with their (before mentioned) sibling they lost. They just don't know it yet. If you want a good feel of his character, try to associate with him with "Drift away" from SU. Raegen is very easily manipulated, being forced to stay in a facility for a good portion of their development years. His name means "King(R) Soldier(C)". His hands are calloused from climbing, grabbing, and often touching rough surfaces. They live in the woods in a small shack, which is essentially a hide out for them, they keep all their possessions there. His lungs have developed to have a negative reaction to Radon (Radon is a radioactive gas that has no smell, colour or taste. Radon is produced from the natural radioactive decay of uranium, which is found in all rocks and soils. Radon can also be found in water. Radon escapes from the ground into the air, where it decays and produces further radioactive particles.) Which causes them to pass out soon after inhaling it, which their gas mask filters. Raegen has a lot of knowledge about chemistry and science. Raegens abilities include - Breathing toxic gasses, can consume toxic liquids(his lungs immediately processes it and makes his breath have the same affects/smell/taste as the toxin for a limited amount of time depending on how much of the selected Toxin they drink.), Teleportation, slight super hearing (can hear everything thats about in a 50 foot radius around him), height alteration. Raegen, whenever he has free time, goes to lost to time/dead dimensions and helps the souls in there pass on to the afterlife, allowing the dimension to finally Decay and the souls to Finally rest. Raegen once found an alive child in a dying dimension, and helped them out, giving them to Maxie and Stella in secret.
Celeste Kanth Novaflare :
Celeste is Maxie and Stella's biological daughter. She's about sixteen and helps around the casino at times, not being allowed to stay in the heart floor for long amounts of time. Celeste looks like both her parents in equal parts, her main color is blue, being a mix of green(maxie) and purple(stella). Celeste has abilities she hasn't yet learned to control, so she refrains from using them. Celeste knows how to use a bow and arrow. Celeste has a passion in Ballet and performing, both her parents attend all her Ballet performances. Celeste has the same half space type of face Stella has, with the constellations instead being blue but still connecting to make a spider web around the eye. Celeste's abilities include - Teleportation, elongation of limbs(from maxie), floatation, spawning weapons from the constellations(from Stella), being able to make a person blind for a selected amount of time in turn making them extremely sleepy, being able to spawn a cloud to ride on and or use for transportation, and being able to spawn limited Portals. Celeste is a eccentric child, being very nice and forgiving which gets them in bad situations at times. Celeste is homeschooled because most schools around wouldn't accept Celeste due to Stella and Maxies track record. Celeste could be called "spoiled", but shes very humble, she loves giving gifts. She's about 6'1 at the moment, she grew quickly which her parents were surprised but quickly adjusted to. Celeste has one best friend called Gelatin. Celeste has curly hair just like Maxies natural hair. Celeste has one green eye with a yellow pupil and one purple eye. Celeste is a germaphobe and is often cleaning or wiping down counters by her own will, cause she knows it's dirty. Celeste realizes if people are trying to manipulate her quickly, and catches it before they can go on. Celeste doesn't have a whole lot of backstory, since she just grew up being homeschooled by her parents and hasn't really experienced anything bad. She's very warm and welcoming to people in the casino.
Alix Caballero aka Lix :
Lix, after experiencing a similar situation to Raegens, was placed in a facility where she was kept against her will, as her abilities developed and she was given minimal amounts of food and water, clothing was white long pants and white long sleeved shirts, she was deprived from human contact and assumed her sibling was dead. After so many years, Lix got a chance to run out and took it. She quickly left the place, burning the walls down as she ran, helping everyone else in the facility escape. Lix eventually evolved to be a Harley-quinn type person. Lix is very sarcastic and rude to most, but at times, she can be funny. Lix's main colors are a light cyan Color, Grey, and black. Alix has naturally brown hair but dyed her hair to have some sections be Ice blue and others being Grey, and putting them up into spikey Buns. Lix's main weapon is a baseball bat, but she also knows a bit of magic next to her abilities she naturally has. Lix has a spikeball tail, she's unsure why it looks how it does, but it's there. Lix's abilities include - Pyrokinesis(blue fire), hypnosis with his voice, able to turn parts of his body/skin into a malubale kind of putty and can shape it into different things, Teleportation, super speed, and Kryokinesis/Cryokinesis(manipulation of ice). Lix talks in a very sarcastic and dramatic voice, mocking people most of the time. Lix has shark-like teeth, which also work like actual Sharks teeth to(grow back after falling out), do at times she'll pull a tooth out for an occasional trick or for scared/horrified reactions. After getting out of the facility, she built up muscle so she could protect herself not only with magic but also with just their general strength. Lix's seclaras have a light tint of blue, and it's noticeable from afar. Lix has visual snow and didn't know it until later on in life when he told some friends about it.
Palin Rockfeller aka Invert :
Palin grew up in a black and white universe, the universe slowly started to gain color(watercolor type colors) as time went on, though once they got the chance to leave the universe they took it, and never went back, due to this, the portal messed with their colors, making half of their body/clothes inverted, anything they wear becomes half inverted and goes back to normal after she takes it off. This didn't affect her much, so she lives with it and usually goes by the name "Invert.". Palin found a handful of friends in this new dimension and met a girl named Lila and her twin named Maya(both are down in this list, Lila is right below palin), Eventually Lila and Palin grew close and started hanging out with only eachother on weekends instead of the two of them with Maya, at some point Palin found Raegen and enjoyed talking to them so eventually added them to their friend group. One day, Palin was going down the street when she heard some screaming. She quickly located where it was from and went down a dim alleyway. This led to her finding Lila's body, She was shot in multiple different parts of her person, Palin took Lila to her place and hoped she could take care of her, since there weren't any local hospitals. Palin eventually realized Lila was going to die if she didn't do something, so Palin attempted to make her into a robot of sorts, but kept her personality and memories in her code, so she wasn't completely different(that's where I'll end the backstory). Palin likes making robots cause she has a passion for design, so she draws in her free time. Palin's abilities include - Being able to split objects into two of itself(one being inverted the other not), short range teleportation, being able to change other people's vision/their vision to see everything with inverted colors, being able to make something the opposite of what it is (eg: medical supplies becoming something that causes harm), being able to visualize words outwardly(like projection, she usually does this when reading stories to children). Palin collects powerful artifacts from across universes and keeps them safe. She has dark brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin, and half of her entire body is inverted.
Lila [Gear] :
Lila grew up in a good home, her parents and both her and her twin sister all were an 'ice family' in their universe, meaning all of them could manipulate ice. Lila's a twin sister to Maya. Some of the few memories she has are of Palin, Maya, and right before her death. Lila had some alteration in code from Raegen to kind of make her a bodyguard robot for Palin. Lila's main weapon is a hammer. Lilas abilities include - Cryokinesis, Super speed, decoding computers (by plugging them into her head), heightened senses, being able to sense when someone's(Mainly when Palin's) in danger, Scanning Wounds/DNA samples and finding how to take care of it/matches for the DNA. Lila has white skin, black hair with a cyan ombre, black & cyan horns, a halo, and black eyes with cyan pupils. Lila has a phobia of Clowns, so she can't hang around Inky for too long until her fear starts getting to her. Lila is like Molten from TSAMS or Jack from TSBS, she'll attack a set target/go after a set target unless Palin (In the TSBS case for this, Moon/Solar) tells her to stop. Lila is quite fond of Raegen, she doesn't remember him but enjoys his company. Lila's code evolves and learns constantly, just like how humans do, so her code can't be permanently hacked cause it's like manipulation to Lila, she'll eventually realize it and leave the person. Lila has a handful of favorite universes to travel to when she needs to clear her mind (Palin's universe, dreamcore-like universes, anything peaceful like that). Lila has artifical lungs and organs, so she can physically get sick, but it's like 10x worse cause her heightened senses cause her to succumb to the sickness more, so she usually acts dramatic and acts like she's going to die when she's sick. Lila loves jazz music and loves dancing. At times, she and Palin will dance to jazz music around the house they own. Lila can adapt parts of her body to become weapons and / or Sheilds, which helps a lot in fights. Lila has a passion for singing and music. She loves giving people vocal training/vocal classes. Lila loves trying to figure out what instruments were used in songs from movies/shows. Most of her main story is in Palin's section, so sorry I can't put it here :,3
Nova Starstruck :
Nova's actual name is flare, but that's been erased from their memories. Nova grew up in a dimension where everyone had shadows over their faces/bodies, making their eyes permanently white and stuck in place. Nova was chosen as a servant for a multiversal creator. They left their original dimension to pursue this job and new life. They go to various dimensions and note down anything they notice or anything important, making up names for the dimensions based on the notes. Nova has gone to various dead dimensions that usually end up in them just walking around for a bit, taking in the amount of Ashes and taking notes about what is there(that hasn't died yet) or what could've been there. Nova's very devoted to her work and tries to avoid making connections to anyone in the universes they visit. Nova dresses like a pastel Clown to make themself somewhat blend in at some points as a street performer. Nova is extremely tall and looms over anything or anyone they meet. Nova has red hair, a shadowed body/face, and white eyes. There are various other versions of Nova, they were one of the two options the Multiversal creator was going to chose, and the creator chose them for one significant difference, the ability for them to leave their life behind easily. Novas abilities include - Height manipulation(on themself), Illusion/Major image/Minor image, teleportation, a remarkably flexible neck(/ref), can know someone's name by looking at them,
Inky Inkwell :
Inky comes from a dimension called Geometricks where everythings made out of shapes. Inky is very docile and not intimidating. Inky carries candy in his pockets to give to children(upset children or just children who want candy). Inky was/is a juggler at their carnival ("Once upon your wildest dreams") and used Shurikens/Ninja stars in their juggling acts (at times also juggling both objects with Party favor in their hands). Inky's abilities include - Telekinesis, Shapeshifting, Teleportation, Disconnecting limbs, Making matter out of nothing, moving molecular structure, electrokinesis, human cloaking(being able to make himself look human). Inky doesn't talk much about his universe but it's suspected by others(Maxie, Nova, etc) that they left it forcefully. Inky looks legitimately like 2d animation when walking around, they dont have any shading though, so he's just flat colors and some outlines. Inky has Tear marks on his face(look at drawing on my profile if u haven't seen it ^^), when he's actually crying the tear marks turn green and yellow. Inky has a gap between their teeth(which are naturally off white). Inkys neck & waist frills are from the universe theyre now in, unlike the rest of their outfit. Inky keeps poloroids of their close friends (Their Carnival friends and Party favor), they haven't managed to get a picture of Nova yet. Inky's human form is pale with green hair and blue eyes. Inky loves the cuphead universe for the rubber hose artstyle it has. Inky has never been seen angry, they're either bored or happy. Inky can consume his juggling shurikens/daggers, it's a trick they've learned from some of the swallowing-sword's people in their old Circus.
Ricin aka John Doe :
It's suspected that he was the cause for his universes death.
Party favor :
Party favor is Inky's closest friend. Party favor is actually a monotonous nightmare-dream eater, though they've stuck around Inky because of the amount of nightmares they have, so Party favor gets to eat nightmares regularly. Party favor has extremely long pointed limbs and a very odd face when in their natural form, the form they're usually in is a compressed version of their form (I might have to draw their monstrous form sometime). Party favor didn't like much of the "Once upon your wildest dreams" crew but tolerated them since Inky got him a kinda-job-sorta at the place. Party favors abilities include - Confetti spawning, Mind manipulation, minor image/Minor illusion, Hallucinations, human cloaking (Same thing as inkys ability). Party favor likes using Sparklers as a distraction at times to get away from people. Party favor doesn't talk about the (now dead) "Once upon your wildest dreams" crew infront of Inky, which they're usually near/around, so they just don't talk about them at all. Party favor has various hats they wear at separate times. Party favors "Eyes" can also be a mouth, the middle of the X is where the mouth pops out of, like a demogorgon sort of.
Jimson aka Clementine :
Ricin is a dead, unidentified body. He died from a workplace accident and fell onto a pipe, busting his head open, before falling into a vat of chemicals, completely burning his skin and Eyeballs out of their sockets, no one was brave enough to get his body out of the vat so they gave him the nickname "Chemical vat John Doe". Ricin is a vengeful spirit and Haunts the company buildings, causing more workplace accidents (which bodies have been identified from), and trying to get people to figure out who he was, it upsets him that he just got the name "John doe" then they went on. Ricin's abilities include - Teleportation, Hallucinations, Portals. Ricin was smoking right before he died, so his spirit has a cigarette in its mouth, the fires unextinquishable. Ricin has purple hair, one green eye, one red eye, slightly tanned skin, and is wearing a black suit with a red tie. Ricin doesn't often make friends with other spirits. He's very rude and reclusive(like EaPs Eclipse!). He consistently tells any new spirits that the police aren't going to find their bodies, and they'll also be known as a John/Jane doe. The only person he sorta gets along with is Jimson(who isn't a spirit, but can see him). Ricin was supposed to get sent to hell, but his spirit escaped, keeping his soul in the factory(that's now been long abandoned [he died in 1920.]). Ricins soul is physically stuck at the factory, he can only go 150 feet away from it before being sucked back to it.
Jimson is a 2d-looking character, similar to Inky, except they're actually 3d. Jimson loves gardens and helps Kaede(an oc that's not on this list) out with his garden! Jimson can see spirits and often helps solve Jane doe/John doe cases, but also is a murderer of sorts. He uses dead bodies he finds for compost. Jimson has a sun mark and a rain-cloud mark under each of his eyes, his eyes are green and his hair is brown, his bangs are a somewhat-pastel indigo, his skin is tanned, and he dresses in overalls, short sleeved shirts, and boots. Jimson is very pushy, which often makes most people steer clear of becoming friends with them. Jimson convinced Ricin to tell them where he died so they could maybe help solve a case (from over 50 years ago? Yeah, good luck, buddy lol), he ended up not being able to help, but he could talk to Ricin better at the factory since Ricin's soul was stuck there, so they talked more. Jimson eventually would find that Ricin can possess an object they have, but I won't talk about that much yet :) Jimson can eat/consume/smell poisonous food/berries/flowers/etc, they have a immunity to it. Jimson quite literally sprouted out of the ground, which is why they have a sprout on their head. Jimson doesn't seem to have a mouth, but when they open their mouth they have teeth like a lamprey(if you guys know what that is, if you don't, Google it, they're pretty metal /pos). Jimsons abilities include - Geokinesis, ghost-seeing/spirit-seeing, being able to consume poisonous things, being able to suck out blood like a Vampire, can sense how far along a plant is to being done growing.
Lydia Summers :
Maya Chrome :
Lydia is the leader of the Elements(the organization Raegen works for). Lydia comes from a Fire family (like in Lilas thing, a fire family means a family that can manipulate/control fire). Lydia is very manipulative and overly pushy. Lydia is good friends with Maya from childhood. She has red-orange-yellow ombre hair, pale skin, fire-like eyes, a small crown on the top of her head, and a fire tail. Lydia dispises Lila a Lot, even though she's Mayas sister, Lydia never got along with her no matter what. Lydia's abilities include - Pyrokinesis, melting/welding/bending metal to her touch, being able to make her whole body fire. Lydia's hair spikes up in Flames (think like redson from LMK) when she gets mad. Lydia's clothes mainly are made out of non-flammable material, so she doesn't burn them. Lydia hates when she's not able to get in on any fights. Lydia is power-hungry, so she has most of the people under her control gather powerful multiversal weapons so she can use them all to rule the world (classic villian). Though Lydia's whole organization is about the main elements/Elemental powers(though there is one using electricity- shshshsh) she still put Raegen in the organization despite him not having any Elemental powers, he's just kinda the barbarian of the Organization (aka the only one like REALLY physically strong). Lydia grew up incredibly spoiled, in a wealthy household, which didn't help much with how power-hungry she got later on in life.
Relationships (main) [Relationships you guys should know about] :
Maya is Lila's twin sister, she doesn't know her sister died(technically) and thought she just went missing. Maya is incredibly reluctant to help Lydia with her goals, but does anyway since Lydia is her best friend. Maya admires the "Casino crew"'s (Maxie, Stella, Palin, Kaede, Gacey, etc[most I haven't wrote about here]) work, but knows they're a threat to the Elements organization, so knows she has to take them down at some point. Mayas abilities include - Cryokinesis, Teleportation, Water manipulation, minor Illusions. Maya has black hair with a light cyan ombre, light cyan horns and tail, cyan eyes, black diamond pupils, and pale skin. Maya respects most of the Element's people, mostly respecting Raegen for dealing with Lydia's bullshit most of the time. Maya loves fashion and includes it in her everyday outfits. Maya often wears a chrome belt on her outfits, liking the look it gives against her skin. Maya often leads buisness meetings since Lydia hates doing them. Maya's one of the kinder people in the Elements, most are insane or just need to go to a mental hospital or therapy. Maya is very gentle with people, and usually when talking to Karen's uses gentle parenting techniques.
Main Organizations/Companies/Groups :
Maxie & Stella - Married
Inky & Party favor - The consuming and the consumer/Being used and doesn't know and using them
Lydia & Raegen - Manipulative 'Relationship'
Maya & Lydia - Best friends
Jimson & Ricin - Friends with romantic tension/Ghost and annoying person they're attached to
Kaede & Jimson - Being helped and Helper/Friends
Gacey & Kaede & Lix - Love triangle with a lot of tension (AND I LITERALLY MEAN LOVE TRIANGLE. NOT A LOVE V.)
Party favor & Nova - Hates eachother but get along around one person(Inky)
Nova & Inky - Thinks they're friends(Inky) and Hates the other person(Nova)
Maya & Raegen - Knows they're both in a bad situation and bond over it
Lila & Palin - Creation and creator/Admires eachother deeply
Raegen & Celeste - Cool uncle and cool niece/Chaos embodiments
Lix & Raegen - Awkward but chill
Palin & Maya - Friends that distanced themselves from the other over time
Celeste & Inky - Besties!
More Oc lore that I'm going to write about :
Once Upon Your Wildest Dreams Carnival - Flare(ringmaster)
Elements - Lydia(owner/creator)
The Multiversal Casino - Maxie & Stella (Co-owners)
Special weapons/items in the story :
All of the 'Once Upon Your Wildest Dreams' Carnival characters' Lore.
Gelatin (another oc)
Weapons/powerful items that exist in the multiverse I've created.
The Code breaker chain/Multiversal Glitching Chain/Glitch chain/Multiversal breaker chain (it has a lot of names)
Eclipsical Staff
Color absorber pallette
Jingle-bell Scythe
Starstruck information orbs
Lmk if you want me to talk about the whole little multiverse I've made in my head more ^^ I really enjoyed typing all of this out :D I hope you all enjoyed reading it!
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rpmtrish · 11 months
Classic Instruments Releases 1978-88 Chevy G-Body Package
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Boyne City, MI, October 31, 2023 —   Classic Instruments is pleased to release an all new 1978–’88 Chevy G-Body direct-fit package. It is an all-electric cluster featuring a speedometer, tachometer, clock, and fuel, oil, temp, and volt gauges in an OE style; available either with or without overdrive. Hybrid LED Lighting offers the feel of the original perimeter lighting and the visual benefits of back-lighting: even illumination and clear nighttime readability. Turn signals and high beam indicators are in the original locations and the kit includes new check engine and high beam sockets with LED bulbs. Additional indicator bulbs are available for purchase. The kit also includes: a wiring harness, push-button speedometer calibration for ease of setup, a new acrylic lens, and built-in ECM signal filter switch. Save space with Classic Instruments’ Zeus Speedometer Technology built-in, meaning the cluster requires no external control boxes and works directly with ECM or VSS signals. The fuel gauge is programmable for many ohm ranges with a selector switch on the back of the cluster, meaning the fuel gauge will work with the stock sending unit, any other factory sending units, or any Classic Instruments fuel sending unit. All other necessary sending units are included in a Classic Instruments GM sending unit kit. Install using customers’ existing diffuser. Complete list of fitment includes: 1982–1987 Chevrolet El Camino, 1982–1983 Chevrolet Malibu, 1982–1988 and 78-81 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, and 1982–1987 GMC Caballero. This new 1978–’88 Chevy G-Body Package is available direct or through any one of its authorized dealers. Classic Instruments has been handcrafting in America since 1977. The company offers a full line of catalog order instrumentation for a wide range of Ford and Chevy model cars and pick-up trucks, plus over 100 universal fit instruments. The Classic Instruments’ line also includes many specialty items such as performance series instruments, Zeus speedometer technology, and Fuel-Link. Classic Instruments can build virtually anything through their dedicated Instrument Customization Unit. Whether it’s a direct-fit set, retro-fit, or complete custom their team is ready to help add “The finishing touch”TM to any project.   Read the full article
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peterpijls1965 · 1 year
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Met een volle tank Mijn vader had weinig behoeftes. Behalve een Caballero Filter en een jonge Bols gunde hij zichzelf eigenlijk alleen een donkergroene Peugeot 504. Dat wil zeggen: twee achter elkaar. Het onderhoud vond geloof ik plaats bij tankstation de Witte in Haelen, die ook Simca´s verkocht en aan kleine en grote beurten deed. Ik hoop dat ik de kwestie goed samenvat. De Witte had in eerste instantie geen wasserette, dus de auto kuisen gebeurde thuis op zaterdag. Vooral in zemen was ik niet zo goed, maar incidenteel mocht ik de Peugeot 504 lenen, mits ik binnen de bebouwde kom niet te hard reed. Toen ik na het halen van mijn rijbewijs mijn eerste tweedehands auto´s kocht, ging mijn vader altijd mee. Namens mij onderhandelde hij over de prijs. Dat kwam er in de praktijk op neer dat de vraagprijs werd genegeerd. Nadat de verkoper akkoord was gegaan met het aanbod van mijn vader, zei deze altijd: Gooi je de tank even vol?
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hakesbros · 2 years
San Antonio, Tx Actual Estate & Homes For Sale Re
Our homebuilding expertise is second to none. Founded in 1948, Ryan Homes has built more new homes san antonio than 460,000 homes. That expertise goes into each home we build - together with yours.
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San Antonio blends a wealthy heritage with modern innovation, leading to a metropolis teeming with true Texan heart. San Antonio’s distinctive environment displays centuries of favor and a various array of culture, which is best exemplified within the La Villita Historic Arts Village. The Alamo could be new home builders san antonio the most renowned construction within the city, but there are a lot of magnificent historical buildings to see—from the Emily Morgan Hotel to the Meyer Halff House. Parker retired from the NBA in 2019 after 17 seasons with the silver and black and one last season with the Charlotte Hornets.
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✨ REQUEST: Oh can I have a Nestor imagine where Miguel ends setting the pair of you up??? 💜♥️💜♥️💜
Gif credits: to the author.
WORDS: about 1.6k.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted ❤ — this work also includes sentences in Spanish, as reader can speak it.
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“Two coffees, please”.
You were with your back to him when you heard his husky voice and a soft latin tone in it. You couldn't help but raise an eyebrow with some kind of confusion at his order. Who comes to a Starbucks just asking for two coffees? Turning at the man with your lips pressed in a funny smile, you took a second to look at him behind the counter.
He is familiar to you. You know him from somewhere.
His black braids were the first thing that caught your attention, before focusing on the red and black shirt under the jacket of his suit. His hands were hidden inside the pockets of his pants, but you noticed his nervousness in the way he had closed them in two fists.
“Normal or decaf? With or without milk? Normal milk? Lactose-free? Soya milk? Almond milk? With sugar, saccharine, or mocca? With or without cream? Do you want it hot or do you want it iced?”
“Normal, no milk, no sweetener, no cream, no ice. Just two coffees”.
You were about to laugh until you heard him talking again. A tone more firm letting you know that he wasn't in the mood for jokes. You could see him gulping a little ashamed when you changed the gesture in your face, but you didn't say anything else. The order was easy and ready in less than one minute. Closing the cups and offering him, you tried to show him another gentle smile but you couldn't. Offering you ten dollars, you waved a hand between the both of you.
“It's on me… Sir”. You told him, an instant before he threw the money inside the tips jar.
Watching him leaving the cafeteria made you feel strangely bad, not knowing exactly why. Sighing as the black car, parked in front of your workplace, disappeared from your field of vision in a jiffy. You hadn't seen that man before, but you wouldn't mind seeing him again. To apologize for being so stupid, of course.
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“I fucked up”.
“Yeah, we all have seen the face of that poor girl. I bet you scared her”. Miguel laughed in the back seat of his car, taking a sip from the coffee.
“What the fuck you told him, man?” Vargas stopped the vehicle at a red light, turning at his boss.
“I asked for two coffees, and she started to… give me a lot of options, like milk and sugar and I just got nervous”.
“You? Nervous?” Miguel leaned forward, placing his forearms in both seats, sticking his head out of the gap between both. “The fearless Nestor Oceteva feeling nervous?”
“Fuck off, Mickey! I've been trying to talk with her for a week”.
“Yeah, and you scared her. Did you forget you only had to scare people while you're working?” The other man raised his eyebrows, making his boss laugh behind them.
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When the night came and the cafeteria had emptied of customers, you turned off most of the lights inside and locked the main door, to count the cash and write it down in the account book. Playing some soft music on your phone, you took off the green cap and the apron of the same color. It was a long day and all you can think about was in that mystery man with two braids, and who made you feel frustrated for some reason. It wasn't like you wanted to make him smile or to know his name, or maybe get his phone number. Of course not.
Knocks on the crystal door claimed your attention, turning your head towards it and interrupting your task. Gulping nervously finding two suited men with his hands tangled in a big fist, respectively, under their abdomens, you stepped out from behind the counter to lead your feet to their position.
“Are you alone?” One of them asked without any doubt in his words.
Simply nodding, the other man walked to the car parked behind them. Then, you watched Miguel Galindo coming out from it. And now, you were fucked. Of course, you knew the man who came that morning. Licking your lips, freaking out, you unlocked the door to let him walk in.
“Buenas noches”.
“Buenas noches, se—señor Galindo”.
“Are you occupied? May I come in?”
With your heart racing, you gave him enough space to pass you away to the inside.
“I'm sorry if… he tho—thought I was making… fun of him. I didn't me—mean to be disrespectful”.
Your hands were sweating, rubbing one against the other behind your back. Barely breathing. Praying anything you knew.
“Tranquila, it's okay. Do you think I came to… make you something?” His calm attitude gave you shivers. The kind of ones that put your body to tremble. The laugh that echoed all around the empty cafeteria provoked your nausea. “The truth is… you like him. He has been some days trying to encourage himself to ask you out, but my brother is a little dumb”.
Tilting your head with confusion, just like a dog would do, you narrowed your eyes not sure if he was being serious or he was teasing you to have some fun.
“I do—”.
Miguel raised a forefinger to stop you, as soon as his phone rang inside his jacket. Grabbing it from the pocket and reading the name on the screen, he answered the call with the speaker on.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Mickey? Emily just told me you went for two coffees. The fuck you have? Five fucking years old? Leave the waitress in pace!”
Feeling like shit, you bowed down your head because of his words, recognizing the voice at the instant. The man in front of you watched the gesture frowning his brow.
“Nestor, the speaker is on”.
Pi, pi, pi. He had hung up.
“Can you, please, leave? I think you have had enough fun. And you should be ashamed of using your position to do this kind of bullshit to someone humble, who only wants to live her life without being a target to your free time”. Trying to be polite, you pointed at the door with a hand.
“No, no, lis—”.
“If you don't leave right now, sir, I'm calling the cops”. You ruled, taking a step forward with your eyes glued to him, about to cry because of rage. The rage that helped you to lose any fears about confronting the dangerous Miguel Galindo.
In silence, he nodded only one time, turning around to leave the cafeteria. After locking the door, you let the tears fill up your eyes and run down your cheeks. Needing a little break before finishing your work and going home.
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A few days have passed since then, not being able to stop thinking about it and why you. Why they decided to play that prank. It wasn't funny. At least, it wasn't funny for you. But you were sure that, later, they commented it and laughed about your gestures. Turning the filter holder of the professional coffee maker, to fit it into the gear, you can't help but look through the reflection on it over your shoulder. Your heart jumps when you find Nestor bent over the counter with both forearms, waiting to be attended to.
“What would you like, sir?” The question comes out from your mouth with a cold tone of voice, not even looking at his eyes, ready to take his order in the TPV.
“Two coffees”. He replies trying to not show any kind of emotion, taking off the sunglasses covering his dark eyes. “One like… just coffee. And another of your choice”.
Filling up the cups with the drink and securing them with the covers, you put them over the counter to grab back the money and give him the change. Holding one with his right hand, the man offers you the other with his left.
“Do you have a moment?”
“Por favor”.
“I said no”.
“I'm going to stay here, till you say yes”. The smile curving his mouth, showing you two perfect rows of teeth, convinces you somehow.
Rolling your eyes and tapping your co-worker's shoulder, you make him a gesture to cover you to take a short break. Nestor follows you then to the back alley, not saying a word but trying to prepare a monologue to apologize. Stopping your track and facing him, having a sip from your coffee, you wave your hand waiting for something.
“I told him to not do it”.
“So… was it a bet, or what? Were you bored and thought that could be fun making me feel stupid and ashamed?”
“None of that”. His jaw tensing calls your attention, bowing his eyes to the drink between his hands. “I really wanted to ask you out, but I wasn't sure if you were going to accept. I was nervous and… Miguel thought that he could help me”.
“He didn't”.
“I know”.
“And you, shouting through the phone, either”.
“Yeah, lo siento por eso”. Looking at your eyes again, with regret, he keeps his free hand in a pocket. “If you don't want to hang out with me, it's okay. I came to apologize for what happened”.
“Thank you”. You just whisper.
He tilts his head, pressing his lips and forcing a smile. Nestor waits one second, hoping that you add something else like you would like to have a date, but you don't talk again. Giving up, he nods turning around disappointed, walking out of the alley.
But actually, you're just making him suffer a little. It's called payback.
“I'm free tomorrow night”.
With a brow raised, the man turns around, facing you some steps away.
“We can meet at Jin's chinese restaurant. At seven”.
His smile appears again, infecting you with the same gesture.
“I'll be there at six”.
“Why?” You chuckle, not understanding him.
“To not make you wait”.
“Todo un caballero…”
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mikazuki-juuichi · 3 years
January 2022 --tv diary.
Assorted shows I finished this month (and a couple extras)
- The movies that made us.
Netflix docu-series built around trivia about the making of assorted pop culture icon films, usually from the 80’s - 90’s (though the most recent is a 2002 entry). While fans of each movie know every episode is rather white-watched, it works as a starter for people interested in delving further into film culture.
- One day at a time, season 2.
Still of the best sitcom reboots I’ve seen yet, with a very good focus on Latino communities (filtered through sitcom standards, yes —but the moments when the show gets bolder are more than worth a look!). A good example of pop entertainment that can also —if not teach you a thing or two, definitely get you interested in learning more!
- Golden Kamuy, season 2.
Excellent adaptation of the even better manga, that here increasingly attempts to push the envelope on homoeroticism proper (as opposed to a particular kind of bland tease many of you are much more used to). A few arcs were cut for this adaptation —and still!! Quite recommended.
- BNA: Brand New Animal.
Anime mini-series about a city built as a haven for beaspeople —those born with a shapeshifting ability. Somewhat meandering, and even at twelve episodes it manages to have a little too much filler, but nicely animated and fairly entertaining.
- Housamo: New Year Sunshine (year of the bull / ox).
Charming, small (as in pretty brief) event that manages to get the most out of the gimmick of starring every character in the game that is a bull or even vaguely bull-themed.
- Saludos, amigos.
- The three caballeros.
Disney anthology combo (they work much better seen as a double feature) nowadays famous for introducing their earliest attempts at Latino characters —in particular José Carioca and Panchito Pistoles. Often critiqued for the slightly less spectacular animation compared to their biggest projects —and much more so for the problem of representation (of note, it led to the birth of iconic Chilean comic character Condorito). In themselves they are an interesting curiosity, often experimental in their animation proper, almost endearing in their earnest ignorance about Latino reality… and on a whole, still worth a look and discussion. Within, ahem, the community or in a diverse group, that is!
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wavygrayvy · 3 years
an obligatory pinned post because making a carrd is too much work
☆*:.。. o about me o .。.:*☆
jewish, white, american
cartoon fan and doll collector
my icon is gretchen stripes and my header is the now defunct rainbow corridor from epcot’s imagination pavilion
i have a redbubble! check it out here
☆*:.。. o interests o .。.:*☆
(i.e. things i have, currently, or probably will reblog(ged)), current favorites are italicized (in no particular order btw)
disney parks, especially epcot (ok i don’t talk about this much here but it’s a real big hyperfixation for me)
three caballeros
darkwing duck
phineas and ferb
milo murphy’s law
the owl house
animaniacs/pinky and the brain
dan and phil
nbc community
brooklyn nine nine
agents of shield
jurassic world: camp cretaceous
the muppets
sesame street, specifically bert and ernie
talespin and other disney afternoon things
tangled the series
rainbow high
monster high
ever after high
lol surprise/omg
the ghost and molly mcgee
my little pony g4 and g5 (yes i am bringing back my first ever fandom from the fifth grade shh)
our flag means death
austin and ally
what we do in the shadows
Bonus: Blorbo List!! (I would say from my shows but they're from pretty much everywhere)
☆*:.。. o about this blog o .。.:*☆
my beloveds tag - posts with my blorbos, specifically ones that make me go 🥺🥰 so not a lot of angst there.
doll tag- a general tag for doll stuff. i mostly made it because i figured it’s the thing i post about the least of my followers care about so if you want to filter it, that’s totally cool. i do let some doll-based animated media slip through but anything that’s blatantly doll stuff gets tagged
art - i tag a lot of things art like obviously visual art but also cool video edits, those really pretty gif sets with all the colors, and anything else that clearly took a lot of time creativity! but also lots of silly doodles :))
the lovers the dreamers and queue - queue tag. i also use it on scheduled posts when i think of it (yes it is a good pun like everyone else’s cause at the end of the muppet movie they changed the lyrics for the reprise to “we’ve done just what we set out to do, thanks to the lovers the dreamers and you” )
blaze it - blazed posts or posts about blazed posts. yes i could just tag them ‘blaze’ or ‘blazed’ but this is much more fun
sen6 - short for sensational 6 as in mickey, minnie, donald, daisy, goofy, and pluto. although sometimes I cheat and throw in adjacent characters like chip and dale or clarabelle (yes i know if c+d are there it’s exceptional 8 but ex8 or whatever isn’t as cute as sen6)
as for tw/cw tags i try to use them when anything comes up in one of my original posts but i think the filtering works on reblogged posts as long as they’ve been tagged as that somewhere in the chain? so i don’t add them again *but* if you have something particular you’d like me to tag for you, just let me know!
☆*:.。. o dni o .。.:*☆
if you’re under 15
if you’re just generally bigoted. tbh i’m not super bothered if you’re not overally socially concious, but fair warning i do reblog that kind of stuff
other than that, if i don’t want to interact with you, i’ll just avoid/block you myself :)
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amonbelenger · 5 years
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Creo que algo hice mal con el color, hace mucho tiempo que jugué Castle Crashers. #castlecrashers #cartoon #draw . . . . . #fanart #cartoons #green #medieval #warriors #ps3 #artwork #sticker #anime #ink #filters #knight #art #caballero #inked #copicmarkers #simple #tatto #tattoo #sketch #sketchbook #kawaii #cute #tierno #adorable #amon_de_tauro #fanarts #doodles #knights https://www.instagram.com/p/BxaHpNfFD--/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2ybvhtm8946a
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everydisneymovie · 4 years
Review #10: The Three Caballeros
Post #12
Next up is 1944′s The Three Caballeros
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Enjoyment : [4]
This movie is a sandwich. Beginning is boring, middle is great, ending is boring. I think the opening shorts are fine but not movie quality. Once José shows up the movie is a blast, and the music straight up slaps. However, the movie gets less and less focused as it goes on until it kinda just collapses into nothing. The animation is bouncy and fun, but I keep wishing there was a better structure for the musical numbers to flow between. 
Quality : [4]
At the beginning of this movie the animation was strictly tv quality. Once it started digging its teeth into the more abstract musical numbers it was a fair bit tastier. I liked the creative spark behind a lot of the visuals but they work better as parts and not as a cohesive whole. Each segment has too variety in its art direction and the lack of connective tissue really slows it down. The live actions segments were strange to say the least. When there were animated characters on top of live action it looked fine, but when it was live action actors on top of animation, it was quite rough. I give this movie credit for its use of color and visual comedy but it pales in comparison to Snow White, Bambi and even Pinocchio.
Hold up : [3]
I am not Latinx so I am not confident stating how offensive the representation is in this movie. The most I can say is that this movie feels like a caricature of Central and South American culture, but at the very least it feels like an affectionate caricature? This movie and Saludos Amigos feels like it came from a genuine attempt to depict a non-white style of music and art. However it is still filtered through the Disney cartoon lens and is thus the appropriation is muddled. For WOMEN on the other hand it is much more direct. Donald wants to NUT and there is an extended segment of him chasing a crowd of women who are screaming in terror. It’s played off a ‘boys being boys’ and not ‘super creepy’ as it should be.
Risk : [3]
I will give this movie credit for depicting another culture and music style. It is very nice to see aspects of a different art style explored in a digestible way. However I really have to fault the choice to make this ANOTHER clip show movie. It really feels like Disney couldn’t afford a full movie so they just slapped whatever shorts they had laying around in a desperate attempt to reach feature length. The lack of a plot annoyed me start to finish and I kept wondering what the point of this movie was. The formlessness didn’t feel like a tool for expression and more like a cost cutting measure.
Extra Credit : [3]
Gotta say, the music slaps. I really dug a lot of the music and the dancing. Plus José is a really great character and his chemistry with Donald is super cute. Panchito feels like way more of a caricature but he adds a nice dynamic to the duo. I want a whole movie about the three of them like... forming a band to save the family farm? Preforming a heist? Trying to stop a singing Disney villain? God I just want them to do SOMETHING other than just standing there as Donald tries to bust a nut.
Final thoughts:
There are really fun and really creative nuggets hidden within this 70+ minute music video. I like the characters despite the cartoony nature of how they look at Latinx culture. I feel like the two animated shorts shoehorned into the front of the movie were just  scraps from a failed project and the towards the end it just drifts off into a puddle of nothing. I really wish they either made this more of a documentary or a included a overarching plot. Do I regret watching this? ... ... ...  maybe? It feels pointless and Saludos Amigos at least feels informative.  Overall it is harmless? I hope?
Total Score: 17/50
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andrebannenberg · 4 years
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Roken was de gewoonste zaak van de wereld. Je viel op als je niet rookte. Je vader, je grootvader, je ooms, de pastoor, Jean-Paul Belmondo, iedereen pafte er op los. Op de foto mijn klasgenoten en ik, elke ochtend een kwartiertje voordat de lessen begonnen, een shaggie rokend. Filtersigaretten rookten dames.
Behalve deze excentrieke mevrouw, genietend van een echte Hollandse sigaret, Caballero, (nog) zonder filter.
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shimokitazawathree · 4 years
″Natural Zone″
-LIVE- HEAVY WALTZ [渡辺明人(G&VO)岡本雅彦(B&VO),宗像和仁(D&VO)] COOKAI -DJ- ISHIKAWA 19:00開場/19:30開演
前売¥2,500/当日¥3,000 (2D別オーダー)
●TICKET sale ... 各バンド窓口のみ
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OPEN 19:00 
 Charge ¥2,000+1drink(¥600)
Pale Fruit
CONTACT https://twitter.com/tanqshimizu
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10 THU
11 FRI
□   DJ: ナカコー / 石毛輝 / 牛尾憲輔 / 岸田繁 / ミト
□   VJ: ヤスエミカ(midori-gumi)
□22:00OPEN / 22:30 START〜ALL NIGHT
□TICKET:AVD/DAY ¥3500/¥4000 ※それぞれDRINK代別途必要
□チケット発売 11/13 12:00 PM 〜 e+及び
THREE 店頭にて (17:00〜22:00)
12 SAT
BAND WAGON 2020~冬の陣~ 
[TICKET] イベント名・お名前・枚数を明記の上 [email protected] までメールをお願いいたします。
※予約枚数は2名までです。 ※キャンセルの場合は必ずご連絡をお願いします。
 OPEN 12:00 START 12:30
 <夜の陣> OPEN 17:30 START 18:00 
タカナミ The Whoops チョーキューメイ Teenager Kick Ass 浪漫革命 Ezoshika Gourmet Club myeahns 
 ~夜の陣~ I Saw You Yesterday Jan flu Rooibos Hammer Head Shark FENNEC FENNEC ギリシャラブ
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 Alegre vol.67 
open 24:00 
charge ¥2000(w/1D) 
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  13 SUN
 OPEN 15:00〜22:00 
ADV ¥2,400+1D 
https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3343570001-P0030001… 11月14日(土)チケット発売 
Change the world(鹿島アントラーズ) 
※トークゲスト 小林知之(火災報知器)
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14 MON
OPEN/START(配信START):19:00 チャージ:¥1,000(1Drink込み) 進行と調理:うー ゲスト:まなりん・古賀さん・ダーヨシ 無料配信あり(投げ銭してくださると喜びます)
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15 TUE
OPEN 18:00
¥1,000 with 1Drink
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16 WED
『暴発‼︎三勇士』夜明け前篇 open19:00 start20:00 3500円(+1d )
[出演] 山本久土×クハラカズユキ×鈴木純也
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17 THU
OPEN / START 19:30 
Live start 20:00 
ADV ¥2,000-(+1D) 
※今回は30名限定ライブとなります。 [TICKET] https://caballeropolkers.wixsite.com/website ※こちらからの予約のみとなっております。 
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18 FRI
time: 24:00-29:00
entrance : ¥1000(N/D) 
Kazutaka Sawa
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19 SAT
20 SUN
21 MON
「たけとんぼカセットシングル『ラララ / 便り』リリース記念イベント」
OPEN 19:00 START 19:30
予約¥2200(+1d) 当日¥2400(+1d)
【出演】 たけとんぼ さんぜう通り 杉本周太
【O.A】 ロマンスカー 明智マヤ(The ティバ)
【有料配信】 ¥1500 https://qumomee.toos.co.jp/products/1221_taketonbo_release
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22 TUE
FILMREEL presents 「21世紀の人たちVol.2」 
こちらの公演は諸事情により公演キャンセルとなりました。 詳細はFILMREEL公式SNSをご覧ください。
 ticket ¥2,000+1D open19:00/start19:30 
出演: うみのて/主人公/FILMREEL 
CONTACT https://twitter.com/FILMREELtweets
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23 WED
24 THU
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25 FRI
26 SAT
23:00-5:00 @下北沢THREE door:¥1,000+1D
星原喜一郎(New Action!) 斎藤雄(Getting Better/TIPS) JUDGEMAN RIHO YONEDA Acrocanthosaurus hisabor(東京定期便)
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27 SUN
 START 12:00 
オールライツ A PAGE OF PUNK DJ PAPARACCI(ひらっち) and more…
「peeeky」 20 :00 OPEN&START ¥2000/w1D
[LIVE] heavenphetamine ren (LOVE AND CIGARETTES)
[DJ] SHUU-TARO(Shrimp'/drieck) szk(dub16step)
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28 MON
29 TUE
OPEN / START 未定(深夜公演)
Ticket ¥1,000(ND)
BOARD (from London) / STRAM
and more...
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30 WED
OPEN / STRAT 未定 (深夜公演)
Ticket ¥1,000(ND)
aruga / Sisters In The Velvet / Psychoheads / Sugar House
and more...
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31 THU
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fox-fic-and-ink · 4 years
COVID is forcing me to do some evaluations and make some changes. TLDR at bottom.
First, I'm not continuing with Patreon as of May 1st. It's never quite been what I wanted in a platform and it doesn't suit my creative flow (which is usually more sprinter bursts suited to prompt lists). I never figured out a way to incorporate multiple fandoms in reward tiers and the Destiny fandom/my niche in it is too narrow for the Patreon payout to be worth the extra posting. I appreciate the support I received there and am finishing out the remaining rewards but it's tiresome to repost a single thought across Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, and Patreon just to try and be seen. I can at least nix one of those and wipe one set of login info from my brain. XD
Second, fandoms.... I still have an incredible attachment to Destiny but my increasing frustrations with it have proven it's time to branch out a little for my own growth and sanity. Meaning this blog is about to get weird with fandoms. Some Final Fantasy, maybe some Megaman, older stuff like Tintin and Transformers, all the Good Omens content I passed on because it didn't fit my theme. Might finally dip into the worlds of Overwatch and My Hero Academia. I'm writing DuckTales/Three Caballeros fic right now!?!?!?! ...like, idk, ya'll. I guess I just need the stimulation of some fandom potpourri.
I've been a Destiny/+fanfic blog since the beginning (and I'll continue to post that!) BUT I get it if you don't want to see any of that other stuff. You can just block the 'not destiny' tag. Thanks for being cool.
TLDR- no more Patreon, still posting Destiny stuff, posting lots of other not Destiny stuff now, filter it out if you want to by blocking 'not destiny' tag. Thanks
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I was fooling around with some filters and colours and eventually ended up with some sketches I like! It may seem like a random set of characters but their actually all of my favourite characters from each fandom I’m in!
Each of the following characters and series are not owned by me and are as follows:
Damien bloodmarch & Carmensita Sella (Dream Daddy a Dad Dating Simulator)
Falco Lombardi & Leon Powalski (StarFox)
BandanaDee (Kirby)
Dr. Starline (Sonic the Hedgehog IDW)
Revali (Legend of Zelda breath of the wild)
Decidueye (Pokémon Sun and Moon/Pokkentournament DX)
José (Zé) Carioca (The three caballeros/Ducktales/Disney)
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hakesbros · 2 years
San Antonio, Tx Homes For Sale & Real Property
Come see this charming, renovated three bedroom, 1 tub home that is nestled on a nook lot. It's conveniently situated to Texas A&M University, the Toyota plant, Palo Alto ... Spacious three bed room 2 bathroom home is priced to sell. Original two car garage new homes san antonio transformed to a large main bedroom with it's personal natural wooden fire. The Greater San Antonio Area presents many homes to select from throughout all worth ranges beneath $200,000.
There have been 1,637 new listings within the last 30 days as nicely. The extra homes in the marketplace, the more selections consumers have. In the last 30 days, homes for sale in San Antonio, TX offered for a median worth of $295,239, up 4% in comparison with the same period last year.
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