#cait c: johnna goth
cait-curious · 1 year
Goth Family Tree
This is the Goth Family tree, at the end of 11 rounds of gameplay (55 Sim days). I'll try to update this after every round.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She and her family live in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He has never been married.
Adrian and Michael Lothario have never been married, but they live apart because they don't get along. Michael is the twin with glasses, wearing the traditional Goth round glasses.
Nova Lothario was born as a result of Cassandra's alien abduction. She just finished her sophomore year at Sim State University.
Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They have two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7). They are currently not part of Cora's Story.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Cora, Nick, and Izzy are all very close, and are also friends with Rob and Sam Broke (unborn baby Broke), all born in Round 1.
Morty Goth is engaged to Diana Burb (born round 2, Lucy Burb's younger sister). He is friends with Adrian and Michael, as they all went to Sim State together. Morty was named after his father, who died before he was born.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Johnna Goth met a new recruit at work, Christian Broke. The two of them got along very well.
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"Thanks for coming over, Christian," Johnna said as she stroked his face. "You're a lot of fun." Christian had been really focused on his high school girlfriend Luna, and hadn't even considered dating anyone else. But now, after college, when Luna was playing the field, Christian was happy to spend time with an older woman. "You're a lot of fun too, Johnna," Christian said, their couch WooHoo still fresh on his mind.
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cait-curious · 1 year
After going to work and telling everyone about her brother-in-law's passing, Johnna was ready to focus on something else. She invited her boyfriend Chandler over.
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"I was glad to get your call, Johnna," Chandler said as they cuddled on the couch. "You don't want to go on a date or have dinner or anything?" "We can make dinner here later," Johnna said. "But first thing's first."
The next day she tried to call Chandler again, but he was at work. She wanted some company, so she decided to call her cousin, Danny Welsh-Goth.
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"Thanks for coming over, Danny," Johnna said as she hugged her cousin. "It's been a while since I've seen you." "Thanks for the invite! It's nice to get away for a little while." "How are Tosha and the baby?" "They're wonderful. Money is tight right now, but we're trying to make it work. You understand what it's like to want to make a name for yourself instead of falling back onto the family money," Danny said. "Definitely," Johnna replied. "I understand more than anyone. But I don't have a spouse and child to support." "I know, I know. I just want to give it a real try before moving back in with my moms."
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cait-curious · 1 year
Johnna Goth was just getting ready to leave her house when her phone rang. It was her sister Whitney, who was hysterical.
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"Slow down, sis. I can't understand what you're saying." "He's gone. Orlando died last night." For once, Johnna didn't know what to say. "I'm so sorry," was all that Johnna could get out. Her sister had everything she wanted with a husband and kids, now her husband was gone.
"I really liked him, Whit." Whitney knew that was the highest praise her sister could give anyone. "I know, Jo. He really liked you too. He loved coming over to your house after work and enjoying the peace and quiet." "I'll let them know at work. It's the least I can do," Johnna offered. "If you want to help you could always move in with me and the kids," Whitney offered hopefully. That sounded like torture to Johnna, but she didn't want to be too harsh to her sister during this difficult time. "Ha, you don't want me raising your kids, sis. Get some rest."
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cait-curious · 1 year
While Johnna's sister Whitney spent her days being a wife and mother, Johnna spent her time doing whatever she wanted. And on this day, she wanted to spend some time with her romantic interest, Chandler Platz.
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"Did you know I make like, lots of money now?" Johnna said, trying to impress Chandler. "That's great Johnna," Chandler said into his pork chop, clearly not interested. "Yeah, I'm doing really well for myself. I bought this house all on my own," Johnna continued to boast.
Chandler didn't really care about any of that. He was, however, very into some after-dinner canoodling on the couch.
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"Hey this is a nice place, Johnna," Chandler said while they cuddled on the couch. I know, right? Want to see the bedroom next?" Johnna asked. "Sure!"
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cait-curious · 1 year
After graduation, Johnna Goth and Tegan Dreamer went out to celebrate.
When they got to the bowling alley, young teen Luna Lothario was already at the bar.
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Stupid older girls think they're too good to invite me- I'll show them I'm just as cool as they are!
The graduates didn't do her any favors, though, because Johnna had some gossip to share about Luna's father, Nick.
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"My dad said he saw Nick Lothario in the hot tub with Skipper Broke at the lounge!" Johnna stage-whispered, making a display of sharing gossip. "Skipper?? Didn't she go to school with our siblings? What is he thinking going out with her so publicly?" Tegan asked, scandalized. "I know!! Clearly, she's just after the money. But you didn't hear it from me!" The two giggled.
Cora did not like what she was hearing. "Girls, have some decorum. Luna is right inside, and she doesn't need to hear you two spreading nasty rumors about her father," Cora scolded. "Sorry Aunt Cora," Johnna said in a sing-song voice, clearly not sorry at all.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Johnna Goth just graduated from Sim State and found an apartment she could afford. She struggled with getting into fights in college, so she's hoping the apartment complex is quieter than the dorms.
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Johnna did find a job that suited her, though- she was hired by the military, and is quickly rising the ranks! She's already a drill instructor.
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cait-curious · 1 year
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A blonde, brunette, and a redhead go to Sim State.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Johnna and Tegan were pretty good friends, even though they sometimes fought over boys.
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When they first started college, Tegan and Chandler Platz were an item. But she moved on, and Johnna saw an opportunity.
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Johnna had her first kiss in the dorm.
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And later, her first WooHoo.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Alexander Goth dropped his younger daughter Johnna off at Sim State, his alma mater.
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"Wow, college! Maybe I'll meet some boys who aren't related to me!"
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Two of Johnna's high school classmates came to Sim State, too- Chandler Platz and Tegan Dreamer. Although she was happy to be spreading her wings at college, her cousin and now good friend Danny Welsh-Goth came to visit a few times.
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In fact, Danny visited Johnna so much that he became friends with Tegan, too. He called the dorm frequently, asking to speak to Tegan just about as often as Johnna.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Johnna Goth was leaving for college soon, but wanted one last hurrah with her cousin, Danny Welsh-Goth.
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Danny came to pick her up in style this time. When Danny started high school, Johnna saw him as someone to push around. But their friendship has really grown, and they're genuinely good friends now.
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Despite the conspicuous car Danny showed up with, Cora was able to sneak back in through the garage, her parents none the wiser.
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cait-curious · 1 year
At Isabella Lothario's house, having teens means teen drama.
Donald Cormier brought Johnna Goth home from school.
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"Listen fives, a ten is speaking."
But Walter had his mind on someone other than his cousin.
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"Thanks for inviting me over- you're right, the hot tub is so relaxing," Rosa Broke whispered to Walter. "It's nice and private, too. While everyone else is inside, we can do whatever we want back here." "Oh I like the sound of that."
Inside the house, Donald and Johnna talked about their future plans.
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"Are you excited for college, Johnna? Is your sister having fun there?" Donald asked. "Ugh, I don't know. I might want to travel first. Whitney makes college seem so boring, she never talks about parties or boys or anything fun," Johnna sighed.
Donald still thought college sounded fun. The idea of being surrounded by so many girls sounded great.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 12
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 12 (60 in-game days). Changes from the round 11 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She and her family live in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He has never been married.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel.
Michael Lothario has never been married.
Nova Lothario just graduated from Sim State University and moved back to Pleasantview.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They have two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7). Whitney currently attends Sim State, and Johnna enjoys bullying her younger cousins in high school.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Danny is friends with the other teens in the family- Donald Cormier, Walter Cormier, and Johnna Goth.
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Morty Goth is engaged to Diana Burb (born round 2, Lucy Burb's younger sister), with whom he currently lives.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Johnna Goth definitely has a mean girl vibe. She's not looking after her younger cousin Danny Welsh-Goth's best interests, she just wants him to do her bidding.
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This time it was picking her up to sneak out. They had so much fun they did it two nights in a row. The first night went great, Johnna was able to sneak back in through the garage with no trouble. The second night, not so much.
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Johnna came home in the back of a police car. She got a lecture from her father, and I'm sure Danny's parents were very disappointed in him.
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cait-curious · 1 year
Johnna Goth brought home her brother-in-law Orlando Centowski after work.
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"Your house is so quiet, Johnna," Orlando sighed. "It's so nice to visit." "Well, you're always welcome, I'm sure you need some time away from my sister. But don't you guys plan on having a whole team? It's just going to get louder over there." Johnna warned. Orlando laughed. "Yeah, something like that. But when the kids get older they go to school all day, and it's not so bad." "I don't know," Johnna said skeptically. "It doesn't sound like a blast to me."
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cait-curious · 1 year
Danny Welsh-Goth is starting high school and already making plenty of friends- it helps that he's related to half of the town!
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Danny brought his cousin Johnna Goth home from school.
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“Okay so tell me everything you did at school today. I know you’re new but I don't want you to become a social outcast." “Okay well, I got the soup at lunch..." Danny started "No no no, never get the soup. Thank goodness your older cousin is here to tell you these things." "Wait why? I like soup!"
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"Every time we have that soup someone spills their flimsy little cup on their clothes, and they're Soupy McSoupPants for the rest of the day. Or until it happens to someone else." "Wait really?" "Yes! One time it happened to the home ec teacher, Mr. J. He spilled soup on his khakis and looked like he had a horrendous accident at school. Some kids still call him Mr. McSoupPants and that was three years ago!” "Wow thanks Johnna. I don't want to be Soupy McSoupPants for the rest of high school."
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