#calculating the late payment interest
cadeveshthakur · 2 years
Non-deduction, less-deduction, Non-payment, and short-payment of TDS will attract interest and penalty under the IT Act, of 1962. Learn “How to calculate interest on late payment of TDS/ deduction of TDS”.
0 notes
lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
The Pretenders have made attempts to spread. Efforts have been made to stop them, however fear amongst the Decepticons is growing. The Pretenders are appearing more and more often, always being cut down before they can return to their abominable creator. The Cons learn more with every Pretender killed, but the survivors still bear the scars.
Damus wishes more than anything else that he could have minded his own business long enough to not get involved.
Previous part here.
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Damus never intended to get involved. He already had enough to deal with considering his outlier ability, his faltering memory, and the fact that empurata had done extensive damage to his ability to function normally. He didn't have the time or the motivation to join up with either faction when the war began, at least at first. He knew Orion Pax, well he knew of him at any rate. He was also familiar with Megatron's doctrine. As such, he took his time trying to decide which faction he would inevitably end up siding with. War would force him to choose eventually, but he was slow in his selection. There was no need to rush, not yet.
He saved up shanix, doing odd jobs for both sides as peace talks began to occur. Maybe he wouldn't even need to pick. At least, that was his hope as he got his life together. With the senate in disarray, they didn't care for the fact that he went to a medic and payed an absurd amount to receive a new set of servos and a proper face. Things were looking up for him and he couldn't have been more thrilled when his old mentor called upon him to do odd jobs and run calculations. Damus didn't know why Shockwave wanted him to collect seemingly random fauna and flora from on and off world, but he did as instructed and was paid handsomely for his services.
Part of him wanted to question, but after the Senate and his prior empurata- No, he refused to risk it. He was getting his life together and he was going to keep things stable. That was his hope. But of course, just as he found himself a spot working as a field scientist for a research facility, everything went to slag. Orion Pax dropped off the face of creation and in turn the war went to the pits and back. Both sides were in an uproar, so Damus tried to steer clear of it. That of course did not last, not when during an expedition underground for a few stellar cycles to escape the horrors of war, he met a mech who was far larger than he remembered.
"You are Damus."
"Orion Pax. It is a surprise to see you here."
"I come in search of the Matrix of Leadership. Do you know its location?"
"Legend says it returned to Primus after Sentinel offlined."
"Do you know the path to Primus's core?"
"Maybe? I can try, but I don't work for free Pax. I am not the lost mech you knew. I have a life, a job. I am not risking it by helping out the Autobots without something in return."
"You desire payment?"
"Obviously. I know the tunnels well enough to get you going in the right direction at any rate."
"That is sufficient. Should you complete this task adequately, you will be rewarded in due time."
There was something very off about the mech who Damus was pretty sure was Orion. But he decided whatever it was, he didn't want to get involved. Orion had been gone for stellar cycles, probably on this foolish mission. It was in his best interest to get Pax where he needed to be so he could get his aft but up to the surface and stop the panic. And so that's just what he did. He walked Orion down the right paths until he didn't trust his memory to lead him further. Orion, or at least the mech who looked a great deal like Orion, watched him with calculating optics and nodded before vanishing into the dark. He decided then and there that he didn't even want to be paid, not when this mech was staring lasers into his spark during their entire walk.
Not his problem. Not his problem.
That was what he chanted to himself as Optimus Prime emerged onto the battlefield not long later and Damus found himself with no choice but to join up with the Decepticons for his own safety. Something was very wrong with Optimus Prime, although he couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was. He was just WRONG and looking back at the tunnel incident, Damus regretted guiding him. He did everything in his power to steer clear despite being with the Cons technically. His hope was that by staying in the city of Tarn, he could keep away from whatever was going on in the war. Being a researcher behind the lines was his safest bet. He didn't even care about trying to make something of himself. The job could frag itself now that he had his face and servos. He just wanted to stay as far away from all of it as he could. Whenever he left the safety of Tarn for whatever reason, he seemed to run into trouble.
Optimus met his gaze twice from a distance. Damus purged after each incident. The Prime was focused on him, and something deep in his spark told him that was a death sentence. A few times he caught sight of another one who gave him unsettling feelings. A yellow scout, one who the records stated was designated as Bumblebee once he finally worked up the willpower to look him up. Then there was the third, the last one that confirmed Damus's fears. Ratchet was the CMO of Cybertron before the war, but now he was on the battlefront every now and then... and he was different. There were rumors that he got ill and then miraculously recovered. But looking at him from a distance? Damus got that same feeling, the one he got when he saw Optimus. Those three were wrong, and so he tried not to leave Tarn for his own safety.
He was concerned to say the least. But he was safe in Tarn. Of course that was fine until Megatron began laying down rules that Damus and many others didn't understand. There were constant warnings about an infection originating from Autobot lines. Medics were suddenly being trained en masse and were promptly put absolutely everywhere. Medical procedures grew more invasive and frequent, constant sanitation became the norm, and any soldier that presented even the slightest behavioral difference after battle was taken away, often never to be seen again. There was also the sudden appearance of strange armor suits that mecha amongst the Decepticons began to wear. There were whole propaganda campaigns urging every soldier to get the suits for their own protection. The bulky things covered every possible part of the frame, and somehow Damus got the distinct impression that something darker was going on behind the scenes. Things weren't adding up.
His fears were confirmed when Optimus Prime decided it was time to give Damus his payment.
Damus had no time to react when the Autobots launched an attack on Tarn shortly after the destruction of the Senate. Damus hid with the rest of the non combatants, but the Prime was quick to appear on the battlefield and tracked Damus down like a bloodhound when he tried to run. Optimus Prime found him huddled amidst the ruins of the bombed out fortress he called home for so long. And it was there that the Prime, no, the monster, ruined his entire life.
"I promised you payment. I have come to offer it."
"You are one of his students. You will be useful."
"Primus no-!"
He could only scream as the thing's jaw came apart, splitting into a maw of mandibles. Then just as quickly, a squirming bug of some sorts was lowered toward his right optic. It was agony as the thing wormed its way into him, and all the while the monster above him seemed to smile in its convoluted way. All he knew was pain as the thing left in a hurry and he was promptly collected and dragged away to a place he didn't know.
He remembered medics, dozens of them all practically buried under the protective suits the posters were always advertising. He remembered screaming in agony as they worked on him, doing something to his helm and much of his torso. But then it ended, and Damus was left in an isolated room, strapped down to his berth with heavy chains, and standing before him was the one and only Megatron who also wore the suit.
"What in Primus's name happened to me?"
"You were infected with the Pretender larva. We managed to remove the larva itself, but its roots have already spread."
"What does that means? What is this?"
"Listen closely Damus. We don't know where it came from, but the Pretenders are creatures that infest a host and devour them in order to wear their frames as disguises. Optimus Prime is one of these creatures."
"Then he-"
"He spread the infection to others, including yourself. We have found hundreds of others like you in various stages of infection. We have done everything we can to reverse the effects, but all we have accomplished is slowing it down."
"So... I am going to die?"
"Yes. We slowed the infection to a crawl and your life will be extended through frequent surgeries to remove the largest of the roots. However, it will kill you one cycle."
"I will become one of those monsters."
"Only if you give in. We have installed an explosive in your processors that will eliminate you at a moment's notice. This is not out of cruelty, but merely to ensure you cannot become another tool for the Pretender plague."
"I see..."
"You will die, but you need not do so without honor. You carry part of the Pretender genome. With it, you will likely find you have new abilities, most notably, an inbuilt radar which will point toward other Pretenders."
"You want to make me a tool."
"I offer you a choice. You can die here with a quick and painless offlinement, or you can serve us and use your curse to ensure others do not suffer the same fate."
"How many have died due to this?"
"Thousands. We find more every cycle. The thing that calls itself Prime is prolific and must be eradicated."
"Then... I will serve. I will make sure this CURSE cannot spread."
"Good. We will have need of you Damus."
"Please, call me Tarn. I want that monster to know that the city it destroyed yet lives on. That I still remain defiant."
Damus, or rather Tarn took one look at his face and knew what he needed to do. The larva had buried itself into him, and so to remove it, his face that he spent so long achieving was now devastated. However in his rage, he found he didn't care. He wasn't afraid anymore. That monster took his entire life from him. Condemned him to eventual death alongside countless others. He refused to let the newly named Pretenders be. Not after everything.
He wanted to not be involved. But now he had no choice. Passivity got him infected. And so until he perished, he would fight. He could feel the new strength that hummed in his fuel lines. Evidently, the Pretenders were more than simple infiltrators. The world was brighter, more noisy, and far less frightening. The thing within him would kill him, but until it did, he had its strength as its own.
The Pretenders were going to DIE.
With Megatron's aid, Tarn was given access to all he needed. Every moment was spent on the hunt, and the few he found in time to save quickly joined his ranks. Other mecha, each survivors of the larva. Together they grew in number and slaughtered the Pretenders in their cradles. The things were so very weak when young. Tarn could feel the rage of the one called Prime. But he merely smiled as time went on. Every Pretender killed was one less threat. Megatron's warnings now made perfect sense.
An infection was spreading across Cybertron, and Tarn was going to stop it.
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narsh-poptarts · 9 months
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As mentioned above, I will only be accepting payment through Kofi or Paypal, and payment must be made upfront. Once I receive payment, only then will I begin work on your commission. I will be sure to ask you lots of questions beforehand and during the process to ensure that both of us are happy with the outcome!!
If you have any questions or are interested, please shoot me a DM!!! I will not be able to start working on commissions until 12/29/2023, but you are more than welcome to shoot me a DM regardless!!!
Commissions will only be open until late January, as I have to start up school again!!!
Thank you so much!! Reblogs are much appreciated!!!
Some additional information/disclaimers/rules under the cut!!!
General Commission Rules:
Please tell me what you want BEFORE you pay me! That way I can properly calculate pricing!!
No refunds!
I have the right to refuse any commission for any reason!! Please respect this. It is likely nothing against you personally, just my own personal preferences for what I'm willing and able to draw.
Both the time I take and the price I charge will vary due to complexity, but I will do my best to inform you of any changes or delays!!
Life stuff happens. As mentioned in the above point, I will do my best to inform you of any delays that occur
Artwork is for personal use only. Do not resell or make profit off of my work without my permission. Additionally, my artwork is strictly forbidden from being used for Artificial Image (AI) Generation or anything similar.
Light blood/gore is okay!! If you're worried that something might be too heavy, don't be afraid to ask!!
I will do light nudity! LIGHT. Pretty much chest only and very little uncovered female presenting breasts. However, I will allow for censored and/or covered up nudity. I must express tho: No NSFW/suggestive, please and thank you. I just don't feel comfy drawing it. Please use what art I have already posted as reference for what I'm willing to draw (my drawing of my dnd character, Jack, is a perfect example).
Some of my rules are bendable and/or negotiable! Please just ask!!
I will default to using my grainy brush, so if you don't want that, say something!
If you don't care about the specifics of what I draw and just simply want me to draw your blorbo, I'm okay with that!! I might ask for the kind of vibe you're looking for tho
I will not be doing comic commissions, but I will do single scene commissions
Specific Commission Content Information:
I do accept furry comms!! Please be aware that I don't typically draw furry art so I am pretty inexperienced in that field. Regardless! I really want to try anyways and do my best, so I appreciate your patience with me!!
Additionally with furry comms: I will only do anthro/humanoid!! I'm not all that confident in my abilities to draw animals in the way I want to, but maybe someday in the future!
Yes I will draw your DnD character!! You must already have a visual reference for them, or at the very least, an assembly of reference images that I can use! I will not be designing your DnD character from scratch. It takes way too long for me to do something like that and I wish to respect both my time and effort and also yours.
I will draw most all DnD races. Please be aware the more animalistic races are not entirely within my expertise, but I will do my best!!
This goes for general OCs as well!! You must have an adequate visual reference of your OC for me or else I can't help you.
I don't want to draw irl people, but if you have someone specific or traits from someone specific that you want me to use as a reference for a character, I'm fine with that.
Yes I will draw fanart of any sort!! That includes fanart with all your headcanons!! (with ample reference) Just lemme know B)
The line between complex and simple background, at the end of the day, is up to my ruling, but for a general guideline: - No background: colors and/or gradients only, simple shapes and designs. No linework. - Simple background: concrete but not overly detailed. Does not especially matter where elements are coming from (if applicable). Ornate borders. - Complex background: detailed with heavy thought put into their design. Detailed linework. I will be doing a 70/30 rule. 70% character, 30% background. If i have to break out the perspective tool, it's complex. Refer to the examples for a general idea!!
Commission Process Rundown:
You go into my DMs and you say something like "hello! I would like to commission you for x, y, z!"
We talk over what you want, what you're looking for, how many characters, color or just lined, if you want shading, style, etc.
You give me a reference image if applicable.
I approve or deny the commission details and total up the price of your commission.
You confirm or deny the price and add or subtract any details to your order.
Upon your confirmation, I give you the link to my kofi or send you a paypal invoice (I would prefer kofi since it is easier and friendlier).
Once payment goes through, I start work on your commission at my next convenience!
I will send you a screenshot of the general sketch. You may change pose or any other detail at this stage. After your confirmation, I continue work.
I then send you a screenshot of the lines nearly finished. You may change minor details at this stage. If I made a mistake in design or otherwise, please let me know and I will be more than happy to fix it. If lines is all you asked for, then I will screenshot one last time once it's done, you confirm any last tweaks, and then I will send you the final image file!! I will ask if you want it to be a transparent image/blank background/specific color background/etc.
If that's the end of your commission details then yay!! If not, the process repeats for the colors and/or shading stages.
I will ask if you mind if I post the artwork! If you don't want me to post it, I won't.
Thank you for commissioning me!!
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phanhlee · 4 months
~First sight~
(This is a commission. Both I and the writer are not English speakers so there could be mistakes. However, this is the story I want to share, story about a devil in disguise and a devilish judge (。・ω・。)ノ♡)
Tag: Claude Frollo x male!oc
His name is Helzon, Helzon Sullivan.
Even when he was crushing gypsies with the sole of his shoes like they were nothing but mere bugs, Claude Frollo still believed he was never in the wrong. If anything, he’d only have to worry about dirtying his outfit. But the archdeacon couldn’t possibly cloud his thoughts with such mundane matters. He had been tasked with jobs that overlooked the entire archdiocese of Paris. As one who belonged to God’s land, he’d wish the challenges he gave to humans could slightly stop being so tedious. Carrying himself properly along the streets of Paris, Claude held his head high in pride and dignity. Throughout the streets of this archdiocese, his presence was hailed like that of a ruler.
Humans, vile as they are, were born with their sins weighing on them. Only those who want to repent at God’s feet shall receive his salvation, and this of course did not apply to the Parisien who just caused a commotion in one of the most crowded places of this archdiocese. Claude had to be as careful as he could, so as not to stomp on any bystanders with Snowball the horse. He didn’t want blood on his hands anyway.
Today, the uproar was caused by a lowly thief, who was said to be an orphan who lived in the slums among the dirtiest waste. Claude’s nose could barely contain the foul smell of peasants, but it was his duty to reprimand the thief. Chasing the criminal throughout the streets of Paris with the guards going before him, Claude silently cursed his luck. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for the men of the church to capture their prey. The boy, who dared to lay his filthy hands on a piece of white bread, was cornered by Claude’s stern and calculating eyes. Injustice, he thought. The poor are always the cause of misdeeds in this city. No matter how many charities and donations are made for them, they would go back to their roots as lazy, unapologetic men who will not work a day as long as they can still play under the sun. More than once, have they been late with the payment of their taxes; being an establishment for worshiping God, the church literally had no means of income, and they had to rely on taxes. The nobles were too busy partying, and Claude had no interest in bothering those bluffing, blithering idiots. As he was busy chasing down and correcting those who called themselves God’s children undeservingly, an unexpected presence appeared in the corner of his eyes. He was standing in the way of Snowball, so Claude had to try his best to calm the horse down, so as not to stomp on him and cause an unwanted casualty. Even though everyone around him was scurrying around the busy marketplace, the man with cold silver eyes remained in his place. Calm but deep, his gaze was like the Seine flowing throughout Paris, but it was somehow piercing at the same time. As if his air was taken from him, Claude Frollo had to steady his breath, but that didn’t help much as the other figure towered over him. Determined to make himself look like he could stand a chance against the much bigger man, Claude frowned, his brows furrowed deep. With his cold and unforgiving voice, he demanded:
“Speak, brute. What makes you think you have the right to stand here? You’re in the way.”
The bloke, however, didn’t budge. His eyes intently stared, as if his gaze could match a thousand blades piercing through anyone who dared to look directly at him. It was a different kind of look from anything Claude had gotten used to. He seemed to be far from the other low-life Parisiens, but in the end the man could be anything but different from the crowd that Claude had so much disdain for. A sonorous voice, deep as the ocean, commanding like the voice of a god, grumbled from the man’s stomach. One may even think he was not used to speaking. Only a few precise, meticulous words came out from him, that Claude could have sworn they sounded like “monsieur de Paris”.
A gentleman of Paris, was what he called himself. A foreign-looking man, who did not fear the gaze of Judge Claude Frollo, who stood tall in the presence of the authorities. Oh how Claude despised this defying bloke who thought of himself to be greater than others! Arrogance was one of the greater sins for men to bear, and yet this person who didn’t even want to speak of his name was full of it. With a cane in his hand, Claude lifted his chin up. But his cane slipped, hitting him in the face. It appeared as though the man’s eyes narrowed in a heartbeat, but it was probably just Claude’s illusion. Somehow, it terrified him, even though his gesture towards Claude showed no malevolent intention. Quickly, he left, leaving Claude speechless with his henchman trying to get him back to his senses.
“I want to know… who that vile bloke is. Who does he even think he is, daring to oppose me like that.”
Back in the chapel of the Notre Dame, Claude tried to keep his composure as he ordered his underling to do his deeds. The trusted henchman scurried away with his orders. Alone in the chapel, Claude walked around impatiently. He could’ve sworn he borne nothing but disdain towards the bastard, but something different had sparked in him.
“My Lord, I have returned.”
“Then tell me, boy… what do you know about him?”
“From what I’ve managed to gather, his name is Helzon Sullivan.”
“That sounds quite foreign. Do you know where he came from? Corsica, is it?”
“Sir… It doesn’t seem to be Corsica. I asked all over, there was little to no information about him.”
“Really? What is he doing in Paris?”
“It remains a mystery still, sir. He does not seem to disclose his personal life to anyone, nor does he get close to any citizen. Oh but, it is quite likely that he is a soldier, who had made himself a frequent customer at the grand tavern.”
Indulgence, Claude thought. A grave sin of men. He specifically sought God’s light of guidance because he did not want to fall under the sinful ways most men indulge themselves in. Women, alcohol, money,… all temptations are earthly bonds that imprison one’s spiritual being to the earth, bringing them closer to hell than to God’s kingdom.
“So he… is a drunkard, you say?”
“On the contrary, sir. He could control himself very well, and he is… popular with the ladies. Though, it seemed like he only frequented such places for some drinking activities, not for the purpose of… coitus.”
“That, I did not need to hear. You are dismissed.”
“Thank you, my lord.”
Claude did not realize he was taking his first steps into his own hell. Instead of ignoring the peculiar man, Claude found himself drawn to him. Nothing but fate’s cruel grand scheme bound them together. Just as the archdeacon thought he had escaped his silvery eyes’ grasp, he happened to see the brute again.
It was Lent when their next encounter happened. This time, he was donning a military uniform, standing alongside other brutes. That was just like the information that the judge received from his henchman. But as Claude was watching him on the way down from the belltower of Notre Dame, he seemed to be in a hurry. It was probably orders from the higher-ups that forced his presence to be at the archdiocese, guarding the church for this occasion. All the while, the archdeacon went on about his day, as usual. Or that was how he made it seem. Claude played his role perfectly, but that was his job. The people of God cannot rest well if they knew their leader was unwell. In the confines of the glass windows, he stood to catch a glimpse of the silver-eyed man. The way his wavy black hair draped over his shoulder was bewitching, and although Claude called him “brute”, the way he moved was far from that. His elegance reminded him of a noble, and he was sure that eye color was also very uncommon for vermin to have. Sure, he’d seen his fair share of dirty grey eyes like a mouse’s coat, but this was pure silver.
The brute, whose surname Claude remembered to be “Sullivan”, stayed guarding Notre Dame for about a week until Lent was over.
Claude did not realize he was deliberately looking for the man at every turn of the corner. But he did, no matter how much he wanted to deny it. The hellfire was scorching through his veins, burning away every last bit of his being. Alas! For a man of God to bear such thoughts with another man, he was to be punished. Going against God’s will was unthinkable for him. He should not lay with another man, per the holy words of the bible. His mind was once pure, unclouded by lustful thoughts. But in the shadows of this wretched man, he was obsessed. As he took a peek into his own reflection in the mirror, Claude was horrified to find himself changed beyond his imagination. His ashy gray hair framing his face, sunken eyes of a clergyman who’d devoted all his life to serve God that he even neglected his health. At least, he didn’t neglect the task of grooming. But Claude was conscious that he had become unrecognizable from the image of himself that he’d drawn in his head, every morning as he opened his eyes and led the way for Catholic Parisians like a bunch of loyal dogs who tremble in fear in his presence. He was not loved, but feared. Right. That ugly, wretched, poor Quasimodo probably feared him as well.
But the man with those silvery, mercury-like eyes that could pierce through one’s heart was… different. He did not fear him. That alone had made him stand out from the rest of the crowd, apart from his astonishing height of course. He was immovable, like the pillars that held the establishment Claude was standing on. Hecouldn’t forget about him, even if he tried to. He’d imagined the devil residing in a gypsy’s heart, and in the hearts of sinners, unsightly preposterous sinners. The man he’d seen carried himself with an air of poise and grace so rare that Claude could swear he’d only seen a handful of those people throughout his miserable life. No one had ever dared to oppose Claude, let alone planting the seeds of eros in him. How could I be led astray by that tramp, Claude thought to himself.
Unless, that was his salvation, sent by God?
Claude couldn’t do anything but pray. He prayed and prayed, asking God for peace of mind. At a point where this self-righteous man had found himself to be shaken by the thoughts of another man, he felt as if the ground under his feet could crumble at any time. Claude had never thought of serving or devoting himself to anyone other than God, ever since he was a young pastor, an inquisitor, a church boy. His life had been all for the Bible studies, for his acts of service for God and Mother Mary, who looked at him from high up above. He had never had a taste of love and affection with another person of his peers. Climbing his way up the hierarchy of the grand church was an unforgiving process that allowed him no friends. Allies, yes, probably, but everyone aimed for their own good in this world. He was used to being alone, fighting his battles by himself.
But it was precisely his loneliness that triggered the downfall in Claude’s image of the perfect man, one that he crafted for him to aim for. The imaginary hands on his shoulders of Helzon Sullivan were warmer than anything he’d ever felt. It made Claude’s entire body shivered in a sense of unwanted joy and shameful yearning. He did not want to yield himself to desires - Claude Frollo was known to have a mind of steel. But just with these thoughts, he was already deeper in this painful yearning more than he ever wished to.
Alone in the chapel of Notre Dame, Claude stared outside, dreading. The clouds have pulled themselves down like dark, thickened cobwebs covering the sky. A storm was coming, and it was coming his way.
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(me too lazy to color or draw a new one so I'm gonna an old one)
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sanagii · 11 months
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Hey Tumblr! I'm open for digital and traditional art commissions! Get a lovely art piece for you or your loved ones :) I'm also open for Christmas commissions! Lately I've been struggling to find new gigs and I really need money to pay my bills, so If you can please consider commissioning me. If you can't, a reblog would me help me a lot! Thank you for your support ♥
Terms of service:
I will draw anything (OCs, fanart, real people, humanoid and pets) except mecha, because I’m really bad at it, sorry! I’m okay with NSFW as long is not really explicit. I’m OK with nude art.
Extra detailed accesories like wings, weapons, amours will count as extra details and they will be charged starting at $6 USD. Simple backgrounds such as one color bg, gradients and simple compositions have no cost. For detailed backgrounds please send me your ideas and I’ll calculate a price for you :).
Payments are only through PayPal invoices in USD or their equivalent in MXN, for the protection of both sides. I also can take Ko-fi.
I Accept two-part payments. I’ll start working on the piece as soon as I receive the first part, updates will be sent in 3-5 days. The rest of the invoice would be paid before I send the finished illustration.
TAT: Your commission will be delivered in 15-20 days , so feel free to commission me for Christmas or any special date.
These prices are only for personal commissions. If you need art for commercial purposes, please send me an e-mail and I’ll gladly make a price quote for the commercial rigths.
I have the rights of every commission made. Please don’t take the credits of the art or reproduct it on commercial products.
ADDITIONAL CHARACTER INFO**: Prices are below each example, 75% of the base price for each character. *Busts with additional characters are not available. Pets can be added for 60% of the base price!
How to commission?
If you’re interested, please send an email to [email protected] or send me a DM filling this form:
Character/person name(s):
Art style: (Colored sketch, full rendered, watercolor)
Size: (Bust, half or full body)
Photo references:
Outfit/costume references:
Quick Description of the character(s): (Age, height, hairstyle, complexion, personality, likes)
Pose, background and/or extra details
PayPal e-mail:
If you have any questions please leave a comment or send me a message and I’ll respond as quickly as I can! Thank you for your interest ♥ You can also commission me directly on Vgen!
Sanagi (Amanda Corona)
Twitter | Instagram | Support me on Ko-fi | Portfolio
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copper-sands · 1 year
‼️urgent ‼️
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so my laptop broke a few days ago - the monitor fell off for no discernible reason - and i kinda need it for things! so i'm selling a bunch of my resin stuff, namely dice, shaker charms, and earrings to get it repaired, or get a new one if I'm really unlucky. my time is limited, so this is only available until August 10th.
international shipping, payment upfront, paypal only. dm here or on discord (copper_sands) if interested. if you can't buy/aren't interested, please share.
details & closer look at everything under the cut:
some additional notes:
the prices listed don't include shipping costs. that will be calculated and added to the overall cost once i know where i'm shipping to
that being said, if shipping costs more than the order, i'm sorry but postal services are a bitch and we all know it
shipping beginning late August
and now for the items.
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additional notes on the dice:
the dice may have slight visual flaws (scratches, etc) that do not affect their usability
if you order №7 w/ a set №1-5, the $45 price applies. if you order it with №8, the prices are additive (so $70)
№1 glows cyan in the dark
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[№3, 5, 7 sold]
(pictures 2 and 3 are examples of filled charms)
additional notes on the shaker charms:
the faces on the cat shakers are optional and customizable
filling options will be shown in DMs
custom clay bits (e.g. the stars on picture 3) cost extra
the clip isn't customizable, but it is optional (specify that you don't want one upfront)
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additional notes on the earrings:
unfortunately, i'm not sure what the metal is. i've been wearing my other earrings fine, but nevertheless, buy at your own risk.
№1 glows green in the dark
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realsafari · 3 months
i went on a college tour the other day :D Any tips for college?
ou good question!!
let me introduce u to….
*radio announcer voice*
This is really long so here’s a line break for your benefit:
Do you know where you’re staying? Most colleges have dorms built into the student life plan for freshman, but it’s always good to check. You can usually find this on their website, but you can also call to ask. I promise they will not laugh at you.
If your residence is further away from your campus, how are you going to get there? Is it reliable? What are the chances of a problem happening with it?
- If you have a dorm, remember that while you are going to be living in it, it’s not your permanent home. Don’t buy decorations for it that you wont be able to pack and take back to where you’re staying over the summer.
- Buy a toiletry caddy. I got mine at Target. Chances are you will have to share a bathroom with your hall or wing, and you do NOT want to worry about losing your things or mixing them up with others. This also makes carrying everything a whole lot easier.
- Connected to the previous, buy shower shoes. I literally just got flip-flops from dollar general (I think, I’ve had them since before I went to college)
- ALWAYS make a copy of your house/dorm key and keep it somewhere you physically can’t lose. Don’t use this key unless you genuinely misplaced your first. I had mine inside a small zipped pocket in my backpack.
- If you’re paying rent or bills, calculate the exact (or as close as possible) to how much this will cost per payment window. Bills are finicky, so try to keep your water/electricity usage the same every month. After a bit of this, you can calculate the average price. Set this money aside in a separate account for billing.
- Get to know your (possible) roommate(s). They don’t have to be your best friend. You don’t have to even hang out often. But PLEASE, at least learn each other’s names, primary study departments, and contact information.
- For the love of god, you do not have to know what you’re majoring in the moment you arrive. Try out anything in any field of interest. Narrow it down later.
- Yes, you have required classes, but try to fit in classes that you’ll enjoy in between them. Breaking up my standard segments was super refreshing for me.
- PLEASE do not schedule classes for first thing in the morning or late at night. You’re going to want all the sleep and study time you can get.
- Schedule all your day classes to be relatively consecutive. If you go back to your residence in the middle of the day for a bit, you’re not going to want to leave.
- I did my best to have three classes per day on weekdays, none on saturday, and one on sunday. my basic schedule went:
CLASS 1 - 9:00
CLASS 2 - 12:00
CLASS 3 - 18:00
Sunday are mostly free, but I like to have one class starting somewhere between 17:00 and 18:30, never later than 19:00.
- Before your first day of classes, make sure you know where every room is, which wing it’s in, entry codes, etc.
- Do not stay up past 1:00 if you can help it. I get that all nighters are necessary at one point, but you WILL regret it in the morning.
- Waking up early is not a requirement. While I recommend not waking up after 8:00, you don’t need to be up at 6 or earlier. Pretty much nobody expects you to.
- I swear to god, I know how hard it is to stay organized. I used digital notes for everything, and I had at least a folder for each subject. Every subject had a different color, and most of them were thin enough that I could keep them all in a bag at once.
- Again with organization, spend time at the beginning of every quarter deleting unnecessary files, putting everything in correct folders, and labeling documents properly. Your brain is not going to understand “AS4.2/LO-DAY 5 NOTES.html” for longer than 5 minutes.
- I know we all hate Google deep down, but I have to admit I use Drive to organize my notes. I have a folder for every class, where there is a subfolder for every quarter. within these, I have a folder for each unit, or other important category. This is super helpful when studying for finals.
- Do not drink coffee or any other caffeine to stay up later. “Chugging an espresso” is not going to help you study at 24:00. Have a cup in the mornings, but never have caffeine at least 2 hours before sleeping. Power through the pain, it gets easier to stay awake as you keep going.
- Outlines are your best friend for writing essays. Literally search up “essay outline template” and go wild filling that shit in.
- While you SHOULD read the book, I don’t expect you to read everything. Spend some time summarizing what you DO know on paper, then do some research to fill in the gaps.
- Body doubling works wonders. If you can have a study buddy (bonus if they live with you) that you can check in on to keep them on track while they do the same for you, do it ASAP.
- Yeah I don’t expect you to be fully prepared for your first year in terms of study prep. Don’t worry, neither do your professors.
- Speaking of professors, please please PLEASE email them (or ask them in person!!) if you have questions or need help with their class. It’s so much better to admit you need help than to lie and postpone the inevitable.
- Charge. Your. Goddamn. Devices. You. Will. Be. Fucked. If. You. Don’t.
- Don’t drink until you’re of legal age. Don’t do drugs ever. It doesn’t end up well, it doesn’t make you cool. Yes, THC is a drug. Yes, adults can tell if you aren’t sober. Ideally don’t drink at all unless it’s a special occasion.
- Always have the contact information of someone who isn’t at the hangout or party you’re at. Ok admittedly I didn’t go to parties but like do this anyways.
- Yeah most people don’t care if we can hear your music through your headphones unless It’s like the library or something. Or silent working time.
- Yes. You. Can. Make. Friends. With. Seniors. AND. Juniors. AGES DON’T MATTER MUCH IN COLLEGE FRIENDSHIPS.
- You literally do not have to go to any events that you don’t want to. I don’t care if people judge (they probably won’t). Just tell someone who is going where you’re going to be (even if you’re staying home!)
- Skipping class to mess around with friends once in a while is okay. I mean like once every few months. Don’t do it regularly, and make sure you get notes from anything you miss.
- You also don’t need to have friends! While it’s nice, as long as you are able to contact at least a few people for safety reasons, be as solo as you want.
I’m genuinely sorry that was so long, but I hope that helps in some way. I’m not used to displaying responsibility online lmao.
For added context: Im actually still in Uni. I have been since I was 19, and I plan on staying for 3 more years before doing life shit. All of these tips, even in past tense, are things I do currently/have done.
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hantart · 2 months
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Hey Tumblr! I'm open for digital art commissions! Get a lovely art piece for you or your loved ones :) Lately I've been struggling to find new gigs and I really need money to pay my Korean language course, so If you can please consider commissioning me. If you can't, a reblog would me help me a lot! Thank you for your support ♥
Terms of service:
I will draw anything (OCs, fanart, real people, humanoid and pets) except mecha, because It's pretty complicated to do so, sorry! and also NSFW.
For Chibi and Portrait's packages, simple backgrounds such as one color bg, gradients and simple compositions have no cost. For detailed backgrounds please send me your ideas and I’ll calculate a price for you :).
Payments are only through PayPal invoices in USD or their equivalent in IDR, for the protection of both sides. I also can take Ko-fi.
I Accept two-part payments. I’ll start working on the piece as soon as I receive the first part, updates will be sent in 1-3 days. The rest of the invoice would be paid before I send the finished illustration.
TAT: Your commission will be delivered in 5-7 days , so feel free to commission me for Christmas or any special date.
These prices are only for personal commissions. If you need art for commercial purposes, please send me an e-mail and I’ll gladly make a price quote for the commercial rights.
I have the rights of every commission made. Please don’t take the credits of the art or re-copies it on commercial products.
How to commission?
If you’re interested, please send an email to [email protected] or send me a DM filling this form:
Character/person name(s):
Art style: (Colored sketch, full rendered, watercolor)
Chibi/Portrait/Chibi Splash Art?
Photo references:
Outfit/costume references:
Quick Description of the character(s): (Age, height, hairstyle, complexion, personality, likes)
Pose, background and/or extra details
PayPal e-mail:
If you have any questions please leave a comment or send me a message and I’ll respond as quickly as I can! Thank you for your interest.
Hant Art (Hant)
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classicquid · 9 months
Short Term Loans UK Direct Lender is Designed to Get Needy People out of Financial Crunches
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Nobody like using insurance as a guarantee against risk, but in order to manage crisis uses efficiently and on schedule, they need credit assistance at all costs. As of right now, they are aware of the credit product known as short term loans UK direct lender. These advances are obtained online by completing a brief application and sending it to the loan specialist for review. With little notice, the reserve gets endorsed into your ledger. There is no faxing or lengthy printed text on this medium.
The customer may ask for a little amount between £100 and £1000 within the terms of this extreme advance item, along with a flexible two-month reimbursement residency. The consumer also finds loan costs to be soothing, thus acknowledging financing prices is never difficult. You can apply this short term loans UK direct lender to any of the listed financial demands.
- The cost of other doctor visits or your mother's wellness registration
- Bills from groceries
- The child's tuition or other educational costs
- Auto repairs done suddenly
- Resolving MasterCard debt, etc.
When applicants meet all requirements, such as being 18 years old, residing in the UK, receiving benefits, and having a current financial record, they can easily receive financial assistance with short term cash loans, even with terrible credit factors like CCJs, IVA, abandonment, late or missed payments, or skipping portions.
How can I calculate the entire amount I have to pay back?
This sum represents the entire amount you borrow plus the loan's interest. Prior to taking out a loan from any source—a credit broker or another lender—be sure you are aware of this.
Payday loans typically have higher interest rates due to their short duration. Here, there is just one repayment that covers the short term loans UK balance plus interest; there are no monthly installments.
You pay back a certain amount per month for loans that are 12 months or longer.
It is contingent upon the time of application and the lender you choose. However, you can receive the money into your bank account sooner than you think provided the loan is accepted and you pass the necessary checks.
As a credit broker, we search via our network of lenders to find you a favorable offer. It could be soon before you know if you can borrow what you need. You might save time and stress by using our online service, which is convenient. Try Classic Quid right now to discover whether you can acquire the funding you require. Apply right now online.
No, as we just stated, you are not eligible for a short term loans direct lenders if a lender does not see your credit history. This lets them know the potential risk involved in accepting you for a loan period.
Loans with terms of less than a year are referred to as short term loans UK direct lender. The term may be one month or twelve months. Compared to long-term loans, the amount offered will be less due to the shorter term. Generally, you are able to apply for a maximum of £5,000. Financial institutions such as banks, credit unions, and online lenders provide short-term loans.
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illumtori · 10 months
Unlocking Financial Freedom: A Guide to Credit Card Basics
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In today’s world, where convenience is valued, credit cards have become an indispensable financial tool for millions of people. These tiny plastic cards allow us to shop online, dine at our favorite restaurants, and book dream vacations with just a swipe or a tap. However, this incredible convenience comes with a responsibility that, if neglected, can lead to debt traps.
In this article we will discuss fundamental concepts of credit cards, demystify the industry jargon, and, most importantly, share insights on how to use credit cards responsibly to unlock financial freedom and security. We’ll also dive into the importance of responsible credit card use, including tips on managing your balances, avoiding fees, and preserving your credit score.
At its core, a credit card is more than just a convenient payment tool; it is also a gateway to build and manage your credit score, access rewards and perks, and ultimately achieve your financial goals. With the right knowledge and a commitment to responsible financial practices, you can harness the power of credit cards and use them to your advantage.
Whether you are contemplating your first credit card or aiming to enhance your financial literacy, join us on this journey through the world of credit cards. Let’s equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to make credit cards work for you, rather than against you, as you embark on your path toward financial success and security.
Understand Credit Card Terms: Key Terms Demystified
Before we dive deeper into the world of credit cards, let’s start by demystifying some of the key terms you will frequently encounter. It’s essential to have a grasp of these terms as they form the foundation of your credit card knowledge.
Credit Limit: This is the maximum amount of money your credit card issuer allows you to borrow. Spending above the limit can result in interest and fees.
Billing Cycle: A fixed period, typically a month, where your credit card transactions are tracked and compiled into a monthly statement.
Minimum Payment: This is the smallest amount you must pay by a specified due date to keep your credit card account in good standing. It is typically calculated as a percentage of your outstanding balance. Paying only the minimum payment can lead to interest and extend your debt.
Interest Rate (APR): The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) represents the actual cost of borrowing on your credit card. It’s expressed as a percentage and a lower APR reduces the cost of borrowing.
Grace Period: This is the period between the end of the billing cycle and the payment due date, during which you can pay your balance in full without incurring interest. This is a very valuable feature to manage your finances if used wisely.
Credit Utilization Ratio: This is the percentage of your credit limit that you are currently using and is calculated by dividing your credit card balance by your credit limit. Keeping it low is essential for maintaining a healthy credit score.
Statement Balance: Total amount owed on your credit card at the end of the billing cycle. This is the amount you need to pay by the due date to avoid interest.
Available Credit: This is the portion of your unused credit limit and is calculated as the difference between your total credit limit and statement balance.
Late Payment Fee: This is a fee levied by the credit card issuer if you fail to make the minimum payment by the statement due date. Late payments can negatively impact your credit score.
Annual Fee: Some credit cards charge an annual fee for the privilege of using their card. It’s important to understand whether your card has this fee and what it covers.
Foreign Transaction Fee: When you make purchases in foreign currencies or have transactions processed by foreign banks, you may be charged a foreign transaction fee, typically a percentage of the transaction amount.
Cash Advance Fee: This fee is applied when you use your credit card to get cash from an ATM or through cash advances. Cash advances often have higher interest rates and fees, so they should be avoided when possible.
Armed with these essential terms, you will be better positioned to navigate the credit card landscape and make informed decisions about your financial future. In the next sections, we will explore tips for responsible credit card use and strategies to maintain and / or improve your credit score.
Selecting the Right Credit Card For Your Financial Needs
Credit cards are versatile tools, and each is tailored with unique features and fee structures to cater to a range of financial situations and goals. Understanding these differences are important in choosing a credit card that aligns with your personal and financial goals.
Types of Credit Cards: A Spectrum of Choices
Standard Credit Cards: The most basic form, these cards offer a line of credit with standard features such as a fixed credit limit and a grace period for repayments.
Rewards Credit Cards: Designed for those who wish to earn rewards on their purchases, these cards allow you to accumulate points, miles, or cashback on everyday purchases turning everyday spending into potential savings or travel experiences.
Balance Transfer Credit Cards: Ideal for individuals seeking to consolidate debt, these cards often feature low or 0% introductory APR offers on balance transfers, allowing for easier debt management.
Student Credit Cards: Specifically designed for students, these cards often have lower credit limits and may offer rewards or educational incentives for responsible use.
Business Credit Cards: Catered to business owners, these cards come with higher credit limits and business-specific rewards like office supplies discounts or travel perks.
Charge Cards: Unlike typical credit cards, charge cards require you to pay the full balance each month. They usually don’t have a pre-set spending limit, offering flexibility for certain users.
Evaluating Fees and Features
Each type of credit card comes with a unique fee structure and set of features to consider:
Annual Fees: Some cards, particularly rewards and premium cards, often charge an annual fee
Interest Rates (APR): Interest rates are crucial if you plan to carry a balance, as higher rates can significantly increase the cost of borrowing.
Rewards and Benefits: Evaluate the rewards structure — whether it aligns with your spending habits and provides tangible benefits.
Credit Limit: Consider the credit limit offered, ensuring it matches your financial requirements without encouraging overspending.
Additional Charges: Some cards have potential fees such as late payment fees, foreign transaction fees, and cash advance fees.
Selecting the Right Card for You
Choosing the right credit card involves a reflective process, considering your financial habits, goals, and current credit status:
Analyze Your Spending Patterns: Consider where you spend the most (i.e. groceries, restaurants or travel and average monthly spend in the different categories. Opt for a card that offers accelerated rewards in areas where you spend the most. For example, many cards offer accelerated rewards for spending related to travel or groceries and restaurants. Understanding your spending patterns will help you choose a card that offers the most rewards and benefits for your lifestyle and spending habits.
Identify Your Financial Goals: Whether it’s building credit, earning rewards, or managing debt, your goal will guide your choice. Ask yourself what you want to achieve with your credit card. Are you looking to earning cashback rewards to save money on everyday expenses or travel rewards for free flights and hotel stays or a low interest credit card to carry a balance?
Consider Your Credit History: Your credit score plays a significant role in the types of credit cards you can qualify for. If you have excellent credit, you’ll have access to premium cards with better rewards. If your credit needs improvement, you may need to start with a secured card or a card designed for those with lower credit scores.
Compare Annual Fees: Many credit cards charge an annual fee for card membership. Consider whether the rewards and benefits of the card justify the associated fee. Some premium cards offer high rewards and perks that can outweigh the annual fee.
Rewards and Benefits: Different cards offer various rewards and benefits such as cashback cards which offer a percentage of your spending back as cash or travel rewards which offer points to be redeemed on travel related expenses. Other perks can also include sign up bonuses, purchase protection, extended warranties and coverage against theft or damage, rental car insurance and airport lounge access.
Credit Card Network: Check which card network the credit card belongs to (i.e. Visa, Mastercard, American Express). The network can affect acceptance and benefits.
Foreign Transaction Fees: If you frequently travel internationally, a card with no foreign transaction fees can save you money on currency conversion and foreign purchases.
Credit Card Terms: Review the card’s terms and conditions, including late payment fees, penalty APR, and how the issuer reports to credit bureaus.
In essence, the ideal credit card is one that not only matches your financial lifestyle but also supports your financial growth and goals. By carefully evaluating the types of cards available, understanding their associated fees and features, and aligning them with your personal financial landscape, you can make an informed decision that paves the way for a healthy financial future. It’s essential to use your credit card responsibly to maximize its benefits and avoid debt. Remember, the right credit card should be a financial tool that works for you, enhancing your fiscal discipline and bringing you closer to your financial objectives.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Credit Cards
Credit cards offer both pros and cons and it’s important to be aware of these to make sure that credit card use is suitable for your lifestyle.
Pros of Credit Card Use:
Convenience: Credit cards are convenient for making purchases, whether you’re shopping in-store, online, or traveling. They eliminate the need to carry large amounts of cash.
Builds Credit: Responsible credit card use can help you build and improve your credit score. A positive credit history is crucial for future financial endeavors like buying a home or securing a low-interest loan.
Rewards and Benefits: Many credit cards offer rewards such as cashback, travel miles, or points. These rewards can help you save money or enjoy perks like free flights or hotel stays on your regular day to day spending.
Security: Credit cards provide better fraud protection compared to debit cards. If your credit card is used fraudulently, you can dispute the charges, and your liability is usually limited.
Emergency Funds: Credit cards can serve as a financial safety net during emergencies when you do not have cash readily available.
Purchase Protection: Credit cards often come with purchase protection, which can include extended warranties and coverage against theft or damage for items purchased with the card.
Budget Tracking: Credit card statements provide detailed records of your spending, making it easier to track expenses and budget effectively.
Cons of Credit Card Use:
High-Interest Rates: Credit cards can have high-interest rates (APRs), especially if you carry a balance. Paying only the minimum can result in substantial interest charges.
Debt Accumulation and Minimum Payment Trap: It’s easy to accumulate debt with credit cards, especially if you’re not disciplined with your spending. Carrying a high balance can lead to financial stress. Paying only the minimum payment can lead to a cycle of debt, as it may take a long time to pay off the balance, and you’ll accrue interest in the process.
Fees: Credit cards may have various fees, including annual fees, late payment fees, cash advance fees, and foreign transaction fees. These fees can add up quickly.
Credit Score Impact: Mismanaged credit card use, such as missed payments or high credit utilization, can harm your credit score and make it difficult to secure loans or obtain favorable interest rates in the future.
Temptation to Overspend and Impulsive Purchases: The ease of credit card use can tempt individuals to overspend, leading to financial instability. Credit cards can also encourage impulsive buying behavior, as the immediate cost is deferred.
To make the most of credit card benefits while minimizing the disadvantages, it’s essential to use credit cards responsibly. This means paying your balance in full each month to avoid interest charges, staying within your budget, and being mindful of your financial goals. Understanding the potential pitfalls of credit card use can help you make informed decisions and use credit cards as a valuable financial tool.
Conclusion: Navigating the Path to Credit Wisdom
In this comprehensive exploration of credit card basics, we’ve embarked on a journey through the intricate world of credit cards, from understanding key terms to selecting the right card for your financial needs. We’ve seen how credit cards, when used wisely, can be powerful tools for convenience, rewards, and financial growth, yet they require a balanced approach to avoid common pitfalls like debt accumulation and high interest.
As we conclude this article, remember that the journey to mastering credit card use is an ongoing process. It’s not just about choosing the right card; it’s about developing a deeper understanding and a responsible mindset towards credit. By doing so, you can harness the benefits of credit cards to your advantage, whether it’s for building a strong credit history, earning rewards, or managing finances effectively.
This article is just the beginning. “Unlocking Financial Freedom: A Guide to Credit Card Basics” is part of a series dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and tools needed for financial empowerment.
Stay tuned for more in-depth discussions in this series, as we continue to unlock the secrets of financial freedom and security, one step at a time. Your path to becoming a savvy credit card user and a prudent financial decision-maker is well on its way!
Follow our Instagram account for your daily dose of fun and inspiration!!
Looking for a productivity tool that can help you achieve goals, set budget, and be more productive? Come learn about Illumtori!
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yhkbook · 1 year
Hello everyone! Since different things get posted between Twitter and Tumblr, we decided it would be a good idea to compile roundup posts covering the events of each week.
See below the cut for answers to questions, posted contributor previews, and open international Group Orders! 
This post covers April 02 - April 09.
✒️ Q&A
We have a thread on our Twitter containing all answers to questions we receive. Here are the questions we answered from April 02 - April 04:
How many pages does the physical book have? I'm trying to approximate shipping costs (within US), haha [link]
Currently the fanbook is estimated to have around 80 pages, but the exact number may change. When ordering from our shop the cost of shipping will automatically be calculated based on the selected bundle size and your address.
All bundles are not limited right? [link]
All bundles offered are available for purchase with no limit during the pre-order period (April 2nd - May 7th, 11:59 PM EST). If you're placing your order via a Group Order, make sure to check your GO's order deadline as it will be earlier than May 7th.
hi, im interested in getting the fable bundle or the revision (physical book only) but was wondering if there's any possible way of getting the tote bag separately? i don't really think i can afford the full bundle just so i can get the tote bag 😞😞😞 [link]
Hello! There may be a chance at a later date during our leftover sales period (exact date TBD), as we will be offering leftover items for purchase a la carte. However, this isn't something we can guarantee as the item stocks for leftover sales will be determined by how many extras of each item we have after the shipping period. The tote bag will also ONLY be produced if we reach our 150 orders goal, and is not a guarantee.
Do you know if shipping will occur early august of late august? I will be moving around in september so I have to decide what address I should put in [link]
We will most likely start shipping closer to late August. We will send out e-mails before bundles are ready to ship so that any address changes can be made.
If I join a GO, would I and other people in the GO still individually get the bonuses from the stretch goals? [link]
Every bundle purchased through a GO will receive the same benefits a bundle purchased through the shop would.
Im new to zines why does the money go to mod Pepper first and not mod Tange the finance n production mod? [link]
Hello anon! Payments made by purchasing the fanbook automatically go into a separate account used to fund the production of the fanbook, and do not go to any one specific person. As mod Tange handles finance and production they will be the person primarily tracking payments, but all mods have access to the account.
how many pages will the memo pad be? [link]
The memo pad will be 50 pages and have an adhesive strip on the back of each page (like a sticky-note pad).
is it possible to mix and match parts of bundles? or buying individual products outside of bundles? [link]
The only way to purchase items outside of bundle sets would be during leftover sales (exact date TBD) via a la carte listings, but we cannot guarantee we will have leftover stock of every item at the moment.
The following previews were posted to social media in our first week:
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POLOCHON - Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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SW4NFIRE - Twitter | Tumblr
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ZOE JAY - Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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SASH - Twitter | Tumblr
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The following international GOs are currently open:
AUSTRALIA Deadline: May 1
INDONESIA Deadline: May 1
MALAYSIA Deadline: May 2
MALAYSIA 2 Deadline: May 1
PHILIPPINES Deadline: May 1
VIETNAM Deadline: May 2
You can find an updating list of open GOs on our Bigcartel or on Twitter.
Thank you for all the support in our first week! We're excited to see what the rest of the month holds for us. You can follow us on Twitter and on Tumblr.
Wondering if you may have missed something? Check out any of the following Tumblr tags:
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Navigating the World of Loans: Expert Advice from My Mudra CEO, Vaibhav Kulshrestha
In today's dynamic financial landscape, understanding the intricacies of loans is essential for individuals and businesses alike. To shed light on this topic, we turn to Vaibhav Kulshrestha, esteemed CEO of My Mudra Company, who shares his expert advice and insights on navigating the world of loans. With his vast experience and deep understanding of the financial industry, Vaibhav offers valuable guidance for making informed decisions when it comes to borrowing money.
Assessing Your Needs
According to Vaibhav Kulshrestha, the first step in obtaining a loan is to assess your needs thoroughly. Whether you're a business owner looking to expand operations or an individual seeking financial support for personal endeavors, it's crucial to identify the specific purpose of the loan. By clearly defining your goals and requirements, you can select the most suitable loan type that aligns with your objectives.
Research and Compare Options
In the current market, numerous lenders and loan products are available. Vaibhav emphasizes the significance of thorough research and comparison before making a decision. It's crucial to evaluate factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, associated fees, and customer reviews. By exploring different lenders and loan options, you can find the best fit for your financial situation while minimizing costs and maximizing benefits.
Understand the Fine Print
Before entering into a loan agreement, it's essential to read and understand the fine print. Vaibhav advises borrowers to carefully review all terms and conditions, including interest rates, repayment schedules, penalties for late payments, and any additional charges. Seeking professional advice, such as consulting a financial advisor or legal expert, can provide clarity and ensure that you are fully aware of the implications of the loan agreement.
Evaluate Your Repayment Capacity
One of the most critical aspects of borrowing money is assessing your repayment capacity. Vaibhav advises borrowers to realistically evaluate their financial capabilities and consider how the loan payments will fit into their budget. It's essential to calculate the monthly installment amounts, taking into account existing obligations and potential fluctuations in income. Maintaining a sustainable repayment plan is vital to avoid financial strain and potential default.
Build a Strong Credit Profile
A robust credit profile is crucial when applying for loans, as it significantly impacts the approval process and the interest rates offered. Vaibhav stresses the importance of maintaining a good credit history by making timely payments, minimizing debt, and managing credit responsibly. A strong credit profile enhances your chances of securing favorable loan terms and conditions, ultimately saving you money in the long run.
Seek Professional Advice
For complex loan scenarios or if you are unsure about the best course of action, Vaibhav Kulshrestha recommends seeking professional advice. Financial advisors, loan officers, and experts in the field can provide personalized guidance based on your unique circumstances. Their expertise can help you navigate through the loan application process, understand complex financial jargon, and make informed decisions that align with your financial goals.
When it comes to loans, CEO Vaibhav Kulshrestha's expert advice serves as a valuable compass for borrowers. By assessing needs, researching options, understanding loan terms, evaluating repayment capacity, and building a strong credit profile, individuals and businesses. Remember, taking a loan is a financial commitment, and responsible borrowing is essential. Only borrow what you genuinely need, understand the terms and conditions, and make sure you have a solid plan for repayment to avoid unnecessary financial stress.
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How to Determine Interest Rate for Late Payment Obligations in Commercial Transaction?
The most important obligation of the parties to a commercial contract is to deliver or provide services and pay in full and on time as agreed. However, in reality, there are times that one party or the parties fail to perform their payment obligations, causing damages to the other party. In particular, in the case of a breach of the payment obligation, the aggrieved party may request the person having caused damage to pay late payment obligations interest. Potential dispute on this matter might arise between parties.
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How to Determine Interest Rate for Late Payment Obligations in Commercial Transaction?
Article 306 of the Commercial Law 2005 provides for the application of the interest rate due to the delay of payment as follows: Where a contract-breaching party delays making payment for goods or payment of service charges and other reasonable fees, the aggrieved party may claim an interest on such delayed payment at the average interest rate applicable to overdue debts in the market at the time of payment for the delayed period, unless otherwise agreed or provided for by law.
The interest rate for late payment of obligations in commercial business is applied according to the average interest rate on overdue debts in the market at the time of payment corresponding to the late payment period, unless otherwise agreed or otherwise provided by law.
However, the Commercial Law 2005 at that time did not have a specific regulation on the average interest rate of overdue debts on the market. The Resolution No. 01/2019/NQ-HDTP has detailed instructions on this interest rate. When determining the interest on late payments, the Court shall determine the interest rate on late payments on the basis of average interest rates on overdue debts announced by at least 03 (three) commercial banks (such as Vietcombank, VietinBank, Agribank, etc.) whose headquarters, branch or transaction office is located in the same province or central-affiliated city where the headquarters of the Court in charge of the case is located at the payment date (the date of first-instance trial), except otherwise agreed upon by the parties or regulated by laws.
In case of late payment liabilities defined in a contract which includes the parties’ agreement on interest payment, the judgment debtor is liable to pay interest on the outstanding judgment debt at the agreed interest rate which must be conformable with applicable laws; if the agreed interest rate is not available, the Court shall decide application of the interest rate prescribed in Clause 2 Article 468 of the 2015 Civil Code. In case interests are charged on amounts payable to the state budget as regulated by laws, the judgment debtor is liable to pay an interest on the judgment debt arrears calculated at the interest rate prescribed in Article 357 or Article 468 of the 2015 Civil Code, unless otherwise prescribed by laws.
In order to protect the best interest of parties, it is important to consult with dispute lawyers in Vietnam for advice.
ANT Lawyers - English speaking law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients.
Source ANTLawyers: https://antlawyers.vn/library/how-to-determine-interest-rate-for-late-payment-obligations-in-commercial-transaction.html
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financees · 12 hours
Securing a personal loan has become increasingly popular in India due to its ease of access and versatility. A personal loan of ₹5 lakhs can be a significant amount to cover various needs, from medical emergencies and wedding expenses to home renovations and debt consolidation. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about obtaining a ₹5 lakh personal loan in India, including eligibility criteria, application process, benefits, and tips to ensure a smooth loan approval.
Understanding Personal Loans
A personal loan is an unsecured loan, meaning it does not require collateral or security. Banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) offer personal loans based on the borrower’s creditworthiness. Unlike home or car loans, personal loans can be used for a variety of purposes, making them a flexible financial tool.
Eligibility Criteria for a ₹5 Lakh Personal Loan
Eligibility criteria may vary slightly between lenders, but the following are the general requirements:
Age: Most lenders require applicants to be between 21 and 60 years old.
Income: A stable income is crucial. Salaried individuals typically need a minimum monthly income of ₹20,000-₹25,000, while self-employed individuals need to show consistent earnings.
Employment: Salaried individuals should have at least one year of work experience, with six months in the current organization. Self-employed individuals should have been in business for at least two years.
Credit Score: A good credit score (typically 700 and above) is essential as it indicates the borrower’s creditworthiness.
Nationality: Applicants must be Indian residents.
Documentation Required
Lenders require specific documents to process a personal loan application. The essential documents include:
Proof of Identity: Aadhar card, PAN card, passport, voter ID, or driving license.
Proof of Address: Utility bills, rental agreement, passport, or voter ID.
Proof of Income: Salary slips for the last three months, bank statements for the last six months, and Form 16 for salaried individuals. Self-employed individuals need to provide income tax returns, bank statements, and financial statements.
Employment Proof: Offer letter or appointment letter for salaried individuals.
Photographs: Passport-size photographs.
Application Process
Applying for a personal loan of 5 lakhs, is straightforward. Here are the steps:
Research and Compare: Research different lenders and compare interest rates, processing fees, and other charges.
Check Eligibility: Use online eligibility calculators available on lender websites to check your eligibility.
Gather Documents: Ensure you have all the required documents ready.
Apply Online or Offline: You can apply online through the lender’s website or visit the branch.
Submit Documents: Upload or submit the necessary documents.
Verification: The lender will verify the documents and check your credit score and history.
Approval and Disbursal: Once verified, the lender will approve your loan, and the amount will be disbursed to your bank account.
Interest Rates and Charges
Interest rates for personal loans vary between lenders and can range from 10% to 24% per annum. Factors influencing interest rates include the applicant’s credit score, income, employment history, and the lender’s policies. Additionally, there may be processing fees (1-3% of the loan amount), prepayment charges, and late payment penalties.
Benefits of a ₹5 Lakh Personal Loan
No Collateral Required: As an unsecured loan, you don’t need to pledge any assets.
Flexible Usage: Use the loan amount for any personal need, such as medical emergencies, weddings, or home renovations.
Quick Processing: Loan approval and disbursal are usually fast, often within 24-48 hours.
Easy Documentation: Minimal documentation is required compared to other loan types.
Flexible Tenure: Repayment tenure ranges from 1 to 5 years, allowing you to choose a comfortable EMI amount.
Tips for Quick Approval
Maintain a Good Credit Score: Regularly check and maintain a high credit score by paying your bills and existing loans on time.
Reduce Existing Debt: Lower your existing debt to income ratio by clearing other loans or credit card dues.
Choose the Right Lender: Select a lender whose eligibility criteria you meet comfortably.
Accurate Documentation: Ensure all submitted documents are accurate and up to date.
Show Stable Income: Demonstrate a stable income source and consistent employment history.
Repayment and EMIs
Repayment of a personal loan is done through Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs). EMI is calculated based on the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure. Using an EMI calculator, available on most lender websites, you can determine the monthly installment and plan your finances accordingly.
For instance, if you take a ₹5 lakh loan at an interest rate of 12% per annum for a tenure of 3 years, the EMI would be approximately ₹16,607. It’s essential to ensure timely EMI payments to maintain a good credit score and avoid penalties.
Things to Consider Before Taking a Personal Loan
Assess Your Needs: Borrow only the amount you need to avoid unnecessary debt.
Understand the Costs: Be aware of all costs, including interest rates, processing fees, and any other charges.
Repayment Capacity: Ensure you can comfortably repay the loan without straining your finances.
Loan Tenure: Choose a tenure that offers manageable EMIs without extending the debt period unnecessarily.
Compare Offers: Don’t settle for the first offer; compare multiple lenders to get the best terms.
A 5 lakh personal loan can be a valuable financial resource to meet various personal needs. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, interest rates, and repayment terms, you can make informed decisions and choose the best loan offer. Remember to maintain a good credit score, reduce existing debts, and carefully plan your finances to ensure a smooth loan approval and repayment process.
Securing a personal loan is a significant financial decision. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this guide, you can confidently navigate the process and make the most of the financial opportunities available to you.
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thekatsblogs · 3 days
Securing a personal loan has become increasingly popular in India due to its ease of access and versatility. A personal loan of ₹5 lakhs can be a significant amount to cover various needs, from medical emergencies and wedding expenses to home renovations and debt consolidation. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about obtaining a ₹5 lakh personal loan in India, including eligibility criteria, application process, benefits, and tips to ensure a smooth loan approval.
Understanding Personal Loans
A personal loan is an unsecured loan, meaning it does not require collateral or security. Banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) offer personal loans based on the borrower’s creditworthiness. Unlike home or car loans, personal loans can be used for a variety of purposes, making them a flexible financial tool.
Eligibility Criteria for a ₹5 Lakh Personal Loan
Eligibility criteria may vary slightly between lenders, but the following are the general requirements:
Age: Most lenders require applicants to be between 21 and 60 years old.
Income: A stable income is crucial. Salaried individuals typically need a minimum monthly income of ₹20,000-₹25,000, while self-employed individuals need to show consistent earnings.
Employment: Salaried individuals should have at least one year of work experience, with six months in the current organization. Self-employed individuals should have been in business for at least two years.
Credit Score: A good credit score (typically 700 and above) is essential as it indicates the borrower’s creditworthiness.
Nationality: Applicants must be Indian residents.
Documentation Required
Lenders require specific documents to process a personal loan application. The essential documents include:
Proof of Identity: Aadhar card, PAN card, passport, voter ID, or driving license.
Proof of Address: Utility bills, rental agreement, passport, or voter ID.
Proof of Income: Salary slips for the last three months, bank statements for the last six months, and Form 16 for salaried individuals. Self-employed individuals need to provide income tax returns, bank statements, and financial statements.
Employment Proof: Offer letter or appointment letter for salaried individuals.
Photographs: Passport-size photographs.
Application Process
Applying for a personal loan of 5 lakhs, is straightforward. Here are the steps:
Research and Compare: Research different lenders and compare interest rates, processing fees, and other charges.
Check Eligibility: Use online eligibility calculators available on lender websites to check your eligibility.
Gather Documents: Ensure you have all the required documents ready.
Apply Online or Offline: You can apply online through the lender’s website or visit the branch.
Submit Documents: Upload or submit the necessary documents.
Verification: The lender will verify the documents and check your credit score and history.
Approval and Disbursal: Once verified, the lender will approve your loan, and the amount will be disbursed to your bank account.
Interest Rates and Charges
Interest rates for personal loans vary between lenders and can range from 10% to 24% per annum. Factors influencing interest rates include the applicant’s credit score, income, employment history, and the lender’s policies. Additionally, there may be processing fees (1-3% of the loan amount), prepayment charges, and late payment penalties.
Benefits of a ₹5 Lakh Personal Loan
No Collateral Required: As an unsecured loan, you don’t need to pledge any assets.
Flexible Usage: Use the loan amount for any personal need, such as medical emergencies, weddings, or home renovations.
Quick Processing: Loan approval and disbursal are usually fast, often within 24-48 hours.
Easy Documentation: Minimal documentation is required compared to other loan types.
Flexible Tenure: Repayment tenure ranges from 1 to 5 years, allowing you to choose a comfortable EMI amount.
Tips for Quick Approval
Maintain a Good Credit Score: Regularly check and maintain a high credit score by paying your bills and existing loans on time.
Reduce Existing Debt: Lower your existing debt to income ratio by clearing other loans or credit card dues.
Choose the Right Lender: Select a lender whose eligibility criteria you meet comfortably.
Accurate Documentation: Ensure all submitted documents are accurate and up to date.
Show Stable Income: Demonstrate a stable income source and consistent employment history.
Repayment and EMIs
Repayment of a personal loan is done through Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs). EMI is calculated based on the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure. Using an EMI calculator, available on most lender websites, you can determine the monthly installment and plan your finances accordingly.
For instance, if you take a ₹5 lakh loan at an interest rate of 12% per annum for a tenure of 3 years, the EMI would be approximately ₹16,607. It’s essential to ensure timely EMI payments to maintain a good credit score and avoid penalties.
Things to Consider Before Taking a Personal Loan
Assess Your Needs: Borrow only the amount you need to avoid unnecessary debt.
Understand the Costs: Be aware of all costs, including interest rates, processing fees, and any other charges.
Repayment Capacity: Ensure you can comfortably repay the loan without straining your finances.
Loan Tenure: Choose a tenure that offers manageable EMIs without extending the debt period unnecessarily.
Compare Offers: Don’t settle for the first offer; compare multiple lenders to get the best terms.
A 5 lakh personal loan can be a valuable financial resource to meet various personal needs. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, interest rates, and repayment terms, you can make informed decisions and choose the best loan offer. Remember to maintain a good credit score, reduce existing debts, and carefully plan your finances to ensure a smooth loan approval and repayment process.
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techtired · 5 days
Personal Loan Consolidation: How Combining Your Debts Can Save You Money
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Managing multiple debts can be a tedious task. Juggling different due dates, interest rates, and payment amounts can cause stress and financial strain. Thankfully, there is a solution to simplify this process of personal loan consolidation. Combining your debts into a single loan allows you to organize your finances, potentially lower your interest rates, and save money. In this blog, we'll discuss how using a personal loan through a personal loan app can help you consolidate debt and gain control over your financial situation. What Is Debt Consolidation? Debt consolidation means merging multiple debts, such as credit card balances, medical bills, and other loans, into a single loan. The goal is to make it easier to manage your payments, reduce the interest you're paying, and potentially lower your monthly payment amount. Benefits of Debt Consolidation Simplified Finances: You have just one monthly payment when you consolidate your debts. This simplicity helps you keep track of your finances more easily, reducing the chances of missing a payment. Lower Interest Rates: Personal loans often have lower interest rates than credit cards and other high-interest loans. By consolidating, you can take advantage of these lower rates, saving money in the long run. Fixed Repayment Terms: You get fixed repayment terms with a personal loan. This means you’ll know exactly how much you need to pay each month and when your loan will be fully paid off, making budgeting easier. Improved Credit Score: You can reduce your credit utilization ratio by paying off your debts with a personal loan. This can positively impact your credit score if you make timely payments. How to Consolidate Debt with a Personal Loan - Assess Your Debts: Begin by listing all your existing debts, including credit card balances, medical bills, and any other loans. Knowing the total loan amount will help you determine how much you need to take as a loan. - Determine the Loan Amount: Calculate the total amount needed to pay off all your debts. You need to apply for this loan amount when using a personal loan app. - Apply for a Personal Loan: Research and compare offers from various lenders to find the best terms and interest rates. Once you’ve found a suitable loan, apply through a personal loan app for convenience. - Pay Off Your Debts: Once your loan is approved and the funds are disbursed, use the money to pay off your outstanding debts. - Focus on Repayment: With all your previous debts consolidated into one, make timely payments towards your loan. This will help you stay on track and work towards becoming debt-free. Tips for Successful Debt Consolidation Borrow Wisely: Only borrow what you need to pay off your debts. Avoid taking out a larger loan than necessary to prevent accumulating more debt. Maintain Good Financial Habits: To make the most of debt consolidation, stick to a budget, avoid unnecessary expenses, and focus on paying off your loan. Avoid New Debt: During the repayment period, refrain from taking on new debts. Concentrate on repaying your loan diligently to avoid falling back into a cycle of debt. Considerations Before Opting for Debt Consolidation Before opting for a personal loan to consolidate your debts, here are a few things to consider: Interest Rates: Compare various lenders' interest rates to ensure you’re getting a good deal. Processing fees: Be aware of any costs associated with taking out the loan, such as processing fees, prepayment penalties, or late payment charges. Credit Score Requirements: Check the eligibility criteria, including the required credit score, to ensure you qualify for the loan. Loan Tenure: Choose a loan tenure that offers manageable monthly payments without extending the debt for too long. Conclusion Debt consolidation through a personal loan can be an effective strategy for simplifying your finances and working towards a debt-free future. By merging multiple debts into one loan, you can reduce your interest rates, have a fixed repayment schedule, and improve your credit score. If you're considering a personal loan for debt consolidation, you can explore various options available in the market. Bajaj Finserv offers personal loans that can help you consolidate your debts, giving you the tools to manage your finances more effectively. Read the full article
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