#cale finally manage to drag him to sit down beside him
jasmineaoi · 5 months
Reaction au (again)
Cale and the lcf crew got kidnapped (lol) to react to cale (not)hero life.
Suddenly the door was opened by someone on the outside. A muscular man with a lot of scars came in while talking on something the crew doesnt recognize, except for the two person in the room. It seems like the man still doesnt notice them until he closed the door...and turned around.
Cue kim roksoo walking in on them and not noticing until it's too late. Cale and kim roksoo's eyes clashed, but our team leader wore the 'i-dont-know-you-im-just-a-stranger' mask, smile, bow and apologize politely(formally) to them before excusing himself to leave. He turned and twisted the doorknob...
He tried another door...it doesnt budge.
He faced them and with a polite smile, asked for the key so that he can leave and wont bother them anymore.
The answer of course, none. Nobody can open the door except the god.
The smile doesnt fall, everyone pitied the man who got stuck with them.
...Until that said man pulled out a fucking rifle (still with the unchanging smile of course).
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eirvesce-excerpts · 3 years
SKY//FLOOD - The Huntress - Blooming Rose (wip)
Bancroft. The place Veca first appeared, and Calee's once-home. A big town, now ruins, on the southern edge of Myera Rainforest. As her story went, Veca was attacked here by Sicara and rescued by Calee, and went on to search for Jade. It's as good a place as anywhere else to look for her...
Calee and Taylor search in and around Monsa and Deilos. Miko, Aubrey, Leo, and Staxia search Seipora. Jade and Corvin search Mt. Balos, Bancroft, and anywhere inbetween. They each team up specifically to stay safer - obviously, they aren't the only ones looking for Veca.
Oh. Oh, faaar from it. In the town square of Bancroft, where the mossy, broken, dried fountain and rusted metal fence sit on cracked cobble, Pierce Arturo and his Reapers sit in conversation. Jade and Corvin sneak up closer, hidden within a nearby red-brick ruin and cautious of any would-be sentries.
Pierce: That's what I'm tellin’ you! She ain't fuckin' hea'!
He seems to be talking to someone with that thick accent of his... but none of his subordinates are responding. A quiet squabbling in a deep tone calls back to him; Pierce huffs angrily.
Pierce: Th'fuck?! List'n, jackass, I'm tellin' ya: The zappy bitch ain't fuckin' in this shithole! Shutcha yap, cripplin' bischap.
Corvin narrows his eyes. He's obviously talking to someone.
Piece suddenly grows even more agitated, shoving off the fountain's edge, holding his palm against his right ear, and shouting.
Pierce: No! No, you listen to me, bitch! I am sick and tired 'a yer shit! Ya don't get'ta waltz ya shady Hunter ass up in my face and order me around like this! We had a fuckin' deal, and you are not calling it off!
Jade leans forward a slight bit over the edge of the rubble to get a better shot of the conversation, accidentally knocking a few bits loose. Immediately, Pierce and several men snap to Jade's direction. Pierce himself finds himself smiling sadistically as he marches closer, dropping his arm down to his side. The shape of a slim, silver headpiece on his right side shimmers in the hazy afternoon light.
Pierce: Well. Hah. We ain't found that Vermin, but we sure as hell found sumthin' else. ???: What? What is it?
The woman's voice becomes ever so faintly clear through the quiet. Jade and Corvin begin to back up; the sound of rubble being crushed underfoot signals their being cornered in.
Pierce: You know Vermin's little girlfriend and the bastard who helped broke us up? Hehahah... ???: Wh- Jade?! No- No! Pierce, stand the fuck down! You are not to har--
Pierce rips out the device and crushes it in his hand as his Sigil glows across his lower left ribs. His smiles nice and wide with eyes gleaming with sadistic excitement. Corvin quickly grabs Jade's arm and makes a break for it, coating his opposite shoulder in deep violet electricity and shoving the man behind them aside. Pierce calls after them with a hint of joy in his voice.
Pierce: Where ya goin', ya lil' shit?! Come back he' an' getcher just-fuckin-reward for stabbin' us in the back like you did!!
Pierce: You're goin' back in pieces to that Hunter, like it or not, Vin!
Corvin growls low at Pierce, his broken arm slowly draining away at what's left of his energy. Jade's bruised cheek and bleeding belly stain her flame-coated silhouette. The two steadily back up, arm-in-arm, away from the juggernaut before them. Cut, burnt, and shocked, nothing seems to phase him. Did he get stronger? He must have. Corvin managed to take him down before, but now...
Corvin: Back down, Pierce. You know Quartz will come for your ass if you do anything to us.
Pierce scoffs snidely, cocking his head with an unimpressed sneer.
Pierce: Yea? You think I care, Vin? You killed so many of my boys, you two... it's only fair I knock off a few 'a hers, too.
A loud gunshot-like sound startles him. It's so familiar, too... Is Calee nearby? No, she can't be. She should be in Deilos... Pierce sighs, flexing his hands as he closes the distance quicker.
Jade: Back the hell off! Pierce: Shutcher yap, bitch!
Pierce skips forward, throwing a punch directly at Jade. She rolls forward, scatching the back of Pierce's right leg as she passes him. He throws down his hand, catching Jade by the middle of her shirt, and hoisting her upward. Corvin throws his open palm against Pierce's chest unhindered, surging the brute of a man with his volts. Pierce laughs and slams Corvin backward into a wall with his free hand, then throws Jade away and down into the broken pavement. She shouts as a loud crack rings out; she bounces back and finds debilitating amounts of pain invading her chest.
Pierce laughs as he takes up Corvin with both hands, repeatedly slamming him into the wall over and over, as blood begins to splatter against the wall. A distant look takes to his eyes. Pierce whips Corvin back at Jade, throwing his ragdolled body against hers. His back is bloody and smashed, Jade is stamped with his blood as he hits her. Pierce grins wide as he slowly stomps toward them.
Pierce: This feels right. This feels great, beatin' a lil' traitor like you, Vin. I should do it more often.
With no regard to Jade at all, Pierce stomps on her left leg as he passes over, making her scream in pain as the bone snaps instantly. She writhes in pain, seething with sharp breaths. He stops just in front of Corvin, crouching down and shoving him over onto his back to glare him down in the eyes.
Pierce: I'm gonna drag your lil' pompous ass back to the Gash, and we're gonna have a hell of a time, Vin. Just you and me. No need for the trash, you know... Now geddup.
Corvin strains to breathe, weakly gazing up at Pierce. Grown impatient, Pierce picks him up by a tuft of his shirt like a sack and stands tall, dragging his along as he leaves Jade broken.
???: Arturo, I told you to stand the fuck down.
Pierce freezes as the woman's voice rings out. Jade sees the silhouette of a woman step toward her... digging her hands under Jade's back and knees and picking her up. Jade winces as her left leg jostles, making the woman sigh.
???: God damn it, Pierce. Why the fuck would you do this? Corvin, I can understand, but Jade... You've never even met her. She didn't deserve this, she is innocent.
Pierce huffs, whipping around and glaring at the woman. Jade can't quite get a good look at her quite yet... the sun's bright light make her out like a shadow.
Pierce: She got in the way, Rose, and she's with that Vermin bitch. Had it comin' to her, 'specially with this prick at'er side.
Rose holds Jade tight, her expression unclear... but her voice makes her sound as if she's holding back a furious rage.
Rose: Just- Drop the kid and I'll forget this little contrivance ever happened. You and your croneys get the fuck out of Bancroft. You go off where I never have to see you again... I don't need someone who can't follow simple orders, and I'll blow a hole in you if you refuse.
Pierce clicks his tongue and drops Corvin. He falls limply, like a corpse... but after several seconds on the ground, continues breathing as before, though even more strained. He seems to be on the edge of death itself...
Pierce: Gah, fine. But next time I see this bastard, though, he is dead, got it? Rose: Please, just get fucking lost, already. Pierce: Feh. Hunter bitch...
Pierce marches off with an air of dissatisfaction. Left alone, Rose sets down Jade, ever so carefully, and steps over her to Corvin. Jade hears the nasty sound of flesh peeling from stone as Rose turns him over.
Rose: Jesus fucking christ... What a fucking monster. You're still alive, right? Corvin?
Corvin struggles to turn his gaze to Rose, but makes enough of an effort to tell her "yes." She breathes with a heavy air.
Rose: Good. This might sting a bit, but it'll keep you alive. Bear with it.
Rose places her hands just over Corvin's back and steadies her breathing. A gradual warmth, like warm water, gently fills his body... a familiar sensation, at that. His back stings horribly as something changes... Jade watches as Rose treats Corvin, an almost non-existent bluish glow radiating from the upper-left and lower right of her back.
Rose huffs as she pulls back, panting as if a great deal of strength was taken from her. She wipes her head with her right forearm and stands up.
Rose: That should be enough for you to breathe. Can you get up?
Corvin finds the pain from his entire back significantly lessened, but still horrible. He groans, fruitlessly trying to push himself up. Rose sighs, bending down to help him up.
Rose: Go on, grab my shoulder. I'll help you up.
Doing as he is told, Corvin places a hand on Rose's lowered shoulder. She takes hold of his hand with her own, slowly standing up and taking Corvin's other hand with her free one. He groans in pain as he rises to his feet, wobbling as Rose cautiously lets go, holding her hands out ready to catch him.
Rose: Hey, hey- Take a breath. You'll be fine. He ain't gonna hurt you again, not today.
Corvin's breathing is heavy and labored. He nods, straining to stay standing. Rose cautiously takes a step back toward Jade, glancing down to be careful not to step on her.
Rose: Easy. I'll pick up the girl and see you somewhere safe, aight?
Corvin still can't respond outside of a nod. He watches Rose from the corner of his eye, watching as she once again picks Jade up from her back and knees like before.
The two finally get good looks of Rose as she steps up beside Corvin. She's a little tan, with icy blue eyes and hair flipped over her left side and the left shaved short and messy. A reddish scar marks beneath her right eye, and she holds a large gunblade sheathed to her back. A faded red shirt underlies an open black combat jacket, with black jeans and black and silver boots. Her eyes have a worn look to them, as if she's been through a lot, but...
*She's pretty.* It's the first thought through Jade's shadowed mind, and briefly startles her.
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1guy2sides105-blog · 7 years
Chapter 1.1
I’ve been on the run most of my adolescent life. Ever since I was taken from my parents when I was twelve, I’ve been running; running from Dr. Grayston and his goons, running from the government who found out about me, running from other people who want to use me, control me, study me or fear me. So, when I finally stopped running, I chose New York City. It’s noisy, busy and big. In other words, it’s a good jungle for me to lose myself in. I’ve kept to myself for the most part because I’ve learned from past mistakes. If I get close to anyone, either I get hurt or they do. I’ve got a bullseye on my back. Anyone who gets close to me might be in the bullseye too. Still, my sexual urges drew me to guy after guy. I’ve slept with quite a few and screwed up every one of their lives. Even so, I’ve been a loner. I’ve never let myself be tied down to one guy for long. Sometimes they realized what a jerk I am or I just slid out of their life without a word, the original American gigolo. It’s not that I didn’t want to settle down, I just didn’t think it was a good idea. Then I met Cale.
One day as I exited a deli, I ran into him and he knocked me to the ground. He helped me up, apologizing for not watching where he was going. I told him it was okay and we parted ways. He was stunningly hot. I was immediately attracted to him. Letting him walk away was the hardest thing I’d ever done. I figured that was that. Then the next day, I was nearly run over by a motorcyclist as I stepped off the curb at a crosswalk with my nose in a book. Imagine my surprise when he took off his helmet and it was the same guy. Again I don’t act on my longings. I accept my share of the blame and go on. I stop at an outdoor deli down the street and order a sandwich. I am reading my book when I sense someone standing in front of me. I look up and it’s him. He introduces himself as Cale. I invite him to sit down and we talk. As usual, I’m guarded about my past. Not everyone can handle it and not everyone needs to know it. Besides that, I want people to think I’m normal. This is because I want to blend in but also because I want him to like me and not be scared away. We talk for a while and finally he asks me about going to a ballgame. I figure one date won’t hurt and I say yes. I suggest meeting at the ballpark. He’s okay with that. He says tomorrow and I agree. He says he has to get going but he’ll see me tomorrow. I return his smile and wave as he leaves.
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(Cale Beckman)
The rest of the day drags because I’m excited to see Cale again tomorrow. I’ve managed to suppress the dread and apprehension in the back of my mind for now. The next day we meet and enjoy the ballgame. We talked more than we watched the game. Before we left the stadium, he asked me about seeing a movie tomorrow night. I’m hesitant to agree but he persuades me. Outside the stadium, I say goodnight. I’m not ready for him to know where I live. I don’t think he’s working for one of my pursuers but I can’t be too careful. The next night we meet for the movie and I’m nervous. I know what happens in dark theaters when two people are on a date. But he’s a perfect gentleman through the whole movie. The only thing that happens is his hand ends up on mine on the arm rest. It lingers for a second before he moves it. He doesn’t mention it as we leave. But he does ask about going for a coffee. I say I don’t drink coffee, only hot tea. He knows a place that serves that too. I tell him I shouldn’t but I can’t give a good reason. So, I cave and go with him to a barista. We sit and talk some more. As I finish my tea, he asks about an art show tomorrow night. Three dates in a row is asking for trouble. When I start to decline the invitation, he lays his cards on the table. He really likes me and enjoys hanging out with me. I want to let him down easy but the romantic in me agrees to the invite. He tells me where it is as I stand to leave. I thank him for his honesty. I say maybe we can talk more about it tomorrow night.
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