jasmineaoi · 5 months
Reaction au (again)
Cale and the lcf crew got kidnapped (lol) to react to cale (not)hero life.
Suddenly the door was opened by someone on the outside. A muscular man with a lot of scars came in while talking on something the crew doesnt recognize, except for the two person in the room. It seems like the man still doesnt notice them until he closed the door...and turned around.
Cue kim roksoo walking in on them and not noticing until it's too late. Cale and kim roksoo's eyes clashed, but our team leader wore the 'i-dont-know-you-im-just-a-stranger' mask, smile, bow and apologize politely(formally) to them before excusing himself to leave. He turned and twisted the doorknob...
He tried another door...it doesnt budge.
He faced them and with a polite smile, asked for the key so that he can leave and wont bother them anymore.
The answer of course, none. Nobody can open the door except the god.
The smile doesnt fall, everyone pitied the man who got stuck with them.
...Until that said man pulled out a fucking rifle (still with the unchanging smile of course).
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murasaki-cha · 2 years
Ok than here’s DILF KRS with and without a shirt
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space-girlllll · 1 year
This one is an AU where Kim Dokja was Kim rok soo’s older cousin- In this AU after krs’s parents died he was put with his uncle- kdj’s sh*tty dad- and stayed with them for a few years. Kdj and krs’ age gap is like 7 years or so. Krs and Lee sookyung are close and krs sees kdj and her as his own mother and older brother.
When krs was around 8, kdj’s dad came back drunk and ordered him to grab him a beer, when he came back he saw kdj stab his dad and kind of stepped back in horror (he’s 8) and just watched silently, and he saw the whole thing, after lsk convinced kdj that she was the one who killed the guy he kind of came out from behind the wall and pretended that  she was the one who killed him. 
When the police came he played along with lsk’s story and tried to calm kdj.  After that, they had the funeral and krs was sent off to the orphanage because he wasn’t related to kdj’s relatives (I’m not sure how this AUs family tree is).
For the whole apocalypse bit, maybe most of Korea was stuck in the scenarios while the rest was stuck with the monsters from lout of the counts family. Maybe the constellations were watching the outside part of Korea but the star stream was testing something about how popular it would be, it was quite popular among cheap constellations who because they can’t give coins even if they wanted too.
Maybe krs knew that kdj was in the closed of part of Korea that nobody could get into no matter what they tried and gave up on finding him, sure he was dead and he would never see his hyung again.
Maybe KimCom ended the scenarios when the rest of Korea has kind of calmed down, after the transmigration and krs/og!cale met lsk in the hospital and she brought her to where kdj was lying in a coma and he didn’t understand at all. The three of them were finally reunited but one of them wasn’t him. 
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muzwoom · 6 months
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This audio keeps popping up on my fyp and i just keep thinking bout them jensjsn
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iikisa · 3 months
choi han from this red dragon!krs au in progress
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and have an unrelated red dragon krs.
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dragonsbluee · 3 months
I need everyone to acknowledge the fact that KRS!Cale is a MASSIVE bookworm. He's able to thrive in Birth of a hero because he read it and enjoyed it. (yesyes record helps him, but you can't ignore the fact that he knows the characters, not just the plot. That comes from liking the thing you're reading!)
Give me the young master spending his afternoons reading under the shade of a tree with a new book series and absolutely devouring it in one sitting. He's missed being able to read a whole series and not having to hunt for the next books through a destroyed city.
Give me Cale with a little notebook full of books he'd like to read, the titles collected from the people he talks to. He'll read anything or at least try it out, but fantasy remains his favourite genre.
He also writes little opinion blurbs for his favourtie books, or jots down quotes and favourite lines. Sure his record ability means that he doesn't really have to, but it's an old habit he enjoys.
Cale, who starts collecting books on his travels, just one or two from every place he visits. His friends and allies pick up on this and start bringing him books they think he'd like. Cale has a very speicifc and rare smile when someone gifts him a book. Its small, but it somehow takes over his entire face, and you can almost see his eyes sparkle in delight. It quickly becomes a smile everyone looks forward to.
Cale, who never turns down a book given as a gift, and so he starts picking up bits of knowledge from across the continent. He learns about the edible plants in the Jungle, the different variations of marble and stone throughout the Roan Kingdom, the fables and myths of the Dark Elves. He keeps them on a shelf in his room in the super rock villa, and every once in a while, the kids pick one to have read to them. When the shelf is full, Eruhaben pulls some out from his hoard as a gift to Cale. They're almost too gaudy, but Eruhaben enchants them to protect the books from dust, damage, and pests. Cale spends an entire day reorganizing his collection.
He never thought he would be able to build his own personal library, but here he is.
Cale loves to compare the books he has in this world and the ones he knew before. Sometime in the future, he sits down and uses record to copy out his favourite series. He gifts it to Choi Han so he can have a small piece of home he never got to experience.
It becomes known that the best way to get Cale to stop and actually take a break is to plop a kid on his lap and give him a book he's been looking forward to. One year for his birthday, Alberu gives Cale free rein to explore the palace's secret library. They find him curled up in a corner a couple hours later surrounded by stacks of books.
Cale is 100% the type of person to insist that more libraries should be available to the public so that he can read easily when travelling to different places. It's definetly not because he wants more kids to be able to learn how to read, and he was able to grow into loving books because of his local library.
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Og!cale: I have these sevem products for my skin, these five for my hair and these three for the rest of my body
KRS!Cale: oh I have this one product for all my body and the floor of my house
Og!cale: ...
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samberrybay · 7 months
This part in 32 chp always felt kind of odd to me and this is the reason why:
The coward wolf boy, Lock. Until Choi Han found him, Lock had been hiding as the chief had told him. The Lock at that point is very much a coward, a weakling, and kind of slow. In simple terms, Lock easily took the position of the character that readers found to be extremely frustrating.
This has bothered me since I first read the novel, and to this day, even after several rereads, it still haunts me.
Cale simply isn't the type of a person to actually call a kid, no matter how they behave, to be "frustrating".
(When the text said "readers" it's damn well obvious of Cale being the one to think so.)
Pondering for some time I can roughly guess why the wording was so unexpected for his character.
At the time of the assassination/kindaping in the village, Lock was only thirteen years old. He also hasn't had his first berserk transformation yet. Therefore it is not surprising that Lock's uncle hid him and told not to go out, saying that everything was fine and he should continue to hide.
Now let's look at the situation realistically.
Lock (in tcf) jumps out of his hiding to protect his younger siblings. The adrenaline and inner Blue Wolf Tribe's instincts to protect turned on his berserk transportation one year beforehand, however if not Rosalyn and Choi Han, who came earlier than in the actual novel, i don't think it would help much.
Lock would possibly be able to kill a few people or at least seriously injure them, but CMON. They killed an ENTIRE village full of berserk Blue Wolf's and with almost-Wolf King (Lock's uncle). Do you really believe that a thirteen years old boy jumping into his first berserk transformation would be able to fight properly against strong organization that had holy water or some sort of holy artefact on their hands?
Again, if not for Choi Han's and Rosalyn's arrival... it would have definitely ended pretty bad.
In TBOAH Lock for some reason didn't jump out. Different circumstances, wrong wroted part in the novel, idk, but the fact is stated: Lock stayed hidden. He also most likely survived only because of Choi Han's help. Just with much worse scenario where he was left alone from the whole village.
And it wasn't Lock's fault yet again. He was a child. No matter if a Beastman one or not, the boy was just an innocent, naive and weak child.
So why would Cale, Kim Rok Soo at the time, find him frustrating? Extremely so even!
The answer is much easier if you think about it.
Because it wasn't Kim Rok Soo blaming a kid for being weak and cowardly in a fearful situation, it was a man who saw his own past that he hated so much.
A coward, a weakling and kind of slow.
For Rok Soo, who blamed himself for half of his life for the deaths of team one members, Lock was like a salt for still open, but ignored wounds.
KRS greatly disliked and maybe even envied Lock for a bit. The boy got a new family, he got friends and some sort of guidance from them even after facing so much despair.
While he was all alone, trying to understand what to do on his own.
It sure is irritating for Rok Soo.
Yet Team Leader Kim Rok Soo was probably unable to fully hate Lock for his weakness, because while the latter was still a kid, the same forgiveness can't be used on him. At least in his own head.
So with conflicting feelings Cale settled on "Extremely frustrating" description.
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birb-catto · 1 month
Summarizing Cale's Coping Mechanism in 3 Words (Meme Edition):
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(lol not really no)
But this guy described his coping mechanism in the Sadness Test as:
The way to endure past sadness, loss, and this motherfucking memory…
It was not to stand firm without being shaken up by them. It was okay to be shaken up by these things from time to time.
“I need to do my best from here on.”
He needed to do even better for his friends who had left him first.
A faint smile appeared on Cale’s face. However, nobody frowned after seeing the smile. Everybody could tell that it was a smile that was full of emotions, a bitter smile that appeared after a lot of anguish.
“I will find a way to persist if I keep doing that.”
Cale didn’t know the method of overcoming this memory.
He will simply persist through it for the rest of his life.
—Chapter 719: The Method to Enduring Memories (2)
This guy, who tends to either ignore his problems or make a bigger mess out of them, is so mature in this part. He acknowledged that he can't simply remain stoic and unmoved in his grief. So the next big thing is to acknowledge what he is feeling, do his best and then he can persist through it.
I'm so proud of my boy.
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samporrra · 29 days
I like to think about Og!Cale and Krs!Cale differences.
Imagine, like, Og!Cale:
Cares a little bit too much about his appearence
Haves 7 products to take care of every part of his body and more 15 to his hair
Goes out in walks oftenly
Bathes only in regular, warm water, not too cold nor too hot
Haves a skincare routine
Pleases for his personal space and, in his sleeping time, keeps the door locked
Eats properly to compensate the amount of alcohol
Usually sleeps the reccomended, not more or less
Used to enjoy to learn about Gods and respect elders and Gods (17!Og!Cale btw)
Cuts his hair usually
"Hated" to use made physical contact with his people (like outting a hand on their shoulder or petting)
And there's Krs!Cale...
"I have this single product that can clean my body and the floor of the Castle.."
7 in 1 shampoo
"Running? What's that imao"
Never touched a skincare product since he was born
Bathes only in boiling or freezing water with nowhere in between
Would eat a meal per day if no one remembered him of eating
And that meal would be the remainings of yesterday, and if there's no remaining, would eat a single candy with wine
"GoD? That fucker? GoS? That bitch? GoW? That Kratos copycat?"
Let's his hair grow cuz it's too lazy to cut
Had gave up in his personal space and sleeps with his door wide open
Pets and hands on shoulders
I get surprised of how Ron didn't find it out sooner...
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alien-slushie · 2 months
Clopeh: How old is your dad-
Raon: Too old for you and he's busy! Stay away from my father! STAY AWAY from my father!
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jasmineaoi · 5 months
"Cale,are you happy?"
Cale finally defeated all the hunters and achieved his slacker life. Everything was peaceful, the kingdom is prospering, the dukedom is fine. He was happy, his family was, his children was.
But is it really the end?
Why does it feels incomplete?
One day, there is a message from GoD. A message about a guest returning to visit. A message to guide him and show him the world that succeeded, the world that was saved.
The crew doesnt know who is it and was quite suspicious, but looking at cale who seems to know the guest, they just accepted and prepared to receive the guest.
Au about cale!krs who returned to his world as a visit due to a deal with GoD. Bonding with cale, helping him with their identity problem, taking care of him and making sure that he is happy. All the while travelling around the world and having fun.
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svenituse · 2 months
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found a starcale-energy pose on x
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muzwoom · 1 month
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Ive made so many comparison drawings between cale and og cale so i was like…. What abt krs and cale krs
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iikisa · 9 days
red dragon!krs and almighty raon miru!
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sadlynotthevoid · 4 months
Fanfics where Rok Soo meets Og!Cale or gets to know him more and is like "this guy is actually precious, he should be protected at all cost" are one of my favorite things.
Like: Yes. He is, indeed, very precious. Thanks for noticing.
Rok Soo is always surrounded by people who would kill him or kill for him. For him, Og!Cale is an oddity with little to none bloodlust (the little is WS, yes) and easy to deal with. His most difficult trait is his cryptid ways, which is just confusing, not an actual treat. He's a fresh breeze.
But the easy he is to convince to help is concerning (for Rok Soo only). What if someone takes advantage on him? (Again, only Rok Soo worries about this).
Cale actually has standards about who to help and when to ask something in exchange, Rok Soo is just unaware of them.
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