#cale is a bit annoyed about that
jasmineaoi · 8 months
Reaction au (again)
Cale and the lcf crew got kidnapped (lol) to react to cale (not)hero life.
Suddenly the door was opened by someone on the outside. A muscular man with a lot of scars came in while talking on something the crew doesnt recognize, except for the two person in the room. It seems like the man still doesnt notice them until he closed the door...and turned around.
Cue kim roksoo walking in on them and not noticing until it's too late. Cale and kim roksoo's eyes clashed, but our team leader wore the 'i-dont-know-you-im-just-a-stranger' mask, smile, bow and apologize politely(formally) to them before excusing himself to leave. He turned and twisted the doorknob...
He tried another door...it doesnt budge.
He faced them and with a polite smile, asked for the key so that he can leave and wont bother them anymore.
The answer of course, none. Nobody can open the door except the god.
The smile doesnt fall, everyone pitied the man who got stuck with them.
...Until that said man pulled out a fucking rifle (still with the unchanging smile of course).
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we-stan-cale · 6 months
I wanted to talk a bit about how TCF is the kind of story where you have to pay attention.
For example, Cale is almost always described as uncaring. Stoic. Almost all his smiles are scammer smiles.
And yet...
Mary said this:
And from Mary >>> She shared her honest thoughts about Cale. She said it in an innocent way because she was an innocent person. ‘That person is always looking at everything.’ He was meticulously caressing all of his group’s pains. He may come off as indifferent, but it was always done in a gentle way. His heart seemed to be as tall as a mountain. He had healed Mary’s pain that way as well.
We saw this even earlier, though I'll cut the irrelevant parts to make it more clear:
Cale nodded his head at Hans’s statement while observing Choi Han. He had a nostalgic look in his eyes. ...
Cale started to frown as he called Choi Han over. “Choi Han.” “…Yes?” “Hurry back.” .... “Yes sir. I will be right back.” Cale motioned as if he was annoyed, but Choi Han bowed before quickly starting to walk toward the village with Hans. Cale, who preferred this focused Choi Han to the one who had a blank expression, continued to watch him before suddenly starting to frown.
Cale is always paying attention to the people around him, and even when he says he doesn't care, he's always paying attention to the people around him. To their moods and needs.
Which they see and recognizes. Mary's not the only one who has said something about that.
Or who mentions Cale's facial expressions when dealing with death. They can tell that Cale does everything he can to preserve life, and even when it's enemy dead, even when he chose to fight, it still noticeably affects him. Like here, after he led the fight at sea against the northern invasion.
Choi Han called out toward Cale as the representative. He could see the ocean that Cale was currently looking at. There were corpses floating up next to the debris. Choi Han slowly approached Cale. He could see the frown on Cale’s face. ‘…He really has a soft heart.’ Cale started to speak. “How peaceful.” His voice sounded tired. Fatigue was evident in every word he spoke. Everybody became quiet after hearing Cale’s tone. Although he had said something nice, the weight and sorrow in his voice made them all shut up.
I also suspect Cale isn't nearly as good at controlling his facial expressions, as at least one character indicated he was an open book.
Or maybe that's just when Cale isn't trying to scam someone or hide his feelings.
Part of what I find fascinating about this story is that there's all these little things indicating that the primary impression is... Only part of the story.
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penguin-stars · 7 days
You know one of my favorite things about this novel?
Is that Cale (Well, Kim Rok Soo) actually acts his age (36)
I personally haven't read many Isekais aimed at male audiences, so I can't speak for those
I have, however read quite a bit of Otome Isekais
And one of the things that annoys me the most about the genre, is when the protagonist, usually an adult woman, gets reincarnated into a baby, a child or a teenager and you sometimes forget their actual age because some of the things they do, some of the decisions they make are /baffling/ when you remember they're a grown ass adult
But with Cale is quite the opposite, people around him are often left scratching their heads at some of his actions and level of maturity ("Aren't you supposed to be 18-20?")
Hell, one time he told Raon that he is "30 years older than him" only to remember mid-phrase that nope, he's actually supposed to be only 15 years older
-Spoilers for P1-
And it's also very funny when Alberu finds out that Cale is, in fact actually older than him, his reaction is pure gold because he's supposed to be the hyung around here you know?
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
random thought #3
[Minor SPOILERS for the first part of TCF]
Cale treats his ancient powers like they're his friends. Some would say he "stole" them for his own benefit but I just can't see it that way after everything I read in the novel.
Cale, former Kim Rok Soo, made a connection with these people. To me, they're not just powers to him. In fact, it feels like he understands what happened to them and if he doesn't, he quietly listens to their stories. And the way he talks to them also feels less like a selfish person who wants to use them for his own protection and greed for power but more like giving them the chance to see a beautiful world that became peaceful because of them. It's like he's comforting them after they suffered so much in the past (which is also connected to the healing thing I talked about in my other post).
Like yeah, he's annoyed at them most of the time but he doesn't blame them whenever he gets hurt or bleeds way too much as a backlash after using them. Instead, he simply helps them achieve what they couldn't do when they died.
“I’ll come back tomorrow.”
Cale said goodbye to the rumbling tree as if it was a person and exited the fenced area.
- Chapter 5: They Met
If he truly didn't care about them, he wouldn't get angry for them or at one point, he would've let their voices disappear in favor of getting stronger.
I like his relationship with them. Like they're the voices inside his head (lmao) and it might feel like he has wireless headphones attached to his ears 24/7 but he treats them the same way he treats the rest of his friends and family and it's really nice to see.
This is kind of the reason why I feel a bit weirded out(?) when fanfiction authors would completely erase Cale's (OG KRS) existence in the fic and replace him with OG Cale and give the other the ancient powers. Like I get people like OG Cale, I do as well, but it feels kinda wrong to see them with another person after seeing Cale bond with these people. In fact, I can't imagine them being with anyone but Cale, this chaotic little shit who gives Super Rock huge headaches and makes the others go violent for or with him whenever he's fighting with an asshole. Aside from one ancient power (if you know, you know), I just can't see him having none of them with him after everything he went through with them.
I keep remembering his almost one-sided conversations with all of them because most of the time it's chaotic but the rest are just as emotional with a feeling of deep understanding coming from him. It feels like he always has someone with him so whenever they're silent, I feel like the air is too heavy (like those few incidents when I just want to hug Cale).
I think the best description for Cale is that he's full of empathy.
So yeah, this is a random topic I thought about chaotic Cale and his equally chaotic ancient powers. Yes, I'm including Super Rock who isn't normal either. He's tamer than the rest but he's definitely not normal 🤣 I swear some people who think they're normal in the story are probably in denial like Cale is.
It just popped in my head when I saw the line about the tree in Chapter 5, which I quoted above ☝️
[Note: I'm not saying these authors are doing anything bad, by the way. This is just my opinion and I usually just skip those fics when I see them. I won't stop others from reading those fics just because I feel weird about this one thing about the ancient powers]
[Second note: This is about the first part of TCF, I dunno what happens in the second part yet but I hope to see more of his interactions with them]
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sadlynotthevoid · 2 months
Most people I see draw Og! Cale with short hair, esp in regressor AUs and whatnot. And like I get that and I like the short hair but long-haired Og! Cale has a special place in my heart and I'm sad that we don't get to see him often.
This also coincides with how people draw fem! Og! Cale with short hair. Like, I can understand her originally cutting it to not burden her father but I'd like to think that if she had the choice, she would keep it long as a point of connection with her mother.
Tbh I haven't seen many fanarts of fem!Og!Cale, but I'm with you in this.
I prefer long-haired or medium-lenght-haired Og!Cale who styles his hair in beautiful artistics ways. Og!Cale who ties his hair in high ponytails with a brooch or a bun when he doesn't have time.
Og!Cale who uses Kanade Amamiya's messy ponytail bc he wants more cool/casual vibes.
Og!Cale whose bangs are blocking his sight and brush them casually with an annoyed sigh— because he's so exhausted damn it— and makes everyone in range have a sexuality crisis.
If it's about not causing his dad a heart attack: Og!Cale who does a Fii (mc from a LN I read a bit years ago) and ties his hair in a way that looks short but it's actually long, just hidden (or with a magic tool). So he can let it loose when he's alone.
Ultra elegant Og!Cale who uses his hair to style his style.
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youngyoo-apologist · 6 months
I will never forget how like most of the TCF cast never got to have proper childhoods, OG!Cale, Kim Roksoo, Choi Han, Choi Jung-gun, Alberu, Ohn, Hong, Beacrox, etc
Like most of these guys were either
A. Fighting for their lives(Choi Han, CJG, Alberu, Ohn, Hong)
B. Actively on the path to self destruction(OG!Cale)
Or just like having an awful time in general. Like it’s really sad how for a long time, none of them could actually act or be like kids due to the environment they were in.
Alberu being royalty and having to hide things about himself, and probably avoid assassination and kidnapping attempts since he was young.
Kim Roksoo and how he lost his parents at a young age and was abused by his uncle.
Ohn and Hong having to run away because the Cat tribe mistreated them, and they had to survive on their own.
Choi Han being taken away from his family and fighting alone for over a century in the dark forest where he had no one but himself and the monsters that wanted him dead to keep him company.
Choi Jung-gun also being taken away from his family, and losing people who took care of him again, along with like living a thousand years going through who knows what + whatever the hell the god of death made him do.
Beacrox losing his entire family except his father when he was no older than fifteen, and immediately having to live on the run right after.
OG!Cale taking it upon himself to protect his family, and essentially destroying himself because he didn’t know what else to do.
I think about Ohn a lot, like the fact that she was what, nine, maybe ten years old when she had to run away with Hong and make sure they were both okay. The fact that she was protecting him and herself at the same time, the way that she couldn’t ever play around or have fun when she was growing up because she had to make sure they were both okay. She took on as much as she could for Hong because that’s her baby brother and she loves him more than anything.
OG!Cale and Ohn and like, how they both did everything they could for their younger siblings, ohhhhhhh I’m crying I’m crying I’m crying donnttt even look at me rn
Also Hong and Basen, like being the little brother who watches your older sibling take on burdens alone and you want to help but at the same time your your sibling tells you it’s okay and that you should just focus on yourself… When the trope is older sibling(or family figure in general) taking care of younger siblings and they make sacrifices for them, I’m not crying, what do u mean? I actually do not care. At all. Not . One. Bit.
ALSO LOCKKK , TBoaH Lock they could never make me hate you I don’t care if you were annoying, whiney and a coward, if I was you I would be annoying, whiney and a coward too… he’s just thirteen and he lost all his family, obviously he was too scared to go out of hiding, ANYONE would be scared, he was just a young boy and he lost everything. He found people who cared for him, but he lost the person who resembled his uncle and that’s really when his world fell apart. It must have felt like the whole world was against him, that Lock could never have any family ever again.
Like I can imagine he’d probably have this underlaying fear when it came to Choi Han and Rosalyn,
“what if I lose them too?”
Maybe he hated himself for being a coward, for hiding, for not doing anything… maybe he hated himself even more because when he lost Pendrick, he wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to stop cowering and hide when there’s danger. The battle between wanting to be cared for and protected because the world is just too much and wanting to fight back and help because he doesn’t want to lose anyone else
This just makes me think about TBoaH timeline more oh it’s so tragic and sickening I cried
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i-am-not-meh · 6 months
Sooo... I have another fanfic idea! This one is gonna be longer and therefore chapters probably won't be up for a bit because i need to make a good base.
But the idea is basically, Rok Soo got put into little kid Cale right after the funeral.
This would allow me to have fun with some relationships that we don't get to see a lot like with Eric and allow me to change some relationships, too, since Cale would have never been trash.
Like imagine with me, kid Vicross being akward around Cale but also trying to cheer him up in tiny ways because he finds it so jarring that the cherry kids that used to annoy him to play now didn't even smile.
Or Cale, Eric, Amiru, and Gilbert becoming a close friend group.
Of course, there would be other developments, but if I rant about them all in this post, then what would be the point in writing the story?
Lemme know if this is a good idea or if I should just it rot!
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amarylliasky · 2 months
Y’all I am so so sorry it’s so late! I can explain! And I promise I won’t post all of these so late! I just had to stay at work an extra hour tonight and didn’t have as much time to finish this as I thought.
That being said, I’m not sure if I really like how it came out, but my writing skills are a bit rusty. I especially haven’t written much fanfiction over these last couple years. It’s mostly been snippets(that I haven’t posted), which was what I had planned this to be, but things happened. Anyway, I hope you guys like it!
Number 3, here we go!
Five Times Calyan Fell Alseep on His Family and One Time He…
1. Alberu Crossman
He would do anything to get out of this mind numbing meeting.
Crown Prince he may be, but even he is just about five seconds from pulling out Taerang to just lightly threaten some of these imbeciles in the room with him. Seriously, they’re in the middle of a war. Why are these idiots so invested in his relationship with the Dark Elves? Sure, it would be bad if someone makes the connection between them at this point in time, but what are they going to do with that information? He planned to reveal it at his coronation anyway, who’s going to try and get him off the throne when he’s already been announced as the current leader of the Roan Kingdom? As if Robbit or that coward third prince would be able to lead them to victory. Then again, he himself would not be nearly as confident without his headache of a dongseang/commander at his side.
Ah, at least there is one other person with a functioning brain in this meeting. However, his resident headache producer has been awfully quiet these past two hours…
Sneaking a look to his right as some central faction nobles prattle on about the churches and not enough healers, (pfft. As if the sun god has ever contributed to the welfare of this kingdom), he finds himself momentarily perplexed at the expression on Calyan’s face.
Glazed reddish brown eyes squint beneath slightly furrowed eyebrows. A curtain of deep red falls across his eyes as he continues to stare at a certain spot on the ovular table. Usually his dongsaeng would do his absolute best to zone out during these meetings, leaving all the discussions to his overworked Hyung-nim, the brat. But it’s almost as if he is actually trying to pay attention? Or perhaps stay awake would be the better term. Come to think of it, what was Calyan doing before the impromptu meeting?
Alberu had received word that the central faction’s nobles had a very important matter to discuss pertaining to the Kingdom’s current state of affairs. Of course, he doubted whether it was truly so important to interrupt their plans of smacking the White Star from behind, but nonetheless, he agreed to see them, as it wouldn’t do for the Crown Prince to disregard the “state of his Kingdom” in a time of crisis.
What had surprised him though, was their insistence on the inclusion of the former Commander, Calyan Henituse.
He had been rightfully annoyed at the audacity of these nobles that would demand his dongsaeng’s presence at such an insignificant meeting when he was finally able to rest for a few days. However, upon discussing it with the person in question’s older twin, Cale, neither he, nor the redhead could convince their troublesome little brother to stay away. For Calyan apparently has eyes and ears everywhere and Alberu’s Instructor-nim is still incapable of lying to his liege. Darn sensitive swordsman.
So when Calyan walked into the meeting room, Alberu had expected a lot of things. His usually stoic face with a hint of annoyance about being interrupted from his “slacking”; a blank face with barely visible exhaustion from the constant overworking, or perhaps cold eyes, ready to stare down any who even consider offending those he considers his people.
But what he didn’t expect to see was the redhead almost dragging his body through the doors and looking like he’d gone several years without a wink of sleep; his meticulously styled hair and unwrinkled clothing doing little to hide how utterly worn out he looked. Either these disrespectful nobles didn’t notice how exhausted his dongsaeng looked, or they just didn’t care, as they finally started the meeting once the Commander was present.
Which brings them to their current predicament. Alberu is beyond tired, which goes to show how tired the man at his side must be. Evident by the fact that he is actually trying to pay attention to whatever nonsense the other occupants of the meeting hall are spewing. Subtly shifting closer to his sworn brother, Alberu lets his hand just barely brush the against where he knows younger’s to be under the table. Seeing those hazy eyes focus on his faux blue ones, he conveys a silent message.
‘Are you tired?’
The blank look he gets tells everything.
‘Why are you asking such an obvious question?’
He should have seen that coming. He conveys something else.
‘I can bail you out. It’s not like you need to hear this obvious buffoonery.’
That gets a barely noticeable smile from the redhead. But Calyan imperceptibly shakes his head.
‘I’m fine.’
What blatant lies.
He knows there’s no use in trying to reason with his stubborn dongseang, so he instead tunes back into the discussion when he hears his title being called by a no-name Count.
It is a mind numbing fifteen minutes before he feels a weight on his shoulder, and all at once, the hall falls silent. Looking down, he sees a head of long red hair slumped against him. Luckily the chairs were situated in a way that Calyan’s chair was at his side instead of further down; a sort of intimidation move on Alberu’s part, so the Commander had blessedly not fallen to the floor when he evidently succumbed to sleep.
“Is there anything else that requires the Crown’s immediate attention, Count Rodden?” Said man nervously shifts, clearly having more to say, but relents upon witnessing the Crown Prince aiming his blinding smile directly at him.
“Ahem.. I suppose we should finish our discussion at the next meeting then, your highness.“ Count Rodden avoids his eyes as he says that, clearly not wanting to end the meeting there, but unwilling to propose waking the sleeping Commander on the Crown Prince’s shoulder, and most likely earning the ire of the swormaster and highest grade expert he knows are on the other side of the doors.
As the nobles finally filter out of the room, Alberu makes a mental note to thank Cale and Choi Han for being so intimidating. Say what you will about the eldest Young Master of the Henituse County and the scary Swormaster, but they sure know how to get those idiotic high classes to submit.
Sighing in relief that finally, finally, he is out of that horrible meeting, he once again looks down at the young man slumbering away on his shoulder. Hah…really, his dongsaeng is just too adorable.
Steeling himself, he reaches his unoccupied arm to gently rouse his adorable headache.
“Dongsaeng, Calyan. It’s time to wake up.”
His only reply is slow breathing. This won’t do. Any moment now, the chaos incarnate and his vicious instructor-nim will kick open the doors. He’s got to wake Calyan up. For the sake of his ever-growing damage repair bills.
“Donsaeng. Wakey wakey. If you don’t wake up your brother is going to permanently scar some poor nobles..” Still no response but heavy breathing. He swears it’s like this man wants to make his life harder. Oh wait, he does, doesn’t he?
Hearing the chatter outside growing faint, Alberu finally resolves himself to having to carry around this lazy little brother of his. Propping Calyan’s head up with the hand currently attached to his imprisoned limb, the Crown Prince is forced to pause when he feels that something is off here.
Since when has Calyan ever been so still?
Sure, he loves to sleep and will grumble when anyone tries to wake him, but ultimately he still answers whoever it is, even with only a tired groan. Even the few times Alberu is forced to wake up him up after an all-nighter forces them to crash on the couch in his study(while the company is quite appreciated, he’d rather skip the never ending paperwork altogether thank you), he would usually burrow deeper into whatever he’s laying on(Alberu, in this case) in an attempt to not get up. If this was an attempt to get out of the meeting, he would’ve stopped it as soon as the rest of the room’s occupants were on the other side of the doors.
Which makes this situation all the more strange. And worrying.
Well, that and the obvious fever. With Alberu’s hand on Calyan’s head, he can clearly feel the unnaturally high temperature. Why didn’t he feel it before? And the unusually loud breathing; it’s no wonder the redhead is down for the count. When was the last time he slept?
He has precious little time to think about that though. Moving his right arm to Calyan’s back, he reaches down to place the other under his dongsaeng’s knees for a much more comfortable position in which to carry him. He lifts them both off the chairs with ease(which is just a tad bit concerning), and mentally prepares himself for the hour-long lecture he’s sure to receive from the redhead’s equally red-haired, overprotective twin.
In the time it takes him to get them both out of that awkward semi-hugging position they started with, the heavy doors of the meeting hall are pushed open and he can practically feel the satisfaction radiating off the two hooligans. Where he would normally feel an incoming headache, along with a small amount of pride, he only feels growing concern for the young man in his arms……And maybe a bit of trepidation for the hurricane of nagging soon to come.
This is going to be a long, long night…
Calyan Henituse, formerly Kim Rok Soo, has experienced a lot of sleepless nights in the last twenty years for someone whose dream is to do nothing but roll around on his bed. For the record, he blames that stupid Radish for his lack of a slacker life. If that White Thing would have just minded his own business and left Roan alone, Calyan wouldn’t have to lose sleep(and brain cells) trying to find a way to get rid of him. So yeah, he is unfortunately familiar with going several days without sleep during his plans to smack the White Star in the back and meeting up with various allies across the two continents. Though his frequent use of record in order to speed things up does nothing to soothe what is most likely one of his many stress headaches. It’s a bit annoying having to deal with them after being a spoiled young master of the rich Henituse family in this life, but he dealt with them for years as Kim Rok Soo, he can deal with them for a few weeks now. Just until he can find a moment to rest.
Or so he thought. Because the very first thing he registers after his impromptu nap at the latest and most probably annoying nobles meeting is a headache at least five times worse than the ones he frequently got as Kim Rok Soo. That’s not even mentioning how his whole body feels as if he just experienced what it’s like to be on the receiving end of one of Choi Han’s brutal training sessions.
He stifles a pained groan as he attempts to slowly open his eyes in order to better adjust to the light in his room.
It appears it was not needed though, as the mana-powered lamps in what is most definitely not his bedroom are set at the lowest setting. The room is just barely bright enough to distinguish the sleeping silhouette of its only other occupant.
Alberu Crossman sits on a chair beside his own bed, in his own bedroom, that is being occupied by Calyan. His head is at an awkward angle(ouch) and he has his arms crossed even in his sleep. All in all, he looks like he fell asleep waiting for Calyan to wake up.
He…doesn’t know how to feel about that. There’s definitely a certain warmth at the actions of his self-proclaimed Hyung-nim, but he would still rather Alberu not waste his time and energy staying with him when the Crown Prince is surely even more exhausted than him. If anyone deserves to rest during such a chaotic time, it’s this quarter Dark Elf.
That said, this is not exactly an ideal position for the future Sun of Roan to sleep in, so Calyan will just have to wake him up and force him into his own(currently occupied) bed to get some real rest.
As if sensing his thoughts, the pseudo-blond shifts slightly before slowly opening his eyes. Blinking the sleep away, his not-blue irises lock onto sharp, and thankfully no longer hazy, reddish brown ones.
“Hah. Took you long enough. Well isn’t that convenient how you woke up only after your brother left the room.” He scoffs at the man who stayed asleep throughout Cale’s entire over-an-hour long lecture about making sure his troublesome brother rested. Who knew that the so-called “Trash” Cale Henituse, who was known for yelling at everyone and throwing around wine bottles, would tell off the Crown Prince of Roan for letting his twin attend a meeting in his condition. And that he would do it all without raising his voice above a whisper.
“My sincerest apologies your highness, the star of our kingdom. You have my most heartfelt gratitude for courageously bearing the full might of-“
Alberus heaves a deep sigh into his hands before brushing back his disheveled hair. He can now finally allow himself to relax. He is not going to lie, he’s happy to hear his dongsaeng’s voice again. Even if the first thing the person in question says is complete, nonsensical flattery. Alberu was a bit unnerved at how absolutely still Calyan was during the meeting, and that feeling evolved to concern and anxiety when Calyan eventually collapsed in the middle. Suffice to say, Alberu will now be thoroughly observing his dongsaeng for any discomfort at a formal event in the future. Forget about any consequences, Calyan will always come first.
Sigh. He reaches out a hand and places it gently on his troublesome brother’s forehead. Good, his temperature seems to have gone down a bit.
“Hyung-nim?” Calyan says with a small bit of confusion.
Alberu sighs for a third time. “What am I going to do with this troublesome dongsaeng of mine?” He says with exasperated affection.
Calyan attempts to sit up. But is swiftly stopped by hands firmly keeping him from moving. Too tired to protest, he resigns himself and simply mutters one word.
“Why are you apologizing?” What are you sorry for? He wants to ask. For getting sick? For going to the meeting without any regard for your own health? For worrying your family?
“I put you in an awkward situation.” Oh. Calyan avoids his eyes, running his hand over a particularly interesting strand of red hair. His face remains stoic, but his voice and actions speak of his sincerity. Truly, Alberu doesn’t understand the thoughts going through that brilliant but dumb head. Is he really thinking about Alberu’s reputation at a time like this?
“Do you really think I care about what those imbeciles with no tact think of me?” Calyan stops fidgeting, but is clearly still troubled. “Dongsaeng, you did me a favor. If I had to be in the same room as them for two more minutes, I might have considered calling your brother.”
The redhead lets out a small huff at the mental image of Cale getting full reign to say whatever he wanted to those insufferable suck ups. He’d send them packing, that’s for sure. Finally lifting his head to face the prince, he is slightly stunned to find a fond sort of amusement reflected in the quarter Dark Elf’s eyes.
He knows Alberu truly doesn’t care about what anyone, let alone those who hold hostility for his family, thinks; and yet he couldn’t help but feel guilty for the position he’d unwillingly put the other in. He may be weak, but he doesn’t like to be a burden on his colleagues. Least of all, someone he considers family. He knows it is okay to need others, he is only able to survive thanks to them, but he also knows when they need him to be strong. If it were anyone else, he might have done considerable harm to their image. It is only thanks to Alberu’s own wit and status that Calyan’s act of falling asleep in an important meeting was set aside so smoothly.
Regardless, he allows himself to let it go just this once. After all, who’s going to fault the Crown Prince for the actions of his sworn brother? Alberu holds all the cards. He’s got loads he can use against those central faction idiots; and if he needs more, Calyan will happily contribute to their humiliation.
“Move over.” He is snapped out of his musings by a short remark from the man to his left. Confused, he makes space for Alberu to join him on the rather large bed. What was all that forcing him to stay still earlier if he was just going to be forced to move?
He complies as the young man situates them so that they are both covered in the plush comforter and Calyan’s head is resting in his lap.
“Your highness…?”
“Hyung-nim…what are you doing?”
“You keep wincing as if you have a headache. I wouldn’t be surprised. Just let your Hyung-nim deal with everything.”
His protests get stuck in his throat when he feels gentle hands carding through his hair. Embarrassment aside, the repetitive motion does somewhat comfort him, though it does little for a headache as severe as this one. Of course, he’s not going to tell Alberu to stop. Why waste the opportunity to sleep on the Crown Prince’s lap? And just where does he manufacture his blankets? Calyan will have to mention it to Ron.
Alberu scoffs softly. “You’re probably the first person to make a royal into a bed. “
He continues carding his fingers through the long hair, untangling the silky wine-like strands. “Just sleep, Calyan. You’ll feel better tomorrow. Don’t worry, I won’t tell the children just yet. I’ll tell them it’s a sleepover.”
A sleepover in the Crown Prince’s bedroom? It was almost funny to imagine. But the assurance that the children would remain ignorant of his condition(at least for the time being) allowed him to finally relax and give into the lull and warmth. Even after his unplanned nap, he feels the exhaustion creeping up on him. However, unlike the last few weeks, he welcomes it. The White Star can wait to be smacked just as Calyan can wait a bit longer for his life of doing absolutely nothing. For now, he’ll sleep for a few (maybe a few dozen?) hours and dream of retiring in his late twenties.
Calyan falls asleep to the quiet murmurs of his Hyung-nim’s plans for dealing with lousy citizens and the feeling of complete safety only few can give him even in this life.
Yes, he is close to his long-awaited slacker life. Maybe in a few more months, there can be more nights like this with his family. Preferably without the sickness and embarrassing positions though.
Also, just wanted to make a note here in case people don’t read the tags. Please do not tag as ship. All relationships in my countdown, unless stated otherwise, are purely platonic.
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diningchairs · 4 months
dewmac thesis? please? for the sake of the people of course
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i am going to be so annoying, so for all the dewmac enjoyers (hi taylor and katie) and dewmac-curious people, let me explain
some people may ask WHY i ship them and the answer is simple: i am a freak enjoyer, delusional and these are my barbie dolls.
first, i’m gonna go over the lore…which is very limited but when had that EVER stopped me from shipping??
October 30, 2021 - nate goes after dewey after dewey lays a dirty hit on bo byram. they’re both bad at fighting, so it’s funny. love the quote, “down he goes, duhaime on top of him”. (x)
now all the way too
March 7th, 2024 - Brandon Duhaime gets traded to the Colorado Avalanche
March 12th, 2024 - Attack Dog. During a game against the Calgary Flames, Dewey goes after a player who was bothering Nate. NOW THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE!! That is exactly what you’re supposed to do, Dewey, good boy. Connor McGahey had this say about it in an episode of Peak Access:
“There was a Calgary player who was wacking at Mackinnon and immediately, Duhaime recognized the situation and went to the Flames player and tried to track him down and made sure that he was leaving Nathan Mackinnon alone and then went back on the bench and gave Nathan Mackinnon a little tap on the knee and said, ‘I got you, I got your back’ and that’s the time of player Duhaime is, he’s got you back” (x, 5:53 is the bit about Dewey)
SO FUN, RIGHT?!?!?!!!!
March 30th, 2024 - I have no videos for this but just know that I saw them laughing on the bench together and everything felt right. Now as a Nate supporter first, human being second, I felt very protective over Nate and certain people claiming that he was going to “ruin” Dewey. So when I saw them laughing and having a good time, I was just happy because believe it or not, Nate isn’t some evil person devoid of fun, happiness, and sugar.
April 8th, 2024 - DEWEY’S FIRST GOAL AS AN AV! And guess what… he points to Nate RIGHT after (x)
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Okay so now onto my thesis.
Obviously a big reason for shipping them is seeing two freaks and thinking, “ooo, they should fuck nasty” but there’s a little more to the narrative here.
Dewey was traded away from HIS TEAM, from his team that meant to much to him. He even said in the Peak Access episode I mentioned earlier that he was excited to play for Colorado but sad to leave Minnesota. He was also RIPPED AWAY from his best friend, Connor Dewar, who was then ripped away from Minnesota. Not to mention, Dewey was brought here because we needed a physical player for our playoffs roster.
So. Dewey’s now in Colorado, all alone. (Yes, we’ve all seen the arrival and airport photos where he looks miserable, which i’m not denying he wasn’t but also: That’s Just His Face)
And just a few games after being traded, he becomes an attack dog for Nate. And GOD, it was just hot and kind of unexpected?
Dewey takes all of his anger/frustration/sadness from the trade and puts that into defending his new team—especially Nate—by getting physical and going after other players.
In my mind, they’re friends with benefits. And they absolutely know that they are NOT each other’s first choice. But they still fuck nasty. And Dewey was never intimated by Nate at all. He was so pissed from the trade that he just doesn’t GIVE A FUCK. And then he plays with the Avs and is like, “ohhhh okay, I will lay down my life for Nate I guess. Also I want to fuck him to fuck me.” And so he’s using Nate as someplace to put his emotions again.
And Nate is all for it. Another fun thing is that, *slaps Nate*, you can fit so many terrible love situations into this bad boy! Is he fucking Dewey because his love for Sid is unrequited? Is Cale ignoring his texts? Was he reminded of his thing with Tyson Barrie? Or Burky?
More on their relationship dynamic:
So yeah. In conclusion, dewmac nation NEEDS TO RISE because they are so mean and nasty to each other yet they need each other to balance out their emotions from stupid trades and playoffs and other hockey related problems.
I hope you enjoyed! It’s kind of hard for me to explain ship dynamics sometimes because I will just keep rambling. And ships are always evolving in my head as I get more comfortable with writing them.
Okay, now i’m gonna go write something about these freaks
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infinizero · 2 months
Cale Henituse and Bruce Wayne differences popped into my head recently
They both,, very much cherish life but
Bruce would never kill anyone because he wants to save everyone
While Cale wants to preserve all the (relatively) innocent lives he possibly can
That is not to say that one of these things are wrong. I think that choosing to confront the worse society has to offer and deciding that their lives are worth enough to try saving is quite noble. I also think that choosing to get rid of the people who are simply irredeemable, who wouldn't live very happily even if they were somehow redeemed, is also noble.
The biggest difference between them in this aspect, is probably how much they enforce this rule on others and to what lengths they would go for this.
Bruce would choose to save the person in front of him if he could, even if it meant they would kill many others in the future. Cale would choose to let a victim of theirs dole out revenge even if it meant they died. (Raon choosing not to kill Venion v Ron and Beacrox and the assassin families that joined WS)
Which comes to my biggest gripe about Bruce
I got so annoyed thinking of this while writing that crossover I think Cale will probably embody this in it oops
Bruce doesn't kill people, that's fine, but why the hell did he save Joker from dying? Because he doesn't want his son to have blood on his hands?
So he won't stop killing when he starts? What kinda bullshit excuse is that, is self-control a myth to men? He realizes he won't be able to stop himself from murdering someone? Hang up the cowl. Cass is literally right there.
So Batman loses if he kills the Joker? So what? It's not a game. It's not a game. It's not a game. Important things need to be said thrice. So you lose the fight. So you end the single person who could not be redeemed if anyone tried, the person who killed your son specifically to get at you. Retire. Get therapy. Get better.
So his tragedy shaped him, so his ambition of helping people motivates him, then help in other ways. Hasn't this taken enough from you already? Aren't you tired? He is quite literally a billionaire. This money could be used for so many other things, just as or more helpful as his vigilantism has proved to be.
This post has derailed quite a bit whoopsie
Cale's faults, to me at least, are entirely rooted in his emotional constipation, something he shares with Bruce. I can't even blame him for it because *gestures at his life as KRS, then at his very busy life in Roan*
A slight elaboration on all that would be that Bruce has contingencies in place should he die. He has successors and an entire system. Cale... Does not and the closest thing to a successor he has is Raon/On who are 6/12 as of the current canon and one is an op dragon who would destroy worlds if he dies. Bruce can die, but the repercussions wouldn't destroy the world. Cale, on the other hand...
Which takes me to how willing they are to break the law. Obv Bruce has vigilantism under his belt while Cale is a certified Scammer (exhibit... Everything), Arsonist (sea of fire anyone?), Terrorist (that time he kidnapped a king), has destroyed public property (an entire fucking island x2), has stolen items of great religious and historic significance (all the divine items, but is it really theft if it was just laying there?), led a civil revolution (elisneh and jopis), smuggling (cage and taylor into capital), and this post will be way too long if I continue.
The way they treat their subordinates/partners/kids!!!
Different versions of batman have different ways of doing it, but for the purpose of this post he is trying dad bruce (aka not the best but he is trying)
I think this is the biggest difference between them, actually, because Cale acts and tells the people around him the things they need and Bruce just... Doesn't communicate much. Somehow, they have the same communication issues and somehow they have the same emotional constipation. Somehow Cale still properly motivates his people better than Bruce does.
I feel like I've been shitting on Bruce this entire post but I genuinely can't think of anything he does that is better than Cale. Um. Oh yeah I guess his cause is technically more noble than Cale, do I think his methods are stupid? Yes. Do I like the stories that spring up from this anyways? Also yes.
This may or may not feel rushed because for some reason it posted while in draft stage but feel free to add
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sergeifyodorov · 8 months
pls do a mock asg draft. c’mon prof, psychoanalyze the dynamics of team mackinnon (nate is gonna pick sid so he’s not talking to tate, who’s trying to talk to cale, who is just happy to be there but privately wishes their celeb was buble)
alright alright psychoanalyzing. putting on my psychoanalysis goggles. here's my vision of the first round
first pick: mcdrai and will arnett. drai and will are exchanging little jokey jokes because drai thinks he's funny and arnett is a comedian and connor alternates between awkwardly staring into the horizon and laughing a little bit too loudly at leon's bad jokes. arnett is wishing he was the leafs' guy instead but that's too damn bad will! anyway after hemming and hawing they pick mitch. camera cuts to auston politely looking happy for mitch to go to his guys but obviously internally PISSED abt it. connor beaming. leon happy bc connor's happy his ass does not care
second pick: nate and cale. you're right about the tate mcrae thing btw -- tate is chilling bc she knows she's cool and hot and she Will be cheering for team mackcale but she's also very aware that she has potentially less than zero influence over natemac so shes content to make polite calgarian chitchat with cale for a bit. she will try and get them to pick the flame (who is the flame? coleman? lindholm? markstrom? whatever) but natemac Is picking sidney. it's ok she thinks they'll get him next time (they will pick georgiev next time and when the flame goes elsewhere she will have 0.5 seconds of visible unhappiness before going back to popstar smiling about it)
third pick: auston morgan justin bieber. morgan is in a similar position to cale or perhaps tate mcrae where he's Just Happy To Be There. justin is visibly putting the moves on auston the entire time. unfortunately for him auston is still in Gods-Chosen-Hero mode and is trying to Win This Thang and spends a good few minutes ignoring bieber's horrendously slimey toronto boy flirting before picking probably william nilliam but possibly someone like petey/hellebuyck/reinhart/kucherov
fourth pick: michael buble ? useless (awkward teenage girl crush on quinn hughes). jack hughes ? useless (trying too hard to annoy his older brother to make any kind of decision). quinn hughes ? useless (spends like the entire time they have deciding whether or not to pick petey brock or brady and ends up fumbling until jack rolls his eyes and picks clay keller)(cut to auston looking annoyed again)
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weirdsht · 2 months
just thought of cales wedding,, on as the flower girl or hong and raon as the flower duo – they could be ring bearers too, eruhaben just stands there (with his lips twitching, he's happy that cales getting married + the kids happiness), Ron with the usual benign smile, beacrox cooked the Feast?, choi han may or may not have teared up (my friend is getting married to my friend!!), Rosalyn is happy for both of you (kinda like a sister to s/o), cales fam is there (happy their son found happiness), jack officiating the wedding? (Does it work like that), alberu, who's tired of his sworn brothers bs, is happy for him and his bride and ofc the rest of cales co is rejoicing (they're finally wedded!!) – will probably have a huge party that cale wants NO part in, slacker life is nearing he said
I'm sorry if it got long, I've been thunking thoughts
same anon said:
part 2 of cales wedding thoughts
(i forgot to write that his s/o was the vice commander, or smth like that)
cale, whose smile is so genuine, it's almost unreal. his group is flabbergasted at that smile – it's not the kind of smile he makes when he's scamming someone, not the one when he receives money – it's a different one, entirely different and so in love
cales s/o, whose so happy, smiling, singing, and so in love – they danced together, sang, and played with the kids
alberu, who threw a banquet after cales wedding for the couple, celebrating their union, and gives cale and the vice commander their wedding gift (golden plaque) and is planning to use the vice commander against cale (enslave cale to paperwork) (might even throw a festival for them)
the citizens who are happy that their ex-commander and ex-vice commander are now a wedded couple
clopeh sekka would be writing about their love story and everything, making a museum for cale-nim
cale who gets annoyed when his s/o and clopeh are doing caleism activities, to which she'd reply; "it's not my fault we have the same bias"
choi han, whose tearing up (borderline bawling), is carrying on and hong, raon clinging onto his neck, he's so happy that cale and miss (name) are finally married
Ron, who practically raised cale, who watched his puppy young master grow in love with (name), is proud cale grew the balls to propose (he thought it'd be cute to see little red heads running around Harris village and the villa)
Rosalyn, who thought of (name) as her sister, is giddy, if she wasn't in public, rosalyn knows her sister would be smiling and kicking her feet – she KNOWS that they're so in love with each other, she may have been the one who pushed cale to propose
Eruhaben, who thought of (name) as his daughter (or granddaughter), watched over her and cale (though from afar), he once mistaken them as a couple – which left (name) flustered – but made them both realized their feelings
cales group, who's so happy for them– their two leaders, who sacrificed themselves countless of times, saved them, and gave them a home - are finally each other's home.
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hiiii i think i mentioned before that i'm a bit uncomfortable with asks where almost the whole thing has been written out.
i'm only letting this one slide as this went in my inbox when i haven't updated my navigation yet. however, moving forward i will be deleting such asks. sorry guys.
and to anon, please don't feel bad or anything! your idea is great it's just that i'm not the person to send these kinds of ask to. i'm sorry.
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kimi-twstheadcanons · 2 years
Your “Bodyguards”
-What happens when you tell Leona, Jack, and Ruggie about a guy that just couldn’t take the hint that you weren’t interested? Well, not exactly how you expected.
Pronouns: They/them
Warning: Contains harassment and very uncomfortable situations. Swearing, violence, and stalker behavior
Word count: 3,112
Note: This is actually based off a true incident (that may or may not have happened to me a while back) I also apologize to anyone named Cale (if there are any) This may not be Halloween based but I had it in my drafts so I decided to post it for the occasion. Just think of it as comfort I guess
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...Maybe getting these three involved was a good thing?
“So, you want a favor from us? Well, whatever it is, I'm not interested in the slightest.” Leona said, walking away to find a spot in the Botanical Gardens to lie down for a nap. Ruggie and Jack had followed him just to keep track of him for the day, this just happened to be your luck. Jack was an unexpected surprise, but you need them to do something very important for you anyway.
“Oh, come on! Please? It’s just a small favor and it won’t take up too much time. You don’t even know what it is yet.” You complain as you follow about a foot behind them.
“Why don’t you ask Ace or Deuce to help?” Jack asked, turning his head to look at you while still walking.
“I tried. But they couldn’t do much. Plus, you guys are the only people who can get this weird guy off my back.” Jack stops at those words and fully turns his body to face you. You stop in front of him while Leona and Ruggie continue to walk. He’s genuinely confused and concerned as to what you're talking about, so he decides to ask about it; “What do you mean by that?”
“There’s this guy that’s asked me out before. I don’t know him or anything about him, other than that he’s a second year and is in Savanaclaw.” You answer Jack's question. Leona and Ruggie stop and slowly turn back towards you, now fully invested in the conversation.
“I’ve rejected him before, but then he started to hang around me more. Kind of like how Rook is, but more creepy. To me, it is at least.” You continued. Leona and Ruggie begin to walk back to your location to see if there is any other information that they needed to hear.
“I got Ace and Deuce to walk me back to Ramshackle a few days ago because I felt uneasy. But the moment they left and Grim walked through the front door, magic wind closed it shut so I couldn’t get inside. That’s when I realized it was him. He had waited for Ace and Deuce to leave just to get my attention alone. Of course, it wasn’t enough because Grim was pounding on the other side of the door asking what happened. All the guy wanted to do was talk but I couldn’t help but get weird vibes from him. The way he talked, the way he looked at me, the way he acted. Everything was just too unsettling. So I told Grim to sit on the other side of the door, just in case he tried something. All he did was talk about how pretty I was and asked me if I wanted to hang out while trying to get physically close to me.” You recounted the events that took place days prior. All three of the beastmen began to look a bit disturbed by everything you were telling them. Or maybe, perhaps it was irritation.
“I know I’m probably overreacting and you guys probably think so too, but I just want him to know I’m seriously not interested.” You finish off your explanation, waiting for them to respond. You look at all three of their faces. All of which seem to be in thought, yet they all seem very bitter.
“You guys can refuse if you want, I’m not forcing you! He’ll probably back off as time goes.” You say with a nervous smile. ‘Maybe they’re annoyed that I brought something silly like this up. I should have just let it be.’ You thought to yourself, wondering if you’ve made the wrong decision.
“Do you know his name?” Leona asked nonchalantly, to which you respond; “Uh, I think it was something like Cole or Kyle. I’m not sure but he has a weird birthmark on the side of his neck. Kind of hard to miss.”
“Cale! Ugh, I should have known he’d start messin’ with you!” Ruggie suddenly blurted out. This left you and Jack a bit confused. Ruggie has never brought Cale up before and Jack only knew the guy because he’s also a Wolf beastman. Leona on the other hand seemed more irritated. Leona has had his fair share of run-ins with the guy, all of which were not so good. Especially the first encounter.
“Other than Cale being really strong and a good fighter, he’s also a big flirt. He flirts with almost everyone he finds attractive. Except for the Pomefiore students. He found out to leave those guys alone the hard way. Sh ha ha~” Ruggie explains as a result of seeing your confused face.
“He’s annoying, that’s what he is. During his first year here he tried to fight me for the spot of Dorm Leader. Heh, we all know how that played out. But once he gave up he tried to butter me up instead. Seriously, that guy gets on my nerves.” Leona chimed in. Looks like Cale isn’t a very fond character, even at his own dorm.
“If he flirts with everyone, then no wonder he can’t even remember my name. He’s asked me at least 5 times already.” You laugh off jokingly, not expecting the reaction you would get.
“He doesn’t even remember your name?! Hell no! And he’s still trying to ask you out? If he can’t get something so simple then he’s not trying to care about who you are as a person, he wants you because he’s greedy!” Leona exclaims, his tone ever so slightly laced with anger. He soon calmed down and thought for a moment, placing a hand over the bridge of his nose and pinching it with his fingers.
“Fine, we’ll help you. But you have to do at least one thing for us once we’re done. How does that sound?” He asks, concluding.
“Perfect! That doesn’t sound bad at all!” You agree excitedly. Leona continues while turning his head to look at Jack and Ruggie; “What about you guys? Sound fair?” Jack and Ruggie both nod in agreement.
“We’ll talk to him first to try and get him to leave you alone. If that doesn’t work, text me if he’s still bothering you.” Ruggie says with a soft smile, knowing you still had his number from the Fairy Gala mission.
“Thank you guys so much! Sorry I had to bother you with this. You guys have a nice day!” You say, returning the smile. Jack and Leona nod while Ruggie waves as you take off, down the path towards the exit. As soon as you were out of sight all the boys turned around and began walking in their original direction.
“Jeez. What number is that?” Leona suddenly asked, placing his hands in his pocket.
“They’re about the 50th person he’s tried flirting with,” Ruggie replied nonchalantly while placing his hands behind his head for support.
“Wait, you two kept track of it? That’s a bit weird.” Jack retorted.
“You start to keep count when Vil comes to see you in person, complaining about one of your dorm members flirting with not just his dorm residents but him as well,” Leona replied. Shivers ran down his back as he recollected the horrid moment. Let’s just say; Vil wasn’t so kind to Leona or Cale at that time.
“In any case, we need to talk to him about that. I understand if he might genuinely like them but I highly doubt that’s where this is going. On top of that, stalking them is weird as hell. There’s no way I’m letting a Rook-wannabe slide from shit like this.” Leona says while turning into a pile of bushes to reach his napping destination before continuing; “Let’s see how long he thinks he can fool us by playing innocent.”
“I’ve got no clue on what you’re talkin’ about. Listen, I just want to get to know them. That’s all.” Cale states to the three beastmen as he remains seated in a chair in the Savanaclaw lounge. They had indeed gone up to him to clear things up, and just as they suspected; he’s playing innocent.
“The last time you said that I had an angry blond at my door. On top of that, you don’t hang around people like that unless you’re attracted to them. Stalking them, however, says more concerning things, don’t you think?” Leona brought up, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the wolf-beastman. Cale was very unimpressed with their approach to him, but his composure did not falter.
“Alright, fine. You want honesty? Well here,” Cale stands on his feet, he isn’t as tall as Jack but just about the same height as Leona. He looks Leona dead in the eyes and smirks a toothy grin. “I just want the fun you guys are having.”
“What?” Leona responds confused. He now is the one unimpressed. “If you mean the trouble that herbivore brings, then buddy I can assure you it’s not exactly what I would consider fun.”
“Oh, not that. Come on, don’t play dumb with me. A person from another world with no magic? No way to fight us back without their little squad? You guys hang out with them from dawn till dusk in that rundown dorm of theirs, and you mean to tell me you aren’t having fun in there? You must be joking. Why not just share the meal-“ Before Cale could continue his absurd accusations Jack and Leona pushed him to a wall with their magic pens at his throat.
“I don’t know what kind of things you heard or what horrendous rumors you’ve spread to these idiot jackasses around this school. But (y/n) is NOT like that and we would never force them to be in such a position.” Jack growled through his teeth. For the first time, his composure completely dropped and he went almost full feral. He was holding a lot back, but no one knew just exactly how much.
“You’ve got some nerve to think you know them better than we do, and you sure as hell have some damn nerve thinking that you were just going to use them like that. They're not stupid! They can see right through you and your little schemes. Whatever you’re doing stops now.” Leona finished off, pushing his magic pen closer to the beastmans neck. Cale seemed shaken by the actions but tried to hide them. He hadn’t realized you were being so heavily protected, and by his dorm leader no less. That certainly does cause trouble for him, so not wanting for it to get any worse he backs down…for now.
“Fine. I’ll leave them alone. I see I’ve lost this hunt.” Cale says, his voice strained slightly. However, neither Jack nor Leona backed down. It seemed as if they were trying to drag something more out of him. “Jack, Leona. He backed down. We can leave.” Ruggie said, breaking the silence that the men had created. Ruggie himself wasn't so happy about the situation. But he knew those three couldn’t get into a fight or else everyone would be in big trouble. It wouldn’t look nice if the dorm leader had gotten into a fight with a dorm resident. Not only that but he ganged up with Jack as well, it wouldn’t make for a pretty picture.
Jack and Leona slowly backed off by taking their magic pens away from Cale's neck. Cale himself was left a bit shaken from the event but remained on his feet. “Remember this, Cale; You get anywhere near them,” Leona began and he turned around to walk out the lounge but turned his head around to make eye contact with Cale before continuing, “, and I’m coming after your ass. You understand?”
Cale nodded as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face. Leona turned his head back to look ahead and continued walking. Ruggie and Jack, however, couldn’t help but glare at the guy for a few seconds longer before following Leona out of the lounge. Cale was left there alone with his thoughts. He didn’t like Leona and found Ruggie irritating. He didn’t know Jack too well, but he thought he’d understand. Apparently, his view on the fellow Wolf Beastman was completely wrong. It’s fine though. They were clear with what they said, extremely transparent even. But who said Cale would follow the rules?
Everything was going fine. You hadn’t seen or heard about Cale for a few weeks. You had thought that Leona did something to kick him out of the school since you hadn’t seen him. But Leona assured you that he was still in the school but won’t be bothering you anymore. You were extremely grateful. You had thought that your life could carry on…that was until Cale cornered you in an empty classroom after school.
“You really went ahead and told on me to my own dorm leader, huh? Was I botherin’ you that much?” Cale asked with a smirk on his face. A smug smirk that rubbed you the wrong way and gave you red flags.
“I had already told you that I wasn’t interested and that you even made me feel uncomfortable. What else am I supposed to do?” You ask nervously, unsure of how to get out of this situation without needing to get the boys involved. Maybe you could defuse this without their help. You don’t want them to think you’re a nuisance. But little do you know how far from that you actually are to them.
“Am I being too pushy? Is that it? Do you not like me like how you like them? Come on, tell me what I’m missing here, sweet thing.” Cale says as he steps closer to you. You back up, trying to keep the distance between you two. You’re back hits a wall and your mind decides that maybe it was a good idea to get the boys. You quickly pull out your phone and tap Ruggies number to speed dial him. As soon as you did Cale slapped the phone out of your hand, but he hadn’t realized you had called someone. The phone rang silently as he cages you in with his hands on either side of your head.
“Listen, I would have left you alone in time. Personally, I don’t like hunting prey I can't get for too long. But you pissed me off. You couldn’t have just sat tight, like a good little pet?” He mocked angrily. “You really expected me to live in anxiety and paranoia until you left me alone?” You asked nervously, trying to not completely lose your composure.
“Well, maybe. But would that have been so bad? I’m not a bad guy, not unless you make me. You, sweet little Herbivore, seem to want me to be the bad guy.” He said as he attempted to gently caress your cheek. you smacked his hand away as you snarled at the use of the nickname he had stolen from Leona.
“Oh what? You don’t even like me touching you? Or was it because I used Leona’s little nickname he has for you?” He teased with a smirk. Suddenly his whole demeanor changed, a scowl now replaced the mischievous expression on his face. “Enough games. Clearly, I had everything all wrong, and that’s my fault. But you’ve irritated me a little too much for me to just back down.” He then swiftly grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and pulled you closer to his face. You could see the anger in his eyes, it paralyzed you.
“What makes you think that a nobody like you could snitch on me? You have no powers, no extra physical strength that challenges mine, you say you’re a dorm leader but all you are is a weak freelancer living in an old shack! You are nothing. Now I’m gonna show you what happens when you mess with-“ Cale could even finish his sentence before being pulled off you and tossed to a pissed Jack Howl. Jack grabbed him and held him in place until he could wrestle him to the ground. The person who tossed him to Jack in the first place was none other than Leona Kingscholar himself. Who is also extremely pissed. Leona turns to you and scans your trembling figure. He gently pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back to calm you down.
“H-how the hell did you guys know?” Cale was able to ask. Ruggie walked up to him and showed the ongoing call on his phone. Cale then turned his gaze to the phone he had slapped out of your hand just moments before, it rested on the ground but the screen was lit and he could see Ruggies contact name. He snarled and realized they heard everything he said.
“Sh ha ha ha~ I don’t think you can get yourself out of this one buddy.” Ruggie laughed at Cale with a dark smirk. Leona released you and walked over to your phone and picked it up. He ended the call and handed it back to you. “Ruggie, take the prefect to the infirmary to check for any injuries,” Leona said as he turned to Ruggie and placed his hands in his pockets.
“I’m fine, I promise. You guys made it just in time.”
“Then go back to your dorm. Ruggie will escort you there,” Leona said as his gaze landed back on you but more sternly. He then turns to Cale and looks at him with a frown of distaste. “Jack and I have some business to take care of.”
Just like that you were walked out of the classroom by Ruggie and safely escorted back to your dorm, where a worried Grim and concerned Ace and Deuce were waiting for you. You told them that the story would have to wait and all you wanted to do was relax. The rest of the day Ruggie didn’t leave your dorm and slept in the guest room on Leona’s orders. On the other end of the situation; Leona and Jack roughed up Cale a little bit, most of it being Leona’s work of course, and dragged him to Crowley to confess everything he had been doing. Crowley couldn’t expel him since you weren’t physically harmed and he feared a bad image for the school if he did so without evidence, but he did suspend him for a while. After this incident, no one ever tried to mess with you and would rarely ever think about trying. Sure you had your friends but that’s not what they were scared about. It was the Lion King and his two assistants of Savanaclaw that struck fear. It’s safe to say that you have some pretty good, yet terrifying bodyguards.
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linskywords · 6 months
Yes I do have thoughts on omega4omega Nate and they honestly star with the AMAZING ABO SidGeno AU swallow the fire by cascara_soda.
Like, the idea that Nate is so uncomfortable and defiant as an omega, that he refuses it and doesn’t like what it means, secretly wishes to be literally anything else.
But of course Nate’s personal story is his growth and self-acceptance so by the time Cale arrives he’s…settled with himself. He doesn’t want omega shit, still, but he’s accepted that he can still be…whatever the fuck Nathan MacKinnon is, even though he was born an omega.
But Cale still rankles, a bit.
Because it wasn’t that Nate had ever thought himself above other omegas. He hadn’t, really, even though that was something that got twisted up in not wanting to be himself. But Cale smells like sunshine and he blushes when he introduces himself. And Nate’s chill with being an omega, like, he’s cool he’s totally fine. But he looks at Cale, beautiful and soft-skinned and thrillingly confident, and fuck, he wants to be an alpha if just so he can have this one.
Anyway. That’s just a ramble. I do hope you write these two someday—I adore them.
Yes!! @nightshadehasblorbos reminded me of this headcanon in a reply:
I remember you talking about writing Nate and Cale as omega/omega and how that would play on Sid being in an Alpha/Alpha relationship and how they had made a video about alpha/alpha to teach about wolf relationships and how they never even thought about omega/omega even though they were in a nontraditional relationship.
Gotta say, I'm sort of loving this headcanon about Nate sort of starting to be okay with his omega self until he meets Cale. At first he thinks he's annoyed because Cale is the type of omega Nate has never been able to be, and even though he doesn't even want to be, obviously, it's still grating. But then he starts noticing Cale taking up more and more of his mental attention, and smelling really amazingly good and...then it just sucks that Nate isn't an alpha. Because obviously such a perfect classic omega as Cale wouldn't want to be in a relationship with another omega. Right??
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scummynami · 2 years
Can you write some fem reader hc with Cale from trash of count’s family? He’s just so good 🫣
pairing: yan!cale henituse × fem!reader
tw: stalking and manipulation.
note: took me a while, BUT IT'S FINE. Thanks for this ask btw, tbh I didn't have a clue as to what "Trash of the Count's Family" was until this ask ヽ⁠(⁠(⁠◎⁠д⁠◎⁠)⁠)⁠ゝ I also have to give thanks to you cus you gave me a new genre to explore (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
You were a side character who didn't even get to appear in the official comic. Well, Kim Rok Soo hadn't read the latest chapter, as he died the same day before he could even get a glimpse. So, basically you were a character that was unknown and very new to him.
You and Cale Henituse didn't cross paths at all in the original work. In fact, you were destined to meet Choi Han instead of the young master, in a secret garden at a "cold solstice gathering", and was written to fall in love with said man- starting the "Star-Crossed Lovers Arc".
But Cale... Cale wasn't aware of that, as he trekked down the woodsy path, not knowing that he was about to delve into a path that wasn't originally his, with consequences that are much terrible than death.
The stars were alight, twinkling joyously as it sets the mood. Cale was weirded out by the romantic aura surrounding the woodsy backyard of the palace. The annoying crown prince tried picking a fight with him in front of Choi Han, making him flee the scene before things escalate.
He has to admit, it was a wise decision to do so, as him slipping away from the scene resulted in him achieving the impossible- being alone.
Ever since the story started, things have been annoyingly chaotic, so it was a nice change of pace, to achieve silence, that is.
However, that does not mean his problems were over. A new entity is threatening the specific area he wants to settle in, if there was a new threat arising in manhwas, usually, this means there's another power that was left untouched still.
His pensive state didn't continue for much longer, as he senses another presence near him. And it wasn't familiar. Immediately, he tenses up and creeps around until he sees walls of grass- hedges — he assumes — hidden behind the thick trunks of the forest.
He peers through the unkept hedge and is surprised to see a lady sitting on the fountain, leaning closer and closer towards the water as if mesmerised by something. He took note of this as he walks towards her, not bothering to conceal his footsteps, confirming that she is indeed under a spell.
If it weren't for the imminent danger that was to happen, he would've stayed awestruck by her enchanting features.
Wrapping an arm around her waist, he easily carried her away from the fountain, effectively breaking the enchantment.
"... Whu... what?" She mumbled as she stared ahead in a daze, before realising her situation.
"I apologise... for this. But this was the only thing I had in mind that would save the lady without hurting you," he said as calmly as he could, peering into her eyes that were as clear as the night sky above. He could feel the back of his neck getting warmer and warmer.
He sets her down, but couldn't find it in himself to fully let her go, as he keeps an arm around her waist.
"Yes... thank you, sir...?" She replies, still in a surprised state. She felt as if his face was familiar, but couldn't quite put a finger to it.
"Cale Henituse, my lady. The eldest son of Count Henituse," he said, parting with her for a bit to give her a curt bow.
"Ah," her eyes widened with familiarity as the surprise on her face remains. "I see.... you are that sir Henituse."
He was expecting judgement from the ethereal lady. But he only got a curtsy and an introduction.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Name Arlischen. The youngest of Marquis Arlischen," she says softly. "I would like to give my gratitude to you, my lord."
Oh, Arlischen. Now he knew he was definitely way past the chapter he last read. This was the arc titled "Star-Crossed Lovers" and was one of the recent chapters published on the day he died.
The first few days in the capital were spent.... wastefully. He tried to gather information about the Arlischen Marquisate but only got unconfirmed rumours back.
This was where the stalking began. Well, he didn't necessarily called it stalking, as he dubbed it "gathering research material" shamelessly.
This was also the time when he began "befriending" the young lady and his possessive behaviour towards her.
The people around him began to question his actions and deemed it as him falling in love with the Arlischen's pearl. These claims were of course, denied at first, but that was until he began to take note of his behaviour around her, and how she acts around him.
Well, that may be due to the fact that he manipulated her into thinking that she's in love with him, not the other way around.
However, he didn't really care, as he began to drink in her affections, and found himself intoxicated by her.
It was around this period that he began to unconsciously include her in all of his future plans.
It also around this time that he began to slowly isolate her until he was certain that he was the only person she needed.
Her family had long approved of their relationship, so these things weren't seen as a bad thing, especially in this society of which they belong to, where women were to become their husband's property.
Meaning, everything he had or was about to do, were seen as romantic instead of toxic.
The grass swayed left and right carelessly. Caressing the cheeks of his beloved lady.
"When we marry, you must stop these adventures of yours and stay next to me as much as you can..." she mumbles as she buries her face into his stomach, feeling shy of her words just as she spoke them.
He chuckled, finding her behaviour cute. He held onto her arms and guided her until they were both at eye level. His arms embracing her form cautiously and lovingly as if she were a piece of art, saying: "When we marry, I promise you you'll never breath a day without me by your side."
It would be joke to assume things end here.
The night he saved her from being swallowed by the magic fountain's water, Choi Han had been following her, and had unknowingly fallen in love with Cale Henituse's beloved.
Choi Han had never been selfish, nor was he the type to disobey his master. But it all changed once he saw her.
Memories that weren't created flooded into the man's mind, letting him know of his destiny. Of how everything was supposed to be his, including her.
tbh I wanna write about dark cale henituse. But didn't know how it should go, what direction it would take. Would rlly appreciate it if you guys write down recommendations in the comments below 🫶🏻
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Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo x Transported!Reader
It is time for acceptance.
warning: mentions of self-harm scars and depression once, implied suicide
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Deruth and Ron looked towards Hans who entered the room with a pale face. There were a bunch of papers held by the blond man and for some reason, something struck Ron right in his nerve that has him tense, especially when he saw the sketch of your face pinned at the top on a small yellowish paper. 
"Your Highness."
Hans looked at the papers in his hand and gulped. 
Deruth frowned. "Hans, what's wrong?"
Hans looked up at Ron, eyes containing so much grief that Ron was taken back to the time when he had to look at Beacrox when his wife was slaughtered. There was no need for Hans to speak when Ron recognized that grief.
Ron's shoulders slumped and he looked down. "I will call the Young Master-nim."
"Your Highness, there had been an accident with one of our trade ships during a storm last night. The deceased are still being listed—" Hans began to explain and Ron walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He hears the harsh creak of the Duke's chair and his roar in disbelief.
Ron stood by the door for a moment, being reminded once again that the world was cruel in many ways. He takes a step and is reminded of the cruel things he had said, another step and he was reminded of how he had been so stupid to help you, one more step and how he had taken things for granted too many times. Every step he takes were accompanied by regret and sadness — losing one more person, to the heavy guilt for being responsible, to losing a child, to how young you were — until he stopped in front of Cale's bedroom.
Ron recalls your warmth when you hug him last night — shit, was it just last night? And you're already gone? — and how you had promised to be back soon. He thinks about the tension on your shoulders while packing your things and the way your tears fell when you wanted him to know you have loved them all as much as you could, with all the ways you know how. 
You were brave for taking such a brave step forward alone, he must commend you for that. That was why he had allowed himself to help you get away because Ron wanted the best things for you and to get away and grow on your own was what you thought you needed. And what does the world give you for being brave?
It kills you.
Memories of you, sad or happy, now became bitter. Every memory of your smile became too much because you were too young and you didn't deserve such a cruel death. A sharp pain could be felt in his chest because he felt like he was responsible for it as well.
What would have happened had he tried to stop you instead of coming in and helping you pack? You wouldn't have been able to get to the port and board the ship.
Why didn't he ask you to stay for one more day? Why didn't he question the ship you had taken? Why didn't he think things through? Why did he have to be so fucking soft for you and left you to take your own decisions?
He should have stopped you last night.
Death comes at unexpected times, Ron knows that — goddamit, he knows that fact very well — and he knows that it never once considered the person they're taking away is loved by so many people, that this person has been fighting for happiness all their lives and deserved a little bit of freedom, and that this person was going to allow themselves to grow and be different, better.
You were going to change. Why did it need to take you from that?
It is almost robotic of Ron to continue his routine despite the grief that overwhelmed him. He knocks thrice and announced himself before going in like usual, approaching Cale and the kids who were sleeping so peacefully — he feels slightly guilty to know he will not be waking them up to annoy them but to make sure they'll be the first to hear the news.
He could imagine how Cale would feel after this.
"Young Master-nim."
Ron calls out, voice firm and strict. Cale opens one eye, vision still bleary. "Ron?"
"You are urgently needed in the Duke's study."
Ron's voice was emotionless and immediately Cale could notice that something had gone wrong. He sat up from his bed, hair still messy and clothes still wrinkled while Ron grabbed a robe. "What's wrong?"
"It is better for you to hear it yourself," Ron says, helping Cale put on the sleeping robe. 
Cale rubs his eyes. "Has [Name] returned from the port, yet?"
Ron stilled for a moment and Cale would have noticed had it not been for the kids stretching in their sleep and groaning. Cale turned to look at Ron and was flabbergasted to find the butler already opening the bedroom door.
Something horrible has happened and Cale could not ease the unsettling feeling that's nestling in his guts. The fact that Ron had urged him to immediately get out of bed so early in the morning without washing up was already dire, but the serious look and the way the older man stayed silent all the way to the Duke's office was unsettling to Cale.
"Do you know when [Name] got back last night?" Cale asked, knowing you must have gotten home pretty late. He hoped you slept enough this morning before you continue working.
Instead of answering, Ron knocked on the Duke's door and Hans was the one to open it. The head butler allowed Cale to enter first and face his father.
When Cale entered the study, the first thing he noticed was the pale looks on his father's and Hans' faces. He sees that Hans' eyes are a bit bloodshot red while his father was on the couch, face buried in his hands.
"Father?" Cale called out. "What's wrong?"
Deruth looked up and Cale's gut feeling turned from bad to rotten when he saw that his father was on the verge of tears. Deruth stood up and hugged Cale for a moment, "Oh, Cale, I'm sorry."
"What? What's happened?" Cale asked. He would have grown irritated with how much everyone was leaving him in the dark but seeing the expressions of everyone in the room, he began growing anxious.
"One of our trade ships sank last night," Hans spoke up. "Most of the deceased are our employees."
Cale's blood runs cold. Didn't you say you were heading to the port last night? 
"Where's [Name]?" Cale immediately asked, turning to look at Ron. "Ron?"
Ron closed his eyes and let out a sigh. 
"Miss [Name] had boarded the said ship last night—"
Cale could feel his body slowly losing its strength. "No—"
"Cale, listen—" Deruth says, trying to hold onto his son before he could drown. "Her death is confirmed by the surviving passengers and our remaining employees."
Cale stared at his father's eyes and for the first time in a while, he feels his eyes begin to burn. "No, impossible. We just — we talked last night, Father. She told me she'll be back soon."
"I-I'm sorry, son," Deruth breathed out, watching his son's eyes begin to glisten. He feels his chest begin tightening at the fact that his son is going to be experiencing grief as he had once before when he lost the love of his life.
"No, it doesn't make any sense," Cale denied. "Why was she even on the ship when it boarded in the first place? She told me it was just some minor miscommunication, I don't understand—"
"Young Master-nim."
Ron's stern voice cuts off Cale's rambling and the red-head stops. Ron nodded to Hans to take the pause his chance to continue his report. 
"They found her belongings and the hat she wore when boarding the ship. One of the crewmates had contact with her before she fell from the ship. They... couldn't find her body," Hans spoke slowly. "Her body most likely was pushed down to the bottom of the sea by the rubble of the ship like some of the other victims."
Cale could feel Deruth gripping his shoulder, offering some comfort as he listened to Hans but he is numb. Hans's voice became muffled and Cale felt like he was having an out-of-body experience, no longer able to feel any sensation and only looking out the window of his father's study.
Was this some sort of curse? 
When he loved, it was one more person to lose. Was he an omen of bad luck? How come anyone close to him would always be in danger?
Can't the world give him a break?
Cale regretted not convincing you to stay, to deal with the problem in the morning. Now he's here, listening to how the ship you were on broke into two and you were one of the many employees the duchy lost.
Why now? Why after such a beautiful day out? Was that the world being kind to him, to make his last memory of you running up the hill while smiling?
What a fucking joke.
It seemed so stupid that a person as strong as you died from a sinking ship. You did not fight your way through life just to die so in vain.
Everyone in the room stared at the Cale as he looked out the window. 
"How will I tell the kids?"
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Alver didn't hear of the news until late afternoon.
He finally had time to spare to have lunch after hours of sitting in the same spot, doing the same thing over and over again. Your letter to invite him to your picnic party was still in his drawer as it was only yesterday that the party was held.
His communication device beeped and when he accepted it, he was shown the head butler of the Henituse duchy's deadpan face.
"Good afternoon, Your Highness," he greeted, voice lacking any tone that would indicate his cynical nature, and right off the bat, Alver could see this was serious. "I apologize for contacting you like this but I called to tell you of the duchy's loss."
Alver sat up straight, tense. Choi Han hasn't entered the palace since the morning so he thought something must have happened. "Loss?"
"Due to the sinking accident that happened last night, the Henituse duchy unfortunately lost some of our best and loyal employees, including the assistant of our Young Master's, Miss [Name] [Last Name]."
Alver paled. "What? [Name]?"
Ron stared at the blond man with somber eyes. "Yes. She, along with 16 of our employees, died in the accident."
Alver opened his mouth, head procuring so many questions but none vocalized. He wanted to ask what had happened, how did you die, how can they be so sure, and how's Cale and the kids taking the information, but Ron immediately cut his train of thought.
"Due to this, members of the Henituse duchy will not be available for the time being as we mourn over our loss," Ron continued. "Please understand."
"I—" Alver stuttered. "It can't be, right? I mean, this is so sudden."
Alver felt played. There's no way you're actually gone, right? He had just begun getting close to you. He was starting to get on your good side and he wanted to see how far you and Cale were going to move forward when it was obvious that the two of you were in love with each other.
Ron stared at Alver for some time before showing a letter. "She left a letter for you, Your Highness. Please find the time to come over and fetch it in the duchy."
Usually, they could just send it to Alver in the palace. To tell a royal family member to fetch a letter was impudent, but Alver could see that Ron was indirectly asking him to come over and talk to Cale, that he perhaps could provide some comfort. Amidst all that, the fact that you left a letter for him struck Albert with confusion.
"I... will be visiting as soon as I could."
Ron nodded, slipping the letter into his coat.
"How are the kids?" Asked Alver. He couldn't imagine being the one to break the news to the young ones. "Have they gotten the news?"
"They will be the last ones to know."
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Cale stared at the three children on his bed, watching them sleep peacefully. His heart is torn between waking them up and telling them the news quickly or letting them savor the peaceful morning first.
Cale decided on the latter. He cleaned himself up and changed into comfortable clothes, walking out of the room as quietly as he could.
In the halls, the servants are running around, some are comforting others, while the others continue their jobs. Deruth had hired people to do a search for the bodies of the victims and to immediately provide money to pay for their funerals. Some men are brought to the duchy to handle the estimation of loss they had to deal with and compensate their customers due to the unforeseeable event.
His legs carried him to your room in his absentminded state and he saw that the door was slightly ajar. Pushing it a little, Cale's heart dropped when he saw that your room was lacking your touches, nearly similar to the room he had seen in the top whip test.
"What the..." He stepped inside, looking around the room with wide eyes.
He could feel his chest becoming so stuffy, hands slightly shaking when he saw the bare vanity desk, your homemade makeup nowhere to be seen. He reached for the drawers there and saw that you had left the accessories gifted to you by the Duchess, ones you wear when there's a formal event.
"No, no, no," Cale murmured, moving to the other side of the room.
Almost as if he was in a trance, Cale opened the wardrobe doors and pulled out the drawers. He sees the conventional dresses and such, but none were ones you frequently wear. The few pieces of paper you kept on your desk were missing and the bathroom chest where you keep your bath salts and essential oils was empty.
His nightmare was coming true; nothing of you was left.
Cale stopped in the middle of the room and rubbed his face, murmuring, "No, no... Don't be like this."
He looked around the bed, checking the crevices and feeling his breath quicken when he found nothing. He nearly flipped over the mattress as he searched for something, anything, and when he found none, he tore the duvets off.
'Fuck, fuck, don't be like this, [Name],' he thought, running a hand through his hair. 'Don't do me like this.'
He looked up when he heard the door creak. Ron stood there with a frown, looking around the empty room with something unfamiliar in his eyes.
"Where are her things?" Asked Cale. "Did she take them with her?"
Cale was frantic and jittery and Ron felt his chest heave with grief when he realized the weight of his next words. "They are donated, as per her request."
Cale stilled. "Her request?"
Ron took out a letter from the inner pocket of his coat, presenting it to Cale. "She left a letter for you, Young Master-nim."
Like a thirsty man being handed water, Cale snatched the letter from Ron's hand, his whole body slumping with emotion when he saw his name in your handwriting.
He tore open the letter as carefully as he could and took out the letter.
Dear Cale,
I'm sorry.
By the time you've read this, I'll already be long gone.
I'm sorry for leaving you all without any warning. I can assure you that it is done without any pressure from anyone. My leaving is my own will. It is a choice I made, one I have been waiting for years to finally do.
I've chosen myself. 
It has been a continuous struggle for me to constantly be ignorant of the question of what exactly my purpose is in this world. I feel like I don't belong here unless I'm given an explanation as to why I should stay.
It's also so hard for me to commit myself to this life — to you, your feelings, and mine as well — when it could be taken at any moment's notice. 
I am going to seek the answers I need and while I do not know how long it would last nor what might entail my journey, I do know that I must do it alone because if you were with me the whole journey, I'm afraid one look from you will have me abandon my priorities.
Please let me choose myself. Let me be selfish.
Donate the things I left behind. Do not hold onto it. It will only bring you pain. Remember to sleep well and eat healthily. Never change.
Please remember that I love you in every way I know how.
All my love,
Cale stroked the paper, noticing the circular dark spots on the paper and the smudged ink. He thought of you, sitting down on your desk and writing this letter to him in the middle of the night, tears dripping down your cheeks to the paper.
You were already planning to leave them all. It was just bad luck that you were immediately taken away from them the same night.
Cale doesn't know whether to be bitter or not. He knew his love wasn't going to be enough to convince you to stay — God, he wished it was enough, he wished he could have loved you more, maybe then you'll stay and be brave enough to commit to him — and he understands your feelings, but didn't you promise to not leave him without any warning? 
There's an urge to ball up the letter and throw it away out of the bitter feeling of being dejected, and heartbroken, but what else would there be left of you if he did that?
"Have you arranged to have [Name]'s belongings returned?" Asked Cale, still staring at your handwriting.
It is now one of your traces that he will cherish.
"Yes," Ron answered. "They are on their way."
Cale looked at the letter and began folding it. "Set up a meeting with Withira and Paseton. Tell them of the news and that we'll be needing their help locating [Name] and the others."
At the very least, he needs to get you back. He doesn't want to talk to an empty grave.
Ron nodded. "As you wish, Young Master."
"And call for the crewmate that had contact with [Name] before she died," Cale continued, settling himself on the side of your bed. He touches the covers, smelling the faint scent of your soap. "I'd like to talk to him personally."
"I'm afraid it'll be difficult," Ron replied. "The crewmate is currently hospitalized for a dislocated arm and other wounds. He had held onto Miss [Name] before she fell into the water."
Cale's stared at the floor. He doesn't know how to feel to know that you had held onto what you could to stay alive and eventually died. 
"Then set up a time so I can visit him," Cale said. 
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When Ohn woke up, the estate feels so eerily busy.
She heard the sniffles of servants outside of their door and the quick footsteps of several others. She turned to look at her siblings and saw that Raon was already up and was covering his ears with his paws, small whines escaping his mouth.
"Raon?" She calls with concern. "What's wrong?"
"Everyone is upset," the Black Dragon whimpered, stuffing his nose into Cale's side of the bed. "It's sad."
Hong eventually woke up from Raon's whining, leaning to the dragon to calm him down while Ohn is spinning her head to find out what to do next. She has a bad feeling beginning to grow in her gut but she just wanted someone to please tell her what's going on and it made her a bit disappointed in herself that she was not going to find out what the problem is like a grown-up but waiting for someone to explain it to her. 
Just in time, the bedroom door opened and showed Cale coming in. The kids immediately looked up at him, observing the way the red-head looked tired and walked with a low slouch as if he had been working all day. His eyes are slightly red but his face showed no signs of tears. He looks paler than usual when he placed the letter in his hand on the nightstand.
"You're all up," he said dryly. 
He noticed Raon covering his ears and lift the Dragon, arms slightly shaking as he takes a seat on the bed and placed the heavy Dragon on his lap. Hong leaned to Cale's side, still slightly sleepy while Ohn placed her two front paws on Cale's thigh.
"Ssh, everything's going to be alright," Cale cooed to the Dragon, caressing his scaly head gently. "Everything's going to be alright."
It felt like he was saying those words to himself.
Cale sat with them in silence, gathering the strength to break the news while he let the kids calm down. He tried to think of gentler ways to break the news, but how do you gently say that someone died to children? He knows that these children understood the meaning of death but he didn't think there would ever be a time for him to say that someone close to them had died.
Ron and Hans were sending out letters to the victims' families. Ron was directly contacting the others to know of your death and gave a formal request to retrieve the bodies while Cale had assigned himself to tell the kids about you before they could listen about it from about else.
In a way, Cale felt like he had failed one of his plans to become a slacker. He had wished for a peaceful, comfortable life with you all, you staying by his side and telling him about your day while he lays on his bed and the kids enjoying their days while never worrying about losing a home.
Now, you're no longer here.
"I need to tell you all something," Cale spoke up, budging Hong's head so the little kitten would wake up from his sleep. 
Hong blinked, pawing at his eyes and yawning. He looked up at Cale when he felt Cale scratch the back of his ear, enjoying the gesture with a purr. Raon finally looked up at him with curious eyes while Ohn frowned, feeling like this doesn't sound good.
"Last night, [Name] boarded a ship to handle some problems overseas," Cale began, not wanting to tell the kids that you were planning to leave them all without any warnings. He would explain it to them one day, not soon, but one day.
"I saw her last night," Ohn added, remembering the somber look in your eyes when you walked with Ron towards the carriage. "Is she back yet?"
Cale inhaled, trying to think of the next words to say. "The ship she boarded was hit by a storm last night."
Raon and Hong began to frown. Raon tilted his head, "Is [Name] okay?"
Cale pursed his lips into a thin line. 
"The ship sunk last night," he continued. "[Name] didn't make it."
Ohn felt her heart drop. Something had shifted in her world and her whole life was torn apart just by those words. She lost you? How could it be? She just saw you last night. You told her that kids in her she should sleep earlier.
You told her you'll be back soon, didn't you? You're supposed to come back, aren't you? 
Why the hell is Cale saying you didn't make it?
Ohn's throat burned and she let out a gasp for air, her throat constricting her from taking proper, even breaths.
She couldn't stop herself to let out a pained sob, immediately covering her face to Cale's thigh and crying into his pants. Hong buried his face to Cale's sides, sniffles muffled by his dress shirt and his small body trembling against Cale's.
"N-no!" Raon flew up from Cale's lap, eyes glossy and on the verge of tears. "[Name] is strong, very strong! She is also smart! She's still alive!"
Cale could not get angry at Raon's behavior because this was just a stage of grief he had to go through. He held Raon, pulling the dragon to his chest. "I'm sorry, Raon."
"No! She's still alive!" Raon screamed, big fat tears running down his scales as he hugged Cale. "[Name] is strong!"
"I'm sorry, Raon," Cale murmured, closing his eyes. "I get that you still want her to be alive — I do, too, I want her to be here with us, too, but she's gone."
"No—!" Ohn yelled, like a child throwing a tantrum. She was finally looking up at Cale, showing her furry face wet with her tears. "I want [Name] here!"
"I'm sorry."
"I want [Name]!"
Cale closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, she's not here anymore."
Ohn crawled to him, burrowing in his arms while he held them all, crying into his shirt. As he held the three crying children in his arms, Cale could only think of how he wished you were with him right now.
Now he'll never know which side of the bed you liked more. He'll never find out if you do the dishes while cooking, he'll never find out the taste of your cooking that's made only for him, and he'll never have a future where he can start and end the day with you by his side, and he would never have a future where he can share the same blanket with you on your bed together.
He'll never have a future with you. 
Everything he had with you is now only a memory. 
"I'm sorry," he murmured to the kids, feeling his eyes burning and head becoming light.
He hoped he could be a little more of an emotional comfort to the kids, to be the pillar they lean on when they feel like falling. He hoped he doesn't come across as cold towards your death like how other people thought of him when his hyungs died.
"I'm so sorry," he murmured, shutting his eyes and letting the weight of his kids ground him. "I'm so sorry."
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"She's dead?"
Beacrox and Choi Han stood in the kitchen, facing Ron with wide eyes. Beacrox let out a shaky breath and looked down, nearly spitting out that he doesn't believe it because he had just seen you a few hours ago, having been joking about being siblings and wishing you safe travels.
"[Name]? As in, our [Name]?" Choi Han asked with wide eyes.
"Yes," Ron answered, too overwhelmed to become irritated with the swordsman. "The Young Master-nim asked for a search squad for her body and the others."
"No, that's—that can't be, right?" Choi Han mumbled, letting out a nervous chuckle. "I just met her yesterday. I was helping her walk on the grass and she almost fell when the kids were chasing her."
"They haven't found her body so it isn't definite," Choi Han tried to be optimistic but he received a glare from Beacrox.
"The ship sunk in the middle of the ocean during a storm. You think she could survive in the water that long?" Beacrox questioned. "Save yourself the false hope."
"Aren't you too accepting of her death?" Choi Han challenged, frowning at the chef. "Shouldn't we trust that [Name] would be able to survive?"
Beacrox stabbed the kitchen knife he had in his hand into the cutting board. "You think this is my first time dealing with death? It's easier to think of them as dead than to hope for them to be alive. Stop being ridiculous."
Beacrox walked out of the kitchen through the back door and before Choi Han could call him out, Ron added; "It is better to lessen your expectations, Choi Han."
"But her body--!"
"Most likely pushed down to the sea floor by a part of the ship, like the others," Ron immediately cut off. "Again, it would be beneficial to lessen your expectations."
Ron walked out of the kitchen to leave Choi Han alone, but before he stepped out of the room, he spoke again, "Do not talk about your expectations with the kids. It'll make their grieving process more difficult. Save yourself the heartache."
The voice of the red-headed archmage made Ron step out of the kitchen and turned to her. He saw Rosalyn with Lock walking towards him, both of them pale with tear streaks on their faces. Followed behind them were Eruhaben and the saints of the God of Death and the Sun God. Choi Han stepped out as well after recognizing her voice.
Rosalyn waved a letter to Ron's face. "What kind of sick joke is this?"
She pushed the letter to his chest and spoke with venom laced in her voice. "I swear to God if this is--"
"It's not a joke."
Everyone stopped to turn to Cale who was standing in front of them all. He looks tired, his eyes red-rimmed, and clothes wrinkled and a few wet spots were seen.
Choi Han began opening his mouth, still insistent on you being alive, "But if it's from sinking, then she could have held on to a debris or—"
"She's not you, Choi Han."
Cale sounded tired when he shut down Choi Han's suggestion. Rosalyn, stubborn as always, tried to reason with Cale out of denial. "Young Master-nim, [Name] is a strong, smart person, so I'm sure—"
"She's human, Miss Rosalyn," Cale interjected. "She's not you, who has immense talent in magic. She's not like Lock who is a beast person, not Ron, not Eruhaben-nim, and certainly not Choi Han. She's just a human, and there is no way she could survive in the ocean during a storm after falling from a ship."
Rosalyn could feel that Cale had become exasperated with the insistence of others but she continued, "Why are you so accepting?"
Cale's brown eyes are almost emotionless when he replied, "What good is there to hope?"
Ron knows that Cale was coming across as very pessimistic to the others but he knew Cale was just protecting himself and the others from hoping too much. He sighed. "If Miss [Name] had simply gone missing, we would be able to hope. Unfortunately, we have a couple of witnesses that saw her fall down to the ocean."
"Witnesses?" Choi Han repeated. "We should immediately interrogate them to have them confirm what they saw."
Ron turned to look at Cale who glanced back at him, nodding silently. The older man nodded, bowing, "I'll prepare the carriage."
He knew that Raon would be too distraught to use his magic and Cale was letting the kids rest.
"No need," Rosalyn immediately cut off, clenching her fists. "Give me the coordinates to them."
"Eruhaben-nim, please stay and look after the children," Cale muttered. "They are not in their right state of mind to be out of their room."
Eruhaben approached Cale, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, the saints and I will stay here. And I'm sorry."
Cale nodded mutely. 
He doesn't think he can talk much for today.
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The last person to make contact with you was a 22-year-old ship crewmate named Klaus. He had sustained a dislocated arm from holding you up and a few scratches from wood splinters in both the palms of his feet and hands, as well as arms. 
Ron did not disclose this information to the rest of them when they visited the man in the hospital. Instead, he first let them meet with the ship's right hand, Kore, as the captain had died in the ocean.
"To be honest, we weren't sure what had caused the leak in the ship," admitted the woman, looking down at her lap. "There was suddenly a jolt from the ship's belly and when the crew looked on, a chunk of it was already off and water filled up the lower deck so quickly we couldn't do a proper assessment."
The thought of explosives being transported and being triggered in the middle of the ocean appeared in Cale's mind. The Henituse had many enemies so if this was done by an enemy to weaken them, it made sense. 
"Could it be magic or explosives?" Asked Rosalyn, voicing Cale's suspicions.
Kore shook her head. "No, Ma'am. No explosives were shipped with us and even if it was an explosion from magic, there was no fire. The jolt happened twice, once from the first time that caused the leak, and the second caused the ship to break in half because it felt like the ship was getting pulled down."
"It couldn't have been explosives if both happened underwater," Ron simplified. "Did you see Miss [Name] before all of this happened?"
"Yes," Kore answered. "She had been standing near the ship railing last I saw her. During the chaos, a crewmate of mine was the one who was with her the whole time before she fell to the water."
"What's his name?" Cale asked, making everyone turn to him. He had been quiet this whole time and to finally hear him talk made them relieved but also anxious.
"Klaus," answered Kore. "He's already awake, last I hear."
"Thank you," Cale said. "The duchy cannot replace the lives of the people you have lost, but we are capable of taking care of the expenses to lessen the burden on the families. I'm sorry for your loss."
Kore's brown eyes swelled with tears, nodding. "Thank you, Young Master-nim... and I'm sorry for your loss, too. Miss [Name] was a wonderful person."
Cale pursed his lips into a thin line. "Please get some rest."
Kore watched the red-headed hero turn around without another word, the heroes of the kingdom following behind him as they moved to the wing where Klaus was staying in. She saw how the grim faces of them all as they moved and couldn't help but think how lovely and lucky you must be to be so loved by these people.
When they found Klaus, he was sitting on his bed while staring at his hands, flexing them with a heavy frown on his face. He was sitting topless, showing off the ugly bruising on his shoulder and the odd contort of the bone there. He has bandages around his arms, several spots seeping with blood.
Ron's cold voice surprised the young man and he looked up, flabbergasted to see the faces of the kingdom's heroes.
"Y-Young Master Cale!" He greeted Cale first, bowing his head. "An honor to meet you!"
Cale waved his hand, pulling a chair beside Klaus' bed. "Don't move too much."
"O-okay," he murmured, glancing at Rosalyn, Choi Han, and Lock's faces. He averted his eyes to his lap and murmured, "I suppose you're all here to ask me about Miss [Name]?"
"Tell us about every interaction you have with her on that ship," Rosalyn commands. "To the last detail."
Klaus gulped, slowly looking up to look at them all. He made time to make eye contact with them all as he spoke, "When I was helping the passengers to board the emergency boats, Kore had ordered me to run back to fetch Miss [Name] because she was nowhere to be seen."
"I had seen her sleeping by the deck during the storm and remembered feeling bewildered because she was sleeping so deeply." Klaus remembered being very relieved when he arrived to you that moment and you had been awake. "I had grabbed onto her to lead her to a boat but the ship had jolted and broke in half. She had been standing on the other part of the ship and it fell down but I managed to grab her on time."
Klaus remembered the way fear covered your beautiful face, becoming so pale from the cold rain and fear of death. He remembers how you had absolutely refused to look down and kept your [e/c] eyes on him, so struck with fear that you barely said anything.
Klaus touched his dislocated shoulder. "I... I wasn't strong enough."
"You let her go?" Choi Han questioned with venom, frowning deeply. 
"I would never!" Klaus exclaimed. "I would never! I tried my best to hold on to her and she would have been saved, safe and sound had she held on to me."
Cale blinked owlishly. "What?"
"Don't you dare start blaming her just because you weren't strong enough," Rosalyn sneered, voice slightly cracking. "She would never—"
"Archmage-nim, with all due respect, I value Miss [Name] with my life," Klaus professed. "If it were up to me, I would have changed places with her because I know how much her life is worth more than mine. I was willing to lose my arm or even my life if it meant saving her."
He showed his hands and bandaged arm. "I let wood chips dig into my skin just so I can hold onto her longer."
Klaus held onto his shoulder with a pained look. "Miss [Name] wanted to hold on to me longer, but she saw me in pain and immediately let my hand go."
Rosalyn rubbed her temples, trying her very best to not let her eyes swell up with tears. She inhaled and then spoke again, "[Name] wouldn't do that. She wouldn't give up so easily."
Cale glanced around the room, remembering the scars on your arms up to your shoulders, the scars on your thighs, and thought about how maybe it was never directly stated but it was clear you still struggled with your mental health.
"[Name] suffered depression."
Everyone turned to Cale. The man was glancing at a spot on the wall, refusing to look at them all. "She felt like she never belonged here with us and that caused her to lose a sense of belonging here."
"That's—" Rosalyn gasped out a pained huff, sounding almost like a scoff. "That's ridiculous. W-we're a family. I mean, at least I thought we were... right?"
"She loved us in every way she knew how to," Cale muttered. "Not in the way we thought."
Rosalyn bit the inside of her cheeks, turning to Klaus. "Did you see her die?"
Klaus looked down, closing his eyes. "The ship had turned vertical when she fell to the ocean and I saw the splash her body created when it fell. If she didn't die from the impact, she would have died from the water filling her lungs as she'd be too weak after the impact to keep herself afloat."
Rosalyn felt her lips quiver. She could feel the painful burn in her eyes increasing every second and when she let out a sob, another one immediately followed without her consent. She covered her mouth to stop it, to not have the world see this weak side of her, but her knees grow weak supporting her weight and she drops to them, holding onto Klaus' bed.
"No, my sister—" She choked out, feeling Lock's warm body pressed up by her side, giving her a side hug. She could feel the sobs of Lock as he hug her. "No, [Name]—!"
The piercing scream that the Archmage let out as she kneeled on the floor made Klaus close his eyes, tears spilling from his eyes at the thought that he had been too weak. Seeing such a strong figure of the continent writhing on the floor, screaming for her sister, asking for you to come back over and over again was too much.
Choi Han let tears stream down his face, kneeling beside Rosalyn and Lock as they both cried for you.
"Choi Han, [Name]—" Rosalyn choked. "She's gone."
"She's gone!" Rosalyn repeated, in hysterics. Her hair is a mess, her cheeks face with tears, eyes red and face flushed red. "I can't see her again."
Choi Han held onto the woman, thinking about how you're now another loved one he had lost.
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