#cale misunderstandings
elvesandlanterns · 2 years
Cale Anti-Hero
It wasn’t often that Cale found himself alone. There was always ‘something’ happening so it was totally reasonable that he wanted to take advantage of his new found free time. They had settled on singing; it had use to be Cales favorite pass time with his mother, he had not sang in years and for Kim it had been even longer. ….. they really should had been more careful.
I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
Ron stopped short of the mansions entryway, Hans and the kids rushing in only to quite. They had all planned to come home earlier today. Had no one told Cale?
Ron huffed, what was this puppy saying? Cale had matured so fast in such a short time, too fast even.
Midnights become my afternoons
Raon chuckled it was just like his human to sleep the whole day away if he could! Good thing Lemon gramps was here to wake him up!
When my depression works the graveyard shift
The wolf children stopped smiling turning to look at Lock, “What does that mean!”, “What’s wrong?”, “Hyung Lock haven’t you been taking care of him!”. Lock stilled beside Beacrox, no no this couldn’t be happening how could their savior, the man who took them in be so unhappy?
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
What did that mean, Cale had never killed anyone if anyone was to be haunted by ghost it should be me though Choi Han. Listening in from a different room in the house, having taken an entrance through the window instead of the door like a reasonable man.
I should not be left to my own devices
Alberu seconded that! Cale never does know when to leave shit alone. He’s been surprised to have gotten a call from Cales children only to be welcomed with the sound of beautiful singing. But Alberus’ stomach began to twist he had a bad feeling just where this was going.
They come with prices and vices
I end up in crises
Rosalyn started next to Alberu ready to teleport at a moments notice! Cheeks puffing in anger, just who on Earth would go to Cale demanding money? And enough to put Cale in crises… maybe this was before from when Cale use to be a trash drunk ? The lyrics did say “vices” after all hhhmmm
Tale as old as time
I wake up screaming from dreaming
The dragon and cats looked at each other in confusion, Cale loved sleep they definitely would have noticed if he had nightmares!
Ron closed his eyes and sighed, oh those nightmares after the first Countess had died. Was he the only one that ever knew about those? Not that he was of much help, Cale was nothing like his own son he still didn’t know how to confront or comfort him at all,
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
'Cause you got tired of my scheming
For the last time
Positively Everyone froze, what? Did Cale think that they would all just abandon him?
Deruth began to cry, he didn’t want to see this anymore. Who had decided to share such a thing with them in the first place? It never would had been Cale. That child never aloud himself to be so vulnerable in front of his family. In front of him. What kind of a father had he been?
The Henituse family could here Deruth crying but no one had any words to console him. After all wasn’t this there fault? They had made Cale feel so unloved and unwanted in his own home that he now believed that no one would stay with him if give the chance.
It's me
I'm the problem, it's me
Cage was beginning to regret picking up the call from Cale kids right now. Taylor was utterly distraught and admittedly so was she. Cale was a good person! Their very own lucky charm!
At teatime
Everybody agrees
Basen felt ashamed. He remembered getting into verbal tirades with Cale the first few times his trashy behavior had started. He had told him to act better, for the family’s social reputation if nothing else! But just how many of those tea times included demeaning his brother as a part of the entertainment. And then he had just yelled at him and told him to go back to endure more. He was a horrible brother.
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
Pasetons face flushed a tad, he had considered Cale a bit vain actually. Not that he didn’t have a right to be! But did Cale perhaps not enjoy looking at himself? Did they perhaps have this in common?
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Antihero? But Cale was a hero! Sure he did unsavory things to reach his goals but.. but… did it perhaps bother Cale? He always did say he wanted a slacker life.
Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
And I'm a monster on the hill
If Violan had been less dignified or more hot tempered she would have thrown her teacup into the wall! Instead she rose from her seat to talk to her husband, no one no matter how noble was going to get away with making Cale feel uncomfortable in his own body! Violan smiled, no doubt Cales new body guard and vice captain Hilsmans knights would agree.
Too big to hang out
Slowly lurching toward your favorite city
On and Hong hissed! Yeah to save it!
Pierced through the heart but never killed
Something in Choi Han broke, Cales voice cracked as if he was crying. He never wanted to hear Cale cry, it hurt so much to not be able to do anything- he’d do anything.
Did you hear my covert narcissism
I might disguise as altruism
Like some kind of congressman
Alberu hummed at that, did Cale hate politics that much? What is this feeling ? Oh right guilt.
Tale as old as time
I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
And life will lose all its meaning
For the last time
It's me
I'm the problem, it's me (I'm the problem, it's me)
At teatime
Everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Choi Han decided to join everyone else at the parlor, he couldn’t take this alone anymore.
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money
She thinks I left them in the will
On and Hong were outraged! They would never love someone so despicable!
Meanwhile every adult was enraged! They would protect Cale and his little family - was that why Cale loved money?
The family gathers 'round and reads it
And then someone screams out
"He's laughing up at us from hell!"
Cage was bewildered why would Cale ever think he would go there? And didn’t Cale not believe in god?!?!
It's me
No one knew what to do after the song ended, everybody in person or on call was as tense as a bow string. There were no words to break the tension.
Cale was beginning to play the piano again, oh dear god now what??!?!
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dragonsbluee · 6 months
Every time Cale uses an ancient power and then gets confused when people react in worry I laugh and want to shake him because Cale, CALE YOU NEVER EXPLAIN WHY YOU'RE VOMITING BLOOD.
And here's the thing, vomitting blood, regardles of colour is a sign of serious internal problems, and you know what signs and symptoms you should definitely watch out for afterwards?
Dizziness, especially after standing.
Rapid, shallow breathing.
Or other signs of shock.
So everyone around him makes the very valid assumption the Cale using an ancient power = severe internal bleeding and then Cale goes and usually displays some symptoms of shock (I.E shaky limbs, dizziness, weakness in limbs) and just never explains that he's actually fine. Instead, he tries to get up and keep moving unless he's already fainted.
OF COURSE THEY'RE FREAKING OUT CALE! They think you need serious medical attention and you keep refusing to see a healer or a doctor! (Yes we know you don't want them figuring out how many powers you have and that they can't do anything anyways, but your friends don't!)
Since we don't see what the others are doing every time Cale falls into a coma as a response, I imagine that they're all frantic, trying to figure out what went wrong, how injured he is and how to get him the proper medical care. And then Cale wakes up and is just confused as to why they made it such a big deal.
Like Cale, please, for at least the first few times, they probably thought you were DYING.
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dyinggirldied · 24 days
My mind suddenly thinking, while Cale is mentally 36, his physical body is around 18-20 years old and everyone knows him as that age.
Like imagine if someone asks him what type of person he would consider dating, he just says, " At least 30 years old, good looking, is rich, etc." But everyone is stuck on the 30 years old part.
Then his family ask why at least 30 and Cale would be like "because it has to be for relationship to work." without elaborate.
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calethescammer · 10 months
What if Cale had a habit of wandering to high balconies or roof tops and just sitting there whenever he was stressed/sad?
See it this way: Kim Rok Soo had the habit of roaming around destroyed buildings and finding a high spot and just sitting there? Perhaps he liked seeing the horizon. Or maybe he wanted to see how far the destroyed area stretched to. Or maybe he thought of it as his responsibility to look out for anyone injured, who may still be looking for help. Either way, it brought him peace, some sort of serenity and quietness.
So anyways, as Cale, after the conflicts with White Star started, his habit involuntarily reappeared. He would frequently go on roof tops, sometimes a tall tree or just sit upon the balustrade of his balcony. His feet hanging, his heart quiet and his gaze fixated on nothingness.
And now imagine someone, maybe Raon or Ron, catching him sitting on the edge of the balcony with a blank face. Then the panic, the chaos, and maybe Cale lost his footing because of the startling shout, and he fell down before balancing himself mid-air thanks to the wind ap.
Now imagine him trying to explain that it was just on a whim, that he has no intentions of hurting himself, but the children keep on sobbing and his family hang their heads down with despairing eyes, and now Cale feels helpless.
And maybe he feels a pang of guilt, because sometimes, just sometimes, he had a fleeting thought, a nonsensical urge to jump off, not to hurt himself, like he hated pain more than anything, and of course, living was the best, but there was the curiosity to see how it would feel, first the amazement, then the numbness, and finally the quietness of his Records.
It's only a thought, he convinced himself. But that didn't stop his habit, the worrying gazes of his family and their watchful eyes on Cale, and the relentless explanations that would follow, with Cale always failing to convince them that he is fine.
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darksunabove · 2 months
I had a dream where, after killing WS, Cale went back to Rock Villa with all his allies worried about him because of...calebab. They didn't want him to go out of the villa since they were concerned about his health, and well, Cale wanted to slack, too. Then it happened the celebration of the end of the war, and Cale still wasn't leaving the Forest of Darkness! All of the heroes attended except him! Citizens started to gossip, wondering about Young Master Silver Shield (Is he fine? Is he sick??). People said that they saw all the heroes sad (Cale didn't want to come :(!). Then, Mary said, "Young Master Cale is resting well (slacking off at his villa)" so serious to some noble that dare to come close, some people thought that he was dead and all of the heroes tried to hide it!
(Alver ignored all of it since it was stupid and just a minority thought that)
None of the citizens knew exactly what had happened at the final battle, so when Clopeh showed the recording that he had about THAT moment, everyone became crazy! Did Young Master Silver Shield die of the loss of blood afterward when he went back to his territory?? Was he fighting for his life for days? That's why the heroes were so sad. Had they been with him all the time left??!
Maybe any hero wanted to say a thing because they were waiting for the right moment??!
(Cale was oblivious to the whole thing in the background)
Many of Cale's group tried to deny it, however they ended up being misunderstood someway? (How?? They learned from the best)
To put an end to this, Cale appeared to the world again...but now everyone was thinking that he was resuscitated, thanks to Clopeh.
After all, he saved the world! The gods definitely offered him a second chance; there was no other way he could survive a wound like that!
Alver was suffering for dealing with the whole mess that it brought while Cale didn't dare to not appear at an important event ever again (unlucky bastard). On the other hand, Clopeh used this as an opportunity to spread the legend and make a cult (caleism).
Right there I woke up.
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sweetsncandies · 9 days
Something I want to read (write even, if I had the motivation) would be a tcf identity fic with misunderstandings xD I've seen them all, even revisting the ones I've seen in 2022, and you know what would be funny?
What if KRS!Cale tells them he used to be younger than Og!Cale?? Keep in mind that he was 36 when he was transmigrated, and Og!Cale is 40. He would still be younger after transmigration.
However, the others do not know this. (Apart from the few that knows KRS!Cale's age, but even then, they would be confused as of how?? What exactly happened with Og!Cale for that to happen? I'm not sure, Its been a while since I've reread the novel) They think that Og!Cale is 18, so KRS!Cale MUST be younger.
By being unfazed by blood and the war, they think he must have a difficult childhood (true), most likely a child soldier with his war experience (false) And how he must've grown mature bc of trauma (true)
Then, the final bomb that would solidify everything.
"Children grow up too fast."
Either he says this out of the blue while looking at his children, or Lock remembers it and tells everyone, imagine all the misunderstandings it'll cause.
Plspls I need to read more identity reveal fics 🙏🙏🙏 someone pls write this 😭
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alien-slushie · 5 months
Hans: Uh sir, about the Young Master...
Deruth: What did Cale do now?
Hans: Um, he brought a strange man to the mansion last night.
Deruth, staring blankly as he misunderstands what he just heard: ...he what?!
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blueteller · 1 year
Hey, remember how Cale was constantly scared of Choi Han at the beginning, because of how in the TBOAH timeline he brutally beat OG Cale?
Now remember how Cale beat up the White Star with a rock, in the Test of Wrath in the Sealed God's Temple?
I think.... just as Cale influences other people to act just like him, Cale started emulating Choi Han (or at least, how he sees Choi Han) – in the moments of high stress I mean 😂😂😂
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zharaely · 7 months
I don't remember if it's been talked about before but I think there's this small misunderstanding where people assume Cale is just...shorter than most male characters in TCF? Which is technically true since he is the second shortest male character among the confirmed character heights, but still...He isn't as short as people think (NOTE: Cale is 177cm).
I'm assuming it's because of his physical age, but I feel like the personalities of characters also take part in it.
An example of it would be Eruhaben, a 1000 years old ancient dragon that's known to be incredibly powerful, wise, and elegant. Yeah, him. You'd expect him to be taller than a lot of the main cast due to his image. But he's only 1cm taller than Cale.
What about our commander's generous hyung-nim, our shining sun Crown Prince Alberu? He's also only 2cm taller than Cale. He's also 1cm taller than Eruhaben.
Even if you consider the protagonists of other stories, Cale is usually taller than them. Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) is 1cm shorter than Cale. Kim Gong-ja (SSS Class Suicide Hunter) and Han Yoojin (The S-Ranks That I Raised) are both 2cm shorter than Cale. There's not much height difference between them but all characters are (physically) older than Cale.
I can understand why there is a misunderstanding though. Cale has an image of being "physically weak, very thin and pale, always coughing up blood and fainting due to self-sacrificing tendencies, and is fussed over by overprotective strong people of almost every race in the world". Not even counting his physical age, his own image makes it hard to imagine him as some big/tall guy despite being a hero and commander. So imagining Cale as shorter than Eruhaben (self-declared father figure) and Alberu (self-declared hyung) just, makes sense???
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laughingherring · 2 years
Alberu, after Xiaolen: Please, please think about the consequences of your actions before you use abilities so strong it makes people think a divine intervention takes place Cale, in the Central Plains: does nothing. Sits still Literally every person he meets: This scrawny twink holds unimaginable power
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misakisakuya · 1 year
I am so done with people making Cale pregnant someone make Alberu pregnant for God's sake!!Give it a twist!
Just imagine all the family being protective of Alberu and he gets to rest!!!! He deserves rest tbh... just imagine Alberu suddenly faints while hd is working and no one gets suspicious because it happens every week but eruhaben insists on calling a doctor so they and then bam! Alberu's pregnant They are all shocked and guilty becuz the child could've been hurt and the rumor spreads that their Emperor is actually not the Emperor but the empress..
Then they try to solve as to who slept with Alberu. Alberu and one other finnaly confesses which was Cale. Then Aunty Tasha forbids Alberu from any homework unless completely and utterly necessary, then forces Cale to work as a consequence of not using protected sex.
Imagine Alberu pouting because he wants his hubby with him but he is busy and he can't control his emotions so he starts crying and ignores Cale because he just gets angry at him
But what can he do except make up to him with lots of sweets and kisses after all he needed to apologies for making his pregnant spouse upset
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he4d-banger · 2 years
Misunderstanding the vampire
y'all remember that time when Duke Fredo was introduced?
I do.
I remember been ready to burn his ass when he showed interest in our Young Master Silver Shield, like ...
Tumblr media
I was so traumatized by that point that I was ready to throw punches to whatever got near Cale. And the crazy bastard was presented as such a strong individual that I truly feared for Cale's fam.
And now? I freaking love him, he is so iconic and such a proud father. Usually I debate with myself if I want him to get some Cale's blood or not (since he insists in getting it out of his system) What do you think? I personally like to keep it as a secret and to the imagination.
In my mind he is Duke Fredo-nim, he earned my respect the moment he treated Cale the way he deserves, like a spoiled brat.
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calethescammer · 1 year
Headcanon that krs had a reflex of getting in a fight stance when he's surprised. So now, as Cale, he instead activates his ancient powers. Like if he's taking a nap and something startles him, he will subconsciously activate the shield (or maybe throw a rock).
Now imagine this scenario-
Cale was taking a short nap on the couch after a battle took place. Since he was exhausted, he didn't hear Ron, Alberu, Choi Han, Rosalyn and the children entering the tent.
Ignoring the time everyone took to look at the adorable young master's sleeping face, Ron went to wake him up.
And Cale, startled, raised up his right hand, moved further back on the couch, and activated the shield. He himself looked stunned at what he just did.
Then the realisation of horror came and he realised he had pushed Ron off by the shield. Ron just stood there dead in his tracks and his face devoid of any benign smile.
The others looked the same, even the kids had shocked and dull faces. Cale got scared and started apologising frantically to them.
"Cale-nim, was it a nightmare?" Choi Han asked solemnly.
"Huh? No, no it wasn't anything of the sort! It's just a reflex..." Troubled, he decided to just blame the ancient powers.
"Its just something the ancient powers do for sneak attacks."
'yeah, its not my fault'
Cale nodded internally, satisfied by his answer, unaware of the misunderstandings forming.
Now imagine the misunderstandings-
"The young master is so traumatised by the war that he didn't recognise his own friends!"
"The young master can't even sleep in peace! He's always on guard for sneak attacks, even amongst his family..."
"What a terrible fate for someone so kind...he can't even find some peace..."
Many shed tears at how exhausted their young master looked, and how his shoulders slumped down from the responsibilities he carried.
Meanwhile, Cale's shoulder were slumped because of a certain young dragon as he walked lazily across the corridor, unaware of the horrors he would face the coming days.
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Has anyone read "I'm not that kind of talent"? It's been in my Twitter feed passing by so I want to try it out, and the story was interesting. Some say he is Cale no.2, but in my opinion, personality and vibes wise he is not although you could say he is another victim of having an unrequited love for their wife(life). Slacker-nim and Retirement-nim are really playing hard to get, poor them.
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crow-talks-hockey · 10 months
looking through the kraken lb tag is so fucking funny at this point lmao
"what did we do to deserve this" TRY AND KILL LIKE HALF OF OUR PLAYERS?????????? also its so funny because apparently they hate cale, mikko, and toewser there rn like sorry babes they're just better than you <3
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caleism-1 · 2 years
"Who is the mother?"
"I am disappointed that you didn't tell us that you have a son."
'What the hell is happening?'
Cale knew he had forgotten something. Deruth just wanted to meet his grandson. Raon is there for the 'fwood' and Alberu feels that he will die laughing.
What happens when Raon turns into a human.
"Oh right! I forgot to tell you! Raon is a dragon."
Everybody: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
"You never told us that you have two more children"
"Are you talking about On and Hong?"
"Who else could I be talking— Wait. How…... How many children do you actually have? "
'I will not scream I will not scream' The henituse patriarch finally felt the burdens of being a poor father.
"I......have to count..."
Deruth: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
A continuation of "WHOSE CHILD IS THIS".
If you haven't read it yet, go read it, teehee!
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