#callie could pull so many girls no cap
mousepregnant · 2 years
calliope gets bitches, but shes a gentleman about it <3
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Can you do an Alex Karev imagine where you’re his best friend and you get into a car accident thanks
Alex Karev Imagine1514 WordsRequested By: Anonymous
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A drive. That’s all you said you were doing. To clear yourhead. Alex didn’t expect anything from it. He should. You’re his best friend.He’d do anything for you, and vice versa. You’re one of the girls he didn’tdrive away, besides Meredith and Cristina. You were there for him. You werethere for his rights and wrongs. You knew where you stood. He saw you take eachstep from the ground up with confidence, and understanding. There was no wayyou could’ve gotten into an accident, you’re too smart. You can swerve at theperfect time and land safely.
“Alex, you might wanna sit down.” He stared at Meredith inconfusion. There was no way. There was no way that was you. No.
“Mer, I just want the truth.”
“…It’s her.”
Alex started to shake. That was it. He would’ve let you slipright under him like that. He didn’t want to do that. He didn’t want you to getaway. He hasn’t told you he loves you yet.
“I-It can’t be right? You saw her, right? …You saw her. Shewas mangled! That can’t be (Y/n), that can’t be my (Y/n)!” Tears formed. Hecouldn’t help but just worry. You were his (Y/n). He was your Alex. No onecould replace either of you.
“Alex, they’re working on her. We have to wait.”
“…Where’s Cristina?”
“They’re working on her.”
You were critical. You were in danger. Alex wasn’t there toprotect you in time. He was stuck. He was at fault. Cristina, Owen, and Teddywalked out. He stood. Meredith looked between him and Cristina.
“Where’s her family,” Teddy asked.
“We’re all she has,” Meredith murmured. “How is she?”
“She’s still critical. We’re gonna have to watch her. She’sbeen hit with a train wreck like that,” Owen sighed.
Cristina stepped forward. “Before you go off to her Alex…She’s in pain. If she wakes up, remind her she’ll be fine. We’re all here, andshe’ll be fine.”
Alex breathed. It took him a while. He didn’t know how towhen they spoke. Meredith rubbed his back softly.
“What room is she in,” She asked.
“Follow me.”
Cristina led the two of them off, leaving Owen and Teddythere.
“Her look will hurt them,” Teddy shook her head.
“They have to see it. They have a way to interoperate it,”Owen muttered.
Alex stood outside your ICU door as Meredith looked insidefor him.
“What does she look like,” He whispered.
“Damaged,” She murmured.
Cristina sighed. “We did our best. She’ll be in pain.”
“You’ve said that,” Alex looked at her.
“Yeah, I’m stressing it. I almost shook staring at her onthe table like that.”
“(Y/n)… She’s strong. She can get through this,” Meredithnodded.
“We almost lost her twice. Maybe she was trying to let goand we wouldn’t let her.”
Alex turned the corner. You were connected to tubes andmachines, just to help you function.
He opened the door and slipped in. He pulled up a chair nextto your bed, resting his head by your hand.
“Let’s leave him for a few hours,” Meredith whispered.
“He has surgery.”
“This is family.”
“…Yeah, you’re right… This IS family.”
“Wake up,” Alex whispered.
It was days. In and out, Alex didn’t mind doing smallthings, as long as he was near you. Bailey swerved her hips up to him andplaced a hand on her hip.
“Yes Dr. Bailey?”
“Robbins has told me you’ve declined your 5th surgery in arow.”
“I did.”
“You’re not going to be a doctor if you keep moping aroundwhile she recovers.”
“She’ll wake up.”
“She’ll wake up to a boring man.”
“I want to see her.”
“You will. Get ready for surgery. I’ll have someone keep aneye on her. You have to tell her a story for when she wakes up.”
Alex looked up at her. “Why?”
“Knowing (L/n), she likes a good story.”
Alex took a deep breath. He looked down before getting up.
“Alright. Page me for any changes?”
“Sure.” She wasn’t going to. She was going to wait.
Alex stood in surgery with a happy Arizona as she bounced inplace.
“I’m glad you got to join us Dr. Karev.”
“Glad to be here.”
“How is she?”
“Yeah! I heard she’s getting better from Callie.”
“She is. She’s breathing on her own, but still hasn’t wokenup.”
“She’ll wake up.”
“I hope she does.”
Your eyes fluttered open as you turned your head. You feltsore, and in pain. Both combined made it extremely uncomfortable. You hit thenurse button as you looked up. Bailey walked past your room and looked throughthe window. You were in a box. You could tell. She opened the door and smiled.
“You gave everyone a scare,” She giggled, sliding the doorclosed behind her.
“I did,” You asked, voice coming out hoarse.
“Yeah. Karev wouldn’t move from this area until I made him.He’s in surgery, so I’ll wait to tell him you’re awake until after.”
“Oh… Was everyone worried?”
“You came damaged, yes, but you’re fine now.”
“I’m sore, and in pain.”
“Comes with many incisions.”
“I know, but I’ve never felt this bad before.”
“It’s a surprise to us all.”
“Yeah…” You looked down and sighed. This was a new feeling.You didn’t like this, not one bit.
“Don’t move. We’ll have a nurse come in to do an exam andwe’ll move from there.”
“Yes ma’am.” You nodded your head.
When Bailey left, you were looking out the window. Time feltslow to you. You were not doing anything, and time felt slow… to you.
Alex took off his scrub cap and yawned. He checked hiswatch.
“You’ve been looking down at your watch a lot,” Arizonapointed out.
“I’m wondering about (Y/n). I haven’t gotten a page abouther.”
“Maybe there’s nothing to worry about.”
“That bothers me.”
“You’ve been quite full of angst.”
“Yeah, I’m jumpy. When your best friend almost dies on you,it tends to go that way in life.”
Arizona giggled. “You care a lot for her.”
“More than anything. She’s one of the girls who isn’tcrazy.”
“Well, do my post ops. Then you can go see her.���
She held out a chart to him.
“Mhm, sure.”
He grabbed the chart and walked away.
You yawned, growing sleepy as time progressed. You weregetting hungry too.
You looked up. Meredith stepped into your room with a smilewith Cristina, then shut the door behind her.
“Hi,” You murmured.
She wrapped her arms softly around you and placed her headon top of yours.
“Where’s Alex?”
“He’s doing post ops. We finally got him to do some work.”
“Yeah, he’s been stuck around in your room for however long.We were just waiting for you to wake up.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
“You hungry,” Cristina asked.
“Yeah. Anything will do.”
“Sweet, dessert cups for all of us. I’ll grab Evil Spawnwhile I’m at it.”
Cristina exited.
“Bailey said she wasn’t going to page him because he has tofocus on work.”
“Yeah, he’s been away from it for a long time.”
You nodded.
“Hey, Alex!”
Alex looked up and saw Cristina carrying pudding cups.
“Where are you going? Do go on break and eat again,” Heasked.
“For the record, (Y/n) is awake and she asked for food.”
“S…She’s awake?”
“You didn’t know?”
“Then surprise. She’s been awake. Bailey said she’s been upsince 1. So, brain function is fine since she’s lasted for 6 hours.”
Alex followed her up to your room. She opened the door.
“Alex is a chicken and won’t come in,” She muttered.
“Well- We’re leaving!! Let’s go, we have the E.R.”
“Meredith, I just grabbed these.”
“Let’s eat on the way!”
Meredith rushed Cristina out.
“What the hell,” Cristina groaned.
“You’ll see,” Meredith smirked.
Alex looked through the door. You reached to the pudding cupand opened it slowly. You sighed.
“So…Hey,” He walked in.
You looked up. “Hi…”
You looked so fragile to him.
“How do you feel?”
“In pain.”
Of course, He thought.
“Alex…You haven’t been working?”
“It’s not every day your best friend gets in an accident.”
“You did get shot.”
“You almost died.”
“You almost died worse than I did.”
“I thought you were going to die, and leave me… No one canreplace you. You can’t be replaced. If I lost you, I lost a part of myself.”
“(Y/n), I didn’t want to work in chances that somethingcould have happened to you.”
“Alex… Listen… I’m… I’m alright now… I just need to recover,but… I don’t want to drag you down-.”
“You’ll never do that. You’ll never drag me down. You’re theone that lifts me up… I love you… If you don’t realize that, then I LOVE YOU.”
You stared at him.
“Say something so I won’t regret it.”
“Regret what? That you love me? That you feel the same wayas I have since Izzie left you.”
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gillmenoww · 7 years
Again, definitely posted this before. But oh my god. Imagine.
It's indescribable. The fear in the pit of her stomach she'd felt all evening. Something telling her that something was desperately wrong. And no matter how many hours she'd spent trying to work out exactly what it was, she'd been left in the dark. Completely unable to settle the nervous feeling and wondering why the hell she constantly wanted to throw up. And why her hands seemed to ache to touch her wife.
She just, she wanted to see her. To find her, to run her fingers through her blonde hair and gently run a finger down a dimpled cheek. She wanted to run her hands along the body she had come to know better than her own and find a comforting familiarity in soft pink lips pressed against her own.
It's not that it was unusual for her to miss Arizona. Callie had often found herself quite literally craving the closeness of her wife and it was something that warmed her heart when she'd learned Arizona was just the same. Tonight though, something was off. Just plain wrong. The need to see her, to hear her voice and just touch some part of the other woman to ground herself, it was near unbearable.
And that's why she found herself on the peds ward, eyes scouting for something, someone, her Arizona.
Callie quickly turns on her heels and lets out a deep breath, closing the short distance between them and wrapping her arms around her wife.
"I've calmed down now Callie, you didn't have to come check on me." Arizona mimicked her though, fingers gripping at the back of her wife's scrub coat and telling Callie everything she needed to know.
"I know, I do know. I just needed to see you. I'll miss you tonight." Damn Boise. And damn Karev. Damn him to hell.
Arizona's smile was futile but she offered one anyway, fingers gently tucking brown hair behind an ear, "I'll miss you too, Calliope. Kiss Sof' for me."
Nodding, Callie kisses her forehead, lingering for as long as she can, "I love you."
"I love you, too"
She thought that would be enough, she really did. But scrubbing in for her next surgery and still everything just felt wrong. And finally, the word formed in her mind and settled in her chest and she understood. It was dread. All evening, even after finding Arizona, she'd been filled with dread. By whatever she was dreading, how could she stop it when she has no idea what it was?
Callie pulls her scrub cap from her hair and throws it to the floor, groaning in frustration. She can feel unwanted tears sitting on her lashes and she just wishes she could understand what her body was trying to tell her.
Fingers fumbling around, she quickly pulls out her pager and finds someone to take over, unable to take someone's life in her hands while feeling so unstable. While feeling like the world is going to crumble around her she'll be all that remains.
"Left leg amputation, the patient is a 36 year old female, brought in after a car crash." She nods at the surgeon before pushing hard on the door, walking out and taking in as much air as possible.
It's not enough. Nothing seems to be enough. She checks her watch and groans, a stream of words she'd never say in front of Sofia leaving her lips.
Before she can think about it, her feet are moving of their own accord. She barley knows where they're taking her but she knows where she'll end up. The same place she always ends up.
"Arizona! Arizona wait." She pushes through the crowd of surgeons, her friends, her family, about to head off for a life changing surgery.
"Please don't go."
Eyebrows furrow in confusion and Arizona sighs quietly, "what? Callie it's one night-"
"I know. I know that, I do. And I know you're angry and pissed at Karev and you want to punish him or whatever and I actually get that, I do." Callie grabs her wife's hand and pulls her closer, using her other hand to hold Arizona's chin so their eyes meet in some bid to share whatever it is that's going on with her, "I just need you not to go. I don't know why, I can't explain it but something's wrong, Arizona. Something's wrong and I want you to stay with me, I need you to stay with me and with Sofia. Please. Don't get on that plane."
Arizona watches her wife, the anxiety obvious in her wide, tearful brown eyes. She doesn't understand what's happening but honestly, she's absolutely exhausted. She's hurting, she's miserable and she's exhausted. She's good at running. She's run all her life. She's even run from Callie. But now? Running doesn't seem like such a good idea. Not when she could go home with her wife and daughter and just... just be. Just breath and just be.
"Karev!" The young surgeon is just leaving the hospital, making his way to his car and he frowns, not in the mood for another lecture, "screw up this surgery and I swear you'll never work in this hospital or any other til the day I die," she shoves the folders in his arms without another word and slips her hand into her wife's. They need to pick up their daughter and go home.
And that's what they do.
Callie shudders and fights off another wave of tears. She doesn't know how to breathe, what to think, what to feel. Because yesterday had been something she knew she'd treasure forever. Waking up in the post love making glow with her still naked wife, so wrapped up on each other, skin clammy and sweaty and pressed together in the most intimate of ways. Arizona had opened up to her in ways she never really had before and somehow she loved her even more. She would forever be grateful that she had stayed when she'd ask. Phoning in sick from work and spending the day with her two girls had been the icing on the cake. Until the phone call.
And then dread had turned to realisation.
Because Arizona's plane had fallen from the sky and now they were lost. Lost presumed dead.
But Arizona wasn't on it. Because she had been sitting across from her at the table, too caught up in feeding their daughter to even notice Callie's face fall. She was making aeroplane noises and grinning widely at her baby's smiles and oh god, it was almost too ironic.
When Callie had put the phone down, she'd pulled Arizona up from her seat and clutched her checks and ran her hands through her hair and almost collapsed against her as she'd tried to take in every ounce of her wife.
"You're here," she had whispered, "oh my god, you're here. You're okay. You're safe. I love you, I love you so much. Your plane fell out of the sky but you're here. You're okay."
And now, the blonde sleeps beside her, as equally naked as she had been last night. Both had felt the need, through tears and declarations of love and need and want, to just feel. And so they'd felt.
Tomorrow, tomorrow they'd talk about the guilt and the fear and utter disbelief. Tomorrow, they would talk. But now?
Callie rolled over gently, an arm wrapping around Arizona and pulling her against her front, nose nestling into the back of her neck.
Because she is here and she is okay. And that is so much more than enough.
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chyteawrites · 7 years
With Arms Wide Open-Don’t Forget to Remember Me
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Summary: It’s been three months and it’s time for the kids to leave until the court date. 
A/N: If y’all knew how many tears went into this story. It’s a lot if emotions and I simply can’t. 
This was going to be one of the hardest days of my life. Worse than the day I found out I couldn’t give birth to any children. I looked at Sebastian with tear filled eyes as we got dressed silently, knowing the other didn’t get any sleep the night before. We walked down the stairs to find the kids sitting on the couch, their bags by the door. My heart felt like it was being ripped to shreds.
“Why do we have to?” Aiden asked, tears streaming down that still fresh face.
“You know why, buddy. I know it’s hard.” Sebastian answered, sitting behind Genevieve to braid her hair.
“I don’t want to. I want to stay with you!” My boy cried and ran into my arms. To hold him while he cried like this smashed my soul.
“Sshh, darlin’. We’ll be together soon. Promise.” I whispered through tears.
“O să-mi fie dor de tine, tătic.” I’m going to miss you, dad. I heard my daughter whimper as Sebastian finished he braid. She turned to look at him, trying to hold her head high and keep her tears back.
“I’m going to miss you too, raza de soare.” My husband murmured and pulled her close. That’s what caused her tears to fall. “You’re so precious to me. My sunshine.” He rocked her as they cried, their bodies shaking with emotion.
I picked Aiden up and walked over to the couch where Genevieve and Sebastian were sitting and sat down, holding my son close. This would be the last time we would be together as a family for a while, so I needed to make the best of it.
“I have an idea.” I said quietly through my tears. “Let’s all say what our favorite memories were from the past 3 months.” I suggested, using that fake smile I was all too good at from work.
“I’ll go first, I guess.” Evie muttered, wiping her tears away gently. “I guess my favorite memory was when you took us to the zoo, Dad.” My daughter chuckled as she looked at Sebastian the way I always looked at my dad. Eyes full of love and a smile that only he should get to see.
“And where was I during this?” I asked with a smile and a cocked eyebrow.
“You were at your work conference…thing.” She smirked and looked at me.
“I remember that. You had me sing ‘If You Leave’ a million and a half times!” Sebastian laughed and hugged her tight.
“I think mine was the day we had the picnic at the park with Callie and Bo. Before school started?” Aiden looked from me to Sebastian and smiled.
“I remember that. You ended up getting bitten by some sorta bug. I had to run to the store three times for calamine lotion.” Seb chuckled
“I felt so bad it too. I hated seeing you all scratched up.” I murmured as I started to pet his hair.
“At least now we know I shouldn’t be allowed to do stuff like run through the woods.” My son chuckled and flashed that heart stopping smile. “What was your favorite, Dad?” Aiden asked, looking to Sebastian with bright hazel eyes. Eyes that could hold your heart and never let go.
“Hmm. There’s so many to choose from.” My husband pondered. “I think mine is either my birthday or the day I came home and I’d been having a really crappy couple of days. You guys had my favorite pizza and a movie. And your mommma gave me that smile I strive to see every day.” Seb chuckled as he looked to me before taking the kids into his arms and hugged them tight. I had to fight the tears again as I watched how close they had become in just ninety days. Like they had always known each other.
“What about you, regina mea?” Sebastian’s voice pulled me out of my bubble of self-pity. I looked up at him and smiled weakly, willing myself to stay strong for them.
“Umm. It was probably the first night. Having those chairs at our table finally filled with people who felt like they belonged there. Hearing more about how you grew up before you came here. It made me love you guys more than I thought I could ever love anyone but you, Sebastian. It made me feel joy for the first time this year.” I hiccupped and started sobbing, burying my face in my hands. I felt three pairs of arms wrap around my shivering body, the people attached whispering soft assurances.
“I’m sorry. I know I should…” I heaved before a knock on the door interrupted my train of thought. “No. No no no no no.” I whispered as Sebastian disappeared to open the door. He came back around the corner with Lillian following close behind.
“Hello.” She whispered with a weak smile. “Genevieve. Aiden. It’s time.” She said with a little more volume, careful to avoid my gaze.
“One more minute.” Genevieve stated boldly before kneeling in front of me, her hands grabbing my face gently.
“Listen to me, mom. I’ll never forget you. And you can’t forget me.” She whispered and pressed her forehead to mine. “I’ll be back with you. Any way I have to.” She told me with a wry smile before wrapping her arms around my neck.
“I love you, my beautiful girl.” I whimpered.
“I love you too, mom. So much.” She cried, her tears soaking the shoulder of my shirt.
“You be like Cap for your brother. Be his Leia. Promise me.” I told her and looked into those eyes. They held my entire world.
“Promise.” She said quietly before running into Sebastian’s arms. Aiden gave me a long hug and kissed before running out the door, sobbing.
I watched as Genevieve rushed past Lillian to chase after her brother. I watched as Sebastian talked to our case worker. She’d been with us through the entire journey. And in this moment, I couldn’t have hated anyone more than I hated her.
“Corinne, I know…” She started softly before I help my finger up to stop her.
“You need to get out. Please.” I whispered weakly, pointing to the door.
“C’mon, Lil. She needs some time.” Sebastian said as he lead her out, grabbing the kids bags. Once I knew they were far enough out the door, I ran upstairs, stopping in front of Genevieve’s room. I froze there and started violently sobbing, my body falling to the floor. I was so lost in my tears that I didn’t hear Sebastian come sit down next to me. I crawled into his lap and bawled, taking little comfort in his presence.
“Why…did…” I hiccupped and hugged him tight.
“I know, my love.” He whispered and stood up, closing Genevieve’s bedroom door before going to close Aiden’s.
“Just hold me, Sebastian.” I cried and help him tight.
“Of course, regina mea.” He whispered and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me bridal style into our room before sitting me on our bed.
“C’mere.” Sebastian cooed as I crawled in his lap. “I got ya, baby girl.” He purred, rubbing my back and rocking me as I continued to cry, my heart feeling like it was being ripped to a million pieces.
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itsworn · 7 years
How Craig Calmes Built his 9-Second Street Car
Many enthusiasts found their way into the car hobby via an older sibling and Texan Craig Calmes is no exception. His five older sisters weren’t obsessed with cool cars, but some had boyfriends who were. Sister Linda’s boyfriend bought a new Corvette in 1966 and that certainly impressed the lad, but even more memorable was what sister Cheryl’s boyfriend (now husband) Ronnie drove. “Ronnie had a tri-power big block Chevy-powered ’35 Ford coupe and that really caught my attention when I was a little fella,” Calmes remembers. “I could hear him coming before I could see him and I’d get very excited when I heard the roar of his exhaust. Ronnie later bought a ‘57 Chevy and then a ’68 Firebird. I loved the Firebird, and that’s probably why I have three of them now.”
Calmes learned to drive when he was only nine years old and his father permitted him to wheel the family car around the building housing his plumbing shop. “I think he allowed my brother and I to do that to get us out of his hair when he had a lot of work to do! We never hit anything, but we always managed to flip over the tool boxes he kept in the trunk!”
Calmes’ first car was a 1967 Firebird he bought in 1974. It was a nice car but nothing special and aside from adding mag wheels and a few other aftermarket parts he left it stock. In 1976 he bought a new Camaro and in 1979 he got his first fast car, a brand new Z/28. “The Z/28 was quick, and it was black on black, which is what I really wanted. The 1976 Camaro was black outside but it had a white interior. I initially disliked the white interior but it quickly became apparent that girls loved it, so I grew to appreciate it too!”
After getting married Calmes traded the Z/28 in on a 1981 Pontiac Grand Prix. “Along came children and I thought we should have more of a family car. My wife is still mad at me for trading in the fun Camaro for a car that wasn’t fun at all!” With the children came added responsibilities, and for the next thirty-odd years Calmes and his wife focused on raising their three daughters and building up their business.
In 2012, with his daughters grown up and business cruising along, Calmes decided to get back into cars. He started with a bone stock, very original 1968 Firebird that he turned into a 10-second street/strip car. While still building the 1968 he bought a pro touring, LS1-powered 1967 Firebird.
“With the two Firebirds already in the garage I thought it would be neat to find a nice 1969 [Firebird]. I was looking for something that was ridiculously fast but still streetable. Then, in March 2013, while looking at online listings, a supercharged 2010 Camaro SS that ran in the high-9s caught my eye.”
Calmes rang up his buddy Kevin Torres and asked him to evaluate the Camaro. It was built at Redline Motorsports in Pompano Beach, and after speaking with Redline owner Howard Tanner, having Tanner perform a leak-down test on the engine that confirmed it was healthy, and speaking with the car’s owner, Torres recommended that Calmes try to buy it.
“I made a deal for the car and its trailer with Stephen Vigoa, the owner, and we met in Crestview, Florida, which is about half way between Miami, where he was, and Houston, where I live. When we met it was clear that the Vigoa family had an emotional attachment to the Camaro, which they called ‘Big Red’, so I promised I would take good care of it, and would keep them up to date on what I was doing with it.”
Upon arrival in Houston a few of Calmes’ friends were waiting to see the new acquisition. Among them was Torres, and Calmes invited him to take the Camaro for its first drive. “After coming back from a spirited drive,” recalls Calmes, “Kevin pulled me aside and said, ‘this car is no punk, so be careful letting your friends drive it’. I took his advice and had him give everyone else a ride. After they all rode in it they understood what he was talking about because the car would smoke the tires from a rolling start without breaking a sweat, straight off the trailer from Miami! His description of the car stuck, and to this day we all call it No Punk!”
The following weekend Calmes and his buddies took No Punk to Royal Purple Raceway in Baytown, and Torres immediately clicked off a run of 9.98-seconds @137 mph. A short time later, after adjusting tire pressure, changing spark plugs, and adding PolyDyn TX7 Engine Treatment to the oil, Torres managed to get his time down to 9.83-seconds @ 138.5 mph.
“At the time, that was the record for the quickest 5th Generation Camaro on 93 Octane Pump Gas,” explains Calmes. “I should have stopped right there, but naturally I wanted more power. I decided to send No Punk back to Redline Motorsports to perform a full C85 fuel conversion, which consisted of beefed up fuel lines, new fuel pumps, new fuel injectors and a new dyno tune.
It went from 736 horsepower and 658 lb-ft of torque on 93-octane to 843 horsepower and 815 lb-ft at the wheels of on C85.”
To clarify, C85 is VP Racing Fuel’s version of E85 gasoline. Many top tuners find it difficult to tune a car to run on E85 out of the pump because the actual ratio of enthanol to gasoline varies too greatly. With a fuel like C85, at least you know the mix ratio of fuel is correct.
When Calmes got the car back and brought it to the track, he discovered that the chassis couldn’t handle the extra power. “We could not get it to hook-up and cut a decent 60-foot time as it did previously, with less power. The best ET and trap speed of the day was 9.86 and 144.1 mph, with a soft 1.673, 60-foot time, compared to a best 60-foot time on pump gas of 1.427.”
Calmes sent the car back to Redline for suspension changes, and while it was there he decided to completely upgrade the engine as well. Out came the Whipple-supercharged 416 and in went a seriously built-up 427 LSX sporting twin T4 PTE 6466 turbos.
The new engine demanded dramatic improvements to the drive train, so an ATI TH400 Outlaw Series replaced the 4L80E, and a complete Driveshaft Shop 9-inch rear end assembly took the place of the stock axle. The transmission proved incapable of withstanding the forces the potent engine and heavy car combined, so ATI developed a new, stronger TH400 they call Fuel Comp, and that has been very durable in the car.
Calmes told Redline’s Howard Tanner not to send No Punk back to Texas until he confirmed it could turn sub-nine second quarters, and after Tanner ran 8.98-seconds at 160 mph, it went home. No Punk duplicated the sub-nine second time at Royal Purple Raceway, but analysis of 60-foot times confirmed that it was still having trouble hooking up.
Calmes consulted with racer Jeremy Martorella, who suggested a number of changes, including removal of a sway bar and altering the engine’s boost curve. After this work was done by Jay Healy at KraftWorks, in Boca Raton, Florida, Martorella took the car to Palm Beach International Raceway and in his first pass, on a less-than-ideal track surface, turned an 8.46-second quarter @ 165 mph with a 1.41 60-foot time. “I was extremely happy and seeing that the driver had to peddle it a bit, I knew it could run even quicker,” remembers Calmes. And this time is even more impressive considering the fact that this is still a full weight, full interior street car with working a/c, power steering and a lot of added weight from safety equipment.”
As you likely realize by now, Calmes can’t sit still for very long and is constantly thinking about going faster. To that end, he’s in the midst of yet another round of serious upgrades to No Punk with help from Redline Motorsports, Lorenz at LSX Power Tuning in Brenham, Texas, and Nickens Brothers Racing Engines in Conroe, Texas, which is going through the entire engine.
Simultaneously, the car’s transmission and rear end are getting freshened up, all new wiring and a Holley computer are being installed, and the body is being cleaned up and repainted. When completed, these enhancements will undoubtedly make Calmes’ blisteringly fast Camaro even faster, which is to say even further away from being a punk than it has ever been!
Tech Notes
Who: Craig Calmes What: 2010 Camaro Where: Houston, TX
Body and Paint: The body is stock and still wore its original paint when we photographed it, but is presently getting repainted.
Chassis: The chassis is stock but stiffened considerably by virtue of a Tig Vision Race Fabrications ten-point 4130 chromoly roll cage.
Suspension: Most of the factory suspension is retained, but traction is enhanced and weight is reduced courtesy of an Xtreme Innovations direct bolt-in 4130 chromoly front cradle. Traction is further helped by AFCO Racing and Performance “Big Gun” shocks that have been custom valved and BMR anti-sway bars front and rear.
Steering: The stock Chevrolet steering system is retained.
Brakes: Stock Chevrolet four-wheel disc brakes handle stopping chores.
Wheels and Tires: The car wears Weld RTS wheels sized at 15×10-inches in the rear and 17×6-inches in front. P275/60R15 Mickey Thompson ET Street Radial Pro tires fill up the rear wheel wells while Mickey Thompson Sportsman S/R radials sized at 28X6.00R17LT keep the front rolling.
Engine: When photographed, the car was powered by a 429 built around a Chevrolet Performance LSX block stuffed full of top shelf parts to help it live while making huge power. At the bottom end, a Callies Dragon Slayer 4-inch stroke crank anchors Callies Ultra I-Beam 6.125-inch rods. Both main and rod bearings are Calico coated. Diamond pistons with coated domes and moly skirts fill the 4.130-inch bores swing on the rods via Trend Performance H927 pins. Mast Motorsports 285cc CNC 6-bolt LS3 cylinder heads were assembled with titanium intake and Inconel exhaust valves. A 234/252 115+1 grind from Comp Cams is spun by a Cloyes billet adjustable timing setup. ARP studs anchor both the cylinder heads and main bearing caps. Injector Dynamics ID 1300X injectors, featuring all stainless internals, are fed fuel via three high-output pumps that are part of a custom system developed by Redline Motorsports and Fore Innovations. Induction is handled by a FAST 102mm intake with Nick Williams 102mm throttle body and boost is delivered by twin Precision Turbo & Engine 6466 ball bearing turbos coupled with a T4 mounting system. Lubrication is taken care of by a Melling oil pump inside a Moroso aluminum oil pan, a TuboWerx scavenge pump, and a 3-quart Accusump system.
Transmission: For maximum acceleration in a durable package, Calmes relies on an ATI Performance Products Fuel Comp Turbo-400 transmission. This specific model was actually developed specifically for Calmes’ Camaro because in early testing it kept chewing up transmission parts. Super strong internals, including shafts made from 300M alloy steel, make the Fuel Comp Turbo-400 well suited for heavy cars with massive amounts of torque.
Rear End: The Camaro’s stock rear end gave way to a 9” differential from The Driveshaft Shop. It’s fitted with 3.42:1 gears that drive Driveshaft Shop axles.
Interior: This car is street driven, so Calmes chose to preserve most of the factory interior. The most notable changes are the addition of Sparco racing seats, Simpson 5-point safety harnesses, a Precision Performance Products shifter, and Auto Meter gauges.
Electronics: Calmes gets more power to the ground via a 2-step LNC-2000 Lingenfelter RPM Limiter Timing Retard Launch Controller.
Thanks to: Kevin Torres, Redline Motorsports, KraftWorks, LSX Power Tuning, Nickens Brothers Racing Engines
The post How Craig Calmes Built his 9-Second Street Car appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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gillmenoww · 8 years
“And I would have stayed up with you all night, had I known how to save a life.”
It’s indescribable. The fear in the pit of her stomach she’d felt all evening. Something telling her that something was desperately wrong. And no matter how many hours she’d spent trying to work out exactly what it was, she’d been left in the dark. Completely unable to settle the nervous feeling and wondering why the hell she constantly wanted to throw up. And why her hands seemed to ache to touch her wife.
She just, she wanted to see her. To find her, to run her fingers through her blonde hair and gently run a finger down a dimpled cheek. She wanted to run her hands along the body she had come to know better than her own and find a comforting familiarity in soft pink lips pressed against her own.
It’s not that it was unusual for her to miss Arizona. Callie had often found herself quite literally craving the closeness of her wife and it was something that warmed her heart when she’d learned Arizona was just the same. Tonight though, something was off. Just plain wrong. The need to see her, to hear her voice and just touch some part of the other woman to ground herself, it was near unbearable.
And that’s why she found herself on the peds ward, eyes scouting for something, someone, her Arizona.
Callie quickly turns on her heels and lets out a deep breath, closing the short distance between them and wrapping her arms around her wife.
“I’ve calmed down now Callie, you didn’t have to come check on me.” Arizona mimicked her though, fingers gripping at the back of her wife’s scrub coat and telling Callie everything she needed to know.
“I know, I do know. I just needed to see you. I’ll miss you tonight.” Damn Boise. And damn Karev. Damn him to hell.
Arizona’s smile was futile but she offered one anyway, fingers gently tucking brown hair behind an ear, “I’ll miss you too, Calliope. Kiss Sof’ for me.”
Nodding, Callie kisses her forehead, lingering for as long as she can, “I love you.”
“I love you, too”
She thought that would be enough, she really did. But scrubbing in for her next surgery and still everything just felt wrong. And finally, the word formed in her mind and settled in her chest and she understood. It was dread. All evening, even after finding Arizona, she’d been filled with dread. But whatever she was dreading, how could she stop it when she has no idea what it was?
Callie pulls her scrub cap from her hair and throws it to the floor, groaning in frustration. She can feel unwanted tears sitting on her lashes and she just wishes she could understand what her body was trying to tell her.
Fingers fumbling around, she quickly pulls out her pager and finds someone to take over, unable to take someone’s life in her hands while feeling so unstable. While feeling like the world is going to crumble around her she’ll be all that remains.
“Left leg amputation, the patient is a 36 year old female, brought in after a car crash.” She nods at the surgeon before pushing hard on the door, walking out and taking in as much air as possible.
It’s not enough. Nothing seems to be enough. She checks her watch and groans, a stream of words she’d never say in front of Sofia leaving her lips.
Before she can think about it, her feet are moving of their own accord. She barley knows where they’re taking her but she knows where she’ll end up. The same place she always ends up.
"Arizona! Arizona wait.” She pushes through the crowd of surgeons, her friends, her family, about to head off for a life changing surgery.
"Please don’t go.”
Eyebrows furrow in confusion and Arizona sighs quietly, “what? Callie it’s one night-”
"I know. I know that, I do. And I know you’re angry and pissed at Karev and you want to punish him or whatever and I actually get that, I do.” Callie grabs her wife’s hand and pulls her closer, using her other hand to hold Arizona’s chin so their eyes meet in some bid to share whatever it is that’s going on with her, “I just need you not to go. I don’t know why, I can’t explain it but something’s wrong, Arizona. Something’s wrong and I want you to stay with me, I need you to stay with me and with Sofia. Please. Don’t get on that plane.”
Arizona watches her wife, the anxiety obvious in her wide, tearful brown eyes. She doesn’t understand what’s happening but honestly, she’s absolutely exhausted. She’s hurting, she’s miserable and she’s exhausted. She’s good at running. She’s run all her life. She’s even run from Callie. But now? Running doesn’t seem like such a good idea. Not when she could go home with her wife and daughter and just… just be. Just breath and just be.
"Karev!” The young surgeon is just leaving the hospital, making his way to his car and he frowns, not in the mood for another lecture, “screw up this surgery and I swear you’ll never work in this hospital or any other til the day I die,” she shoves the folders in his arms without another word and slips her hand into her wife’s. They need to pick up their daughter and go home.
And that’s what they do.
Callie shudders and fights off another wave of tears. She doesn’t know how to breathe, what to think, what to feel. Because yesterday had been something she knew she’d treasure forever. Waking up in the post love making glow with her still naked wife, so wrapped up in each other, skin clammy and sweaty and pressed together in the most intimate of ways. Arizona had opened up to her in ways she never really had before and somehow she loved her even more. She would forever be grateful that she had stayed when she’d ask. Phoning in sick from work and spending the day with her two girls had been the icing on the cake. Until the phone call.
And then dread had turned to realisation.
Because Arizona’s plane had fallen from the sky and now they were lost. Lost presumed dead.
But Arizona wasn’t on it. Because she had been sitting across from her at the table, too caught up in feeding their daughter to even notice Callie’s face fall. She was making aeroplane noises and grinning widely at her baby’s smiles and oh god, it was almost too ironic.
When Callie had put the phone down, she’d pulled Arizona up from her seat and clutched her checks and ran her hands through her hair and almost collapsed against her as she’d tried to take in every ounce of her wife.
“You’re here,” she had whispered, “oh my god, you’re here. You’re okay. You’re safe. I love you, I love you so much. Your plane fell out of the sky but you’re here. You’re okay.”
And now, the blonde sleeps beside her, as equally naked as she had been last night. Both had felt the need, through tears and declarations of love and need and want, to just feel. And so they’d felt.
Tomorrow, tomorrow they’d talk about the guilt and the fear and utter disbelief. Tomorrow, they would talk. But now?
Callie rolled over gently, an arm wrapping around Arizona and pulling her against her front, nose nestling into the back of her neck.
Because she is here and she is okay. And that is so much more than enough.
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