#calliope ts
imironstark · 2 months
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Thank you, Oneiros. I will not forget this. Fare you well. Fortune be with you. Goodbye, Calliope.
THE SANDMAN 1.11: "Calliope"
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kamwashere · 6 months
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truly INSANE casting
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immcrtalsx · 2 months
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"Don't look now but they are totally staring at you," Calliope said, nodding in their direction, "What? Weddings are a great chance for a hook up. Everyone's all caught up in the romance and partying, you should take advantage."
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callie doodles 2 practice for an art project ^u^
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formshaper · 2 years
you don’t have to be gentle with me. - calliope @ hob. (spoiler: she loves that he is though.)
Hob smiles against her neck. It's not the first time they've shared a bath together, but it's the first time things have gone this far in one: Calliope lying back against his chest, Hob kissing her ear, her neck; his hand between her legs, caressing her clit in little circling strokes while she shivers and sighs against him.
"S'just how I am, I'm afraid," he says fondly, kissing her shoulder. He likes it like this: casual, unhurried, where the goal isn't to bring anyone off so much as to just let Calliope enjoy herself, to get lost in sensation a little while.
He loves her so much it makes him ache.
"Tell me if you want more or less than this," he murmurs, an echo of something she'd once said to him in turn. "Whatever you want."
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the-everqueen · 8 days
Ooh tell me your meanest HC’s for Pierce, Gabby, Calliope, and Mendez 👀
Pierce: i'm trying to come up with something mean that isn't just canon lmaooooo. everything else is sad. damn.
ETA: wait, i forgot, i do headcanon that Pierce has trashy music taste. also i think this man unironically likes TS "1989."
Gabby: girl has some FUCKED priorities, i'll tell you what. i am always thinking about why the kill order for the x-23 project is the thing that pushed her to get the kids out, when it's implied that she's been working for A-T and running experiments on these children for years. is it a sense of possessiveness (i.e., no one gets to hurt you unless *i* say so)? is the idea of "putting down" a dozen kids worse to her than essentially imprisoning them and giving them no bodily autonomy? (in which case: i think Gabby would actually be a terrible parent, because that says a lot about what rights she thinks children *do* have.) i am also always thinking about how she waits until she can find Logan and try to bribe the Wolverine into playing bodyguard. she ONLY takes Laura with her. we never see the other kids with their nurses beyond the footage of them escaping. while i get the strategy of splitting up to avoid total recapture: what was going on in your head, Gabby? did you think the Wolverine was going to just accept his genetic daughter and let you play surrogate mom? i think Gabby is playing out a lot of her own fantasies via Laura, which is...hm! troubling!
Mendez: passive in relationships to the point of it being detrimental. i think he waits for orders or critique and otherwise is like :) :) :) things are good! he needs direction and while this mostly lets him jive with Pierce, who is Highly Opinionated, sometimes it also means he misses cues from Pierce, who is also Allergic to Talking About Feelings.
Calliope: i see a lot of fanon characterization of Calliope as extremely soft femme, gentle, sweet, etc. *i* headcanon her as a lot more ferocious than people want to examine: she doesn't object to Dream's punishment of Madoc (she tries to leverage the fates and her sisters against him, first, Dream is just her last resort because #divorced, but i can't imagine her sisters would be *nicer* about Cal being held captive), she MARRIED Dream when he was arguably worse as a person (pre-Orpheus, pre-fishbowl, pre-Overture), etc. also no one talks about how fiercely inspiration grips you when it DOES have you and how quickly it abandons you. she's a goddess and she has an immortal's sense of time and morality, which is...flexible at best. this is also why she would've been down to spoil the Corinthian and why she'd be a good owner for him: she's clearer about boundaries AND she doesn't have the same hangups that Dream does about a bit of murder.
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smooshi-graysimp · 2 months
New ocs!
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Here’s the two melodies member ideas (inspired by this post https://www.tumblr.com/smooshi-graysimp/755643506650923008/so-about-melodies-trio)
The Yellow One (Calliope or Calli) -
LGBTQ+ Identity - Pan
Race - Asian Korean and Black
Personality - more fiercer than Melodie, prob the most responsible one but still fun to hang out with, likes pretty and bright things (keeps it to herself even tho it’s obvious, has insecurities deep down, it’s the beauty standards stuff)
I want to combine K-pop and Gyaru fashion, so that’s why her outfits like that
The Blue One (Harmony or Monty) -
LGBTQ+ Identity - Genderfluid (either Ace or Aro who’s Omni not official yet
Race - also Korean
Personality - more nicer than the other two but still mean in her own way like sarcastic and may not take things seriously, is prob more sane than the others, the heart of the group, a bit closed but goes all out when it’s her turn to shine
Fashion - tomboy ish K-pop fashion
As for attacks you see here’s the problem,
Idk but I know that Monty is more dance fight and Calli could bring a heavy thing (specifically music related but idk) and attack either damage dealer or tank
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dsudis · 1 year
Which Betokeneth Concorde (Dreamling dancing fluff)
I was scrolling through my blog yesterday looking for a fic prompt that would catch my fancy, and instead I ran across this video of people dancing in public and decided to write about Dream and Hob encountering something similar.
Title is from "East Coker" by TS Eliot:
On a summer midnight, you can hear the music Of the weak pipe and the little drum And see them dancing around the bonfire The association of man and woman In daunsinge, signifying matrimonie— A dignified and commodiois sacrament. Two and two, necessarye coniunction, Holding eche other by the hand or the arm Whiche betokeneth concorde.
Dream had been dimly aware that one of the many things he would have to face, as the price of courting Hob Gadling, was his own refusal to dance.
Dancing was one of the most traditional of courting activities, after all. He had never seen Hob dance, but Dream was certain that he would be as enthusiastic for that pastime as he was for nearly every other he had ever attempted.
(Hob had a fixed dislike of rowing, even in circumstances others typically found romantic. Dream was thoroughly charmed by Hob's insistence that he would not trust his life to so small an amount of wood between himself and any body of water, however shallow and placid it might be.)
Still, Dream had not expected the question of dancing to arise on this, their fifth date, while they were crossing the campus of the university where Hob taught en route to a small bookstore Hob thought Dream would like. It was broad daylight, a sunny morning during the summer holiday when the campus was mostly empty.
Dream was focusing intently on not peeking into Hob's very noisy daydreams regarding the bookshop and what kisses or touches might be permissible in the privacy of its winding shelves. It was difficult, when they were holding hands and Hob was so eager, but Dream did like to be surprised, even if Hob had blithely given permission for Dream to "peek" at will.
Dream did not actually notice the thing on the ground until Hob had stopped short a few yards from it; even then what he noticed was the abrupt disappearance of all those intriguing daydreams, replaced by Hob's sudden and consuming interest in something materially present. After another moment, Dream took in the faint sound of music being played from a small speaker somewhere nearby, and a ring of some sort on the ground, and the words DANCE HERE in chalk beside it.
Hob looked over at him with an expression of pure joy illuminating his features. "Shall we dance?"
Dream swallowed hard. He had refused Hob nothing within his power since they had begun courting; he did not want to look at Hob's bright, eager face and say no now.
Still, he was what he was, and he could not be otherwise, even for Hob. "I... do not dance."
Hob's excited expression softened--not turning unhappy, but thoughtful.
Dream braced himself to be coaxed, perhaps gently teased. He could endure that, from Hob. And these were early days; even being enticed to something he could not consent to do would be better than Calliope's resigned disappointment in the waning days of their marriage.
But Hob, as he so often did, surprised Dream. His expression brightened again as he said, "I probably should not. For all the time I've had, it's not a skill I've cultivated to any effect."
Despite his words Hob looked toward the circle again, and Dream knew that he did not want to just pass it by. And if he did not mind, if he would give in to Dream's refusal so easily...
"You need not refrain for my sake," Dream said carefully. "If you do not mind dancing without me."
Hob tilted his head and tugged at his ear, a different smile playing at his mouth. "What if I dance with you, even if you don't dance with me?"
Dream tilted his head in turn. "I will not deny you my companionship only because you choose to dance."
"Well then, let's do this," Hob said, catching Dream's hand and tugging him along. Dream stopped short of the chalked words, and Hob kept hold of his hand as he stepped decisively into the circle--which somehow made the music play more loudly.
Dream made himself perfectly still, his arm fully extended and exactly parallel to the ground, only his fingers flexing--and only his fingers were within the edge of the dancing circle.
Hob squeezed those fingers, beaming again with even more excitement than when he had first sighted the invitation to dance. The music was modern, bright and quick, calling for a very modern and energetic sort of dancing, and Dream was not uninterested in seeing what Hob might do in that area; that sort of dancing was close enough to sex to push the boundaries of what they had done thus far in their courtship, and Dream knew that they were both waiting to see who would grow impatient first with taking it slow.
The right kind of dancing might settle that question very decisively.
Hob knew that too; there was a moment when his dark eyes looked even darker, when their usual warmth for Dream gave way to outright heat.
Then he folded forward just far enough to brush his lips against Dream's extended fingertips before letting go altogether. Keeping his eyes on Dream's he spread his arms wide and walked backward in tiny steps. Just before his heel would have crossed the border of the circle, he whirled in place, making his loose jacket flare out like a cape. He stomped and then clapped his hands sharply, a half-beat behind--neither on any discernible beat of the song.
By the time he faced Dream again he was struggling not to smile, mirth glowing in his eyes. Dream kept his own expression as stern and frozen as his body as Hob returned to him in tiny mincing steps that should have been a promenade across the width of a ballroom.
Just before he would have reached the near side of the circle, Hob converted one tiny step to a vertical hop and clapped, once again entirely off the beat of the music and the two motions out of sync with each other.
Dream could not help it. He laughed, throwing his head back and letting the rough-edged ugly sound pour out.
Hob started laughing in startled reaction, and an instant later his arms were around Dream. He whirled them both away from the circle in something that was not quite a dance step as he muffled his own laughter against Dream's shoulder. Dream hushed himself by pressing kisses to Hob's hair and his throat, wrapping his arms tightly around him. They were both nearly staggering already when they collided with a bench, and Hob more or less fell onto it, hauling Dream down approximately into his lap.
"Maybe," Hob said, still holding Dream tight against him despite the awkwardness of their entanglement. "Maybe you should desert me, the next time I get it into my head to dance. For your safety."
"I am made of sterner stuff than you," Dream said, elbowing Hob just enough to make his point. "And I was just thinking that we should go somewhere with a bit more space for you to show off your... moves."
Hob giggled at that, wonderfully absurd daydreams bursting forth from him of breaking out the half-remembered steps of a peasant's festival day dance in a crowded club. Dream had to kiss him for that, and kiss him, and kiss him again while taking full advantage of the way he was partially wedged between Hob's legs.
"I win," Hob gasped, his thighs tightening strongly around Dream. "I win, you--take me home, Dream, we can't do this on the quad."
Dream lingered to kiss him one more time, and then did as his lover bid him.
[This fic is also on Ao3!]
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asksoldieron · 11 months
SO-10: Smiling Faces...
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
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Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for A Funny Sort of Day (SO-10) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
I will be laid up this week, and possibly for a few weeks, so if the links don't work or something's screwy, I can't fix it. This'll go up on automatic and I'll have to fix it later if it needs it!
*sigh* Some AI-generated shit made it into the art this week and I can't fix it. I don't have time. Public Domain Vectors has caved to the pressure and started generating graphics with AI. They seem to be tagging them, but it's all the way at the end of the list and I didn't know to look until it occurred to me I'd better check. I think they are generating these images based on their own in-house PD art, which is less galling than the usual kind, but I don't know. These learning algorithms are black boxes and they don't have to disclose how they work. My ability to assemble collages ethically is in danger, but I don't know how to protect myself. I will be checking the tags from now on, but it's on them to tag things honestly.
I don't generally have any use for the generic people and scenery, but this week was an exception. That is exactly the creepy, sterile landscape and family I wanted, and I put a lot of work into getting them to look that way, and I don't think I have the will to take it apart and put it back together again. Maybe later, but I'd still be using the AI stuff as a reference. I mean, I'm not going to get it out of my imagination.
Ah well. Setting my art guilt aside, this week is a long one and next week will be too! My idiot cast had a lot to do before I could get them to Erik. I tried to cram it in there as best as possible, but there's some overflow. Go ahead and pour yourself an extra coffee if you need!
The lyric I'm referencing is from the Temptations: "Smiling faces, smiling faces, sometimes, yeah, they don't tell the truth. Smiling faces, smiling faces tell lies and I got proof." (So my accidental use of some smiling AI people is at the very least thematically appropriate.) There are a lot of treacherous smiles in this one! I think the worst one has to be the doughnut lady, who is perfectly pleasant while making Milo complicit in a mass deportation/genocide - she assumes he'll be okay with it, no matter which it is. It's a good thing Milo hardly ever smiles!
It's also a good thing he likes trains! +1 for special interests and us poor folks who have 'em. Of course, it doesn't hurt that he does art with Calliope and she knows how to cut, paste and airbrush an ad. I've been setting this up for years, folks! Real-life Russia has a habit of playing with photos this way too. They probably could've put together a plausible little village, except most ads and photos move in TS and SO. No animation at all would be just a bit suspicious.
Old cisterns like this one
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offer a lot of potential living-space. And if they don't get water in them anymore, well, hey, why not? When magic forms its own weather patterns and quasi-lighting, sometimes it's good to be a little under the weather. But where did they go from there?
Think the Kijeks and all their animals went to the same place?
[Back to Site?]
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
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Not sure how many people noticed this since it was such a short clip but look at all these little details in the departures! not just normal cities like Sydney and Boston but also a bunch of Hololive-Centric ones and references.
Space Australia which is a reference to Sana and the flight number having TS for Tsukumo Sana
Atlantis has the flight number as "a" and "Cancelled" because according to Gura's lore, Atlantis is gone now and thus cannot be traveled to
HoloEarth's flight number as CC for Cover Corp
World Tree being "UU" which is Fauna's signature noise of distress and also marked as Delayed because man that might never be finished in Minecraft ever (lol)
And then ofc there is the Hololive Resort with HR as its flight number but then you also have Pekoland with UP for Usada Pekora and the Underworld with MC for Mori Calliope. It should be noted that Pekoland is also a canceled flight - likely because of the war crimes.
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imironstark · 2 years
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Do you know who I am?
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veone · 3 years
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an end to a beautiful week under the sun.
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immcrtalsx · 2 months
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Calliope had not been invited to many weddings outside of siren onces. Now that they were out of hiding, she was enjoying the opportunity to style brides and wedding parties and then getting an invite to the wedding. Whether she had a plus one or not, she always made sure Mira was at the party with her. Tonight was going to be fun and she couldn't wait for it all to finish with a bang. In the meantime though, she snuck away with her fiancée for a sneaky make out session. She hummed against her lips, "All this romance has me famished," she said, "Not sure what for yet."
@howmcnythings (Mirabella)
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littlebitalexis · 5 years
when your cat pushes their head against your hand rly hard bc they want scritches and love <3
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rocaillefox · 6 years
concept; homestuck rewrite, but Only The Girls This Time
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callibop · 4 years
Hey all!
Thought I'd throw this out here, see if I can't get some traction! I have a couple of original indie folk songs available on my Bandcamp. You can find it at https:// calliopeq .bandcamp .com /releases (without spaces, of course).
It's $7 for the group of them. If you like them, why not buy them!
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