#calum hood burb
maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff/Parent!sos
Pairings: Calum Hood/Michael Clifford
Word Count: 5.8k
Written for: 5sos fic event
Prompt: “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have no idea what I’m doing. I almost never do.”
Event Masterlist
A/N: My first contribution to the fic event that @h0tsos​ and I put together. This whole experience has been so fun, we’ve managed to bring together a bunch of really talented writers and I hope you all enjoy all of the fics they’ve all produced. I really hope that everyone’s on board to do another of these because I’m so happy with how this one is turning out! 
Title taken from ‘Lay All Your Love On Me’ By ABBA.
Michael Clifford had made no secret that his days off were incredibly important to him. He loved to lounge around in his underwear playing whatever games he fancied with his online buddies for as long as he liked.
So it is a testament to his friendship with his long-term best friend, that he’d given up one of these glorious days to take care of Luke’s daughter.
Michael had thought it would earn him some much needed friend points since he’d gotten Luke into trouble with his girlfriend after their last drunken night out.
The park had seemed like a good idea at first. Michael had thought that a bit of fresh air might be just what his honorary niece needed to tire her out. It turned out, however, that little Ivy had more energy than Michael had given her credit for.
“C’mon, Uncle Mikey!” The toddler grinned as she pointed towards the playground hopefully. “Push me on the swing!” Her blonde curls bobbed around her face adorably as she bounced up and down on the spot, staring up at Michael with big blue eyes. She looked so much like her dad, that was undeniable.
“Isn’t it nearly time for your nap, Miss Hemmings?” Michael yawned, glancing at his watch. He’d sort of hoped to be home by now so that he could join his gamer friends in a few online battles whilst the little one slept for a couple of hours.
It didn’t seem like that was going to happen, though and he just had to make his peace with the fact that he was probably going to be out in the world entertaining this energetic toddler for the rest of the day.
Ivy shook her head defiantly. “Not tired!” She giggled. “Swings now!”
Rolling his eyes, Michael admitted defeat. His best friend’s little girl really knew how to wrap him around her finger already. He allowed Ivy to lead the way to the playground, hoping that he’d at least get to sit down for a bit whilst she played with other kids.
The play area in this particular park was a fairly large one, split into a few different sections for different age groups to enjoy. The whole playground was surrounded by a bright red fence and there were two sunshine-yellow gates marking the entrance points. The toddler section was situated next to the nearest entrance. It was undeniably cute, with ocean themed rockers, swings and slides. Beyond that was a pirate ship themed jungle gym, complete with various climbing frames, slides and monkey bars. On the other side of the playground was a set of swings for older kids, one of the tallest slides Michael had ever seen and a climbing frame that gave him vertigo just looking at it!
It was a warm sunny day, so of course the place was absolutely packed, full of families of all descriptions. There were quite a few older kids tearing around, not really caring which of the smaller ones they scared in the process of whatever dumb game they were playing. Michael made sure to keep an eye on them, knowing that he’d probably end up in a huge argument with their parents if they ruined Ivy’s day in any way, shape or form.
Luckily the boisterous brats seemed to be terrorising the area of the playground where the larger slides and climbing frames were situated and Ivy only seemed interested in the toddler section. She headed straight for the swings but another little girl swooped in to grab the last empty one just before her.
At first, Michael thought that Ivy was going to get upset, but she simply pulled Michael over to the slide instead. It was set into a simple little purple plastic structure shaped like a submarine. Ivy seemed torn between playing in the submarine and going on the slide itself. Her cute little face twisted into a confused expression as she seemingly contemplated her choices.
It was only when Ivy spotted a little boy hiding inside the submarine, that she made her decision. “Hello!” She chirped, her blue eyes regarding her potential new friend with excitement. “What game are you playing?”
The little boy, who seemed to be right around Ivy’s age, looked up at her, his brown eyes shining with tears. He looked a little bit frightened and Michael immediately felt the need to find out what was wrong. Before he could ask what had happened, though, Ivy beat him to it.
“You’re sad?” She asked, plonking herself down on the tiny painted bench next to the crying boy.
The brown-eyed little boy nodded and pointed to a scrape on his elbow. “Fell over…” he sobbed, aiming a tearful glance at the older kids still running around recklessly near the pirate ship.
Michael felt anger bubbling up in his chest. How could those mindless brats knock over a toddler and not even make sure he’s okay before carrying on with their stupid game? “Where’s your mummy or daddy, buddy?” The blonde man asked. The little boy shrugged, fresh tears spilling over into his cheeks.
Michael tried to think, glancing around the playground to see if he could find a distressed parent. It didn’t take him long to find a man that looked like he was on the verge of tears, frantically glaring around the playground with a tiny backpack in one of his hands. He seemed to be calling out a name but he was a bit too far away for Michael to hear him over the noisy games of the dozens of children filling the playground.
Of course leaving Ivy and her new friend alone, even for a second, was out of the question. That only really gave Michael one option, he jammed his thumb and index finger into his mouth and whistled loudly, waving his free hand wildly so that the frantic dad would know it was him that was trying to attract his attention.
When the upset man finally met Michael’s gaze, the blonde gestured for him to come over.
Taking one more look around the playground before figuring that he had to trust this stranger, the dark haired man jogged over. “Have you seen my little boy?” He asked, before Michael had a chance to speak. “He’s only three years old, he has…”
“Brown eyes and dark curls like you?” Michael asked, smiling in what he hoped was a soothing way.
The stranger nodded hopefully. “Have you seen him?”
Michael gestured to the little submarine and stepped aside so that the obviously distressed dad could be reunited with his son.
The dark haired man crouched down and his face lit up with relief as he saw the little boy sitting next to Ivy on the bench inside. “Arlo!” He sighed. “Why did you run away from me like that, little dude?”
The toddler’s lip started to shake as though he was about to start crying again.
“No, no! Don’t cry, buddy!” The father said gently. “I’m not angry, I was just worried! I couldn’t see where you were!”
“Sorry, Daddy.” Arlo muttered, scrambling out of the submarine to give his father a hug.
The tall, raven-haired man grinned as he enveloped his son in a loving embrace. It was only when they pulled apart that he noticed the graze on Arlo’s bare elbow. “Oh no, Sweetheart!”, he sighed. “What happened?”
Arlo shrugged but once again shot the group of boisterous older kids a furtive glance that told Michael everything he needed to know.
“You should have come to me, buddy!” The father said, his brow knitted together in a worried expression. “We’ll clean it all out when we get home, yeah? I think we still have some of those dinosaur band aids left too. I’m sure that’ll fix it right up!”
Arlo seemed satisfied with his dad’s plan and gave him a watery smile. “Can I play some more?”
Before the kid’s dad could reply, Ivy bounced over reaching for Arlo’s hand. “Lets play on the slide!” She giggled, pointing at the submarine slide.
Arlo looks at his father hopefully before the man that Michael had decided is incredibly handsome now that he’s seen him up close, told the toddler to go ahead.
Ivy literally jumped for joy as her new friend took her hand and allowed her to pull him over to the slide.
“She seems like quite a handful.” The handsome stranger observed as he watched the two toddlers climb the few steps to the top of the slide.
Michael nodded. “She really is… I can’t keep up with her. She’s like a tiny whirlwind. I have no idea how people have children and stay sane.”
“Well you’re not alone in that.” The stranger smiled softly. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have no idea what I’m doing. I almost never do.” A sort of sadness tainted his smile as he gazed over at his son.
Feeling the need to cheer up the sweet stranger, Michael paints a cheerful smile on his face. “You look like you’re doing a great job to me.” He reassured as best he could. His lack of experience in parenting kind of made him feel like he had no right to say something like that, but he needed this guy to know he wasn’t a bad person just because his kid ran off one time.
“Thanks.” The dark haired man shrugged. “It’s nice to hear that once in a while.” He turned back to face Michael and once again the blonde was taken aback by just how pretty the stranger’s face was. “I’m Calum, by the way, and the little escape artist over there is Arlo.”
Taking the hand that was offered to him, Michael let out a tiny laugh. “The little ball of sunshine over there is Ivy, I’m Michael.”
“Is it just the two of you here?” Calum asked, taking a quick glance around the playground. “Ivy’s mum not here with you?”
Michael shook his head, a sudden fear washing over him as he realised that Calum had this all wrong. “No actually… I’m not…”
“Oh I’m sorry man.” Calum interrupted, a slight blush ringing his cheeks. “That was a stupid question. I, of all people, should know better than to ask that. Being a single parent is hard enough without idiots like me assuming stuff about you and your family…”
Before Michael could explain the whole misunderstanding, Ivy yelled over, not only saving him the bother of clearing things up, but saying it much simpler than he could have. “Watch this, Uncle Mikey!” She giggled, launching herself down the slide at an almost alarming speed. He rushed forward to catch her so that she didn't topple off the end of the contraption and hurt herself.
“Be careful!” Michael sighed. “What would your daddy say if I took you home all bruised up?”
Ivy simply laughed again and bounded off to join her new friend at the base of the steps.
“Wow, I messed up even worse than I thought.” Calum chuckled. “Can we just start over?”
Michael smiled fondly as he brushed himself down. “It’s fine, I’d assume the same thing you did. Ivy is my best friend’s kid, though. I offered to take her for the day to give her parents a rest.”
“That’s sweet.” Calum complimented, letting his gaze drift to Arlo and Ivy again as they reached the top of the slide. “They’re lucky to have a friend like you. Ivy seems to love spending time with you, too.”
Michael managed to tear his gaze away from Calum to watch the children go down the slide again - a lot more safely this time. “Yeah, probably because I let her eat way too much sugar and don’t enforce nap times.” He admitted, feeling somewhat guilty in the presence of a parent who’d most likely have a meltdown over someone taking care of his own child with such lax discipline.
The dark haired man simply laughed. “That’ll all change if you ever have your own. Nap times are like the only part of the day you can shit done without a tiny shadow following you around chattering about whatever annoying TV show they’re most into that day.”
Michael laughed, allowing himself another look at the handsome man beside him. “I get that. I guess these are just perks of being the favourite uncle.”
Once again, Calum’s smile slips from his face, replaced by a more thoughtful expression. “Yeah, that must be fun. Sometimes parents get so caught up in all the mundane stuff, it’s difficult to provide light entertainment like this.”
Faintly, Michael wondered what Calum’s deal was. He seemed pretty lonely and Michael couldn’t help feeling bad for him. Being a parent was hard, he knew that from what Luke told him - the sleepless nights, the tantrums and the constant worrying that you’re doing a good job. He couldn’t really imagine going through all that alone. Luke had a partner, siblings, parents, in-laws and a whole group of close friends to help him out with Ivy, and even he still struggled at times. “Well you’re here now and Arlo’s having a great time! Look at his little face.” Michael grinned, glancing over at the little boy as he tugged Ivy towards the steps of the slide again.
“That’s all thanks to you and Ivy.” Calum insisted. “He was having a shit time before and I…”
“Hey…” Michael soothed gently, automatically placing a hand on Calum’s shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Kids get into scrapes all the time. Ivy got her fingers trapped in her toy box last week. Luke thought he was gonna have to take her to the emergency room, he thought she’d broken them!”
Calum stared at Michael’s hand for a moment, before lifting his gaze to meet the blonde’s eyes. He seemed to go through a bunch of different emotions, all of them flickering across his face and disappearing too quickly for Michael to identify them.
Worried that he’d overstepped a boundary, Michael pulled his hand away, feeling his cheeks heat up in an embarrassed blush as he dropped his gaze. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s fine.”Calum reassured him. “I just don’t get much adult company these days. I’m not used to being the one that needs comforting.” He laughed humorlessly.
That wave of sympathy and sadness that Michael had felt for Calum a moment ago seemed to intensify. “Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt from Luke, it’s that parents need a shoulder to cry on sometimes too.”
The raven-haired man gave Michael a soft smile. “You’re right. We do. I’m glad your friend has you to help with little Ivy - he’s a lucky guy.” He met Michael’s eyes for a moment before turning back to the children and taking a step towards them. “I should probably get Arlo home, it’s almost lunchtime - he gets cranky if he doesn’t eat on time.”
“I feel that on a deep level.” The blonde man laughed. Luke had always told him he got on so well with Ivy because they were mentally the same age. Apparently, he was entirely right.
Calum gave a huff of laughter before calling his son over. “C’mon buddy, time to go!”
Arlo’s face dropped into a heart-breaking frown and Ivy mirrored it perfectly. They both looked so distraught at the imminent end to their short friendship, that Michael just couldn’t let it happen. If he ever needed a reason to stop being such a wuss, this was definitely it. Even though he couldn’t explain why, Michael felt a strong connection to this stranger and his need to get to know him better had started to consume him. He wasn’t usually the confident type; Michael never usually put himself out there, always waiting for others to make the first move instead. Judging by Calum’s demeanour, though, he was sure that if he didn’t say or do something, this would be the last time they ever spoke. That thought had barely crossed Michael’s mind as he summoned all of his courage. “Hey, Calum, um…” He scratched the back of his neck nervously, trying to force out the words perched on the edge of his tongue as Calum turned back towards him, a curious expression on his handsome face. “I was gonna take Ivy to our favourite little café for lunch - it’s only about a five minute walk from here. I wondered if you and Arlo wanted to join us? It’d be nice for Ivy to have someone her own age to chat to…”
Arlo and Ivy both looked up at Calum hopefully, their little faces focused on him as they patiently waited for his response.
Calum’s face broke out into a genuine smile. “You really wouldn’t mind if we tagged along?”
Michael shook his head, trying to control the nervous energy pulsing through him. This was the closest he’d ever been to asking someone on a date and it was pretty terrifying. “Of course not. You’d actually be doing me a favour because if I have to hear about how Olaf from ‘Frozen’ is the funniest thing ever one more time, I’m sure I’ll lose my mind. Please let Ivy give that speech to Arlo whilst we talk about anything else. You’d be saving me, honestly.”
Dropping down to crouch next to his son, Calum slips the backpack in his hands over Arlo’s shoulders. “What do you think bud?” He asked. “Do you wanna go for lunch with Ivy and her Uncle Mike?”
Arlo nodded, immediately reaching for Ivy’s hand. “Can we have toasties?”
Calum shrugged and looked up at Michael. “I don’t know; do they make good toasties, Mike?”
Nodding confidently, Michael took Ivy’s free hand. “They make the best toasties I’ve ever had.”
“And milkshakes!” Ivy interjected matter of factly, causing Calum and Arlo to giggle adorably.
The looks on all three of their faces made Michael’s heart melt. He was pretty sure he’d never felt quite so proud of himself before. “Well, that depends.” He chuckled. “Their banana milkshake is the best I’ve ever had but their chocolate…”
“Choccy milkshakes are the best!” Ivy grins, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. “Lets go!”
The walk to the café took a little longer than usual. That was mostly down to the fact that Ivy and Arlo stopped every couple of minutes to discuss, in Michael’s opinion, the most mundane shit imaginable. At one point, Ivy had stopped to tell her friend that a twig on the ground looked like a crooked old finger. She proceeded to pick it up and the two of them giggled over it for a while. Michael has taken this opportunity to ask Calum some simple, non-intrusive questions. He just wanted to get to know the handsome stranger better; there was no crime in that. A moment later, Arlo stopped to scoop up a handful of cherry blossoms and throw the tiny petals into the air. This resulted in both toddlers giggling delightedly whilst twirling around every time the warm breeze picked up enough to swirl the petals around in the air.
The whole thing was completely adorable. Michael found himself smiling stupidly big by the time they’d reached the café. He was particularly pleased when he noticed that Calum’s happy expression mirrored his own. He somehow looked even hotter when he was genuinely cheerful.
The little café was pretty busy, but luckily, Michael’s favourite table near the window was still available. He urged the children over to it before slipping off his denim jacket. He didn’t miss the way that Calum eyed his bare, tattooed arms for a moment before helping Arlo into one of the chairs.
The waitress arrived before Michael had even helped Ivy out of her pretty blue cardigan. Not that he needed the menus to order of course; he and Ivy were creatures of habit.
“Oh, you’re taking care of your Uncle Mike today, huh?” The middle-aged lady grinned at Ivy. “Is he behaving himself, or do I need to give you his banana milkshake instead?”
Ivy laughed, her blue eyes sparkling gleefully. “He’s a good boy!” She answered instantly. She’d always loved the staff here, having been a regular since birth as it was one of Michael’s and Luke’s favourite places to hang out.
“Glad to hear it!” The waitress nodded. “Are you two gonna get your usual, or are we having a change today?”
Michael was terrible with names and since the staff here didn’t have name badges he was clueless as to what to call the friendly waitress. “The usual, please.” He grinned, as he glanced back at Calum who was quietly reading out the children’s menu to Arlo.
The lady nodded. “I wouldn’t expect anything less!” She laughed, before turning to Calum and Arlo on the opposite side of the table. “And what can I get for your new friends?”
“Two cheese toasties, a cappuccino and an orange juice, please.”  Calum replied, placing the menu back in its holder.
Once the waitress finished hitting the order down, she informed the men that their order wouldn’t be long before she bustled off behind the counter.
“This place seems nice.” Calum observed, glancing around the simple room approvingly. “I never even knew it was here.”
Michael widened his eyes in mild surprise. “Really? I come here at least once a week.” He confessed.
“Yeah, I can tell.” Calum chuckled. “You’re on first name terms with the staff.”
Heat rose in Michael’s cheeks yet again and he faintly wondered if anyone had ever made him blush this much in such a short space of time.
“I don’t mean that in a bad way!” Calum rushed to repair the damage he obviously thought he’d done, by reaching out to place his hand on Michael’s lower arm. “I think it’s really cute, actually.”
Maybe it was because they were sitting opposite each other in a quiet little corner of the café, that made Michael hyper aware of the word ‘cute’, or perhaps it was the slight emphasis that Calum put on that particular word. Whichever it was, the blonde was kind of melting and it was incredibly embarrassing. He’d never really flirted or been flirted with much when he was sober, so he wasn’t sure how to react. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if this was flirting; was he just overreacting? Was this how normal people interact during the day? Michael wouldn’t know; he spoke to the same few people during the day and two of those were his parents, one was Luke and the rest were employees at this café.
“Yay! Milkshakes!”
Ivy’s excited voice pulled Michael out of his fog of thought and back to the table. Calum still had his hand on Michael’s arm and it felt as though that patch of skin was burning, but not in an unpleasant way - in a ‘I need more’ kinda way. Knowing that that thought is entirely not appropriate for the situation, Michael forces himself to remove his arm from Calum’s loose grip. He offered the raven-haired man an apologetic glance before turning to the familiar waitress that was approaching their table with a tray of drinks.
Calum seemed a little saddened by Michael’s decision to pull away from him, but his face brightened a little as he watched Arlo sipping his juice delightedly through a colourful paper straw.
Somehow working out a way to let Calum know he was cute, too, preferably without being too forward, was now Michael’s top priority. He had absolutely no idea how to do that though.
“I’m sorry.” Calum mumbled, “I apparently don’t know how to interact with other grownups anymore.” He adds, almost guiltily.
“Don’t apologise!” Michael rushed to put his new friend’s mind at ease. “I’m the worst at speaking to people, especially when I don’t even have a beer for a bit of Dutch courage, y’know?”
The raven-haired man laughed at that, although he kept his attention mostly on Arlo. This was presumably to avoid eye contact and Michael understood that reasoning. “Ah yeah, I remember alcohol.” Calum sighed, in faux distress. “Haven’t had the time or opportunity to enjoy any of that in a while.”
Something about Calum’s tone and demeanour suggested that he was mildly upset about that but the fondness with which he regarded Arlo, made it clear that his key reason for not having a beer lately, was entirely worth it.
“Yeah, I guess being a dad can do that.” Michael replied, hoping that his sympathy didn’t come across as sarcasm or anything. “Eat up your time, I mean. It must be really rewarding, though.” He added.
Calum nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, it is really rewarding and I wouldn’t trade my time with this li’l due for anything.”
It was obvious that Calum was telling the truth. The love he radiates for his son was undeniable. It was also obvious that Calum was tired, though, and possibly in need of some time for himself. It was far too early in their friendship for Michael to start prying about how much his friends and family help out with Arlo - let alone offer his own help - but he was determined to do something. “It’s important for you to have a bit of down time too.” He ventured cautiously. “I know that Luke and Chloe take Ivy to a playgroup sometimes. That gives them a break to hang with other parents and stuff…”
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to do something like that.” Calum shrugged. “I think it’d be great for Arlo to make new friends.”
“I made a new friend today, Daddy!” The little boy grinned, pure joy painting his tiny features as he beamed up at his father. “Ivy is my new best friend!”
Michael was pretty sure his whole heart had just melted into a puddle of mush on the floor. Arlo was just about the cutest kid he’d ever met, besides Ivy.
“She is?” Calum asked, his brown eyes sparkling with happiness. “Well I guess I’m gonna have to get in contact with her parents to set up more play dates for the two of you, huh?”
Both of the children nodded excitedly at the proposition and Michael couldn’t help but beam at them. In his peripheral vision, he noticed Calum’s gaze turn back to him. Even though he kept most of his attention on the kiddos, Michael didn’t miss the way Calum’s eyes continued to sparkle as he glanced at him.
It’d admittedly been a while since Michael had dated anyone. He was severely out of practice when it came to flirting like this. Luckily, he was saved the bother of trying when the waitress chose that moment to return with their food. She set each person’s chosen meal in front of them, pulling funny faces at the children and smiling politely to Calum. When she placed Michael’s plate in front of him, she offered him a knowing look, almost like a smirk and she motioned with her eyes to Calum. It was undoubtedly a silent appreciation of his taste in men. He gave her a quiet laugh in response, but inwardly he wished the ground would swallow him up.
As they ate, the children exchanged careless conversation. They giggled at each other constantly and took every opportunity, no matter how small, to chat to the other. Michael found himself faintly wishing he had the confidence and nonchalance of a kid Ivy and Arlo’s age. As it was, he was stuck in an awkward silence with the most attractive person he’d been in close contact with for months. Calum was definitely the most promising candidate for a date that he’d had in embarrassingly long time, but he was too stuck in his own head, too worried about making a fool of himself to do anything about it.
Unfortunately, Calum seemed equally as determined to keep himself guarded. Unless of course he wasn’t attracted to Michael at all, in which case he was simply waiting quietly for this ordeal to end. Either way, Michael felt completely out of his comfort zone and therefore decided to make little more than pleasant small talk.
As the food on everyone’s plates gradually disappeared and the inevitable ending of the lunch ‘date’ grew ever closer, Michael felt his anxiety about the whole situation growing inside of him. He kept trying to weigh up the options in his mind. Was he more scared of putting himself out there for once, or of letting this promising opportunity slip through his fingers? It was a question he spent a long time debating with himself - too long in fact. By the time he’d decided that he was definitely not Calum’s type, everyone had already finished their lunch and both of the children were slumping over the table, obviously feeling tired now that their bellies were full.
“I think it’s time for a nap, little bud.” Calum chuckled softly as he tucked one of Arlo’s curls behind his ear. “Are you gonna say bye to Ivy and her Uncle Mike?”
Arlo groaned, shaking his head disapprovingly. “I don’t wanna go!” He protested. “Wanna play more games with Ivy.”
Ivy agreed, sleepily nodding her head. “And we want cake.” She added with a yawn.
It was adorable that both children had taken such a shine to each other and the thought of parting them now was heart-breaking, but definitely necessary. “Well I think you’d both fall asleep in your cake if we got you some now.” Michael reasoned gently. “I think we’ll have to just arrange to meet up another time.”
Pouting dramatically, Ivy shook her head. “Don’t wanna go home yet, Uncle Mike!” She whined defiantly.
Before Michael could argue with her, the waitress appeared with the bill. “I thought I’d bring this over seeing as the little ones look about ready for bed.” She laughed, placing the printed receipt on the tale. “I’ll be right back.” She added before gathering the plates and heading for the kitchen.
Calum shuffled in his seat in order to pull his wallet from his back pocket before reaching for the bill.
This was Michael’s only chance to do something to show he liked Calum without putting too much pressure on himself. He grabbed the bill before the other man could and gripped it tightly in a closed fist. “I’ll get this. It was my idea to come here, so it’s only fair!”
Calum’s surprised expression softened into something like a grateful smile. “I couldn’t let you do that…” He argued, but there wasn’t much conviction in his voice.
“Sure you can!” Michael insisted. “Please, you and Arlo deserve this.”
Seemingly deciding that protesting further was pointless, Calum simply thanked him and slid out of his seat before turning to Arlo. “C’mon buddy, it’s home time.”
The little boy frowned but did as he was told, clambering off the seat and joining his father at the end of the table.
Ivy wasn’t quite so well behaved, though. She opted to begin a tantrum just as the waitress returned to take the payment for their meals. Michael handed the lady a few notes and insisted that she keep the change before turning to the crying toddler. “Ivy, do you really want me to have to tell your Mummy and Daddy that you’ve ruined the day like this?”
The blonde child shook her head again, although tears continued to fall down her chubby cheeks.
Once the small group had filed out onto the street, Ivy pulled her hand out of Michael’s and lunged at Arlo, wrapping him in a big hug. “You’re my best friend.” She pouted as Arlo hugged her back and returned the sentiment.
Judging by the heartbroken look on Calum’s face, he was having as tough of a time with the idea of separating the children as Michael was. After silently chewing on his lip for a moment the raven-haired man turned to Michael, a resolute expression on his beautiful face. “Could I borrow your phone for a moment?”, he asked.
Despite his confusion, Michael nodded and pulled his phone from his denim jacket before unlocking it and handing it to Calum. He watched in shock as the other man typed in his name and number into Michael’s contact list. “Could you please forward my number to Luke and Chloe? Maybe we should arrange a playdate for the little ones. They seem to have really hit it off and it’d be a shame to keep them apart.”
Michael nodded, slightly disappointed that reuniting the kids was the only reason Calum had offered his contact details. “Sure, I’ll make sure they know how well these two got on today - I think they’ll like that Ivy found herself a new friend.”
Smiling, Calum held his hand out to Arlo. “It’s time to go, lil’ dude. I’ll make sure that you get to see Ivy again soon, okay?”
Even though the little boy was obviously upset about having to leave Ivy, he seemingly trusted his father implicitly and gave her one last hug before taking Calum’s hand.
Ivy’s bottom lip started to wobble again as fresh tears brimmed in her sky blue eyes. “C’mon, little miss.” He said, scooping her up into his arms. “You heard Arlo’s daddy, you two will get to play together again really soon, yeah?”
The toddler nodded glumly as she cuddled into Michael, resting her sleepy head on his shoulder.
“Hey uh, Mike…” Calum mumbled just as the blonde man turned to leave.
Michael stopped in his tracks, glancing back at Calum and Arlo curiously, not sure what else there was to say.
“If you, um, wanted to text or call me sometime.” Calum rambled, scratching the back of his neck nervously. “We could maybe hang out, y’know, without the kids… I could buy you a drink or dinner or something…”
Michael’s heart seemed to leap out of his chest as he nodded all too eagerly. “I’d really like that.” He replied, unable to stop a beaming smile from erupting across his face.
A sigh of relief escaped Calum as the tension in his face and shoulders lessened. “It’s a date, then…”
“Yeah, it’s a date.” Michael grinned. “I’ll text you as soon as I get back to the car so you have my number too.”
“Great.” Calum replied, lifting Arlo into his arms. “Don’t forget to pass my number to your friends, too. It’s not like Arlo to click with other kids so easily; I’d hate for him not to see Ivy again soon.”
“I’ll make sure they contact you ASAP.” Michael promised. “See you soon, Calum.” He added, before turning back in the direction of where he’d parked his car.
As he set off, still feeling a little giddy at having been asked on a date by the most gorgeous man he’d ever laid eyes on, his attention was brought back to the real world by Ivy’s sleepy little voice. “Uncle Mike…” She yawned, fixing him with a heavily lidded stare. “What’s a date?”
Tag list: @catearscliffo @byxthexway​ @afuckingunicornn @painkillerash @moonchildsblack @calumbbyyy @h0tsos @loveroflrh @sexgodashton @megz1985 @myfalsedevotion @aulxna @honeyedlashton @tea4sykes @ghostofmashton @fairyintheglass @cashworthy @cashtonasfuck @opheliaaurora23 @5sosnsfw @wildmichaelflower @wildfl0wer-meg @irwinkitten @cxddlyash @wildmalumflower @cashtonasff5sos @iovehemmings @lowpowermodex @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles @celticclifford @5-secondsofcolor @queer-5sos @Secret-Diary-of-an-Aquarius-blog @babylon-corgis @paradigmax @koalacal @treatallwithkindness @lovelybonesetc @morguleth @atlcalm @mantlereid @calumsmermaid @punkrockpreferences @mermaidcashton @mysticalhood 
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xxfuckmecalumxx · 6 years
Can you write some fluff about setting up christmas decorations with calum
Christmas Decorations
A/N: OKay this made me extremely soft for Calum. This is the shit I dream of doing. also, I know it’s not long but I tried my best. I hope you love it!
You had just moved into Calums place a few months prior, he hadn't been home most of the time you lived there so you didn't get to decorate for fall. When he came home after tour you were practically begging him to decorate the house with him, it wasn't that he didn't want to he just didn’t see the hassle of it. But he gave in anyway knowing how happy it would make you, the only decoration he had was a Christmas tree. So, you dragged him into target grabbing anything and everything you could find, which slowly got him into the spirit. When you guys got home Calum blasts a holiday playlist through his speakers, you force him to put some onesies on and you two start to set the tree up. You help him the best you could and when its all set up the two of you put the lights on it, you wanted plain white lights but Calum insisted on colored ones.
“The colored ones look good babe” He smiles stepping back 
You giggle at the taller boy “I do have to say they look good, I’m sorry I doubted you” 
He laughs getting some ornaments out randomly putting them on the tree “I can’t wait until we have our own cute ones. Like our first Christmas, or random ones we pick up over the years.”
You blush at this, you loved when Calum got mushy and sappy. You knew love scared him so you knew when he got like this that he wasn’t as scared as he was before. 
The two of you decorate the tree with the generic ornaments you bought from Target, singing along to the songs that played. Calum finished up the top of the tree as you couldn't reach it and you placed all the nicknacks around the house. When you finish, you sneak off into the kitchen throwing cookies on a pan and into the oven. Calum comes in smiling wide “Are those cookies I smell?”
You nod “I was gonna make us hot cocoa too and ask for you to put a movie on” 
Calum nods “I’ll set the living room up for optimal movie watching”
You giggle watching him walk into the other room. You put milk on the stove, heating it up and putting it into mugs adding cocoa mix. You bring the cups into the living room seeing that Calum has set up a small fort on the floor. “Here you go baby, I’ll be back with cookies in a minute” He nods looking for a movie to put on. 
You shake your head laughing as you put the cookies on the plate bringing them into the fort. “What'd you pick?”. He smiles sweetly at you sipping his drink “Elf”. You groan, it wasn’t your favorite movie and he knew that but you didn't complain too much. You snuggle close to Calum, the two of you watching the movie quietly talking in the moment. You loved these kinds of days with him, just the two of you goofing off and being together. With Calum home for most of the month, you knew December was going to be filled up with a lot more days like this. 
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yvaineseleneposts · 3 years
This is on you
A/N: Based on This is on you by Maisie Peters
Pairing: Y/N & Calum Hood
Word Count: 640
Warning(s): swearing
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Your friends convinced you to go out after being depressed and broken up with for over 4 months. It was never really a relationship per se. It was more of a booty-call thing, not necessarily meaning sex. He would phone you when a girl stood him up and he needed a pick-me-up, or when he went out and his friends never came. He’d always say he hated everyone and how he wished you were there because it turns out it’s not fun going solo.
Through all the issues at work and the fights with his father. You were there for him, acting as his therapist. Giving him the answers that he wanted and him giving you the attention that you craved. You didn’t care that he never asked about you or your life, or asked if it was okay that he’d call you up at three in the morning just to complain about something in his life. It wasn’t fair how he took you for granted, but you still stuck around. Somewhere inside you, you still believed he would change and that he would finally pick you. That he would realise that he loved you too or even liked you like you liked him but alas he never did. After all, you were his ‘best friend’ for over 10 years. Still, he traded you in like it was nothing. His newfound fame, his new friends, the attention that he now got from other people, like you never meant anything to him.
And so here you were out and about and ready to let go. You finally learned that you don’t need that toxicity in your life. It was okay for you that he picked someone else. Everyone always chooses the wrong people for themselves. After all, you picked him.
You were having the time of your life. You didn’t look like a snack, you looked like a whole damn meal. Your friends kept complimenting you and you definitely appreciated the boost they gave you. You were all singing along with the songs the DJ played, especially songs about female empowerment and independence, and drinking cocktails till you couldn’t see straight. And then you felt the need to go to the bathroom. During this lonesome bathroom break, you realised just how tipsy you were and thought it was a great idea to check your phone.
You had a bunch of texts from Calum saying that you needed to call him back ASAP. And with the state you were in you dialled his number.
“Hi Y/N?”
“Yes. Hi.”
“Oh my God, where are you right now? Me and the guys went out for drinks and now I’m super drunk and I went outside and I lost everyone. I’m outside a club in SoHo, uhm Club 49 or something, I think. And then I thought about how you live in London, right. So you must know where I am because I can’t take a taxi because Ashton has my wallet and coat and everything and it’s like super cold and I can’t go back in because Ashton has my wallet which has my ID.” He finally stopped rambling.
“Now you want to be friends? Who gave it all, and held you up when nobody else gave a fuck? Who bailed you out? That was all me. Who was your biggest fan and oldest friend? Your steady hand, you traded me in. I still stuck around and that was all me. But this is on you. It’s your bed, babe, it’s your funeral. I did my best, babe, and you threw it all away and you need me now but I’m clocking out. This is on you.” And with that, I hung up. He could go fuck himself and you went back to your friends to have fun and regret it in the morning.
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irwintry · 6 years
what about a snippet of the relationship set before “darlin”
Calum had a lot on his mind as he retrieved his luggage from the overhead compartment. He hadn’t spoken to you since that phone call from his hotel room a week ago. You had plans to pick him up from the airport, and he wasn’t sure if those plans were still in place as he made his way off of the plane and onto the jet bridge. He wouldn’t know what to say to you if you were there, and he ached to text you, but he couldn’t. He was scared. 
There was a poke on his shoulder the exact moment the buzzer for his baggage claim gate sounded. His heart stammered, fear enveloping him, but not because he thought it was you. He didn’t want to turn and face strangers with phones–– he wasn’t feeling well as it was. But he didn’t face unfamiliar faces, he faced you. You, with a great big smile on your face. You, with your arms already snaking around his waist. 
“You smell like tacos,” you mumbled against his jacket, though he could hardly register your statement through the pounding in his chest and ears. You came for him. “Did you have tacos?” you asked, pulling away. The grin had yet to fade. Meanwhile, suitcases and duffles were sliding by.
Calum shook his head. He was still in awe that hadn’t scared you away with his confession. “Maybe you jus’ really want tacos, darlin’.” 
That made you grin and poke his chest. “I was hoping you’d catch on.” 
You held his hand over the center console of your car, and he couldn’t figure out why. Why were you showing him affection? After all, you hadn’t told him you loved him. He didn’t know how to bring it up again, nor did he know if he would in the first place. You had other things on your mind, like how many tacos you were getting. 
“’s this new?” he asked, tapping the necklace that dangled from your rearview mirror. The charm was a tiny bird encrusted with a small diamond. He couldn’t tell if it was faux or not.
“Yeah!” you exclaimed happily. “My coworker gave it to me. His– “
Calum tensed.
“–mum works at a jeweler, and since I practically saved his ass from getting fired a few weeks ago, he was kind enough to gimme this,” you said, flicking the little charm. “Dunno how trustworthy I am with expensive things, so I put it ‘ere so I won’t lose it.”
Calum nodded, and he felt his throat close up slightly while thoughts of that night a week ago flooded his brain. How did you expect him to act normally around you after his confession? He didn’t know what to do or say, but his hand was getting sweaty in your grip, and he pulled away before thinking twice. 
And you noticed. You noticed the retraction and the hesitance in his features. You noticed the way his eyes darted from you to the necklace and then to his lap where his fingers had begun to fumble with one another. 
“Cal,” you said, your voice now hushed as you reached for his hand again. He let you take it. “I’m happy you’re home.”
He had managed to smile a little, but it wasn’t enough for either of you. He needed to hear more, and you needed to figure out how to say more. Maybe you were scared as well. 
The weather outside matched his mood–– rainy and slightly stormy, but it didn’t feel completely miserable with you beside him. 
And then you said, “you know I’ve always loved you. Always have. Always will.” 
Calum didn’t trust cars. They reminded him of your love, and they reminded him of your death. 
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Genre: Smut
Pairings: Ashton Irwin/Calum Hood/Luke Hemmings
Word Count: 3.3k
Requested: by @cashtonasfuck
Laura, I am FINALLY submitting a request for hogwarts!sos 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 please could I have poly!lashtum?? (Is that what we’re going with for Luke, ash and cal?😂) luke in ravenclaw, ash in hufflepuff and cal in slytherin? Cashton are in a relationship and Luke is jealous cuz he’s had a crush on ash for the longest time, and then they’re all studying together and cal notices Luke can’t stop looking at ash and cashton maybe Dom Luke? Hope that’s okay angel! 💙 
Includes: Explicit sexual content, thigh riding, dirty talk, light dom/sub dynamic
Trigger Warnings: strong language
A/N: Please Lucy, you tried to end us all with this request! I hope you like how it turned out <3
It just wasn't fair.
Ashton Irwin was the sweetest person Luke had have ever met, not to mention the most handsome. Why the fuck was he already dating someone else? 
Well, that question was very easily answered. Calum Hood was one of the most gorgeous boys at Hogwarts. He was acing every one of his classes and on top of all that he was the captain of the Slytherin quidditch team. Of course, Ashton had fallen for him, just like every other sixth year had. If only Luke had grown the balls to approach Ashton at the start of the school year, maybe then he’d be the Hufflepuff’s boyfriend instead of the Slytherin ‘golden boy’. 
As if it wasn’t hard enough to keep his feelings in check, Luke had been asked to tutor both boyfriends in non-verbal spells. It seemed that the Ravenclaw boy had been gifted with a rare talent for performing the difficult wordless magic and his Charms professor had asked him to help out Ashton and Calum who were both struggling. 
Perhaps one of the most unfortunate parts of tutoring for Luke, besides his ever-present jealousy, was fitting it in around his already hectic after-school schedule. Calum and Ashton weren’t any less busy either so finding a timeslot that suited them all had proven very difficult. It was for that reason that the three boys had been given special permission to use each other’s common rooms after curfew. That alone was a problem for the Ravenclaw, being alone with the two hottest boys in school in dark, quiet rooms late at night but knowing that he could never make a move on either of them.
“This is impossible!” Ashton huffed irritably, bringing Luke’s thoughts back to the present moment. The Hufflepuff’s handsome face was contorted in an exasperated expression, his cheeks flushed with concentration and frustration as he raked his fingers through his already unruly sand-coloured curls. “How do you do this so easily, Luke?” He asked, fixing the youngest boy with a watery gaze.
“Hey…” Calum said softly, reaching over to rub the back of his boyfriend’s hand gently. “You’ll get it, you’re the smartest person I know.”
Luke forced a smile, trying to stop himself from visibly bristling at the tender moment between the two boyfriends. Luckily they’d decided to study in Calum’s common room, which was very dimly lit and hopefully easy to hide his jealous expressions in.
What the Ravenclaw didn’t anticipate, however, is that having spent a good portion of his school life in this dark environment, Calum’s eyesight had adjusted to cope well in the lack of light, making it all-too-easy for him to notice the way Luke almost scowled.
“I’m definitely not the smartest person you know…” Ashton huffed, curling into Calum’s side for comfort. “Luke can cast the Colovaria charm silently, like he’s being do it for years!”
A hint of a smirk curls the corners of Calum’s lips as he stroke’s Ashton’s hair gently. “We can’t all be as great at Charms as Hemmings.” He said, “Some of us have other talents, isn’t that right, Lukey?”
The Ravenclaw tried to hide his reddening cheeks as he leaned over a white feather in the pretence of trying to demonstrate the colour changing charm again. Calum was effortlessly charming, his smooth voice affecting Luke in ways he didn’t want to acknowledge. “Sure.” He replied in a clipped tone, avoiding eye contact at all costs.
“Ugh, he’s just being nice.” Ashton sighed. His sentence was followed immediately by the unmistakable clatter of his wand being dropped on the table. “He knows I should never have been allowed into advanced level Charms, I’m too fucking stupid…”
“That’s not true.” Luke responded automatically, chancing a glance at the Hufflepuff across the table. “You’re not stupid at all. Non-verbal spells are really tricky, everyone struggles with them at first.”
Calum hugs Ashton close as he places a kiss to the older boy’s cheek, keeping his eyes on Luke the whole time. “Also, you’re amazing at a lot of other things.” He smirks, holding Luke’s gaze steadily. “Like Herbology, Astronomy and…” The Slytherin lowered his voice but something in his eyes made it clear that the slightly older boy still wanted Luke to hear the end of his sentence. “All the bedroom stuff… Especially blowjobs.”
“Calum!” Ashton hissed, his cheeks deepening in colour as he shot Luke a guilty glance. “You can’t say things like that when we have company.”
The Slytherin shrugged carelessly. “Why not?” He asked. “I’m sure Luke would love to know just how good you are at all that stuff.”
Luke had never felt so called out in all his life. His cheeks were burning with embarrassment as he stared, slack-jawed at Calum. The slightly older boy leaned back casually in his chair, pulling Ashton with him as though he’d made nothing but an off-hand comment about the weather.
“Shh, you’re making Luke uncomfortable.” Ashton hissed, nudging his boyfriend in the ribs. “He doesn’t need to hear about all that…”
Finally coming to his senses, Luke nods. “Ashton’s right, I don’t. Maybe we should just do this another night, I don’t think either of you are in the right frame of mind right now.” He reached for his feather so that he could pack it away with the rest of his stuff, but Calum caught his wrist in a firm but surprisingly gentle grip. 
“Are you sure, Lukey?” The Slytherin asked, his dark eyes staring deep into Luke’s as though he was searching for something. “Because I have a feeling you think about Ashton doing stuff like that a lot” He smirked. “I bet you imagine him doing it to you rather than me, though.”
Luke was dumbstruck. He felt as though he was about to get punched by the most popular boy at Hogwarts for something he’d tried his very best to hide.
“Calum!” Ashton gasped, “You can’t say things like that to him… Especially when they’re not true.” The Hufflepuff turned to face Luke, the silent addition of the question ‘is it?’ written all over his beautiful face.
The answer should have been ‘no’ and it should have spilled from Luke’s lips instantly. The youngest boy just couldn’t bring himself to lie, though. He sat there, staring back at Ashton and Calum in an almost terrified silence.
“Of course it’s true, babe.” Calum explained to Ashton although his eyes never moved from Luke’s. “I see the way he looks at you every time we’re in the same room. He wants you as much as I do.” 
If it was possible to dissaperate in the Hogwarts grounds, Luke would have done it in an instant. He just wanted to get out of this awkward situation as quickly as possible. “I should go…” He muttered weakly, trying but failing to twist his wrist out of Calum’s hold. “I’ll ask the professor to assign someone else to tutor you.”
“I’d rather you didn’t do that.” The Slytherin whispered gently, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. “It’d make it a lot harder for us to put the moves on you, if we didn’t have these little late night study sessions.”
Luke was still so embarrassed at being caught lusting after Ashton by Calum, that it took his brain a moment to process what the Slytherin had said. When he did finally realise that he hadn’t misheard - that Calum had actually said he and Ashton wanted to make a move on him, he had no idea at all how to respond.
After a moment of the tensest silence Luke had ever experienced, Ashton sighed reaching over to stroke Luke’s hand that was still grasped in Calum’s. “I tried to tell Calum that it wasn’t a good idea to lay this on you whilst you were meant to be tutoring us.” The Hufflepuff smiled gently. “But seeing as he’s gone ahead and done it anyway, maybe I should explain some stuff.”
“Yeah…” Luke managed, his voice coming out in a strained whisper as his mind continued attempting to process what was happening, albeit with great difficulty. 
Ashton bit his lip nervously as he shot Calum a sideways glance before launching into his explanation. “So, Calum noticed a while back that you check me out sometimes. I told him he was imagining things because there’s no way you’re into me.” Calum rolled his eyes at this point, a clear expression that he had no doubt that he was right. The eldest boy ignored him, though, continuing his hastily put together speech. “But anyway… basically we talked about we both think you’re cute and how maybe at some point we’d talk to you about possibly going on a date with us or something.” By the time he’d finished talking, Ashton’s cheeks were crimson coloured and he looked as though he’d liked the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
“Wait!” Luke gasped, looking between the two older boys in a confused daze. “You both like me, as in, ‘like’ me.”
Calum and Ashton both nodded in unison, their pretty faces staring back him hopefully.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, but we wanted you to know that the offer’s there.” Ashton clarified, “We understand if you need time to think about it.”
Going away to sleep on the proposition would have been the sensible thing to do, Luke knew that. It didn’t stop him from wanting to test the other two boys on their offer immediately, though. 
As if he could read Luke’s mind, Calum stood up, gently tugging Luke to his feet as he gestured for the youngest boy to join him on the other side of the table. “You want us to show you that we’re serious, don’t you?” He asked, guiding the Ravenclaw between himself and Ashton, who was gazing up at the two of them curiously, although there was undoubtedly an element of lust burning in his hazel eyes.
Luke nodded, suddenly finding himself speechless as Calum cupped his cheek gently. “Should we show him how serious we are, Ash?” 
Without even waiting for an answer, Calum pulled Luke into a deep kiss. His lips felt so much softer against Luke’s own than the Ravenclaw had ever imagined and he immediately began craving more. He wrapped his arms around Calum’s waist as the older boy held his face in both hands.
The kiss lasted long enough to ignite a flame of irrepressible lust in Luke’s chest. When Calum pulled away and his dark eyes met Luke’s there was no mistaking that he felt the same. “Go and sit in Ashton’s lap, Lukey.” He instructed, “He’s been dying to kiss you as much as I have.”
Feeling dazed by the kiss, Luke did as he was told, dropping into Ashton’s lap as the eldest boy wrapped him up in a strong but tender embrace. “You looked so hot with Calum.” He whispered hotly against Luke’s lips. “Can I…”
Nodding fervently, Luke closed the tiny gap between their lips. To the Ravenclaw’s surprise, Ashton kissed harder than Calum, sliding his fingers into Luke’s curls to keep him as close as possible.
“Fuck…” Calum whispered, his breath ghosting over Luke’s neck as he leaned over the two  kissing boys. “You two look so good…” His lips grazed the younger boy’s pale skin as he helped Luke to straddle one of Ashton’s muscular thighs so that they were at a better angle for kissing.
The youngest boy was overwhelmed. Never in a million years would he have thought that one of these study sessions would end like this - with Ashton kissing him whilst Calum nipped at his neck. 
“You taste so good, Lukey.” Ashton growled between kisses. “I can see why Calum didn’t wanna let you go…”
A needy whine escaped Luke as he unintentionally slid further up Ashton’s thigh, causing friction to his cock through his trousers. Of course, being a hormonal sixteen-year-old, his body had already started to react to the kissing and touching. “Please…” He whimpered, “You both feel so good.”
Ashton smiled against the Ravenclaw’s lips, tugging his hair a little harder to let out a bit more of his sexual tension. “You have no idea how much we’ve wanted you.” He whispered, “Dreamt of this so much.”
“Ashy’s right.” Calum confirmed as his hands found Luke’s waist. “We’ve wanted you so much and now it’s happening, you’re even hotter than we ever imagined.”
It was impossible for Luke to remain still, Ashton was so strong and sturdy beneath him, his muscular thigh was an all-too-inviting temptation that he couldn't resist. He rolled his hips experimentally, a surprised moan escaping him when the friction it caused sent pleasurable shivers up his spine. “I-I can’t… you both feel…”
Calum gripped Luke’s hips a little tighter and began guiding him in a slow rhythm. “It’s okay, Lukey. Let us help you feel good.” He whispered before continuing to kiss down Luke’s exposed neck. 
Ashton pulled back just far enough to watch the other two boys for a moment, groaning at how hot they looked. Calum was a natural at taking control and Luke seemed to thrive off of that, sinking into the older boy’s touch like he needed to be as close as possible to him. “Uh, I could watch you both all night.” The Hufflepuff said lowly, “You’re putting on such a good show for me right now.”
“Yeah?” Calum asked, quirking one of his thick dark eyebrows. “Lukey’s such a good boy, isn’t he, Ash? Look how well he’s riding your thigh, getting all hard for us.”
“Fuck…” Luke moned, his voice already so thick with lust that he was surprised any sound had escaped his lips at all. 
“You like to be praised, Lukey?” Ashton asked, his lips grazing the outer shell of the Ravenclaw’s ear as he spoke. The younger boy nodded eagerly as he rested his forehead against Ashton’s. “Good…” The eldest boy grinned, “Because you’re doing so well for us, we can’t wait to see you come apart for us, can we, Cal?”
Calum shook his head, his dark curls falling into his eyes as he continued to guide Luke’s hips, helping hip to grind down onto Ashton, pulling gasps and moans from all three of them. The Slytherin took a break from nibbling at Luke’s neck, gently nudging the younger boy’s head to one side so that he kiss Ashton over his shoulder.
The way that the boyfriends made out over Luke, their bodies sandwiching the Ravenclaw deliciously, pulled the youngest boy even closer to an orgasm. “Fuck, please…” He whimpered, losing the ability to form a coherent sentence.
“Tell him how good he sounds, Ashy.” Calum instructed between kisses, his fingers curling tighter around Luke’s hips as the younger boy’s movements became a little more erratic. 
Ashton complied immediately, his voice a little broken and weak now. “You sound so good, Lukey… Can’t wait to hear what you sound like when you cum for us.”
Every word made it harder for Luke to keep it together. His whole body was begging him to let go but he didn’t want this to end just yet. 
“Is he making you hard, Ash?” Calum asked, pressing himself against Luke’s back so that the younger boy could feel the Slytherin’s hard dick against his back.
“Holy fuck, Calum!” Luke gasped, “You feel big…”
Ashton moaned into Calum’s kiss. “He’s making us both so hard, Cal…” He continued, “You’re such a good boy, Lukey.”
“He’s the best.” Calum replied, pulling back from Ashton just enough to shoot Luke a sideways glance. “Do you want to feel us, baby?”
Luke whimpered as he nodded, a stray strand of caramel coloured curls sticking to his forehead. He was very sure that touching Calum and Ashton would send him over the edge but he was more than ready for that. 
The Hufflepuff took one of Luke’s hand and guided it between their bodies until the younger’s longer fingers touched Ashton’s hard cock through his trousers. “You see what you’re doing to us, Lukey?” He groaned, “no one has had this much of an affect on me besides Calum. I’m gonna be constantly turned on knowing that you’re both mine.”
Before Luke could utter another strangled whine, Calum shifted his position, moving to stand to the side so that it was easier for Luke to feel him. “Go ahead, baby, you can touch me.” The Slytherin prompted gently, “Want you to cum holding our dicks, knowing that you can have them anytime you like.”
The very second that Luke’s fingers curled around Calum’s cock, he knew it was over. Both boys felt so big in his hands and a tsunami of possibilities swept through his mind - a tirade of images portraying what these two boys could do him and what he could give to them in return, flickered before his eyes as his orgasm hit. Luke’s body trembled as he tumbled over the edge, burying his face in Ashton’s shoulder for comfort.
“Holy shit…” Calum groaned. “I almost came just from watching you, baby. You looked so fucking hot.”
Ashton nodded in agreement, his pretty face flushed and slightly clammy. “You’re such a good boy for us, baby. Love the way you fall apart for us.”
Luke whimpered helplessly, trying to gain the brainpower to speak again as he continued to shiver with the aftershocks of his pleasure. He calmed a little when both of the other boys wrapped their arms around him, enclosing him in a warm, safe cocoon whilst his breathing slowly regulated. 
“That’s right.” Ashton soothed, gently rubbing Luke’s back, helping to ground him. “You’re safe with us, Lukey.”
The Ravenclaw didn’t doubt it for a second, he’d never felt so thoroughly taken care of before. “Wanna repay you boh. It felt so good.”
Calum chuckled softly. “We have all the time in the world to work up to that, baby. We don’t want to exhaust you too much on our first night, do we?”
Just as Luke opened his mouth to argue. Ashton cut him off with a brief kiss. “Calum’s right, Lukey. We have all the time in the world to try out everything you’ve ever dreamed of. There’s no need to rush it all right now.” 
Pouting, Luke accepted the kiss and turned his gaze to Calum, staring up at the slightly older boy through the darkness. “But you’re both still hard… I wanna help.”
The Slytherin and Hufflepuff boys exchanged a glance, each of them allowing a tiny smirk to curl the corners of their lips before they returned their gazes to Luke. 
“You can watch while we get each other off, if you want?” Calum offers, hope burning in the depths of his brown eyes. “You’re more than welcome…”
Luke didn’t need asking twice, despite his weak knees, he scrambled to his feet and stepped aside so that Ashton could get to his feet.
“To my bed, then.” Calum smirked, taking Ashton and Luke by the hand and leading them towards the steps that lead up to the sixth year dormitory. 
The Ravenclaw had no idea what was in store for him, but he couldn’t wait to find out.
Tag list: @clffrd @byxthexway @afuckingunicornn @painkillerash @moonchildsblack @calumbbyyy @h0tsos @valentinelrh @sexgodashton @megz1985 @myfalsedevotion @aulxna @honeyedlashton @tea4sykes @ghostofmashton @fairyintheglass​ @cashworthy @cashtonasfuck @opheliaaurora23​ @5sosnsfw​ @theagenderwhocriedwolf @myloverboyash @easiercake​ @irwinkitten​ @cxddlyash​ @malumamongmen​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @iovehemmings​
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maluminspace · 5 years
could you do C #15,26 with Calum? like y/n is so drunk and cal takes care of her? thank you ❤️
C15 “I’m so tired I can barely move.”
C26 “I’m not going anywhere.”
The room was spinning.
The music sounded muffled and your legs felt like jelly beneath you.
You needed to find your friends but every face that swam past you was blurrier than the last.
As you stumbled through the crowd, you thought you heard a familiar voice call your name. You didn’t really have the presence of mind to turn around, though.
You waded through the mass of bodies writhing on the dance floor until you reached a clearer space. Your vision was still blurry and you were sure your knees were about to give way under you at any second.
Just as your legs trembled alarmingly, a strong arm wrapped around your waist and helped you to tight to keep on your feet. “C’mon, sweetness.” A familiar voice said, as you were led towards the exit.
Your boyfriend Calum called you ‘sweetness’ all the time, it was his favourite pet name for you, but he wasn’t supposed to be here! It was a boyfriend-free event.
You glanced sideways, trying to get a look at the person who was holding you. Even in your inebriated state, you recognise the smell of Calum’s deodorant and the unique way that it mingled with the lingering scent of smoke from his last cigarette.
As the two of you left the main room of the club and stepped into the dark reception area, your vision focused enough for you to confirm that it was indeed Calum with his arm around you. “You’re not supposed to be here!” You slur, pouting at the injustice. “‘M with my friends... it’s a no boyfriend night!”
Calum met your unsteady gaze, eyeing you worriedly as he led to the exit of the club. “Your friends called me to pick you up.” He replied, “they’re waiting out here to say goodbye to you, then I’m taking you home.”
“No...” you whine, dragging out the ‘o’ sound for far longer than necessary. “It’s still early and I wanna dance!”
“It’s almost three am and you can dance next time, sweetness.” Calum reassured you. “Right now it’s time to get you home.”
You grin crookedly, remembering the last time Calum had taken you home after a night out. Maybe leaving the club early wasn’t such a bad idea after all. “Oh... you gonna ‘take care’ of me like you did last time?” You smirked, “‘cus I’d really like that! Just don’t break my lamp this time, I can’t afford to replace it again...”
Calum’s cheeks coloured in an embarrassed blush. He obviously remembered how he’d swept everything off the table in your hallway in order to fuck you on it.
As the cool air hit you, so did the inevitable nausea. You were pretty sure getting a cab back to your place is a bad idea but you knew it was a bit too far to walk. You didn’t have time to think about it now, though.
As promised your friends were waiting just outside the entrance to the club and as soon they laid eyes on you, you were engulfed in a group hug.
It took you a good few minutes to say goodbye to them all whilst Calum waited patiently. Faintly you thought about how your boyfriend always looked so effortlessly cool. Like right now - leaning against the wall of the club, the collar of his leather jacket turned up to protect his neck from the chill. “Okay... I’m going home to fuck Calum, now.” You laugh drunkenly. “Well it’ll probably be the other way around but...” you trailed off, laughing and shrugging your shoulders.
Your friends laughed louder than they probably would usually, a sign that they were probably almost as drunk as you were.
Calum’s cheeks were a vivid crimson colour when he came over to convince you that now was definitely a good time to leave. “I’m just telling my friends about how we’re gonna fuck when we get home.” You explained, still giggling. “I need to tell them how you broke my lamp last time!”
“No, no...” Calum urged gently. “I’m sure they don’t need to hear about that. “And I think that we’ll just be sleeping when get home to tonight.”
Your friends joined you a chorus of boo’s as Calum waved distractingly to them all and wrapped his arm around your middle again, ready to guide you to a cab.
“I don’t wanna sleep...” you whined as Calum led you down the busy Main Street. “Why did you even come and get me if you were just gonna take me home to sleep?” You said the final word with as much distaste as you could muster.
“Because I love you.” Calum replies without missing a beat. “Even when you overshare with your friends about our sex life.” He giggled a little and the way his eyes crinkled in the corners made you feel like you were falling in love all over again.
“Well you’re really good!” You replied honestly, albeit a few octaves higher than necessary. “When someone is getting good sex, they should definitely tell their friends about it!” You explained rather mater-of-factly before you turned to face Calum again. “Don’t you talk about me with your friends?”
An undeniably guilty expression coloured Calum’s face as ignored your question completely. “I don’t think you’ll survive a cab ride home without puking, so I’m gonna take you back to my place, okay? It’s only a few minutes walk from here.”
“I know where you live, Calum!” You nodded, giving into his sneaky subject change.
Another wave of nausea hit you as you turned into the side street that leads to Calum’s apartment.
“You okay, sweetness?” Calum asked, undoubtedly noticing the way your face drained of colour.
You shook your head in reply, already fighting to keep the contents of your stomach where they were.
Calum led you into a small alley behind the row of bars and clubs you’d just walked past. He bent you over slightly, trying to ensure that when you vomited, it wouldn’t be all down the front of you clothes.
It only took a few more seconds of Calum rubbing your back before you inevitably puked all over the pavement. Your boyfriend stayed with you the whole time, though, encouraging you to get it all out and promising to get you a nice glass of cold water when you got back to his place.
You tangled your fingers in the collar of calum’s leather jacket to keep him close to you, scared that he’d leave you because being sick is so gross.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” Calum promised, continuing to rub your back until you had nothing left to bring up.
When you were absolutely sure you’d finally finished emptying your stomach, Calum wrapped his arm around your waist again and led you back out onto to the street, heading towards his apartment building.
You’d always hated being sick, so it came as no surprise to anyone that you started crying into Calum’s shoulder.
“It’s okay, sweetness.” Calum soothed gently. “We’re nearly home now, then you can rest, yeah?”
You nodded in response, clinging to Calum like he was the only thing that mattered to you.
In your drunken state the short walk to Calum’s apartment wiped the last of your energy. “I’m so tired I can barely move...” you whined, as Calum led you into the elevator.
“Just a couple more minutes, sweetness.” He smiled, keeping you close to him with that ever present arm around your waist. “Then you can sleep as much as you like.”
Your boyfriend practically carried you down the corridor leading to his apartment. He even kept hold of you as he opened the front door, even though it made the small task a lot harder.
When the two of you finally stumbled into Calum’s living area, he deposited you on the sofa before he ran to get you some water, which took straight to the bedroom for you.
Somehow, you managed to get to your feet and follow your boyfriend to the bedroom. Your heart kind of melted when you saw him laying out an old t-shirt for you to wear. “You’re the cutest...” you smiled dopily as you leaned heavily against the doorframe.
“C’mon, trouble.” Calum giggled, sliding off his leather jacket before leading you over to the bed.
Your boyfriend helped you change into the t-shirt before stripping down to his boxers. “Have a sip of water for me before we go to sleep, yeah?” He asked gently, “I’m just gonna use the bathroom and then I’ll be back to cuddle you, okay?”
You nodded in response and took a small sip of the water he’d left for you on the bedside table. Even though you were looking forward to cuddles with Calum, you flopped back into the pillows and allowed sleep to take you long before he returned from the bathroom.
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Genre: fluff/light angst
Pairings: Reader/Michael Clifford/Calum Hood
Word Count: 2.5k
Requested: by @trick-r-teeth​ for spooky!sos 2019
Trigger Warnings: haunted house attractions/jump scares/mild panic attack/strong language
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a polyamorous fic including the reader 🙈 I hope it came out alright! I’m excited to know what you think ❤️
The queue for the haunted house attraction was as about as long as you’d expected it to be... ridiculously long.
Luckily for you, one of your two wonderful boyfriends had friends in high, albeit spooky, places.
Boyfriend number one, Michael Clifford, was currently having a long chat with one of his buddies at the ticket kiosk for the attraction, whilst you and the long suffering third party in your triad, Calum Hood, waited on a bench cradling warm cider drinks. 
“What’s taking him so long?” You grumbled, resting your head on Calum’s shoulder. “He’s only meant to be asking if we can go in yet.”
Calum wrapped an arm around you and pecked a kiss to your forehead. “Patience, sweetheart.” Your blue haired boyfriend chuckled. “With any luck, Luke will have changed his mind about letting us in for free and we can go home.” He shrugged.
“I wouldn’t even be mad about it.” You confessed, cuddling closer into Calum’s side. “We could just go home and drink hot chocolate whilst we watch scary movies and make out..”
Chuckling softly, Calum tightened his arm around your shoulders. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later, sunshine.” He promised.
You grinned at the pet name Calum had used for you since the day he’d declared your triad official. He had one for Michael too, one that you’d found yourself adopting too, as time went by. Not that ‘Angel’ seemed all that appropriate for the blonde ball of excitement that you were currently waiting for.
As you say there with Calum, you couldn’t help thinking that the whole ‘being chased around a spooky house’ thing wasn’t really your idea of a perfect date. You’d agreed to it now, though, even if it was only because you wanted to get into the Halloween spirit more this year.
As Michael finally turned to head back to you, he had the biggest smile on his face. It seemed like your vague hope that Luke had changed his mind about letting you in, was slipping away by the second. 
“Luke booked us a slot at eight.” Your eldest boyfriend grinned as he jogged up to the bench and plonked down beside you. “Just enough time for us to finish these ciders!”
Calum passed Michael the cup that was resting on the bench beside him. “Good, maybe this whole thing will be more fun if I’m a little drunk.” 
The blonde man pouted, his impossibly pink bottom lip jutting out like that of a stroppy toddler. “You don’t want to do this?” He asked, a note of genuine disappointment in his voice beneath the sympathy craving whine.
Calum’s expression softened a little as he deliberately brushed his fingers over Michael’s when he passed the cup of cider. “We’ll do it for you, angel.” He replied gently. “It’s only fair that we all choose an activity to share with the other two.”
Nodding, you reach out to hold Michael’s free hand, tangling your fingers with his. “Yeah, I’m gonna make you watch every 80’s slasher movie I can think of.” You grin, excited to share one of your favourite parts of Halloween with your boyfriends for the first time.
“Yeah?” Michael asked, his smile brightening a little when you hummed your confirmation. “We should do that this weekend! I’ll order pizza and Calum can make us some spooky themed cocktails.”
Your youngest boyfriend rolled his eyes fondly as he grabbed Michael’s shoulder to pull him closer.
The blonde man giggled as he snuggled into your side so that the three of you were pressed together as closely as possible. “This is another reason why three is better than two.” You grinned as your boyfriends fixed you with confused glances. “Snuggle piles are even warmer!”
Ten minutes later, the three of you headed over to the ticket kiosk and the guy that Michael had been chatting to earlier grinned mischievously. He was dressed as some sort of ghostly butler, his grey face paint and spooky demeanour making you realise just how much you were going to hate this experience.
The bright smile on Michael’s face as he took the tickets was more than worth a half of hour of something you hate, though. He looked like a kid at Christmas as squealed between you and Calum, taking one hand from each of you. “This is gonna be fun.” He squealed.
“You’re ridiculous...” Calum huffed but the fondness I’m his tone betrayed just how much that spooky dork meant to him. 
You understand Calum’s feelings. Yours are pretty much identical. Both of your boyfriends have their quirks and flaws but you wouldn’t change a single one of them.
It comforted you, to know that Calum was just as apprehensive as you were about this whole experience. At least you had someone to share in your misery.
As the three of you made your way inside the attraction with a bunch of other Halloween enthusiasts, Michael’s growing enthusiasm almost made you forget how much you were destined to hate this.
“This is going to be so much fun!” The blonde grinned, dragging both you and Calum closer to the front of the little crowd. 
You exchanged a sceptical look with Calum before the two of you burst into nervous laughter. 
Luckily, Michael seemed to assume that you were both just as excited as he was for this little adventure.
Some woman dressed a floaty, old-fashioned white nightdress and ghostly make up gave a quick health and safety talk before a heavy wooden door was opened.
Thanks to Michael’s eagerness, you and your two boyfriends were among the very first to enter the dark room. Once everyone had filtered through from the entrance hall, the heavy door swung shut, plunging the entire room into complete darkness. 
After a few seconds there was a seemingly sporadic flash of light that illuminated the open space for a second. You just about managed to make out the shape of some ornate picture frames on the wall and what appeared to be large pieces of furniture covered with dust sheets.
It was only when Michael chuckled that you realised that both you and Calum had subconsciously clung to him, gripping an arm each. 
When the lights flashed again your were aware of faint figures moving erratically around the outskirts of the room, darting behind the large sheet-covered furniture.
Now it was completely official, you fucking hated this.
When the lights flashed for a third time the vague figures had become solid silhouettes. You had to remind yourself that they were only actors... They were just people dressed up and contorting their bodies into grotesque shapes. 
Upon the fourth flash, the actors scattered their ‘victims’ by running at the group, groaning, screeching or laughing maniacally depending upon their character. 
The lights finally stopped strobing after that. Settling into a dim red glow that cast eerie shadows and left far too many dark recesses for your liking.
You clung to both Calum and Michael as if you’re life depended on it. Every time you walked past something that appeared solid, an actor would jump out and it scared you every single time. 
The whole thing seemed far too funny to Michael as he led your little triad into the next room. At first it was pitch black, although you could hear footsteps and other eerie sounds echoing around you. 
When the dim red lights flickered to life you realised that it was a hallway that you’d stumbled into. There were various doors set into the wall as well as more sheet-covered items of furniture. 
Your heart sank as you realised that most of the passageway was too narrow for you and your boyfriends to continue walking side-by-side. The thought of walking through this hallway in single file was almost enough to make you cry. Michael was enjoying himself, though. You knew that this was a small price to pay to make him happy. Calum would agree with you, too, that was a given. 
A little group of giggling friends ran past your little triad, squealing giddily as they scampered down the corridor. You watched as they too, got chased onto the same room as the couple you’d seen a moment ago.
Deciding you just needed to stop being a baby, you straighten up, watching carefully as a couple up ahead of you got chased into one of the rooms by a gory ghost. 
As the three of you stepped forward, Michael took the lead, stretching his hand out behind his back for you to hold. Calum then manoeuvred you in front of him so that you were effectively sandwiched between your boys. 
It felt marginally safer to have a boyfriend to protect you from the and the back but you still couldn’t wait to be out of this fucking hallway. 
As you traipsed through the near-darkness, you tried to remember the exact spot that the actors were hiding in before they chased those other people. It was really hard to tell, but you thought you remembered and were somewhat relieved when you walked passed the little recess without incident. Maybe those actors had some compassion after all. 
Your relief was very short lived, however. As you neared the end of the corridor you noticed that the light was disappearing altogether and the sounds of other people being terrorised by actors were becoming fainter by the second.
“Mike are you sure this is the right way?” You asked cautiously. “Everyone else went into one of those rooms...”
“It’s like a maze in here, babe.” Michael replied. “There’re lots of different ways to get to the end.”
You had no reason not to trust him but you had a terrible feeling that you were going ‘off track’.
When it became clear that your group couldn’t go any further Michael was forced to try the one remaining door set into the wall beside him. You really hated the fact that it had a huge red ‘X’ pained in the centre of it.
You clutched both of your boyfriends’ hands as Michael led the way inside. The room was entirely black. There were no flashing lights or eerie red glow in this one.
“Mike I don’t like this...” you whispered as the door swung closed behind Calum. 
“Yeah, I don’t think this is right, baby.” Calum agreed. “Take us back to where those other people went.”
Michael huffed. “Fine, spoil sports!” He signed as he let go of your hand in order to head back towards the door. 
“We just want to get this over with, okay?” Calum groaned. 
“You two just have no sense of adventure!” Michael whined and you could hear the pout clearly in his voice. 
Calum made a disgruntled sound that also oozed impatience. “Just get us back on the right path, or I’m putting you on a sex ban for a week!”
As Michael made a distressed noise and began arguing why that shouldn’t happen, you heard a scampering sound and a faint giggle. 
“Can you two argue about this later?” You hissed. “I want to get out of here please!”
Your plea went unnoticed as your boyfriends continued to bicker. Before you had chance to ask them again, A faint light sprang to life at the other end of the room. It appeared to be the beam of a touch. 
“See!” Michael huffed. “We can go this way!” He swept off, his pace fast and determined as you scampered after him. 
You’d barley made it five steps when the silence of the room was broken by manic laughter and scurrying footsteps that echoed around the seemingly large open space. 
The torch light was moving now too, as though the person holding it was running away from you.
Even Michael seemed creeped out and broke into a run. You struggled to keep up with him and you hated not having his or Calum’s hand in your own anymore. 
For once, Michael proved too fast for you to keep up with. It was hard enough to see him in the first place, but when he veered off behind a stack of crates, you lost him completely.
Panicking a little, you turned around to try and see Calum but he seemed to have been left behind in your haste to keep up with Michael.
The torch light chose that moment to go out completely, plunging the whole room into total darkness as all the sounds stopped too.
You froze, listening to your own rapid breathing whilst you told yourself not to panic.
Just as you were about to call out to your boyfriends, a tiny voice whispered your name. It had to be Michael or Calum so you followed the sound cautiously. 
“Over here...” the voice hissed. “This is the way out...”
Your scared brain instinctively trusted the disembodied voice. You followed the sound behind a large pile of crates, hoping there’d be a hidden door there. 
“That’s right...” the voice whispered before calling your name again. It definitely wasn’t Michael’s or Calum’s voice, you could hear that now. 
Before you could call out to your boyfriends the torch light reappeared but this time it was right in front of you and it illuminated a distorted face - the gaping mouth, peeling grey skin and manic eyes pulled a loud, terrified scream from you. 
Before you’d even managed to gather your senses enough to run, all of the ceiling lights sprung to life, illuminating the large room fully. 
You were faintly aware of people laughing as you regained your senses. “That was great, Luke!” Michael giggled, appearing from the other side of the crates with a livid looking Calum.
“Thanks, man.” Luke smiled proudly, you guys were amazing subjects.” He laughed glancing between you and Calum. “I wish I could have filmed you.”
“That wasn’t funny, assholes!” Calum hissed angrily. 
“It was, though!” Michael argued, still laughing. If his smiling face wasn’t so beautiful you’d have been tempted to rip it off. 
“Your ban’s just been upped to two weeks, you little shit.” Calum growled, stepping forward to wrap you in a hug. “And I won’t even let you watch us either.”
Michael protested with a sulky noise but Calum silenced him with a look. Fuck, that man was hot when he was stern and/or angry. Luckily, Michael knew when to back to back down.
“Tough luck, mate.” Luke smirked at Michael. “Looks like you’ve got some grovelling to do.”
Calum turned to face Luke, his expression still foreboding. “Don’t even get me started with you, Hemmings!” He huffed. “I’ll find a way to get you back, too!”
Holding his hands up in surrender, Luke’s smile dropped a bit. “It was Michael’s idea...”
Your blonde boyfriend looked terribly guilty as his smile also faltered. “I promise I’ll make it up to you both!”
“Yeah, you can start by driving us home and making us hot chocolates, after that I’ll decide exactly what all of your punishments will be.” Calum sniffed as he pulled you close and lowered his voice so that only you could hear him. “We won’t let him get away with this, baby.” He promised, aiming a cheeky wink at you.
Tag list: @clffrd​ @byxthexway​ @afuckingunicornn​ @lukesahoy​ @thrillchaser​ @moonchildsblack​ @calumbbyyy​ @h0tsos​ @valentinelrh​ @sexgodashton​ @megz1985​ @myfalsedevotion​ @aulxna​ @honeyedlashton​ @tea4sykes​ @spookymashton​
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maluminspace · 5 years
This is all because of you! and you make me feel so small with Calum please.
A37 “This is all because of you!”
A22 “you make me feel so small”
You’d always promised yourself you’d never let anyone reduce you to this. Somehow, though, Calum fucking Hood had managed it.
No one had ever meant enough to you, before, that a simple jealous argument would cause you to try and drown your sorrows in a bottle of cheap vodka.
Calum had stormed out hours ago. He hadn’t called or text you since he’d sped off in his beloved sports car. You know he’s probably just crying to Michael or Ashton about what a nightmare you are but it infuriates you nonetheless.
The last swig of vodka you down burns your throat, making you wince but your pour another measure anyway. Some of the alcohol sloshes onto the coffee table as your aim becomes clumsy. It’s a clear sign that you shouldn’t drink anymore but you’re hoping it’ll help you pass out soon so you don’t have to sit here crying over Calum for the rest of the night.
Wanting your boyfriend to come home has barely resurfaced at the front of your mind when the sound of crunching gravel on driveway draws your attention. A few seconds later a car door slams and footsteps make their way towards your front door.
As much as part of you wants to jump on Calum and apologise while he wraps you in a tight hug, the rest of you kind of wishes you’d put the chain on the front door so he can’t get back in.
When your boyfriend slopes into the hallway closing the door behind him, he immediately turns towards you. Calum must have noticed that the lights were still on in the living area when he’d pulled into the driveway.
“Didn’t expect to see you back here tonight.” You slur, scoffing in an attempt to seem uncaring.
“Yeah?” He asks, looking far too tired to be mad anymore. “Well I didn’t fancy sleeping on Ashton’s sofa so...”
You let out a humourless laugh. “I knew you’d you go crying to your boyfriend about this.”
Calum shakes his head, toeing off his converse before padding across the living room towards you. His eyes linger for a moment on the half empty bottle sitting on the coffee table. When his usually soft brown eyes finally meet yours they betray the anger still simmering beneath the surface.
“Are you drunk?” He asks incredulously.
You shrug as you down the glass of vodka you’d poured just a few moments ago. It doesn’t sting your throat as much as the last time. “What do you care?”
Calum rolls his eyes, an angry blush rising in his cheeks. “Of course I fucking care!” He replies, the effort he’s using to keep his voice steady is painfully evident in his tone. “If I didn’t care I wouldn’t have come back in the first place.”
“Whatever...” you scoff, picking up the bottle again.
“Seriously?” Calum asks, the exhaustion written all over his face as well seeping into his voice. “Are you gonna just keep drinking until you throw up everywhere? Is that your plan?”
There’s still a part of you that wants to resolve this argument and just go to bed. It’s tiny voice is given strength by the pleading in Calum’s eyes as he watches you slosh more vodka into the glass in your hand and into your lap. “‘M not planing on the puking part...” you reply, trying to keep the fire of your anger alive over the desire to just apologise.
“Well that’s where your heading!” Calum insists, “and I’ll end up having to clean that mess up too, like everything else you fucking touch!”
You drain your glass and slam it down on the table along with the bottle. “I’ve never asked you to clean up my messes!” You retort, “I’m a fucking adult, capable of sorting out my own shit!”
Calum rolls his eyes impatiently. “Yeah, it looks like it.” He snaps back, gesturing sarcastically at the items you’d just returned to the table. “You’re really acting like someone who has their fucking shit together, aren’t you? I leave for a few hours and come back to this...”
Your irritated boyfriend gestures a little too hard and knocks the half empty bottle of alcohol onto the floor. It smashes into several pieces, its contents seeping over the wooden flooring.
“Well done, Calum!” You snap, “you’re such a fucking idiot.”
Instead of sniping back at you as you expect, Calum simply leaves the room. He returns a moment later with with a roll of paper towels and a bin bag. Without so much as a glance in your direction, he drops to his knees next to the puddle of vodka and broken glass.
Your drunken brain finds it hard to comprehend why Calum’s suddenly gone all quiet. For some reason it makes you angrier as you drop down next to him. “Don’t ignore me, Calum!” You command, keeping your bleary eyes on him as he carefully wraps the broken glass on a few layers of the paper towels. “You’ve already done that enough, tonight!”
You can tell that Calum is annoyed by your words but he continues to concentrate on wrapping up the dangerous shards of the broken bottle.
“Do I really mean that fucking little to you?” You demand, your tone of voice betraying just how disgruntled you are by Calum’s lack of communication.
Your words seem to strike a nerve with your boyfriend as he snaps his face towards you, his brown eyes filled with the sad sort of anger that would usually break your heart.
Unable to tear your gaze away from Calum’s, you’re fully expecting a barrage of vexed words but all that escapes him is a pained yelp.
You glance down to see a trickle of blood running down from the pad of one of his fingers. For a split second you forget your anger, feeling only concern for the love of your life. You instinctively reach out to him but he immediately shies away. “Leave me alone.” He mutters, struggling to his feet. “This is all because of you!”
And just like that your anger is back. You watch through narrowed eyes as Calum strides off towards the kitchen.
It takes you much longer than it should to struggle to your feet. That’s probably unsurprising, given your inebriated state, but it’s still frustrating. “What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask, stumbling after your boyfriend.
Calum doesn’t reply. He simply turns on the cold water tap and holds his bloody finger under it. The way he winces in pain kind of makes you want to hug him but your drunken brain reminds you that your still pretty angry with him. “Are you ever going to answer me?”
Your boyfriend finally turns to face you. There are tears brimming in his beautiful eyes, you’re not sure if they’re a result of his pain or frustration but either way it hurts to see him like this.
“I can’t do this with you now.” Calum concedes. “Please can we just talk in the morning?”
You shake your head, stepping a little closer to your boyfriend. “I didn’t wait up all night just to go bed without resolving it anyway.”
Calum scoffs impatiently. “Yeah getting shit-faced was a great way of showing me you want to work this out.”
Even in your drunken state, you know Calum has a point and you feel the shadow of something like embarrassment or shame. “Well I had to do something when you just ran out on me!”
Calum turns off the tap and steps over to the draw where you keep your little first aid kit. “I left because you hurt my feelings.” He confesses. “I know I’ve been distant lately, but you didn’t have to say the things you said.”
Sober you would have agreed with him in an instant. Perhaps you had actually been a little harsh earlier. Drunk you is still angry, though. “I don’t know what I’m meant to think, Calum!” You argue. “You’ve been sneaking around, acting shifty and nervous all the time...”
Calum grimaces again as he places a plaster over the cut on his finger. You’re not entirely sure it’s the tiny injury that causes the physical reaction, though. “I’m not cheating on you.” He sighs, exhausted and obviously just done with this whole argument. “I could never...”
The sincerity of Calum’s words almost seeps through your inebriated brain... Almost. “Then give me an explanation, Calum!” Bursts from your mouth as you sway on the spot.
“Not now.” Calum replies, his voice quiet. “Not when you’re drunk.” He insists. “Not when you make me feel so small, like this!”
Your boyfriend’s last sentence kind of hurts but you manage to stop yourself from uttering a venomous reply by literally biting your tongue between your back teeth.
Calum doesn’t say anything else as he returns the little first aid kit to its drawer before heading back into the living room.
You follow him, but only to the doorway. Your brain is slow to think of a reply other than ‘I’m sorry’ and you’re not quite ready for that yet.
As Calum cleans up the rest of the broken bottle and mops up the spilt vodka, you find yourself absently watching him. Just as you open your mouth to demand an answer, something falls out of the pocket of Calum’s leather jacket. The tiny item turns out to be a black velvet box. Initially you’re a bit confused. It’s only when Calum opens the little lid, that you realise there’s an engagement ring hidden inside.
Suddenly everything makes perfect sense, even in your alcohol soaked brain. Calum’s been distant and shifty lately because he’s been nervous to ask you marry him.
All of your anger and suspicion suddenly melt away, leaving a knot of guilt in its place. You want to run over to Calum and apologise for being so oblivious and tell him how stupid you feel for ever thinking he could be unfaithful.
Before you can do any of that, though, your boyfriend closes the box and shoves it back into his pocket. He wipes a tear from his face as he throws the last vodka-soaked paper towels into the bin bag and carries it outside.
As much as you want to tell Calum that you know the real reason why he’s been acting so strange, you know that he was completely right about now being entirely the wrong time to talk about ‘the truth’.
Instead of giving things away, you decide that you’ll act surprised when he finally asks you. He at least deserves that moment of knowing that he’s chosen the exact right way and moment to ask you.
In the mean time, you’ll stop being so paranoid and start making him feel like the amazing person he is. Starting with an apology as soon as he walks back into the house.
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maluminspace · 5 years
Not Anymore
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Genre: fluff/friends to lovers
Parings: Calum Hood/reader
Word count: 1251
Requested: by anon from this prompt list.
A11 “I don’t want to be just friends.”
Trigger warnings: alcohol/strong language
A/N: I’ve decided to start laying all of my fics our this way from now and in and link them into my replies to asks 💗
The sounds of loud music, laughing and playful yelling from the party followed you out into the garden.
You were a little tipsy - just fuzzy and lighthearted enough that the general stresses and strains of life had faded to nothing more than shadows lurking on the outskirts of your brain.
A pleasant breeze rustled the trees surrounding the little yard and you tilted your face upwards, welcoming the cool night air on your face after being inside a crowded house for so long.
“Hey, sunshine.”
You smiled at the sound of the familiar voice and automatically turned towards it. You’d hoped Calum was out here. You hadn’t seen him since Ashton had brought out his favourite bottle of tequila. Calum wasn’t a big fan of the stuff... Not since he’d had a four day hangover from it a few years ago.
Calum always looked beautiful in your opinion. There was something extra wonderful about him tonight, though. Perhaps it was the leather jacket and skinny jeans combo. It could also have been the new daring blue haircut. Of course there was always the possibility that the alcohol flooding your system was just exaggerating your attraction to him. The gentle moonlight playing over his handsome face when he looked up at you probably didn’t help either. Whatever ‘it’ was, your heart was beating even faster than it usually did when he gave you that soft smile.
“Hi, Calum!” You grinned, reaching out for his hand. “I wondered where you’d disappeared off to!”
Your friend chuckled quietly, taking your hand and guiding you down onto the bench beside him. “I was just having a smoke.” He shrugged, gesturing to the cigarette stump at his feet.
“Gross.” You pouted, “I thought you were quitting.” You really did hate that Calum smoked, it was one of the very few things that the two of you argued over on a regular basis.
“I tried.” Your friend laughed humourlessly. “I failed. I guess life is that little but tougher without it.” He looked sort of sad as he clasped his hands in his lap and stared down at them.
“I’ll help you try again.” You smiled, resting your head on Calum’s shoulder. “I’ll quit something too and then you won’t feel so alone.”
Your friend looked at you with the deepest fondness in his chocolate brown eyes. “You’d really do that for me?”
Nodding without hesitation, your tipsy brain allowed a potentially dangerous sentence to spill from your lips. “Of course! I’d do anything for you, Cal.”
It’s the sort of thing that friends say to each other all the time. That simple sentence should just be a promise born of platonic love, nothing more. Things have always been kind of different with Calum, though. Every loving glance, all of the fond words, the playful banter... it all felt more meaningful with Calum, somehow. Perhaps there had always been something deeper between the two of you that had been ignored.
The fleeting thought was given strength when Calum reached out to take your hand. “Thank you, sunshine.” He whispered, interlacing your fingers with his own. “You always know how to cheer me up.”
You smiled, giving Calum’s hand an affectionate squeeze. “Why are you sad?” You asked, shuffling a little closer to your friend. “It’s a party, your meant to be having fun.”
A weak smile curled the corners of Calum’s lips as he shrugged. “Guess I’m just not really in the mood.” He replied quietly.
Seeing Calum sad had never been something that you could tolerate. If your friend wasn’t enjoying the party anymore, you weren’t either. “Then lets go back to your place!” You suggested. “We can buy take out on the way.”
You’d expected Calum to meet your proposition with a little more enthusiasm than the tiny, hesitant smile you actually received. Your friend usually loved late night chats with you, it was a common enough occurrence and he’d always seemed to enjoy them.
“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea tonight.” Calum finally replied. “I think I probably just need some rest.”
A frown creased your face as the blue haired man let go of your hand and got to his feet. Being turned away by Calum hurt more than it probably should have. “But, we always have a post-party gossip.” You argued sadly. “Who else am I gonna laugh at this video of Luke’s dorky dancing with?” You held up your phone for emphasis but it seemed to have very little impact.
Some emotion that you couldn’t quite identify sparkled in Calum’s eyes as he met your gaze. “I’m just tired and a little too tipsy to be alone with you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked incredulously, confusion flooding your brain as you stood up. “You’ve been tipsy when we’ve been alone together a whole bunch of times...”
Something gave way inside Calum. You saw the very moment when some sort of barrier between his brain and mouth shattered, allowing words to spill out that he’d obviously tried to keep inside for a long time. “And every single time I’ve had to stop myself from doing something stupid!” He replied, his cheeks turning crimson as it dawned on him that he was saying this stuff out loud. “You have no idea how many times I’ve come this close to trying to kiss you.” He holds up his thumb and forefinger close together to illustrate his words.
It probably should have been a shock to you. Calum was meant to be your best friend, he was supposed to be your platonic soulmate. Yet here he was confessing that he wanted to kiss you. In truth, though, you weren’t surprised at all. In fact, when you looked back, this all seemed kind of inevitable.
“I’m sorry, sunshine.” Calum continued when you failed to respond to his confession. “I never wanted to ruin our friendship, I just... I want more than that with you. I can’t hide it anymore, it’s just eating away at me.”
Despite your absolute certainty that this was always meant to happen, words continued to fail you. Stepping forwards you took Calum’s hand and tried to put every ounce of love you had for him into the gaze you shared with him. He’d been brave enough to voice the underlying truth, now it was your turn to take a leap. You cupped Calum’s cheek gently and moved closer, keeping your movements slow and deliberate to give him a chance to stop you at any time. He never did, in fact he moved in to connect the kiss so that it happened a second sooner than it would have done.
The kiss was slow and loving. You savoured the way Calum tasted, loving the way his lips moved against yours in a sort of quietly desperate way. It felt like the end of a long journey, as though you’d finally reached the destination you’d been heading towards for a really long time.
When the two of you pulled apart, Calum met your gaze again. He looked kind of startled but all of the previous tension in his face had vanished. “I’ve wanted to confess this to you so many times, but I was so worried you only wanted to be my friend.”
You smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his chest. “I don’t want to be just friends, not anymore.” You confirmed, knowing that they were the truest words you’d ever spoken.
Tag list: @clffrd @byxthexway @lukesahoy @thrillchaser @moonchildsblack @5sosnsfw @calumbbyyy @h0tsos @valentinelrh @sexgodashton @megz1985 @stonedahlia @afuckingunicornn @myfalsedevotion
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maluminspace · 5 years
can you do "quit stealing all the pillows" with calum? please and thank you!
B1“Quit stealing all the pillows”
Calum Hood seems to have a bazaar talent of turning even the smallest of gatherings into a wild party. It was just many of the little quirks that attracted you to him. Tonight’s little birthday celebration for your mutual friend, Michael had been no exception to Hood’s special little gift...
It had started as a few casual drinks at a quiet bar, but as always, once Calum showed up, things had escalated and the small group of you had wound up taking things back to Luke’s apartment after the bar had closed.
A lot of dancing and drinking games had ensued but somehow, throughout the chaos, your lingering crush for the boy that everyone called ‘the life and soul of the party’ had endured.
You know that it could be just your tipsy brain playing tricks on you, but over the course of the evening, you’ve been increasingly convinced that Calum just might like you back. He’d definitely paid you more attention tonight than he ever has before, the two of you had shared plenty of flirtatious glances, lingering touches and when Calum had dragged you off of the sofa to dance with him, he’d held you close, moving in a gentle but sexy way that you can only perceive as seductive.
Unfortunately, the moment you’d chosen to try and ramp up your own flirting, was ruined when the birthday boy had thrown up all over Luke’s living room carpet. The youngest friend’s inevitable tantrum over the incident had pretty much put an abrupt end to the night’s celebration.
By the time the few remaining guests had helped to clean up the mess, time had crept well into the early hours of the morning. Luke had welcomed you all to stay for what remained of the night, but unfortunately Ashton had been the quickest to claim the only available bed in the tiny spare room and since Michael was passed out in the sofa. That now left you and Calum to fight over the little pile of blankets and pillows Luke had left for you to try and make the floor as comfortable as possible.
“I’m an expert at making blanket nests.” Calum proclaims, scooping up the bundle and dropping it unceremoniously into a heap in the centre of the small room. “Why don’t I do that whilst you change for bed, yeah?”
There’s something mildly suspicious about the determination in Calum’s voice but you’re reluctant to call him out on it because of the charming smile he shoots you as he hands over one of the old, oversized t-shirts Luke had left for you both to sleep in.
“Okay, thanks...” you smile gratefully, taking the shirt he offers you before traipsing to the bathroom. As you change, you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the smudgy little mirror above the sink. Your lips are curved into a wistful smile and you know that Calum is the only reason for that.
The smile falters a little when you realise that you’re about to be sleeping in fairly close proximity to the man you’ve been lusting after for quite some time. For a moment, you contemplate keeping your jeans on to sleep, suddenly very self conscious of the fact that Calum’s about to see you wearing very little clothing.
Eventually your desire to be comfortable wins out, though and you compromise only by keeping your underwear on beneath Luke’s t-shirt.
When you return to the living room, you’re mildly surprised to see that Calum’s actually succeeding in making a comfortable looking blanket nest out of the measly few covers that Luke had left for you both to use. What’s even more surprising though, is the the fact that the single cozy little make-shift bed is clearly meant for you both to sleep in.
“You don’t mind, do you?” Calum asks as though he’s just read your mind. “It’s just that Luke didn’t really leave us enough to make two comfortable sleeping arrangements, so I thought that maybe we could share?”
You nod silently as you look up towards Calum’s voice. He’s standing in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of loose shorts and tiny smirk.
“I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself...” He shrugs. “If that’s what you want of course?”
You manage to muster the strength to roll your eyes, despite the inevitable blush that must be colouring your cheeks right about now. “I’ll share with you but seeing as we’re not going to be sleeping alone, you probably should keep your hands to yourself, yeah...” you reply, shooting a glance at Michael, who’s now laying on his front, snoring pretty loudly.
Calum pouts and you’re pretty sure he’s barely joking when he mutters “Michael fucking owes me big time...” as he drops down into the pile of covers and pillows he’d created. He shuffles over so that there’s space for you before he asks you to turn out the light.
You comply before navigating your way over to where Calum has his arm outstretched, ready to help you the last few steps. When your finger close around his you’re pretty glad about how dark it is in Luke’s living room, knowing that your expression would have fully given away how gone for Calum you actually are.
It takes you a moment to gently lower yourself into the blankets, ensuring you don’t accidentally elbow your crush in the balls or something.
As soon as your comfortable, Calum shifts around, apparently trying to get a little closer to you but he somehow manages to pull a pillow from beneath your head.”
“Hey...” you grumble quietly. “Quit stealing all the pillows.” You nudge Calum in the shoulder, playfully reprimanding him before trying to retrieve the stolen pillow.
“I’m just trying to make this little blanket nest as comfortable as possible.” He whispers, just loudly enough for you to hear over Michael’s snoring. “So if you want this pillow, you’ll have to snuggle a bit closer to me, I’m afraid.”
The shameless flirting on Calum’s part somehow gives you the confidence to take your own up a notch. “Well that’s very presumptuous of you to think I want to be pressed that closely to you, Hood.” You ensure that your smirk is evident in your voice, though, not wanting him to feel as though he’s overstepped a boundary.
“I’m sorry...” Calum mutters, gently pulling you closer so they your head is resting on the pillow he’d deliberately dislodged you from. “I definitely don’t want to be presumptuous, I guess I was just hoping you wanted to press that hot body against me.”
Your tipsy brain struggles to comprehend that Calum Hood just called you hot. The difficulty of that small task is further intensified by the sudden realisation that the very tip of Calum’s nose is touching yours. The two of you are practically breathing the same air as Calum reaches up to touch your cheek gently. “I was really hoping to finally kiss you tonight.” He whispers. “I wasn’t kidding when I said that Michael owes me. Tonight was supposed to end with me having at least asked you on a date, not trapped in Luke’s tiny living room with you and being unable to do anything about it because of my stupid drunken friend.” He tacks a tiny giggle on the end of his sentence but you can tell he’s a bit frustrated by the turn of events.
You drape one arm over his waist to pull his body closer to yours. “I don’t see any reason why tonight can’t end with you kissing me.” You whisper gently.
The inevitable kiss that follows is surprisingly soft and gentle. You’d always imagined that Calum’s kissing style would be much more lustful and urgent. The sweet way that his lips move against your definitely doesn’t lack passion, though and it’s every bit as mind blowing as you’d imagined it would be. He tastes of beer and there’s definitely a faint hint of smoke from the cigarette you’d seen him smoking out of Luke’s kitchen window a few hours ago. It’s just so ‘Calum’ and you’re already intoxicated by it.
When Calum finally pulls away you find yourself chasing his lips, not ready to end the kiss yet. He chuckles lightly as he gives in, pecking your lips gently with his own a few more times.
“I really hope that next time we do that, it’s not to the sound of Michael’s fucking snoring.” Calum smiles, stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb again.
“You’d better ask me on that date then.” You prompt, tracing your fingertips lightly over the skin of his bare back.
Smiling even wider, Calum asks “do you wanna go for dinner with me sometime?”
You nod, trying not to betray just how eager you are to accept the invitation. “I’d like that.”
Calum grins widely into the next kiss he pressed to your lips before he settles down into his pillow. “I promise that it’ll end better than this.” He giggles.
You humour him with a casual “I’ll hold you to that...” even though you can’t imagine anything making you much happier than being this close to Calum.
Make a request - 200 dialogue prompts
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maluminspace · 5 years
I'm pregnant and Of course I’m happy! How far along are you? with Calum.
A18 “I'm pregnant”
B28 “Of course I’m happy! How far along are you?”
Bed time is always a stressful part of your evening but tonight it’s been particularly taxing. The list of things making your blood pressure rise seems never ending. Your six year old has thrown a huge tantrum because she wanted to play another game of Mario Cart. Your three year old spilt his glass of milk all over the kitchen floor, causing a huge mess. And just to top it all off your one year old took forever to fall asleep because she has a nasty cold.
By the time you and Calum collapse onto the sofa, you’re pretty much ready to go to bed yourself. You know that you can’t call it a day quite yet, though. You have some pretty big news for your husband first.
The extremely stressful evening is making you more nervous to let him know that your expecting another baby. The two of you had agreed to hold off on having any more children until your youngest is at least three years old. Of course, this is easier said than done. You’d gone back on birth control medication but you’d had a sickness bug a couple of months back that must have disrupted them.
“I swear these kids are trying to put me in an early grave.” He sighs, sounding throughly exhausted as he slings his arm around your shoulders. “It’s a good job we’re such a good team.”
You smile tiredly. “Yeah, we need to be.” You reply, fixing Calum with a significant gaze. “Now might not be the best time to tell you, Cal but...”
Calum turns to meet your eye, one eyebrow raised questioningly as though he’s about to tell you to continue.
Unfortunately your one year old chooses that moment to cry again for what feels like the hundredth time tonight.
“I’ll go...” Calum groans, getting to his feet before you have chance to go yourself. You watch as he disappears into the hallway and listen to his slow footsteps traipsing up the stairs.
You smile to yourself a few moments later when you hear Calum’s voice through the baby monitor perched on the little table next to the sofa. “Hey baby princess.” He coos softly, “you already had your medicine... do you just want daddy cuddles?”
There’s never been a shadow of a doubt in your mind how good of a dad Calum would be, regardless of how many children you have. From the moment he’d held your first child in his arms, it’d been clear that he was a natural father. He’d proved it on thousands of occasions since and you smile at some of the memories as you force yourself to your feet.
If you’re about to tell Calum that there’s another little Hood on the way, you feel like a nice mug of hot chocolate will help to calm his nerves.
You can still hear your youngest daughter crying through the monitor as you busy yourself making two mugs of hot chocolate. Occasionally, Calum will yawn or sleepily beg your infant to go back to sleep. The whole thing kind of melts your heart, even though you’ve heard exchanges like this hundreds of times with all three of your precious children.
A little spark of excitement comes to life in your chest as you think about all of the moments you’ll get to repeat with the new little one.
By the time you’ve finished the hot drinks, your one year old seems to have settled down. You smile to yourself as you decide that the hot chocolates would be enjoyed just that little bit more of your were cuddles up to Calum in bed.
Luckily your husband hasn’t come back down stairs yet. It’s not unlike him to stay with the little ones after he’s gotten them back to sleep, he likes to make sure they’ve fully settled before he leaves their bedside.
You manage to pick up the baby monitor and carry it up the stairs with the two steaming mugs. Even though you walk up and down these steps multiple times a day, you still find yourself smiling at the photos lining the walls of the staircase. There’s a photo from your wedding day; it’s a close up of the two of you, you’re smiling widely, your eyes closed gracefully as Calum’s arms wrap you in a huge hug and he presses a soft kiss to your cheek. There’s three photos of tiny newborn babies, each with chubby little red faces poking out from a blanket and beneath a soft little hat. There’s also a recent family photo that Ashton had taken on his professional camera for you. It was a candid shot, taken at the park when you’d shared a family day out with the Irwins a couple of months ago. Calum had your eldest daughter in his lap, both of them smiling brightly at each other, a huge slice of cake in each of their hands. Your son is sat cross legged on the picnic blanket, chocolate cake crumbs around his mouth and a mischievous smile on his face as he reaches for a second slice. You have the youngest baby in your arms, staring down at her softly as you feed her with a bottle. It’s a perfect snapshot of your beautiful family.
That little spark of excitement for the new baby to join your family is back and you’re smiling to yourself as you quietly push open your bedroom door with your hip. Calum isn’t here yet, so you flick on a lamp and place down the baby monitor and the mugs on your bedside table before venturing back out onto the landing.
You briefly check in on the eldest two children, lingering in each of their doorways for second too long because they look like such little angels when they’re fast asleep.
When you get to the nursery, your heart almost explodes with love at the sight that greets you. Calum’s fast asleep in the big comfy rocking chair, your youngest daughter curled up in his arms snoozing soundly.
As much as you hate to disturb the beautiful scene, you know that the little one will be better off in her crib. You gently prise the slumbering infant out of Calum’s hold.
Your husband stirs, opening his eyes just in time to see you place the one year old back in her crib. “You’ve got the magic touch.” You whisper fondly. “She’s such a little daddy’s girl!”
Calum smiles sleepily. “She’s my little angel...”
It’s absolutely impossible to contain your love for Calum, he never ceases to make you a soft mess of emotions. “Well maybe it’s time for super dad to go to bed too. I made you a hot chocolate.”
Rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands, Calum slowly gets to his feet and traipses out of the nursery. You bundle the covers around your little girl and whisper gently. “Sleep well, Princess. I have to go tell daddy that his next little angel is only seven months away.”
Your daughter sniffles in her sleep but doesn’t stir. You like to think it’s her way of saying she’s excited to be a big sister.
Once you’ve kissed the little one goodnight, you pad back to the bedroom, half expecting Calum to already be asleep. When you close the door and turn towards the bed, though, your husband is staring at you, slack jawed, his eyes sparkling with something like bewilderment.
You’re utterly confused for a moment until a tiny cough crackles through the speaker of your baby monitor. It’s only then that you realise Calum must have heard you announcing the new baby to your daughter a few moments ago.
“Are you really...” He asks, his expression unreadable.
There’s a tiny knot of nerves in your tummy as your nod. “I was about to come in here and tell you, Cal.” You whisper. “I’m pregnant... again.”
There’s a moment of silence and Calum’s only emotion seems to be shock. When he doesn’t utter a word after a few more seconds you gently prompt him. “Are you happy, I know we said we’d wait a while but...”
Calum’s face breaks into the biggest smile, the same one he’d worn when he’d found out about your first three pregnancies. “Of course I’m happy!” He exclaims. “How far along are you? Do you know yet? Have you made a doctor’s appointment?”
You giggle at your husband’s excitement as you join him in bed. “I think I’m about two months pregnant and no I’ll make one in the morning, then we can find out for definite.”
Calum nods happily, reaching out to place a hand on your tummy. “Hey there baby bean!” He coos gently. “I’m your daddy! Welcome to the hood family, little guy...”
“Guy?” You ask, raising an eyebrow questioningly. “They could be another girl...”
Calum simply laughs and pecks a kiss to your cheek. “Either way, they’ll be half you and half me, that’s all that matters in the end.”
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Calum Hood/Michael Clifford
Word Count: 1.8k
Requested: by @myfalsedevotion​
Ravenclaw Calum, Gryffindor Michael, helping someone who's feelings are hurt, and the Astronomy Tower or the owlry :3 
Trigger Warnings: strong language, bullying
A/N: You all know I love writing a bit of Angst about my boys! I hope you enjoy this, Vicky <3
The wintery, late afternoon sunlight gave the owlery an especially sleepy feel as Calum bounded into the large, cavernous room. His cheeks were flushed from running and he almost slipped on the straw-covered floor in his haste to catch up with his boyfriend. “Michael…” He called, his voice betraying just how deeply concerned he was. “Please don’t freeze me out, sweetheart.”
A few of the birds ruffled their feathers angrily at the disruption that the arrival of the two fifth years had caused to their afternoon naps.
“Just leave me alone, Calum!” Michael sobbed, his voice echoing around the empty space as he leaned on the ledge of one of the glassless windows lining the lower level of the cylindrical stone walls. He was staring out across the school grounds, his Gryffindor robes billowing out around him in the cold draft sweeping through the building.
The Ravenclaw boy sighed sadly as he traipsed across floor. “I’m not leaving you, Mikey.” He stated stubbornly. “I need you to tell me what happened. Luke said that some Slytherin pricks upset you.”
Unfortunately, the values that used to be so prominent within Slytherin families during the wizarding wars, lingered on in some of their children and grandchildren. Sometimes, Calum wondered if those horrid ‘pure bloods are superior’ views would ever really die out. It made him immensely sad to think about, because some of his very favourite people at Hogwarts were muggle born or had at least one muggle parent. In fact, his very favourite person in the entire world was muggle born and he refused to let his precious Michael get bullied over such out-dated nonsense. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Michael sniffed, wrapping his arms around himself as if to protect himself from the chill or some other invisible discomfort as his shoulders slumped. “Please just let me be by myself for a bit, will you?”
Just as Calum stopped to consider his boyfriend’s request, his beautiful tawny owl, Greta, glided past him to perch on the stone ledge next to Michael. The Gryffindor boy stroked the bird gently with the back of his fingers. “Sending your owl to watch over me isn’t leaving me alone, Cal.” He sighed, although his fondness for the bird and her owner was undeniable.
“I didn’t tell her to fly over there.” Calum shrugged, cautiously taking a step closer to the slightly older boy. “She just loves you… She hates it when your sad.”
Calum had never really understood quite why Michael always came all the way up to the owlery when he was upset. The slightly older boy was utterly terrified of heights, yet he chose one of the tallest buildings in the castle grounds to seek refuge in. It was also quite a work out getting up all of the stairs, not that he’d ever consider that as a reason not to follow his boyfriend to what he clearly believed to be his safe place. No matter how strange that choice may appear to be.
A tiny watery chuckle escaped Michael as he wrapped his gold and burgundy Gryffindor scarf tighter around his neck. “She’s a good friend.” He admitted, “I don’t have that many of them.”
“You’ll always have me…” Calum smiled gently, continuing his slow and tentative steps towards his boyfriend.
Michael stubbornly kept his gaze fixed ahead, refusing to spare calum even the smallest glance. “I don’t know why you even want to be with me, Cal. I’m just a…”
“Hey.” Calum interrupted, knowing all-too-well that his boyfriend was likely about to say something disparaging about himself. “You’re perfect, sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you that before you believe me?”
Finally turning to face the Ravenclaw, Michael wiped away the fresh tears that had started to fall from his pretty green eyes. “You’re the only one who thinks that, everyone else hates me because I’m a dork, or because I’m not into quidditch or because I’m your boyfriend or because I’m a ‘mudblood’” His voice trembled on the last word as he buried his face in his hands. 
Anger built up inside Calum much faster and hotter than ever before. “Who fucking called you that?” He asked, trying hard to keep his voice steady. “That’s disgusting, Mike, I’ll hex the fuckers into oblivion I swear…” His sentence trailed off as Michael’s renewed sobs cut through his furious rant. 
“I just want to leave!” The dramatic sentence bursting from the Gryffindor like a bolt from the blue. 
Calum froze, trying to process the weight of what his boyfriend had just said. Michael turned back to face the school grounds, tears still glistening on his flushed cheeks. The slightly younger boy took a moment to recover as he reached out to place a hand on Michael’s shoulder. “You want to leave Hogwarts?” He asked thickly over the lump rising in his throat. 
Nodding silently, Michael started to absently pet Greta again, running the back of his fingers over the soft light brown feathers of the back. 
“Can we at least talk about how I might be able to help?” Calum tried, tentatively moving closer to his boyfriend so that he could wrap an arm around him. “You never talk to me when shit like this happens. You never talk to anyone”
Michael sniffed at the Ravenclaw’s words. “People already hate me, Calum. Getting you to stand up for me isn’t going to improve their opinions of me at all.”
Wrapping his arms fully around Michael’s waist and resting his head on the blonde’s shoulder, Calum sighed sadly. “But you’re such a talented wizard, Mike… You’re on course to get an ‘outstanding’ in every O.W.L exam you’re going to take. Very few people have managed that, sweetheart, your talents shouldn’t be wasted.”
Michael leaned back into Calum’s hold, still stroking Greta gently. “Maybe I could get transferred to a different school?”
“You could…” Calum frowned. “But then I’d have to come with you, because any school, even Hogwarts, would be completely shit without you.”
A tiny laugh escaped Michael as he twisted slightly to look at the Ravenclaw boy. “And people say I’m the clingy one?” 
Calum feigned offence at  the allegation that he was clingy but tightened his hold around Michael to keep as close as possible. “I just love being with you, sweetheart.” He smiled softly, “I’m terrible at herbology but it’s my favourite class because I get to be with you.”
Michael relaxed a little against the taller boy, allowing the ghost of a smile to curl his lips. “You’re not terrible at anything. You’re a perfect Ravenclaw, Cal; achieving high grades in every one of your classes, you’re the king of extracurricular activities, a celebrated seeker that’s tipped to be the next captain of the Ravenclaw quidditch team, you’re popular amongst all of your classmates and one of the most fancied boys in the whole school. No wonder people think you’re wasted on me.”
Gently turning Michael around to face him, Calum painted a determined expression on his face. “Don’t talk like that, Michael. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I don’t even want to think what my life would be like without you in it.”
“Don’t I drag you down, though?” The Gryffindor asked, his voice quiet and a little nervous. “Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to run up here after me every time someone’s mean to me?”
“Fuck ‘easier’” Calum scoffed, stroking his thumbs over Michael’s shoulders in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. “The only thing I want is for you to come to me instead of the fucking owls when you’re upset.”
Michael’s bottom lip trembled slightly as he tried to hold back more tears. “But you don’t need my shit disrupting your life…”
“You’re not a disruption, Michael, you’re a fucking angle and if protecting you means that I have to miss wizarding chess club or spend a little less time on my charms homework, then I’ll happily make those sacrifices. You and your safety are way more important than any of that.”
Smiling a bit brighter, Michael curled into Calum’s chest, nestling his head beneath the taller boy’s chin. “I love you, Calum” He muttered. “I just wish I was a bit more like you.” Before Calum could voice his disapprovement, Greta let out an angry hoot of her own before clacking her beak irritably. Michael giggled into the Ravenclaw’s robes. “I don’t think Greta likes the idea of me being more like you. Are you sure she’s your owl?” 
“I think she hates the idea of you not being who you are.” Calum confirmed, stroking Michael’s hair tenderly. “You’re a pretty perfect version of yourself already”
Michael scoffed. “Not according to everyone else. Apparently I don’t belong here. ‘Mudbloods’ should be taught somewhere else, Hogwarts should only be for purebloods according to Hermivis Fotter and Bradley Grangman...”
“Those two trolls, need a fucking punch in their stupid faces!” Calum growled angrily. “I can’t believe they’d say that to you.”
“Really?” Michael questioned, a note of mild surprise in his tone. “They say shit like that every single day.”
Pulling back to look Michael in the eye, Calum searched his boyfriend’s face carefully. “Why don’t you talk to me, sweetheart? I could get those two off your back with one well-aimed pus-squirting hex. I’ve been dying to use that on someone, to be honest.”
Michael’s face softened as he chuckled quietly. “As much as I’d love to see that, the last thing I want is for you to get detention for the rest of the term. Who would I spend my afternoons trading Chocolate Frog cards with and eating Crystallised Pineapple with if you were stuck in a teacher’s office writing lines or cleaning potion bottles?”
Smirking slightly Calum placed a brief kiss to his boyfriend’s lips. “Does that mean you’re going to stay at Hogwarts? You’re not going to leave for some fancy new school in Europe or something?” He asked hopefully.
Michael nodded, a somewhat exasperated sigh escaping him. “I couldn’t leave you here to take over my title as the best gobstones player this school has ever seen, can I?”
The Ravenclaw kissed his boyfriend again, trying to pour very ounce of love he could into the small gesture. “That’s my baby.” He grinned, “I’ll go to your head of house with you to report Fotter and Grangman whenever you’re ready, yeah? Until then, I can kiss you until you care a lot less about what they say. Deal?”
Michael rolled his eyes fondly before pecking a kiss to the end of Calum’s nose and ruffling his jet-black curls. “You’ll use any excuse to kiss me…”
Calum nodded proudly, accepting that claim. “Can you blame me? You’re very kissable!”
Tag list: @sunflwrclffrd​ @byxthexway​ @afuckingunicornn​ @painkillerash​  @moonchildsblack​ @calumbbyyy​ @h0tsos​ @valentinelrh​ @sexgodashton​ @megz1985​ @myfalsedevotion​ @aulxna​ @honeyedlashton​ @tea4sykes​ @ghostofmashton​ @fairyintheglass​ @cashworthy​ @cashtonasfuck​ @opheliaaurora23​ @5sosnsfw​ @theagenderwhocriedwolf​ @myloverboyash​ @easiercake​ @irwinkitten​ @cxddlyash​ @malumamongmen​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @iovehemmings​
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maluminspace · 4 years
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Tama, Bonnie & Summer (Parent Malum)
Post Apocalypse (Michael/Reader)
Bad Boy!sos*
All Your Wishes (soulmates poly!malum - female reader)*
Main Masterlist
Last updated 09/04/2020
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Genre: Halloween fluff and hurt/comfort
Pairings: Calum Hood/reader
Word Count: 910
Requested: by @babyoria for spooky!sos 2019
Trigger Warnings: clowns/panic attack/anxiety
A/N: I’m sorry this is pretty short 🙈 I hope you like it, though! 🤡
It was Calum’s idea to walk to the damn club and you were low key pissed off about it.
As much as you enjoyed the spirit of Halloween, walking through the streets of the city centre on such a night wasn’t for the faint hearted.
Whilst most of the people filling the streets were harmless, there were always the odd idiots who liked to scare people on purpose. It was those people that you’d been hoping to avoid by getting a cab. Calum and his friends had insisted that walking would be more fun and you’d unfortunately been outvoted.
Of course you’d tried the whole ‘it’s too cold and it might rain’ excuse, but that did very little to lessen the groups excitement for a “mini adventure!” as Michael had put it.
As your boyfriend led your group through the crowded streets towards the club, you couldn’t help but suspect that your boyfriend was enjoying himself a little too much. The little shit was laughing every time some ‘jokester’ jumped out and scared one of your friends.
At one point someone in a werewolf costume scared Luke enough that he almost leapt into his girlfriend’s arms. The rest of the group laughed so hard that you were sure that, at least one of them, would pass out.
You were more than a little relieved when the neon lights of club you were headed for, became visible through the light mist of rain that had started to fall.
“See we’re almost there now!” Calum grinned at you over his shoulder. His voice was slightly muffled due to the vampire fangs he’d insisted on wearing since he put the rest of his costume on about an hour ago. “I told you it wouldn’t take long.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s taken long enough.” You huffed, “you better buy me at least three of my favourite cocktails or else...”
Calum’s grin turned into a smirk as he raised one of his thick, dark eyebrows. “Or else what, baby?” He pressed, slowing down so that he could fall into pace beside you. “What punishments do you have in mind if I don’t buy you drinks?”
His teasing tone didn’t have its usual lustful effect on you due to his ridiculous joke shop fangs. You couldn’t stop from laughing as he took your hand, intwining his long fingers with your own. “I’d say ‘no sex’ but that just seems too obvious.” You replied.
Calum couldn’t even pout effectively and you were sure for a moment that he was about to take out those silly vampire fangs. He decided against it, though, and opened his mouth to respond to you before something caught his eye up ahead.
You followed his gaze and immediately froze to the spot. Someone dressed in an evil clown outfit with the most frightening make-up you’ve ever seen, emerged from the mist like something from your very worst nightmare.
As the terrifying clown loomed closer, they obviously noticed how scared you looked and an almost malicious smile curled their grotesque lips.
Your blood ran cold as your feet refused to move, rooting you to the spot. For a short moment, Calum kept walking, smirking a little like he’d initially thought your fear was funny.
It was almost as though everything around you faded away and you could barely even feel Calum’s fingers interlaced with your own anymore. All that you could focus on was the terrifying clown and the more you urged your body to move, the less it seemed to want to obey you.
The clown seemed to have their eyes focused on you and they quickened their pace, heading directly towards you. They obviously seemed intent upon capitalising on your fear.
It’s then that the tell-tale signs of a panic attack started to creep up on you. Your breathing started to quicken, escaping you in shaky gasps as your hands start to tremble and tears start to blur your vision.
“Hey, baby it’s okay.” Calum says, wrapping you up in a tight hug. “I won’t let that asshole get to you I promise.”
You buried your face in Calum’s chest as he stroked your hair comfortingly. “I’d never let anyone hurt you, you know that, right?” He asked, the sincerity in his voice impossible to miss.
The trembling in your hands had now spread through out your entire body as the tears streamed down your cheeks. “Thought you’d... left me...” you sobbed, fully aware of how pathetic that must have sounded.
“Never!” Calum replied honestly. “I love you and I’ll protect you, always. I’ll never leave you!”
As you attempt to let your boyfriend’s words comfort you, Ashton’s voice broke through your fog of panic. “Hey! Leave them alone, asshole.” He said, his tone stern.
“Yeah.” Calum added. “Take your lame ass face paint elsewhere.” He scoffed.
Even in your delicate state, a watery laugh escaped you. The clown muttered incredulously as their footsteps disappeared out of earshot.
After a short moment you pulled back and offered Calum a weak smile before turning to Ashton who was still standing guard beside you. “Thank goodness you were here to help.” You smirked at your friend. “Calum was useless.”
Your boyfriend made a faux hurt noise before pecking a kiss to your forehead. “Well maybe Ash can buy you all the drinks you’ve been asking for then.”
“Hey!” Ashton pouted. “You’re supposed to buy the hero drinks, not the other way around!”
Send Laura a request
Send Jex a request
Tag list: @clffrd @byxthexway @afuckingunicornn @lukesahoy @thrillchaser @moonchildsblack @calumbbyyy @h0tsos @valentinelrh @sexgodashton @megz1985 @stonedahlia @myfalsedevotion @aulxna @honeyedlashton @tea4sykes
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maluminspace · 6 years
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All of the following works were written by me (maluminspace) and are not to be posted on this or any other site without my permission.
All explicit content is marked with *
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Ship Fics
Cake (5)
Cashton (8)
Lashton (9)
Malum (24)
Mashton (8)
Muke (6)
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Imagines/Reader Inserts
Ashton (24)
Calum (19)
Luke (18)
Michael (43)
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All poly!sos (13)
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Spooky!sos 2018 & 2019 - colab with @5sosnsfw (24)
Mikemonth - colab with @ghost0fy0u (11)
Hogwarts!sos -colab with @h0tsos (16)
5sos writers collab May 2020 (28)
5sos writers collab July 2020 (15)
5sos writers collab September 2020 (11)
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Last Updated 21/09/2020
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