maluminspace · 5 years
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Genre: Smut
Pairings: Ashton Irwin/Calum Hood/Luke Hemmings
Word Count: 3.3k
Requested: by @cashtonasfuck
Laura, I am FINALLY submitting a request for hogwarts!sos 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 please could I have poly!lashtum?? (Is that what we’re going with for Luke, ash and cal?😂) luke in ravenclaw, ash in hufflepuff and cal in slytherin? Cashton are in a relationship and Luke is jealous cuz he’s had a crush on ash for the longest time, and then they’re all studying together and cal notices Luke can’t stop looking at ash and cashton maybe Dom Luke? Hope that’s okay angel! 💙 
Includes: Explicit sexual content, thigh riding, dirty talk, light dom/sub dynamic
Trigger Warnings: strong language
A/N: Please Lucy, you tried to end us all with this request! I hope you like how it turned out <3
It just wasn't fair.
Ashton Irwin was the sweetest person Luke had have ever met, not to mention the most handsome. Why the fuck was he already dating someone else? 
Well, that question was very easily answered. Calum Hood was one of the most gorgeous boys at Hogwarts. He was acing every one of his classes and on top of all that he was the captain of the Slytherin quidditch team. Of course, Ashton had fallen for him, just like every other sixth year had. If only Luke had grown the balls to approach Ashton at the start of the school year, maybe then he’d be the Hufflepuff’s boyfriend instead of the Slytherin ‘golden boy’. 
As if it wasn’t hard enough to keep his feelings in check, Luke had been asked to tutor both boyfriends in non-verbal spells. It seemed that the Ravenclaw boy had been gifted with a rare talent for performing the difficult wordless magic and his Charms professor had asked him to help out Ashton and Calum who were both struggling. 
Perhaps one of the most unfortunate parts of tutoring for Luke, besides his ever-present jealousy, was fitting it in around his already hectic after-school schedule. Calum and Ashton weren’t any less busy either so finding a timeslot that suited them all had proven very difficult. It was for that reason that the three boys had been given special permission to use each other’s common rooms after curfew. That alone was a problem for the Ravenclaw, being alone with the two hottest boys in school in dark, quiet rooms late at night but knowing that he could never make a move on either of them.
“This is impossible!” Ashton huffed irritably, bringing Luke’s thoughts back to the present moment. The Hufflepuff’s handsome face was contorted in an exasperated expression, his cheeks flushed with concentration and frustration as he raked his fingers through his already unruly sand-coloured curls. “How do you do this so easily, Luke?” He asked, fixing the youngest boy with a watery gaze.
“Hey…” Calum said softly, reaching over to rub the back of his boyfriend’s hand gently. “You’ll get it, you’re the smartest person I know.”
Luke forced a smile, trying to stop himself from visibly bristling at the tender moment between the two boyfriends. Luckily they’d decided to study in Calum’s common room, which was very dimly lit and hopefully easy to hide his jealous expressions in.
What the Ravenclaw didn’t anticipate, however, is that having spent a good portion of his school life in this dark environment, Calum’s eyesight had adjusted to cope well in the lack of light, making it all-too-easy for him to notice the way Luke almost scowled.
“I’m definitely not the smartest person you know…” Ashton huffed, curling into Calum’s side for comfort. “Luke can cast the Colovaria charm silently, like he’s being do it for years!”
A hint of a smirk curls the corners of Calum’s lips as he stroke’s Ashton’s hair gently. “We can’t all be as great at Charms as Hemmings.” He said, “Some of us have other talents, isn’t that right, Lukey?”
The Ravenclaw tried to hide his reddening cheeks as he leaned over a white feather in the pretence of trying to demonstrate the colour changing charm again. Calum was effortlessly charming, his smooth voice affecting Luke in ways he didn’t want to acknowledge. “Sure.” He replied in a clipped tone, avoiding eye contact at all costs.
“Ugh, he’s just being nice.” Ashton sighed. His sentence was followed immediately by the unmistakable clatter of his wand being dropped on the table. “He knows I should never have been allowed into advanced level Charms, I’m too fucking stupid…”
“That’s not true.” Luke responded automatically, chancing a glance at the Hufflepuff across the table. “You’re not stupid at all. Non-verbal spells are really tricky, everyone struggles with them at first.”
Calum hugs Ashton close as he places a kiss to the older boy’s cheek, keeping his eyes on Luke the whole time. “Also, you’re amazing at a lot of other things.” He smirks, holding Luke’s gaze steadily. “Like Herbology, Astronomy and…” The Slytherin lowered his voice but something in his eyes made it clear that the slightly older boy still wanted Luke to hear the end of his sentence. “All the bedroom stuff… Especially blowjobs.”
“Calum!” Ashton hissed, his cheeks deepening in colour as he shot Luke a guilty glance. “You can’t say things like that when we have company.”
The Slytherin shrugged carelessly. “Why not?” He asked. “I’m sure Luke would love to know just how good you are at all that stuff.”
Luke had never felt so called out in all his life. His cheeks were burning with embarrassment as he stared, slack-jawed at Calum. The slightly older boy leaned back casually in his chair, pulling Ashton with him as though he’d made nothing but an off-hand comment about the weather.
“Shh, you’re making Luke uncomfortable.” Ashton hissed, nudging his boyfriend in the ribs. “He doesn’t need to hear about all that…”
Finally coming to his senses, Luke nods. “Ashton’s right, I don’t. Maybe we should just do this another night, I don’t think either of you are in the right frame of mind right now.” He reached for his feather so that he could pack it away with the rest of his stuff, but Calum caught his wrist in a firm but surprisingly gentle grip. 
“Are you sure, Lukey?” The Slytherin asked, his dark eyes staring deep into Luke’s as though he was searching for something. “Because I have a feeling you think about Ashton doing stuff like that a lot” He smirked. “I bet you imagine him doing it to you rather than me, though.”
Luke was dumbstruck. He felt as though he was about to get punched by the most popular boy at Hogwarts for something he’d tried his very best to hide.
“Calum!” Ashton gasped, “You can’t say things like that to him… Especially when they’re not true.” The Hufflepuff turned to face Luke, the silent addition of the question ‘is it?’ written all over his beautiful face.
The answer should have been ‘no’ and it should have spilled from Luke’s lips instantly. The youngest boy just couldn’t bring himself to lie, though. He sat there, staring back at Ashton and Calum in an almost terrified silence.
“Of course it’s true, babe.” Calum explained to Ashton although his eyes never moved from Luke’s. “I see the way he looks at you every time we’re in the same room. He wants you as much as I do.” 
If it was possible to dissaperate in the Hogwarts grounds, Luke would have done it in an instant. He just wanted to get out of this awkward situation as quickly as possible. “I should go…” He muttered weakly, trying but failing to twist his wrist out of Calum’s hold. “I’ll ask the professor to assign someone else to tutor you.”
“I’d rather you didn’t do that.” The Slytherin whispered gently, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. “It’d make it a lot harder for us to put the moves on you, if we didn’t have these little late night study sessions.”
Luke was still so embarrassed at being caught lusting after Ashton by Calum, that it took his brain a moment to process what the Slytherin had said. When he did finally realise that he hadn’t misheard - that Calum had actually said he and Ashton wanted to make a move on him, he had no idea at all how to respond.
After a moment of the tensest silence Luke had ever experienced, Ashton sighed reaching over to stroke Luke’s hand that was still grasped in Calum’s. “I tried to tell Calum that it wasn’t a good idea to lay this on you whilst you were meant to be tutoring us.” The Hufflepuff smiled gently. “But seeing as he’s gone ahead and done it anyway, maybe I should explain some stuff.”
“Yeah…” Luke managed, his voice coming out in a strained whisper as his mind continued attempting to process what was happening, albeit with great difficulty. 
Ashton bit his lip nervously as he shot Calum a sideways glance before launching into his explanation. “So, Calum noticed a while back that you check me out sometimes. I told him he was imagining things because there’s no way you’re into me.” Calum rolled his eyes at this point, a clear expression that he had no doubt that he was right. The eldest boy ignored him, though, continuing his hastily put together speech. “But anyway… basically we talked about we both think you’re cute and how maybe at some point we’d talk to you about possibly going on a date with us or something.” By the time he’d finished talking, Ashton’s cheeks were crimson coloured and he looked as though he’d liked the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
“Wait!” Luke gasped, looking between the two older boys in a confused daze. “You both like me, as in, ‘like’ me.”
Calum and Ashton both nodded in unison, their pretty faces staring back him hopefully.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, but we wanted you to know that the offer’s there.” Ashton clarified, “We understand if you need time to think about it.”
Going away to sleep on the proposition would have been the sensible thing to do, Luke knew that. It didn’t stop him from wanting to test the other two boys on their offer immediately, though. 
As if he could read Luke’s mind, Calum stood up, gently tugging Luke to his feet as he gestured for the youngest boy to join him on the other side of the table. “You want us to show you that we’re serious, don’t you?” He asked, guiding the Ravenclaw between himself and Ashton, who was gazing up at the two of them curiously, although there was undoubtedly an element of lust burning in his hazel eyes.
Luke nodded, suddenly finding himself speechless as Calum cupped his cheek gently. “Should we show him how serious we are, Ash?” 
Without even waiting for an answer, Calum pulled Luke into a deep kiss. His lips felt so much softer against Luke’s own than the Ravenclaw had ever imagined and he immediately began craving more. He wrapped his arms around Calum’s waist as the older boy held his face in both hands.
The kiss lasted long enough to ignite a flame of irrepressible lust in Luke’s chest. When Calum pulled away and his dark eyes met Luke’s there was no mistaking that he felt the same. “Go and sit in Ashton’s lap, Lukey.” He instructed, “He’s been dying to kiss you as much as I have.”
Feeling dazed by the kiss, Luke did as he was told, dropping into Ashton’s lap as the eldest boy wrapped him up in a strong but tender embrace. “You looked so hot with Calum.” He whispered hotly against Luke’s lips. “Can I…”
Nodding fervently, Luke closed the tiny gap between their lips. To the Ravenclaw’s surprise, Ashton kissed harder than Calum, sliding his fingers into Luke’s curls to keep him as close as possible.
“Fuck…” Calum whispered, his breath ghosting over Luke’s neck as he leaned over the two  kissing boys. “You two look so good…” His lips grazed the younger boy’s pale skin as he helped Luke to straddle one of Ashton’s muscular thighs so that they were at a better angle for kissing.
The youngest boy was overwhelmed. Never in a million years would he have thought that one of these study sessions would end like this - with Ashton kissing him whilst Calum nipped at his neck. 
“You taste so good, Lukey.” Ashton growled between kisses. “I can see why Calum didn’t wanna let you go…”
A needy whine escaped Luke as he unintentionally slid further up Ashton’s thigh, causing friction to his cock through his trousers. Of course, being a hormonal sixteen-year-old, his body had already started to react to the kissing and touching. “Please…” He whimpered, “You both feel so good.”
Ashton smiled against the Ravenclaw’s lips, tugging his hair a little harder to let out a bit more of his sexual tension. “You have no idea how much we’ve wanted you.” He whispered, “Dreamt of this so much.”
“Ashy’s right.” Calum confirmed as his hands found Luke’s waist. “We’ve wanted you so much and now it’s happening, you’re even hotter than we ever imagined.”
It was impossible for Luke to remain still, Ashton was so strong and sturdy beneath him, his muscular thigh was an all-too-inviting temptation that he couldn't resist. He rolled his hips experimentally, a surprised moan escaping him when the friction it caused sent pleasurable shivers up his spine. “I-I can’t… you both feel…”
Calum gripped Luke’s hips a little tighter and began guiding him in a slow rhythm. “It’s okay, Lukey. Let us help you feel good.” He whispered before continuing to kiss down Luke’s exposed neck. 
Ashton pulled back just far enough to watch the other two boys for a moment, groaning at how hot they looked. Calum was a natural at taking control and Luke seemed to thrive off of that, sinking into the older boy’s touch like he needed to be as close as possible to him. “Uh, I could watch you both all night.” The Hufflepuff said lowly, “You’re putting on such a good show for me right now.”
“Yeah?” Calum asked, quirking one of his thick dark eyebrows. “Lukey’s such a good boy, isn’t he, Ash? Look how well he’s riding your thigh, getting all hard for us.”
“Fuck…” Luke moned, his voice already so thick with lust that he was surprised any sound had escaped his lips at all. 
“You like to be praised, Lukey?” Ashton asked, his lips grazing the outer shell of the Ravenclaw’s ear as he spoke. The younger boy nodded eagerly as he rested his forehead against Ashton’s. “Good…” The eldest boy grinned, “Because you’re doing so well for us, we can’t wait to see you come apart for us, can we, Cal?”
Calum shook his head, his dark curls falling into his eyes as he continued to guide Luke’s hips, helping hip to grind down onto Ashton, pulling gasps and moans from all three of them. The Slytherin took a break from nibbling at Luke’s neck, gently nudging the younger boy’s head to one side so that he kiss Ashton over his shoulder.
The way that the boyfriends made out over Luke, their bodies sandwiching the Ravenclaw deliciously, pulled the youngest boy even closer to an orgasm. “Fuck, please…” He whimpered, losing the ability to form a coherent sentence.
“Tell him how good he sounds, Ashy.” Calum instructed between kisses, his fingers curling tighter around Luke’s hips as the younger boy’s movements became a little more erratic. 
Ashton complied immediately, his voice a little broken and weak now. “You sound so good, Lukey… Can’t wait to hear what you sound like when you cum for us.”
Every word made it harder for Luke to keep it together. His whole body was begging him to let go but he didn’t want this to end just yet. 
“Is he making you hard, Ash?” Calum asked, pressing himself against Luke’s back so that the younger boy could feel the Slytherin’s hard dick against his back.
“Holy fuck, Calum!” Luke gasped, “You feel big…”
Ashton moaned into Calum’s kiss. “He’s making us both so hard, Cal…” He continued, “You’re such a good boy, Lukey.”
“He’s the best.” Calum replied, pulling back from Ashton just enough to shoot Luke a sideways glance. “Do you want to feel us, baby?”
Luke whimpered as he nodded, a stray strand of caramel coloured curls sticking to his forehead. He was very sure that touching Calum and Ashton would send him over the edge but he was more than ready for that. 
The Hufflepuff took one of Luke’s hand and guided it between their bodies until the younger’s longer fingers touched Ashton’s hard cock through his trousers. “You see what you’re doing to us, Lukey?” He groaned, “no one has had this much of an affect on me besides Calum. I’m gonna be constantly turned on knowing that you’re both mine.”
Before Luke could utter another strangled whine, Calum shifted his position, moving to stand to the side so that it was easier for Luke to feel him. “Go ahead, baby, you can touch me.” The Slytherin prompted gently, “Want you to cum holding our dicks, knowing that you can have them anytime you like.”
The very second that Luke’s fingers curled around Calum’s cock, he knew it was over. Both boys felt so big in his hands and a tsunami of possibilities swept through his mind - a tirade of images portraying what these two boys could do him and what he could give to them in return, flickered before his eyes as his orgasm hit. Luke’s body trembled as he tumbled over the edge, burying his face in Ashton’s shoulder for comfort.
“Holy shit…” Calum groaned. “I almost came just from watching you, baby. You looked so fucking hot.”
Ashton nodded in agreement, his pretty face flushed and slightly clammy. “You’re such a good boy for us, baby. Love the way you fall apart for us.”
Luke whimpered helplessly, trying to gain the brainpower to speak again as he continued to shiver with the aftershocks of his pleasure. He calmed a little when both of the other boys wrapped their arms around him, enclosing him in a warm, safe cocoon whilst his breathing slowly regulated. 
“That’s right.” Ashton soothed, gently rubbing Luke’s back, helping to ground him. “You’re safe with us, Lukey.”
The Ravenclaw didn’t doubt it for a second, he’d never felt so thoroughly taken care of before. “Wanna repay you boh. It felt so good.”
Calum chuckled softly. “We have all the time in the world to work up to that, baby. We don’t want to exhaust you too much on our first night, do we?”
Just as Luke opened his mouth to argue. Ashton cut him off with a brief kiss. “Calum’s right, Lukey. We have all the time in the world to try out everything you’ve ever dreamed of. There’s no need to rush it all right now.” 
Pouting, Luke accepted the kiss and turned his gaze to Calum, staring up at the slightly older boy through the darkness. “But you’re both still hard… I wanna help.”
The Slytherin and Hufflepuff boys exchanged a glance, each of them allowing a tiny smirk to curl the corners of their lips before they returned their gazes to Luke. 
“You can watch while we get each other off, if you want?” Calum offers, hope burning in the depths of his brown eyes. “You’re more than welcome…”
Luke didn’t need asking twice, despite his weak knees, he scrambled to his feet and stepped aside so that Ashton could get to his feet.
“To my bed, then.” Calum smirked, taking Ashton and Luke by the hand and leading them towards the steps that lead up to the sixth year dormitory. 
The Ravenclaw had no idea what was in store for him, but he couldn’t wait to find out.
Tag list: @clffrd @byxthexway @afuckingunicornn @painkillerash @moonchildsblack @calumbbyyy @h0tsos @valentinelrh @sexgodashton @megz1985 @myfalsedevotion @aulxna @honeyedlashton @tea4sykes @ghostofmashton @fairyintheglass​ @cashworthy @cashtonasfuck @opheliaaurora23​ @5sosnsfw​ @theagenderwhocriedwolf @myloverboyash @easiercake​ @irwinkitten​ @cxddlyash​ @malumamongmen​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @iovehemmings​
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pxrxmoore · 4 years
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via Andy’s insta story x / x / x / x // i know these aren’t new but in the words of Luke Hemmings “it’s nice to feel something” 🥲
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cashtontrash · 7 years
i just noticed luke third wheels cashton like its an olympic sport these days and honestly i respect that.
who can blame him I would jump at the chance!!!!!
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gay ask game; 2, 5, 7, 13, 14, 20, 27, 28, 30
2. whats your “type”
I have 2 types, really. I like pretty, subby boys with gorgeous eyes and fat asses, like Luke and Calum. And then my other type is toppy or verse lads who look like they might secretly be a werewolf and could definitely beat me up, like Bressie, Liam and Ashton.
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
I’ve been with my husband for so long that I can barely remember my dating life before him, but our first date was- Something. We went on a group date with his friends (several of whom hated me), and we went to a restaurant that I don’t like, and then went to see literally the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my life. It was amazing. I look back on it fondly, because the worst dates are always going to be the ones you laugh at down the line.
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
Night time gay, for sure. Morning is not the time for me.
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
Honestly, I had my first crush on a boy at 6, so I’ve pretty much always known, but I did think for a longer time than I’d like to admit that gay guys had to dye their hair bleach blond.
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
Letting go is going to take a long time, but it’s going to feel so much better once it happens.
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)
As we all know, on this blog we stan Lashlum (or Clushton, if you’re one of the people who prefer that ship name), but I’m also a huge fan of TodoDeku from BNHA.
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
Find something to do that makes you happy, no matter what it is, and make sure that you always find time for yourself to do it. Life is stressful for everyone, of course, but we definitely have it a bit harder than most people. Finding something that makes you happy, even when the world feels like it’s on fire, is what helps make it easier to get to the times when life isn’t as hard or as bad.
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
I didn’t get to come out on my own terms, honestly. My mother found some evidence that I had been seeing a boy and confronted me about it. WE had a conversation in which she told me that she wished she had had an abortion, and then got my father on the phone, even though he was living 500 miles away at the time (my parents aren’t divorced, he was just living in the place that we were moving to while my sister and I finished our school year), and that was the last time he talked to me for literally a year. It wasn’t peaceful or easy or calm. It broke me in ways that still hurt to this day. But it is a part of my story, and a piece of the history that made me who I am today. It also isn’t nearly as bad as what happens to so many people, and I’m both grateful and sorry for that.
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
Safety is more important than honesty. It just is. As much as it hurts to repress yourself or lie about who you are, the day will come when you can be honest and free. But you have to get there first. You have to do whatever you can to protect yourself until your time comes. Don’t let tv shows and movies and fanfiction and books or whatever else pressure you into feeling like coming out is something that you have to do when it’s not a safe option.
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calumsash · 3 years
you know what i won't ever forgive? how the fandom named ashton/luke/calum CLUSHTON. clashton was right there. it's so much cooler idc.
i personally only saw cashton for them but also i maybe read like two fics for these trio so perhaps i missed the clushton catastrophe, it just doesn't really roll of your tongue nicely you know?
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silkyjk · 6 years
clushton is love, clushton is life, clushton is god
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4thcypher-blog · 8 years
masterlist (works still being added)
this is my list of masters nd on here, ill link shit i wrote okok.
bolded items r fics
italicized items r blurbs nd drabbles
items w ** next to them r nsfw or include the dew (if u know what i mean *eyebrow wiggle nudge nudge*)
🌹 malum 🌹
light one up and hand it over  (technically this isnt a fic bc its less than 1k words but i posted it on ao3 so i consider it a fic bc of that)
(side note: i have another malum fic on ao3 but i am horribly ashamed of it, so i didnt add it to this. if u wanna read it, thats u but i dont recommend, -10/10)
🌹 lashton 🌹
flashing those eyes like highway signs **
🌹 cashton 🌹
nothing yet
🌹 mashton 🌹
nothing yet
🌹 cake 🌹
we can’t make love when you fly around me, baby ** 
wide awake before i found you **
🌹 clem 🌹
nothing yet nd probably will remain so unless a clem thingy is requested
🌹 mashlum 🌹
there’s a song in my heart, i feel like i belong ** (ive already linked this in my about but ill link this again)
🌹 clushton 🌹
nothing yet
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hobtea · 9 years
clushton smut??
this is vague but you mean like, any fics? :O UHHHHHHH fuck, i gotta find the ones that i read!
here is this fic (ashton fucks luke from behind and calum fucks luke’s mouth)
and this that nessa wrote (femme!luke and daddy ashton invite calum to play with them)
yeah that’s all that i can rmr reading
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Three very different kinds of sexy 😍
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silkyjk · 6 years
can we pls talk about clushton bc meg and i discussed it earlier i am screaming ok we have the perfect trope 
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agustdsbaby · 10 years
clushton replied to your post:UM clushton !!!!!!! [[MOR] LOOK @ HIS ASS...
i know
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hobtea · 9 years
clushton !! for the ship thing
makes the bed in the mornings - Ashton!! Sometimes Calum helps him. Luke is a grumpy butt so he’d roll his eyes and groan “it’s just gonna get messed up again, what’s the point...” then Ashton lectures him about the importance of cleanliness until Calum drags them both out of the room bc they’ve got shit to do
has sole posession of the T.V. remote - Luke, mostly. Calum doesn’t give a shit about what they watch, as long as it’s nothing too stupid. Ashton isn’t a big fan of TV but he watches it with his boys~
stays up until 2am reading - Ashton Ashton Ashton. Calum often whines about it bc he wants to sleep, goddammit, but the light is in his eyes >:( Luke is probably already unconscious, bc little things like that don’t bother him at all
is the bigger cuddler - Luke!!!!!!! He cuddles both Ashton & Calum. Calum tends to be more willing, but then I remember that one radio interview where Luke was like “Calum never wants to cuddle anymore >:(” lol so maybe Ashton has taken his place!!
does the laundry - Ashton & Calum, they make a good team when it comes to household chores such as this. Also they don’t trust Luke with the laundry bc he stuck his colorful underwear in the washer, y’know, the one with the burgers on them? And all of their white stuff turned PINK. He apologized but they still don’t trust him lmao
mows the lawn - They take turns, though Luke doesn’t like doing it bc chores suck
is better at budgeting - Luke, similar reason as before. 
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maluminspace · 5 years
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Calum, Ashton and Luke on 5sos Instagram
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maluminspace · 7 years
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Clushton Aquarius and Cancer friendship with fall theme for anon
Send requests if you like :)
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maluminspace · 5 years
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All of the following works were written by me (maluminspace) and are not to be posted on this or any other site without my permission. 
All explicit content is marked with *
Morning Cuddles (OT4 fluff)
“Will you just shut up for a minute and let me think?!” Blurb Request (domestic OT4)
Ghostbusters OT4 (requested for spooky!sos 2019)
Haunted House Adventure ( malum/reader - Spooky!sos2019 request)
Worth The Wait (Poly!muke - requested for mikemonth 2019)
My Boys (malum/malereader)
The Perfect Finishing Touch (Malum/Female Reader - part of the 5sos writers collab September 2020)
Ot4 shenanigans in Korea (coming soon)
Less of an angel (Mashton + Reader - requested for mikemonth 2019) *
A Decent Show (mashton + reader)*
Now That There’s Three (Hogwarts!sos mashlum)*
More Than Welcome (Hogwarts!sos clushton)*
Catch Me On a Flower (mashlum)*
Main masterlist 
Last Updated 26/02/2020
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silkyjk · 6 years
I just feel like letting this out but i dont know to whom so sorry if this bothers you.. I feel like as the time goes by michael spends less and less time with the other boys and i mean he can do whatever but it makes me so so sad, its like the 3 of them hang out a lot and we see it everywhere but michael is never there.. even the video diaries show it.. i know its their lives but for some reason its making me so sad i miss them together and i miss him with each one of the boys seperatly (+)
(+) and i mean even malum, the ultimate friendship that NEVER died, the boys that had known each other since FOREVER, seem not that close anymore. And it BREAKS MY HEART because ive watched them grow and idk i dont like seeing friends drifting apart in front of my eyes ): Im sorry again if it bothers you, i felt like i needed to share this with someone..
no i totally get what you mean!! i agree, it’s really sad to see him not w clushton as much but i think it just naturally happens when you fall in love with someone like his job is this band and while they love it it’s still a job and i think he likes leaving his work at work and going home to his girlfriend and dog when given the chance. they’re all still best buddies!!! 
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