edge-oftheworld · 5 months
they couldn't release CALM in 2019 even though it was finished then because between it and youngblood the late twentyteens couldn't handle that much angst and bass
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chamaleonsoul · 5 months
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Always In Spring
Rating: M Pairing: Calum Hood/Luke Hemmings Word count: 17,757 Summary: Luke and Calum’s friendship has gone through many highs and lows, and it’s so full of parallels and full-circle moments that it’s almost like the universe is set to make sure they grow, love and stay together. Spotify playlist
Written for the 5sos Friends to Lovers Fic Fest 2024!
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highstwildflower · 2 years
Conceiving lover
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Summery: Angsty, You find out that Ashton has a dating profil.
Paring: Ashton Irwin x Reader
Warnings: Angsty, mature language?
A/N: Its been a while since I've written anything, and honestly I feel like this isn't my best but it is the best I can do atm, and I really wanna get back into the swing of things soooo lets go. And Thaaaank you to the people who continue to ask for prompts and read my fics xx
A gasp left your lips as your world stopped. After hours of scrolling through TikTok, you came across a video you wished you had never seen. A young woman showing how she stumbled across Ashtons bumble profil, surely it must have been fake. The investigation started, you followed the link to part 2, and your heart dropped into your stomach. The video showed his profil in detail, somehow you just knew it was his, the profil screamed Ashton. Your boyfriend, the part of him that was only for you, was now blasted on the internet for everyone to see, because he actively was trying to cheat on you. So nonchalant as if he couldn't care less if you found out. 
Chock filled your body, not only had you lost your boyfriend in that second, you were mortified about the whole world witnessing it. Rushing you ran to your bathroom before emptying the content of your stomach into the toilet. And then you broke, the physical release was the emotional tricker you needed, this was real and it was happening to you. You were not the only one. Surely you should've known, it was well known in Hollywood, Ashton Irwin never broke up with a girl, he moved on while she believed they were still committed to one another, and you really thought that he had changed, how stupid. As if you were ever gonna be enough for the handsome drummer. 
The cold tile against your naked thigh was starting to hurt so you rose to your feet, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You didn't know if it was your bloodshot eyes that looked back at you, or if it was the trails of tears or maybe the puffiness but it was  something about seeing yourself like this. Broken into a thousand peaces, after so carelessly being tossed to the side by the man who said he loved you that made you snap. Straighten up, you looked deeply into your own eyes "Fuck him". With long determined strides you crossed the distance between the bathroom and the draw Ashton had at your house, you hurled the content into a nearby shopping bag. He was expected at your home within the next couple of hours but all that was gonna meet him was the brown bag holding everything that ever tied you together. It was done, and he was the one to blame. 
With the new determination rushing through your body you started getting ready, the shower lead the embarrassment down the drain, it was embarrassing to him not you, you told yourself again and again. Once you looked like the bosslady you are you went to instagram, both his and your page was filled with lovey dovey photos entangled in each other, you deleted every single one before posting a new one with the caption "You did a wonderful job convincing people that you love me, I almost fell for it". Keeping your head held high you placed the bag in front of the door before heading to your friends house, you knew she would understand this better than anyone else. 
By the time you parked before Kay's house your phone was glowing with the many notifications, though the 5sos fandom forever would be loyal to Ashton, they were cheering you on and dragging the drummer bad choices in the comment section. You smiled slightly at least they were on your side, which wasn't a given at all. As you took a short look at the comments and liked a few your phone started to vibrate with an incoming call, you took a deep breath before denying it. You turned off your phone and walked to knock on Kays door. Shortly after the door swung open revealing a Kay who's smile faded the second she saw you "Oh honey im so sorry", she knew already, the glee of the internet everything travels faster than you. Kay did her best to comfort you, she hugged you tight an hour after you had sobbed into her embrace and rubbed your shoulder. The tears had dried and you looked at her with a smile "You know, this just show how much of a better person than me you are" she shot you a confused look "How come y/n" looking straight at her you laughed at her cluelessness "Because you haven't  once said- I told you so, and I definitely  would've done that if you had dated my cheating ex". And it truly was the thing you admired the most about Kay, she was like a fairy who always just wanted the best for anyone, she was even the one setting you and Ashton up. "I don't need to do that hun, im sure you beating yourself up enough for the both of us". And she was right but you were trying not to. 
You agreed that it would be best for you to talk to Ash while she was at you side for emotional support, so hesitantly you turned on your phone again. It was unusable the first few seconds due to the amount of missed phone calls and messages, all Ash trying to make you speak to him, so you pressed his contact and waited shortly before he breathed out your name with relief. "Please, babe let us meet up so we can talk?" Kay made big eyes and shook her head no "No Ashton, I don't want to meet with you. I know that you have been dating others, and I don't really care if you never met them or not. You still were out there  trying " your voice was trembling and the pit in your stomach had returned, Kay rubbed her hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner and you send her a thankful smile shortly. Ashton's voice revealed that he was just as big of a mess as you "No please y/n, I was only on there to meet new people, I've felt so discounted to the world after Corona. I know its wrong, I really do but please love, it was nothing like what we have" You lost it, that was it. He wanted to make excuses? Fuck him "You know what Ashton, im sure you have, being surrounded by people who does nothing but support you must be so hard, im sorry that I didn't think about that." And with that the phone call ended and you lunged yourself into Kays waiting embrace. The world could stop for all you cared, you had lost the one person you thought would be your forever. 
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writersdare · 1 year
5SOS ♡ Masterlist
Last update: 03.08.2024
Main Masterlist | Requests are temporary closed | Prompt List | Taglist | Recommendations | Angst Endings
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♡ – readers' favourite; ♥︎ – the most popular 5SOS work
Luke Hemmings
Hold Me Tight ♡ Summary: Luke has been plagued by nightmares, but Y/N was always there for him. Warning: hurt/comfort, nightmares
Let Me Love You Summary: Luke knew it wasn’t his fault Y/N didn’t let him get any closer, but he just wished to know what he could do to make it better. Warning: angsty, trusting issues, mentioning of a breakup, the reader may have low self-esteem Two Gummy Worms ♡ Summary: Luke was determined to take Y/N on a night drive. Some things, though, didn’t want to go according to his perfect plan. Warning: friends to lovers, fluff, mentioning of food
He Called Her a Fairy Summary: No matter how excited Luke was to go on tour, it was always too heartbreaking to say goodbye to Y/N. However, that parting was worth going through to meet again. Warning: hurt/comfort, angsty
Eyes Can Speak Too Summary: Being blinded by the feelings for each other, Luke and Y/N didn’t see the obvious things. Warning: friends to lovers, angst, trusting issues, a bit of cursing and mentioning of alcohol
Sweeter Than Honey Summary: Spending a simple evening with Y/N, Luke realised she was always his happy place. Warning: fluff
Baby Girl Summary: Even in Y/N’s darkest times, Luke was always there to guide her to the light. Warning: hurt/comfort, disordered eating
Why Won’t You Love Me Summary: Luke and Y/N broke up after a few months of dating so they could at least remain friends, but seemed like it didn’t ease the pain. Warning: angst, fluff, a bit of cursing and mentioning of alcohol
Never Doubt Me Summary: A date, it would seem, could not get any worse, but then Luke remembered a painful rumour he heard about Y/N. Warning: argument
No Longer Together Summary: Trying to move on from a breakup, Luke and Y/N found each other at the same room, playing “spin the bottle”. Warning: College!AU, angst, mention of alcohol and a breakup
More coming...
Ashton Irwin
Keep It Quiet ♡ Summary: Ashton and Y/N kept their relationship a secret for a while, but one interview made the things a little complicated. Warning: none
Give Me Attention Summary: Ashton and Y/N had been friends for a while. However, everything changed once she found out an unpleasant secret he thought to hide from her. Warning: angst, an intimate moment, a bit of cursing and mentioning of alcohol
More coming...
Michael Clifford
Don’t Be a Stranger Summary: The tour was over, and Michael and Y/N finally met again. Both were uncertain who they were to each other after months being apart. Warning: slight angst
Calum Hood
Ghost of You Summary: It had been four months of silence between Calum and Y/N. Could she finally move on?  Warning: angst All Too Well Summary: It’s the first time ever when Calum and Y/N didn’t need to be apart, as they were going on tour together. However, things could never just be perfect, could they? Warning: angst, fluff, a bit of cursing
Strawberry Jam Summary: The winter holidays were simply the best for both Calum and Y/N, especially when a heating problem in their house occurred. Warning: fluff, friends to lovers
Password Is Your Birthday ♡♥︎ Summary: Y/N never doubted Calum’s loyalty, however, once controversial photos were leaked, their relationship was put to the test. Warning: angsty, mention of alcohol
Paris Broke My Heart Part 1 | Part 2 Summary: Calum knew he’d lose Y/N each time she’d start a new relationship, but that time it was different. She was leaving the country, maybe forever. Warning: 18+ (non-detailed smut), angst, fluff, friends to lovers, cursing and mentioning of alcohol
More coming...
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– photo is obv not mine and belongs to the rightful owner –
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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bratzforchris · 11 months
Latin and Pentagrams
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Summary ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆: A night of studying turns into something much darker when you stumble upon an old Latin book and end up summoning something less than human
Pairing: Demon!Calum x feminine!reader
Warnings: 18+ content (this is much darker than my other works, minors dni!!!!!), horror/scary themes, religious-ish imagery, teratophilia (attraction to monsterfucking/non human characters), fingering/handjobs (f and m receiving), p in v, orgasm denial, size kink, overstimulation, pet names, thigh riding, temporary body modification, fluffy ending (i think that's all but let me know if i missed something!)
Word Count: 7.4k
Note: This is much different than what I normally write, so I hope you all enjoy! This was somewhat inspired by my conversation with a friend a few days ago about taking AP Latin in high school so! Inspiration! I plan on trying to get a few more Halloween fics up 😈
“I actually can’t believe you’re studying tonight, Y/N.” Your best friend, Gaia, said, rolling her eyes and giving you a light, playful shove. 
“I have a big Latin exam tomorrow,” You sighed. “You know that.”
“You can have one night of fun, Y/N.” she said, giving you the “pleaseeeeee” eyes. 
“Latin is my hardest subject. Besides, I hate parties. I’d rather enjoy Halloween with a candy bar and some movies.” You mumbled, running your finger across the stick-and-poke pentagram tattoo you’d given yourself in eleventh grade. 
All your life, you had adored travel and studying the history and culture of other places. The day you’d gotten the offer to exchange at University of St. Andrews in Scotland was probably the best day you’d ever had. But there were days, like right now, where you wondered if it was worth the sacrifice. You didn’t get “breaks” as an exchange student, especially if you went to a university as prestigious as this one. Being a History major, with a minor in Classics, wasn’t quite the field for going easy on the studying. You would’ve loved to go to a smaller Halloween party with Gaia and a few other friends, but in your head, duty called. 
“All Hallows Eve, you mean? Be a proper Scot.” she chuckled in her Scottish accent. 
“Yeah, sorry. See you tomorrow?” You offered, shoving your glasses up the bridge of your nose. 
It was beginning to grow dark and the chilly, crisp breeze was blowing the orange and red leaves across the damp sidewalk, creating the perfect autumnal and slightly bewitching aura for the night. You two had been sitting on the steps of the main campus library, discussing your classes, the upcoming holidays and everything in between, but now, you could see the urge to go party etching itself onto your friend’s face. 
“Duh,” Gaia giggled, standing up and giving you a hug. “You going in there to study?” she questioned, craning her head towards the giant, regal-looking, cobblestone building. 
“Yeah…” You gnawed on your lip, antsy to get to your studying. “It’s the only place that has the books I need.”
“Well, don’t get to summoning any demons or spirits tonight,” she booped your nose. “When you do the ‘o, s, t, -mus, -tis, -nt’ thing for present tense endings it sounds like a fuckin’ pagan chant.”
“I won’t, I promise,” You hoisted your backpack up onto your shoulder. “Now, go have fun.” You turned Gaia’s shoulders so that she could march down the stone steps.
She waved goodbye to you, hurrying down the steps and across the quad. As you watched her leave, a feeling itched its way into your skin, burying deep inside your bones. It wasn’t quite melancholy, but you felt yourself wishing that you could tag along to the parties, even if you didn’t enjoy them all that much. 
You shook your head, getting rid of all those angsty thoughts. Giving your tattoo a quick rub with the top of your pointer finger, you marched up the stairs and unlocked the door, walking into the library, breathing in the smell of carpet and old, musty books. Being a student employee had its benefits some days, and access to the library after hours and on holidays was definitely one of them. You flicked on the light by the front desk and sat down, taking it all in for a few moments before pulling out your supplies. 
The library was old and had the aire of a medieval castle or church, what with its stained glass windows, large chandeliers over every table, and beautiful, soaring woodwork carvings. You kicked your old, crusty Converse up onto the desk and chuckled as you replayed Gaia’s warnings in your head. Maybe it was the difference in growing up in Scotland versus your American upbringing, but she was always much more superstitious and believed in the supernatural more than you did. 
For some reason, you remembered that old legend she had told you when you were a new student last year, something about how devil worshippers used to use this very library for their secret meetings back when the university first opened in the 1400s. You could almost believe now as you lit the candle on the desk with a lighter from your back pocket. The flame cast the desk in an eerie, orange glow, which added to the ambience of the flickering chandelier over table three and the blacked-out back of the library where you hadn’t turned the lights on yet. 
You shook the thoughts from your head and pulled your laptop and books from your bag. The last thing you needed right now was to get off track because you were thinking about some silly legends. You began to run through your conjugations and tenses, reciting the lines to yourself. The Latin rolled off your tongue making you sound rather scholarly and a bit haunting if you said so yourself.
“Ugh.” You grumbled when you reached the portion of the study guide on the history of Latin and paganism. 
You threw the book down on the desk rather angrily, but couldn’t help the smile that crossed your face when you read the bit about Latin in pagan chants and then looked down at the pentagram tattoo. It had been stupid at first, you poking the design into your skin just for the aesthetic. But now, the more you studied, the more you felt connected to the art. You decided to take a break from the studying, pulling your phone from your pocket and opening up Tumblr. The first thing you saw when you opened the app was a rather scandalous fanart as the header for someone’s fanfic. It showed a feminine reader fucking with a rather monstrous, demonic-looking creature. You smirked and bit your lip, crossing your thighs. You’d never tell anyone else, but monsterfucking was your guilty pleasure when it came to kink. There was just something about someone who wasn’t from this world using you for their own pleasure that turned you on. 
You sometimes wondered what that would actually be like. Would it be the same as fucking with a human? You shook your head and clicked your phone off, placing it face down on the desk. Standing up and stretching, you looked around the library. It was almost the perfect setting for Halloween night. You looked down at your abandoned textbook, remembering what you’d told Gaia about the books in here. Maybe you did need a different book to help you study. 
You pushed around the desk and trailed down the aisles of the library, using your phone as a flashlight, until you came to the 600s section where the university kept their history books. You stooped, running your pointer finger along the spines of the books. There were so many here that you could easily spend all night studying, but you knew you had found a perfect book when your finger landed on a thick, leather-bound book, spine inlaid with gold plating. 
You pulled it out, staring at the soft, leather cover. It didn’t have a title, simply a pentagram on it in gold that matched the spine. You sunk down, leaning your back against the bookshelf as you flipped the cover open. The pages were browned, stained, and written on parchment. You gnawed on your lip as you realized that this was a true, historical book. You flipped past the cover page and shined your flashlight on the back side. There, in swirly, beautiful cursive it read “authored 1416” by someone whose name you couldn’t make out. 
Why did your school’s library have this historical gem among the other, modern books? You shrugged, brushing it off and flipping through the book. The first few pages didn���t particularly catch your eye, just lines upon lines of Latin, as well as crude sketches of the gods. All stuff you had looked at and read before. You sighed, randomly flipping to the middle of the book. You felt a calling to that section for some reason. Maybe it was your boredom, or maybe it was the Halloween spirit bewitching you to do something different. You could see as you looked out the window while flipping the pages that it was completely dark now. The moon was high and full in the sky. You were definitely one for the aesthetics, and this was the perfect Halloween setting. 
Finally, you reached the middle of the book. It had taken you a while to turn the pages because they were such delicate parchment, but now, the image before you was worth it. It was different from the other drawings in the book. The sketch pictured a hulking man, about eight feet tall, with bulging muscles. He had soft curls and a devilish smirk about him in the picture. He would’ve looked almost normal, despite the height, if it weren’t for the pointed horns curving from his head and tail protruding from his rear. He had sharp, knifelike claws on his hands, but there was something about him. He was sinfully beautiful. 
The sketch was much more fine and detailed than the rest of the book. The Latin paragraph by his drawing was also much more detailed and beautiful than the sentences written previously. You noticed at the top of the page there was the name of your university, and you quickly read the paragraph, the Latin rolling off your tongue like you had been practicing for so many years. It was a set of directions, pointing you to the back of the library. 
You pushed off your haunches, walking back to where the book was pointing you. You almost wondered if a Wiccan practitioner before you had walked this very path through the library. It wasn’t hard to believe; the library was centuries old. As you walked, you cradled the open book in your arms. Gaia’s tale about the devil worshippers in the 1400s rang through your mind as you realized when this book had been authored while walking. You didn’t exactly believe in anything supernatural or even devil worshippers, but you couldn’t help feeling a slight chill in your bones once you had reached the back of the library. 
It was dark back here, much darker than the rest of the library. The only light shone from your dying phone’s battery as you hit a stone wall. You’d never been at the back of the library, and it was very clear hardly anyone else had either. The stones were damp and cool and cobwebs littered the corners. You read the passage again, running your hand along the rocks. You didn’t know why you were doing this. It was clear you had literally hit a wall. Maybe it was procrastinating that you had an exam tomorrow, or maybe it was the urge to do something for Halloween. 
You looked down at your tattoo once more before reading the instructions on the book. All it said was to look for the sixth stone, in the sixth row, of the sixth column. Your eyes searched the wall before finding the stone and pressing it. Nothing happened. You sighed, going to turn away from the wall and walk back to the desk. You couldn’t wait to rub it in Gaia’s face tomorrow that the “devil worshippers” of the library were nothing but an urban legend. 
Suddenly, the wall rumbled, two sides splitting to reveal a large wooden door with the same designs as the book carved into it. You stood in front of it, absolutely gaping. There was no way a stone wall had just split in half. There was no way there was another door inside the wall, leading to who knew what. You knew you should turn around, go back to the desk and continue your studies and then go home to your dorm. The last thing you needed was to get stuck in some old passage. 
But you didn’t. Your subconscious pulled you towards the door, and you pulled the rusty, metal lock open. You coughed as the dust blew towards your face, beaming your phone across the room you had stepped into. It was small and earthen, almost like a prison cell, but it had an almost magical vibe to it. At the far end lay what looked like a stone hearth, and your feet pulled you towards it. You looked down at the book as you walked. This was where it had led you to, and now there were further directions for you to follow. 
At the foot of the altar was another pentagram, and on the ledge were a few wax candles in bronze holders, a box of matches at their base. It was as if the matches had been placed there recently, but it seemed like no one had been in this room for decades. It lay dead silent and still, like a tomb. You picked up the box of matches, but nearly jumped out of your skin when the door that had led you here slammed shut. Looking down at your tattoo once more, you began to read off the passage from the book. The Latin spilled from your mouth like an incantation as you lit the candles and slid your phone into your back pocket. 
As you did so, a warm, sweet heat curled through your core, blossoming in your tummy before traveling down to your thighs. You didn’t know what you were expecting to happen. Were you actually trying to summon a fucking demon? The feeling was wonderful and exhilarating, and you felt called to continue the chant as it ran down the page. Surely if you actually summoned the being there would be a way to banish him…right? You ignored the warnings on the page, written in red ink that looked suspiciously like blood. Demons probably weren’t even real; if anything, you’d get a good laugh at this later. 
As you finished the words on the page, your skin began to prickle with goosebumps, the hairs standing tall. That had to be a coincidence. There was no way anything was actually happening. You were making it up, your mind bewitched with Gaia’s folklore and the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve. If warning bells were supposed to be going off in your head, they weren’t. The only sensation you had was your heart fluttering with excitement. 
Just as you spoke the last word, an unnatural, purple fog flitted through the room, swirling about the chamber and ruffling the pages of the old book. It curled faster and harder until all you could see was purple smog, and the sconces on the wall firing to life on one-by-one, without you lighting them. Here you were, alone in a sealed chamber that no one alive knew about, summoning god knows what. Gaia’s playful joke about bringing a demon to life floated through your mind. Despite not being one to be superstitious, something supernatural was happening in this room. You should’ve felt scared, terrified, horrified, any antonym for excitement, but you didn’t. 
As if you had been studying the passage for weeks, the Latin chant flowed from your mouth like you had memorized it, even though you’d only read it once. You repeated the lines five more times for a total of six with your eyes closed. When you opened them, the smoke had cleared somewhat. The only wisp of purple that you saw was slowly seeping out of the walls, being edged by an invisible wind. It curled towards the middle of the room, twisting in a tornado like shape, further and further towards the ceiling. You didn’t know why, but you covered your face with your hands. Maybe it was fear of nothing actually happening. You had fallen asleep at the desk while studying and would wake up in a few moments to nothing but an empty page on your computer. 
After a few moments, you uncovered your eyes, seeing that the smoke was beginning to fade away. All of what had just happened was blocked out when you noticed the absolutely enormous figure standing in the middle of the etched pentagram, the sconces casting him in a warm, orange glow. You fisted your eyes once more to just make sure you were really seeing what you thought you were. The half-human, half-mythological creature came into view, standing before you regally. He was even more intimidating in person as he stared down at you with dark eyes, but the only way your body responded was through a heated moan. 
The beast was absolutely huge. His shoulders were nearly as broad as you were tall, with bulging muscles and unholy pecs. His skin was tanned and littered with inked tattoos, depicting battles he’d won and scenes from his tales. His black curls fell to his pointed ears, serving as a bed for his red horns. Your eyes caught on them for a moment, taking in how they were wider at the base but curled upwards, ending in knifelike daggers that scraped the ceiling. He was probably nearly eight feet tall, covered in muscle all over, but the thing that really made you heat up was his face. 
His chocolate-brown eyes looked you up and down curiously as his plump, pink lips curved into a smirk that started at his cupid’s bow. Whoever this demon was, his face was littered with a bit of stubble and despite his uncanny appearance, you longed to kiss his face all over, feeling the hair and telling him just how beautiful he was. He was like something one could only dream of. 
His chest was heaving with heavy, agitated breaths. His fists were clenched in front of him, but you could see the deep, black claws that jutted from his fingertips. Although his skin was a completely normal shade for a human, it was clear he was closer to a beast than any person. His legs were thick and muscular, but appeared human under the crude, burgundy, fabric shorts he wore. His bare feet were like that of an animal, more clawlike, the same type as his hands. The thing that stole your gaze the most, though, was the red tail, tipped with a pointed heart that protruded from his rear, flicking with arousal as the tent in his shorts grew. 
“I…” You started, whimpering slightly. 
You weren’t scared per say, but the demon was rather intimidating, both in stature and how capable he looked of pleasure. He cocked his head, his brown eyes growing lustful at the noises falling from your lips. The adrenaline of the situation had worn off and now you were gasping for air as you realized you had just summoned a magical, sinful creature. The demon stepped closer to you, tail curling behind him, eyes trained on you. Your body responded to his gaze by heating up, the warmth curling through your belly as you surveyed him. You didn’t question your body’s arousal towards him; you were so syrupy-sweet with desire that you paid no mind. 
“It was you who summoned me, angel?” the demon asked once he was about three feet away from you. 
His voice rattled through the stone chamber, a deliciously deep bass that snuck its way into your bones, settling there. You clenched your thighs together in your sweatpants as your clit began to throb with horniness. You craned your neck slowly, eyes traveling up his spectacular body until you met his face. Even with your neck leaned back so far, you just barely could meet the creature’s eyes. 
“It was me,” You admitted, gnawing on your lip to keep any unwanted noises from escaping. “I…wanted to.” You said, picking your words carefully, fearful of how such a beast would react to what you said. 
The chamber fell dead for a moment, the only sound being the demon’s breathing as he looked you up and down. You couldn’t tell if he was angry, or simply just curious. You wondered if he knew how someone summoned him, or if he simply just popped up wherever the spell called. Your question was answered when he spoke, that beautiful voice flowing from him once more. 
“The book told you to summon me?” he asked, raising a brow. 
You could tell now that he was more curious than anything, surprise making its way onto his features as you studied his face. You glanced around the room, mulling over your answer before speaking. You thought of the way you had skipped the Halloween parties, opting to sit in the library alone, the way you’d unusually ignored your studies to find another book, the way you’d skipped the rest of the book to look at the picture of the demon before you, and then follow the directions on it. 
“Yes,” You said, your voice shaking. “I felt called to summon you.”
“Do you believe in the supernatural, baby witch?” he asked you. 
“I…I don’t know,” You didn’t even recognize the voice that was coming from you, the words high and tinged with a mixture of fear and arousal. “I'm just letting the Halloween spirit get to me!” You said, backing against the altar. 
The devil smirked, pushing his body against your own, pinning you to the altar. “Sweetheart,” he started. “I think a little more than the Halloween spirit calls you to summon a sex demon.” he growled. 
The noise rumbled up from his chest and you tentatively lifted your head to meet his eyes. They had darkened to an almost black color, full of lust. His lips had a hungry look plastered across them, smirking when he met your eyes. His hulking body blocked out the light from the candles as he stood in front of you, casting his body in a warm glow. The light glinted off his white, razor-sharp fangs as he smirked, licking his lips with his forked, black tongue. 
“I wanted to know what fucking a demon is like…” You mumbled.
“What was that, angel?” he asked, grabbing your chin in his hand and lifting it to meet his eyes. “You will not mumble when you talk to me.”
“I wanted to know what fucking a demon is like!” You yelped, backing impossibly further, your body jolting with fear, but a wetness growing in your underwear nonetheless. 
Your emotions were an absolute jumble inside your chest. You felt fearful and nauseous with horror, but your desire to know the sinful creature was epically stronger. The dampness in your panties was only becoming more prominent, clinging to your skin and agitating your clit. The creature had caged you in with his humongous body, looking down at you. 
“Well then, I’m happy to fulfill your desires.” the demon cooed. 
He was practically salivating as he looked at you, moving his large claws to hold your body in place. He gave off such an air of power that despite the physical filling of the room, his personality was filling the chamber so tightly, blocking out everything that wasn’t him. 
“I won’t hurt you, baby witch.” he said with an unexpected softness, stroking your cheek. 
His gentleness shocked you, removing the fear from your body. As his body pressed ever closer to yours, you could smell his delicious scent, and you longed to bury your face in his glorious chest and never let go. The scent was like that of cigarettes and cherries, intoxicatingly sweet and a bit smoky.  
“I’m not a witch,” You whispered, voice shaky. “You…you have me confused with someone else.”
“You summoned me by reading the Latin, I’m quite literally a demon, and you have this,” he reeled off, stroking the claw of his thumb over your pentagram tattoo. “All of that qualifies you to be a witch.”
The creature wasn’t really lying. All of those things qualified you to be a witch, or at least a beginner in practicing magic. You longed to go back in time and heed Gaia’s warnings about the supernatural and its creatures, but for now, you were enjoying the way this half-man, half-beast far too much. You nodded your head in a sort of acceptance, looking into his deep, chocolate eyes. 
You weren’t sure if he smelled the fear melt from your body, or if the acceptance was written on your face, but the creature pinned you to the altar with his claws, his hips pressing against your upper body. He wrapped his tail around your upper thigh, almost like a garter, but to your surprise, it wasn’t cold and slimy like you had anticipated. It was warm and the heat made your body seize with arousal. You slowly relaxed into the touch, humming softly. His body was hotter than any human should be, both sexually and temperature-wise. 
“Do you have a name?” You asked him softly, melting in his grasp. 
The book had just called him “The Powerful One”, but if he was going to call you names like “angel” and “baby witch”, you thought it only fair to have one to use for him. He looked at you curiously, cocking his head as he searched your expression. 
“I can’t share my name with you, pet,” he hummed. The noise sounded almost like that of an enormous lion, akin to a purr. He used his right hand to cup your face with intention, his claws scraping softly against the nape of your neck. “It allows those who know the demon too much power.”
“Oh…” You said shyly and a bit sadly. 
After a moment though, the thought fleeted from your mind. The demon’s name was flowing further and further from you as you rested comfortably into his soft, burning hand. You blushed as you wondered if the rest of his body was like his chest and hands. Would he leave your own heat burning with affection?
“Angel,” he crooned, stroking your cheek to bring you back to reality. “I have been alive a millennia. That allows one many, many names. Rex, Dominus Potens, Magnūs. They are of your choosing." His voice was gentle as he spoke to you, almost like he was a human man speaking to his girlfriend, rather than a creature that spent his life in the depths of hell. 
“King, Powerful Master, and The Great One?” You looked to the beast as the Latin translations sloppily rolled off your tongue. 
He nodded, a soft smirk painting his lips. You would’ve expected a sex demon to be much rougher and less kind with you, but his softness was like that of a giant teddy bear. The soft personality that was stored inside that monstrous body just made you even more hungry for him. You wished to grind yourself against his body with erotic moans, but you chose to gently stroke his abdomen that was at eye level with you. A happy noise grumbled its way up from the devil’s throat, encouraging you to continue your motion. 
“Dominus…” You said softly. 
The demon gave you a nod of approval, making you utter the word again. This time it fell more smoothly from your lips, and you pushed yourself up on your tiptoes against the altar, wanting to know this magical beast. You were much too short to reach his lips, so you settled for puckering your own and leaving a kiss against his soft breast. His body heat ignited your own and you pushed yourself into him, knowing he would catch you. 
You longed to kiss him, and the creature could sense the feeling from radiating from your body. He was much too tall to stoop and kiss you though, his horns scraping against the ceiling, so he opted to pick you up by the waist, settling you on his hip, almost like a small child. Once he was sure you were set comfortably, he didn’t give you a moment’s more to think before his lips were on yours. 
The beast’s kisses were just like his personality; smooth and subtle, but with an underlying tone of something much more…promiscuous. Even though he was less than human, his empathy was like a wonderful, respectful man. He seemed to understand how small and fragile you were compared to him and he took that into consideration as he kissed you, his muscles bulging as he held you. He kissed you in such a frenzy that you felt high off his love, desperate for your next fix. 
You whined, grinding yourself into his hip as a whine escaped your mouth. To this, the demon deepened the kiss, turning it into a full makeout. You felt his mouth curve into a smirk as you kissed him more fervently. His forked tongue was providing you with overwhelming pleasure as whimpers and gasps fell from your lips. 
Whoever this demon was, his mouth tasted absolutely sinful. You had the urge to just let him rail you until you were beyond fucked-out. Your arms were wrapped around his thick neck as you cried out, practically riding his thigh. The feeling of the fabric rubbing against your clit, as well as the wetness in your panties made the movement pleasurable and you could tell the creature felt the same way. He was nearly growling, loud, erotic rumbles that burst from his chest in monstrous cries. 
“Please,” You panted out. “Please, fuck me, magnūs.”
“Are you ready for dick already, baby witch? Am I that pleasurable?” he asked with a smirk. 
You blushed, knowing your horniness was so visible, but you couldn’t be bothered as the demon’s own seductive noises just made your folds even more wet. “Yes! I am!” You cried out, riding his thigh frantically, trying to get yourself off. 
The demon placed your back against the altar once more, one of his hands holding you in place and the other gripping you under the ass. “So, you want to know what it’s like to fuck a sex demon, angel?” he asked with a smirk, running his tongue over his pearly fangs. “Need to get off on my unholy cock? Do you think you’ll be able to take it all?”
You whined against him, eyes traveling to the tent in his pants you had seen earlier. It was only growing larger, flicking underneath his crude shorts in unison with his maroon tail. The demon snapped his fingers, and suddenly, he was completely naked. You could now completely see his cock, and a moan immediately left you. He was already leaking pre-cum, the deep red organ pulsing with arousal. You had the urge to immediately drop to your knees and suck him off, offering up worship as his cum poured down your throat. 
“Do you think you can take it, baby witch? Or should I go back to where I came from? Forget this little rendezvous ever happened.” he chuckled deeply. 
You knew you would have a hard time fitting more than the head of his cock in your mouth. He was as thick around as your bicep, and nearly as long as your lower leg. Even the monsterfucking porn you looked at and read sometimes hadn’t prepared you for him. The sight should’ve made you nervous about trying to fit him into your cunt, but it didn’t. You simply longed for him to insert himself into your heat, fucking you until you couldn’t take it anymore as you worshipped him. 
“You came looking for me because you’re a slut, pet,” the devil teased you. “You love the idea of being stuffed full of demon cock, don’t you?” 
It was like he was reading your mind, but then again, you were staring so blatantly at his dick, practically salivating. You began to grind your pussy against his chest as he held you, begging him to touch you in any way he possibly could. 
“I can smell that you’re wet for me, baby witch,” he teased, but a tone of love laced his voice. “Are you ready to be split open on my dick?”
You nodded so quickly your head almost fell off. “Do more than that. Ruin my cunt. I’ve waited years to be fucked on a monstrous cock like yours.” You said, fluttering your lashes. 
“Angels aren’t supposed to be filthy,” he hummed. “But if you desire, I’m happy to obey your wish.”
The demon unwrapped his tail from your leg and used it to slowly tickle and tease your wetness through your pants, before he suddenly snapped his fingers once more, leaving you completely naked as well. He continued to tease your pussy as he craned his neck, beginning to softly suckle on your nipples until they were standing tall. He looked into your eyes solemnly when he lifted his head, brown eyes filled with lust. 
“Do you understand what it means to be taken by me, pet?” he cocked his head. “You will never be rid of me after this night. I will be embedded in you forever.” 
“Don’t care,” You whined, shoving yourself into him. “Just need you to fuck me now, Dominius!” You cried, beginning to give his cock that was only growing larger with arousal a handjob, stroking the veiny dick up and down. 
“Oh angel, you’re such a slut,” he chuckled, sliding one hand to insert into your heat. “Dom’t even care about the effects fucking a demon will have on you.”
You whined, practically riding his fingers already, to which he offered teases of how wet you were for him. Your hands had fallen away from his dick at this point, so pleased by his fingers that you tangled your fingers in his soft, black curls. 
“Need you, Rex. Need your cock.” You whimpered, tears pricking your eyes at how sexually frustrated you were. 
“Such a needy baby witch, aren’t you?” he hummed. 
You nodded quickly, tugging on his curls slightly. You were so full of lust and arousal that you would’ve said yes or agreed to anything he asked. The demon added another finger to your hole, slowly sliding them in and out. He used his tail to alternate caressing your face and belly, humming softly. 
“You need preparation for my cock.” he told you softly, explaining in a sort of way why he hadn’t pushed you to the wall and fucked you senseless. 
You slid your hand back down to his shaft and ran your thumb over his head. His pre-cum was warm and wet, practically drenching your entire hand. You tentatively brought your hand to your face and licked it slowly and sensually, savoring the delicious, sinful taste of him. At this, your demon made a pleased noise, pumping your pussy faster. 
“You need more than that, pet,” the beast told you. “Should I fuck your mouth so you can drink it like a sinner drinking holy water?”
You nodded so quickly, eager for him to go through with his words. “Oh please, magnūs.” You whined. 
By this point, you were riding the demon’s fingers, enjoying the way his claws felt inside your sensitive, wet cunt. He wasn’t letting you get off that easy, though. Suddenly the creature pulled out and gazed at you with a playful grin. 
“You didn’t think I was letting you get away with cumming on my fingers and not on my dick, did you, baby witch?” he raised a brow, taunting and challenging you. “I’m going to fill you with so much demon cock that you won’t know how to think and you will cum more times that you can fucking count.” 
Your devil lifted you so that your pening was placed directly over his enormous length. You could feel your wetness dripping onto him, making the organ twitch with pleasure. He was so tall and big that you had to wrap your arms around his torso as he held you under the ass, claws digging into your plump flesh. 
“Are you ready for my monstrous cock, angel?” he asked you, spreading your legs wider and placing his tip against your tiny, tight hole. 
“Yes! Please, Dominus.” You cried out, rocking yourself against it. 
Any of the fear or hesitation you had felt earlier melted away as the demon began to insert only the head of his dick into you. Even with his fingering, it took quite a few moments for him to fit all the way inside. You gasped out in a mixture of pain and pleasure once he was fully inside. It was unlike anything you had felt before. The creature’s dick was stretching your pussy beyond its limits, making you dig your nails into his skin. 
“Shhh, take it like the filthy angel you are,” the demon cooed, thrusting deeper into you. “You wanted this, I know you can do it, baby witch.” he coached you. 
You rocked your hips around him, trying to accommodate his massiveness. The only things falling from your lips were senseless sounds and whimpers as your body got adjusted to the feeling. “Feels amazing.” You slurred out, intoxicated with the ecstasy of him. 
“Your poor little pussy is going to be absolutely wrecked, pet.” he chuckled, beginning to suck on your neck as he rode you. 
The devil kept inserting himself into you, moving just wonderfully so that you could feel his dick nearly rearranging your insides. You didn’t know how much of him was left for you to take. Your walls were aching with the effort of taking him, but your demon was making you feel so good. He had taken such great care of your body and made it his own. You stared into his lustful eyes as he came suddenly, the same tingling sensation as when you had tasted his pre-cum filling your insides. 
“Oh god,” You panted out. “Magnūs, please.” Your nails were wrecking his back as he held you, his tail tickling in between your thighs for even more pleasure in your sensitive area.  
“Your turn, baby witch,” he cooed. “Cum all over my demon cock.”
You immediately did as he said, releasing so fucking quickly. The walls of your cunt tightened around his length, making you cry out. Your climax made your demon moan out, fucking you harder. With one last thrust, he shoved the rest of his cock into you, making you scream out in pleasure. You were fuller than you’d ever been in your life, and it felt amazing. The devil made a few erotic groans himself, shoving your hips down onto his dick to get the right angle for fucking you mindless. 
You could feel his balls, bigger than any you’d ever seen, slapping against your ass, leaving the most wonderful stinging sensation. His tail slowly snuck to your slit, tickling your electric spot while pounded into you. 
“It has been so long since someone summoned me,” he whispered huskily into your ear. “Thank you, angel.”
Just as he said that, he unloaded into you, your pussy being flooded with his cum. This time was more than the last and you screamed with pleasure, digging your nails into your back. The whole scene was hot enough that you immediately came around him, your walls clenching. The triple orgasm was better than any other man or toy could provide you. As soon as you finished, you slumped against his abdomen, panting heavily. 
The demon chuckled, slowly sliding his cock out of you and sinking to the ground with his back against the wall, still holding you. His dick had softened and you were laying over it now, enjoying the warmth. He was much warmer than any human man was, and it was an enjoyable sensation. He stroked your back with his claws, giving you a wonderful massage, while his tail rubbed up and down your legs. 
“You did wonderfully, pet.” he praised you, a purr coming from his mouth. 
You blushed, going to snuggle into him but pushing when you felt yourself stopped against his chest. You slowly reached a hand up and touched your head with wonder. “I…I have horns!” You exclaimed. 
“Did you read the terms and conditions at all, baby witch?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. 
“No,” You admitted shyly. “You were just too sexy for me to care.”
Your demon laughed, kissing your forehead. “Don’t inflate my ego anymore than it already is, angel. But yes, there are certain terms and conditions. Your small, human body isn’t made to take a cock like mine, so my cum changes you to accommodate it. Look behind you.” he offered, giving your ass a smack. 
“I have a tail!” You said excitedly, stroking the new, pink addition to your body. 
The demon chuckled at how childlike with happiness you were. But he appeared a bit sad as he stroked your body up and down. “This isn’t permanent, angel. The summoning isn’t, so neither are the side effects.” he said, voice laced with sadness. 
“Wait…you mean I’m never going to see you again?” tears pricked at your eyes. 
You loved this demon with your whole heart and soul and you knew you were meant to be with him. That was the only explanation for everything that had happened this evening; the studying, the call to the book, the urge to summon this wonderful creature. 
“You can summon me whenever you like, pet. But the summoning only lasts an hour,” he smiled softly. “After that, I go back to the underworld and your body goes back to normal.”
“But what if I don’t want that?” You were beginning to cry. “I want to be with you. Please don’t leave.”
The demon petted your hair, kissing your face softly. “You’ll see me again, angel. Summon me whenever you like.”
You craned your neck and began to kiss him fervently, not wanting him to leave you. “Please, I need you.” You moaned. 
“Haven’t had your fill of me?” he chuckled, beginning to makeout with you. 
You continued to kiss, enjoying your new features, until the hour was up. You said goodbye to your demon, kissing his lips softly and promising to summon him again as soon as possible. But just as he was dissolving into the same purple smoke, he looked at you solemnly before speaking. 
“Calum. That’s my name, baby witch. Call me Calum.”
“Goodbye, Calum.” You whispered as he disappeared. 
Your tail and horns disappeared with your lover, leaving you fully clothed in the empty, stone room, just like before. You clutched your hands to heart, promising yourself that you would summon Calum again as soon as possible. 
✯ One Year Later ✯
You excitedly stood in your apartment, the same book from last year clutched tightly in your arms. This was the final time you would ever summon Calum for an hour. You both loved the wild, sexual nights, but you missed your demon during the day. You two had spent the last year practicing magic, with Calum’s getting just strong enough for him to pass as human for just under a year. He would be able to be his true form at home with you, but he had gotten so skilled that he would now be able to pass as your human boyfriend to your friends and family. 
You chanted the spell just like that Halloween last year, but this time, you used your demon’s real name when you called upon him–Calum Hood. The same purple smoke appeared just like all those times before, but when the fog dissipated, a “human” man stood in front of you. Calum was about 6’2”, with those kind brown eyes that you loved so dearly. He still had his luscious curls and beautiful tattoos, but the horns, claws, and tail were gone for now. 
He immediately swept you off your feet, spinning you around. “I missed you, baby witch.” he hummed, running a finger over your same pentagram tattoo. 
“I missed you more, Cal.” You sniffled, on the verge of tears as you realized you would get to see Calum every day now. 
You knew in your heart that Calum was still of the underworld, and that was what you loved about him, but you were ready for a new start. To be able to show off the soul you loved oh-so-dearly to the world. He would still have to go back to the underworld every now and then, but you were so happy you didn’t care. 
“Don’t forget that I’ll always be your demon.” he smirked as you buried your face in his neck, breathing in that same, sinful scent of cigarettes and cherries.    
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msmoony7 · 8 months
hey!! can you please do a fic with calum hood, maybe enemies to lovers and reader is the bands photographer or something like that (it’s okay if you don’t want to🫶🏼🫶🏼)
Love your work!!
note: hope u like it! I haven't written for 5sos yet AND i’ve never written enemies to lovers so i hope it’s good and enemy-y angsty enough. also pretend the first stop was LA and that the tour was six weeks idk how long it actually was this is just what i imagined for my little fanon fic LMAO. I kinda left this on a cliffhanger. Maybe part 2 soon??
calum hood x reader
word count: 1.84k
You wake up to the sun peeking through the cracks in your bedroom curtains. Although the weather on this day is perfect, your mood was anything but, and you wake up feeling sour. Today, you are presented with the difficult task of joining the band 5 Seconds of Summer as their tour photographer. You’ve been photographing artists for years now and it has truly become your passion. Whether it’s following an artist on your, or taking album art, you are living your dream with every picture you take.  
That’s not where the difficulty lies. You know that you’re capable of doing your job and doing it well. The difficulty lies within the band. The name of that difficulty being the band’s bassist, Calum Hood. By now, you have a long history with the band. They first invited you to join them on the Take My Hand tour last year. You quickly became good friends with Luke, Ashton, and Michael. But for some reason, Calum just could not stand to be near you. Many days and nights were spent bickering between the two of you. Arguments would come up, about your creative direction and other bullshit he brought up, leaving you no choice to fight back, creating a lasting vendetta between the pair of you. 
Of course, he made your job difficult as well. When photographing him onstage, he would mess with you and your work. Sometimes getting up in front of the camera and in your face, sometimes not letting you take any photos of him at all. And once offstage, he wouldn’t even look in your direction. Wouldn’t even address you. Despite this, your work speaks for itself and you received a message from Luke inviting you to join them again on this year's tour, The 5sos Show.  
It’s been weeks since you got the tour invitation, and months since you’ve last seen the band. All the time in the world couldn’t prepare you for six weeks on the road with Calum Hood. What he had against you, you may never know. What you do know is that as long as he presents this dislike towards you, you will be doing the same right back at him. 
Was putting yourself through all this stress worth it? You ponder for a moment when you wake up, but ultimately decide you made the right choice. You are set to meet up with the band and crew this evening before you set out on the road together, marking the start of the long six weeks ahead. You put on some music and start packing your suitcase. 
After a while, you’re happy with everything in your suitcase and zip it up. Living out of a suitcase was difficult, but you’ve had prior experience so you know the do’s and don'ts of packing. You pack your backpack, carry on, and your camera supplies and before you know it, the day is behind you and it’s time to converge with the band. You call an uber to take you to the address Luke gave you and you’re on your way. 
Traffic isn’t too bad, so you make it to the address quicker than you would have liked. The crew is already there, but the band is nowhere to be seen. You help yourself onto the bus and begin putting your things in your designated area. You feel the bus shift as someone steps on. Before you can turn around, you can already tell who is walking up behind you. 
“Well, what do we have here?” you hear a sarcastic voice say behind you. You turn around and lock eyes with the bassist. He’s wearing grey sweatpants and a green 5sos sweatshirt. He looks adorable and cozy, and you hate him for being so gorgeous and so annoying all at the same time. 
“Not even the first day of the tour and we’re already fighting, are we?” you spit back at him. 
“Seems that way,” he replies before scurrying off to whatever hole he’s gonna bury himself in until he needs to be found again. 
The rest of the boys slowly scatter onto the bus, and your meetings with them go better than yours with Calum. Everyone picks out their bunks and once everyone is settled onto the bus, the driver begins driving to the first stop on the road and you allow yourself to fall asleep for the night. 
You wake up to the sound of fighting. It takes you a few seconds to shake off your grogginess before you hear two voices shouting back and forth at each other from the other end of the bus. 
“You can’t keep acting like this!” you can hear Luke yell. 
“Sure I can! I can't stand her being here and I’m not going to pretend I do.”
“Whatever, man. Do what you want, I give up. Just don’t come complaining when it comes to bite you in the ass.”
You can hear them shuffling around the bus as you stay hidden behind your curtain. Although your hatred for Calum was mutual, you couldn’t help but let a tear fall down your cheek as you lay in your bunk, thinking about everything you’ve had to endure from him in the past and will have to in the future on this tour. You are tired of feeling like this. Feeling beat down by him and his words, his actions. Now, you’re determined to get to the bottom of his hatred for you. You wipe away your tears, jump out of bed, and get ready for the day. 
Tonight is the first night of the tour at The Kia Forum in Los Angeles. You’re excited. After all, you do love your job. You decide that the best way to get through the tour is to ignore Calum and his antics. 
The day goes by quickly. The opening band is onstage and you’ve successfully avoided Calum the entire day. You grab all your camera equipment so you have it ready to go when the boys go onstage. 
Calum sneaks up behind you, bass in hand. “Where’ve you been, y/n? Haven’t seen you all day, it’s almost like you’re ignoring me. You wouldn’t do that though, would you?”
“For the love of god, fuck off. Get away from me.” You huff at him while grabbing your camera and walking towards the side stage. The lights go off and he shoots you a wink before walking onstage. You push all this out of your head and get in front of the stage and start taking photos of the boys. 
The night goes as well as you could have expected given your circumstances. You get some good photos of the boys. Calum was his usual self. This time around, he decided that whenever you got too close to him, he would turn around, making sure that you don’t get photos of his face or his instrument. Despite this, you do get some good photos of him. In all honesty, you think this is some of your best work. Calum looks really good. Even if you can’t see his face.
The boys all run offstage after the encore, high off of the energy from the gig. You shoot them a congratulations and you can see Calum heading in the opposite direction of you. Typical, you think. 
The next stop of the tour wasn’t for another two days, so the boys are having a party to celebrate the tour kicking off. You follow Luke, Ashton, and Michael and see that the party is already in motion. Calum’s already at the bar grabbing a drink and your body moves before you can think and all of the sudden, you’re sitting next to him. 
“What do you want,” he mutters sharply, not even looking up from his drink.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Vodka cran,” he says to the bartender and nods at you. “I swear, whenever you get within ten feet of me I can feel my blood pressure rising,” he says in defeat as he gets up from his seat.
“Where’re you going? I thought we were finally getting along.”
“Back to the bus before I say something I’ll regret.”
And with that, he disappears out the door, leaving you confused as the bartender hands you your drink. 
“I don’t know what his issue is,” you confess to Luke once you find him later that night. An hour or two has passed since you last saw Calum and you’re feeling tipsy from the alcohol. 
“I wish I could tell you, y/n. I really wish I could. But we have no idea why he’s like this. We all love you and we love your work, I don’t know why he has it out for you.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. If I’m honest, I’m getting to my breaking point. I don’t think I can handle it anymore.”
“Want us to talk to him?” Luke says with concern written on his face. You can tell him and the other boys genuinely do care about you. It makes you feel good knowing that you have people to fall back on in this drama. 
“Thanks, but I think I’m actually gonna go speak to him now. I’m just tired of it and I need answers now.”
“Well, good luck. Let us know how it goes.”
You say bye to everyone at the party and you leave to find Calum and get some long awaited answers for yourself. The walk to the bus is not far and as you’re approaching, you see Calum sitting on a bench outside, smoking a cigarette and looking up at the sky. He hears your footsteps on the ground and groans when he realizes it’s you. 
“Following me now, are you?” 
“Oh shut up, will you?” you say as you steal the cigarette from his hand, taking a drag before handing it back to him. “You’re an ass, you do know that, right?”
“What do you think, y/n.”
“I wanna know why.”
“Why what?”
“What do you think, Calum? You’ve never liked me. I’ve done nothing wrong. I literally can’t do this anymore, I don’t know what to do!”
He sits and thinks for a minute, leaving the two of you in silence. You stare at him as he stares at the ground ahead of him, waiting for a response. A minute goes by, then two. No response. 
“Are you gonna answer me?” you yell. Still, no response. “Whatever, I’m done. Bye.” You say as you get up. You start walking in the direction of the tour bus when you feel him grab your arm and turn you around. Before you realize what’s going on, his lips crash into yours. At first, you don’t know what to do and you stand there frozen. He pulls away and just stares at you, and you stare right back. 
“That an answer enough for you?” he says to you. 
“Oh will you just shut up?” you say as you cusp his cheeks, pulling him towards you once more.
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littlejuicebox · 9 months
Dancing on my own
Guys I don’t know what this is, it’s just some random angsty drabble that came out inspired by the song “Dancing on My Own” by Robyn (the version by Calum Scott is also nice).
I’m trying to get out of a writing slump so there might be a few more random bits of writing here and there. I’m not sure I even like this tbh lol.
Summary: You and Astarion decided to be just friends after his Moonrise Towers confession. He couldn’t make himself admit to you that he wanted more than that. He knew you deserved better than what he could offer. Now that his quest with Cazador is done, he’s totally lost. He wants you, but you have someone else now; he thinks it’s someone better than him. He’s heartbroken.
Tags/Warnings: PG13, lots of angst, depression, PTSD, low self esteem, depersonalization/derealization, sad Astarion, tbh it’s kinda just a sad bit of drabble
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Astarion killed Cazador. You’d think he would’ve been happy… ecstatic, even. But instead he felt exceedingly numb and so, so tired.
It had been nearly a week since then. Astarion had spent most of that time in his room, trancing or simply just lying in the dark. He was exhausted; his limbs felt like lead.
Shadowheart was concerned he had fallen ill and kept checking on him. He would simply grunt to her in response or ignore her line of questioning until she sighed and left.
You came by a few times a day to offer him your wrist; he would drink with a misty-eyed, faraway expression… or sometimes not at all. His hand would linger for a moment on yours, and then he would roll himself the other direction, turning away from you.
It was hard to look at you, to be that close to you, to touch you, to taste you. Blood and sex had been so intertwined in the beginning, it always brought back the memories from before. It made him sick to his stomach.
But his hunger often won, in the end.
How ironic, that the only blood which satisfies his near-insatiable thirst is also the only blood that makes his stomach churn with guilt and disgust at himself.
A double edged sword. Stabbed through his heart.
He should be happy… ecstatic, even. But, by the gods, is he so, so tired. Can a vampire rot into the earth if they stay in one place for too long?
Perhaps. Perhaps he should get up and move, if only to avoid rotting away.
Astarion manages to take a short bath and pull himself together… somewhat. It’s hard to move when your limbs feel like lead. His shirt is wrinkled, and his hair feels like it’s not quite in place, but it will have to do.
The pale elf slinks down to the tavern, where the evening crowd is teetering the hazy line between buzzed and drunk. He’s not in much of a mood for talking to others, so he sits in a corner booth, hoping the natural shadows and his brooding demeanor will deter any visitors. For a few moments he feels normal… or at least acts it. But then he sees you. And Halsin.
Halsin has his arms coiled around you as he absolutely ravages your lips. His thick hands are gripping your body; one hand on your waist, one on your neck. It’s an exceptional amount of PDA; he would vomit, if he had anything left in his stomach from the only small sip he’d taken from you this morning. The hand the druid tenderly placed on your neck is covering the scars Astarion had marked on you from the times before, back when you’d been his. Had you been his? Back before—
“I had a plan. A nice, simple plan…”
“Maybe what you need is a friend, not a lover.”
Astarion had hurt you. He’d hurt you. The look that crossed your face as he confessed is etched into his mind for all eternity; it’s the first thing he sees when he wakes from a trance and the last thing he sees before he slips into one. He’ll never forget the tears that welled in your eyes, which you’d rapidly blinked away. And then you thanked him… thanked him for telling you, for being truthful. Thanked him for hurting you.
He should have lied. He shouldn’t have said anything. He should have chose differently from the start.
He knew what he did was terrible; you deserved something more, something real. He just couldn’t be that. He didn’t know how to be… real.
Hells, was he even real now? Was any of this real?
He felt like a shell. Hollow. Empty. It all felt like a sick, strange dream that he couldn’t wake from. All that time he spent running, and now he no longer had to… but who was he, if not a runner?
He’d run from Cazador. Run from you. Run from the concept of true intimacy, which you had so willingly offered.
But now? Now he wanted nothing more than to run to you. He wanted to run into your arms and be held by you, comforted by you. But there you were in the arms of someone who was able to give you what you deserved.
Who was he to get in the way of that? He was nothing. He was no one.
“Good to see you out of bed.”
The vampire rips his eyes away from you and Halsin, where the two of you seem oblivious to the world and stuck in a heated embrace.
Shadowheart is standing next to the booth; her eyes had followed his, and she’d been watching the same passionate makeout scene with mild interest.
She flicks her gaze back to Astarion with a knowing look, and a soft, sad smile crosses her face. The cleric extends her hand out to him, “Come on, Astarion. One dance and then I will let you slink back into this corner to sulk for the rest of the night, if you wish.”
He sighs and considers the offer. He doesn’t want to move, but he can’t keep picking different places to stay and rot. And he can’t keep watching you two. His limbs still feel like lead.
“Very well.” He murmurs, and he takes Shadowheart’s hand.
They dance. It’s a platonic sort of jig, mostly spinning around at arms length with one another. For a moment, Astarion feels a brief glimmer of happiness. He chuckles and smiles; his limbs don’t feel like lead. And then the tune ends, and he’s wandering back to the booth with Shadowheart, and that sinking feeling begins to grow in his chest once more.
“You should talk to them, you know, Astarion. Let them know how you feel. They may choose differently… if you make your true desires known. You did tell them you wanted to be friends, after all.” The cleric murmurs, with another sad little smile. Her eyes contain pity; he hates that.
He’s watching you and Halsin again, where you two are staring contentedly at one another, chatting away. You’re lost in your own little impenetrable bubble. You don’t even see him or notice him at all.
He’s nothing. He’s no one.
Astarion looks so dejected; normally he would be better at putting on his mask. But he’s so tired. He should be happy. But he’s exhausted.
“Maybe I should. But Tav looks happy… I can’t bring myself to ruin that. Selfish as I am, I do care about them, you know.”
Shadowheart nods and sighs. She knows something, he can tell by the look on her face. She wants to say more but decides against it. A small pat on the vampire’s hand and she murmurs, “Good night, Astarion. I hope to see you down here in the morning.”
Then she’s gone, heading upstairs to her room. And he’s alone again.
Astarion watches you two for a bit longer, even though every second he witnesses causes another crack in his fragile heart. Then his eyes return to the dance floor and he sighs before forcing himself out of the booth again. His limbs feel like lead, but he has to start somewhere.
For now, he’ll have to keep dancing on his own.
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souperbloom · 11 months
hey, i had an idea for a fic where reader is part of the band and is dating ashton. she originally wrote 'english love affair' and it gets chosen on the dice while on tour, and ash gets jealous about her performing it coz she wrote it about someone else so he gets moody - mostly angsty, but kinda smutty towards the end?
the face i made when i first read this, omg. friend, you are a GENUIS. YES.
enjoy, you little genius. <3
my english love affair [A.I.]
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🎲 boyfriend!ash x bandmate!reader
after rolling the dice and performing a song about a girl you used to see, Ashton gets jealous over the fact that he’s not the one you’re singing about.
a/n: the boys have nicknamed you ‘peanut’. no reason, just thought it was cute and have been dying to use it :3
CONTENT WARNINGS: angst, tension, angry Ash, ref. to past hookups, strong language, ref. to weed, teasing (sexually & literally).
"Thank you, London! Goodnight!"
You watch with wide eyes as your frontman, Luke, blows kisses into the arena, at fans that had been reaching out to the stage since the moment the curtain fell.
A rush of adrenaline washes over you, faced with yet another insanely energetic crowd that had poured nothing less than their hearts out to you.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," You mouth out to them, your hands clasped over your chest in pure adoration.
Above all the screaming, a thunderous drum rollout plays you off; the familiar, rhythmic tapping sounding off like sirens in your head.
It extends for a few minutes longer than normal, as your bandmates throw gifts into the crowd.
You can’t help but look behind you at the drum kit, something you always find yourself doing no matter when or why. For your lover is the one behind those tubs; the one providing you with one of the most wicked bow outs of the century.
Your eyes quickly find the flurry of sweaty curls and drumsticks, anticipating his cymbal crashes as you’d learned them like the back of your hand.
As he destroys the final beats, his eyes glance up to you; a frantic, rage-fueled expression adorning his face with the final cracks at his cymbals.
The crowd grows louder, catching your attention— you take your eyes off of him for a moment, as the rest of the boys start to huddle around you.
"You fuckin’ killed it tonight, Peanut." A broad hand grips your shoulder, Michael ducking down to whisper in your ear beyond your ear piece.
"You too, Mikey."
Another hand wraps your back, Luke coming up to your side to give you a gentle squeeze.
As moments pass by, you and the rest of your bandmates get in order for the final bow. With Michael on your right and Luke on your left, you lean forward to watch Calum join the line.
Your brows then furrow when you notice a certain somebody taking a few extra minutes to toss his drumsticks into the crowd.
"What’s up with him?" Luke leans into the side of your face, gesturing towards your boyfriend with his eyes.
All you could do is shrug, before plastering a smile on your face and speaking through your teeth.
"Who the fuck knows."
Ashton seemed off, to say the least. You weren’t quite sure where his head was at since the second Luke sent that damn dice into the crowd. But the most you could do in this moment was grin, filled with overwhelming happiness at the reception of this incredible crowd.
"He’s coming," Luke mumbles, before switching whatever monotone face he had on into a smile.
You watch as Ashton joins the line, trying to sneak a glance at him over Luke and Calum’s bodies.
But he doesn’t even look up. His lips were painted into a straight line as Calum bends down to initiate your bow out.
You thought to yourself, as your bodies bent down to face the floor:
Whatever the fuck’s gotten into him better have a damn good explanation.
After the final bow to close another sold out show, you and the rest of the boys had made your way offstage.
Being the only girl in the band had its perks— you got your very own dressing room 90% of the time, one decked out with all of your favorite fixings and beverages.
But the best perk of all, was that the afterparties always happened in the boys’ room.
"What a fuckin’ show!" Calum pumps his fist triumphantly, as he is the first to lead you all into the room. He jumps up, smacking the top of the doorframe with his palms and letting out a hoot.
The rest of you funnel in, filled to the brim with adrenaline and post-show excitement.
"God, I know— The energy… fuckin’ electric, man…" Michael still seems in awe of it all, with unkempt pink locks that had been disturbed by him tossing off snapback.
"I feel like I could run a goddamn mile," Luke blurts, jogging in place.
You and Ashton are the last two to enter the room, Ashton still having barely spoken a word to you, or anyone else, since in your fifteen minutes of being off stage.
"You guys want anything to drink?" Calum asks, while Michael and Luke make their way to the couch.
"I’ll take a coke," you shrug, trying to ignore the elephant in the room that just so happens to be your brooding boyfriend.
"Really, Peanut? After a show like that, you’re settling for a can of coke? How about we put some Jack in that bitch and call it even?" Michael looks at you with teasing eyes as you wait for Ashton to find his seat.
Post-show parties and conversations were a ritual for you as a band— each of you needing your own times in the spotlight to debrief, and let off steam.
These gatherings you shared were like a perfectly thought-out routine. Mike and Luke sit down on their couch, Cal grabs the refreshments, and you make your way to your assigned seat on Ashton’s lap. Sometimes, Ashton would roll up a spliff for the four of you to share, especially if the show was one like tonight’s.
But Ashton lingering on his phone in the doorframe was never part of this routine. You didn’t like it one bit.
Michael, Calum, and Luke begin to talk amongst themselves, leaving you standing and watching your beau with worried eyes. His knuckles were practically going white as he anxiously ticked, mindlessly clawing at the pocket of his dress pants.
A snapping sound grabs your attention from across the room.
"Hey, lovebirds— the fuck’s up with you guys?" Luke quizzes, his brow quirked as Calum hands him a can of spiked seltzer.
You shake your head, "Fuck if I know."
Your words make Ashton’s head snap up from his phone; sending a bothered glance in your direction. But you just ignore it. You didn’t want to risk ruining a perfect night over some trivial bullshit.
"Well? Gonna’ take a seat, Ash? That chair’s got you and Y/N’s names all over it."
You stifle a giggle at Michael’s reference to you and Ashton’s routine, your eyes bouncing back and forth between your pink haired friend and your unamused boyfriend.
"C’mon baby, sit down," you coo, walking over to the brown leather arm chair that has been deemed your throne, "Let off some steam."
Ashton lets out a huff, causing the general chatter of the room to grow quiet. The rest of you watch in solace as Ashton shoves his phone in pocket, and walks towards you.
He brushes past your shoulder coldly, before sitting down with a loud sigh.
"Dude. What’s going on with you?— Lighten the hell up."
Calum’s jab only earns a nasty look from Ashton, but you just remain still, standing above him while he leans back comfortably in his arm chair.
There’s an awkward silence surrounding you all, before Ashton’s fingers start rhythmically tapping on his thigh.
"Well? I’m sitting," he says dryly, the first words he’d spoken in a while, "Happy now?"
Luke and Michael toss each other a look, before Calum walks over to you with your drink.
"I’d be happier if you put a smile on that face," Calum says, leaning down to be parallel with Ashton’s steely expression. You try your hardest to remain stern, putting your poker face on lockdown.
As much as you hated to see your boyfriend so solemn and serious, you found it a bit amusing.
Ashton was one of the least serious people you had ever come across, which is one of the reasons why you worked so well as a couple.
He’d tell jokes, you’d laugh, then fire one right back at him. It was just one of those indescribable instances that made the two of you perfect for each other.
But seeing him so stone-cold, so inexpressible, you were sure it was some sort of joke.
You test your luck, shuffling between his legs and fluttering down into his lap. Usually, his hands would instantly grab ahold of your waist, before chatting up a storm. But instead of that, his hands completely dodged your body, folding them into his lap with his elbow resting on your thigh.
"Should I play music? Not gonna lie, I fuckin’ hate the vibes in this room right now…" Michael breaks the tense, ongoing silence.
"Oooh, can you play some Zeppelin?" Luke requests.
"Queue up some ‘Sabbath while you’re at it," says Calum.
As the other boys bicker about what songs to play, you’re left staring down at your lover. His blank expression had yet to dwindle, and you were certain that if you had stood in front of him, he’d be able to shoot daggers into your back with his stare alone.
"What’s the matter, baby? Cat got your tongue?" You ask the question quietly, ducking down into his ear. Your hand travels up to toy with the baby curls that sat at the nape of his neck, which he normally goes crazy for.
But even with you asking, he didn’t move a muscle.
"Okay," you shrug, helpless, "fine. Don’t say anything then."
A pinprick tugs at your heartstrings upon Ashton’s refusal to speak. But you try to push that worrisome feeling down with the rest of your intrusive thoughts, hoping to focus solely on having a good time.
Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin starts to roll through the speakers behind the ambiance of conversation, with Calum and Luke now aiming the discussion towards the show.
"Can we just talk about how Luke’s fly was down the entire time? Like, from curtain fall—"
"Fuck you mate," Luke defends, the heated little argument grabbing your attention, "I swear I pulled it up! Must’ve fallen down— ‘er something…"
"It’s true, I saw him do it," You interject, raising your drink in the air.
"Okay, but how did it manage to fall down by the second song of the set? That’s gotta be a record or something… is anybody keeping track?"
Michael practically spits out his drink at Calum’s observation.
"Oh, ha ha, veeery funny. Let’s all laugh at the amount of times Luke has gone out on stage with his fly down… I swear, it’s like Peanut is the only one who actually gives a shit about me." Luke leans back into the couch, looking down at his fly before taking a sip of his own drink.
"Speakin’ of Peanut… dude, what the actual fuck was that?!" Michael shoots up from his seat excitedly, his eyes going glossy at you.
"What was what?" you ask.
"English Love Affair? You haven’t performed it in a while. Not like the way you did tonight, at least. How’d it fuckin’ feel?"
"Singin’ about your mistress in her hometown must’ve been a real culture shock, huh." Calum mumbles.
You can’t help but laugh, "It wasn’t that extraordinary… But, I’ll admit, it’s a damn good song. I did write it for that reason—"
"Don’t be so humble, Y/N." Luke jokes.
As you and the rest of the band go back and forth, you notice Ashton’s leg out of the corner of your eye. It had started feverishly bobbing up and down, with him still not speaking a word throughout this entire conversation.
"The crowd was eating it up, too— you were like a fuckin’ machine out there."
Your cheeks flush pink at Michael’s compliment, "You don’t mean that."
"Oh, but I do. God, I can’t even describe it… When you sing that song it’s like you get possessed ‘er some shit."
Calum snorts, "Yeah, possessed by some good pussy."
That comment seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, for Ashton is suddenly shooting upward in his seat, sending you flying with him.
Your head whips to face him, his cheeks glowing red hot. He only utters four words, before guiding you off of his lap and standing up himself.
"I need a fuckin’ smoke."
The lot of you watch in shock as Ashton angrily barrels out of the room, slamming open the door and making it hit the wall with a loud crash. You all jump, before passing each other confused, worried glances.
"What— what the fuck was that?"
You let out an angry huff, pinching the bridge of your nose between your fingers. Luke only chuckles, before tossing his hands in the air.
"Well, Y/N— looks like it’s time for you to do your thing. Go tame that raging bull."
Your eyes land at least once on all of the boys, each of them giving you a ‘you probably should go out there and get him’ type of look.
"Why does it always have to be me?" You sigh, but Michael sucks his teeth.
"I think you already know the answer to that one, Peanut."
After the boys had shooed you out of the dressing room, you set off down the halls to look for Ashton. You checked every corner, every bathroom, every area with a chair to sit and ponder in; but the angry mess of a dirty blonde mullet and dress pants was nowhere to be found.
You contemplated giving up after circling the same hallway for a third time, your legs feeling like wet noodles as you trudged along the dimly lit corridors—
But you then felt your shoulders relax when you noticed a rock propping open the outside door.
"Ashton?" You call out, pushing the steel-clad door just enough for you to pop your head outside.
And sure enough, there he was.
"Ash," you say again, a bit louder this time, stepping over the rock timidly and snaking your way through the gap.
He was leaned against a lamppost that lit up the parking lot, with tense shoulders and his brow furrowed. He stared off into the abyss, taking a pull from his joint.
You felt as though you were walking on eggshells, trying your hardest not to go into panic mode and start screaming your own head off.
Or, apologizing profusely for something that you may or may not have done.
"Baby?" you try your hand at sweetly grabbing his attention, one last time.
"Are you alright?"
"I’m fine."
He ashes his joint, before taking another pull, the veins in his neck practically popping through his skin. You take a step closer, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Are you sure?"
He blows out smoke through the side of his lips, "Yes."
"Don’t lie to me. You’ve been acting like such a brat all night," You warn him, finding the stern, coldness in your voice, similar to the one he’s been firing off at you and the guys since he stepped off stage.
There’s a brief moment of tension in the air, lingering lowly above your head. You hold your breath for a moment, before Ashton is tapping his joint with his eyes glued to his shoes.
He hadn’t looked up at you. At least, not yet.
"If you don’t want me acting like a brat, then don’t call me a fucking liar." He mumbles to the ground, an angry baritone rumbling through his voice.
"I didn’t call you a liar. I just said, don’t lie…" you drop your hands to your side, taking another step towards him.
"…Now tell me what’s wrong with you before I smack that joint right out of your fuckin’ hand."
Your threat brings Ashton to lock eyes with you. You’re finally able to get a good look at the angry crimson hue that surrounded him; with shaky pupils and a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.
"You really wanna know what’s wrong with me, Peanut?" He mocks the endearing nickname like poison rolling off of his tongue.
"Well, I—" You stutter, taken aback by his serious tone. He then chuckles dryly, lifting the joint and resting his hand on his chin.
"You really have no idea, do you?"
"Obviously not, asshole." You hated to sound so brash, but you were still residually upset by his ignorance.
He takes a moment to collect his thoughts. Only to say the stupidest thing you had ever heard in your life.
"You think I enjoyed watching you parade around onstage tonight— all smiley and giggly— singing about some girl you fucked one time? A time so memorable that you went off and wrote a goddamn rock ballad about?!"
Your eyes widen in dismay.
The rumors were true, you thought, Ashton had finally lost it.
"Oh my god— you’re joking… You’re joking, aren’t you?" Your face melts into pure, sadistic amusement. But Ashton’s face hadn’t faltered.
"Do I look like I’m joking?" He ask the question seriously.
"You cannot be serious, Ash. You’re telling me that you’ve been moping around all night because of a fucking song I wrote eight years ago?! Meanwhile you were the one who suggested putting it on the fuckin’ dice!"
He finally finishes his joint, flicking the roach to the ground and stomping it out with the toe of his boot.
"If I had known you’d perform it like she was actually there on that stage fucking you, I probably wouldn’t have suggested it at all."
A shaky chuckle flies past your lips. "God, you are such a baby! I cannot believe that you’d stomp around and make such a fuss over this! You’re really serious right now, Ash? Like, really?"
"As serious as a goddamn heart attack, Y/N."
The only emotion you could process at the moment was anger. You were completely baffled by his behavior, unable to muster up even a sentence that would aid in your argument.
"…What’s mine is mine, baby. It’s as simple as that. Can’t blame me for gettin’ a little jealous sometimes." His tone of voice had softened, significantly.
Knowing him well enough by now, after almost four years together, you had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to hold a grudge.
And, of course, you were right. As always.
"Ash, it’s been eight years. You’re gonna have to get over it eventually."
"Well— what if I don’t want to get over it?" He blurts, still stern.
Before you reply, you step even closer to him. Close enough to feel the sizzling hot anger radiating off of the both of your bodies and creating a spark between them.
You hated when he was angry. He hated when you were angry.
But something about that anger made your stomach twist in knots. In the best possible way.
You decided to test your luck. To push his buttons. Get under his skin, a bit.
"Then I’d say you’re being a brat. A whiny, fucking brat."
Ashton chuckles, rather dryly, before lifting himself from his slouched position resting on the lamppost. He towers over you, straightening his posture to show off his much larger frame.
"Takes one to know one, sweetheart."
You could sense the obvious switch in dynamic of this situation. Now clouded with sexual frustration, as opposed to just the regular kind of frustration.
You cross your arms over your chest, swallowing back the newly formed lump in your throat. "You don’t scare me, y’know."
All he does is shrug.
"Don’t think I need to scare ya’ to make you scream. Thought we’ve been over this."
That comment only riled you up more, but you tried to hide it beneath a playful glare, "Is that a threat, Ashton?"
"No no no, baby— not at all…"
He shakes his head, slight sarcasm falling over his tone before he’s snaking his arms around your waist, digging the tips of his fingers into your back.
"…It’s a fuckin’ promise."
The speed in which his lips found yours seemed almost impossible. From the way he had gone from blatantly ignoring your existence, to feeling you up like you were the last thing he’d ever touch.
"You’re mine. Y’know that, right?" He presses you against his torso, clasping his broad hands at the small of your back.
"Mmmmhmm," You sigh into his kiss, as he roughly sinks his teeth into your bottom lip.
He then takes one of your thighs in a handful, lifting it up to rest it gently on his hip.
In the midst of the commotion, you realize that you were still dressed completely in your stage clothes. Clad in an oversized, striped sweater that was stolen right from Michael’s closet, and a short black tennis skirt.
You were fully aware of just how short your skirt was. And to be totally honest with yourself, you loved wearing it.
You loved the way it floated around you as you danced, the way it complimented your platform boots and knee high socks…
But you also loved the absolute chokehold it had on your boyfriend.
You catch your breath as Ashton pulls away from your heated kiss; only for a moment. To admire you, as his hand slowly snakes its’ way up your skirt to grip your bare asscheek.
"This ass," he grunts, digging his fingers into your flesh, "is mine."
"Mhm." You nod again. Affirmative. Your bottom lip was still trapped between your teeth with helpless, puppy dog eyes.
"This face?" He removes his other hand from your back to cup your cheek, "This gorgeous gorgeous face? Is mine. All fuckin’ mine. Ya’ hear me?"
You nod at him, trying to ignore his hand creeping towards the hemline of your panties.
"Need ‘ya to use those words, beautiful. Like the ones you used to write your song, yeah?"
One thing about Ashton was that he never failed to piss you off— but he was also damn good at turning you on.
"…Wanna hear one last bit of your poetry before the only word you’re able to say is my fuckin’ name."
"Ash—" You go to speak, but your mouth clamps shut as he traces your inner thigh with his fingertips.
"Go ahead, Y/N, tell me. Tell me who’s really ‘all you ever think about.’"
His head dips down to your neck to leave a trail of wet kisses, all the way to the base of your collarbone. Your hand finds his hair, tugging at the roots gently with each gentle kiss.
"You. You’re all I ever think about… All I’ve ever wanted—"
Your breath hitches as his teeth bite into your skin, his hand finding its way back to the outside of your thigh to anchor your body against him.
"—All I’ve ever needed."
In a swift motion, Ashton is dropping your leg from his hip, bringing you to teeter on your shaky legs and look at him with desperate eyes.
His head pops up from your neck, pupils wavering and twinkling with lust.
And suddenly, your mind is clouded. All of the things you’ve ever needed in a person was right at your fingertips. Any syllable of a song lyric, any chorus of every single song you’ve ever written.
It was him.
"You wanna’ write songs about getting fucked ‘till you can’t speak, sweetheart?"
At this point, you were too needy to care about whatever words flew past your lips. "Yes, Ashton. Please—"
His eyes darken, a sultry smile climbing across his cheeks for the first time all night.
"Allow me to provide you with some inspiration, then."
In a second, he’s lifting you up by the back of your legs, tossing your body effortlessly over his shoulder. You let out a laugh, slapping his back, his arms, anything you could get your hands on.
"Hey! What the fuck—"
Your ass is fully exposed to the parking lot around you, as Ashton begins to walk. You couldn’t see much, but the most you knew was the direction of your shared tour bus.
He leans his head over to you, whispering a little something in your ear that sent chills down your spine.
"You wanna make music with me, baby? I’ll give you somethin’ to fuckin’ write about…"
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ughkat · 1 year
ifhy - c.t.h
" i fucking hate you , but i love you "
calum x fem!reader
requested: no, just wanted to write angsty calum smut
desc: since your early school days, you and calum have had an unexplained anger towards one another. you quickly learn that your pent up hatred may have been furious lust after all this time.
smut, hate sex, dom!cal, kissing, pet names, swearing, smoking, drinking, angst
not proofread
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Hate. Fury. Rage. Frustration.
Nothing, no one I've encountered made me feel the passionate hatred I felt towards another human being than when I was in the presence of Calum Hood.
Since the 7th grade, Calum has inevitably found ways to make my life miserable. From intentionally ruining my grades and tripping me in the hallways when we were young, to simply being the stereotypical high school bully, name calling and under his breath comments when I walk by. I never understood why he chose me so specifically, being my best friend, Ella, never had any problems with him. No one did. I was his chosen victim. However, his behavior towards me only fueled Ella's own form of hatred and anger towards him.
Agonizing years of coming home from school in tears from embarrassment and shattered self esteem, Calum still remained a reoccurring character in my adult life. Ella's older brother, Ethan, ironically happened to be Calum's best friend. The two met during soccer tryouts our freshman year of high school, the rowdy duo had been inseparable ever since.
I sat criss cross on Ella's bedroom floor as we finished planning her upcoming 21st birthday. She expressed to me that she wanted this party to be bigger than she'd ever done previously.
"I want to invite, like, everyone." Ella exaggerated with her hands, scrolling through her phone's contacts. I giggled at her excitement for her big day, leaning over to watch her screen.
"El, this house is only so big." I chuckled, watching her take notes for the guest list.
"I told Ethan to invite whoever. Hoping that brings in more people." She shrugged. I let out a small groan, looking at Ella in frustration with a smack of my teeth.
"Ugh, you know he's gonna' invite Calum." I whined, rolling my head back dramatically. Ella looked at me apologetically, as if the thought of Calum being her brothers best friend completely slipped her mind.
"Oh, yeah." She muttered, "I can tell him not to invite him, don't worry.". I shook my head at her accommodation, not wanting her 21st birthday planning to be ruined by my own inconvenience.
"No, it's okay." I sighed, "I can ignore him. What's he gonna do or say in a house full of people?" I scoffed at the thought of Calum having the audacity to start something at Ella's party. She chuckled in response, raising her eyebrows in fairness.
We continued scrolling through her phone, swiping "yes" and "no" to possible party goers as if we were on a dating app.
"What if Calum just likes you?" Ella chirped suddenly, making me jolt my head in her direction. I scoffed sarcastically at the impossible idea.
"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes.
"No, really." She shrugged, "You know how they say boys are mean to you because they like you?".
"Yeah, it's misogynistic." I dramatized half sarcastically, leaning into her face with an eye roll. She shrugged again in defense, putting her hands up slightly.
"If I'm right and you two get married with five kids in a few years, don't say I didn't tell you so." She giggled. I slapped her playfully on the arm with an open jaw.
"Gross! As if." I laughed. However, my mind couldn't help but wander into the idea of Calum's aggression being simple attraction. Sure, Calum was probably the most attractive boy I knew, but that didn't change my hate towards him. Did it?
"Friday, seven o'clock." Ella confirmed her party date as I stood at her front door, I nodded in confirmation, giving her a simple hug on my way out.
"I'll see you then, love you." I departed.
The car ride back to my apartment was mostly silent, my mind was loud enough to eat away the white noise filling the space. I couldn't get Ella's childish words out of my head. Calum couldn't like me. He hated me. I hated him. I hated the way he talked, the way he dressed. The way his hair dark curled so effortlessly perfect on his head. The way his toned muscles flexed during his fast paced soccer games. The way his pink lips moved as he spoke about the things he was passionate about. The way his dark brown doe eyes sparkled if you looked at them at just the right angle. The way his voice rasped deeply in our early morning classes. I hated him.
"Hey, I'm outside." I anxiously called Ella from the sidewalk outside her house, the rows of cars parked on the street halting my confidence to walk in unaccompanied. Loud thumping music and incoherent voices could be heard from the sidewalk.
I hung up my phone, placing it back in my small handbag as I waited outside for Ella. I ran my hands down my outfit, soothing the wrinkles on my tight leather pants and adjusting the straps on my black corset top. I loosely curled my hair, letting it fall down my back naturally. My foot bounced anxiously in my black boots as I finally watched my best friend emerge from her front door.
"Hey!" She elongated her words, seemingly already intoxicated and reaching her arms out for a hug.
"Happy birthday, sexy." I giggled, embracing her tightly after taking in her perfectly planned birthday outfit.
"Okay, before we go in, Calum is here." She began, her words slurring slightly. I sighed in defeat, looking down at my feet before back up at her, "But he's totally distracted and talking to like, five other girls and Ethan right now, so you're good." She finished. I caught myself jealously wincing at the thought of Calum's undivided attention on the unknown girls, brushing it off quickly.
"It's okay, don't even worry about me. It's your night! C'mon." I reached for Ella's hands, the two of us making our way inside her noisy house.
Within the first 5 seconds of entering the house, I spotted Calum from across the room on Ella's corner sofa. To each of his sides, three girls and Ethan. I snuck my glance before Ella took the lead.
"Come say hi to Ethan!" She drunkenly urged, dragging me by my wrists closer to the couch. I took a deep breath as I was ushered through various bodies to the couch containing Calum. He looked up from the girl beside him as he heard our approach.
"E!" Ella shouted at Ethan, making his head perk up with furrowed eyebrows. His expression immediately softened after noticing my presence.
"Hey, kid." He stood up slightly, leaning in for a side hug.
"Hey." I spoke, forcing a smile. Ella pulled me down, sitting us on the love seat across from Ethan and Calum.
"Happy birthday, El." Calum spoke up with a smile, his two arms stretched across the back of the couch around the girls beside him. His eyes met mine briefly after he spoke.
"Thank you." She dragged out with a grin, "Oh! Do you want a drink?" She turned to me quickly, motioning to the drink in her hand.
"That'd be great, thanks." I smiled warmly before realizing she would leave me alone momentarily with Calum. I locked my gaze on my fidgeting thumbs in my lap, avoiding as much contact with him as possible.
"Why so serious?" I hear Calum chirp smugly with a tilted head. I looked up to meet his narrow gaze, his face plastered with a smart-ass smirk.
"Why do you care?" I snapped back smugly, squinting my eyes sarcastically. He threw his hands up in defense, looking away with a chuckle.
"Someone's bitchy." He muttered, raising his eyebrows slightly as he took a swig from his beer.
"Are you physically incapable of going 5 minutes without tormenting me?" I shook my head in frustration. His smug face only fueling my anger more.
"Seems so." He replied bluntly. I sighed heavily as Ella returned with my drink. My hands flew to the tab, quickly snapping my beer open to take a needed swig. I heard Calum scoff from across the way, making my blood boil.
"How did you guys meet? School, or what?" A blond from beside Calum chimed in, her aggressive valley accent prominently stronger after her copious alcohol intake. She looked at me with vacant eyes. Calum's eyes flashed to me with a smirk before speaking.
"How did we meet, Y/n?" He teased, tilting his head. I took a shaky breath, my throat tight with anger.
"Well," I began, "El, Ethan, Calum and I went to school together." I forced a smile. The girls face lit up innocently, turning to look at Calum.
"Aw, how sweet! I bet you're all so close." She clasped her hands together adoringly. I glanced at Calum quickly as I spoke.
"Something like that.".
I spent the next hour babysitting Ella from over drinking and sharing stories with the unnamed blond across the couch before my social battery began to die out.
"Hey, I'm gonna go out back for a smoke." I alerted Ella over the thumping music. I felt Calum's gaze burning into me as I made my way to the back door, exiting the house slyly.
I sighed deeply as I took in the fresh air and quiet night, the muffled music and voices played softly through the air. My elbows leaned slightly on her patio fence as I light up a cigarette from my pack. As I exhaled, the sound of the back door opening caught my attention. I turned around to once again be greeted by Calum's smug face, his hands in his pockets slightly. I tossed my head back with a small groan, turning back around to ignore him.
His tall frame approached from behind me, his presence sending a small chill down my spine.
"What do you want, Calum?" I whined as he chose to stand in a spot directly beside me.
"Can't I get some fresh air?" He teased, shrugging. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, taking a large drag from my cigarette. He leaned against the fence, my peripheral catching his toned bicep so close to my arm.
"Got an extra?" He gestured with his head to my pack, asking for one. I scoffed at him, raising my eyebrows slightly.
"Really." I spoke in disbelief, "Oh I'm the biggest dick on the planet, can I have a cigarette? You're ridiculous." I mocked, reaching for the pack beside me on the fence. Calum chuckled, tilting his head slightly.
"Yet, here you are, reaching for the pack to give me one?" He spoke as I began to pull another stick from the back, making me give him a death stare. I tossed the cigarette at him angrily, the stick falling to the floor. He picked it up with a smirk, shaking his head.
"Ever think maybe, if you weren't such a bitch, I wouldn't fuck with you so much?" He spoke bluntly, looking down at the cigarette now in his mouth as he began to light it. My mouth dropped slightly, I squinted in offense.
"Are you fucking joking?" I scoffed with a half smile, "You started all of this! You've been a fucking asshole since I can remember." I turned to face him fully, speaking with my hands. He looked ahead as I rambled, nodding nonchalantly at my words.
"I don't know, Y/n," He began, licking his lips mischievously, "Your hatred towards me seems more like fear. Intimidation." He continued to look away as he spoke. His words made my heart stop for a moment, his audacity having me at a loss of words.
"Intimidation?" I exaggerated, "You think you intimidate me?" I half laughed. Calum turned to face me, looking me in the eyes deeply.
"Look at me." He ordered sternly, "In my eyes, look at me.". My eyes shot up to his, his gaze burned into mine fiercely, making me look away quickly as my stomach began to flutter. I scolded myself mentally for proving his point correct.
"Exactly. Intimidation." He nodded to himself, returning to his previous position. So what if he intimidated me. What was he trying to prove?
Calum tossed his half smoked cigarette to the ground, stomping it out gently.
"See you inside, sweetheart." He spoke deeply, looking me up and down before making his way back inside. My mind was scrambled, Calum's unusual yet continuous infuriating behavior made my stomach flutter and my hands clammy. How could I begin to feel so attracted to someone I couldn't stand being around?
Back inside, I took my seat on the couch again, Ella nowhere to be seen.
"Where's El?" I spoke up to Ethan.
"Her room. She's knocked." He laughed at his sisters intoxication. I sighed in relief, thankful that if she was going to be heavily inebriated, at least she's safe in her own home. I'd also noted Calum's empty seat, unaware of his location as well. Being too stubborn to ask, I brushed it off, though he was heavy on my mind.
Bored and tired, I found my way to Ella's bathroom downstairs, seemingly unoccupied. Upon opening the door, I let out a gasp. I was greeted by Calum, who seemed to be finishing up in relieving his bladder.
"Jesus, fuck. Don't you know how to lock a door?" I groaned, standing through a slightly opened door, looking down at my feet.
"Don't you know how to knock?" He spoke, zipping his jeans, "You're choosing to stay there and watch, so." He smirked. I looked up at him through the cracked open door, his hand reaching for the handle.
"Are you done?" I muttered as he pulled the door open more, looking down at me.
"No." He spoke deeply, his hand shot to my wrists quickly, pulling me into the bathroom unexpectedly.
"Calum what-" I was cut off by his heavy hands pushing me by my waist against the bathroom door to close it, his quick hand moving to lock the handle.
"How bad d'you hate me?" He growled, his words deep in my ear. My stomach fluttered as my breath hitched, his dominate energy overpowering me.
"I can't stand you." I spoke quietly, looking up at him through my eyelashes. He smirked briefly before leaning down to connect our lips for a rough kiss. I gasped, placing a quick hand on his arm in defense before I slowly melted into his lips. My mind raced with a million thoughts as our mouths danced in unison, his hands traveling up and down my waist.
"Awfully friendly for someone who can't stand me." He spoke smugly into my lips.
"Shut up." I breathed, pulling him by his shirt closer into my body, connecting our lips again for a heated make out. My hands wandered over Calum's toned torso, my lustful impulse overpowering my doubt. Calum smoothly moved me to the counter, my tailbone hitting the cold tile before he hoisted me up from under my thighs, not breaking our sloppy kiss.
He moved between my legs, his hands gripping my hips eagerly as our panting breaths mixed in with the sounds of banging music and party goers. The thought of my drunk friend in her bedroom upstairs slipped my mind.
"Off." Calum mumbled against my mouth, tugging at the hem of my top. My hands guided his to the clasps on my back, his talented fingers undoing my lace top effortlessly, letting it fall to the counter beside us.
He placed his callous hands on my bare breasts, squeezing and groping as his lips found their way down my neck and chest tenderly. My head rolled back lazily, hitting the mirror slightly at the feeling of his plump lips against my skin.
"Such a pretty little thing." He growled into my skin.
His hands trailed to my waistband, quickly undoing the button on my pants, the zipper following. Calum teasingly palmed my heat over my bottoms, smirking as squirmed impatiently.
"Someone's eager." He spoke deeply.
"Just take them off already." I muttered in a whine, my previous annoyance for Calum remaining though I so badly craved his touch.
Wasting no time, Calum swiftly pulled the tight pants from my legs, bringing my underwear down with and letting them pool on the floor beneath him. He bent down to his knees, face level with my already dripping folds.
"So wet already, sweetheart." He cooed, gliding a rough finger over my slit once, making me arch my back in return, "All this for me?" He tilted his head, placing his now cunt-slick middle finger in his mouth—his eyes meeting mine. I looked down at him in frustration, my hips wiggling and squirming with anticipation.
"Stop teasing." I whined, rolling my head to the side lazily. Calum chuckled lightly, scooting in closer between my legs. He placed two hands around my thighs, gripping the skin tightly before pressing his mouth against my heat abruptly. A hand flew to my mouth, trying to conceal the squeal emitting from my lips at his unexpected action. I watched him in awe as his eyes fluttered shut, working his lips and tongue on my folds with intense focus. My hand unconsciously moved to his hair, interlocking with his curls tightly as he performed his oral work.
With Calum working between my legs, I couldn't help but let a small giggle escape my lips at the unbelievable events I was letting unfold before me. I knew my hatred towards Calum remained the same, but I couldn't understand why I craved every bit of him so badly. Perhaps Ella was right, and perhaps our resentment and anger towards each other in our younger years had been slowly developing into furious lust all this time.
Calum stood back up with a swipe of his thumb across his bottom lip, looking at me through his eyebrows. He quickly tossed his slim fitting black t-shirt off, the clothing joining the rest in a pile on the cold tile floor. I impulsively reached out, pulling Calum in by his arms, my eyes glued to the toned "V" shape leading into his waist band. He smirked slightly, bringing his face in close to mine. Our foreheads connected gently while our heavy breaths heated the small space, my eager hands trailing to Calum's jeans button and zipper.
"So impatient." He chuckled deeply, placing two hands on each side of the counter beside my thighs.
"This changes nothing," I muttered, my eyes focused on removing the tight jeans from Calum's lower half, "I still don't like you." I half lied to him, myself as well. He let out a small laugh through his nose, shaking his head slightly with a smirk.
"Whatever you say, sweetheart." He spoke with in a deep tone, roughly pushing my wrists away from his almost exposed member. I gasped lightly at Calum's aggression, finding myself even more aroused at his dominance. He forcefully pushed my up my knees, holding my legs up with two hands under my thighs. I shivered at the cool air hitting my exposed heat, my eyes stuck in a gaze at Calum bringing a hand down to his boxers. My stomach fluttered as he revealed his erect shaft, bringing it gently against my slick folds.
"Still don't like me?" He tilted his head slightly, gliding his tip up and down my slit. My breathing shook, I watched, biting my cheek as Calum tauntingly ran his shaft against me.
"Just fuck me, please." I half whimpered in between breaths, continuing to watch his actions carefully. His continuation in taunting my hatred for him somehow only fueling my need foe him more.
"There's a good girl." He smiled slightly, lining himself up at my entrance. He replaced his hand at my thigh, holding my legs up as he pushed himself inside me sharply, emitting a sharp gasp from my lips. He wasted no time catching a quick pace, his eyebrows furrowed as he focused on his cock thrusting deeply into my hole.
My head rolled back onto the cold glass mirror, the sensation on Calum hitting my walls taking over my body.
"Mm, Fuck, Cal." I moaned in between thrusts, my head rolling to my shoulder lazily as I watched Calum pound my vigorously.
"I've been waiting to fuck you for so fuckin' long, doll." He growled in my ear, leaning closer into my face, "You just wanted to get hate fucked, is that it?" He chuckled deeply, quickening his pace. I looked up at him through my lashes, trying my best to death stare him as his thrusting numbed my mind. His face was smug, Calum knew he was right—even if I never admitted it. But personally, I knew he was right too.
Calum shot a quick hand to cover my mouth as I squealed a loud whine, concealing my sounds from the party just outside the door.
"Don't wanna get caught, princess." He chuckled, looking down his nose at me in amusement. My eyes closed shut tightly as I began to feel my climax approaching quickly. I gripped the counter tightly, my knuckles turning white. My whines and moans muffled in Calum's palm. He noted my rising finish, pounding himself deeper inside of me.
"Gonna cum already, doll?" He teased, watching my twisted expression closely. I nodded frantically, my head rolling back in pleasure against the mirror once more.
"Cum for me, sweetheart. Cum around my cock for me." He growled, moving in closer to my ear and keeping a hand over my mouth. My eyes rolled back, I let myself tremble and release around Calum's continuously pounding shaft.
"Such a good girl." He praised deeply, keeping up his quick pace to bring himself to his finish.
"Fuck, Y/n." He groaned in between breaths as his cock twitched inside me. He pulled out quickly, releasing his warm load on my bare abdomen. Calum dropped his head, falling lazily onto his palms placed on each side of my thighs as he let my legs fall back down onto the counter with a small smack.
Our heavy breaths filled the room, my head rested heavily against the fogging mirror as the two of us sat in a moment of silence.
"Still hate me?" Calum spoke up with a smirk, reaching over to wad up toilet paper and clean his mess from my stomach. I let out a heavy sigh, looking at him with a half annoyed expression.
"Don't push it." I muttered, my lips cracking an uncontrollable smirk as Calum handed me my discarded clothing. I hopped off the counter, pulling my pants up as Calum spoke.
"Gonna tell Ella?" He asked genuinely, pulling his shirt over his head. I paused briefly, completely forgetting about my intoxicated best friend upstairs. I let out a small sigh before answering.
"I don't know yet." I chuckled softly, "Let me process what I just did first." I joked. Calum laughed.
"Fair. I'll go out first?" He motioned to the door, hinting at the obvious predicament of the both of us exiting the bathroom at the same time.
"Right." I nodded in agreement, standing by the wall as he began to make his exit. He looked at me briefly before making his way out.
"See you later, sweetheart." He flashed me a smirk before exiting the bathroom, leaving me and my thoughts to ourselves.
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I Hear a Symphony (c.h)
You, Again Spin Off
Pairing: Soulmate! Calum Hood x Soulmate! Fem! Reader
Summary: it’s the most important day of Luke’s life, and, even if Calum doesn’t know it yet, it would be his as well
Warnings: Fluff, kinda angsty but not Sunny’s type of angst. Language. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word Count: 4.2 K
Authors Note: OKAY, this does not mean I’m back posting every week like I used to, but it’s something. Thank you for the 2K 🥹🩷 more things are coming, I promise. But like give me time cause I’m moving continents this month. Please remember to REBLOG the works you like, that’s super important to keep writers (me) going, as well as COMMENTS LIKES AND REACTIONS. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR WRITERS. Hope you like it and happy reading 🥰🦋🌻
My masterlist // tag list in bio!
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He could hear the sound of nervous pacing echo through his head as he rubbed the tip of his thumbs over his eyes. It was a normal occurrence as lately, they’ve all grown accustomed to Luke’s endless worrying. But everyone has their limits, and Calum’s all but reaching it at this point.
“Mate, sit the fuck down!” He said, a bit more harshly than he intended in the first place.
“Yeah!” Michael seconded without paying much attention to them, sitting across the room on the couch, with no pants and a bowl of Cheetos sitting next to him as he played yet another game of FIFA “You’re gonna run out your shoes before you walk down the aisle”
Calum glared at him for that comment.
“What?! That can happen?!” Luke shouted as he immediately jumped to the bed and took off his shoes to inspect them.
“Of course not” Calum sighed, going up to Michael and flicking him on the forehead, ignoring his complaint “But you do need to calm down”
Luke’s been erratic these past few weeks as the big day approached. They’ve all had their fair share of laughs at the “bridezilla’s” post on Reddit every once in a while. But they never thought that their best friend would ever turn into a “groomzilla” Calling them in the middle of the night for their opinions about ties and eyeliner color; overhearing phone calls in the office with vendors about how “teal” was not the same thing as “cerulian”; almost having an aneurysm when Ashton said he was going to shave his head… to name a few.
Although - Calum thought - that term was not fair to Luke at all. He could understand the man being nervous about his own wedding and wanting everything to be perfect. Especially as his best man - aka the man who made sure everything was not in shambles after Luke ended up crying on the office kitchen floor at 2 p.m. on a Wednesday - What he did not get was his underlying fear of his soulmate running away at the last minute.
“I’m sorry!” Luke moaned, hiding his face in his hands as he lay down on the bed “It’s just- what if she just decides she doesn’t want this anymore?”
“You’re joking, right?” Calum sighed as he sat next to Luke.
Calum knew the whole story of their love. When he first met Luke on his first day at the company, the first thing he noticed was the mark on his skin. He remembers a blushing Luke smiling shyly at him while he rubbed his fingers unconsciously over the mark as he told them the story of how he met his soulmate. It was the first time Calum met someone so young and so in love, at least until Michael met his soulmate, but that is a whole other story - and albeit a more dramatic one.
When Luke told them he was going to propose, no one took it as a surprise. It was just how it was supposed to be for them. At least that’s what Calum thought. If he was being honest, all the idea of soulmates and having one person to love for the rest of your life seemed… weird.
He knows he should not have those thoughts out loud, and he probably agrees with Ashton’s theory that maybe it was just because he hadn’t found his yet. But, what was he supposed to think? That magically, somewhere around the world, there was someone destined to be with him? And that they would love him back? It just doesn’t seem real.
But then… He turns toward Luke, who’s now observing his mark, touching it so delicately as if it were to fall. He noticed how his lips moved to say his lover’s name as he sighed. Then, he looks over at Michael, whose mark got him a novella out of that story, and how he smiles at the text his soulmate probably sent. He thinks about how their smiles change when they’re around their loved ones; how they talk about them, as if they were the most interesting people in the world and no one could compare to them. And Calum knows. He just knows that’s how love is supposed to be.
And, he knows he’s never felt that before. Not in the receiving or giving end of the bargain.
He has had partners before. Someone to take the loneliness away from his hands and put them to good use. A distraction, maybe, from feeling so empty. But those relationships never lasted more than a season. His lips never uttered the word “love” to someone before.
Maybe he’s not supposed to.
“Ayooooo!” Ashton shouted as he came barging into their hotel suite, letting the door hit the wall and making Michael drop the bowl of Cheetos on the floor “Who’s ready to party!”
Immediately, Luke got up from the bed with erratic eyes.
“Where the fuck have you been?!”
“Whatever do you mean?” Ashton faked innocence. Calum rolled his eyes
“Give it up, Ash,” He said, getting up from the bed as well “It’s getting late and Luke hasn’t killed anyone, yet. And I have no problem letting him start with you”
“You,” Ashton pointed at him “Are no fun. I just went to grab my tux! I left it at home so that I couldn’t damage it as other people did”
Michael raised his hands “In my defense, no one should’ve brought orange soda into the tux fitting!”
Luke ran a hand through his face. Calum thought it was fortunate that he didn’t do his makeup yet.
“Just tell me you got them”
“Got what?”
“The wha- THE RINGS?!”
“What rings?”
“Okay,” Calum said, putting himself between a very confused Ashton and a bull-raging-looking Luke “This ain’t funny anymore, Ash”
“I’m not trying to be funny, 'cause you know I’ll be hilarious. But I seriously have no idea what you two are on about”
At that moment, Calum could see everything in slow motion.
He noticed the way Luke’s neck vein nearly exploded. He heard the slow whistle from Michael as he got out of the way completely. And he watched Ashton’s eyes go from joyful to meet the angel of death in Luke’s stare as he started to run across the room while the soon-to-be groom chased him.
“Hey, hey, HEY!” Calum yelled just in time for Ashton to trip on Michael’s shoes, taking Luke by surprise and making him stop on his steps “Let’s take a damn moment and figure this out, okay?! Ashton, you don’t have the wedding rings?”
“No.” He said from the floor “Why on Earth would I have them?! You’re the best man!”
“Because I gave them to you, you ass!” Luke shouted, nearly on the brink of tears.
“No you fucking didn’t, mate!” Ashton groaned as he sat down “Believe me, I would’ve known!”
“Yes, I did! At the rehearsal dinner two nights ago, I told you to guard them with your life!”
“No, Luke-” Ashton frowned and got up and went to pick something from his bag “You gave me these. Which at the time I thought it was weird, but no questioning the groom I guess”
What he showed the rest of them was a little black velvet box that contained… nothing. It was completely empty.
Luke’s demeanor completely changed from angry to defeated. Calum swore he could see the five stages of grief run through his friend’s eyes as he sat back down on the bed.
“That’s not- those aren’t-” He stammered “That’s the engagement ring box. I- I don’t know-”
In an instant, his baby blue eyes filled with tears that could not stop running down his face. A chain of curse words mixed with painful whimpers and sobs ran through him and echoed into the empty room. The remaining three friends just looked at each other in shock, not knowing how to approach or how to comprehend anything that was happening.
“Oh my god!” Luke cried “She’s going to leave me! She’ll know I lost the rings and she’ll walk out in an instant. I fucked up! Oh for god’s sake, I ruined everything!”
“What am I going to even say to her?! Oh god, she’s probably thinking of ways to escape this!”
“I’m going to end up alone and- and - and- and my mark will disappear! I- I don’t wanna be markless again?!”
“For fuck’s- LUKE!” Calum shouted, grabbing the sobbing groom by the shoulders and shaking him out of his state “Calm the fuck down! We’re going to figure this out and you’re getting married today!”
“But how?!”
“Just-” And then Calum realized he had no idea how to actually fix this, but he had to come up with a plan. Fast “You gave Ash the wrong box, we know that and it was an accident. But, is there any way the box with the rings just got mixed up? Maybe the rings are in the other box and-”
“And they’re exactly where you left them,” Michael chimed in. Nodding at Calum and Ash “We can go find them”
“But I don’t know where they are! They could be anywhere!” Luke whined, “Our house, with the bridal party, at the office…”
“Why would they be in the office?”
“I don’t know! I took them everywhere just to make sure I didn’t lose them”
Calum sighed and stood back. It’s game time.
“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do,” He said, seriously “Luke, you stay here. Try to compose yourself, I’ll call Jack to help you get ready and to help you look through your luggage. Ash, you’re going to their house. Look into every drawer that you can find, even the bathroom and kitchen. Michael, obviously you’re going to the office.”
“And I’ll go to where the bridal party is, if it’s not there I’ll go with Ash”
“Wait,” Luke said, drying his tears “I don’t want her to know that I lost them. If you go there and tell her-”
Calum just put up his hand and smirked “You’re talking to an expert here, mate. She won’t even know I’m there” He then nodded and put his hand on Luke’s shoulder “Let’s get you to that altar”
The bridal party was getting ready at the penthouse on the top floor of the hotel, which later would become the marital suite for both Luke and his new bride. Calum went up to the door, ready to knock. But then he would chicken out and do a few laps along the corridor to gain some sort of courage.
“It’s okay,” He told himself “You’re gonna do great, not embarrass Luke and save his wedding. Yeah. You’re a good friend, Calum. Good friend. Great friend, even. Maybe I should ask for a complimentary gift from their honeymoon-”
“Are you seriously giving yourself a pep talk out loud?”
Calum shrieked and jumped at the sound of the stranger’s voice. Turning around to see a lady smiling at him with her eyebrow raised. She was wearing one of the hotel’s complimentary robes with sandals and had her hair and makeup done, as well as a bucket of ice in her hands.
“I- I-” Calum cleared his throat as he composed himself “I’m just… trying to-”
He blinked a couple of times, wondering the reason as to why he seemed out of words when he looked at her waiting for an answer. With that smile and those beautiful eyes looking straight at him… She was pretty. Gorgeous even.
Calum had seen his fair share of pretty people around and about, but this stranger was just as if she were casting a spell on him the moment he set eyes on her. Like Medusa freezing him over with her beautiful stare.
Soon, he returned to his senses enough to extend a hand to her.
“Sorry,” He smiled “I’m Calum, Luke’s best man”
The girl smiled, shaking his hand “Oh, I thought I recognized you from somewhere! I’m Luke’s cousin, Y/N”
Alarm bells started shouting the words “OFF LIMITS” inside Calum’s head the moment she uttered those words.
“Yeah,” She smiled, and oh, how Calum wished she didn’t.
“But- but I haven’t seen you? I mean, at the rehearsal dinner and stuff”
Y/N sighed “Yeah, working out of state can be a pain in the ass sometimes. My flight got delayed a good 24 hours. I arrived last night and I’m already spent” She laughed “Anyway, I’m sure you have something important to do, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Being the best man and all”
Then Calum remembered his task.
“Oh shit! Right. Uhm… I’m gonna need your help” He stepped closer to her and whispered “You see, I’m on a mission”
“Like a secret mission?” She whispered back.
“Exactly. Here’s the deal…”
After he explained the situation and pretended not to notice the way in which Y/N’s eyes set on him with such brightness in them or the way her perfume seemed to hold his thoughts captive at her proximity. They both came up with a plan.
“And the bride cannot know, right?”
“For the sake of Luke’s nerves… yeah, better not”
Y/N giggled, making Calum take a moment just to wish it could happen again. And another to wonder why that was.
“Okay, follow me”
Calum walked behind her, careful not to get into her space as she used her key to open up the door. Luckily, the rest of the party was getting ready at the other side of the room, just as she told him they were. So all Calum had to do was sneak up the other side into the room and rummage through Luke’s bags. Easy enough.
But when have things ever been easy for any of them?
“Hey, Y/N!” A voice ran through the room, making them both panic as Y/N pushed Calum outside of the room again, holding the door with one hand behind her “There you are!”
Calum, still in shock from the abrupt shove, couldn’t hear most of the conversation the girl was having with another bridesmaid. He just noticed her hand out to hold the door so that he wouldn’t be shut out. And then, he noticed her mark.
It was as if a bucket filled with cold water had been dumped on him when he looked at the little dove tattooed on her skin. His face morphed into the disappointment his heart was bleeding out. Feeling the way his lungs stopped breathing as a warm, dreaded sensation ran through his body.
He didn’t know, nor could he comprehend that sudden sadness that took over him just by looking at her mark. Why did it matter so much to him? He literally just met her out in the hall. He should’ve known or even expected her to have someone already, how could she not? In the brief minutes that he’d known her, he already knew she was special. Just… just not special for him.
“Calum!” He heard her hiss through the door.
“I’m here!” He whispered back, trying to tint his voice with something other than disappointment.
Y/N then grabbed his hand blindly and pulled him into the room, making them crash their bodies as she closed the door behind him. Her strength was a bit misplaced as she ended up backtracking into the wall and taking Calum with her, pushing them together against the wall.
She looked back at him, and Calum could barely breathe. His eyes went straight to her lips, parting and waiting for words to come out. So close to him that her eyelashes could blow winds into the brown forest of his eyes. Just one more, little push and he could have his lips drinking from the secret poison of her mouth.
But he couldn’t. Not when she already belonged to someone else.
So he stood back, giving her a little nod as he made his way toward the room. Y/N followed him, making sure to stand guard at the door in case any other person wanted to come in.
“His bags are on the right side,” She whispered through the other side of the door.
“Great, it shouldn’t take me lo-oh. Oh shit”
“Luke’s got like six bags here!” Calum whispered-shouted, already wanting to cry “How on Earth could a person own so many clothes?!”
Y/N stifled a laugh “That sure sounds like my cousin. But don’t worry, his bride got like eight. No wonder they’re amazing together”
“Yeah,” Calum agreed as he started to go through the first bag “Can you believe that he’s scared shitless she’s going to run off?”
“What?! She’s totally head over heels for him. I’ve known them my whole life, there aren’t more deserving people of that kind of love. They truly are made for each other, real soulmates”
Calum gave her a small smile even though she couldn’t see it.
“You know?” She said, with a sigh “I have to admit that I never truly believed that could be possible.”
“Loving someone like that”
Calum stopped for a moment looking through bag number three, that same tug on his heart appearing that he chose to ignore. Y/N continued.
“I knew soulmates were real. But I always got that feeling that it couldn’t just be that perfect, you know?”
“Yeah, I get it” He answered, opening bag number four.
“The thought of loving someone like that for the rest of your life, it’s scary. So I understand why Luke might feel like that. Like it’s just such a perfect dream you might wake up from one day. But seeing him with his girl, and seeing the rest of my friends live their lives with their happy endings. They are all living in symphonies and I’m just here trying to figure out the tempo” She laughed
Calum looked back at the door, smiling sadly at her words that mirrored his thoughts so perfectly. His hand went through the fifth bag blindly, finally touching a velvety surface. His eyes widened.
“I know one day I’ll-”
“Holy shit I’ve-”
“Find it”
“Found it!”
Both of them kept quiet for a few seconds after that.
“Wait- you found them?”
“What?” Calum turned, taking the small box from the bag and walking up to the door “But- you have a mark”
“I don’t-”
Silence again. Time stopped. The beats of Calum’s heart could echo in those moments. He knows what he saw. He knows the dove is right there.
Then, the door opens. Y/N stood there with teary eyes. Her hand was delicately touching the mark she now noticed. But she wasn’t looking at it, no. Instead, her attention was solely on Calum, who was standing right in front of her, confused.
She took his hand, he offered no fight. She opened the button of his shirt and lowered the sleeve. Finally, the two of them could breathe.
“Cal…” She said, lips forming a smile.
“Oh my god,”
There it was, drawn on his delicate skin: A dove.
“Hey, has anyone seen Y/N?” A voice could be heard saying from the other side of the suite.
Calum looked up, and in a second he had her by the waist as he hurried them over to the closet and closed the door. He put a hand over her mouth and waited as footsteps came closer.
“I don’t think she’s here,” One of the bridesmaids said as they entered the room “Maybe she went to get some more ice”
They heard the person walk back out and exhale the breath they were holding. Calum looked back at Y/N, and she was already looking at him. He took his hand from her mouth but neither of them could form a sentence.
“Hi,” He said, breathing out a laugh. She smiled.
“Hi,” Her hand found his “This is-”
“I was going to say “right” This feels right” She giggled “But yeah, it’s kinda weird. We have a lot to talk about”
“I know, I-”
“But not right now” Y/N put her other hand on his chest, feeling the way his heart nearly drummed its way out of his chest “It’s Luke’s wedding, there’s a lot of things to do, and I don’t want to take the moment from them”
Calum sighed “You’re right. But when?”
“I’ll find you,” She said, placing a kiss on his cheek “Now, you have to go, best man. Or the groom might collapse”
And so Calum walked back to Luke’s room, smiling ear to ear as he still felt her lips on his cheek. A smile that did not fade until he entered the suite and found Luke in his underwear with an ice pack on top of his groin; Michael with the zipper of his pants broken; and, Ash with dog paws imprinted onto his shirt.
“What the hell happened?”
Ashton sighed “Dude, you don’t want to know”
The ceremony went without a hitch. Luke and his new bride could not take their eyes off each other since she walked into the room, the smile on both of their faces was enough to convince even the proudest non-believer that love truly exists. Their vows made everyone in the room cry or close to, at least. But as they spoke, Calum could only think of one thing: Y/N.
When he saw her walk down the aisle, holding onto one of Luke’s other cousins, he could not help but imagine that one day he would see her walk in white to him waiting at the altar. The looks that they exchanged were a secret to everyone but them. He looked for her throughout the ceremony, almost missing his cue to give the newlyweds their rings - that Luke nearly kissed him in thanks for finding them - And he knew. He just knew that the part of him that he didn’t even think was missing was finally whole.
“... And, I have to admit, soulmates and stuff? I didn’t get them. Not until I met these two. When Luke first told us about the way his bride smiled and how she always got the coffee to taste just right in the mornings, even when their coffee machine broke down, I knew what true love was supposed to look like. Most people search for a love like that, some stop believing halfway through their happy endings. I always thought that love was just something that happened. Now I’m certain that love is something you live through. Something so inexplicably beautiful that’s hard to describe. It doesn’t happen instantly, but it builds and builds until you’ve created a home out of it. I know I cannot wait to start building mine” He said, looking straight at Y/N who sat there smiling widely with teary eyes “Today, the new Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings have invited us to their home, to their love story. And I’m just so thankful to be here sharing this love with them. To the bride and groom!”
The whole venue followed with applause and a few whistles from Ashton after the speech. Luke got up to hug him tightly and thank him for everything he’s done. His wife also got up and kissed him on the cheek, hitting his arm lightly and scolding him mockingly for making her cry again.
Calum just laughed and wished them the best once again. And, when he looked back, he noticed that his soulmate was no longer in her seat. He looked for her through the crown and found her at the door, nudging her head for him to follow.
Yet, when he got there, she was nowhere to be found. That was until he felt a pull on his sleeve and suddenly he was inside a closet once again.
“You really have a lot of upper strength” He laughed, putting an arm around her waist and bringing her closer to him “Hi,”
“Hi,” She said, closing her eyes and leaning forward until their foreheads touched “That was a great speech”
“Thank you, I’ve been practicing”
She hummed as she felt a small kiss on the top of her head, putting her arms around his neck “I already want to hear it again”
Calum held her close, hiding his face inside her neck as he softly placed kisses along it. Feeling like a swarm of butterflies just took flight inside his stomach.
“We have time. I could recite it to you each night”
“We’ve barely just met and you’re already thinking about tonight?” She teased.
“I’m thinking of getting to know you every night and day for as long as you let me,” He confessed, pulling back slightly to look at her “Would you let me?”
Y/N smiled and nodded. Calum took it upon himself to close the distance between them and finally let their lips touch. Kissing her like she wanted from the first time he saw her. Hungry. Passionately. Lovingly. Hopeful for the future they could now share.
But too busy to even hear the door of the closet opening.
“Hey, Cal! Are you there? Where ha- OH MY GOD! WITH MY COUSIN, CAL?!”
tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hemmohoran @flaneurcth @hoodharlow @littledrummeraussie @bubblegum18 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @hoplessromantic727 @in-a-world-of-fandoms @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @fakebetch9694 @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom @lukeisstillapenguin @sadcupofcoffee
@superstarmarvel @personalmuyverypersonal @cnco.angels @vtte @himbohood @sofiaaraee @irwindoll @lolzkye @fairytrice @colourfulcal @nibin0912 @hfkait @savagejane1 @youneedtocalumdown @pvnkcloud @in-a-world-of-fandoms @The-Ghost-of-Cal @youneedtocalumdown @dasguccier @awritingtree @heyitskelseaj @dawwnya @calumance @writersdare @indianamgc11 @marshallowy
@ashtonsunflower @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @alltimesos @wontlastimokwiththat @whywontyoulovemecami @perriexed @abiancajg @rewmuslupin @icelily13 @gracieboogirl @fastandtheformula1 @remusismyhousewife @emilyclairesimpson @romanjbittenbinder @bookthingz @voilavouz @gracieboogirl @valentinehrts
@fckingpernico @multistann @a-darneddarling @plaidshirtyears @ihavenoideawhattodowithyou @bittersweetb4by @aria-grace-scott @bvbygxrl @luisa180206 @flyingburrito123 @drugerlime
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edge-oftheworld · 1 month
can I just say that the fact that jake gyllenhaal still has a job and a platform is exactly the evidence we need that the way 5sos partners and exes are treated is straight up misogyny
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kquil · 8 months
i have a series that i've been planning on and off for the past year or so and i've finally got the first chapter written. being my perfectionist self, i feel as though i need to keep planning some more things but there's a part of me that really wants to just get started and, sort of, force myself to begin or else i'll never get the series written since there isn't that sense of urgency or encouragement to keep going when i have other things to do
the series is called: Divorcing Orion Black
it'll be my take on a Harry Potter fix-it-fic set in the marauder's era where reader is transferred into the Harry Potter universe and forced to replace Walburga Black, her main aim is to give sirius and regulus a better life by being a better mother than Walburga ever was. But, it's never easy considering the limited knowledge people have on the marauders era and because... the true Walburga never really...left?
the focus will be on platonic relationships as well as all the comfort and fluff in the world considering how dark and sad and angsty the marauders era characters' destiny ended up being
potential series summary : You just got transferred into the world of Harry Potter and you've been put into the shoes of Walburga Black. Splendid… You need to escape this toxic family so your first order of business is divorce AND YOU'RE DEFINITELY TAKING THE KIDS!
tags : son sirius black/mother reader ; son regulus black/mother reader ; isekai au/transfering worlds au ; walburga black is evil ; not reader though hehe~ ; hurt/comfort ; fluff ; platonic fluff ; second chances ; reader basically adopts remus, barty crouch jr and peter pettigrew ; peter pettigrew redemption arc? ; but he never betrays the marauders in the first place so... ; remus gets a better life ; reader becomes a semi-political figure to help werewolves + house elves ; reader assumes a male alias ; alternating chapters from different povs directly effected by reader's actions ; reader is a powerful independent business woman and single mother ; reader is a milf ; reader secretly hates dumbledore ; reader hates orion black ; reader hates JKR (we all do) ; divorce ; mentions of child abuse (physical and mental and emotional) ; mentions of neglect ; angry reader ; canon jily ; mentions of wolfstar ; regulus being a precious baby ; sirius has his moments too ; reader being a powerful trio with minerva and pomfrey ; reader potentially adopting the black sisters (bellatrix, andromeda and narcissa) ; reader adopts everyone! ; there'll be ocs ; reader leaves to live her dream cottagecore life ; happy ending! ; i'll add more tags in the future
fair warning ; this series is not gonna be canon compliant, naturally, reader will make sure of that haha!
i predict that the series will be around 25 to 30 chapters long? maybe more?
if i post the series now, i'll aim to post a new chapter per month, on the first day of every month
if i post the series next year/2026, i'll try to make sure i'm able to post twice per month (one chapter per two weeks)
taglist : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @ashreblogsficshere @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @desikudisworld @volturissideslut @arilxup88 @ghostgardn @rosalyn-s @seungtelevision @raevyng @rosaleenablack @samanddeansannoyingsis @marina468 @mess-is-my-aesthetic @zesnuts
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lovesosweeet · 9 months
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part 1
a calum hood songfic
Tillie Beckett isn’t known for sticking around, and maybe that’s why touring had come so naturally to her, even as an amateur when she first began as an opener for 5 Seconds of Summer a few years ago… hopping from city to city, bed to bed, hookup to hookup. She broke hearts and left messes behind. And she didn’t care about it all, too wrapped up in whatever whirlwind she found herself in next.
The habits became religion as she propelled to stardom. Her music — angsty, energetic, unapologetic, and unpolished — took the charts by storm following her self-titled album’s debut. Her words were raw and honest, and they resonated with her audience, with upbeat and electric sounds that even the grouchiest and grumpiest of listeners couldn’t help but nod along to. It was the perfect mix of relatable and catchy, and that’s what made her the perfect opener for 5SOS.
Ashton had found Tillie’s videos on Instagram, where she often teased her emotional and early versions of songs she was writing. Her raspy voice caught his attention quickly, and he became a follower very early on, before she’d gone viral… which, she has done several times now. When 5SOS was prepping their latest tour, he threw Tillie’s name out as his top choice as an opener, and the rest of the band quickly supported it after they watched her cover of their very own, very old song “Lost Boy” and put a fresh spin on it. It was a song that the band themselves had honestly forgotten about that she gave an entirely new life. They were hooked and called her just hours after Ashton’s initial suggestion to offer her the spot.
Her friendship with the Australian quartet was forged in what, at the time, seemed to be an unbreakable bond. She was invited to dinner at Luke’s house to review the plans, the money, and all the other logistics of the tour, but the nitty gritty was long forgotten as the five of them stayed up until the sun rose the next day, just talking, jamming, drinking, and smoking the stars out of the sky.
She and Calum weren’t instant friends, at least, not the way she was with Michael. Tillie and Michael had bonded instantly over being gamers with an affinity for ever changing hair colors. He could also dress in her wardrobe and no one would’ve been able to guess that they weren’t his clothes, that is, if her clothes were big enough to fit the 6-foot-something Australian giant, since she was a mere 5 feet tall.
But, her friendship with Michael isn’t what landed her on the cover of tabloids.
No, the pictures of hers and Calum’s necks covered in matching bruises were what landed on the homepages of gossip websites. The videos of her and Calum whispering in what they thought were private corners of dive bars spread like wildfire amongst their somewhat overlapping fan bases. Them stumbling down the cobblestoned sidewalks of Montreal, hand in hand, for an impromptu “bachelor party” for Michael littered their tagged photos on Instagram for weeks.
It was a pair nobody expected but nobody questioned. It wasn’t predictable but it made sense.
At least, it did to Calum.
part 2
my masterlist! :)
A/N: hi i’m actually quite stoked about this one?!?!! sorry to anyone who wanted a self insert i personally feel more comfy in the OC x RP world and that technically won my poll! feels easier to separate as fiction/“characters” :)
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ghost-of-you · 2 months
we just danced backwards into each other - ch - part 9
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Paring: Calum Hood x Original Female Character.
Warnings: Swearing, mildly angsty vibes, implied and referenced sexual activities
Word Count: 6.8k
Authors note: me walking in after over a year like nothing happened, have a chapter 💜
Read it on AO3
Part 8
"So Lena did you hear the rumors about you and a certain bassist?" The interviewer asks, and Lena chuckles ducking her head. 
"I've been hearing them since we were teenagers."
"So you got nothing to say, you two seem to be spending a lot of time together recently," she pushes and Lena shrugs, adjusting the headphones. 
"Well, this is the first time in a few years we're in the same place at the same time for a longer period of time, so…"
"So there's nothing there? Oh, she's blushing."
"He's awesome, but we've just been working on some things." 
"You two seem cozy, you sure it's just work?"
"He’s like, my favorite person on the planet, we’ve been friends for over half my life, and with the song coming out and me about to go on the road with 5sos again, we keep ending up in the same place."
"How did the song come to be?"
"I had the idea of it but I also had a feeling there was something missing on it, and Calum heard it and he had ideas and we sat down one night and it just came together," Lena says the rehearsed answer that was just close enough to the truth it didn’t feel like a lie. 
"And him staying in it?"
"I knew that song had to be a duet from the beginning and the song wouldn’t exist without him, so it made sense."
"And it was the first time you did something together right?"
"Yeah, and it's weird considering how long we've known each other and how long we've both been writing, and writing with him was such a great experience, he's so incredibly talented and it was one of the best writing sessions I've ever had."
"And you're still not addressing the dating rumors? 'Cause it's hard to believe nothing is happening after watching that music video."
The music video had ended up being a compilation of them on the studio recording the song, and as much as Lena hated to admit it, the edition really did give a new intensity to the way they looked together.
"I mean, it’s an intense song and we’re really comfortable with each other."  
"You know, 5sos was here earlier in the week, and Calum called you his girl," she says and Lena tilts her head, trying to school her expression. 
"He did?" 
"We were talking about how hard it must be to go on tour with your significant other staying behind, with Michael’s engagement, and Calum said he didn’t have to worry this time because his girl was going with them."
"Hard to follow that one up."
"You did say he’s your favorite person," she points out and Lena shrugs. 
"So he has to follow that one up then."
Lena misses Calum. That's not exactly the problem. Missing him has been a constant in her life for years now, it's second nature. The problem is that she just can't seem to find a way to see him. They text. She tries to make plans. Their schedules don't even seem to align enough for her to call. She hasn't seen him since the fight and she is seconds away from just marching into his place and staying there until she can see him. More than once she caught herself looking at plane tickets. At this point, she'll take anything that will end with her finally getting the image of the look on his face when he walked away from her out of her head. 
Not that it matters much what she wants considering the way his schedule seems so unbelievably full lately, she wasn't even sure that being in the same city would mean she would get time with him. 
That’s until she gets the call that they were supposed to make an appearance together. She was happy enough about it to even forget to be annoyed by the whole using their relationship for publicity part of it all. Even if she’s biting her nails as drives over to pick him up from the studio and as she moves through the building in a haze as she feels the magnetic pull of him she suddenly doesn’t have the energy to fight anymore. 
"You ready?" Lena asks, tone too casual for how anxious she’s feeling, leaning against the doorway.
"Almost," Calum nods, before turning to her, holding a piece of black fabric, "you think you could wear this?" He asks, offering it to her, and she takes it, eyeing him curiously, before looking at the sweatshirt in her hands. It’s simple, just saying "Friends of Friends" in the sleeves, a triangle design in the front, and a circle one in the back. 
"Is this about that charity thing you guys are doing?" She asks, handing him the sweatshirt back so she could take her hoodie off.
"You know about it?" He asks as she takes it back and pulls it over her head.
"Yeah, Sylvia talked to me about it earlier, she thought I was gonna freak after the tour meeting, but that’s just cool, I’m so in, I wanna do the Sydney one too if you guys end up needing more people," she shrugs, looking down at herself, "this is pretty, can I keep it?" 
"It’s yours," he says with a smile before moving away from her again to gather his things. 
"Thank you, so we’re matching then?" She chuckles, noticing his hoodie had the same logo as her sleeves.
"Two birds, one stone," he shrugs without looking at her. 
"I like it, it makes me feel better about this."
"About going out with me?"
"About going out to get photographed, I’m already used to rest by now," she amends and he steps closer to her, and the way he’s looking at her suddenly makes her feel shy, "hi," she mumbles, looking up at him and his expression softens as smile creeps up his face.
"Just come here," he pulls her to him, and she sighs as she hides her face on his neck, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"Are we okay?"
"We’re okay," he assures her, squeezing her closer to him, "I missed you."
"Yeah," she nods, breathing him in, before stepping back, "we should go through." "Yeah," he agrees offering her his hand, "let’s go."
"I have nothing to worry about, right?" A high-pitched voice comes from behind Lena as she leans against the bar, making her head snap back to the source, finding Hayley staring her down.
"Nothing happened while you were together," Lena steps back, fighting the urge to add nothing happened at all, looking around herself, trying to find a way to get out before the situation escalated because she’s definitely too drunk to handle whatever is about to unfold.
"He broke up with me because of you," she's staring Lena down and she continues to step back.
"You made him choose, whatever went down after it's not on me," she defends herself but the other girl shakes her head, staring at her in disbelief.
"You’re all over him now and I’m supposed to believe that you didn't tell him—" Hayley continues and Lena shakes her head, trying to talk over her, still moving backward.
"I didn't—"
"Hayles, that's enough," Lena as she hits something at the same time a familiar voice came from behind her, and she turns to Ashton, at the same time he steps forward, seeming like he wants to put himself between the two women, "don’t make a scene."
"I’m not making a scene, I need to know," Hayley says and Ashton steps in front of Lena.
"That’s between you and Calum, leave her out of it."
"But he dumped me because of her."
"You made him choose, it is not my fault you don't like the choice he made," Lena says, leaning to the side, and Ashton turns to her, very clearly saying you’re not helping. "Lena."
"I’m sorry, okay, but I didn’t tell him to do anything, and they were broken up for weeks before we even talked about it."
"That’s not the point," Hayley complains and Lena rolls her eyes.
"What is it then?"
"Cal’s a big boy, he can decide stuff really well without consulting with me first."
"Lena," Ashton chastises again and she pouts at him.
"She started it."
"How about you end it?" He says, calling someone over while she continues to pout at him. 
"Come on, Le," Andy’s voice comes from behind her, arm going around her waist and tugging her with him before she can fight him on it.
Lena was extremely aware there was no hiding the purple marks on her neck and cleavage. At least not with anything she had handy. She hated turtlenecks so she didn’t pack one and she didn’t expect anyone to knock on her door so the shirt she had on was doing nothing to hide them. If she decided to be honest with herself, she put the tank top on because the hickeys were proof it had actually happened. That Calum’s lips had been all over her body. But as Andy walked into her room she wished she had something other than her hair to hide them. She didn’t want to talk about it. 
"You are not gonna believe-" he started, sounding excited before stopping in his tracks, doing a double take on her, looking her up and down while stepping closer to her, "is that?" He trailed off, moving her hair away while starting to laugh, "Jesus, who did you fuck? A vampire?" 
"Hilarious," she rolled her eyes, but her cheeks were starting to heat up as she moved her hands to her neck in a pointless attempt to hide the bruises from his eyes.
"Wait, weren't you hanging with Hood last night?" He frowned at her, looking confused, and she nodded.
"Yeah," she mumbled, ducking her head to try and hide the undeniable flush on her face from him.
"Did you go out? How did you?" He asked, and she cringed as his eyes widened at her, face changing from confusion to realization as his jaw dropped, "holy shit, he did that?"
"Yeah," she sighed, dropping into the bed.
"Are you together now?" He asked, clearly not understanding how she was acting.
"Nope," she said, staring at the ceiling and he sat down next to her.
"Can you give me answers with more than one word in them?" His tone was laced with sarcasm and that made her laugh, sitting up so she could look at him.
"No vampires involved, we just hooked up, we are not together," she explained and he stared at her, looking skeptical.
"You ‘just hooked up’," he air-quoted her, making her groan, "with the guy you’ve been in love with since you were a child?"
"I did, yeah," she nodded and he gave her a disbelief look.
"You can't just hook up with someone you've been in love with since you were a child."
"Why not?" she said, pressing her lips together.
"Le, please tell me you’re not this stupid."
"What?""You fucked him. No strings attached?" He asked, still looking at her like she was crazy.
"It’s not a big deal."
"Stop looking at me like that, I knew what I was doing, and trust me, it was so worth it," she chuckled and the disbelief in his eyes changed to worry. "What now?"
"It’s just, he’s gonna hurt you, Le."
"You can’t possibly know that." 
"Oh, I can, and I don’t wanna see you hurt over some dude that's not all the way in," Andy said and Lena groaned.
"He’s not some dude, and besides—"
"Oh, he’s not, that's why I’m worried," he said over her.
"—Calum would never hurt me."
"Just stay here, okay? Don't move," Andy says, handing her a water bottle and she mock-salutes him, giggling while she nods.
"Yes, sir," she says, making him shake his head, a smile on his face, before moving out the door, closing it behind himself leaving her alone. 
The world is spinning a bit as Lena looks around the dressing room trying to figure out how to distract herself since he took her phone, trying to remember if she brought the book she was reading while looking for her backpack, spotting it on a corner and moving to sit on the floor next to it.
She's lost in thoughts flipping through the notepad she keeps in the front pocket, so she doesn't hear when the door opens and closes and the footsteps approaching her.
"Lena?" Calum's voice comes from behind her and she throws her head back to look up at him.
"Hey, baby!" She greets, dragging the words, her head following his movement as he sits next to her.
"Why are you on the floor?" He asks, as she turns to him and she shrugs.
"Got bored on the couch, Andy said to stay here, so I'm staying," she says, throwing the notepad back into the backpack.
"Are you okay?" He's watching her carefully and she sighs.
"I'm fine," she says, voice sounding slurry, "I'm just drunk," she giggles, running a hand through her hair, twisting a strand between her fingers, before she drops her hands to her lap, "I shouldn't have drink this much, the room is spinning," she giggles, making a spinning motion with her hands.
"What happened? Ash told me to come find you." 
"Your ex thinks I made you break up with her, and I don't have a defense, because you did break up with her because I ran," she looks up at him, biting her bottom lip and letting out a chuckle, "but I actually send you back to her and that's making me think about Tay," she presses her lips together and he frowns at her.
"Why is my ex making you think of yours?" Calum asks and she ducks her head.
"That's right, I didn't tell you," she says, fidgeting with her bracelet, staring at her knees so she wouldn't have to look at him.
"Tell me what?" 
"She broke up with me because of you," she mumbles, scratching her forehead, still avoiding his eyes while she feels them studying her.
"What?" He asks, voice soft and confused and she sighs, glancing at him
"I mean, I was already on thin ice when it came to you then she accused me of prioritizing you and then said I had to choose," she explains, pressing her lips together, sitting up straighter, "I don't do ultimatums," she shrugs and his expression softens.
"Why didn't you tell me?" 
"Because she was right, I would choose you if it came down to it and that wasn't fair so, it was the right thing to do," she shrugs, picking at the hem of her skirt, "and I didn't want to bring up my feelings, we both know that goes," she chuckles, watching his face.
"I'm sorry," he says, tilting his head, brown eyes looking so warm she wants to lose herself in them.
"It's not your fault," she chuckles, leaning her elbow on her knee, and propping her chin on her hand.
"It kinda is," he says, moving a piece of her hair away from her face and she shrugs noncommittally, "What happened that made her think that? We had kissed once when you were together, it was not like—"
"You called me," she interrupts him and he raises an eyebrow at her.
"I need a lot more words."
"You remember that one time you were back home and I drove up to see you for a few days?" She asks and he nods.
"Well, she didn't like that, not that I blame her, and I don't think she believed me when I said that it wasn't like that with us and, well, she was already on edge about you and I was with her and you called, actually you texted asking if I could talk and called before I could answer, so I left so I could talk to you, that led to a huge fight and we broke up."
"Why did you leave?"
"I got worried, you didn’t call unless we set something up, you know, international rockstar, full-time student," she shrugs, pointing between them, "different time zones, it was hard to line shit up, so I had to answer, and we talked for like, half an hour, you clearly needed me. I don't even remember what you and I talked about, all I remember is how much she yelled at me over it and thinking that if we were at that point, there was no going back, you know?"
"That’s—" Calum tries but trails off and she presses her lips together. "Like I said, she was right, I just hadn’t realized how right until she pointed it out, I thought I was—" Lena cuts herself and he frowns at her.
"What?" He asks and she sighs.
"That was the deal, right? it didn’t happen, move on, lapse of judgment, yay friendship and all that."
"I think we are past that, love."
"We weren’t thought, and I didn’t want to explain it to you and have you freak out again, and then too much time had passed, no point in bringing it up," she says, chewing on her bottom lip while Calum studies her face. 
"Did you think about choosing me?" She asks suddenly, making him frown. She isn't sure she wants the answer but she'd been dying to ask.
"When she said she didn't want you around me, did you think about choosing me?" She explains, watching him carefully as he understands what she wants to know, and waiting as he seems to contemplate her question, lips twisting as he thinks.
"I did," he finally says, holding her gaze and she nods. 
"Okay? You don't wanna know more?" He chuckles a bit awkwardly, and she shakes her head.
"There's more to know? You chose her," she shrugs, and his expression drops.
"Lena," he starts, but she shakes her head, one hand reaching for his cheek, gently stroking it.
"It's okay, I'm not trying to start something, I was just curious," she says, dropping her hand, patting his knee, and smiling when he takes her hand, "I think it's funny, by convincing herself that there's was still something between us, she kickstarted this whole thing, she handed you over," she chuckles and he gives her an unimpressed look, but she can tell he's holding back a grin.
"You know I can think for myself, right?" He asks and she nods.
"But if I hadn't left, well," she motions dramatically around herself, nearly knocking the water bottle by her side, "It's no wonder we're this dysfunctional now, we’re quite a pair, you shut down, I run away," she picks the bottle up, sipping on it, "but I don't like running from you," she adds, pursing her lips and he chuckles softly.
"You sure you don't like it? 'cause you do it a lot," Calum teases and she shrugs, scrunching her nose.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get all deep and personal," she says, standing up and moving back to the couch, Calum sitting beside her, throwing his arm on the rest behind her.
"You can talk to me," he says, looking at her and she sighs.
"I don't wanna start a fight or make you feel bad."
"You keeping things from me doesn't help our situation either," he says and she raises an eyebrow at him.
"It goes both ways, babe, don't act like you tell me everything."
"What do you wanna know?"
"I don't know, what do I wanna know?" 
"How should I know?" Calum laughs and she rolls her eyes.
"You don’t make it easy for me."
"Exactly," he nods making her laugh. 
"Wait, did—actually never mind."
"What is it?"
"I don't wanna know."
"You sure?"
"I mean, I probably am not gonna remember this in the morning anyway." 
"Then ask," Calum says and she looks at him for a few seconds before talking. 
"Did you ever wish you stopped?"
"Stopped what?"
"That first time, you said we were about to cross a line and I asked if you wanted to stop, did you ever wish you said yes?"
"What? No," Calum shakes his head, sitting up straighter, "Did you?"
"Nah, I think it was bound to happen eventually anyway, I was just wondering if you ever regretted it."
"I only regret how I insisted it didn't change anything, I could never regret us," he says, sounding serious enough and Lena tilts her head to the side, studying his face.
"Why did you?"
"Admitting it would make it real, I don't think I was ready for that," he says and she sighs.
"You weren't, I knew that and I did it anyway 'cause I wanted to know what it would be like, and sometimes I wonder if I pushed you, 'cause like I was half-naked on top of you, I didn't exactly make it easy for you to walk away if you wanted and, well, it was good so it kept happening and I knew it was gonna blow up in our faces but you made it so easy to pretend that you actually wanted to be with me and—"
"You didn't push me, believe me I wasn't pretending to want you," he interrupts her and she nods.
"You just didn't feel the way I do."
"The way you do?"
"I don’t think I know how to not be in love with you."
"Do you regret it?" He asks and she actually stops to think about it for a few seconds. 
"I don't like how things ended, I hate it actually, but I don't regret it happening."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it makes for great writing material," she jokes and he chuckles.
"That’s fair," Calum says and she leans her head back against the arm he has behind her on the rest.
"You’re really pretty," she mumbles, almost thinking out loud, because he looks good, he always looks good, but that makes him laugh.
"I thought you were mad I shaved my head," he says, running a hand across his head and she pouts.
"Don't remind me, but you’re always pretty, it’s a problem."
"You’re really drunk aren’t you?" He sounds so unbelievably fond as he smiles at her, it's hard for her not to melt further into him.
"I told you that when you came in, I’m a very self-conscious drunk."
"You just have no filter."
"I know, why do you think I was so careful with how much I used to drink around you back when we were on tour?" "What do you mean?"
"You really need me to say that I spent the whole time we were hooking up stopping myself from blurting out my feelings?" 
"That bad?"
"Oh yeah, honey," Lena giggles and Calum's face goes serious all of a sudden.
"I get the feeling."
"No, you don’t," she shakes her head and he raises an eyebrow at her, looking unimpressed.
"You remember this one party, you were wearing that blue dress."
The rational side of Lena's brain knew she didn't have any right to be jealous. But her rational side had no control over her anymore. There she was in the stupid dress she only bought because Calum liked it watching some random girl flirting with him so blatantly it made Lena roll her eyes. The way the blonde was running her hands up and down his arms or twirling her hair between her fingers as she talked to him and the way he was clearly enjoying it made her blood boil. 
And the worst part is that she knew it was irrational. She couldn't demand anything. "Friends. Just friends. No matter what happened. Or how frequently. Friends. Just friends." She kept repeating it to herself like a mantra, trying to stop herself from getting worked up, clutching a beer bottle so tightly that on any other occasion, she'd be worried it would break. Until she had enough. She looked hot, the navy blue dress, a bit shorter than what she would usually go for stopping barely at her mid-thigh, hugged every curve of her body perfectly. She felt good after she finished getting ready and she wasn't about to let Calum and the complete lack of reaction on his part ruin her night. 
So she ditched her bottle, walked to the dance floor, and moved to the beat, trying to think only about the rhythm and it was not long until someone approached her, some guy she was definitely not interested in, but who was cute enough for her to entertain while he danced closer to her.
"Lena, come with me," Calum's voice came suddenly from beside her, and he grabbed her hand, dragging her along with him, barely giving her enough time to murmur an excuse me before she was being dragged away.
"What are you doing?" Lena complained, following him as he moved them through the people and up the stairs and suddenly he was pushing a door open, dragging her inside it and locking the door of the bathroom they had just entered.
"What I'm doing? What were you doing?" He asked, giving her an unimpressed look and she huffed, moving away from him.
"I was dancing?" She rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall and he shook his head.
"You call that dancing?" He asked, moving closer to her and she raised an eyebrow at him, pushing herself off the wall.
"What? Are you jealous? Was blondie not as interesting as you hoped?" She mocked, looking up at him and mimicking the way the girl had been twirling the ends of her hair at him, making him groan in frustration.
"Very mature."
"What? You can hit on a random girl all night but the second I start dancing with someone you go all caveman on me?" She asked, staring him down.
"I wasn't hitting on her," he denied and she huffed again.
"Sure you weren't," she said, crossing her arms in front of her chest and he narrowed his eyes at her.
"Are you jealous?" He asked, a smirk starting to form in the corner of his lips and she groaned, shaking her head.
"Of course not, you can hit on whoever the fuck you want," she scoffed, moving around him to get to the door, "but you don't get to be mad if I do the same," she challenged, voice coming out louder than she expected as she stopped by the door, "I sure as fuck wasn't about to waste the effort I put into this stupid outfit just watching some girl pawing all over you," Lena mumbled, unlocking the door, but Calum reached around her, locking it again, her breath hitching when she turned to look at him.
"We're talking here, love, you're not walking out," he said, leaning an arm behind her, trapping her between him and the door.
"I was flirting, you were flirting, what's more to talk about?" She asked, looking up at him, trying to ignore all the effects having him this close had on her body.
"You're this worked up, so there's definitely something to talk about." He was pressing closer to her, and she wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose but it was getting harder to ignore how turned on she was at that moment.
"You drag me into a bathroom in the middle of a party and I'm the one who's worked up?" She raised an eyebrow at him and he shook his head.
"That's beside the point."
"What is the point exactly? Besides annoying me?"
"Why are you annoyed?"
"Because you're really annoying when you want to be, sweetheart," she complained with a sigh, leaning more heavily against the door.
"Are you sure you're not just jealous?"
"I'm not the one who dragged you away from someone," she said, tracing her hand over his arm. 
"You're in the shortest dress you could find and you want me to watch you with some dude?" His fingers danced across the rem of her skirt, lightly brushing her thighs.
"Blondie was keeping you busy," she shrugged, ducking under his arm to step out of where he had her pinned, and he followed her movements, watching as she smoothed her hands over the dress, before groaning up to the ceiling and running her hands through her hair, directing all of it to her back, and his eyes darkened scanning her body and she had to fight back a smirk, "didn't think you would mind if I let someone else get a taste."
"You wouldn't," he shook his head, moving closer to her.
"I wouldn't what?"
"Let someone else get a taste, you put this dress on for me, we both know it," he explained, stopping just inches away from her, fingers tracing along the thin straps over her shoulder.
"Well, you were busy," she shrugged, "and I was bored," moving around him again, but he grabbed her arm, stopping her from moving too far.
"God, you're so," he started, pupils blown wide, the way he was looking at her sending chills up her spine.
"I'm what?" She challenged, looking up at him, pulling her arm from his hold, but stepping closer to him, hands reaching to fix the collar of his jacket, smoothing her hands over his shoulder, watching as his gaze dropped to her lips, "look, baby, if you want something you just gotta—" she started, trailing her fingers down his biceps, but she didn't get to finish her thought before he let out a groan and crashed his lips to hers, his hands gripping her waist to pull her closer to him at the same time he moved her backward, pinning her against the wall, his tongue exploring her mouth as his hands seemed determined to touch every inch of her body and she was matching his energy, pulling at his hair, nibbling on his lips, letting her hands dip under the collar of his shirt to drag her nails along his neck. 
"Vividly," she offers with a giggle before he can finish his thought, and he raises an eyebrow at her, a smirk on his lips that makes her roll her eyes, "get your mind out the gutter, Hood, you really think I would forget the only time you were jealous of me?"
"That wasn't the only," he starts, but stops himself, making her eye him curiously.
"Are you admitting you were jealous?" 
"You're the one who was jealous," he retorts and she laughs.
"Of course I was, insecure was my default setting." 
"Do you still have that dress?" 
"I think it's somewhere in my closet, but the dress is not the point you're trying to make here, is it? Attraction was never our issue."
"We talked after," Calum says and she nods.
"Yeah, we established we were only sleeping with each other, something I thought was counterproductive ‘cause when would we be finding other people? We were together all the time, we always ended up in the same hotel room and you kept trying to sneak me into your bunk."
"Getting you on our bus was less hassle than me staying on yours."
"'cause I wasn't the flight risk, which is ironic now."
"And I sleep better with you," he shrugs and she narrows her eyes at him.
"Sleep, sure."
"You make it sound like sex was all we did."
"It did happen a lot." "But it wasn't just sex, it never was," he argues, moving so he can face her properly and she shakes her head, looking away from him.
"We’re getting deep and personal again." "We need to talk about it." "But it's done, Cal, we can't change that, it is what it is, and it was what it was, and it was just sex," she says, looking back at him but he shakes his head. 
"But it wasn't, that party, you had this smile on your face and you were wearing my jacket and I kept thinking about how easy it could be, to just be yours, it was why I told you there was no one else because I didn't want anyone else."
"Love?" Calum's voice was soft as his fingers gently combed through her hair, slotting himself between her legs again, and she hummed in acknowledgment, still trying to catch her breath, "still with me?" He checked and she opened her eyes, finding him studying her carefully.
"I just need a minute, that was," she paused, trying to think of the right word, "fuck, that was intense," she giggled, leaning against his touch when his hand moved to her cheek, and he chuckled.
"Intense?" He raised an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes.
"You really need me to stroke your ego right now? Is the state I'm in not enough?" She motioned vaguely to herself and he took her hands, stepping back, pursing his lips as he made a dramatic show of scanning her that made her giggle.
"You do look wrecked," he agreed, stepping back closer to her, placing her hands on his shoulders, and dropping his to her thighs.
"Great, it's not like I need to walk out of here looking presentable," she laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck, "is it really that bad?"
"Well, now that you stopped panting," he joked and she playfully slapped his chest.
"Fuck you," she pouted and he smirked at her.
"We already did that," he laughed, making her groan.
"Oh my god," she rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile as he leaned down, giving her lips a quick peck.
"It's not that bad," he said, smoothing his hands over her hair, making her laugh, before cupping her cheeks and kissing her, more gently than he had all night, making her stomach flip as she melted into him.
"Great," she giggled, taking his hands, "help me down," she asked and he stepped back as she jumped off the counter, steadying her when she stood straight before she let go of his hands, turning to the mirror behind her. It definitely wasn't as bad as she expected, her makeup was still in place and her hair was fixable, the only big problem was the marks on her collarbone that were already turning purple, "really?" She complained, glancing at him while her fingers traced the marks and he chuckled.
"Is not my fault you bruise this easily," he said, sheepishly, and she leaned forward to get closer to the mirror, wiping the corner of her eyes and combing her fingers through her hair, smoothing it around her head and directing it forward trying to cover the hickeys without seeming too obvious and she could feel him watching her.
"I think that if we don't stay much longer I can get away without anyone thinking I was fucked in the bathroom," she joked, smoothing her dress, and turning to him, "what do you think?" 
"I think you're right," he agreed, stepping closer to her and she smiled up at him, "but still," he shrugged his jacket off, and placed it around her shoulders.
"Thanks," she said, pulling her arms through the sleeves, and folding them up so she could use her hands.
"Lena," he started and she looked up at him.
"I haven't slept with anyone else either," he scratched the back of his neck, "since we started doing this," he adjusted the collar of the jacket for her while she studied his face. He looked almost nervous and that made her stomach flip, a smile fighting its way to her face, as his hands moved her hair, "I just thought I should mention it… since we were fighting and you said I wouldn't mind if you got with someone else and I—" he mumbled, his fingers twisting the ends of her hair and she cut him.
"Sweetheart, I'm not planning on sleeping with anyone else," she said, fighting the urge to add fuck, say you want to be with me for real I'll never look at anyone else again because it wasn't like she had any interest in being with someone else. Not if she could be with him. 
"Great, I wouldn't… I wasn't either," he said, face softening and she smiled up at him.
"Okay," she nodded, standing on her tiptoes, cupping his cheeks and kissing him, his hands resting on her waist, "we really should get out of here though," she giggles, nodding her head to the door.
"In a minute," he said, leaning in to kiss her again, her arms wrapping around his neck while his hands pulled her closer, "you wanna go back to the hotel now?" 
"Let's go," she nodded, pulling away from him. He looked like he wanted to say something else and she eyed him curiously but he seemed to decide against it, taking her hand and unlocking the door.
"I hate that I actually convinced you that it was just about the sex for me, there was always this moment, right before we fell asleep, that I would pull you closer and you would make this happy little sound and settle against me, and for a while, nothing else mattered, not shitty interviews or bad reviews or how fucking exhausting that tour was."
"I had had that thought before," she mumbles, chewing on her bottom lip and he frowns at her. 
"What thought?"
"I had wondered if you were only with me because I was there, proximity, familiarity, whatever, it's why I believed you, I had thought about it, you just confirmed it," she explains, watching his face turn to something close to devastation before sighing and adding, "and for me, it was the mornings when you were still half asleep pulling me back when I tried to move, and for a few seconds I could let myself pretend you loved me."
"I did," he starts but stops, shaking his head as he does, like that wasn't what he wants to say, and taking a deep breath, "I do love you, Lena," he finally says, firmly, gaze locked on hers, but she must've look unconvinced, because he adds, "me being an idiot doesn't change how I feel. I was scared because it was you and you were my best friend and things were so easy but they were also so fragile and I didn't want to be the one that got left, so I just gave up."
"Why are you telling me this?" Lena asks, and he gives her a sad smile, running his knuckles along her jaw.
"Because you won't remember it in the morning."
"And if I do?"
"It will still be true, and you will have listened to it without slamming a door in my face."
"I only tried to slam a door in your face once," she complains and he chuckles, but his face is serious again after a few seconds.
"Do you believe me?" 
"I don't know, this is hard, you know? With everything that happened, I… I don't know what to think, and you stopped saying it," she tries to explain but that just makes Calum frown.
"Saying what?" 
"That you loved me. When we started sleeping together, you stopped saying it."
"Because it would mean more than it did before it all happened, I know," she interrupts, dropping her hand to his knee when he continues to frown, "it's why I stopped saying it too. You do understand how this is for me, right? You loved me, but not enough to fight for me, I didn't hear that for years and then you dropped that on me after I left you on a literal storm and I don't know if this is about me—"
"Or me just wanting you to be there, I get it, if you start thinking about it, you circle back to what I said," he nods, pressing his lips together and she sighs.
"That's what freaked you out that day." 
It's not a question, but she nods anything, and that just makes him look sad.
"You want me to go find Andy for you?" He offers, and it takes her by surprise.
"You want me to leave?"
"What do you want?"
"I'm too drunk to trust my own judgment," she says, leaning into him, reaching for his arm on the seat behind her and placing it around her shoulders, making him chuckle and pull her closer to him. She adjusts against him, placing her legs across his lap, hiding her face on his neck, and letting out a sigh as she breathes him in and he rests his other arm on her knees.
"Cal?" She mumbles as she closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his skin under her cheek, and he hums in acknowledgment, wrapping his arms around her, "don't give up on me just yet," she says, her lips grazing his neck, and his arms tighten around her.
"Not planning on it, love."
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writersdare · 1 year
Password Is Your Birthday | Calum Hood
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Y/N never doubted Calum's loyalty, however, once controversial photos were leaked, their relationship was put to the test.
Warning: angsty, mention of alcohol
Word Count: 2 582
Requested: yes
Author’s Note: Thank you for the patience! Lately I've experienced a somewhat burnout, and couldn't write anything normally. That's really frustrating when it happens, so I couldn't post the work earlier – it's really important to me to be sure in a story, to be fully satisfied with the result. Hopefully you'll enjoy this one! Remember, your activity helps so-so much! ♡
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There was nothing better than holding his hand in hers. To reflect a smile on his face. To feel the heartbeat of each other every time they were close. 
Sometimes Y/N thought she only imagined him. She created him like a puzzle she used to make in the evenings when was very little. Calum was someone the girl could call perfect. Of course, everyone had their flaws, however, when you loved someone the flaws seemed quite insignificant.
She loved him. He was her second breath, her reason the girl believed in happy endings. It was even funny, amusing and little absurd how two people, who were scared of commitment before, were suddenly searching for love in each other. 
Calum adored her. He enjoyed her bright laugh in late afternoons, when they were watching some silly comedy. Praised Y/N's little sad face each time he’d forget to buy something from their shopping list or finish a pack of crisps that supposed to be for both of them. He was guilty, he knew it. 
But Y/N was guilty, too. For entering his life and turning everything upside down. For not warning that her smile would change everything in him. The musician felt alive next to her, and she knew it. 
"Don’t look at me like this," Y/N chuckled, resting hands on his shoulders. Calum led her in a dance, and even though the room was full of strangers, it felt as if there were just two of them.
"Why so?" Cal giggled back, taking his time to observe the girl’s beautiful eyes. They were shining, and he wanted to believe he was the reason of it. 
"You make me shy," she smiled wider, and Calum only laughed at such confession. He doubted it was the truth, because his Y/N could be naughty, but not shy. Not at such moment at least.
"I make you shy? And that’s it?" he asked, smiling.
Y/N made an innocent face only and shrugged, so Calum couldn’t help himself but leave a kiss on the lips.
"I’m going to get us another drink," he whispered and pulled away gently, when the music ended.
Y/N nodded, following Calum with a gaze. It felt like the smile didn’t leave her face for the whole evening. Perhaps, she needed to be careful with that thought, as the girl was about to receive a message that could change everything she believed in.
Cal just disappeared from the sight, when the girl’s phone vibrated. Y/N lazily took it out of a purse and checked the notification. It was a blank email with a photo attached, nothing else. The girl rolled the eyes and already wanted to push a button "spam", seeing unknown address, as noticed on the picture preview outlines of her boyfriend. Even when the photo downloaded, and the girl could see Cal with someone else, she still thought it was fake, a silly prank. Calum was loyal, and he wouldn’t cheat on her. They were both very open about their relationship, and Y/N never had any doubts about him. The girl didn’t have a good look at the photo, when the phone vibrated again. She sighed  annoyingly and opened another email, where few more photos were included, as well as a link to Google Drive. Curiosity, or maybe already doubts, took over. Y/N looked around and hurried to a more quiet place, away from the guests. She supposed to celebrate Michael’s birthday, like everyone else, but her festive mood disappeared just at the snap of fingers.
The girl seat on a couch and open the link. Surely, she knew it wasn’t safe to open a link from unknown sender, however, it was Google Drive, so the girl doubted it was just spam already. Y/N was too intrigued – and not in a good way, so she took the risk. 
The girl saw few dated folders, the most recent one was created last week. Just like she suspected, there were photos inside – Calum, hanging out with some ginger girl. The stranger was clearly older than Y/N, but looked good, she though. Y/N couldn’t find anything provocative, however, by the look of it, those two clearly had a good time together, laughing and even cuddling each other. 
"Here you are! Are you hiding from someone? I barely found you."
Y/N looked up and saw Calum standing in front of her, holding two cocktails in both hands. The girl didn’t even have powers to give Cal at least a short smile. She stood up and took the glass, placing her phone in his palm. Confused, Cal glanced at the screen.
"What is it?" Y/N, drinking the cocktail through a straw, could see how the boyfriend’s face changed, slowly. "This is… This is not what you think," she almost chocked at such a banal phrase. "Where did you get this? Did you follow me?"
The irritation and panic was written on his face, and Y/N started to feel sick of Cal all of a sudden. The girl took her phone back roughly, fighting with a desire to splash the drink on his face. 
"Unknown admire sent it to me," she finally replied, looking at his eyes and still not being able to believe that a person who she trusted the most failed her like that, lied to her. "Why, Calum? You could just tell me if you didn’t feel the same anymore, why to play this game?" the girl couldn’t tell if she was hurt or simply disappointed. Y/N thought they were not just a boyfriend and girlfriend. It always felt like there was something more than that, they were both friends and lovers. A little family in their own world.
"It’s not a game. Look, I didn’t cheat on you."
Cal sighed heavily and looked up at the ceiling.
"Do we really gotta do this now? Right here, with all your friends around?" he asked, hoping to make her come to the senses, however, those questions made Y/N nothing, but angry. 
"How dare you to ask me this, like it’s not important?"
"Because it’s not!" Calum snapped, leaving his glass on a tray of a passing by waiter, Y/N did the same. "These photos… It’s not… What it is."
"Then what is it? Sneaking out at nights, hugging her? Do I look like an idiot?"
"Look I can’t tell you, but––"
"Unbelievable," Y/N laughed shorty, but she wasn’t really having fun at that moment. The girl headed to the exit of the room, feeling like she couldn’t stay there any longer.
"Please, don’t go," he almost whispered, tiredly, and hurried up to follow her. "Y/N! You can’t just leave, all our friends are here, let’s not do it now."
"I’m sorry, but this is more important to me now. You can stay, as I already understood that seeing someone else isn’t a big deal to you," the girl smirked, calling a taxi.
"I’m not seeing anyone," Calum repeated, even though he knew how it all sounded, when Y/N literally had photos, proving a completely different thing. 
"You keep telling me this, but you don’t explain what it is then," the girl said, grinning sadly. "Before lying you needed to come up with a truthful story, Calum," she smirked and got into a car.
The musician followed her, as he couldn’t just leave the girl like that. Cal had no idea how to explain himself; he was very mad at the person, who leaked those photos. Calum obviously didn’t know that someone was taking pictures of him, otherwise he’d be more careful. However, at that particular moment the guy didn’t care as much about the photos going public, – after all, it was only a matter of time when they’d be all over the Internet – as about his relationship with Y/N. Calum knew he messed up, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t fix it. 
The way home was accompanied by silence. Y/N had a lot to process. She couldn’t forgive him cheating, and even though the answer was obvious, everything wasn’t as simple as the girl hoped. Despite a clear disappointment in their relationship and even some hate towards Cal, she still loved him. Y/N couldn’t imagine her life without him. The girl thought everything was alright between them. Was is it all really a lie? Was it her fault? Why was Cal seeking a company of someone else?..
By the end of the ride she was so tired of her own thoughts that all what Y/N wanted was to go to bed and wake up happy again. The girl knew it was doubtfully possible to hide from the bitter reality, but she was not ready for another drama that evening.
However, when Y/N went to their bedroom, Calum was not planning to leave it like that.
"Just an hour ago you wanted to talk, so let’s talk," he chuckled, watching Y/N taking off her heels and going to bed. "We aren’t going to bed until we talk about it," Cal said though his teeth, feeling a wave of anger spreading all over his body.
"I don’t have powers to talk about it anymore," the girl replied calmly, covering herself with a blanket. "You should be happy, you’ll have more time to come up with an excuse," she smiled sadly.
"Y/N, I didn’t cheat on you. And I’m not seeing anyone but you," Cal said coldly, taking a seat on the edge of their bed, so he could look in the girl’s eyes. "I swear to you. I love you."
"Then who is it?" Y/N echoed. She wanted to believe Calum, she desperately wanted to believe him, but he wasn’t making it particularly easy. "Are you saying those photos were fake? A photoshop? At the days when you were coming home late because you had night photoshoots with a band? You know, I trusted you, I didn’t even have any doubts, didn’t have a thought to call guys and ask if it was true. I trusted you," Y/N repeated. The tears were stuck somewhere, and the eyes were still dry. She felt simply empty.
"The photos are real," Calum admitted, as there was no point to lie anymore. "But those meeting weren’t dates."
"Give me your phone," Y/N whispered, realising the guy didn’t confirm that he had night shooting sessions with the band. Because he didn’t have them, apparently.
"I can’t…" he whispered back, not looking at her anymore.
"Calum," the girl swallowed, staring at Cal, who seemed like a lost kitten. "Give me your phone," her voice trembled, but she insisted.
The guy looked up and slowly took the phone out from a pocket of his jacket. He hesitated, but Y/N snatched it from his palm immediately.
"Why can’t you just believe me?" the musician chuckled sadly, watching her entering the password – it was her birthday. The password on her phone was his birthday, they did it as a joke, but both kept it in the end.
"Would you believe me?" Y/N asked, opening chats and scrolling his messages, trying to find a familiar face. Cal had a weird obsession with having profile pictures for all his contacts. Funny, but the girl even hoped that the contact she was looking for wouldn’t be there or would remain without a picture. However, Y/N didn’t even need to scroll that far to see an image of that ginger girl.
Opening chat, Y/N saw some photos the stranger was sending Calum. They were sketches of a ring. There were different kinds, Cal’s replies were mostly short as "I like the first variant better" and "can we try it with a blue stone?". They discussed time of their meetings, and Cal would apologise they’d have to meet that late again, explaining it with his crazy working schedule and "too smart girlfriend".
"What is it?" Y/N whispered and looked up at Calum. The guy didn’t move from his place and was watching her every move, while she was reading the messages and checking the photos.
"How do you think?" Cal asked, and it was his time to be disappointed. He wanted it to be a surprise. "That girl is a jewellery designer," he took his phone back roughly, switching off the screen. "I couldn’t find anything in stores, so I contacted someone I knew . We met just few times, and only because I needed to see work in progress with my own eyes. It’s not that easy just by a picture or a sketch, you know," the guy sighed and stood up.
"Calum," Y/N sobbed, feeling like an idiot. She was blaming herself at that moment, however, the reaction the girl had before was rather understandable, too; besides, Cal couldn’t normally explain himself. But how could he? Again, he wanted it to be a surprise.
"I’ll sleep in a couch today, I guess," the musician chuckled sadly, putting the phone back to his pocket. Calum was staring at Y/N’s face, knowing that it wasn’t just her fault, but both of them. And that idiot, who leaked the photos at first place.
"Look, I’m sorry, I thought––"
"I know," Cal interrupted. "But next time trust me what I say."
Y/N jumped off the bed and brushed tears from the face, once Calum left the room.
"Trust you?" she outraged, getting mad that the guy behaved that way. Sure, Y/N messed up, too, but she had her reasons. "You’d react completely the same way if you were on my place, Calum!" the girl caught his hand, so Cal turned around. "It’s not fair. I apologised, I know you wanted to make a surprise, and it’s… it’s such a wonderful surprise, but you can’t tell it’s my fault only! I didn’t believe at first, but what could I do?"
"I know," Cal sighed, cooling off rather quickly, and pressed the girl against his body, cuddling Y/N softly. "I’m sorry," he closed the eyes for a moment. "I just got so upset that my surprise was ruined. It was such a long journey, and you found out like that. Accusing me as well," the guy left a short kiss on her soft cheek. "I love you. Y/N. I’d never cheat on you. You do realise I want you to be my wife?" Calum chuckled, and the smile was sincere.
"Now I do," the girl smiled a bit, still feeling a bit sad that she reacted like that and ruined the surprise. "I love you, too, Calum," the girl said and stood on her toes to kiss the musician on his lips.
"Does it mean you’ll marry me?" he asked through the kiss.
"It does," she cuddled Cal’s neck, once he took her on his arms.
"Y/N Hood, sounds good, huh?" The guys touched her nose with his and then laughed all of a sudden.
"Hey, what are you laughing at?"
"I’m just thinking that this could happen only to us, really," Cal sighed, smiling, and kissed Y/N again. "You know, I gotta admit, you’re extremely hot, when you’re angry. Even though you behaved like a brat."
"Uh, only I did?" the girl squinted, so the musician hurried up to apologise with a short kiss on her neck.
Apparently, that evening they both would never forget for several reasons.
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taglist: @dgrangaa, @gracieboogirl
– gifs aren’t mine and belong to the rightful owner, found them here @ghost-of-you – 
© writersdare | all rights reserved
All stories are original and written by me. Do not copy, trace and post anywhere without permission and credit. The stories are fictional, they do not correspond to reality and written just for fun ♡
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littledrummeraussie · 2 years
I hope you’re still accepting blurbs, could I have a comfort one with poly!cashton? 🥺 been feeling blue lately and that no one cares about me and I need some of your fluff. Thank you thank you sweet Angie💕💗
Dear Hailey 💗  this one is angsty and full of feelings, but I do hope you find some comfort in it as well! 💗
This little blurb also takes place in the All The Things We Dream About universe.
masterlist. | want to be added to my taglist? | Christmas Blurb Fest 2022
I’ll hold you until we are whole again. [a poly!Cashton comfort blurb]
warnings: poly!relationship. mentions of a small non-descriptive, unnamed accident. time spent apart. struggles in a relationship. lots of angst and tears. a small shiny ray of hope and love at the end. aka Ashton needs to travel back home, and Calum and Y/N have to manage their lives without their boyfriend.
word count: 2326
“Hey, how was your flight? Did you arrive safely?”
“I need a shower, I smell like plane,” Ashton groaned on the other side of the line, probably rubbing his face tiredly. “Lauren is picking me up in ten then she’ll take me to Mom.”
“How are they doing?” Calum asked next to you, the phone strategically placed between the two of you on the table so both of you could speak to Ashton.
“They manage, but I think it will be better now that I’m here,” Ash continued, his voice sounding a bit strained and quiet. “I’ll take care of them until we figure everything out.”
You exchanged a look with Calum, both of you thinking of the same thing – how Ashton always took it upon himself to make sure everyone was okay, that they were fed and showered and slept at least 6 hours, taking medications and looking after their mental health. Not just the two of you, but Michael and Luke as well, their friends as well, and his whole family back in Australia.
That’s where he was currently, halfway across the world, waiting for his sister to pick him up so he could help Lauren and Harry take care of their Mom who had a small accident which left her bedridden. It only took him a day to arrange everything and before you knew it he was out of the door, already heading home to help where he could. Both of you wished that you could join him, but your workplace wouldn’t have let you go on such short notice for more than a few days, and Cal needed to overtake some of the band stuff Ashton left behind. You also had a feeling that they agreed to Calum staying so you wouldn’t be alone while Ash was helping his family.
“I already miss you, though,” Ashton confessed, murmuring his words into the speaker. “Do you think we could schedule a video call tomorrow? And maybe by then I’ll know more that I can share too…”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see when we’re both available and let you know, okay?” Cal nodded like Ashton was able to see him, so used to having him by his side. “You just go and take care of Anne Marie. And get some sleep too, you sound tired.”
“I am,” he sighed, and you wanted more than anything to reach out and hug him, let him cuddle close to you and fall asleep. “I gotta go, Lauren is here.”
“Just… call us if you need anything, okay? Doesn’t matter what’s the time,” you added, hoping that Ash will remember it – he tended to forget about his own needs when he put others first.
“I love you, both of you,” Ashton finally said, and you could hear how much he meant it, how much he really appreciated you and Cal being so supportive and being there for him.
“We love you too, Ash,” Calum replied, and you hummed in agreement, whispering a quiet ‘love you’ as well.
“Alright, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Now go to sleep, you stayed up way too late because of me,” a laugh slipped out of him, and you were sure his cheeks were tinted pink. “Sorry about that.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time…” your other boyfriend made another comment, and after catching another quick laugh from Ashton the call was disconnected.
Calum reached for you and grabbed your waist, pulling you from your chair and into his lap, wrapping his arms around you. Yours settled around his neck, fingers diving into his soft dark locks, eyes trained on each other.
“Let’s get you into bed, okay?,” he finally said, and pressed his lips against your cheek. “You look tired.”
“Is it okay if I say that I already miss Ashton from our bed?” the confession left you before you could stop yourself, burrowing closer to Calum.
“Of course. I miss him too,” he rubbed your back soothingly, whispering against your ear. “I also sleep best when both of you are next to me. But for now we have each other, so let’s take care of us until our grumpy boyfriend is back home, okay?”
“Okay,” you mumbled, a smile pulling at your lips at Calum’s not-so-secret nickname for Ashton.
Calum tilted your chin up towards him and kissed you, taking a little bit of extra time with it to make up for Ashton’s absence. You let him carry you upstairs and into the bedroom, Duke curled up against your stomach in bed as Calum held you from behind, whispering softly to help you fall asleep, and promising that your boyfriend will be back soon, you won’t even notice that he was gone.
You desperately wished that that was true.
You tried your best, you really did – but it was hard to stay positive when Ashton told you a few days later that he definitely needed to stay for two weeks, maybe even more, and with that Calum started to spend more and more time on his phone and laptop, discussing band things with their management, or arranging meetings with the others to talk over whatever idea or info Ashton has sent them. You also did your best to focus on your own job, hoping it will distract you enough that you don’t think about missing your boys, but most of the time it was futile.
Both of you were tired by the time you came back home, only having enough energy to send a message to Ashton and hope he was available for a quick chat, then after dinner you usually found yourselves in bed, Calum falling asleep before his head hit the pillow. But you found that your sleep was restless, even with your boyfriend holding you close, soft breaths tickling your ear as he slumbered. You knew you were overreacting it all: Ashton needed to take care of his Mom, and Calum had to take over his tasks to make the band run smoothly.
And you – well, you felt like you worried too much about Ashton and expected too much from Calum, and that was driving you crazy. You knew Ash was well capable of taking care of himself and his family at the same time, that he didn’t need you to worry about his well-being or mental health, that if he needed something from the two of you he would just tell you. And yet you felt like you were letting him down, that you should do more than this, make his life easier while he was back in Australia, not just feeling sorry for him and yourself from the distance.
And then there was Calum, who suddenly didn’t have that much time on his hands because he was working for the two of them so the band did not fall behind on their schedule, who was trying to keep everything running smoothly while still making sure you were okay too. He was doing his best and tried to give you as much attention as they usually would together with Ashton, but you felt like it was too much energy for one and that you might have been too needy. He deserved a break too, and you wanted to give it to him, to them, not wanting to burden any of your boys with your own made up problems.
“Hey, sweets? Are you okay?”
You didn’t realize Calum stopped speaking, or that there were tears streaming down your face. Frustratedly you wipe at your eyes, hoping he did not see them, quickly shaking your head.
“I’m fine…”
“You don’t seem fine,” he pursed his lips, crouching down next to you. “You wanna talk about it?”
The words in your throat desperately wanted to escape, and you gripped the hem of Ashton’s hoodie you stole from his closet to swallow them down. Because you were not okay, you were ready to fall apart. Ashton’s been away for almost three weeks, with no news about his arrival back home while Calum’s been trying to juggle two separate roles at the same time, and it made you feel selfish that he needed to focus on your bad mood now too. You curled up in a ball in front of the couch, knees pulled up to your chest as you hid your face, doing your best to hold yourself together.
“Y/N? Baby, what happened?”
“I’m fine, I’m just…” you hiccupped, voice muffled as you choked on your words. “I’m okay, don’t– don’t worry about me…”
“To hell with that!” Calum scoffed loudly, settling down next to you and pulling you into his arms, at which more sobs bubbled up from your chest. “Tell me love, please? Let me help you. I’m always here, you know that, right?”
It was like the floodgates opened at his words, because it was true, and you hated yourself for it – because of course he was always there, that was one of the problems. You cannot expect him to tire himself out looking after you. You hated yourself for being so needy with Calum, for worrying so much about Ash, for missing him this much even though this wasn’t the first time he was away for long weeks. You felt like you didn’t appreciate Calum enough, that you took his love for granted. You felt like your head’s going to explode, along with your heart.
“…and I miss Ashton too, I do,” Calum whispered against your ear as he cradled your head to his chest, his own voice teary, and you realized that you just said it all out loud, and that Calum was currently responding to all your feelings you’ve been bottling up since Ash left. “It’s really hard without him, I know. I’m so used to him being here with us, I don’t think I’ve spent more than a few days apart from him in the last 10 years. And I know you do this all the time while we are on tour, and I can imagine it does not get easier.”
“Cal, I–”
“And I promise you you’re not taking my love for you granted, and I’m sure Ashton would say the same. Because we both love you very much, and it’s not a burden, you’re not a burden. We take care of you because we love you, and we want you to tell us when you’re struggling and feeling low. Don’t bottle these feelings up, we want to know what is going on with you. You are our girlfriend and you always come first.”
“I really don’t deserve your love,” you gathered all your strength to move into his lap, arms hugging his neck and burrowing into him, crying against his shoulder.
“Don’t say that,” Cal mumbled against your ear, warm hand caressing your back up and down to sooth you while he also swallowed back tears. “I love you. You gotta accept that.”
“I love you too, Cal,” you snuggled close, trying to quieten the last of your sobs.
“I really wish Ashton was here…”
It’s been long minutes since you calmed down a little, a few quiet sobs still bubbling up every now and then, and Calum tried to help you talk through all your feelings you’ve been avoiding for weeks now.
“I know, baby, me too,” he kissed the top of your head, using the sleeve of his sweater to wipe away his own tears. “We gotta get our shit together before we speak to him, don’t you think?”
“I would rather you just tell me…” the voice came from the direction of the door, and both Calum and you looked that way, finding Ashton standing there with his luggage next to him.
He looked weary and like he needed a shower and a proper hug, curls hanging over his forehead and his glasses, dark circles under his eyes. Before you knew it he shrugged off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor while quickly kicking off his shoes, letting them land in a heap behind the couch before rounding it and dropping down next to you, his arms curling around the both of you.
“Hey honeys, I’m home,” Ash hooked his chin over your shoulder, a long sigh leaving his lips. “I fucking missed you too.”
“You didn’t tell us you were coming,” Cal murmured, no heat in his voice as his forehead knocked against Ashton’s. “Would have picked you up.”
“I wanted to surprise you,” Ash said, manoeuvring his body around yours until he was able to pull you to his chest while settling against Calum’s side, all three of you cuddled up in a pile. “Guess I was the one who got surprised… Hey, it’s okay, shhh baby! I’m here!”
You sobbed into his neck, suddenly feeling overwhelmed from your confession to Calum and the fact that Ashton came back home, holding both of you tightly against his body. You heard Cal sniffle above you, and Ash also took off his glasses to wipe at his eyes, his voice a little weak when he spoke again.
“I guess we all just need to hold each other a little tighter tonight.”
“It was a long three weeks without you,” Calum let his head rest on top of his, and Ash nodded, adjusting you in his lap as you started calming down again.
“I just wanna be with you two,” Ashton confessed, kissing your cheek and then Calum’s as well, his body slowly going lax. “Just want to be us again. Want to feel whole again.”
You quietly mumbled your love for them against his shirt as you found your words, voice still a little teary, but full of love, and they whispered their confessions right back to you, the three of you in a pile on the floor, trying to mend the pieces of your hearts which were not broken, but definitely needed some tender loving care from each other to properly heal – to be whole again.
@mymindwide @fuckyeah5sostakemehome @suchalonelysunflower @talkfastromance4 @ashtonsunflower @in-superbloom @wiiildflowerrr @lovelywordsblog @heyitskelseaj @whentherosesbl00m
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