#calum x tara
inc0rrectmyths · 1 year
Galina x Arvid hcs:
They are the goths of the gang. They just love gothicism and enjoy reading gothic literature. Their wardrobe color scheme is mostly black, violet or red. Their shared interests made them come closer.
Galina is a ultra pro max tomboy. She's been mistaken for a boy multiple times. Everyone thought she was gay but our girlie got a boyfriend lmao.
No one expected Arvid to get anyone. He's so cold and grumpy (not always but mostly). But only the gang knows that Arvid cares deeply about everyone he loves and has a very kind heart. He's just emotionally weak and struggles to show emotions.
Arvid and Calum are besties. While Tara and Galina are besties. So Arvid went to Calum and Tara for love advice and they both were like WTF HAPPENED WHILE WE WERE GONE?!
They kissed in a forest. While dumping the body of a junior girl they killed. Soaked in blood. So romantic.
They both are sexually repulsive. And have decided to not have sex or anything. But in the future, they might try.
Since Arvid and Calum and Tara and Galina are bffs. They go on double dates. UwU
Galina and Tara gossip about their boyfriends. A LOT. Typical girlie thingies.
Calum and Arvid often forget they are their girlfriends and just call them bro. ODJEKEK
Calum and Galina are the nerds and they read novels and poems for their lovers AAAAAA.
Tara and Arvid are good with fashion and they always get a coat, jeans, gloves, accessories for their lovers.
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walkerwords · 4 years
“The Savior Sessions” Part 18 of 33 - Negan x GN!Reader
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Summary: The fair is in full swing, but an unseen enemy still has her sights set on the ones that took her daughter from her. How will this play out when people go missing? And what happens when the reader is faced with a new kind of horror while Negan waits for them to come home to him?
Word Count: 7939
Warning: Swearing, Death of Major Characters, Angst, Graphic Description of Gore
Song I Wrote To: “You Are The Reason (Duet Version)” by Calum Scott and Leona Lewis
Note: I’m Sorry. This is where we get some canon divergence. I will be changing a few things. For one, I don’t think Aaron went to the fair in the show, but he’s there in this story with Gracie. As we move into season 10, I have changed quite a bit. Thanks for sticking with me so far! ALL OFFICIAL DIALOG IS PROPERTY OF AMC
It had been a long time since you had seen the walls and roads of The Kingdom.
King Ezekiel had just given his big speech as he welcomed everyone to the first community fair. Aaron had run off with Gracie as soon as you had arrived. The two of you had left Alexandria before Michonne and Judith were about to head out. Michonne assured you that she would be fine even though you offered to go with her as a security escort.
It was so strange to see so many of your old friends in one place. Tara was there with her people from Hilltop, Alexandrians milled about, and you even spotted Rachel smiling with her women from Oceanside.
If you weren’t feeling the dread from what was waiting for you beyond the safety of the walls, you would have been smiling along with her. However, you couldn’t. The entire ride to The Kingdom, you had been on edge and you thought your reins were going to shred beneath your fingers.
Aaron had told you to relax. He figured Alpha wouldn’t be stupid enough to do anything on the main road. While you wanted to believe that, the sheer fact that you didn’t run into any of the Whisperers made you even more nervous.
Still, you tried for Aaron, for Ezekiel and Carol, and especially for yourself. Aaron had been right, you needed a break. Negan’s tired eyes and concerned smile were still fresh in your mind as you walked among the stalls. He said that you would have a lot to talk about when you got back and he was right. Perhaps then, you would be able to finally get words out that weren’t drenched in frustration.
Till then, you needed to learn to breathe again.
Enid walked next to you, smiling as she too, took in the joys of the celebration around you. You noticed her in the crowd with Alden as soon as you arrived and she had just gravitated towards you, chatting away about the stall she was going to be doing.
“Did you hear what I said?” Enid asked you and you turned to her.
“Sorry, what?” you asked. She gave you a sheepish smile.
“I was just asking if you thought about setting something up?”
“A stall for the fair?”
“Is that such an odd idea?” she asked.
“I just don’t know what I would do,” you said with a shrug.
“You’re a great shot,” Enid reminded you.
“With a gun,” you said. “Not many of those around these days.”
“Yeah, I guess not,” she said with a shrug of her own. As the two of you headed for the main gate, Enid peeled off to go find Alden and you pushed on to meet Carol.
You had briefly said hello when you had arrived, but she was doing her “Queenly” duties and you hadn’t had much of a chance to speak to her. Now, she looked to be gearing up. Ezekiel was next to her along with Kelly, Magna, Luke, and Yumiko.
“What’s going on?” you asked as you approached.
“Henry isn’t back yet,” Carol explained.
“He’s not? But they left last night. They should have beat us here,” you said with a furrowed brow.
“That’s what I thought,” Carol said and you could see a worried look in her eyes. A look you were all too familiar with. A weight settled on your chest as your hand rested on the pommel of Paul’s sword. “I have to go look for them.”
“I’ll go with you,” you promised. While Carol was worried about her child, you were suddenly very concerned for the other teen in the group.
Where was Lydia?
“You don’t have to,” Yumiko said as she pointed over your shoulder. You all turned to see the large doors open. Running ahead of a horse-pulled carriage was a familiar dog with its tail up in the air.
Michonne and Judith sat in the front of the carriage as Daryl walked alongside it. In the back were Connie, Henry, and Lydia. Dog began making circles around everyone as Henry hobbled out of the makeshift carriage and towards his parents.
Carol didn’t hesitate to pull him into her arms. Connie was doing the same thing with her sister and the rest of her family. As Ezekiel grabbed onto his wife and son, you went for Daryl.
“Ya showed,” he observed as you hugged him.
“Aaron suggested I needed a break,” you said and then stepped back so Carol could launch herself at her best friend. Henry was still hugging his dad and that’s when you noticed Lydia watching the interaction with an awkward stance.
You moved immediately to her side and slipped your arm around her shoulders. “Hey, kid,” you greeted and she gave you a closed-mouth smile.
“Hi,” Lydia said.
“Ya alright?” you asked, checking her over in case she was hurt. Lydia just nodded and fiddled with the wooden pendant around her neck.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Lydia whispered and you squeezed her shoulder, pulling her tighter against you.
“I figured it would be boring without my winning personality,” you teased and she laughed a bit at that. She then became very stiff next to you. “What’s wrong?” you asked, but she was staring at something ahead. Looking up, you saw Tara staring at Lydia with venom in her eyes.
“What is she doing here?” Tara said and you placed Lydia behind you protectively. Henry then moved to her side and took hold of her hand. Tara watched the movement with anger.
Michonne, who had been speaking with Ezekiel and Carol as they got acquainted with Judith turned to the King and Queen.
“Gather the leaders,” Michonne said and then nodded at you as an invitation, “We need to talk.”
“I know I haven't always seen eye-to-eye with everyone in this room,” Michonne began, “but I never stopped caring about any of you. I was just trying to protect my family and do right by my people. Alexandria's future is here. Together, with you. And we lost sight of that for a while. But... I'm here now. We're here now.” 
Michonne then turned to you and gestured for you to speak. “Michonne, Gabriel, and I have all spoke with the other council members at the fair, and we all agree. Alexandria is willing to grant asylum to Lydia. She's one of us now. We hope the rest of you can join us in doing the same.”
“Since when do you speak for Alexandria?” Tara asked. 
“Since I asked them to,” Michonne defended. “(Y/N) has taken up a role that I had never expected. They are more than capable of not only speaking for us but defending us as well.” Tara was quiet after that and you couldn’t help but feel pride swell in your chest at her words. You had been so worried about how Michonne would see you after everything that had been going on with Negan, but she was still the woman you had met all those years. 
“Thank you,” Lydia spoke up from her spot between Judith and Henry in the theater seats. “I'll do whatever I can to earn my keep and pay you back.” You sent her a wink and she gave you her signature closed-lip smile. 
“If her mother retaliates, it's gonna be against Hilltop, not Alexandria. I have to do right by my people. I thought we were on the same page,” Tara said.
“We were,” you said. 
“Look, when she came to my gates,” Michonne said, “I asked her to run away. And when she didn't, I was angry.”
“Then you know why I'm not okay with this,” Tara said.
“I do. I also know why Rick didn't trust me when I showed up at the gates of the prison. And how people didn't trust you after seeing you on the other side of the Governor's firing line,” Michonne said. 
“Or how Daryl nearly took my head off when he met me,” you added and Daryl raised a brow at you, remembering the moment. 
“I was gonna kill you on sight when you washed up on our shore,” Rachel added. 
“Okay, okay,” Tara said. “That’s fair.” 
“Lydia didn’t choose where she came from,” you said. “None of us did, but she deserves the chance to be apart of something. She deserves a family who will care about her.” 
“Second chances don’t come around often,” Rachel added, supporting you. You thought that statement was ironic considering who was constantly living in your mind. 
“I left some of my best fighters at Hilltop, but if Daryl's right about these skin job numbers, it's not enough people,” Tara said. 
“We should take a group to Hilltop to protect ‘em just in case,” Daryl said. 
“I’ll take some from Kingdom,” added Carol. 
“Oceanside can spare some,” Rachel said. 
“Alexandria, too,” finished Gabriel. 
“Nobody is going to fight this war alone,” you said. “The only reason we won the last one is that we were together. If Alpha does come after us, we can’t afford to be on different sides anymore.” 
“So, we head out in the morning?” asked Rachel. 
“Nah, we go today,” Daryl said. “Best not to give them any more time.” Michonne then spoke up again. 
“In order to face this threat, the four communities have to present a united front. Which is why I'm proposing a mutual protection pact. An attack against one community is an attack against all of us. Together, we can make these people think twice before moving against the Hilltop,” Michonne said and you and Gabriel nodded, backing her up. 
“The leadership of the Kingdom is very amenable to this idea,” Ezekiel said after looking to his Queen. 
“Oceanside is in,” Rachel agreed. 
“So, how do we seal it?” Tara asked. “Cause I’m not doin’ a blood oath with (Y/N).” You just smiled sweetly at her. 
“I have just the thing…” Ezekiel said as he got up and walked into the wings of the stage. From a crate, he pulled out an old theater poster frame, and from it, he pulled the community charter. 
“You’ve had that thing this whole time?” you asked, impressed. 
“I’m a man of many surprises,” he said and you raised your hands in surrender. 
“Fair enough.” 
Ezekiel lay the charter on the table and one by one, the leaders of the communities signed. Rachel signed for Oceanside, Tara for Hilltop, Ezekiel and Carol for The Kingdom, and Gabriel for Alexandria. You looked at all the people in that room as you stood next to Daryl and you felt as something big had just happened. 
Everything was finally coming together and your family was finally whole again.
You and Judith began walking laps around the fair. 
The young girl picked at a candy apple that she held in her hands. “Can I ask you something?” Judith asked, peering up at you from under her hat. 
“Go for it,” you said. 
“Did you talk to him before you left?” she asked. 
“Subtle,” you said, flicking her hat. 
“I’m just making sure you’re okay,” Judith said. “I don’t like it when you two fight.” 
“When did you become such a matchmaker?” you asked. 
“I’m not!” she said. “I can just see that he likes you a lot...maybe more than a lot.” You paused in your tracks. 
“What do you know?” you asked, your eyes narrowed. 
“Nothin’,” Judith said, but you weren’t buying it. 
“Remember Jude, I watched you grow up. I can see through you,” you said.
“Nope, I’m a wall!” she announced as she bit into her apple again. 
“Right,” you snorted.
“But are you okay?” she asked, this time her voice was a bit more serious. Well, as serious as a ten or eleven-year-old could be. 
“Yeah, kid, I’m okay. I actually think I figured it all out,” you said. Which was true, you had figured it out, but now you were just trying to get the courage to do something about it. All in all, no matter how angry you were with him or how upset, what you felt for Negan was bigger than all of it. 
“Good,” she said with a smile. As the two of you walked, you began to feel a chill in the air. You noticed Lydia and Henry up ahead walking hand in hand and as your breath became visible before you, you shivered. “I think a storm is coming,” Judith said. 
“I can feel it,” she said. 
“Where’d you learn that trick?” 
“From Mom who learned it from Uncle Daryl,” Judith said. You couldn’t help but smile at her then.
“Smart,” you said and she laughed before grabbing your hand and dragging you further into the fray, her candy apple swinging alongside her.
Back in Alexandria, Negan lay on the floor of his cell as he tossed a ball in his hands. 
When the door to the cell opened, he had no idea who it could be and because he knew it wasn’t you, he didn’t care. However, when he heard the person clear their throat, he did sit up. 
“What do I owe this pleasure?” he asked. Laura stepped further into the light and in her hands was a new winter coat. 
“there’s a storm on the way,” she said. “I was asked to give you this.” Negan stood as she passed it through the bars. 
“Thanks, Laura,” he said and she nodded. Negan hadn’t spoken to his former lieutenant since the fall of the Sanctuary, at least no more than a few words here and there. 
“I’m sorry,” Laura suddenly said. Negan was confused as he braced a hand on the bars. 
“What are you apologizing for? Isn’t that my job?” he asked. 
“I’m sorry that your life ended up like...this,” she said, but Negan was already shaking his head. 
“Don’t apologize for the shit that I did,” he said. “You know better than anyone that what I was doin’ was eventually gonna get me dead or locked up. I guess I can just be glad that Rick didn’t cut any further than he did.” Laura nodded, hearing him. 
“Still, you were always fair to me and kind. I also wanted to thank you. While being a Savior wasn’t the most moral of things, if you hadn’t found me all those years ago and brought me to the Sanctuary, I’d be dead.”
“Silver lining, then?” he offered.
“A small one,” Laura said. Negan smiled softly at that. 
“I’m proud of you, Kid. You managed to make a new life, one that I should have tried to give you years ago. Don’t screw it up.” 
“I won’t if you won’t,” she said and then offered her fist to him. He bumped it with his own. 
“I’ll take that deal,” Negan said. Laura smiled and then went to leave, but right before she left, she turned one last time. 
“Oh and if you hurt (Y/N), I’ll castrate you with a rusty spoon,” she said with a grin before leaving. Negan stared after her and he was suddenly very aware of everything on his body. 
“Fucking hell.”
Eventually, it was time to head to Hilltop. 
When you told Aaron you were going to help, he wasn’t surprised. “I knew you couldn’t sit still for long,” he had said. “Just be careful.”
You promised that you would and headed to the main gate to prepare to leave. Daryl was getting his bike off the trailer when you found him. You were tightening your sword’s scabbard when he looked up. 
“Ready to go?” you asked. 
“Yeah,” he said. “Lydia is gonna stay here and then Aaron and Gabriel will bring her to Alexandria.”
“Sounds good,” you said. 
“Mmhmm,” he said. “Are you in any rush to get back there?” 
“You and Judith spend too much time together,” you said with a knowing look. 
“So, you and Negan…”
“We really don’t need to talk about it, D,” you said. 
“Are ya sure?”
“I’m so over talking about it,” you admitted. “I just gotta do something.”
“When ya do, I don’t need the details,” he snarked. 
“Asshole,” you muttered and he just smirked. “Where ya gonna go after we get to Hilltop? I heard Ezekiel offering you to make Kingdom your home.” 
“Not sure if this place is gonna last much longer,” he said with a sigh. 
“You know that Alexandria is always going to be your home, right? No matter how long it’s been.” 
“I know,” he said. 
“We can’t keep running, Daryl. Come home,” you said. He was quiet for a moment before he dropped his head. 
“Alright,” he agreed, “but after we handle Hilltop.” 
Soon everyone was saying goodbye and assuring that they would all be safe. Tara was sending her people out first before following after. Ezekiel was trying to get her to stay for the rest of the fair, but she said that she needed to get home. So, Dianne was going to lead her soldiers home. 
As you were securing Daryl’s bow to his bike, you noticed him with Dog as he spoke to Connie. It was subtle, but there was something about his body language that told you a lot. Perhaps Connie was more than just a friend. You watched on as he awkwardly waved to her and when he turned back to you, his eyes narrowed. 
“Shut up,” he said as he went up to you. 
“I didn’t say anything,” you said. 
“Nah, but you were thinking it. I can see it on your face,” he said. 
“She’s pretty,” you said. 
“And yer annoyin’,” he countered. 
“Hey, who am I to judge?” you said with your hands raised. 
“Yeah, exactly.” With a roll of your eyes, you climbed onto the back of Daryl’s bike as he took the spot in front. Michonne waved to Judith as you and the others pulled out of Kingdom. You hadn’t seen Lydia before you left, but Ezekiel said that he would keep an eye on her for you. 
It was odd that you had essentially become her advocate with Daryl as her main protector. You never imagined you would essentially become a parent to a messed up teen, but here you were. 
Yumiko and Magna rode behind you, their weapons at the ready and you kept your head on a swivel as you all move through the woods. Walkers were around, but only a few at a time and were easily taken out by the archers. Still, any time one would make itself known, you could feel Daryl tense in front of you. It was going to be a long night.
You were well into the ride when you came across three men who flagged you down. 
Carol seemed to know them as she walked up to meet them. “What’s wrong, Ozzy?” she asked. 
“Ya gotta see this, Boss,” the man, Ozzy, said. He seemed very concerned as he gestured you all forward. Daryl shouldered his bow as he followed and you and Michonne were right behind him, both of your hands on your swords. 
The Highway Men, as Carol referred to them, had been acting as security and watchers for The Kingdom. They were good trackers, fighters, and were the newest addition to the community. What they had found on their patrol, worried you a lot. 
It looked as if a pack of wild animals had attacked a caravan. “We were clearing the roads. Spotted tracks leading here,” Ozzy said. 
“It's from Hilltop,” Yumiko said, holding up one of the wooden pendants that were crafted there. The same one that Lydia wore around her neck. 
“Walkers didn’t do this,” you said with a glance to Daryl “This was people.”
“Skins?” Michonne asked and then looked to the Highway Men. “You know about them?”
“We got the download,” Ozzy confirmed. “We would have seen any people out here with my patrols, but not if they were covered in Skins.”
“Fantastic,” you said, your nerves growing. 
“(Y/N),” Daryl called, “look at this.” You met him down by the broken carriage and realized what he was seeing. 
“They fought back,” you said. “They were dragged away. That way,” you said with a point. 
“Come on,” Daryl said. 
“We can’t all go,” Dianne said. “If this was the Whisperers, then they would have followed this from Hilltop. We need to get back.”
“Michonne and I will go with (Y/N) and Daryl,” Carol said. “Rest of you ride for Hilltop.”
“We can continue our patrols around here,” Ozzy said and Carol nodded. 
“Alright,” said Michonne. “We’ll see if we can find them and bring them home.” You nodded to Michonne and then everyone was shaking hands and promising to meet up later. Yumiko then joined you, offering her bow. 
“Stay close and if you see Walkers, don’t hesitate. They could be Whisperers,” you said. 
“And if they are,” Michonne said, “go for the kill.”
“I really don’t like this,” you said as you walked next to Yumiko. Carol and Daryl were in the front while Michonne was at the back, her Katana in her hand.
“Neither do I,” Yumiko said as she gripped her bow tighter. “Do you people do this a lot?”
“Only when it’s necessary,” you said. “We try not to get involved, but we usually end up doing just that.”
“I don’t know how you do it,” she said.
“We do it because nobody else will.”
“And your families, are they okay with this?”
“My family is right in front of me,” you said. “We’ve been fighting since day one, I don’t think any of that is going to change.”
“Then I’m glad that I have you on my side,” Yumiko said and you gave her a half-smile.
“Me too.”
Daryl was tracking the Hilltop members that were attacked. You kept back, but mirrored his steps, just in case he missed anything. He never did, but it was a force of habit. All you could think about was Alpha’s face and every shadow in the woods was keeping you on edge.
“Don’t give her an inch…” Negan had said. He had wanted you to be strong and you weren’t going to let him down. Whatever happened when you saw him again, it didn’t matter. You just needed to see his face again. That was what kept you going.
You had to get home to Negan.
“Magna is worried about me,” Yumiko said, trying to change the mood. You nodded, grateful for the distraction.
“That’s actually a good thing. It means she cares about you,” you said.
“Do you have one? A Magna?” Yumiko asked.
“Sort of,” you said with a sigh. “It’s complicated.”
“Word of advice,” Yumiko said. “Uncomplicate it because if you are lucky to have them, you better keep them.”
“Thanks, Yumiko,” you said and she knocked your shoulder with her own.
As you walked, Michonne and you both took down Walkers with your blades, taking their heads off their shoulders. It took you a few to get the hang of the new weapon, but it was beginning to feel natural. You would definitely need to do some proper training with Michonne when you got home though.
It was after dusk when Daryl told everyone to halt. Then, from out of the trees came Walkers that you instantly recognized.
“They’re from Hilltop!” you said as you went for the first one. In a long arc, you swung your sword at the Dead man who came at you. His head was cut from his body and you pierced the brain as it rolled to your feet.
From there on, more and more Dead converged as the sun set and darkness wrapped around the five of you. “I can’t see,” Yumiko said.
“Stay together!” Daryl shouted, placing you at his back as you and Michonne leveled your blades. The archers, all three of them, let go of their bows and drew their knives. Daryl held two blades in each of his hands as he prepared to strike.
“Watch their hands!” Michonne yelled as the Walkers fell upon you. You could feel the blood from the other Dead splashing on the back of your neck as you fought your own Walkers.
Your arms stung from the exertion, but you couldn’t slow down. Fear settled into your bones as you fought, but Negan’s voice returned to you.
“You are stronger than them and the only way they win is if you let them,” he had said and with those words being screamed in your head, you swung again, feeling your adrenaline spike.
“Back to the road!” Daryl yelled and everyone began running. “This way,” he grunted reaching for you, but before you could find him in the dark, the sound of a gun cocking had everyone freezing in their steps.
“Drop them,” a horrific whisper said and if you hadn't already been scared, that sound chilled you to your soul. More and more whispers came from around you and your grip loosened on your sword. “I won’t ask twice.”
“Beta…” Daryl sneered and you felt your heart fall into your heart. Beta was alive and you could feel the anger that echoed around him. One by one you all dropped your weapons and the Skins picked them up. Seeing the dirty hands of a Whisperer touch Paul’s sword made you sick.
“You just had to give me the girl,” Beta whispered. “No one else had to die. Now that deal...is done.” His words washed over you and no matter how many times you tried to focus on Negan’s face or his voice, all you heard was Beta’s horrifying voice.
“You touch the girl and I’ll tear your throat out with my teeth,” you snarled. Beta walked up to you and grabbed you by the throat, angling your face to meet his. You stared back with unwavering disgust.
“You make veiled threats,” he said.
“Come a little closer and we’ll see how veiled they are,” you said, pushing in closer. Beta shoved you back and you stumbled into Carol who quickly righted you.
“Take them,” Beta ordered and his people moved in.
One by one, you were tied up. The Skins tied your hands behind your back and pressed blades to your backs, forcing you to walk ahead, leading you somewhere. Your heart was trying to leap from your chest, but you took deep breaths as you tried to keep a level head.
You could still smell the rot that revolved around Beta and it made your stomach churn. You were forced to walk behind Yumiko whose hands were moving. In the moonlight, you could make out some of the shapes and realized she was signing.
“Stay calm,” she was signing over and over again. You were very grateful then that you knew ASL well enough to understand her.
You walked for a bit longer before you reached a clearing and suddenly, you were seven years younger. You half expected for headlights to light up the surrounding area. Daryl and Michonne must have felt it too as they were tense as well.
However, this time, Negan would not be there to just kill two of you. Beta could slaughter all of you for no reason and then turn his sights on Kingdom, Alexandria, and then Hilltop and Oceanside. This was it, you thought, you were going to die.
The Whisperers pushed you into a semicircle, making sure your hands were still secured. You were between Daryl and Michonne and tried to focus on their breathing, but it was difficult. Even if they were thinking of an escape plan, nobody could voice it and nobody was coming to save you.
From the darkness, Alpha finally made herself known. She crept through the night like a predator stalking her prey. Expect, Alpha didn’t kill for food, she killed for sport.
“You ain’t getting her back,” Daryl said, facing down the Matron of the pack.
“You think this is about my daughter?” Alpha asked, tilting her head. “I ran into some trouble on the road,” she said, wiping blood from the knife in her hands on her pants. You struggled against your bonds, wanting to rip her eyes out with your nails. “It was unavoidable.”
“Bullshit,” you shot, but Alpha ignored you.
“Do you like my new camp?” she asked. “My people like to keep moving, keep roaming.”
“We’ve granted Lydia asylum,” you said. “You try to take her and we will fight back.”
“What is your name?” Alpha asked, stopping in front of you.
“...(Y/N),” you said.
“Do they speak for you?” Alpha asked the others.
“We speak for each other,” Daryl countered. Alpha sniffed, unaffected by Daryl’s attempt at camaraderie. Instead, she continued to pace in front of the five of you.
“My daughter isn’t a concern anymore. She was weak, she never lived up to expectations.”
“Was?” you asked as the worst-case scenario entered your mind. “What did you do to her!” Still, Alpha ignored you.
“To be clear,” she said, “your group is in no position to threaten me. That is a habit that needs to be broken.”
“Oh, I’ll break something,” you threatened and Alpha merely smiled at you as if you were some child she was humoring. Turning her attention back to Daryl she pointed at him.
“Come with me,” Alpha said. “Just you.” Beta cut Daryl’s bonds and then pushed him forward. You struggled to go after him, but you couldn’t move.
Daryl glanced back at you once more before following Alpha into the darkness of the trees.
Daryl was gone for a while, and with every minute that ticked by, you grew more fearful that his body was somewhere being torn apart by the Dead.
You, Michonne, Carol, and Yumiko were sitting together by a fallen tree as you waited to be released. Beta was across from the four of you, watching the woods, waiting for his orders.
You began to think about Rick. What would he do right now? What would he say? You also began to think about the conversation you had once had with Negan about evil and humanity. 
Alpha and Beta were evil and there was no doubt about it. Evil was around you and you could not find a shred of light to hold onto. Rick had wanted to build a new world, but if this is what it was going to look like, you didn’t want it. 
“This is not how I’m dying,” you whispered. 
“Nobody is going to die,” Michonne said. “I don’t think Alpha wants to kill us.”
“She said ‘no one else had to die’, meaning she already killed those Hilltop people and now she’s going to keep going. With us.”
“Just try to stay calm.”
“This is me calm. I’m calm and I’m pissed.” 
“We’re going to get out of this,” Carol said who hadn’t taken her eyes off of Beta since she sat down. 
“I left too much shit unfinished,” you admitted, unable to stop yourself. 
“I know,” Michonne said and there was a bit of pity in the tone of her voice. “You know, I actually wish for his psycho ass right about now,” Michonne said and you couldn’t argue with that. 
“Don’t we all,” you agreed. 
“Who?” Carol asked and Michonne hesitated, but you just shrugged. 
“Negan,” Michonne said. 
“Who’s that?” Yumiko asked.
“Asshole who we have locked up back home,” said Michonne. 
“You think he could take on Beta?” Carol asked, but you shook your head. 
“I don’t think a bulldozer could take on Beta,” you said with a glare in the man’s direction. 
“Negan would be a good distraction,” Michonne figured and then stopped speaking as she saw the look in your eyes. “Or not.” Carol looked at you in confusion. 
You couldn’t imagine Negan going up against someone like Beta. Everyone you had seen him fight, he had been the bigger one. He had been the one in charge and the one with the edge. Negan fighting Beta would have been like a Mustang charging a Semi Truck. That was not something you wanted to see. 
“Am I missing something?” Carol asked. 
“No,” you and Michonne said at the same time. Carol narrowed her eyes but didn’t push it any further. Instead, you all sat there in silence as you waited for the fate you were sure you were about to meet.
You didn’t know how much time had passed when the sun began to rise again. Nobody spoke and nobody moved as the Whisperers began to disperse. Beta then gestured to you and your companions. 
Slowly, his people approached and cut your bonds. Nobody dared to move as Beta watched over you. He then ordered his people to hand back your weapons. 
“Go West,” he sneered. “You’ll find your man.” 
“Come on,” Michonne said, moving Carol in front of her as Yumiko followed. You hesitated, glaring at Beta who leveled his knife at you in something that felt like a promise. Almost as if he was saying that the next time he saw you, he was going to kill you. In your mind, you made the same promise. 
The sun rose quickly as you hiked through the woods, following Beta’s orders. “Something feels wrong,” you said as you fastened your sword to your side. Carol was holding Daryl’s bow and blades as you walked. 
“We got out, that’s all that matters,” Michonne said, but you had a feeling something was very wrong.
It didn’t take long for you to find Daryl. 
He seemed unharmed, but you could tell he was angry. Carol reached him first, handing him his bow and kissing him on the cheek. Michonne hugged him too and Yumiko clapped him on the shoulder. When he reached you, you hugged him tightly.
“I thought she was going to kill you,” you said. 
“Nah, not yet,” he said and then nodded his head in another direction. “This way.” 
You all followed Daryl who seemed to be on a mission. Whatever Alpha had told him had him set on a path and you were willing to go with him no matter what. 
You walked until the sun was finally above you and then, Daryl picked up his speed. “Daryl?” you called, but he just kept running. Eventually, you saw what he was running towards. “Oh my god.” 
“Siddiq!” Michonne yelled as she ran up the hill towards the Doctor who was leaning against a dead tree and behind him, was another. 
“Enid!” you yelled as you saw her struggling as well. You slid to her side, using one of Daryl’s knife that he tossed to you to cut her bonds. As soon as she was free, she nearly crawled to you, gripping you tight. Enid was shaking and so was Siddiq who held onto Michonne. “Shh, it’s okay,” you assured her. 
“What happened?” Michonne asked, but both of them could barely speak.
“I… I…,” Siddiq stuttered out as Enid pointed up the hill with tears in her eyes. Slowly, you pulled Enid into you and began the trek up the hill. 
“No…” you whispered in horror as you saw what was ahead. It was too far to make out details, but the smell of fresh and Dead blood wafted towards you. Enid was trembling in your arms as tears fell down her face. 
Nobody spoke as you crested the hill, but nobody needed to as you got closer. As soon as it became apparent what was before you, Yumiko fell to her knees and Michonne gasped in pain. 
At the top of the hill were nine pikes and on each one, was the head of someone you knew.
You started at the beginning, your bones as cold as ice as milky white eyes stared at you. They hadn’t killed the brain and as you looked at the first pike, Ozzy, the Highway Man, was staring at you with vacant eyes and a gaping mouth. Next to him was Alek, and then, DJ. 
Your heart sank as you saw who was next. Frankie, one of Negan’s former wives and a spitfire of a woman. Her red hair blew in the wind as blood and gore dripped from the flesh at the base of her severed neck. 
Tammy was next and Enid cried harder as she saw the older woman. A woman you knew who had taken care of Enid at Hilltop. You struggled to keep the young woman upright, but it was difficult as you nearly collapsed when you saw the next two. 
Rodney and Addy. 
The teens that you knew from Hilltop were gasping with their breathless mouths as their gray skin dulled in the sunlight, but who was next made you crash to the ground. 
“No!” you screamed as you saw Tara’s dark hair blowing in the wind.
Enid fell next to you as the woman who she saw as a sister stared at her with empty eyes. Sobs echoed out of you as you stared at her, but that wasn’t compared to Daryl who immediately began yelling. 
“No, No!” he yelled as he ran for Carol “Just look at me, just look at me,” he said as he held onto his best friend. That’s when you finally looked at the final pike and everything around you broke. 
It was Henry. 
Enid was leaning all of her weight onto you just as Siddiq was doing to Michonne. Carol had fallen into Daryl and Yumiko was crying as she beheld the horror. 
Alpha had done this. She had taken these people from you, but left two alive as witnesses. She had killed children, friends, leaders, and left you feeling empty. 
You had been through so much, lost so much, and, yet this felt as if someone had torn your soul from your body. As the wind continued to blow, all you could hear were Enid’s screams and Carol’s sobs as yet another child was stolen from her. 
“We were there,” Siddiq began as he stood on the stage in The Kingdom.
You stood next to Daryl and Lydia was in front of you both as you listened. Enid was across from you in the protective arms of Alden who hadn’t let her go since you returned. 
“Enid and I were taken with the others. And I saw... We were supposed to die with them and I was ready to.” Siddiq went on, speaking for both him and Enid considering she could barely say a word. Aaron was sure she was in shock. 
Siddiq went on, “Then, Alpha whispered in our faces as she knelt before us, ‘Tell them’, she said… she then said that two sets of eyes were better than one. Then, something hit me, and everything went black.”
Lydia leaned back into you and you gripped her tight. You noticed that Daryl was holding onto the other side of her. You knew that you needed to protect her now more than ever. 
“And when I woke up, it was just the two of us,” Siddiq said with a look to Enid who stared back with red-rimmed eyes. “What happened was evil. It was evil. And I think she left us alive to tell you that story. To scare you and to drive us all apart again. But I want to tell you a different story.” Siddiq then looked at you and you could see that he was struggling. You gave him a nod of encouragement. 
“See,” he went on, “before the end... Ozzy, Alek, and DJ found us and they gave us an opening. And everyone fought back. They fought like hell. And what they did was more than brave. 'Cause they defended each other. And they sacrificed for each other... And some of them... they didn't even know each other, but they still fought like they did. Like they were family. 'Till the very end.”
Tears were flowing from his eyes and your own, but you tried to put on a brave face for him, for Enid. 
“And in the end, they... Their time was cut short, but ours keeps going. So we have to keep going. For them and for all of us. We need to honor them. We need to honor them, and we need to remember these friends, our family, died as heroes. That's the story that I want to tell you. That's the story that I want us all to remember.”
In the quiet of the fair as Ezekiel and Carol cried in silence, you swore that you would remember and when it came down to it, you would avenge them.
Once the pikes were taken care of and the tears stopped, for the time being, people began to move out. 
However, as winter moved in, The Kingdom was no longer capable to house the members of the community. They would need to move and Michonne was going to stay to help them do that.
While you wanted nothing more to help, you needed to be somewhere else, with someone else. As you stood by the main building of The Kingdom’s square, Michonne approached you. 
“There’s a storm coming,” she said quietly, her voice a bit hoarse from crying. You were sure that yours sounded the same. 
“I know.” 
“We need to move these people to Hilltop and Alexandria,” she said and you nodded in agreement. “(Y/N),” she said, “can you get her home, please?” 
Turning to look at her, you were surprised to hear the desperation in her tone. “Michonne?” you asked. 
“Please, get Judith home and protect her. Protect my daughter,” she said, once again on the verge of tears. You pulled her into your arms and clutched at your friend. You hadn’t been the closest with Michonne since she arrived at the gates of the prison, but you had a feeling that was about to change. 
When you pulled back, you held her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “I will,” you said. “I will protect her with my life.” 
“They were brave,” Michonne whispered and you knew who she meant. 
“Yes, they were,” you agreed. “And we will not let their deaths be in vain.” Michonne nodded, gripping your arms. 
“Go to him,” she said. 
“No, you listen to me,” she said as it was her turn to be serious. “I do not care what people think about him. Don’t worry about that. He could have lost you and as much as I have my demons when it comes to Negan, you have to go. Trust me when I say that Death does not discriminate when it comes to the man someone loves. Even if that man is...unconventional.” 
“No,” she cut you off. “Take Judith and go home. Stop overthinking it, (Y/N). You said you had left things unfinished, right?”
“Then, finish them.”
The ride to Alexandria was very different than the departure. 
You rode on a horse alongside the carriage that held Gabriel, Aaron, Gracie, Judith, Eugene, and others. Nobody spoke and nobody relaxed until the comforting gates of Alexandria were in view. 
For the kids’ sake you put on a brave face, but as soon as your horse came to a stop and the gates slid closed, you could barely keep it together. “Scott!” you called as you dismounted. He ran up to you as you helped Judith down from the makeshift carriage. “Take her,” you begged the man. He nodded as he gathered his bag. You then turned to Judith. “You need to go to your brother,” you said. 
“What?” she asked. 
“Go find RJ and give him the biggest hug he can handle, okay?” Judith nodded at your words.
“Are you going to be okay?” 
“Not for a while,” you admitted, and then she was wrapping her small arms around you and you let a tear slide down your cheek. “I’m going to come over later and we’ll have dinner, okay?”
“Okay,” she whispered and with a final squeeze, you let her go as she ran after Scott who was waiting for her. Ignoring Aaron, Eugene, and the others, you turned your back on the stables and began to run. 
You didn’t slow as you ran towards the main street. Your boots slid on the slick spots of ice that littered the ground, but you kept going. Stopping before the Grimes house, you searched your pockets for your key ring. 
You couldn’t get your hands to stop shaking as you found the right one and jogged down the steps towards the jail. Slipping the key in the lock, you shoved the door open.
The loud noise alerted Negan to your presence. He was laying on his cot, but when he saw the tears that flowed down your cheeks and coated your collar, he launched to his feet. 
“(Y/N)?” he asked, staring at you in shock. You kept moving, switching the key on the ring and inserting it into the lock of the cell itself. You wrenched it open and faced him, taking him all in. “What happened?” he asked, staring at you with concern. 
You didn’t answer him right away. Instead, you took your time to memorize his face, the set of his jaw, how his shoulders were settled on his torso, and especially that wonderful light that was in his eyes. You choked back another sob as you moved into his space. 
“(Y/N)?” Negan asked you again. Reaching up, you placed your hands on his face, feeling the warmth of life beneath his skin. With a deep breath, you got your voice back. 
“Don’t make me lose you, too,” you whispered and then, you gripped him by the back of his neck and pulled his lips to yours.
Negan immediately wrapped his arms around you, holding you closer to him as he kissed you back without hesitation. It was as if a dam broke inside you as light burst behind your eyes. Negan kissed you tenderly, but it was full of urgency as well. 
Pulling yourself tighter against him, you were worried that he would be pulled away at any moment. He didn’t seem to be ready to let go either as he lifted you up, tilting his head back to get a better angle.
Your tears dripped down onto his face, wetting the stubble on his jaw, but he didn’t care. Negan didn’t care about anything else at that moment. All he cared about was you in his arms as he finally got to show much you meant to him.
When you pulled back to get some air, he set you down. Negan looked at you in awe and while you knew you had to explain what had happened, there was something you had to say first. Something that you had felt for a long time. 
“I love you, Negan,” you said, your voice soft as it mingled with his own breath. He looked in your eyes and you watched as the words resonated with him. His eyes grew softer and all the tension in his body dissolved. Negan reached up and placed his hand against your face. 
“I love you, too,” he said and then pulled your lips back to his.
You clutched at the man in your arms, your new reason for living. You knew that war was finally coming and that Death was not done with any of you yet, but in that small cell, in the arms of the man you loved, you let it all become whispers on the wind as the first snowflakes began to fall.
@lucillethings​ @stark-dreams​ @amaroho​​ @thanossexual​​
@yes-sir-hotchner​​ @boom-bunny​​ @delusionalteenagewhispers​​
@scootankle @ritajammer21 @writteriguess @tea-atfive @jennydehavilland @waspyyy @yespleasejayhalstead @fmunegan @hoemadegrace @writingdeadangel 
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butterfliesluke · 4 years
On the ice- Calum Hood x reader
Summary: you are a figure skater and happen to run into calum one morning at a coffee shop...literally.
An: this is my first imagine here on tumblr! So anytime you guys want to please leave requests in my ask box and I’ll do them! I already have a Michael x reader lined up after this:) -Tara
(Ps: I’m posting this at 4am on a school night...go me)
You have known Calum for a couple months after meeting him at a small coffee shop one morning while you were running late to practice. Your dream is to go to the olympics one day and you were very set on that goal so being late to practice was not an option but of course with your luck you would spill your hot coffee down the front of a young mans shirt while quickly walking out of the shop.
"Oh my god I am so so sorry let me help you." You said frantically trying to wipe the coffee from the young mans shirt.
"Hey calm down it's alright, no worries" the man said and gripped your hand and gave a large grin. You looked up and blushed at how you could be a figure skater yet so clumsy. He was very attractive and that just made it 10x worse not only that but you were staring at him.
"Again I'm really sorry but I have to get going!" You said realizing that you were still running late.
"Wait!" He called after you. "I see you're a figure skater! That's really cool maybe you can show me some of your routines sometime?" He stood a couple feet away from me as I looked down at the skating attire I was in blushing a deep red.
"Oh yeah of course! My names y/n." You gushed not knowing what else to say.
"My name is Calum. Um could I maybe get your number? Wouldn't want to miss seeing a pretty face again." He smirked as he got more confidence.
"Oh yeah sure!" You took the phone he was handing to you and created a contact for yourself. Hearing him call you pretty made year heart almost explode and you were having a very hard time not showing it.
"Text ya later then y/n." Calum winked and walked back to his car. You couldn't help but stare at his fit body and they way his shoulders moved as he walked.
Your thoughts were soon cut off with the sound of your phone getting a call.
Your trainers caller ID showed on the screen and you knew you were in for it when you got to practice.
When you got to practice all you heard was your trainers yells through out the rink.
"Y/n! You can't be late to practice if you want to make it to the olympics! It's as simple as that!"
"I'm sorry coach I'll practice extra this week I promise!" I stood looking at the ice below my skates.
"Sorry y/n I just want you to achieve your goal."
"It's okay I understand. Thank you for caring so much." You smiled at him and continued your routine.
You were elite already but You still had little ways to go till the olympics.
Once my coach left for the night You decided to stay because You wanted to perfect your routine. Before You started You looked at my phone to make sure You didn't have any missed calls from anyone. You didn't. But You did have one test from Calum.
Calum: hey I don't know if you're free right now but would you like to show me some of you moves ;)?
God why did he have to be such a flirt?
Y/n: yeah! I'm free I'm actually at the rink right now if you'd like to come. Here's the address (address here)!
Calum: okay thanks! On my way.
His words made your heart flutter. But then you were nervous. You really want to impress Calum he is the first guy You have  had any sort of attraction to in a while and You don't want to mess this up.
You decided to just skate around waiting for Calum so you weren't  to tired to show him what You have  been working on.
He's actually the first person to ever show interest in your skating. All your past friends have thought of it as weird and a waste of time and so have your parents. They would have rather You go to college but in all honesty You would rather make money doing something You love rather than something You hate.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the rink door opening and echoing through the building.
You stopped skating and looked towards the sound to see Calum.
He gave you a warm smile and put his hands under his arms for warmth.
You giggled and skated towards the rink entrance.
"Hey!" You smiled.
"Hey gosh how are you not cold in that thing?" He said mentioning towards your skating attire.
"Haha it gets kind of warm when your moving around so much I guess." An awkward silence filled the air around us until he spoke up.
"Can I see the routine?" You giggle and the heat rose to your face. "What do you skate for anyways. For fun?" He added.
"Oh well it is for fun but it's also my job. I'm a step away from going to the olympics."
His eyes got wide and his jaw almost dropped to the floor. This made you laugh and hold onto your stomach while trying not to double over from laughter.
"You're kidding right?" He smiled in amazement.
"Nope I'm 100% serious" You skated backwards a bit proud of yourself.
"Well now you have to show me!" He said walking carefully on the ice towards you slipping a few times.
"I will! Please sit down!" He pretended to slip again to scare you but ultimately went and sat down in one of the side boxes in the rink with benches.
He then sat down and then gestured to you as he was waiting. But even he himself couldn't tile himself seriously so you both ended up laughing again.
"Okay okay I'll show you now." You said still laughing a bit.
You stepped off the ice into the sound booth turning on the piano music you have set your routine to and then stepped back onto the ice. You really needed to impress him. You really liked him.
You took a deep breathe remembering the key you start on. A big part of figure skating is that you have to show emotion so you kept a smile on your face which wasn't hard, this is your passion.
You started off by skating backwards and then leapt into the air and landed with your leg lifted behind you. You started doing figure eights and doing poses with your arms while doing so still keeping the smile on your face.
Your routine was almost over but this is where the piano music sped up into a faster tempo so you started spinning on one skate and you moved your leg to be in front of you and as the piano slowed you slowed and laid down in a pose on the ice.
There where a couple moments of silence before you heard loud claps.
You looked up with a couple tears in your eyes as you finally felt appreciated for what you do and not put down for what you do.
"Oh thank you." You said shyly as you slated over to the skating box Calum was in.
He immediately grabbed your arms and pulled you inside the box into a hug. You smiled at his scent and hugged back the smile never leaving your face.
"That was amazing y/n! You were so graceful and you're so good at what you do I could watch you figure skate all day!" He practically yelled.
"Oh well thanks again. I'm glad at least one person I know appreciates it." You mumbled but he still heard.
"What do you mean?" He said with concern.
"Well my past friends and my parents have never believed in my figure skating dream. They don't come to any of my shows or competitions. So every time I do have one no one is routing for me. No one is there to support me and sometimes it's really hard. Then you came in here and it's just nice to have someone appreciate my passion." You said as a tear slipped from your eye. He kissed your cheek to get rid of the tear and smiled.
"When is this competition you've been practicing hard for?"
"Next week. I'm really nervous for it. It decides if I go on to the olympics or not." You said.
"Well don't be nervous I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it for the world." He smirked at your face as you blushed a deep red.
"Thank you so much Calum! You have no idea how much this means to me!" You shrieked and have him a bear hug just for him to pull back and look into your eyes.
Your eyes went wide when you realized he was leaning it but your body urged you to lean in as well so you did.
Your heart melted at the touch of his lips against yours and you smiled into the kiss. You pulled away and he rested his head on your forehead. He brought his hands up to cup your face and he continued to look into your eyes for a few seconds.
" you know you look really beautiful in your skating dress?" He said with a small content smile.
You giggled in response not being able to think of words but he found it adorable.
"How about Tomorrow we go on a official first date?" He now had his hands on your waist and smiled at you with hope in his eyes.
"Calum I would love to but I have practice from 8am to 8pm I don't think you want to be out that late?"
"Who said? I'll even come to your practice tomorrow and watch princess. You aren't getting out of this one. You're to pretty for me to let go." He chuckles which made you laugh and playfully slap his arm.
"Hey! Stop flirting with me!" You laughed at his fake hurt expression.
"Well you seem to like it sunshine. Your face says it all" he said as you were still blushing as you probably were the whole time.
"Fine you got me there"
Your date with Calum the next day went amazing and you even planed a second date.
You were already falling for this man and you barely knew him for two days.
But I mean who wouldn't fall for Calum hood?
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calum5os · 6 years
Home This Christmas | Calum Hood
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pairing: Calum x Tara
Surprise Tara !! I wrote this for @dukehoods as her secret santa for the 5secondsofswapping project. I had to step away from tumblr for a couple days but I did not forget about you! I really hope you enjoy this, you worked so hard along with @flannelpunkcalum and @plainwhiteluke to make this a fun experience for everyone and I hope I could give you the little slice of Calum you deserve. Happy Holidays T xx
“You miss your pops too bub?” You peered over to the chocolate eyed dog beside you on the couch. Calum was away doing a couple end of year shows so you took up your usual job of dog sitting at Calum’s. The boys hadn’t planned on taking part in so many dates but their label wanted them to promote the album as much as they could before the year was over and they began recording for the next one.
Before Calum left you hadn’t seen much of him anyways. Finals and projects had you rooted to the library. In all honesty the librarian probably saw more of you than your boyfriend did in the last month. He invited you to join them but you still weren’t used to being on the road and you knew after finals you’d be in no mental shape to do it. You sighed, the sad look in Duke’s eyes probably mirrored your own.
To be fair Calum did have every intention of arriving home days before Christmas. They all double checked and triple checked with their team to make sure that they would. He hadn’t seen much of you for weeks and he’d been looking forward to this break for even longer. He had even gotten the perfect gift for you but somehow there he sat in his hotel room, multiple states away from you and only one day away from Christmas.
“Did you call Tara yet?” Ashton had his sunglasses perched securely on his nose but Calum still took note of the arch in his brow. He rolled his eyes and sighed, “Of course I did and she was understanding obviously but she was sad Ash, I could hear it in her voice.”
The crisp clean smell of freshly washed hotel sheets made his stomach hurt. He should’ve been home by now, and it should smell like the candles you always bought and had scattered around his place. He hadn’t cared too much for them before but they always reminded him of you when you were gone. They quickly enough became his favorite scents.
“I texted April to see if she could arrange for any last minute flights out of here. If anyone can make it happen it’s her,” Calum nodded along to Ashton’s words. He was right, their manager had a knack for bending wills her way yet it still did little to ease the guilt that had settled in his stomach.
“Do you think Tara will like the present I got her?” Calum’s gaze was now focused on his backpack, eyes trained on the spot he knew the little black box sat securely hidden.
“Are you kidding me mate, it’s the most romantic shit I’ve ever seen. Didn’t even know you were capable,” Ashton flashed his dimples in Calum’s direction and shook his head. Truth be told Ashton knew before his best friend even did that he was capable of showing love in such an intimate way. It warmed his heart to finally see Calum in the right relationship to do it.
“Fuck off,” Calum twirled the rings he had on his own fingers and smiled. There was no heat behind his words and they both knew it. They remained in silence, letting the hum of the tv fill the room.
April had managed to secure them a flight but he decided against calling you to let you know he was coming home. He figured he hadn’t given you a proper surprise in a while. Calum knew that you’d be catching up on the sleep you’d sacrificed to study so he hoped that any airport pictures posted online you wouldn’t be awake to see.
He had never put more effort before now to unlock his front door with minimal noise. Duke came running seconds later and Calum let him out so he wouldn’t wake you. Bags still by the front door he gave his little man proper attention before venturing back into the house. He slid out of his sneakers and peeled his leather jacket off, chest immediately tightening as he breathed in the smell of you, the smell of coming home.
It was still dark out and Calum figured this gave him a little time before you woke up. He quietly tiptoed to his bedroom and the sight of you almost ripped his whole little plan straight out of his head.
God had he missed you.
He was damn near tempted to just chuck his sweats and hoodie off and climb in to curl himself around you. He couldn’t do that though, not yet. You’d been through hell the past month and you deserved a little effort on Calum’s part. So he placed a feather light kiss on your forehead instead and quietly shut the door behind him on his way out.
What finally woke you was a light thud from somewhere outside the bedroom. You felt around and peeked your eyes open when you realized Duke was no longer in bed. Rubbing your eyes and letting out a yawn you ventured out of the room hoping he hadn’t gotten into anything.
Instead of the mess you were expecting, your eyes landed on a brown head of curls turned away from you putting on a pot of coffee. Your sleepy brain took three seconds before it caught up and you quickly threw your arms around Calum’s waist. He froze before chuckling, “Shit, I was supposed to come in and surprise you.”
“I’m feeling pretty damn surprised,” Your face was tucked deep into the soft fabric of the green sweater you loved so much but Calum understood you regardless. He turned and hugged you properly only pulling away to kiss you like he’d been wanting to since he saw you in bed.
You took note of the christmas music faintly playing and the breakfast Calum had cooked up. All of your favorites laid out for the both of you. “You played a risky little game, Hood.” He laughed and placed a kiss to the top of your head. “I know, I felt so fucking terrible you have no idea. I just really wanted to surprise you I know how stressed you’ve been.”
You shook your head and wrapped your arms around him tighter breathing in the smell of his cologne. How on earth you got so lucky was beyond you. After eating your breakfast you and Calum sat on the couch, gifts exchanged but unopened. “Okay so I snuck your other leather jacket to make sure this one was sized properly and I really hope you like it.” Calum quirked an eyebrow but said nothing before opening the large box.
“Oh my god, Tara this is beautiful.” Calum stared at the beautiful leather jacket in his hands. It was a deep red color with his initials on the metal buttons of the lapels. He’d never seen anything like it. He gave you another kiss, pouring every ounce of gratitude he had. He carefully placed the jacket back in the box and watched anxiously as you untied the burgundy ribbon from yours.
The black little box held none other than a ring almost identical to one of Calum’s. The one that was your favorite to be exact. “I know how much you love the design of mine and I still had the number of the guy in Sweden I bought it from. The only difference is that yours has my name engraved inside the band, and now mine has yours.”
Calum slipped his ring from his finger and true to his word, there your name was now engraved. His lips curled up into a bashful smile, the tiniest shade of pink rising in his cheeks. Calum wasn’t always good at pouring out his emotions if it wasn’t on paper, but you’d claimed his heart long ago and no way in hell was he gonna fight it.
“Cal this is incredible, I don’t even know what to say.” You held the ring between your fingers still in awe at the amount of love you had for the man in front of you.
“You can start with putting it on,” Laughing you slid the silver ring on, a slimmer band but still very clearly a matching one to his.
After opening other smaller gifts and making yourself mugs of hot chocolate, you laid with Calum on the couch. He’d fallen asleep beneath you and you could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest. The middle of the night flight and multiple days worth of sleep lost had finally caught up to him. Twirling the new ring on your finger you sighed, a blanket of peace falling over you that you hadn’t felt in weeks. Maybe Calum had been the one to fly back today but in his arms it was you that was home.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
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KutteVerse Masterlist
Jax Teller x F!Reader AU
Moodboard above by @pomegranatearildreams ✨
This is the masterlist of all fics set in the universe of my personal favorite fic that I’ve written for Jax, Kutte to Black! 🖤
In this fluffy angsty smutty AU… Jax Teller’s high school sweetheart and the star-crossed love of his life (reimagined in place of Tara) is you ❤️
Each fic below can be read as a standalone OR part of this storyline; they’re listed here in chronological order in this little AU of mine!
Sources for the below gifs are included in the linked fics
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Kutte and Gown (Prequel Fic)
You and Jax Teller collide during the final days of high school, and end up falling crazy in love after breaking some rules…
Kutte and Gown
Song Recs – “Don’t You” (Simple Minds) (I know I know it’s so fucking cliché but don’t judge me okayy) || “There’s No Way” (Lauv & Julia Michaels) || “Brilliant Eyes” (RYTERBAND) || “Electric Love” (Night Traveler) || “Streetlights” (Lipless) || “Cruel Summer” (Taylor Swift) || Suggestion from @lovebarefootblonde: “Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince” (Taylor Swift)
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Kutte Too Deep (Ficlet Series)
Series of ficlets focused on the sweet summer of love between you and Jax…
Kutte Too Deep (fluffy little ficlet)
Every Minute (filthy sex in a supply closet)
Shades of You (a passionate fuck in the park)
~~~ **ONGOING SERIES** ~~~
Song Recs – “Teenage Dream” (Katy Perry) (DON’T JUDGE ME it fits the vibe perfectly) || “Yellow” (Coldplay) || “Serious” (Midnight Kids) || “Sun Goes Down” (Robin Schulz) || “Solid Gold Love” (Sultan + Shepard) || “Crashing” (Illenium) || “Love Me Like You Do” (Ellie Goulding) || Suggestions from @lovebarefootblonde: “Wildest Dreams” (Taylor Swift) // “She’s Like The Wind” (Calum Scott)
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Kutte to Black (Main Fic)
My fave Jax fic I’ve written! Explores the outcome of this teenage dream that twists and turns into a tale of star-crossed love — cue LOTS of angst and smut and fluff…
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Fluffy Wedding Ficlet – Kutte the Cake
Angsty Epilogue – Kutte Open
Angsty Epilogue 2 – Kutte to Pieces
Song Recs – “Day Is Gone” (Noah Gundersen) || “Poison & Wine” (The Civil Wars) (this video! 😭) || “The Scientist” (Coldplay) || “A Message” (Coldplay) || “I Still Love You” (Night Traveler) || “1984 (Native)” (Night Traveler) || “Always Remember Us This Way” (Lady Gaga) || “Miss Atomic Bomb” (The Killers) || “Ride” (Cary Brothers) || “Saturn” (Sleeping At Last) || “Tangled Up” (Parade of Lights) || “You & Me (The Wildfire)” (Aron Wright) || “Stay” (OTR) || “Heart” (OTR) || “Our Way Back Home” (Dreweybear) || “count on” (Shallou) || Suggestions from @pomegranatearildreams: “Oceans Away” (ARIZONA) // “Giants” (Dermot Kennedy) || Suggestions from @lovebarefootblonde: “Photograph” (Ed Sheeran) // “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever” (Zayn & Taylor Swift) // “Getaway Car” (Taylor Swift) || Suggestions from @daryldixonpls: “Hero” (Enrique Iglesias) // “The Night We Met” (Lord Huron)
While the prequel and main fic are complete, Kutte Too Deep is an ongoing series!
For upcoming fics I’ll be tagging my tag list — just let me know if you’d like to be added!
And if you happen to have any other song recs for this series let me know! 🎵
Main Masterlist
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irwinkitten · 6 years
LAURAAAA CONGRATS ON THE 3K!!! u know what i look like and u know how much of a wreck i am but also my about is /abt if u need it!!! also ive had thank god it's christmas by queen on repeat for a solid 36 hours now (if u haven't noticed from my spotify history LOL) so u should give it a listen!!! i love youuuuuu xxxx (i'd give u heart emojis but im unfortunately on laptop so just pretend those x's r hearts ok luv u mucho)
TARA I LOVE U SO MUCH OKAY and trust me i’ve seen ur spotify u’ve probably seen the disaster that is mine too it’s okay lmao i’m sending all my hearts right back at u ♥♥♥
who i ship you with
—Luke / Michael / Ashton / Calum
who’s your best friend
—Luke / Michael / Ashton / Calum
song you dance to at 3 in the morning with him
—this town - niall horan
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inc0rrectmyths · 1 year
Just my boy bestie being the biggest simp of my OC
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