#cam x arastoo
twelverriver · 1 year
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Dr. Brennan approved my new dissertation subject. You came up with a new one already? I figured I may as well let something good come out of all this sadness, so, I'm gonna focus on forensic methods to prove human rights atrocities. Maybe if we can identify the crimes, it might stop the people committing them.
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Camille Saroyan x Arastoo Vaziri
Zombie Apocalypse AU
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for the lonely (the ones that seek and find)
law & order: svu x bones | olivia and cam friendship | 4.2k, t, complete
“Cam, this is my partner, Elliot Stabler,” Liv had said, a grin on her face. “El, this is Cam Saroyan, we were on patrol together back at the five-five, before she went to medical school.” “Half a lifetime ago."
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
Hodgins walking in on Arastoo reading to Cam the love poem he wrote about her will never not be funny. 😂
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Cam & Arastoo remain one of my Top 5 Favorite Ships of all time.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Adventures in babysitting(Squinterns)
Paring: wife!Reader x Lance Sweets, Oc!Child x squinterns
Summary: not really an 'x reader' just the Squinterns having to watch Lance and y/n's daughter while they go an unexpected case.
A/n: AU where Vincent didn't die. the beginning of this sucks but it gets a bit better, I just had this idea but didn't know how to start it.
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“mama look! a Firetruck” Charlotte smiled from the back set of the car, she hugged her stuffed penguin tight as watched on of her favorite vehicle pass by.
Y/n smiled at her daughters knew obsession that was firetruck, last week it was helicopters.
“yeah, isn't it cool” y/n smiled.
“maybe we have a future firefighter on our hands” her husband Lance smiled.
Y/n's eyes widened as she thought about her precious daughter in dangers line of work.
“I want to find skullys like Aunty Bones n mama” Charlotte said.
Y/n smiled at her daughter then looked at Lance as he continued to drive towrds the Museum that was connected to the jeffersonian. It was the first time in a while they both had the day off and the whole family was just a little too restless to stay home.
“I have to stop by my office first and give Cam a file though” y/n responded. Lance nodded. “okay”
“you wanna go see mommy's work?” Lance smiled.
“yeah!” she smiled as Lance let out a chuckle at his daughter's enthusiasm.
Once they got to the jeffersonian y/n carried Charlotte in her arms as she walked into the lab. Charlotte eyes wondered as her mother carried her around. The little girl was always amazed by the lab.
After she got what she wanted from the lab and gave Cam the file, Lance's phone rang.
“Hey Booth...” he said.
Lance let out a sigh, meaning Booth probably need us. He looked at his two favorite girls with disappointment as he hung up.
“what's up?” I asked.
“Booth neeeds us to Interrogate a few people and then you need to look at some remains at the crime scene with Brennan”
Y/n sighed and looked around. “one normal day... That's all I ask”
Lance nodded and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. Charlotte giggled making Lance smile, he quickly kissed his daughter's forehead.
“what are we gonna do about Charlie? The sitter is out of town for the weekend and I don't know about Arastoo” y/n said as see looked around the lab.
Charlotte, who didn't know what was going on, ignored her parents panic and played with the necklace around her mom's neck.
“don't panic... I'll head over to Bureau and get things sorted out, maybe you can drop Charlie off with Angies' dad, I know he's babysitting Michael Vincent today” Lance said. His wife nodded as they kissed each other good-bye
Y/n let out a sigh, as mush as she loved her brother's father-in-law she just didn't want to dump another baby on him unexpectedly.
“what's wrong mama? Are we gonna go see the pictures?” Charlotte asked.
“maybe later baby, mama and daddy have to work now” she looked around the half empty lab then stopped when she saw her favorite Squintern.
“Fisher!” she walked towrds him just as he clocked in. Before he could even say 'hello' y/n put Charlotte in his hands.
“Fishy!” she smiled as Fisher held the child out confuse. The little girl's feet dnagled as he held her like a child would an over sized doll. “wha-”
“I need you to watch Charlotte just for a bit, please Fisher” y/n pleaded. Fisher honestly couldn't say no, not because she was indeed his boss, but because he genuinely liked her and her family. Y/n Sweets or 'Lady Sweets' as she's referred to at work was the only one who saw Fisher as more than a depressed, Gothic Squint.
“thanks Fisher, I owe you one!” she called out and left the building before he could protest, even if he got the chance he wouldn't but he just didn't know how to interact with kids.
“Fishy” Charlotte smiled as she dubbed over in his arms. “Fisher... And don't do that” he said pulling her back up and wrapping both arms around the small child so she was secure to his chest.
“ummm.....” Fisher said, confused on what to do. He jogged into the lab, the movement made Charlotte giggle. He set his boss' daughter on one of the examination tables.
“play with this” he said handding her the small flashlight that was in his breast pocket. She turned it on and pointed it at the stuffed penguin she brought, after awhile she started waving it around making bright light fly everywhere.
“ah” Fisher said in a very monotone voice as the light hit his eyes. “okay never mind” as he took and put it back in his pocket, he picked up the penguin and put in her arms so she wouldn't feel the loss of the flashlight.
“stay there” he said after the Computer dinged, he turned his back to her for a second. The little girl watched him move around and started to follow him not realizing she was still on a high table.
Fisher didn't relize it and Charlotte almost walked off the edge. “woah Charlie” Arastoo yelled and quickly grabed the three year old before she fell off what looked like a cliff to someone her size.
Fisher quickly whipped around with a panicked look. “sorry Charlotte” he said coming up to the little girl that was now in tan interns arms.
“unca asteroid!” the little girl smiled, she could never pronounce his name properly so it was always 'asteroid'.
“what is Lady Sweets' Daughter doing here?” Arastoo asked, adjusting the little girl to one arm. “she never let's her in the Lab unless she here”
“Lady Sweets and... Dr. Sweets got pulled into unexpected investigation and was deemed soul protector of this tiny life force for the time being” Fisher explained.
Arastoo and Charlotte gave him weired looks. “so your babysetting” Arastoo said simply, Charlotte who now under stood nodded quickly. Fisher shook his head and turned back to his computer as the security system dinged.
“Fishy!” Charlotte cheekily smiled as Fisher turned his back. “what's baby sweets doing here?” Wendell asked as him and Vincent walked in.
“and what are the rest of you doing here?” Fisher asked. Wendell smiled as Charlotte waved at him.
“Dr. Brennan required us to examine some century old remains while she's away” Vincent said as he walked up next to Arastoo. Charlotte smiled and reached for Vincent. The British Squintern smiled and shook her little hand. “hello little one”
“I'm guessing I'm out of this project” Fisher sighed as he closed a few tabs on his computer. Arastoo gave him a questioning look. “Fisher, when was the last time you actually watched a child?”
“well, both Sweets are very protective of Charlie, you must be doing something right for her to trust you” Wendell said.
“you here to work on the Bones too?” Vincent asked Wendell. He shook his head no. “actually im here to take over for Hodgins while he's in Seattle with Brennan and Angela.”
“I'll help if you like” Wendell added.
“just give the child back” Fisher sighed and held his arms out to Arastoo.
“we can help out with Charlie” Arastoo said as he set Charlotte on the one of the wheely chairs and spung her around. She giggled making the the young guys look at her in aw.
“we can take shifts, one of us can watch her while the others look at the Bones for Dr. Brennan” Wendell suggests, everyone agreed suprisenly.
“will Abernathy and Edison be joining us?” Vincent asks, the other men shrugged not sure who all Dr. Brennan had hired.
“please tell me that's one of the fake skulls” Edison said coming into y/n's office with a file.
Edison watched Charlotte play with the jaw and mouth of the plastic skull without a care in the world. She tossed it up then crawled after it. She quickly forget about it and ran towrds Arastoo as he entered the office as well.
“of corse it's fake” Fisher said rolling his eyes as he stood up from the ground. “did you guys find anything?” he asked.
“not really, Abernathy came by while you were in here and is helping out” Arastoo said picking Charlotte up and holding her on his hip.
Fisher let out a depressed sigh. “I see I've already been replaced”
“I wouldn't say that, you have the most important job today” Arastoo smiled as Charlotte stuck her toung out.
“her laughter dose sofen the stonyest of hearts” Fisher said.
“why she here in the first place?” Edison asked trying to remain professional but also not let his heart melt at the sight of the little girl.
“Lady Sweets got called into a crime Scene last minute” Arastoo said.
“unca asteroid... I'm hungry” Charlotte said looking up at Arastoo. Wendell walked in hearing the conversation. “I can get McDonald's... Anybody want anything?”
“can I have some nuggies? Pweez” she said giving all the male Squinterns puppy eye. “I'll go get it Charlie” Wendell smiled and ruffled her curly hair.
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“chicken nuggets for the little lady” Wendell said emptying out the bag as Arastoo tried to get cartoons on the screen Angela installed in y/n's office.
“do any of you know how this works?” Arastoo asked. Wendell set down Charlotte's french frys and grabed the controler from Arastoo. “it's just like Angela's, I got this”
Wendell logged into the screen then turned on Hulu. “she likes Regular Show” Arastoo said as he took the controller and typed in the show.
“Did you know the average American eats almost 30 pounds of French fries a year?” Vincent said as he sat on the floor next to Charlotte to eat his fries.
He then turned to Charlotte. “we call these chips from where I'm from” he told the small girl.
“cool” she laughed.
“here ya go honey” Finn smiled giving her a small milkshake.
Once the show was set up and the food was out, it was technically the Squintern's lunch break, so they all(aside from Edison) filed into y/n's office to watch Cartoons and eat.
The commotion and child like giggles made Cam walk into what was supposed to be y/n's empty office.
“Hi honey” Arastoo said nervously as he waved at his fiance.
“hi Aunty cam!” Charlotte waved from her spot in Arastoo's lap.
“what are you guys doing?” she gave them a strange look as they all froze like deers in a pair of head lights, the only one who wasn't affected was Charlotte, who continued to eat her chicken nuggets.
“babysitting” Fisher said.
“on our lunch break” Wendell added quickly.
She sighed and walked out of the room, not wanting to get into it after she saw the bizarre cartoon. “ya know... don't want to know, carry on”
“bye Cam!” Charlotte shouted as the doctor left.
After lunch the Squinterns basically took turns taking care of the small child, while one was exmaing the century year old bones the other one was intertaning Charlotte.
“where could she be” Abernathy looked around the lab. He stoped at one of the tables then tried to jump scare Charlotte. “I gottcha!” he looked at her favorite hiding spot but she wasn't there. “hmm”
He looked around, moving chairs and files around, trying to find the little girl's hiding spot. This cought Edison's attention, he didn't really want to get involved with the little girl, but that didn't stop him from being curious.
“what are you doing Abernathy?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the skull he was examining. Abernathy peaked under one of the examination tables then back at Edison. “playin' hide-n-seek with Little Charlie” he smiled like it was the best thing that ever happened to him.
“she’s Slicker Than Pig Snot on a Radiator” Abernathy said as he looked around the lab some more. Edison looked up annoyed. “she's a good hider or you lost her?”
Abernathy sighed and gave him a 'really?' look. “look, I didn' loose her... I have a kid sister, I know how to take care of a kid”
Edison looked up and watched the little girl run into Cam's office to hide under her desk. He watched the little girl quickly run back to the threshold beacuse she dripped her blue penguin plush, before Abernathy could see she ran under the desk.
“she's over yonder” Edison said in a terrible Southern accent.
“Aw man!” Charlotte wined as she heard Edison give out her hiding spot. She came out hugging her penguin.
“that's not nice” Charlotte grumbled, they didn't know if she was talking about cheating or the fact Edison was making fun of Abernathy's slang. She was talking about both.
“well, you won little lady, I couldn't find ya” Abernathy shrugged with a smile. Charlotte smiled up at Abernathy as he called for Arastoo, it was his turn and Abernathy had to help Edison for a bit.
Arastoo glady took his tern next, he had Charlotte on his back, running around with his arms out while making airplane noise.
“to infinity and beyond” Charlotte giggled as Arastoo ran past Cam's office. She of course saw and scolded them as her motherly instincts started to show.
“please don't run in the Lab! One of you might get hurt” she sighed. Arastoo stoped, making his shoes squeek on the shiny floor. Charlotte rested her chin on Arastoo's shoulder and gave Cam puppy eyes. “aw”
Arastoo gave his fiance a sarcastic pouty face like Charlotte's real one. “aw” he repeated.
She rolled her eyes and gave Arastoo a quick kiss. Charlotte giggled and made fake kissy noises. Cam laughed at the little girl she considered her niece, she kissed the little girl on her cheek and went back into her office.
“have you heard from Sweets or Y/n?” he asked before came went into her office. “they should be back soon” cam respond.
Arastoo nodded as Charlotte let out a yawn then rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck so she wouldn't fall off.
Cam tilted her head and smiled softly. “she looks tired”
He turned his head so he could see the sleepy child. “I'll take her to y/n's office, so she can nap”
As Arastoo walked into y/n's office Fisher came into with his lab coat off. “well I'm done for the day... With the remains that is”
“that's good” Arastoo said gently setting Charlotte on the couch in her mother's office and used his lab coat as a blanket for her.
“you can go if you like, I'll stay with her while Cam dose some last minute paper work” Arastoo said setting on the couch next to her.
Fisher shook his head. “no, lady Sweets truted me, so I should do my share”
“she's not going anywhere... She sleeps like a rock” Arastoo said as Fisher made his spot on the ground infront of the couch.
Y/n and Lance came in about an hour and half later with a soft smile. Lance gently picked up his daughter while she remained fast asleep.
“thank for watching her guys, I know you weren't expecting to spend your day like this” y/n smiled.
Fisher shrugged. “it was quite interesting... It wasn't hard to intertaning ourselves”
“and I had some help...” Fisher added.
“little angel like always” Arastoo added with a smile as Cam walked in with her coat. “ready to go?” she asks softly so she didn't wake up Charlotte.
“yup, good night guys” he smiled and left with Cam. “night” Lance said holding his sleeping daughter close.
“thanks again guys” y/n waved at the other Squinterns as her and her family left the Jeffersonian, the tired parents thankful their little ball of energy will sleep well tonight.
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emilysbader · 1 year
hello😌 bones for the game pls
tysm jana ily!!! favourite character: brennan funniest character: brennan (sometimes unintentionally lol) best-looking character: booth ig but would marry them all in a heartbeat 3 favourite ships: booth/brennan, hodgins/angela, cam/arastoo, but also [redacted/redacted] that i can't say because jana isn't there yet lmao least favourite character: pelant🔪 least favourite ship: idk booth/hannah i guess?? reason why i watch it: slut for that cop x consultant trope why i started watching it: noelle has been trying to get me to watch for like 10 years and i finally did LMAO
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rorygilmre · 1 year
god i DO love cam and arastoo together. third favorite couple on the show after bones x booth and hodgins x angela
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strideofpride · 2 years
Top 10 favorite ships involving POC in 10 different fandoms
Jonah x Amy (Superstore)
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2. Lemon x Lavon (Hart of Dixie)
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3. Jordan x Layla (All American)
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4. Jane x Petra (Jane the Virgin)
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5. Nate x Vanessa (Gossip Girl)
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6. Cam x Arastoo (Bones)
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7. Sid x Sophie (HIMYF)
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8. Rebecca x Miguel (This is Us)
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9. Justin x Simon (The Big Leap)
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10. Rue x Jules (Euphoria)
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tagged by @donnas-troia
tagging: @terrainofheartfelt @insistonyourcupofstars @mot-hesbian @scabopolis and anyone else who wants to do it, please feel free!
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lovelydrusilla · 3 years
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fandomqueenyay · 3 years
Cam in bones is literally so amazing 😭 I love how Brennan helps her decide to adopt Michelle and then she just has this little family. Cam has my heart literally always. Also how come Arastoo and Cam are only show when they have an issue. Since they started dating every episode he came in was either something hella dramatic like a bomb or crazy illness or an argument over something.
Also this has nothing to do with anything but it makes me a little annoyed that Arastoo gets mad over cam saying “if we get married” instead of “when”. I mean they clearly never talked about it in depth if she said that, and it’s unfair of him to get mad at her over that. Especially because the last real real relationship we know she had is with Michelle’s father and when they got engaged he kept cheating on her which probably gave her issues with trust and commitment.
That is my Ted talk no one asked for
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twelverriver · 1 year
bones (you knew it was coming)😌
hello ellie!!! thank you for asking the important questions 😌
Favourite character: temperance brennnan with cam saroyan on second place and also first depending on the season and how i'm feeling about her (very gushy usually!!!)
Funniest character: okay so the thing is. i think brennan is pretty funny when she's trying not to be (and also when she does try (sometimes)) and i think booth is funny but mostly when he gives everyone nicknames like calling hodgins bug boy idk it's just very funny to me also clark?? but also . i can't choose ellie why are you making me choose
Best-looking character: oh highkey cam when she doesn't have her fuck ass bob. but like !!! sorry i know this is not the purpose of the game but idc obviously also brennan in legit every episode i've seen so far especially when she wears red or purple blazer, also when she wore that green outfit??? i dont remember what it was but i remember screaming in your dms sjdjf also angela in every dress ever ALSO special mention to hannah burkley i love a lot and who is so so pretty goddamn.
3 favourite ships: this about be so basic but it's booth x brennan!!!, hodgins x angela and cam x arastoo sjfjgs (insert meme of rosa saying i've only had cam x arastoo for two full episodes but i'd kill everyone and then myself if anything happened to them)
Least favourite character: can i use serial killers here?? bc it's definitely heather taffet. ALSO oliver wells. i've seen one episode with him so far and that's enough to know that i HATE his guts <3
Least favourite ship: BRENNAN AND MICHEAL STYRES !!!!! micheal styres u will rot in hell
Reason why I watch it: it's my current hyperfixation it is SO good it's a crime show with a consulant what do u think i'm gonna do?? not get obessed with it? no but actually, it's sooo good and it's an interesting view on crimes and also history you usually don't get in media!! *slaps bones* this show can fit so much neurodivergence in it !!
Why I started watching it: it's been kind of a bumpy road cause i started it like four times before i was like this is great tv but it was definitely due to @constellationclarke cause we watched bones when we met up last year <3 and then also you ellie for making the whole watching experience so much fun <3
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tater-toph · 3 years
I wanna know how Arastoo and Cam got together so baddddd!!!
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kategorema · 4 years
Bones tends to have the women propose to their men and i love that for us
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thatnamelessblogger · 4 years
Bones Season 11 (2015)
its dumb how much i like Aubrey . hes so weird and i love how he loves food and him and Squinern Warren
this tv show loves baiting, Cam x Arastoo, Cam x Sebastian, then Cam x Arastoo again
yeah Hodgins was a jerk after the incident. def needed therapy. but im glad he got his attitude and his hair is back
def dont care abt Booth + Parker + siblings anymore
more thoughts under the cut!
11x01 The Loyalty in the Lie
they srsly tried to make us believe Booth is dead? hahahaa
lmao Jareds marriage didnt last and he ded now? shocker
tbh idc abt Booth anymore
11x09 The Cowboy in the Contest
undercover Booth x Bones in the wild west!
11x10 The Doom in the Boom
they srsly expect us to believe Aubreys going to die?? LOL 
and they srsly want to make us this 4 people died in the explosion when Hodgins survived like 3 ft away??? ahhahaha nd then he went to work immediately without rest?? 
omgg ik Hodgins wasnt ok. hes paralyzed? im so shook 
11x13 The Monster in the Closet
yo this is the start of some creepy ass serial killer
omg new profiler chick is crazy cutting herself
11x18 The Movie in the Making
love documentary style
11x20 The Stiff in the Cliff
omg they really expect us to believe the team didnt know Clark was on that expedition when theres an exhibit in the Jeffersonian! and they had all the evidence conveniently located at the Jeffersonian! wow sht writing!
11x22 The Nightmare within the Nightmare
omg creepy serial killer is back! Puppito  . i love it
i thought it was the goddamn psychologist. what a creep
def shouldve dragged out finding Zack . hes too smart BUT OMG GREAT CLIFFHANGER!!!
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onscreenkisses · 5 years
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BONES + wedding kisses
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