#can season 7 come out already pls...
livwritesstuff · 3 months
for @steddie-week day 7 (a day late bc sunday errands got a lil out of control)
this is a sneak peek of an upcoming fic (vibe is slow burn TV co-stars Steddie feat. denial of feelings, a betrayal, and chaotic misuse of social media) and I am Very Excited (that being said pls don't ask about a timeline bc I don't have a clue 😅)
tags: modern day, famous au, actor!steve, actor/singer!eddie, pre-relationship, fake dating (kind of)
The real point of no return in all this, Eddie knows, was the call with PR.
It – as in, having a little fun with the ridiculous dating rumors about him and Steve that had started floating around early on during the press tour for the TV show they'd filmed together last year – was all just a fun little joke until he woke up to a GCal invite in his inbox from the studio’s PR team and ended up on a thirty minute call where a bunch of random suits with fake-ass smiles laughed and said wouldn’t it be funny – wouldn’t it be a goddamn laugh-riot – if you guys played into the rumors? Just for the press tour?
(Just while we can profit off it?)
Yeah. Eddie knows the real motive here but his sense of self-preservation is, like, broken or something (defective at the very least) and he’s always down for a spectacle, so the second he sees Steve nodding his agreement, he agrees too.
It takes less than an hour for PR to send out an updated press schedule, one that now had Eddie paired with Steve at basically every opportunity, which…Eddie feels torn two ways about because, like, it’s an ensemble show. He’d actually really like to do some of this press stuff with Robin and Nancy too. On the other hand, all jokes aside, Eddie does have a pretty pathetic crush on Steve Harrington, so he sort of wants to clock all the hours with him as he can before the show comes out and all this comes to an end, when their paths will separate once again and remain that way probably forever (or until the show gets renewed for a second season, but that’ll be up in the air for a while).
And yes, Eddie sees the irony in the situation. Look – it’s not like he wanted to have a crush on this guy.
Their characters are practically brothers, and Eddie had been on enough sets to know that coming off a project even just being friends with castmates isn’t a walk in the park in and of itself.
Sure, Harrington’s cute – Eddie had noticed it the second they met, but he’d noticed it in kind of a clinical, detached way, like how he could hold an opinion on how good-looking one girl is from the next even if it didn’t do anything for him. He knew that Steve’s a good-looking dude, but more importantly, he’s an honest-to-god good person. Eddie wasn’t even thinking about being anything other than Steve’s friend because he could recognize the kind of privilege that alone is.
So, yeah. No crush on Steve Harrington in sight – not in the beginning, anyway, and not during the entire filming process. Then they started to film all the promo material, and the press tour had kicked off with an eight hour press junket, and after that very first interview (a fifteen minute sit-down with an entertainment talk show), Eddie had turned and asked Steve if he’d fucked up at all (because this is first time on a project big enough to have a real press tour and, seriously, he had no goddamn context for how any of this shit was supposed to go). Steve had just smiled and kicked his ankle and told him he did good and to stop worrying.
And something about that – the little kick to his ankle – had Eddie’s heart turning over like he was part of those trashy romance novels he outright refused to pick up (even though he’d put in a fair bit of time ogling the men on the covers as a horny, closeted teenager).
Oh, fuck, he’d remembered thinking.
Stop it, he’d tried to tell his heart or his brain or whoever else could be responsible for the feelings that were creeping in.
But it was already too late.
It only took a couple hours after the call with PR for Eddie to wonder if he might have made a mistake.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” Eddie asked after scrolling through a thread of comments on a clip of an interview that made its way over to TikTok (the thread started with i’ve never seen steve look at anyone like that before and he stopped scrolling after won’t waste my time watching now with an anxious feeling swirling in his gut).
“Huh?” Steve blinked at him.
“I mean,” he paused, “Not every straight guy would be cool with the whole world thinking there’s something going on between him and his gay coworker.”
And Steve had merely shrugged.
“I really don’t think the whole world is tuning into the press tour for some nerdy doomsday show,” he had replied, and then he’d added, “And whoever said I’m straight?”
As if that hadn’t blown Eddie’s whole goddamn mind.
So…fuck it. What’s the worst that could happen?
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safetycar-restart · 3 months
had some random lando thoughts today so enjoy my brain dump in your ask box
imagine lando coming back from traveling with you all winter break and having to start his training sessions back up before pre-season testing. you aren’t allowed to come (because bullshit mclaren rules or something) so he has to go alone.
and poor baby is so sad. it’s only an hour or two out of his day but he’s seen you pretty much 24/7 the last three months so obviously this will not do. so the obvious solution is to make jon’s life hell. lando pretty much just pouts and whines the entire training session, refusing to do pretty much any exercise. so jon pretty quickly says fuck the rules and tells you to come next time so maybe they can get something done.
and poor, poor jon. with you there, lando is perfectly happy to do his exercises. except he needs a forehead kiss and to be told what a good boy he is between every set. so now workouts take twice the time because he refuses to move on to the next thing before he’s gotten what he deems an adequate amount of praise
he also only wants to you change his weight or tell him how many sets/reps he has left. so after a few days of this nonsense jon just hands you the notebook with his program for the day written on it and lets you guide lando through while he supervises
just gremlin lando and his need to be coddled and praised constantly. it’s a good thing jon loves him, otherwise he’d have killed him
Pls spoilt subby Lando is my favourite Lando, it just suits him so well.
It’s a well known fact that Lando is a high maintenance dramatic little shit who requires plenty of attention and hugs and kisses and will pout dramatically and give you the silent treatment at the most minor of inconveniences.
Lando was absolutely thriving during the break. He got to be as needy and demanding as he wanted to be, got to be with you the entire time and was so so happy and felt so good.
So when he goes back to training and you aren’t there? Oh no.
John knows the moment Lando walks through the door that this is gonna be tough. He can tell already that Lando is entering annoyed and upset and he knows there’s no way that mood will change during the session.
So yeah John gives up and asks you to come the next session between if he has to deal with a pouty Lando one more time, one of them is gonna end up in the ER.
Lando is, of course, in an absolutely wonderful mood when you come with him the next time and he’s on his best behaviour. Which also drives John insane because now he sounds like a mad man complaining about how difficult Lando was last time.
But yes absolutely Lando would like a forehead kiss after every set and at some point John just writes it all down and leaves because he knows this will get done quicker if you did it alone.
In conclusion, that little shit is lucky he’s cute.
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soobibabe · 4 months
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tubatu world domination
6 members - 6 active
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soobin: do you guys ever think about beomgyu: no
soobin: damn can i FINISH my STATEMENT
you: to be fair you were typing like a snail i saw it with my own eyes
kai: i think what you were thinking soobin
soobin: thanks kai
yeonjun: wym 'saw it with my own eyes' ??? YOURE WITH HIM@:@::#*# PKSIMABOUT TOTHROW UP
you: i told you guys i was gonna go to the mall today ?
beomgyu: guys man or bear hehehhhhehehhhheeh>.<<<<<
taehyun: y/n reply to my dm pls.
soobin: because im just cunty like that. lolz
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you: @gyu ummm probably bear
beomgyu: HEHHEEHHEH you want me so bad
kai: what kind of bear
taehyun: y/n?
you: guys isnt that so weird!!! a blank chat keeps popping up!!!???
soobin: your phones probably broken
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brokxn like me... 🥀
yeonjun: i could take a bear
beomgyu: no thx peace and love but FOK no
kai: why isnt anyone questioning this odd taehyun behavior
you: who behavior?? never heard of it sry
yeonjun: taehyun like taehyun your bandmate... early dementia signs i fear now ditch soobin lets go get you checked up ^.^ beomgyu: shes upset because tyun said he was too busy to go out with her today
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taehyun: i really was busy. pdnim called me in for a meeting about the next Academy Reincarnation season.
you: k
soobin: me personally if i got hit with a k by txts silliest member i would kms lowk
yeonjun: i'd get hard idk
kai: can we put him on a speaking ban again
beomgyu: why hasnt soobin gotten one yet hes always talking anf talking anf talking and talking AND HES A NERD LIKE DAMN!!!!!!!!!! PICK A STUGGLE!!!!!!!!!!
soobin: yk youre so nice to me when were alone...
yeonjun: 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
kai: 👀
taehyun: y/n reply to me me and i'll buy you whatever you want from prada
you: im their ambassador you twat
taehyun: right, yes sorry i forgot how about i bring you flowers and [your favourite food] to the dorm later?
you: deal
kai: HEY WTF ITS THST EASY? the last time you were mad at me you didnt talk to me for a whole SIX HOURS EVEN AFTER I APOLOGISED ON MY KNEES
beomgyu: guys if you weren't already an idol under bighit which bts member would you date
you: all 7
taehyun: jungkook
soobin: jin no wait hobi lowkey he's a cutie
beomgyu: you have to choose ONE y/n
yeonjun: jimin or tae kook is cool but i probably wouldn't be able to handle his fans
you: no ur so right actually i could not handle dating another idol LMFAOO
soobin: ???? wdym i spoke with ur mum already she gave me her blessings we can date :3 even as idols heheheheh you: she did not
soobin: did tooooooo
you: nuh uh when did you even meet her
taehyun: he's lying i was there
yeonjun: hahaha liar liar pants on fire
you: when the hell did you guys meet my mom
kai: well SOMEONE left us on a cliffhanger last week and didn't tell us who she was dating so we did the next best thing...
yeonjun:yea!!!!!!! tell them queen!!!!!!! why did you guys not invite me. fake fucks.
soobin: something about how she thought you were a lesbian so she doesn't even know what we're talking about
you: well shes not half wrong
taehyun: anywho she did NOT give ANY blessings to anyone however she did say that you were getting older and needed to get more serious about future planning cause all you put your effort into is work
soobin: that was basically her speaking in maternal code for "hey you can marry my daughter once contracts are terminated" trust me id know
kai: maternal code?
soobin: yep im an expert
beomgyu: what the fuck does that even mean
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taehyun: sometimes i wonder about the state of your mental wellbeing soobin: you just need to match my 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 you wouldn't get it. yeonjun: taehyun gets our freak soobin 💯 he's the one who suggested recording the killa with our shirts off.. fucking freak
you: i suggested that actually :3 but tyun suggested the lights off for tinnitus
beomgyu: you make me sick beomgyu left tubatu world domination kai: never a moment of peace in this household…
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A/N: this has been marinating in my drafts and i HATE it but i need to get rid of it 🤔🤔🙏🏼💯🔥 pls accept this scrap cause i may be a little burnt out 😭😭🤣🤣😜👊
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paopaupaus · 2 months
part 6 of The Buddie Development by moi ->
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
S2:E17 Careful What You Wish For
This is the part where we get more into the development and less into the Buddie, but i’m willing to jot down anything that seems relevant, just for you 😚 Eddie is happy, Shannon (Chris’s mom) is being present, Christopher is happy, they are having a good day at the beach, but when inevitably Shannon asks “what are we?” Eddie gets doubts, he is indecisive about making the relationship that he “always wanted” and what seems easy, official.
Eddie is working on his marriage, and asks Buck if he has to remarry since they were separated, but Buck tells him it’d be better if he asks Bobby since he’s the one who knows about that stuff.
At this point, i don’t think either of them realize they have a man-crush on each other. Wanting to kiss you friend against a wall isn’t fruity, right? we’re just really good friends 🥰
S2:E18 Life As We Choose
This is one of my least favorite episodes cause Buck gets crushed by the firetruck :”( i couldn’t help but notce that Eddie went in the ambulance ride with him, even though the paramedics (Hen and Chim) were already there and he didn’t have any need to be there. remember only one official family member is allowed to go in the ambulance, Bobby stayed behind, but not Eddie. do you think he held Buck’s hand? 😫✋
~days later~ When they’re at the station the team welcomes Bobby (after he almost got fired), and Hen says “things are finally getting back to the way they should be” and trust Eddie to look sad and say “almost” ☹️😔
When Maddie is going to take Buck to Eddie’s ceremony for finishing his probation period she says that he shouldn’t go because he should focus on his health, but Buck is keen on going and says that it is more important. and i think it’s such a cute moment when they are about to hug and they have to work around the crutches, doing like a little awkward dance.
S3:E1 Kids Today
5 months have passed and Buck is just about to get re-certified to be a firefighter, but he throws multiple clots and can’t come back, here comes the hard stuff 😭😤
When Buck refuses to get out of bed and out of his loft for weeks, Eddie (obviously) is the one who goes and forces him out. He knows how to work Buck, so he leaves Christpoher to be looked after for the day, Eddie to Chris: “he’s hanging out with HIS Buck todaaayy!” grinning so wide.
And not Buck working out his issues career wise with Chris😭 he’s such a child you guys.
S3:E2-3 Sink or Swim/The Searchers
hi guys. um… i can’t see through my tears. i have to warn you if you plan on watching season 3 be ready for the tsunami episodes, i haven’t stop crying pls send help. i don’t even know how to explain this but the way that Buck would do AND DID everything and more for Chris is just beyond words, it’s beyond Love. i can’t think of an episode that expresses what Eddie and Chris and Buck have for eachother more than this one. i saw a gif of when Eddie grabs Buck’s shoulder (after the tsunami, back in Buck’s loft, the next day probably) and OP said “if anyone worked that hard to keep eye contact with me i would have to marry them” Eddie phisically follows Bucks line of sight and reassures him that he trusts him more than anyone with his kid/life. 😭
now that the tears have dried and i rewatched the scene i can say that they are so funny together.
Buck: you want Me? to watch Christopher?
Eddie: it’s easy. he’s not very fast.
Buck: i lost him eddie
Eddie: no you saved him. that’s how he remembers it. Now it’s his turn to do the same for you.
Eddie: *reassuring Buck* I’ve failed him more times than i can count, and i’m his father, but i love him enough to keep trying and i know you do too, Buck. there’s nobody in this world who i trust with my son more than you.
I’m in love with these two idiots. i had never connected so much with fictional characters, and it is not just them but the whole cast in 911, they are doing and amazing job 🫶 so that is it for this post, hope you like it, and comment your opinions so we can talk!
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feministsouthpark · 3 months
South Park Filler Guide - Season 8
Link for Seasons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PLS my analysis will have spoilers, if you’re a first time viewer, just scroll to the bottom and read the list and only read full text if you are familiar with the content of the show already! S8E1 Good Times with Weapons is FILLER
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Yes! Everyone's favorite season premiere is a filler, baby! It was fun, we sang, we cried, in the end Butters never has a scar on his eye again. S8E2 Up the Down Steroid is LORE
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We have a new tradition, which is that after last season's Krazy Kripples, we'll have a new Jimmy episode every year! And this is the first time we meet Nathan and the rest of the special education kids. S8E3 The Passion of the Jew is FILLER
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I wanted to tell you this one was canon, because the season has constant mentions of Passion of the Christ so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. S8E4 AWESOM-O is FILLER
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Sooo if every anime filler was as good as these ones, the filler guides most likely wouldn't exist (or they would, because humans), but again, what we have is a self-contained story. S8E5 You Got F'd in the A is FILLER
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At one point I might have convinced myself that what I'm doing with this recap makes some kind of sense, but alas, it doesn't. This became an episodic show and we miss out on all the best episodes. Why am I lamenting at You Got F'd instead of Good Times with Weapons? Because I'm a loose cannon with no regard for the law. That may be true, but I get the job done, God damn it. S8E6 The Jeffersons is CANON
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No other Mr. Jefferson episode came out while Michael was still alive. As a hologram he later references his name being Jefferson again, but this one only ads a little more context to that. This one also pretty much introduced the new cops of South Park. S8E7 Goobacks is FILLER
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Yes, Darryl and the Took our jobs meme are here, but it will return in enough episodes to still be understood. S8E8 Douche and Turd is CANON
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What a great election episode! We get town lore (Stephen with the ram's horn again) and an allegory that will return in a big way later. S8E9 Something Walmart This Way Comes is FILLER
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I regularly forget this one exists and doesn't make a difference at all. Sorry, got too subjective. Objectively this is an episode with a simple message and without a larger scope for the show. S8E10 Pre-School is FILLER
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Trent Boyett never returned. But if you think about it, he is one of the boys' greatest foes. I wish one of the specials was a follow-up of the 15 year old versions of the characters meeting Trent again. If everything else fails, THAT would bring me back and change my classifications! S8E11 Quest for Ratings is FILLER
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One time the boys played cops. They even played musicians. Now they play newsreaders. Only Jimmy is in for the long-run and he will get episodes that focus on that individually. S8E12 Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset is CANON
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Not just because it's a follow-up to Death Camp of Tolerance, that in itself wouldn't be enough. But Paris also has an extended role in a specific later episode I mentioned a lot, but never dropped. It's 200 by the way. And 201. Now I am a bit picky of which ones to include if we got no other clue for an episode. The show never got to 200 celebrities at that point. Also, some of them were in that episode first. So only the most prominent ones get their debuts counted as canon ones by default. S8E13 Cartman's Incredible Gift is CANON
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A character dies. Harrison Yates gets more role here as a detective, slowly drifting away from Barbrady. S8E14 Woodland Critter Christmas is FILLER
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It's just in Eric's mind. Some of you are already mad at me for this. Some of you will only get it later and be mad at me in the season 11 post.
Again, CANON means you should watch it, FILLER means you can skip it, LORE is somewhere in-between, any episode with the LORE label will have an explanation that helps you decide if you should include it or not. S8E1 Good Times with Weapons is FILLER S8E2 Up the Down Steroid is LORE* S8E3 The Passion of the Jew is FILLER S8E4 AWESOM-O is FILLER S8E5 You Got F'd in the A is FILLER S8E6 The Jeffersons is CANON S8E7 Goobacks is FILLER S8E8 Douche and Turd is CANON S8E9 Something Walmart This Way Comes is FILLER S8E10 Pre-School is FILLER S8E11 Quest for Ratings is FILLER S8E12 Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset is CANON S8E13 Cartman's Incredible Gift is CANON S8E14 Woodland Critter Christmas is FILLER
*Casually introduces the special ED kids
CANON counter:
S1: 9 out of 13  S2: 3 out of 18  S3: 6 out of 18  S4: 10 out of 17  S5: 8 out of 14  S6: 11 out of 17 S7: 6 out of 15 S8: 4 out of 14
Overall: 57 out of 126
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lov-eable · 2 years
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TELL ME  ֗ ˖ ࣪ ᩠ ༉‧₊˚ ✿ #07
━━ a filmmaker decides to follow and document the lives of the worst and best students at your school for a month, unfortunately, those students are you and chishiya, the most annoying guy on earth.
masterlist ◌*ꕤ
word count ✦ 2608
A/N: hello lovesssss, happy valentines day ꒰^__^꒱ྀི this is one of my fav days as im a certified lover girl (im single tho...). hope u like this chapter its my fav one so far (and the largest one too!!) :] not proofread pls excuse any mistakes
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06/13/18 7:19
You woke up energised and refreshed for the first time in months, you had slept so well that you panicked as you assumed you slept in and were late for school. It was not as if you were never late, you would normally arrive towards the end of morning assembly but you felt as if it was around noon. However, as you checked the time, you noticed it was even earlier than when you usually woke up. It was also the first time since the start of the shooting that you didn’t have a nightmare about Chishiya cutting your head off or so.
“What are you doing here? It’s not even eight in the morning, are you a ghost?” Kuina said as you took a seat in front of her. As soon as you got up from bed, you got ready and decided to pay her a visit. She would always eat breakfast at the same convenience store alone since both you and Arisu were still sleeping, occasionally not-as-close friends like Tatta or Saori would join her but that was it. That’s why she found it strange to see you there, “oh, Kuina, I missed you too,” you said mockingly while you grabbed her tuna sandwich to take a bite.
“Yesterday you declined my offer to get ice cream, then ignored all my texts and disappeared on me, I’m the one who should be offended,” she took her sandwich out of your hands after hitting you in the forehead with her fingers, “is there something I have to be aware of?” you tried sipping on her tea but she clutched it in her hands before you even had the opportunity to take it, humming as she was expecting your answer. “Nothing happened, I just needed some alone time… Eat your sandwich before I devour it,” you replied, frowning. She seemed dissatisfied with your answer but she had to accept it. She could never know about the Chishiya-spicy noodles lunch situation.
You took your usual seat next to Chishiya, he was studying for the coming test, like the rest of your classmates. You weren’t aware of the date of this test, or its existence to begin with, it was noticeable as you tried greeting everyone as loud as always, but they shushed you right away. Everyone was so into studying but your eyes were on Chishiya, everyone was trying so hard but there was something different about him.
“Guys…” you muttered after taking a bite of your strawberry cookies, Kuina and Arisu looked at you expectantly, “can someone lose their mind from studying too much?” Kuina choked on the biscuits she was eating, “what do you mean?”. “I mean, you know how everyone studies so hard during exam season? It looks stressful. They look like exhausted marathon runners who are sprinting to the finish line… I feel really bad for them and I can’t quite understand them,” Arisu grabbed one of your cookies, “of course you can’t understand them, the last time you studied was in 2009…” Kuina poked his cheek, causing him to spit some crumbs of the cookie, “don’t act all mighty, you’re not even in the top 100 students”.
Before they had the opportunity to start quarrelling, you continued talking, “as I was saying, I feel really bad for them,” you had their attention once again, “but he is a bit different. He’s like someone who’s at the starting line of a speed car race… with the confidence of someone who’s won, like, 100 trophies already. He’s not nervous like everyone else, he seems excited,” you nibbled on the last cookie you had, “he reminds me of this one character of the manga with mortal games you like, Arisu,” he sipped his coke, “who are you talking about?”.
“You know, the one that resembles the Cheshire cat,” he turned to you, holding back the urge to facepalm himself, “no, no, I know which character, who were you talking about in the first part of your monologue,” “oh, uh… Chishiya”. Kuina and Arisu eyed each other, confused about your sudden words, some days ago you wouldn’t even pronounce his name, nor let them pronounce it. But there you were, letting them know your analysis as if you had profoundly stared at him for hours, or days. 
“Wait, are you talking about him like a human being and not only an evil mastermind who solely exists to make you miserable?” Kuina said in a half-mocking half-confused tone, you had realized too late that you were digging your own grave. “Weren’t you so mad at him you were trying to convince me to throw eggs at his house?” you hoped Arisu would have forgotten about that silly plan you had made, “guys, maybe I was overreacting… I’m still mad at him though,” you tried to save your own butt, “and I don’t know who are you mistaking me for because I would never do that, that’s so childish,” he lightly punched you in the arm, “that’s literally what I told you yesterday”.
“Who are you? Is Y/N in there?” Kuina shook you, holding you by your shoulders. “Wait, maybe you are… maturing! I’m so proud of my baby,” she said, hugging you so hard you almost couldn’t breathe, “hey! Do not act as you raised her, she’s my child!” Arisu said like a whole single mother to then hug you as tightly as Kuina was doing, you tried your best to shout at them ‘leave me alone’ but they hugged even tighter. You could not escape, so the three of you started laughing.
When you got out of school, the sun had already set. As soon as the mandatory after-school studies were done, most students would run away to spend time at the near park or at some convenience store, only a small group would keep studying until their eyelids could not stay open any longer, or until the janitor would tell them it was already too late to stay out of their houses. One of the most remarkable people in this group was, as expected, Chishiya.
He was a complicated person, as much as you tried, he was hard to understand. He said he did not like tryhards, but he was studying his ass off every day for hours. What was his definition of ‘tryhard’? Maybe he didn’t have anything else to do, or he did not like being home. You could not stop creating hypotheses as the image of him so concentrated still lingered in your mind. You were some blocks away from the school with a larger group of friends than usual, but you did not quite grasp the topic they were talking about, maybe the next reading test? 
It did not matter anymore when you told them to go first and you ran off to the school. You left them behind without much of a thought, and they brushed it off assuming you had forgotten something of value -maybe a book or your special notebook-, that was for everyone except Kuina. She stopped for a second to look at you sprinting down the path travelled before, only continuing with her own when the others told her to hurry up. You had been acting so weird and she wouldn’t let it go.
But it was none of your concern, for now. You were looking for Chishiya, why? Only god knew, not even you were sure of the answer. Lucky enough, you did not have to search for long, he was staring at the sports field up from the balcony. You approached him after grabbing an energy drink you always kept in your bag and then throwing the latter against a pillar. “It’s been a while since I studied like this, I’m so tired,” you stretched exaggeratedly, “I bought this for myself, but if you really want, you can have the drink,” he side-eyed you before replying, “you read a novel instead of studying the whole time… And no, thanks,” you left the drink on the floor next to you, defeated but tried to hide it away, “oh, okay, better for me”.
Silence wrapped you both. It was just silence, at least for you. As you caught some glimpses of him, you noticed he was blinking delicately and slowly, maintaining his eyes closed for some seconds. He did look like a cat. “You know, I saw something really scary a little while ago,” he remained silent, “there was someone in our class who was smiling while they studied,” you took the energy drink from the floor and opened it, taking a sip, “at first I thought it was some sort of ghost,” another sip, “does studying become fun when you’re the top scoring student?”.
“Studying for entrance exams is never fun,” huh, he was actually answering and not yelling at you to leave him alone, “but the harder you work, the more options there are for you to choose from,” he smirked, “thinking of all the possible choices I have is what makes me happy”. “Isn’t it troublesome if there are too many to choose from?” you turned around to lean against the metal bars, “I’m sure too many choices for someone who wants a simple life in a small town would seem troublesome, but for someone who wants to leave it behind… It gives me hope”.
“Do you want to leave the town?” you asked in genuine curiosity, returning to your previous pose, standing a little bit closer to him without noticing it, merely getting a ‘yes’ for an answer. But you were never satisfied with those simple replies, you craved to know more, even if it was Chishiya, “can I know why?”. He seemed surprised before answering, “oh, yeah. Uh, in smaller communities like this, people are so noisy, they are all up in your business” as if his words were a bucket of cold water, they made you notice the reality, his words were most likely targeted towards you, who was invading his personal space. Exceptions couldn’t be made for Chishiya, apparently, all he knew was being mean. 
“Oh, sorry, my comment was not about you, what I meant was mostly older people” oh, it was not about you? And did you hear him say sorry? “it’s nice when people ask you those things, it’s not common” he eyed you and the whole situation felt out of character for him, especially how gentle his words began to sound. “I mean, how do you expect people to ask you these things? You’re always ignoring everyone” he smirked but this one time his smirk was not as insufferable as usual, “I knew you would say something like that. The thing is, I have tried not to ignore them but, most people here are so superficial or just want me to help them achieve perfect scores out of nowhere”.
“Really? I enjoy hanging out with most of them…” your hands were hanging against the metal bars as you were thinking, maybe there was a reason why people were like that to Chishiya. There was always a reason, but it seemed Chishiya was right to ignore them, even if it did not seem right to you. “That’s because there’s nothing to take from you” silence overfilled you as you felt offended before he noticed his mistake, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you, that sounded terrible” he sighed, “what I mean is, if people approach you, it’s because they actually would like to befriend you, not because they need something from you. I guess being loud and overly friendly sometimes does lure people into you”.
“Thanks, I guess?” you both laughed, weird. You never thought Chishiya was capable of laughing, or feeling emotions for that matter. You did not dare to look at him, seeing him laugh would have been like discovering the secret societies of Antarctica. Really weird. “Still, teachers ask you about these things, people are interested in you” you still tried to prove him wrong, “you’re half right, half wrong, teachers do ask me about my future but they aren’t actually interested in me or what I hope to do, they expect me to say ‘Oh, I’ll study medicine to keep my father’s legacy and serve this community’, fuck community”.
“I don’t think I have ever heard you swear, I thought you were a goody two shoes,” you giggled, “I guess we all are victims of bad impressions,” he now joined you in the giggling, but he stopped, “can I make you a question now?” you nodded in answer, “why, or what do you write in your books? I had never seen you do that before and for a moment, I thought you were vandalising a book, but you can’t borrow them from the library”.
“Oh, no, that one book is mine. I buy and annotate books after reading them in the library,” he glared at you, giving you his whole attention and you had to look away, for some reason, “how so?” you gulped before replying, “basically, I read a book in the library, if I like it or had many thoughts while reading it, I buy it and annotate everything I think, my opinions or analysis, do you get it?” he rested his head on his hand, keeping you at a weird distance, “don’t you feel like you are damaging the book?”
“Not really, I mean, sharing knowledge or whatever is an act of love, I want my books to be loved as much as possible,” he smirked at you once again, “you know you are a really weird person, right?” you smirked back at him for the first time ever, maybe, “you smiled while studying, you don’t have the right to be judging me,” you said setting an emphasis on ‘smiled’, you both giggled. Weird night.
That silence set between you again, it was weird and confusing, but overall comforting. It was the singing of the moon and its crickets comforting you, or maybe Chishiya's presence, you didn't know, but you felt the urge to… do something. Just anything. “You know, we both suck at physical activities so, it would be fun if we raced with each other, don’t you think so?” you said while going down the stairs that connected the balcony with the field, but you tripped over your own feet, “are you okay?” you stood up while giving him a thumbs up to show you were fine.
After regaining your composure and cleaning the dirt from your uniform, you asked him again, “what do you think?! The loser has to carry the other's backpack!” you yelled as if he was three floors away from you, it felt like the Romeo and Juliet scene, you were Romeo, of course. “I think I’ll pass this time,” you expected that answer so you started sprinting away from the balcony, “I can’t hear you! I’m already so close to the finish line, I’ll win! I will win against the Chishiya Shuntaro not only once but twice!” he had no choice but to follow you.
A tired Mr. Kyuma left the school’s interior to get some fresh air. He had taken a short nap -okay, maybe not that short- but when he woke up, both you and Chishiya had left the classroom. He was sure you were still there before he had fallen asleep. He was just hoping you had not run away when he fixed his gaze on two students running in the field. He was feeling lucky as he got more content but, maybe memories should be kept as just memories and not videos. Just you, Chishiya and the moon.
tag list: @surshica @enslique @httpsimmy @elernity @eshtravagent @fishisahappydog @kreishin @vernon-dursley @mhyunri @thenightsflower @madjz @saiewithakatana @yeosangiehwa @xiaoishwrites @seloise @justhere105 @naegisimp @mxbrahms @chlooooop @woodandwaxwings @huachengsbestie01 @hy0ukka @cupofcappuccino
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nanabrainrot · 1 year
Can we pretty pls get another Dulce De Leche drabble??
BABEE ur so cute for coming to my blog for this but dulce is the creation of @richeeduvie ! I had a drabble in my docs
wc: 704
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“The oil’s a bit strong, don’t you think?”
The evenings were probably unsettling to an outsider: you sat on the bed (with a rope tied to your ankle) while Leonel brushed out your hair for the night as Marco put some drops of peppermint oil in the humidifier. The trio donned similar colors of burgundy in a strange color coordinated pajama set that left the two men in boxers and you in the burgundy briefs version with a bralette. Then Leonel catches a knot.
“Ack! Leo, be careful! The hair knots closer to the root…” you muttered as you leaned a bit forward to show him the little knot near the roots. He grunted in an apologetic tone as Marco lumbered lazily to the comically large bed you three shared. The television purred static lowly behind the telenovela, which featured a cliffhanger you’d inevitably stay up to watch since they kept missing the most interesting episodes - you had to keep rewatching season 7 so they could understand what was happening and didn’t miss that they kept forgetting when they got back from jobs by the furrow of their brows. 
Leonel’s hands collect three thick strands to start tying your hair into a thick braid and leaving it for you to do as you wished; he just liked to braid it for busying his hands while drinking in the closeness of you. You usually preferred a bun or something tight to sleep in so his (choppy) handiwork was usually undone fairly quickly after he did it.
Leonel’s hand finds the lamp’s cord and tugs it to turn it off by the nightstand and leaving you and Marco bathed in the light of the television. As the episode closes, you crawl back to the headboard with a yawn as you watch the two men settle under the covers as they went about their own ways of ending the day. The subtle differences despite their overarching similarities never failed to make you smile a little. 
Marco slept with socks on and always spritzed the room with a sleep spray you insisted he try (which worked like a charm: blessed be lavender blends) and never wore a shirt to sleep. He tended to put on some deodorant and sit with his back against the headboard to watch the television with you. Settling next to him at the headboard, you watched Leonel shuffle around in his own routine.
The tank top he wore was spritzed with a musky body spray (but not a cologne, that was too expensive to waste) and he tossed his socks into his compartment of the hamper that was divided into three sections. His to the left, yours in the middle, and Marco’s to the right. You knew it was Marco’s because his clothes were hanging out of it and a sock was on the floor whereas Leonel tended to try and keep his items from looking unkempt just as to be aware of neatness with a lady in the house
He hums a low noise of contentment as he settles into a spot below your arm like a bird nestled beneath a wing and laying his head on your chest to relish in your warmth. His hand rubs circles on the exposed skin of your belly, appreciating the soft tissue at your midsection with loving pets. Marco, already settled in, presses a kiss to your temple - a goodnight kiss. You felt him struggling to stay up to finish the last twenty minutes as you watched the episode with alert eyes as the duo kept nodding off.
Their snores are only a little distracting from the screen at the end of the room. The voices become background noise as you start to sink into the collection of pillows of foam and feature and draped in the warmth of men and throws. Settled into the duvet, the air conditioner purrs a low hiss at 65 degrees and the fan blows fast on you three: bathed in the warmth of them, they take special care to keep you comfortable when sandwiched between the heat radiators of men. The episode ends and you are lulled into a dreamless sleep, breathing even breaths with two soft snores from each side.
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strandnreyes · 11 months
jen, i've been trying to think of something super unhinged for nice ask week and i haven't been able to think of anything. so here's my shit excuse for nice ask week and sorry that you might have to look some of these up. please rank these fictional vampires in order from least want to befriend to most want to befriend AND ALSO from not-est to hottest (others opinions are welcome - this is MY ask, MY rules - just kidding pls post this jen, i worked so hard on it):
1. count dracula, dracula (specifically, the 1992 adaptation of the novel in which gary oldman - admittedly, my older gentleman crush - plays dracula)
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2. stefan salvatore, the vampire diaries
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3. damon salvatore, the vampire diaries (had to ask for both brothers, come on)
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4. laurent, twilight (u know i think he is a lil something something)
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5. daddy cullen i mean carlisle cullen, twilight
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6. dakota fanning looking extremely slay, twilight
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7. spike, buffy the vampire slayer
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8. count von count, seasame street
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9. eric northman, true blood
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10. bella swan, vampiric edition, twilight
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11. blade, blade
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12. me.
hello, lola. first let me start by saying here is a different vampire ranking without a definition of best, just vibes (you create one vampire au and suddenly this is your whole life). I am not rereading it though, so no promises that I'm not about to contradict myself
I appreciate how hard you worked on asking this, so I hope you appreciate how hard I worked on answering it
Least want to befriend to most want to befriend:
damon - he seems like a walking red flag, he really does
2. dakota fanning - I respect a girlboss but I do think she would kill me after one wrong move. would constantly have a tummy ache, stressed to the max.
3. spike - I have never seen buffy, but google tells me he was a villain. have to play it safe here
4. bella - I'm so sorry bella but I think you would annoy me
5. blade - I really tried looking him up to give an honest friend ranking, but there were so many version?? is it a comic? a movie? a tv show? idk I got confused therefore he defaults to the middle of the list
6. laurent - one of the nicer members of his little posse (unlike that bitch james). might try to kill me but a good sob story would probably get me out of it
7. count dracula - i just read his backstory. that's so tragic, I think he could use a friend
8. carlisle - turning a bunch of teenagers into vampires when they were on their death bed is a little odd, but he had good intentions. and now look at the house he provides for them like I'll move in no questions asked
9. stefan - admittedly have only seen a few seasons of tvd, but he seems to have some kind of morals so that's always a good place to start for a friendship
10. eric - "calculating yet loyal and generally willing to absolve those that aggravate him, unless they have grievously crossed him. However, he is fiercely vindictive towards anyone who harms or threatens those he loves". thank you, trueblood.fandom.com. If I'm befriending all of these vampires, making him a top priority seems like a good choice
11. count von count - he has a cat. I'm using him and abusing our friendship for that. sorry count
12. lola - who shouldn't (?) be on this list (unless you have a secret to tell)
okay hotness below the cut because this is already too long
Least hot to most hot
1. dakota fanning (jane) - default to last because she is a child lmao
2. count von count - he is a cartoon (puppet? I don't know). I feel like there is only one right answer here and it is to put him in the second least hot position (unless that's your thing. you do you)
3. damon - this man creeps me out. I don't know if it's the eyes or what but again, bad vibes. stay away from her (elena), old man!
4. count dracula - willy wonka looking vampire. sorry to your older gentleman crush. you can keep him
5. eric northman - I do not know this man but he is giving 'just some guy' with a little bit of finance bro
6. bella - one too many awkward smiles while tucks her hair behind her ear moments, you know?
7. spike - cheek bones are cheek boning. some may say too much though. hair is giving 90s boy band. although for his time I can excuse it
8. carlisle cullen - not the biggest dilf in twilight, but an important one
9. laurent - unfortunate that you didn't pick the picture where he rolls up with his jacket undone and no shirt underneath. what an entrance. he also gets hotness points because laurent is a very good vampire name
10. stefan salvatore - the objectively better brother based on my limited knowledge. good picture. love a henley moment. look at those forearms.
11. blade - I don't know this man, but I would like to.
*you can't be ranked on the hotness scale because you did not provide a picture. sorry ;)
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sisterofficerlucychen · 6 months
Hi bestie!! I have a couple questions for you. 1) Do you think we are going to get a season 7 renewal? 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞Waiting for a renewal announcement is always the worst part (such anxiety) followed by waiting the next episode to air. 2)If we do get a season 7 renewal what would like you like to see happen between Chenford? Also other characters on the show?
hello ♡ oooh, great questions! thank u ♡
for your first question, 100%. i don't think it's a matter of if at this point but when. from what's been discussed in the fandom so far, it's likely they're still renegotiating contracts and that's why. i genuinely hope cast and crew get raises because of how the shows popularity has skyrocketed which i would imagine if they do, then that might take a little longer to negotiate? the earliest we've gotten a renewal was end of march (season 5) then mid-april (season 6) with the rest of the announcements being mid-may. i really do think they'll announce s7 within the next few weeks but if not, likely by mid-may we'll get that announcement. it's one of abc's most successful tv's shows currently on air, every episode for season 6 on hulu has placed within the top 15 most watched for the day, every episode since 5x10 has trended on tumblr, and they continue to have a steady social media growth — and this is all aside from actual viewership numbers because idk where to find those or understand them lmao.
for your second question, aksdlfsalf i wanna say so many things??? ngl i got v excited by the question and blanked out a little but i think —
for chenford:
chenford proposal toward the end of season 7. i think if we get a full 22 episodes, having that happen next season would be a good amount of time in between them starting to date to a proposal but if not, at the very least have them move in together.
i will always want to throw hands at vanessa and patrick chen but i need a scene with them meeting tim because i imagine that being a shit show and the angst to come out of it speaks to my soul like can you imagine tim also standing up for lucy like jackson did??? or lucy just being done with them and realizing she is enough because she now knows what it's like to be supported and loved unconditionally?????
i want chenford to baby sit the wopez little ones 😭😭😭 let me set the scene real quick: they're babysitting and jack wants to play hide and seek and begrudgingly tim agrees and when it's lucy and jack's turn to hide, tim finds lucy but they lose jack because imagine how funny this would be as a running gag? like they lost jordy at the station, then they lost celina at the hospital (she was their boot for the day, i'm counting it lol), and then if they lost jack in his house? 😂
DOUBLE DATE, DOUBLE DATE — wait, correction — TRIPLE DATE, TRIPLE DATE! gimme chenford, wopez, and jyla date night. we already saw chenford on a double date not as a couple ... how would it change now that they are one? 😉
lucy going feral over tim being hurt pls and thank u. now that we've gotten 2 hospital scenes with lucy, i say we need to get another one with tim so they're even again haha.
for everyone else:
i want to preface that the timeline is a mess so i don't know what year in school she's in but tamara graduating college and the mid-wildshire gang showing up at her graduation/celebrating her (so really whatever season this happens at).
BABY GIRL WOPEZ NAME???? i saw somewhere that it may be unlikely that we get her name this season??? which is so funny to me but yeah, eventually would love to know what to actually call her if we don't get it by the end of s6.
i know i'm in the small percentage that wants this to happen but i'm still lowkey shipping the besties. i'm a sucker for the friends to lover trope and wouldn't mind having another slow burn to squeal over.
nolan to become an actual good training officer and stop letting his ego get in the way. he's not a good to and i hate how he's been painted as "the best" when he's done it for like five seconds lmao.
IF celina is still in her rookie year, more of celina with tim as her training officer plus lucy. that trio was fun.
MORE LUNA GREY, MORE LUNA GREY!!!!! she's so underrated and i love how she's been popping up a little bit more this season. i hope they keep including her in different plots
i feel like i could go on but it feels like it's starting to become a lengthy list haha. but those are some things that come to mind ♡
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dangerpronebuddie · 9 months
hi!! you said in tags on a recent post that they were foreshadowing something happening to eddie! could you pls tell me when you thought this, as i’m intrigued lol
Hello anon! 🥰
You're going to think I'm delulu by the end of this. If you don't already lol 😅
For starters, 9-1-1 loves playing the long game when it comes to foreshadowing. Eddie's shooting and the lead up to his breakdown started in his first episode.
I mean, we had "I've just done it while people are shooting at me is all" in 2x01 and "At least nobody's shooting at us" in the crossover. And! Eddie's insistence that the universe does not scream.
All the military related accidents and the entirety of the Shannon arc and 3x15 and... pretty much everything that happened to that poor man lead to his breakdown.
But the foreshadowing for what I thought was going to happen (which didn't 😕) started in 4x14 with none other than the legal guardian conversation.
I mentioned that I thought something was going to happen to Eddie and/or Chris. Like with the shooting, whatever that something is has been building for a few seasons.
Now, I love the legal guardian thing. There's so many layers to it, not to mention how they look at each other through the whole thing. It's a declaration of love. However! It's also a bad omen.
Eddie Diaz, Mr. Prove To Me Something Is Real And I'll Believe It, keeps jinxing himself. Even speaking the will into existence is a bad idea™. These writers don't normally bring something up and then forget about it. And I would say making your best friend the father of your child if you aren't there is a pretty big thing to just leave hanging!
Eddie didn't even plan on telling Buck about it until the shooting. He waited an entire year??? For something that important? In short, the writers included it for a purpose beyond an aborted love confession.
Anyhoo. That's sign one.
Season 5 we can put aside, because it was a whole other thing.
Season 6 was where the most foreshadowing came in. I think it all really started in 6x07. Even Eddie, by the like third(?) accident Felisha had, commented on the fact that he might be cursed. At the end of the episode, at the beach, he gets a call from Abuela. The framing of that shot (I really wish I could make gifs right now. Thankfully I found a set) shows Eddie in focus with Chris at the forefront. As Eddie asks "what does she say about my future?" in regards to Abuela's curandera, the focus shifts to Chris. To me, that meant something would happen to Eddie and have the guardian thing come up again.
Then, in 6x15, Eddie and Chris go to see Shannon (I thought that was really nice, btw, it was sweet). Then his mother is pestering him to come visit. He talks to her twice I believe (haven't rewatched that episode in a while, the cemetery scene haunts me 😅). Anyway, when he talks to her at the end of the episode, he says "we'll figure something out. Okay? We got time."
Refer to my earlier statement. Eddie keeps jinxing himself!
The entire episode, there was something ominous about it. The old lady, "we're all gonna die alone," Shannon, etc. It just felt... eerie, I suppose.
I expected the season 6 finale to satisfy the foreshadowing. I heard they rewrote the ending thanks to them not being sure if the show would be picked up by another network (THANK YOU ABC!) Anyway. Something tells me that the original plan was to severely hurt the fathers on the team. Chim, Bobby, and Eddie were all in serious danger.
The time jump at the end kinda sucked. To me, the finale felt a little... discombobulated. I think that maybe, even though 911 doesn't do this, they intended for season 6 to end on a cliffhanger. Any or all three of them could've still been in danger or clinging to life when the episode ended. It would've been more satisfying, honestly.
I just think they hinted a little too much at this. It could be that it just hasn't happened yet and there's still more foreshadowing to go. Maybe in season 7, Eddie could be missing and presumed dead or injured badly enough to have Buck step in for Chris (in a much more concrete parental role.)
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antixsocialfelixie · 1 year
Anime theory #1: Could Dabi be shortsighted?
I have finished MHA a while ago and am still waiting if there will be a season 7 made and if it’s already made, for it to come to the states. And in a time of feeling empty, I had rewatched the show and had made it to season 3, specifically season 3 episode 44. I case some of you have forgotten what had happened in this episode, it’s basically the episode where the LOV invaded the training camp and the arc where Bakugo got kidnapped.
Now, there’s these specific scenes with Dabi that in general made me conjure up this theory. It is where Twice and Dabi were walking together through the now flamed forest and the same place where Aoyama was hiding behind the bushes. In that scene, Dabi sees him but here’s the thing. When Aoyama had looked at Dabi, his head had completely poked out of the bush he was hiding. It was pretty noticeable as well
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I mean, his entire head is literally out. But when Dabi does see him and actually stares at him. He squints his eyes, well he squints them slightly.
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I know it isn’t really something to pay such close attention to but thinking about it is a little odd. Dabi had seen Aoyama, there was even a sequence where he was going to go to where Aoyama was at to do god knows what. But here’s the thing…when Twice had interrupted by asking Dabi if he was going to call back the Nomu, Dabi didn’t even try to maybe even tell twice that he had seen someone there and wanted to double check it. And since they had talked about his Nomu, he probably would have checked if someone was there since some information had been leaked even if they weren’t as important.
Why wouldn’t he go double check? How come he had let it slide? And I know maybe some people or some of you would probably say or are thinking “Maybe he’s the type to keep it to himself” or “It wasn’t relevant so why would he?” And yes, maybe you’re right. Maybe I am just overthinking this scene. BUT there’s another reason too. Although Twice DID distract him by talking about the Nomu, he still should have checked. It’s not like he’s stupid obviously.
In a later scene in the episode, he looks up to the sky as Mr. Compress falls. But once again, he squints.
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It was a little strange at first that he had squinted so much in this episode and I remember being visibly confused as to why. And obviously there doesn’t have to be any reason as to why but it still had my head whizzing around in circles.
And then, that’s when I came up with this theory. I had done research as to what is shortsightedness and what it is? Basically, it is when the eyes grow slightly too long. This means that light doesn’t focus on the retina at the back of the eye properly and instead the light rays focus just in front of the retina and that causes distant objects to look blurred. Hence, why he squinted when seeing Aoyama and Mr. Compress.
And if you thought that was all, WELL YOU COULDN’T BE MORE WRONG HAHA!
I also researched something about blue light, and what it could do to the eyes. It could have a negative effect on the eyesight. It could damage retinal cells and cause vision problems and growths on the clear covering over the white part of the eye. Where am I getting at with all this researched answers? This sorta proves my point. Dabi has what color of flames? They are blue, one of the strongest types of blue flame I might add. And his quirk is something that he would’ve had since a young age (4-5) and if we go back some more. SPOILER AHEAD; SEASON 6!!!
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You can see in the picture from above that when he was younger, he would train a lot to improve the strength of fire that he could produce. I believe that he was 5 here and him being 23 now, it’s pretty much been 23 years (I think) since he’s had and seen the light from his flame.
What do you guys think? (NO HATE PLS)
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thirdwifeofriversong · 11 months
going back through some old notes on my phone and found my unfiltered original reactions to volumes 1 & 2 of stranger things 4… (spoilers below the break)
- did NOT see that reveal coming
- The ends of eps 4 and 7 are fucking amazing
- NANCY!!! Not sure how she’ll fare, not looking good obvs, (and I did originally think she’d die, but I hope not ofc) but I love the callback to the pool and Barb
- This is Dustin’s season lol
- Joyce Hop and Murray better fucking get out of that prison- their reunion was heartbreaking, but I also was like RUN don’t do another bob
- About Vecna/001/Creel son… so his powers/the killings weren’t related to the upside down until El imprisoned him there… so the upside down existed already but El opened the gate to put 001 through and that was the beginning of the contact with our world?… also how did Brenner try to replicate 001? Heard some disturbing theories about sperm donation but that’s super fucked up so I’m not sure how but I hope they explain? Also how did he get his powers in the first place? Finally what amazing casting
- Never thought I’d be rooting for Steve and Nancy lol but I guess maturity happens
- Erica is the fucking best
- The 001 reveal was fantastic. Jaw on the floor.
- Why does 001 care for 011 more than the others? Seen theories that she’s his kid but???
- Relationship between 001 and the mind flayer?
- MAX omg that scene was AMAZING on all levels and her ACTING
- Also why was Brenner using 001 as a guard?? Doesn’t make sense?
- Cool how they synced Nancy and El understanding 001’s story
- I only want good things for Hopper
- Also Murray’s karate is 10/10. Comic gold
- I’m a bit done with the torture. I like my characters problems to be fictional thanks.
- Look forward to seeing the CA gang appear again
- Also Joyce and Murray have no fucking idea what’s going on… and like Joyce just leaves her kids?
- Okay El needs nice things and WHAT THE FUCK OWENS WORKING WITH BRENNER REALLY?!! El didn’t need that. She needs so much love and friends and therapy and trauma informed everything bc OMG.
- Not a fan of Archie and the jock vigilantes
- Rude to prey on people with trauma. Guess Vecna is just a psychopath?
- again how did the kids get their powers and how did they take it from 001 and how did 001 get it in the first place?
- Nice that 001 and the mind flayer got along so well
- Also can will get some fucking character development? Please? Like I know he has a crush on mike but more than that pls because it’s been since s2 that he had a true arc (except that great acting scene in s3)
- Suzie is everyone’s Queen. Bow before her
- Eddie and argyle are great new characters
- El needs so much love
- You can’t let anything happen to Hop or Joyce or Murray
- Wait also I forgot about the time travel thing
- WAIT A SECOND the painting Will’s painting it’s got to be of Mike because he LOVES HIM
- MAX?!?!?!!! No MAX !!!!!! Like I assume they would’ve just killed her if she wasn’t going to come back, but she seems brain dead and the duffers said she was? So? I hope they do bring her back bc it would’ve made sense to fully kill her if she wasn’t? Also El has fucking Lazarus powers too?! Damn girl
- My BABY GAY WILL you need a HUG and I’m so glad you got one but you also need to talk about shit and just say it out loud
- Good job Jonathan you aren’t completely useless
- DAMN that was a good ending- saw it coming but they did it really well
- And they really did seem like they’d just kill off everyone for a minute
- Murray, Yuri, and Antonov?? My bois? Where they at?
- Still gotta resolve Owens
- Also the fucking Russian and US governments are looking for them wtf
- Not looking good
- love the Hawkins at the center of it all
- the vecna el max scene holy SHIT
- also did we not finish the Jason plot line?! Wtf happened after that? Somebody gotta keep this man in line bc he went full murder there (edit apparently he did die whoops I was distracted)
- And poor Lucas!! My baby is gonna have so much trauma!!
- And Dustin… sweet little confident dude gonna be so sad
- Fucking will ending the season touching the back of his neck I CAN FEEL HIM of course you fucking can will
- The LINE
- Hop and Joyce!!! Finally!!!
- Also like please let Karen be an actual character with agency she’s been here for four seasons on the sidelines but like please… my dude…. Please write her some character development… and fuck Ted
- The fucking love triangle with Nancy isn’t resolved
- We love Steve (in general)
- Robin and band girl seem nice…. Like a z plot but at least she might get a nice thing? Would be nice if we knew more about band girl
- Want to know if Henry/vecna is El’s father? More about that connection? Also how he got his powers to begin with? Is the upside down just an accidental bump into our universe bc El or is it related to the powers? Would it have kept going?
- Also fucking Odyssey with Henry
- and hop with the sword?!
- The soviets rlly did just go this seems like a good idea let’s BREED FUCKING DEMOGORGONS fuckers
- Glad they’re out of the ussr
- That ending shot wow
- I CRIED with Dustin and mr munson omg that was so fucking sad
- Also where was max’s mom in the hospital??
- Max omg baby needs nice things
- Aghhhhh
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murfpersonalblog · 1 year
TVL & VC Thoughts: Storyboarding
Because I have insomnia, I was up all night thinking about the rumors that Sam's contract was signed for 5 seasons. It makes me both nervous and hopeful, cuz Lestat features in way more than just 5 VC books. So if there's only 5 seasons locked in (hopefully NOT counting IWTV being split into 2, meaning Sam only has 3 other seasons), I'm wondering what these 3-ish other seasons would cover? 🤔 Hour-long episodes are enough to condense SOME of the books into 7/8-ep seasons, but not others.
TVL & QotD are ofc the bigguns, that COULD be condensed into one season, but SHOULD get their own individual ones, IMO.
ToTBT - urgh. I already said I hate this book. NGL I hope they condense this into 2 episodes MAX, as filler. Raglan was basically a monster-of-the-week. We do NOT need to be sitting here watching Lestat re-learn how to poop & pee. And ffs get rid of David, he literally just got in the way; let that dude retire! Having Ciprien come back'd be a cool feature/crossover, but I really don't need Lestat out here traumatizing more black people, thanks. 😒
MTD - yoooo.... What do you even DO with this? XD Like, I can't imagine having a whole frikkin season of Lestat's Inferno, but without Memnoch you lose ALL context behind Lestat's coma, his missing eyeball, Armand's suicide attempt, Louis' suicide attempt, and Lestat's course correction as a character. 😈 It was the fallout post-Memnoch that is so important to Lestat's story; but TBH I can honestly see the bulk of MTD itself condensed into 2 filler episodes tops.
Merrick - IMO this needs to be integrated into IWTV2 as part of Louis' storyline, not Lestat's. Even though it's here that he (officially) wakes from the coma (post-TVA--which IMO deserves its own spinoff season; we need more Assad if they don't cover Armand's backstory in IWTV2).
Blackwood Farm - NGL I want a whole dang season of BwF. 😅 IMO it's the craziest VC book, we NEED to see these people on screen. We'd get that Merrick Mayfair feature, too--but if they do her dirty here like AR, Imma be FURIOUS.
Blood Canticle - 💩 TRASH!!!!! 💩
Prince Lestat & RoA & BC: TBH I think these should all be merged into one season, as they all deal with Rhoshamandes. If QotD sets up Amel early, AND includes MEKARE, then PL should get right to the action. RoA was padded with a LOT of straight descriptions, which can EASILY be condensed on screen with visuals--that's the book that needed to be illustrated! RoA really doesn't need its own season; we just need to see Rhosh established as the Big Bad in PL & RoA, and get Amel's backstory. (I HOPE they'll keep the aliens in, but AR was obviously using bird-feathered/winged extraterrestrials as the secular answer to Christianity's angels, so I'm fine either way. I'll be sad if they cut them all out entirely and Amel's JUST a (human) ghost). As for BC, it wasn't a long book at all; it just had a lot of BIG, iconic moments. I DEMAND to see Chateau Era Loustat domestic tooth-rotting fluff on my effing screen, ISTG. 🙏 This is the series finale--it deserves to give Loustat E V E R Y T H I N G; from the lowest lows to the greatest highs. I need Prince Consort Louis bossed up. 🤴🏾 I need Lestat having a mental breakdown just like Louis did when Daniel was tearing him to shreds in Ep7. I need Armand screaming, crying, throwing up. I need the WEDDING(S). I need the BALLROOM. I will sue.
Naturally, I could be waaaaay off on all of this. U_U
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thehare1234 · 3 months
Weekly TV Roundup
A lot of shows ending this week with some hits and misses but a lot of enjoyment from me
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🍒Cherry Magic Anime (Ep 10-12)(end): it’s over 😭 it was a good ending…I’m glad they kept the scene where Adachi decides to lose his virginity similar to the manga because I love love that scene just Adachi finally describing what he likes about Kurosawa to him ahhhh…I also think this was my favourite version of Tsuge/Minato hehe…OG Fujisaki will have my heart though
🥟She Loves To Cook, She Loves To Eat (Ep 27-30)(end): I am so sad I'm done all the episodes but the ending was done so beautifully and just like watching their relationship grow and all the other people in their lives growing as well, and their friendships it was just too much like what an amazing show...and listen they can make another season, there's so much more to explore. This second season was truly so good :)
🎬At 25:00 in Akasaka (Ep 10)(end): Bahhhh nooo it's overrrr. I'm so sad, Thursdays have been so excellent the past few weeks but that's ok. It ended really perfectly like what I wanted was a happy ending and a little taste of them being happy as boyfriends and Hayama smiling and I GOT IT! Ugh idk this show was just so great from start to finish in my opinion, and explored everything super well. To answer the question I asked myself at the start of the show, yes I probably would watch the BL that theyre filming in the show, I would eat it up. I would be talking about how great the chemistry was on Tumblr.com
🏡Knock Knock Boys (Ep 5): This was another solid episode, Latte continues to get better I swear. Also the addition of Jane I think is fun…especially since it’s not really like the jealous ex girlfriend trope…like her and Peak just seem like an arranged marriage or smthing…I’m intrigued what they mean by they need to take responsibility? Also yes Jumper already having a boyfriend so real I knew it was coming….but also I’m wondering if Almond really took the video or if it’s a fakeout. I kinda hope he did and then he goes on an arc realizing how wrong he was and apologizing to Jumper. Also I like how while Almond is inexperienced he’s not like a blushing virgin like he’s exploring his sexuality himself it’s nice to see
🦋My Marvellous Dream is You (Ep 7): ok okkk…we are still on the slow burn train. But this show is exploring a lot more than the romance. This episode we really got more of Wans thoughts and struggles. I love the moments with Mon and Mali they really lighten the mood a lil…omg tho that proposal/asking Kim out was toooo much like pls my guy you need to chill out…and Kim is just going with it it’s gonna get so messy
✨We Are (Ep 12): This last arc of episodes has got me officially I’m loving this show and the dynamics like them finally starting to get together and each couple is on a different phase of their relationship and each one is exploring their relationship in a different way 😭 also tho I’m laughing like now this friend group is just gonna be 4 couples and 3 dudes vibing (to be fair my friend group is sort of like this). My fave moment of this episode (among many) was at the beginning when Phum says he likes him and their doing their back and forth and the friends are just going « ooooohhh » and « ahhhh » in the background. Because tell me why if I was in this exact situation I would be doing the exact same thing lmao
🌊Love Sea (Ep 3): ok so I wasn’t expecting to get emotional watching this show but that ending was truly…really good…I’m liking the backstory we’re getting and them opening up…I’m intrigued to see what happens when they go back to Bangkok. listen I love a good sapphic fake dating plot and Vi is kinda iconic but like both people need to agree to it it can’t just be forced on another person…but I’m hoping they’ll be cute later on like I see the vision
💍Wedding Plan (Ep 3-7)(end): ok I binged I couldn’t help it I got so invested in this show and had some extra time and it just happened! I really loved this show, a few moments of being bored but tbh the core story was so nice. Like the friendship between Sailom and Yiwa was so great. And like it was sort of frustrating to see Nuea hurt and confused but like I understand why it was like that…everything was just really good and I thought the chemistry was there…Sailom my beloved. Him and Yiwa really got me and like at the end the four of them vidéo calling was so sweet their lil family😭 I also liked the arc with Nueas family I thought it was sweet…idk listen this was just wayyy better than I thought it would be and didn’t really feel like a MAME show…I love how more and more shows have a GL couple and a BL couple because idk it just feels more balanced? Anyways loved it had a good time but def had a different feeling to all MAMEs other shows
🥘What Did You Eat Yesterday? (S2 Ep 1-2): my faves back again S2 let’s go. So far we got just dealing with change and growing older…also the amount of misunderstandings or perceptions Shiro has about him at work just because he cannot be open :(…but at the same time everyone agreeing he wouldn’t go to a hostess club because he’s too boring kills me. I’m glad I’m spacing this show out because I never want it to end!
💟 Wandee Goodday (Ep 8): alright, we got a really cute marriage proposal (like best scene let’s be for real) and some scenes were really cute but I’m not feeling as invested in this show as I was at the beginning but I’m going to continue it to see how it progresses…Yak remains my fave
🧍‍♂️My Stand In (Ep 9): Alright well, this episode was wild. Half of it was joes funeral and just pain and it really got me in my feels…..also I’m ready for the next arc to see how Ming tries redeem himself (I’m sure the way he will do it will be toxic but oh well). At the end of the day, Joe cannot stay away from this man even when he tries but I’m glad he stood up for himself a little more this episode. Also Sol is a whole other thing I don’t even know what to do with all that
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩Two Of Us (Ep 4): Ah yes, 15 minutes of two women being in love and being cutesy and not being able to keep their hands off each other. What a great time, 10/10 no notes. Every week I become more ready to watch these two be more in love in a full length series. It's hitting all the GL tropes too: taking a bath together next episode, putting lipstick or chapstick on only to kiss the other person with it <3.
🌅Sunset X Vibes (Ep 2): I'm letting this one marinate a bit because I am liking the down bad CEO vibe they got going on and there were lots of moments I liked but I am still not fully sure where theyre going with this....
Other shows
📝Bridgerton (Ep 5-8)(end): Me and my roommate binged the second half together…and honestly I was a lil disappointed. Like I liked some of the side plots but some of them like the whole Benedict side plot felt sort of random? Like I think they could have used the screen time on the main couple? Like they had the big romance confession moment in part 1 but didn’t carry that energy into part 2. Also I feel like they sort of wanted Cressidas character…like her and Eloise’s friendship was a big running thing the whole season and it just sort of ends with « well that was a mistake? » idk just felt weird. Maybe next season they’ll also gender swap Benedict’s love interest and it’ll be a fully gay season lol (with Francesca)
👽 3 Body Problem (Ep 7): Ok almost at the end of season 1. First of all, it makes so much sense to me that the San-Ti would recruit another human to have someone on the inside, and have that person be Tatiana because if there's anyone you want on your side, it's her. I think Ye Wenjie's arc and her story this episode was well done, and Will and Saul's friendship is also a highlight in this show for me. I guess next week they'll try and launch the probe, and we'll see if it works? I'm just mentally preparing myself for a cliff hanger tbh. One thing is I'm still sort of lost on the Vera storyline? Like they planted the chip in her head, because she found out about the San-Ti? Or she committed suicide on her own, without the interference?
🪶Little Bird (Ep 6)(end): What a bittersweet ending. I think having all of the family coming together and just showing the importance of family and community really reinforces just how much was taken from everyone in this story. I also think it makes sense how the only person who seems to understand and empathize with the situation is Esther's mom, Golda, who also lost family members and has felt her family torn apart, in a different way. The ending too with the mom returning was just so heartbreaking. I think it made sense to end it there because the reconnection of her with the children would be a whole other show. Everyone should watch this, especially Canadians.
🏫Degrassi (Ep 84-92): We have made it to teen pregnancy #2 on this show and it was a lil unexpected, also learnt that Christians can like watching UFC so thanks for the education Degrassi. A good string of intense episodes but show is just wild but good?
Next week
I think there’s a new JBL coming out next week?? And a sports one (which I might not watch)? And a new GL? And the Trainee??
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hello, lovie!! its not during the day for you but i really needed to sleep for a bit. its either gonna be really long and have more than 2 parts or really short (not likely). 'matt like mumbling' he!! hes the least understandable person in hotd for me. i love you man but can you like.. SPEAK.. open your mouth yk. hope youll watch the episode. 'T_T Спасибо, любимый' cute but its a masculine form.. one friend calls me that while joking TT Всё нормально, дорогая. 'I ALREADY LOOKED UP THE LYRICS AND GOT THE ROMANIZED RUSSIA' omg its so sweet of you TT so. im listing my fav songs so you can just choose whatever youre comfortable with. my ultimate bias is '24/7' by the neighbourhood but it has rap. but ive got a feeling that your magnificent voiced sound so good in this. 'the lighthouse' and 'honey' (idk it also has some kind of rap? not really but yeah. im that kind of person fr) by halsey. ive seen you dooing some kpop covers so if youre ever interested i think youd sound great in 'she's fine' by heize. oh and ive just found 'why do you love me' by charlotte lawrence but ive been listening to minnies cover. ohoh and. have you ever seen steven universe? it has great songs no matter what (i havent watched the last seasons so cant say anything). so 'love like you' and 'here comes a thought' are soso AAAH. maybe youll like them. thats all ig. tbh, id love to see whatever cover you make! bc youre just the most pretty and talented hottie-cutie and i luvluv you <з 'this is how i feel about music' ooh its good to know! well-well im 18 and im studying slavic philology. yk passion for.. just language. dull but still. 'i wanted to write it but now i dont' omg beauty idk how i can help you TT hope youll make it out. no matter if youll manage to write it or decide not to. 'i think you mean your are ok with yourself getting hurt' well i didnt mean it but not gonna say its completely wrong. i meant this more in a.. sarcastic way? a fake joy of ruining my life. here we have a culture of death and depression related jokes and sarcasm and so on. the pressing environment. it sounds awful but.. were all so mentally ill its DREADFUL but funny) 'idk what i feel about the nickname' i meant it in a 'good person' way but if youre uncomfortable with it, im sorry. the bread eating tradition is actually from the ancient Rus ig? but nvm its become stronger after the wwII bc of the lack of bread during it. now 1) lots of teens says against this culture bc now we have enough food and they say its outdated 2) a culture of healthy eating is strong and twisted a bit? a lot of people dont eat bread to not gain weight. i just dont like bread so much to eat it with everything. 'DAMN WITH NO RICE' yeah were criminals. well its not really an equivalent of flan but it reminds it in a way. 'запеканка' literally means a thing that is baked?.. its usually made with the cottage cheese or the shortbread and then literally anything a person can think of. idk whos nada... but ill definately watch this vid later! give me more english vids with some social themes pls. 'ok for me not to feel that much feelings at all towards nada' yeah ig thats it? tbh tolerance is a little overrated?.. ik how it sounds but hear me out. maybe its just me but preferring something or smn with privileges over smth or smn without those very privileges seems not so right nowadays no matter what is the reason? as not liking a woman arouses a question about being a sexist while not liking a man isnt discussed and everyone understands why. i know why its like this but im not gonna continue, its going to be long. you have a right to not feel strong feelings when you dont feel them. its simple. it doesnt matter if its a male or female character. we all are too determined about our sexes? ok but im not continuing THIS definately. ig ill answer to why you love that issue the most in the next part. and i want to discuss smth else about discrimination. so! have a nice morning/day/evening, see you in the next part!
Hello baby!!!
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i appreciate the fact the person put the kitties in the towel/blanket.
its not during the day for you but i really needed to sleep for a bit. its either gonna be really long and have more than 2 parts or really short (not likely).
you should ONLY send me asks when its day FOR YOU 😡🤺 pls take care of yourself T_T i dont mind waiting T_T
'matt like mumbling' he!! hes the least understandable person in hotd for me. i love you man but can you like.. SPEAK.. open your mouth yk. hope youll watch the episode.
LOLAHSKHASLFHKLAHSFHSAFHFH FOUL poor matty T_T BUT NAH UR SO RIGHT he be mumblin but i love him we still love him HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OPEN YOUR MOUTH BOY i'll try to watch it
'T_T Спасибо, любимый' cute but its a masculine form.. one friend calls me that while joking TT Всё нормально, дорогая.
i didnt know you have fem/masc form of words O.O mind blown. i checked the translation and apparently it became darling? i typed my love actually so thats on google translate. it seems like something a friend would do HAHAHAH
idk if i;ll ever sing it but i do like that song
im listing my fav songs so you can just choose whatever youre comfortable with. my ultimate bias is '24/7' by the neighbourhood but it has rap. but ive got a feeling that your magnificent voiced sound so good in this.
but theres no rap here? the verses just are quite monotonous or they dont sing in a wide range of notes. rap usually are atonal meaning they dont have a pitch its like talking but with rhythm. it's a fine song. i like the neighbourhood. i now know what kind of songs you gravitate to
'the lighthouse' and 'honey' (idk it also has some kind of rap? not really but yeah. im that kind of person fr) by halsey.
i listened to lighthouse! i like it exponentially more that the first song because of its grit. it kind of has a rock vibe, which i enjoy. i havent listened to halsey in a long time so you've made me like her again. random fact i was so freaked out by her name when i first encountered her T_T because i couldn't read it as any other way than ashley (which is what her name is an anagram of) idk i think i have mild dyslexia. i listened to honey too! i like it as well but i like lighthouse the most because THE GRIT 😩 but i could do this one too. halsey be talkin about thighs and being mean HAHHAHA kinky HAHAHAHAh thank you for reviving my interest in halsey btw none of these songs have raps babe
ive seen you dooing some kpop covers so if youre ever interested i think youd sound great in 'she's fine' by heize.
pls why would you watch my old videos T_T its cringe cos i didnt have equipment yet at the time. id rather not do a kpop cover because im very concerned about pronouncing words wrong. also the song is just fine to me HAHAHAH like its title. i will do lighthouse then HAHAHH gimme a few days to learn it. im also editing 2 songs so i can finally post it. i recorded yesterday. i hope you like it when i show it to you. i wont link it anymore since you have my youtube so i hope you subbed and put notifs on HAHAHH
oh and ive just found 'why do you love me' by charlotte lawrence but ive been listening to minnies cover. ohoh and.
this sounds so much like so happy together by the turtles . i like it shes like fine shes toxic HAHAHAHHA we love that in art HAHHAAH shes quite monotonous too so yeah its fine
have you ever seen steven universe? it has great songs no matter what (i havent watched the last seasons so cant say anything). so 'love like you' and 'here comes a thought' are soso AAAH. maybe youll like them. thats all ig.
i know steven universe. I listened 'love like you' AND I LOVE THE SONG SO MUCH but i would have to do the instrumentals and if i dont the song would be ruined and the instrumentals are so sweet i might mess it up idk. i like the second song too, here comes a thought, but the first one is so much nicer to me. maybe because the performer is better in the first one.
tbh, id love to see whatever cover you make! bc youre just the most pretty and talented hottie-cutie and i luvluv you <з
aw thank you baby T_T
'this is how i feel about music' ooh its good to know!
well-well im 18 and im studying slavic philology. yk passion for.. just language. dull but still.
WOW I HAD TO LOOK UP WHAT PHILOLOGY IS THATS SO COOL ITS NOT DULL AT ALL om ur 18 T_T ur a baby T_T ur a literal child T_T my goodness T_T T_T T_T i feel kinda weird now T_T for interacting with someone thats about my younger brothers age online T_T my child my goodness
'i wanted to write it but now i dont' omg beauty idk how i can help you TT hope youll make it out. no matter if youll manage to write it or decide not to.
HAHAAH I MEANT I WANT TO WRITE IT BUT NOT ANYMORE AT THE MOMENT it happens HAHAHH but i still will write the fic dont worry
'i think you mean your are ok with yourself getting hurt' well i didnt mean it but not gonna say its completely wrong. i meant this more in a.. sarcastic way? a fake joy of ruining my life. here we have a culture of death and depression related jokes and sarcasm and so on. the pressing environment. it sounds awful but.. were all so mentally ill its DREADFUL but funny)
ah i see. i have friends who joke about death/dying a lot but i never like it nor do i condone it as the designated mom friend so pls i know its a joke but dont be so ok with it.
'idk what i feel about the nickname' i meant it in a 'good person' way but if youre uncomfortable with it, im sorry.
the bread eating tradition is actually from the ancient Rus ig? but nvm its become stronger after the wwII bc of the lack of bread during it. now 1) lots of teens says against this culture bc now we have enough food and they say its outdated 2) a culture of healthy eating is strong and twisted a bit? a lot of people dont eat bread to not gain weight. i just dont like bread so much to eat it with everything.
ahhhh i see. wwii L. diet culture is ulTRA MEGA L. i love bread but not just like plain bread. i understand what you mean about bread. i mean love the possibilities you could have with bread. you can make it toast you can eat it with hot choco you can make a sandwich YUM but bread < rice lol
'DAMN WITH NO RICE' yeah were criminals.
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well its not really an equivalent of flan but it reminds it in a way. 'запеканка' literally means a thing that is baked?.. its usually made with the cottage cheese or the shortbread and then literally anything a person can think of.
i see! this looks like a cheesecake like the baked version (because there's a no baked version) REALLY INTERSTING LOOKS YUMMY 10/10 would lOVE TO TRY even though i cant even read the russian symbols and my brain is like ah yes the one thats almost is a rectangle is a p (based on all the russian texts ive seen since talking with you) wtf why is the a 3 and the k is probably not a k
idk whos nada...
yes i know T_T HAHAHAHAH
but ill definately watch this vid later! give me more english vids with some social themes pls.
that channel that made that video (theyre called the take) have amazing insight on things. i think the first video i watched on them was about himbos or perhaps it was the one i enjoyed the most?? which is why i remember it but yeah they have amazing takes on things pun intended
'ok for me not to feel that much feelings at all towards nada' yeah ig thats it? tbh tolerance is a little overrated?.. ik how it sounds but hear me out. maybe its just me but preferring something or smn with privileges over smth or smn without those very privileges seems not so right nowadays no matter what is the reason? as not liking a woman arouses a question about being a sexist while not liking a man isnt discussed and everyone understands why. i know why its like this but im not gonna continue, its going to be long. you have a right to not feel strong feelings when you dont feel them. its simple. it doesnt matter if its a male or female character. we all are too determined about our sexes? ok but im not continuing THIS definately.
but this is very true. some people can be like oh u dont like this woman you misogynist ??? no thats not how that works ???? it was a good food for thought for me though, kind of this catharsis I had over nada. i went from omg am i internally misogynistic to oh wait nah its just that she's literally just a plot device without too much depth used for nada. this now kind opens the discussion of, oh women are only used as plot devices for character development of men. and yeah thats a problem but T_T yeah lets not get into that AHHHHAHAHA
yeah you should be able to like and not like a character but hopefully you only do it based on their character not something like apperance sex or whatever
ig ill answer to why you love that issue the most in the next part. and i want to discuss smth else about discrimination. so! have a nice morning/day/evening, see you in the next part!
0 notes
khunvegas · 2 years
i basically just stole this ask from @gunsatthaphan​, partially because i’ve been wanting to make a post about it and after almost 3 years watching bls, i might as well. right? right. anyways.
Compilation of Bad Kisses in BLs (Part 1)
mind you, this is only for the ones i’ve seen. if i put every single bad kiss out there, this post would go on forever.
i strongly believe a kiss, whether is good or bad, can make or break a show and in my personal opinion, a lot of them fell off simply because of the fishy kisses. they are truly hard to watch, so much so that you have to look away because they are ugly and this is something we CAN and SHOULD blame both the actors and the company. sometimes, workshops are not enough.
i also believe that these actors shouldn’t play dumb. like, they HAVE to know there’s gonna be a kiss at some point. put in the work, pls.
1. My Engineer (MekBoss)
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at the time, i didn’t think it was that bad. i just thought they needed some work, a little bit of help because clearly it wasn’t that good either. now, i just see two walls kissing and we might not see these walls kissing ever again.
2. YYY (NottPun)
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imagine watching this mess of a show, they promise you a kiss, and once you’re sure you’re gonna get it, they literally bring the sun out, block the view and that’s how the season ends. but honestly? the little i can see it’s still awful.
3. YYY 2 (NottPun)
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well... there it is. no words.
4. 2gether (SarawaTine)
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maturing is accepting the fact that 2gether had two straight bros playing these characters and that’s how they kissed and then the high five. it was a bad kiss, bestie. we were all just blinded by the pandemic and though this was high cinema.
5. SOTUS (ArthitKongpop)
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i’m not afraid of the girlies still caught up on this show. this was a bad first kiss and i’m ready to die on this hill. granted, this was 2016, the actors were still iffy on playing queer characters, they were calling each other wife and the obsession with pink milk was at its peak. gmmtv had $5 and a dream and you could tell.
6. ‘Cause you are my boy/My Tee (TeeMork)
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this was frankdrake’s first roles and you could tell. you could also tell that they were in the trenches because everything was bad with this show and i truly think it was a cry for help. they did the best they could with what they had but there was no way in hell they could save this show and honestly, i’m not surprised that their first kiss was like this. it goes well with the quality of the show.
7. Love By Chance (TinCan)
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and it doesn’t get better after this. i’m gonna be the devil’s advocate, mean actually tried to make these kisses better but there was no helping with this couple. a mess.
8. Oxygen (SoloGui)
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as far as first kisses go... yeah. granted, oxygen wasn’t really that good either but they could have salvage this show with a decent kiss. nothing. nada. it was a let down.
9. Make it right (FuseTee)
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make it right paved the way for angle kisses.
now listen, i’m pretty sure boom and peak were 17 or something when they filmed this and back in the day, this was already too much. like, cheewin was pushing it by directing this show. still, it has to be on this list (it’s not like it hasn’t changed anyways. boom and peak would never EVER kiss. this was the closest we could get).
10. Where your eyes linger
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i mean, come on. COME ON. i know this was like the first kbl and you know, they paved the way. give credit where credit is due and all that but LOOK. it’s bad. it was a good show, for the plot that it had and the limited time, it was good. BUT THE KISS WAS... it was a letdown. 
11. Gen Y (MarkKit)
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how are you gonna be a senior in the industry and still kiss like this? kimcop are one of those settled ships that are hard to break and to ship with someone else. with that in mind, you would think they would do wonders. gen y was a dumpster fire and so were the kisses.
12. WISH YOU: Your melody in my heart
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this is where you start to understand that it’s not about the production or how short kbls are and that’s why the kisses are so bad. no, it’s because workshops apparently don’t exist in korea and they put these men to kiss without practicing first. this is the product. this is what you get.
13. Color Rush
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i know some of you call it the best kbl out there because the plot was different, which is true, but like... their lips are not even touching... so yeah. next.
14. Nobleman Ryu’s wedding
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i’m pretty sure this was supposed to be an angle kiss and they changed their mind at the last minute and we got... this. i mean, compared to others in this list is not that bad but is it good? far from it. this was also the first period kbl we got and it was kind of forgettable too. it was very low budget and you could see it with the kiss
15. What Zabb Man
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BOTH COUPLES because both of them were such a let down. i was here mainly because of the toxics from gen y and with the crazy tension they had going on, i thought they would go off. not even that. don’t even get me started on the main couple. the manipulation that went down between them UGH but i can’t even get a good kiss out of this mess anyways.
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