#can u tell i photoshopped the rose in there
sentientsky · 8 months
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Doctor Who: Season 1, Episode 13 (The Parting of the Ways)
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lonespektr · 1 year
Influencer (2022)
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Voice over in her influencer toxic positivity platitudes shit about growth or whatever while she is just doing the opposite of what she is saying
Occasionally spliced with her taking photogenic shots
Just noticed the poster might already be a spoiler
And YUP the first time we see her is in water
This is Thailand
The girl approaches protag and "scares off" a creepy guy and "opens up" to imply she was dater*ped by a guy like that
Now the girl had her on her bike
Supposedly this was a trip with bf but he bailed
But he did pay for it
Girl hides from a live stream shot
Girl is making fun of her for being terminally online but that is her job??? Like irl
She sells products and travel stuff
She doesn't have another job??
We don't actually see girl go inside the suite
Protag sweet wide open upon return
Her stuff got tossed and jacked
Passport gone, she's technically stranded
Called bf he blamed her for her stuff getting stolen
Very controlling
She said they should break up and he just ignored her and said call me in the AM when you aren't upset
Girl is taking a bunch of pictures of her with hey phone
Prevented her from shooting at their original location and no service once they got there (Island) one way off her boat
Sees tally's on a log eight days
This is literally her hunting ground
OMG she's telling her her WHOLE plan
Fucking savage
She said i'll give you four days
Ofc the girl laughs like it was a joke
Girl seems to be anti influencer specifically??
Says they are self centered
Protag finally admits lonely
Then to give us a "maybe she deserves it feeling"
The girl confirms sarcastically she is the center of the universe
WHOA title comes in late
Using the same voiceover i think
Now that girl stranded the protag
Did we literally get her name ever???
Girl took over her social media - not only do they look nothing alike the girl has a MASSIVE birthmark on half her face
Literally just went through all her old shit photoshopped her face onto old posts clearly an expert at Photoshop
5th victim real serial killer wall
Already hunting for accurate victim
Solo white girl influencer
In a way we actually haven't left the main character cleverly - because the villain stole the protag's life
Kinda wild the protag slept on the beach and after she revealed her master plan
New victim knows she has a tail
She didn't really do a lot of research on new vic
Old vic was desperately lonely
New vic is a low key cultist??
She's tries a new approach after trying to lead
She backtracks as a submissive
Offering bait of a fancy place
Girl didn't account for controlling bf
He did the rose petals thing
So now it's new vic and old vic bf n her in old vic's place (that's paid by bf)
Lolz how she going to get them not to talk to each other
The new vic clocked the girl (again) as they both obviously got their rooms broken into
The thing with all these is the first vic clocked all these things too, she just brushed it off as non sensical
"you're fucking creepy"
That's the trigger
Vic no 2 RIP just had the courage to stick to her instincts
We don't have clear motivations on why she's doing this
And unfortunately it comes off as bitches be crazy
Like everyone is just clocking an inherent wrongness to her but we don't know why she is doing it so it's just boadering on crazy people are dangerous
She still has to deal with the guy
There's activity on vic no 1's account..but she has the phone??
She's working several angles
He can tell from the posts she made it's not vic #1 clearly illustrating that she can't see things about people others can and probably doesn't bother to anti-social tendencies and that's why she didn't consider s bf would come after her (also she's cocky and doesn't do enough research)
It also very clear he just uses that line on women but that doesn't mean he can't recognize fundamental things she probably can't
*SA !!!
Well an aporoximation
This sets up a strong juxtaposition that the girl just mimics life but doesn't actually know what it is or how to connect with people
Okay flash back
Vic no 1 + bf
Lol not this same guy chattin up
I'm not saying this guy wouldn't be able to point out the weather phenomenon he's obviously a busy body but they could have had him talk longer ro make it seem realistic
Wow vic no 1 bestie said bf can do better but like??? He's shitty, they are both shitty???
Bf found the trail of bredcimbs of doctored posts because he is also a media guy and can tell
Looks like she cleared out but she is still there
He got the drop on her
The writers are dragging both characters
They are both shitty
She's making a play
It must have been difficult to get that underwater shot
She got the drop on him
She's a bit like villanelle without the explanation
Ok the bestie is just the embodiment of fake ass fakers
She's keeping the vic 1 identity but trashing the bf identity
Back on the island
Surprised vic no 1 isn't dead
We got one big hint she was hiding some..talents but that's it
Found and buried the other two girls
Still got her shoes
Got a mean sunburn
Found her bf
Didn't kill her, left her, not surprising bro does she know how to get back?
We didn't need to know how exactly she survived but it wasn't a big pay off because honestly the only character we got a read on was the bf and he didn't matter
It's a month, the weather is good generally except rainy season (there's wayer), no predators, if you can fish you can figure it out for a month
But she was.. Emotionally in a shit place and isolation should have exacerbated that..
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fruitpixel · 3 years
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Olive's Final Decision
Olive decided to give the rose to... Noah!
He made a huge impression on her on their date and throughout the rest of the time at the bachelorette house.
Congratulations to the happy new couple! 💕
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nextgensquad · 6 years
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next gen squad meme: [1/7] characters of color ↯ ROSE WEASLEY is the daughter of ron weasley and hermione granger.  she is a ravenclaw and a half-blood. she is a potions engineer and amateur kickboxer. she is a graduate of the hogwarts class of 2024.
sun: aries
moon: capricorn
rising: capricorn
despite the late (or early, depending on who you’re asking) hour of rose’s birth on march 23rd, 2006, her birth was a fairly easy one. she continued to be fairly easy throughout her childhood, aside from her inheritance of ron’s tendency to put his foot in his mouth. she got along well with both of her parents. when she did rebel, it was only because she deemed a rule stupid or contradictory, and usually after some discussion they all agreed.
it was only after she got to hogwarts that her relationships with her parents started to get more strained - especially with hermione. rose had a hard time bringing herself to care about things she wasn’t interested in, and though she excelled in potions, she performed abysmally in every other class. she skipped morning classes to sleep in, handed in essays weeks late, and lost about a hundred points for her house in her first year for general rule-breaking. and as much as she tried to explain to her mother how useless the rules she broke were, hermione wasn’t nearly as open to debate as she’d been growing up.
things only got worse when hugo was sorted into slytherin. rose had always been close with her father, but even she knew his reaction was unfair. she and hugo, who’d never been particularly close, bonded a lot in the time immediately after, and it was a long time before either of them went home for christmas. even now, things are cold and tense at dinnertime. part of rose still misses evenings spent curled up on the couch listening to hermione read aloud from a history of magic, but she’s pretty sure those days are gone forever. 
rose is not the easiest to get along with: she’s blunt, emotionally stunted, and tends to have blinders on when it comes to other people’s feelings. it would never occur to her to be intentionally cruel, but it also wouldn’t occur to her to temper her words, so she settles somewhere around insensitive. thanks to this and her propensity towards cancelling plans to sleep, she has few friends. 
her cousin albus is one of them. they’re almost complete opposites but it tends to work in their favor. she’s one of the few people who can draw him out of an emotional funk, whereas he can usually help her figure out the latest way she’s put her foot in her mouth. they also make a pretty good business duo - early in fifth year she starts brewing a line of pain-relieving drugs (used for both medical and recreational purposes) and he’s always able to find a buyer. sometimes she worries about the effect her work is having, but she can usually dismiss it. if people get addicted, that’s their problem.
at hogwarts, her general apathy towards relationships included sex with men. during a brief phase of worrying there was something wrong with her, she slept with a couple different guys and really did not enjoy it. it was only after graduating that she realized she was a lesbian. now, fully immersed in the (admittedly small) wizarding lgbt community, she’s got a bit of a reputation: you’ll sleep with her, she’ll make you breakfast, you’ll think you’re in love, and she’ll promptly forget to call you. this reputation has yet to slow the queue of girls lining up to get their hearts broken, however.
not that rose notices. it’s gonna take an anvil dropping on her head to make her aware of the concept of feelings - but when it does, watch out. 
                                                  &&&adult life&&&
rose currently works as a potions engineer for the wizarding world’s equivalent of big pharma. she knows it’s not the most morally righteous position but it pays for her and al to live in a fancy shmancy high-rise flat (and the parts of her that are aware of his problems know that he needs a steady home base). 
in the evenings she’s a member of an underground fight club called confringo. well, member might be too humble - she’s one of the most consistent winners in the group. she brings in a lot of money from people betting on her fights. she keeps it stored away for emergencies. she has a feeling one’s coming. 
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akechicrimes · 5 years
7 or 71 for either shuake or yukamitsu [big eye emojis]
7. “I told you that I’d never leave you; I’m not going anywhere.”
On Goro’s thirty-fourth birthday at ten-thirty in the morning, Akira calls him at work and says, “Happy birthday, dear. I just got hit by a car, and I need to know what color bike you want.”
On Goro’s thirty-fourth birthday at ten-thirty in the morning, Akira calls him at work (which Goro dubiously eyeballs for a whole four seconds before picking up) and says, “Happy birthday, dear. I just got hit by a car, and I need to know what color bike you want.”
Well, neither Goro nor Akira own a car for Akira to drive, so that means Akira got hit on foot. Goro is very calm, and has no immediate panic response to that, because he’s a rational and responsible adult. “Are you dead?” Goro asks.
“Probably not.”
“And is there a reason you’re calling me instead of the ambulance?”
“Oh, I’m fine. I think I have a bruise on one of my legs, if that counts. But I was riding your bike when it happened, so the bike got totaled, so, you know. They’ve got the same model you had, but there’s tons of new colors, if you want pictures.”
Goro takes a very long, very deep breath. Goro is very, extremely calm. “Anything is fine,” he says. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, hundred percent. I even landed on my feet; you should’ve seen it.”
“You should go to the ER anyway,” says Goro, in a voice that is truly the epitome of calm.
“I mean, I guess I could, but that seems like a waste of time. And I don’t want to just leave your bike in the middle of the road.”
“Throw it away if it’s wrecked, then.”
“But it deserves a proper send-off.”
“You’re doing this to me on my birthday, Kurusu.”
“I’ll go to the ER if you go with me,” says Akira hopefully, who is a perennially bad influence who is of the opinion that Goro should have just said he’d be ‘working from home’ and spent the day with him.
Goro takes a look at his calendar, tallies up how many meeting he’d have to reschedule, and waits a whole five seconds before he lets himself say, “Fine,” because Akira just said that he’s fine and Goro isn’t upset and everything is so calm that Goro can wait five seconds before agreeing to leave work. “I’ll see you at Leblanc.”
“Wait, wait, which color for the bike? They’ve got green, blue, a red, a kind of fun rose-gold thing, which is a bit excessive considering it’s a bike, and teal, and a kind of blue and orange Naruto-y thing…”
“Anything is fine.” Goro stops. “Except the last one.”
“Red it is! See you in a bit.”
“Don’t ride that bike back to Leblanc,” says Goro, as if lightning might strike twice on the same day on the same man riding the same model bike of the same color, but Akira’s already hung up. Goro speed-drafts a rescheduling email, copy-pastes it to four different people, and then sprints out the office door without even a goodbye to his coworkers.
Friday, 11:16 AM
FUTABA: hey goro
FUTABA: hey gorororororororororo
GORO: If it’s about the traffic accident, I heard about it.
GORO: I’m going back to Leblanc now.
FUTABA: no it’s smthg else
FUTABA: well it is about the accident but i got smthg else for u
FUTABA sent MOV19.mp4
FUTABA: ripped this from the traffic cam
GORO: Is this footage of the accident?
FUTABA: yeehaw
GORO: …Thank you for the offer, but I don’t know if I want to see this.
FUTABA: ok i hear u but i promise it’s hilarious
FUTABA: and also u might feel better if u see it
FUTABA: like idk what he told u on the phone but like
FUTABA: look the car even slowed down at the intersection
FUTABA: the dude was obeying traffic laws and everything he was doing something like ten under the speed limit
FUTABA: the car ENTIRELY missed akira
FUTABA: got the bike full on
FUTABA: and then he just rolls up across the hood and up the windshield like a looney toon
FUTABA: rip ur bike tho it just goes cronch
FUTABA: instant pretzel
FUTABA: ty bichael for ur sacrifice
FUTABA: also idk i figured you
FUTABA: might wanna see for urself that he’s okay
FUTABA: like u can see him stand up at the end and he’s not even confused or anything he’s super duper ok
FUTABA: he’s not bullshitting u over the phone and pretending he’s ok when he’s not ok
FUTABA: u know how he does lmao
GORO: …Huh.
GORO: He really did land on his feet for a whole second there, didn’t he?
FUTABA: yeah like a cat
FUTABA: it’s nuts tbh
FUTABA: and then he remembers he’s a human and falls on his ass LMAO
FUTABA: show it to morgana i want his professional kitty cat opinion on the matter
FUTABA: rate akira’s near death experience
FUTABA: also the driver was v nice and v apologetic and he gave akira his insurance
FUTABA: but i have his home address and work address and phone number and the name of his dog if you want it
GORO: Just the insurance will be fine.
GORO: …And thanks for sending the video.
GORO: Even though I already knew he was fine.
FUTABA: you know those like
FUTABA: itty bitty teeny weeny micro dogs
FUTABA: that are like four and a half pounds
FUTABA: but they think they can take any mfer on the block out of sheer will alone
FUTABA: and theyve always got their eyeballs bulging out and they pick fights with 70 pound dogs
FUTABA: and they have only two emotions which are rage and anxiety and they shake constantly because theyre only four pounds and they have So Much Emotion and nowhere to put it so they vibrate at the speed of sound
GORO: Is this a metaphor about me.
FUTABA: it’s a metaphor about you
FUTABA: because i can hear your shaky angry anxious four pound vibrating all the way from the other side of tokyo
GORO: You are the smallest, angriest, most anxious person I know, who regularly picks fights with international hacking organizations and billion-dollar companies.
GORO: And I, somehow, am the angry shaky dog.
FUTABA: your husband got hit by a car on ur birthday
GORO: I know that.
GORO: I do not need to be reminded.
FUTABA: ah yeah
FUTABA: sorry
GORO: He’s fine.
GORO: He said he’s fine.
GORO: And from this footage, he’s more than fine.
FUTABA: he is super double extra fine with a side of fine
GORO: Unless this footage was in any way edited.
GORO: And unless he was faking his call, somehow.
GORO: In which case, I’m going to walk into Leblanc and find out that he was just pretending to be okay so he could hear my voice one last time and Leblanc will be swarming with police officers to break the news the newly bereaved.
GORO: But that’s not going to happen.
GORO: Because Akira is fine, and I’m perfectly fine.
FUTABA: im rly glad to hear my man
GORO: This footage isn’t edited, is it.
GORO: Are you very sure?
GORO: Videos are easily modified.
GORO: Would you even know if it was edited?
FUTABA: yes im a literal wizard of course i would know
FUTABA: where are u even getting this idea from
GORO: The entire series of events is unrealistic, isn’t it?
GORO: You said yourself that it was almost like something out of a cartoon.
GORO: The likelihood that someone gets hit by a car and comes out of it entirely no worse for wear is practically ridiculous.
FUTABA: i ripped that film straight from the cam it is entirely unedited
GORO: But how can you be sure? Did you see him in live camera?
FUTABA: i mean no but he texted me
GORO: What if that was his dying text.
FUTABA: i rly dont know if his dying text would have been the “i lived bitch” meme with the cat filter
FUTABA: he’s fine dude
FUTABA: that’s why i sent you the video
GORO: I KNOW he’s fine.
GORO: I’m asking if there’s any solid evidence.
GORO: I’m going to call him. Brb
FUTABA: so what he can tell you he’s fine AGAIN and you’ll be like
FUTABA: “oh but what if it was secretly a pod person who stole his body after he died tragically after calling me one last time to hear my voice”
FUTABA: like go ahead and call him if u want but
FUTABA: the only person who was gonna edit that footage was me
FUTABA: and if he were dead i would not be functioning enough to be doing any kinda photoshop like that
FUTABA: let alone LIE to you jesus christ!!!!!
FUTABA: i pronounce you King Shaky Dog
FUTABA: the tiniest and angriest and shakiest and most anxious four pound goblin
FUTABA: i will reclaim my title tomorrow
FUTABA: for now it’s my birthday gift to you
FUTABA: the title of Shaky Dog allows you to go absolutely apeshit and nobody will judge you
GORO: You know I hate birthday presents.
FUTABA: did you call akira
GORO: I hate birthday presents so much that I will be refusing my title as King Shaky Dog and will henceforth not be going ape shit.
FUTABA: ok so
FUTABA: i didnt mean to
FUTABA: get snippy with you or anything
GORO: It’s fine.
GORO: I wasn’t… exactly polite, myself.
FUTABA: you really can call him if you want
FUTABA: there’s nothing wrong with that
FUTABA: between u and me……………………. i definitely did that more than once for a lot lesser reasons than someone getting hit by a car
GORO: My stop is in less than thirty seconds.
GORO: I will probably live.
FUTABA: lmao ok well
FUTABA: if u change ur mind about losing ur shit then please know i gave u that footage in the first place because i think if something like that happened to MY partner i would mcfreakin lose it
FUTABA: speaking of her
FUTABA: sumi says happy birth btw
FUTABA: but cuter because u know how she is
FUTABA: “happy birthday crow-senpai~~~~~~~~” in her shy voice that makes u wanna die
FUTABA: ofoogofhghhfoghfhhghfh g gh SUMI ur so cute ilysm
GORO: Tell her I said thanks.
GORO: And stop telling me how much you love her and use the ring you made me go ring shopping with you for.
FUTABA: im being cyberbullied for being a cowardly lesbian
GORO: I’m at my stop, by the way, so I’m going offline.
FUTABA: which tbh i probably deserve
FUTABA: oh kk see u
FUTABA: watch the video again mr shaky dog
FUTABA: akira is fine
FUTABA: everyone is alive
FUTABA: you are one year older
FUTABA: happy birthday goro
The bike is totaled.
Akira isn’t the sort of person to dump a piece of trash right in front of Leblanc, but it’s hard to miss sticking out of the nearby public trash bin. The back wheel has exploded into serrated wheel-spokes and limb rubber bits that Akira’s shoved into the trash as best as he could. The body of the bike is crushed in on itself, exposing its sharp hollow innards; the handlebars resemble a badly-tied knot. The front wheel is left to stick up and out, creaking gently, spinning overhead from half a hinge like a head not quite fully severed.
The cafe is empty except for its usual barista who, of course, is a very normal and mild-mannered barista, who has nothing to do with the several hundred millions worth of dollars of repatriated art hiding in the attic en route back to South Korea. That would be illegal, of course, and Akira Kurusu-Akechi has never once in his life done anything illegal in the name of what’s morally right. “Welcome back, dear,” says Akira, and hangs up a coffee mug to dry, and it’s so normal that Goro is convinced that either he’s experiencing yesterday, or maybe he’s re-experiencing the year 2016 all over again, or maybe Akira really is dead and this is just his ghost.
Goro sits in his usual spot at the bar. Same chair, sixteen years later. Unbelievable. Maybe Goro’s giving him a little bit of a dumbfounded look, because Akira tilts his head, leans across the bar, and pecks Goro on the cheek.
“Where’s Sakura?” Goro asks.
“Having his midday old man nap. So,” says Akira, looking pleased with himself, “either we can close Leblanc for an hour and raid the kitchen and make lunch, or we can close Leblanc and go out and have a fancy lunch. Your choice because I already made dinner reservations and we’re doing those no matter what.”
Goro really means to give him an answer, because Akira really does love Goro’s birthday every year and never fails to pick someplace nice for the day, but instead what comes out of his mouth is: “Did you ride the new bike back home?”
“Yeah, I did. Figured I might as well take it for a test drive. It’s a good bike.”
“Why didn’t you take the subway?” Goro says sharply.
“Didn’t have my card.”
“You just rode the bike all the way across Tokyo?”
“It wasn’t all the way across Tokyo, just a bit away and back… Goro?”
Ah, Goro’s going to become one of those people who has a meltdown any time their loved one gets on a plane or a train or ksomething else associated with heebie-jeebie nonsense magical thinking. Great. Fantastic. God dammit.
“Do you really want me to go to the ER?” Akira asks eventually.
Goro really wants Akira to have never gotten hit in the first place, but people don’t get what they want and sometimes the universe decides to send one bad fucking driver through a red light and take away Akira’s entire life in a split second—one mistake, a coincidence at the wrong place and time, and the boy who fought God and won is a smear of bones on the pavement.
This would be different if it were sixteen years ago, and Goro had the power to bend people’s minds in half until they broke, or dive into the deepest, bloodiest parts of the collective psyche and pummel the worst of them to a pulp—but what’s he going to do here? Lambast a guy who was going ten miles under the speed limit and just wasn’t looking the right way? Is he going to summon a new Persona from his soul and undo time itself?
Can he do anything if the universe decides, one day, that Akira’s time on this earth is up? He spent all those years desperate for power, and then abusing that power, and then desperately guilty for having abused that power, and then desperately trying to get up that power, and now here he is with the power to do jack shit when his husband almost gets run over and if the Metaverse were still around he swears he would have carved Loki from his own soul out of sheer fury alone—
“No,” says Goro sharply, and stands up. “It’s nothing. I’m not hungry, and I’m going for a walk. Please don’t text me unless it’s an emergency.”
“What—hey! Goro, wait, wait—”
“I’m getting some fresh air!”
Akira’s scrambling to get out from behind the bar. “Didn’t you just get here—?”
Goro spins around and points a finger at Akira like it’s his fault: “You were the one,” he snarls, “who promised, when we got married, that we’d always be together. And now you get hit on a bike, and then stand up like it’s nothing and—and get on another bike and go cycling around the exact same streets where you got hit—? Aren’t you scared? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
Akira falls silent. “I didn’t go back to the same intersection,” he says at last.
Goro can’t take this. “I’m taking a walk.”
“Wait wait wait, Goro, just—” Akira grabs Goro’s hand and Goro has the sudden urge to yank his arm away, but Akira’s hand is also incredibly real, just like it felt this morning and yesterday and the day before that and all the days Goro ever took Akira’s living, breathing body for granted. “I didn’t think it was a big deal. He was going, I dunno, twenty miles per hour at most. It was an intersection. He’d slowed down beforehand and everything, and I didn’t even get hurt on the fall.”
Right, because Goro’s the one who’s just freaking out for no reason. Right. Okay. Because that’s how he is, isn’t he, always being dramatic over little things. Right. Of course. This is fine.
When Goro doesn’t turn around, Akira moves around to the front to look him in the eye. “Sorry if I made you worry,” says Akira. “But it was really nothing at all.”
“Maybe it was nothing this time,” says Goro forcefully. “But what about the next time—the next car—the next time you borrow my bike? What about tomorrow? Or the day after that? Literally any one of the hundreds and hundreds of days coming up where you could easily die just as easily as you died today.”
“Then I’ll escape death hundreds and hundreds of times,” says Akira.
Goro scoffs.
“I mean it. I was a Phantom Thief, wasn’t I? I escaped death more than once. Did it again today. I’ll do it as many times as it takes until we’re both old and grey.” Akira takes Goro’s hand, but it’s Goro who laces their fingers together.
“Sometimes it doesn’t work that way,” says Goro, like a bad echo of his ten-year-old self, trying to figure out what kind of world would let his mother die.
“I’m just keeping my promise,” says Akira. “I told you that I’d never leave you. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Sometimes that’s not your decision to make.”
“It is and I’ve decided I’m immortal until you die.”
Goro scoffs. “Don’t be arrogant.”
“Is it being arrogant? I didn’t let death steal you away from me. I’m not letting it steal me away from you, either.”
“Sometimes…” Goro begins.
“'Sometimes’ what?”
'Sometimes’ what?
Sometimes things get worse. People die early, and unfulfilled; they streak through the sky in a blaze and then wink out, without even a burst of fire to show for it. Sometimes nobody gets a say in what happens, and plans don’t pan out, and wishes aren’t granted, and everything happens for no good reason and no good end.
Today, Goro Akechi-Kurusu is thirty-four years old, about sixteen years older than he ever figured he was going to be. He has a career in a non-profit for maladjusted youth getting reacclimated to school systems and preparing for college, instead of the career in law he figured he’d have if he actually lived that long. He doesn’t just have one friend, but multiple friends. He has, unbelievably, a husband, which honestly still floors him to this day, considering that he was and maybe still is convinced that marriage is a scam devised by asshole men like his father to manipulate young women into a false sense of security. The other day, Akira mentioned that he wanted to get a cat to keep Morgana company, maybe in a few years when they moved into a pet-friendly apartment, and in Goro’s head, it made sense that they would both be alive and together entire years in the future for them to get a cat.
Today is already an impossible day, isn’t it?
“Sometimes,” says Goro flatly, “you say ridiculous things, and I think that you could actually pull it off.”
Akira grins. Akira leans in for their regular greeting kiss when one of them comes home, but this time, Goro closes his eyes, leans into it, really tries to memorize the feel of Akira’s lips on his. Every line and scar on his hands, the odd ends of his fingernails, that familiar way he waits for four beats, then takes a breath through his nose and kisses Goro again, and never can quite seem to avoid kissing him more on the bottom lip than the top. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep,” he says plainly not three inches from Goro’s face. “It’s bad form to leave a calling card and never show up.”
Goro smiles. “Then I won’t let you break your word.”
When Akira pulls away, he kisses the back of Goro’s hand, like a proper gentleman thief of old. “Happy birthday, dear,” he says, and surprisingly, despite the way this awful day started off, Goro thinks that Akira might be able to pull that promise off, too.
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frigidvm · 4 years
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✧・゚(   khione + kaylee bryant + cisfemale   ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (   eleanora “ella” duponte  ) around ? (  she  ) has been in kaos for (   six months   ). the (   twenty two year old   ) is a/an (   unemployed   ) from (   ontario, canada   ). people say they can be (   fierce   ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (   cunning   ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of (   the numbness in your fingertips when touching ice, frost patterns along a rose petal, & the warmth of hot chocolate on a winter morning   ).
hi usually i have a pretty intro graphic but ya girl is feeling ultra lazy today and photoshop is being a big bitch and so i just ... decided to use a little gif that truly encompasses ella as a person EIRUFLKND
BUT ANYWAYS hey it’s me again, lou, i also play julietta and i am soooo excited to be introducing this baby to you all !! i’m gonna be frank, she’s not the easiest to get along with ?? i kinda based her a little bit off of how khione was in the pjo books but Less Evil and Less Messy if that makes sense ?? she’s just really blunt and kinda sorta rude and very much the queen of RBF. below is a bio i wrote in second person -- it’s pretty long so u dont have to read it if u dont want to i promise it wont hurt my feelings ill be happy to give u a tldr if u want me to. 
i hope u enjoy my baby ,, pls dont be afraid to plot with her i promise she may seem like a meanie but she rlly does have the Capability to be nice ,,, she’s just forgotten how ,,
on december 25th, in the year 1997, you made your way into the world in the midst of the coldest night ontario had faced in months. your parents, evelyn and nathaniel duponte, had prayed and prayed for a baby girl for years. years and years and years of trying and trying and trying until eventually, they had given up. and it was only when they’d given up that you came to be.
as a child, you were nothing short of the brightest light in the house. your smile was enough to brighten even the darkest of hearts, your laughter sweeter than even the daintiest christmas bells. you were a dream child – that is, until they stole your light. and how did the do that, you ask ? well, this is truly where our story begins …
no one is entirely sure when the passion blossomed, but some rumor it to have started on your fourth birthday. your mother and father thought that a fun trip to an ice skating rink would make for a good present, and much to their surprise, you were a natural. it was as if you were born specifically for the ice. one step into the rink and off you went, able to hold yourself upright and balanced even at such a young age. a prodigy, they said. absolutely incredible, they praised. you left that evening with a new pair of skates and weekly lessons scheduled into your routine.
after two months of lessons, they went from weekly to three times a week. and then every day. before you really knew what was happening, you were spending every second of your life at the ice rink, honing in your skills. this talent that you possessed was going to get you far in life, your coach had said. what he didn’t seem to realize was the monster that it would awaken within your mother. it was gradual, at first. a slow trickle. one day she was more proud of you than any parent ever could, and then a week later she was subtly criticizing your technique. and then she was restricting you from going out with friends, saying that practice was far more important. and then she was pointing out every single flaw that you had, and harshly at that. pretty soon, the joy in your eyes winked out, the warmth in your chest icing over entirely. if a machine was what she wanted for a daughter, a machine was what she would get.
competitions came and went, gold medals were secured, and you were on a fast track to competing in the olympics. your once bright and bubbly personality had since faded into one of cold and cunning, of ice and harsh. you only ever smiled when you won. your mother was no longer the nurturing woman you remembered. your father allowed her to treat you like her own personal doll. you began to fold within yourself until you were nothing but a frozen front, a heart iced completely with no chance of thaw.
your first olympics were terrifying. but you persevered, and came home with the gold for your division. a landslide win, they’d called it. rookie sensation, they deemed you. the praise went right to your head, and the arrogance bloomed in your chest. you knew just how good you were, and didn’t let anyone tell you differently. four years later, you competed again, and yet another gold. a two time olympic champion, a national ranking – what more could you need ?
and then you saw the zillow ad for a nice house on a small island called kaos. for the first time in forever, something besides ice caught your attention. it was an impulse decision, and a quick move. she waited until both of her parents were out of the house to have all of her things collected, and just like that, she was gone. vanished. no word as to where she was going other than a note that read ‘see you whenever.’ it’s been six months since then, and she has no plans on leaving kaos anytime soon.
iii. details.
she is not very nice ,,,
she also comes from a fuckload of money. very high society.
is a world ranked figure skater
has won two olympic gold medals
her favorite color is champagne ( shes so boujee i hate her )
always has very manicured nails
honestly the best way i can describe her is like
blair waldorf except not whiny ??? very much a “i’m important and idc what you say about it” vibe
definitely lives in designer clothing
used to be very artistic and was actually fantastic at painting and drawing and sculpting but then her mom was like “its a distraction no more for u”
she really …. doesn’t know how to have fun anymore ??
MAAAAAJOR slytherin vibes. like major. very ambitious and cunning and will do anything to get to where she wants to be
like she doesn’t care who she has to go through
and she also doesn’t care who’s feelings she hurts
has a maine coon named fluffernutter ,,, because he is white and brown and reminded her of the sandwich. however she commonly refers to him as fluff and refuses 2 tell anyone his actual name
wears only one piece of jewelry and it is a silver necklace with a locked heart pendant ( this is absolutely symbolism thnx )
does not have a job because she does not need a job
really likes the luxurious lifestyle
definitely owns a rolex
really just … doesn’t care abt anything
someone thaw her out pls & thank u
iii. wanted plots !!! im also super duper open to brainstorming things of our own ! these are just ideas !!!
1. the former best friend - this is someone that she spent a good majority of her time with before her mother limited interactions with people. they did everything together, whether it be watching a movie or trying to see how long they can get away with hiding in a grocery store after they close. it’s been nearly four years since they’ve spoken, and this might be one of the only people to bring a genuine reaction out of her.
2. the almost, the maybe, the “there’s something there” - they met recently. or maybe they met awhile ago. could work either way. this person was almost successful in attempting to worm their way into her heart. almost, however, is the key word in that statement. having gone so long without genuine human interaction outside of her sport, she hadn’t realized just how much she had longed for a friend. and then, she suddenly liked them as more then a friend, and that was when ella cut off everything. she’ll never admit it, but the idea of building a connection with someone terrified her.
3. the rival - oh, these two do not like each other. the why is something that can be discussed, but just know that there was some sort of altercation that led to the level of dislike between the two of them. could it possibly change ?? maybe so. i’d actually like to see how that pans out. however, as of right now, the most they do is snipe at one another mercilessly
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Hey guys, it’s me again. Where do I even begin. Happy Easter I guess.
Did I mention I feel like an idiot? Because I do. Yay. I did some pretty stupid things which I now regret way more than I thought I could. It was so shitty and pointless. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know what’s been going through my head, just so you know what you’re dealing with in case you try to talk to me in the next week or so. I’m a weak-ass overthinking anxious crybaby. I mean we’ve been knew but...
Moving on. Let’s talk about what I post. It’s still far away, but what would you rather see when this part of Roses is over? I can post either NSB gen 3 (TS4) or BPR gen 1 (TS3). I feel like I keep asking this question all the time, I don’t even know why because I’m almost 100% sure what I want to post next, but oh well. Give me your opinions.
Also...anyone else excited about whatever the hell Taylor Swift is doing right now? I can’t wait to see what it all means. Less than a week omg. Step into the daylight and let it go. I love that quote so don’t be surprised if I use it too much.
Replies now.
desira-sims replied to your photo “your kiss is a drug”
I love your edits. ��
Thank youuu! ♥ It almost makes it look like I know what I’m doing in Photoshop, but trust me, I don’t :D
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Will: “So…you say there’s a way for me to get magic even though both...”
((okay ronnie this means we better get at least one throwaway edit of will w fairy wings do u hear me))
Great idea! I think I’ll really have to do something like this.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “5: September, Ross, Sunset”
Haha yes! Autocorrection on my phone doesn't like the month December XD
Wow that’s rude, December is the best month of the year :D Though I admit, I’m biased because my birthday is in that month haha. Also Christmas and all that.
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Will: Don’t tell me this wasn’t a dream. This is too good to be real....”
No joke, I literally thought “hmm, what’s they gayest way to do this scene?” for a second when I was planning it. I’m terrible.
champs-les-sims replied to your photoset “Lydia: “I’m your awesome friend. Last time I checked, awesome friends...”
Yay they’re together! I really liked these pics.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Courtney: “I’m starting to think you’re immortal, doggo. Not that I’m...”
He better never die
I wish
desira-sims replied to your photo “someday i might stop creating red haired sims but today is not that...”
I find myself drawn to red headed sims too.
I love red hair sooo much ;-; Not just in sims, but in general, it’s just such a nice colour. I’ve had a box of red hair dye for months now, my friend got me one for my birthday...I said I would dye my hair when I cut it though, and I still haven’t done that because I’m too afraid to make a phonecall, even though the hairdresser is so nice :D Yay me.
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gryewaren · 7 years
i was tagged in a couple of games this past week so i’m just gonna make one post answering them all because they’re fun and i have the time so here we go
rules: answer the questions and tag blogs you would like to get to know better tagging: (you can choose what game u wanna do or something lol or ignore if u want but i wanna know u all a bit better <3) @pcnsypcrknsn @polaroids @gansaey @twinminyards @henriettablues @adamparrishes @aridantes @ccress @dirkqently @mavenbarrow @donnattartt @perspective
tagged by: kahlia @monstrouss  ♥ 
nickname/s: kim
gender: female
star sign: cancer 
height:  5′2″ fuc
time: 1:37 pm, i don’t have classes rn which is a fucking miracle
birthday: july 21
favorite bands: mayday parade, pierce the veil, 5sos (yES), fall out boy
favorite solo artists: ed sheeran, sam smith, selena gomez, kaleo, niall horan, james arthur, lauv, lorde
song stuck in my head: laro by autotellic
last movie i watched: in the cinema? thor: ragnarok (11/10 recommend)
last show i watched: black butler, it’s an anime
when did i create my blog: created this one december last year
what do i post: lit, some films, and just anything i find pretty 
last thing i googled: "how to get rid of ‘index’ in photoshop”
do i have any other blogs: nah
do i get asks: what are thoooose
why i chose my url: bc i’m ronan’s bitch
following: 400-something
followers: 1,6k-something
average hours of sleep: 4??? 5???? most of the times i get around 3 hours of sleep bc the universe thinks i dont deserve rest
lucky number: seven
instruments: none
what am i wearing: a shirt and boxer shorts
dream job: a surgeon
dream trip: greece
favourite food: shanghai rolls???? hAHAHA
nationality: filipino
favorite song right now: midnight train by sam smith
tagged by: nicole @nhmesis  ♥ — Relationship Status: ???? — Favourite Colour: soft colors like rose gold, beige/nude, white — Lipstick or Chapstick: lipstick??? — Last Song I Listened To: queen by atronach’s aura — Last Movie I Watched: thor:ragnarok — Top 3 TV Shows: friends / big bang theory / yuri on ice (bc why not) — Top 3 Bands/Artists: mayday parade / ed sheeran / 5sos — Books I’m Currently Reading: the goldfinch
tagged by: shanaz @aphrocilles  ♥
name: karen nickname: kim height: 5′2 birthday: july 21 fave color: beige, white, rose gold 10 most played songs: wolves by selena gomez / the thrill of it all by sam smith / get you by daniel caesar / lie by NF / stranger things by kygo / nightmares by all time low / beside you by marianas trench / drunk by zayn malik / sleep tonight by december avenue / three cheers for five years by mayday parade 7 favorite movies: kill your darlings / the great gatsby / salt  / inception / call me by your name (even tho i still havent seen it) / the curious case of benjamin button / the hangover 1,2, and 3 6 favorites tv shows: im not a big fan of tv shows omg sorry 4 celebrity crushes: selena gomez / angelina jolie / tom cruise / timothee chalamet 1 thing that defines you: is it bad that i can’t think of anything
tagged by: ana @kerahs  ♥
nicknames: kim gender: female sign: cancer height: 5′2 time: 10:56 am birthday: july 21st favorite bands: mayday parade, ptv, fob, 5sos favorite solo artists: ed sheeran, niall horan, sam smith song stuck in my head: HIM by sam smith last movie i watched: thor:ragnarok last show i watched: black butler when did i create this blog: december 31 2016  what do i post: mostly the raven cycle, all for the game, and six of crows. some ya lit edits and the occasional aes posts what did i last google: latin translation (bc of that maggie reply on one on the posts of her tweet) other blogs: deleted them all lol but i used to own vxalentino and hemmosbitch do i get asks: i wish following: 380 followers: 1,669 babes  ♥ average hours of sleep: 3-4 hours??? on school nights lucky number: 7 instruments: zero what am i wearing: fuck im still in my pajamas favorite food: uhm???? last book i read: the goldfinch (but i havent finished it yet, that still counts right?) 3 favorite fandoms: trc, aftg, and yoi
tagged by: victoria @neiljostnss  ♥ 2ND RULE: bold the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short(ish) hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it   There is something much I would change about my personality ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports (i used to, sigh) I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS: I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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I will be using tags with  ★彡 Follow the leader. Follow this blog ❰Promotion // self Promos❱ as a format. I can use prokeys to help me so hopefully my ocd isn’t a bitch over this.
Old tags that will no longer be in use aside from the url and tw ones. 
★·.·´ ❪ Interactions ❫  🎔  ❝Pretty words all strung together.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // All Replies ❫  🎔  ❝ A collection of writing that is magic. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Out Of Character ❫  🎔  ❝Signs her letters with x’s and o’s.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Undecided ❫ 🎔  ❝ Not sure where she belongs in this world beside team other. ❞ ❰Undecided❱
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Wishlist Plots ❫  🎔  ❝When you wish upon a star and hope for the best. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Ask Meme ❫  🎔  ❝I know how to play this game.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Just a Marshall ❫  🎔  ❝She was never meant to be a girl that followed the crowd.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Other Promo❫  🎔 ❝Amazing blogs full of beautiful writing.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Danielle Rose Russell ❫  🎔  ❝ Clever as the devil and twice as pretty.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // All ❫  🎔  ❝A collection of things that I have done over time.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Musing ❫  🎔  ❝ She could set the world on fire and call it rain.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // All Answered Asks ❫  🎔 ❝ A collection of writing that is like a book just begging to be read. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // About ❫  🎔  ❝She used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows.❞
★·.·´ ❪ IC Answered ❫  🎔  ❝ She is going to prove you all wrong.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Headcanon ❫ 🎔  ❝ The truth hurts but secrets kill.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Pretend to be human  ❫  🎔  ❝Don’t let them look behind the curtain. ❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Hope Mikaelson not found  ❫ She jumped into the pit to save the world one final time  🎔  ❝❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Wardrobe ❫  🎔  ❝Just another dressed up heartbreak.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Next on Nashville ❫  🎔  ❝Without Music this life would be a mistake.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Isms ❫  🎔  ❝.Turn the pain into power.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Landon Kirby ❫  🎔  ❝ Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Self Promo ❫  🎔  ❝A little self love never hurt anyone.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Verse // Marshall Mikaelson ❫  🎔  ❝A family built from pain and death. Like a phoenix they rise up.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Aesthetic ❫  🎔  ❝She doesn’t give a damn about her bad reputation.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Desires ❫  🎔  ❝You can touch me with slow hands. Turn it up and make me sweat.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Videos ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes you just wanna watch a show.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Static ❫  🎔  ❝Just a wonderful edit.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Ipod ❫  🎔   ❝Just listen to this music and let your hair down.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Screencap ❫  🎔  ❝Quickly snap a picture because it will last longer.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Klaus Mikaelson ❫  🎔  ❝He wasn’t just the greatest evil. He was my father.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Saved // Positivity ❫  🎔  ❝Your message has made my day that much brighter.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Motherhood ❫  🎔  ❝In my daughter’s eyes I am a hero. ❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Welcome to my youtube channel  ❫  🎔  ❝everyone loves a girl like her. Painting pretty pictures in a flowered dress.❞ ❰Alternative U
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Answered ❫  🎔  ❝Wears a smile to cover up everything else.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Guest Muse: Hayley ❫  🎔  ❝It’s time to fight little wolf.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Hayley Marshall ❫  🎔   ❝She’s somebody’s hero. A hero to her baby with a skinned up knee. A little kiss is all she needs. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mikaelson Boarding School ❫  🎔  ❝My father wanted me to have a place to be myself so he built this school.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Powers ❫  🎔  ❝They used to burn witches at the stake. They can’t burn me for I am the most powerful witch in the world.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Graphics made by friends ❫  🎔  ❝These are so pretty I wanna keep it forever.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Verses ❫  🎔  ❝ Her vision of the world under the water represented a beautiful stillness. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Rising Children ❫ 🎔  ❝Just two woman raising witches together.❞ ❰Private with abrokenwitch❱
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Summer Fontana ❫  🎔  ❝ It’s not my fault I have my father’s eyes.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Verses Information Drop ❫  🎔 ❝ Learn more about the wonderful verses of this blog. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Superstar ❫  🎔  ❝she belongs on the big screen and that is where she is now.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // tutorials ❫  🎔  ❝Step by Step instructions made by me.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Adopted We Hope  ❫  🎔  ❝We had to do what was right for you even if it hurt like hell at the time.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Legacies Season One ❫  🎔  ❝A school for the young and the gifted.❞ ❰Canon❱
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Tag Drop ❫  🎔  ❝ Just a drop for all the things that need to be dropped. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Hidden Away ❫  🎔  ❝I just want to see the world. Feel the sun on my skin and sand between my toes.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // PSD ❫  🎔  ❝A special coloring here and there for everyone.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Josie Saltzman ❫  🎔  ❝You are the selfless siphoner that did black magic with me.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Haylope ❫  🎔   ❝Everything I do is for her. You are your mother’s daughter. Because the very best of me is in you. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Grimoire ❫  🎔  ❝The most powerful witch in the world.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a starter. If your a multi muse tell me who you want the starter to be thrown at. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Actress ❫ 🎔  ❝Lights. Camera. Action. Fake it until you make it.❞ ❰Private with dcnouement❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // GIFs ❫  🎔  ❝Almost like a short little video but not.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Raised by Aunt Bex ❫  🎔  ❝Andrea Jones was a high school cheerleader. Hope Mikaelson was a princess❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for the randomness that is me. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Bow down to them  ❫  🎔  ❝My god have mercy on her enemies because she surely won’t.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Sophie Turner ❫  🎔  ❝I’ll survive because somehow I always do.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Icons ❫  🎔  ❝feel free to use these when you rp.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Credits ❫  🎔  ❝ Sometimes we have things that aren’t ours so shout out to these people that helped. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Dual Promo  ❫  🎔  ❝ You have me all heart eyes. ❞
death threat tw
★·.·´ ❪ Rich Kids ❫ 🎔  ❝Dripping in diamonds trying to kill their feelings.❞ ❰Private with dcnouement❱
★·.·´ ❪ Helpful  // Reference ❫  🎔  ❝ Might need this someday so going to reblog it. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Reblog ❫  🎔 ❝Reblogging this in case someone missed it or I have updated it. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Introduction of Jennifer ❫  🎔  ❝ Hello and welcome to my blog! Learn more about me here! ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Faceless ❫ 🎔  ❝ She doesn’t need a hero because she is the hero.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Single Mom ❫  🎔  ❝She didn’t have time. She coulda cried but she didn’t have time.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Marcel Gerard ❫  🎔  ❝He is my brother and my friend.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dahlia raised  ❫  🎔  ❝do not weep because weapons do not cry ❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔  Elena Satine ❫  🎔  ❝The devil has nothing on me.❞
★彡 She is more than just a copy of her twin ❰Verse // Parent Trap❱
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Blog Masterlist ❫  🎔  ❝Making a list and checking it twice.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Rules ❫  🎔  ❝Everyone has a set of laws they follow inside of them.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Happily Ever After  ❫  🎔  ❝the way things should have gone.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Drabble ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes I write things just to write them.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Map ❫ 🎔  ❝ She traveled the world looking for the beauty without stopping to see that she was what she was looking for
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Watch Me Edit ❫  🎔  ❝Watch me edit and have fun.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Dash Games ❫  🎔  ❝Just going to play a little game.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Fanfiction ❫  🎔  ❝We write to fill a hole in our hearts.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Drawings ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes I like to get a piece of paper out and draw.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Stats ❫  🎔  ❝ There was once a girl who would die to protect others.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Where to find me ❫  🎔  ❝I have a lot of places that I might be. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Jen // Giveaway ❫  🎔  ❝Here is a chance to win.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Graphic Starter Call ❫🎔 ❝ Like for the randomness that is me. Or just comment on this post if it is easier.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Mine // Polarr ❫  🎔  ❝Sometimes making a free coloring is worth it.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Permanent Romantic Ship Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a lot of loving from the one bad ass tribrid. ❞
★·.·´ ❪ Visage  🎔 Alexandra Daddario ❫  🎔  ❝ Live fast. Die Young. Bad girls do it well.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Magic Bound ❫  🎔  ❝Witches are in fairytales not real life up until now.❞ ❰Alternative Universe❱
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Adventures in iconic Editing ❫  🎔  ❝Look at this. Jennifer is playing in photoshop again.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Queue ❫  🎔  ❝When the lights go out in New Orleans.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Giveaways ❫  🎔  ❝Amazing People that do giveaways.❞
★·.·´ ❪ Dash Only // Starter Call ❫  🎔  ❝ Like for a starter. If you are a multi muse please comment on who you want the starter for. ❞
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tune-collective · 8 years
Migos & Memes: How Everything From Strippers to Donald Glover Helped 'Bad & Boujee' Explode
Migos & Memes: How Everything From Strippers to Donald Glover Helped 'Bad & Boujee' Explode
If you’ve been near just about any FM radio dial, social media feed or person under 20 in the past month or so, you know that the only possible follow-up to that formerly innocuous word is “drop top,” completing the opening rhyme from the current Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 song “Bad and Boujee” by Migos, featuring Lil Uzi Vert.
But it’s more than just a catchy refrain. Offset’s hook spawned an online movement via memes that reached just about every demographic, especially after Donald Glover (a.k.a. Childish Gambino, a.k.a. creator of the Migos-featuring sitcom Atlanta) declared his love for the “Boujee” in his Golden Globes acceptance speech.
The song’s road to No. 1 began long before it hit national TV, though — here’s the story of its unlikely rise to the top.
1. The Single 
“Bad and Boujee” arrived Aug. 27, 2016, ­exclusively on SoundCloud, “a ­community on the brink of what’s going to break,” according to Quality Control Records head Kevin “Coach K” Lee. It was a new strategy for Migos, but one Lee had seen work with one of his other young artists, Lil Yachty. “Quavo was featured on one of Yachty’s songs on SoundCloud, and it got like a million plays in 24 hours, so our strategy this time was to feed those fans,” he says. “They’re the ones you want to touch first.”
Even before it dropped, though, Lee was certain the song was a hit. “Offset just sent me a hook and verse at first — as soon as I heard it, I was like, ‘Man, where’s Quavo? Where’s Takeoff? They need to get on this record ASAP.’ Within three days, we put it out.” Timing was crucial: Lee wanted to release the Metro Boomin-produced “Boujee” in time for Labor Day weekend (Sept. 3-5), typically home to some of the biggest radio mixshows of the year.
The response — especially to Offset’s opening hook — was immediate, albeit confined to the hipper corners of rap internet. There were about 100 tweets quoting “raindrop, drop top” the day the song was released, according to data from Twitter, probably starting with this one:
raindrops, drop tops
— 1/2 of naerene (@SIlXFEETUNDER) August 27, 2016
Within an hour there were more:
Raindrop! Drop top!
— isaac (@TlPSYY) August 27, 2016
Rain drop Drop top
— Tyler Yalch (@Tyleryalch) August 27, 2016
The song’s meme-readiness even came through in the album art, which itself was originally a meme based on a photo of Love & Hip-Hop: Atlanta star Tommie Lee.
  Throughout my life there’s been a lot of pain and hardships. I thank God for everyday of my new life, As I transition into the woman at one time I could only dream of becoming. @clearlyfocusedmediaworks @_bxplicit @msamyj thank you!! #curry noodles coming soon #transitiontees #kiltframes #tommieshit#neverforgetwhereyoucamefrom #vh1 #currynoodles #lhhatl#monascott @monascottyoung @erika_lapearl_mua
A photo posted by Tommie (@tommiee_) on Jul 18, 2016 at 2:18pm PDT
Me lmao pic.twitter.com/ciDlRcsPGm
— jenny (@bawnsai) August 5, 2016
“I didn’t know they were using the picture, but I was flattered,” Tommie Lee told Billboard via email. “It’s always cool to know someone appreciates your vision. Plus, the song is super catchy — I like it.” The story behind the photo, fittingly, is about as “Bad and Boujee” as it gets: “I was at such a transitional time in my life, and I wanted the photo to tell a story,” says Tommie Lee. “My photographer Cris Evans and I snuck into the Sun Dial [the restaurant at Atlanta’s The Westin Peachtree Plaza] and pretended we were there to eat. I ordered a tea and asked for extra hot water. When the server brought the water, my photographer pulled the noodles out of his bag to catch the shot. I had to tip the server $100 to be the lookout and give us five more minutes — $100 all for a dope Instagram picture, LOL. My favorite part was that so many people could relate to it.”
Despite its instant online cred, the next step for the track was totally old school: club and radio promotion, specifically via Atlanta strip clubs and listening parties. In September, Migos personally visited “every club and every strip club” in the city to perform and promote “Boujee,” according to Coach K. “We hadn’t done that in a while, because [Migos had] been on the road so much, but with this record we knew we had to go back to the basics, back to the grind,” he adds. “Perform the song, and personally go up to the DJ and say, ‘Hey, this is our new record.'” Plus: “If those girls start putting up clips of themselves dancing to it on Snapchat,” says Coach K of the strip clubs’ dancers, “you know it’s going to go.”
2. The Video  The track’s video, released Oct. 31, racked up 1 ­million views in just three days and within a few weeks was added to more than 4,000 YouTube playlists daily. “For a hip-hop artist that’s not necessarily global yet, that was impressive,” says YouTube head of culture and trends Kevin Alloca. That, combined with the song’s official single release (Oct. 28) across platforms and radio push, prompted the song’s chart debut: No. 42 on the Hot Hip-Hop/R&B Songs chart for the week ending Nov. 10. Though it entered the chart thanks to exponential growth in streams, airplay was still a factor, particularly in Atlanta (the top city for “Boujee” airplay every week since its release except one, confirming that they are still very much local boys making good), Chicago and New York.
“Boujee” mentions were still growing, mostly on Twitter — users sometimes tweeted the lyrics while attaching a picture or GIF (Wiz Khalifa was an early adopter, see below):
Me when Bad and Boujee comes on. pic.twitter.com/pEjmGiWwW5
— Wiz Khalifa (@wizkhalifa) November 3, 2016
When I hear Offset hook, Rain drop .. Drop Top pic.twitter.com/INw1uSXUie
— #22 (@Gottiboi_ij) October 11, 2016
3. The Memes, and the No. 1   By mid-November, the lyrics were averaging 2,500 mentions a day on Twitter, and it had become almost a prerequisite to attach an image or an exhortation to respond to any mention of “raindrop” with “drop top.” Two of the meme formats that have had the most impact, though, seem to have been created by Atlanta artist Zack Fox, an Awful Records affiliate and most recently cast member and writer of Flying Lotus’ debut film Kuso.
Raindrops Drop top Shoutout my niggas at standing rock
— Zachary Fox (@zackfox) December 5, 2016
when you bout to leave the club and hear offset say “you know….” pic.twitter.com/oGrt4zLJEJ
— Zachary Fox (@zackfox) December 8, 2016
“There’s no mystique to how I use the Internet,” says Fox. “Most of what I do is just me on my laptop with a blanket over my head, Photoshop is open, and it just happens.” Fox already had a substantial Twitter following, which helped his tweets go viral (now, he’s at more than 40,000 followers). “If I didn’t do it, somebody else was going to,” he adds. “There’s definitely some checks that could be written, but I wasn’t thinking to myself, ‘I’m doing this so this song can be No. 1’ — it’s honestly the best song I’ve heard in the past five years.” The week after Fox’s tweets and the many, many others that emulated them (ending Dec. 15, 2016), “Boujee” grew almost 60 percent in airplay audience nationally, its largest jump since just after its official release. By the end of December, the song was in the top 40 of the Hot 100 and brands like Wendy’s and Jimmy John’s jumped on the trend, confirming that it had gone mainstream.
Rain drop Drop top
I eat Jimmy John’s nonstop
— Jimmy John’s (@jimmyjohns) December 26, 2016
@chulomang drop top
— Wendy’s (@Wendys) January 4, 2017
“Rap culture saying or doing something cool and then some big corporation making it wack is just the way it works,” says Fox of the corporate use of “Boujee” memes. “Twitter accounts doing it is so funny because you see exactly how it happens — you’re giving me 140-character evidence that your corporation is built on taking shit and manipulating the same people you took it from. I’m probably gonna go eat Jimmy John’s after this, like ‘Raindrop, drop top’ … where have I heard that before?”
Lee says that since OG Maco (also a Quality Records signee) blew up via memes with 2014’s “U Guessed It,” he’s made concerted efforts to go viral as part of his marketing strategy. “Oh hell yeah [we try to cultivate memes],” he says. “We’re like, ‘Who made this meme?! We need to get them this record.’ It’s really a promotional tool now — we didn’t have to pay anybody, but there’s a business out there for it.” He traces the impact of memes to seeing snipes (posters) on the street in his early days as a promoter. “You’d say, ‘Oh damn, this record’s about to be hot,’ because you’d seen it a lot of places. This is before the Internet.”
The timing of the song’s exploding popularity was also a combination of old-school and new-school marketing — sure, it was tied to going viral on Twitter, but it also happened over the holidays, traditionally a boom time for song and album sales. “It really popped between Thanksgiving and Christmas … I think because the kids were, like, on break,” adds Lee. “A lot of times it’s the kids that really move the culture.” A combination of increasingly prolific meme-ing and the holidays (read: iTunes gift cards) meant the song’s sales almost quadrupled over Christmas (digital sales rose 380% to 116,000 the week ending Dec. 29). On New Year’s Eve, the turn-up ready single was added to 12,000 YouTube playlists — one portion of the song’s almost 40 million streams that helped it finally land at No. 1 on the Hot 100, the week ending Jan. 5, 2017.
4. The Co-Sign Just three days later, Donald Glover called “Boujee” “the best song ever” during his Golden Globes ­acceptance speech, helping it become the top gainer across metrics on the Jan. 28 chart. “I was like, ‘Oh shit,’” says Lee. “Middle America, the world — they all know now.” During the ceremony, there were 175,000 mentions of “Bad and Boujee” or Migos — more than, for example, there were about Ryan Gosling. By Jan. 11 (three days after the Globes), the video had 100 million views on YouTube — currently it’s at over 137 million.
“It’s a very 21st century type of popularity,” adds Alloca, who sees “Black Beatles” as a strong comparison. “They’re both songs that became much bigger than themselves — they’re part of a movement, and really driven by people’s creative expression and enjoyment.” He adds that at least via YouTube, they’ve sowed the seeds for future success: “Migos started 2016 with about 280,000 subscribers, and now they’re at over 800,000 — they’ve increased the reach as soon as they drop their next song.” “Bad and Boujee” is atop the Hot 100 for a second week with the chart dated Feb. 4, breaking the record for the most weeks (this is its fifth) as the chart’s top streaming gainer.
Migos will be looking to expand their reach even more with their new album Culture, which drops this Friday, Jan. 27 — but Lee sees some reason to celebrate already. “Two years ago there was all this Internet gossip about Migos and The Beatles, then Rae Sremmurd comes with this song called ‘Black Beatles,’ that was up on the charts forever. Then, boom — the Migos, who originally had all the Beatles stuff, we come and we take down the Rae Sremmurd record,” he says, laughing. “You can’t make this stuff up, you know?”
This article originally appeared in the Jan. 28 issue of Billboard.
Source: Billboard
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