#can you believe i wanted this done before the movie? what a fool i was...
mrs-luigi-vargas · 1 year
An Egg in a Trying Time
Ch 1 (of 4): Wherein Luigi obtains an egg (and a trying time)
Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Bowser/Luigi, Luigi & Mario & Peach Characters: Luigi, Bowser, Mario, Peach, Kamek, Bowser Jr, Kammy Tags: Humor, Fluff, Oblivious Luigi, Accidental Egg Acquisition
Summary: If Luigi had known babysitting this Yoshi egg would bring him this much trouble, he would have thought twice about volunteering to watch it. Especially since said trouble had Bowser's name written all over it. But perhaps that won’t turn out to be such a bad thing, in the end...
[Link to AO3]
With a startled yelp, Luigi tripped and sprawled face-first to the ground.
Rolling over onto his back, he stared up at the puffy white clouds floating in the sky and fought the urge to take a nap right then and there. His eyes slipped closed anyway, a combination of the longer-than-he’d-thought-it’d-be nature walk he was currently on and Mario inadvertently waking him up early this morning weakening his resolve.
He could hardly hold it against his brother for the latter though; they were on vacation, after all, thanks to Princess Peach’s generous invitation, and there were plenty of things to do on the island she’d chosen. She’d invited a bunch of their other friends too, to join them, because she was just that nice of a person (and also apparently logistics for accommodations for this getaway were somehow easier with more people, backwards as that seemed).
Speaking of friends, Luigi could hear Yoshi muttering to itself as it strolled down the trail in his direction. It was only when he heard its cry of alarm and rapid footsteps approaching him did Luigi open his eyes again. 
“I’m alright,” Luigi reassured it, waving it away as he sat up with a wince. What did he trip over, anyway? He’d drifted to the edge of the path, so he would have thought a tree root had gotten him, but there weren't any trees nearby, only waving stalks of tall grass. Luigi scanned his surroundings and — there, that lump in the grass must have been it. Yoshi was already moving toward it, curious, and Luigi crawled after him. Parting the grass revealed a lone Yoshi egg, its multicolored spots standing stark against the pale dirt.
“What are you doing here, piccolino?” Luigi reached over to pick it up. His first thought was that this was one of those decoy-like eggs that had been thrown too far while the Yoshis were playing around. But hefting it in his arms proved that this egg was much heavier than one of those decoy eggs would normally be, and a lot warmer too. Which meant this was a real egg, with a real Baby Yoshi inside, that had been sitting out here all alone for who knew how long.
[Keep reading]
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bahrtofane · 6 months
soapy oh soapy
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jude looses his lucky charm and looses his mind in the process
word count - 1.5K+
watch it - HAPPY ARPIL FOOLS. the most unserious fic to date ( jk theres one more coming )
p.s. -big shout out to my friends @aloejuicebr for fueling this madness u guys are real ones and even bigger shout to plooki @yayam26 for making soapy missing poster
You end up forcing jude to do skin care with you after begging him for weeks because you just know you can work your magic and make him feel the best he’s ever felt. All you need is a night in. And time. Lots of time 
After some persuasion and begging, pouty lips and puppy eyes, he gives in. 
“Fine.” is all he says while you’re in his living room, legs over his watching a movie that you've long ignored in favor of bothering him. 
But you’re already giggling. Picking out a headband you want him to wear in your head. Pink care bear one it is. The night comes on a rainy day, he has a rare day off the next morning, so you want him to start it on a good note. 
You’re getting ready for bed, in your pjs, jumping about while you get your little baggie full of goodies out. 
“Here,” you hand him the headband,” put this on” pink care bear one just like you envisioned. 
He takes it, feeling the soft material while he hums, “what’s this for?”
“Keeps things out of your hair.” you smile, dragging him to his bathroom. You take about a hundred pictures, and he poses for you for each one. Giggling while you coach him into poses. You think you'll send a few to Jobe for good measure. 
You face the sink and think of a game plan. Eyeing the counter  
It’s here you first lay eyes on soapy. 
“Jude what the hell is that? "You grimace, looking at what looks like a dry stump of white something, sitting on its own little ceramic dish. 
Jude looks away, scratching the back of his neck, mumbling something under his breath. 
You swing your little kit on the sink counter, setting a hand on your hip,”what was that?” 
He sighs dramatically, putting his face in his hands,”it’s my good luck charm. soapy,” he wails. 
You snort, patting his back, “I'm sure he’s very uh lucky,” you give it a small pat. 
“No he is,” Jude brings his head up to face you, “ I know it. I've had him since before dortmund. “ he nods proudly. 
You grimace,”you’ve had a piece of soap for years?”
He only nods harder. 
“Okay jude. Whatever you say. “ 
“I am not getting rid of him,” he points a finger in your face. One that you gently move, pulling his hand into your own. 
“I didn't say get rid of him. Let’s get your skincare started, yeah?”
He nods, following you through the steps like a lost puppy. leaning down while you help him apply the creams and foams just right 
When it’s all set and done, he wiggles into bed happy as can be. Sighing deeply, “that was actually really nice. Thank you. “ 
peck! right on your nose. 
you laugh, “told you it would be nice. “ 
your next plan is to find a way to deal with soapy…
Jude loses soapy. It becomes a whole fiasco. He can’t find him in the usual small little pocket in his duffel bag in the usual ziplock baggie. 
He’s frantic at his hotel, tearing his things apart, looking and relooking at the bottom of his suitcase. His jacket pockets, his pants pockets. 
He tries to think. Did he leave him in his bathroom? No. Can't be it. He remembers putting him inside the familiar zip lock baggie while getting the rest of his things ready. Where in the world did he go. 
His soapy. His poor soapy! How is he supposed to live in these conditions. He’s never. ever missed a single game without soapy. What is he supposed to do now? Loose?? There goes his good luck down the drain. Years of good performance is about to take a nosedive. 
When he’s set to do his routine face time with you pre game, you pick up on his sour mood. But he only brushes it off, blaming it on pre game nerves 
You don’t believe him, but don’t want to press
Jude pends 20 minutes locked inside the bathroom, head in his hands while he scolds himself. It’s a bar of soap he wants to scream, pull yourself together. But he can’t. Soapy has become more than just a silly little joke. He’s become attached to soapy, a part of his routine. He’d rather die than admit it out loud to anyone 
For now he sighs, smoothing his jersey down and getting ready to get on the pitch. 
The only thing that’s been in his mind is getting back home and getting to the bottom of the mystery. Unfortunately for him, soapy is nowhere to be found in the bathroom. Not in the living room. The kitchen. The hallway. He thinks of hiring a cleaning team, but what is he supposed to say ? 
Oh hey guys clean my house and also be on the lookout for a dried out stick of white that looks like a finger haha. 
No. Absolutely not. 
He takes to his own devices and begins to tear apart his house in a desperate search for his beloved soapy. He spends the whole day on his hands and knees looking under places he didn’t even know his house had to begin with, squeezing under and into spaces he’s sure gonna regret tomorrow. 
It’s already dark out when he calls it quits. Nothing but a few bruises to show for it. 
He’s really lost him huh. 
His behavior is soon picked up by teammates, coaches and staff. The usual cheery youthful Jude is replaced by a damp sluggish cranky one.
He’s silent at training, chewing the inside of his cheek while going through the familiar motions of each drill. 
Eduardo comes to him after they hit the showers, squeaky clean and ready to go home. 
“You good?”
Jude gives him a bashful nod, “yeah man. just a little worn out, don't worry.”
He gets a clap on the shoulder in response, and gives a tight lipped smile back. He’s gotta figure this out or it will start to affect more than just his mood. How stupid of him to let an old slice of a soap bar affect him so much. 
A little piece of him can guess why. Soapy is one of the very few stable things in his life. And perhaps the only stable physical thing. something to count on. Something to be able to rely on. Unchanging. 
But now that he’s gone and lost it ? jeez. 
You show up to his house on a cloudy day, his favorite snacks under your arm. He greets you with a kiss, but you see the way his eyes droop and sag. What's wrong with your golden boy? 
He leads you to the living room where you make yourself at home. Plopping down on the couch and handing him his things. 
He takes them gingerly, setting them on the kitchen counter while he takes a seat across from you 
you frown, “Jude. What's wrong? “
He looks away, playing with his hands, knee bouncing. Okay what is going on that’s gotten him so worked up
“Baby…” you try, scooting closer to him. 
He screws his eyes shut, bawling his hands into fists, “I lost soapy,” 
Your gaze softens, “You lost him? When?”
He sighs, cracking an eye open, when he sees you aren’t making fun of him he opens both, relaxing. 
“I don't know. when we played villareal away I couldn’t find him. Then i got back and tore this place up and still no luck.” arms falling into his lap. 
You place a hand on his knee. Gentle. Soft. 
“He couldn't have gotten far. I'm sure he’s somewhere obvious. “ 
“I guess,” he mumbles, leaning into your touch. 
You smile, letting him lean against you. He's so cute when he pouts. You like babying him anyway. The rest of the day is spent with his head in your lap while you press occasional kisses to his face, letting keeping up with the kardashians play in the background. 
When it’s time for you to leave, Jude whines, pouting and asking you to stay just a little more.
“It's already late jude, I would if I could you know that. “
He huffs, “I guess. “ 
You forgot about your bags laying on the kitchen counter, might as well put them away before you go. 
Jude gets up to help, sliding against the hardwood and meeting you in the kitchen
He grabs a chair from the island in the middle, bringing it to him and a little baggie falls from it. Is that what he thinks it is ? He picks it up faster than you can turn around and almost screams. He could cry tears of joy 
It’s soapy. 
You were right. It was right in front of him all along 
He holds up the bar for you to see and you smile, “see. told you. “
He nods, “yes you did,” kissing your lips as a thank you 
You hum, patting his head when you pull apart, “glad you found soapy.” 
Maybe soapy isn’t so bad after all. 
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totalswag · 6 months
Can you write a headcanons that Drew meets actress!reader for the first time and that they end up dating. (she's not in the cast of obx)
Like reader doesn't know who Drew is at all but Drew knows her from some movies or series, they meet at a party of their mutual friend and their relationship are friends to lovers.
I'd like to know who makes the first move between Drew and Reader
love at first sight — DREW STARKEY
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authors note i’ve never done headcanons before and always wanted to do one but didn’t know what topic to do so THANK YOU for the request lovie. please let me know if this is what you were looking for. it's my first time making one of these.
paring drew x actress!reader
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➪ You two happened to be at the same party at one of your good mutual friends parties one night in LA.
➪ You were a well known actress from your popular tv series that's been going on for two years now and two movies you were in as well.
➪ Drew noticed you standing with a few of your friends, talking and laughing, from across the room and couldn't keep his gaze away from you the entire time.
➪ At the time, Drew was contemplating whether or not to approach you and introduce himself, but he didn't want to make a fool of himself.
➪ Instead of going up to you, he continued to stay with his friends and occasionally look in your direction. You felt eyes on you during that time but didn't know who.
➪ You noticed Drew and his friends as you walked back from the bathroom with a few of your girlfriends. You didn’t know who he was either.
➪ There was something in you urging you to turn around and start conversation with this mystery guy. A good feeling. Also couldn't get over the fact how good looking he is too.
➪ Your girlfriend whispered in your ear, "That's Drew Starkey, who plays Rafe Cameron in Outer Banks," she says.
➪ You remember glancing at her with a puzzled expression before inquiring who he was. She stared at you like you were living under a rock.
➪ You were amazed by his acting when she showed you a scene from the latest seasons of Outer Banks.
➪ "I'ma go talk to him!" You told your girlfriends right before you walked over to the handsome tall 6'3 foot man.
➪ Let's say you definitely caught him off guard when you approached him with a toothy smile, introducing yourself to him and cast mates from his tv show. He couldn't believe you were standing in front of him looking all beautiful.
➪ You making the first move is bold and it's very unlike you. Especially when you find someone cute.
➪ "I think you're really handsome, Drew," Gazing at the man in front of you.
➪ You two didn't stop talking once you started. The rest of the night was spent hip to hip. By the end of the night, you had discovered a lot about each other. He couldn't believe you'd never heard of him before, despite the fact that he knew about you.
➪ "We should go out sometime together, are you available next Friday for lunch?" Drew asked as people began to leave the party. Of course, you gave him your number and went to lunch.
➪ The more hung out, the more feelings began to grow for one another in ways you never expected. Never felt so comfortable with someone before until you met each other.
➪ Three months later, Drew asked you to be his girlfriend by taking you to a private beach with all of your favorite snacks and drinks laid out on a blanket and lights that said "Be My Girlfriend?" It was the most beautiful scene ever.
➪ Being together was meant to be. Supportive of each-other in your careers. Always baking your favorite desserts together with oldies in the background. Couldn’t be more happier.
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @chenslucy @brooklynscherry-z @johannelis2302nely @rosezza @solanathascientst
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poohsources · 1 year
❛  if we changed back then, we could change again.  ❜ ❛  what can i say? i'm a sucker for happy endings.  ❜ ❛  i'm sorry, are you talking to me?  ❜ ❛  i would give anything to be like that.  ❜ ❛  are we gonna have a problem?  ❜ ❛  you've come so far, why now are you pulling on my dick?  ❜ ❛  time for you to prove you're not a loser anymore.  ❜ ❛  you can join the team or you can bitch and moan.  ❜ ❛  mr. no-name kid, say who might you be?  ❜ ❛  it's fine if you don't agree, but i would fight for you if you would fight for me.  ❜ ❛  happiness comes when everything numbs.  ❜ ❛  does your mommy know you eat all this crap?  ❜ ❛  i learned to cook pasta, i learned to pay rent; i learned the world doesn't owe you a cent.  ❜ ❛  you heard it man, it's time to rage!  ❜ ❛  so wait, it's lime, then salt, then shot?  ❜ ❛  you're doing it wrong!  ❜ ❛  really? 'cause i feel great.  ❜ ❛  dreams are coming true when people laugh but not at you!  ❜ ❛  i didn't need your help.  ❜ ❛  i can't believe you actually came.  ❜ ❛  why d'you gotta be so weird all the time? people wouldn't hate you so much if you acted normal.  ❜ ❛  thirty hours to live - how shall i spend them?  ❜ ❛  sorry, but i really had to wake you.  ❜ ❛  let's go you know the drill; i'm hot and pissed and on the pill.  ❜ ❛  you say you're numb inside but i can't agree.  ❜ ❛  how'd you find my address?  ❜ ❛  no sleep tonight for you, better chug that mountain dew.  ❜ ❛  no one sees the me inside of me.  ❜ ❛  keep going. this has to be good enough to fool the cops.  ❜ ❛  i never knew about her pain.  ❜ ❛  don't talk mean like that.  ❜ ❛  what did they do to you that you hate them so?  ❜ ❛  you are the only thing that's right about this broken world.  ❜ ❛  they'll die because we say they must.  ❜ ❛  what the fuck have you done?!  ❜ ❛  let's be normal. see bad movies, sneak a beer, and watch tv.  ❜ ❛  don't you want a life with me?  ❜ ❛  if you could let me in, i could be good with you.  ❜ ❛  so what's it gonna be? i wanna be with you.  ❜ ❛  but your love's too good to lose.  ❜ ❛  you're the one i choose.  ❜ ❛  there's nowhere to hide if i say the wrong thing.  ❜ ❛  but i believe any dream worth having is a dream that should not have to end.  ❜ ❛  no, you wouldn't understand!  ❜ ❛  try me! i've experienced everything you're going through right now.  ❜ ❛  you don't know what my world looks like!  ❜ ❛  they made you blind, messed up your mind but i can set you free.  ❜ ❛  i was meant to be yours!  ❜ ❛  don't give up on me now.  ❜ ❛  i can't make this alone! finish what we've begun.  ❜ ❛  i am all that you need.  ❜ ❛  please don't leave me alone. you were all i could trust, i can't do this alone.  ❜ ❛  no one here deserves to die except for me and the monster i created.  ❜ ❛  i wish we met before they convinced you life is war.  ❜ ❛  i wish you'd come with me ...  ❜ ❛  i am damaged, far too damaged, but you're not beyond repair.  ❜ ❛  hope you'll miss me, wish you'd kiss me.  ❜ ❛  i'd be honored if you'd let me be your friend.  ❜
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mayariviolet · 1 month
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𝐏𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐞𝐚 / 𝐈’𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐧.
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Episode Two of First Love / Late Spring.
summary: “You believe me like a god; I'll destroy you like I am.” // “Please don’t look at me. I can see it in your eyes; he keeps looking at me. Tell me, what have you done?” //
Some letters that were addressed to you dated before and after Suguru defected, still in their sealed envelopes.
cw: f!reader x Geto, mentions of murder, blood, mental instability, swearing, suggestive themes, angst, Geto being over protective.
a/n: Hi… sorry it took me so long to update this my cousin died in March and I haven’t been the same since… Thank you all for being so patient! Also, so sorry if I forgot to tag someone on this update. My mind has been all over the place. Gonna also link the songs the titles are based on so y’all can see the vision fr. Also on Ao3.
wc: 5.9k
🏷️: @jeanboyjean @tacobellfreshavocado @r0ckst4rjk
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August 2007
One week before he defected.
Dear Friend,
Do you ever think about that saying, "people are captains of their own fate?" I do. Then again, what about those who think they're "captains of their fate." Or even worse- a fully prepared fool who still gets it wrong. Where do these people end up? Were they predestined to fail?
Anyhow, I think I'm about to make a big mistake.
Well, I've been thinking about this decision for a while. In general, I've been thinking a lot. You've probably noticed my absent stares and maybe you said something in regards to how I look. But I'm having trouble remembering. If you didn't notice, I don't blame you. Even though I want you to notice. You've been going gone through a lot. But then again, so have I.
Yuki and I had a conversation that stuck with me. If you're wondering, it's not about what my kind of woman is. I'm still embarrassed that you overheard that. Even more so, I didn't give a direct answer. However, I don't think my coy, halfway glances at you gave away too much…
When you pulled Haibara away for something I can't remember now (I think you were asking me to come take a look at your door), Yuki plopped down next to me. She was spread out obnoxiously, and my eyes were too heavy to see her expression.
Thus, I was resigned to her rants and entertained some of her ideas. Somewhere in that conversation it brought to light some questions that had been rattling around my brain after what happened with Rika. I'm trying to push away those uncertainties.
I should clear the air right now- you did what you could. What happened or did not happen is not your fault. I will tell you that a million times- however many you need.
If anything, it's my fault for not being there for you. I will always be there for you. It might be in a way that doesn't make sense, but I am there nonetheless.
Sorry about making excuses and skipping our movie nights. Sleeping has been difficult. Maybe it's because you're not here. I don't want you to worry about me- but I also do at the same time. It's an odd feeling, wanting something or someone, having multiple opportunities to do something about it, and letting time slip you by either way.
As I'm writing this, I remember a conversation with your mom about how "right now time is your friend. But later, time will be your enemy."
Maybe tomorrow we can have a conversation about how I'm feeling. I always feel at ease talking to you.
I hope that feeling is mutual.
Sincerely and with love,
Four days before he defected.
Dear Friend,
Uhm, unfortunately, our conversation did not… go well. That's putting it lightly. When I told you about my plan, the expression plastered on your face was something I would carry with me forever. It was agonizing to see you look at me with such disgust.
My chest was tightening, and I could feel you pulling at my hair sharply as you braided it before letting go. Watching you stomp out of my bedroom door through the reflection of my rickety vanity mirror, I have never felt worse in my life, but at the same time, so firm in the choice I'm making—a paradox in real time.
I didn't say it in my last letter, but I'm leaving Jujutsu Society and this bullshit mission made by people who probably need help wiping their ass.
Sorry, that last part was a little profane, but I know you agree with it. I mean, what good is there in protecting people who don't even appreciate what you do? I spent a lot of time reflecting on what happened in the last year and a half, outweighing the pros and cons. The pros obviously involved you, but the cons also involved you.
There's also the fact that I spend a lot of time sitting in my dark room- until the sun is barrelling over the horizon and seeping into my blinds. I wish you had been there during those moments. I'll think about our childhood, your birthday party, how we began writing letters, the day we got recruited to become Jujutsu sorcerers and the overwhelming optimism you had.
We had an opportunity to escape that hell hole town, and we took it without even thinking that staying there might have been less painful than leaving. Sure, we had a couple of surface-level friends, but at the end of the day, we had each other.
God, I wish that was enough.
I think about how happy people must be living in their ignorance, and I get angry again. So, I write. Primarily to you, even though I never express my frustrations. I'm infuriated that no matter what we do, how much we I excorsise curses (that, if born from my own emotions, would definitely be a Special Grade in its own right), it's not enough for those gas bags.
Yes, I might be considered one of the 'strongest,' but I don't want to be, at least, for people who don't deserve it. It's annoying, though, how you've maintained your optimism all of these years.
I shouldn't say annoying.
It's endearing how you want to nurture the world I want to burn to the ground. Well, 'burning to the ground' is a little extreme. I should say I want to make the world a better place for you and me, not those monkeys.
Emphasis on only for you and me.
Sincerely and with love,
September 2007
The day he defected.
Dear Friend,
Well, what's done is done. I'm leaving today. I'd like to say that I'm going without any regrets, but I have one stupid thing sticking around my head. Yaga asked if there was anyone who might be interested in accompanying me on this mission I've been assigned. He kept glancing over my shoulder.
I didn't need to turn around to see who he was talking about. You and Satoru were doing some training or something of the sort. My fist tightened when Satoru told you a stupid joke, and you laughed.
I mean, he's not that funny…
I wasn't mad that you were laughing at his joke, obviously. I was furious because, for the first time since we were kids, I felt disconnected from my body. To be honest, I've been feeling like this for a while. Like I was floating above it all, and what I saw was a future without us, me, you.
You should know by now what I told Yaga.
I'll leave my door open with a note in the hopes you can understand. Or even better yet, come find me after this mission is done.
Sincerely and with love,
Two and a half weeks after he defected.
Dear Friend,
Sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been preoccupied with this mission and tying up some loose ends. I'll explain later, please don't mind the blood on this letter. I didn't write for a while since I half expected to see you with flushed cheeks chasing after me.
I should've known better than to wait for you.
Alas, laying low due to tying up said loose ends is proving to be quite time-consuming. So here's a recap of what I've gotten up to:
Finished the mission (easy work)
Adopted twin girls (not easy work)
Visited our hometown
Saw my parents (not easy work)
Visited your parents (kind of easy work?)
I checked in on that grandma we used to help (unfortunately, she's sick, so my visit was brief).
I explained to my parents the predicament I've found myself in (See the part where I said 'not easy work').
Argued with my parents and then yours.
Settled into my childhood bedroom from complete exhaustion of arguing with those monkeys.
Set a plan to finish up with my loose ends…
I hope you're well. The rain is washing away any residual blood (not mine) on my things. I'll have to stop by a pharmacy to get some hydrogen peroxide to lift any stains the rain might miss.
Drink some tea, and get some sleep. If you're missing me like I am missing you, just sleep with that sweater I gave you. Although it's not me, I hope it will be enough in the meantime. In a roundabout way, it's like I'm still there holding you while you sleep, right? At least, that's how I like to think about it.
Don't worry. I'm not mad that you kept it; I always thought it looked better on you than it did on me.
Sincerely and with love,
(P.S.) My letters will be spread more from here on out. I don't want to accidentally leave anything that might make it easier for someone to find my whereabouts. That doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you. I'm always thinking about you.
October 2007
One month after he defected.
Dear Friend,
It feels like every time I write to you, I apologize for not saying enough. Which is funny, because that's how we I started writing letters to each other in the first place. Well, kinda. From now on, I'll keep my apologies to a minimum.
It's hard to keep track of the days that are passing, but I know that by now, Satoru has told you what I've done. It's completely necessary, by the way.
Killing my parents. Killing yours. Killing that grandmother. She was sick anyway.
I would like to think I put her out of her misery. I killed whatever remained of that god-forsaken, hell-hole town. I'll spare the details of what happened when I exterminated our my old life.
Just know that I had no remorse for killing your father and only a little for your mother. They died knowing you were okay and, unfortunately, with a smile on their face. I was surprised that they didn't immediately turn into curses. I guess you've been talking to them. Or were talking to them.
When I left that town bloodied and empty, I felt like a bird finally escaping a circus master's cage. Doing all of this will make it easier to forget. It was the closing chapter of a book I had no pleasure in reading. Please don't thank me for what I've done.
Right now, Mimiko and Nanako (the twin girls I saved during that mission) are having a hard time sleeping. I'm watching their furrowed brows and how their mouths twitch in their sleep. I guess even in their dreams, they can't rest. Sounds like someone I know knew.
In about five minutes, one of them will wake up and then another. I'll need to tend to their troubled minds soon enough. Before that happens, I will say sorry one last time. Sorry.
Knowing you, you're probably waiting up for me, probably in your room, probably waiting with Satoru, whose sweaty palms and jittery disposition betray his cool facade.
Maybe Satoru will take my absence as an opportunity to teach you about Digimon. It will be nice for you to take up another hobby. Or get into gardening again. I remember how much you wanted to start.
Eat well, get some sleep (or try to), and be kind to yourself. At least enough for both of us. Hell knows I haven't done that in a while.
Sincerely and with love,
November 2007
Two months since he defected.
Dear Friend,
There was something in my last letter that I forgot to mention. It was one of the things that I told Satoru. I said that I hated righteous people- which is true to some capacity.
Sincerely and with love,
Two and a half months after he defected.
Dear Friend,
We're getting rain again. I realized that I might be repeating the same mistakes as your monkey parents by being too proud to lease a decent place. But things are getting harder to maneuver through what little connections to jujutsu society I have without tipping off any higher-ups. Mei Mei offered me some jobs that she said 'wasn't worth her time for the money.'
I guess I'm worthless.
But money is money, and I have two daughters now. Is it possible for curses to smell even worse when the holidays come around? I suppose so- with all the lonely people without any family to celebrate with. You can't help but think that they may have isolated themselves. I don't blame them.
Long story short, I've scraped up enough money to lease a place away from the higher-ups. Should I start looking for furniture made by sorcerers? Or should I swallow my pride and just buy some mid-tier premade stuff? Second hand? But then again- there's the issue of residual curse energy. But I could always take care of that.
I'm feeling exhausted again.
Sincerely and with love,
February 3rd 2008
Six months after he defected.
Dear Friend,
Maybe it's the nostalgia, maybe it's the first birthday I'm celebrating without you, but I keep reliving that weekend prior to it all. That house in Okinawa. The moon was hanging in the sky while the stars pricked the darkness, shining brightly. Sounds of waves crashing against the rocky shore, pulling whatever footprints or human error into the black abyss.
There wasn't a cloud in the sky. You insisted that Satoru get some sleep and that we take turns keeping watch. He shook his head and stupidly emphasized that he was fine. Satoru's heavily lidded expression did very little to disguise his fatigue- both of us could tell.
I was watching you, and you were watching him. I felt sick.
Satoru suggested that you get some rest first since you planned the whole trip for Rika, and you scowled before trudging over to the couch, insisting that you weren't tired. I wanted to grab your face and kiss that annoyance away, over and over again- maybe a little more. When you inevitably passed out, I glanced over to Satoru, who looked more alert now that you were asleep. It was like the task of keeping Rika alive had the same level of importance as dog sitting.
I wondered if you ever noticed. Or noticed that I've shared that same expression since we were kids.
I guess there's no use in ruminating. Today, I ran some errands, nothing major. I had a cake that Mimiko and Nanako decorated; they started calling me 'Papa Geto.' It's sweet.
I forgot to mention that while I was rearranging some furniture, a journal that I have kept since we were kids got knocked down from a bookshelf and pathetically fell on the ground. Mimiko and Nanako bolted like a feral tanuki.
I was mildly horrified at what they might have seen (before remembering that they aren't super great at reading yet, and then I relaxed slightly).
What happened next was probably worse than some scribbled preteen angst. They found the picture of us on your birthday, where I had your birthday cake all over my face. That was the first of many years when my parents bought you a birthday cake.
My girls laughed at me (why is it that when a child laughs at you, it's exponentially more mortifying than if an adult was?) but were incredibly kind to you.
After scolding them for not respecting other people's belongings (ironic given the subject matter of the photo), they apologized and asked who the 'pretty girl' in the picture was.
Embarrassment was replaced with excitement as I got to talk about you.
Anyhow, the money I've made from expelling curses prior to defecting is depleting rather quickly, so I need to come up with some plan.
April 2008
Eight months since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Spring is here, and I have taken over the former Star Plasma Vessel Church, or cult, or whatever those idiots called it. In addition to having some stable footing, there's a roof over my head that I don't have to thank some monkey landlord for giving me it. It's very cozy, to say the least. Which I think was the realtors code for 'small and borderline inhabitable.'
It'll be some time before I'm able to build a decent following, but those who decided to stay will do so for now. Mimiko and Nanako are being homeschooled for the time being- until I find a school that is okay with my standards.
I was grocery shopping the other day, and I found some green tea that you might like. Before I could even think, it was in my basket next to some sugary cereal for my girls. I was mentally shooting myself in the foot because I'm on a budget (at least for a while).
I don't even like green tea, for goodness sake. But that night, I found myself fixing two cups, one with a dollop of sweetened condensed milk and a spoonful of honey, stirred counter-clockwise. The other one was disgustingly plain, and I steeped the leaves a little too long.
I drank the plain tea, stewing in my impulsivity. The other cup was a milky brown; it was unappealing and painfully sweet, yet I found a warmth spilling over me. I must have been half asleep, but somewhere in my delirium, I thought I heard you scold me for taking a sip of your drink.
My eyes shot open immediately, and I frantically looked around the kitchen. Had some monkey snuck up on me? I shudder at the thought. But that wasn't the case. Just my mind playing tricks on me. I should get more sleep.
I hope you've been getting some, too- you need to get stronger. Anyway, I finished the rest of my tea and grabbed the other cup, which was ice cold. I poured the drink and watched it trickle down the steel sink- before crawling into bed.
I don't know why I thought that was worth mentioning.
Sincerely and with love,
June 2008
Ten months since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Do you ever think about how dreams can be worse than reality? Writing that down seems silly because you know more than anyone, and considering I've held you until we fell asleep, I should know the answer. In truth, whenever I held you, I thought it would be a good opportunity to say things to you that I couldn't do while you were awake, as if these letters weren't enough!
I used to say really embarrassing things and a sadistic part of me wished you would wake up and ask me if I really meant what I said- but I digress.
It's hard to distinguish alcohol-laced dreams (brought upon by terrible dates the girls have insisted I go on) from memories. All that to say, I had a vivid dream (?) of how I think my first kiss went.
Autumn had brought about a cool night and an impulsive decision to sneak into an amusement park. We drunkenly went on this massive Ferris wheel, and you pulled out a cigarette and offered me a drag. I said no, and for some reason, we got into an argument and then sat in silence.
At some point, I thought to myself, "When will this ride stop?" then, by some miracle, it did! We sat in silence, and then I started smoking a cigarette too. Maybe because it felt cold in my dream, but the warm glow of nicotine and your body kept me warm. Then I kissed you.
Writing about this now… it's too clear to just be a dream. I hope it wasn't a dream. My youth seems so distant compared to where I am now.
The humidity is so oppressive. I feel like I'm soaking in my own sweat. It seems a little facetious to say that now. I keep recalling pockets of my adolescence. It's kind of like a gum packet you thought was empty, but when you go to dispose of it- there are actually three pieces left.
There's poetry in that somewhere, not to mansplain. Obviously.
Excuse my tangents; I'm still trying to recruit new curse users, not to mention pacifying the congregation at my Church, and my mind is so disorganized.
What's new, though?
Sincerely and with love always,
September 2008
One year since he defected.
Dear, Friend,
Dear Friend,
I went on a walk the other day. The sun was just rising above the horizon, nothing was open, and everything was quiet except for the few stragglers who had missed the last train. Some of them reeked of curses and desperation; it's enough to make a person grow a second stomach and throw it back up.
I did collect some in passing (in case I need it later), but I found no joy in helping others who can't even help themselves. This is what we sorcerers were made for, right? Cleaning up shit that's not even ours? I'm getting sidetracked again.
If you're wondering about my influence over the former Star Plasma Church- it's going okay. Slowly but surely, I'll get a more extensive following. I cannot remember if I told you this, but I have decided to promote myself as a monk. I am relying on word of mouth and exorcising curses or "performing miracles," to gain some trust.
Anyhow, if I'm going to exorcise these curses, I'll make sure to get a steady income. I am a father, after all. Hopefully, there's something else to gain from that. But I can only do this for so long. Please remind me to think of a more permanent solution.
The sun is rising again.
Sincerely and with love always,
(P.S.) I know you can't ever remind me of anything, really, but like always I feel a little more at ease writing this down.
December 2008
One year after, he defected.
Dear Friend,
Merry Christmas. Or, happy holidays. I've been keeping busy, and I hope you have been, too. Technically, this is my second Christmas / Holiday without you. It's still as weird as the first.
Actually, I don't know if it will ever get comfortable.
People say that the holidays are the worst for people like me. Exacerbated loneliness and the weather all contribute to an increase in curses. It's great money, but how useful is that?
I mean, you could have all the money in the world and still be miserable. Recently, I've started to gain traction from this stout millionaire who always seems to have a gang of curses around at all times.
We met by an unfortunate yet beneficial accident. Apparently, he's one of the few dimwits who can see curses. He's been aimlessly wandering about, trying to find someone to help, but no one believed him.
I was taking the girls to an optometrist appointment, and while I was finishing some paperwork, I overheard this screeching. Curiosity took over me, so I snuck a glance into the room behind the secretary's desk.
There was a massive commotion with several doctors trying to reassure that man I was talking about before. It turns out that he could see curses, and when no one was looking, I exorcised them for him. It was second nature to help someone so pathetic. He kept on calling me a miracle worker- insane! I guess I've been like that since I was little… However, he kept thanking me, and an idea popped into my head:
If I can get a steady number of people to pay for my miracles, I could make an obscene amount of money and have better insurance for separation from the higher-ups.
This man seems to come from money or considerable influence. Maybe he can be my test case. It's getting late now, so I should get some rest. I have to dress up as Santa for Mimiko and Nanako.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy Birthday to Satoru.
March 2009
Two years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Recently, I went on a hike. It was okay and long. The ground was wet, and when I got home, I found mud everywhere. I'll tell you about the trail. It was beautiful. A murmuring stream, the wind dancing through the budding trees and a dusty rose sky. You would have loved the flowers. Whenever I see anything flourishing after a tough season, I think about you.
Despite being filled with tourists, non-sorcerers, and whatever, I was able to enjoy the sunset. Mimiko and Nanako had extra tutoring lessons, so I took advantage of the little free time I had. However, after being constantly bombarded with questions about anything and seemingly endless children's movies, the quiet that followed disturbed me.
Once I reached the end of the trail, I found myself eager to see my girls. But the hike was long, and I thought it would be a waste if I didn't stay for a minute or two. I thought it would be nice to take some pictures, so I did that before locating a place to sit. I found a wooden bench tucked underneath this wisteria tree (how it grew there is a mystery). My mind wandered aimlessly; funnily enough, I just now remembered we had that assignment due before I left.
I apologize for not doing my part. Do you think we could still submit it? Haha.
Anyways, while sitting on a bench, I overheard two people talking. It was a boring conversation, definitely not worth eavesdropping on (you'd probably say otherwise), but for whatever reason, I decided to tune into the tail end of their conversation.
One of them had been blurting out facts in order to keep a dead conversation going. Some of it was interesting, but most of them were things that they probably saw on a popsicle stick. Their friend nodded along, listening intently. This went on for a while until the one who kept spewing facts (let's call them popsicles) said something along the lines of:
"Have you ever thought about how we're a mosaic of every person we've ever met, talked to, or loved?"
Even though I don't know them (nor do I care to), that was probably the most intellectual thing they've ever said in their lives. I thought to myself and laughed.
But then I felt a sort of heaviness in my chest. The more I observed them from my peripheral, the more I could see bits and pieces of the habits they shared. How they playfully hit one another after cracking a joke, covering their mouth after saying something slightly offensive. It made me nostalgic.
On my way back down the trail, I thought about you. It was nearly dark now. I thought about how if I was a mosaic of everyone I ever loved:
"How many pieces of you make up my whole?"
"Which parts of me do you keep?"
I'm glad I'm never sending these letters; I'm probably better off not knowing these answers.
Sincerely and with love,
November 2010
Three years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
I've realized that it's not love I felt for you but obsession. It's harsh, cruel and painful to put you through that. For me, you were never home. That much is true. Which isn't to say you weren't something. You are a temple, and I am a sinner. If I were to step into the Holy Land you so graciously keep tidy, I would only desecrate it with my ideals.
Unfortunately, I do not want to bathe in the river to clean myself of these thoughts. So, I will seek refuge elsewhere. You deserve that after everything.
April 2015
Eight years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
I don't think I'll ever get tired of writing to you. Even though you'll never read these, it's stupid how only now have I realized what your father meant when he said it was easier to write things than to say them out loud. Time really is my enemy now. My previous letters mentioned how well Mimiko and Nanako are doing in school. I just thought I would say that again. I'm so incredibly proud of them.
Maybe by now, you have kids of your own- I know that you'll treat them with kindness rather than the contempt your father displayed. I thought about my parents again and their role in my life, but not for long.
You probably saw them as a safe place; to me, they were just there. A starting point to the inevitable destruction brought about by my existence. Did you know that I thought I could always save them? They trusted me to do so and keep you safe as well. Funny how life throws us around.
Work is exhausting, and during the slower days, I let my mind wander to the possible outcomes had I stayed at Jujutsu Tech. Would I be a teacher? Would I be a good teacher? Are we both teachers? You're a patient person- I know that you would be a good teacher. A faculty favourite. How promising would my students be? What would our daily routine be like? How often do we get to see each other in between classes? Are we still friends?
Are we together?
Are we in love?
From what I've gathered, you've taken a bit of a leave…
I'll save myself the hurt of writing the reason why. We both know, and unfortunately, I understand.
There's a storm barrelling towards the Church. Actually, they've issued a squall warning. The skies are rolling with grey plump clouds. I wish I could tell you what a squall is- it sounds dumb, but apparently, it's dangerous.
September 2016
Nine years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Allies seem to come from the most unlikely places. That man I was talking about before turned out to be a great asset. I've gotten more followers and even an assistant out of it! If you're wondering, yes, it's vital.
One thing I hate more than people who cannot use jujutsu is paperwork. It takes up so much of my time. Luckily, my secretary has been doing most of the heavy lifting now. We've been working long hours together, and to be honest, I don't mind. She's smart and beautiful. Her attitude kind of reminds me of you.
Sorry about the short letters- historically, mine have been longer than yours, but I have been planning something big that needs my attention. Not to mention, Mimiko and Nanako are entering their phase where everything I do seems to make them cringe.
Years ago, I said that children laughing at you was more mortifying than adults. I still believe that to be true; however, both cannot hold a candle to the shame and quickly depleting self-worth a couple of teenagers laughing at you but promptly saying, "Oh, it's nothing" can do.
My family is growing, not in the way yours is. Or so I've heard.
It fills me with so much joy to be surrounded by other like-minded people. People who believe that in order to obtain peace or a brief period of one- non-curse users should cease to be.
My heart is overflowing- but there's still a piece where you always will be.
November 2017
Ten years since he defected.
Dear Friend,
Do you ever think about who gets to determine the natural outcome of anything? Is it fate? Is it man? I suppose it's hard to say since answers vary from person to person. I would like to think that it's around sixty percent individual choice and forty percent chance.
I mentioned years ago about a man who could see curses; well, yesterday, I killed him. His use to me finally ran its course. I do thank him for all he's done and the people he's brought to me. My plans are coming to fruition. The Higher Ups have been tracking my movements and expanding my influence. I bet you have already had a debrief on what to expect.
I could see how, on your end, I'm being irrational or unreasonable. But I argue that cleansing the world of non-sorcerers is the only solution. Ending their suffering will put an end to ours.
But God, what I would pay to hear what Yaga is saying! He's probably wearing those stupid sunglasses and cursing. Satoru has asked me to meet with him- probably to ask me, yet again, if I'm really going through with the Night Parade.
My answer remains firm: yes. He's probably going to tell me to stop and think about you.
Like I've said before and like I always tell Satoru, I always think about you. When I meet with Satoru, I'll ask him if he can pass along how I want to see you. The girls are calling me to take them out, so I'll perform my fatherly duties.
I hope you'll say yes. I need to see you at least once.
December 2017
Three days before the Night Parade of 100 Demons.
I must be some sort of pervert to believe that you would run away with me. I don't think pervert is the right word, but that's how I felt right then and there when you rejected me. In all fairness, I couldn't think appropriately after seeing you.
Then again, you must have some masochistic tendencies to agree to meet with me. Your hair looked beautiful, and the way the cigarette burning a bright cherry red hung on your cracked lips reminded me of that night on the Ferris Wheel, which, in fact, did happen.
I came across some old letters to confirm my hazy memory. When the snowflakes landed on your eyelashes, I just about melted, like when the sleepy snow makes its warm welcome for spring. The moon was casting shadows on your tired but beautiful face. You had a glow that made hearing you curse me out a tad more bearable.
But I'm rambling. You couldn't think about going to Shinjuku, right? I could never stop you, even more so now, but I can't back down. Not even for you- which I think was detrimental for us both ten years ago and now.
Seeing you standing next to Satoru, cursing at me, with his hand placed firmly on your hips with a face full of disdain, I think I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. But that's not a proper death. You should be standing next to me!
I watched you walk away in the dark night with a sense of urgency, a new purpose. You will probably fight in your own way, but please let me do this.
I'm not asking you- I am begging you to let me take care of you one last time.
You might not believe me, but everything I have done until now, all the blood I have shed, has been for you. I promise I will spare your children (to be fair, raiding the Gojo estate would be a waste of good sorcerers), but I can't make any promises for anyone else who stands in my way.
It seems contradictory, but I know what I am doing is right.
When I write to you again, it will be something you can read- in the new world, and we will have all the time in the world. No longer beholden to curses, only each other.
Sincerely and with all my love,
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a/n: Suguru Geto. The man that you were and the man that you became. I love you either way, my beautiful raven-haired, purple-eyed princess. We’re about half way there! Thank you all for being so patient these last couple of months🤍. Also, apologies for any inconsistencies, I have tried my best to remember the details of this story wah!
© Please do not copy or replicate my work. Inspiration is appreciated, but credit properly! ♡
83 notes · View notes
gimmethatagustd · 2 years
wanna make a movie | kth
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The one time you fucked Taehyung was a fluke, and it will never happen ever again in a million years. Never ever ever. Right? RIGHT??
» pairing: taehyung x reader (from "wanna fuck on camera")
» genre: BTS | 18+ | frenemies to lovers | smut | a bit of fluff kinda
» wc/date: 3.7k | september 2022
» warnings: i meannn they're making a sex tape soooo | cunnilingus | unprotected vaginal sex | fingering | tae's pull out game strong 💪🏽 | cumshot | tae is Annoying but Hot | i definitely didn't edit this LOL SORRY
» notes: shoutout to this person for the video, we owe them big time 🤪 i recommend reading "wanna fuck on camera" first, but this can work as a standalone
» masterlist | ao3 | send me ur thots 👅
» what was jai listening to? movie star - cix
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The Wannabe-Photographer Chronicles (mini-series) Masterlist
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“I already told you I’m not posing for nudes, asshole. Is the one you took of me not enough for you? Hmm?”
Taehyung grinned as he popped out the flip screen on his camera. “I don’t want to take photos of you. I want to film you.”
He was such a piece of shit. He really was. Since your ridiculous entanglement with Taehyung during Hoseok’s birthday party, Taehyung hadn’t left you alone. It was worse than before; he suddenly believed fucking him gave him a free pass to get on your nerves even more than he had to begin with. 
You hated it and you hated him. That was all there was to it. 
Crossing your arms against your chest, you glared at the man as he fiddled with the camcorder. This was infinitely worse than the film camera debacle. You didn’t even want to consider what he’d done with the photo of you cumming on his fingers. The thought of him having it made you shiver. 
“Film me doing what?” You immediately regretted the question when it left your lips and Taehyung’s eyebrows shot up. The smug, shit-eating grin on his face was almost unbearable. 
“Well, babe-” 
“Do not call me that.” 
“Well, Y/N.” He gave you a pointed look. “I need to diversify my portfolio and the only thing I’m missing is erotic art.” 
You scoffed and crossed your legs. At this point, you were a pretzel sitting on the edge of Taehyung’s couch. “You’re disgusting.” 
“Thank you,” he said with a sweet smile. “But I promise what I have planned isn’t as ‘disgusting’ as you probably think.” 
You didn’t trust him for shit, but you liked the idea of hearing what he had to say even if only to shut him down. You were looking for every reason to shit on his massive ego, maybe because you were embarrassed that you gave in to him when you said you wouldn’t. 
It was a fluke, though. A moment of bad judgment. You were thinking with your pussy. But not anymore. Nope. 
Fool me once, shame on you.
“What are your twisted little plans then, TaTa?” You shifted slightly when Taehyung moved to sit down next to you on the couch, forcing you up against the arm of the couch and giving you very little room. 
“Have you ever done a striptease before?” 
“I fucking told you I am not doing nudes.” 
Taehyung swiftly grabbed your jaw and turned your head to face him. The forced action made you gasp quietly, just enough to release a breathy sound when you exhaled. He watched you for a moment with the tip of his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek. “Fucking listen to me, yeah?” 
You could do nothing but nod, your eyes glued to his parted lips. 
“I don’t need you to be naked. I just need some shots of you taking off your clothes.” You opened your mouth to protest, but Taehyung squeezed your jaw tighter. “Headless shots, okay? Nothing identifiable. No nudity. Think of it as like an OnlyFans teaser, but make it hipster. Slap on a grainy, sepia filter. Or maybe a soft pink glow. I haven’t decided yet.” 
You were barely listening to him, most of your focus on how his hand had slowly let go of your face and migrated down to your throat. Your heartbeat spiked beneath his fingers. 
“Why are you asking me to do this?” 
Taehyung pulled away and returned to examining his camera settings. “Everyone I know who’d be down to do this would try to fuck me. Considering the theme, and everything. It would be so distracting.” He looked up at you through his fluffy bangs with a sparkle of mischief in his eyes. “You’re hot and would never fuck me, as you’ve made very clear.” He paused for a moment, tapping his finger against his lips. “Well, not a second time.” 
And there was that stupid fucking boxy grin again. 
“Oh shut the fuck up.” You were tired of playing games. “How much are you going to pay me?” 
“Depends on how good the shots are.” 
“Whatever. Let’s get this over with,” you huffed. 
Taehyung hummed in acknowledgment but didn’t make a move to get up. His fingers brushed along the outside of your thigh until he reached the waistband of your leggings. You fought the urge to squirm in your seat, instead doing your best to mindfully breathe and keep your fists squeezed against the couch cushions. 
“What are you wearing under here?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You challenged him through gritted teeth. 
Taehyung leaned forward until his breath caressed the side of your face. “I’m about to find out.” 
With that, Taehyung stood up and held his hand out for you to take. You swatted him away, perfectly capable of getting up on your own and following him into his bedroom. To say his bedroom looked like a porno setup was no exaggeration. A large studio light stood in the corner, the head pointed toward the bed. Another camera sat on a tripod on the opposite side of the room, though it was pointed away from the bed. LED lights wrapped around the high ceilings cast the room a soft lavender glow. 
“Are you kidding me?” You stood in the doorway with your hands on your hips. 
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Do you see how small my apartment is? I have nowhere else to store my equipment when I’m not using it. Relax and come here.” 
Grabbing you by the shoulders, Taehyung positioned you in front of a standing mirror that stood against the wall directly across from his bed. He took a step back to examine your placement, making a few adjustments until he got you where he wanted you. 
“Satisfied?” Your skin was tingling from his firm touch as he shuffled you around. It was just your body reacting to skin-on-skin contact. That was all. It was just… nature. Science. Whatever. 
“Very,” he said with a wink that you did a poor job of brushing off. The burning heat of embarrassment creeping up your body only intensified as you watched Taehyung sit at the foot of his bed. With his camcorder in hand, he leaned back far enough to get the angle he wanted. It was harmless, really. He was just a struggling artist trying to make his mark in the world, that’s all. And you were half-heartedly helping him. 
So if that was the case, why was watching Taehyung’s biceps flex as he held the camera and his thighs spread making you wet? 
You cleared your throat and looked away from the man splayed out on his bed like he was the one being filmed, not you. “What am I supposed to do now?” 
Taehyung reached up to run his fingers through his hair and flip his bangs to the side. All you could think about was how you knew tugging on those wavy strands would make him moan. 
“Start with your shirt. Wait, no, not like that.”
You had one arm out and froze. “Like what?” 
“Do it sexier.” 
“What the fuck does that mean?” 
“Oh, come on. Stop relying on that silver tongue and seduce me.”
Was it possible to feel like all your blood had drained out of your body and that all the blood in your body had gone to your head? 
“Fine,” you snapped, readjusting your shirt. The positive side to all of this was that as you slowly lifted your shirt over your head, you could revel in the fact that you knew Taehyung wanted you and he could never have you. 
Well, never again. 
But maybe that made it even better. He got a taste and you were denying him more. You had all the fucking power! 
You put in a little more effort to be sensual as you let your shirt fall to the floor. The red lace bra you wore lifted up a bit, exposing the underside of your tits, but you didn’t move to fix it like you normally would. Instead, you ran your hands over your exposed skin, even your own light touches causing goosebumps to form all over. It didn’t help that it was cold in Taehyung’s apartment. You wondered how high quality his camera was. If it was even half decent, it would pick up on how see-through the fabric was over your tits. It left little for the imagination, but Taehyung had already had your nipples in his mouth. 
The little asshole was leaned back again, shifting slightly to capture your best angles as you reached for the waistband of your leggings. You made the mistake of looking at his face rather than the camera lens. His tongue swept over his bottom lip as you slid your leggings down; you quickly looked away. 
This was just a favor. A favor for an art project. That was it. 
Bending at the waist meant you exposed the fact that you were wearing a rather skimpy thong - red lace, just like your bra. Adjusting your stance made your thighs rub together and you fought the urge to look down for fear that your underwear would be stained a dark red from how wet you were. 
A quiet groan from the bed made you look up at your photographer once again. His bottom lip was bitten between his teeth, but he immediately released it when he saw you looking. The two of you locked eyes as your bodies froze. 
“Why are you fucking wearing red lace?” 
You opened your mouth to speak but your brain couldn’t think of any response aside from the truth. And there was no way you were telling him the truth. There was no way you were telling Taehyung that you’d worn a matching set just in case something happened. Because nothing was supposed to happen.
Instead, you deflected. 
“Why are you hard right now?” 
You both looked down at the very prominent bulge that had grown in Taehyung’s jeans. He used his free hand to palm his cock and attempt to adjust it into a more comfortable position. 
“Why are you wet right now?” 
Now it was your turn. You finally dared to look at yourself, not surprised but still horrified to find your arousal soaking through the flimsy material of your thong. 
Taehyung lifted slightly so he was propped up on his elbows, the camera still positioned on you. You really prayed he wasn’t planning to use any audio for this video. Like as if that’s what mattered at the moment. 
“You’re so into this,” he said smugly. 
“No, I’m not.” Your rebuttal was weak, so weak it felt foreign coming from someone with a “silver tongue” like you. But when you watched Taehyung get up from the bed, your rebuttal wasn’t the only thing about you that was weak. 
“You’re not?” Taehyung pointed the camera toward your thighs as he reached down to press his thumb against your clit through your thong. You let out a shaky moan and felt more of your arousal soak your thong. “Sounds like you are. Feels like you are.” Taehyung fully palmed your pussy, pressing his fingers against your entrance. The action made your legs tremble and you squeezed his bicep for support. 
“Fuck you,” you hissed and dug your nails into his skin. 
“Heard that one before.” He shot you a wink. “And to think you got mad about the photo I took of you. If I’d known you’d get this wet for me so quickly, I would have brought this with me instead.” 
His taunting reminded you of the camcorder he still held in his hand. It was pointed downward as Taehyung hooked his finger into the waistband of your thong and pulled it down just enough for his fingers to dip inside your wet folds. 
“Taehyung,” you moaned when he thrust two fingers inside of you. The squelching sound your pussy made was sure to have been picked up by the camera. 
“Yeah, baby? You like that?” He pressed hard into your front wall repeatedly, the fluttering sensation making you reach for his shoulder with your other hand to stabilize yourself. “Like being my little movie star?” 
You wanted to cry when he pulled his fingers out of you, and your entire body shuddered when you felt him wipe his fingers on the inside of your thigh. The worry that he was only going to tease you to rub the whole thing in your face flashed into your mind, but it was quickly squashed once Taehyung was pressing the camera into your hands. 
“Like this.” He positioned you to point the camera downwards. 
Ignoring your confusion, Taehyung dropped to his knees, dragging your thong down your thighs as he went. The camera shook in your hands as he threw one of your legs over his shoulder. You could have came just from the way he looked up at you from between your thighs. How many times had you imagined this moment? More than you were willing to admit. And for all the fantasizing, you were lucky that it was even better than what you could have come up with on your own. He brushed his bangs out of the way and tilted his head so you had a clear view of his face as he ran his tongue flat against your lips. 
“Oh fuck,” you moaned. 
Taehyung reached up to grab your hand, stabilizing the camera. “Hold still for me, okay baby? You gotta hold still.” When he spoke his lips brushed against your skin, causing your arousal to stick in thin strings to his glistening mouth. 
Once your shaking subsided, Taehyung’s hands slid down to grab your ass. With his grip on you tight, he pulled you against his mouth. A hard suck to your clit made your hands tremble. By the time Taehyung began swirling the tip of his tongue around your clit in tight circles, you were shaking again. He had to reach up to hold your hand to stabilize the camera again. 
“I-I-I can’t,” you began to sob and shake your head. You had to wrap your fingers in Taehyung’s waves to focus the pressure of your building orgasm into something other than squeezing the fuck out of the camera in your other hand. Of course, each tug of his hair made Taehyung’s lovely baritone voice moan into your pussy, the vibrations pulsing through every nerve in your body. 
“Yes, you can.” The words came out breathy and hoarse in between hard sucks and kitten licks against your clit. You were close to believing in his faith in you until he slipped two fingers into your soaked pussy. 
“I’m…” You paused to suck in a deep breath as he pumped a mind-numbingly fast rhythm against your g-spot, “I’m gonna fall over.” 
“Nuhh uhh.” Taehyung scooted forward, pushing you backward until your back hit the mirror. 
You leaned against the mirror for support as your orgasm ripped through you so violently you would have dropped the camcorder if it weren’t for Taehyung holding it up with you. He kept his eyes focused on you as he licked one final stripe up your lips, cleaning up your arousal until he was the one messy with it all over his face. 
“God, I wish you’d let me record your face when you cum,” Taehyung groaned into the back of his hand as he wiped his mouth. He reached out to take the camera from you and laughed at the way your hands shook. “You have no idea how fucking beautiful you look.”
You should have been upset. Taehyung now had footage of himself eating your pussy. Sure, no one would be able to tell that it was you, but still… That was something very intimate. 
Yet you couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered when he’d called you his movie star. Hearing “beautiful” come tumbling from his filthy lips wasn’t too bad, either. 
“No chance in hell, creep.” You crossed your arms against your chest to punctuate the statement. You didn’t have a chance to say anything more; Taehyung quickly shut you up with his lips slotted against yours. You allowed him to lick at your mouth and swirled your tongue against his, humming at the taste of yourself on him. 
“Always so difficult.” He tossed the accusation at you as he pulled away. Using his free arm, Taehyung scooped you over his shoulder. “Y’know, the meaner you are to me the more I want to rearrange your guts.” 
You let out a gag as Taehyung tossed you onto the bed, bouncing into place in the middle. “You did not just say that.” Whatever else you wanted to insult him over died on your lips as you watched Taehyung strip. 
“Come on, Director. Take a video. It’ll last longer.” 
He gestured to the camera still recording as he unbuttoned his jeans, his taunting parallel to how harsh you’d been to him at Hoseok’s party. You were mean to him, but only because he could take it. And maybe, just maybe, you had the hots for getting him riled up, just as he did for you. 
It felt unbelievably dirty recording Taehyung as he stood at the end of the bed with his thumb rolling precum around the tip of his cock, but something about it made your pussy flutter to life once again. It didn’t help that he shot the camera a wink as he did one final pump before he was kneeling on the bed in front of you. 
“Turn around,” he commanded, twirling his finger around to direct you. 
“I liked you better when you were crying and begging for me like a good boy.” 
You glowered at him as you turned around. Taehyung’s hand quickly came down to press down your back, forcing your upper body into the mattress and keeping you on your knees. He spread you out as far as he could, the mattress muffling a groan when you felt him hook a finger in your pussy just to make you shake. 
“I can still be a good boy for you like this,” he whispered against your skin as he bent down to kiss along your spine. You shivered in response, biting your tongue to keep in your moans as you felt Taehyung swish his cock around your slickness. “But since you don’t want me documenting your gorgeous face, your fat ass will have to do.” 
Before you could snort another insult towards his disgusting behavior, Taehyung sunk his cock so slowly you could hear the gushing sound when he bottomed out. 
“Fuck, you sound so good, fuck.” Taehyung moaned as he began thrusting into you, each wet slap of his hips colliding with your ass fueling his desire to speed up. 
You twisted around to watch him lift the camcorder to the perfect angle to capture the way your pussy sucked him in with ease, each pullback evidence of how tightly you gripped him. Throwing your dignity to the wind, you decided to play the part. Hooking your legs with his, you ground against him as he thrust into you, forcing your bodies against each other even harder as you established an equal rhythm. 
“Shit, just like that,” Taehyung moaned, removing his hand from your waist and leaning back slightly to let you take over. “Fuck yourself on my cock, baby. Fuck, yes.” 
“Touch me, Tae.” As much as it was a moan, it was most definitely a demand. 
And like the good boy he promised to be, Taehyung quickly brought his free hand around to play with your clit. The stimulation was enough to push you over the edge a second time, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t purposefully scream a little bit louder than necessary just because you were on camera now. If Taehyung knew, he seemed to not care. 
If anything, it made him even more vocal. And maybe he was putting on his own show because instead of releasing inside of you, he quickly pulled out of you to pump his cum all over your ass. 
“Y/N…” Taehyung slowly got up from the bed to get a washcloth to clean you off. You tilted your head to watch him, smug with the satisfaction of seeing that he wobbled a little bit as he walked. Even his hands shook when he worked to clean you up. 
“What?” You sat up once he was done, wincing at the slight ache of your thighs from how hard he’d pounded into you. 
Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed with the dazed look of a man who’d just gotten the soul fucked out of him. “I think I’m in love with you.” 
You snorted, but Taehyung leaned forward to cup your face. 
“I’m so serious right now.” 
“You’re just fucked out.” 
Taehyung pouted, eyebrows deeply creased. “This is post-nut clarity. I know what I’m about.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the seriousness of his expression, especially as he sat with his softening cock and his messy hair, cheeks and lips still pink. It was so unbelievably endearing and you fucking hated it. 
“This isn’t funny, Y/N.” 
All along, your (alleged) goal was to damage Taehyung’s ego. And now that you had the opportunity to, the little creep was tugging at your heartstrings in a way you hadn’t expected at all. 
“You don’t have to love me back,” he said with a sigh. “I just needed to get it off my chest.” 
Reaching for his hair, you tugged Taehyung mid-moan into a slow kiss that meant less about being sexy and more about taking away the stressed look on his face. Your fingers skirted along his jaw, holding him in place as you deepened the kiss. 
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” You kept a hold of his hair even after you broke the kiss. 
“Yes, thank you.” Taehyung grinned and you felt your stomach flutter once again. 
Pulling him close, you pressed your lips against the crook of Taehyung’s neck. The feeling of his strong arms holding you close made you tremble. “You’re lucky I’m into guys who are assholes.”
Maybe it wasn’t the “I love you” someone else would expect, but Taehyung understood you better than you knew.
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The Wannabe-Photographer Chronicles (mini-series) Masterlist
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work  
@taegiblr @aislinnstanaka @bbtsficrecs @coffeebooksandromantics @confusedbansheee @ekjalxd @fan-ati--c @furryfortae @haliiimede @highly-functioning-mitochondria @jeanjacketjesus @jjkeverlast @jlm-ykhw @jwlmnbt @klitklittredge @koobsessed @lemonadecandycandy @mishahs @miss-jupiter @moonchild1 @moonleeai @nch327 @nonbinary-demonbrat @notbotheredtho @notsooperfect @parkdatjimin @polipiper @reliablemitten @rjsmochii @saweetspoiled @seoul-soul-127 @stillinedwardcullenera @sugarwithtea @unsureofwhathappens @veronawrites @wobblewobble822 @xjoonchildx @yoongukie-ff @yu-justme @taerifin
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smallestapplin · 2 months
Love sick Sam is so cute
No warnings, just fluff.
Sam was enamoured, that much his friends could tell, watching him stare at you with the most dopey expression they have ever seen. He can't his eyes off you from across the saloon, he's not strong enough to do so, you are just so stunning.
Even with the dirt on your pant, your joyous but tired smile just captivates him. Sebastian looks to Abigail, who looks at him, and they both look back to Sam, who has completely forgotten about the game of pool, or beating Sebastain at it for once.
"Dude, why don't you just go talk to them?" Sebastain questions, his face scrunched in confusion as to why his friend just stares.
"Yeah man, you're staring like a total weirdo." Abigail laughs, but is quickly stopped by how fast Sam whips around, neck snapping at the speed.
His eyes are wide and frantic "W-wait don't tell me I'm creeping them out! Oh, oh Yoba I can't- I just- hnnnnnn."
Sam sinks down, covering his face with his hands as he lays most of his upper half on the pool table. Sebastain rolls his eyes, shaking his head with a sigh.
"Bro, just go talk to them you have so many times before, so what gives?" He crosses his arms, tired of his friend's bullshit at this point.
Sam doesn't answer, just lowly whining instead of answering.
"Sam, it's just the farmer, you two are friends, right? So why all this now?" Abigail chimes in.
In truth this isn't the first time Sam has done this, it's like a switch flipped in his head and he can barely talk to you without making a fool of himself, the two watched it in real time with their own eyes.
But they also remembered how you chuckled and helped him right back up, making sure he was okay before laughing more. You have a good heart, and clearly like the blonde as well, so why not just ask you out already?
"I can't!" Sam cries, "Everytime I try I can't for, words, I can't think- oh their smile kills me, their are so cute! I wanna kiss them so badly but that stupidly cute curious expression makes me choke. Broskis I'm gonna die, this is it, this is how I go."
The blonde finally and slowly falls to the ground, laying face down to avoid the judging looks from his friends, but it's better than being made to talk to you, he'd die if he had to approach you and explain himself-
"Hey, is Sam okay?"
You yelp as Sam shoots up off the ground, smacking his head into the pool table before fixing himself into a forced casual pose, leaning against the table with a smile.
"H-hey wow didn't uh, didn't see you there sorry!"
Sebastain is cringing so hard, it's like a bad movie he can't believe he's friends with this dork. However Sam can't breathe, the back of his head is throbbing, how heart is slamming against his chest, he's forgetting everything just looking at you.
You look so worried, your hand closest to him reaching for his face.
"Oh my, are you okay? That was a hard hit, c'mon let's get you seated." You almost want to stress how serious head injuries are, but you decide against it, just helping him to the couch nearby.
"I'm fine, so fine! Didn't even feel it, haha!" He's sweating.
Abigail and Sebastain share a knowing glance, before Abigail opens her mouth.
"Don't worry about him, he's just lost the brain cell."
"Tck, when did he even have one?"
Sam weakly glares at his friends, but he quickly forgets his anger when you gently touch his cheek.
"Do you need me to get you anything? I'm sure Gus has an ice pack somewhere." Your voice so soft, like a gentle melody to his ears helping ease the pain from his head.
"I, uh....you're fine- I MEAN good, no no I'm-"
Abigail cuts off his blubbering "Can you get him an ice pack and some water? Seems he made himself dizzy."
"Good idea." You nod, taking your leave and the trio watch you rush over to the bar and wave down Gus.
Abigail and Sebastain look to Sam, watching him curl in on himself with a high pitched, but soft 'aaaaaaa.'
"How did you fumble the bag that badly?"
"Guys please, I just wanna forget I exist right now." The blonde whines.
"You are lucky they like them stupid." Sebastain cackles, patting his friend on his back.
Sam knows he's right, but how can he ask you out when you take his breath away?
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holylulusworld · 9 months
Double the trouble
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Summary: Two for the price of one.
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader, Mafia!Nick Fowler x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, betrayal, lies, secrets, kinda of stalking
Catch up here: Fool me twice
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That night you get to know the truth about your boyfriend. He and his twin brother are the head of the mob in town. In an attempt to keep you safe, they agreed to hide the fact that Bucky has a brother.
Nick took his place whenever Bucky had to attend one of their not-so-legal business meetings. In the beginning, Nick saw protecting you as his duty. He was loyal to his brother. Until. One day. He felt something else for you.
A connection. Love maybe.
He didn’t know and tried to hide his feelings from you and his brother. Every time you tried to get intimate, he found an excuse to not touch you. Nick even refused to kiss you to not betray his brother.
But this morning, he just couldn’t hold back any longer. You sweetly fell apart in his arms, and he admitted his sin.
His brother didn’t take Nick’s betrayal well. The confession led to a fight. The first one between the brothers since they were kids.
“How could you do this to me?” You step away when Bucky tries to reach out for you. “Don’t touch me.” You visibly shudder. “I believed he’s you. He made me believe it. I sleep with a man I don’t even know.”
Bucky winces as you start to cry. “Baby doll, I’m so fucking sorry. It never was in my plans that he touched you. I almost killed Nick for touching you.”
“Y/N, I’m not a stranger to you,” Nick sounds almost hurt. “We know each other almost as long as you know Bucky. We went to that junk market, and we had dinner at that awful restaurant you wanted to try. I let you cry into my chest when after you watched this ridiculous rom-com movie.”
“Yeah!” You shake your head. “Because I believed you are Bucky. I didn’t even know your name until tonight. When we had sex, you…you kinda…” You sniffle and look away. “I feel dirty and used.”
“Y/N,” Bucky steps toward you, but you step away. “I won’t hurt your, doll. God, I would kill myself before hurting you.”
“And yet, you let your brother take your place and—” you bite your tongue. “Even if I initiated what happened this morning, he should’ve stopped me. But no. He took advantage of me, and the fact that I didn’t know it wasn’t you.”
“His face doesn’t look like that because I went easy on him,” Bucky tries to calm you but it’s useless. Anytime he gets close to you, you step away and shake your head. “I broke his face, and more than one rib. I’m not done with him yet for what he did this morning. But it’s not completely his fault. I shouldn’t have asked him to keep an eye on you.”
“Exactly,” you point out. “You’re as guilty as he is. I ended up sleeping with a stranger because you let him into my life. Bucky, how can you say that you wanted to protect me from getting hurt, but you let your brother do this to me?”
“Baby, I—” Bucky sniffs as you start to cry again. “Please. I’ll do anything. Y/N, please don’t cry.”
“Colibri,” Nick slowly steps toward you. “Hi.” He softly says as you. “Please let us explain. We never wanted things to get so complicated. It’s my fault that I fell for you so easily.”
“You make it sound like you didn’t abuse me this morning,” you snap at Nick. “Yes, I asked you to join me in the showers, but I believed you are the man I love.”
“I am the man you love,” he raises his voice and regrets it in an instant. You flinch and take a step toward the door. “We spend as much time together as you spend with Bucky. I made you laugh, and giggle. You fell asleep in my arms. I won that ugly bear for you at the fair.”
“Nick, you’re not helpful,” Bucky tries to calm his aching heart. Nick is not wrong. You got to know his brother over the months you spent with him too. “We need to calm her first.”
“I’m trying to calm her,” Nick argues. “All you did was hit me, instead of respecting my feelings for Y/N.”
“Well, I see this is all about the two of you,” you sneer. “I’m not needed here any longer. Whatever is wrong with you, you should get your shit figured out. And please don’t do this to another woman.”
“Doll! Wait!” Bucky gasps as you leave the room and slam the door shut. He wants to run after you, wants to chase you and bring you into his arms but he knows, he cannot face you again before he and Nick settle their score…”
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Five months later the dust settled. You left town that night, never looking back. It was hard to leave your job, home, and the town you learned to love.
But Bucky Barnes and his brother are dangerous men. Or so you heard. 
If you wanted to start a new life, far away from the men breaking your heart and betraying you, it was necessary to leave and never look back.
This is how you ended up in the sleepiest town you can imagine. 
It’s a nice one, with friendly people and not much crime. The perfect environment to start a new life, or at least get a break from your former life.
“Morning, Y/N,” Carol, the waitress at your favorite diner chirps as you sit down at the diner counter. Well, it’s the only diner in town, and the food is not too bad. “The usual.”
“You know me,” you wink at her and chuckle. “I’m a simple girl, and I love your breakfast.”
“How are the eggs?” Someone plops down on the diner stool to your right. “What can you recommend, Colibri?”
Your body goes stiff. “No…”
“Doll, is the bacon good at this diner?” Bucky plops down on the diner stool to your left. You’re trapped between the mobsters. Again.
“How’d you find me?” You sniff and look around the diner. “Why now?”
“We found you right after you left.” Nick shrugs. “Bucky decided it’s for the best to leave you alone and keep an eye on you.”
“You stalked me?” You glare at Bucky. “Seriously?”
“We kept you safe, doll. That’s a difference.”
“No. It’s not!”
“It is,” Nick winks at the waitress. “I’ll take the pancakes, eggs, and coffee. Black.”
“Like his soul,” you grunt. “Carol don’t give them anything. They won’t stay.”
“Miss, I’m having what she’s having,” Bucky says. He points at your plate, filled with all the things you wanted to eat this morning. Now you have lost your appetite.
“Why are you here?” You sigh and hide your face in the palms of your hands. “I told the last time we saw each other that I never want to see you again.”
“The last time we saw each other you sneaked out of the house and left in the dead of the night. That’s what happened.”
“Who asked you, imposer,” you glare at Nick. “I left because you both lied to me for months! I had sex with you.”
“I remember,” he dares to smirk. “You didn’t moan my brother’s name, Colibri. You called me your strong bear because I won the plushie at the fair for you. In that moment, you fucked me, not Bucky.”
“Nick don’t,” Bucky warns. “Y/N, we need to talk.” He looks around the diner. “Not here, though. Please give us a chance to explain why we cannot let you go.”
Part 3
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brittle-doughie · 1 year
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CRK Twitter is shitposting again. Also might be using a different writing format for these shorts lol
The six of you were all aboard the Red Velvet Dragon, there was a new movie playing very soon and you all have to get there before a large line forms.
You: *sighs*
This irritated Pomegranate Cookie, how dare Affogato Cookie keep her Master and Lord/Lady waiting.
Pomegranate: Where is Affogato Cookie? He’s testing me and my Lord’s/Lady’s patience…
Licorice: He said he had to do his makeup or something before we left.
Dark Choco: It’s been 15 minutes.
Pomegranate: It’s a simple movie showing, I fail to see the need to try and woo my Lord/Lady at this occasion.
This statement ended up just making Pomegranate even more irritated, the scowl on her face worsening. You could sense it, so you try to change the subject to something that needed to be addressed.
You: So why was it the Barbie movie again?
Dark Enchantress: It was done by the draw of a slip of paper in a hat…
You: And who placed that suggestion in there?
Pomegranate: ….
Dark Choco: ….
Licorice: ….
Poison Mushroom: Licorice Cookie, I saw you place it in the hat-
Licorice: WHA-NO! I saw you write it and put in the hat! Why would I want to watch a movie around Barbie?! PAH!
Pomegranate: Are you lying to them?
Licorice: I’m not, I SWEAR! Y/N Cookie, you believe me, right?!
You: I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Pomegranate: Be grateful for their generosity, Licorice Cookie.
Licorice: Phew…
Dark Enchantress: It’s rather unfortunate that Red Velvet Cookie will not be joining us.
You: The theater doesn’t allow pets, he’s not going anywhere without Chiffon. So Dark Choco gets his ticket.
Poison Mushroom: Dark Choco is back yaaaayyyy
Licorice: I still don’t get why it had to be the traitor prince himself though-AAH!
Licorice is spooked when Dark Choco Cookie brandished his sword in front of him.
Dark Choco: Watch your words…
Dark Enchantress: Oh hush with your arguing, remember who paid for these tickets..
Licorice: Me!
Pomegranate: You could barely afford your own, again it was the generosity of my Lord/Lady to pay for all of us…
Licorice: That’s 1/6th, still counts as a portion of it.
You: It’s nothing, you can pick up on a lot of coins if you know where to look.
Pomegranate: May I get the seat next to you, my Lord/Lady? Between you and my Master?
Pomegranate fantasized being seated between you and Dark Enchantress Cookie, she imagines as you wrap an arm around her to bring her close. She sighs contentedly at the prospect.
Licorice: I’ve worked hard, lemme get the seat next to them!
Pomegranate: What?
Poison Mushroom: You’ll sit next to me, Y/N Cookie, rrrright?
Dark Choco: Their soul is already corrupted enough, I will get the seat.
Pomegranate: Let a traitor sit next to my Lord/Lady? I will not allow that! My efforts far exceed your own, Licorice Cookie!
Licorice: You always get cozy with our Lord/Lady, it’s bad enough that you always seem to follow them around. Let me relish this.
Dark Choco: You two get to be around Y/N Cookie more often, this movie may be the only time I get to be close to them.
Pomegranate: I get the seat next to them and that is the end of the story.
Licorice: You wish!
Dark Choco: Stubborn fools!
Dark Enchantress: Enough, all of you!
Affogato: Apologies for being late, I had to make sure I look dazzling for the occasion. Especially when I’m seated next to my Lord/Lady.
Everyone: What?
Dark Enchantress: The seats are designated by the purchase and Affogato got the one next to Y/N Cookie. I’m not even seated next to them. A load of rubbish is what I’m seeing
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The whole ride to the movies was Affogato, smug as a cat, cuddled to your side as he completely ignores the burning glares of 4 cookies, Poison Mushroom was just bummed out :(
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buzzcutlip · 1 month
congrats on 100 maggie that’s amazing!! 🎉🫶🏻
could I request carmy with a single!mom reader and they’re still kinda fresh in their relationship and with both of their busy schedules it’s hard to have any alone time and whenever they’re trying to have privacy for adult fun time it keeps being interrupted by reader’s little one bc reader’s daughter loves carmy and they’re both going crazy but also love becoming a new lil family. I just keep thinking about how carmy would be with a little kid and how he’d take over the role of a stepdad-dad 😩
Thank you! :)
I would like to say that I love kids and I worked in childcare for years. However, I'm not much into kid fics - rarely read them and never wrote one! Your prompt got me thinking so I'm sharing my head canons about stepdad!Carmy (explicit stuff behind the cut!)
You're so scared to tell Carmy you're a mom because you've started having real feelings; it's not just fooling around anymore. When you finally share that you've got a little girl, you're sick to your stomach with nerves, worried about the possibility of being rejected or ridiculed. But Carmy surprises you—pleasantly—by not freaking out at all. He nods and asks a couple of basic questions: "How old is she? Who's looking after her when you two are together? What's her favorite Disney movie?"
Carmy does freak out—once he's at home. He barely sleeps that night, thinking of all the ways the "wrong" in him or with him could rub off on the little girl once they meet. Because he's a messed-up grown-up who has no clue how to behave.
You can't keep putting off Carmen meeting your daughter after four months of dating. You can't, and you don't want to. It takes a bit of effort before Carmen opens up about his difficult childhood and messed-up family. You assure him that it's not going to affect your daughter and promise him that you absolutely believe he's a good person.
Your little one is almost four, and she's independent, sassy, and loving, so she probably understands Carmy's hesitation and worries better than you do—without Carmen ever needing to say a word. She knows he's a chef—a cook—so she takes his hand and shows him her own wooden kids' kitchen. Carmy's eyes are huge and glassy when he looks up at you, and you hold back your own tears.
The first time you witness Carmy and your daughter cooking together (not in the kids' kitchen), your heart almost stops. You know how sacred the kitchen—any kitchen—is for him, as well as the whole process of meal prepping. They're just baking cookies, from what you can see over Carmy's broad back, flour everywhere, and he uses the softest voice on her: "You make a ball from the dough, that's right. Well done, chef," and "You got it, darling," and "Good job, good girl," followed by a high-five, your daughter giggling, clearly proud of herself.
That night, you ask Carmy to stay - the first time while your daugher is at home too - and he agrees, with a soft smile and a chaste kiss to your temple. You're a bit apprehensive about having sex, anxious about your little one overhearing something or waking up in the middle of it, but at the end it's you who asks Carmen for it. You beg him with your eyes, your hands and mouth, and who's he to say 'no'? The day had been emotional and the remaints of it hang between you as he fucks you on your back, staring into your soul, reaching there with his cock too. You're kinda trying to hurry up, Carmy thrusting into you with sharp movements that make you gasp out puffs of air between the two of you. He leans in to whisper into your ear "You're taking it so well, you would take my load so well, would you want another baby, hm?" His words surprise you and make you so hot that you come with a startle the next second.
Fuck, Carmy Berzzato wants a kid with you?
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mirai-e-jump · 28 days
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Boonboomger/Gotchard Film Pamphlet ft. Main Cast & Staff Interviews (translations below, long post)
Publication: July 26, 2024
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Iuchi Haruhi (Taiya Hando)
For this film, the guests are HIKAKIN-san and Irei Himena-san. I'm together with HIKAKIN-san during the opening scene. I started watching Youtube when I was in my second year of elementary school, and have been watching him ever since, so I was really tense at first. Because HIKAKIN-san was playing himself, I was as nervous as I was during filming of the first episode, and it was hard for me to interact with HIKAKIN-san as Taiya Hando, not as Iuchi Haruhi……
In between filming, I had a chance to talk with him for alittle bit and told him, "I'm glad to meet you," to which he replied, "Same here, I'm also glad. Thank you!," and I was extremely moved.
Irei-san has a long career in acting, and I was particularly impressed by the delicate expression she showed when she was listening to the other's lines. Even when it wasn't my turn to appear, I was always studying Irei-san's performance. Initially, Princess Nicola's in a state where she can't clearly decide on what she wants to do, but then there's a scene where Taiya asks her, "Where do you want to deliver yourself?" This is a scene that shows a glimpse of Taiya's kindness and conviction, so I tackled it carefully. Before the performance, both Irei-san and I were quiet and concentrated the entire time, and I'm glad that we were able to perform this scene. Eventually, when Princess Nicola's prepared to make a decision, I felt that it overlapped with Mira in the first episode……I was really happy to see that Taiya's way of thinking was conveyed to Princess Nicola through Mira.
Also, a memorable scene during filming was when Taiya protects Princess Nicola. Since filming continued after this scene, I had to act as if I was properly protecting Princess Nicola, while also moving around to make sure her wig and hair accessories didn't fall off. In many ways, this one scene caused me some mental strain (laughs).
The climax of the film is the first six person simultaneous Boonboom Change, which includes Sakito Homura. Since it's a movie, I believe that one of its features is that there are many shots that show all six members. While filming, I had the feeling of, "I definitely want to see this on the big screen in theaters!"
Sakito's Miyazawa Yu-kun has alot of experience in stage plays, so I've learned alot from him, including vocalization, and I'm often inspired by him on set. Oh yeah, speaking of Yu-kun, when we shot the ending dance for this film at Fuji Speedway, only one part was filmed for him. He looked like he was ready to dance to the entire song, and seemed disappointed when he asked, "I'm already done?" (laughs).
The list of highlights are endless, from the Used Kurumaju that appear in the beginning of the film, to the wonderful guests, the location filming at the grand Fuji Speedway, the massive action, and the ending dance. It's a very lively "festival" film, so please make sure you have fun! _
Hayama Yuki (Ishiro Meita)
Chasshiro's highlight in the film is the part where he rewrites the program of the "Large Planet Destroying Missile" in order to disable it. Chasshiro's supposed to be super impressive, but lately, his crazy side tends to be what we focus on (laughs). Of course, that's what makes him interesting to play, but I believe that this film will reaffirm Chasshiro's superiority. Nevertheless, only in Boonboomger can such scenes be played out in an interesting way, like when Shirabe-san and Boonboom were fooling around, Chasshiro suddenly intervenes and says, "Give me a hand here!" (laughs). I took my performance extremely seriously, but I have no doubt that the audience will find these scenes interesting to watch. And at the climax, after disabling the missile, Chasshiro's the last of the six to arrive. This part is cool (laughs), so don't overlook it.
The first half of the battle between the Boonboomgers and the army of Used Kurumaju I was able to watch on site. It was almost a full lineup of all the enemies we've taken down so far. I had the impression that in the TV series, they struggled against every enemy, but in the film, they were able to defeat them one after another. I felt that the Boonboomgers had become stronger. Personally, I was happy to see Reizoko Grumer from episode 14 again, as it mainly focused on me and Mira (laughs).
I've been watching Youtube since I was in elementary school, so I was excited when I found HIKAKIN-san's name on the script's cast column. HIKAKIN-san is a very gentle person. However, during the actual performance, he suddenly started improvising, and I thought that this was to be expected of a professional entertainer. And, of course, when we first heard his live performance of "Boonboom Hello Boonboomger!," we all looked at each other. We were like, "It's the real deal!" (laughs). We were very excited. In the scene where we're watching HIKAKIN-san's video recording, Mira asks for his opinion with, "It's amazing, isn't it Chasshiro?," but he responds as if he's not interested. He was happy on the inside, and Mira surely saw right through him (laughs). Miu-chan does her best to play off me, so it's very easy for me to work with her.
I call Sakito Homura's Miyazawa Yu-kun, "Zawa-kun." Zawa-kun and I had been filming together in the TV series for about a month before we started filming the movie. So, I think the "six Boonboomger members" are beautifully captured in this film. Still, since Boonboom and Byundi also call themselves Boonboomgers, there are essentially eight Boonboomger members (laughs).
As this was my first movie, I was alittle nervous in the beginning, but looking back after filming finished, I enjoyed playing Chasshiro. I hope everyone enjoys themselves to the fullest from start to finish! _
Suzuki Miu (Mira Shifuto)
When I first heard from the staff that, "Mira is the main character in this film," I was shocked. When I actually read the script, I realized that everyone plays a leading role, but that Mira was given a very important role. In the first episode, Mira's determined to "take control of her own wheel," and now she tells this to Princess Nicola. I was happy to see Mira's growth, but at the same time, I felt alot of pressure to perform the role properly when we started filming.
I'm from the same agency as Himena-chan, who plays Princess Nicola. I've been in the industry for 12 years, while she has 14 years. I've known her name for a long time, but this was the first time we performed together. My impression of her was that she's dignified and mature. However, the more we talked, the more I could see how cute she was for her age. One day, when she had to choose between two types of bentos, she became seriously distraught. She was like, "Although I'd like to eat this one, the croquettes in the other one are hard to turn down……" I said, "Well then, how about if I take one with the croquettes in it and then give them to you?" She then said very innocently, "Eh, are you okay with that?" The smile on her face at the time was just too cute. It made me so excited that I almost died (laughs).
Still, when it came time to perform, I got alot of inspiration from Himena-chan, who has a longer career. Her reactions were too great, like she was doing them naturally. Her lines had alot of emotion. I was particularly careful not to make Mira's words sound like she was giving a lecture. I didn't want to "tell" Princess Nicola to listen to her story, rather, I wanted to create the image of Mira talking about her past on her own, and having it naturally resonate with Princess Nicola. What would the best way to express this be? I played the role while exploring the tone of my voice and the "pauses" in my performance. There were also scenes with the four of us, including Miyazawa Yu-kun's Sakito Homura and Byundi. When Mira asks for help, Sakito looks at her and Princess Nicola and says, "…Let's do this." At that time, Yu-kun's performance and Sakito's facial expressions were impressive.
I was also happy to be able to actively play as a "driver" in the film. I hadn't had an opportunity to ride in a car in the TV series for such a long time, so I thought, "At last, it's here!" However, I myself don't usually drive a car, so the staff gave me advice on things like how to use the gear stick and how to handle the wheel in a stylish way during the shoot. I think the footage gives a sense of a dynamic race, so please make sure you pay attention to it.
This production has the usual "cranked up" aspects, but as a human drama, it's a film worth watching. If those who watch it get the feeling of, "I also want to take another step forward," then that would make me very happy. _
Saito Ryu (Jou Akuse)
In this film, I was allowed to do flying kicks and backflips on a trampoline. I'd been appealing to Action Director Watanabe Jun-san for a long time with, "I want to do action," and now it's finally been realized. It was my first time stepping on a trampoline, so two days before the shoot, I was given some time to practice flying kicks and backflips so that I could do them before the real thing. Even though I found some parts to be difficult when I actually tried them, I'm happy that I did it. My muscles still hurt though (laughs).
What's more, I also experienced what's known as the "water fall" for the first time. I was surprised at first, but this is one of the best parts of playing a hero, and I thought, "Finally, it's here!" It seems that the staff wanted to give Jou's character a variety of challenges, so for my part, I'm grateful. The water was still cold when we were filming, but it was fun to do.
BoonBlack impresses me every time with the powerful action of Suit Actor Ito Shigeki-san. In the film, there's a scene where he fights one on one with Circuit Grumer, and he does a backspin kick, and his leg goes up very high. In fact, during filming of the movie, Shige-san taught me BoonBlack's role call pose. I'd like to perform in front of the fans someday.
My hobby is beatboxing, and it all began with watching HIKAKIN-san on Youtube. That's why I was very excited to be able to perform with him in this film. In the film, Jou says, "Amazing as usual!" to Genba, who "procured" HIKAKIN-san, but I think that might've been alittle bit of my true feelings coming out (laughs). In the scene where HIKAKIN-san was asked to leave because of the incident, only the two of us acted it out. Jou forces him out of the gate, and I felt really bad……
Director Nakazawa told us to "get excited" in the last scene, so we all got excited (laughs). Mira and Jou take the lead, and then Chasshiro and Genba join them, circling around Princess Nicola. I have no doubt that you'll feel our fun atmosphere. The ending dance was filmed at Fuji Speedway. The place is alot bigger than I had imagined when I stood on the actual course. After filming, we all watched the cars drive around the course, which was also cranked up. It was a very valuable experience.
As for the TV series, Zawa-nii has joined as BoonViolet, and the scenes and story are becoming alot more exciting. Please continue to support us from now on! _
Soma Satoru (Genba Bureki)
The scene where we confront the army of Used Kurumaju was the first thing we filmed for the movie. Simply put, it was spectacular. Given that there were that many Kurumajus lined up in a row, I couldn't help but suddenly exclaim, "Whoa!" Among them, I was personally happy to be reunited with Koinobori Grumer, who I fought in episode 10. Even in such a situation, Genba still shows a relaxed attitude, saying, "It's a revival festival, isn't it?" And even after the Change into BoonOrange, he always has a relaxed vibe to him. That was thanks to Ono Yukimasa-kun, his Suit Actor. There's also something sexy about how he handles his weapon. Since the movie will be shown on the big screen, I think you'll be able to see the differences in the actions of the six Boonboomers, the characteristics of each Suit Actor, the high level of their skills, and so on.
I was surprised at the development of the Boonboom Cars being controlled by Circuit Grumer. However, it's there that Genba shows his cleverness and creates an opportunity to turn the tables. There's a part where he holds up a pit board, but this one was surprisingly large and quite difficult (laughs). Also, since the Boonboom Cars would be added in later, I wasn't sure at the time of filming how the footage would turn out. After talking with Director Nakazawa and listening to his vision for the production, I tried to play the role while letting my imagination run wild. Director Nakazawa's direction was meticulous, and he would give me precise advice on Genba's facial expressions in each cut, such as, "It's like this now, but what will it be next time?"
As for memories of filming, I still really enjoyed being able to go to Fuji Speedway. Standing on a course isn't something you get to do very often, so it was a luxurious experience. After filming, we were able to observe a race, and every time a car passed in front of us at incredible speed, we all got excited and shouted, "Wow!"
Before filming for the movie began, we all used to talk about, "What kind of guests will be coming?" Sometimes, we'd also try to get the staff to spill (laughs). Then, to our surprise, it turned out to be HIKAKIN-san, and I was totally blown away (laughs). Furthermore, the setting of the film is that I, the "procurer," have procured him. I'm not sure what kind of negotiations he did, but……in any case, I think Genba's amazing (laughs).
Irei Himena-san, who plays Princess Nicola, was very lovely and was a healing presence to all the cast and staff members involved in the film. In the film, there's a scene where Genba sensed Princess Nicola's reluctance to discuss her situation, so he has to tell everyone. Genba's the type of person who acts by "anticipating" various things, so I performed this scene while thinking it was typical of Genba. I'd be happy if you pay attention to that. _
Miyazawa Yu (Sakito Homura)
It made me happy that Sakito Homura and BoonViolet could appear in the film (laughs). Originally, I wasn't informed on whether Sakito would be in the film or not, since I've only been in the TV series since June. When I received and read the script, the first thing I felt was the connection with the first episode and Mira's growth. Since I had watched the first episode as a viewer, I thought that Mira was trying to tell Princess Nicola what Taiya had told her back then. I think the real thrill of the Super Sentai series is that the character development is depicted over the long span of a year, and I thought that was exactly the theme of this year's film.
In this story, Sakito helps Mira and Princess Nicola. Since he works separately from the other five, his appearance is limited compared to them, but I feel that Sakito and Byundi were also able to commit themselves to the drama in a good way. For the scene with Mira, it had a more comedic "flavor" on set than what I had imagined in the script. It was also typical of "Boonboomger." On the other hand, I thought it depicted not only Mira's growth, but also the growth, or rather change, of Sakito, who gets up and says, "Let's do this" after hearing her story. And, there's also a moment of mutual understanding between himself and Byundi in the process of reaching that decision. I'm always conscious of expressing such scenes carefully and precisely.
In the scene where the six of them come together, Sakito's given the cool role of appearing while shooting at Circuit Grumer. It's not just that he's cool though. Sakito may appear to be full of himself on the surface, but I believe he's quite compassionate and loves people. I hope that you'll be able to feel the passionate feelings he has for his friends in this scene.
The weather wasn't very good when we were filming at Fuji Speedway, but when it came time to film the dance, the previously cloudy skies suddenly cleared up. No, it was because we're Boonboomger (laughs). The ending dance features myself trying to dance with the other five for the first time, as well as HIKAKIN-san, Princess Nicola, Boonboom, Byundi, and Shirabe-san, so please pay attention to it.
Thinking back on it again (after filming of the movie ended), when I was selected to appear in Boonboomger's TV show, I still didn't feel like a "hero" yet. When I did my first dub recording for BoonViolet, my feelings changed dramatically. Suit Actor Tsutamune Masato-san's actions were wonderful, and they helped me get my act together. And, of course, Byundi is indispensable for Sakito. With the character Byundi being created by Suit Actor Takada Masashi-san and Voice Actor Hanae Natsuki-san, I hope to express Sakito's relationship with him in an interesting way. _
Hashiyasume Atsuko (Saibu Shirabe)
I didn't know I was going to be in this film until I was given the script. Compared to everyone else in Boonboomger, I have a smaller role in each episode, so I just assumed that they had already finished filming (laughs). When I read the script, I found that Boon-chan (Bundorio) and I are quite close in some parts. When she's praised for her "good points" and becomes ecstatic, Director Nakazawa didn't give me any specific instructions, but I tried to come up with a pose on my own. After a cut was made and I received the OK, the Director copied my pose, so I'm glad I took a risk (laughs).
In the scene where I'm swayed by the vibrations, Boon-chan holds me as I'm about to fall, but at the moment I'm about to fall, I kept shaking my head back. Since my face wouldn't show up, we had to reshoot it multiple times. After that, Shirabe-san faints, but when she wakes up, she's leaning against Boon-chan. It made my heart race alittle (laughs).
Shirabe-san may come across as intimidating at first, but she also has a surprisingly cute side. In the film, ISA proposes a plan of "handing over Princess Nicola to the Hashiriyans," but Shirabe-san takes a stand against that plan. I struggled with how much emotion I should show here. I still didn't feel right as we went into filming the real thing, and Director Nakazawa seemed to feel the same way, as he asked me, "Want to do another take?" In the end, I feel that I was able to do a performance that I was satisfied with.
During filming, there were times when small children would peek over the fence at the site. Because of that, the cast members who had finished filming or who had time to spare took turns visiting them. Everyone was happy, and we had fun too. I thought maybe they wouldn't recognize me, but I was so thrilled when some of the children said, "It's Shirabe-san!"
The final part of the film really shows how close everyone is, and I thought it was a happy ending typical of Boonboomger. Shirabe-san was also in the swing of things, saying things like, "Boon-sama, you're wonderful!" I guess she must've felt a weight lifted off her shoulders after the incident was resolved (laughs). I was also happy that the three of us, Iuchi Haruhi, Boon-chan and I, were able to appear together in the final scene before the ending. I thought it'd be alright to look at the camera at that time, but then I thought it'd be more like Shirabe-san if it ended with her looking at Boon-chan. I discussed this with Fujita Yohei-san, who plays Boon-chan, and we tried to match it up.
It was also my first experience filming the ending dance. Although, I watch the broadcast every week, and I also checked the footage and tried dancing myself, so when I received the video to practice the choreography, I was able to dance to some extent (laughs). For filming, it was decided in detail who would dance each part, but no matter which part was mentioned, I was able to immediately respond with, "That's this one, right?" Please make sure to pay attention to us as we dance with overflowing smiles on our faces (laughs). _
Irei Himena (Nicola Keydoor)
So far, I've had little experience with productions aimed towards younger children. Given this, I was very happy to be able to perform in the Super Sentai series that my younger brother used to watch. Nicola's a kid who's unable to express herself properly, but through her encounter with the Boonboomgers, she's able to grow. I wanted to perform that process properly.
Wigs were prepared at costume fitting, and while it was available in pink and two other colors, among other things, I decided on pink based on the image I had of the role. The costume, which is reminiscent of a space suit, was also very cute. There was some talk along the lines of, "Will the heat be okay during filming?," but once filming actually began, it was neither too hot or too cold, and was very comfortable. That seems to be abit rare on site of productions like these (laughs). I feel that the role of Nicola Keydoor became more solidified in my mind through the costume fitting than the script reading stage.
I come from the same agency as Mira's Miu-chan, who I had many scenes together with in the film. This film was our first time working together, but it was fun that we shared alot of common ground, such as the fact that we had taken lessons from the same teacher when we were little (laughs). She also told me about the vibes on the set and the filming process, which was unique to tokusatsu productions. Miu-chan also had an action scene with Circuit Grumer, to which I thought, "Amazing!" Throughout filming, she watched out for me like a big sister.
Taiya's Iuchi Haruhi-kun was very calm. During the film, Nicola's at a loss when Taiya asks her, "Where do you want to deliver yourself?" That was a very important scene, and I could feel how serious Iuchi-kun was, so I naturally became more focused. After that, in the scene where Nicola makes up her mind, I acted it out after creating the flow in my mind leading up to her decision. In any case, everyone in the regular cast was always working hard. I was very impressed by that. Director Miyazawa's the type of person to ease your nerves, and he also explained to me in precise words the goals of his direction. Because of that, I was able to take on the daily filming without any fear.
One of the most memorable moments was riding in the Boonboom Super Car. We filmed the scene of my conversation with Miu-chan in the car, but the actual driving scenes were done by a professional driver. The location was also surrounded by nature, with scenery just as great, and the speed was fast and felt exhilarating, so I fully enjoyed the fun drive (laughs).
Performing in this film sort of reminded me of how I felt as a child. At the end, it seems that Nicola was given a Boonboom Changer (laughs), so if I get a chance someday, I'd like to Boonboom Change too! _
Director Nakazawa Shojiro
"This is the seventh Super Sentai series where Director Nakazawa was in charge of the first episode. What are your current impressions of Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger?"
Nakazawa: The characters on the hero side are each professionals with a rather mature image. In contrast, the bad guy's side is always developing some kind of ridiculous strategy every time……It's not that this is unusual to see in the Super Sentai series, as this kind of contrast has been around for a long time. However, from the point of view of a creator, there's no sense of "taking the high road" or "returning to basics." I'm not taking the approach that, "This is what Super Sentai's all about," rather, I'm working to create heroes in Boonboomger that are appropriate for this generation. The productions of the last few years have had strong personalities, and people may think that we've "gone back to the old days" if we do role calls every time, but we don't intend on trying to "go back" (laughs), we're trying to present new hero figures for the children of today's generation.
"The film has alot of content to take in, but one of the guest characters is a "space princess." Looking back on past Super Sentai series films, it would seem that this too is considered another "standard"……"
Nakazawa: There've been so many princesses, that I wonder how many there have been so far (laughs). Still, what I wanted to depict in this film was Mira's growth since the first episode. When princesses appear, they mostly interact with Red (laughs), but not this time. Mira, who was taught by Taiya the importance of "taking control of your own wheel" in the first episode, now conveys the same message to Princess Nicola, who's come from space. I wanted to create a character who's lost, who doesn't know where she belongs or what she should be doing, and as a result, she became a princess character, but she didn't have to be a princess. Such a character is changed through her encounter with the Boonboomgers. These days, I think there are many people in the world who are struggling with similar problems, so I hope that this film will give such people a supportive push. That in itself is one of the themes of Boonboomger, and as a movie, I wanted the story to appear as "Boonboomger" as possible
"When talking about "individuality," the film being shot on location at Fuji Speedway, the appearance of the peculiar Kurumaju known as Circuit Grumer, and the Boonboom Cars becoming the enemy, we thought that those ideas were interesting."
Nakazawa: Filming on location at Fuji Speedway was done around the time it had a tight schedule of races, so while we caused them an inconvenience, we managed to make it happen. To those who worked hard for us, I'd like to state my gratitude. We had a limited number of days, so we "targeted" that and went on location. Things were so tight, that if we didn't finish filming in 5 minutes, we wouldn't be able to wrap up in time (laughs). As for Circuit Grumer, since it's for a movie, we had the discussion of large scale Kurumaju, and so we thought, "If this is the case, why don't we make it a circuit monster?" It was unanimously agreed that it was "good," but I think it was such a grand idea, that we ended up restricting ourselves later (laughs). I think the conception for the Boonboom Cars to be the enemy initially came simply from the desire to see footage of the Boonboom Cars lined up at Fuji Speedway. Of course, with this being Boonboomger, I also wanted to do some car action, so I decided to have a setting where the Boonboom Cars are controlled by the enemy. The key point was how to intertwine footage of real cars and the CG Boonboom Cars. I hope you look forward to it.
"We were surprised by HIKAKIN-san's guest performance."
Nakazawa: While we received consent for him to perform in the film, we had a hard time deciding what kind of role we'd have him play. We thought about having him drive the Boonboom Cars in some way or another, but since he's not an actor in the first place, it was decided that him making an appearance as himself would be a better use of his talents than playing someone else. I was also grateful for his participation in the ending dance.
"Demon Thunder's voice is by Kishi Yuji-san, who was RedRacer in Gekisou Sentai Carranger (1996)."
Nakazawa: Kishi-san's been contacting me since the beginning of Boonboomger and asking me, "Call me in (for this series)" (laughs). However, I was trying to find the right role and right timing to call in Kishi-san. Then, since I also wanted Demon Thunder to have a profound feel in the film, I thought, "Let's ask for him here." It was as expected of him. He was a perfect fit.
"Seki Tomokazu-san is Circuit Grumer. He constantly says, "Vuuun! Vuuun!" (laughs)."
Nakazawa: Seki-san in particular was allowed to do whatever he wanted (laughs). On the other hand, due to the nature of his role, Kishi-san was often asked to hold back. However, there is one part where he messes around, so please try to find it (laughs).
"We heard that the voice of the "Large Planet Destroying Missile" was selected through auditions from among the main cast members."
Nakazawa: That's right. Originally, we had talks about whether the missile would speak, but then Scriptwriter Tomioka-san wrote in its dialog (laughs). We did an audition like event for the project through the TTFC. Watch the film to find out who was chosen.
"At the end, it seems that Princess Nicola's taken a Boonboom Changer back to her planet?"
Nakazawa: That was also Tomioka-san's idea. In Boonboomgers case, if Taiya makes a new one, it'll resolve that problem. Princess Nicola will surely be able to Change. However, we don't know whose Changer she ultimately took back. She may have gotten Mira's Changer and can Change into BoonPink, or maybe it'll be some other color (laughs).
"The army of Used Kurumaju also appear, but each and every Kurumaju is unique."
Nakazawa: The Voice Actors for both the Kurumaju and the Sanseaters have an amazing flow. That's how Seki-san was in this film, without fail, he always expands on the script. Of course, the script by Tomioka-san and his team, which were used as the basis, are also interesting, so everyone seemed to have enjoyed their performance.
"BoonViolet and Byun Diesel have also joined the series."
Nakazawa: In the film, Director Hayama, who shot the episode where Sakito Homura made his entrance, worked with me as Chief Assistant Director, and he helped me with the direction of Sakito and Byundi. Miyazawa-kun is very skilled at acting, and I hope that the original five members will become motivated by him. I'm sure that Sakito will stir things up in the film, and I'm looking forward to seeing the chemistry that's likely to occur on set with Miyazawa-kun's inclusion. Also, with the entrance of Byundi, I wondered if stuff like the relationship between Byundi and Boonboom will expand. From now on, the various rapid developments will continue, and I think it'll become harder to pass on. Without fail, please continue to support Boonboomger!
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Motojima Junsei (Ichinose Houtaro)
-Towards the Future of Possibilities-
"Finally, the Summer film is here. How did you feel about the project?"
Motojima: The first thing I was conscious of was working together with DAIGO-san. He had already participated in the TV series as the voice of Kamen Rider Gotchard Daybreak, and when I heard that he'd not only be voicing, but also appearing in the film, I was thrilled to be able to work together with him. The first scene we filmed for this movie was the last scene. Houtaro's anxious about Future Houtaro parting ways on his own to defeat the Dark King, but he feels at ease after reading the picture book that Kudo showed him. I'd be happy if the audience could sense what happened to Future Houtaro, not from the dialogue, but from the expressions on Houtaro and Kudo's faces.
"The two major themes of this year's film are "the present" and "the future." Furthermore, the "future" is "another future" created by Houtaro's defeat in a past battle, and Houtaro's going to meet his future self there."
Motojima: The process of heading towards the future was very exciting. The scene where alchemy creates the Gigantliner was particularly impressive, and it features Kudo, Spanner, Sabimaru Senpai, Renge-neesan, Kyoka-san, Minato Sensei, and even Fuga-san. It's a scene that was truly created by "everyone's power," so I have a strong emotional attachment to it. I was also thrilled to perform the part where everyone shows their rings while standing in a circle, and after filming, we all took pictures of the rings together (laughs).
"However, the "other future" was already in a desperate situation."
Motojima: Kudo and the rest of his friends at the Alchemy Academy are no longer alive in that future. When I read the script, I was incredibly shocked. Furthermore, in the scene where Kudo loses her life, it's not Houtaro played by DAIGO-san, but me. During that shoot, Reiyo-chan was really crying as she played the role……Kudo always calls Houtaro "Ichinose," but only in that scene does she call him "Houtaro." I thought alot about what sort of feelings Kudo had put into that scene, and even I couldn't hold back my tears. We filmed that scene on the last day on location in Shimane, and we filmed it until the very last minute when we were getting ready to return to Tokyo.
-Two Houtaros, their motto is: Gotcha!-
"How was it filming on location in Shimane?"
Motojima: By being exposed to a new environment, I was able to approach the shoot with a fresh outlook. On the first day, we had time for sightseeing and went to the famous Izumo Grand Shrine. The soba we had for lunch was very tasty. The team participating in the "present" couldn't come to this location, so I bought matching necklaces for everyone at the shrine as souvenirs to take back.
"Please tell us about performing together with DAIGO-san."
Motojima: On set, we were together all the time. Whenever something happened, we would say "Gotcha!" to each other (laughs). When the first OK was given, DAIGO-san was the first to say "Gotcha!," and I responded with, "Gotcha!" That kind of exchange was very satisfying. This was also on location in Shimane, but I'll never forget the simultaneous transformation. The two of us discussed and coordinated the timing together. Through this process, I feel as if we've come together as one. Also, in the second half of the film, there's a solo transformation by DAIGO-san, and he did it by watching footage of me performing it, and then copying it perfectly. I feel somewhat grateful…….
-Bonds with our Friends-
"There's a scene where Houtaro and Rinne agitate Future Houtaro. We feel that this was one of the most important points in the film."
Motojima: That location is set up as the future Alchemy Academy. We actually used the same set, but in any case, the atmosphere is completely different. We're based there, and everyone's fighting, so among other things, weapons are placed there, and it's got a gory feel to it……However, that part also helped me to create the mood. As the weight of the past 20 years are weighing on his shoulders, Future Houtaro relentlessly says to him, "What do you know?!" Just imagining that, it makes me want to cry……But, as Houtaro, I can't afford to falter. Without hesitating, it's Houtaro who's able to say, "Let's fight together." I can only imagine the weight of those 20 years, but I don't understand it. No matter what kind of hell he's lived through, as Houtaro, I think he didn't want to give up on him, because it's the same "me" in front of him. I put those feelings into the dialogue in my own way.
"What about "Miracle Gotchard," the new form in the film?"
Motojima: It has a different feel from Rainbow Gotchard, which is all shiny, but I like the shimmer and the slightly extreme feel. Personally, I got the impression that this style is unlike anything that's been seen so far in Reiwa Rider. Furthermore, it's exciting that it'll evolve at the same time as Shining Daybreak. I was very enthusiastic about the recording session. As Platina Gotchard, I was conscious of creating a handsome, or rather, cool look, but this time, I mixed in some nuances of Steamhopper. I had the image of Houtaro, who's incredibly strong, but who also fights while having fun.
"Throughout the film, what message does Motojima-san wish to convey?"
Motojima: If you can feel the bonds he has with his friends, I'd be especially happy. In this film, for some reason, Kajiki also goes to the future with them (laughs), and in the future, he works with Clotho and Atropos. I think that such an unusual combination is one of the highlights of the film. In the future, Minato Sensei, Spanner and Lachesis are completely on the enemy side. Kumaki-san's performance as Alzard was intense. Fujibayashi-kun also told me that he put all his heart into playing Hellcrate. By having the usual enemies become allies, and allies become enemies, I believe that you'll feel the importance of "friends" even more. We're nearing the end of filming for the TV series, and we're taking it day by day, scene by scene, carefully savoring each shot we film. From now on, without fail, please continue to support Kamen Rider Gotchard! _
Matsumoto Reiyo (Kudo Rinne)
-Facing Rinne-
"In the "other future," it was shocking to find that the setting was that Rinne was already……."
Matsumoto: Rinne's final moments were very painful just from the script reading stage. Still, that's what I had to face. I think I was able to face it, but right before we started filming the scene, I couldn't stop crying. It was a scene where both Motojima-san and I were extremely focused. I think I was able to convey my feelings as Kudo Rinne during their final conversation before her passing.
"However, it seems that those words have been tormenting Future Houtaro for a long time."
Matsumoto: That's right. I was conscious of that, but during the actual shoot, my first priority was how directly I could express Rinne's emotions. I believe that because her feelings were conveyed to Houtaro, her words will remain in his heart forever. In that scene, Motojima-san was also completely immersed as "Houtaro," so it was easy for me to work with him. I once again admired Rinne's courage and ability to take action. Although it's the role I'm playing, I'd like to tell Rinne, "You did well."
-Future Houtaro-
"The role of the Future Houtaro was played by DAIGO-san."
Matsumoto: He was just as I'd imagined he'd be from hearing him in the TV series. He's very friendly and helps make his surroundings more exciting. During the filming period, it seems that he was also checking our SNS accounts closely, and when I posted about a local specialty called "akumaki," he asked me the next day, "What kind of food is it?" He said, "I'd like to try some." I was somewhat embarrassed, but I was glad to see such consideration.
"Unlike DAIGO-san's usual image, his role was quite serious."
Matsumoto: He shows a particularly relentless attitude toward Rinne. The weight of what he's carrying, the passionate heart in his chest…….I felt that DAIGO-san performed the role of "Future Houtaro" in a very deep way. It was easy for me to get into the role because there was a gap between when we were and weren't filming. During a test run, when Future Houtaro says, "What do you know?!" and grabs Houtaro by the chest, I cried even though I knew I shouldn't have. The Houtaro she knew wasn't someone who would raise his voice like that……As myself, I really felt that I couldn't control my emotions. Still, when I thought about it as Rinne, I thought she'd want to remind him of the old Houtaro. That's why the line, "I'll never give up or stand still," was said like it was bundled with kindness.
"What are your memories of filming on location in Shimane?"
Matsumoto: I got to ride on the back seat of Golddash during the scene where we're heading to the enemy's base! This was really fun! We also filmed along the coast of Shimane, and the scenery was beautiful. We also had a drone to take footage from above, so we had quite a long ride. I felt like I was on alittle tour (laughs). While I thought I was just acting, it seemed that my excitement came out on my face, and Director Tasaki said, "You were smiling so much!" It was a wide shot, and you can't see my expression, so it was okay……but now that I'm saying it here, you may see it (laughs).
"In the battle with Alzard, Rinne's "passion" could be felt."
Matsumoto: Kumaki-san played the role in a completely different manner from his usual performance as Minato Sensei, and it really moved me emotionally. Rinne must've felt that she and Minato Sensei had overcome many ordeals together, and that she couldn't forgive Alzard's words that trampled on that. What's more, Alzard tried to hurt Ichika-chan and her father. The line "I'm going to take you down!" was said in a rage. This time, there were many important lines spoken after the transformation into Kamen Rider Majade, so I hope that they'll reach everyone. In the final battle against the Dark King, there's a scene where Miracle Gotchard, Shining Daybreak, and Majade took turns saying their lines, and I think we were able to show our strong will to "unite together to defeat the Dark King." I was very particular to live up to the wonderful performance by Shimozono Ayumi-san, Majade's Suit Actor.
-Rinne's growth-
"What are your thoughts after looking back on filming?"
Matsumoto: The film deals with a heavy theme, but I believe I was able to give it my all. The atmosphere on set was great, and I was always able to relax. I even talked with Motojima-kun, who also said, "I'm glad it ended peacefully," (laughs).
"It really conveys the vibes that everyone's working together."
Matsumoto: Now that I think about it, we began filming with the final scene (laughs). I remember thinking about the scenes we were going to shoot, including the encounter with Future Houtaro, because it was the last of many experiences that we had yet to film. I was also happy to be able to film while in a yukata. It's hard to imagine this from Rinne in the very beginning, she was strict and stubborn, wasn't she? (laughs). I thought, "Oh, I see Rinne-chan has started wearing yukatas too."
"Please give a message to the fans."
Matsumoto: During filming of this movie, I always set the goal of, "Cherishing each and every scene while performing." The feelings she had during her final moments, the tolerance Rinne shows to Future Houtaro, and her anger at Alzard……..I also tried my best to play out the feelings of Rinne, who's been watching over Houtaro for a long time, even though she's no longer in his presence. If I was able to express even alittle bit of Rinne's growth, I'd be happy _
Fujibayashi Yasunari (Kurogane Spanner)
-Spanner & Kaguya-
In this film, I also play the role of Hellcrate on the enemy side. It was interesting that Spanner was the foundation of the role, not that he was completely different. I was also conscious of the contrast when transforming, for example, Spanner raises his right hand, while Hellcrate raises his left hand.
Unlike Houtaro and Rinne, Spanner himself doesn't go to the future. He and Kaguya are depicted as abit of a pair. Kaguya's the type that can be pushy, but Spanner's rather reserved. Maybe that's why they got along so well. The relationship between the two of them came about naturally in their own way. At the end of episode 35 of the TV series, Spanner says, "That should quiet things down for awhile," and for a moment, he glances at Kaguya with a smile. This was based on the development of the film. I think I was able to communicate well with Nagata Seiichiro-kun, who plays Kaguya. Coordinating the timing of the double transformation was also done by both of us. I wouldn't say those two are "best friends" (laughs), but it feels like they know each other's personalities very well, wouldn't you say? I hope you'll pay attention to our performance.
-Spanner & Hellcrate-
Director Tasaki told me, "I want you to play a classic villain," in regards to Hellcrate. I wanted to add something of my own, and after consulting with the Director, we decided to add abit of a narcissistic vibe. For example, when I first take off my mask, I was particular about the movements of my fingertips to express a narcissistic look. After that, we just pursued "the exact opposite of Spanner." Spanner learns to play chess from Kyoka-san to help keep his cool, but Hellcrate is the exact opposite. I also immediately imagined a scene where he loses his temper and yells while his face is scarred. The scar is something he feels inferior about, so I also included a gesture to try and hide it. The makeup artist was very particular about the scar itself, and went to the trouble of redoing the initial scar, saying that they weren't satisfied with it. I did my best to respond to their desires. As for the dialogue, I still like the part where I call out, "Kurogane Spanner!" It's not often that you get a chance to call out the name of the role you're playing.
Angel Malgam, transformed by Hellcrate, fights Kamen Rider Valvarad, so I had to do it in two separate recording sessions. What's more, there were also times in which Hellcrate was in a state of being masked, so it practically felt like I did three roles. This was quite a challenge…….I suggested Valvarad's catchphrase "Checkmate!" to Director Tasaki, and he made a place for me to include it. For Spanner, this line is essential. And then, the scream Angel Malgam makes when being defeated was also my doing (laughs). I wanted to express the unsightliness at the end of one's life as much as I could.
-Spanner & Gavv-
As Spanner, or rather, as Kamen Rider Valvarad, I was the only one who got to interact with Kamen Rider Gavv. In last year's Winter film, I also worked together with Kamen Rider Buffa, so the purple Riders seem to be connected (laughs). I was happy to be able to work with Director Sugihara again during the dub recording of Gavv's part. I've been calling myself a "Sugihara fan" ever since he filmed my first appearance as Kamen Rider Valvarad (episode 20 & 21). Oh, and during the Summer festival scene at the end, Spanner is seen eating gummies (laughs). Please make sure you pay attention to that. _
Nagata Seiichiro (Ho-Oh Kaguya Quartz)
-Beyond the Aurora-
Kaguya's first appearance was in an online spinoff, so at that point, I didn't think he'd be in the film (laughs). Later, when I appeared in the TV series, there was a scene where within the Aurora Curtain, I witnessed Kamen Rider Gotchard Daybreak. I wondered, "How is this going to link to the future?," and it turned out to be foreshadowing for the film.
I myself had a cheerful impression of Kamen Rider Gotchard's show. Of course, there are some heavy parts like Spanner's past, but I thought that things like the school story was overall fun. That's why I was excited by the "Future World" setting being depicted in this film. I couldn't believe that all of Houtaro's friends were gone……Still, I felt that it was definitely an exciting setting for a film. It's really hot to turn the tables on the worst situation. I couldn't wait to start filming
-Double Henshin with Spanner!-
In this film, Kaguya has alot of scenes with Spanner. He says, "You can also give me a hand," and I felt that their relationship had gotten closer throughout the TV series. They also do a double henshin, so please be sure to pay attention to it. Kamen Rider Legend has a simple transformation pose, but Valvarad has many movements. Therefore, for Kaguya's part, I tried to kiss my hand more slowly, and I also got the idea from Fujibayashi-kun to make up for the time difference by shaking my body alittle at the beginning (laughs).
Being on location in Shimane was also an unforgettable memory……I didn't have an appearance there though (laughs). However, I really wanted to visit, so I attended by paying out of my own pocket. The performance that was especially inspiring was the scene where Rinne faces her final moments. I could feel the sincerity in Motojima-kun and Reiyo-chan's approach. Fujibayashi-kun too, he played the role of Hellcrate in a lively manner. His performance was so passionate, that his voice echoed through the huge dome. Due to how the story develops, some other cast members were unable to come to this location, so they went to the Izumo Grand Shrine to buy matching necklaces as souvenirs to bring back. Shimane was a wonderful place. I'd definitely like to go back.
-Encountering Decade-
This film depicts not only the showy side, but also the sensitive side of Kaguya. This can be felt in the scenes with Kadoya Tsukasa. I performed with Inoue Masahiro-san before and was acquainted with him, but I've admired him since back in the day. There's certainly some parts that overlap with Kaguya's feelings for Tsukasa. I was impressed by the way Tsukasa recognized Kaguya's growth. That "chin grab" was improvised by Inoue-san. On set, the female staff members cheered (laughs).
That scene was carried by Inoue-san, but I was happy that Kaguya was finally able to call himself a Kamen Rider. Kaguya is originally an inhabitant of a different world from that of Houtaro and his friends, so he leaves everyone at the end of the film. I'm alittle sad about it, but I hope that I, as well as Kaguya, will have a chance to meet Houtaro and his friends again. The message of the film is that "the future can be changed." I think that Kaguya was also able to change through his encounter with Tsukasa. I'd be happy if people who see this film feel cheerful. _
Kabe Amon (Kajiki Ryo)
-To the Future World-
I didn't expect for Kajiki to go to the future with Houtaro and Rinne. Kajiki isn't often involved in the main story, but this time, he sneaks aboard the Gigantliner (laughs). The train scene to the Future World was made possible with the cooperation of Saitama Prefecture's Chichibu Railway, and along with Motojima-san and Reiyo-chan, the three of us were very excited to film it. Following that, the "Future World's Station" is at the site of the Former Taisha Station in Izumo City, located in Shimane Prefecture. This is the second time we've shot on location in a rural area, following Kyoto (episodes 9-10) for the TV series. The devastated world was ultimately created by 3D compositing, so while we were filming on site, we left it to our imaginations, wondering, "What kind of sight is unfolding out here?" I think one of the highlights is the numerous visuals that are different from usual. During our stay, we all visited the Izumo Grand Shrine and did sightseeing together, which was also a fun memory.
-Regarding the Guests-
There were scenes where I performed with DAIGO-san and Kojima Yoshio-san. DAIGO-san's character, "Future Houtaro," is still Houtaro from Kajiki's point of view, but there's still something mysterious about him. On set, when I was wondering how to communicate with DAIGO-san, he started talking to me. He's a very friendly person. Also, my waiting room at the studio this time was on the same floor as DAIGO-san's. When I left my room, I heard a singing voice and thought, "Huh?," and to my surprise, it was coming from DAIGO-san's room. I think I was probably the only one who heard it, so it was a precious experience (laughs). I also had fun filming with Kojima-san. When I arrived on set, he came out wearing those swim trunks (laughs). Of course, I knew that he was going to appear in the film, but the script described Kojima-san's Tajima as a "serious doctor," so to see him make his entrance looking like that……I was surprised.
Also, in the Future World, Clotho and Atropos are on our side. Kajiki's rarely involved in battle scenes, and even when he occasionally meets those on the enemy side, it's only to give a quick greeting, so it was abit strange to be in an environment like this, where we're always together. I remember talking to Clotho's Miyahara Kanon-san and saying, "It's weird for the two of you being together with us, isn't it?"
-Go for it, Riders!-
Normally, Kajiki gets "caught up in the middle of things," but in this film, he's present during important scenes. I also have the line, "As their best friend, it's my duty to help out Houtaro and Kudo." In the second half, I was also given the role of cheering on the Riders. In the script, we were all going to cheer, "Go for it, Kamen Riders!," but when I went to the set, it was changed to Kojima-san's, "Gan gan gan gan ganbare! Go for it, Riders!" (laughs). It seems that Director Tasaki and Kojima-san had a meeting beforehand and decided on that. I only learned about it on set, so I was also surprised. It was also alot of fun to cheer on the Kamen Riders with the children.
Over the past year, Motojima-kun's become a splendid "leader" who pulls everyone along. Reiyo-chan's acting was also wonderful……During the cheering scene, I felt those feelings rising up in me, and I did my best to shout them out with all of my voice. To all of you, I'd be happy if you could come and support us together in the film! _
Kamakari Kenta (Glion)
-How I should act to look scary-
Kamen Riders are figures children look up to. Therefore, I act as Glion with my first priority being to make him look scary so that children will think, "I hate him" or "I don't like him." Even with the way I look, I needed to plan on whether I'd stare coldly or look wide eyed, and after much research, including asking my own daughter, "Which eyes look scarier?," I decided to use the latter as the basis for my performance. I think the scarier Glion looks like that, the more the heroes will stand out.
For this film, when I heard that Glion was going to appear, my first reaction was, "Yes!" He made his "exit" during episode 27 of the TV series, so…..Whenever I heard rumors about the film, I always thought, "That sounds nice," but I never expected to actually appear (laughs). What's more, I was put into a good position again. I'm grateful for that.
-Glion's Secret?!-
I started filming for the movie with the beginning future scene. I haven't had much experience filming with a green screen before, but it was a big studio with alot of staff, so I was very excited about the large scale of the shoot, thinking, "We're filming in such an environment!" And, I was also able to work with our guest DAIGO-san from the first day. As Glion, I'm able to face off against DAIGO-san's "Future Houtaro." DAIGO-san's a very appealing actor as well. DAIGO-san was just as soft spoken as he was on TV.
In this film, I like the scene where I appear in front of the two Houtaros the most. I was excited about this part even from reading the script. On the actual set, I think it was even more impressive because of the added direction of "coming down the stairs." However, the stairs at the location were rather steep, and it was abit difficult to come down them in Glion's boots. Of course, I was concentrating on the performance, but I was alittle concerned while coming down, wondering, "Are my feet gonna get caught?" (laughs). I also felt that my "loud laugh" was increasing my "synchronization rate" with Glion, so in addition to that, when I tried to make facial expressions while feeling the vibes on set, that kind of laughter just came out naturally.
-Henshin! Kamen Rider Dorado!-
What made me most happy was my "transformation" into Kamen Rider Dorado. When I work on a film, I tend to value the atmosphere on set, and often won't make up much of my performance beforehand. That's why I tried not to think too much about the transformation until the day it was supposed to happen. Then, Action Director Fukuzawa Hirofumi-san came to me with the wonderful plan of, "Transform while avoiding the enemies attacks." I immediately went along with that plan (laughs). Also, I wondered how happy Glion would be when he got the card, since he said, "I'll become complete!" I tried to think about it and performed in my own way.
I also did the dub recording for Kamen Rider Dorado, which I tried to act out as if my emotions were exposed. I think that you'll feel a different side of Glion. When I was first shown the footage, I tried to voice it with an honest reaction and realized, "Ah, I can sound like this……" However, when we first tried the scene where Dorado torments Rinne, Director Tasaki told me, "It's way too scary, please try to hold back alittle more." Well, I understood that, but I wanted to completely go off (laughs).
This film is the story of Houtaro and his friend's efforts to change the worst future. The message is that no matter how hard it gets, it's important to have the courage and strength to take a step forward. As Glion, I played the "bad guy" role. If you have a child who says they prefer Glion or Kamen Rider Dorado more……I'll dye them gold! _
DAIGO (Future Houtaro)
-The Future of Kamen Rider-
"We were also shocked by your surprise "voice appearance" in the TV series, but this time, at long last, you're playing the role of Future Houtaro."
DAIGO: At my age, I never would've imagined that I'd become a Kamen Rider. What are the odds that this would happen, you know? I was happy when I heard about it, and responded with, "By all means, please let me do it."
"In the TV series, the true identity of Gotchard Daybreak was hinted at, but how did you feel when you finally read the script for the film?"
DAIGO: Since I had been following the developments of the TV show, first off, I was very shocked. I couldn't believe that Houtaro's defeat had actually led to the loss of his friends lives, including Rinne, Spanner, Sabimaru Senpai, Renge-neesan, and Minato Sensei. In addition, Houtaro continues to live, and even though he never gives up and continues to fight, he's incredibly burnt out. He's an almost completely different version of the Houtaro everyone knows. Speaking honestly, when I was wondering if I'd be able to play this role…..I was conflicted. However, in this film, Houtaro and Rinne, who come from 20 years in the past, remind Future Houtaro of what he's forgotten. I felt hope there, and as it's a film packed with charm, I decided to try my best to perform. I thought I could convey something that's valuable in life to all the children.
-On set with younger people-
"How were things on the actual film site?"
DAIGO: For me, Junsei-kun is the "Houtaro" I've always seen on TV. That impression didn't change when I came onto the set. Whether the cameras were rolling or not, "Houtaro" was always there. He's so much like Houtaro, that I think I'd be okay for him to change his name to "Ichinose Houtaro" (laughs). So, on the other hand, even though it's 20 years later, I wondered if I could play the role of Houtaro, who's actually 46 years old, but since the setting is that he's, "Burnt out from fighting so much," it was perfect (laughs). And then there's Rinne's Matsumoto Reiyo-chan. Rinne is also Future Houtaro's "hope." I thought she was no longer in this world anymore, and that he'd never see her again. She comes from the past and appears in front of him. That's why his feelings of "I don't want to lose her again" are so strong. Contrary to this, young Rinne's resolve is strong and firm. That's why eventually, Rinne's words will also move Future Houtaro's heart. Reiyo-chan herself is a very reliable and lovely person, and there are parts of her that overlap with Rinne. Even so…….they're both almost 30 years younger than me. They truly felt like the "new generation of young people." When you get to be my age, it's hard to only look straight ahead into the future, but I was under the impression that they were really moving forward with their eyes set on the future. I was able to gain lots of energy by spending time together with them.
-A "bond" with Director Tasaki Ryuta-
"There was also a transformation scene."
DAIGO: Ever since I did the dub recording for Gotchard Daybreak in the TV series, I thought, "I want to see myself transform." Speaking of transformation, it's been a dream of mine since I was a child. I wish I could tell this to my younger self (laughs). The Action Director came up with the transformation pose, and in the first transformation, the pose included my "One hand wish pose!" For a moment I thought, "Is that gonna be okay?" (laughs), but I was very happy to see it being incorporated in a natural way. I hope all the children will imitate it. Following the TV series, Gotchard Daybreak is being played by Asai Kosuke-san. Asai-san's movements and performance are truly amazing. I wanted to do the performance after transforming myself, but as expected, that wasn't possible, so I put alot of energy into the recording. Just watching the footage was hot, and as a result, I hurt my throat quite abit (laughs). After it was over, I sucked on a bunch of throat lozenges.
"Speaking of Directors, this film was by Director Tasaki Ryuta……"
DAIGO: That's right (laughs). 20 years ago, he was filming "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon," and my wife (Kitagawa Keiko) is very grateful for his help at the time. I never thought I'd be working together with him this time like this……it feels like fate. Having visited Toei's film studio this time, it was alot of fun talking about it with my wife at home (laughs). I always received precise directions from Director Tasaki on set, and he was very helpful in creating the character of "Future Houtaro." And then, I was also impressed by the way he directed the younger actors. By asking, "What were the feelings you felt in that moment?," and getting that person to think, he encourages them to grow. More than anything else, I was also inspired by his "human strength" that was used to powerfully lead the set.
"What are your thoughts looking back on filming?"
DAIGO: It's "SMG." That's "Super Miracle Gotcha." This personal experience was a series of precious "Gotchas" for me. I have a good feeling that I was able "Gotcha" with everyone I starred with and the staff, and personally, I was excited when I'd "Gotcha" in each and every scene. All that remains is to "Gotcha" with the fans. Let's share "SMG" this Summer without fail! _
Kojima Yoshio (Tajima Tetsuo)
-Memories of the Kamen Rider Series-
When I was a student, I vaguely remember that Kamen Rider Black (1987) was airing, and that everyone would play pretend henshin. My love for chameleons may have been influenced by the chameleon monster who appeared in Black's movie.
-Accepting the invitation to perform-
I was incredibly happy. When I started doing live performances for children, I used hero shows as one of my "templates," so I was overwhelmed with emotion. For this film, the character I was asked to play was as similar to me as possible, so it was easy to perform. However, Tajima Tetsuo's set up was that he was also a "brilliant alchemist," so that's where I tried to gather up all the intelligence I had inside me.
-The "That doesn't matter!" scene-
At the time of filming, I actually fractured the base of my right foot's pinky toe and it was still healing. However, I went ahead and did it with the mindset of "That doesn't matter!" Looking back, I thought that was a good thing to say (laughs).
-The "Gan gan gan gan ganbare!" scene-
With jokes, they can come back to life at the right time and place. This joke was created for use in a solo show 15 years ago, but I haven't used it much since then. I finally had the feeling of, "My turn has come." During filming, the "heat" on set rose dramatically. The response I got was satisfactory.
-Memories of Filming-
Since I was almost entirely in swim trunks, I was able to be completely open with everyone. I'm definitely "Piya" friends with all of them now. I didn't want the wrap up to come.
-If you had the chance to perform again?-
Next time, I'd like to play a role in which I was originally on the side of justice, but due to a certain event, I become evil. Through this role, I'd like to convey to children that "there's a fine line between good and evil."
-A Message to the Children-
To all the "Piyas" who came and watched! Thank you! Please "gan gan ganbare" with all your might at the theater! Even if you're worried about what people around you will think, remember, "That doesn't matter!" _
Tarumizu Ayane (Sakaki Ichika)
-Rising above Adversity-
For Ichika, the role I play, she's a very strong girl who loves her father, and who also has the ability to take action. Still, it's not simply about her strength, but the fact that she rose from adversity, and that gave me a sense of her unique strength. I also almost gave up on acting, so in bringing Ichika to life, I really empathized with her feelings. I was offered an audition to perform. I played the role of, "Someone who lashes out in anger towards the enemy who attacked her father." and the emotions naturally flowed out. It was the first time I had a response, or rather a feeling, that was different from the auditions that I attended before. That day just happened to be my actual father's birthday, so maybe it had something to do with that.
The first scene I performed on set was the one where I confront Alzard. Her father's been kidnapped, and Alzard speaks to her in a cruel way, and I was given acting guidance by Director Tasaki, who told me, "Raise the emotional levels like how the water levels in a dam rises." It seems that she didn't take Alzard's words at face value, and was instead trying to manage her emotions and make it work. Still, with that one word, I feel that I was able to erase Tarumizu Ayane and express my feelings as Ichika.
The real challenge was the action. I thought I'd be alright with the machine gun shooting scene since I like online shooters (laughs), but when I actually tried it, it was totally different. Also, there's some action scenes with Alzard, and Ichika's the one who gets beat up, but I learned kickboxing together with my father, so I think that helped. Furthermore, I couldn't believe that I had entered such a world when I saved Majade from fighting with Alzard. I was also given the opportunity to observe the filming of the Riders in action, and was overwhelmed by the speed, sharpness, and power of their movements.
-With my whole Heart and Soul-
In the scene where Ichika tells Rinne-san and the others of her determination of having them take her with them to Glion's stronghold, I received guidance from the Director that there "wasn't enough fuel." When I burned all the "fuel" in my performance, such as the weight of the mouth harp being handed to her, her hesitant state of mind right up to the last minute, and her anxiety about whether or not she'd be taken…….I felt a great sense of accomplishment.
Throughout filming, I became good friends with the lead actor, Motojima Junsei-san, and the heroine, Matsumoto Reiyo-san. Junsei-san was a hero on set as well. Once, during a lunch break, I spilled alittle of my bento on my costume. I was thinking, "What should I do……?," when Junsei-san followed up with me and said, "Ichika's costume is originally designed to be dirty, so I'm sure it'll be alright!" Not only that, he came with me when I went to apologize to the costume designer. I thought he was a really kind person. And now, for Reiyo-san……she's just a beautiful person! She's cute! She's pretty! I love her. I'll never forget the time when we were shooting the scene where I get drenched in the cold underground location, and she put a pocket warmer around my neck. I was also happy to find that we had many of the same tastes in terms of favorite games and music. She's like a big sister.
In my own way, I put my whole heart and soul into playing the role of Sakaki Ichika, who's trying her best to live in the future's devastated world. Please make sure you pay attention to the emotions that overflow when Ichika confronts Alzard, as well as the action scenes. After the battle's over, I'm sure that Ichika will be able to spend a happy life with her father! _
Inoue Masahiro (Kadoya Tsukasa)
-Expanding like the Universe-
For some reason, with the creation of Kamen Rider Legend, a sort of successor to Kamen Rider Decade, my fans were worried about me. They were like, "Inoue Masahiro must have some mixed feelings about this" (laughs). It's not like that at all, as I was actually rather happy about it. To begin with, I think it was the Decade project that led to the creation of Legend. I know Kaguya's Nagata-kun very well, and even though Decade and Legend, and Tsukasa and Kaguya all have similar abilities, everything else about them is completely different. What's more, it makes me happy that the world of Kamen Rider has expanded even further.
In this film, Tsukasa refers to Kaguya as "boy," and says, "You're still no match for me," but the amazing thing about Tsukasa is that that alone gives it a "story" feel. Although it's not depicted in detail, the story regarding Tsukasa and Kaguya alone could be made into a whole movie if it were. In the case of other past Riders, if they were to do a new film on the "XXth Anniversary," they'd first have to think, "I wonder what's going on now?," but in Decade's case, every time a new Kamen Rider is born, in a sense, the world of Decade expands on its own. Although the context is as grand as the universe itself, for this film as well, I only performed in it for a moment. As long as the Kamen Rider series continues, it might expand, but it'll never close.
……However, I only recently realized this (laughs). Producer Shirakura-san is amazing, as he came up with this structure 15 years ago. My comprehension is finally catching up to me 15 years later (laughs).
-Passion of the New Generation-
Similarly, I recently found out about Toei's amazing production capabilities. I painfully realized this when I tried to plan and produce a tokusatsu hero film on my own. It's already at a frightening level that they keep putting new works on the air at this quality, week after week, and for decades on end (laughs). When I went to this film's set, I noticed the rise of the new generation of staff. The Producers and on site staff have changed quite abit too. Still, the warmth with which I was greeted was unchanged. Within them were Director Tasaki and Cameraman Kurata-san, both of whom looked out for me 15 years ago. I was grateful for the opportunity to go back to basics every now and then. I could sense the passion of the young staff members to create something interesting going forward.
This time, I don't even transform into Decade (laughs), I only appear as Tsukasa and speak to Kaguya, but it makes me happy that having Tsukasa appear can be done without having him transform. It's a short scene, but it's one that allows you to imagine the relationship between Tsukasa and Kaguya, so please make sure to pay attention to it.
I also realized that I'm in my mid 30s, and I've begun to think more seriously than ever about how to live my life. These days, I believe that if you're in a public position and are superficial, people will immediately see right through you. From now on too, I'd be grateful if you'd continue to watch over me. When the time comes and you need me again, I'll always come through. _
Scriptwriter Hasegawa Keiichi
-Future Houtaro's "sense of loss"-
I saw the preview just now, and it had an incredibly "voluminous" feeling. There were parts of the script that were further developed on the set, and the results exceeded the imagination of what I wrote. I once again strongly felt that this film is about "combined strength." Houtaro's Motojima Junsei-kun and Rinne's Matsumoto Reiyo-san have grown remarkably compared to when we first started filming. Even when confronting Future Houtaro, played by DAIGO-san, they had a presence that was unrivaled. I felt their strength and resilience more than in the TV series, which really made me happy to watch. It was decided early on that the film would feature Gotchard Daybreak and Future Houtaro, so when writing the script, I started by imagining what Houtaro would be doing in the Future World.
For 20 years, Houtaro's endured loneliness and isolation, living in a devastated world while carrying his sins on his back. He has a great "sense of loss." Even though he's injured, he keeps fighting, almost as if he's torturing himself. The idea for the eye patch came from Director Tasaki. I wrote the scene where Houtaro loses Rinne with the assumption that Motojima-kun, not DAIGO-san, would play the role, since the scene takes place not far off from the present, but it was pointed out to me that this would make it difficult to distinguish between him and present Houtaro. The eye patch is a way to differentiate between the two, but it also instantly conveys that Houtaro's lost more "friends" than just Rinne and the others. It's a heavy setup, but that idea helped. While Future Houtaro's burdened with a sense of loss, Houtaro and Rinne, who have come to the future from the present time, confront Future Houtaro with their honest feelings, even though they face a hellish reality. And eventually, the three of them join forces to confront Glion.
-Both Gotchard's evolving at the same time-
I'm sure that everyone's looking forward to seeing the new film exclusive form in action, but as a Scriptwriter, I wanted to make sure that it made perfect sense. I'm very satisfied with the way we were able to depict both Gotchard's simultaneously evolving in this film, and that we were able to put the Chemies feelings into it as well. It was also difficult to create the climax. Simply fighting a giant enemy isn't enough. So I thought about it, and that's where the development of using the Gigantliner came in. One of the themes of this film is the "departure of young people." Just to clarify this, Producer Minato wanted to use an actual steam locomotive for filming, so we also tried to involve the Gigantliner in the last battle. I also made sure to express the importance of "supportive energy." In Gotchard, it's an element that's been built up from the TV series. In the film, Kojima Yoshio-san's impact was added (laughs), and I think it's the best "support" that says, "We can win this!" My goal was to make "a film that'll make you cry."
Even though I'm the one that wrote it, I cried almost five times during the preview (laughs), but I already can't wait to see what everyone who comes to the theater will think of the film. _
Action Director Fukuzawa Hirofumi
-Action to match the Drama-
As an Action Director, what's always important to me is to create action scenes that don't interfere with the story. I don't like when the flow of a story is broken as it progresses, and is like, "Yep, here's some action." Since action's part of the production, I think the emotions of the characters should be properly included within it. For example, I'm particular about each person's position. In this film, the three of them fight together, that being present Gotchard and Majade who go to the Future World, and Gotchard Daybreak. In such a case, who should be the first to come to the front in this scene? In fact, how will that change the timing? I think it's very important to think about that. To put it another way, instead of positioning the characters according to the action I want them to perform, the flow of the action is first created based on the context of their relationship and where they stand. Here, present Gotchard is the main character, so Daybreak's moving to support him…..among other things.
Even in everyday life, when taking a group photo for example, each person's personality comes out, right? There are some parts that are similar to that. I was always conscious of this when I was in charge of the Super Sentai series. However, in this case, what's difficult was that there are two Gotchards, one from the present and the other from the future. They're both the same person, but are different in age and experience. Still, I also wanted them to feel like they're the same person in some places. This kind of pattern isn't common, so this was one of the areas where I struggled. I also owe alot to Eitoku (Gotchard) and Asai-kun's (Daybreak) ability to play each of these roles. Also, Rinne and Majade are quite important in this film. When both Gotchards and Majade are standing side by side, I also thought alot about Majade, like where she should be and what she should do. On the other hand, Majade's solo fight against Alzard, an enemy with the same face as Minato Sensei, is also a major highlight. By doing it this way, Majade is now also seen as the main character for the entire film. Trying to find a sense of balance in this area was a constant struggle while filming.
-Realistic Battles-
The story of Glion's transformation into Kamen Rider Dorado involves Glion holding a flask, from which a card is produced, which he then uses to transform into a Kamen Rider……that's how the flow goes, but during that time, Gotchard Daybreak charges at Glion. I think this was in the script. I didn't want to stop the flow, so instead of showing the entire sequence of Glion's transformation, I included some action in the middle of it where Glion dodges Daybreak's attack. Since this is a film is aimed at children, I suppose there's a way to "lie" about it, and just show only Glion's transformation, but thinking about it realistically, the question arises as to whether Daybreak is just waiting on him. I'm always thinking about "whether it can be established or not." Of course, it's also important to make the transformation look cool and impressive, so I try to make it as compatible as possible. In the opening, we had Spanner suspended by a wire and made him hang and jump, but I really wanted to do more things like this. Action isn't just about fighting. It's cool to do it smoothly, not in an exaggerated or superficial way. If the height is too high, the realism will be lost, so if we can find a good place or location, we can do things like this.
In this kind of production, the most difficult part are fight scenes between non professionals, so I often have a stand in for one of them in order to keep the rhythm, but it was reassuring to have Clotho's Kanon. Of course, she's physically strong in her own right, but her ability to pull everyone along during one on one battles were very important. It makes a big difference if just one of them can perform action. This time, since Clotho's on the good guy's side, I was also aware of how she should fight. I hope you'll also pay attention to that. _
Director Tasaki Ryuta
"Please tell us what your goals were when taking charge of Kamen Rider Gotchard's film."
Tasaki: I received a variety of opinions and requests from all sides, and I had to select the best ones and give them shape as I went along, but first off, when I thought about the appeal of the main character Houtaro, and the Kamen Rider called Gotchard, there were many opinions that, "He's a hero you want to cheer for." I thought this was an asset of the show, and with that being the case, I decided to incorporate an element of "cheering." However, if we were going to go with that, I didn't want it to be some half baked, unexplainable production. I thought about how to do it in a way that would appropriately bring the film to its climax. And then, Producer Minato-san was particular about steam locomotives. Gotchard's standard form is "Steam" hopper, and we thought we could handle steam locomotives being on the big screen of this film. Regarding this as well, we felt that it would be a waste to have only a scene of the Gigantliner going to the future, so we decided to have the CG Gigantliner play an active role in the last battle as well.
"As for the filming structure, the fact that it was shot on location in Shimane is a major point."
Tasaki: One of the staff members in the production department is from Shimane, so he took charge in negotiating with the government and the film commission, and he was able to make things happen. The station where the Gigantliner arrives in the Future World is the Former Taisha Station, which used to be the nearest station to the Izumo Grand Shrine. Today, there's a private railway station nearby, and the "JR Taisha Line" itself, which used to end at the Former Taisha Station, has been closed for more than 30 years now, but it was great to be able to film the steam locomotive there. It didn't move, but we could get in and out of it without difficulty, and we also went to a place known as "Tatara Yamauchi." In the past, this area used to partake in iron manufacturing. Here, old tall buildings and tenements still remain, and they served as the exterior of the hideout for Houtaro and the others in the Future World. The take of both Houtaros transforming side by side was also done at this location. There was also bike riding in Shimane. The exterior of Glion's stronghold is the Izumo Dome. There was lots of scenery among other things that could only be filmed by going to Izumo, and it made this production more profound. The scenes of the steam locomotive moving was filmed with the cooperation of Chichibu Railway. We prepared 5-6 cameras and captured it from all different angles.
-The Impact of "Another History"-
"It was exciting to hear that, "Present Houtaro and Future Houtaro meet and fight together," but in reality, Future Houtaro's setting was that the past 20 years for him were extreme."
Tasaki: Since history has split off from Houtaro's defeat by Glion, there was a necessity to depict a clear distinction between the two. Also, we needed to depict a tragic element in the process of turning the tables on a hopeless situation. I believe that many of the visuals will shock those who are Gotchard fans. On the other hand, there are some redeeming features which create a sense of hope, such as Atropos and Clotho becoming allies, and a reliable friend named Tajima, played by Kojima Yoshio-san.
"Houtaro's eye patch, Rinne's final moments, and the three "Dark Death Masks"……Of these, Alzard, who has the same face as Minato, left the strongest impact."
Tasaki: Regarding Minato, he was on Glion's side for a long time in the TV show, and with that impression still remaining, if we did things normally, people would think, "Again, huh?" Besides, Kumaki-san's performance was important, as Alzard's insanity and cruelty draws out the rage of Rinne and the guest character Ichika. Actually, to that extent, I believe that Kumaki-san's efforts had created some positive effects.
"This was the first time for DAIGO-san, who plays Future Houtaro, to make a visible appearance. How did you feel?"
Tasaki: I could tell that he takes his work as an actor seriously. He would also read the book (script) in depth. I'm glad we cast him.
"When we think of DAIGO-san and Director Tasaki, we just can't help but think……"
Tasaki: I understand (laughs). It's because of "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon," right? Kamakari Kenta-san also appears as Glion in this. 20 years ago, I worked on "Kamen Rider Faiz" and "Sailor Moon" at the same time, and Kamakari-san's wife is Haga Yuria-san, who played the heroine in Faiz, and DAIGO-san's wife is Kitagawa Keiko-san, who played Sailor Mars. I thought it was a strange connection because in this film, there's a scene where Future Houtaro and Glion fight. Kamakari-san……Kenken-san's Glion is also wonderful. Not only is he cool, but he comes up with an interesting performance every time. It's also fun to film him.
"Speaking of those connected to Director Tasaki, Kadoya Tsukasa also makes an appearance."
Tasaki: While Decade is a special Rider who can commit to being in any Rider's world, I think it was inevitable since Kadoya's originally an eternal traveler, but now that Kaguya and Kamen Rider Legend, a kind of successor, has appeared, I think he may have finally found a place where he belongs. Kaguya's also a type of character that's never been seen in the Kamen Rider series so far, and Nagata-kun's got great style, so I think it'll be interesting if we can connect him to future productions. Oh yeah, speaking of Nagata-kun, he came to observe the Shimane location shoot at his own expense. He also helped the staff out with their work.
"We'd also like to ask about Kojima Yoshio-san."
Tasaki: As I stated in the beginning, I wanted the climax of the film to be the scene where everyone cheers for Gotchard and the others. To highlight this point, I approached Kojima-san with an offer, and he was very clever. He immediately understood what we were trying to aim for. We didn't do a costume fitting, mainly due to him wearing his "usual swim trunks" (laughs), but the main cheering scene was discussed remotely in advance. We asked Kojima-san to use his sense of language and rhythm to come up with phrases that would make children want to cheer along with him in the movie theater. Then, I was told that there was a joke he thought of from a long time ago that would fit this scene, and so, "Gan gan gan gan ganbare!" came about. He also did a demonstration on the spot, which I recorded and showed to the children who were going to perform it by saying, "I need you to do this," and they all immediately started imitating it. In Kojima-san's mind, I assume that he's developed a keen "sense of smell" for what kinds of things are popular with children. I'm sure he's had countless experiences doing this, so I'm glad we asked him to help us. I'm now looking forward to seeing the reactions of the children who will watch the film.
-A Glittering Moment-
"It's a film with many elements, but present Houtaro and Rinne are firmly at the center."
Tasaki: There's no doubt that both of them put alot of effort into this film. Before the film, the TV episodes I worked on were episodes 26 and 27, and 36 and 37, which were also stories about pushing Houtaro into a corner, but the film has a greater emphasis on Rinne than Houtaro. I thought the scene where she shows her anger at Alzard was especially good, both in her facial expressions and voice. Also, Tarumizu Ayane-chan's Ichika was great in that scene. In one cut, I felt that take 1 lacked alittle bit of her passion, so I stopped for a moment and explained again about Ichika's feelings at that time. Then, in take 2, her expression changed dramatically. Camera B's Sato-san was surprised when he saw her. He was like, "It's amazing how kids at that age can change so much in an instant." That makes us happy, but it also scares us. If we had compromised and said, "This is good enough," we wouldn't have been able to capture that expression. We would've let a great opportunity slip by. That's why it's important to believe and hang on. It wasn't just the actors, we were also constantly being tested. One difference between stage plays and film productions is that stage plays can be good or bad depending on the performance date, which isn't good, but in the case of film, young actors in particular may show a surprising brilliance only once in the production. For us however, we're very happy to be able to capture that moment.
Rinne's final moments were actually shot about an hour before our plane back to Tokyo from Izumo. The staff was naturally in a hurry (laughs), but both Motojima Junsei and Matsumoto Reiyo were so incredibly focused on their roles, that they didn't think about anything else. That is the wonderful thing about youth, don't you think? I felt it was a very effective scene.
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cloudi-bunni · 2 years
Cause I’m a jealous jealous jealous boyyyy
{how the boy’s will act when jealous}
{all pre-borderlands au btw!}
Tw:possessive behavior, Yandere behavior, manipulation
[Characters;arisu, chishiya, Karube, Banda]
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• wouldn’t get jealous often but when he does it’s hard to tell
• he compares it to looking at window. He watches your interaction as if you were a lab rat. He wants to find one thing about the whole thing and focus on it.
•but don’t be fooled, that’s what he wants you to feel like.
•he does feel the green heavy monster weighing his chest, he just prefers to have you prove yourself to be his even if you aren’t dating
•I mean it’s a given you should know your his…it doesn’t need to be said?
•and if you flirt back he’s going to ignore you for weeks, last time he ignored you for a month straight.
•he hates it but..you made him. Why would you say that to a fucking pathetic parasite, when he was right there?
•”shuntaro why are you ignoring me ? I miss you…did I do something wrong?”
•he will just get up and walk away, as if you were nothing and then out of the blue he’ll start talking to you again.
•You don’t even ask why he ignored you , you’re scared he’ll do it again. You’re just so happy to have him back!
•loves knowing he has this control over you, he can do anything and just like a puppy you’ll come back and sense like nothings wrong.
•no one could control how you feel, how you act No one but him and he wouldn’t have it any other way
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•his feelings are to hard to hide
•he compares it to watching someone pour paint over his masterpiece.
•he watches one of your friends shamelessly flirt in front of him.
•he just glared at them as he was Lost in his mind
• “oh you two seem close”
•you go on a rant on you two met, but Arisu wasn’t listening.
•he only payed attention when you just so happened to mention their address.
•his mind started planning
• When they leave he clings to your side, huffing at the thought that they may have been doing the same as well
•he feels like a dog trying to ‘mark’ his scent into your hoodie, letting his cologne ingulf you. He wants to make you his in anyway possible
• “They interrupted our hang out.” “Do you like them more then me?” “This was supposed to be our time”
•he’s only saying how he feels, he didn’t mean to get you worried. But oh when your holding him and apologizing, does he smile.
• after an hour of hanging with you he goes back home.
• He types the persons name and address. Would you look at that they had a criminal record.
• he couldn’t have a criminal get close to you, what if they hurt you?
•Arisu Wouldn’t be able to live with himself if that happened.
•so he did what any good boyfriend would do, he went into their house when he knew they would be there.
•hiding the body wasn’t hard especially not when he’s done this a million times before.
•he comes to your apartment talking about a movie he wanted to watch. With you, he smiles at how you snuggle up to him.
• You look so cute like this so peaceful, you had no idea your new friend was gone.
•when you do find out, he was ready to comfort you. Like he always does, he can’t bare seeing you sad.
•he just wants your eyes on him! And god help anyone who manages to take them off of him.
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•wouldn’t call it jealousy, he calls it liking to keep what’s his , his.
•he compares this feeling to playing with his meal.
•he feels the need to prove himself
•usually he wouldn’t care but today was one of his days off, and he wanted to spend it with you. His future partner, he just can’t believe that they want to bother you two on such a day.
•sure you looked good in your outfit, you always did. But the pair of you, come by this cafe often so you talking like you were friends with this person confused him.
•did you know them? Did they know you? Cant you tell they’re flirting with you if you were such good friends? When did you meet them? Was it when he was working? He thought he had you on a leash you told him everything…are you gaining feelings for this insect? No no..he would have known by now.
•he hoped you were just oblivious instead, it made him feel more sane and in control. Yeah you were just unaware.
•” how about another date?”
•…..date? ….another?..he put the puzzles together, and was enraged, at you for ‘betraying his love’ at the person for not getting the hint. And at himself he swore himself this wouldn’t happen again. Not since LAST time.
•he will start to touch you, it’s almost impossible to tell he’s doing it to prove a point.
•he will start to touch your shoulders, letting the touches linger just a bit
•you don’t notice it but the person does
•if the small hints aren’t enough Banda is going to give them the nastiest glare ever
•well what he thinks is a glare, but in reality is just a blank look.
•works in his favor either way. They usually get weirded out, at this point.
•will ask you all about them , what’s their name, where they live, do they live alone etc
• “I just want to get to know your new friend.”
•the next day you come to him crying, the insect died randomly. You couldn’t believe just when you thought your love life was getting somewhere.
•he just wants to make sure your his…
• god help anyone who isn’t able to notice
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•gets jealous often
• compares it to a small noise that won’t stop
• he doesn’t hide what he’s feeling from the person tho
• “what do you want from y/n? Huh? Don’t act like it’s just being friends I see the way you look at y/n!”
•the poor person would stay away from you due to orders from him
•you just assumed it was because they hated you, you cried and cried
•the person started talking to you in private, still wanting to peruse this relationship with you
•the thrill of being secretive made you feel all giddy inside, always sneaking out to see them at night.
•the two of you would joke around, go from place to place, flirt
•you didn’t know that karube saw it all
•he knew exactly what time you came out to see them and knew exactly where you two would meet up
•he just watched , never doing anything. He didn’t know what to do, he wanted to come out and punch them but he didn’t want to frighten you
•that was until one day when they kissed you, oh was he pissed seething when he watched it happen.
•he went home throwing everything upside down, his apartment looking like a child has been home by themselves for a day
•he calls you the day after, wanting to hang out with you knowing you and your friend don’t hang out on this day.
•he grabs you phone when you go to another room
•he finds your friends contact and quickly types “hey are you free today it’s totally fine if not! :>” he thought it was adorablhow the way you texted was so predictable. Made it easier for him to act like you
•”sure! same time?” he quickly sent a yes, deleting the messages he waits until night when he finally bid goodbye to you
•making his way to a small cafe, and he gets in an alleyway seeing your little friend there
•karube can’t help but smile at the thought of finally getting rid of the thorn
•the thorns face morph from a happy one to one that looks terrified. Karube cant enough of that face ,
•“I told ya to stay away but you didn’t listen did ya? Just had to get close to my y/n..Don’t blame me for what’s about to happen I warned you”
•he only really has one rule! Don’t touch what’s his
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fazedlight · 1 year
Do-Over (supercorp ficlet, 100th episode angst, no plot impact after)
Rao, I can’t believe we did it.
She had nearly given up, after the last timeline - she could still feel the sting of kryptonite in her veins, the harrowing image in her mind of the green stone in Lena’s chest, as she refused to fight her. “Then you will die screaming.”
But the odds of another world like that - where Lena used 5th dimensional magic, blocking Mxy out - was low. So after Kara caught her breath and shook off her nerves, they decided to give it another few goes.
They hit it in the very next shot. Kara had decided to jump forward again, meeting Lena just after an uncomfortable incident in the elevator to Sam’s apartment - “I can never trust her again” - and giving her the truth. And Lena had been pissed, at first. But over the course of the timeline, she thawed. Kara and Mxy found themselves watching a movie night, Kara’s head in Lena’s lap as Lena gently scritched the blonde’s hair, Kara dozing off in the middle of the second Pirates of the Caribbean. 
“This is it,” Kara said, delighted as she turned back to Mxy. “She doesn’t hate me! No one died! This is it-”
But Kara cut off suddenly, watching the screen with widening eyes, as a sheepish and fond confession fell from Lena’s lips. And she found herself a voyeur to her own dreams, watching herself as this other Kara sat up, cheeks turning a bright pink with her own confession, before the two women’s lips gently met.
“Turn it off,” Kara said, jumping off the couch and turning away from the television. “Turn it off, Mxy.” “But this-” Mxy stuttered, confused. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
Yes, Kara thought to herself, overwhelming anguish ripping through her body. Because it was everything. Everything that could’ve and should’ve happened.
Had she not been such a fool.
It was a misguided endeavor, she realized now. She could’ve ignored her misgivings, for a time anyway. Embrace a reality where she and Lena were friends again, where she had never hurt her, or at least not driven her so far.
But the pit of nausea in Kara’s stomach grew. Because the idea of being in Lena’s arms, being in her bed, feeling her wanting body, without Lena ever knowing what Kara had done, suddenly felt anathema. It wouldn’t be real. It would simply be Kara taking advantage of her again, far worse than before.
“I’m keeping the real timeline,” Kara said brokenly. “I can’t… I can’t run from this. I- I don’t know how I’m going to fix this. But I can’t undo my mistakes like this.”
Mxy’s eyes gentled at the turned-away kryptonian, holding back a sigh of relief as he snapped his fingers, the projector and reels of film and popcorn dissipating back to his dimension. It was ironic, really, that all of his fake timelines had only made the kryptonian dig in her heels, eager to find something that actually worked. But the one real timeline he had them glimpse - back on Earth-413, before the Crisis - was the one that led to her finally accepting that she couldn’t change time.
Which was great, because neither could he.
Kara took a deep, steadying breath, turning back to Mxy. “I know it didn’t turn out the way we expected,” Kara said, handing back Mxy’s recorder with his backwards-recorded name. “But you still helped me, Mxy. Now I know the only way out is through.”
The kryptonian stood - sad, but hopeful again - and Mxy gave a small smile. As with so much of the mystery of the universe, he couldn’t say how or when Kara and Lena would find their way. He only knew that they would.
“It’s true what you said, Kara,” Mxy said, thinking of the words the woman in front of him had said, not all that long ago. That’s all this endeavor was, really, returning that favor. “Magic can’t be forced. It has to be found.” And it will.
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cosmal · 2 years
omg tell me what you think about hockey player!steve
omg ive done baseballplayer!steve but this is amazing shut up.
he's definitely a douche at first idc. that king!steve hockey player rep.
he's good. really good and he fucking knows it too.
he doesn't take shit from the ref. he'll yell about an unfair call or what he thinks is unfair.
he can get violent. fights about things that he usually starts. god. the bloodied noses. and when he gets pulled off some other guy, he's all smartass smiles with blood in his teeth. panting and shit ughhhhhhhh.
and then he notices you, of course, how could he not. you come to most of his games. he wants to believe you come for him.
then he finds out you're the coach's daughter.
how he's never met you before is beyond him but he really wants to. it's embarrassing really.
eventually, after a game, he runs into you leaving the coaching box.
because he's a charmer, he gets your number after a ten-minute talk he was lucky enough to get out of you.
you go on a few dates. the movies. the park. the arcade at your request. and he finds out, much to his delight or not he's not sure, that he genuinely likes you.
you're smart, way too smart for him, he thinks, funny, fucking hilarious, shy went you want to be and loud around your friends. worse than him, he thinks.
you're much more than the past girlfriends he's had.
when he finds out you've never skated before, he's amazed. being the coach's daughter.
he finds you a pair of skates straight away and takes you out on the ice.
"steve, im gonna fall on my ass."
"I won't let you. promise."
you shake like a leaf, gripping way too hard onto his hands as he guides you out onto the ice.
"alright, now stand up a bit - yeah that's it, baby. straighten your legs up."
"I can't."
"yeah, you can."
you do as he says and honestly, he's shocked you trust him this much. it hits him right in the gut.
"Im sorry, your poor hands."
"im fine, promise. had worse."
"I've seen the black eyes, steve."
he gets you so wound down, you don't even notice when he lets go of you.
he skates away from you, cheering.
"that's it! look at you go!"
"steve! what the fuck, come back!'
'you're doing so well, baby!"
eventually, you fall on your knees and feel like a complete fool.
he helps you up and he has it in him to feel a little bad.
"you okay? your knees okay?"
"just a little embarrassed."
"right. well, let's go get some food, yeah?"
eventually, you go to all his games just for him.
he blows you kisses before the game starts and comes up to the plexiglass after to fog it up and draw little hearts like a total cornball.
you've totally turned him into some lovely fool that puts king!steve to shame.
still, he gets into fights because he cant help himself.
he feels bad, really, awful, when he finds you on the sidelines looking a little upset.
he gets patched up by a medic and goes to find you straight away.
"your nose is bleeding."
"I'm okay."
you reach up and cup his face. "your lovely eyes, steve."
"I promise I'm okay."
"that's gonna bruise."
he lets you take him home and ice him up. he takes the scolding and the warnings because he deserves them.
"did you really need to hit him once he was down?"
"probably not."
"probably not. stop getting into fights, steve. you're gonna end up seriously hurt."
he promises to never get into another fight once he sees you crying.
he doesn't.
stopping the read more glitch <3
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clarinartiste · 8 months
Let’s talk about “A Guy Like You”
This might be an unpopular opinion(??) but I genuinely think that “A Guy like You” is a really sweet song, but it was put in the worst possible place that it could have been. I also want to say, I believe that part of appreciating a piece of media is also exploring criticism of it, and I love this movie a lot. I say this with all the love in my heart.
Thoughts and suggestions below!!
I feel like it has merit as an encouraging song for Quasimodo and his self-esteem. I think it’s well written, well composed, and the voices sound great. It definitely has good intentions for Quasi. But it’s in the wrong place at the wrong time, and like I’ve said before, it absolutely kills the momentum of “Hellfire” and the burning of Paris.
“Heaven’s Light” leading into “Hellfire” is SO masterfully done, I absolutely love how it contrasts Quasimodo and Frollo, and the music and animation is phenomenal. And keeping up the frightening visuals and motives expressed in “Hellfire,” Frollo and his obsessive hunt for Esmeralda is also amazingly executed, with the Latin background singing and the fiery imagery really adding to the terror of the scenes.
This is the pivoting point in the film where Stuff Gets Extra Serious, and if we went directly from the hunt through Paris to the part where Esmeralda brings an injured Phoebus to Quasimodo, it would have kept up that tension so well. Combine that with the brilliantly done—and very tense—scene with Frollo visiting Quasimodo with grapes, the urgency to warn Esmeralda in the Court of Miracles, the Court of Miracles scene, and the stellar climax of the film, and you get a second half of the movie that feels faster and even more dramatically intense than the first half, a natural movement of the story pushing forward.
I feel like it would make more sense if it was placed before “Heaven’s Light” and “Hellfire,” after Quasimodo helps Esmeralda escape. Like, after Quasimodo makes Phoebus leave, the gargoyles congratulate him, “Way to go, lover boy!” Quasimodo bashfully protests, “Lover boy? Oh, no, no. Look, I appreciate what you’re all trying to do, but let’s not fool ourselves. Ugliest face in all of Paris, remember? I don’t think I’m her type.” To which the gargoyles respond by trying to raise his hopes up, encouraging him by singing “A Guy Like You” (of course, adjusting the lyrics with Paris being on fire, which are not fitting for the plot right now)
Have “A Guy Like You” as this fun, bombastic song hyping up Quasimodo. Then, in a quiet aside, Quasimodo inwardly continues to express some doubts about his chances of being with Esmeralda, while still holding on to his wistful and innocent hope. He sings about his romantic desires in a more soft and gentle way with “Heaven’s Light.” And cut out the gargoyle parts during “Heaven’s Light” so we can have a greater emphasis on Quasimodo singing, focusing on his affection and appreciation for Esmeralda. Which then, in turn, is sharply contrasted with “Hellfire” and Frollo’s emotional torment and obsessive lust.
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I watched the Director’s Commentary and I definitely get where they were coming from—setting up this song for Quasimodo right before he sees Esmeralda and Phoebus kissing, and gets his heart broken—and making that whiplash all the more stinging. But I still feel like that set up for the fall could have been accomplished without a tone-breaking song. Maybe instead of the gargoyles singing a cheery, upbeat song in this very dark and heavy moment, we have Quasimodo look out worriedly at the city on fire, talking to the gargoyles about how concerned he is about Esmeralda, explaining just how much he cares about her and loves her.
Continue the film as normal with Esmeralda coming to the bell tower and asking Quasimodo to help hide Phoebus, then Esmeralda and Phoebus kiss and the reprise of “Heaven’s Light” plays over the sight of a heartbroken Quasimodo so we still get the emotions of the scene, his hopes dashed.
At the end of the film, Quasimodo finds acceptance, kindness, and companionship. And this concludes this plot thread of the movie :)
What do you think? Do any of you have different opinions? (I’d love to hear your thoughts!)
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I'm so curious as to what your thoughts are on acomaf/Rhys. Personally, the reason the second book infuriated me was bc SJM completely shifted Tamlin's good traits onto Rhys, while erasing the fucked up things the latter did (like breaking Feyre's arm 😅), and thus clumsily erasing chances for interesting complex grey-morality characterizations for both characters. Also Feyre forgot about Tamlin so fast it almost made the first book seem useless lol. idk, I just liked Tamlin and feel he was done dirty with the weird lib-feminist makeover acomaf got. I did continue reading the series though. I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable speaking about this, so feel free to ignore this ask. Have a lovely day 💖
Phew! So my issues with the series are NUMEROUS and some day I will go into all the reasons I quit ACOMAF 3/4 of the way through, but for now, let me sum up my problem by comparing it to another modern phenomenon: Frozen.
Like ACOTAR, I have many specific dislikes about the Frozen series, but my main problem with it is the way it cynically uses fairy tale motifs against the audience, but then still wants to claim it is a fairy tale. Frozen's setup gives the audience absolutely zero reason to doubt or distrust Hans (other than the arrival of Kristoff). In fact, Hans and Anna have one of the best insta-love songs from the Disney collection, and it galls me TO NO END that it's a trick, a lie. And then the rest of the movie repeatedly mocks the audience for believing in fairy tale love ("You can't marry a man you just met!"), as if to say everyone who has enjoyed Disney fairy tales up to this point is a sucker. Yet then it expects us to invest in the Anna-Kristoff romance after punishing us for the Anna-Hans one. And meanwhile, Kristoff is about as interesting as stale bread (sorry not sorry, it's true. I love you Jonathan Groff, it's not your fault sweetie.).
So anyway, back to ACOTAR. Book 1 is a straightforward Search For The Lost Husband. Taken on its own, it honestly rules as an example of this Cupid & Psyche tale type. It has the hunter-huntress motif, the jealous sisters, passage into the otherworld, hidden/cursed prince, supernatural helpers, three trials in the underworld, and even resurrection from death. It's literally perfect, other than Rhys marking her and just generally being creepy.
And then the next book PUNISHES the reader for enjoying that. HAHA you fool, you sucker, you got taken in by an abuser! Actually that whole book was a f*cking waste of time and a lie, and what Feyre really needs is this dude who's secretly perfect and who has all the aesthetics of a tormented prince but none of the actual psychological damage (like, say, Tamlin had). And who pursued Feyre not because of any natural affinity but because he knew she was his predetermined MATE (ew ew ew and I repeat EW). And who dictates every f*cking plot point and then magnanimously gives Feyre the OPTION of participating and we're all supposed to cheer because he says "It's your choice" before repeatedly using her and endangering her.
And to the extent that this is another Search For The Lost Husband, why would I want the same story told again, especially when the narrative wasted my time and mocked me for investing in the last romance? I just... really resent the author using those motifs without signaling sooner that she's going to deliberately undermine them (which can be done, in fairness, but it takes more skill than SJM has displayed).
So yeah, that's my issue. It really seems to come from this faux feminism that has a lot of antipathy toward traditional fairy tales, but doesn't know how to critique them without mocking the protagonist and audience alike.
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