#can you tell I'm excited for gaiden
overdevelopedglasses · 8 months
Tojoctober Day 31 - Fly
(I follow the path I’ve chosen, searching in the endless night)
Alt title is from “Dreamcatcher” by Starset
Kiryu reflects.
(Spoilers. Just, spoilers.)
Is this the first time I’m choosing to stand as an obstacle?
I’ve been one before, out of obligation. I’ve been the insurmountable wall that koi have chosen to climb, and I’ve seen so many fall from a height unimaginable to myself. The role of legend was shoved upon me, and all I could do was accept and eventually embrace it. There was ever only one dragon, even when others rose to challenge it.
The path I’d chosen, one that’s flirted with death so many times, and has even made itself unrecognizable. Is this where it all leads to? Am I doomed to throw myself into the fire over and over until there’s nothing left? Am I destined to protect dreams but not dream for myself? 
Even being in prison for a quarter of my life barely deprived me of myself. First for selflessness, then for duty, I expected my agent life to be much of the same. A necessity to keep those I love safe. My family, as piecemeal as it is at times, can survive without me. They have before.
But I didn’t expect to feel so alone in my sacrifice.
I begin to sweat. Looking down, I adjust the cuffs of my sleeves, the all too familiar maroon peeking out from the sea of gray.
I never thought I’d don this suit again. The red and gray that I chose long ago to be my battle armor, taunted to wear for the rest of my life. While I proved him wrong, this suit is synonymous with my identity. When I threw my name into the fire years ago, naturally the suit went with it. To the world, Kazuma Kiryu is just a figure of legend.
Or so I thought.
I should’ve known that I can’t escape the ghosts of my past.
Throughout my time with the clan, I’ve seen past actions bite people in the ass. Sometimes they’re life lessons, sometimes it’s their demise. We always learn from the past, then use the present moment to define the next past. When we choose to cease hiding in the shadows, the figures of our past will be there to meet us.
I can still picture everyone's faces from the day the Fourth Chairman reemerged.
Watase, looking smug as ever, unwavering from the threats posed to him.
The legends of my past life, eyes shining with shock and hope.
The legends of the future, confused but allowing new adrenaline to soar through them.
The man whom I have no right to call my son, staring at me with the most warmth I’ve ever seen from him. His voice is the one that plays in my head, over and over. His words still sound like a dream.
And then… There's that one. 
Maybe it’s his eyes. Or the way he carries himself. Or that design that echoes his essence. Or where I almost saw him walk, mere hours ago. There are many facets to that man, and I’m not one to normally make quick assumptions.
However, their resemblance is uncanny. If I close my eyes, I can hear the echoes of his laugh, like a ghost sending shivers throughout my psyche. 
Maybe that’s why I’m here, edging so close to the disobedience of direct rules and orders.
I’m not going to let another man sink into the depths of that darkness. Not when I’m around to prevent it.
Opening my eyes, unaware that I had shut them to begin with, I hear the door open with a squeak, as pairs of footsteps follow. I look down at my watch, and take one last deep breath. I don’t need to turn around to know who’s there.
It’s time I teach this young dragon how to fly.
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I've only just started chapter 3 of Gaiden but I am absolutely obsessed with the theme of powerlessness and how it's conveyed within the game.
I can't help but notice how often Kiryu says he 'doesn't have a choice' when doing pretty much anything. Even if it's in super banal, low-stakes interactions like doing something for Akame, he's constantly stating that he feels as if he has no agency in his current situation.
In the previous Kiryu Saga games, Kiryu is painfully aware of the consequences of his actions, but he still regards them as choices that he made; not something he was forced into.
His status as a Daidoji agent has basically beaten him into submission. He'll occasionally try to fight against this absolute control over him, but he's eventually returned to his position as a pawn in this huge, shadowy organization. The Daidoji are the first organization/power structure that managed to get control over Kiryu's tendency to burn shit to the ground and good god do they take advantage of that.
But then Kiryu's also painfully aware that this is the reality he asked for. Not only does he outright say this multiple times, but he's telling others that 'they started this' when they're confronting him and it's so obvious that he's talking to himself.
He's constantly bouncing between feeling miserable and powerless and then resenting these feelings and berating himself for having them in the first place. He's grasping at any sliver of control he can still have over his life, not to find meaning in his new existence, but to further punish and abuse himself.
I can't remember the exact post, but I saw someone describe Gaiden as a love letter to the Kiryu Saga and that's the best way to describe it, I think.
Kiryu's arc in his games is an incredibly slow car crash where we witness in painful detail how incapable he is of permanently leaving his life as yakuza to protect his family.
He has this almost codependent relationship with the Tojo Clan and feels a compulsive urge to get involved in the constant crises happening.
Of course, there were outside factors that were trying to pull him into these conflicts. Everyone believes that he's the only one who can fix everything. Kiryu's name carries power. Isn't it disgustingly selfish to refuse to get involved when he was the one who chose the clan's chairmen?
How could he refuse to deliver a single letter after the 5th chairman was shot right in front of him?
How could he ignore the people threatening to take his orphanage away from him and his kids?
How could he tell his daughter that she can't become an idol because of his past?
How could he justify staying alive when it did nothing but bring harm to his family?
What choice did he have?
But remember, you chose this, Kiryu.
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tamelee · 11 months
Hey tamelee! :) first of all, I LOVE your blog. Your art is amazing and so are your Naruto analysis. Thank you for sharing all of this with us! :)
Now on to my question. I've just read your answer to the ask regarding the ending of Naruto, where you talked about the slow pacing and bad writing of the anime and so on.
What do you think how the manga (or Naruto in general) could have ended if there hadn't been a need to introduce Kaguya and everything that comes with her? Or maybe, what would you have wished for? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this :)
Hi @shileyn-nea ! 💕
Thankyou so much for your kind words and encouragement!! 🥰 It makes doing what I love even better 🧡! Oh yes, the Anime is something else.. Now, I personally don't know how much truth there is to this but even my friend from Japan acknowledged it and said the fandom talked about it on a forum so take it how you will- After 'Naruto' the story ended Kishimoto wanted one last movie that showed Naruto becoming Hokage and it would've been around the age Minato became Hokage. In our case, that would've been instead of 'the Last; Hinata's Genjutsu Fest'. Again, I don't know if Kishimoto really said this, but it would make perfect sense as... it was Naruto's biggest dream (on the surface, but still) which was never fully realized. But we did get a cold bucket thrown over our heads in some random last chapter and in the end his dream was crushed still because it was visualized as something Naruto never got to celebrate nor was he shown to be excited about becoming Hokage regardless. And lemme tell you.. that says a whole lot of somethings 👀.. It is just terrible overall. But imagine.. 699 Chapters and then having a movie based on a new Chapter 700 where Naruto is a bit older and we get to see him genuinely become Hokage and something changed within the Shinobi system. It doesn't have to be something major, we only need a hint as it will be a lifelong journey anyway. Sasuke is there of course, because nothing keeps him from staying away now, there is actual meaning to their characters, they cooperate freely as we see him finding some answer to his question (or multiple) he still had. (During Vote2.) It is some sort of middle ground between Naruto wanting all the villages working together and Sasuke's revolution, but they do it together. They aren't alone and don't display these insane visuals of their loneliness BECAUSE THEY ARE STILL LONELY TODAY in their current situations. But working together like that? That is a vision they share. And we get an entire movie about it!! I don't think Naruto was ready at all to be Hokage at the end of the story, unlike Gaara who was very young as well but now he was.. what? 30+? Why...? And what did he do in the meantime instead of counting headbands? We never got to see :/ I'm so bitter about it. I don't mind Kaguya's will being a part of the war, but Madara being nerfed like that was lame. We already had the plot twist during Obito, we didn't need it again with Madara... I wish to see all 'Naruto' sequels, fillers and novels gone and forgotten, for Kishimoto to say 'Naruto' is still ongoing, say that Chapter 700 was fake so that he can make a new one and then we get a proper movie. I know he liked the 'Boruto' movie and considered it his own personal project, it was alright, but sacrifices are needed. And then! We could've also had a blank period Gaiden Manga from the man himself. But alas...
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
YOUR FRIEND WAS SO WRONG FOR SAYING IT'S WEIRD TO FIND ACCENTS ATTRACTIVE 😭 Unironically the Kansai accent is one reason I prefer the Omi to the Tojo... like the Omi cast is kinda cracked In My Opinion if I were to compare the two as a whole but the accent and associated characterization do a lot for them...
That's also one reason I'm SO excited for Gaiden since MotoYama have only done Kansai accents once or twice, and they used to be so bad at it the writers for Nihon Touitsu rewrote their characters to be from Yokohama instead of Kobe LMAO sounds like they nailed it in Gaiden though... And Lest We Forget Miss First Summer Uika her voice as Akame still makes me soooooo 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
TO REWIND TO JO I think it was actually such a missed opportunity not to have him be from Kansai. Not just because I think media should stop doing Tsutsumi like that (And They Should), but there's genuinely some super interesting interplay you could do with his background and characterization. Sayama immediately came to mind with how she feels the need to suppress her accent to be taken seriously, but you can hear it when she's fully relaxed.
Jo already does a great deal of suppressing himself, right, so I just think it would've been a great way to subtly add to to that. Also interesting specifically because of his "backwater scumbags" comment which to me absolutely reveals overt prejudice specifically against people from Kansai... and y'know, he's like, he's Omi but as far from the heart of the alliance as he can be... For What...
I can see his parents moving from Kansai early on, perhaps even before he was born, and him growing up speaking Kansai at home. Coming to hate the sound of it because of his family life, finding it harsh and uncouth, getting rid of every trace of it he consciously could. Maybe getting shit from his dad over it if he was still living at home. Maybe feeling justified later down the line if he ever worked any service jobs or even when he joined the Tojo, since having a Kansai accent is detrimental because you'll get mistaken for Omi...
Literally so much to chew on with the willful erasure of his identity and self-hatred turned outwards And Everything compared to him just randomly being really good at the accent (<- I will admit this is funny as hell)
she said it was problematic in some veins at some point SO <3 i can only tell you whats going on in her dome <3 omi favoritism is mad valid as hell tho like TRULY they're just all a unique bunch even aside from their accent... love to the tojo crew but like... only like three of you are truly memorable... and your most memorable dude Has A Kansai Accent like GIRL--
it'll be fun to see more kansai bitches added to the cast on that note :) fun for my ears in any case YATAA
BUT YAYA THATS EXACTLY WHAT I HAD IN MIND WITH JO BEIN FROM KANSAI DAS EXACTLY IT LMAO i just think it woulda been neat... he's already got layers to him Both Metaphorically And Literally why not add another one to how he speaks.. also so i can hear ttm speak kansai more.. ANOTHER thing fun for my ears....
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maguro13-2 · 18 days
Demons Unleashed ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Gaiden Finale (9/10)
[At the Sky Temple/Levitated Ruin Area]
[ World 7/World 5 (Sky) theme plays]
Nami : It was fun while it lasted. I hope fishing here on the back of a flying manta-ray thingy referred to a Rukh by Ali-Baba. But who or why would someone wanted to fish out here in the sky temple that I got staff from or it was probably Enel that gave it to mee since that fishmen arlong got his job out of of the park.
Nami : But if I see anything clearly in my mind, I will give the sense into luffy for eating all the food and spending on my cash to increase. Hope he'll learn anything about sharing my allowance. But this is a Good Breeze, a breathtaking view of this here picture. Nothing changes around here. I wonder it's hard being the queen of the sky, I'm a navigator and I'd like to travel anywhere in the lands, sea, and sky. These gargoyle statutes are great at making roads and bridges to travel around. Being barefooted is never more exciting than this particular start of using a weapon that I can create storms.
Lakitu : That's Kracko's ideal of bringing chaotic storms, I hate to say that, but Planet weathers and climates are always in bad shape or everything gone to hell.
Nami : No probs, neighbor! Any time warm temperature will might make the planet go flooded or perhaps, it's kinda crazy that humanity is making the earth go blue.
Lakitu : Yep. Tell that to humanity's problem about the weather gods, they're ignorant and always arrogant to have the nerves on blaming humanity for causing the planet's climate go to hell all the time.
Nami : I still got things to control the weather, I mean I got business to take care of! So, Happy Memorial Day too, Frank.
Lakitu : Hey thanks, Nami, you too!
Nami : Memorial day, I love to see things that is always a tradition for my dead people, I mean...Nico Robin's mother died on that day and she seems to like it, satisfaction guaranteed.
Lakitu : Hey, Nami. While you're thinking of Memorial Day, should there be a purplish black hole thingy opened in blue sky?
Nami : What Purplish Black Hole thingy? You don't know what it is, man. There isn't...
[Stop the Black Hole - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Nami : ...Holy crap. What in the sweet hell is that!?
Nami : That can't be a good sign!
World : Help! Help! What's happening!?
Nami : This is bad! Real bad! I didn't known that this would be an end for earth now!
Nami : Get a hold of yourself, man! (slaps Lakitu into sense) We are not going to be cowering in fear, we need this info to tell the others that someone has opened a black hole to devour this planet! Who knew that someone was going to do this!?
(cuts to the Obersatory)
Rosalina : Oh no...You didn't. A mad Phantonian Jester has somehow managed to create a black hole that will devour all, or perhaps, it's actually a dimensional black that may erase all including timelines and universes! I hope this will not happen to Real World AU.
Laia Martinez : This is bad! It's going to devour the earth! We gotta do something about this!
Hyuga Wright : There's no way that something big like that is going to destroy all of earth!
Nami : Just how can we stop this chaos at once, how do we not know if there is a way to destroy the black hole!?
Homura's Voice : Chaos...Control!
Nami : Eh?
*Sonic SFX : Chaos Control"
Lakitu : Nami! Where did the heck did you run off to!?
*Sonic SFX : Chaos Control!"
Nami : WOAH! *DBZ : body hit* UGH! (gets up) Ahh, what the heck is going on. (pulls out the Yellow Pure Heart) How did I manage to keep this?
Sonic : What in the sweet hell is this place?
Seto : Man, are we in an early rush.
Rei : Asuka. Asuka, can you hear me. (radio buzzing) Great, lost contact.
Sarissa : Hey, you're that Shounen Jumper Nami.
Nami : I see.
Maka Albarn : Hey, what's going on here?
Inky Albarn : Long time no see, Maka.
Maka Albarn : Inky Albarn. You again?
Inky Albarn : Heh. Still surprised that I got the White Pure Heart in my hand.
Sonic : We all do.
Seto : Not much of a thinker, but how did we ended up here?
Tamaki Kotatsu : Oi, this is not the state of Maryland that I expected, but it seems that I'm not getting into contact with my friends. So why are we brought here anyway?
Nami : To be honest, let's just say that this is the world of Paper Mario, actually, this is the Paper Mario Universe.
Rei : This is really weird.
Nami : Tell me about it.
Seto : As long as I keep the Shinigami council in order, I'll be looking forward to get Master Grim on the Line.
Rei : Well, it's your way. I haven't gotten to the bottom of collecting these hearts that we got from the Eight Pillars that were vessels of opening the door to darkness or perhaps turning the planet into another sun, that's the reason Demon Vibe wanted this planet dead so that would be ruler of conquering the galaxy before he was imprisoned in the same dimension.
Tamaki Kotatsu : You knew Demon Vibe? That's the same entity that created the Ohkuboverse. If Shinra and us would've been involved with that galactic horror, none of that would happen when the Time Eater scolded Shinra and us for creating the world of Soul Eater. That'll be the case of who's worthy and who's--
??? : Enough! The time for speech is over. You have finally collected all 8 hearts of the eight pillars. You are worthy that you finally survived on facing the greatest challenge.
Inky Albarn : Hey, it was worth a shot. I managed to find this from the Great Old One of Power that turns out to be a human girl. It was real nice that I finally collected it in my own hand. Anyways, who are you?
??? : Why, I am Lady Timpani, the guide who brought you all here, a girl used Chaos Control bring you to specific place.
Inky Albarn : Lady Timpani? You must be called the Lady Tippi.
Tippi : Correct-o mondo, Queenie. I'll happen to take care of those hearts, Inky Albarn. You all have collected the eight pure hearts connected the from Eight Vessels. That's real smooth that I wanted to see some action from the eight of you. Look no further less, All the eight pure hearts finally gonna be completed, but that's more than I expected from me and to you all.
Inky Albarn : Really? But where are you?
Maka Albarn : I don't see you.
Tippi : I'm right here, guys. You can't see anyone, doesn't mean that I'm a literally a butterfly with wings for a voice.
Maka Albarn : A what? Wait, this is literally you? You're Lady Timpani?
Tippi : That's Tippi the Pixl to you, young ma'am.
"Tippi : The Butterfly Pixl"
[Happiness in the Mndane - Kenichi Tokoi]
Maka Albarn : Heh. Who would've fought that the mysterious comes from a little butterfly? Pretty cute, ain't it?
Tippi : Hey, who are you calling a cute little butterfly? I am Tippi the butterfly of this here world and show some respect from your elders.
Maka Albarn : What's wrong with saying things are cute and cuddly, I'm still wondering that I couldn't get my mind off of it!
Inky Albarn : Alright, alright, we get it! Just cut the chatter and give me some slack, I ain't got all day to have this argument with you two fighting over. I don't wanna get all hasty on you all, would I?
Tippi : Oh, umm, right. My apologies. Anyway, I see that you have collected the Eight Pure Hearts of the Eight Vessels, but Paper Mario was the one that is collecting them and not just a bunch of weirdly...crossovers? Eh, works for me.
Inky Albarn : So, that figures that it was us who collected the hearts, I understand that these eight pure hearts is from eight individuals from the Ohkuboverse since it was destroyed in half by the ravenous Time Eater. Well, you could've say thanks for helping us searching these.
Maka Albarn : Easy as always, I have this heart right here. See these doors behind you. They look like is that they are in a rainbow.
Inky Albarn : In a rainbow? Hey, These hearts are where the door leads.
Nami : You're right about that, cause it's like we've been invited for a welcoming party, but this is no party to me.
Sonic : Nothing's a big shot about great parties, so we collected the eight pure hearts to create the doors. Now then, we're can we find the pilars in this flipping paper world?
Nami : But we don't know where they at.
Tippi : Here let my buddies help you out with this one.
Nami ; Really? Who are you buddies.
Tippi : You'll see. They'll be around here shortly.
Barry : (appears from behind Nami) You called, Tippi? Cause we we're right here a moment when I decide to get behind this nice lady over here.
Nami : Hmm? Hey, woah! Who are you!?
Barry : The name's Barry the prickly Pixl, I'd like you to meet the other Pixls, Piccolo, Dashell, and Tiptron.
Nami : Wait, who the heck is Tiptron?
Tiptron : (in a robotic tone) I AM TIPTRON. Nice to meet you.
Tippi : Oh yeah, this robot was made by some lizard geek who wanted to create robotic version of me to get me replaced, don't mind the machine here, she's only optional and plus, I'd like you to meet my real friends, the main ones perhaps. There's Thoreau, Boomer, Slim, Thudley, Carrie, Fleep, Cudge, and Dottie.
Seto : These must be our guides to that will unlock the dimension. Before we can continue, isn't there possible ways that we might take a break from the scene? I brought my Nintendo DS, wanna play?
Sonic : Sure! I got mine!
(scene flips to show the group watching Sonic and Seto playing Mario Kart)
Sonic : Heh! You're not the fast enough to think about my racing skills, same goes to Seto.
Seto : I'm right back at ya, bud! These guys are seriously cooked!
Sonic : I'm gonna win big here!
Tippi : Wow, these guys are amazing!
~ Stage 39 : The Legendary Pixls ~
0 notes
mariaantonnietta · 2 years
Touken Ranbu: Gaiden Ayakashi Cap1 Translation
Hello! @the-red-haired-saniwa posted the link to this official manga a week? back, Thank you so much, I was really excited!! This manga is literally someone going "Don't let your Onmyoji x Touken Ranbu crossover be dreams "!!! Heian-period, our boy Seimei, it has everything!!
So I decided to try my best and translate it. I will leave the link to the raw comic again and then I will post the translation under the cut.
Here's the comic: https://comic-zenon.com/episode/3269754496764329571
Now I will post the translation. This is MT and is my first time doing a whole chapter, I hope it's okay! I recommend you follow along with the raws.
[]← Narration
(TN: cmx,mx) <-Translation Note
*<- clarification in the next *
Front Page (colorized)
Strange things often happen in this honmaru---.
Drawn beautifully, the incredible touken danshi!
Page 1
[ History isn’t created only by humans ]
[An history that belongs to both people and those who are not people ]
[ that may not be as important as the story of uprising turbulence in the old imperial court ]
[which real facts will become unknown]
[and as it is passed down the generations]
[becomes “Just a story” that is still passed on ]
Special Purple Text:
Bewitchingly beautiful. The curtain opens to a mysterious tale.
Page 2
Title Touken Ranbu -Gaiden Ayakashi* Tai
*Ayakashi means yokai(demon), but you can say it is more general than yokai and includes all types of spirits. The author makes sure to include the spelling as ayakashi everywhere, so I will be using that.
Chapter 1: Nine Tails Fox, Beginning
[This is the story of the “ Touken Danshi“, spun by the tellings of both human and non-human beings.]
Blue Text:
What do Touken Danshithink when they meet with a monster that is out of the bounds of human reason?
Advance, Touken Danshi!
Page 3
Lady: Tamamo no Mae, are you still serving the Emperor this late?
Lady: A….fo….
Retrograde army?: Can a man blessed by heaven*be so blind to the presence of such a monstrous thing by his side?
*(the emperor)
Retrograde Army?: the capital and country* won’t last much longer
*if the capital fails so will the country is implied here.
Page 4
Chougi: This guy's leaves are small and withered
Chougi: Could it be that there isn’t enough water for them?
Mutsunokami: No, according to this book, you don't need to water them.
Chougi: Then how do they grow? I don’t understand these"southern vegetables"...
Minazuki: Oh! I envy your young vigor, both of you working in the fields this early in the morning.
Mutsunokami: Mikazuki!
Chougi: I'm just doing what I have to do because I'm on duty, why I am working in the fields…
Mikazuki: Maa, you can say that I've come to tell you something in place of Aruji attendant, Ishikirimaru-dono.
Mikazuki: You two have been summoned.
Mikazuki: The Time Retrograde army has appeared.
Page 5
Mutsunokami: Again they are trying to change history!
Chougi: When did they show up this time?
Mikazuki: The time is the year 1135
Mikazuki: The landing place is Yamaboshi Capital, “Heian-kyo”*
*Yamaboshi is a Province in Japan, where Kyoto is located. “Heian-kyo” is old Kyoto when it was the imperial capital in the Heian era.
Page 6
[Onmyoji Yasuchika Abe(TN: most known as Abe no Seimei)]
Yasuchika Abe: Your Majesty, I, Yasuchika Abe are here to serve you as you ordered.
Emperor Sutoku: Welcome, Yasuchika.
Official: Then, What did the fortune-telling say?!
Yasuchika: Misfortune surfaces from the east
Yasuchika: The shadow that affects Emperor Toba is not a disease but the work of an ayakashi
Emperor Sutoku: An Ayakashi?!
Official: It's true that his face has been looking a little pale lately...but to say is an ayakashi
Emperor Sutoku: No, I believe in him.
Page 7
Emperor Sutoku: Yasuchika, I have known you since I was a child.
Emperor Sutoku: You use a mysterious technique called Fangshi.
Emperor Sutoku: It is said by people in Kyoto and Chūkyū that your fortune-telling accurately predicts even the end of people.
Emperor Sutoku: Yasuchika, you're my only hope... to use your magic to defeat the demons.
Emperor Sutoku: Save my Fat... Save the Former Emperor.*
Official: So says Emperor Sutoku
Official: Ready yourself
Yasuchika: ...I have taken upon the duty you give me.
*(in English it would be Emperor Emeritus, I think former Emperor is more clear)
Page 8
[In this Kyoto every day and every night mysterious ghosts appear ]
[The boundary between humans and non-humans is blurred.]
Page 9
[The people you meet as you travel now, you never know which kind they are…]
Yasuchika: This corpse, was it abandoned after being killed by a bandit?
Yasuchika: If this continues, it could turn into a vengeful spirit and attack people…
Yasuchika: Says Mantra*
*Here I’m pretty sure Yasuchika does a mantra to cleanse the spirit. The kanji were too blurry to read, sorry!
Page 10
Yasuchika sees a spirit passing by his right
Yasuchika(thinking): ...It wasn’t a person
Yasuchika(thinking):...How many spirits are still wandering about?
Yasuchika(thinking): No, that’s wrong.
Yasuchika(thinking): What’s that?…
Page 11
Yasuchika(thinking): This Malevolence!?
Yasuchika(thinking): Are those Oni?
Yasuchika(thinking): They’re fast
Page 12
Yasuchika(thinking): Now’s the time---
Page 13
Mutsu Appears and Slays!
Page 14
No text Again!
Page 15
Here I come!
Page 16
No text Again, Hurray!!
Page 17 & 18 (Double Page)
Page 18 up (goes first)
Yasuchika(narrating): That obscure atmosphere corrupting the air brought by the demons ...It's clearing up.
Page 17 down(goes second)
Mikazuki: That man over there...Are you all right?
Page 19
Yasuchika: Thank you very much for your help.
Yasuchika:I am Yasuchika Abe, an onmyoji that serves here on Kyoto Kogitsunemaru: Yasuchika Abe...? You are…
Yasuchika: Hmn!?
Page 20
Kogitsunemaru: Mikazuki-dono
Mikazuki: I think this year 1135 appears to be a strange era.
Mikazuki: But even if the supernatural is involved, that alone doesn't tell us how they're going to proceed.
Yasuchika(down panel):...And you people are...? Do you know me?
Mikazuki(to Yasuchika): I would like to talk in detail
Mikazuki: But it is better to move to another place first
Mikazuki: Their companions may still be lurking around.
Page 21
Yasuchika:Their ...?
Yasuchika: I understand... in that case.
Mutsunokami: O—oh!!
Mutsunokami: It’s a gigantic mansion!
Page 22
Mutsunokami: What is that!?
Hirano: You can't just mess around on your own, this is someone else house.
Mikazuki: A fine residence indeed…
Mikazuki: This is a safe place to start.
Page 23
Mutsunokami: Yasuchika-san Don’t you have something to eat!? I haven't had anything in my stomach since I came to Kyo!
Chougi: Stop it!
Monoyoshi: You’re really brave (TN: too bold)
Hirano: Please be a good boy!
Mutsunokami: So...sorry…
Kogitsunemaru: …...We are really sorry…
Yasuchika:No, it’s okay. I think it’s good that they are healthy.
Yasuchika(comment): What to do to calm them down...**
Really unsure about this line.
Yasuchika: I said this earlier but...Once again, thank you.
Page 24
Yasuchika: I've never seen you in Kyo. Are you a member of one of the vassal families?
Mikazuki: We are beings who protect history.
Mikazuki: We’re called touken danshi.
Kogitsunemaru: Mikazuki-dono!?
Monoyoshi: It’s okay to tell him that!?
Page 25
Mikazuki: Sorry. I see that in this matter the help of Mr. Abe is indispensable.
Mikazuki: And a man who knows how to distinguish the human from the non-human will see through a lie.
Kogitsunemaru:Jeez, you are…
Mutsunokami:A wicked old manas usual
Chougi:I don't think it's a good idea, though
Yasuchika: Touken Danshi ….who protect History?
Mikazuki: It’s a time far away in the future from now.
Page 26
[In the year 22X5 of the western calendar, Historical Revisionist attacks on the past began]
[In accordance with the laws of the world we punish those who try to change history itself at will]
Page 27
[To resist them, “tsukunogami” are created from swords]
[Those are “Touken Danshi”]
Mikazuki:Hirano Toushirou, Kogitsunemaru, Monoyoshi Sadamune, Yamanbagiri Chougi, Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki
Page 28
Mikazuki: And I’m am Mikazuki Munechika.
Mikazuki: We have come here to preserve the history of this era.
Page 29
Yasuchika: The technique to manifest puppets of Tsukumogami ...It’s hard to believe...but
Yasuchika: this presence ... certainly isn’t human.
Page 30
Yasuchika: So the people who attacked me...?
Mutsunokami: They are called Time Retrograde Army.
Mutsunokami: They’re serving the ones who want to change history
Yasuchika: Change history ... but how?
Chougi: We are trying to figure it out
Chougi: What are their aims and what are they trying to do in this era?
Mikazuki: To change doesn’t mean to make something out of nothing. Has there been any recent unrest in Kyoto?
Mikazuki: They're just trying to use force to twist the outcome, and since they're coming after you, they must have had something to do with it.
Page 31
Yasuchika: I?
Mutsunokami: Just tell us about what comes to your mind!
Yasuchika: no...however...
Mikazuki: Any idea of what it could be?
Yasuchika: This is a matter of my duty as an officer as well. I can't just…
Kogitsunemaru: It’s the Prince of Heavens, Emperor Toba.*
*the wiki told me that in this period the former emperor(emeritus as said before) is in control of politics even though he isn't the emperor anymore. I see it as a minister of politics.
Page 32
Mutsunokami: Yasuckika san, they will be coming after you again
Mutsunokami: We don't know what they're after, if we don't understand it, I don't think we'll ever get to the end of it.
Mutsunokami: Whatever you do, you have to do your duty even if you risk your life. That's what it's all about, isn't it? We're in this kind of role too, we wouldn’t risk our role to save our lives, but...
Mutsunokami: I think there are times when you have to put yourself ahead of others.
Mutsunokami: To do that when you have to do it's also loyalty.
Page 33 & 34 (Double Page)
Yasuchika: About a year ago. A woman named Tamamo Mae appeared at the palace.
Yasuchika: It seemed that she was the daughter of a resident of Yamashina.
Yasuchika: In addition to her beauty, she excelled in poetry, song, and orchestration, and was so intelligent that the favor of the emperor became focused on her.
Yasuchika: However, not long after she became a palace maiden, people said that something strange happened to the Emperor.
Yasuchika: His complexion was pale, his mind was blocked, and he became distant from his subjects.
Yasuchika: National politics gradually became more and more turbulent.
Yasuchika: This is not an ordinary thing. The opinion that something important was amiss is spreading from the inside of the palace, so my Lord ordered me to investigate it.
Yasuchika: And...Tamamo-no-Mae turned out to be the cause of it all.
Yasuchika: From ancient times effective countries in many lands have been taken down by occult and devilish forces
Yasuchika: This malevolence is disturbing the country and shortening His Highness' life.
Yasuchika: It won't last long as it is...And that's exactly what that witch was aiming for
Yasuchika: My lord gave me the duty of protecting the Emperor...and repel the ayakashi.
Page 35
Kogitsunemaru: I’m going to talk now
Kogitsunemaru: It should be still later in history when Emperor Toba collapses.
Kogitsunemaru: In other words, the retrograde time army objective is to take advantage of the ayakashi called Tamamo-no-mae to kill Emperor Toba ...?
Page 36
Yasuchika:... Tamamo Mae is a strong opponent that is at the pinnacle of the palace and the country.
Yasuchika: I thought it was because it wasn’t a straightforward enemy, but …
Yasuchika: The time retrograde army who was targeting me may have been also trying to prevent me from getting rid of that ayakashi.
Mikazuki: Then, that demon-slaying...Could you consider taking us with you for it?
Yasuchika: Eh?
Page 37
Mikazuki: It's your job to get rid of Tamamo-no-Mae, and It's our job to defeat the time retrograde army.
Mutsunogami: Until Yasuchika exterminates the demon we'll hold the retrogrades off.
Chougi: It may also create a good opportunity for them, but...It's the only way.
Page 38
Mutsunokami:Let us help you, Yasuchika. And please, help us out too.
Page 39
Mikazuki: Those are shikinigami? Onmyoji, how convenient.
Kogitsunemaru: ... Even though I assumed that the case was usually you being the one pushing me around.
Kogitsunemaru: I didn't expect you to tell him about us since you’ve just been assigned to the second unit.
Kogitsunemaru: I was surprised
Mikazuki: There’s is no problem if simpler ghosts are involved
Mikazuki: They come to this world from time to time, but ayakashi are stronger than the retrograde army.
Page 40
Mikazuki: If it’s about spirit’s extermination, an onmyoji is the expert
Mikazuki: Wouldn’t it be nice to take advantage of it?
Kogitsunemaru: He has agreed to do it, but will it work?
Mikazuki: There's only so much we can do while we're dealing with them, But we will be relying on everyone in the second unit too.
Mikazuki: The rest will later pass.
Kogitsunemaru: ...again being unreasonable
Mikazuki: It’s not unreasonable
Page 41
Mikazuki: This world may be ours, but where will it develop next? I don't know how it will continue (TN: implication may be: "if it will remain unchanged").
Mikazuki: Emperor Toba's imperial rule was the foundation of the later Minamoto and the Heike family.
Mikazuki:If you change that history, we may lose some of our own histories.
Mikazuki: An old man can be selfish too.
Page 42
Kogitsunemaru:...Well, after all, isn't this what we always do?
Yasuchika: Is this fate too…?
Page 43 (BackPage)
Red Text: Will they be able to break the conspiracy swirling in Kyoto and protect the history of the city?
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taviewritesstuff · 2 years
UPDATE - Dec. 16, 2021
Firstly, Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope you're all staying safe during this season! Things can get a little stressful, but it's almost over. You can do it!
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Anyway, self-motivation aside, I wanted to give this blog a much needed update! I have been working on some little side projects in both art and writing. I'll get to the art stuff in a few, but I want to let you know about the writing projects I've been working on!
Firstly, my magnum opus (at the moment), The Zula Patrol: Dreamscape Crusade Remastered. I'm still working on chapter 4, and though I have an outline ready to go, I find myself stuck on the beginning section. Hopefully, I can get myself unstuck so I can get an update out sometime in the beginning of the year. I also started working on the outline for chapter 5, and man, that chapter is going to be more of a doozy than chapter 4. I can't tell you much, other than a few side characters are getting some well-deserved spotlight and attention, so look forward to that.
Secondly, my second side project, SRBA Gaiden: Darkness Rewrite. I haven't written stuff for Super Why in a hot minute, but I have had the ideas to keep writing the latest chapter (which, to be honest, is chock full of fight scenes) as well as incorporating a few new ideas that'll probably show up in Chaos' Revenge when I get around to writing the outline. As for the future of my Super Why stories, I am thinking of doing a few more Gaiden stories before I tackle another huge project like SRBA.
Oh, and speaking of SRBA...I have decided that this story will be the next story to get the "Remastered" treatment! The people have spoken, and to be honest, I'm excited to start this story! It won't appear, though, until I get a good ways into TZP:DCR and BT: Redux. So it'll probably be another year or two before that story comes out, God willing. However, I don't want to bog myself down with more projects than I already have. This will give me more than enough time to finish what stories I have, so please bear with me!
As for other projects...I am working on my H-Bx Honkai Impact 3rd crossover (which I still need to title, lol), but I'm keeping that, and most of the Honkai Impact stuff, on my main blog. Haven't decided when I'm going to release THAT, but that'll probably be way later down the line when I get headway into my other projects.
I'm also working on a collaboration with my good friend Vulaan Kulaas, who goes by @blazing-shadows on this site. She's come up with an AWESOME Sonic AU that we've titled Attero Dominatus (Latin for "Destroy Tyranny"). The character profiles (and their corresponding artworks) will be appearing on this blog so it doesn't get lost in the sea of stuff that is my main, lol. Haven't decided when I'm going to release this either, but I'm thinking of doing a short story to see how this goes, once I sit down and get the details down.
At the moment though, I've gotta buckle down, be an adult and take care of bills and school, so a lot of these will be released when I get the chance to do so. I just can't wait for the holidays so I can enjoy a proper rest from all that I had to do leading up to the holidays.
Take care of yourselves, and have a blessed day!
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rawrrsakura · 3 years
Hi! I just saw on Twitter that Kishimoto is taking over the Boruto manga (at least storyboarding). I'm not sure if you've been following that series, but I was curious if you had any thoughts on this as far as the SS fam goes? Part of me is actually really excited but I think that might be nostalgia at play... wondering how you feel about the news personally, if you don't mind sharing. Hope you're well!
Sorry it took so long to reply! I forget I have an inbox sometimes.
So I don’t read it religiously. I have a general idea of what’s going on but I’ve been skipping around and only really pay attention when SSS are involved.
It’s hard to say whether I’m excited or not. On one hand, the person who made SasuSaku and brought it into bloom was Kishimoto. And for that I will always be thankful. However with that being said, we can all agree Kishi hasn’t also made the best choices as well; lack of female spotlight, Sasuke’s forever redemption journey and not being home for 11-12 years, the cluster fuck of Naruto Gaiden to name a few. ((Side note, gaiden gave us wonderful and beautiful SS moments but we all could have done without the “who’s the baby mama” drama. ))
On the other hand, the original Boruto writer gave us some actually good kick-Ass Sarada moments, making her the leader of the team, and bringing a connection from Sakura’s seal to the one on Boruto. But we also can’t skip over the fact that he sexualizes Sarada as a 12 year old with that god awful outfit change into a short skirt and heels, as well as the unnessary up-skirt and suggestive shots of Sarada in certain positions.
Honestly. I’m not sure. To put it as simple as I can. I’m excitedly nervous. Excited to see what the OG Kishimoto will do with this story, but with his track record, we have to be cautious as well. Only time will tell and we just have to give him a chance.
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zeldary · 4 years
AHHI JUST SAW UR FE TRANS HCS POST.... U saif some have hints could u tell me the hints(sorry im really intrigued!! I'm trans too so)
Ahhh thanks for the ask dear!
I’ll try to list some of the reasons, though keep in mind some are pure headcanon! Some include spoilers so I’ll go game-by-game, from oldest-to-newest
Fire emblem Gaiden/ Fire emblem echoes: Shadows of Valentia 
Saber - Agender: As my friend put it best: Saber lost his gender on a mission and never cared to go look for it. I just think he’s agender, all jokes aside, no much reasoning here!
Sonya - Trans lady: Sonya reveals that her two sisters were turned witches while she was sent away, as a kid. I like to think it’s because her father didn’t know at the time she was a girl. She’s also got great style and she’s a queen, and all trans women are queens, baby.
Genny - Trans non-binary girl: I like to see Genny as enby simply cuz non-binary people aren’t all androgynous. She’s also a super cute character and I love to think about Sonya and her bonding over being transfemmes because their friendships is super cute!
Celica - trans lady: Not in the original post but I’m adding it out of spite; Celica is trans and a wonderful character :)
Fire emblem Path of Radiance / Radiant dawn
Ike - Gay: i know you were referring to trans characters, but since he was included in the post, I decided to include him too. Basically; shows 0 interest in women, only has a platonic relationship with Elincia(?green haired lady), and that shopkeeper whos horny for him doesn’t interest him at all. However, he has two possible “bro” endings, where he elopes with a dude, with Ranulf and Soren! (Some might think it’s a reach, no way there could be a gay character, but keep in mind Jenny, in those games, is canonically a lesbian!)
Soren - Trans man: I just want to preface this by saying that when I discovered those games I was just learning about LGBTQIA+ issues, and some of my reasoning might not be that good, but here goes: the first playthrough I watched, Soren was constantly mistaken for a girl by the guy playing the game. He’s also (spoiler alert!) half beorc, half laguz, and i felt his treatment of society could be very relatable for trans people. There is also the fact that Ike has a great great great grandchild in Awakening, whom I think is also Soren’s (I like to think their paired ending is canonical), so Ike is still gay, he was just able to have a kid biologically with Soren :)
Fire emblem Fates
Forrest - Non-binary: I feel this is a touchy one: on one hand, people tend to see this character as just a gender-non-conforming boy, and I think a lot of people like him as is, and some might feel represented. On the other, Ive seen some NB people say his presentation and character reminds them of themselves. I also feel his struggle with his father is something a lot of us can relate to. As a non-binary person, while I respect any headcanon for him, I tend to fall for the latter. Also I’m starving for rep lol.
Fire emblem three houses
Byleth - Non-binary: Because I said so. (Nah just kidding the real reason is; everyone uses “they/them” for them anyway and I’m non-binary and playing them and they’re MY avatar. Ergo: they enby :3)
Leonie - Trans woman: When it comes to leonie, I just feel she’s trans, due to constantly having to remind people that she /is/ a girl. That’s a sentiment a lot of trans people share: just having people like “but... you don’t look like one lawl”. I also love the idea of trans girl leonie still being a bit of a tomboy, GNC trans people for the win lol (I also like to think her post timeskip design being pretty different is after 5 years of magic HRT lol)
Yuri - Non-binary: So basically i got super excited seeing the trailers seeing an androgynous character, thinking “THIS IS IT!! FINALLY!! NB REP!!!” But nah. Again you could make the same case as Forrest but I was just so excited,only to be so disappointed, I stick to my guns on that one, as I’m very petty. Yuri also got great style and not to brag but I feel we Enbies do have great style.
Bernadetta - Non-binary: I saw a shitty meme using her once to mock non-binary people, so I decided to have her be enby. Also I related hard to that character.
Dorothea - trans lady: Same as Sonya tbh: she’s majestic. But also: I find it interesting that (slight spoiler ahead) she was thrown in the streets as a child. I know it’s gross, /but/ I think it’s brought up in the game that sometime,s daughters were given away for money: my question is; why not give Dorothea away? Ferdinand’s support shows she was already beautiful when she was young. My answer: her father didn’t know she was a daughter. It also explain why, years later, he did not recognize her.
Manuela - Trans lady: My headcanon for Manuela is kind of an extension of Dorothea’s. I /Love/ the Idea of Manuella being Dorothea’s trans Icon, someone to admire both for her talent and for what she might have gone through. I also love the idea of Manuela seeing a /lot/ of herself in Dorothea, and thus making her her protégée at the opera. Just trans ladies helping each other Bruh.
Dimitri - Trans man: buckle up I kept one of the best for last. (Spoilers ahead!) First of all, his support with Catherine reveals he was very “feminine” as a kid, so much so that Catherine thought he was a girl. Fast forward, as a teen he’s very nice, a trait commonly shared by trans men. What makes me believe he’s trans most is the fact that as an adult, he does not have a beard. This might seem minor, but knowing his father had a lovely one, I find if weird that he does not, especially since we can assume he wouldn’t shave it since he looks...like... /that/, post-timeskip. I think he just has difficulty growing one, Dimitri is trans, change my mind.
So yeah my proof is circumstantial hope u still like it lol, thanks again for the ask anon!
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overdevelopedglasses · 8 months
Tojoctober Day 8 - Score
(...You Better Throw the First Punch.)
Alt title is the second half of a lyric from “The Good, The Bad and The Dirty” by Panic! At the Disco.
Saejima confronts and assists Majima with what's been on his mind.
A continuation of the story from Day 2!
(Yakuza 4, 5, and 6 Spoilers)
The morning sun, despite being in the sky for a while, shines a soft light on the courtyard of the Tojo Clan Headquarters. The only people outside, sitting on the stoop of one of the outdoor buildings are the Sixth Chairman's advisors: Saejima and Majima. Majima is slowly smoking a cigarette, watching the clouds he creates drift into the light blue sky. Saejima is nursing himself, as during their fight, he did get nicked by Majima's blade a couple times. 
For a while, the two are silent, each engrossed in their respective activities, but appreciating that they aren't alone. 
Saejima speaks up, breaking the silence and the somewhat weird air that has started to manifest.
"Somethin's been botherin' you, brother."
Majima lets out a long sigh, his expression ridden with melancholy. 
"Whadya mean?" Majima asks, clearly dodging whatever topic was about to be discussed.
"It's been ages since we've fought like that. Not to mention the funk you've been stinkin' the office with."
Majima's head spins around, expression wild with disbelief. He gives Saejima a light shove in the shoulder.
"Haw? Ya sayin' I smell?"
Saejima gives Majima a glare.
"Have you been washin' up?"
"The fuck!? I have great hygiene!"
"So ya know that's not what I meant."
Majima's gaze moves away from his brother, and looks back at a rising smoke cloud that he made. 
"Brother… ya know I trust you."
"Of course, Majima."
Majima swivels his gaze back to Saejima, this time hard and fierce.
"Not a peep about this to anyone, not even Daigo."
Saejima's expression remains unchanged by Majima's tonal shift. He's one of the few people who's unfazed by the Mad Dog's whiplash of personas. Comes with the territory, when he's been your sworn brother for over 3 decades.
"Whatever gives ya peace."
Majima drops his cigarette onto the ground, putting it out with his shoe. He picks up the butt and pockets it to throw away later. He takes a deep breath, and with his next words, Majima's tone and voice soften. His brother has to lean in close to make sure he hears him. Most would think Majima’s fallen quiet so he's not heard; Saejima thinks it's out of fear. Whatever this was, it was something the Mad Dog kept close at heart.
"...I don't think he's dead."
Saejima lets out a chuckle. Could he be any less specific?
"Majima, there's a lot of de-"
Saejima stops short. Kiryu’s name had not been uttered by either of them since Daigo read his letter. Saejima had missed the man, sure, but Majima saying that name carried so many emotions with it that he couldn’t decipher all of them.
"There's no way that Kiryu-chan is dead."
Saejima starts to speak again, hoping he has the right angle on this situation. 
"We weren't at that fight, so we don't know how-"
"Saejima. Please."
Saejima sighs, the reason for why he was playing devil's advocate was lost on his brother. But he knows he hasn’t heard everything, so he shoots Majima an apologetic look. 
"The thing is, I've seen Kiryu-chan survive fuckin' everything. Brutal fights, gunshots, stab wounds, stab wounds I made, any attempt made on his life. Fuck, he even survived bleeding out in the snow!"
Majima glances at Saejima, and he gives him the nod to keep talking. Majima holds his gaze. A beat passes, and he continues.
"Here’s the kicker for me… Ya remember when I faked my death?"
"Yeah. You fooled everyone in Kamurocho and beyond, except for those who were in on it."
"But who did I fail to fool? Who knew me inside and out and didn't believe for a second I was dead?"
"....me." Saejima responds. He remembers everyone talking about how Goro Majima was killed a few years ago, but not for a second did Saejima believe the news. There would only be one way that he’d believe Majima had kicked the bucket, and that would be the gruesome sight of his corpse. 
"Exactly. Ya see, it's not in the same way as you, brother, but I feel like I know Kiryu-chan."
"You also stalked him for a good long while, according to him."
"That's not my point." Majima responds with a chuckle. Saejima had a feeling that Kiryu and Majima had a relationship that was more complicated than on the surface, but Saejima only heard word about their first antics from Kiryu. He had been meaning to broach the subject with his brother sooner, but since he went back to prison in 2010, they hadn’t had much time together, let alone just the two of them. 
"I think of Kiryu-chan's death announcement, and just… somethin' doesn't sit right."
"Is it because you see the similarities between your situation and his?"
"Maybe? But I always intended on coming back to the living. When it was safe to, ya know?"
He swears he hears his brother’s breath start to shake.
"But, I'm not sure he intends to return." Majima's tone shifts into one of sadness, and Saejima doesn't need another signal of what Majima's wellbeing is. He starts to feel really shitty. His brother had been suffering for a while, and Saejima only thought to speak up when he was about to be pummeled by the man. And Majima’s issue was not the denial that Saejima thought he'd have to combat. Majima had very good reason to believe that Kiryu still walked among them. It goes to show just how wicked smart his brother is. Underneath the mad dog persona is one of the sharpest brains Saejima has ever known. But with a sharp mind comes even more intense emotions, which was what Saejima excelled at, at least when it came to Majima. Not to mention from the way he was speaking, Kiryu must’ve been his closest relationship. His death was making Majima crack, and he had become too good at hiding his problems with laughter and violence for something so simple to be plaguing him this much. 
No, the problem was that Majima was so confident that Kiryu wasn’t dead, he feared that no one would believe him.
Better late than never, then. Saejima thought, before breaking the silence that had briefly fallen between them.
"Majima… I know he meant a lot to you. So I won't try to hit ya with any weird reasoning."
"But yer still thinkin' it. Ya probably think I'm crazy. I mean-I know I am, but crazy in a bad way." Majima's voice wavers.
"That doesn't matter. Ya think it'll change anything? Hell, I thought you had betrayed me for 2 decades, and that still didn't change anything."
Majima's eye flickers away briefly. Saejima continues, unrelenting.
"If you ever see him again… what do ya think you'll do?"
For the first time in a while, Saejima sees not anger, but sorrow, reflected in Majima’s good eye. 
"Well… that'll be a score I need to settle with the man himself. Why he did this," Majima gestures to the air, "Why he put his friends and family through anguish. Why…" Majima's expression changes, and Saejima knows that look better than anyone: while still traces of sorrow remain, Majima was looking into his memories.
"Why he would make me think that he broke our promise."
The two advisors fall back into silence, nothing left to be said. They gaze out at the blue sky and the clouds drifting by, some birds starting to chirp in the trees. After a while, Saejima scoots over, touching shoulders with his brother. He makes eye contact with him, the one eye wrought with a bit of confusion. It's out of character for him to initiate physical touch. With what Majima had laid out in front of him, it’s like the answer was staring at him in the face. 
Kiryu could still be alive. No… he is alive.
"If it's worth anything… I believe you."
For the first time since their fight, Majima smiles. A genuine smile, not one of the Mad Dog, but of Goro Majima. 
"Thanks, brother. Ya don't know how nice that is to hear."
A beat passes. Majima sighs, and Saejima gets the feeling that he had been holding that in for a long time.
"Ya mind if I rest my head? It's been a while, and emotional shit is fuckin' exhausting."
Saejima lets out a small laugh, any fucks he was giving about appearances being thrown to the wind.
Majima lets his head fall onto Saejima's shoulder, and shuts his eye. Saejima watches him shift his body until he's finally comfortable.
"Felt good to let that all out. Thanks, brother. For… everything."
Saejima smirks, "Thank you for everything, Majima. I don't know what I'd do without ya."
Saejima still has many questions, and a desire to learn about Kiryu from his brother, but now isn’t the best time to talk about it. Instead, Saejima looks back at the clouds, and in that moment he could swear that one of them looks like a very familiar dragon.
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