#can you tell this is my favorite Link?
candy8448 · 11 months
I have a lot of Legend HCs piled up in my mind so i decided to organise how my version of the hero of legends goes:
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Link was born to the royal family. He is the twin of Zelda (i hc her to have pastel blue tipped hair), but at this time, it is believed that Hylia only has daughters, and that any prince born is a curse and unheared of and the baby is disposed of secretly, the public never knowing of any boys born to the queens. Link's father's brother, Alphonse is a knight of Hyrule and decides to rescue this baby and raise him himself in secrecy.
While Link grows up, Alphonse raises him in castle town, taking him the the countryside every summer to help in his grandmother's (granmalon) farm. This is until he becomes nine years old.
One night, Link wakes up from a voice in his mind, telling him to come to the castle and rescue her. He sees his uncle leaving, telling him to stay in the house and under no circumstances to leave. Link follows anyway into the storm and enters through the castle sewers where he sees his dying uncle. With his last words, Uncle bestows upon link his sword, and the responsibility of saving Zelda, telling him that "Zelda is your-"
Link continues on his adventure, the rest of the events of a Link to the past taking place. Throughout, the knights are brainwashed and are hunting him down, he is no longer safe in the open and has to stay hidden. The wanted posters make almost everybody in Hyrule call for the guards when they spot him.
In the end he is able to defeat Ganon and restore the land of Hyrule and bring his uncle back.
The knights, despite being free from their brainwashing, are never fully returned to normal, having had power before they become terrible people, using their status to mistreat the people of Hyrule and make villagers not feel safe letting their children near them.
Link travels to the Palace of the Four Sword a while agter his adventure. He fights his way through till he brings back all the Four Swords together and has to fight four shadow versions of himself (though they don't exactly look like him) and he thinks nothing of it other than it being a slightly scary experience.
Link continues living with his uncle until a year later, he is now 11, he comes across the triforce which sends him to the far lands of Holodrum- or Labryna? He isn't entirely sure, traveling through the triforce like that gave him a massive concussion and he gets a massive headache when trying to piece together which came first. Either way, he finishes his adventures with the Oracle of seasons and ages, each taking about half a year to complete and sets out by boat, trying to reach home back in Hyrule.
On his small sailboat, Link finds himself in the heart of a storm, and he and his boat is struck by lightning. His body in paralysis, he cannot do anything to fight the churning water...
Link wakes up to a face in front of him, the girl with long red hair. Her name is Marin. When retrieving his sword on the beach, an owl comes up, telling him that to leave Kohilint island, he must wake up the windfish.
Link does through each dungeon, retrieving each instrument and becoming close friends with Marin. She tells him about how she wanted to be a seagull and fly away to sing for the people of faraway lands. Link promises to take her with him when he manages to leave.
When he finds out the truth, it breaks him.
He vows never to wake the windfish, he's been living here for almost a year, he is 13 and he cares for everyone on this island, and they cafe for him. It's the safest Link has felt in a long time and it he couldn't bear to destroy Kohilint, to destroy Marin.
Link tried to build a raft and sail out, taking Marin with him, but no matter how much he pedals until his hands are covered in blisters, they cannot get any further from kohilint. Marin is the one who tells him to stop trying and hurting himself, and they go back to shore.
Link lives there for another year, not completing any more dungeons, only leaving everyday to strike down any monsters, that of which seem to never run out. Until one day Marin is kidnapped by some bokoblins, and Link is made aware how putting off waking the windfish will only increase the amount of monsters until he is unable to fend them all off.
He gets the last of the instruments and heads to wake up the windfish.
Link is 14 when he wakes in the middle of the sea, he assembles himself a small raft and has a close call with dehydration and starvation before a ship comes and picks him up. The whole time he is dealing with the grief of having basically killed Marin.
When he returns back to Hyrule three years later from when he first left, he is told that his uncle had died of a sickness a year ago. He was living off borrowed time and something borrowed is something that cannot be kept.
Link desides to put down the sword and stops adventuring forever.
Link and Zelda finally find out that they are siblings and Zelda stays by Link's side, him making a secret entrance to Zelda's room as the still corrupt guards are still out for his head since he is a prince of Hyrule. Link had never liked the idea of a royal lifestyle, knowing how Zelda hated it made him never want any part of it. He would rather stay as an average nobody and one of his people, attending to his Uncle's apple orchard, it was always enough for him. Link also starts an apprenticeship with a blacksmith to take his mind off things. It's been two years since he returned to Hyrule and Link is now 16.
When making a delivery to the castle sanctuary, Link runs into Yuga, who turns a maiden into a painting and leaves Link unconcious on the floor. Link wakes up again to the sight of a guy in a purple bunny hood saying that he found and brought Link to an empty house, unaware that it was Link's own. He gives Link his braclet and urges him to talk two Zelda who redirects him to Sahasralah which kicks off Link's adventure between the worlds of Hyrule and Lorule.
After the two kingdoms are restored, Link takes another break when Ravio sudgests he goes on a holiday to a kingdom north of Hyrule, Hytopia. Link does so and arrives just when the princess Styla is cursed. He obtains an amulet which can split him into three Dopples and fights Lady Maude, which breaks the curse.
Now Link is 18, almost 19, when a purple portal opens up in front of his house and he has no choice but to walk through and see where this new adventure takes him...
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egophiliac · 7 months
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don't think I'm not still deep in the episode 7 brainrot. because OH BOY AM I
(also one more extremely, obnoxiously self-referential thing, I'm -- I'm so sorry)
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localicecreambiter · 1 month
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this is how I remember the four swords manga
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imagefire · 5 months
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graves-doodles · 1 year
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Hero of Earth- So little Zelda found this dude with the master sword just halfway buried, sleeping in the sacred forest. So she woke him up, turns out he's from a completely different era and doesnt really remember what happened, but now theyre inseparable because he gets the feeling something terrible happened to his original zelda and gosh darn it he will protect this rambunctious tot with his life.
Hero of Plants- He's just a lil guy 🤏
Hero or Wrangling/Wandering- uhhhhh horse? He turns into a gosh dang horse, man. Also he has a lil twili minish named Bonnie who is a sweetheart ❤
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animangalover-writes · 8 months
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I like the Zelda franchise and ship zelink a normal amount. Obviously.
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nyastri · 2 months
Modern AU twins Legend and Hyrule? 👀👀👀👀 I must request details
I love these two a completely healthy amount.
Legend was born first by three hours and absolutely calls Hyrule his "little brother" and makes "when I was your age" jokes. Hyrule retaliates with "when I was your height" since he's three centimeters taller. They used to look extremely similar and would pull a ton of twin switches, but they started looking more different as they got older. They have strong twin telepathy and know what the other is thinking without even looking at them. They can be very protective of each other and have caused so much chaos together they've been nicknamed "downfall duo".
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moonfromearth · 4 months
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🎁 300 Followers Celebratory CC Free Sim Dump!! 🎁
I can't believe the blog has made it to over 300 followers!! 😱 Thank you all so much for following and being so incredibly supportive. It really means the world to me. 🥰
I know I haven't been around very much but I promise that this is the beginning of me posting more again! So stay tuned for the return of the Horse Ranch series and my upcoming For Rent series that will probably be getting teased more soon... 😏
With that out of the way, here are the sims!
The theme for this was chosen via poll and I had so much fun seeing what everyone picked! I don't know why I was so surprised that "families" won because I wasn't sure what I expected to win 😆
All four of these families are cc free (if it says cc in the gallery I swear there's no cc! I haven't figured out the culprit but it still says they have cc in my gallery so idk 🤷‍♀️) and all have set careers, clubs, skills, and dynamics! Hopefully they all turned out good 😅
Enjoy! 😉
Full Sim Dump [Google Drive]
[Profile photos, brief descriptions, and individual household download links are all under the cut!]
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Household 1 - The Li-Suwan Family
After quitting her job after the birth of their first child, Ying was hoping to go back into the work force, but with two new babies and her mother around, that's near impossible! Meanwhile, Min is in her rebellious phase, feeling like the whole world is against her, except for her grandmother. Erik is struggling to make friends and Kenny is the golden child but feels his crown slipping a way with the new babies in the house.
Li-Suwan Family Download Link [Google Drive]
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Household 2 - The Hawley Family
Husbands Grant and Will have completely devotd themselves to the raising of their three kids, but with their oldests attending college classes their parenting roles are beginning to dwindle. Kamryn has given her all to school while Kayson enjoys a more laid back experience, frequenting the campus parties. Youngest, Hallie, dreams of being an actress but for now enjoys her childhood with family dog.
Hawley Family Download Link [Google Drive]
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Household 3 - The Whitaker-Perez Family
Sloane and Karla have been waiting forever to adopt a child, and finally after all their years of waiting young Zane has entered their home! An energetic, rambunctious kid, Zane isn't quite sure what to make of his new mothers, one a quirky school teacher and the other a serious and professional doctor, but he's hoping that they'll all get used to their new family dynamic… However long that could take.
Whitaker-Perez Family Download Link [Google Drive]
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Household 4 - The Barretts
Jayda Barrett is planning on going places. She's climbing up the corporate ladder, slowly but surely, with big dreams of becoming a huge executive or CEO, a position that brings in the big simoleons. Jayda is a single mom to an imaginative and horse loving toddler, Myla, who roams the house going on grand adventures with their cat, Carrot, already developing big dreams of her own.
Barrett Household Download Link [Google Drive]
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eternadreeblissa · 1 year
Listen To Me
Yandere! TOTK! Link x Reader
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@neverchecking @wayfayrr
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falling-star-cygnus · 7 months
what if Lu Guang's eyes bled when he used his ability too much
like- what if, guys
i love Lu Guang i promise-
{-> this also takes place in the Eyedrops fic timeline <-}
{Lu Guang is sitting on the couch with a notepad, trying to get through some photos he doesn't particularly want Cheng Xiaoshi diving in}
{Cheng Xiaoshi isn't actually home at the moment, having run out with Qiao Ling for a few minutes to snag some food before all the shops closed for the night}
{The white-haired man rubs his eyes with increasing amounts of frequency as he feels his time alone dwindle lower and lower}
Lu Guang, squinting with a sense of urgency: Come on... just a little further
{He rubs his eyes again, just a little too hard for how delicate they currently are}
{Something crunches and pops}
{At first, Lu Guang doesn't pay it any more then a fleeting acknowledgement. A sign to pull back, maybe, next time. Until liquid, too thick and warm to be tears, drizzles itself down, down, down...}
{A drop of red splashes onto his hand. Another onto the photo}
{More and more he can feel the sticky red substance gather on his lash line and smear into the polaroid. Lu Guang barely notices when his legs take him to the bathroom; until he sees his own spooked face and heaving chest in the mirror}
{Blood bubbles from his tear ducts and down his cheeks, drying into a tight crust where he refuses to wipe it away}
{The door downstairs opens. Cheng Xiaoshi and Qiao Ling have returned}
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skneees · 2 years
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coolseabird · 5 months
Apologies for the cringe-fail ramblings ahead, but I can't help noticing a lot of similarities between Paul Atreides and Ganondorf, and I just have to talk about it.
They’re both chosen ones who choose genocide. Their being male is a big shakeup to the established order. They topple a long-standing royal family with guerrilla warfare and cunning. They lose themselves once they access powers not meant for mortals. They just wanted their people to feel that cool wind. “There is no escape — we pay for the violence of our ancestors.” They could never have been anything else they were born into their roles. They both even have witchy mothers. The best type of character.
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Thinking about an AU where after the Champion of the Wilds the next reincarnation of the Hero's Spirit is born into the Yiga Clan
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fourswords · 7 months
headcanons are so fun because i can connect everything related to the four sword back to the hero of the minish and absolutely nobody can stop me. the reason the sword splits the heroes that come after him instead of just making translucent copies like it did in his game is because he was a little kid during the events of the game (potentially even younger than oot link because it was a whole PLOT POINT that only good CHILDREN can see the minish. that's why they sent LINK in the first place) and he had to do everything by himself (ezlo can't fight. obviously) and it isn't too far of a stretch to assume that he might've wished that he had somebody to help him on his journey. and the four sword responded. it couldn't help him (as powerful as it is, it was still newly forged at the time), but it could help all those who came after him.
and then let's keep on this tangent about echoes of the hero of the minish in the power of the four sword and throw in the fact that his grandfather was a smith and he was learning to be one, too. fire, in their case, was an aid. they couldn't forge without it! so of course the hero of the minish would view it as something positive, even when fire itself is stereotypically viewed as destructive and something to be feared and is usually attributed to people with brash or abrasive personalities. you know what he probably wouldn't like as much? water, even though it's ALSO used in a forge (quenching). when you're as small as a minish, raindrops hit you like boulders and hurt like hell. even though water is stereotypically viewed as the element of tranquility and deep emotion and whatnot.
and then you open up the four swords manga and who's the fire guy? red! the crybaby with the sweet and happy (and mischievous) demeanor! who's the water guy? blue! the overconfident loudmouth who'll fight anyone at the drop of a hat (and wields a damn hammer)! and obviously, this isn't all either of them are—the entire point of the manga is that they're all distinct, separate characters with complex personalities. the hero of light has nothing at all to do with the hero of the minish except for the sword he wields and one of the enemies he fights. but thinking about the initial split of the four sword being a result of an echo of the first hero who wielded it (as the four sword, since only one hero—the hero of men—technically wielded the picori blade) associating fire with warmth & happiness & home and water with Getting The Shit Beaten Out Of Him is fun and hilarious in equal measure. there's cases to be made for green (wind element) and vio (earth element) too of course but then this post would get too long.
ultimately i just like the idea of one hero saying an indirect "hello" to the next one across generations. the hero of men says hello to the hero of the minish with every minish village he visits and every moment he carries what once was the picori blade. the hero of the minish says hello to the four-who-are-one and the hero of the light when the four sword splits them into four. and sometimes saying hello means the sword you left behind splits up the wielder's soul based on the associations YOU had with the elements. y'know?
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griseldabanks · 5 months
for the ask game, would you do #23 for link and zelda?
Let Me Count the Ways ask game
Prompt: "I feel like we've met before…."
“You only want to go there because you think she'll be there.”
“I do not!” Link retorted, hanging his helmet on Epona's handlebars while holding his phone to his ear with the other hand. “I'm going to study for midterms, like I said. Not my fault you didn't want to come along.”
“And watch Malon making googly eyes at you the whole time? No thanks.”
Link paused halfway through slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “What? Malon?”
He could practically hear the rolled eyes across the phone line. “Oh brother. She's had her eye on you since orientation!”
“Really? How can you tell?”
“Because I have eyes in my head!”
Suddenly, Link spotted a familiar pink backpack weaving through the tables outside the coffee shop, heading towards the door. “Sorry, Navi, gotta go.”
“Hey! Listen to me—“
He hung up and darted over to the front door, managing to reach it just in time. He grabbed the door and pulled it open.
The girl who'd been reaching for it started at his sudden appearance, then let her extended hand fall back to her side. “Oh...thanks!”
She smiled up at him before stepping inside, and for one glorious moment, their eyes met. Link grinned stupidly, but she'd already passed him.
Heart pounding in his chest, Link followed her into Lon Lon Cafe. He stuffed his hands into the pocket of his green hoodie, trying to act casual as he stepped into line right behind her. He glanced up at the girl behind the cash register, and the pleasant giddiness in his chest deflated somewhat as he remembered what Navi had said. Sure enough, Malon spotted him and immediately shot him a grin, tucking a lock of red hair behind her ear. And she kept glancing at him as she listened to the next customer's order.
Link looked back at the girl in front of him instead. Zelda. So was so pretty, her blonde hair pulled back in a half-ponytail, golden earrings dangling from her ears and catching the light.... And there was an elegance to all of her movements, even simply in the way she pulled her wallet out of her purse. Like a princess...if princesses ever graced college-town coffee shops.
Suddenly, she looked over her shoulder and turned to face him. “Hey, do I know you?”
The bottom dropped out of Link's stomach. “What?”
Zelda cocked her head to one side. “I feel like we've met before....”
Link swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. “Uh...History 101. Professor Rauru.”
Zelda's face brightened with recognition, and somehow she looked even more beautiful that way. “That's it! So are you ready for—“
With a little start, Zelda quickly turned around and stepped up to the front of the line. While she was ordering her drink, Link couldn't help noticing that Malon wasn't smiling anymore, but answering Zelda tersely and stabbing at the register with more force than necessary.
When it was his turn to order, Link was a little nervous at how Malon would receive him, but to his relief, the second her eyes landed on him, a huge smile lit up her face again. He might have been imagining things, but he thought he detected a hint of sharpness in her gaze that wasn't there normally. “What can I get you?”
Link opened his mouth to reply, but she talked over him.
“Pumpkin spice latte, right? As usual?”
He'd actually been thinking of trying out something different this time, but she was already ringing him up, and he did like anything pumpkin spice-flavored, so he remained silent and just handed over a couple blue rupee notes.
Zelda was still waiting for her drink at the other end of the counter, and Link's heart skipped a beat when she glanced up from her phone as he strode over to her to wait as well. “So, what's your major?” she asked, her blue eyes bright and interested.
“Uh...undeclared, so far,” Link admitted, feeling his cheeks go warm. “I came in with an archery scholarship, but I don't know if that's what I want to go with....”
“Well, that's okay,” Zelda said. “You're a freshman, right? You've got plenty of time to figure it out.”
“Wait, are you not a freshman?”
Zelda giggled. “Oh—no, I'm a sophomore. I just didn't get around to history last year. I wanted to take harp lessons, and my schedule didn't work out.”
“So you're a music major?” Link brightened at that. Maybe he should've signed up for singing lessons or something after all.
“For now,” Zelda said with a thoughtful frown. “I love the harp, but I've been thinking about switching to political science instead. Do some real good in the world, you know?”
The more they talked, the more relaxed Link felt, just like he was talking to Navi or Saria—except that every time their eyes met, he felt a glorious swoop in his stomach. “Maybe your harp can usher in world peace,” he said with a grin.
As Zelda laughed, the barista slid their drinks across the counter towards them. “So do you play any instruments?”
“Oh, just the ocarina—“
They both reached for their drinks at the same time. Both froze, staring at the backs of their hands. Link's left, Zelda's right. Like a strangely geometric birthmark, against their pale skin was the clear outline of a triangle divided into four smaller triangles. On Link's hand, the smaller triangle on the bottom right was filled in; on Zelda's, it was the bottom left.
Link stared at their hands, the marks upon them perfect mirrors of each other. For his whole life, his soul mark had been there, as familiar a sight as the moles and freckles on his arms. He knew it was supposed to be a reflection of his soul, and the legends went that somewhere out there, his soulmate bore the mirror image of it. But who that person was, or if he'd ever meet them...that just wasn't something he bothered thinking about too much.
Just like anyone, there had certainly been times when he'd wondered who his soulmate was. Growing up, he'd compared soul marks with his friends—Saria had been extremely disappointed when she realized that the swirly mark on her shoulder was nothing like his soul mark. In idle moments, he would daydream about whether his soulmate would turn out to be someone he married, like his parents, or a really good friend, or maybe even one of his children someday.
But then life got busy, and there was no time to think about something so frivolous when school and archery club ate up so much of his time. If he ever met his soulmate, he would deal with it then.
Then was now.
Slowly, Link's eyes traveled up Zelda's arm to her eyes, which were open wide with shock. “Does this mean...?”
“Oh my!” Zelda's face instantly grew as red as a tomato, and she whirled away from him, covering her cheeks with her hands. Link's eyes were glued to the back of her right hand. The soul mark was unmistakable.
Without warning, Zelda began speed-walking back through the cafe, almost knocking into several people on her way out.
“Wait—Zelda!” Link grabbed both of their drinks and rushed after her, finally catching up to her where she had collapsed into a chair at one of the tables under an umbrella out front.
Hesitantly, Link set Zelda's drink down in front of her, then slipped his backpack off his shoulder and sank into the chair across the table. He looked over at her staring fixedly at the cast-iron tabletop as if she could melt it with a glance.
Just to have something to do, Link sipped his pumpkin spice latte, but it scalded his tongue, so he set it aside.
She was so pretty, even with the blush extending all the way down her neck. Actually, the blush made her look even prettier, the pink tinge of her skin setting off the pink shirt she wore.
She's my soulmate, he thought numbly. All I wanted was to talk to her, maybe ask her out eventually...and she's my soulmate. The most important person in my life.
“Um...sorry,” Zelda said with a shaky laugh, looking up at last and tucking a strand of golden hair behind her ear. “I didn't mean to run out, I just...that took me completely by surprise!”
“Yeah, uh...m-me too.”
They both realized at the same time that they were staring at each other's hands, and broke into nervous laughter.
“So, we're...soulmates.” Zelda let out a long breath. “No, saying it out loud didn't help. It still doesn't sound real.”
A sudden thought occurred to Link that made his heart sink. “Hey, um...just because of this,” he pointed at the back of his hand, “that doesn't mean we have to...I mean, it's just a legend. You don't have to feel, like, obligated to...to hang out with me or....”
To his relief, she smiled sweetly at him. “You're right. But...I'd still like to get to know you. If...you don't mind.”
“No, of course!” Link said, a little too quickly and too loudly. He cleared his throat, his cheeks burning again. “Can I buy you coffee or something sometime? I-I mean, I know we already got coffee, but....” Crap, he was making such a fool of himself....
But Zelda just giggled, hiding her smile behind the hand that bore the mirror image of his soul mark. “Yes, you can take me on a date sometime. But, um...what's your name, anyway?”
“Oh!” They'd been talking all this time, and he still hadn't introduced himself. “It's Link. Nice to meet you.”
Zelda cocked her head to one side. “Link...strange...it feels somehow familiar....”
Link realized he'd felt the same way, the first time he'd learned Zelda's name. He'd passed it off as merely thinking it was a pretty name, but...maybe it was a sign that their souls were bonded to each other.
Either way, as they sat at the coffee shop and continued to get to know each other, everything felt right with the world in a way it never had before.
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ladye-zelda · 11 months
The Chain as Owl City Songs
You read the title; I gave each member of the chain an Owl City song (or more) XD
Some of these songs can go to multiple of the boys (most notably Wild, Twilight, and Legend; poor guys with girlfriend trauma).
Also disclaimer: this is mainly all of the songs I grew up with, so I won't have any songs from Owl City's newer albums (such as Cinematic and Coco Moon; especially Coco Moon as I haven't finished listening to that album at this time).
The first thing that came to mind was Strawberry Avalanche, since it kind of fits with the Koholint situation.
But I think the one that would best fit would be Angels (though it could also match with Twi and Wild).
For some more post-Koholint Angst, here's The Real World; I dunno, seems like a song Legend would belt out.
Up All Night. No doubt. I've actually been thinking of this for so long I've been going crazy XD
(And this is mainly the song that can go with both Legend and Wild as well; be prepared for some heavy angst.)
Originally what I had was Super Honeymoon (as kind of a joke) but listening to it I realized it made more sense if he was married to Zelda, which is a nope. (Or I guess it could fit if he just thinks of his wife so highly, which is likely).
Tbh he was kind of hard to assign an Owl City song to (like Four), so I think Meteor Shower might also fit for some Time Angst.
(Or Dental Care or Rugs from Me To You for some dad jokes hehe.)
(Bonus: Tennis Elbow from Sky Sailing; not technically Owl City but it's by the same guy.)
(Bonus Bonus: Unbelievable for that 90's nostalgia; unfortunately it doesn't mention Ocarina of Time but if this was Modern AU then Time would absolutely have 90's nostalgia... maybe...)
Plant Life. I think this song would kind of touch with that side of Hyrule who felt like he isn't like the other heroes
(It does have a slight romance undertone to it, but its only in the chorus/bridging lyric and isn't the main focus of the song I will admit.)
Wolf Bite. I know the title kind of suggests this should be Twi's song, but if you listen to it it kind of fits with the internal struggle that Wild goes through in the comics. (Plus if I could make animatics I would totally make an animatic of Wild to this song; ahhh I love Ultraviolet (the album this is from) so much).
Bird with a Broken Wing. Kind of self explanatory if you listen closely to the lyrics. (Actually, this could fit with Time... hm...)
Oof, this was kind of a hard one. At first I was going to say that no song could match him, until I remembered...
The Technicolor Phase. Kind of color-centric for those who like them XD
[Insert every 2010's Owl City love song here]
XD Kidding; but the two I have written down are Honey and the Bee and The Bird and the Worm (and maybe Early Birdie?)
A non-romantic song I remembered however is Sky Diver. Yeah that's Sky for ya XD
The Airway — SO perfect for Sky
Yacht Club! Except not really because I forgot it was a romance song XD (We'll save it for when Wind has grown a bit.)
On the other hand: How I Became the Sea.
I was tempted to put Deer in the Headlights as a joke but then that would fit with womanizer Wars which is a BIG NOPE (and doesn't fit with Wars at all), so just think of it as reversed or something XD
On the other hand, we have Hospital Flowers for kind of maybe that survivor side of him.
But Beautiful Times fits him the most, as it kind of delves in with that war aspect ("cab driver turned to skydiver then to survivor" screams war to me).
And yeah, that's all the chain! Feel free to add or switch out any songs that you feel might be better; these were just mainly off the top of my head.
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