#can’t believe Charlie helped my OTP get together
chaoticace2005 · 6 months
Chaggie this. Radiostatic that. Huskerdust, Radiodust, Radioapple, Adamsapple. No, actually you’re all wrong. The best ship of the show is Niffty x Knife. Knifftey. They took down Adam together like a true couple.
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Also: Adam died for this ship. Angel is scared of the power of this ship. And Charlie supports it.
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kidcataldo · 2 years
Carson/Mrs. Hughes OTP questions no one asked for but I’m giving to you anyway because they’re fun:
1. Who makes the first move and how?
Mrs. Hughes started flirting first, and Carson in the beginning was oblivious to it. It took him a good ten years or so to realize what it was she was doing, as silly as that sounds. Even then, he was hesitant to participate, wanting to maintain a professional relationship.
But Carson was the first to be attracted to her. I mean, Phyllis Logan looked like this back in the day
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Of course Mr. Carson was smitten with the new maid, but obviously he couldn’t do anything about it. And Mrs. Hughes upon her arrival probably only saw Carson as her superior, Butler at her new job and not much more, whom, quite honestly, she probably gossiped about with the fellow servants for being a brown nosed snob. It wasn’t until she was promoted to housekeeper and spent more time with him, and truly got to know him, the real him, that she started feeling an attraction toward him.
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
Mrs. Hughes was much more confident about her body in her youth than she is now. It’s not that she feels ugly, no, she just knows things hang lower than they used to and she no longer fits the standards of being an attractive woman. It’s one thing to see a body age over time, but to see an aged body for the first time? It’s quite overwhelming. After all, she lives in a age where women like herself are taught to be prudes, spinsters too devoted to duty to have any real desire for sex or nakedness.
It takes a while for her to “feel better” about it. Charlie’s affections certainly help build her confidence. But sometimes she finds herself pulling the sheets up just a little higher, whereas a more confident woman, a younger woman, might not think to hide her breasts from the world.
3. Who is the most romantic?
Carson is not your typical romantic. He remembers Saint Valentine’s Day, and yet he devotes himself to professionalism.
I headcanon Carson actually gave Mrs. Hughes a Valentine after they became engaged and that’s what set Elsie off in s6e1, wondering what his true intentions were with her because “he’s willing to give me a card for Valentine’s Day but he won’t hold my hand or kiss me???”
And then she realizes after they’ve married that he’s a really loving man, he just doesn’t like to make that side of him public.
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Carson can be handsy when he’s in the mood for it. And he believes, at least in the beginning of their marriage, it is his duty as the husband to initiate the more intimate moments between them. But Elsie is the one more willing to initiate hugs and kisses in more public settings.
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
I guess in canon Carson technically. “I do want to be stuck with you” is the words of a man professing his love. You can’t change my mind on that.
However, I don’t imagine they’re the type to always say the words “I love you” out loud. It has to be a special moment. So, the first time they actually say it to each other is either after they marry or right before they’re first time together.
6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?
They would not have a threesome. Carson’s way too conservative to even suggest, much less think of, such a thing. Elsie’s horrified the question was even brought up.
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
Carson is very much a stay in for the night kind of person, but Elsie forces him out every so often. Most likely to go eat in a public house. Elsie dragged him out to go dancing once or twice, but he grumbled about it the entire time so she hasn’t taken him since. They spend time at the fair whenever it’s in town.
8. What do they like in bed?
Carson is a very vanilla man. He is satisfied with missionary and really doesn’t need that much else, while Elsie is much more willing to experiment, especially after she becomes more comfortable with sex. But, of course, nothing happens between them that is too shocking. They are respectable people, mind.
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
Intimacy is quite new to them, so I imagine more quiet/comfortable moments take some getting used to. Ex: using the bathroom with the other just behind the door to hear everything, or being sick with the flu and having the other see everything. But they get over that quickly and they learn to be comfortable, embarrassing sounds and all.
10. What do they hide from one another?
Carson: his shaky hands. And possibly anything that reveals himself incompetent.
Elsie: her more progressive/feminist views.
11. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
The atmosphere between them changes when Carson proposes. Before, they were just very close colleagues, who occasionally flirted with each other. After he proposes, things become different and a little more awkward.
But once they establish that they will indeed be intimate in their upcoming marriage, I imagine Carson starts making more of an effort to show Elsie that he’s interested in her, like maybe kissing her goodnight before they go up for bed, obviously behind closed doors where no one else can see.
12. When do they realise they should get together?
Part of me wonders if Carson was waiting to propose after they retire, given the whole “we should invest in a property together” plot. I think putting her name on the property after she confessed why she couldn’t was his way of telling her “don’t worry, I’ll take care of you in your old age.” And he only proposed because she wasn’t quite getting it. He isn’t the best communicator when it comes to his feelings.
13. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
When Elsie has a cold, Carson hardly notices because she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. Carson, however, turns into quite the baby when his throat is even the slightest bit scratchy.
14. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
I imagine Elsie has to drag Carson to a silent film. She’ll want to see whatever’s popular while Carson would rather watch paint dry, but he’ll enjoy it once they’ve settled in their seats.
15. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Carson dies almost immediately. Mrs. Hughes becomes the matriarch of the post apocalyptic sanctuary Tom Branson and Lady Mary create.
16. When they find a time machine, where do they go?
Carson travels back in time to see Queen Victoria’s coronation. Elsie travels into the future to witness a more kinder and forgiving world.
17. When they fight, how do they make up?
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18. Where do they go on their first date?
People didn’t go on dates back then. But I imagine Carson takes her out places after they become engaged that could be considered their first date. Maybe Carson considers that moment at the sea to be their first “date.” Elsie does not.
19. Where do they go on holiday?
Scarborough. I don’t think servants in those days went on a lot of holidays. Carson might see a trip up to London with the family as a holiday, even if they are working. Elsie would not see it that way and get upset if Carson tries to argue it is. Change in scenery, yes, but not a holiday.
20. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
They’re comfortable, they don’t get nervous about being with each other, no matter the location. Carson may feel apprehensive about being called Charlie by Elsie (or anyone) in front of the family, but he isn’t nervous about being seen with her, and nor is she.
21. Where does their first kiss happen?
In Carson’s pantry, as shown in canon. I headcanon their first “passionate” kiss was in the privacy of their own home a few weeks before their wedding.
22. Where is their favourite place to be together?
Probably at home where they can truly be themselves.
23. Where do they first have sex?
Most likely their first time was in their hotel room on their honeymoon. Carson respects Elsie too much to bed her before marriage.
24. Why do they get jealous?
Part of me feels Carson was a bit jealous of Joe Burns in s1 and he would be annoyed if someone openly flirted with Elsie in front of him, especially after they’ve married.
I don’t think Mrs. Hughes is jealous of any woman in Carson’s life, past or present. She gets irritated with Lady Mary, but not jealous. His relationship with Alice showed her he was human and capable of being in love. I honestly feel like she only wants Carson to be happy. If that means him being in love with someone other than herself, then she wouldn’t do anything to interfere with that relationship. Whereas, I feel, Carson might interfere with Elsie’s love life (depending on which season—s1 Carson would absolutely not interfere, but s3 Carson and beyond definitely would). Elsie wouldn’t be jealous of him finding love. She might be a little sad about him being in love with someone else, but mostly she would just be happy for her friend finding love.
After they’ve married, she would find amusement in other women flirting with her oblivious husband. Like that *spoiler* scene in the new movie—I am absolutely convinced she and Maude would spend the entire day laughing and teasing him about the incident while Carson trails behind them red faced.
25. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Carson admires Elsie’s kindness and her willingness to help others whenever she can offer it. Elsie admires his loyalty and his compassion toward the family, even if she doesn’t necessarily agree with it.
The endearing moment of Elsie catching him singing after he’s been told she isn’t sick in s3, I think, is where she realizes he cares for her deeply. And perhaps this is when he too realizes he likes her maybe just a little bit more than a friend/colleague.
But I think Carson really started coming to terms with his love for Elsie when she helped him bring closure to his past relationship with Charlie and Alice. That was something he really needed to deal with before opening his heart again.
After they’ve married, there are probably things they discover about each other that make them think “wow I didn’t know you did that but it makes me love you even more for it.” Small moments like Elsie realizing Carson keeps his socks and underwear in separate drawers or Carson discovering Elsie hums when she does her hair each morning.
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Imagine...finding out there’s fanfic written about you--and even Charlie ships you with Dean
CarryOnCap’s Masterlist
Warnings: Fluff? Crack? A dramatic fanfic within a fanfic that I got carried away with haha.
A/N: This is kind of ridiculous, but I had fun with it! Also, I’ve never actually seen GoT but it seemed like a reasonable reference from what I’ve heard about it.
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“Hey, look who I found!” Sam’s voice echoed through the War Room.
Dean glanced at you from across the table in the library, sharing your surprised expression as you both pushed your chairs away and stood. 
“‘Sup, bitches?” Charlie grinned, making her way up the steps toward you.
“Hey! We were expecting you guys to come in through the main door. We’ve been keeping an ear out.”
Charlie stepped into your outstretched arms and pulled you into a tight hug. “It was a spur of the moment decision, but I decided to stick around a day or two longer than planned! Sam said I could go ahead and park in the garage.”
She let go of you and turned to give Dean a hug too. He smiled softly with a look that was uniquely reserved for her, cradling the back of her head while she pressed her cheek against his.
“Good to see you, Charlie. You know you’re always welcome to stay as long as you want.”
An involuntary smile crept onto your face as you watched them. You couldn’t help the way your heart swelled at the low rumble in his voice when he said her name. There was an undeniable protectiveness in his tone when he spoke to her--the sister he’d never wanted, as he affectionately called her.
When you shifted your attention to her, you noticed she was watching you. Before you could decipher the knowing glint in her eye, she suddenly twisted out of his arms and glanced back and forth between you and Dean. She began swinging her arms awkwardly before opting to cross them over her chest.
“You okay?” Dean asked, furrowing his brow.
“Yeah! Of course...Totes chill...cooler than a pack of peppermints.” She bobbed her head and flashed a nervous smile, twisting her hair around her finger as she struggled to act nonchalant. “It’s just that I remembered something. A story I read a while back--completely random. Totally unrelated to anything--I mean, now I’m starting to ramble. Hah! So how’ve you guys been? Still saving the world from evil sons-of-bitches?” 
“Uh, yeah…” Sam answered, scrunching his eyebrows together. “We stay busy.”
“So what’s on the agenda tonight?” you piped up, changing the subject.
You were hoping to avoid swapping monster stories for a night. Charlie typically assumed the role of introducing you to popular and noteworthy fandoms during her visits to the bunker and, even if the boys weren’t as vocal, the three of you appreciated her knowledge of all things geeky and nerdy. 
“I was thinking Marvel. Y/N, you’re obviously well-versed in the MCU because of your obsession with Steve Rogers--and, you know, clearly you’ve got a thing for the strong, righteous, self-sacrificing hero type. Dean, you could stand to branch out from the Batman references and, Sam, you’ve got this whole Thor kind of vibe going on.”
While Sam and Dean began teasing each other and arguing over “Batman versus Thor,” you gaped at Charlie, wondering what she’d meant by her remark about you having a “type.” You couldn’t help feeling like she was trying to insinuate something, but you shrugged it off and decided maybe it was all in your head.
After getting Charlie settled into one of the extra bedrooms, the four of you settled into the Dean Cave and agreed to start with the first Captain America movie. 
Last Christmas, you and Sam had teamed up to surprise Dean with a couch for the Dean Cave. He had originally only had two La-Z-boy recliners and you’d found him fast asleep in the stiff old chairs on more than one occasion. Dean had been over the moon about the extra seating and the three of you had rearranged the furniture so the recliners were angled toward the tv on either side of the couch.
“Dibs on this side of the couch!” Charlie said, diving toward the furthest end from the door.
Although it was subtle, you knew there was still something off about the way Charlie studied all of you. There was definitely something on her mind she was trying to keep hidden from all of you.
“You know, we should probably have some snacks,” you said slowly. “Charlie, you want to come help me grab some stuff from the kitchen?”
“But I’m already comfy in my spot.” She frowned, wiggling her hips to make a point of sinking deeper into the spot she’d claimed on the couch. “Why don’t you have Dean help you?”
When you narrowed your eyes suspiciously, Sam cleared his throat. “Dean, why don’t I help you grab some snacks while Y/N and Charlie...catch up, er, whatever…”
You heard the boys leave the room and waited until their footsteps faded down the hall before you started interrogating her.
“Alright, Charlie--what the hell is going on with you?”
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” she muttered, scrolling through her phone.
“Bull. We lie for a living and I know there’s something you’re not telling us. So spill.”
“Fine,” she sighed. “Okay, so remember the Supernatural books by Carver Edlund?”
“The series obviously kind of had a cult following when it was in print, right? Well ever since the unpublished works got uploaded, the following has really taken off. Every once in a while a new one still pops up and the fans love them. And you’re in them now too!”
“I mean it’s just insane and totally got sucked into it too. It’s brought on this whole new wave of fanfiction--”
“What’s fanfiction?” you cut in, struggling to keep up.
“It’s fiction made by the fans about the series. Sometimes they put themselves in the stories and write about working cases and fighting monsters with you guys--”
“Why would anyone want to pretend to do this crap with their lives?”
She stared at you for a moment and frowned. “Because you guys are heroes. I mean, yeah, there’s the whole depressing side of monsters and death and trauma and world-ending apocalypses--but you guys save people. You go on these exciting adventures of good versus evil and a lot of times you win. You save people. The fans really look up to all of you.”
Your gaze fell to the floor as you let her words sink in, but she didn’t give you long before she was rambling again.
“But that’s not even the best part! Everyone ships different OTPs--” she paused, noticing your puzzled expression “--uh, one true pairing… So everyone has a favorite couple they think are soulmates and belong together. There’s stories about Sam with Eileen or Jess, Dean with different people--you get the gist. Sometimes they even make up characters or do these ‘reader inserts’ and imagine themselves with the boys or you but, hands down, everyone’s favorite couple they want to end up together is you and Dean.”
Your eyes grew wide. It was hard enough to wrap your mind around the fact that strangers who didn’t know you were a real person were reading about your life, but learning they imagined you in different relationships? You’d never admit it out loud, but had it bad for Dean. And hearing you weren’t the only one that wanted the two of you together...
“I’ve gone deep into the fic and I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner!” Charlie shook you from your thoughts. “You and Dean are perfect for each other. For serious. I usually stick to the fluffy stuff because, you know, your entire life is kind of angsty and I don’t like to read about you guys being in pain or, like, dying...again. Although I definitely have to admit I kind of stumbled into some of the smutty stuff and, wow, that was something else.”
You opened your mouth to ask more questions, but she kept rolling.
“Right, you probably don’t know what that means either. Fluff is the cute stuff that gives us all feels, angst is kind of just what it sounds like, and smut is, well...the sexy stuff.”
“You mean people out there in the world write about me and Dean…”
“Going at it like an episode of Game of Thrones? Oh yeah,” she responded, unlocking her phone. “Here. Here’s an example.”
Swallowing audibly, you took a seat next to her on the couch as she extended her phone toward you. Gnawing your bottom lip, you began reading the words on the screen:
Y/N took a deep breath, holding it in briefly before she exhaled and began walking toward Dean’s room. Ever since they returned from the hunt, Dean had hidden himself away in his room--no doubt blaming himself for everything that had gone wrong.
When she arrived at his door, she raised her hand to knock. She hesitated, almost retreating at the thought of him turning her away, but she had to try. She had to get through to him somehow.
She rapped her knuckles on the raw umber barrier and opened the door of Room 11 before he could tell her to go away. 
She spotted him leaning over the sink, staring at his reflection in the medicine cabinet on the wall. His jade eyes flickered to where she stood in the doorway, their reflection somewhat distorted by cracks that spiderwebbed from where he had struck the mirror.
Her heart seemed to drop into her stomach as she imagined him lashing out, knowing he punched the mirror because he hated the reflection staring back at him. Knowing he always carried the weight of the world on his shoulders when he didn’t need to.
Y/N carefully shut the door and locked it behind her--the click of the deadbolt deafening in the silence. Her eyes never left Dean, who refused to turn and face her. She inched toward him, closing the distance until she could reach out and touch him. Gently placing her hand on his shoulder, she guided him to turn away from the mirror. Still, he refused to meet her eyes.
“Dean…” she breathed, voice barely above a whisper as she cupped his face in her hands. “It’s not your fault.”
He squeezed his eyes closed, face contorting with grief and guilt. The ghosts of his past refused to let him go, but she was determined to make him believe that he was worthy, no matter the cost.
Curling a finger beneath his chin, she tilted his head up, waiting patiently for him to meet her gaze. When his dark green orbs finally met hers, she was surprised to see that they were full of longing and desire. They flickered to her lips, making her breath tremble under the intensity of his gaze. Time seemed to slow until it froze altogether.
Anticipation hung heavy in the air as they both struggled against their desire to maintain the friendship they’d always had and the desperate need to finally cross that line. To succumb to the magnetic pull that had always been evident between the two of them.
Dean swallowed thickly before suddenly rushing forward, crashing his lips to Y/N’s as he pulled her into a searing kiss. He wrapped his strong arms around her, trapping her to his chest, afraid it was all a dream and she would soon disappear. But she gladly melted into his embrace, feeling like she was finally returning home, to a place she’d spent her life searching for.
A moan slipped past her lips as he walked her backward, pressing her up against the wall. She gasped, feeling his--
“The snacks have arrived!”
You jumped in surprise, a small gasp of surprise escaping as the boys appeared with armloads of snacks. Confusion and worry painted Dean’s face as he surveyed your flustered expression. Between his scrutinizing gaze and the content you’d practically been caught reading, your cheeks grew warm. 
“Did I miss something?” Dean asked.
“Nope,” you responded much too quickly.
Charlie’s phone had fallen into your lap and, when she began cackling, you whipped your head in her direction and flung the phone at her thigh. You grimaced and the two of you had your own silent conversation as the boys spread the food across the bar Dean had built on the far wall.
“I was just telling Y/N how pumped I am about seeing my favorite OTP tonight,” she giggled.
Dean’s arm brushed yours as he plopped down on the other side of you. The accidental contact sent a wave of chills over your skin, making you shudder. You could feel his eyes on you again, but you refused to look at him.
“Oh, I’m so going down with this ship,” Charlie whispered under her breath before continuing in a louder voice. “Nothing--nevermind! Don’t mind me, just thinking out loud...”
“It says here an OTP means...one true pairing?” Your eyes grew wide as you looked to where Sam was reading his phone from where he sat in one of the recliners. “So, uh, ‘in the fandom realm, OTP refers to the coupling of characters--usually from the sci-fi or fantasy genres--by fans who think they make a great romantic duo and envision their lives together and share their imaginings with other fans.’”*
Charlie doubled over, beside herself with laughter. With your lips pressed into a firm line, you glanced at the boys to gauge their reactions. You knew there was no way they could possibly know what you and Charlie had been talking about, but that didn’t stop you from worrying about what Dean might think if he ever found out about the feelings you harbored for him. 
“So...you’re looking forward to Cap and his girl in the movie? I’m so freaking confused,” Dean grumbled.
“Yeah…” Sam agreed, making his way to the tv. “I’m just, uh...I’m gonna start the movie now.” 
“Good idea.” Charlie peered at you out of the corner of her eye. “Plenty of time to read and talk about all those ships later.”
Although you glared at her, trying to hide your amusement, nothing could deter the smug smile etched upon her face. As Sam turned the lights off and you settled in for another relaxing night with your favorite people, one thing was certain:
You were definitely going to have to take another look at that fanfiction.
CarryOnCap Crew (Forevers):
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kaepopsicle · 4 years
Hiiii! Ship your moots? your posts seems like u are clever with energies and that stuff :o i mean i can be wrong but it feels like it!
PFFT you’re quite sweet ! i have some sort of thing where I can sense peoples energies idek
butttt anyway
let’s get it
ill do like a couple of my moots and then if you guys want me to ship you then let me know and i will bc im literally on one hour of sleep and 3 cups of coffee bc im an responsible young adult :’D
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ten & sarah @sarahbkwl
you know they have been my biggest otp, idk if it’s the pisces x pisces energy, but they’re both extremely artistic and intelligent individuals, not only that but they have this just beautiful way of living whether it be sarah going on walks in the dark just feeling the air and enjoying the world, or ten drawing and relaxing, expressing his emotions through his form of dance. it’s beautiful!not only that they give me the art hoe bf and egirl alt gf. It’s just hot, they would equal each other out so well 😭 not only that but he’s an infj & she’s an infp, which are very compatible, and them both being okay with hanging with friends but enjoy staying inside. they would probably spend their time playing on their switch, with music in the background, louis purring in their lap., cooper on the floor chewing a toy, just enjoying each other’s company, bc the silence of their breathing speaks so much louder and means so much more to them than the constant sound of talking
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jae & sami @rr0zu
ugh this ship, they’re just so HOTTTTTTT
okie anyway, no matter what sami says i think that they’re quite compatible for each other, whether it be the gentle touches underneath the moonlight with cigarettes after sex playing in the background, gently spinning on the record player, much similar to ten and sarah they’re both extroverts, but chill ones, ones who when they go to a party they sit together and laugh, observing their loved ones and sorroundings, not needing to be the center of attention bc they just enjoy being apart of the group. sami is quite in independent person (same girl same) she’s a strong woman and idk something about jae just seems like he would be attracted to that. so getting into the astrological part of it, jae is an aquarius bc of course he fucking is, and she’s a sexc taurus 😩 i know for some people air + earth don’t match well but i personally think they match up very well, his free spirit, down to earth vibes fit so well with her independent, humble vibes
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faye & taeyong @starrdustville
let’s discuss these two. okay? ooo a cancer 😩 Idk why but they would be super super super cute together ! Faye is such a sweet pure human that needs to be protected at all times, which yong would def be attracted to at first (water sign tings) but she also has this inner fire about her, could be her mc being in sag- who knows anyway but she has this inner passion about supporting others and making others believe in themselves and have their voices be heard that i think yong will find so so endearing! he would want to learn from her and grow, he would want him to lead him and show him these new things and show him her passions. but also since they’re both water signs they’re highly intuitive & compassionate, which means they will always be looking out for each other’s feelings. Faye will support yong and be a shoulder to cry on and a person to cuddle, while tae could protect Faye and help her with things she’s going through and let her know she’s not alone
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hanna & taeil @himitsu-luna
oh my god, these two, it’s the Aries & Gemini couple, hmm which you wouldn’t think would work but it surpsingly does for them, taeil being a quirky, quiet, loving gemini while hanna is that pure hearted, nurturing, soft aries. they’re both introverts but okay with it, cold winter nights they would definitely prefer laying in bed cuddling, their soft fingers caressing the warm cheeks of your beautiful faces. it’s hard to explain but it’s like their souls are just on the same wavelength in life, it’s like they find each other again and again every lifetime.
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ivet & mark @hunjins
OMG these two, another interesting astrology combo, virgo & leo. both are quite beautiful and humble. funny and a strong sense of justice, mark would definitely enjoy ivets cute quirks, he’ll find them adorable and these two would 100% laugh in the middle of the night at NOTHING and then continue to keep laughing bc they just keep talking and it just turns into a big mess and it’s too funny not to watch, their life will be a sitcom istg. anyway but i feel like mark isn’t super open but ivet is warm, comforting person it can help him trust and open up more :’)))
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charlie & johnny @dundun-baby
now okay , i ship these two for a couple of reasons, they both have similar senses of humor, they’re both aquas, they both just have this magnetic energy about them that just make you want to keep talking to them, not only that but i feel like you would never have a dull moment with them, they’re so fun, kind, and just all around the light in people’s lives that you just can’t help but smile around them, which is why they would make an amazing couple bc you’re just always in a good mood with them, their energies would just equal each other so well that’s all i can say
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accioromione · 4 years
TBH your writing is so awesome! I can't get enough of it! You need to write more please!! Prompt:- Hermione and Ron being too sexy and mushy and explosion of PDA while Harry gets annoyed but is secretly happy that his OTP are finally together
‘Ready then?’ Harry asked Ron and Hermione and the two nodded.
Harry looked at the watch Mrs. Weasley had given him for his seventeenth birthday and saw that they still had an hour before Ginny’s game. 
‘Yes!’ Said Hermione excitedly, ‘we still have an hour though!’ 
‘Yeah, you guys want to go to the Leaky Cauldron for some drinks first then?’ Harry asked. 
‘Good thinking,’ said Ron. ‘Still can't believe Ginny’s a professional quidditch player- always though that Charlie was the quidditch star of the family,’ he addd.
‘Oh I’m sure she’s going to do great,’ Hermione said 
‘Yeah me too,’ said Harry ‘anyways it’s only early on in the season.’ 
Ron nodded in agreement, ‘I can picture it now, seeing Ginny against the Cannons and knowing that my sister beat my favourite team- bitter sweet that is,’ 
Harry and Hermione laughed. ‘Meet outside?’ Harry asked and the wo of hem nodded. The three of hem appeared and met outside the Leaky Caldron, he went inside to take a seat at the most nearby booth. Hannah Abbott came up to them excitedly. 
‘Hi Ron! Hi harry! Hi Hermione!’ Hannah said.
‘Oh hey Hannah, didn’t know you worked here, it’s been awhile since we’ve been here’ said Ron. 
‘Oh yeah I own the place now! Tom’s retired!’ Hannah said. 
‘Oh how is he?’ said Hermione, ‘he was a hard working man, good on him for retiring,’ 
‘Yeah he's good, like you said Hermione he worked hard, just taking a break now, so I’ve taken over, it’s nice. I’ve always been a people person so the serving part is no problem, the business part takes a bit more getting used to.’ Hannah said. 
‘Hey George can always give you some tips, he’s just right down the street,’ Ron said. 
‘Yeah I’ve talked to George! He’s really engaging, also doesn’t hurt that his products are good, but can’t complain, business is good, always see familar faces as well,’ Hannah said happily, gesturing to the three of them. 
‘I can imagine,’ said Harry. 
‘Yeah you know your friend Neville? He comes around quite often,’ Hannah said blushing. 
‘Oh does he?’ said Ron raising his eyebrows. 
‘Yeah, I know he’s doing his Herbology training to teach at Hogwarts to become a Herbology professor, but he told me he prefers the Leaky Cauldron, so he’ll come around to Diagon Alley instead of Hogsmeade. He comes about three times a week.’ Hannah said, smiling.
‘Three times a week eh?’ said Ron, he winced and Harry saw that Hermione had kicked him under the table. 
‘Yeah he’s great! Only we talk so much it’s hard to do my job when he comes around, I told him that last time so he asked if I wanted to do anything when I’m not working, so we’re set to go out soon, it’s hard with both of our schedules, but he’s great, what drinks do you guys want?’ Hannah said. 
‘Three butterbeers if that’s okay,’ said Harry ‘and yeah Neville’s a great guy,’ 
‘I’ll hold you up on that Harry, and okay three butterbeers on the house!’ said Hannah 
‘Oh Hannah no...’ Hermione began but Hannah brushed her off.
‘Oh please, it's the least I can do, I’m not charging the golden trio,’ Hannah said happily. 
‘I hope you’re charging Neville,’ Ron said smirking, ‘seeing as he comes around so often, all those free drinks wouldn't be good for business,’ 
‘Oh yeah he absolutely refuses, and he tips way too generously too, I told him there’s no need but he’s insistent.’ said Hannah happily. ‘I’ll go get your drinks,’ she added walking away smiling. 
‘Well what about that’ Ron said smirking, ‘Neville you sly dog, good on him I like Hannah, she's cute too.’ 
Hermione glared at him. Ron smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek, her frostiness melted at his touch. 
‘Relax love, cute for neville not for me, I’m more of a curly haired walking library guy myself. Blondes just don’t do it for me.’ He said looking at Hermione lovingly, she smiled at him. 
Harry looked away awkwardly, though he had to admit it was cute. 
‘She is nice, she was one of the people who stayed remember..for the war...’ Harry said. 
‘Yeah the Hufflepuffs really showed face,’ said Ron ‘reckon Neville deserves a bit of love, I have to admit it’s a nice feeling, being in love’ he said looking at Hermione smiling, she blushed and looked at him lovingly. He leaned in for a gentle kiss and she kissed him back, her eyes filled with adoration. 
Harry coughed, the two of them broke apart blushing. 
‘Three butterbeers for the three musketeers!’ Hannah said happily, 
‘Cheers,’ said Ron ‘thanks Hannah!’ 
The door opened and more customers walked through, Hannah smiled at them ‘no problem! Got to attend to these lot, tell me if you need anything else!’ she walked away to attend to the new customers. 
Many people were staring at them and Ron sighed.
‘Harry mate I have to admit, I miss it when you were the only famous one,’ said Ron. 
‘Told you it’s not all cut out to be what it’s meant to...’ said Harry 
‘Miss ambition here doesn't help with it either,’ said Ron gesturing to Hermione, ‘Four months in the ministry and she's already changed like four laws, we’ve been there for a year and four months and haven’t accomplished ten percent of what she has,’ Ron said, looking at Hermione with admiration on his face. 
‘Well,’ Hermione said blushing, ‘you two are still training, I know you two will revolutionize the Auror’s when you’re fully licenced,’ Hermione said confidently and Ron smiled at her, then his face got serious. 
‘There still is a lot of work to be done, Hermione’s known it since fourth year, all these laws against non magical people, all these old medieval rules, it’s got to be changed, Hermione you were before your time love, everyone deserves to be equal, can’t believe we were living with such ancient laws and regulations,’ said Ron and Hermione looked at him, her eyes sparkling. She leaned into kiss him and he responded enthusiastically. 
‘I’m still here,’ Harry muttered 
The two of them broke apart again, Ron, not taking his eyes off Hermione smiled sheepishly and said ‘sorry mate,’ 
‘I suppose it’s better than you two bickering all the time.’ Harry said, rolling his eyes. Finding them quite endearing if he was going to be fully honest. 
‘Suppose I just wanted her attention,’ Ron said and Hermione jokingly hit his arm ‘she's also cute when she’s mad.’ he added. 
‘I’m not cute when I’m mad!’ Hermione said indignantly. 
‘Sorry love but you’re adorable when you’re riled up,’ Hermione blushed. 
‘From realizing Hermione is a girl to this...never knew you'd be such a romantic Ron.’ Harry joked and Hermione laughed. 
Ron shrugged, ‘the Power of love,’ he said taking a sip of his butterbeer. ‘You’re just as bad with my sister.’ he said after putting his pint down, 
‘I’m bad...just not as bad as you...’ said Harry 
‘Yeah but Ginny’s also ....Ginny...’ Ron said shrugging, Harry nodded. 
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ said Hermione 
‘Let’s get one thing clear Hermione...I’m not Harry Potter,’ he cheeked, ‘I happen to like your emotional self,’ 
Harry laughed. 
‘I’m not emotional....’ said Hermione and both Harry and Ron gave her a look. 
‘I’m.... passionate....’ she said trailing off 
‘Oh yes, yes you are’ said Ron cheekily and she hit his arm. 
‘Crossed the boundary there mate,’ said Harry 
Ron grinned, ‘Sorry Hermione,’ and she rolled her eyes. 
‘Pity, last time your eyes rolled like that was when...’ Ron said 
‘Ron!’ said Hermione 
‘Yeah you said that too....’ he cheeked, he was looking very lovingly at her, Harry had to look away. 
‘For god’s sake...Harry doesn’t want to hear stuff like that!’ Hermione said. 
‘You’re right, as always, sorry Harry, I just...I’m proud to be with her what can I say?’ Ron said, looking at her and Harry noticed Hermione’s anger melting. Ron really read the front to back of that book. 
‘I’m not a prize to be shown off,’ Hermione muttered, smiling slightly. 
‘Of course not, you’re a strong independent woman.’ said Ron in agreement, ‘but you are a catch and I happen to think I’m the luckiest man alive by being with you, so yeah I wanna show off sometimes.’ 
Hermione smiled at him. 
‘Right here.’ Harry said. 
Ron looked at him and grinned, ‘am I pathetic?’ he asked 
‘A little,’ said Harry and Hermione glared at him. 
‘No it’s cute,’ said Harry sighing. ‘A little uncomfortable, but adorable none the less, keep the excessive mushiness away from me though,’ he added. 
‘Mushiness in private, got it,’ said Ron, ‘Hermione you’ve got to make yourself uglier in public,’ he said seriously and Hermione raised her eyebrows. 
‘You heard Harry, less mushiness means I need to be less attracted to you... can’t say that's the case right now,’ Hermione smiled.
‘Are you ever going to stop flirting with me?’ Hermione asked 
‘Nope,’ said Ron confidently ‘even when we’re married.’ 
Hermione blushed and kissed him again. Harry groaned. 
‘Guys,’ he said 
‘okay you git,’ said Ron as hey pulled away for the third time, ‘I love you too Harry do you want a hug or something?’ 
‘Maybe later’ Harry cheeked, ‘anyways the games starting in ten minutes we should get going.’ He said looking at his watch. The three of them downed their butterbeers and took off, leaving a tip for Hannah.
They went in the stands and Ron kept his arm around Hermione the whole time, Harry felt like a proper third wheel. But his annoyance melted when he saw his own girlfriend come up on the pitch, and he realized where Ron was coming from. Sometimes you just couldn't contain your love. 
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whitestaar · 4 years
I'm having a hard time getting over their deaths. It's gotten better since the finale airing, but every now and then I remember what happened to them and it upsets me all over again. I used to love scrolling through your posts but now it feels like torture. Would appreciate any words of wisdom or advice. This is the first and only "ship" I've followed and it ended horribly.
First of all, I’m very sorry your first ship left you the way they did. Your feelings are totally valid and healing isn’t linear. Months from now when we start believing that we’re 100% healed from the trauma that scene caused us, the smallest trigger can still bring back all the pain, and I want you to know that it’s okay.
We cope in different ways so I’ll say just try what works best for you and do the things that usually uplift your spirit to divert the negative energy into something you love. And please hydrate! Sleep and eat properly!
Personally, this is my second otp who died while crying and holding each other (lesson: don’t ship murderers) so winterfino’s death really brought me to the edge along with all the pain my first otp who died together gave me. I lost 4kg from the lack of sleep, not having the want to eat (again: please sleep and eat properly, kids!), and distracting myself with several hobbies (failed, too sad to function).
What consoles me: I stopped thinking about the what ifs and started thinking about where and how they are right now! They’re in a place where pain can’t touch them anymore, no more rush and chaos, no more worrying and protecting others, no more running away from guilt and the constant threat to their freedom. Maybe they’re happier now, for wherever they are, as long as they’re together, everything is better. They left Annalise knowing she’s free from being jailed and is safe from the governor, their lifetime goal of protecting and making her happy is done (except she literally have to mourn losing the two people who never left her side!). Anyway, they’re vibing in the afterlife now! Cuddling nonstop after eating the dinner Frank cooked, Bonnie resting on his lap while they binge watch senseless documentaries that she loves! Oregon can be anywhere as long as they have each other.
If it helps, knowing that Liza and Charlie are very much alive and happy in real life brings me joy. Leaving you with these photos of them looking very cute and cozy together. 💕 I hope you feel better soon!!!
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ziracona · 4 years
no to talk me i angy - my take on the last film. GOD. GOD. FUCKING. DAMN. JILL YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKER. Also she was probs the scariest of the four even without the family revelation purely because of how much damage she did even as one person, not in just the "body count" sense but the just. lasting impact. Like. Girl killed her OWN MOTHER. I was hoping Sid got to do a verbal beatdown on her too. but DAMN. DAMN. "Don't mess with the original" (did i misquote that? if so :( ) also. DEWEY WTH?- (1)
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Oh for sure! Jill is the most evil and also most scary Ghostface, hands down. I think every other Ghostface had like, someone they wouldn’t kill probably. Parents. Kid. But Jill!? She kills her own mom for no reason, and she wasn’t even mad/on bad terms with her. Like my god, two minutes before she’s killed by Jill, her mom is terrified at the thought Jill is in danger and runs to help Sidney go save her. What the fuck. And it’s “Don’t fuck with the original,” I believe, but that’s the exact same message ; )
Yes!!! Gale is goddess—she is the one who figures it out. Bless Dewey too though. God, his face finding Sid. TuT I cry. And the scene where he quotes her book to her and she’s so surprised but he read it and like, read it for real, enough to know direct quotes and a page? 😭😭😭😭 Big brother Dewey. And Gale is so happy for her and they all love each other. TuT I adore them. And the otp stayed together between 3 and 4 HELL yes!!
And GOD. Sid is a beast!!! If someone said “Who are you, Michael fucking Myers?” To me I would be like “Bless. ☺️ the ultimate durability compliment”. Yeah, I wish she had gotten even more chewing out, but I think it’s because Jill had nothing left human inside to listen. Not to say something supportive of Roman, bc he’s a piece of shit like every Ghostface, but when she does her “Do you know why you kill people?! Do you??!” He starts shouting “I don’t want to hear it!” And getting distressed, and you can clearly see he knows she’s right on his face when she says her “Becuase you choose to! There is no one else to blame! Why don’t you take some fucking responsibility!” Whereas after Charlie, Sidney says “Even your friends?” all distraught to Jill, and without missing a beat or blinking even Jill goes “Friends? I don’t need friends! I need fans!” There’s just nothing left in her to lecture. She hit 0% humanity left. Which is what will happen eventually if you commit atrocities for fun over and over again and choose to stop viewing people other than yourself as anything but objects.
Yess!!! My girl Sid so beautiful in that red dress, smiling at the book display for her hard work!! 😭😭😭 I love Scream 4 Sidney so much. She’s such a mama bear trying to protect everyone else. Runs to Olivia’s alone while Ghostface is there to try and save her, sacrifices herself to give Jill a chance to be safe. TuT Protects Kirby.
Oh, 100%. You know what they say. No on-screen cadaver, death scene don’t matter. Unless I see her rigid corpse in a morgue, you can’t convince me they didn’t find her unconscious but hanging on in the back yard. It was a stomach stab. You can survive that. Plus, Dewey didn’t mention Sidney was alive until Jill brought her up, so there’s no proof he would just mention Kirby being alive if she was. I loved her and god, the scene where she’s crying and throwing every horror title with a sequel she can think of desperately back to back to back trying to save Charlie and breaking down? Holy fuck—one of the best scenes in the franchise Miss Panettiere did not have to go so hard but she did. And for real! What the fuck! Charlie is such a shitbag! Even if you’re a worthless fuckboy, she liked you! What the fuck! Because it was ‘too late?’ What the fuck! And he kills his best friend too, and Jill kills both hers. She goes from watching Shaun of the Dead with her best friend who is keeping her company to help her feel safe, to discarding her corpse for no fucking reason. Ghostfaces tend to be just the world’s most worthless shitbags, don’t they? Disgusting. *Lauren Winters voice* “I feel nothing for you, nothing! But contempt.”
Wait I might have that screenshot saved hang on.
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Fuck Ghostface all my homies hate Ghostface. But at least the tri is intact TuT — and Kirby, pry her only mostly dead body from my cold dead fingers. I can’t tell if this was a positive or negative reaction overall but I hope you liked it. 🤣 And bless—thanks for the live updates!
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The Perfect Ship
Part 2
Request: Hey, I saw that you’re requests for Spn are open. Can you write a Dean Winchester x reader fic? R is a part of the team and on a mission she discovers that Spn is a book (like a cosplay or smth) and she sees  people shipping them and her reaction is the same as when Dean found out about Destiel. Maybe they end up together after that. I hope that wasn’t too much. Thank you. Requested by anon.
You can read part one here.
Supernatural Masterlist
Word Count: 2348.
Recap:“I think you’re in the new books too” Sam believed.
“As if”.
“I love him, Sammy! What should I do? Do I tell him or do I keep it to myself. I don’t want to get hurt, because you know Dean is a womanizer and I’m not 100% sure that he loves me back” a girl with o/h/c came with a guy who was dressed like Sam.
“Listen Y/n. Life is too short and if you love him, you should tell him. Trust me on this” the guy spoke in a deep tone.
“What the hell is that?!” your mouth was left wide open from shock.
“I think that’s supposed to be you and the guy is supposed to be me” Sam informed you.
“No fucking way. I’m not having this. Hey, Lady!” you approached the pair.
“Oh, you’re Y/n too” she smiled at you.
“Oh, no! Not too. There is only one me and that’s definitely not you. Besides, I don’t have o/h/c hair. Also, spoiler alert but me and Dean are not in love with each other, so stop spreading lies!” you were so angry.
“Oh, you’re one of those” the guy said.
“One of who?” you questioned.
“The ones who believe that their OTP is the only valid ship. What are you? A SamY/n shipper? Or one of those who believe that she’s the female version of Dean only lesbian” the guy asked.
“First of all, Ship? There’s no Sam me shit. Second of all, I AM NOT the female version of Dean and I’m definitely not a lesbian. Not as far as I know. What is wrong with you people?”.
“If you’re not a DeanY/n shipper and not a SamY/n shipper or shipping Y/n with any female character, then who do you ship her with?”.
“Nobody. I ship myself with myself. How about that?”.
“Weirdo” the girl said.
“Say that again!” you dared her.
“Listen, everybody is here to have fun. So, don’t be one of those people who believe they are the only people entitled to be a character, okay?”.
“Do I look like a character to you?”.
“Yeah, aren’t you Y/n?”.
“The real Y/n. It’s on my birth certificate, you idiot!”.
“Sure, whatever you say” he scuffed.
You were about to attack him when Sam came in the middle and stopped you, while Dean was standing in the corner and laughing at you.
“Calm down, Y/n. It’s not worth it!” he whispered to you “I’m sorry. She takes this very seriously and forgets herself sometimes” he apologized on behalf of you.
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“Seriously, Sam? I take this very seriously? It’s my fucking life” you shouted.
“Welcome to the club” Dean grinned.
“I’m gonna break those pretty teeth of yours” you threatened.
“So, what are we thinking Sammy? Case or no case?” Dean ignored you and asked his brother.
“Huh, there’s definitely a case here” you stated.
“I mean the last couple of times we’ve encountered ‘fans’ there was always a case”.
“I wonder what it is this time”.
“Wait, how many times have you been to events like these?” you asked.
“Well, there was the time we discovered our lives was a book. Then there was the convention, the musical, the crazy obsessed fangirl that I married” Sam informed you.
“Wait, you got married? And did you just say musical?”.
“Oh, yeah! It was awesome!” Dean expressed.
“I thought you hated musicals” Sam commented.
“That was a long time ago”.
“Dean, wait. I’m sorry!” a guy in a trench coat followed a guy dressed like Dean.
“Why the hell did you do that, Cass?” he spoke in a rough manly voice.
The three of you turned to watch the scene.
“I did it for you, Dean! If I didn’t do that, you would’ve died. I can’t lose you again. I just can’t”.
“Well, that wasn’t your decision to make. My life means nothing. If I was meant to die, then so be it”.
“Your life doesn’t mean nothing. It means a lot to many people, to Sam, to me. There’s something I have to tell you”.
“What is it, Cass?”.
“The thing is I was afraid of how you might react the past few years that I haven’t thought about what would actually happen after. I love you, Dean” the guy admitted.
“Yeah and I love you too, Cass. what’s the thing?”.
“No, I love you. Not in a platonic way”.
“Say something, Dean”.
“I never thought you would ever say that. I love you too” the two men kissed and you couldn’t help but laugh at Dean’s facial expression.
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“Guess you’re used to that, huh?”.
“Shut up!”.
“So, uhm, Dean since when do you have feelings for Cass? Was it when he gripped you tight and raised you from perdition or was it in Purgatory? Don’t tell me it after he died and came back” you teased.
“I’ll tell you when you tell me when you started falling in love with me” he smirked.
“Oh, nice costumes! You should join the costume competition” two girls dressed like Dean and Sam complimented you and Dean.
“By the way, you look great together! DeanY/n is my OTP” one of the girls said.
“Nah, I prefer Y/n with Meg. They had so much sexual tension” the other girl said.
“Meg as in demon Meg?” you asked.
“Yeah, who else?”.
You were about to say something but Dean stopped you “let’s see if they have food, sweetheart. I’m starving” he grabbed your arm and led the way, while Sam went to investigate anything supernatural.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” you removed your arm from his grip and turned to face him.
“I’m enjoying your reaction more”.
“Fuck you, Winchester!”.
“-no, Y/n and Rowena would be the perfect couple. They’re both sassy, surrounded by men with high testosterone levels. Let’s not forget, they’d bond over making fun of the boys. And maybe Y/n’d become her partner when she needs to do a spell that requires two people” a group of girls were debating who you should end up with.
“No, it won’t work, because Y/n is a hunter and witches are considered to be evil. Granted, Rowena is not but Y/n wouldn’t leave the boys and become a witch. But I believe Y/n and Charlie are a match made in heaven. They’d be geeks together and have a lot of fun teasing the boys” another girl said.
“Nah, she and Crowly had a thing. I’m sure of it. I mean every time they’d summon him in Y/n’s present, he’d immediately appear and greet her nicely. Not to mention, he flirted with her many times”.
“Whatever you say, for me it’ll always be the three of them together. Sam, Dean and Y/n”.
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“If we’re talking about threesomes, then for me it’s Y/n, Cass and Dean”.
 “If have to sit here and listen to these crazy ass girl for another second, I’m gonna die and I mean it this time” you whined.
“Yeah, I agree. Let’s get out of here”.
“Sam, finally! Anything?” Dean asked.
“No, I haven’t found anything. You?”.
“I think the people are possessed” you claimed.
“Why would you say that?” Sam questioned.
“You don’t want to know, trust me” Dean shook his head.
“So, what now? Can we leave?” you asked.
“Not quite yet. Sometimes, the murders happen after an hour or so”.
“Oh, so we’re waiting for a murder to happen. That’s just great!” you sighed.
Suddenly, someone screamed and you rushed towards the source.
“Hey, what happened?” Dean and a guy dressed like Dean asked at the same time.
“I just got here. Didn’t get to have a look at the creature. But he managed to wound me. The poor girl died in fright” a girl dressed like you said.
“You alright?” the guy helped her up.
“Yeah, I’m fine, babe” they started making out.
“Hey, hey, hey, stop that!” you ordered.
“You talking to us?” the guy asked.
“Yeah. there’s no kissing during a hunt. You have a case to solve. Unbelievable! If the world relied on you, there’d be nobody left” you complained.
The pair left feeling ashamed.
“That was not nice” Dean commented.
“You’re one to talk".
“aegrota amore. aegrota amore” a red head and another girl dressed like you recited, while two men stood in front of them. 
“Y/n’s a hunter, not a witch” you told them.
“But what if she wasn’t?” the girl dressed like you asked.
“She’s doing something good. We cast the sick love spell on these demons to get information out of them and to make them steal the demon killing knife from Crowley” the girl dressed as Rowena informed you.
“I see” you raised your eyebrows.
“Now, go get us the knife, boys”.
“I don’t- Y/n doesn’t talk like that” you reminded.
“Maybe she does”.
“Good job, my love” The Rowena cosplayer kissed the You cosplayer.
“Of course you’re together. I should’ve figured” you shrugged.
“Why are there so many people dressed as you? Sam pouted.
“You’re asking the wrong person, Sam. If I can exchange places with you, believe me I would… wait, are you sad that you haven’t seen so many people dressed as you?”.
“Dude” Dean shook his head and you laughed.
“I’m gonna go search for the other yous. Let’s just hope I don’t find them with other mes”.
“Wait for me” Dean followed.
“Have you come to tease again?” you asked.
“Nope” he lied “I’m just loving seeing you ‘shipped’ with many different people. I haven’t even thought about most of them” he admitted.
“What do you mean by thought about most of them?”.
“Uhm, nothing”.
“Have you been pairing me up with people we know in your sick little mind?” you questioned.
“Of course not” he lied.
“Liar. Ew! That’s why your enjoying all of this. It’s like your fantasies about me are coming true”.
“It’s not li-”.
“Hey bitches” a Charlie cosplayer walked by you.
“Did she just?”.
“Yup” Dean chuckled.
“Is that a mirror in your jeans?” she flirted with you.
“Uhm, no”.
“Because I see me in your pants” she winked.
“Me and Charlie were best friends nothing happened between us” you informed you.
“Subtext” she shrugged.
“oh, I know this one. It means sex. You can’t spell subtext without s-e-x” he grinned, feeling very proud of himself for knowing that.
“Dean here gets it” the Charlie figure said and high fived him.
“Uhm, no. I’m not dealing with this. And I’m not even going to ask how you know that” you turned around and started walking away while Dean and the girl started talking.
“Ah, here you are! I’ve been searching for you two” Dean interrupted your conversation with Sam.
“Dean, just in time. We were just talking about you”.
“Really? What about?” he seemed happy.
“About what yours and Cas’ ‘ship’ name should be. What do you think? Destiel? Deastiel? DeanCas?” you and Sam laughed.
“Shut your face!”.
“Sam informed me how much you needed the name, for your dark fantasies” you smirked.
“I’m gonna kill you both. I hope it was worth it”.
“Oh, look! Here you are!” you told Sam, who was actually excited.
“What should we call it? Sastiel or Samstiel?” he asked.
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“Hmm.. good question. Dean any suggestions?” you were enjoying this way too much.
“I’m just gonna ignore the both of you and maybe hook up with a girl pretending to be you” he flashed his eyebrows twice in tease.
“Don’t you dare!”.
By the end of the night, it turned out to be an spirit living in the house killing people, because they disturped their peace. You ended up needing the help of two cosplayers that happened to be dressed as you and Dean, while Sam was stuck inside.
You debated with them the whole time you were outside trying to get to the body, why you and Dean shouldn’t end up together and tried to prove to them that you’re the real you.
“So, I guess ghosts are real” the guy said. 
“Yeah, so is every other creature mentioned in Supernatural. And so are we. We’re the real Y/n and Dean”.
“Riiight, so what’s hell like? And how’s working with a demon like?” they questioned.
“Hell is hell” Dean replied.
“Working with a demon isn’t that bad. I mean there are ‘good demons’”.
“Sure” they nodded in disbelief.
“It’s nice working with you ‘real Y/n and Dean’. I’m Gary, this is Joana” he introduced.
“And with you” Dean shook his hand and gave him a friendly smile.
“The Dean I know wouldn’t let people insult him just like that” you told him once they left.
“Sweetheart, there’s no use talking to them. They’ll never believe us no matter what. Trust me, me and Sam, we tried this before. Never worked”.
“Well, it will work. I will personally see to that. Who wrote the book?”.
“Chuck, aka God”.
“So, we’ll go talk to him and make him sort this mess”.
“We have to find him first, which we’ve been trying for the past two years”.
“Oh, I’ll find him, alright!”.
“So, wanna talk about us?”.
“The ‘cosplay’. What do you really think about people pairing us up?.
“You simply can’t just put ice and fire together”.
“Well, Game of Thrones did”.
“Yeah? And look what happened. I don’t wanna end up like Khaleesi, Jon Snow”
“What about the chemistry and sexual tension we have?”.
“We don’t”.
“Don’t we?”.
“Is that what you think?”.
“I asked you first”.
“Clever! Dean, in our line of work, relationships don’t last. They’re either a means to an end or a distraction and we can’t afford that”.
“Is that what you really think of us?”.
“It’s not what I think. It’s what I know from experi-” before you could finish the sentence, Dean’s lips were pressed against yours. Your eyes widened and you were shocked but within a few seconds you involuntarily closed your eyes and kissed him. When you realized what was happening you stopped and pushed him back.
“What was that for?” you asked.
“Tell me you don’t feel the same and I’ll never kiss you again”.
“Dean, I- I’d be lying if I said so, but it’s not the right moment. Maybe when we’re done hunting”.
“We’ll never be done with hunting. You know how this ends. With one of us dead. So, we should do something about us before it’s too late”.
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“As long as you promise me that our private lives and our work lives would be separated”.
“I can work with that”.
Tags:  @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @berruneko09 @spnwinchestersd​​@simonsbluee​​ @capsheadquaters​
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My Ideas on CatCF Ships
Since @miketeaveecfk and @chxrliesbvckets did it
Augustus x Veruca
My definite CatCF OTP! Apart from the significant social class difference, they could get along quite well. They both want all the chocolate in the world, no? And they both love cats.
Augustus x Violet
Nah. I guess it could work, but... She's athletic and he's not (even though he does help out carrying meat in the butcher shop, which makes him quite strong). And she prefers gum to chocolate. So no.
Augustus x Mike
As friends, yes. As a couple, no. Augustus doesn't deserve Mike; Mike is rough and rowdy while Auggie is as soft and sweet as a little cupcake. And you can't eat and play video games at the same time!
Augustus x Charlie
I never thought too much about this ship until now... And guess what? I love it! Two precious little cinnamon rolls... Auggie coming by the factory to give Charlie new candy ideas now and then... Plus, the adorableness overload hnnnnnnggggg
Augustus x Miranda
I can see it working, but I have a feeling Miranda doesn't really like Augustus all that much because he's probably snuck candy into class multiple times, which is against the rules in her school. So no.
Veruca x Violet
They do tell each other, "Let's be friends! Best friends!", and I'm sure they would work just fine as a couple. Veruca also probably has tons of things in her house for Violet to be athletic with. And they both love dogs. So yes.
Veruca x Mike
Sorry, I can't see it working out. Veruca wouldn't be pleased with the video games Mike plays; she'd always want the newest, greatest ones! Or maybe she doesn't like video games at all!
Veruca x Charlie
I ship this in my Big Bang Theory AU, but only there. It's kinda cliche, "poor boy meets rich girl". I prefer the reverse of that. Once On This Island, anyone?
Veruca x Miranda
Sure, why not? Two naughty rich girls with black hair who want everyone to obey them. And if they weren't of different nationalities, (Miranda is Welsh in my HC) they'd make great study buddies! Miranda probably wouldn't be pleased by Veruca's 21 pets, though (I will post what everyone's pets are in a separate post).
Violet x Mike
Maybe. Violet likes to go outside and play, while Mike prefers to stay inside. But I guess they could play something like, say, Wii Sports together on a rainy day.
Violet x Charlie
Oh, yeah! This could work as a romantic relationship. Violet and Charlie almost made eye contact during the apple scene in the Chocolate Room. Maybe Charlie flies to Atlanta often just to see her.
Violet x Miranda
Hmm, the jock and the nerd. It could work in, say, a high school AU, but I don't think it would work in the main verse. Miranda believes that recreational activities, like the ones Violet does, take time away from studies. And Miranda LOATHES chewing gum.
Mike x Charlie
I simply ship it because of fanwork. There are so many great fanfics about Mike x Charlie here on Tumblr, mostly by @chxrliesbvckets and @miketeaveecfk. Go check 'em out!
Mike x Miranda
Oh yeah! This would totally work as a romantic relationship. Mike and Miranda both are know-it-alls, intellectual, and hate candy (I guess). Mike probably takes time away from the TV nowadays just to study with Miranda (via Skype, of course).
Charlie x Miranda
No. Just no. Charlie neither worships school nor loathes it. He probably loves the idea of spotty powder, while Miranda... Well, you all know what she thinks of spotty powder. So no. This is my definite CatCF NOTP.
So... I started with my OTP and ended with my NOTP. Interesting, huh?
But, there are my thoughts on the ships of CatCF.
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hey abby guess what. 1-30
1: Favorite season?
you KNOW you KNOW a softe bitch loves season 5 its just pure and nice and comforting to watch and also has so many goode episodes and macden moments in it... i literally have the url iasipseasonfive saved like need i say more
2: Favorite character?
its mac... like ofc it is ive loved dennis and dee in the past and of course i still have a soft spot for the trash twins esp their childhoods but mac’s coming out arc is just perfect and he just wants to be a happy boye! honestly it might change but my big three are den dee and mac sorry gruesome twosome 
3: Favorite cast member?
i kin glennato and like LOVE his weird music taste but i have 2 say kaitlin olson shes so present on social media and the utter reverence with which the other cast members speak abt her is just. beautiful! she’s credited with literally saving the show by making dee just as despicable as the rest of the gang she’s a feminist queen and also managed to cuff rmacelhenney like kudos girl! angel queen gorgeous etc
4: OTP?
it’s mac and dennis honestly their relationship can get my heart pounding and it was the main reason i was drawn to the show in the first place... kings of being repressed sexually and emotionally and honestly i related to that feeling of being repressed and in love w your best friend like not to project on characters that have nothing to do w me but they rlly helped me work through some issues!!! im not as ride or die as before because theyve already done so much but fingers crossed for s14 lads
ooooo this is difficult bc i love charmac but mac and dee is the friendship we deserve.... she could help him get over his raging misogyny and he could introduce her to the gay lifestyle how perfect would that be?? also i just feel like when they r alone they could be so nice to each other and i want that for them
6: NOTP?
one of them raped the other, what more can i say?
7: answered
8: Least favorite character?
it has to be frank like i get so angry thinking about how he abused dennis and dee as children he has almost zero redeemable qualities but like.. i could learn to love him if mfhp was a turning point... i just can’t ever get over the fact that he owned a sweatshop the joke stuff just isn’t even funny to me it makes me feel ill
9: Least favorite episode?
uhhhh if you’ve seen iasip ranked you’ll know that we ranked a cricket’s tale and frank’s brother as the worst but i’d also like to put up there the gang goes on family fight bc dennis’ breakdown is painfullll... other episodes that hurt me personally are the gang broke dee and how mac got fat
10: Favorite crack ship?
deetress started off as a crackship but it’s become honestly very serious and i hold it v close to my heart... if you don’t believe me watch one single minute of the boggs ladies reboot.... honorable mention is charden 
11: Favorite headcanon?
hhmm i think that one of my favourite ones of all time is dennis is the bar like that was inimitable... also like hc that dee is lesbian bc she is
12: An episode you wish you could change?
all lethal weapon episodes... imagine how iconic they could be and quotable as well if they didn’t include blackface :(
13: An episode you wish you could write?
i want to write a vegas ep for sure.... like imagine also i would NOT do it justice but the episode where mac and dennis first get together, oof actually you’d do a better job of it tbh
14: Favorite thing about the show?
it has to be rcg like what other showrunners would care so much about the fate of the show and adapt it so much as time goes on... as much as i slander them on this website they really created one of the best shows to ever air
15: Least favorite thing about the show?
hmmm aside from all the blackface and the fact that they should have hired black writers if they wanted to address race in the show.... the fact that the gang r being so mean to mac and the whole ddl thing it’s a nightmare why didn’t they tell us what was going on with dennis??
16: Favorite running gag?
charlie’s illiteracy......... iconique also repressed mac was a good gag while it lasted i am glad he is out though
17: Best Mac shirt?
18: Best Dennis rant?
hnndg im gonna have to say the whole keeping the skin,, skin glass box thing in season 10 i forget the name of the episode but GOD that kills me every time glenn really went to julliard huh
19: answered
20: answered
21: Favorite end credits message?
idk i never watch the end credits messages! send me your favourites if you have any lads :)
22: A character you’d write off the show?
ngl probably cricket... he really bores me and like a cricket’s tale cemented that i think everything they can do with the character they have done but for longevity they have to keep him so he can supplement the gang’s schemes
23: An actor you want to see on the show (bonus points if you can think of a character for them)?
ooooooooo i’d love if dax sheppard came back on the show!! also i WISH lili reinhardt could come on but as betty from riverdale.. like a 30 second betty from riverdale cameo would be so ideal you have no idea it would be so stupid but like... hh
24: Favorite fic?
Yphrum’s Law by @lesbianfreyja chapter one made me BAWL (andchaos on ao3) and also anything by @macfoundhispride (yennefers on ao3)  and also your fics michelle !!! everyone go check her out she’s peraltiagoisland on ao3 
25: Favorite promo shoot?
the fuckign ingrid bergman one for season 8 i have no idea why they would do that but it’s incredible..... so niche i feel like it was glennato’s idea
26: Best Waitress hair-style?
sexeyyy episode charlie and dee find love her hair was so pretty long but also i love it now im glad she went brunette again good for her!! any waitress hairstyle is a good hairstyle
27: Fluffy hair Mac or hair-gel Mac?
28: answered in GREAT DETAIL
29: Overrated character?
cricket... not to bash cricket again.... but also frank and charlie are overrated imo i can’t understand why charlie is the show’s darling i’ve never been that interested in him
30: Underrated episode?
the most underrated episode of all time is pop-pop the final solution i love it sm.... GOD it’s so good it truly has everything and like the nazi stuff was well executed.. questions abt life and death,,, deception, ryan gosling? i love it also dennis reynolds an erotic life is amazing 
this took me like an hour and a half michelle i hope you’re happy!! also if you’re still reading thank you for putting up w my bullshit
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simptasia · 7 years
Kateclaire and the science squad?
AHH bless you, my faves!! thank you very much!!
when or if I started shipping it:
i honestly don’t remember but i do know that kate/claire didn’t come into my mind during my first watch of the show, it was an afterwards thing. or perhaps… season 6? season 6 made kate/claire shippers of us all, really
my thoughts:
restless, passionate…
my thoughts are, best ship, end game. i genuinely believe they ended up together after the finale (it’s canon they at least LIVE together, raising a son)
i think they love each other, and that people can have multiple soulmates damn it (i don’t care if thats not how it hurts, multiple soulmates!!!). to me, kate really comes across as bi (and i think evie was doing that on purpose, but thats just a theory) and like, claire is bi-who-thought-she-was-straight
Straight Until Kate…. fucking poetry
they’re honestly like, my (non-canon) OTP. and what with LOST lacking lgbta+ diversity, the show would’ve been much stronger if they made ‘em canon bi
buuuut whatever i guess…. we got a lotta handholding. and also the last third of kate’s character arc is dedicated to her (and one could argue, claire was a part of kate’s arc all along) and, i say this all the time but, CLAIRE IS THE REASON KATE WENT BACK TO THAT FUCKING HELL ISLAND. she found the idea of going back to be disgusting and horrible but gosh damn it, claire needed to be rescued. nobody else was gonna do it, apparently. also i’m pretty sure nobody knew is claire was alive or not at this point but kate went back anyways
the completion of kate’s character arc (not running away, accepting responsibility, opening up to the idea of family) is because of claire & aaron!!
also it’s ironic how i imagine claire doesn’t know she’s bi considering she’s the one making the moves. (that starsign scene, the hand holding…)
kate/claire = proactive sunshine femme astrology bi + tomboy hiking butch i’ve never had a job and relationships scare me but i love everyone bi
What makes me happy about them:
that it would take very little adjustment to make them canon
that kate looks 40% butcher anytime she’s near claire (and the inverse, claire looking 40% more femme. she practically glows)
the height difference
kate is so so protective over claire (kate being protective over other women is legit one of my fave things about kate)
a few days into the crash, the first time claire has ever interacted with kate and she correctly guesses that she’s a gemini and that she’s “restless” and “passionate”. A. great observation skills and B. THATS GAY!!!!
THEY’RE LEGIT CANON GONNA RAISE A SON TOGETHER (two sons, if you include my david austen theory)
that they triggered each other’s memories in limbo. that is genuinely one of the best writing decisions ever, like it’s impressive. whoever decided that they would remember together (instead of the expected jack/kate, and charlie/claire - which happens later because MULTIPLE SOULMATES) is a fucking genius. as a writer, audience member and a sapphic, i fucking applaud you
oh and that their connecting scene was the birth of aaron. such an important event to both of them. and it’s kinda foreshadowing at how they’re gonna be mums together
What makes me sad about them:
not canon [sad horn noises]
other than that, very lovely
things done in art/fic that annoys me:
there’s not an abundance of this sorta thing…?
things I look for in art/fic:
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
jack for kate, charlie for claire. of course
My happily ever after for them:
living together, married, raising two boys, honorary aunties to ji yeon, clementine, charlie (hume), dani, izzie & lara. (some of those are OCs!)
claire is an artist for a living (i thinking an illustrator) and i can’t imagine what job kate would or could get. as i’ve said she’s never had a job before… what would she do? gasp… is SHE the housewife? that’s kinda cute. there’s pictures of charlie and jack on the wall, and they are honoured as aaron & david’s fathers and as heroes
kate knows what it’s like to be in a family that doesn’t involve pain and abuse, claire eventually feels safe as the nightmares become less and less. they both have absolute trust in each other which is quite a feat for those two
[happy sigh]
what is their favorite non-sexual activity?
claire likes to paint and draw. kate isn’t much of an artist but claire is encouraging (imagine kate getting blushy over claire’s praise)
listening/singing to music together
claire encourages kate to take up yoga. it’s relaxing. takes a bit to get used to it tho because kate is restless (more of a rock climbing kinda gal)
yeah basically i imagine they do a lot of exercise-y things together
i was gonna say camping too but claire probably never wants to see trees and tents ever again… so avoid that
when or if I started shipping it
the earliest sci team shippy post i made, that i could find, is like from 2013. so maybe during my first watch? or shortly after. somewhere there
my thoughts:
okay so i’ve thought about this and i’ve realised that sci trio shipping is beloved as a concept, especially by me. whilst in canon, this supposed team doesn’t do a lot of teaming. basically my imagination has built them up to be more than what they actually are. and not just in a romantic way. they’re more friends in my head than in the actual show. it’s a tad disappointing actually. see, in the show the science team (the whole thing) is barely a thing. they drop out the sky, the show tries to convince they’re untrustworthy, and then sorta forgets they’re meant to be like colleagues and friends? or at least doesn’t pay attention to that
(miles is given no reactions to char and dan’s deaths. which is FUCKED. i blame writing and direction because no fucking way is this ken leung’s fault. i also blame time constraints which is the biggest reason for lack of sci team stuff)
the dynamic most focused on is dan and charlotte (ah, love..). so throwing miles in there is wishful thinking (i love miles) on my part. because interactions between dan/miles and miles/char in canon? little and none, in that order
but the IDEA is nice
i’m in love with IDEA of these things:
two nerds and a “jeez these nerds” guy (like he isn’t a ghostbusters fan)
a polite timid nerd, a loud passionate nerd and a snarky sardonic cynic
two sciences and a magic
miles being annoyed by, slightly jealous of and wanting in on dan/char
sweet dan in love with people with “bad attitudes” (his words. translation: okay i love you but you’re being bitchy right now and it’s not helping)
char getting the best of both worlds, in my opinion (sugar and salt)
children of the island OT3
being smooshed between people whom look like rebecca mader and ken leung is honestly the best situation you can be in. godspeed dan
and basically i use their personalities (or exaggerated versions of such. espech with charlotte) to project this relationship upon them
TL;DR: barely any sci team interactions in canon, but i adore the ship anyways
What makes me happy about them:
oh shit i make that list up there too early
in general, it feels good? and like theres a lot i can do with it. like i’ve said, i love the concept of their dynamic. like, putting these personalities together is fun!
miles uses his powers and dan is immediately on board which means either miles told him on the boat or dan just takes miles at his word without hesitation. both are very plausible and also great
oh and my gosh, my fave thing? these people had possibly months on a boat together off screen. we didn’t get like, any sci team content on screen but thank you for that fanfic/imagination fuel, writers
none of them moved on in the finale which gives me a place to ship them… so basically they’re only shippable outside of the island… huh
char and miles were friends in limbo (thank heavens for small miracles) and thats a great concept. and it also means with char meeting dan in the finale, the TRIANGLE IS COMPLETE. THEY MAY NOW JOIN
that thing dan does where he touches/pets everybody near him? yeah, does that with miles, which isn’t remarkable. miles, like char, doesn’t seem to mind or flinch. which is interesting cuz you’d think miles would react to that. true none of the characters react to dan’s petting (???how) but idc
dan rans to char, pets her hair, face and arms and asks if she’s alright. miles, who is standing near by, says “i’m okay, too”. that sounds like something i would write for them but that actually happened in the show
i like the idea that dan/char (and later sawyer/juliet) make miles reluctantly realise he does want love in his life, which leads to miles/richard one day. this has nothing to do with anything in the show. legit all of that sentence is based on headcanons. and thats a summary of shipping dan/char/miles
uhm… they’re fucking pretty
i’ve slowly made them more and more kinky over time. that makes me happy. it’s also funny
the fact that dan is the tallest of the three and he’s 5 foot 9
i’m certain they’ve all dealt with ableism in their lives. i just like things in common, espech angst things
everything. everything makes me happy about them. even the sad stuff
What makes me sad about them:
tho again, i wish the show remembered these people are friends
on that note, two of miles friend’s died. the show didn’t show him caring but i of course imagine he did. miles has walls but he’s not a cunt
all of ‘em had a fucked up thing happen with a parent (wait no, that’s not an OT3 thing, that’s just a lost is like that thing. anyways, sad)
i have this headcanon that miles is cynical about love (and relationships and romance) cuz like, due to his powers, he grew up with this fucked up perception of death. and throughout he’s seen people absolutely devastated about losing a loved one. this includes dan losing char, sawyer losing jules, and miles himself losing his mum. basically love hurts and he’s decided that pain isn’t worth the temporary amount of happiness. i imagine miles’ bad attitude towards life is caused by this way of thinking. we’re all gonna die, so why bother? only possessions stay so $$$$
….and there’s my miles meta, wow
things done in art/fic that annoys me:
now, sci team content is like, none but i’ve noticed a trend among fandom… their personalities being flanderized a tad too much. and yeah i do that too but i mean
dan being innocent, naive and humourless. we have no reason to assume the first two and fuck no he is humourless. dan has funny lines, he’s just subtle. innocent and naive? maybe kinda. i personally portray dan as innocent and naive in COMPARISON to char & miles (and most other characters). like, the vanilla to their kinky. but again, just by comparison. he’s not totally oblivious. plus he’s a quick learner and can pick up context. i know this all comes from him being so nonthreatening (also it’s a symptom of woobifying. and is also very mildly ableist in this context)
char being a constantly angry shrill bitch. i’m most annoyed by this one. i have some words about this. yes, a couple of times char got angry/bitchy. and it stuck out to people because she’s a woman. as somebody who has analysed like, every moment she’s been on screen, lemme tell you: she is not constantly angry. in fact, when i needed a cap of her looking angry for an art thing, IT WAS GENUINELY HARD TO FIND ONE. char is also very nice to the survivors until they start being mean to her. also she got shot in the chest, i’d be annoyed too. but the most part, char is actually rather pleasant. she’s just… loud. and has a bit of temper. but most of her screentime is with dan, so for the most part she’s soft and sweet with him. because love. i’m annoyed by all this because to this day, within fandom, char is remembered as the angry bitch who died of nosebleeds. fuck y’all, she’s a passionate, polyglottal, determined nerd with a shorter than average fuse and whom loves daniel faraday and chocolate. i know she didn’t get a lot as a character but being remembered for a trait that doesn’t even describe her doesn’t help. like, yeah, my section of the fandom has her be a chocolate obsessed mega trekkie who’s super kinky. is it self-indulgent? fuck yeah (and im proud) but it’s better than seeing her as a constant bitch because she got justifiably angry a few times
ahem anyways
miles as a constant deadpan snarker. okay i see where this comes from, my brain does it too, but miles is not daria. he has tones and inflections. when he isn’t resting grump face, he’s quite emotive. also he has feelings. inside he is very sad. also he cares about his friends. basically he’s not always deadpan. most importantly, miles is an asshole. yes. but he’s not an ASSHOLE. you get me? like, he’s a snarky dick to people but he’s not actually genuinely a bad mean person. this is kinda the point of his character. like his snark is a defense mechanism for his issues. miles would never be an actual (and ableist) cunt to say, hurley or dan. he just has issues connecting with people due to his powers and internal conflict
dan isn’t a delicate perfect flower of innocence, char isn’t angry all of the time and being a bitch isn’t her entire character, and miles is actually (eventually) a good person who cares and emotes. i’ve seen ken’s face do things, ya know
things I look for in art/fic:
any art and fic of them existing would be nice (points at my icon)
and in fic, as with anything, i’d like it to be in character. and like, boat times, limbo times, it’s all good. have it anyways. also i’ve found like zero fic
there used to be loads of lost fics, but most of ‘em were purged in 2010
[the saddest violin]
• Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
miles/richard is another pairing i love, and thats how i imagine miles lives his life
• My happily ever after for them:
they all live together in limbo land, in dan’s penthouse. basically 80% of my sci team imagination center (the part of my brain specifically dedicated to the science team) is spent in that house. a great dymantic and lots of sex ensues
also piano. also rats. also char has a cat named jean-luc. it hates miles
fuck, i just realised between dan being a musician/sort of scientist, char being an anthropologist and miles being a detective, that penthouse is gonna be FULL of stacks of paper laying around… the sci team personally killed the rainforest
• what is their favorite non-sexual activity?
watching tv together
i’ve pictured ‘em doing most domestic activities… right now i keep imagining them eating breakfast together in their underwear
dan likes to draw on his lover’s bodies (music notes, equations, cute little pics of rats. miles says dan’d make a decent tattoo artist)
and holy shit get dan and char going, they can talk for hours. and miles can just sorta follow it (and throw in quips) but he loves ‘em anyways
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1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood? - Free Bird, Lynrd Skynrd. My dad showed it to me when he found out I was learning electric guitar

2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet? - lovely lab/Doberman called Bella and a cat called Charlie

3.) have you ever been drunk? - many many times, amigos

4.) have you ever tried drugs? - I smoke weed pretty regularly (helps me sleep) and I tried Nos once at a friends house

5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said? - so many times

6.) have you ever made someone cry? On occasion

7.) has someone ever made you cry? - only once, ever, since my dad left

8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. - I’ve been in love so many times and each time has been different and varied and wonderful. I was thinking today that those first few months of being in love with someone are some of the best experiences life can offer

9.) which came first the chicken or the egg? - seriously? The fucking chicken

10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them? - I’m bisexual, but I don’t consider myself part of the community because apparently I’m ‘straight passing’ or ‘doing it for the attention’ and I’ve never been really accepted into that sphere (me being a Christian probably has something to do with that too) But I’ll always support them because nobody else fucking does in this world.
11.) how many siblings do you have? - two siblings, and a half sister who I never see

12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love? - I’ve been in love with a lot of people. A few people that never got to show love to, and a few who I couldn’t love the way they needed me to

13.) are you a good cook? - I have a select few meals I can cook really well. The rest? Nah

14.) what is your favorite tv show? - at the moment, Brooklyn nine nine, but I also love sense8. I’m more of an anime man tho

15.) what is the last movie you cried during? - spirit stallion of the cimmoran, when I was four

16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any) - nah, but the closest I’ve come was the first time I ever heard Crash Land by Twin Atlantic

17.) do you have a middle name? - two middle names, but I’m not about to share them here

18.) have you been out of your country? - yeah a few times. I LOVE ITALY

19.) are you a chocolate fan or not? - I can take or leave it?

20.) how many people have you kissed? - I have kissed a large number of people and I regret nothing. Kissing is great

21.) what is your favorite album? - that’s a very difficult question. Probably Wilder Mind by Mumford

22.) what is your dream car? - @luxury-pie a yellow 2010 Ferrari California

23.) what is your lucky/favorite number? - 8. Never known why, but 8 is my number

24.) what is your favorite flower? - I don’t really like specific flowers. Daisies are pretty tho

25.) books or movies, why? - books, because I don’t have the attention span for movies

26.) have you ever been on a blind date? - no, should I have?

27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you? - no, nothing serious or hurtful, but…

28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends? - I have. Brutally and awfully and I regret it so much

29.) what thing do you symbolize love with? - love is doing shit you couldn’t care less for gladly because you know it’ll make somebody else happy.

30.) do you have neat handwriting? - I have the fucking worst handwriting of anyone I know

31.) do you have a friend with benefits? - nah, although I have in the past and really enjoyed it. She’s great and we’re still really good friends and chat shit all the time

32.) do you want a friend with benefits? - not right now, I’m more than happy with my girlfriend

33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? - happy and financially stable

34.) have you ever been blackout drunk? - I’ve lost memory while drunk, but never blacked out. This particular occasion I had a race down a line of Jaeger shots and woke up in bed with a friends hot sister. No memory of the night after the jaeger race tho

35.) have you ever met someone famous? - not mad famous no.

36.) how many concerts have you been to? - too many to count

37.) which concerts have you been to? - awesome ones

38.) do you have a hidden talent? - I have a great many talents but most people who know me know about them. For tumblrs benefit, I play nine instruments, write fiction relatively well, sing fairly well, and give really good head

39.) what do you do when you’re stressed? - panic. And smoke. And sometimes if I’m lucky, I smoke some weed

40.) do you think money can buy love? - money can’t buy shit that matters

41.) how old would you date? - maybe 25 rn? But I prefer a year either way

42.) have you ever done something illegal? - a fair chunk of illegal shit yeah. Particularly as a teenager

43.) what is your biggest fear? - becoming like my dad

44.) what is an unusual fear you have? - long ass tunnels

45.) can you drive? - not legally, no

46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures? - angels and shit. No fucking ghosts though

47.) do you believe in karma? - good comes around, but bad shit sometimes happens to good people

48.) what is one quality you need in your partner? - they should preferably like me

49.) do looks matter? - as an added bonus, certainly, but they’re nowhere near the most important thing

50.) does size matter? - no it fucking does not

51.) who is the last person you forgave? - truly forgave? Probably my dad. He’s the only person who’s ever wronged me enough to mean that it’s a conscious effort to forgive them.

52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor? - cookie dough.

53.) what languages can you speak besides english? - none

54.) ever been on a plane? - yeah, I’ve flown a few planes too

55.) ever been on a boat? - yeah, but I prefer planes

56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? - I’ve moved house so many times, so I’ve left a lot of people behind

57.) are there any friendships you regret? - no, no matter how they ended. Friendship, no matter how lasting or fleeting, is always a precious gift

58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make? - few of you guys in tumblr

59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours? I haven’t slept in the last 50 hours and I seriously need to

60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am? - oh yeah, loads. I love night time

61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through? - yeah my girlfriend and I cycled two hours to the beach at three in the morning so we could watch the sunrise together at five

62.) are you scared of rollercoasters? - nah I enjoy them

63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually? - a solid 6.75

64.) do you have any plans this weekend? - working tbh. On the bar

65.) do you miss anyone right now? - I miss so many people. Right this second I miss @merryanustrench and @luxury-pie

66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now? - those guys. Or my dealer, tbh

67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be? - insane jumping ability

68.) who is your favorite superhero? - someone from the incredibles

69.) are you dirty minded? - half of what I think is about sex

70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s? Close to Me by the Cure, Lithium by Nirvana, Mr Brightside by the Killers, and I Really Like You by Carly Rae (those are just ones I like off the top of my head)

71.) how many kids, if any, do you want? - I’d want a few, but always figured I’d adopt as well as having my own

72.) who is your biggest OTP? - Tom Natsworthy and Hester Shaw from Mortal Engines

73.) what is your favorite food? - chicken marengo

74.) do you want to be married one day? - always have, always will

75.) dogs or cats? - both are amazing, but cats

76.) do you drink enough water daily? - fuck no

77.) have you ever seen a shooting star? - my first one was last year

78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you? - nah can’t say I would, tbh

79.) how many best friends do you have? 2. One is my girlfriend, the other is called J and I love him to pieces

80.) when was the last time you cried? - only once since my dad left. Once in about six years

81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself? - nah never

82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed? - yeah I have, a family member

83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go? Canada, a log cabin in the wolves surrounded by wolves

84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself? - not too great

85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person? - I used to. But I think I treasure the idea of loyalty, more than I do actual loyalty in practice.

86.) what is your favorite season and why? - spring. Spring brings the life back and helps me to light up my life when I’ve been depressed

87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it? - yeah. Not proud of it, but I have

88.) do you know how to play any instruments? - like I said earlier, 9 instruments

89.) do like like falling asleep to music or not? - nah my brain analyses music too much. I like having anime playing so I can’t analyse what they’re saying, or I’ll play some mindless sports video game (NBA 2K) and that puts me to sleep

90.) what are you allergic to? - speaking in front of people

91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like? - yeah all the time

92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be? - I feel like Jake Peralta is already my spirit animal

93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why? - probably Keane Reaves, because we’d mess with people and be super nice

94.) are you outgoing? - mentally I’m quite outgoing, but a lifetime of having a speech impediment means I get anxiety when I have to speak to people

95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to? - oh yeah, certainly when I was younger

96.) are you a good flirt? - nah I’m a fucking terrible flirt, it either turns into low level bullying or overly sexual shit with the subtlety of a freight train

97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down? - yeah I’ve been turned down. I’ve only ever turned one person down but she was an honest to God stalker so I don’t count that

98.) which planet is your favorite? - fucking Neptune, man! So pretty 
99.) are you superstitious? - nah, nothing beyond what’s normal culture (saying bless you after a sneeze and that)
100.) are you a good listener? - yeah I’ve been told that
101.) are you a good kisser - my dude, I am a FANTASTIC kisser and I dare you to test that
102.) would you kiss any of your friends - I would kiss SO MANY of my friends. In fact I’d kiss most of them. Almost all. If you’re friends with me, there’s a good chance I’d kiss you. In fact, if you’re friends with me irl, there’s a good chance you already have
Thanks for putting up with this overshare! I love doing these. I tag @luxury-pie @bemyrobin and @merryanustrench to do however many of these they feel like doing
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lorelaigilmoure · 7 years
i’ve started watching tww in march and went on hiatus in april. i was really looking forward to live blog (like i do now) and to share my thoughts about the show, but school and hiatus got in the way. i wanted to stay off tumblr but at the same time i wanted y’all to know how i feel about the show, so i decided to write down my thoughts in a word document and to share it with you when i’m back.
so if you’re curious, how this show ruined me and why i love it and if you have the patience and time, feel free to read this live blogging(?) mess:
omg this is too much. I can’t take this whole ms plotline. wth????? jed and charlie having the conversation. I have tears in my eyes. this is tooooo much. FRACK.
No mrs landingham noooo. why.???? this ep gave me goosebumps. f*cking amazing. AND HELL YES HE’S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN. HELL YES.
okay I hate amy. I just hate her. and I want to see abbey more. ABBBEEEEEEY. WHERE’S ABBEEEY???
OMG TOBY. THAT WAS WAY OUT OF LINE. and now jed needs a therapist. I think toby missed his calling. he should be a shrink.
charlie was sassy af. don’t mess with charlie, cj, ever.
y’know sam has really grown on me. I never thought I would love him so much. but I do. precious marshmallow.
wait, but the pancreas doesn’t produce HCl. the stomach does. I really hope Abbey was sarcastic, bc otherwise it’s a pretty big mistake made by the writers. and I hope jed “see, they can’t take medical school from you” bartlet was sarcastic too. pls god.
yep, amy is still annoying.
I have a bad feeling about this ep. stirred. alcohol. leo. I don’t wike it.
jed and leo’s bromance is one of the best things in this show.
guys, Ritchie is Donald J. Trump. it’s so obvious. I cannnot believe this tv show, this season, aired 14 years ago.
jed to cj: you are part of my family. HELL YES. SHE IS. I LOVE THEM.
donovan just showed up and I already ship him with cj.
okay I ship cj and donovan so much. don’t get me wrong, I love danny, but these two, right now, are RUINING ME. PERFECT.
*during the whole negative ad/tape thing*:
bruno: sam don’t talk to Kahn
sam: I’m going to talk to him
bruno: sam no
sam: sam yes
*sam does the thing* *shit’s going down*
bruno: ???????????
ANOTHER DEATH TREATH??? THEY SAW CJ IN THE MALL??? okay, it must’ve been the guy in the coat. I have a very bad feeling about this whole arc. ladjklasjdlasjdla
aaaand I still don’t like amy, at all.
I looove the chemistry between cj and donovan aljdslkdjals.
jed bartlet: true or false, josh? my life would be better right now if you and your girlfriend swapt jobs? HE’S SAVAGE AF. OMG.
season 3 finale here I come.
it’s been a season and I don’t even know how does ritchie look like??? I’m curious. also I have a bad feeling about this whole assassination thing.
okay simon just went into a store and I have a super bad feeling about it. ugggggh.
I’m so sad. he deserved better. cj deserved better I just.
josh, donna and toby on a field trip. how cute.
mallory is so beautiful.
[AOS IS RENEWED. it’s not tww related but OMG I’M SO HAPPY. YYAAAAAAASSSSS. (and I still haven’t seen a single ep since 4x16 and I managed to avoid spoilers too. cannot wait to be back on tumblr and make philinda fanvids and aos stuff again. a little more than two months to go.)]
baby coulson on the west wing???? so freakin cute.
no, don’t talk to amy, josh, continue talking to donna. pls. can’t his relationship with amy end pls????
oh donna, my sweet potato. nicely played. josh, you deserved that prank.
wait, andy’s pregnant??? and toby’s the father??? I’m confused. aren’t they divorced or what?
jed just said to toby: “you, you big bear. come to me, I’m gonna kiss you right on the mouth.” I swear this is a really serious show. a political drama. pffffffff toby’s face is priceless. probably one of my fave scenes so far.
also pls abbey show up.  I miss you.
yay, joshua malina.
GAME ON BOYFRIEND AND SHE CUTS OFF HIS TIE. ABBEY IS A PHENOMENON. second fave scene. this show is epic you guys. cj fell through the door. as I said, a really serious show dealing with serious and important issues. THESE DORKS I SWEAR. and now jed slapt abbey’s butt. this ep is too much.
oh no, frack, his hand started shaking. and he needs an aspirin. I have a very very bad feeling about this.  he’s going to get worse. and so the angst begins.
I wish donna would leave this jack guy alone. I don’t like him.
poor jed and abbey, they’ve been interrupted like 10 times now. first sam, then leo and now toby. lmao
it’s so good seeing leo being happy and smiling.                
okay but josh told jack a bunch of crazy stuff about donna, bc he legit doesn’t want him to go out with her. this dumb dork I swear.
I love cj’s new haircut.
zoey and charlie broke up?? how did I miss that?? or did it happen off screen???
danny is back and so is trouble.
the sexual tension between donna and josh intensifies aldjskjdalsjdlajdla. “Donna left?” his face. IT’S STARTING YOU GUYS. I CAN’T HANDLE IT ALFJSLDJASALFJALSKFAL
so I guess cj and danny aren’t together together.
my heart breaks for cj. seeing her dad like this. he doesn’t recognize her. *sigh* be strong cj, my sweet sass queen, be strong.i’ve been in cj shoes. my grandpa was ill too. and let me tell you, it’s so heartbreaking. he was clever as well, we couldn’t pursue him to go to a facilty, to get help. he was so stubborn too. it still hurts. but in the end, he accepted the help we offered him. he didn’t recognize us. he was so kind to us, but had no idea who we were. it was heartbreaking.
the guys just showed up at donna’s place. this scene is pure gold.
Will, you precious dumb child.
sam: “hey everyone this is one of my best friends, this is donna moss” THEIR BROTP THO.
I’m gonna miss sam.
I really really wanted to see these dumb kids playing poker again. they haven’t done that since season 1. they’re adorable.
listen guys, chandler is one of my all time fave characters and josh lyman is one of my all time fave characters and seeing matthew on the west wing is like a dream come true. is it just me, or does matthew perry’s voice sound a lot different, compared to his chandler voice???
I wish charlie and zoey would get bet together again.
hoynes resigning??? wth happened????
jed to toby: “come on, give us a kiss.” this is the second time he said that to him lmao
I want toby to be happy. pls andy marry him and live happily together in your dream house.
omg he’s proposing omg. oh crap, why is she saying no??? my heart breaks for toby. look, I know he’s not the easiest person to be with and share a life with but still. he has such a big heart. this is truly heartbreaking.
I just laughed out loud. ABBEY’S NEW HAIRCUT??? WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL??? I’m sorry, but it looks horrible. omg i can’t stop laughing. I can’t take her seriously. abbey, sweet unicorn, what did you do with your hair and most importantly, why???????????
zoey’s going to a party. this won’t end well. I hate jean paul so so much.
toby has 2 kids now. I might cry. MAZEL TOV, TOBY.
great now his MS is getting worse. SHIT’S GOING DOWN THIS SHOW IS THE BEST AND THE WORST.
I don’t think I’ve ever said it, but I love margaret so much.        
the amount of shit going down in this ep is simply too much to handle.
Glenallen Walken creeps me out. he reminds me of jabba the hut.
it breaks my heart, seeing the bartlets being so desperate and sad
it’s so good to see, that ellie is so supportive of her father.
this ep gave me chills (5x1).
this arc is so painful.
amy still annoys me so much. I gotta check which ep will be her last. according to imdb, two more eps and she’s gone for 2 years. yesssssssssssssssssssss
and now josh’s kissing her. WHY???? JOSH, SON, PLS STOP IT.
I liked cj’s old haircut more tbh.
josh meeting the moss family. about time lmao.
cj lived together for 6 months with a guy named Ben???? what???
leo’s slowly becoming a b*tch.
donna is so beautiful.
I’d love to see jed being more presidential I guess. and leo can stop being so rude to everyone.
I feel so sorry for josh. LET ME LOVE YOU, YOU DUMB CHILD.
abbey asked jed to not come to new hampshire. OMG. FIX THIS PLS. I NEED THEM BACK TOGETHER. THIS IS SO MESSED UP I HATE IT.
it’s so good seeing jed being badass and making the tough calls. I’ve missed that.
josh bought donna a christmas gift. I’m having season 1 vibes aldjsakdjal and now she’s disappointed. but he was joking OMG THESE TWO ARE RUINING ME I CAN’T. also I need to know what the gift was.
where is ginger???
I love donna so so much.
I really don’t know where are the writers going with this rina/toby plotline.
I miss sam, danny, ginger, bruno. I miss the earlier seasons. idk something feels off. I still enjoy the show, but something’s a bit off.
okay but why is cj seeing this ben guy??? aren’t her and danny dating? or are they just that casual about it???
as I said before, tww is a very serious show, and the muppets just happen to show up at the white house. I can’t even.
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book-of-charlie · 8 years
Hamilton- the Sabriel Edition
Special thank you to the people who inspired me to write this- which is literally all of you because you guys are amazing and I’m glad for the fact that we are able to write about this stuff. Thanks guys!
OTP Prompt: “Imagine Person B is performing for something big or even just a school event and Person A is watching them perform for the first time and is actually tearing up.”
“I mean, I knew you were a theater kid Sam. So am I, of course.” They both smiled, remembering the fact that they only met because they both loved theater. “But play the main character in the school’s biggest production yet?” Gabriel Novak questioned his insanely tall boyfriend. Sam Winchester nodded nervously.
“So what do you think? Can I play Alexander Hamilton in the school production?” He asked, a slight tremor to his voice. Gabriel smirked.
“Well seeing as I’m  going to be John Laurens, if I can do this then you can be the main character. Not that you couldn’t anyway.” They both smiled before kissing lightly, happy.
For several months it stayed happy. They worked together on their roles, which was helpful seeing as the school was only doing the first act. Then they found out Lin-Manuel Miranda, the person who created this musical, would be coming to see it. And suddenly everything became much more serious. The entire cast studied day and night until even Sam’s grades began to slip. All the characters and their understudies knew every single word, beat, and dance move by heart. And the week before the airing night, Gabriel sprained his ankle and was barely able to walk.
Sam came to visit him in the hospital. “Can you still be John Laurens?” He asked quietly after the initial fussing over his boyfriend. “I’ll always be your Laurens, but I can’t do the first performance. I can do the rest, turns out my ankle isn’t broken, but I can’t dance. Since the next one is a month away, I’ll be good then, but for now Anthony has to be Laurens.” Gabriel smiled sadly. Sam nodded. He wasn’t happy with it, but he knew there wasn’t any way Gabriel could perform this one. And Anthony knew the part just as well as Gabriel (though Sam knew he was no match for Gabriel because Sabriel is the new Lams.). 
“Okay. But I expect you to be there for the next one.”
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t be there at all.” Sam looked at Gabriel with extreme confusion. “I’m gonna be in the audience. What, you think I would miss the chance to see my boyfriend as Alexander Hamilton?” Sam blushed at this. 
“You know, you’re the best.” Sam smiled. They stayed like that for the next week- Sam still working hard but finding time to care for Gabriel as Gabriel did his best to recover so he could be John Laurens. And somehow they made it to that Saturday night- the night of the big show.
Gabriel hobbled in on his crutches, getting literally a front row seat. Right where he knew Sam would throw a traditional wink during one of the songs. That seat was right next to the very center one, where sat a certain Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Gabriel about died then and there. He asked for Lin’s autograph, explaining who he was at a rambling speed. Lin was impressed, saying he’d love to see the show with Gabriel in it and bring his wife and kid with him at that point. Then the show started.
The cast was in tune and on point, everything exactly like the original show. Everyone would have thought it was the original show if they hadn’t known it was a high school they had walked into. The cast was all amazing, as Gabriel knew for a fact, but when Sam walked out as the main character- no one could take their eyes off of him.
It was when My Shot started that Gabriel began to cry. Silently, nothing to disturb the show, but still very real tears. You see, he had never seen Sam in performance, having always been in stage with him. That was how they got together, actually- when Sam asked him to Homecoming after their last performance of Romeo and Juliet, ironically enough. The point was that he had never seen him perform. And by Chuck, he was a good actor. And singer.
Sam rapped as though his entire life depended on him doing everything perfectly. But see, to Gabriel and the rest of the audience (including Lin), Sam was beyond perfection at playing Hamilton. The entire cast was amazing in their parts, but Sam Winchester Hamilton took the cake.
It was after the show when Gabriel began to cry even harder, however. The entire cast had just finished the show. Then Sam took the mic one last time. 
“Thank you everyone, for coming out tonight.” He smiled. “A special thanks to Lin-Manuel Miranda, for writing this astounding musical in the first place.” Lin stood up and clapped for Sam at that. Sam blushed, and damn did Gabriel want to kiss Sam right then and there. But he could barely stand.
“And as amazing as this cast is, we all can admit it wasn’t the same.” The entire cast nodded as the audience looked confused. “This is Anthony,” Sam said as Anthony stepped forward. “He’s the actor who played John Laurens. The thing is that he wanted to acknowledge somebody special.” Sam sent a wink straight to Gabriel as Anthony took the mic.
“Hi. As Sam, aka Hamilton, said there- I have something to say.” The audience payed attention to him respectfully, though they were still confused. “I am the understudy for this part. This was supposed to be played by Gabriel Novak. And the reason we all did this tonight was for him. Gabe, you should have been the one up here, not in the audience with a sprained ankle. You idiot.” Everyone laughed. “But we all agree that we wouldn’t have done as well as we believe we did tonight if Gabriel hadn’t helped to motivate us to do this musical at this level for him. So, my friend, get up here if you can. Because this performance was for you.”
So Gabriel, with enormous difficulty, got up. But he made it up the stairs to the stage as everyone stood up and clapped for him. Sam ran over, pulling him carefully into a kiss.
“Gabriel Novak, will you please go to prom with me, seeing as by that point you should be able to dance again?” Everyone chuckled as Gabriel nodded happily.
“Of course, Sam Winchester Hamilton. I love you.”
“I love you too, Gabriel Laurens.” Everyone chuckled and awwed at that as they kissed again, all clapping.
It was the only time when Gabriel saw Sam in live performance, but he will never forget it. Because that was his boyfriend, who stole the entire show with his amazing performance.
Gabriel was Laurens at the performances after that, and they all did better than before. Lin had brought his wife and kid, just like he had said, and the entire cast got to talk with him and the original cast of Hamilton about pointers because the entire cast was there.
That was a promise the entirety of their High School kept- they, as theater kids, were family. And that bond was never broken because they started their own company where Dean and Castiel, Sam’s and Gabe’s brothers, wrote plays and musicals for their company to turn into masterpieces.
They had a long and happy life, all of them. And every single one of them could trace that back to highschool, when one performance of Hamilton reminded them that they were family. And their family would not be broken that easily, especially when they all shipped Sabriel harder than any other ship known to the universe.
I guess the Sabriel Edition of Hamilton really was good, wasn’t it?
@archangel-with-a-shotgun @charlie-bradcherry @birdybabybird @sabriel-otp
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tamayokny · 8 years
On Thursday my mom and I went to the theatre and saw Newsies (2017). Since I was really tired and had school the next day, I promised that I would have shared my thoughts on it yesterday. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to but since I'm feeling better and refreshed today, I shall share!
Also this took me like an hour to type up lol
•I had been excited for this for WEEKS. I begged my mom to go with me, because no one else would. •She said yes and got the tickets ($20 each!!!) I was so happy •We asked my dad if he wanted to go with us but he said no. He kinda teased me about it and he keeps doing this to me still: "Newsies! 🤗" lmao (but I'm also like :/) •So my mom and I go on Thursday, getting there about 10-20 minutes before the show began. There was a big audience tbh (I told you mom lmao) •Oh BTW my mom hasn't seen/heard the Broadway version of Newsies before. She watched the 1992 movie back in December with me, and she was like, "It's ok" (I'm offended lol) •Anyway it starts exactly at 7 and man, my I am SHAKING with excitement and my heart is thumping 💓💓💓 •So Jeremy and Andrew are back as Jack and Crutchie! lil cuties •When Carrying the Banner started and all the boys were out I was like "MY KIDS" •I forgot that Ben Cooks (Racetrack) is only 19 so the pitch of his voice took me aback and I was like "he's 5" but I do love him as Race! •I love Katherine! I forgot how much alike we really are tbh 😂 •The Morris Bros were cute tbh but LEAVE MY SON(S) (CRUTCHIE) ALONE •DAVEY AND LES JACOBS. •Davey Jacobs is my Disney Prince tbh. And I love Ben Fankhauser. I told my pal if Ben wasn't Davey I was gonna be sad (I didn't realize that like, all of the OBC was back ok) •So yeah I love Davey with all my heart 💕 •ETHAN AS LES WAS SO ADORABLE. He stole the show. Everyone in the audience(s) love him. Also idk if it's because of the hair or not, but he lowkey reminded me of Dustin from Stranger Things •Davey's facial expressions / "That's disgusting" 😂 •I know we are supposed to hate Pulitzer or w/e but he was kinda funny lol •MEDDA!!!! •Lol one time I saw someone compare Medda Larkin and Donna Meagle and I was like "omg" bc I can see how. So now Retta has to be Medda in a next show or w/e •Also Medda is Jack's Mom. She's there for him and everything awe man I'm crying thinking about it!!!! She's a Mom when the boys/Katherine need her damn it I need to write about this now!!! •Davey and Les' culture shock/expressions watching the show •Katherine and Jack meeting again, and Jack is instantly heart eyes 😍 still •Katherine when she saw the sketch Jack drew/left for her •The World Will Know / Seize the Day are 2 of my fave songs from the musical btw •Oh and those two Newsies they got to join them??? I'm pretty sure one of them was a Crutchie because I recognized him but damn it I can't remember his name! •When Davey made Katherine upset I was like 😠 •Watch What Happens 👌 I love it •When Crutchie got taken to the Refuge 😔 •Jack's emotions coming out before intermission 😭😭😭
•There's a 15 min intermission so we all take a break. They show trivia and are playing the songs and 1) I get all the trivia right and 2) I'm singing along perfectly ok •My mom is like, ur a fucking nerd lol •I'm updating my pals/twitter and send my friends the "I'm crying in the club" meme bc fuck, I'm crying every 5 minutes. It's so good and I'm so happy
•So act 2 comes around •King of New York!!!! I had to dance to the '92 version of it for my tap class when I was...I'll say 12 years old. I'm p sure that's how I got into Newsies tbh but anyway.... •Oh and that Newsie they picked up too was all like "I WONT BE LAST IN LINE FOR THE TUB TONIGHT" I was weak 😂 •The show has a lot of fantastic one liners and dialogue tbh •Anyway Katherine's lil tap solo and she showed her undergarments I was like "ur so scandalous" LMFAO •Crutchie in the refugee 😭 •"Your friend -- Your BEST friend -- Your brother --" I cry every time 😭😭 •I love the Watch What Happens and yes, • 🎶 THE POOR GUYS HEAD IS SPINNING 🎶 •Did I mention how much I love Davey/Ben? Because I really do lol •lol remember when Katherine got in trouble with her dad? •but tbh it ain't so funny bc of what happened next, as in Jack came in, he finds out •Altho it was a lil funny bc how Pulitzer was about it lol •BTW I like Hannah a lot (she's the Supportive Aunt) and she reminded me of the mom off of Good Luck Charlie 😂 • 🎶 BROOKLYN'S HERE ‼️🎶 •That's another fave song awe they were so great •Newsies Rally: AKA Jack is a Fuckup because He Has a Heart of Gold •Also cute lil Davey tryna stand up (and succeeded in his own right) 👌 •Katherine and Jack meet up, make up, and kiss • 🎶 I HAVE SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN 🎶 •Jack and Katherine invented being in love •Once and For All is the BEST ensemble/song in the musical I'm sorry for telling the truth but DAMN it's amazing! •Oh and Katherine's rich pals helping out 👌👌👌 •I headcanon that the three of them grew up together (duh) and know each other because their dads are huge names (also duh) and the three of them act like siblings (that's the headcanon) •The crew marching up to Pulitzer. Boys outside, Jack v Pulitzer and all that •Teddy and Katherine are in the house •THEY WIN THE STRIKE YAY!!! •Pulitzer offers Jack a job because of his AMAZING ARTISTIC TALENT •"Why would i work for ur dad" "...u already work for him" •Medda/Teddy is my new otp 😂 •THE FINALE‼️ •Jack/Katherine kiss and the boys are shouting •That closing number 👌 •Fuck y'all, it was so damn good. Like I said, I was crying the entire time and I just LOVED IT. 14/10 stars. If ur able to, go see the last show this upcoming Wednesday. •BUT if u can't, I'm pretty sure it's confirmed that they'll release it on iTunes and Netflix, but I'm not sure when •That's it lol
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nyxelestia · 8 years
What I Didn't Write in 2016
Plotbunnies that I never ended up writing (and, if I'm going to be honest with myself, probably never will).
Ghost Allison - Death wasn't enough to stop Allison from protecting her friends. (ETA: Never Mind.)
Jordan and Derek, Guilty (BR)OTP Fic (Unrequited Marrish and Sterek) - Jordan and Derek hate themselves for loving Lydia and Stiles. >:)
Post Season 2 Allison/Lydia, with Pregnant Lydia - Jackson impregnated Lydia just before he died in the Season 2 finale. Allison steps in.
West Wing Sterek AU - Stiles as the First Son, and Derek as the President's assistant. They are basically Zoey and Charlie. That's it, that's the plot.
Stiles-Centric AU (Witch!Claudia -> Warlock!Stiles) - A completely plot-less AU/idea about Claudia having been a powerful witch, and Stiles having inherited some magical ability from her.
Sheriff Stilinski Was Once Johnny Cage (Stallison or Gen) - altered to fit the Teen Wolf universe, the events of the Mortal Kombat movie were the manipulations of the nogitsune, before it was re-imprisoned back in California. When it escapes again, it intentionally possessed "Johnny Cage's son".
Avatar Scott AU (Sciles) - Scott is the Avatar, and Stiles is his non-bending best friend who he doesn't go anywhere without and who helps him learn. The Swamp Tree is called the Nemeton, and the academic fox spirits at the library are getting corrupted, which leads to one possessed Stiles.
Werewolf!Sheriff (Sterek) - The Sheriff gets Bitten, comedy and angst ensue. Let's be real, if I wrote this, it would mostly be angst.
Teen Dad Stiles (Pre/Post Sterek) - Babies don't make everything better, and in fact can ruin your lives, especially if you're a teenager.
Chris/Melissa/John Fic - What was originally a farce just to fuck with Rafael blossoms into an actual relationship. Their kids...try not to think about it.
"Seraph Stilinski" (Gen) - Claudia was a demon, the Sheriff is an angel, and all the forces of Heaven and Hell are deadset on making sure the world never finds out they had a kid together - the best way to do that being to kill the kid.
Stiles Number 7 (Clone AU, Derek & Stiles, Derek's POV) - Stiles is one of several clones, who are all based on Dylan O'Brien's other acting roles.
Trans Scott Fic (Scott & Stiles - Possible Sciles?) - Scott was born female, but is a boy. Stiles was his first and fiercest advocate, which is why the nogitsune acts like a transphobe the moment it possesses Stiles.
Details below!
Ghost Allison
ETA: So I ended up not only writing a fic for this one, but making a fanvid as well. Go figure.
Exactly what it sounds like: Allison is a ghost. I play around with various ghost mythologies, but the end result is that the pack realizes that Allison never left and she's been with them all along (which is why no one in the pack ever died after 3B). She sent Scott back after Theo killed him, she nudged Lydia in the right direction when she was in Eichen House, and she intentionally made Scott think of her when her own ancestor, Sebastian, tried to claw him for the memories.
This one, though, I'm actually not writing because I have an idea on how to make it a fanvid, instead. ♥
Jordan and Derek, Guilty (BR)OTP Fic (Unrequited Marrish and Sterek)
Basically, a fic which takes the age differences seriously. It's a lot of Jordan and Derek slowly realizing the other one is also, like themselves, attracted to a teenager (who, even while "legal", they just do not feel comfortable trying to start a relationship with, for many reasons, age merely being the biggest one).
It oscillated between humorous (the boys commiserating over the snarky teen geniuses they're in love with) and dark (the boys sleeping with each other and openly using each other as a "distraction" from the kids they are in love with). It was going to end with these two working behind the scenes to set up Stydia, figuring that Stiles and Lydia were better off with each other than with them, and then Derek and Jordan kinda parting ways and moving on, better able to love their respective teenagers from afar.
Post Season 2 Allison/Lydia, with Pregnant Lydia
Inspired by this gifset. Jackson actually died in the Season 2 finale, and Lydia found out she was pregnant with his baby soon after - and with Jackson dead, she refused to abort it. My twist is that Lydia's pregnancy is progressing against the backdrop of canon (though in an AU where, because Allison stayed to help Lydia through the pregnancy, she helped find Erica and Boyd, meaning they lived, and the Hale pack was more cohesive by the time Deucalion made his move). Lydia is explicitly targeted by the alpha pack because of her pregnancy (since the pack is an actual pack in this AU, practically everyone sees Lydia as family, and thus her baby as their future niece/nephew). The nogitsune tried to make her miscarry - though thankfully, it failed, if only barely. The fact that it was distracted attempting to cause the miscarriage meant Allison survived, though also only barely. Lydia was with Derek when Kate attacked, so the baby was born prematurely. Allison - at this point fully in love with and dedicated to Lydia and the baby - is furious, so when the pack goes to rescue Derek, she kills Kate for hurting Lydia and potentially killing the baby. Luckily, the pack comes back to Beacon Hills to find Lydia and her baby daughter are safe and on the path to recovery. The baby is named Jackie, after her lost father, and everyone loves her and all the bullshit of Season 4 never happened. The first full moon even reveals that the baby is actually going to be a werewolf, which Lydia is - much to everyone else's surprise - delighted by. Lydia is grateful to have the power to protect her friends, but being a banshee is traumatic and she's glad to know that her baby won't have to suffer through it. The epilogue is Satomi introducing herself and her pack to Scott and his pack - not from the fear and death of the deadpool, but to celebrate the new arrival to Scott's pack.
West Wing Sterek AU - First Son Stiles
Derek comes to the White House looking for a mailroom job, needing to support himself and his sisters after the rest of his family is killed in a brutal housefire. Due to a series of shenanigans, he gets hired as President Stilinski's body-man/personal assistant, instead. He eventually ends up dating the First Son, Stiles, and life seems good for him...until the First Family, the staff, and Derek are shot at by Neo-Nazis, because they object to the First Son being in a gay relationship. They stick together through that, though they split up later for personal reasons...yet Derek still loses his mind when Stiles' new boyfriend's stupidity gets Stiles kidnapped. As such, they eventually reunite (with only a little bit of meddling from Stiles' dad.) (This based off the Zoey/Charlie arc in The West Wing. Charlie's mom was a cop killed in the line of duty, and the Neo-Nazis attack because Charlie is black while Zoey is white. After they split, Zoey's new boyfriend gave her some E despite her already saying she didn't want it, and while he had no nefarious intentions beyond that, this made her vulnerable and led to her kidnapping.)
Stiles-Centric AU (Witch!Claudia -> Warlock!Stiles)
AU where Claudia was actually a very, very powerful witch. Stiles and the Sheriff have known about the supernatural world all along (Scott only found out after he was Bitten), and this somehow nebulously led to no real change in the events of Season 2, but after it, Erica and Boyd were saved from the alpha pack, and Allison stuck around town instead of leaving, so come Season 3 - when the story starts - the pack is a more cohesive pack, Allison is rebuilding her Hunting group/"family" with a new code, and Stiles is formally training to become Derek's emissary (and then Scott's, once Derek gives up his spark to save Cora, while Scott becomes the True Alpha). This one, I chose not to write because while I had some individual scenes and such planned out, I had no actual plot in mind.
The closest was some weird rom-com bullshit in which a coven comes into town and accuses the pack of breaking into their stuff/breaking some old wards of theirs. It's about to turn into a fight until Scott and Stiles show up and recognizes "Stiles's mom's book-club friends", and the witches recognize Scott and Stiles. They have trouble believing that the little boy who used to play with Stiles is now a True Alpha, but they do realize Stiles' "breaking" the wards/shields were genuine accidents - those shields were originally set up by Claudia, and the only thing more powerful than them are talismans she gave to Stiles and the Sheriff (made out of the Sheriff's old dog tags). They actually want Stiles to come with them, but they shrug it off when he declines and chooses to stay with his pack. One of the witches who is new to the coven tries to instigate a fight, but they're all like, "we can't fight them, we helped potty train them!" That's quite literally the extent of my planning for this fic. :P
Sheriff Stilinski Was Once Johnny Cage - Mortal Kombat (Stallison or Gen)
AU where "Stilinski" is actually Claudia's family name, which the Sheriff changed his name to in order to escape the fame of his movie days - he was actually born as Johnny Cage. Kitana was 'merely' a thousand years old, and a kitsune (halfway through the story, we find out she's Noshiko's older sister). Liu Kang is like Deaton, a Spark/Emissary/monk/user-of-magic (he grew up learning it, ran away from it, and the events of the movie were him coming back to that heritage). Sonya Blade is a Hunter from a Russian/Russian-descended family that has a testy relationship with the Argents (though she's not the leader yet in the events of the Mortal Kombat movie). The events of the Mortal Kombat movie were altered, so that it turns out the sorcerer Shang Tsung wasn't working for some other-dimensional demon, but the nogitsune (which Kitana accidentally released in the process of looking for her long-lost sister). The "tournament" was an elaborate human sacrifice ritual to superpower the sorcerer (and then/thus the nogitsune). Luckily, this original badass quartet managed to put a stop to the preceedings, and put the nogitsune back in its prison in California. Unfortunately, they were not able to capture Shang Tsung (which is why he later turns up leading a Yakuza ring right under Johnny Cage's nose in Beacon Hills - the actor playing Silver Finger is the guy who played the evil sorcerer in the Mortal Kombat movie). The story starts a few decades after that, though. Stiles is still very much the guy we all know and love, except that he grew up learning martial arts from his dad, his godfather "Uncle" Liu, and his godmothers "Aunt" Sonya and "Aunt" Kitana. (It's mostly just a hobby for him, something he does with his dad on the weekends.) The Sheriff and Stiles are both attempting to figure out or solve the supernatural drama, but from different directions. Both are attempting to protect each other from it, so neither of them know that the other one is involved until Matt's attack on the station, when they both know the kanima when they see it. Stiles learns the truth about his Uncle and Aunts, with Liu and Sonya even coming to town (though they don't really make it until after the Season 2 finale). Liu helps Stiles get started on learning how to be an Emissary, while Sonya (now the leader of her Hunting family) helps Allison clean up the Argent family and its mess. Kitana doesn't show up until the events of Season 3B,  which is when it comes out that she and Noshiko are estranged sisters. Since Stiles genuinely sees Kitana as his aunt, this leads to him and Kira viewing each other as something akin to long-lost cousins. The joy of newfound family is short-lived, since the nogitsune has escaped yet again - and it wants revenge, which is why out of all the people it could've taken, it chose to possess Johnny Cage's son. >:) This fic was going to have a lot fun parallels between two quartets - the "original" quartet of Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Liu Kang, and Princess Kitana, against the "new" quartet of Stiles, Allison, Lydia, and Scott. However, it wasn't a fic I could really write about a single event or short period of time. Conversely, I didn't want to start yet another long, drawn-out, and heavily involved AU, when I'm already writing three of them.
Avatar Scott AU (Sciles)
From this post. Avatar AU, where Scott is the Avatar, and Stiles is his non-bending best friend and companion. Scott had many earthbending masters, though his most valuable lessons came from Stiles' father, the metal-bending Chief of Police. The Fire Nation hasn't attacked yet, but aspirations for world conquest are simmering in its royal family, the Argents.
Allison - a Yu Yan archer - has been exiled, ends up befriending the Avatar, and finds him the best fire-bending teacher possible: Kira, a lightning-bender. Monk Deaton teaches him airbending, as well as how to take care of the air-bison and all the other creatures of the Avatar world. (He is also an avid Pai Sho player, and taught Stiles how to play - and gave him a White Lotus tile when the boys finally left the temple after Scott mastered air-bending.) The Hales are the chiefs of the Water Tribe, who have always lived by the moon, and Derek is the one tasked to teach Scott water-bending.
Scott's first "mission" as the Avatar is to find out who is trying to attack the most spiritual tree in the world, the Nemeton. Before he tries, though, he has to go to The Library to learn about it. Unfortunately, something has been corrupting the fox spirits there, which no one realizes until one takes Stiles away from Scott. This was a premise, but there no actual plot to this, hence why I didn't write it.
Werewolf!Sheriff (Sterek)
In an AU where Erica, Boyd, and Allison all lived, and Isaac, Jackson, and Cora never left. Stiles has been instrumental in training all of them (especially once he sees what a disaster at it Derek was.) Werewolf shenanigans leads to the Sheriff getting Bitten by some rogue alpha, so now he has to learn how to be a werewolf. There are some good sides - he's loving how useful his new, enhanced senses are in his investigative work, and Stiles lets him eat whatever he wants. Unfortunately, he doesn't react well to the news that he can never drink again, and his first full-moon is trauatizing for everyone.
It was a lot of themes about how growing up can change your relationships with your parents and other parental figures around you. A big part of the story is that the Sheriff largely sees Scott as something akin to another son, but Scott has to be the Sheriff's alpha in order to protect him and everyone around them - and Stiles often unwittingly follows suit, as the Emissary. So their relationships kinda get flipped on their heads. And remember all the psychological nastiness of Scott's first full moon, and the physical violence of several other characters' first full moons? Yeah, imagine the Sheriff doing that, directed at his actual son and his adoptive son. >:)
(Despite not having enough of a plot to bother writing this, I did somehow develop plans for a sequel where this happens all over again because Melissa gets Bitten, too. However, in her case, she just asked Scott to Bite her, so she made an active choice to become a werewolf, well-aware of all the strife that would come with it.)
Teen Dad Stiles (Pre/Post Sterek)
Stiles and Malia didn't exactly use protection when they screwed in the basement of Eichen House in 3B, and Malia gets pregnant. In this AU, though, she never wanted to stay in the human world, so after she gives birth to the baby (toward the end of summer, just before senior year), she regains her coyote shift and returns to the wild - for good. Stiles is left with a baby, and the whole pack is supportive, and Derek in particular chips in a lot, since the baby is family (via Malia), and he's feeling a little bit responsible (for a variety of reasons). However, this isn't a feel-good fic where babies make everything better. Even with all the support in the world, being a parent is tough, and being a teen parent especially so. Stiles struggles with being a teenage father, and affects his social life, his ability to handle supernatural problems, and his grades - and with them, his career aspirations. He resents being a teen father, and slowly starts to resent the baby. Babies not only don't make everything better, but Stiles starts to feel like the baby ruined his life. Derek - seeing what could happen to the baby if she were raised by someone who resented or even hated her - demands full custody, and even threatens to sue for it. Stiles is resisting mostly because of what a massive blow to his pride and his sense of self this is, though also because he feels like Derek taking the baby out of obligation wouldn't be much better. (His resentment of being a teen parent is so deep, he doesn't realize that Derek - in a much better place in life to raise a child - actually looks forward to having a kid to take care of.) Derek is about to force the issue, but everyone remembers that while Stiles is the father, he is still a teenager, which is why the final say/official custody actually fell to the Sheriff - who saw the same thing Derek did, and thus agreed that the baby should go to Derek instead of staying with Stiles. The fic ends with the epilogue, which takes on the baby's first birthday, and when Stiles is getting ready to head off to college. There are no promises that Derek will wait for Stiles, nor that Stiles will ever "come back" or reclaim the baby. But Derek will always be there for Stiles, and while Stiles may not raise the baby, he will still be a big part of her life and try to do right by her in his limited capacity.
You can probably see why I didn't write this. Look, I'm sorry, but no matter how cute they are, sometimes babies not only don't make things better, they really do ruin people's lives.
Chris/Melissa/John Fic
This was a pretty cutsey fic idea, set in some nebulous post-S4 world, but where Allison lived and Isaac never left - and where Rafael McCall did, indeed, come back to Beacon Hills like he said he would in Season 4. However, he seems to be trying to 'reclaim' his place in the McCall family, refusing to see that Melissa has no interest in reuniting with him or that Scott neither wants nor needs him. (I consider this to be very OOC for him, though, which is a small part of why I didn't bother writing this.) The story actually begins after some minor supernatural scuffle results in Chris and the Sheriff crashing at Melissa's place for a night while the kids are out and about. The next morning, Rafael happens to barge into the house unannounced, sees Melissa making breakfast for Chris and the Sheriff (with Chris and the Sheriff in boxers and tee-shirts, since Melissa didn't have anything that could fit them), and jumps to the wrong conclusion. Rather than disabuse him of the notion, though, the three pretend they did, indeed, have some kind of threesome, leading to Rafael to storm off in disgust. They actually continue this facade for a while, much to the kids' amusement - it seems like the perfect way to throw people off their tracks, while making Rafael (and a few other interested parties) not think twice about some strange behavior. However, the fake relationship eventually grows into a real one, the three of them banding together to take care of and protect the kids in the face of all the supernatural crazy that is Beacon Hills. Their kids do find out that this "fake" threesome has become a real one. They struggle with it at first, for different reasons, but eventually come to be glad for their parents. (Mid-way through college, the two men knock up Melissa. The kids' reaction mostly boils down to teasing the parents for getting into an accidental pregnancy after having spent years lecturing the teenagers on practicing safe sex specifically to prevent something like this from happening. But when their baby sister is born, they spoil her to bits.)
"Seraph Stilinski" (Gen)
A kind of very dark Good Omens crossover/AU, with a lot of Saga undertones to it. Heaven and Hell have long been at war with each other, a conflict as old as humanity itself. One of the most powerful Arch Angels and another very powerful demon left their respective sides after falling in love with each other. They became human, which hid them from their former comrades, and spent multiple lifetimes together like this. Eventually, they even had a child together, taking great pains to make it look like that child was adopted, should someone unfortunately discover them. However, they realized too late that the process of having a child would doom the mother - which led to Claudia's human form deteriorating. She probably could've been cured just by undoing the human body and returning to her former self, but to do that would've been to reveal her location to the depths of hell, and possibly the truth about her child, so she died rather than put her husband and Stiles at risk. Supposedly, the Stilinski family happens to have been in Beacon Hills for a long time, and have passed down some uncanny resemblances, which is one no one questions it on the rare occasions they could swear they see John (or, I guess he's Noah, now?) in some decades-old photograph or century-old painting. However, some things aren't adding up, and by the end of Season 2, Stiles knows his father isn't human, and is a lot older than he looks. But the Sheriff is keeping remarkably tight-lipped about it all, which doesn't make sense until Stiles is possessed by a demonic fox-spirit...who the Sheriff says is, in the closest approximation to human terms, Claudia's brother - and thus, Stiles' uncle. And to think Derek thought he had it bad!
I also didn't write it because it was sprawling into some multi-million year angelic/demonic conspiracy. The reason why Claudia and John tried to hide that Stiles was their kid was because a angel-demon child was taboo, due to myths that such a child would be tremendously powerful. They were very confused when their baby was human, though relieved to see this would make him easier to hide. However, various "higher ups" in both Heaven and Hell still want this kid dead, and eventually, everyone figures out why. It's not that Stiles is particularly powerful, but that all humans are - they are not bound to any concept, object, element, or natural entity like angels, demons, spirits, and most supernatural creatures are. Things that devastate other creatures - iron, salt, silver, etc. - humans cloak themselves in, and powerful roots or herbs like mountain ash have zero effect on them. Despite humans being so physically weak and slow and their senses being so dulled, they've taken over the planet, and they can even leave it, a concept that up until recent was deemed impossible by everyone on and around Earth. In the purely physical sense, humans are "weak", but from the supernatural standpoint, humans are tremendously powerful (and/or rather, invincible). So why to the "higher ups" want him dead, if all humans are powerful? Well, Stiles is proof that all humans - all of humanity - are descendants of angels and demons. That thing about the conflict between heaven and hell being as old as humanity? Well, Heaven and Hell - angels and demons - predate humanity. Stiles - a confirmed child of an angel and a demon - is living proof that they weren't always at war, and that in fact there was so much fraternizing/uniting between these two sides, they created enough "demon/angel children" to create a whole new species: humans. Stiles is living proof that angels and demons can coexist peacefully, so of course everyone wants him dead before word of this gets out. This got very convoluted and extremely Sheriff-centric (with surprisingly little of Stiles or the pack in it), so I never bothered writing it. The Sheriff is popular, but not that popular/not on his own, so I doubted this would get read much, and if it's just for myself, why bother writing it when I can enjoy a story in my head?
Stiles Number 7 (Clone AU, Derek & Stiles, though surprisingly not necessarily Derek/Stiles)
A Clone AU, loosely based off of the tween novel series Amy Number Seven (which is like the middle school version of Orphan Black, but focused on the character coping with the clone background after finding out about it, rather than the clone mystery itself). Mostly Derek's POV. Basically, Seasons 1 and 2 are largely unchanged, except there are multiple implications that Stiles was kidnapped as a child and only recently returned home, but Derek doesn't know or figure out the details. Meanwhile, throughout these events, Stiles and Scott make a lot of references to Stiles getting help from mysterious "cousins" and "brothers".
After Matt's attack on the police station, Stiles calls in those mysterious cousins. Derek meets this AU's version of Minho, Brenda, Theresa, and Newt when Stiles goes missing after the Championship Game in the S2 finale. They are Stiles' "cousins", and despite the fact Stiles has been kidnapped, everyone agrees Stiles was kidnapped by "someone local", so the problem isn't big enough to warrant calling in Stiles' "brothers" just yet. Derek still had no clue what the fuck is going on, but not only are Stiles' cousins clearly child soldiers, Stiles himself actually manages to disable Gerard in that basement, and he's the one that frees Erica and Boyd. The warehouse battle still happens,  and Stiles' mysterious cousins vanish soon after, and Derek is still very confused - even more so because Stiles is disturbingly competent and militant when it comes to finding and rescuing Erica and Boyd. (And also because Stiles disappears to "go help his cousins/brothers" once or twice throughout the summer.) However, the nogitsune is a BIG problem, which is when Derek gets to meet Stiles' "brothers" - clones.
These clones are all basically OC's inspired by/based on Dylan O'Brien's other roles. In this universe, the kids were made by some evil organization trying to produce soldiers, and these kids were the experiments/subjects. They survived, escaped, etc. - and now this story is about their lives afterwards. (The "cousins" were various experiments in how to amplify certain human strengths, while the "brothers" were just an experiment to successfully clone human beings. The next step was basically to "combine" these two experiments - clone people with those amplified traits - but these kids escaped and destroyed the organization doing this before that could happen.)
This was going to be fun once Stiles' "brothers" roll into town, because neither the pack nor the "cousins" are willing to kill Stiles - but his brothers are, and in fact are setting out to do that, leading to the clones working against the pack and the "cousins". The clones are all completely normal humans, while the pack are obviously supernatural, and the "cousins" have some superpowered traits (amplifications of hints of what we saw in the books), not to mention they've got the law and Hunters on their side (via the Sheriff and Allison). Despite this, the two sides are pretty evenly matched. Later, Stiles thinks that his "brothers" should very easily have been able to kick everyone else's asses, so he thinks they just didn't try hard enough because they didn't want him to die, and doesn't believe they were actually outmatched; some of his "brothers" are...not disagreeing. :P
Trans Scott Fic (Scott & Stiles - Possible Sciles?)
A fic where Scott had been born genetically female, but is transitioning to male - and has been for quite a while by the time he is Bitten. There is a lot of dysmorphia because the werewolf Bite interferes with the transition process, but Stiles learns magic specifically to counteract these problems. There was also a big plot arc where this interfered with Scott's ability to completely turn into a wolf (but once he does, the wolf form is male). To be honest, there wasn't much of a plot, just a lot of smaller ideas or scenes I had in mind. The ones I originally came up with - and at the center of the story - are something which I expect would be extremely controversial at best.
Stiles has always been Scott's Number One advocate, and his first defender in the face of transphobia. Where Scott tries to assume the best of people and educate everyone, Stiles thinks Scott shouldn't waste his time and that transphobes should just go die in a fire. Stiles was the first person Scott ever told, and he was the one who helped Scott talk to his parents to get the transition process started, when Scott was too scared to.
So when a thousand year old chaos spirit intent on causing as much emotional pain as possible possesses Stiles, what does it do? Deadnames Scott, constantly calling him by his birth name and intentionally referring to him with female pronouns as much as possible. This is directly parallel to Scott's transphobic father coming back into town and doing the same thing, insisting that Scott is his daughter, deadnaming him and misgendering him. What Rafael is doing to Scott out of transphobia, the nogitsune is doing because it knows how much it hurts Scott (and Stiles). What transphobes insist is "natural" or "right", the nogitsune is using as a weapon in its psychological warfare - because it's just that bad, that painful, and that devastating.
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