#can't be answering the mysteries of life fully anon
not-poignant · 1 year
WOWZA. Loved the new stain chapter. I wondered if you could share your thoughts concerning why Alex is still so obsessed Sebastian this many years out of highschool (considering they hardly interacted since). He even expressed that it's love! Obviously they are both very changed now and hardly know anything about eachother. So why is Alex still so attached? I'd love to hear your perspective, thank u Pia!!
Hi hi anon!
So, yeah, Alex knows he's in love with Sebastian and has known it for a while. He admits that in chapter 9, and hasn't ever really flinched away from it.
As for why... No one really knows exactly why they fall in love with the people they do. Or at least, many people don't. It's often not logical, and you sometimes meet people who are way better logical matches and never feel anything more than fondness or general affection. Love is kind of messy like that, and I don't have a neat, logical answer for you, because emotions really hate those :D
I don't think it's true that Alex knows hardly anything about Sebastian. He knows a lot of things about Sebastian, because he's observed him so closely, for a long time. He knows Sebastian has friends but still perceives himself as a loner. He knows Sebastian thinks he's better than the town. He knows Sebastian likes frogs, likes to keep a clean home, is gay, and cares a great deal about making sure people get paid equitably no matter what the job is which gives him a good idea of Sebastian's political leanings.
He knows Sebastian's cologne, the foods he likes to eat, what he likes to drink, and what he likes to wear. He knows how Sebastian lives and that he likes to game and enjoys media. He knows Sebastian is interested these days in staying fit but tends to do it via fighting in the mines, and he knows Sebastian is a very adept hunter. He knows Sebastian has poor communication skills and he knows Sebastian is very good at picking clothes that flatter his appearance.
He knows Sebastian is extremely smart, and very bright in areas relating to maths, science and IT, and that he could probably do anything he wanted to. He knows Sebastian was married, and he knows Sebastian has come from a relatively broken home that looks neater on the outside than it really was. He knows Sebastian lived in the basement for a while and while that sounded super depressing, it was actually a huge space that was one of the largest areas in the house. He knows Sebastian comes from privilege, and doesn't really know what it's like to experience poverty or true deprivation. He knows Sebastian has a mean streak and an ugly streak and can be malicious, and that he's very good at verbal sparring, and he knows Sebastian cares about animals, and also wants to look after people.
I could go on, but I don't think we can really say 'Alex knows nothing about Sebastian' because if anything he knows more about Sebastian now than he ever has. The discrepancy is that we can't say the same for Sebastian when it comes to Alex. He's only learning piecemeal, and it's happening slowly. If anything, Alex is more attached now than he used to be.
Alex finds Sebastian handsome, he feels an electric thrill when he's around him, when he looks at him, he thinks 'that's one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen.' He finds Sebastian interesting as a person, even though he doesn't necessarily trust Sebastian to always really care for him in turn, he knows that Sebastian at least cares a little. He wants to make Sebastian happy and proud of him, and he wants to impress him, and he wants to make him smile, and has thought more than once that he would do just about anything to keep making him smile.
Like, he just loves him. It's something that's grown stronger - not weaker - with time. The more he gets to know Sebastian, the more he wants to spend time with him.
I'm sure Alex has asked himself 'why did I fall in love with him of all people' many, many times, and he doesn't know either. I'm sure he's looked for solutions, and tried to not feel that way, but brains and bodies do what they do.
Love rarely makes sense. That's why not all relationships work just because you love someone, because many of us fall in love with people we're completely incompatible with on a fairly regular basis. Love isn't enough to make a relationship (or friendship) work. You need a lot more than that.
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Thank you for killing me slowly by a thousand mental cuts the ask, anon! First of all, lemme apologize for taking so long to answer, but in my defence, you asked me quite the question here.
I want to say first that I used to be a big snk fan. And then the final chapter was released. It was so bad that it made me look at the whole series with a very critical eye, which made me realize that snk has never been that great to begin with. What really made this story good was the anime produced by WIT, and what really carried the story was its big mystery box. The moment we opened it, everything went downhill bc this was no longer a fantasy world, but a lazy parody of ww2 Germany & Japan.
But more importantly, and referring to the final arc, I started to notice all the rot hidden in plain sight: its fascist and antisemitic undertones, the awful writing, the lackluster worldbuilding, the braindead politics and the inconsistent treatment of characters.
Despite my newfound interest for the cautionary symbolism of Reiner and his character arc, I still think it was handled poorly. I have the same problem with characters like Gabi, Annie, Magath, and Pieck. Their individual arcs ended with them facing no real consequences for their crimes. Magath, despite being a literal representation of the nazi, was rewarded by the plot with a heroic death (a baffling choice when you think about who he is and what he did, and just how brutal and meaningless all of the Scouts deaths were pre timeskip). Reiner, Annie, Pieck, and Gabi were all rewarded with the promise of a new, happier life ahead of them, despite being responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths directly or indirectly.
Gabi herself is proof of just how bad the writing is: RBA lived inside the walls for around 3 years, and yet they still went on with their mission. They still killed Marco. Annie still massacred those Scouts. It took Reiner 7 years to fully acknowledge that what he did was wrong and to finally make amends ... by joining an alliance that had the same goal as that of the warriors for the whole goddamn arc: take down Eren. However, Gabi realized she was wrong in like what, just a few months at best? Their development is dictated by however the plot needs them to be or act. But there's more:
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Marco, the Levi Squad, Sasha, and -- as victims of similar circumstances -- Pixis, and Hange, the embodiment of pacifism, were all condemned for being good people, and some of them for believing that there is good in everybody, even in their enemies; and punished for believing that conflicts could be solved in peaceful ways. Does the cautionary symbolism of their brutal deaths still holds up when the story rewards violence and crushes pacifism?
I don't think it does.
Showing that even the worst of the worst are capable of change and doing the right thing in the end is an important message, but. The idea that everyone is just a victim of their uprising or their circumstances is simply wrong. Ideologies don't exist without people, cowardice does not justify orders carried out that lead to attrocities. This idea fails to acknowledge that evil exists. Not just nuanced evil, but pure evil as well. It also goes the other way around. This idea also fails to acknowledge that good can exist.
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And also to sympathize with Pieck, who was still loyal to marley despite what they're doing to her own people. And Magath, who in his final moments, revealed that he actually cared about the kids he was indoctrinating and instructing to commit genocide all along. I can't ignore the similarity with the way neonazi like to bring up hitler's friendship with Bernile Nienau, a girl of Jewish origins, as an attempt to humanize him. Heck, even Zeke's final moments painted him as more sympathetic than he was. Such is the case with Floch, and the way Jean reacted to his death. All those characters were redeemed in the audience's eyes without facing any substantial accountability.
I also have a huge issue with the false equivalences that were supposed to show us how morally grey everyone and everything is.
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-> The link to the post in the screenshot
Jean and Connie and the Scouts that attacked Liberio aren't just wrongfully presented as something they're not, they're also used as tools to rationalize what Reiner and co have done to them throughout most of the series. Jean briefly does that with what Reiner did to Marco before he punches him to a pulp. Then again with the "we're the same" bs. Then again with implying Reiner is one of them as a Scout. There's also no real tension between the warriors and the Paradis side of the alliance. What the warriors did to Paradis is truly horrific, so their only way for redemption is through their victims.
The mistake that most people do when they interpret their relationship or the characters themselves is to only look at the characters' in-story intent. But there's also this thing called the author's intent that overrides everything. Sometimes, you cannot separate an author from their work. Especially when it comes to the final 12 chapters, where the quality of the writing is in the sewer.
But there's actually another way through which these characters were redeemed: the introduction of a much greater evil and a much horrific event that makes everything else pale in comparison. The main conflict of the story was revealed to have always been Eldians vs Eldians. But that wasn't always the case. Not until isayama retconned Eren, and then treated him the same way he treated the warriors. Eren's friends refused to condemn his actions, and instead repeatedly rationalized, then absolved and thanked him for what he did. It doesn't matter that they still did what was right in the end, that Mikasa killed him, or that Armin admitted they're both going to hell for the atrocities they've individually committed. In the anime. Which came out almost 3 years after the release of chapter 139+the extras and the massive backlash that followed. Let's not forget how that conversation went in the manga:
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None of that matters because there's a dissonance between their actions & words and their attitude. isayama couldn't condemn any of his genocidal characters in a way that matters, in a way that would leave no room for moral ambiguity. But perhaps the greatest injustice isayama has committed to his own characters, story and messages was to retcon Eren, the character that was at the center of a message as powerful as the idea that we're all special because we're simply born in this world, into a genocidal maniac that cared about no one and nothing (if he actually cared about his friends, he wouldn't have put them through living hell, not when he actually had the power to prevent it, and if he actually cared about his mother, he wouldn't have killed her) through one of the worst executions of the time travel trope I've ever seen.
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Snk is not a story that condemns fascism, let a lone a "masterpiece" when it comes to social or political themes, because it's centralized on justifying the oppression of the Eldians and making it an integral part of the plot. Not only are the Eldians an obvious metaphor for Jews, which is antisemitic on its own given how it's executed, but isayama ends up making them truly horrific because he takes real world antisemitic conspiracies and turns them into factual realities in his own story, all while seemingly acknowledging that Jews have been oppressed and the victims of the worst genocide in history. Moreover, the Eldians also seem to be ideologically inspired by imperial Japan, Paradis in particular. As @ shangyang points out in their essay, we shouldn't forget the fact that this is a manga authored by a Japanese man, nor that Japan has its own history with fascism. (Plesse don't skip any of the posts linked here)
All that being said, isayama's true intent is more than clear: violence is praised because his characters were written so to see violence as their only option, and the fascist mentality of eternal warfare as the status quo. Pacifism is not presented as an option. There's no nuance, only extremism. Even the cycle of hatred at the very end only serves as proof that the intent of the story is to present an extremely narrow worldview in which the human species is only capable of perpetual warmongering, hatred, destruction, and death. Which is wrong and is the very opposite of what I'd call "nuance", imo. And the reason this bothers me so much is because snk and other "morally grey" works alike aren't portraying evil people as just that, people, and evil as something that exists in all of us - no, what they're doing is making the unlikeable likeable, the unjustifiable justifiable, and they're making people sympathetic towards things they shouldn't be sympathizing. Such narratives are banalizing evil (if I had a nickel for how many posts I've seen justifying what Magath did or outright saying they love the guy, well I'd have a lot of nickels) and depreciating good (lots of nickels for all the posts I've seen bashing the Scouts). Such narratives serve as propaganda for the things they claim to condemn.
The result is that such stories beget ignorance, and ignorance is a fertile ground, whether is the case of people who are only interested in shipping and blorbofication, or the people who are not properly educated to know what they're dealing with.
And there's a reason actual fascists and neonazi are circling the series like flies, identifying with the yeagerists, and saying that "Eren was right". They're not taking control of the narrative, they're seeing it for what it really is. The progression of Eren's character arc, his motivations, the retcons, the conclusion of the story, Ymir's motivation, the undeserved redemptions, the characters not behaving in ways they should based on their history, none of those things make sense because they don't have to make sense. They're only pretexts meant to mask the actual intent of the story. The cycle of hatred didn't end because the rumbling truly failed. Because "the enemy" (the people outside Paradis, all of them, as Eren made it very clear) wasn't completely obliterated. Because as long as there's "the enemy", there can't be peace. Fascists have a complex relationship with war. They don’t like it, but "the enemy" is always forcing their hand. The rumbling was meant to succeed.
This is not a cautionary tale for anti-fascists.
Snk is a cautionary tale for fascists.
Now recontextualize all of that in present-day fascist politics, and see where it takes you. But ofc, this is only my interpretation, based exclusively on the story itself.
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biteofcherry · 3 months
Happy Wetnessday 💦
Your parents promise you, the only princess your country has (otherwise there's only prince's) to the king of the north. He's rumored to be cold, mysterious and not able to love. Many people gossip that he has his might from mystical creatures. You're begging to not be married off to him but your parents have no other choice to save your country. It is not long after your parents announcement that your fiance matches into the great halls to pick you up. His cold eyes land on you and it's not more than a twitch of his lips as reaction. Soon you're in a carriage with him, on your way to your new home when he finally breaks his facade. Suddenly he's warm and shows affection but not too much. He's calculated, he knows what he wants and what he wants is you. Right now. In this carriage. And he gets what he wants. You're completely spent and ruined. You feel fuzzy, warm and somehow more powerful. As if a current was running through your veins. At your question of what he did to you he simply smirks and answers that he fully made you his, for all eternity.
Who is your new, mythical husband?
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
Hi Wetnessday Anon! 🩷
Ohh! A mystical, powerful husband who seems to have ice and starlight in his veins, but turns out wicked playful 👀
As much as Ari would fit with the mystical being, I can't see him in the north and cold. He's all sunshine and slutty beach life. Maybe mysterious desert, lol. So it's not him.
I also don't see Ransom displaying such patience in game of pretending and hiding.
And I am trying my hardest to not pick Steve.
I was thinking Lloyd, but he's too cocky and flashy to keep the mysterious, cool vibe around him.
I could go with Curtis, but...
But I think today, with this scenario? I'm seeing a presence that appears beautiful and soft, while at the same time has this darkness and burden on his shoulder. He could blend in with your court, if he wanted to. But he's too old and jaded to entertain such games.
His eyes are as cold as his composed demeanor. His robes are impeccable and sewn of fabric that appears to be nightsky reflected in the frozen lakes of the north. He moves like a shadow - fluid and belonging to any place, at the same time not belonging anywhere.
He is a man who can hold darkness and cruelty, but also thaws enough to show you affection and desire. And he wouldn't feel guilty of binding you to him for all eternity.
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how do you keep your faith even while such horrific things are going on in palestine? i've been a christian all my life and i understand that the question of why god allows suffering is one that people have always been asking, that we can never really know the answer to, but it's just so hard for me to see things like this, all of these innocent people being terrorized and murdered in such evil ways, and understand why god can't stop it from happening. in church we pray for both israel and palestine and it feels so pointless, and just makes me frustrated that i can't actually do anything to stop this. especially knowing that even bethlehem, the place of jesus's birth and home to many palestinian christians, is being attacked and churches are being bombed. it seems pretty clear that the people committing these atrocities are never going to open their hearts and stop, and the world leaders who would have the power to make them stop either don't care or directly support them. i do not want to believe that god doesn't exist, or that god would just sit by and watch all of this happen if it were possible to stop it, but it's such a struggle at times like this. i feel like it shouldn't be and like i should've had this figured out by now. it's okay if you don't answer this, i just love your blog and have learned a lot from it over the years, and am incredibly saddened by the state of the world right now.
Hey there, anon. I feel with you and stand with you in your struggle. I also gently suggest you work on letting go of the sense that you "should" have this figured out by now. Firstly because learning to release myself from "shoulds" is something my therapist taught me and it's been super helpful for showing myself love; secondly because I believe it is deeply, deeply faithful to ask these questions, to demand to know where God is in the face of evil — not just once, but continuously across our lives.
If at any point we think we have it "all figured out," if we think we've reached a fully satisfying solution to the problem of how a good God could "let" evil things happen, we're more likely to be numbed by fatalism or become complacent in the face of injustice. As Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (may his memory be a blessing) put it when asked why God lets bad things happen to good people,
“God does not want us to understand, because if we ever understood, we would be forced to accept that bad things happen to good people, and God does not want us to accept those bad things. He wants us not to understand, so that we will fight against the bad and the injustices of this world, and that is why there is no answer to that question.”
Ask the questions. Bring all that you feel — your grief, your confusion, your frustration, your doubt, your fear — to God. Study and pray and converse with others.
And while you're doing all that, and accepting that it'll be a lifelong exploration, act.
Let your love, your words, your actions be the divine response to injustice — because for whatever mysterious reason, God chooses to act through us, through all who follow Their call to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly" (Micah 6:8).
So yeah, I can't tell you why God doesn't just jump in and stop the evil, why God seems to limit Their own power to intervene (or even to lack that power to begin with), why God respects our free will even when we misuse it to such great harm (though you can see the bottom of this post for places to explore all those questions).
But I can tell you where I believe God is in the midst of all the questions, all the loss, all the suffering — and that's not on some lofty throne indifferently observing our pain; God is right there in the midst of that pain.
Where is God in the face of hate, violence, death? God is co-suffering with us, shouldering the burden with us.
In Exodus 3:7, God says They don't only see the enslaved Hebrews' misery, don't only hear their cries, but that They know the people's suffering — an intimate knowing, as of one who experiences it themself.
In Matthew 25, Jesus tells us that when humanity fails to welcome the stranger, visit the prisoner, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the oppressed, we fail to do those things for him — for he identifies so intimately with all whom the world calls "least" that he is one with each and every one of them.
So I don't know why God doesn't just fix everything, dammit! — it's the first question I'll be asking Xir when I die, because wtf!!
But I do believe, and I do draw some comfort knowing, that God does not leave us to suffer alone. God is one with the oppressed; God shows ultimate solidarity to the oppressed; and God acts with each of us who act for and with and as the oppressed.
And the good news in the midst in this horror is that there are things that all of us can be doing to act in solidarity with the oppressed!
Our efforts truly are making a difference. Politicians and whole governments across the globe have been startled by the resistance to pro-Israeli propaganda and solidarity with Palestine. The change is slow, but our protests are making an impact. Palestinians have been asking that we keep protesting, boycotting, educating, spreading the word. Because it is helping, slowly but surely.
As long as Palestinians refuse to give in to despair, we too must continue to fight. Palestine will be free. We will not stand silent as genocide occurs.
Boycott as many of the companies named by BDS as you can. Notice that they're focusing on a narrower, more targeted group of companies than some of the enormous lists people keep sharing — that's to help us avoid becoming overwhelmed! So boycott what you can from their list; these are the companies directly contributing to Israel's violence. And spread their list to anyone you can.
If you live in a country with a government that has yet to join the call for a ceasefire — and especially if you, like me here in the US, live in a country that is actively funding/otherwise supporting Israel's violence — call or email your representatives to demand a ceasefire.
Resistbot can help make that easy, in the US at least.
Educate yourself about the history of Palestine and Israel. It's important so that you can recognize lies and propaganda, and also so you can speak knowledgeably about the issue with others. It's also important because understanding and simply bearing witness are two big things Palestinians ask of us. You don't need to know everything, but know enough to bear witness, to remember the loss, and to debunk bullshit when you see it.
Here are some places you can get educated — link to free ebooks; article on current events; article with current perspectives from Gaza; and I've been reblogging news & resources as I see them over on @a-queer-seminarian
Post about what Gaza is going through on social media!! Don't let the fight die down! Talk about it with friends or others you think might be swayed to join the fight if they had the information that most media stations are failing to report on.
Stand up against Islamophobia in all forms.
Stand up against antisemitism in all forms. As Christians, this includes recognizing and uprooting supersessionism in our biblical interpretation, our liturgy, our hymns, etc. It also means learning about Christian Zionism.
One of Israel's primary arguments for the "necessity" of its oppression of Palestine is that Israel is necessary because nowhere else on earth is safe for Jews. They're right that nowhere else is safe for Jews; but they're wrong that Israel is safe for Jews — an settler-colonialist state, a war zone, a state that requires every civilian to serve some time in the military, is not safe for Jews either. But as long as they can point to the antisemitism rampant across the globe, they can use that as an argument. So to counter Israel, and much more importantly to stand in solidarity with Jewish people across the world, don't let antisemitism go unchecked.
Join in protests in your area. Follow Jewish Voices for Peace or Jews Against White Supremacy for info on such events.
Link to places to offer fin.ancial support
Want more ways to act? Check out https://www.palestineaction.org/
There is no easy answer to the question of suffering — but even so, it can be helpful to explore it deeper, to examine what conclusions others have drawn over the eras. If you want some resources for your wrestling, here are some:
This post goes into the basics of theodicy, the "the intellectual effort to jerry-rig three mutually exclusive terms into harmony: divine power, goodness, and the experiences of evil"
Then there's my #theodicy tag where I put all posts / links about this issue
I also have a long-ass YouTube video diving deep into "the problem of suffering"!
I hope this response brings you comfort and courage, friend. Don't be afraid of questions, of grief, of concern — let them galvanize you for the struggle. Solidarity forever <3
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chrisevansluv · 2 years
As for me, the most interesting thing in the story of Chris and Alb is not even the timeline, but the reason. I mean it's pretty obvious that he was the first to start the movement, and probably the initiative was completely his, especially in 2021 and early 2022. And now we know that he sidled up many young girls before Alba (according to likes). But why is she in the end? This is not a question in the style of omg why her 😂 I mean yes she is pretty, but she has absolutely typical appearance and I can't believe that there were no closer territorial girls in his life, ready to fully adapt to his hobbies/lifestyle. Surely there were many such girls and probably they could be less problematic in every sense, from living on another continent to racism. But only he introduced her as an official gf. And this is the biggest mystery for me. Like what got him hooked?
Most probably he did date other girls like her (that probably weren't famous) on the down low, but it didn't work out.
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Why her? It's a question no one can answer, and that no one should try to answer because it won't change a thing. They know each other, they've talked, and they've got to share moments with each other. There's your why. You don't need to know much more. And I don't think you need to get an answer as for "why" because it's not your business, not your place to understand why Chris is dating her. Not to mention how "despective" it is, and I'm not only talking to you but other anons that have sent a similar question.
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
Get to know: 3, 8 & 16
Aww, thank you anon! <3
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
I usually like to centre my fics around a question or situation, and then write scenes or vignettes which explore different elements or possible answers to that central ideal. For example, in the face of death's mystery was first inspired by a comment Zac made in Adventuring Party about Lapin and Cumulous being great roommates.
I then asked myself "In what kind of situation would they be roommates?" I knew I wasn't interested in a Modern AU because the characters are so grounded in the setting, so then I started playing around with the idea "Well, what if Lapin came back from the dead?" That then led into "What are the implications of someone coming back from the dead? How does this affect their relationships?" before I realized that the question I was really asking was, "What does it mean to be dead? What does it mean to be the person left behind? How are the dead remembered?" Which became the final story - a collection of scenes, deliberately different in tone and voice, showing how different characters engage with that question of what it means to die and what it means to remember, through the frame of a dead companion returning from the beyond.
So I guess my creative process can be loosely described as "What is the situation?" -> "What premise does the situation rely upon?" -> "How do characters (consciously or unconsciously) engage with that premise?" -> "Where do I want to go with these questions by the time the story ends?"
Add in lots of blank staring at my word processor, vivid flashes of unwritten scenes keeping me up at night, walking around my room in circles out of frustration, and that's a pretty good representation of my process!
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
I like writing beginnings and ends! All my finished fics have been written chronologically, and I think that's because the fics that I'm happiest with are the ones where I was confident in where I was starting out and I was also confident in where I was going to end up. I think I've mentioned this before, but for On the Composition of Clouds, I knew what the ending scene was going to be before I had even finished writing the beginning, and although I didn't write it until last, I had that clear idea in my mind to keep me on the rails whenever I got bogged down in the middle.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
So, so many of them, and I will never write most of them because I simply do not have the time to give each of these ideas the attention they need. Have a few, because you'll probably never see any of these as a finished product but I have to share them or my brain will explode:
A very conceptual exploration of Elrond growing up and coming of age in what was essentially the end of the world for the people of Beleriand. Going into things like growing up with the knowledge that your life was spared on a murderer's whim, that someone who killed everyone else in your life spared your life and your brother's for reasons you can't begin to understand, for a jewel your parents happened to have, for remorse and guilt (but what makes their crimes against you worse than their crimes against everyone else?). And then a whole thing about growing up knowing mortality. I'm a determined "Elrond and Elros aged closer to regular mortals before the Choice and they were fully grown adults when they decided" truther, and this fic idea has a lot of that. Becoming an adult during an apocalyptic war to end all wars (or so it seemed), living with mortality even though you're just a little left of mortal yourself. I don't really have a good direction for where this fic is going so I don't think I'll ever sit down and write it, but the ideas are percolating nonetheless.
A series of unrelated ASOIAF AU fics, each highlighting a different House around the canonical time of Robert's Rebellion, about how fully genderbending the children of that House (e.g. Stark, Baratheon, Targaryen, Martell, Tully, etc) changes the dynamics of the story. And by full genderbending, I do mean every person in that generation of that family - so the three Baratheon sisters instead of the three Baratheon brothers, or Branda, Eddara, Lyonel, and Berena Stark, or Dorea, Elias, and Obara Martell, etc. I just think it'd be interesting to explore the ways in which gender impacts these characters' lives and the way they see the world, and bring that forth by taking characters whom we know fairly well and showing how much they change (or stay the same) when their position and experience in society changes due to their gender. Unfortunately I'm not confident enough to ever write ASOIAF fic, so I shall just daydream vividly about this in my head without writing it.
I don't know if I'll ever get around to finishing this one although I have actually written a good deal for it, which is the Lapin/Theo/Cumulous fic. Part of the reason why I don't know that I'll ever finish it is that it's mostly a "scene" fic - I have specific scenes that really form the core of the fic, but no real connective themes or ideas between them. I also fully recognize that this is an extremely niche fic, and that readers will not accept it without a substantial bit of "Here's how the situation happened" on my end, which I don't know that I have enough time to fully write out.
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thesoundofanicefall · 3 years
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Hey dear anons
Well to the first dear anon:
Not gonna lie dear but I never think about this till today you asked it lol because I generally listen to the songs as I just like them or find the song comforting but don't think about any fictional characters when listening to one but as you mentioned I think with myself a bit and suddenly remembered an old song I used to listen a lot long ago and that was this
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And yeah now I am thinking with myself, this song makes me to think about Guren and his life story don't know why this just makes me to but unfortunatelly this song was deleted from my phone for about 2 years ago and I can't find it anymore😢😢
If anybody has a link to can download it then please send me I just remembered this now and I missed it right now😭😭
So that was the answer dear anon
To the second one:
Ummm.... Actually we are ON the clamix and the heart of the story right now dear anon just like how Kagami sensei was warning us about it on afterwards of ONS a while ago and mostly the heart of the story means the end but I don't think we will reach to the end this fast.
As I said before and with how Saito gave us its hint, there's a high chance the gang will arrast Shikama doji and will put him in the jail Urd created but after that?
Well after that we may have some calm chapter like chapters 95 to 97 again (I hope those chapters in future won't be as useless and boring as 95 to 97 ones🙄) and then on those chapters we may finally recieve the answer of some big questions and mysteries in the story🎉🎉
But then what will happen after that really depends on those answers dear anon like would the gang finally kill Shikama doji and resurrect the world or they will decid to keep him alive or anything else that as I said depends on the answers of the questions so we can't say the end is that near but maybe we can say the end of the FIRST part of ONS story is near and after Shikama doji will fall down fully then that would be the start of another part of the story dear anon
And yeah this is my answer to you dear
Hope this was helpful ^^💖💖
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Aren't you ready to "hop" into the weekend? You are welcome to hate me for that joke. What a fun day it has been for us! Should we contuine the fun? I think we should! Animal anon left her 80 hour a week job a couple weeks ago and is now relaxing and having some fun (safely) while she figures out what she is doing next. So I came up with a fun question for you all to answer! So my question is what period would you travel to if you were given a time machine? I'm going to cheat a little and give two answers because I was an undergrad history major and can't help myself. First, I'd like to go to the day Ludwig II died because my parents are from Bavaria and I grew up hearing about the mystery of his death and I wanna know what happened. Second, I'd also love to travel to Tudor England because it's just so dramatic and I've related to Anne Boleyn like my whole life. I know, it's a weird person to relate to and I am slightly concerned what that says about me.
Let's have some fun and remember to tag animal anon (if you so desire) so we can all scroll though your fun responses! And remember, animal anon thinks you are all beautiful talented gorgeous people who are killing it at life! And shoutout to the random blogs today who I messaged today who helped me with this question! ❤
-Animal anon
Hi animal anon!
I would love to go to the Wild West, like cowboys and stuff. It sounds ridiculous but you know at theme parks and stuff where they have themed areas? I always really love the Wild West themed ones, I am fully aware it would not be like that at all irl but nonetheless I would really like to go back there. Or possibly to regency england and be a young woman making my debut in society and getting engaged to a rich man Jane Austen style (again, not realistic probably)
0 notes
Aren't you ready to "hop" into the weekend? You are welcome to hate me for that joke. What a fun day it has been for us! Should we contuine the fun? I think we should! Animal anon left her 80 hour a week job a couple weeks ago and is now relaxing and having some fun (safely) while she figures out what she is doing next. So I came up with a fun question for you all to answer! So my question is what period would you travel to if you were given a time machine? I'm going to cheat a little and give two answers because I was an undergrad history major and can't help myself. First, I'd like to go to the day Ludwig II died because my parents are from Bavaria and I grew up hearing about the mystery of his death and I wanna know what happened. Second, I'd also love to travel to Tudor England because it's just so dramatic and I've related to Anne Boleyn like my whole life. I know, it's a weird person to relate to and I am slightly concerned what that says about me.
Let's have some fun and remember to tag animal anon (if you so desire) so we can all scroll though your fun responses! And remember, animal anon thinks you are all beautiful talented gorgeous people who are killing it at life! And shoutout to the random blogs today who I messaged today who helped me with this question! ❤
-Animal anon
"hop into the weekend” animal anon ashdkjlsdsa. 80 hours a week sounds hellish though, congrats on leaving and I’m glad you get to relax now! I hope you find something good afterward, you deserve it!! thank you for being a beautiful talented gorgeous person always!!!
can I cheat and go forward in time instead? I’m an eternal optimist, I would love to see what we achieve when one day we figure it all out. I want to see humanity be good to each other, maybe sneak some real space travel in there somewhere!!! 
but if not: just send me back to the mid-90′s so I can fully experience lilith fair rock girl era please lol
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chibinekochan · 7 years
Don't worry if you can't or don't want to but I think it would be a really cool idea to do a Rapunzel AU fic, with MC as Rapunzel 😉
Uhhnice and I guess you mean the modern version and not the classic one-the original story is really dark not that I mind dark fairy talesbut if you know the real story its bad-
I´msure everyone sees how much I enjoyed writing this request so thankyou very much anon !
I´mbasing this of the childbook version I know and a bit of the Disneyone.
Alsoif you enjoy this you should check my ongoing Fanfic Cinderella onthe moon out.
-itdeserves more love-
Onceupon a time in a far far away kingdom,
theirwas a pregnant woman she was really beautiful with long golden hairshe was named Rika and husband loved her dearly. Sadly she had a hugecraving for fresh Rapunzel (aka corn salad or lamb lettuce). Hercraving was so bad that she refused to eat anything else. Her husbandJihyun searched far and wide for the one think that could satisfy hiswives desires but he had no luck. Their was only one place he couldthink about and that was the house of the witch that was living inthe deep forest she was known for having all kinds of plants in hergarden her name was Jaehee.
Jihyunknew it was dangerous but what he was supposed to do ? He traveledthrew the forest till the reached the old hut of the witch. He sawthe well grown Rapunzel plants and he thought the witch would notcare if he took only one. His wive was starving after all.
Hetook one and ran away like the devil was chasing him. His wife wasmore then  happy to eat the Rapunzel he got her. She still was notsatisfied though no matter how much Jihyun told her that it was riskyto go back to the witches house. She could not stand eating anythingelse she insisted that it was either that Rapunzel or nothing. Jihyuncould not let his wife starve to death or risk their unborn child sothe next day he went again. This time the witch caught him in theact. Jihyun pleaded for forgiveness. The witch was actual moreunderstanding then he thought she explained how dangerous it actualis for Rika to eat this special Rapunzel. The child she would givebirth too would not be able to live a normal life. Jihyun understandsthat he does his best to keep Rika satisfied with non magicalRapunzel what he got his hands on thanks to his old Friend Jumin.
Itseems that her hunger is satisfied at least till one night the witchappears.
Shetells Jihyun that Rika kept on sneaking in and she ate a lot of theRapunzel. Jihyun is in shock he does not know what to do now. Thewitch has an solution though as soon as the child is born she willlock it in a tower so her magic will not harm anyone. Jihyun had nochoice but to agree to Jaehee. Once the innocent Rapunzel was born hehanded her over to Jaehee. She then locked the innocent girl in atower that only had a magical entrance on the bottom floor. Jaeheetook care of the girl she kept on telling her how dangerous theoutside world was and the girl believed her.
Jihyunhad lost his wife during the childbirth and was on a never endingtravel to search for a cure from the course that his poor child had.Jumin had hired guards to protect the tower and the child. On of themwas the fabled knight Zen who was known for his strength and his onlyweakness his own reflection.
Manyyears passed and Rapunzel had no idea of the world other then it wasfully of scary thinks that will harm her. Also Her hair had reachedunnatural length in all those years. Her only pleasures where booksand songs she would sing. Some if them she learned from birds andsome she learned from the knight. He took pity of the poor girl andtried his best to entertain her with his stories and bard songs.Rapunzel was scared of the world outside but she also wanted to seeit at least once but their was no escape from this place. That wasthe one wish the knight knew he could not fulfill since he knew ofthe dangers from her magic.
Thetale of the mysterious singer in the tower had spared far over theland their where many who wanted to see the mysterious girl that waslocked away in the tower. The more came the more curious everyonebecame of the girl. Wild rumors started to bloom. Soon they caughtthe attention of a notorious adventure.
Hecalled himself 707 and was known for all kinds of dubious stunts. Hechallenged himself to find out the truth about the mysterious girland that magical tower.
Hewent out and soon found the weakness of the knight. He used thechance he had to sneak up to the tower and called to the girl. Shewas curious enough to answer the stranger but she was to careful tolet him know anything  about her. That only encouraged theAdventurer. He came back the next day and had a rope with him. Heused that to climb up to the girl she was really scared at first buthe kept his distance. He saw that the girl was only half asmysterious as everybody thought. The only strange think was her longhair. Other then that he found that the girl had strange ideas aboutthe outside world. He brought her food he wanted her to try and hebrought her some more light heard tales about the world outside.
Rapunzelreally wanted to see the truth now she had to see the world with herown eyes. 707 offered her to get her out and after some thought sheagreed. She felt a bit bad about the knight sine she knew he onlymeant well but she had to see. 707 cut her long hair off since it wasreally getting in the way. They climbed both down but the knight hadnoticed what had happened and he was in panic. He explained how theywhere all in danger now since the actual truth was that Rapunzel haddangerous magic in her that would hurt them all. 707 never got hurtfrom her though so he thought it was not true.
Rapunzelnot wanted to hurt anyone and wanted to go back up but Zen actualfelt bad that the poor girl was not even once outside of the tower.So he offered them to go in the town once. Rapunzel was more thenglad to do that. So they where going and nothing bad was happening.Rapunzel was enjoying her time so much specially after she met a newfriend named Yoosung on the towns outskirts. Both men where glad thattheir was nothing bad happening but they where aware of the issuesthat would drop on Zen if Jumin would find out what they are doing.
Rapunzelalso felt bad for that but the others told her that they should talkwith Jaehee. Maybe their was a way to remove the magic from her ?Jaehee was more then surprised to see Rapunzel and even more when shehared that nothing bad had happened yet. Jaehee used her magic onRapunzel and she found that all her magic was gone. That wasimpossible everybody thought. At least till Jaehee heard news from amysterious plant that grew from the tower. Jaehee used her magiccrystal ball and saw that the plant was actually Rapunzels hair. Thegroup went right away and Jaehee had to use a really powerful spellto seal the magical hair away.
Withthat Rapunzel had lost all her magic but she was free. Zen lost hisjob but he moved on and became a bard. Rapunzel decided to travelwith 707 and her new friend Yoosung came a long as well.
LaterJihyun came home after he heard that his daughter was finally curedand he was so glad that he could hug his daughter for the first timein her life.
Takea look at my Masterlistmy requests are open so drop by !
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