#can't believe i haven't made an intro post yet lol
terrifying-acceptance · 6 months
omfg i just realized i've never made an intro post
Hi! My name is @terrifying-acceptance but you can call me any shortening of that (T-A is a preferred one but i love seeing people get creative)
I go by just my name but He/They pronouns work as well
Technoblade (+the rest of the syndicate)
Stardew Valley
Rhythm Heaven
Anything Starkid (Fav LiB is Pokotho bc m u s i c)
TMNT!! (Specifically Rise and Tottmnt[T-CEST DNI])
#rye-mbles ; is for text posts or posts that aren't about any particular topic
#reblog ; everything i reblog gets tagged as this so it's kinda long
#ask ; again, it's just my asks
#wow! art stuff! ; all my art that i post
#radiance ; my work-in-progress comic!! check it out if ya want :DD (please i really need ideas and feedback)
---Fun Facts---
My favorite color is red/purple/blue
My favorite song is yellows and blues - downssides
I've been playing the violin for about 2 years now
I taught myself embroidery and am fairly decent at it
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fueledby3racha · 11 months
SO, rock-star came out...
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I still have to decide my final tier list tho, the album is so good as a whole piece!!!
when I gave it the first listen it was 2 a.m. btw. words cannot describe how much I tried not to scream from excitement when I first listened to megaverse. I feel like it's one of those songs that give so much stray kids vibes. I'm still obsessed over felix counting in french - since I'm an old stay and I've been since clé 1 miroh, I can't help but always wait for that good as hell intro for every album they make. megaverse makes one of the best intros yet, cuz it in globes in such a good way the rest of the album. regarding the melody, I really like how they've embraced the noise as part of the structure of the music they make. this structure appears in most of the songs except for "leave" ofc.
now about the title track (and the rock version). I've told this to a friend and I still believe that if it were for the kids they would have introduced the rock version as the title track per se, but the the kpop industry isn't ready for that yet - they can make all the noise music you want but there are still some limitations. both versions really convey the lyrics of the song and the energy is very powerful, which is something you'd rather expect from the kids. even when the melody is so loud like the Rock version, the harmony within the song is still very present! also the video is astonishing, but that's for another whole post lmao.a
next song! blind spot is... a very special song LOL. the contrast between the lyrics and the melody is very present and that makes up for a very good song, cuz it's not as angsty as cover me. the whole song gives more of a hopeful vibe, still maintaining the profile of pop rock. this one is for the nightcore fans btw, iykyk. the lyrics are very personal too and they're still so relatable - that's one of the powers stray kids have.
about comflex - every time I listen to it I feel like the most powerful person on Earth. it's really encouraging and I feel like many queer (and non queer) people feel like that too every time they listen to it. personally as a queer person it makes me feel like I can wreck every stereotype and role out there. so needless to say, I'm claiming it for the queers :) I'm obsessed with the vocal performance of chan, lee know and seungmin - Felix also really knows how to accentuate the feeling of songs that make you feel powerful (even sexy, like charmer).
NEXT! cover me... when I tell you I entered in a state of Nirvana when this song came next in queue... with this song I kind of started realizing how much English they've been including in the songs lately. when Chris sings in English he has such a different approach and you can feel it right inside ur chest - it really shattered my heart into pieces.
speaking of angsty songs, leave. when I gave a first listen to the album I didn't really like this song. my first thought even when the unveil came out was "oh, this song doesn't belong in this album". but talking to a friend about it he made me realize it's kind of necessary to have a breath of fresh air among all the rough songs that rock-star has (cover me included). I still feel like the melody doesn't do much justice to the lyrics (it's a bit too cheesy for my like), and since I'm not that into this kind of pop I know this song just isn't for me. and that's okay sometimes. cuz many fans are way more into this vibe and most definitely love this song even over cover me.
last song - the korean version of social path. this will be kind of controversial to say but since the song has so many lyrics in English more than Korean (or Japanese in the original version), I still haven't decided which version sounds better. apart from that, I feel like the Korean version sounds way better in masterization - I'm not sure why though.
so that's it! remember to keep streaming the album in all the digital platforms you can, and since we are wrapping up another year things can get a bit stressful - it's okay if you can't dedicate it as much time as you'd like to. also remember to vote for skz in MAMA!!!!!
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
5 Songs - QL Show Edition
Tagged by @thatgirl4815 - thank you for tagging me!
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL media that you actually listen to.
🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series.
🎶Non-western tracks only. Let’s support Asian music and languages!
🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating.
🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
So I challenged myself to only put one song per artist/show here, elsewise over half of the answers would be the same artist, lol.
Anyway, without further blathering, my list:
Over the Moon (Eclipse OST) - hands down one of my favorite songs ever, not just from QL. I love everything about it, and it's one of the few songs I never skip, even if I'm not really in the mood. It has the ability to take me right back to watching The Eclipse for the first time, and how much I loved that damn show (and Akk, favorite character in just about anything ever). It just puts a sort of wistfulness in my chest and then just makes me want yet another rewatch. Also I just love Khaotung's voice. I said it. I don't think I've heard an OST he's done and not loved it.
It's Always You (Between Us OST) - Pretty much same as the above, really. I know that this show wasn't for everyone but it caught me and caught me hard, and this song will take me right back to that feeling every time. Just hearing the intro makes me a little misty, lol.
Follow (My Beautiful Man OST) - It was really a tossup between this one and "Bitter" from S2, but this is the OG and I was obsessed for a long long time so it nudged it out. I just love it - it's Kiyoi Sou, right there in a song - all arrogance and confusion and desperate need to be adored. Impeccable.
Sunshower (Eternal Yesterday) - Yet again, a song that just flings me right back into the place where I was watching this show that I knew was going to break me and yet unable to stop because it was just that good. I adore this song - it's wistful but hopeful at the same time, and despite how much that show broke me I can't listen to this without smiling (now, that is). Also just have to plug the show for a sec - it's so good, great chemistry and amazing performances and has the best confession scene I've personally watched yet. Third episode is perfection and honestly I can't recommend it enough if you can handle it. I love it so much (might actually be time for a rewatch).
Closer (Cupid's Last Wish OST) - Have I ever gone on here about how much I love this show? Because I do. It's so much fun, and this song perfectly encapsulates that. Every time I hear the song I get a little happy inside, and it's also really great to put on while driving. It's a song made for montages, lol. And it's got all the charm of the show - no seriously, CLW is super charming, I can't believe I almost didn't bother with it because I was afraid it would do the "I love you, not your body" thing (fine in theory, not my favorite thing when it comes to queer media specifically). Now it's one of my comfort shows. Rewatch it all the time when I need to smile. Mix's and Earth's voices complement each other really well, too.
Honorable Mentions: Let's Try (I can't with that high note okay I just sat there gaping at my PC the first time I heard it), I'm Not Boring You're Just Bored (introduced me to Tilly Birds, thank you Jojo (and trailers totally count hush)), Your World, My World, Strange Days, Go Sign, Bitter (as mentioned above), Kiyoi Sou's Theme (instrumental but it's so good),
Not tagging anyone because I don't know who has been, but if you are reading this and you haven't been tagged please consider this your invitation to play. But please tag me so that I can read the answers!
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drarrygirl27 · 5 years
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I don't know who recreated this beautiful quote into something even more powerful, but I thank you for doing so. I promise that I am not meaning to steal this. I take no credit for it in anyway. It is from a website called, sermon quotes.com and that is all I know about it. The only things that are mine in this post are my thoughts.
Anyway, this quote and picture hits home even more what my aunt was telling me during the celebration of one of my second cousin's birthdays. She said to not let bad things, bad people turn my light into dark. Don't stoop to their level and that I am so much better than that. If I let all my anger, resentment, and all the negative feelings go that only good things will happen to me. She also said that she truly believes that I will have the fluffiest, brightest, and whitest of wings one day. They will get theirs and burn when their time comes. I had no idea what to say to that. What is the right and or appropriate thing to say to such a heartfelt belief like that without sounding like you think you are all that and a bag of chips? Yeah I know. Old person slang and all that. All I could do was nod even though I was sitting there in disbelief. I still haven't made up my mind yet about things beyond this world we live in. I still talk to the big man upstairs, my deceased loved ones including my dad and grandmother, and such, but to be honest that is really as far as my belief goes. The only things that I know and believe in are to be loving toward your fellow men and to not be hateful no matter what while trying to be the best person that you know how to be. I'm certainly not perfect. Hell, no one is. However, if I were to get wings when my time on earth is done, I'd like mine to be silver or blue or maybe a mixture of the two. I love those colors. They're so pretty and calming.
Anywho, I am going to try to live by this post no matter what happens in my life during this month and after. Instead of saying that I hate the woman who is literally trying her hardest to take away what I have left from my Daddi-o and Grandma Jones, I'll just feel indifferent and not like what she is doing. I just can't wait to get her out of my life by being no where near her ever again. That itself has been true torture throughout this entire thing. That is as close as I can get concerning non-negative feelings and most likely it is going to be the closest in that regard that I will ever feel towards her. As I said, I'm not perfect and I never will be, but I will try to be one of the positive things in this world for me and others simply because I know emotional pain. I have been quite familiar with it for most if not all of my 30 years of life, a good bit of it by me because I'd much rather bring that kind of darkness to myself than others. I still feel that way, but I am getting better at not shutting people out. I'll admit that my D has helped me out a lot with that.
Any la who, I am going to end this here before it becomes a damn Star Wars Saga Intro. LOL! We all don't need that, but at least there is a really pretty picture and quote with this one.
Sincerely twice as much as ever, Kendra E. Jones
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