#cane user eddie
ent-is-indecisive · 1 year
Hehehe hee hee hee if you’re still looking for drawing ideas, how about steddie in skirts? 👀 no worries if it’s not your thing! :)
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asking that question it's like you haven't seen my blog /j
self indulgent skirts guys doodles coming right up
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latestdreamgirl · 6 months
Q5 with literally anyone man❤️ go ham
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JOPPING UP AND DOWN. Ok ummmm you already know all my thoughts on how doom looks SAUR ill do this for eddie 👍
5. Do you have any headcannons on how your f/o looks? if yes, what are they?
i feel like this is blasphemous among eddie enjoyers but . I think hes brunette not ginger… #SorryRanags. ive just always thought the brunette hair was cuter >.> BUT i do think that when he was younger he’d dye it ginger <3 AND SPEAKING OF DYEING. i also feel like he started greying preetty early but always just dyed it over because he HAATED it (<when he gets older though he stops bothering with it 👍) And he’s balding. Of course. ill never accept a comic that gives him a full head of hair 👎 ALSO. i think he’d have a lot of beauty marks :-) particularly a few around his eyes
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ooooo i'll burn that bridge when i get to it for wip weekend??
thank you so much for the tag and the ask, lex!!! very excited that someone picked this one!!!
so i'm gonna put the snippet under a cut bc there's a bit of a Content Warning to go with it so, ask game link first:
bully me into writing more!! choose a wip!!
Now, CW: this is the fic in my series for i could be honest, i could be human where Steve opens up about his home life gradually to the different parts of his chosen family, so any snippet I post of it will be dealing with abuse in some capacity, either implied, referenced, or explicitly described. The snippet I'm posting falls under the implied or referenced column.
“If you think I’m letting you go there by yourself, you’ve got another thing coming, Stevie,” Eddie said firmly, grabbing his cane and getting up off the couch. Steve stared helplessly as Eddie got his shoes and coat on, the expression on his face making it clear that any response other than “Of course, Eddie, come with me to answer my violently homophobic father’s summons” would end in an argument. He didn’t want to have an argument with Eddie and a confrontation with Richard, but he didn’t want his dad anywhere near Eddie. Nausea bubbled in Steve’s gut, made worse when Eddie turned to look at him expectantly. Something softened around Eddie’s eyes. “Steve, you know Robin would kill me if I didn’t go with you,” he said, and Steve knew he was right. Even all these months later, the rule was that Steve never went back to the house in Loch Nora alone. “I don’t want him to hurt you,” Steve said, crossing the room to wrap his arms around Eddie’s waist and bury his face into the crook of his neck. Eddie immediately wrapped his free arm around Steve’s shoulders as he shifted his weight to his better leg, leaning into Steve. His other arm slid around Steve’s back, and Steve relaxed into the embrace.
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penny00dreadful · 2 months
Chronic pain, post-demobats, mostly cane user but occasional wheelchair user Eddie who will often answer nosy strangers with a salacious wink and a sultry "my husband" when they ask what happened.
Steve can almost always be heard shouting from a distance "STOP TELLING PEOPLE I PUT YOU IN THE WHEELCHAIR, EDWARD!"
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littlemissaddict · 2 years
Hi I was just reading your fics and i loveee them. I decided to make a request: Eddie X Shy wheelchair user (Fem!) where they meet at the school library ( by chance) and she develops a HUGE CRUSH. Fluff + angst (reader is insecure about him liking her)
Thank you for the request lovely, I'm so glad you've been enjoying my writing and I hope this lives up to your expectations. I do however want to preface this by saying that I am not a wheelchair user but I do have family members that use walking aids (crutches, canes, walkers etc.) and while I know they aren't the same I tried to draw from some of their experiences to help me write this.
Word count: 1771
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It wasn’t her fault honestly, she had checked before she had started to reverse her wheelchair out of the narrow gap between the library shelves, it was clear when she’d started to move and she was almost out when something or should she say someone collided with her wheelchair. The collision was hard enough to almost tip the chair so she could only imagine how much it actually hurt whoever it was.
The responding groan followed by a couple of winded coughs was enough to answer her question though as she came face to face with Eddie Munson when she turned to apologise. Sitting there with wide eyes as she felt her palms becoming clammy as she wondered how he would react, maybe he would yell at her as most people did when she got in their way. Although she uses the phrase lightly as her being in a wheelchair always seems to be such an inconvenience for other people despite it being a minor blip on their life compared to it being her way of life.
Eddie, for all people gossiping about him being a devil worshipper and a vessel for Satan, surprises her by doing the opposite. He apologises, profusely.
“Are you okay?” she asks, skipping over his apology even though hope blossoms inside her that maybe he’s not as scary as everyone makes him out to be. Eddie stops talking mid apology and stares blankly at her as though he didn’t hear what she just said so she repeats her question a little more slowly so that he doesn't miss it again. She can’t help the small smile that graces her face as she waits for his answer, although she does try to keep her mind from wandering to the fact that Eddie is adorable because she knows well enough that a guy like him would never be interested in her so there is no point getting her hopes up.
“Am I okay? I almost tipped you out of your chair should you not be yelling at me right now” he asks, disbelief written plainly across his face at how calm she is.
“Me? Usually I would be the one getting yelled at for being in the way in this situation” she replies with a laugh that he joins in with, both of them not quite sure what’s going on but both sure that they are making a fool of themselves. “I was serious though, you did get hit pretty hard” she asks again once the laughter has subsided.
“I’m good, m’sure I’ve had worse hits than that” he shrugs as if it’s nothing but it does leave her wondering what he means by it.
A silence follows as Eddie stands there awkwardly as if waiting for her to move, though he’s still kinda in the way and she’s not able to move without hitting him, again. Just as she’s about to ask him if he doesn’t mind moving so that she can move from between the shelves he speaks again, “Do you-uh do you need any help?” he asks, his brow furrowed as he brings a hand up to run it nervously through his curls. The smile falls from her face at his offer, she’s not annoyed so to say but she knows she’s more than capable of getting herself around without someone pushing her, and Eddie must realise what his offer sounded like as he is quick to clarify. “I didn’t mean I uh meant the books, I can’t imagine it's easy trying to get about while making sure they don’t fall” he says, his hand moving to rub over his face as his cheeks tint a pale pink colour.
“If you don’t mind” she smiles, offering the boy a lifeline and he takes the books from her with a smile, “and you’re right the school didn’t exactly design the library with wheelchair users in mind so it’s hard enough getting around with two hands let alone one” she adds, feeling at ease chatting with him as if she’d known him for years.
“Yeah well this school isn’t exactly known for it’s inclusivity if you get what I mean” he says with a roll of his eyes and she nods, she knows exactly what he means. A lot of students, even teachers, find an excuse to pick on those that are different and even though she and Eddie experience it in different ways it still seems like they have something to bond over.
Once they reach the desk Eddie places the books on top, ignoring the suspicious look the librarian gives him probably because in the whole time that he’s been at the school he’s been in the library only a handful of times and he’s been kicked out almost every time barring this once. Though once the older lady turns to her, she gives her a wide smile, chatting away about the last books she’d borrowed and Eddie took it that she was a regular in the library or unlike him never caused a scene and had to be removed.
“So do you need a hand getting them back to you’re locker” Eddie asked hopefully, his eyes shining as he flashed her a toothy smile, all his nerves seeming to have disappeared, “because you know I wouldn’t mind carrying them around for you all day, you just have to say the word” he teased, making her laugh.
“I’m sure you’ve got your own classes to be going to” she replied, placing the books carefully into her backpack so as not to bend or tear any of the pages, “besides they’re all packed away now so you’d just be stuck with me for no reason” she added, a small smile on her face in hopes of letting him know she was okay, that she didn’t need to be constantly looked after.
“Wouldn’t be a bad thing” he answered, his eyes widening as he realised he’d said it out loud and he cleared his throat quickly moving on before she had a chance to say anything, though he didn’t know that his words would repeat in her mind and leave her wondering if he actually meant them. “So I uh guess I’ll see you around then”
“You will Eddie” she smiled, biting her tongue to stop her adding that it was a small school so there was high chances of them seeing the other again. She had done it so that she didn’t seem rude but really she was just confused about the whole interaction and the resulting smile he gave her was almost blinding as he headed back into the library in search of whatever it was he was after before all of that happened.
Over the next few days it had seemed Eddie had made it his mission to find her in between every class whether it was just to wave and flash her a smile or when they had more time he’d always come and ask how her day had been. He’d even on some occasions walked with her to her next class and she’d found out later because of it he’d been late to his own class but he always brushed it off like it was no big deal.
“Eddie you can’t keep doing that” she’d tried to stress to him that he’d maybe have a little bit of an easier time passing his classes if he turned up on time so that he didn’t miss anything important but his reply had always been the same that spending time with her was just as important to him.
This along with other small things that she’d noticed he did when he was with her made it feel as if they were more than friends even though he’d never expressed that they were with words. Not that she had expected him too, her insecurities about dating and feeling wanted by anyone because she was in the chair always took over. She was always telling herself that it made her unlovable, not that it was true of course but the lack of interest shown to her by anyone she was even remotely attracted to, she put down to the chair it was an obstacle that not many people wanted to work with. So she hoped, hopes that she kept buried as she did every time to avoid the pain that came with the rejection, that Eddie would be different that he would want to put in the work.
“So I was thinking” Eddie’s voice came from beside her and she slammed her lock shut in surprise, the noise earning her a few glares from other students in the hallways but they were soon forgotten when she turned to find Eddie’s smiling face.
“Jesus Eddie a little warning next time so you don’t scare the shit out of me” she scolded as she looked up at him but the annoyance she felt didn’t last long when he looked at her with those big chocolatey eyes of his.’
“I’m sorry” his voice was genuine as he apologised but the smile on his face let her know that he still found her reaction to his unintentional jumpscare a little funny. “But I was thinking if you’re free on Saturday we could maybe go see a movie or something” he suggested, falling into a comfortable pace next to her as they made their way out of the building.
“A movie? It’s going to be a little bit of hassle with this” she pointed out, gesturing to her wheelchair as if he’d forgotten that she was in it. The thought itself had her anxiety building but she was also a little bit relieved that Eddie seemed to be proving her right that he didn’t see the chair as an obstacle.
“Well I mean the back row of the theatre will be out of the question” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows at her as she felt her cheeks heat at his insinuation, “but it’s not impossible right we can still have a good time no matter where we sit” he added, his playful manner giving way to something more honest that she couldn’t refuse no matter how hard she tried to resist him.
“Saturday is good” she said finally, earning her a rather large grin from Eddie that was difficult not to reciprocate and dispelling her intrusive doubts for the moment.
“Great it’s a date” he smiled, only half teasing as he disappeared into a crowd of students in only a way that he could leaving her waiting on her lift with a surprising amount of joy bubbling up inside of her.
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"🍬 🎅 Favorite Candy Cane Flavors: Ed, Edd N Eddy Edition 🤍 🎄" received its first bookmark from a fellow user on ao//3!
(The bookmark's been there a while, but I finally noticed it.)
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indecisive-dizzy · 9 months
Ramble about Eddie to your heart’s content, bestie :D
I’m honestly very interested in your ideas :3
Again, don’t be scared to just ramble in my ask box, I love hearing peoples ideas
I'm wailing rn /pos
My AU! Disabled Eddie!! Ok so he wasn't born with his disability, it came about later.
My Current story is that he had stroke in late middle/early high school! I have done research and Yes it is possible for teens and younger to have strokes. From what I recall it can be significantly worse for them compared to adult strokes
Eddie was left with permanent complications and is disabled bc of it. He has coordination, balance, and general mobility complications among a list of other post stroke effects. I just found the word I was looking for a few days ago to describe his mobility issues, it's Ataxia!
Eddie has to deal with bouts of muscle weakness on his right side which can effect his vision. He also gets vertigo a Lot and at this point dizziness is expected every time he stands.
He uses forearm crutches when he needs extra help walking bc he does have good days where he may not need them! But for longer distances he brings them bc he's better safe than sorry. He also has cane but he doesn't use it As much.
He also has a wheelchair that he Hates. He hates having to use it. But his Really horrible days leave him unable to stand, much less walk. He wishes he could just hide it somewhere and never think about it but alas. it's important.
He dislikes the wheelchair so much bc it makes him feel useless. He is Not! I want to clarify that wheelchair users are perfectly Capable and Independent! Eddie just has an issue with overachieving and working himself too hard. He wants to be helpful and do So Much but there are some things he can't do while in his wheelchair. He was stuck in a chair for months after his stroke and it was devastating back then. He has No good memories with a wheelchair so he continues to dislike using it.
Ok putting a read more bc I am not shutting up for a While
Relationships with the neighbors! Generally the same. Barnaby doesn't chase him bc that would be mean (? I can't think of a better way to describe it)
Sally is still Sally but she's specific on her mailman hate (lmao) to make sure Eddie and everyone else knows she's not faulting him for his disability.
Hmm yeah everything else is pretty much the same. I guess everyone is also more open about offering Eddie help from time to time if he looks like he needs an extra hand. They're not persistent or anything, but if they see him struggling to carry a package or two they're more inclined to help.
I still don't know how Howdy gets his shit. Honestly If Eddie is having a crutch or chair day,, Howdy just won't get his stock unless he gets it himself. I can't think of a way for Eddie to deliver all those heavy ass boxes.
He does ask people to pick up their packages occasionally too. He tries to deliver them all himself but it's not always possible. He offers a trolley they can use.
I want to talk about angst. So this is very specific, I'll try to keep it short. growing up, Eddie lived in a four bedroom house. two downstairs master bedrooms and two upstairs normal bedrooms. Before his stroke he was upstairs, his older brother in the other room, and his older sister in the bedroom downstairs.
Afterwards he had to move downstairs. His sister Hated this. She loved her room and her private bathroom and she was very prissy about it.
This snowballed into her just,, taking all her frustrations out on Eddie. He took Her Bedroom. He's getting all the attention. Her little brother was ruining everything.
Eddie was devastated by this. He went as far as to attempt to convince his parents to let them switch rooms again. He couldn't physically walk up the stairs most days but he just wanted his big sister to not hate him anymore.
Their relationship never fully recovered. As an adult Eddie will still find ways to blame himself and feel guilty. But he just can't bring himself to talk to her.
They used to be so close. She let Eddie experiment with her makeup, they talked about fashion and boys and she helped him so so much when he was questioning his sexuality.
and then it just, fell apart. But not quietly like a loose thread but rather a house that wasn't built quite right and the screws came loose one by one.
Eddie's memory gets really fuzzy when thinking that far back. but some of those memories are burned into his mind and he wishes he could forget them like he does everything else.
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Hey !! I loved your chronically I'll x Eddie headcanons <33 can you write Eddie x cane user? Mayhaps w some references to like him helping w walking fatigue or pain In some way :), u don't have to, but I appreciate you writing for disabled readers :((
absolutely!! this immediately popped into my head and i hope you enjoy it!! i can also totally post some headcanons later too <3
Eddie burst through your bedroom door, out of breath but visibly excited. With him, that could either be a great thing or he could be bringing you one of the absolute worst ideas ever. You quickly turned your head to look at him, confusion all over your face.
“Hi! Hello! Okay so I know you just got a new cane and i thought ‘there’s no better way to celebrate than decorating it’ so I went out and bought like..six packs of stickers.” Eddie’s words came out at such a fast pace you could barely keep up.
He held up a bag in one hand and excitedly pointed at it with the other. His warm brown eyes were squinted from how huge his smile was. He ran over to your bed before you had time to process what was happening and plopped down in front of you. A laugh escaped your lips as he frantically pulled out each pack of stickers and neatly displayed them in front of you.
“Eddie you are too kind.” You said, picking up the packet on your left.
“I got you some smiley faces, animals, hearts, some letters so you can make whatever obscene, foul curse words you want, some music related ones, and Halloween ones to remind you of me.” He finished his list with a playful wink.
“You always have to include yourself in my stuff don’t you, Munson?” You laughed and shook your head. He scoffed and dramatically clutched his chest with a pained look. A shared laugh filled the room and made your heart feel full as well.
The two of you spent about twenty minutes methodically placing stickers on the cane, covering the entire surface until none of the original color showed through. You placed the final sticker, a black heart next to the letters “EM”, and handed the cane over to Eddie. He inspected every inch of it, smiling as the ones he liked most. His eyes stopped when he saw his initials. A huge smile broke out on his face and he wrapped his arms around you in a hug.
“You’re my favorite person ever.” He said softly into your neck.
“Well you’re mine too.” You giggled.
“So I’ve been thinking. We should save up for a rollator. It would be perfect! You could sit whenever you need a break and it wheels around so you don’t have to stand to move!” His excitement was evident in his voice. The way he looked out for you and cared about you was unlike anything else.
“Thank you so much Eddie. You’re too good to me.” You pulled away from the hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Well, i can only give the absolute best to the absolute best person ever.”
Okay so i haven’t written a Drabble/fic in a long time so I might be a little rusty…still I hope you enjoyed it!! It was kind of a spur of the moment writing session so please forgive any grammar errors <3
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As some of you might know, one of the badges you can win during the Marvel Disability Celebration is the We Love Canon Badge. In order to do so, your creation must contain a canonically disabled character which you then represent in your work.
So to spark some inspiration, here is a list of Marvel characters (along with a little background and their disability).
James “Rhodey” Rhodes/War-Machine: Paraplegia. He suffered a spinal injury in Captain America: Civil War leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. He uses leg braces to walk.
Charles Xavier/Professor X: Paraplegia. Professor X is a wheelchair user. He appears as such in both the X-Men comics and movies. Depending on the universe, his legs are either crushed?? or he has a spinal cord injury from a stray bullet during X-Men: First Class.
Matt Murdock/Daredevil: Visual impairment. Matt Murdock is blind - an injury he suffered by radioactive materials when he was a child. He deals with depression in the comics. He appears in various adaptations of the comics such as f.e. the Netflix show ‘Daredevil’.
James “Bucky” Barnes/The Winter Soldier: Amputee. He is portrayed as such in some of the comics, animated series, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has a prosthetic arm. In TFATWS he is in therapy.
Mercedes “Misty” Knight: Amputee. An explosion left her without a limb. Similar to the Winter Soldier, Misty has a bionic arm.
Steve Rogers/Captain America: Before Steve Rogers got the super soldier serum, he had various disabilities which differ according to various sources. Including rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, asthma, bone deformity/scoliosis, anaemia, heart trouble, colour blindness, partial deafness, having a limp due to polio.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye: Hearing impairment. In the comics (at least a portion of them), Clint is deaf. He uses hearing aid and sign language. Depending on the run, he lost his hearing because of a sonic arrow or had his eardrums destroyed.
Jubilation “Jubilee” Lee: In Wolverine #62 it was revealed that she has dyscalculia.
Eddie McDonough/Hornet: Eddie has Cerebral Palsy.
Maya Lopez/Echo: Hearing impairment.
Wade Wilson/Deadpool: Chronic pain. Terminally ill with cancer, he underwent an experimental treatment which caused physical deformities and chronic pain.
Dr. Steven Strange: After a car accident he’s left with permanent nerve damage in both of his arms.
Thor: Visual impairment. During the events of the movie Thor: Ragnarok he lost his right eye. In comics he’s implied to walk with a cane and have a prosthetic arm.
Nebula: She has all kinds of physical mutilations caused by her adoptive father - Thanos, as well as body parts replaced by mechanical ones.
Nick Fury: Visual impairment. He was scratched by Goose and lost sight in one eye. He wears an eye patch.
Jessica Jones: PTSD, depression, and alcoholism.
Peggy Carter: In Captain America: The Winter Soldier she is presented with Alzheimer’s disease.
Tony Stark/Iron-Man: He has a heart condition developed through the events of the first Iron Man movie. In comics he also deals with alcoholism.
Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic: Autism.
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel: In the MCU Carol has memory loss throughout the Captain Marvel movie. In the comics she as well as Tony deals with alcoholism.
Marc Spector/Moon Knight: Dissociative identity disorder.
Ava Starr/Ghost: Chronic pain. Due to a quantum accident she suffered at a young age, the molecules in her body appear to be unstable, putting her through a constant battle with chronic pain.
Odin: Visual impairment. He has one eye.
While it is likely that several characters have mental illnesses, such as PTSD, based on symptoms they are shown to have, we couldn’t always find an official canon diagnosis of such and decided to exclude it from our list. If any of the information is incorrect or we are missing a character, please let us know!
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narwhal-butterfly · 2 years
🌙About Me Thing🐝
♧Hi, my name's Eddie
◇I'm transmasc, bi, ace, and aro spec
♡I use He/they/it/moon/sun/moth
♤I'm a minor(17)
□I'm autistic and dyslexic and I have ADHD and I have a special interest in Coraline and a special interest in Greek mythology
☆I have multiple chronic illnesses and I'm a ambulatory cane user
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
(If requests are still open! If you prefer shorter requests atm lmk and I'll just do that! /gen)
Prince Stolas from Helluva Boss is Trans Masc Femme Nonbinary Poly Queer Bi Lesbian Gay AroAce Stargender Spacegender Kenochoric Backroomic Owlgender Kinggender Royaltygender Rosegender Blackholegender Princestolascharic Oilslickgender Galaxygender Aldernichoarder Hellgender Plural Autistic ADHD BPD, hypersexual PSTD psychotic disabled cane user who age regresses and pronouns are They / Them, It / It's, Star / Star's, Hell / Hell's.
Hell's FP is William Afton from Fnaf (if you need transparents I'll make you some! /gen). William Afton is Trans Nonbinary Genderfluid Flowergender Orchidgender Queer bi lesbian asexual triomantic poly bloodgender purplegender knifegender who uses Shx / Hxr, He / Him, Purr / Purr's, and Knife / Knife's.
Knife is in a QPP relationship with Eddie Munson from Stranger Things who is trans fem bi gay girl who is questioning and Queer who uses She/Her, Hx/Hxm, and Bat/Bat's
sorry, i don't take reqs involving any vivziepop media
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gillytweed · 3 years
Y’all wanna hear about the baby superhero team my brain decided needed to exist?
Yeah you do!
So, I’ve been on a superhero kick lately, specifically DC characters cause I’m kinda tired of Marvel, and my brain decided “what’s the harm in making a superhero OC?” Turns out the answer to that is making an entire team, side characters, a whole world, and lore. 
So far, I have the team solidly figured out. Said team lives in a world where superheroes have been around for while (think Young Justice cartoon timeframe in the grand scheme of superhero timelines). People with superpowers aren’t uncommon, so of course a superhero profession surfaced. 
On the team, we have Witchboy, a “magic” user, Nightbolt, an unpowered archer/tech hero, Karma, Damage Enhancement ability, aka can take damage and send it back at their opponent even stronger, Ibis, presumably a teleporter, Frost, Iceman but spikier, and Saber, an unpowered sword user. 
Nightbolt, Frost and Saber are Legacy Heroes. Aka, they got into heroing through family or personal connections. Meanwhile, Witchboy, Karma and Ibis all have their own reasons for joining a superhero team. 
Putting stuff below the cut so I don’t get people shakin’ their canes at me. 
General Character profiles
Witchboy  Civilian name: Howl Melas (Not their birthname. They chose to have go by a different name for reasons) Ethnicity: Very White, with ancestry all over Europe. Basically a European smoothie Pronouns: They/Them Mentor: Mystic (Sometimes Nightwatcher)
Powers: If I have to choose an already existing hero, I’d say their powers are the most like Raven’s from Teen Titans at a glance. Their powers are based on something I call Kinetic Algorithms, which is basically intense mental visualization paired with specific movements/muscle memory to channel energy into different effects. A list of their basic abilities at their introduction would be short distance teleportation, force fields, levitation, and a basic force blast. 
Description: Civilian attire usually consists of a hoodie and workout pants, or dark jeans, T-shirt, light jacket and a beanie to hide their silver hair (it was originally brown, but turned silver as their abilities surfaced). Their Hero suit is black/dark indigo with silver trim, and resembles a sleeveless hoodie (with the hood having a bit more structure so it doesn’t flap everywhere and get in the way) and fitted pants. Both padded for basic protection. They also have fingerless glove/gauntlet sort of things that contain a small communicator and basic GPS system.
Personality: Comes off as dark and brooding, but in reality is having an internal anxiety attack. They want to do their best to help, but often gets tripped up by overthinking, thus they default to not doing anything so they don’t make things worse. 
Nightbolt Civilian Name: Edana “Eddie” Cochran Ethnicity: Scottish Pronouns: She/Her Mentor: Broadhead
Powers: Got none but kicks ass anyway. Her primary weapon is the bow and arrow, but she’s also proficient in hand to hand and a few other melee weapons. She’s also the tech wiz of the group, and the only one who’s passed the simulator to be allowed to pilot the dropship. A decent acrobat as well.
Description: Civilian attire is usually jeans, and one of those leather jackets that are also a hoodie sort of deal. Her hair is red, and cut short into an undercut. Her Hero suit is black with red accents. It’s similar to Witchboy’s in that it’s also sleeveless, but it’s more of an armoured vest. No hood, as she prefers a domino mask. 
Personality: Easily the leader of the team, as she’s the most mature, despite not being the oldest. Being a Legacy Hero, she’s very aware of how her performance reflects on her mentor, so she does her best at all times, even when it’s clearly leading to burn out. 
Karma Civilian Name: Ethnicity: Not sure yet, but def white passing Pronouns: She/Her Mentor: Peacebringer (sorta)
Powers: Damage Empowerment. She takes damage then amplifies it and sends it back several times stronger. 
Description: Loves muscle T’s and booty shorts, cause when you worked for the muscles she’s got, you deserve to show them off. Has long blond hair that’s usually pulled up into a ponytail. Hero suit is basically full body armour, as she needs to get hit to hit back. Colours are blue and a yellowish gold. 
Personality: A Himbo, but with Street Smarts. At first comes off as cocky, flirtatious, and extremely self confident almost to the point of arrogance, she’s actually quiet sweet and thoughtful when it comes to her friends. She will also drop kick you into the sun if you’re a dick. Shares a braincell with Saber. 
Ibis Civilian Name: Kymani “Ky” Lukman Ethnicity: African Egyptian Pronouns: He/Him Mentor: Phase
Powers: Supposedly a teleporter :p
Description: The most handsome black man y’all have ever seen. Too bad for y’all he’s an aroace king and loves it. Civilian attire is nice Henley's and jeans. His Hero suit is black with gold accents that resemble ancient Egyptian jewelry, like the Usekh collar and the gold cuff like bracelets. 
Personality: This dudes just vibing. Probably the only one of the group who can process his emotions in a healthy manner. He’s calm, relaxed, and usually unbothered with what’s happening around him. This can turn into apathy in some cases, however. 
Frost Civilian Name: Andri Bylur Ethnicity: Nordic descent, primarily Sweden and Norway Pronouns: He/They Mentor: Cryon
Powers: Is basically Iceman but spikier. Can create, manipulate and cover himself in ice. Has the ability to consciously regulate his temperature as well.
Description: Looks like an extremely average dude with brown hair. Usually wears tshirts and plaid with jeans. His Hero suit is rarely seen, as it’s basically a thermal suit to aid in temperature regulation when he covers himself in ice. When covered in ice, they appear to be wearing spikey armour of some kind. In time the design becomes smoother and more streamlined as they get a better handle on their abilites. 
Personality: Probably the most empathetic of the group, they took on the responsibility of getting more in depth medical training, so they’re the team medic that never runs out of icepacks. Best friends with Ibis, they’re usually decently calm, but their overwhelming ability to care can bite them in the ass sometimes. 
Saber Civilian name: Chenzi “Shenzi” Young Ethnicity: Chinese  Pronouns: She/They Mentor: Dynasty
Powers: Got none but is very good with anything sharp. Primary weapon is a sword, but also proficient in hand to hand, and essentially any bladed weapon. Like Nightbolt, is also a decent acrobat. 
Description: Gets cold easily, so often wears oversized hoodies and sweatpants (is often told to put on “real” pants when going out in public). Hero suit resembles a lighter, more fitted, and streamlined interpretation of heavy Tang Dynasty era armour. Colours are primarily red and white. 
Personality: A gremlin but in a lovable way. She’s convinced she and Karma are the only ones with a sense of humour. Would be a prankster if it didn’t take so much work, so instead goofs off with Karma. Is actually very intelligent and good at what they do, they just manage their stress through shenanigans and can’t focus to save their life (ADHD for the win folks). Shares a braincell with Karma.
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risingphoenix761 · 6 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash :D
1. Are you named after anyone?
My first name is for my great-grandmother, my middle name is my mother's middle name, and my sister decided on both.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Um...this morning. It's been a tough year so far and the past two weeks in particular have been a train wreck. I was listening to the radio and "Hunger Strike" by Temple of the Dog came on and I got emotional because a.) Chris Cornell is gone and I've come very close to losing my own battle so that hurts a lot, and b.) Eddie Vedder is still around and thank God for that because his music has been one of my main coping methods this year
3. Do you have kids?
No. I have OCs.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sarcasm? Me? I wouldn't dream of it. I can't believe you would ask such a question.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Attitude. Cheerful? Cranky? Upset? How does that affect their demeanor and how should I respond? Is this someone I can have a good interaction with, or someone I'd rather get out of my face? Online, I notice content first, then follow the bread crumbs to user name, their "own words" posts, how they talk to others, etc. Is this someone I can have a good interaction with? You get the idea.
6. What's your eye color?
Light blue, almost gray.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Both! If I can get both in one, even better!
8. Any special talents?
I have, not perfect pitch, but almost. I can hear a melody and play it by ear, and with a little work I can harmonize with it.
9. Where were you born?
Independence, MO
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, walking, listening to music, cooking comfort food, sewing, making jewelry, bookbinding
11. Do you have any pets?
Me, personally? No, but I'm big sis to Mom's Chihuahua
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
Chess counts, right? What about neighborhood dodgeball?
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Literature and musical theory
15. Dream job?
Honestly, I just want to be a hermit in the woods as long as there's WiFi, but I'd love to get involved in things I'm passionate about. An activist sounds about right to me. Something to do with environmentalism, mental health awareness and support, survivors of abuse... I just wanna help people. And write. Always write.
Tagging @emiliedeschanel @jade-elite @rckyfrk @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @boromir-lives @balrogslayer @glorywouldbeproud @gneebee @rhyatt-deauxtreve @kijilinn and....anybody else that wants to play. Consider yourself tagged!
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eddies-mind · 3 years
Hello Again
My name is Eddie. I use he/they pronouns. I am trans. I am physically and mentally disabled.
I’ve been trying to run this blog for a few years, but because of mental illness and being chronically ill, but I’m doing my best to work on whatever I can. I’ll be working on my posts, organizing tags, getting an introduction done as well.
For Now 
I have been diagnosed with
Major Depressive Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
A Dissociative Disorder
I’m actively working on getting diagnosed with neuropathy as well, as I deal with chronic pain and am a cane user and will need more mobility aids in the future.
So I’ll be working on keeping things in queue and posting when I can. Wish me luck.
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spectrum-spectre · 5 months
Eddie needing a cane bc the bats took a fat chunk of muscle out of his leg + Dustin needing a cane bc he broke his ankle and the hospital was overworked from the "earthquake" so it never fully healed right
anyway they get matching canes about it
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